#weird cuz i used to have lots of cuts and bruise's
notamothanymore · 4 months
picking scabs is cool
you get a snack out of it and it feels silly
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green-alien-turdz · 8 months
i want you to go over each and every small character detail you add and explain i love your mind and your art dude no homo
Okay, here we go
STAN: Peace sign pin on his hat n sometimes wears preachy shirts about environmentalism bcuz he's an ecofag. He has faint old scars on his arms n thighs cuz he used to cut. He's often covered in bruises bcuz the CD shows are tightly packed n he will inevitably get hit at least once.
KENNY: Covered in shit load of scars bcuz dead as hell. He's missin a visible top tooth bcuz it got cracked as shit n asked the gang to pull it out for him, which they very poorly did. While he doesn't care about havin nice clothes, he likes comedy shirts bcuz he'll lose his mind if he can't make someone at least chuckle.
CARTMAN: Stretch marks bcuz he a big bitch. His hair is the exact same bcuz he got so used to it as a kid n now has anxiety about changin it (he will never admit this). He also likes wearin funny shirts bcuz Kenny got him goin on that. Bro also wears tight or more showin clothin when he feels cuz he couldn't give less of a shit about how other view his body.
KYLE: Mouth scars from Human Centipad (he just kinda ignores the scars now. He couldn't come to terms with them, so he just numbed himself to them), sh scars bcuz that bitch ain't well. Jewfro in full bloom as he just doesn't care n he REALLY needs to take better care of it bcuz it's so matted. CD shirt 95% of the time bcuz it's like his #1 comfort item.
MARJORINE (or Butters if we're goin by show name): She keeps her hair at that very specific length bcuz it's long enough to where she feels more feminine, but short enough to where her parents don't suspect anything (but gettin allowed to grow it that long took a lot of convincing). He eye left eye is scarred n not able to move much due to the throwin star incident (she is blind in that eye). She does have old sh scars from middle school when she had to come to terms with bein trans n she was extremely confused n conflicted about all of it. She likes wearin skirts bcuz it makes her feel more feminine, but has to get dressed once out in public, so it's somethin she can quickly get on and off if need be.
IKE: Long hair/mullet adjacent bcuz he is just likin the look right now n after Sheila made him keep his hair short for majority of his childhood, he's just kinda feelin out different things. I gave him freckles bcuz in Cartman Get's an Anal Probe, Kyle calls him a 'freckly kid'. Bro got them glasses bcuz he grew up on the computer. His front tooth is cracked n brown bcuz he n Kyle were wrestlin n Ike hit a table. And while it's not completely uncommon for people to start growin facial hair in middle school, Ike started to bcuz Canadians hit puberty earlier.
KAREN: She has a birth mark on the left side of her face (did this in placement for the weird maybe dirt stain she has in the show). Her hair is long n all over the place bcuz she doesn't really brush her hair (you can blame Kenny for the influence) n she cuts it herself but is not too great at layering. Growin up impoverished n around the ideologies that Stan n CD always talks about made her rather angry in the sphere of politics n human rights, so she is very vocal about her opinions of the shit she sees (which is why she always writes shit on her clothes). She can also sometimes be seen wearin a rasta coloured beanie, which was Kevin's before he died.
CRAIG: Usually wearin his work hoodie (Fagoccini's Pizzaria) bcuz mf doesn't care to put in effort outside of that seein as he works so much. Bro wears a similar hat to the one he did as a kid bcuz it brought him a lot of comfort, n now that his hairline is recedin n he's baldin a lil bit at 18, he wears it bcuz he's a lil insecure. He doesn't give a shit that his teeth a crooked n gapped cuz it doesn't effect shit, but he does have a bit of an underbite that pisses him off bcuz he swears up n down that's what makes his voice sound so nasally.
TWEEK: Hair all fuckin wild bcuz he cuts it himself, n loses patience quickly n starts choppin. He also has white streaks in his hair which started appearing after his parents got arrested n durin his very long detox (from the stress of the info and on his body cuz of the dependency). He's got scratches all over his face n body from stress scratchin, meltdowns, n a few mishaps here n there. Bro also got sh scars bcuz bro got a lotta shit that went down n his brain chemistry is FUCKED.
WENDY: She cuts her hair short bcuz she wants to have a more androgynous appearance, but is still very confident with bein feminine n shit like that. When she started to become more human rights n social justice oriented, she started to get into boxing (as well as wrestling in school). She thought it would be a good to know how to fight if it came down to it. Plus she could already kick ass before, n she just thought it would be best to hone that ability.
BEBE: Started changin quite a bit after she had a whole moment of thinkin that she would turn out exactly like her mom (she has nothin wrong with her, just doesn't want that life). While she's still into things like cheer, she also started lookin into things that weren't what she was used to. She ended up findin Pink Flamingos, n became obsessed with Divine ever since. She dyes her cuz she feels better with it. n while she still does her makeup conventionally, she likes doin a more dark colour palet.
CLYDE: He's just Clyde. Dude's appearance didn't change that much bcuz he didn't change much. Some mfs just kinda be like that.
TOLKEIN: His mom suggested he try different hairstyles to be more connected with his culture bcuz he was havin a moment where he felt a lil blah bein the only Black dude his age in the area. He doesn't do upkeep as much as he should though, so things are a lil messy, but he doesn't see a problem as workin on the farm makes everythin messy so much faster anyway.
JIMMY: Bro just dresses casually. He doesn't really care about clothes or shit bcuz he can get people's attention with his comedy. Ladies man as fuck
HENRIETTA: Always has the best outfits bcuz she got into sewin so that she could start makin shit that she specifically wanted. She has a few tattoos- some are stick n pokes she did with her friends, others her mom signed off on when she was still under 18. She tries to ward people off with her makeup, which works rather well in South Park. She has both old sh scars from her emo moment (where she was just doin it cuz that's what she was told emo's did), n ones from later on where she was just feelin super empty n couldn't find a way to romanticize it like done previously.
FIRKLE: He's still in middle school so he doesn't go AS out there with his fashion bcuz he doesn't have the in-school support of his friends anymore. But still does dramatic makeup which he gets in trouble for all the time.
MICHAEL: Simple clothes that he's comfortable in, but not so simple that he feels like he's conforming. Pierced his ears up n down bcuz he was told he couldn't. Pierced his own eyebrow 3 different times bcuz it keeps growin out. Knee brace due to arthritis, unfortunately. A shit load of sh scars bcuz he always tries to act so stoic n unbothered around everyone else, that it led to him breaking down all the time in private bcuz he wasn't allowin himself to feel things.
/\ They have a matchin stick n poke 'nevermore' tattoo bcuz they thought it'd be pretty dope n they wanted to connect themselves with eachother via blood usin the same needle (don't do that, it's not great to get other people's blood in ya) \/
PETE: Dude's mom is extremely supportive of him bein goth, so much so that she was the one dyin his hair as a kid bcuz he asked. He has a very specific style that he likes n sometimes he goes through his grandpa's old shit to find stuff to wear (usually altering it to be more dark in appearance).
(There are others I have designs for, but bcuz I haven't posted them much, imma just stop here.)
Enjoy this fuckin novel, bro. Thank you. And I'm sorry, but I'm a full homo kind of guy
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vinnsimp · 12 days
Obey Me demon!Solomon au chapter 1 part 1
Paring: Demon!Solomon x GN!MC
Warnings: Cussing/cursing, not proofread, Solomon, probably OOC, an AU so not super canon, and MC dying :D
Note: This is just kind of testing my writing n stuff and i'm just kinda goin with the flow with this so i may not continue this but i might i dunno my motivation is a literal rollercoaster (that down almost the whole ride). And i am really so sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. I confuse people a lot (on accident) so uh yeah. Sorry😅
Y/N is past!you and MC is present!you
A long time ago...
"Y/N!? Y-Y/N..!?" After yelling your name like 262019 times he finally sees you and.. He sees you, Y/N, his sweet s/o, barely standing above 3 bodies. Dead bodies. While you were on the verge of passing out. You had so many cuts and bruises.. "Solomon.." You barely managed to get you before... bang. You both looked down and saw.. You were shot? You finally pass out- or maybe died??? Either way- Solomon came rushing to catch you. He saw the guy that shot you and.. Well he simply used fire magic to burn the absolute SHIT outta him.
After Solomon brought you back to your house, he laid you on the couch. He tried so many different healing spells but... Nothing worked. Unfortunately you were "special" or sum and magic didn't work on you... Well unless it's like a really powerful uh- let's say demon who could maybe uh- oh i dunno, control time who is also a butler. Maybe i dunno just a guess, it's not like that'll ever happen eheh...
Well anyways. Solomon was trying to stop the bleeding when he realized.. He sighs. "I'm gonna have to call Barbatos..." Oh hey it's a really powerful demon who can control time and is a butler. Who would've guessed? Anyways. You didn't really like Barbatos cuz he gave you the creeps but it's the only option unless you wanna die.
So once Solomon made sure you were.. Somewhat stable, he called Barbatos. Well technically he summoned Barbatos against his will but eh whatever. He has a good reason.
Barbatos was obviously annoyed. "What do you need, Solomon. I was in the middle of cooking dinner." Right after he said that he sees you.. His face changes to a look of.. Somewhat concern? Yes he didn't really like you but he knows Solomon loved you and you both were happy together so he didn't mind... Wait- he doesn't like Solomon either???
"Can you.. Help them? Please Barbatos. My magic won't do anything." Solomon pleas. It's rare to see him be so.. Vulnerable and emotional. It's kinda weird ngl.. He's on the verge of tears. Barbatos sighs.
"Why do you think my magic's gonna do anything?"
"I.. I don't know. I just... Well you're powerful. You can change the past and future so i just thought... Can you help them... Please?" Solomon couldn't keep his thoughts together so his sentences were also kind of... Not super together either.
"..." Barbatos sighs and takes a look at you. Solomon notices his eyes go a little wide.
"What is it..?" He asks. Are you dead? Was he too late? Should he have done more? Should he have trained better? Work harder? should he have-
"If you want to help them, you'll have to become a demon." What. "Y/N was shot with a very rare and powerful bullet. No one really knows what the bullet does but.. They'll have to be reincarnated. Unfortunately because it's so rare i don't have the slightest idea what it does. Tho i do know, usually the reincarnation doesn't work but... If you become a demon, if you give Y/N your mortality, they'll have a second chance. It'll just cost you you're humanity." Barbatos explains and he elevates your head and make sure you're not bleeding and there's bandages on all of your scars.
Solomon doesn't know how to react. So many thoughts are racing through his mind. He can't think straight. He already couldn't but still-
"You can think about it but you only have-"
"I'll do it." Solomon interrupts. Even if there are so many cons.. He'll do it. If it means to keep you safe, he'll do it. He'll do anything and everything for you.
"..Are you sure? You'll never be able to be a human again and you may never see Y/N again." Barbatos says. He doesn't really understand why Solomon agreed without even thinking about it, but then he remembered who Solomon was.
"I'm sure. We met in this life. We'll meet in the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. Even if i never die. We'll always meet." Solomon answered. He wasn't fully confident in that but he also knew he'll find you. No matter what.
"...Okay. We can start the ritual now. They'll still have the birthmark on their hand so it'll be.. A little easier to find them." Barbatos says. He knows Diavolo will be a bit mad because they did this without telling him, but that can wait later. "I'll go set it up now." He says before leaving. He knows Solomon will want some alone time with you. Conscious or unconscious, he'll talk to you and tell you everything is alright and he'll be by your side until the very end.
Once it was finished being set up, Barbatos took Solomon and Y/N to the room. He asked Solomon if he's sure and Solomon agreed, no hesitation, no seconds thoughts. Barbatos started the ritual and Solomon fell unconscious. Barbatos put Solomon in his bed and took Y/N to who knows where.
Once Solomon awoke he saw Barbatos and Diavolo siting at the table in the kitchen and talking.
"Ah Solomon! Good morning. How are you feeling?" Diavolo asks. He somehow looks cheery after hearing a human he was fond of died and another human, who was a very powerful sorcerer, is now a demon because his butler did a ritual to make him one without notifying him.
"..Dizzy. And everything feels.. Weird. Almost like it's not real." Solomon answers while looking around a bit. They're still in your house so they're definitely still in the Human World.
"Interesting.." Barbatos says before he takes a sip of his tea. "Well i made some tea so you're welcome to have some."
"Thanks.." Solomon pours himself some tea and sits down. The three talked for a while and agreed Solomon should move to The Devildom.
Well that seemed like a good stopping point and i did get a bit tired n stuff at the end so it's kinda rushed (sorry😅) but eh. Good enough lmao. And this was just what happened in the past so you can understand it better. This is gonna be through both POVs so yeah in the story so yeah. And you may get to see what happened here through Y/N's eyes. Maybe i dunno yet.
Anyways thanks for reading :D
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orcboxer · 2 years
i've never gotten in a fight before, what's it like to get punched in earnest?
It depends! How hard the punch is and where the punch lands are the main factors. Also, everyone is built different, so my experience won't be quite the same as someone else's, but if you're curious here's mine:
If you got your guard up and take a hit to your arms, it stings but it ain't bad at all really. Same for anything padded with muscle like the chest or thigh or back. Like unless it hits the funny bone or some other weird nerve, it's just whatever imo.
Getting punched in the solar plexus can hurt like hell and knock the wind outta you, but if you keep your abdominals tensed it really reduces the damage of the blow, and makes a lot of body shots feel like nothin. Still gotta be careful about it though, obviously, a punch to the gut is way better than a punch to the solar plexus, but yeah. Surprisingly I've never had a broken rib but I expect that would hurt like hell too so just keep your guard up and stay mobile and hopefully you just never have to worry bout it lmao.
A punch to the face is complicated. The nose and temple are the worst, in my experience, the pain being immediate and sharp. The nose is sensitive and bleeds a lot, it's annoying.
When I've been punched in the cheek, jaw, or eye (which obviously fucks up yer vision), the pain wasn't immediate, it took a few seconds, by which point the adrenaline kicked in. The first punch to the face typically stuns you, there's a moment of shock especially if you weren't expecting it, and for me it was surprisingly less painful than I expected, which I'm sure hasn't been everyone's experience, but you'll definitely be feelin it the next morning regardless.
Your mouth is filled with sharp rocks (teeth) so the first place you start bleeding is typically in there (wear a mouthguard), but when I'm wearing a mouthguard I don't even notice it until after the fight. With fighting as with sex, always always use protection. Not just mouthguard but hand-wraps too, you do not wanna fight with unwrapped fists, you'll fuck up your hands so fast and it'll suck.
If you get punched at the right force and angle, you might start "seeing stars" which is where these little flecks of golden light drift around your vision like dust motes -- this indicates your brain got jostled. For me the headache hits in waves radiating from within, and like, the best way I can describe it is a "cold" pain, as opposed to the "hot" pain you get with like a cut on your skin.
Everyone is a little different in terms of how the adrenaline hits em. For me it's like this. Your brain is switching over to fight mode, where words don't exist, just movement. All communication sounds muffled, complex sentences are just noise, time feels like water, and you are bursting with energy. It's exhilarating, and for some folks, like me, it makes minor pain from punches somehow feel great, kinda feels like stretching out your muscles after a long car ride, it's hard to explain, but the function of that is that it makes it easier to shrug off blows and move confidently, which is important cuz bein afraid of gettin hit can be a huge hindrance.
The final factor is context. And this is a surprisingly important one. If we're talkin boxing or mma or just fighting with friends for fun, it's great and it hurts less. Especially with friends, they ain't gonna want to seriously injure you so overall it's just exhilarating and fun. I'll come out of a friendly match covered in bruises and glowing. But a serious fight, with hard feelings or actual danger, sucks, it hurts more and can be traumatic, so, as much as I love to pick fights, consent is everything.
I do genuinely recommend boxing or whatever other martial art really appeals to you, if that's ever somethin you're interested in. Not every gym is gonna be right for you, and some fights are gonna turn south unexpectedly, but for me the hobby itself has been really empowering (not counting these pandemic years, since I can't fight anyone) and, weirdly, it gives me gender euphoria lol. It ain't for everyone but I love it.
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fandsart · 2 years
For your behind the scenes ask:
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
For any of your fics.
Ask list
The thing about that is, there are over 100K words of 20 Chain Links that have been written out and haven't been posted yet. That's more than half of it. The further into the fic the more the emotional and relational build up pays off, so most of my favorite scenes are going to be down the road. Another thing about it is how much all of the scenes play off of each other. It's hard to nail a certain favorite aspect of the story into just one scene.
So, without jumping from scene to scene commentary, I'd have to pick this one in chapter 6: it's the last scene with Billy. Or the last interaction scene anyway; obviously he dies after that, but this story being from Steve's perspective, he sees it from a distance and he's heavily concussed at the time.
I'll continue talking about it under the cut for length and spoiler reasons
The thing I like about this is how it jump starts Steve and Robin's relationship. They'd only been working together for a week, but they're working a very monotonous job with only preconceived notions of who Steve is, she would have continued to be nothing but condescending and mock him. His perception of her would stay negative and she would view this as confirmation of what she believed about his character.
Having this here gives her something to change the way she views him as a person, and loosens some tension between them. She knows that Steve tried to stop Billy from getting to her, because she hears a kick after she uses the broadcasting announcement system to call for security. She knew Billy would head toward the door, and was willing to take the risk that security would get to him before any (at least serious) harm was done to her. But she knows Steve held him up.
Then she goes on to see how unconcerned he seems to be with himself following the interaction. He says 'Don't worry about me; I'll get concealer for the bruises.'
She's more agreeable after that, opening the door for a fuller understanding later when she really lets herself get to know him as more than his reputation
So that's the answer to the question, but I'm going to take the opportunity to talk about this other scene in chapter 4 just because it's kind of something that really needs to be read into. I will be scene hopping just a little bit when talking about this
There's the scene where Hopper belittles Steve's intelligence. It's one of the few Hopper-Steve interactions in the fic (which is why this needs to be read into to grasp the background stuff I'm doing)
Someone left this lovely comment dissecting this scene
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[“God, people aren’t kidding when they say you’re slow. Let me tell you the difference. You were a teenage boy. El’s a young girl. She doesn’t know what she’s doing or getting herself into.”
This was honestly deeply shocking to me. I dont know why, it was just shocking and upsetting. I wouldn't put it out of character for Hopper, I think that's the worst part for me cuz quite frankly he can be an ass, he has those moments, forget just being grumpy and abrasive. I re-watched season two recently and a lot of things stuck out to me and made me feel iffy. I'm glad however that he chose to reach out again to another adult and hope he takes their advice this time. He's a grown ass man, I need him to act like it especially in regards with the way he talks to kids sometimes. But bloody hell you don't say that, that's so mean, it's devastating. He essentially has no adult support system and one of the like three adults in the know treats him like that. Sucks
And the misogyny oof. Also the way he seems to gloss over Steve sentence, the kids are want 13/14 in season 3, and I'm guessing I'll put Steve at 11/12 when he started kissing. That's not great, it's also weird because we have society telling us boys mature slower than girls, so boys will be boys, why then are they mature enough for relationship things?. And the way Hopper gets immediately defensive and so aggressive about assigning blame. I find that conversation fascinating. Along with the conversation Bob had with Mike those two stuck at the most to me.]
And I responded:
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[I really hated Hopper in season 3, so this is setting up where the decent would be there, but he's getting a sort of background arc in this version so he doesn't get that shitty. That arc involves Bob being such an open person that he's able to reason with Hopper. Here he just steps in though since Hop isn't at a place where he's able to express himself a lot. And we do see in season 3 how affected by toxic masculinity Hopper is. I wanted to keep some level of consistency with the characters even when I hated how some of the characters behaved at certain points. Like the first scene I changed in season 2 where Steve told Nancy they should take a break, because I have a hard time believing they'd be on such good terms later on after she cheated on him pretty blatantly. Also, I feel like it works better that way for how on good terms they are by season 4
I really wanted to address how bitter Hopper is in season three and also kind of divert that path a bit]
Bob is such a chill guy and he's very emotionally open, which is specifically something that Hopper struggles with. I think just existing around Bob would be good for him and since they're both close with Joyce I think they would get close through her. I'm picturing them going through a whole developing story on their own in the background to Steve's story where they figure their way into being polyamorous, but it's outside of Steve's periphery. Sometimes people are just going through their own stories just outside of the perception of your own
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sunny6677 · 2 years
(A Spooky Month AU Series)
PART 19/CHAPTER 19: Another Familiar Face.
Summary: A 19-year old Skid ends up moving back to his old town for the sake of nostalgia. But he finds himself surrounded by familiar faces.
The two of them had awkwardly walked along the sidewalk, completely silent. Skid looked down at the light gray sidewalk, avoiding eye contact with his former friend who had been beside him. While Pump, the former friend in question, had merely been staying quiet while looking off to the side, his head slightly tilted. It was weird, but both of them had their hands in their pockets for some reason, like they were in sync or something. The silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife, as if it had been a slice of cake that you could easily slice through with a sharp object.
After a bit, Skid stopped in his tracks, and spotted a bench outside of what looked to be either a resturant or a shop. Pump stopped in his tracks, looking at Skid in slight confusion. Then, Skid wondered over to the bench, and slowly sat down, looking down at his legs as if still avoiding eye contact with Pump. Pump sighed, and walked over to the bench, he then sat next to Skid, and leaned back in the spot he had sat in a little bit. The two remained quiet. Skid found himself glancing at Pump, he had been thinking about what Pump had said when he had been upset earlier.
Did Pump truly think no one cared about him? Did he truly think Skid didn't care about him? But why? There was no reason for him to think that.. right?
Skid only realized a few seconds later that Pump had now been staring back at him, which caused him to immediately look back down at his legs. He didn't want to seem weird or anything, he didn't want to seem rude or anything either. He was just.. thinking, he guessed.
Skid had only realized this now, but the both of them looked a bit.. different compared to how they looked a few hours ago. The two of them now had slight bruises on random parts of their body, and their hair appeared to be a little messy now, as if they hadn't brushed it in a few days. Pump sighed, looking at Skid, "So, what now?"
"I.. I don't know, I just needed to think." Skid answered, not making any eye contact with Pump still. His voice sounded gentle, quiet, and meek, compared to Pumps more confident and bold voice. There was an awkward pause in the middle of the, both for a moment, before Pump yet again let out another sigh. Skid then paused, before speaking up, "Pump?"
"Yeah?" Pump said, raising a brow. "...why did you try to save me?" Skid asked, sounding genuinely curious, yet also still quiet and meek. For a few moments, silence lingered through the air, and Pump did not give a verbal answer. Pump then finally spoke, "What do you mean why did I try to save you? I'm not just gonna leave you die, even if we both used to know that weird eye monster in our childhood. I still can't believe that thing is real.." Pump said that last part quietly, looking almost afraid.
"I can't believe that he's real either.." Skid quietly said, but then nervously smiled, "..but hey, I guess it was to be expected. We cam across a lot of other monsters like him after all.." Pump rolled his eyes, and said, "Yeah, and I wish we never did. Why did we always get so involved with the supernatural anyway?"
"I guess.. 'cuz we were dumb kids, we were just having fun." Skid shrugged. There was another awkward silence for a moment. "But.. why did you try to save me, Pump? Aren't you still mad at me?" Skid questioned gently, in a slightly soft side curious tone. Pump didn't answer for a few moments, before sighing yet again, and saying, "Skid, even though I think your full of shit.. I'm not going to just let someone from my childhood potentially be ripped apart by some weird tentacle monster that looks like a peacock on steroids.. or maybe even a spider on barrels of steroids." Pump paused, before speaking again, "But, listen.. I wouldn't ever let you just.. die like that, okay? As.. as much as I think your an asshole now, I still don't think you deserve to die."
There was a long silence for a moment. Skid looked at Pump, his eyes slightly now lit up a bit. It seemed as if for a moment, a glimmer of hope gleamed inside of Skids pupils. "Dont get yourself almost killed on me again, alright? You didn't move back here just to end up dead, there's no reason for you to just get killed off like that even though you clearly have your whole life ahead of you." Pump said. In this moment, he seemed.. genuine, and less aggresive. He spoke in a low and raspy tone, but.. he didn't seem aggresive like usual, despite him having a "resting bitch face" as one may call it.
"Uh.. I'll try not to, I don't know.. that all just happened on its own because I wanted my mug back, and I wanted to help you get your jacket back, so.." Skid trailed off, slightly fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, but you still almost died. The next time I get something stolen from me, your not coming with me, even if they stole some shit from you too. I can handle shit on my own, I don't need your help, because clearly if you do try and help, you'll almost fucking die." Pump said with a few gestures of his hands. Skid pauses, and says, "But.. Eyes wasn't even dangerous, he just wanted candy."
"Yeah, but that thing can still kill you if it really wants to. The only reason it didn't do anything was because of the damn spooky month thing you brought up." Pump said, in a matter-of-fact an raspy tone. "I.. don't really believe that. We befriended him when we were young.. I don't think he'd just kill me like that." Skid spoke, seeming genuine and trusting with his words.
"Please, we don't even know what that damn thing is capable of! You can't just trust some weird demonic eye thing from our childhood just because we had candy with him when we were young. If it changes its mind about us, we can both easily get killed!" Pump paused after saying that in a slightly more raised tone, he then looked at Skid, having an unsure glance all of the sudden. "You don't.. want to get yourself killed, do you?" Pump hesitantly asked.
...Skid hesitated, glancing at Pump for a little longer than he usually would have. He had an unsure and nervous gaze as he remained silent. He opened his mouth to speak—
"Uh, sirs?"
A oddly familiar, masculine, scrawny and raspy voice suddenly spoke up from right in front of them. The two stopped talking, and immediately turned their heads to the source of the voice. It appeared to be a tall man, who didnt seem too young, he seemed to be in his early thirties at least. His hair was pitch black and neat, and he had slight eyebags. He was wearing a white button up, with some blue jeans and black shoes. Something about him seemed.. weirdly familiar.
"You okay? You two look like you've been through a lot. Did.. did something happen?" The tall man questioned, he sounded almost as if he were some anxious teenager with the way his voice sounded. Had you only been listening to his voice, surely, you would have mistaken him for being either a teenager or a man in his early twenties. Skid and Pump looked down at theirselves, noticing their slightly bruised and messy state now.
"Uh.. yeah, we're okay, sir. We just.." Skid paused, "..we ended up getting kind of caught up in something, and.. this ended up happening." Pump crossed his arms, looking at the strange man with his eyebrow slightly raised. "Oh, uh.. that sounds.. that doesn't sound good. Is—Is there anything I can do to help?" The man asked, seeming concerned for whatever just happened to the two he had seemingly never met before already.
Pump sighed, "No, we tried fixing the situation ourselves, but things ended up going downhill.. now the police are getting our things back instead." Pump seemed mildly frustrated, crossing his arms, and looking down at his lap. "W—What he means is.. we ended up getting something stolen from us, but.. neither of us were thinking about calling the police since we wanted to get our things back as fast as we could, so.. we ended up going through a lot of trouble to get it back, but the police ended up showing up.. and now we're waiting for them to get our stuff back." Skid explained with soft gestures of his hands, looking down at his own lap too.
The man suddenly went silent, and then spoke in a cautious tone, "Uh.. I see. By chance.. did.. any of that involve that weird monster with eyes I ended up seeing around town earlier?" He seemed almost anxious all of the sudden. The two went silent for a bit, as if taking in what he just said. "Uh.. yeah, why?" Pump asked, as if this had been a completely casual and slightly confusing thing, he seemed genuinely confused as to why the man would ask that at all.
"Um.. your names don't happen to be.. Skid and Pump.. right? Are those your names?" The man asked suddenly, he seemed as if he was in shock as he asked this question, but he seemed.. weirdly relieved at the same time. The two went silent, both a bit anxious now. "How.. how the hell do you know our names?" Said Pump, completely ready to jump this man if they both had a stalker on their hands. Even if he was a little hurt physically right now, Pump didn't mind beating the absolute hell out of someone if they were stlaking him and his former friend.
The man then said, "Its.. Its me, Kevin. You.. you remember me, right, kids? I—I was the candy store cashier at the Candy Store that used to be downtown?"
As if in sync, Skid and Pump both blinked st the same time, though they had different expressive reactions. Skids eyes widened, and in a slightly relieved but weirdly shocked and almost happy tone, "K—Kevin?"
Pump, after widening his eyes, then placed his face into his hands. He then spoke in a slightly frustrated and raised tone, "Goddamni—"
"S—So, how have you two been? I haven't seen either of you in a while.." Kevin said, still standing in front of the both of them. The two of them had now been standing up, though both of them had different demeanors. Pump had a slightly irritated, and cold demeanor. While Skid had a more gentle and relieved demeanor.
Skid gently answered, "O—Oh, uh.. I've been doing okay. I was adopted by a really nice foster family, and.. and they were really nice to me when they raised me. I—I dont really have a job at the moment though, and I kinda just came back here, so.. i might have to look for one."
"Oh, well.. there's a local writing business down there that'll pay you to edit papers or to write articles, I think the price they pay you is pretty low though. And there's even an art business down here somewhere.. if your any good at art, they'll pay you for just drawing. Depending on how much you sell, anyway.." Kevin suggested, seemingly more warm than how he used to be. He seemed to be a lot more relaxed than how he used to be, in fact. Had Kevin perhaps not been annoyed by either of them anymore?
"Oh, um.. thanks, Kevin, I'll look into it, heh.." Skid nervously chuckled, averting eye contact with Kevin. He nervously stroked his own hand. Was Kevin just pretending not to be annoyed, or was he being sarcastic like usual? Skid wasn't able to tell if he was being genuine about his words or not.
After a bit of awkward silence, Kevin then questioned, "So, Pump, how've you been, kid?"
Pumps face flickered with absolute anger for a moment, before he sighed, and said, "First of all, don't call me that.. second of all, I've been.. okay, I guess. Being a coffee shop cashier is kind of shitty to be honest.. at the very least, I'm being payed some shitty minum wage in return. Not much.. but hey, it's not like life will get any more shitty, right?" Pump said in a sarcastic tone, forcing a fake grin.
Kevin seemed a little taken aback, not expecting Pump to swear. But he empathized with Pump a little, knowing full well how it felt to have a shitty job. "Oh.. hey, kid, I understand what it's like to have a crappy job. Being payed to work ten or eight or maybe less hours, only to receive a lot less money then you were expecting really does suck. Do you know if theres any other jobs around right now that you could take?" Kevin said, trying to be gentle with Pump.
"No, Kevin, there isn't any. Why are you trying to help me anyway? Didn't you hate me and Skid because we kept bringing you trouble or something?" Pump sighed, raising a brow in calm confusion and irritation. Kevin paused, and said awkwardly, "Well.. i didnt exactly hate either of you, you two would bring me trouble, but you two were just kids.. it wasnt really your fault that those things kept happening. I dont think either of you could control any of what happened, since you two seemed to just.. think it was normal."
"Well, Kevin, I don't think either of us really thought it was normal.. Skid over here just really liked weird spooky shit, and I'd usually just play along with it since he seemed to be having fun with it." Pump gestured to Skid, who then slightly widened his eyes. Skid spoke up, "Pump, you liked spooky month.. you know you liked it just as much as anyone who joined in on what we did together did." Pump rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah.. keep telling yourself that all you want." It seemed "Jerk Pump" was now back.
Skid paused, and then slightly raised his voice a little, sounding almost desperate, "Y—You did like it! No one just joins in on something and is that convincing about it for every Halloween just to make a friend happy! It's fine to say that you liked it, really—" Pump snarled, and gritted his teeth, and sharply turned to Skid, "Skid, can we please not do this right now? I really don't feel like repeating this same stupid fucking argument with you again.. whats the point in even arguing about it anyway? It was just some stupid obsession you had when you were a kid that i went along with because it made you happy!"
"Uh.. kids?" Kevin tried to say, raising a hand.
"Wha—what do you mean can we not do this right now? Y—You've basically been bickering with me and back and forth for the past hour, and this is where you draw the line?" Skid says, raising his tone more.
"Yeah, because you won't stop provoking me to start bickering with you! Don't act like your all innocent, Skid!" Pump yells back, clenching his fists slightly.
"Kids—" Kevin tries to say again, but he's yet again interrupted.
"Dont act like I'm all innocent?! Look at you! Your being a jerk for no reason, and yet your the one acting like I'm being unreasonable here! Your doing this all because of some petty argument we had when we were kids, and yet I'm the one who's in the wrong here?!" Skid yelled, frustration now in his tone.
Pump grunts, now visibly pissed off. Pump raises his tone, taking an angry step foward toward Skid, almost as if he were practically leaping toward Skids direction, "It wasn't just an argument, Skid, you know it wasn't—"
"Kids!" Kevin yells.
The two went silent yet again, they had been bickering, and had yet again been interrupted. How many times had this happened today? Why were they even bickering so much?
"Kids, what is up with you? Why are you two arguing like this?" Kevin asked, seeming almost in shock from the sudden argument the two had a few moments ago before he interrupted them both. Pump sighs in frustration, "It isn't any of your business, Kevin! Why do you care so much anyway?! And stop fucking calling me that!"
"It isn't any of my business? Kid, the two of you just started fighting for no reason. I can't figure out what's wrong and help you both if you keep acting aggresive like this." Kevin said, his tone slightly more stern as he managed to tower over Pump somehow. Pump snarled, stepping closer to Kevin as he aggresively gestured toward him, "Call me that again and i swear to god, I'll—"
"Pump!" Skid said, placing a hand on Pumps shoulder, and pulling him back. "Pump, you can't just attack Kevin like that. What's your deal? Why don't you wanna be called that?" Skid asked, trying to hold him back still. Pump calmed down only a little, but still remained aggresive. "Its none of your goddamn business, Skid.." Pump said in a raspy tone, shoving Skids hand off of him, though not too hard. "I—It is my business! Why can't you just open up to me? I just wanna know what's wrong!" Skid said in a desperate tone. Pump then turned around, and sakd in a passive aggresive voice, "You wanna know what's wrong? Okay, okay, well—" ...the two of them were yet again bickering.
As Kevin watched, he sighed, and then held a stern look to his face. Before the verbal fight could get too intense and possibly lead to a physical dispute, he grabbed them both by the back of their collars, and held them back from eachother. "Kids, thats enough." Kevin said firmly, his tone sounding very stern now all of the sudden. Pump snarled, and struggled, gritting his teeth at Kevin and saying, "Kevin, you—"
Kevin interrupted Pump, "Pump, I'm sorry for.. for calling you 'kid', or whatever, but it's no use to yell at Skid or me. Just what the hell is up with you now anyway? Why the hell are you acting like this?"
"Thats none of your concern.." Pump growled, crossing his arms. Kevin spoke, sounding more firm as he continued to raise his voice at Pump slightly, like an older brother scplding a younger sibling, "Pump, you know damn well your in the wrong here. No matter what's wrong, that's no excuse to be rude to your best friend or me—why the hell are you acting like this all of the sudden? What's wro—"
"He's not my friend anymore!" Pump yelled, balling up his fists.
Kevin stood in shock for a second. Skid gently said in a soft tone, "Uh.. Kevin, can you please let me go now—"
Pump growled, and pointed an accusing finger at Skid, "Oh, no, Skid! Your not doing the talking this time! I'm tired of everyone getting onto me for something that isn't even my fault, I'm tired of everyone acting like your the victim here! You know what you did, you—"
Skid defended himself, though in a less louder tone, "Why the hell does everything have to be about that argument we had when we were kids, Pump? Weren't you saying that you wouldn't let me get killed before Kevin showed up? Why are you changing moods so fast? Why can't you just make sense for one secon—"
"Why can't you just make sense?! You smiled wh—" Pump immediately stopped himself, and groaned, "Nevermind, just let go of me, goddamnit.."
Kevin let go of both Skid and Pump. But he then got in between the both of them, and towered before Pump, putting his hands on his hips. He had a stern, scolding look to his face, "Pump, I don't know what the hell is going on with either of you two, but it isn't an excuse to yell at Skid. Clearly, there's been some kind of misunderstanding here. Can't the two of you just talk it out already?"
Pump gestured with his hands in a defensive manner, saying loudly, "No, because I know what he did! Obviously, he doesn't care about me—"
"How? How do you know he doesn't care about you?" Kevin asked, raising a brow at him with a stern glare.
Pump clenched his fists yet again, defensively saying, "Well, obviously he doesn't care about me! He's only ever cared about spooky month and not me! He doesn't care about me, no one cares about m—"
"Pump, Skid." Kevin said in a more gentle but still scolding tone. Skid slightly froze up at the mention of his own name. Kevin stepped out from in between the both of them, and towered over the both of them, saying, "I don't know what's going on here, but either way, you two have gotta talk this out. This clearly isn't healthy, and it isn't going to get any better if you two just keep fighting like this."
"B—But, Kevin—" Skid tried to speak, but he was interrupted by Pump.
Pump yelled in a defensive and angry manner, "I can't! He obviously doesn't care about me, so why should i—"
"Pump, Skid, this still clearly isn't healthy. None of this is going to work out if you two just keep fighting. You two clearly have some of your own personal issues, and need to work on them, since this seems to be making your relationship very unhealthy." Kevin gently said, though his tone still sounded firm and scolding. He was like a father scolding his children.
Skid softly replied, "Work on.. w—what issues? I—I'm already trying to work on mine, I have a therapist—"
"Okay, and that's good, but there's clearly some kind of miscommunication going on here. Pump.. do you have a therapist?" Kevin questioned.
"No.." Pump hesitantly answered, as if it hurt to say.
"Okay.. then why don't you go ahead and find one? You have some issues of your own, Pump, and you need to find someone to help you with that—" Kevin said, gesturing with his hands in an almost authority-figure type manner.
"Help me with what? I'm fine! Skids just an asshole!" Pump yelled, rolling his eyes.
"Hey!" Skid frowned.
"Pump, you need help too, whether you like it or not. You two both have serious issues with yourselves in your own ways, and you need to find some way to stop being so hard on yourselves. At the very least, you two need to stop being so hard on eachother." Kevin firmly replied to Pumps comment. "I know it's hard, but you two can at least try and work out your own issues, right?"
Skid and Pump merely glanced at eachother. By the looks on their faces, it was clear this wasn't going to be easy.
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
did u shave ur head vina, or did u just cut it really short?? i’m sure it looks really good please do not fret!!!💕💕
in response to what u said about heejake again too, i just need that soo bad… i also think it’d be hot if they were ur friends and u were a virgin, i think they’d go soo insane for that, like im thinking nasty things like platinum rank where they just lead u on until ur begging them to fuck you, you don’t care when or how u just need it so badly, i almost forgot but DUBCON/NONCON warning ‼️
but i really like fwb heejake too that think they own u and whether you’ve agreed to it or not, they use u as they please.. obsessed with like .. if u had a crush on jay or smth or just wanted to get to know him better… or even just bring him up because u know that it’ll make heejake mad
if u were at a party and getting tipsier and starting flirting with jay, sitting on his lap or having ur hands all over him, and he’s reciprocating of course.. heejake talk about you all the time and well, you seem like a lot of fun.
and then if maybe u make it as far as getting to a private room with jay, thinking you’d locked the door as you climb on top of him on the bed, making out sloppily, and then this is so cliche or whatever but heejake come in because they’ve been keeping an eye on u, and pull you off of jay.. they’re so angry, manhandling you and you whimper because they’re actually kind of hurting you… jay is sort of shocked at how they’re treating u, but it’s also hot to him… because i imagine they’re all fucked in the head and seeing you barely trying to fight the other boys because u know ur fate already.. submitting to them like that… it turns him on, too.
they’d let jay watch, of course, but only to further humiliate you, heeseung bending you over his lap to spank you until you cry, jake fingering you roughly while heeseung keeps landing harsh smacks on ur red and bruising cheeks. jay would palm himself, watching from the side at first, pulling his cock out to jerk himself off when heeseung flips you over, letting jake straddle you to take your clothes off fully. idk if u like impact play… but i kinda like the idea of them slapping you, or slapping your tits, too… jake telling you to shut up and take it.. this is all ur good for, and how dare you think you could just sneak away with jay like that, such a stupid whore :( jake is still needy and driven by his own horniness, so he’d be humping you and letting out little moans still while he berates you… it makes him so insane to see u like this and submit to him. he’d definitely fuck you first, possibly laying down while u ride his cock and heeseung abuses ur nipples and clit from behind you.. choking you if you get too loud, cuz you’re already embarrassing urself so much in front of jay, you don’t want to draw in a crowd!
he’d take his turn after, fucking you from behind while jake makes you gag on his cock again, both of them cumming on you, on your face, on your ass, on your tits, not inside you this time… bad girls don’t deserve to get creampied :(
i feel like they’d be okay showing this to jay if it’s meant to humiliate you, but they wouldn’t let him touch you, wouldn’t let him have a turn. best he can do is jerk himself off in the corner, they’d maybe even mock him for sticking around and watching, how down bad do u have to be?
- 🥟 anon
I didn't shave my head 😭 (not that I didn't want to, until now it's kind of my dream), I just cut it really short hahaha, it's a french bob! I love it, but at the same time I'm struggling a little bit because I had forgotten how it was and it's weird not being able to do a ponytail when I want to read or work, but I'm buying some hairpins to not feel the hair over my face at those times 😵‍💫, oh and my parents don't like it but I prefer it a lot over long hair, in my opinion i look a lot more softer and less intimidating (although my friends say the problem are my eyes and not my hair 💀, the hairdresser today also said that she was scared of cutting more my hair because I was glaring at her but I can't even remember making eye contact with her in that moment, I was too nervous and forcing myself to stop trembling to notice 😭).
Well, now changing to the good stuff, everything you said is perfect but I can't help but imagine the context 😭, fwb Jake and Heesung with you in a party, maybe they're both talking with other girls too, and if they can, why can't you? You keep Jay company just to not feel dumb sitting on your own while they go and flirt with other girls, and Jay's so nice too, sweetly talking to you, doing his best to keep the convo alive, not even trying to put his hands on you with how respectful he is. He's so damn nice you want to do more to him just because you feel he wouldn't say no.
You try to contain that weird desire of making a little show because Jake and Hee are already talking to different girls, they're too entertained to even look in your direction, and you just don't see the point if you won't get anything out of it.
Yeah, you shouldn't make a show, and that's exactly why you take Jay's hand and ask him to "keep you company" in a quieter place.
Jay, just as you expected, doesn't doubt to nod and follow you through the people scattered all around.
Jake, on a corner, catches your figure moving with sure steps and the tall figure of Jay behind you, and he has to only move his eyes to the other side of the room to see Heesung nodding at him, both perfectly knowing that you would accept someone else like your fwb, or maybe like something more, as long as it's none of them, they say it all the time when you fuck, your body spamming and your voice agreeing with every of their statements, "slut, is any cock good for you?", if only you agreed with the same excitement to be more than just friends.
They don't want to share you more than they already do, and definitely not with Jay, the weird boy that looks innocent but has never made them feel comfortable with his questions, "I heard she's the best in bed... Do you think you could set me up? I'm sure that's more than enough."
They never meant to be only your fwb to start, you were the one telling them that you would only be that and nothing else. If they talked to other girls it was because you pushed them, not because they wanted to leave your side, that's the last thing they would ever do on purpose.
When they enter the room and are received with the image of you straddling Jay's lap they can't keep with the act.
After all, everything they've ever wanted was to voice how you were their property, that yeah, you were the best, but you were with them, and they hate sharing.
The only thing they could do to make sure you never left them was to break you, so that's what they did that day in front of Jay, because if you were to cum with someone's touch, it had to be theirs, not Jay's, no one else's, just them.
0 notes
hi this is my first time sending a request like this, would it be ok to ask for a threesome with two mean doms zhongli and diluc, with maybe overstimulation, spanking, rough sex, choking, bondage, orgasm denial, degrading,,,, 👉👈 thank u so much for ur service 🙏
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Dom Diluc/Zhongli X Sub Fem Reader
That's a lot of kinks. But I'm not complaining. Um I did have not have any pics of Diluc and Zhongli together so I did a simple 5 sec editing and here ya go! Sorry this took so long. Thank you for reading!
POV You bought a new friend home. It's a harmless hydro slime and your boyfriends dont approve of it. You get pouty and they punish you
Includes: Overstimulation, Spanking, Rough sex, Choking, Bondage, Orgasm denial, degrading, Dacryphilia, dumbification
You were living every girl's dream. Dating Diluc, the stoic bartender and Zhongli, the walking history of Liyue book.
How did you attract them? Simple, you were a cute crybaby working as an adventurer. Not a surprise when their sadistic personas screamed to make you cry even harder.
Telling you right here and now. They're gentlemen in the streets but assholes in the sheets. You loved them with all your heart but they're so mean in bed. You can't even tell them to stop because they know you actually liked it.
Anyways, enough about them. After finishing your last commission, you bought a small blue slime home because it was so cute. Not only that. It was harmless seeing as it kept following you around like a dog. Carrying the bundle of joy in your arms, you entered Dawn Winery Manor, the workers stared in astonishment watching the hydro being nestled between your breast, purring.
Simultaneously, your lovers came out from wherever they were and greeted you.
"Welcome home, darling/dear-"
They were cut off, seeing the suppose hostile mob snoozing away in your embrace. You greeted them back.
"I'm home, Luc! Li!"
Zhongli's porcelain face scrunched up in disgust seeing the slimy creature. Why the hell did you bring it into their sleeping quarters? Is that thing just made a smug face at him?? Nah hes just delusional cuz of jealously and disgust or smth
Diluc doesn't hate slimes like the Geo Archon does but not does he like them either. Rather the crimson haired thought of them as nuisances to his business.
You asked.
"I found this slime following me and thought it was harmless. Why not take it home? Can we keep it please~?"
The males looked at each and nodded before turning back to look at you. They said.
You were taken back, baffled.
"What? Why??!"
The red haired male huffed, explaining.
"I probably would not mind, perhaps let you put it in a tank and take care of it however you know how Zhongli has a very strong hate for anything slimy."
You pouted.
"Then it doesn't need to be near Li and it'll be fine!"
You were determine to have this small slime be your companion during adventuring time. Forget seelies. Forget your boyfriends disapproval. Your going to keep it in the guest room and sleep with the squishy blue ball there.
Just as you were about to run away. Diluc grabbed you by the waist, carrying you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, making you drop your little companion. It bounces away, squeaking. You called out, hitting the red head's lower back, weakly with your fists.
"Hey! What was that for?!"
Flinching, a swift slap was delivered to your bum and you didn't know who did it. Zhongli said.
"After we said no. You still take it in? Bad girl. I believe punishment must be ordered."
You blabbered in disbelief.
Suddenly, you were tossed onto the bed, sinking into the soft sheets of comfort, your clothes were ripped off by 2 pairs of greedy hands.
Perhaps you froze in shock when they toss away your scattered remains of clothing but they're already naked, their little friends exposed yet not awakened.
Zhongli hand gripped around your throat tightly, cutting off your air way. Meanwhile, your pyro lover ran his hot wet tongue over your folds, dampening your entrance. Tears gather at the corner of your eyes, feeling hazy at the lack of air yet hot. When Zhongli took away his coarse hand away from your throat, you desperately gasped for air. Without time to rest, the geo user pressed down on your hardened buds with his thumbs. You gave a breathy moan, stilling trying to catch the air you desperately needed in your lungs.
Diluc lapped at the slick you produced from your core, his nose rubbed against your clit making you shake every 5 seconds. Taking this as a distraction. The ravenette clipped your hard buds with some sort of unique silver nipple clamps.
It stung and Zhongli is not helping by tugging on them. You complained.
"I-It hurts!"
Nothing new. They whispered comforting words but you couldn't hear them cause of the erratic beating of your heart through your ears.
Something hot entered your entrance so you looked down and saw it was Diluc's digits thrusting in and out, occasionally rubbing a weird spot that made you moan out loud. Any attempts to close your legs, resulted in your smooth legs bended over your head and harsh spankings. Diluc reprimanded.
"Bad slut."
Losing counts of how many time the pyro user landed a hit on each of your ass cheeks. Tears ran down your face like a waterfall, feeling the burn on your poor bottom. The nerve when Diluc rubbed them, hoping to soothe the pain. Well it ain't working. Bet it's all red now but it'll be bruised tomorrow.
Out of habit you bound your thighs together. However, your archon lover decided to tie your ankles and wrist to the corners of the bed.
Your head was turned to the side facing a big angry weeping member pressing against your lips.
"Open your mouth and take it all in like the pretty whore you are. You wanted us to punish you in the first place. That's why you disobeyed."
You gaped, screaming in your mind.
Zhongli took the opportunity of your slightly opened mouth and slammed his member down your throat. You gagged, quickly trying to adjust to the large accompany in your mouth.
Man, they really manhandling you today. The ruby eyed male also plunges his length into your entrance, slowly pulling it out to the tip then pushing the rest in. You mewled in etascy. In sync, they fucked you at a rough pace. Just as you were about to release, they slowed down. You softly whine, tugging your hands, weakly at the restraints.
"Would you look at that. Our pretty whore wants to cum. Does she deserve it, mister Diluc?"
With a expression of annoyance, the red head rejected.
They continued the torture; fucking you at a relentless pace and when your about to reach your high, they slow down before repeating the process.
You cried, miserably. Their teasing was just endless. Letting them do whatever to your body, you felt your eyes roll up. The pyro user, chuckles.
"How cute. We fucked her brains out. She took her punishment so well. She deserves a reward, no?"
Zhongli takes off the toys pinching your swelling nipples, agreeing with the other male.
"Yes, even a bitch needs to cum at some point. Let her cum all she wants."
You didn't register the fact they pulled out their lengths, already taking off the restraints when they turn you over onto your stomach, doggy style. Their members slid back into you no problem. It was like your holes was made for them or they fucked you so much, your body's insides molded to their dick shape.
You moaned over and over again, cumming for who knows how many times. You were conscious however your mind was somewhere else.
Since they took away your walking privileges for the next 2 weeks, you get to keep the slime. Haha in your face geo daddy.
You named the small of hydro element, Puppy cause why not?
Again sorry for the wait! I'm trying to manage my schedule to scoot in a writing here and there since I also have Wattpad to deal with.
This one took a while but I am very excited for the next nsfw/crack request coming up and hope to achieve big brain for it.
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paradoxolotl · 3 years
Can I get some Amelia? :> I feellike all my asks to you get eaten by tumblr or something cuz I never see them :( since like a long time ago
I’m behind on my asks. I’ve got some doodle requests, some song recs, one or two WIP asks, and a few AFTG asks/prompts sitting in there still.
Have another chunk from chapter one, immediately after Neil and Andrew cross paths. Some violence going on/their pasts if you look.
Neil was trying to pull up Aaron’s contact while keeping the man in his vision. He stiffened when Neil took a step closer, so he stopped and held up his hands. “This is all one big misunderstanding; your kid came up to us. I wasn’t trying to kidnap her, I just didn’t want her running off.”
The man risked a glance down at his daughter, who was glaring at Neil. A nudge got her to look up, and she gave him a quick nod. The man returned to doing his best to kill Neil with just his gaze. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to touch someone without permission?” He growled.
Neil winced, “I’m sorry about that. But look, this is going to sound crazy, but I think I know your brother.”
If Neil thought the man was still before, he was frozen now. It was hard to tell, but he may have grown a few shades paler as well. “Fuck off,” he said, before turning and starting to walk away.
“Wait!” Neil called, running to cut them off while staying out of arm's reach. He could already feel his jaw beginning to bruise. “He’s coming back, please-“
Quicker than Neil thought someone his size could be, the man stepped forward and drove his fist into Neil’s gut. For the second time since this mess happened, Neil found himself on the ground. By the time Neil got back to his feet, the man and his daughter were almost lost to the crowd. At least being used to people treating him as a punching-bag made him quick to recover..
“Fuck,” Neil said.
He spotted Aaron making his way through the crowd, a staff member trailing him.
“Fuck,” Neil said again, this time with feeling.
Catching Aaron’s eye, he made a giant swooping gesture that probably made him look insane before taking off again. Ignoring Aaron’s shout, Neil weaved through bodies, looking for a flash of pale blond. Just as he was convinced that he had lost them, he broke through the crowd and saw the pair making their way across the parking lot.
“Hey, HEY!” Neil called, chasing after them.
This time, he stopped a good few feet away. Idly, he thought his team would be proud of him for learning from his mistakes. Neil was fairly certain that the man would actually murder him if he got too close, child present or not.
“What do you want?” He put himself between his daughter and Neil, his entire body screaming back off.
Neil felt his temper flare. “I’ve been trying to tell you!” He snapped. “If you would just wait, I could explain!”
The man was silent for a moment. Then, “You have twenty seconds.”
Fuck he was serious. “I think I know your brother,” Neil blurted out again, hoping Aaron had followed him. It would be so much easier if he could just show them.
The man made a buzzer sound. “Sorry, you lost my interest. Follow us again and I will kill you.”
Neil opened his mouth to protest when he heard a familiar voice behind him, and he sagged in relief.
“Neil, you fucking asshole! The fuck are you doing?” Aaron rounded the car they were hidden behind, out of breath and glaring. “You can’t just take off like-“
“Look!” Neil cut him off, pointing at the man and his daughter.
Aaron glanced over and did a double take, his face falling slack. “What the fuck,” he breathed.
Neil felt a smug smile creep across his face, and he turned to look at the man. He was staring at Aaron with a blank face, but his grip on his daughter had tightened. She was looking between the two of them with large, concerned eyes, her hands fisted in her dad’s shirt.
“Do I have your interest now?” Neil asked him.
It snapped the man’s eyes back to Neil, but only for a moment. He and Aaron couldn’t seem to stop looking at each other, although Neil couldn’t really blame them. It wasn’t every day you met your doppelgänger.
“I-“ Aaron started before cutting himself off. “Is this a joke?”
The man fished out a pair of keys and passed them to his daughter. “Go wait in the car.”
“But dad-“
“Chick, I need you to wait in the car for me.”
She looked like she wanted to argue more but took the keys with a pout and walked over to an older car a few places down before climbing into the backseat. The three of them stood in a tense silence for a few moments, both Aaron and the man having yet to look away from each other.
Neil, having never being very good at keeping quiet, cleared his throat. “Well, this is weird.”
Aaron gave him an exasperated look, but finally seemed to get his brain working again. He shook himself slightly before holding out his hand. “I’m-I’m Aaron.”
The man eyed his hand but didn’t take it. “Andrew,” he offered after a moment.
Aaron’s hand hung in the air a moment longer before falling back down to his side. “Is this some sort of Parent Trap thing?” He asked, sounding on the edge of hysterical.
“I do not know what that is,” Andrew said.
Aaron shoved his hands in his pockets and pulled them out to cross his arms immediately after. “Parent Trap, like the movie? Where the mom raises one kid and the dad the other?”
Andrew gave a single slow blink. “No.”
“Well, something had to have happened, right? I mean, you look just like me.”
Neil caught Andrew swallow. “You’re not adopted.” He didn’t say it like a question, more like an observation. Neil had a very bad feeling, a rattling in the back of his head. He tried to get Aaron’s attention, but he seemed to have forgotten Neil’s very existence.
“What? No, of course I’m not. My mom raised me.”
“She kept you.” Andrew’s face didn’t change, but his voice had fallen completely flat. His gaze flicked briefly over to his car.
“Aaron,” Neil tried to no avail.
“What do you mean she kept me?”
Andrew eyed Aaron and Neil before rolling his shoulders back and holding out his hand. “Give me your phone.”
Aaron’s hand went to his pocket, covering his phone. “What? Why?”
The look Andrew gave him was somehow both utterly bored and could cut to the bone at the same time. “I am not going to spell it out for you.”
It took another moment of hesitation before Aaron handed over his phone, shifting uncomfortably. Andrew only had it for a minute before giving it back, and when Neil glanced at the screen he saw a new contact for Andrew Doe.
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jomilky · 2 years
Jo, how are you this morning, honey? I'm here with a
question before I head to work 🥰
If you could change lan and Mickeys first meeting/
interaction, how would you change it? Why?
Hey Chey! Well I slept in the whole morning cuz it’s weekend and I’d call it a huge win 🦞
Soooooooo, interesting question. I’d assume they’re still kinda in the Shameless universe and living on the southside. Ian’s still working in Kash & Grab, but the thing between him and Mandy never happens. And Mickey still robs Kash & Grab very often, but other than Pringles, barbecue sauce and snicker bars, he takes Vaseline very often for… reasons.
They never talk to each other, of course, except that time in third grade when Ian borrowed a pencil from Mickey and Mickey said he’d stab him if he talked to him again. But, out of annoyance of constantly being robbed and this weird kind of magnetizing attraction Ian finds on the infamous Mickey Milkovich, Ian soon figures that Mickey needs new jar of Vaseline a lot, like, a lot more than a person can use on his face or on any body part.
Now, Ian’s not a fool. He was not born last night and he has used whatever but lube as lube when the situation calls for it. And with that amount of lubrication, he’s sure Mickey’s gay, or at least bi, and definitely loves fun. Part of him wants to stay away from Mickey’s business, becasue, well, that’s fucking Mickey Milkovich. But another part of him wonders why Mickey only grabs Vaseline instead of the lube they have in here, because, well, he’s fucking Ian Gallagher. (Since Mickey’s not paying whatsoever, price is obviously not the problem.)
So the next time Mickey comes & robs, Ian finds himself slipping a bottle of lube in the box Mickey is abt to pick up, and being yelled at.
“The fuck’s this?!” Mickey stares at the bottle as if Ian just put a timed bomb in his box.
“It’s, um, it’s lube.” The redhead boy looks at the dirtiest white boy in America, hoping that his life doesn’t not end right here right now by being stabbed. “It’s safer.”
The blush on Mickey’s face is visible despite all the dirt and cuts and bruises.
“I dunno what the fuck you’re talking about,” Mickey mumbles before he storms out of the store, without throwing the lube out of his box or casting Ian another glance.
And that’s how the little caring redhead finds a place in the little closeted gay boy’s heart and lives there rent free, or let’s say, occupies it, ever since.
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mattsunfairy · 4 years
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haikyuu boys on saint patrick’s day
genre: crack humor
notes: i kinda hate myself for this lmao
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tendou: convinced goshiki that he’s half irish and therefore has seen a real life leprechaun.
semi: he’s hot so his band probably has a gig at a pub. gets paid and gets free food and even a drink. he doesn’t really care too much for the holiday though.
ushijima: it’s an average day for him. he tries to be a bit more festive and uses some of his free time to look for four leaf clovers do they even have clovers in japan or am i stupid?
lev: goes around the whole day calling yaku a leprechaun and ended the day with a whole bunch of bruises.
kenma: he doesn’t even realize it’s saint patrick’s day until one of his games has like a mini event and he just sits there like oh.
kuroo: all day during practice, whenever someone did something well he’d just shrug and go ‘it’s the luck of the irish’ no, kuroo. it’s not n
oikawa: “it’s saint patrick’s day” he’s overly excited, uses these weird themed pick up lines on his fangirl. it’s kinda disturbing to watch.
iwaizumi: “it’s not a major holiday, we really don’t give a fuck” 100% down with oikawa’s bs, he’s just trying to get through the day.
matsukawa: chugging as many shamrock shakes as he possibly can in the parking lot of a mcdonald’s at 1:30 in the morning.
hanamaki: also chugging as many shamrock shakes as he possibly can in the parking lot of a mcdonald’s at 1:30 in the morning.
bokuto: he was VERY VERY excited, he was even about to start literally looking for the end of a rainbow in hopes of a pot of good. that was until the team had to explain that it was just a myth.
akaashi: tries to hide the fact he enjoys any festive themed food, so same goes with saint patty’s day. he would hate for his team to see him enjoying some type of green dyed food.
tanaka: him and noya follow saeko to a university party and they enjoy themselves. everyone things they’re drunk but no, they’re just like that.
noya: showed up to practice with those cheap dollar store necklaces and hats. he tried to give some to the first years to be a good senpai but regretted it when tsukishima compared him to a leprechaun.
tsukishima: yeah this dude made fun of anyone and everyone who even bothered to celebrate saint patrick’s day. except yams tho.
yamaguchi: he’s sweet, he probably made like cookies and cut them out into clover shapes. he was proud of them and thought they tasted pretty good. any excuse to bake it a good excuse.
hinata: now don’t hate me for this he went to go pick up natsu from school and one of her class mates asked if both of them were like leprechauns or something. now both hinata siblings hate saint patrick’s day.
atsumu: a menace he went up to his fan girl and asked for a ‘lucky saint patty’s day smooch’ before practice.
osamu: not as bad as his brother but one year he was caught wearing a very loud green t-shirt that read ‘kiss me i’m irish’ claimed he didn’t know what it meant when he bought it.
suna: the less expected person to really be into saint patrick’s day. no, yeah i see his sister and family being really into it for some weird reason. he would rather be caught dead though than caught wearing a little buckle hat.
kita: he’s neutral on the holiday. he use to enjoy doing things when he was younger but now he’s just grown out of it. that doesn’t mean he won’t say happy saint patrick’s day to the people he talks to.
aran: he goes a long with it for the sake of his younger brother. like when his parents do the ‘oh no a leprechaun destroyed your room’ he’ll play along.
moniwa: wants to do something fun for the team and he probably prepares a little ‘pot-luck’ yk cuz it’s a bit of a play on words-
futakuchi: grumbles and complains about having to celebrate the holiday but will still eat enough food to give him a stomach ache.
kognegawa: he’s more than happy to celebrate. he even brought a baggie of those coin candies to share with his classmates.
aone: he puts his little turtle in a little leprechaun hat and he probably takes a billion pictures of it.
sakusa: another one who secretly loved celebrating holidays. tbh he probably plays celtic music in his room thinking it’s considered festive. komori caught him once and never let him live it down.
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gangrenados · 4 years
Dick and Jason dating a latina
@lovelyartemisa: Headcanons with Dick and Jason with a Latina girlfriend (not the latina stereotypes, todas lo odiamos)
This was much harder to write than I thought!
Okay, so as we know latino is an ethnicity, not a race and therefore is not so easy to resume since there's a lot of different cultures. That's why I'm gonna focus on a hispanic latina, also I will just focus on the general things here??
I might use some things from my country, like slangs cuz that are the things I'm more familiarized with.
•This two had dated people from different races, cultures and even planets, so it's less to say that they wouldn't have a problem if you're from Latin america.
•I see them being respectul of your culture and beliefes, also they would try to understand them better to connect more with you.
•Another thing is that they would personally fight whoever racist ass who tries to harm you or insult you. Dick would be more polite than Jason, but he isn't afraid to throw a punch if things get tough.
•They were caught off guard when you called them "gringo" for the first time. They unconsciously started to remember if they said something wrong, but a few more times of being called that they got over it.
• They know that "Sana, sana colita de rana" doesn't do shit, but every time you sang it to them (ironically or not) their heart melts.
°Jason will roll his eyes, trying to hold up his tough face as he stitch one of his many wounds.
Your little song makes him grin,"Really?" He says, not taking his eyes from his bruised leg." I'm not a kid, babe." You roll your eyes at, but you know he's glad you're caring .
°Dick didn't wanted to talk, he was tired and aching, and not even the blood that poured from his wound could bring him to care.
He looked up to you when you started to sing as you cleaned his cut." Now you can stop complaining," you said and he huffed, but either way he was glad you were there for him.
Jason Todd
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•Jason loves when you both sit down on the couch and watch La Rosa de Guadalupe ironically, yeah Jason might not understand some of the slang or some of the words would be confusing to him, but that dosen't stop him for laughing at some scenes.
•He does try to learn how to cook some plates of your country, Jason wants to impress you and you can see it in the way he hands you the food with a little grin, waiting impatienlly for you to say something about it.
•Okay but why I see him being into Novelas? He will hold his beer tightly and much slower on any kind of snack he's having at the time as the villain says their discourse, smiling wickedly as they explain how they're gonna make the life of the protagonist a living hell.
"You know novelas are the same shit over and over again, right? You ask, but Jason shush you.
"Yeah, but I can shut my mind with this." He shrugs off." Okay but do you think Soraya will come back? Man, it's the third time that shit happens!"
•Jason isn't the most avid dancer in the world, he even gets really shy when you try to ask him out to dance.
•One of his favorite genres to dance with you is bolero, yeah it seems pretty out fashioned right?, well it's easier to follow your steps when you're pretty fucking close, also the music is relaxing.
•However, he knows the lyrics to some trap music and isn't afraid of gibberish to the beat whenever you're in a car ride.
•Jason does feels himself when those songs come up and you can't deny that he looks good when he does it.
Dick Grayson
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•Dick has an undying love for bachata, he loves when you dance close, your hands surrounding his neck as one of his legs are between yours while you sway to the music. Pure bliss, besides he gets to show off.
•"Marchate y pega la vuelta" and "Mientes" has gotten a new meaning with this man, he will sang it to you like if you have cheated on him. Also, he has become a fan of Selena.
•He has educated himself on your culture, in some way it has become a hobby when he just wants to relax. Sometimes Dick comes up with random facts about your country that leaves you like "How do you know that?"
•Dick heart literally melt whenever you call him by a nickname, it doesn't matter if it's "gordo, amor, mi vida, corazón" he just loves it. His eyes sparks when you do it and he can't help but smile to you.
•Dick understands Spanish and he can talk it fluently, so it's not weird that you can talk freely in that language whenever you want to.
"Que paja todo, man tengo que terminar una bocha de papeleo y tengo flojera..." you said as you snuggle closer to him. Dick's hand sneaks up to your hair to caress your scalp." O sea, no menor que ladilla."
"Bueno, pero quédate un rato aquí y después te pones en eso, amor." He suggests, shrugged off as you frown, your pouty lips and hesitation to get yourself to work make him smirk. " You really don't want to do nothing, don't you?"
"Ño" you mutter as you turn the tv on.
•He finds utterly cute when you had spent all day talking in English and at night, when you finally come home, you talk in weird mix of accents. Or when you forget a words and tries your hardest to remember it, just to finally say it in Spanish.
Tag list: @nervousfandom @la-femme-lupita @c0-77 @jasontoddismyhusband @jasonsballsack @violettessuniverse
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peacockwinchester · 3 years
Hullo.  It is the Darry oneshot I have aspired to write and put on the internet lol.  Actually my first Darry fic since I came out as genderfluid.  Also thank goodness my Mom also thinks Darry is attractive /j it’s weird but whatever at least my sister can’t make fun of me.  Anywho-
Warnings: General Outsiders content, a singular Supernatural reference, mild language if you squint
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     Darry and I were in the kitchen cleaning up some of the dishes.  Well, less dish washing and more absentminded straightening on my part.  God was I nervous.  I knew there wouldn’t be any weapons tonight, but people would still get beat up and I was nervous about my friends going into that.  I could tell that Darry knew what I was feeling, because he just let me do what helped with the anxiety.
“Dar, if you, Soda, or Pony gets beat into the ground I will actually finish the job,” I warned.
“You know I won’t let them get too hurt,” Darry assured me.
“Yeah, but who’s looking out for you, big boy?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Misha, I can take care of myself,” Darry gestured to his very muscular torso.
“Yeah, but still,” I huffed.
     For a minute the only noise in the house was Soda and Steve’s arguing.  I sighed deeply.
“You.. uh, you look nice,” I flushed.
“I do?” Darry asked, looking at me after he finished the last dish.
“Yeah... I mean, you know...” I gestured vaguely.
“I know,” Darry smiled at me, giving me a small kiss on the forehead.
“Just be smart,” I shrugged, completely changing the subject.
“I will.  And you’re cute when you’re flustered,” Darry laughed softly.
“Shuddup,” I stuck my tongue out at him.
     I was sitting on the couch watching TV when the boys got back from the rumble.  I immediately got to my feet to meet them at the door.  I did a quick head count (minus Johnny and Dally) and noticed Ponyboy was missing.
“Where the hell is Pony?” I asked Darry.
“I don’t know, he left with Dally,” Darry replied.
“Oh, because that makes it so much better!” I scowled (Haha Supernatural reference).
“He’ll be ok, Misha.  We have bigger problems right now,” Darry put his hands on my shoulders t ground me.
     I sighed, putting one of my hands on top of his.
“You’re right.  Alright, guys.  I’ll get the First Aid kit,” I motioned everyone into the living room.
     When I had finished literally stitching up the guys, I turned to Darry, who had been helping me get the others patched up.
“Your turn, big boy,” I said.
“Absolutely not, Misha.  I’m just a little bruised,” Darry waved me off.
“Well, let me disinfect that cut on your forehead at least,” I put my hands on my hips.
“No.  I’m fine.”
“Darrel Curtis, I will hurt you if you don’t let me take care of you!”
“Shut!  I’m doing it!”
      I got some peroxide and a bandaid ready.  Darry huffed and sat back in the chair.  The only way for me to get to him was to straddle him.  It was only a little awkward, because firstly I didn’t register that it could be read as overtly sexual, and secondly, I’m quite sure Darry didn’t think of that either.  Anyway, I disinfected the cut and put the bandaid over it.  While I was doing this, it occurred to me that Darry had slipped his hands around my waist.  I was a little startled, because I didn’t know he would be this comfortable around the gang.  Apparently he was.
“All done,” I said, swallowing any nervousness at the PDA, “Was that so bad?”
“Actually it was terrible and I think you owe me something,” Darry gave me a look.
“And what’s that?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Just a kiss,” Darry shrugged, grinning at me.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Positive.  You wouldn’t want to be in debt.”
“Hm.  I suppose you’re right.”
     I planted a small kiss on his forehead, just like when a kid scrapes their knee.  Darry frowned a little, though playfully.
“What?” I asked.
“You missed,” he stated.
     I laughed a bit and remedied the situation by kissing him on the lips.  It was just a quick peck, the sort of kiss we shared while making food for Soda and Pony.  However, this time we knew everyone was watching.  When I pulled back, I could feel the eyes on us.
“What are you looking at?” Darry scowled at the guys.
     I twisted around so that I was sitting in Darry’s lap instead of straddling him.  Every single one of our friends were staring wide-eyed at us.  Soda looked almost like he would have choked on water if he’d had it.
“You two... uh...” Two-Bit cleared his throat. “You’re together?”
“Yeah.  Have been for a year.  You lot are just blind,” Darry teased them.
“But-but-” Soda spluttered.
“How the hell did you guys not pick up on it?” I asked. “We dropped like, so many hints!”
“I just assumed you were just really good friends!” Soda defended himself.
     I sighed and facepalmed.  It was awkwardly silent for a minute, before Two-Bit spoke up again.
“So... uh, Darry, does that mean you’re, like...” Two-Bit trailed off, gesturing vaguely.
“Gay?” Darry clarified. “Yeah.  Does it matter?”
“I mean, not really,” Two-Bit shrugged. “Just never saw it comin’, is all.”
   Aight that’s it for now, guys.  If you liked it I wanna know, cuz it makes me happy knowing people actually like my shit.  Might write more in the future, might not.  Anyway, see y’all!!
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Legosi x Louis short fanfic 
(Contains some angst, and some mild gore, but nothing too crazy.)
Just a few more blocks.
His apartment had to be close. Legosi had been walking for a while... He wished he hadn't landed on his leg weird, cuz now he had to limp home. It's very hard to hide a limp, too...
This thought brings him back to Louis's leg injury back at school. He performed on an injured leg, flawlessly. He still feels that admiration fill his chest every time he thinks back to those days. The brilliant light shining on both of them, that he could stand with someone so bright. And yet this deer held so much darkness... And this dumb wolf was going to have to worry him later with his wounds that are a little too much to completely hide.
Fights were becoming the norm. At least he was taking damage for those who didnt deserve it. What's a few more scars compared to being devoured? Nothing. It's just scratches. A little blood...
Alright, a lot of blood. Its honestly making his head spin at this point. But it's okay. He's almost home. He can wrap himself up, eat a quick meal and clean up in the morning. He's sure Louis and Haru are going to be mad, but that's the norm too... He'll have to promise to be more careful next time...
Made it. Just have to get up the steps...
God, why are there so many steps? Agh, now they're all slippery too... Just hold the railing tightly. Inch your way up...
...Almost there...
...As he rounds the corner clumsily, he notices a figure by his door. His face is illuminated by his phone screen. Legosi's heart drops as he realizes it's a very frustrated Louis. He's tapping his foot and glaring at the screen.
Crap. There's no way out of this. Legosi isn't exactly subtle with his loud panting and limping. Louis shivers, noticing a large, looming figure coming closer, but as he realizes it's a wolf limping, he freezes.
His face subtly shifts between surprise, horror, relief, and burning anger. He shines the phone's flashlight in Legosi's direction. Legosi winces, but slowly raises his hand in an awkward greeting.
".... Hey, Louis... Sorry, I'm kinda... In bad shape. But I'll be fine if I just-"
Louis tries to relax his face, but can only manage a stern glare. "Give me your keys, you dumb wolf."
Legosi awkwardly fumbles, searching his pants pockets and hands them over. They're warm and wet. Louis swallows back a shiver and unlocks the door, swinging it open. He then quickly drapes Legosi's arm over his shoulder and helps him inside.
Sitting him down on the floor, he flips the lights on and stares at the wall for a few seconds. He's too afraid to see what state Legosi is currently in. He knows he's bleeding and has an injured leg. His mind wanders and he fears the worst. After collecting himself, he turns to face him, trying his best to manage a calm expression. It doesn't last long, however...
Legosi is almost collapsed on the floor, both arms loosely holding him up. Chunks of his fur are missing, with blood seeping down from torn flesh. He's got bruises, deep scratches along his arms, other mysterious wounds, a twisted ankle, and blood is pooling on the floor.
"... Seriously, did you fight a shark or something?"
"It was a bird, actually. Three of 'em... Their beaks are sharp..."
"God..." Louis grips between his eyes for a moment, then rushes to the cabinets.
"You've been stockpiling medical supplies like we told you to, right?"
Louis grabs the supplies and lays them out next to Legosi. He swiftly tends to his bleeding wounds, cleaning them with peroxide. Legosi flinches, stifling a growl at the burning pain. Louis grimaces a bit, knowing how painful it must be...
"Almost done..." he says this like a doting mother, relaxing his face slightly. Legosi relaxes a bit as well, focusing on Louis's face as he concentrates on wrapping up his arm tightly. Louis seems a bit disheveled, but it's not much of a surprise. This was a lot to throw at him all at once...
"... Quit gawking."
"Sorry... I must've made you worry..."
"You think? I've been texting you, waiting for any response, for 8 hours. When I don't hear from you, I just... can't help but assume the worst. I..."
His words get caught in his throat and he let's out a frustrated sigh. Finishing wrapping a cut on Legosi's arm, he bows his head a bit. His antlers rest at Legosi's shoulders. "... You have a habit of getting into the most dangerous situations. So it's very easy to assume that you're not safe when you're not... around me..."
He lifts his head, eyes distant. "... Every time... I meet someone... Who I come to respect... It doesn't last." A slow shake of his head, then he lifts it slowly, their eyes meeting. "I just want this to last... I can't let this keep happening. And you cant keep coming back like this.
Legosi looks away, shame forming a tight knot in his stomach. A gentle hand turns his head back. He swallows hard, prepared for any sort of punishment for his foolishness. "Please... Don't do this to me or Haru again, if at all possible. Or at least call us... We want to know you're okay."
Louis bows his head with a pained expression. He firmly holds Legosi's shoulders. "I'm tired of seeing my loved ones so beat up and bloody... But the last thing I want is for you to just die in an alley way somewhere. Alone..."
He lifts his head, their eyes meet once more. Legosi hunches down to meet his height out of habit.
"...I'm glad you came back. I'd appreciate it if you could learn to run away once in a while... But as long as you come back to me, I'll be here for you. You stubborn, reckless wolf..."
Legosi fights back his urge to hug Louis and get blood all over his clothes.
"... I'll clean this up. You need to rest. Also, I'll be borrowing you kitchen. If you don't pass out in the next hour or so, we can eat a quick meal before bed."
Legosi's tail thumps the ground lazily and his stomach growls. As crazy as this night has been, he feels a wave of relief and gratitude release all the tension in his muscles, and he smiles, watching Louis pick up garbage and clutter around the room and prepare the kitchen.
He's very glad he's home right now...
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harringrovetrashrat · 5 years
I have an idea if you're interested in hearing about it!❤ Some pre relationship angst, I think. Basically Steve is driving home late one night in the pouring rain and hits a disassociating Billy with his car and finds himself trying to help because he's a nice guy. Just an idea, though!
This one stumped me a bit!  Whoever is monitoring my google searches is gonna see a lot of ‘what’s it like to get hit by a car?’, ‘hit by car’, ‘pedestrian hit by car’ and maybe think I did a hit and run, but hey whatever.
I edited the prompt a smidge cuz like,, I didn’t want Billy to get like hit hit with the car, but still like, enough that shit happened??  I def messed around a bit, and this ended up more Steve centric than I thought it would, but hey it is what it is.
Anywhoooo, hope you enjoy! (Fic under the cut)
Steve was driving aimlessly, unable to sleep.  Again.  Ever since Star Court, almost a year ago now, and honestly since the tunnels, he’d been fucking haunted any time he closed his eyes.  The sounds of the demodogs, the sound of the Flayer, the fucking smell.  He couldn’t escape it.
So now he drove.  Through Hawkins, around Hawkins, outside of Hawkins, as far as he could go.  Steve just drove.  Tonight, he was driving around town, just watching the shadows.  The windows were down, letting the warm, humid summer air in.  He could turn on his A/C, but it was nice feeling the heat.  Especially after--
Something moved in front of his car and he slammed on the breaks.  He jerked to a stop with a gasped what the fuck, but there was an undeniable, though small, thump.  Then there was a louder thump when the shadow slammed something on the hood of the beamer.
Steve felt like he might throw up.
He got out of the car on shaky legs, his stomach rolling, and made his way to the front.  When he saw what the shadow was, Steve was sure he was hallucinating.
Billy Hargrove stood there, unmoving, unblinking, just staring at where he had his hands placed on the hood of Steve’s car.
“Oh my god what?” Steve breathed, rubbing at his eyes.  Billy didn’t respond, just turned his head and looked at Steve, eyes blank.
The last time he had seen Billy was when he helped bring him home from the hospital.  His father hadn’t offered and, apparently, hadn’t told Max and Susan that Billy was going to be released.  So the hospital had called, Max had picked up, and had then called Steve, all anger and tears.  And, well, Billy had saved them.  Had apparently been really quiet and withdrawn and Max was adamant that he was way less of an asshole.  And he had been, but it was because he wasn’t talking.  He’d grumbled a thanks to Steve, had responded to Max with short and abrupt sentences, but other than that, spent his time looking out the window.  It was weird and had made Steve’s stomach twist.
Billy’s hair was longer now than it had been.  Still short, but it was starting to curl around his ears, all soft and cherubic.  He was still thin and hunched over, taking up as little space as he could.  But his eyes--
His eyes looked empty, almost.  Like he was lost inside himself.
“Billy?” Steve tried, nervous to move closer.  Because the Flayer was gone, they knew that, but Billy was being weird.  Once again, he didn’t respond, just kind of stared at Steve.  They stared at each other for a moment before Steve moved slightly closer.  Billy didn’t react.  “Hey are you okay?” He reached out, touching the back of his palm to Billy’s forehead instinctively.
“Sorry,” Billy said, voice shaky and rough, like he didn’t use it a lot.  Or like he had been yelling.  Steve wasn’t sure if there was a better option between the two.
“What?” Steve shook his head.  “I’m the one who hit you with my car-- Shit are you okay?!” He gave Billy a once over, grabbing at him to feel for soft spots.  Billy let him, body slightly limp.  “Does this hurt?” Steve asked, pressing by Billy’s hip.  Billy shook his head.  “This?” Steve tried again, this time by his ribs.  There were no tears in Billy’s clothes, so he wasn’t even sure where he had been hit.
“Can’t feel it,” Billy murmured, voice flat.  Steve looked up, hands wrapped around Billy’s rib cage.
“Like it’s gone numb or…?”
“Can’t feel anything,” was the response.  Steve pulled away, furrowing his brow.  He wasn’t sure what was happening.
“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” Billy shook his head.  “Home?” Billy made a strange choking sound and shook his head more aggressively.  It was the most he’d responded to Steve the whole time.  Steve bit his lip, not sure what to do.  “The police?” Billy crumpled a little, using the car to keep himself upright.  Instinctively, Steve reached out to help.  “Whoa!  Okay,” he said, voice tight, “No police.  You can’t stay out here, dude.”
“Nowhere else,” Billy replied.  Something uncomfortable tightened in Steve’s chest.
“We’ll go to my place.” The only response he got was a shrug, which was better than nothing, so Steve helped haul Billy, who was still staring blankly ahead and moving limply, into the car.
As he drove, Steve wondered why Billy was out at this time of night.  It was almost 2 now, and Billy was dressed in flannel pajama pants and a ratty old UC Berkeley sweater.  A look for a night in, not wandering the streets.  Steve’s fingers tapped on his thigh as he drove, wanting to ask questions, but not sure that Billy would answer.  He hadn’t stopped staring out the front window, eyes and face blank, like he was there, physically, but far away mentally.  It was so far away from the Billy Steve had known, he was almost like a different person.  A shell of who he was.
When they arrived at his house, Steve helped Billy out of the car.  Billy seemed to have retreated more into himself, which was kind of the opposite of what Steve was going for, so he did what he did best.  He rambled.
“I should have been paying more attention to the road, but I mean, it’s past midnight in Hawkins.  I didn’t think anyone would be out there.” Billy didn’t respond, just followed Steve inside his house.  “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?  I hit you with my car, man.  I guess it wasn’t hard since you were still upright but, fuck.” Steve gasped a little for air, the weight of the situation starting to crash on him.  “I’m so sorry,” he wheezed, looking into Billy’s eyes.  Something flickered in Billy’s gaze and his eyes narrowed a little in thought.  “I’m sorry I hit you with my car.  Like, twice now, oh my god.”
“It’s,” Billy paused, looking uncertain, “Okay.” Steve gave him an incredulous look.
“It’s not okay.  It’s not.” Billy didn’t respond to that, looking uncomfortable.  Neither of them spoke, just stood awkwardly in the main hall.
“Am I--” Billy said, voice cutting through the silence, “Am I dreaming?” Steve raised a brow.
“Huh?  No?” Billy’s face crumpled a little and he leaned heavily against Steve’s wall, sliding down to the floor.  “Billy?”
“I know I’m dreaming.  None of this is real.” His voice was stronger now, but still shaky.  Panic formed in Steve’s gut.  He wasn’t a doctor, but this didn’t seem normal.  Didn’t seem right.
“Hey, hey,” Steve said, voice soft and gentle.  “This is real.  I’m right here in front of you.” Billy shook his head and clenched his eyes shut.  “I am,” Steve insisted.
“That’s why it’s not real,” Billy said, voice cracking.  “You’re never around anywhere else.” Steve suddenly felt guilty and confused.  It wasn’t like they had been friends before, but it wasn’t like Steve didn’t also owe his life to Billy.  He could have said thank you, at least.  But it was confusing, the way Billy said it.  Like Steve was often around in his dreams.
He tucked that away for later; the night had been exciting enough.
“I never said it, but thank you, Billy.” Blue eyes locked onto his.  “Those kids wouldn’t be alive without you and you,” he let out a sad laugh, “You didn’t get anything for it.” He slid down next to Billy, not looking at him.  “I’m sorry.  I don’t know what I expected after you recovered.  We didn’t exactly part on good terms.  But I should have come to thank you, regardless.” When he looked at Billy, he was squinting at him, confused.  “What?”
“That’s not what you usually say,” he replied.  He blinked once, twice, then rapidly for a moment, almost like waking up.  For what felt like the first time tonight, he focused on Steve.  “Steve?”
“Where are we?” Steve furrowed his brow.
“My house.”
“What-- Why?” Steve spluttered.  Billy watched him carefully before flushing and looking away.
“Fuck,” he whispered.
“Billy?” Steve said, tilting his head.
“I sometimes,” he licked his lips, “The doctors call it, dissociating.” He picked at the frayed sleeve of his hoodie.  “I kind of disconnect from reality for a bit,” he said, stating it like he was reading it off a sheet of paper, memorized in word only.  “Usually when I, well, come back, I don’t remember it.” He shifted and winced, hissing in pain.  “Fuck, why does my leg fucking hurt?” Steve flushed and reached for his pants.  “Harrington?” Billy asked, voice creeping up in pitch.  Steve checked his calf and saw the beginnings of a bruise at the bottom of Billy’s knee.
“I hit you with my car.  You didn’t even feel it?” It made sense, but fuck.
“I don’t always feel things when I’m out of it,” Billy replied, voice tight.  Steve gently touched the bruise around his knee and heard Billy exhale sharply through his nose.
“Does that hurt?” Steve looked up, face drawn together with concern, but Billy didn’t look like he was in pain.  Maybe like he was freaking out a bit.
“You hit me with your car?” Billy asked, his voice still tight and stressed.  He was staring at where Steve still had his hand cupped around his knee.  Steve pulled back with a blush.
“Yeah, uh, you kinda came outta the shadows and I didn’t break quite it time.” He rubbed the back of his head.  “Did, uh, did you want me to call the cops now?  You didn’t earlier when I asked, but I mean obviously--”
“No,” Billy replied sadly with a shake of his head.  “I’ve had worse.  I’ll be fine.  I mean,” he chuckled humorlessly, “What are they gonna do?” Steve furrowed his brow, unable to answer.
“Are you sure?”
“Harrington,” Billy said, voice laced with exhaustion.  “No one is gonna care.  I’m still alive,” and wow did he sound unhappy about that, “So what is there to do?”
“I don’t-- I mean--”
“Lemme get outta your hair.” Billy began to stand, wincing when his movements were stiffer than expected.  Steve helped him up, grabbing his elbow, but didn’t move away and didn’t let go.
“You said you had nowhere else to go,” Steve whispered.  Billy paled and licked his lips.  “Stay.” Unsure ice blue eyes locked onto his and it made Steve’s breath hitch.  Neither of them spoke, just staring into each other’s eyes.
It wasn’t the first time Steve had noticed how beautiful Billy was, how handsome, but it was the first time he’d been almost overwhelmed by it.  Taken in by his eyes, the cut of his jaw, the very small smattering of freckles.  Steve realized he missed seeing them fan across Billy’s nose, skin kissed by the sun.
“Okay,” Billy replied, voice hoarse.  “Okay.”
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dxxtruction · 4 years
Mr Robot: Season 2 episode 7
Episode and character analysis 
This episode is about connecting but also about deceiving. 
The episode starts with a flashback, constructed to not look like one at first (I think this mirrors the bigger reveal at the end up the episode “things aren’t as they appear”).
Joanna looks to have brought in a Sephora bag with her (idk what other places use that stripe design on bags) and a gift has been left on the counter which contain earrings, she can be seen wearing once we jump to the present (She keeps part of Tyrell around, the things he was able to provide her with. The gift giving between them is they’re like way of showing affection. This can’t happen in the same way between her and her new lover, but she’s also willing to commit to him (for now). She even gives him a gift for his birthday to show that.) (Birthdays come up like twice in this episode and I’m not sure why but it means they’re cancers.)
This whole scene is very WHITE, even Tyrell is wearing a bright suit, and everyone at the work party is as well wears white/light gray. White is fairly symbolic of the upper class for several historical reasons, it could also represent a purer time within their relationship. Yet another thought I had goes to the rule about Labor Day, the history of which stems from creating inner class divisions between old and new money. The “rules” which determine being an insider or not. Contextually I think this makes some sense, it could even be a Labor Day event (Joanna getting back from Labor Day shopping at Sephora?). At the party The Wellick’s and the Knowles’ talk with Price who mentions Tyrell’s climbing of positions towards CTO. Him (and Joanna) becoming more a part of the “exclusivity” being introduced through Price to others within his circle like Knowles. (It’s their sort of “handshake” if you will.)
Outside the flashback, present. An old woman comes up to Joanna and spills blood (I imagine pigs blood) on her and runs away. (Definitely a Carrie reference)
“Capitalist pig!”
All the purity of the white she wears stained, her relationship with Tyrell stained, all the things she once had dreamed of having stained, because of blood (Sharon Knowles), and now there is literal blood on her as well. (Also the title card is so good)
Joanna is in her home, drinking wine, staring with a mixed emotion down at a photo of an ultrasound. She’s still getting these gifts from “Tyrell”, she has intentions on finding him despite finding herself tied to her new lover (She’ll later say out of all the gifts the ultrasound made her the wettest). (Through Joanna we’re led to believe Tyrell is alive (and he is but she’s not getting presents from him), but Robot says he died because they killed him so it’s a huge whats what. (Elliot doesn’t know about stage 2 or Tyrell being involved and Robot wants to keep it this way.) At the moment we ask if we believe Robot or the presents from Joanna? Turns out neither are entirely truthful. This all becomes answered in the 2 part finale. (This season deals a lot with deception, illusions, and lying.)
Joanna is in bed with her lover, she seems to be reenacting the Sharon Knowles choking fantasy (yikes). Derek (I keep not saying his name but it’s Derek.), wants to invite Joanna to his 30th birthday party and Joanna says she can’t come. If she doesn’t come, Derek says she’ll break up with her. Joanna seems taken about this. I think she does enjoy Derek, but I don’t think she enjoys the conditions of this relationship. She knows she’s a potential target so can’t risk going public with this relationship.  
Joanna doesn’t show up to the party but is at his home waiting for him. It’s revealed here Joanna met Derek at the e-corp party (a nice parallel between Joanna and Tyrell during that party. One walked out with a relationship and the other walked out well… you know.). She’s filing for divorce and this is her “handshake” with him. (This later leads to her demise)
Beaten and Bruised
(Rami’s acting (THE BREATHING) in this scene gets me)
Robot props up Elliot and they then do more of a hold hands than a shake. Connection is seemingly being authorized at long last. He talks about handshakes; Initialized connections between two points of access. (Tech lingo.)
He says this to us:
“Hello. I see you, I recognize you, I acknowledge your existence. Let’s talk. Get to know who each other really are. All of this said with the simple act of a handshake between two people.”
He then goes on and says he “Doesn’t know how to follow the rules.”
What he’s about to say to Robot may breaks the rules of this new connection they now seem to have (Robot going that extra mile to protect Elliot from the beating)(Elliot then accepting that Robot is able to help him and they don’t have to fight).
What he mentions is Tyrell, and Robot is agitated that Elliot is hung up on him, but an agreement gets made through negotiation that gets Robot to finally say something in order to fill in those gaps of memory he doesn’t have. (So connection has been made, but it’s gonna be a false trust.)
“P-Popcorn” is the last thing Elliot remembers. (Popcorn is one of those repeated items in the show that connect back to moments in Elliot’s past. It may be a stretch but I think popcorn symbolizes the pretense of dying, given where we see it. It’s a weird irony of having death lie below the surface of whats usually seen as something fun or delightful.)
While talking Robot is lying to Elliot that they killed Tyrell (This would simultaneously be making that phone call they had unreal to Elliot’s mind, another part of the illusion. This will later make him think Tyrell IRL is not real). My best guess as to why Robot kept all of this is he figures that Elliot would NOT want what stage two is to happen, and it most definitely needs to happen or Dark Army would be pissed = bad new for them. Robot is once again playing the long game with Elliot to get him to fall for something. This conflict will continue to build, so yes this is the opposite of a handshake happening here, “Rules” broken. However he tells part of the truth about that night up until the point of “shooting” him, probably because Elliots picking up on bits and pieces of it and saying things that didn’t happen would break the fact Robot is lying to him. (He also isn’t looking to fight him because they’re finally working together and Robot’s been wanting that.) (Should read that Elliot is finally starting to trust Robot because of this btw. Like a relationship of trust appears to have been formed here, a perfect handshake. But who’s betraying trust now?)(My other guess is that Robot just wants to see out his plans alone W/O Elliot getting in the way)
Elliot gets moved back to Ray’s office. He’ll need a few hours to “move the site.” He’s planning on exposing Ray site, opening it up for more than just TOR traffic, opening it up to the public, in the next scene we see the traffic on the site is booming. To make things easier, he also emailed the FBI an anonymous tip. (Rays move was to let Elliot live and let him turn him in.)
Elliot negotiates a game with Ray and he confesses he never actually knew what was on his site, but Elliot made him look. (Not sure what exactly about Elliot compelled him but Ray talks about Elliot highly because of it.) (Rays sorta a toss at the end (?), morally ambiguous. He never actually knew what was on his site but he’s definitely not oblivious. He ultimately decides he should pay for his crimes. Elliots conversations previous seem to indicate confusion on Ray being a good or bad person, I think the guy sort of did enable all that shit to happen so like nah.)(He was also using Elliot for what he wanted out of him, this seems to be a repeated thing with Elliot and various ppl.)(Seeing him for what he can do for them instead of him as his own person.)(Characters like Darlene or Leon (who live) do seem to see Elliot for who he is.)
“You are my answer. It’s not the other way around. So thank you.”
Elliot quotes: “When you see a good move, look for a better one.” -Emanuel Lasker (World champion chess champion) (Elliot knows a lot of chess factoids) (What’s Elliots good move and what’s his better move?)
“Mr.Robot was a part of me that I created because of my pain. So now we have a chance to start again. Our handshake negotiated us as partners.” (Just a good line)
Elliot and Leon talk on the court, Leon mentions that Elliot has to watch out for people. The white guys show up to mess with Elliot but Leon does’t budge when asked. They had stock in Ray’s site and want payback. They definitely don’t feel like starting anything with Leon around.
“Just remember cuz, your sitting under the sword of Damocles.” - the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. (Leons word choice is always very nice)
There’s been some time since the last scene, Elliots wounds are better. We are in Church group the leader reads from Dueteronomy 12:29 - “When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;”
I’m not gonna say I’m a bible expert by any means but it’s a big metaphor for “curiosity killed the cat”, to guard oneself against sinful curiosity and thereby betraying god by falling for errors in judgment; or else. Seems befitting enough to Elliots situation. (“Curiosity killed the cat”, Both in prison when his itch gets scratched with Ray landing him in a bunch of painful situations and at the end of the season when his curiosity towards Robot’s possible plotting leads him towards Tyrell who eventually has to shoots him.(thing is these were just curiosities)) (I can see this being VERY relatable to WR. She wants the Congo, and its her errors in judgement that make for her undoing.(These are more sinful))
There’s conversation then had between her and him about being fearful and vigilant as good, because it means gods present with him (IDK church stuff). The church lady thinks he speaks to Jesus/God, “If you let Jesus into your heart he’ll always listen.” (Jesus can be read as a prophet, Robot calls himself Elliot’s prophet), Elliot ends up speaking to Robot.
This is a continuation of this thing between them, “I was supposed to be your prophet, but you were supposed to be my god!” (Robot; season 1 episode 10), but also "Mr. Robot has become my god, and like all gods, their madness takes you prisoner." (Elliot; season 2 episode 3).
(It would take longer than an single episode analysis to unpack the religious themes in this show but I’ll say a few things.) The show is seeped with these religious themes everywhere, I’m still piecing sense together about it. It’s probably some way of saying the forces of life are mysterious at times, we can’t always understand them and yet they carry an amount of power over you. And that Powerful people are like gods. Gods are about to create things but they’re also able to destroy. They may guide you and they may also control you. God may be symbolic of power itself. Deciding who are the gods and masters and who are the men? Whoever has control over the world is he god? Should anyone be allowed to be?
Elliot doesn’t believe in god but Mr.Robot he can talk to and needs to talk to. He needs to know what it all means to work together as partners. Elliot has decided that they need to continue with their work, yet doesn’t know if he like’s what robot has to offer about it. Robot tells him Elliot is actually a leader, that he led the entire world into a revolution. Robot says he follows him simply because he does lead.
“I don’t want to be a leader.” (Probably has some preconceived notions on leaders being terrible people, but also might not feel he’d make a good leader given who he is)
Robot says to get anything done with E-corp it’s gotta have to happen like that.
This conversation between them seems like more metaphor to me, Elliot must sacrifice what he wants (not to be a leader) in order to move things forward to change the world and Jesus had to make a similar decision on sacrifice. (Whats weird about this scene though is how nothing seems to play out of it, after Elliot gets out he’s more of less on Ecorp’s side in order to prevent destruction. And wondering if Robot is even saying anything of truth here or if he’s simply further deceiving Elliot this whole time that they can work together on finishing things.)
Book burning: Elliot burns his journal because he doesn’t have any use for it anymore. Hot Carla and him stand and watch over it while he smokes a cigarette. (In RedWheelbarrow Carla has taken this apparently during some kind of riot. I think it’s this riot that lets the next thing happen without any guards coming by)
Attack: The racist white guys make their move on Elliot. They (the main guy) say they’re gonna “fix that courage problem of yours”. Robot takes all the punches for Elliot (King). (TW) They’re definitely taking off Elliot’s belt when they turn him around (fuccck)(TY Leon). Leon does his blade action and saves Elliot then we get the reveal.
“Gonna get a letter on Tuesday, do what it says.”
*stabs a guy in the ass*
“Hey yo man, when you see Whiterose. Make sure you say I did you good.”
*yanks his knife out of said mans ass*
“I’ll be rooting for you cuz, Always.”
Elliot’s in shock (who wouldn’t be?) (This establishes a lot between Elliot and Leon, I think it forms a true trust, but its one met with uncertainty)(This can be paralleled with Robot’s in a way, forming a false trust met with more certainty.)(…Don’t read much into what I say lol.) (It’s nice that ultimately both these connections do end up sticking around.)
Krista reads over Elliots release notice. (Tuesday I assume)
“But you were right, you can’t destroy a part of yourself.”
Elliot’s mentioning his “reality” the construction of prison as his moms place (perhaps little on the nose on how it was in the real house). Krista makes sure he hasn’t actually fallen into believing the delusions and we finally get the reveal that this is a prison (Honestly how did I not pick up on this sooner in the first watch?).
“Sometimes control can be an illusion, but sometimes you need an illusion to gain control. Fantasy is an easy way to give meaning to the world. To cloak our harsh reality in escapist comfort. After all isn’t that why we surround ourselves with so many screens? So we can avoid seeing?” (This line plays into a lot of things besides Elliot’s illusion. You could relate Price’s negotiations with the government to “make people believe” to this. You could relate Ray to this. You can relate Angela’s persona of professionalism to this. Whiterose’s machine gets references as a fantasy or something along those lines. You could relate Religion into this. All of them put on “masks”, or make others put on the masks, some avoid seeing and others think they see but they don’t. Ultimately every single one is trying to cope and grapple with life. And wearing them makes it possible to fight for the control they want (or are forced to want…))(I love the way this show messes with perception)
Angela / FBI / internal work
Dom tries to get something out of Angela about why she was on the FBI floor. Angela tells her about her Lunch plans. Dom (still pushing) expresses her curiosity about her job history, then mentions needing a statement from her before leaving. (She seems to be trying to fish for a reaction.)
Angela doesn’t react much, but she seems to falter towards the end, Dom says “Whatever this is? It isn’t like you,” and leaves.
Angela then completes connection to the wifi. They now own the FBI.
As part of this all security footage data is is corrupted on E-corps security cameras, a total wipe. Dom is present on the scene and suggests looking at Angela Moss’s computer. It’s the 3rd of July. (This Op later proves to be fairly pointless on FSociety’s end of things. The real ones who gain anything from this are DA.)(and because people keep perceiving that they have any control over what happens things end up worse.)
Angela is in a taxi on her way back home the night of the pwn. The TV in the Cab tells us how things are escalating, we get hints of switching over to e-coin, and suggestions that more services are beginning to stop.
Angela sees Darlene waiting outside the building. Angela hasn’t picked up any of Darlene’s messages or calls which is why she’s there (Angela’s pissed after finding out about Cisco).
We get what Angela has been piecing together throughout this entire time, she sorta knew at the beginning but also didn’t want to admit her friends would do something like this. She understands they’re hackers and could do something like this, but wasn’t able to admit 5/9 was them up until a certain point. Cisco certainly confirmed any unresolved ideas.
“You guys always thought that you were smarter than me. But come on. You never actually hid it that well. Every halloween, when we were kids. You guys made me watch that shitty scary movie. It was so bad.” (This line makes me think the Aldersiblings have always kept things from Angela, and have always kept her out of their more criminal hobbies, but for good reasons. That the siblings grew into very different tastes than Angela so she ended up an outsider of sorts. This jab towards the siblings seems to continue Angela’s story line of feeling under appreciated.)
Angela mets with her dad, who works at Walmart. He’s restocking FIVE/NINE emergency kits. Which he mentions are flying off the shelfs after the attack on Washington. (This episode does a lot of alluding to whats going on outside the main plot, forming a connection we previously weren’t getting much of)
Things get tense, this is the point where there relationship breaks. Angela betrays her mom by doing what she’s doing, but also her dad. We don’t ever see him again I’m pretty sure. There’s also an obvious class divide between them, we see just how polarized they’ve become. Somehow Angela is still convinced that what she’s doing will fix things (perceiving more control than she thinks she has).
Price meets with Angela.
“You protecting some evil secret agenda?”  
(“Don’t we all protect our evil secrets agendas?”)
Angela wants to be moved to a manager position in risk management. (In order to change things from within).
Price confesses that it is his birthday, this is a secret from everyone but he shares with her and invites her to celebrate but she refuses. He’s definitely trying to build some type of relationship to her, since he’s her real dad and all. To Price finalizing the deal how WR needed it to be means Angela is no longer in immediate danger so maybe he’s more relaxed about opening up to her. I think one of Angela’s coworkers said this but it must seem strange to everyone else in the office there relationship, I think Angela finds it strange as well. Angela is an anomaly, caught in so many webs, and even WR sees it.
Angela’s first day in risk management, the man, who’s a director in risk management, showing her around. He mentions Flint,MI (who STILL doesn’t have clean water) as a thing they’re currently looking into. He apparently knew Gideon, worked with him a couple times. Angela’s hyper professionalism is super off, and its because literally every other person makes small talk and is fairly casual but her. I think it’s her way of commanding respect, something she wants is to feel respected. Angela doesn’t falter around, the problem is this persona of hers starts to carry on to her other relationships, it consumes her. (I just think to when she shuts Elliot away with her office professionalism in the episode where the buildings blow up.. 3.5?)
In Angela’s meeting Susan Jacobs (the executioner, f-society is using her house as HQ) is mentioned to be taking vacation days. (Hint dropped that she may be stopping by her house.)
A lot of legal settlement lingo is just thrown around everywhere (making us feel intimidated but also showing how Angela may find herself lost in this environment). Angela tries to get a shoe in on the conversation by suggesting to put together a summary, but obviously this wasn’t gonna work. Price told the head of risk management to treat Angela “however you want” and this guy finds Angela to be a suspicious case.
F Society -
The gang are all over Mobley’s laptop (top secret call happening on OpBerenstain)(It reads that this should be the same day as the hack when Darlene comes in, which happened on the 3rd.)
(The show sort of hints that this next bit is whats on Mobley’s screen previous, but the dates don’t line up. “Tomorrow” isn’t the seventh.) The House of Representatives. (7/7/15) at 2:07 pm ET #droptheballs happens. Kinda a legendary move that just says “suck on these” to the government. However this scares some people into thinking the worlds ending (hence E corp selling out of emergency kits and needing the restock. Capitalism <3s to sell us our panic it created in the first place.) (and when we buy into that aren’t we buying into its fantasy?)
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