#legousi fanfic
Legosi x Louis short fanfic 
(Contains some angst, and some mild gore, but nothing too crazy.)
Just a few more blocks.
His apartment had to be close. Legosi had been walking for a while... He wished he hadn't landed on his leg weird, cuz now he had to limp home. It's very hard to hide a limp, too...
This thought brings him back to Louis's leg injury back at school. He performed on an injured leg, flawlessly. He still feels that admiration fill his chest every time he thinks back to those days. The brilliant light shining on both of them, that he could stand with someone so bright. And yet this deer held so much darkness... And this dumb wolf was going to have to worry him later with his wounds that are a little too much to completely hide.
Fights were becoming the norm. At least he was taking damage for those who didnt deserve it. What's a few more scars compared to being devoured? Nothing. It's just scratches. A little blood...
Alright, a lot of blood. Its honestly making his head spin at this point. But it's okay. He's almost home. He can wrap himself up, eat a quick meal and clean up in the morning. He's sure Louis and Haru are going to be mad, but that's the norm too... He'll have to promise to be more careful next time...
Made it. Just have to get up the steps...
God, why are there so many steps? Agh, now they're all slippery too... Just hold the railing tightly. Inch your way up...
...Almost there...
...As he rounds the corner clumsily, he notices a figure by his door. His face is illuminated by his phone screen. Legosi's heart drops as he realizes it's a very frustrated Louis. He's tapping his foot and glaring at the screen.
Crap. There's no way out of this. Legosi isn't exactly subtle with his loud panting and limping. Louis shivers, noticing a large, looming figure coming closer, but as he realizes it's a wolf limping, he freezes.
His face subtly shifts between surprise, horror, relief, and burning anger. He shines the phone's flashlight in Legosi's direction. Legosi winces, but slowly raises his hand in an awkward greeting.
".... Hey, Louis... Sorry, I'm kinda... In bad shape. But I'll be fine if I just-"
Louis tries to relax his face, but can only manage a stern glare. "Give me your keys, you dumb wolf."
Legosi awkwardly fumbles, searching his pants pockets and hands them over. They're warm and wet. Louis swallows back a shiver and unlocks the door, swinging it open. He then quickly drapes Legosi's arm over his shoulder and helps him inside.
Sitting him down on the floor, he flips the lights on and stares at the wall for a few seconds. He's too afraid to see what state Legosi is currently in. He knows he's bleeding and has an injured leg. His mind wanders and he fears the worst. After collecting himself, he turns to face him, trying his best to manage a calm expression. It doesn't last long, however...
Legosi is almost collapsed on the floor, both arms loosely holding him up. Chunks of his fur are missing, with blood seeping down from torn flesh. He's got bruises, deep scratches along his arms, other mysterious wounds, a twisted ankle, and blood is pooling on the floor.
"... Seriously, did you fight a shark or something?"
"It was a bird, actually. Three of 'em... Their beaks are sharp..."
"God..." Louis grips between his eyes for a moment, then rushes to the cabinets.
"You've been stockpiling medical supplies like we told you to, right?"
Louis grabs the supplies and lays them out next to Legosi. He swiftly tends to his bleeding wounds, cleaning them with peroxide. Legosi flinches, stifling a growl at the burning pain. Louis grimaces a bit, knowing how painful it must be...
"Almost done..." he says this like a doting mother, relaxing his face slightly. Legosi relaxes a bit as well, focusing on Louis's face as he concentrates on wrapping up his arm tightly. Louis seems a bit disheveled, but it's not much of a surprise. This was a lot to throw at him all at once...
"... Quit gawking."
"Sorry... I must've made you worry..."
"You think? I've been texting you, waiting for any response, for 8 hours. When I don't hear from you, I just... can't help but assume the worst. I..."
His words get caught in his throat and he let's out a frustrated sigh. Finishing wrapping a cut on Legosi's arm, he bows his head a bit. His antlers rest at Legosi's shoulders. "... You have a habit of getting into the most dangerous situations. So it's very easy to assume that you're not safe when you're not... around me..."
He lifts his head, eyes distant. "... Every time... I meet someone... Who I come to respect... It doesn't last." A slow shake of his head, then he lifts it slowly, their eyes meeting. "I just want this to last... I can't let this keep happening. And you cant keep coming back like this.
Legosi looks away, shame forming a tight knot in his stomach. A gentle hand turns his head back. He swallows hard, prepared for any sort of punishment for his foolishness. "Please... Don't do this to me or Haru again, if at all possible. Or at least call us... We want to know you're okay."
Louis bows his head with a pained expression. He firmly holds Legosi's shoulders. "I'm tired of seeing my loved ones so beat up and bloody... But the last thing I want is for you to just die in an alley way somewhere. Alone..."
He lifts his head, their eyes meet once more. Legosi hunches down to meet his height out of habit.
"...I'm glad you came back. I'd appreciate it if you could learn to run away once in a while... But as long as you come back to me, I'll be here for you. You stubborn, reckless wolf..."
Legosi fights back his urge to hug Louis and get blood all over his clothes.
"... I'll clean this up. You need to rest. Also, I'll be borrowing you kitchen. If you don't pass out in the next hour or so, we can eat a quick meal before bed."
Legosi's tail thumps the ground lazily and his stomach growls. As crazy as this night has been, he feels a wave of relief and gratitude release all the tension in his muscles, and he smiles, watching Louis pick up garbage and clutter around the room and prepare the kitchen.
He's very glad he's home right now...
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