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void-imp-archived · 1 year ago
random oc fact of the day
jeremy was a chubby toddler/kid. he was a really happy child too, but when he started in school he got teased for his weight
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alarrytale · 7 months ago
I remember those pictures the previous anon mentioned with Louis looking so scarily skinny. We know now that was when his mom was sick but at the time we didn’t. Makes sense with what Lottie said about Jay not wanting the family to say anything. I’m sure it’s weird of me as a fan but I look to see if he’s skinnier when we do see him because that clearly was a response to trauma. I’ve been here a while now and i remember seeing him like that another time when he was in the band. I can’t think of the year but he was wearing a green hoodie and while people thought he looked so good because he had such pronounced cheek bones, I kept thinking he didn’t look well at all. It’s good to see him beefier with muscles and abs now. With the alcohol, all the boys were very open with drinking while in 1D. With all the pictures and videos of fetus Louis drinking, it’s not an image thing. He definitely wasn’t a laddy lad then so it’s not that he’s promoting alcohol or using it as an image mask. He’s just continuing what he’s been doing since 18. Louis did talk about a time where he drank so much on stage he blacked out while in 1D, but he said he learned from that. I do find it interesting that last tour we saw him out constantly partying. This time we barely saw him out the entire tour, only very occasionally. Even in latam, we saw him out once or twice at a club (I can’t remember if it was the same night). He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. Absolutely miserable. Otherwise when we got the footage of latam after tour we just saw him swimming, hiking, motorbiking and then of course the partying after AFHF. God I hate his smoking though. It’s hard to quit, I know that from personal experience but I’m hoping he stops for so many reasons. We’ll see what happens after these festivals. I doubt anything will change for now but when he has free time, it will be interesting to see if he has any changes.
Hi, anon!
It's easy to see when Louis isn't taking care of himself properly or when he's sad and depressed. His weight has fluctuated a lot over the years. He was misrable during hay*or, and he was super skinny and pale in november 2014. Zayn was too at the same time, so i think that was due to exhaustion from touring.
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November 2014 vs. June 2015.
I think we have to agree to disagree on the alcohol subject.
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pandemiceye4 · 11 months ago
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Over the past couple of years, I gained a decent amount of weight due to mental health reasons. After some time and help from my partner as well as my best friend with getting to a point that mentally I was ok, I finally found the motivation to work on myself and get myself to the weight I feel my best at.
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piggycyberwarrior · 7 months ago
Summary: After Task Force 141 got a hint that you gave important information to their enemy- the boys do not hesitate to chain you up and give you a taste of hell. You on the other hand are innocent but they do not believe you
Platonic Task Force 141! x Fem!Reader (Simon Ghost Riley x Reader) a/n: pretty proud of that ngl.. enjoy guys love you!
Warnings: uhm this whole fic is basically a warning. Torture; Blood; Mental Health; Angst angst angst not proof read
genre: ANGST
+ 1,6k words
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6
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You thought you were going insane.
Maybe you already were, but it was no suprise- seeing the circumstances you were in. Arms stretched uncomfortably backwards and up- chains rubbing your wrists painfully raw. The stress position Soap put you in wasn't easy peasy lemonsqueezy.
Tears brimming in your eyes at the thought. You felt fucking betrayed. You were fucking betrayed, for gods sake! by your own team- the people you cried with- the people that you loved more than yourself- the people you called your family. That one man you took a bullet for.
Fuck all that bullshit.
Those were the same people that didn't believe you when things got rocky. When some pricks pointed their fingers at you- they immediately treated you as an enemy. The same people that chained you up. The same man that made you fucking blind on one eye
Everything was a lie, apparently.
The cell you were in was shady- you didn't expect something different- i mean you just served the military for many years and did everything for your country- of course you didn't deserve something more decent.
In the end you didn't care. Just waited.
When Gaz interrogated you- you kept your mouth shut. What should you do? Lie? Fuck no, you had so much self respect left, even in this dehumanizing situation.
of course your facade broke often times- you were only human after all. And it hurt- you were in this situation before- tortured by your enemies knowing that you would probably outlive them anyway as your team would rip them apart in a few days.
But now- being here- seeing how your 'friends'- your family- spat at you with nothing more than hate made you feel even more miserable- knowing, that no one will safe you this time.
You cried- having panick attacks deep into countless nights-being triggered by any small sound that wasn't coming from you or that rat in the corner of the room. Yelling at them- telling them that you didn't do shit. They didn't believe you.
Spiraling deep in your thoughts- shoulders sore and numb hands from the stress position- still tasting a faint trace of your own blood-
the sensory of the dried up blood on your cheek was uncomfortable at the beginning- cracking everytime you opened your mouth- but it quickly got kicked to the bottom of your worries as Price's wodden bat flew into your face yesterday- tooth flying onto the ground as you spat the crimson liquid at his feet- earning another strike from your Captain.
Your Saliva turning pink with the blood, sticking to your chin- slowly dripping down- having no free hand to wipe it off.
You were here for about 1 and a half weeks now- how'd you know that? because you could hear the guards mutter something behind that steal door.
You shivered, suffering from hypothermia, a consequence of being almost naked in this shithole. Simon himself stripped you down- ignoring your pleas and protests.
The man you did everything for, took a bullet for, cared for and slept with. He was the love of your life- or so you thought.
You were never scared of Simon. Since the first day you met him- you were kinda drawn to that giant of a man. Always spawning in his near with hearts in your eyes- Soap always made fun of you- but he found it cute neverthless, he could see that Simon didn't hate you.
You stitched him up- knew his fears (being a therapists daughter was quite a help for having deep convos), you knew of his past- even if it took you years to finally break his many iron walls down
You saw his face- kissed his scars and showered him with your time and love- giving him your all- even your body.
You weren't in a relationship- but everybody knew that Simon 'Ghost' Riley liked you. Even if you didn't tell anybody from the Force.
In the end it seemed not be enough, as the same man nearly strangled you to death down here. At first you were desperate, scared- but you stopped pleading a long time ago.
heavy footsteps shook you out of your trance- spiraling thoughts stopping for a mere second as you looked into his stone cold eyes.
Balaklava on his scarred face- making you inhale sharply- heart throbbing at his sight. The black paint around his eyes made them pierce through the dark even more.
The same paint you applied more than once onto his unique face. he looked beautiful in your eyes. Even after everything that happened.
You're in here since a few nights.- Clothes starting to hang loosely around your body- having not eaten in days.
"Simon-" you croaked out- voice not cooperating as it should- making you tear up. When did everything turned out to be like that? This nightmare? You flinched a bit- chains clinking softly at your slight movement when he came towards you- still not speaking.
He stared. Stared at your weak frame. The dark hole you were chained into- being in a constant state of fear- Anxiety pulling and clawing at your nerves.
You gritted your teeth- looking to the side with a defeated huff. Tears prickling in your eyes once more- threatening to fall as he watched you like you were a kicked stray dog. Maybe you were in their eyes.
"I-" you croaked out once more "I didn't do it, Simon, i swear" you whispered into the dimmly lit room- Still not looking at him. "I swear to god Simon, I didn't.." you weeped in silence as he just looked "Fuck why should I betray you!!" you screamed in frustration at his figure- tears falling as he only left- leaving you in complete darkness- letting you cry to yourself till you eventually passed out.
Not even two day passed before he bursted through the iron door again- the loud sound ripping you out of your unconsciousness before he angrily grabbed you by your collar- hate flickering in those eyes that once held nothing but adoration for you.
"You fuckin' liar" he seethed through gritted teeth- behind that mask. Pushing you into the wall behind you- your head knocking against the brick wall with such a force that made you wince.
You could feel his anger. And you felt the danger that radiated from the man you gave your heart to.
His hands coming up to press against your jugular with a firm grip- picking you up a few inches into the air- chains clinking again. "Y'think you hav' it in you to lie into my fuckin' face" he growled while pressing down harder- you could feel yourself getting more lightheaded- gasping for air- choking for oxygen.
"Plea' Simon" you begged inbetween small gasps- scared what he will do to you. Hands tied together, wiggling in his painful hold like a suffocating fish- legs kicking to get him away from you- it worked- you gasped, trying to get in as much air as you could while your built up saliva ran down your chin-
he let you go for a second before his fist collided with your face. Hard- knocking the air out of your lungs once more "Jus' tell us the truth" he huffed, before hitting again- at first it hurt and then it burned. Your nose cracked under his fists-
Making you see stars and breath heavily before he took the knife out you gifted him for his birthday. Both your names engraved in it-
"'t will be easier for you" he said before popping the knife out of its sheath. "No, Simon" you cried out- whilst seeing the blade. "You don't have to do this" you gasped as he came dangerously close.
"No,no,no!!" you protested as he teared down your clothing, leaving you in a bra and your underwear. Feeling helpless as he teared down your clothes- ignoring your protest. The coldness of the room let goosebumps arise on your skin almost immediately.
He was quiet. That wasn't a good sign. You waited- staring at him, pulling at your chains as he looked at the blade. Fist tightening as he saw the little heart that was engraved into the hilt. Betrayal flushed his senses as he pushed the knife into your upper leg- making you scream in return.
Twisting the knife- hearing your agony but not stopping- he quickly hit you into your left eye socket with the hilt of the knife to shut you up. he didn't want to hear your screams.
Even if he didn't wanted to admit it- he was also teared apart- but his need to let his anger out was stronger - all the time he spent with a fucking liar- gave you his fucked up heart. All for you to be a fucking snake- a traitor.
He had to do his job- protect his family.
Another jab to the eye- hearing your muffled cries echo across the room- making you see red- the burning sensation was an ugly one. You couldn't see on that eye anymore.
"I fuckin' wish I could just kill you" he seethed before leaving you there in the dark- all beat up and bloody- head throbbing and surely a broken nose- making it hard to breath.
You waited since then. Waiting for death to come. Waiting for Ghost to end it- but of course he never came back since then. Your wounds were starting to inflame- everything hurt and burned. Your eye swelling almost shut.
They all tortured you. Johnny, Kyle, John and Simon.
But they forgot something important. You were known for being patient. A fucking patient and stubborn woman. You waited. Yes you sometimes protested, and kicked and screamed and insulted them- but you neverthless waited for the day.
The day they finally see that they wronged an innocent. The day you would hurt them. Seek revenge.
Fucking. Revenge.
!please do reblog! :)
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c0mplex-heroes · 6 months ago
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The grin accomplished nothing except to deepen Charlie's scowl. Still it is continually worrying how light Klaus is, she swears every time she sees him he's getting skinnier. Satisfied he's inside, she slams the door behind him still taking in the conversation as she clambers into the driver's seat.
"Hmmph I imagine there's a good reason for that. What did you do to piss her off this time? Sticky fingers again?" Charlie wouldn't be surprised. She'd learnt fast to hid her valuables around Klaus... Just in case. She didn't want to think the worst of him, but past experiences had made her wary.
"I figured. Fine, cheeseburgers it is." She sighs, starting up the engine. Noticing him looking in the back, she wonders which departed spirit he's arguing with. After their little stint saving Viktor from destroying the world, she wonders if it's Ben... But she doesn't ask. Leaving them to their argument.
Taking off into the night, she nods. "Good keep it that way. My car smelt of puke for a month." She was still a little bitter about it. Still she heads in the direction of the nearest drive through, playing to buy as many cheeseburgers as her brother wanted.
Grinning at her obvious irritation, Klaus didn't fight being half-dragged to the car. Despite the height difference, his frame remained light and bony. Spindly legs staggered his way to the passenger side door.
"Tell her!" he declared, speaking of Allison. "She won't... answer my calls anym--oof!" He fell into shotgun, landing with a huff. Head lolling against the headrest, unfocused eyes watched her circle the car, and get in. "Mhmm," he hummed absently, still puffing on his cigarette. "Sorry sis, no money today..."
"You might if you didn't blow every dollar on drugs. Maybe try eating a decent meal instead."
"Oh, shut up already," he grumbled toward the empty back seat. Of course, Ben barely looked up from his book. "I'm eating now, aren't I?" Seemingly unaware of his own eccentrics, Klaus turned back to the land of the living.
"Yup, no puking, got it," he said, giving a thumbs up. "Not like last time, I promise!"
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A "calorie" is a unit of energy. "Calories" in our food refer to how much energy is technically available within. We determine that by burning food in a machine called a calorimeter which measures the energy released as it burns.
Your body is more complicated than that though. Some of the energy in your food is used to do the hard work of digesting that food. This is called the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
The total amount of energy you end up absorbing from any given food you eat depends on a multitude of factors including what mood you're in while you eat and the individual makeup up of your gut flora.
So when you read a food label and see how many calories it contains, if you were to just set it on fire, remember that it's not telling you the whole story of how your body uses that energy.
It's also not actually telling you the whole story of how many calories that food technically contains, because food labels can be off by as much as twenty percent.
These are some of the reasons why calorie counting can be extremely ineffective for a lot of folks. Determining your actual caloric intake and expenditure throughout the day is not so simple.
Additionally, think about what you're doing to your nervous system by creating a negative association with the energy content of your food. Energy isn't bad. We need it to live.
If you've been taught to feel a negative association with calorically dense foods (energy dense foods) then I sincerely recommend never looking at the label. It isn't accurate and it isn't showing you how much energy your body is even really getting from that food.
But it is probably putting you into a stress state, which impairs your digestion and decreases nutrient absorption (as I've mentioned before.)
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Our society has created this whole dogma around exercise where you're just supposed to hate it. It's supposed to feel like a painful chore to the point where it's frequently used as a punishment even for grade school kids.
And honestly what fucking garbage is that? Movement serves two purposes: function & joy
It should never be a punishment. Movement should fulfill a need or physically feel good. Preferably both, but that's not always feasible.
Therefore exercise should either: facilitate function or increase joy. That's it.
Doing burpees until you throw up does neither. Grueling exercise promotes injury and a hatred of exercise, and there's simply no reason for that kind of exertion to be considered normal fitness.
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bellahadiddaisychain · 2 months ago
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Summer thinspo☀️
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It's time wrench the phrase "Eating Healthier" out of the claws of the diet industry.
It should mean increasing your daily nutrient intake. It should not mean starving or deprivation. Because really, how could it?
Eating Healthier is about what you ARE eating, not what you aren't. It's a game of addition, not subtraction. If you give up pizza and change nothing else about your diet, you aren't getting any extra nutrients. If anything now you're getting somewhat less.
So sure you could replace the pizza with salad. Then you're getting more nutrients. Or you would be, if the salad was actually appetizing and you wanted to eat it. And if you weren't actively resenting the salad for not being pizza.
Which can also put your body into a stress state leading to less nutrient absorption from the foods you're eating to begin with.
So what if instead you just ate pizza with your salad? (Or perhaps a different nutrient dense side that you would actually enjoy.)
Letting yourself eat the foods you enjoy and exploring other foods to eat in addition is healthier, quantitatively speaking, according to daily nutrient intake (and uptake) than depriving yourself or starving yourself ever could be.
Eating foods you enjoy lets your body relax, it leads to higher nutrient uptake from the foods you're eating, and more overall satisfaction.
Deprivation diets are not about health. They're just about eating less, and that is not healthy.
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