#weight lose surgery
maximusruby · 5 months
A Brighter, Lighter Future: The Journey of Weight-Loss Surgery
Embarking on the journey of any surgery to help lose weight is a transformative decision for those grappling with obesity and seeking a sustainable solution for a healthier lifestyle. This comprehensive exploration will guide you through the phases of considering, preparing for, undergoing, and living after weight-loss surgery, shedding light on what to expect and how to navigate each step for the best possible outcomes.
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Step 1: Considering Weight-Loss Surgery
Understanding Your Options
Before taking any steps, it's crucial to understand the different types of weight-loss surgeries available, including gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Each procedure has unique benefits and risks, tailored to different medical needs and weight-loss goals.
Evaluating Eligibility
Weight-loss surgery isn't for everyone. Candidates typically have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with serious health conditions related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Consulting with a bariatric surgeon will help determine if surgery is a viable option based on your medical history and health status.
Step 2: Preparing for Surgery
Medical and Psychological Evaluations
Successful surgery requires thorough preparation, including comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations to ensure you're physically and mentally prepared for the surgery and its aftermath.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Patients often need to undergo significant lifestyle adjustments before the surgery. This may include dietary changes, quitting smoking, and starting an exercise regimen. These adjustments help reduce surgical risks and prepare the body for a quicker recovery.
Step 3: Undergoing Surgery
The Procedure
The specifics of the procedure will depend on the type of surgery chosen. Most weight-loss surgeries today are performed using minimally invasive techniques, which can lead to shorter recovery times and less discomfort.
Hospital Stay
Post-surgery, you'll typically spend a few days in the hospital under observation. This period allows the medical team to manage pain, monitor for complications, and ensure that you can perform basic activities and consume liquids.
Step 4: Post-Surgery Recovery and Adjustment
Short-Term Recovery
The initial weeks after surgery focus on healing and adjusting to new eating habits. Patients will follow a strict diet starting with liquids, progressing to pureed foods, and then to solid foods as tolerated.
Long-Term Lifestyle Changes
Long-term success depends on adhering to dietary guidelines, maintaining regular physical activity, and regularly attending follow-up appointments. Support groups and counseling can also be crucial in adjusting to new lifestyle changes and maintaining weight loss.
Monitoring and Managing Complications
While modern surgical techniques reduce risks, complications can occur. Common issues include nutritional deficiencies, which can be managed through dietary supplements and regular medical check-ups.
Step 5: Embracing a New Life
Achieving and maintaining weight loss after surgery requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise. The surgery is not a cure; rather, it's a tool to help reduce weight and improve health. The real success depends on using this tool effectively by making consistent, healthy choices.
The journey of weight-loss surgery is about more than losing pounds; it's about gaining a healthier, more active, and fulfilling life. With the right preparation, support, and personal commitment, weight-loss surgery can be the first step towards a brighter, lighter future. Each phase of the journey brings its own challenges and rewards, requiring a comprehensive approach to ensure the best outcomes for health and well-being.
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helpfulcontent · 7 months
Exploring the Future of Surgery Robotic Surgery in Delhi NCR
Robotic surgery represents a groundbreaking advancement in medical technology, offering precision, flexibility, and enhanced outcomes for patients. In Delhi, the integration of robotic-assisted procedures has transformed the landscape of surgical care, providing patients with access to state-of-the-art treatments. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Best Robotic Surgeon in Delhi NCR, exploring its applications, benefits, and impact on healthcare delivery in the region.
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What Are The Advantages Of Robotic Surgery?
1.Lesser Tissue Damage: Robotic surgery minimizes tissue damage due to its precision and minimally invasive nature. This results in less trauma to surrounding tissues during the procedure.
2.Fewer Complications: With reduced tissue exposure, the risk of complications such as infections and bleeding is significantly reduced, leading to improved patient safety and outcomes.
3.Faster Recovery: Patients undergoing robotic surgery experience faster recovery times compared to traditional surgery due to minimal tissue damage and fewer complications.
4.Minimal Blood Loss: The precision of robotic surgery translates to minimal damage to surrounding vessels and tissues, resulting in reduced blood loss during the procedure and less postoperative pain for patients.
5.Reduced Scarring: Robotic surgery involves smaller incisions compared to traditional surgery, leading to smaller scars and improved cosmetic outcomes for patients.
6.Complex Surgeries: Robotic surgery enables the performance of complex surgeries that may not be feasible using traditional methods. Its precision and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of surgical procedures.
7.Precise and Accurate: The robotic system provides surgeons with enhanced accuracy and precision, allowing for more precise movements and better outcomes for patients.
8.Shorter Hospital Stays: Due to fewer complications and faster recovery, patients undergoing robotic surgery typically spend less time in the hospital, leading to reduced healthcare costs and improved patient satisfaction.
What Are The Various Types Of Robotic Surgeries Available In Delhi?
1.Robotic Weight Loss Surgery : Robotic technology also helps the surgeons in performing weight loss surgery. The best weight loss surgery is done with minimal incision resulting in less scar formation.
2.Robotic Prostatectomy: Robotic-assisted prostatectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the prostate gland in patients with prostate cancer. It offers improved precision and outcomes compared to traditional open surgery.
3.Robotic Hysterectomy: Robotic-assisted hysterectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove the uterus and possibly other reproductive organs in patients with conditions such as uterine fibroids or gynecological cancers. It allows for smaller incisions and faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.
4.Robotic Colorectal Surgery: Robotic-assisted colorectal surgery is used to treat conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus, including colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. It offers improved visualization and dexterity for complex procedures.
5.Robotic Cardiac Surgery: Robotic-assisted cardiac surgery involves procedures such as mitral valve repair, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and atrial septal defect closure. It allows for precise movements in the confined space of the heart, leading to better outcomes and faster recovery.
6. Robotic Bariatric Surgery: Robotic-assisted bariatric surgery, including procedures like gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, is used to treat obesity and related health conditions. It offers reduced postoperative pain and shorter hospital stays compared to traditional surgery.
7.Robotic Urological Surgery: Robotic-assisted urological surgeries include procedures such as nephrectomy (kidney removal), pyeloplasty (repair of the renal pelvis), and cystectomy (bladder removal). They offer improved outcomes and reduced complications for patients with urological conditions.
8.Robotic Thoracic Surgery: Robotic-assisted thoracic surgeries involve procedures for conditions affecting the chest, including lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and mediastinal tumors. They offer better visualization and access to anatomically challenging areas.
9.Robotic ENT Surgery: Robotic-assisted ENT surgeries are used for procedures such as transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for throat and laryngeal tumors, offering precise dissection and improved outcomes.Robotic Prostatectomy: Robotic 
How Should I Know That I Am The Right Candidate For Robotic Surgery?
1. Condition and Diagnosis: Robotic surgery may be recommended for certain medical conditions or diagnoses, such as prostate cancer, gynecological disorders, colorectal conditions, heart disease, obesity, and urological conditions. Your healthcare provider will assess whether your specific condition warrants robotic surgery.
2.Overall Health Status: Your overall health and medical history play a significant role in determining candidacy for robotic surgery. Factors such as age, comorbidities (other medical conditions), previous surgeries, and medications will be evaluated to ensure that you are physically fit for the procedure.
3.Surgical Complexity: Robotic surgery is particularly beneficial for complex or intricate procedures that require precision and dexterity. Your healthcare provider will assess whether your surgical needs align with the capabilities of robotic-assisted techniques.
4.Anatomy and Physiology: The anatomy and physiology of your body, including the size and location of the surgical area, will be considered in determining candidacy for robotic surgery. Certain anatomical factors may affect the feasibility and safety of robotic-assisted procedures.
5.Surgical Expertise: Availability of experienced surgeons trained in robotic-assisted techniques is essential for successful outcomes. Your healthcare provider will ensure that there are skilled surgeons proficient in robotic surgery available to perform your procedure.
6.Patient Preferences: Your preferences and values regarding treatment options, including minimally invasive surgery, will be taken into account. Open communication with your healthcare provider about your treatment goals and expectations is crucial in determining the most suitable approach for you.
How Should I Know That I Am The Right Candidate For Robotic Surgery?
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1.Preparation: The patient is prepared for surgery, which may involve anesthesia and positioning on the operating table. The surgical team sterilizes the surgical site and sets up the robotic system.
2.Console Setup: The surgeon sits at the console and controls the robotic arms and instruments using hand controls and foot pedals. The console provides a high-definition, 3-dimensional view of the surgical site.
3.Incision: Small incisions, typically 8-12 millimeters in size, are made in the patient's body to access the surgical area. These incisions allow for the insertion of the robotic arms and instruments.
4.Robotic Assistance: The surgeon uses the robotic arms and instruments to perform the surgical procedure with precision and control. The robotic system enhances the surgeon's dexterity and provides magnified visualization of the surgical site.
5.Completion: Once the procedure is complete, the robotic arms and instruments are removed, and the incisions may be closed with sutures or surgical glue. The patient is then transferred to a recovery area for monitoring.
What Are The Risks Associated With Robotic Surgery?
Like any other surgery, robotic surgery, too, has some risk. These risks are infection, bleeding, tissue damage, pain after the surgery, clotting, and risk of revision surgery. However, most of these complications are minimized if the surgeon performing the robotic surgery is experienced and expert
Conclusion: Robotic surgery represents a significant advancement in the field of medicine, offering patients in Delhi access to cutting-edge treatments with unparalleled precision and outcomes. By embracing robotic-assisted procedures, surgeons can deliver superior care, while patients benefit from minimally invasive techniques and faster recovery times. As technology continues to evolve, the future of robotic surgery in Delhi holds promise for further advancements and improvements in patient care.
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phone studies 🎉 you know the tan line from either ruoye or the cursed shackle would be AWFUL
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phemiec · 11 months
i had a dream you released some devastating songs about the locked tomb. I was so sad to wake up and realize it hadn't happened. Have you ever considered it? Guardians sounds so much like a Harrow the Ninth song set on the Mithraeum (I know it's not)
I’ve actually written two tlt songs that I haven’t recorded yet because of health issues :( (I can’t sing for long enough to record because of a hiatal hernia). I’m working on my health rn and once I’m in a better place I have a studio lined up where i’m gonna go record about……15 or so unrecorded songs I’ve written over the last 3 years lol. Wish me luck 🤞
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hussyknee · 5 months
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That's 91.4F and real feel 105.8F to you godless USAmerican heathens.
I'm too fat for this. I'm going to die. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Edit: this is about Sri Lanka btw. Shit's unliveable even for a tropical island on the equator.
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eluvixns · 1 month
'influencers need to be--' shut down, thanks. that's all. 'influencers should have--' nothing, thanks. 'influencers need more money--' no they don't. healthcare services do. public services do. people working 80 hours a week to make what an influencer does in a day need it more
'that's so iconic--' nope, it's not, it's stupid and a bad take
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blackgirlssadi · 8 months
Hello everyone! I'm excited to start this blog and share my weight loss journey with you all.
I'm sure many of us can relate to the struggles of trying to lose weight, especially after having the SADI surgery.
What is SADI-S: SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is a newer variant of duodenal switch surgery, which for three decades has helped obese patients control their weight. The key benefit of SADI-S is that one intestinal bypass is made, rather than two, resulting in less time in surgery and reduced risk of intestinal leakage.
Let's look at the rollercoaster a little👇🏾👇🏾:
I remember feeling so hopeless before my surgery, like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of dieting and gaining weight back. But since having the surgery, l've noticed a significant change in my appetite and eating habits. It's amazing how much more mindful I am now about what l put into my body.
However, the journey isn't without its challenges. There are days when I feel like giving up, when the cravings are too strong, or when I don't see the results I want as quickly as I'd like. That's why I'm so grateful for this group and the support that comes with it. Knowing that I'm not alone in this journey and that there are others who understand what I'm going through is incredibly comforting.
So, l'd love to hear from you all! How has your weight loss journey been so far? What are some of the challenges you've faced, and how have you overcome them?
HW: 322
SW: 303 12/13/23
CW: 277.8 01/31/24
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corvidaedream · 7 months
had an appointment w my pcp and told her the plastic surgeon i had a consult w wants me to lose weight before he'll consider top surgery and she just sighed deeply.
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tiefighter · 1 year
hey for my rounder/biggerbodied/overweight babes who're gonna go get chest surgery, let me give u some advice (I got ftm masculisation surgery, but aside from the shit about binders and removal this is also applicable to bbw trans women/nb people who are getting breast implants, afaik.)
1: don't go completely flat, it'll look so unnatural you'll wanna like, stab urself in the neck. Pectoral muscles have a natural curve, and I know the urge to go like NAH SON TOO MUCH is real high, but once you're healed you'll be grateful for the more natural look to your chest. I'm not saying get like, moobification surgery, just stress to your surgeon that you'd like a natural look. If you have a good surgeon, they'll be able to do it anyway/are way ahead of you. for mtf, you'll want something manageable/not too big! I know the urge when you're a bigger person is to go bigger to fill out tops/dresses, but trust me too much weight up there will DESTROY your back, please be kind to your spines. 2: recovery binders. Get one with fuckin shoulders, or if you can't find one with shoulders, get someone you know (or yourself) to sew shoulders into the thing. A really uncomfortable fact of having a belly/fat shoulders/back is that it /will/ fold your binder and it fucking hurts, and most of the time you need someone else to help you adjust over those first couple of weeks. and when I say it hurts, i mean it /hurts/, it'll compress tighter on your incision site and press the scar and it hurts like all fuck. (transwomen! your bras are supposed to fit flush against your body, if the middle of the cups is sitting away from your body or your band is too tight you're not in your size! get professionally fitted, I promise it sounds like bullshit but it'll save you so much money/pain in the long run.)
3: If your surgeon gives you the willies, and you have another option, dump them immediately. I did just that, and we only have two options on my side of the country (Australia!) Turns out, the surgeon I ended up with is the one that does all the corrections on the other person, and i would've met him anyway to get my chest fixed. 4: breast tissue does go all the way under your armpit. If a surgeon tells you it doesn't, and you just need to lose weight to get rid of it, they're fucking lying and also shit at their job.
5: I know the urge is to hide yourself away during healing and then, towards the end when you're like IM FINE you wanna go out and do things but let me tell you something if you've never had surgery before. You are gonna want that recovery time. you essentially got into a knife fight and fuckin lost. You're gonna be EXHAUSTED. you'll need someone to check up on you, and if you live alone and don't have anyone, look into medical assistance/nurses in your area who can come and help you with your binder if it's causing trouble.
6: My darlings. My sweethearts. My absolute fuckin superstars. Don't go fucking swimming/to the beach/soak in a bath until your surgeon says it's okay. If you get too much moisture in there, your skin will literally rot and fall off. Don't do it. Just don't. Behave, please. I know it's like, it won't happen to me but I SHOWERED too much and now I have a frankennipple. Don't be me. Don't franken your nipple.
7: be kind to yourself. Yeah, you're not skinny. yeah, a lot of androgynous/male oriented fashion relies on you being a skinny bitch. Let me be the first to tell you: boobas make hormones. You are losing those hormones, and your body is adjusting. you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. I swear to whatever nondenominational deity you want me to, you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. Let your hormones readjust, let yourself feel the relief. Wear a fucking dress if you want, top surgery won't take that away from you. for the ladies, wear whatever the fuck you want, we don't give a fuck, just make sure your new tatas are properly supported! You don't want them to drop or warp wrong, make sure to wear something that helps you with support. boobs over a certain size will naturally have weight to them, and that's totally fine! It's just if you're stretching your scars too much you're gonna give yourself some damage, find a trans woman who has had surgery similar to you, or talk to anyone who has had breast enlargement surgery. 8: if you have to work/go to school/etc after your surgery, set yourself time limits if it's a thing you're able to do. I know a lot of employers are grade a cockdolphins, and they're not gonna listen, so go and bleed on them if you have to. Do it. I don't give a fuck and neither should you. Being alive is better than being dead.
9: use the healing excuse to tell people who are bad for you/not good about your surgery/being cunts to fuck the fuck off. hey no can't see you, I'm healing. I don't care about your fuckin church study or your desire to look at the shiny new replaced nipples, get fucked. Cut them off like they're the tits you abandoned. They're excised skin. Biohazardous waste.
10: you're gonna be bored as fuck, please get something to do. lego/reading/watching tv/gaming/whatever you can do within your physical and mental power, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking the time to do things like this, and enjoying yourself. you just lost a knife fight you paid for. Be nice.
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schalotte · 7 months
honestly my own boobs i could take or leave. lesbians would u still be into me if i got those suckers yanked off
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jasminextea · 2 months
100 Pounds Down: A Retrospective
TW: weight loss, surgery, specific numbers
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F/24/5'5" [273 > 173 = 100 lbs]
How I Did It:
I had bariatric surgery on 12/20/2024. I had a surgery called the SADI.
The Good
The majority of health issues I had as a result of my obesity have reversed. The insulin resistance I've had since I was a preteen - gone. Sleep apnea - gone. My triglycerides went from 280 to 131. My HDL (bad cholesterol) went from 151 (HIGH) to 56.
My ease of movement is so. Much. Easier. I can walk for miles without being phased. No pain in my calves/ankles/etc. I can walk up an inclined sidewalk without even noticing. I went for a run the other day. FOR FUN.
Clothes are of course much easier to find. I love to thrift, but before I almost never found anything worth buying in my size. Now I find stuff almost every time. I love fashion so I'm enjoying this a lot.
The Meh (Not So Bad, Not So Good)
I have a TON of clothes to get rid of. I find clothing selling very tedious and Plato's Closet won't take any of of my stuff
I get more male attention. This would be a plus, but I have a boyfriend, and I've never had to deal with it before, so I just feel awkward. Like I went to the club for my birthday and this man would NOT stop trying to grind on me!!!
The Bad
I have iron deficiency without anemia. It really sucks. However I did have this before I got surgery. It's just harder to correct since my surgery makes it harder to absorb iron. I'm getting an iron infusion next Wednesday tho!!!
My LDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) is a little low.
Loose skin. It drives me crazy. Makes exercising especially hard.
I no longer absorb enough birth control for it to stop my periods, and instead I get a period like every 2 weeks. This is hard because I have heavy periods which make my iron deficiency worse. I also have PMDD and BC basically stopped it. So now I have to seek out an alternative and it's annoying/scary.
In general, it makes medications harder to deal with because I don't absorb them completely, but there isn't a ton of research into exactly how this works. As someone was disabled before finding the right medication, this is very scary. I feel like this risk was not adequately communicated to me pre-surgery.
The Ugly
I've gotten a little too obsessed with my body lately. I've been weighing myself a LOT, body checking constantly, feeling super insecure... my body occupies my thoughts the majority of the time.
I don't regret getting bariatric surgery, but I do have a lot of work to do still before I can consider myself healthy, both physically and mentally.
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rayayraphael · 3 days
Chat is it normal to diagnose someone with hemorrhoids and then declare the best way to treat them would be to bisect the person's vital organs?
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princehatterene · 25 days
so basically i gotta get back to the gym
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advisorsage · 1 month
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deeisace · 1 month
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cannibalgh0st · 1 month
So I've been going twice a week for the past month, so everything has been consistent with my treatment.
But yesterday one of the assistants suggested to me breast reduction because it's covered with my insurance. This was suggested to me about my last two visits. Since my issues are in my shoulder, and unfortunately, my breasts do add weight and tensions to my rotator cuff and trigger my tendonosis.
I said both times I'm OKAY. Not because I don't want my breasts smaller. I'm cool with that. But it's because I've been CUT open with a major surgery that pretty much took me about more than a decade to recover from.
I would rather just lose weight and tone...
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