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ludophonie-zero · 3 months ago
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Suzuki GSXR 1100 - 1990
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gingernutsenthusiast · 1 year ago
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right person, wrong time (variations on heartbreak)
@leemartenspoetry on tumblr
vita sackville-west & fegan’s 1924 café in dublin
everything everywhere all at once (2022)
@heavensghost on tumblr
i had to get out by indigo de souza
‘calling a wolf a wolf' by kaveh akbar
river by joni mitchell
‘english song’ in a little larger than the entire universe: selected poems by fernando pessoa
slumber by ron hicks
fish in exile by vi khi nao
penitent magdalene by antonio ciseri
@ojibwa on tumblr
this is what the drugs are for by gracie abrams & the awakening by angelo morbelli
as good as it gets by fizz
lonely this christmas by mud & picture of the christmas tree at trinity college dublin, taken by me in december of 2022
this is what the drugs are for by gracie abrams & picture by andrew collins via globalnews.ca
@inanotherunivrs on tumblr & a polaroid of me taken by my ex-boyfriend
‘in a dream you saw a way to survive’ by clementine von radics & a picture of my ex-boyfriend's window, taken by me
bluets by maggie nelson & the poolbeg generating station, dublin
‘unrequited’ by sasha m george & inheritance by matthew w. cornell
@ faraway on instagram & lavender sprigs farm cut by linda jacobus
the museum of heartbreak by meg leder
‘seaside improvisation’ by richard siken
@ dracarysgang on twitter
@fromdarzaitoleeza on tumblr
explosions by ellie goulding
‘i had a dream about you’ by richard siken
the beatrice letters by lemony snicket
la la land (2016)
‘catalog of unabashed gratitude’ by ross gay
@stuckinapril on tumblr
@deathlywounded on tumblr
some are always hungry by jihyun yun
‘speaking practice’ by franny choi
 a self-portrait in letters by anna sexton & a picture of my ex-boyfriend in a lake in Orfű, Hungary
@sunsbleeding on tumblr
‘there is no absolution for the fallen, only the dying’ by p.d
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stararch4ngelqueen · 1 year ago
Friday Night Entertainment (+18)
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Time written- 11:05 p.m
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Jason Todd/fem!reader smut
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“C’mon pretty girl, jus’ like that.”
His rich, gravely voice always provided the proper encouragement, surging with pure arousal as his broad hands settled along your hips. His gaze remained ever so mesmerized with your beautiful, bouncing body, the loud contact of your thighs against his, amplified by your glistening juices after properly fucking orgasm after orgasm out of you.
You were a sight to the man slumped back against the cushions of his couch. Sweat dampened curls merely obscuring his vision of your lust dappled skin, love bites crowding your flush skin like an exotic choker.
Crescent moons along your hips from his hands alone, not to get him started with various hand prints. The view of those gorgeous, bouncing tits made it harder for Jason to resist, suckling a breast into his mouth as your lingering strength wavered, resorting you to merely rocking against his lap.
You were tired, well fucked out since the second he pulled you on top of the couch. The man couldn’t have bothered less to get his own pants off, merely unbuckling himself with a quick hand before smacking the tip of his fat, heavy cock against your quivering cunt.
At the start, the living room was filled with a chorus of loud moans, followed by a seemingly endless Clink! Clink! Clink! of his belt buckle with every thrust into your perfect pussy.
Now, your chest flattened against his, your lungs gasping for warm air as Jason’s hand reached down your body, guiding his stiff, soaked cock from your hole to rub against your folds. The groove of his tip nearly teasing your throbbing clit with each intentional rock of his hips.
“I know, baby. Oh, I know,” he cooes against your quivering lips before kissing them, noses brushing against one another while spending a second taking your bottom lip in between his teeth.
Your muscles ached for rest, trembling with nearly every few seconds after finishing three times, to Jason’s delight. How he was able to hold out so long was incredible, watching you writhe through thick lashes as you completely soak through the fabric of his boxers and jeans, but he knew he wasn’t going to last forever.
On a good night, he would’ve last just a bit longer, but now, he was tempted enough to almost go easy on you.
“Just one more,” Jason mutters, making the effort to maintain your gaze with a slight head tilt. “Come on, repeat after me. Just one more.”
You failed on the spot with a quivering cry, hips nearly jolting at his unsuspecting fingers pressed against your abused nub, purposely rolling the pearl along the calloused pad of his thumb before casually raising it to his lips, brushing off your sweet essence along his tongue.
“I’m waiting.” He states. What a bastard.
“Just one more!” You immediately whine out, your overstimulated embers growing a new, small hungry frame only he could appease and satisfy.
“Fuck, Jason. Just- just one more… please.”
Oh, you just had to throw in a please.
“That’s my girl,” Jason smirks, shifting his thighs slightly before reinforcing his hold on your hips, the sounds of wet skin resounding against each other growing considerably loud in seconds, fucking into you with a newfound, vigorous staccato.
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crxwes · 1 year ago
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One-sided love 🍓
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grimfantas · 1 year ago
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EMERGENCY COMMS being opened, our rent got increased by 400-500 and we can't afford it at all ahehahehaheha i need help guys.
there's unlimited slots, but i accept p*yp*l / c*sh*app only
reblogs or anything are appreciated too T_T auuu.. auuu
here's my ko-fi if you're interested
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ladylemoon-art · 2 months ago
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Sketches of lasted weeks
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peachie5000 · 28 days ago
i think Miguel o'hara would look good in your style!!
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he and him
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mousesqueaks · 3 months ago
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that last supper, acrylic on digital
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weird lump i had to paint for some reason
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wildharesandboundteeth · 7 months ago
Me: ...and in exchange for this feast, please help them find a lover- augh no-- I mean- help them find a loving family-
Hermes, immediately when I pick up the deck: *makes the lovers card fall out*
Me: >:(
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sharpsuite · 3 months ago
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" Well this is . . . " Chishiya just blinks at the option choices because he would, in fact, do AND HAS DONE these things.
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zroqravity · 8 months ago
I finally have time to put my thoughts on the latest patreon update into words so here it goes:
The hoodie situation is yet another display of how badly jrwi is managed, announcing and promising the demons hoodie without even checking the price of manufacturing is so insanely irresponsible its actually absurd. It's a mistake similar to one's they are known to have made before, like announcing the release date of wonderlust before the video is finished rendering, it's bad management to promise something before all the prep for it is done. Plain and simple. And the jrwi boys and team should know it by now. I understand the excitement that comes with releasing something and wanting to announce it, but it is your responsibility to make sure you only officially announce it after you know it will 100% be possible and have already made all the necessary preparations.
I do like that they offer a refund to all of those who signed up specifically for the hoodie, it's an offer I personally took, and I'm really happy they at least made this step to try to make things right. One criticism I have, although it's not really in their control, is that you have to reach out and message them through patreon DMs for the refund. I know it seems dumb and trivial but as someone with intense anxiety, I know it can take me a long time to be able to word and gather up the bravery to send a message, and I know how the anxiety can affect me even hours after sending it, so I would have highly appreciated it if they gave us a message we could copy and paste instead of having to write our own one, it could have also made it easier for them as they could search for that specific message to easily find everyone that wants the refund.
If any of you are like me, here is the message I ended up landing on. Feel free to copy and paste it:
" Hi! I just watched the merch update video, and due to the changes, I'd like to take you up on that refund offer. Thank you in advance :D "
It personally feels very weird to me to announce the situation with the hoodie in the same video where they announce the dice restock and new merch ideas. By doing that you are burying that information between 2 exciting announcements that people are definitely going to talk about, which I guess is a good business decision, burning your major fuckup to distract from it but it just feels shitty and manipulative to me. I believe it should have gotten its own dedicated video that shouldn't have been released on the same day as this one.
I would have also liked bizly to mention the situation with the dices font when discussing the dice restock, is it going to be the same as before ( with the 2s seemingly upside-down) or are they correcting it? I know they claimed it is a purposeful font decision, but whether it is or not, people still found it to be confusing, so is it something they are going to change with the restock or not?
For some final words:
Something in the management of jrwi needs to change asap. You are not a few friends making silly DND videos anymore, you are an incredibly successful business, and you need to start acting like one. Perhaps hire a professional, or take classes on business management, or just do the bare minimum by not announcing things before you have done all the prep. Just do better. Please. Do better.
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ludophonie-zero · 2 months ago
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Suzuki GSXR 1100 1989
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seasononesam · 4 months ago
seeing people arguing about what main supernatural actor man is hottest is making me feel crazy... julie mcniven outsold
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manicpixiedreamkitty · 3 months ago
I picked for yew.
It doesn't seem like yew.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months ago
[takes massive rip off of bong] you could technically say revelation's entire plot happens because all of corrin's father(figures) Fucked a little too much
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leemarkies · 1 year ago
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my top 10 kpop songs of 2023 (boy ver.)
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