essayofthoughts · 3 years
For your daemon au, what’s everyone’s final animal forms and names if you don’t mind sharing?
I don't mind sharing, I just don't have much to share. The idea for that AU came when driving and I saw some roadkill and prompted only one thought in my head:
One for sorrow, two for joy.
So Percy's daemon is a magpie, named Adelheid after an aunt he liked (at least the version of Percy I write had an aunt called Adelheid and it'll turn up in multiple fics). Magpies felt fitting for Percy on multiple levels - firstly as corvids they're very intelligent. Corvids as a group can variously: make tools, recognise their reflections, remember faces, have specific calls for a variety of things and play games. I know a lot of people give Percy a wolf but 1. I saw a roadkill magpie not a wolf (no wolves left wild in Britain, sadly) and 2. Later I came up with the Wolf Siblings AU so I am not adding in more wolves.
Also wolves are much more prone to actual play while corvids are a bit more towards the pranking/competitive end of things, at least as I understand it. And Percy is absolutely competitive (sodium bomb to win the bath splash competition anyone?) and prank-capable (acid and water on Grog's hands) but he's generally restrained and not so much there for play.
Additionally, magpies are corvids with a splash of white on the wing - Percy may be goth, but his whole arc is turning away from the consuming darkness and towards the light. Additionally additionally, our boy has a whole load of corvid imagery in canon - Orthax, being called a crow by Vax, the crow skull Keyleth gives him. I wanted him to have a reflection of that.
And then there's the rhyme. One for sorrow, two for joy. I debated giving Cassandra the other magpie but I think she's more likely to have something like a piebald cat in this AU; thus the second magpie - for joy - goes to Vex.
(Vex is clever, mostly self-aware, also struggles with things she’s done but chooses to move towards the light. She likes play and games more than Percy but she’s competitive in a way too: she likes recognition for her achievements, she likes it acknowledged when she is clever, and not unlike some corvids, she’s pretty good at directing large predators - which you could argue Grog is, at least in the sense of big, capable of causing damage and being aggressive.)
Vax has a squirrel daemon I think I decided, and I think I was leaning towards a baboon for Grog, but aside from that I've not really thought very hard about most of this. As you might have noticed from the Daemon AU being down under "Ideas?" in the WIPs list, I have some ideas, a concept, maybe a snippet written, but nothing substantial and not much planned. I need to clear out the upper regions of my list before I can get to the lower parts.
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sparxwrites · 3 years
I'm not ashamed to admit I read through your entire percy tag after I read most of your works on ao3 and am not deeply in love with you as a writer
(gonna assuume the "not" is a typo'd "now", on the basis this is a mildly unhinged ask to send to someone otherwise :p)
thank you tho!! glad to know my backlog of "bad and/or very good things happen to critical role's designated anime protagonist" is still bringing people joy :D
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filibusterfrog · 2 years
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no mercy percy for @weeb-verine
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pastafossa · 3 years
Flufftober 2021, Day 22 - Flirting at Work
You can track my progress here on my Flufftober list, and you can find the official flufftober tumblr here!
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader       Rating: SFW       Wordcount: 451 Warnings: you two being all touchy and flirty and affectionate
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“I know you can’t read braille, but if you run your fingers over this line right here,” he murmured into your ear, using his warm hand to gently glide your fingers across the array of tiny bumps, “this section of your contract is very clear about involving third parties.”
You sighed as if in disappointment, tilting your head ever so slightly until your cheek brushed his. He had his head over your shoulder, the heat of him radiant against your back like the roar of a bonfire, so you didn’t have all that far to go for you to touch him. “That’s unfortunate. Nothing you can do on that clause? You are my lawyer, and you’re… quite charming. I was hoping you could talk your way around it.”
“Mm, I’m afraid you’re backed into a corner on this one,” he breathed, leaning in until his chest was pressed to your back, all hard muscle and burning warmth, faintly scented like cinnamon and copper. He only got closer when you reached back to hook his tie, slowly pulling him in closer until he’d slotted up against your back fully, doing the best he could with the chair’s back  between you. His voice warmed to a purr. “At present, there are no exceptions contractually, even for someone as beautiful-sounding as you.”
“You guys realize I’m still here, right?” Foggy said loudly, rolling his eyes and tapping your contract, which was also in front of him. “Cause I am. Been here the whole time. For an hour. We solved your contractual issue forty minutes ago, in fact, before you two started dragging this review out, line-by-line, like some kind of weird legal foreplay.”
“It doesn’t hurt to be thorough, and we have at least thirty minutes left.” Matt’s voice was nothing but innocence, his brows arching in almost comical disbelief that did nothing to distract from his widening grin. “We wouldn’t want a clause to slip past us, and certainly not for our best client. We have a reputation to maintain, Foggy.”
“And after all,” you told Foggy solemnly, tugging on Matt’s tie again until he leaned down to nuzzle against your neck with an eager hum, “Mr. Murdock told me that Nelson and Murdock takes every case… very personally.”
“So personally that one of them marries a client and then they become my nightmare,” Foggy scoffed, rolling his eyes again when Matt dragged his cheek across your neck, blatantly scent-marking you without making any effort to pretend otherwise. 
“I think he’s insinuating something, Mr. Murdock,” you told Matt with a theatrical frown.
He chuckled against your skin, winding one arm around your waist and rocking you a little. “I assure you, Mrs. Murdock, he would never. We’re fine, upstanding citizens here.” 
“I’m about to up-stand and leave this room,” Foggy groaned. “Newlyweds. God.”
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​ @elizabeth-or-lily​ @untraveled-road​ @lavenderluna10​ @shoppingcartlover69 @stardust-galaxies​
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sparxwrites · 2 years
I saw your daemon au while scrolling and any reason Grog's a mongoose over a rattel (honey badger) or was there no reasoning behind it? (Also, if you ever write more.... i will consume it at light speed)
uhhh. i mean "why did you choose a mongoose over an x" is kind of a difficult one, because yeah, there are a number of options you could choose for any character's daemon! i cannot (and am not interested in trying to) justify my choice over any of the other choices other people have made / would have preferred i make.
i chose mongoose because i was thinking his daemon settled when he was found by wilhand/pike. the context of that was him being young, and having been beaten nearly to death by his tribe who threw him out. him surviving was a "triumph against impossible odds" sort of scenario and, despite grog being big and scary and powerful, when he faces down his tribe again he's still very much the underdog.
and with that view of grog - the view of him not as the biggest, baddest thing around, but the view of him the way he saw himself in the context of his adolescence - imho, the mongoose works well. it's not a "oo i'm big and scary" creature, it's not an aggressive fighty creature, it's not cool or violent or intimidating. it's this small, mousy creature who, despite being small and distinctly less intimidating than the animal it goes up against, perseveres, and wins nonetheless. which i think, regardless of what grog is like when we meet him in canon, is more indicative of where he would have been mentally when his daemon settled.
(re: more fic... i'm not really in the critical role fandom any more, unfortunately! minecraft roleplay's grabbed me by the balls and has them in a vise grip. i'm always happy to answer asks about my cr fic or hcs, but in terms of me making more fic, or me having stuff to say about cr... that's not really a thing any more, i'm afraid!)
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essayofthoughts · 3 years
You’ve opened the floodgates. In evilest au I’d assume the meeting on the pinned post is the one right before the VM meet him? And, judging by the snippet and title Percy is probably crueler? I am,,,, so into no mercy Percy and that’s what this fox sounds like
Yes and yes, on both counts. Percy's pretty fucked up in canon; I am very mean and had a thought to make a few things worse.
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essayofthoughts · 3 years
Oh man I was hoping for some sneak peaks at evilest au and you GAVE ME ONE??? AAA???? I’m down to clown let’s GO rip my HEART OUT
Okay, let me be clear here:
The WIPs list is there so that people can ask about whatever WIPs of mine catch their attention, be that when I've got an ask game going (as now) or not! I may not always give full answers - for example, the specific twists of Evilest and Delia AU are ones I'm keeping to myself for now - but I'm more than happy to talk about them all!
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essayofthoughts · 3 years
For the WIP game are 33 and 40 cool? Also,,, I viciously refresh the ghost cass thing on ao3 every Monday until it loads the new ch,,, big fan
Aw, I'm glad you like Ghost Cass so! I will admit my upload time on that is highly variable, even if it is consistently on a Monday - it might be easier on you to wait 'til later in the day, or even Tuesday to be sure it's uploaded!
33- Write a 1 paragraph wip and post it
I'm choosing to take this as "write one paragraph for a WIP" not "create a whole new WIP" because I have called a moratorium on further WIPs. New AU ideas, at this point, I offload onto friends because I have Too Many.
So, a snippet, in this case for Evilest AU, and because I'm bending the rules a bit I'll give you more than just one paragraph:
He still remembers his scars aching as he’d faced down the Briarwoods, as he’d shot the hand off the carriageboy, and he can’t bring himself to regret it even as he knows he should. After all that he has lost - after all that has been taken from him - he rather thinks he’s given up the capacity to care much about others’ losses if they’re in his way.
He has but one purpose left after all. One duty left to fulfil.
“I need you to trust me,” he says, “And I know it will not be easy and I know you will not want to. But please trust me when I say I would not be doing this without good reason. There are things - there are things I cannot talk about, that to talk about-” He can feel the raw words in his chest: it was done to me, it is not for you to know. “There are things that are mine to bear. I will not inflict them on you-”
“But you’ll shoot a boy’s hand off?” Vax’s voice is accusatory and he makes himself meet the rogue’s gaze.
“I have met those in the Briarwoods’ employ before,” he reminds him. “It has never, not once, been good. I would rather strike first than be struck against after what I have seen.” After what has been done.
No I will not tell you the twist to Evilest AU. But sufficeth to say, Percy has been through rather more than he went through in canon.
40- What should you be writing right now that you’re excited about?
Okay, properly I should be writing Ch29 of Ghost Cass right now, which I've elected to do from the perspectives of Pike, Scanlan and Vax but while I don't find Pike impossible (I've written ahead for her POV once already, and the latest uploaded chapter was a Vax POV), I will admit that Scanlan is a POV I struggle with. Mostly because I struggle with Scanlan as a character; I will admit I do not much like him. I think he's a well put together character, he just makes me very uncomfortable, and his unwillingness to own up to his own part in things - keeping secrets - in Bard's Lament, and his insistence on pushing it all onto the others really annoyed me. As you might have guessed from my liking Percy, I like characters that are at least willing to claim responsibility for their own fuckups!
So I'm not exactly excited for that chapter, because it's struggling with me and that means I resent it. Instead I am very excited about what I'm planning to post when I get Arc1 of Ghost Cass done which will be the first four chapters of the Delia AU from my WIPs list. The second chapter is what I will be working on (the first is already largely done) and it is a Cass POV, and I am trying to figure out the tone I want for it presently.
Man I am excited for that AU. Several of you are going to yell at me when we get to the twist. My friends who are in the know already have yelled at me for it.
Pick a Number. Send an Ask.
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
36 for that touch prompt? I think it's Neat
36: lifting the other one up
There's a security to being at range in a fight. Percy likes it. After being in the utter midst of-
Well. Of what he doesn't like to remember, after-
There's a lot of things he prefers to think around. Sufficeth to say, after the amount of violence he's seen close up, he rather likes the distance afforded to him and Vex'ahlia as ranged attackers. Even Tiberius sometimes wades into the melee - and can afford to, given his scales, even aside from the necessity caused by certain spell limitations - but while Vex will sometimes send Trinket in to assist her brother or back up Grog or protect Scanlan, the two of them usually get some distance.
It's lovely, not having to worry half so much about getting hit. Certainly, some of those they fight have longbows and shortbows and crossbows and slings and spells and all that lark, but the benefit of distance means they usually see if someone's lining up a strike on them and, similarly, so do their colleagues in the midst of the melee, usually much closer and able to keep the potential trouble off-balance.
Which is all to say that Percy doesn't entirely know what to do when Vex is suddenly knocked down by what seems to be a Fireball-enchanted arrow in the middle of a fight.
What's worse is that she doesn't get up.
There's a part of him already spinning towards panic. There's a part of him that knows that if Vex is dead, Vax is going to murder him, and another part of him that knows he's seen too many dead bodies of people he cares about; he can't cope with more. He doesn't even have any healing potions - he's rarely needed them, at a distance like this.
He clamps down on his panic. Panic won't do any good. A quick glance over the rest of the group shows things are probably fine, Scanlan's doing... well Percy doesn't think he wants to know what the bard is doing to the man with the longbow, but if that's the man who just took down Vex all he can really think is that it's probably well-deserved.
The others are fine. He can leave them be for a moment.
Vex is still down, but when he peels off his gloves and presses his fingertips to her neck he feels her pulse, steadier than expected. Winded, he supposes, but there's splinter-burns all up her cheeks and neck, her armour's damaged, he thinks he can see blood on her tunic.
He doesn't have any healing potions - but Vex is usually the one to buy for the group and she's frugal as anything so if anyone has any-
There is a pouch at her belt, right by the one she keeps her bowstring and fletching gear in, and it clinks not with coin but with glass. Carefully he hauls Vex into his arms, lifting her torso and chest - he knows too well what it's like to try to drink anything when lying flat on one's back - and pours the potion down her throat.
Her pulse steadies further, visible and strong at her neck. The burns seal up, the blood - well it doesn't go away, but it also hasn't spread and he'll take that win. Vex groans.
"Fireball arrow," he says, suddenly very aware of how he's holding her cradled to his chest, far closer than they've ever been before and far closer than he ever really likes to be to anyone.
"Potions taste like shit," she manages around a cough and he can't help his smile even as he gently disentangles himself.
"Most medicine tends to," he says. Vex props herself up on her elbows as he pulls himself upright and he extends a hand. Her fingers are reassuringly strong as they wrap around his and he lifts her up.
The noise of battle is quieted but the others have to have seen what happened, because Vax is already heading towards them, Pike and Keyleth close behind him. The women's fingers are already glowing with magic: Vex will be in good hands.
He lets himself be bundled aside as Vax rushes over, the man already shedding his cloak to wrap it around his sister's shoulders. Vex, he knows, is safe as houses in Vax's hands, even if the wry smile on her face suggests she doesn't care for being babied.
He sympathises, but quite honestly, he's mostly glad she's well.
1. Pick a prompt. 2. Send me the number. 3. I'll write a Perc'ahlia snippet.
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essayofthoughts · 3 years
The end of the chapter with Percy’s absolute crestfallen moment of horror while his sister laughs? ✨perfect✨ I have been both people in that scenario (and also scanlan) and it hits so well
In Ghost Cass Percy had genuinely been zoned out during the pre-Brawler's League fight discussion and had no idea. Vex notices that Percy doesn't seem to be paying attention, but that's legit, he was spaced out talking to Cass in his head and didn't realise what Scanlan had done even on hearing the name because not everyone gets acronym jokes! (I know for a fact that unless it's written down or I'm expecting it, I struggle with it.)
Meanwhile Cass is young and of course entertained both by the joke and with Percy's reaction and Scanlan...
Scanlan is Scanlan. What else is there to say?
I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun figuring out how that whole scene would go and I did not expect to have as much fun with Scanlan then as I did? So I'm very glad it's gone down so well with people!
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pastafossa · 3 years
Flufftober 2021, Day 12 - Sleepy Kiss
You can track my progress here on my Flufftober list, and you can find the official flufftober tumblr here!
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader Rating: SFW Wordcount: 452 Warnings: None, just some sleepy affection!
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You only just woke when Matt finally climbed into bed. 
The sheets rustled as he pulled the covers back, the bed creaking as he crawled up behind you before he pulled the blankets back up with a sigh. Like always, his next step was to slide his cheek against your shoulder and your neck, and you instinctively tipped your head back to facilitate this part of his ritual. He went through the process, rough stubble rasping along the bare skin of your shoulder and then up to your throat where he lingered for a moment. This time, though, there was a notable absence of all the little happy noises he usually made. That done, he flopped gracelessly down behind you with a tired groan, throwing his arm over you to drag you in and curl up around you, legs tucked up behind yours. 
You yawned and rolled over to face him, wrapping yourself around him and tangling your legs with his, twitching a little when the fuzziness of his legs tickled your skin. You let your eyes stay closed as you blearily kissed his bare chest. “How late is it?”
He yawned too, rucking his hand up under your shirt to lay flat against your spine before he nuzzled at your hair. “Four-thirty, I think.”
“Out late tonight.” You tipped your head up, fumbled a kiss onto his chin. “Busy?”
“Too many people committing robberies this week,” he mumbled, his forehead pressing to yours. His eyes were already closed when you slid up and kissed the corner of his mouth, the faint scent of mint and bloody copper more than familiar by now. “And then we have the new tenancy case, first on the docket tomorrow at court. Have to be up by six-thirty.”
God, you’d forgotten about that. Some weeks, some months were relatively quiet. Others, like this one, were so busy Matt ran himself ragged trying to help everyone he could. You’d have to talk to Foggy and Karen about it. It was a three-person job trying to make sure Matt took care of himself on weeks like this.
You kissed the dark circles under his eyes, affection he sleepily leaned into as you made your way down to his lips. But it wasn’t until you stroked your fingers gently through his hair that he gave the softest little moan, melting under your mouth and your hands. You swallowed the sound, letting your nails scrape lightly against his scalp as his breathing slowed, his face going slack and peaceful under the warmth of your kiss and the drag of your fingers. 
“Sleep, Matt.”
He dropped off before you’d finished speaking, wound around you, warm and safe as he ever was.
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​
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pastafossa · 3 years
Matt Murdock head scratchies ficlet
Mostly because the thought wouldn’t leave me since leaving a reference to it in TRT’s new chapter and I need to get the idea to leave me alooooone since it’s interfering with my other writing. So have some bonus fluff for flufftober!
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader Rating: SFW Wordcount: 389 Warnings: none, just you turning Matt into a puddle. Matt Murdock, seen here negotiating how he can get more head scratchies in his life.
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Quote from The Red Thread, Chapter 68:
“Oh, of course.” You feigned realization, shooting your brows up and letting your voice take on a lilting tone. “And this is definitely all for my well-being, and has nothing to do with you being a cuddle-fiend, or loving it when I scratch my fingers through your hair while you fall asleep.”
He shook his head as if in disappointment, but he couldn’t quite force down all of his laughter. He knew he had you. “My hypothetical love of head scratches is irrelevant to this case.”
“Your eyes roll back and you start purring like a big cat,” you whispered to him. “I’m surprised the neighbors don’t hear you. They’re going to start wondering if you’re hiding a panther in your apartment, Matt.”
“Are you keeping your eyes closed so I can't see them?”
“No,” Matt mumbled, and he definitely had not snapped his eyes shut so you wouldn’t see them roll back the second your fingers slid through his hair, nails scraping gently across his scalp in a way that made him shiver. Each slow scratch sent little pulses of pleasure down his spine, his whole body tingling. 
“Matt, show me your eyes.”
“No-oo,” he slurred stubbornly, denying it even as another slow scratch maybe made his back arch up a little, his head lolling into your hand. “They—mm—don’t work, no need t-to open them.”
He kept it up as you snorted and threw a leg over him, climbing up to sit astride his chest. Probably waiting to see if he’d open his eyes.
Your other hand found his hair, ten lines of bliss scratching across his scalp. He made a strangled hiccuping noise, biting his lip so hard he almost bled, his toes curling against the sheets. 
“Are you also trying not to purr right now? Because that’s adorable. Let the purr out, Matt.”
He clumsily shook his head, refusing to answer, his chest trembling beneath you as he held the sound in. He could do this. He could—
“You’re acting like I don’t know where your head-scratch buttons are, Matt.” You slid your fingers lower, lifting his head the slightest bit to scratch gently across the skin just above his neck where tension often lurked, and his control cracked. 
His mouth fell open, a loud purr finally tearing free as he melted beneath you, pliant and slack. Oh, God, never stop. Every last ounce of tension and stress fled, his brain short-circuiting and emptying rapidly of all thought. You chuckled, leaning down to kiss the corner of his mouth as sleep hovered warm and fuzzy at the edges of his mind. He tried to slur a defense, but all that came out was another purr, his breath hitching when you nuzzled at his neck, his heart rate slowing.
Good, warm, safe, soft, loved. 
“One day,” you whispered as he started to doze, the sounds around him softening and melding together, “I’m going to give you a head massage, even if it means I have to mop you up off the floor afterwards.”
“L-love you, nnn.”
“I love you too, and I’ll take that as a, ‘yes.’”
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​
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pastafossa · 3 years
Flufftober 2021, Day 3 - Lazy Sunday
You can track my progress here on my Flufftober list, and you can find the official flufftober tumblr here! Now let’s have a lovely little lazy morning!
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader Rating: SFW Wordcount: 548 Warnings: None, unless you count sleepy Matt as a warning, which I do, because I’d never leave the bed if sleepy Matt was there.
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On Sundays, you were often the one who woke up first.
Matt would have been the first up if you’d asked, and he often was during the week, but on Sundays, you liked to let him get a little extra sleep before the week started. Your plan usually involved rolling out of bed and making breakfast so he was able to wake up slowly to the scent of whatever you'd decided to whip up. That, however, could only happen if you managed to escape the winding clutches of your beloved cuddle octopus, like you were trying to do now. But even in sleep, he was reluctant to part with you.
You wormed your way closer to the edge of the bed, trying to gently untangle yourself from the arm around your waist and the legs shoved between and around yours. There was a soft little noise of protest from behind you before you were slowly, inevitably dragged back in. Matt breathed a warm, contented sigh against the back of your neck once you were back in place. It was as if you trying to slide away was an accident, one he had now remedied. All was right in the world, once more.
“Matt, don’t you want me to make breakfast?” You huffed a laugh, trying again to claw for the edge of the bed. You even managed to roll yourself over onto your stomach as you squirmed over. Matt, however, seemed to take that as an invitation. This time, instead of dragging you back, he simply slid up over the top of your back, happily draping his broad bulk half on top of you like a large dog unaware of its size. The combined weight of you both sank you down into the mattress and you let out a grunt as you went down, now firmly pinned. He dropped his face against the back of your neck with a sleepy rumble, his breathing still slow.
“Stay with me,” he mumbled before yawning, adjusting one of his thick, fuzzy legs to slot between yours, getting as much skin-to-skin contact as he could.
“I’m just going to be in the kitchen.” You reached back up over your shoulder to run your fingers through his hair. His low purr resonated against your back as he tipped his head into your hand, blearily kissing your wrist before dropping his head back down to your neck. “Figured you’d want to eat when you got up.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Not particularly.”
“Then stay.” He dragged his cheek drowsily against the nape of your neck, stubble rasping along your skin. “Just for a little while longer. It’s Sunday. We don’t have anywhere to be.”
“Says the Catholic.”
“Day of rest.” He nuzzled closer, adjusting before turning his head and laying it down on your shoulder, his breathing slowing again. “Very Catholic. Rest with me.”
Well… what could it hurt?
You let your head drop back onto your pillow as he pulled the blankets farther up over the two of you. Then his hand found yours so he could lace your fingers together.
“Thank you,” he whispered before he drifted off. You followed not long after, lulled into sleep by the rhythm of his breathing against your back and the slow, steady beat of his heart.
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​
@belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​
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filibusterfrog · 4 years
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tief for @weeb-verine
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pastafossa · 2 years
The Red Thread: Chapter 105
With how busy I was last week with driving up to visit the new house, I also forgot to post about that chapter, so if you’re looking for Chapter 104 from last week, you can find that here! As for this week’s chapter (also just one this time) where we finally tell Karen and Foggy about Los Angeles, here we go!
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
It would still hurt, opening up about this again so soon. Even if you hadn’t already done this, revisiting these painful memories was never pleasant. But at least this time… Matt could hold you through it.
“Fuck it.” You rubbed at your eyes, settling in. “Let’s do this. Let’s talk about Los Angeles. And then… we’ll see what happens.”
Wordcount:  4,978
Warnings for this chapter: discussions of human experimentation, trauma, treatment of mutants/enhanced by society. We touch on some heavy stuff here so take care my loves.
Read me on AO3 cause my author’s a wordy bitch
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Tag list for The Church Of Saint Murdock (which I keep forgetting to update with all the new people! So sorry, gonna try to get to that this week, I swear!) below the cut!
To be added to the taglist, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​ @elizabeth-or-lily​ @untraveled-road​ @lavenderluna10​ @shoppingcartlover69 @v-b-b​ @marvels-mistress @milkteahour​ @night0spark​ @saphfamdom @sillydowneyboat​ @tongueofcat​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @caswinchester2000​ @weaselsbleach​ @wickedhours @ghost-panic @worldssidechick @sad-sapphic @lassini @goldustwomun @dilfs-own-mylife @catholicdaredevil @karltoshaw @deadinside505 @hagdailyprophet @riddikulus394 @blogbykate @deepknightclod @kelly-n-russell @steadygoopangelhairdo @peter-parkers-gf @conrzd @tagehaya @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @bookfrog242 @torresbarnes @slightlypossessed @strcwberri @lorosette @sambucky8 @stuffikindalike @peter-maximoff-enthusiast @cryinnlightninn @catholicdaredevil @fayereed15 @hunnybunimdun @the-rambling-nerd @serendipityrogers @mgriff @hldnford @littlesongbird18 @mlqcool @aaetherr69 @myrrh-dock @killersandmonkeys @falcvns @firehart9 @glowstick-lesbian @myguiltypleasures21 @mandoowhorian @mintchipstyles @perseephony @garrusvkarian @c4psicle @shitpost-kaley @angeliteskies @blushingpink @knightofthieves @odette-moon @what-the-hell @mollyw03 @milf-lover01 @cal-ifornication @straykid1507 @meromelo @alpineandwhiskey @letmeinplease
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pastafossa · 3 years
The Red Thread: Chapter 100 ☀️
There is STILL angst at the beginning, but it morphs into cathartic angst and comfort. So while tissues are still needed, this isn’t the same sort of sadness we’ve had for the past few chapters.
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
“And I still love you,” he breathed, rolling with your frantic motions, his hold still gentle, somehow not fighting you so much as just letting your doubt, your rage, your fear wash over and past him like a stone in the path of a river. “You heard me down there, I know you did. And you’re afraid it’s not true, but it is. It is, sweetheart. I’m right here with you, and I love you.”
“You’re a fucking liar!” you snarled, your voice cracking like a whip despite the tears rolling down your face. Everything in you wanted to lean into him and yet you couldn’t, instead lashing out at this fire that burned your cold skin into waking, and at a light that hurt after so many years lost in darkness. “I hate you, you hear me? I hate you.”
“Lie,” he murmured.
Wordcount: 3,329
Warnings for this chapter: guilt, angst, self-loathing, but Matt is here to fight through it to reach you.
Read me on AO3 cause my author’s a wordy bitch
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Tagging 🔥The Church Of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist below the cut!
To be added to the taglist, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​ @elizabeth-or-lily​ @untraveled-road​ @lavenderluna10​ @shoppingcartlover69 @v-b-b​ @marvels-mistress @milkteahour​ @night0spark​ @saphfamdom @sillydowneyboat​ @tongueofcat​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @caswinchester2000​ @weaselsbleach​ @wickedhours @ghost-panic @worldssidechick @sad-sapphic @lassini @goldustwomun @dilfs-own-mylife @catholicdaredevil @karltoshaw @deadinside505 @hagdailyprophet @riddikulus394 @blogbykate @deepknightclod @kelly-n-russell @steadygoopangelhairdo @peter-parkers-gf @conrzd @tagehaya @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @bookfrog242 @torresbarnes @slightlypossessed @strcwberri @lorosette @sambucky8 @stuffikindalike @peter-maximoff-enthusiast @cryinnlightninn @catholicdaredevil @fayereed15 @hunnybunimdun @the-rambling-nerd @serendipityrogers @mgriff @hldnford @littlesongbird18 @mlqcool @aaetherr69 @myrrh-dock @killersandmonkeys @falcvns @firehart9 @glowstick-lesbian @myguiltypleasures21 @mandoowhorian @mintchipstyles @perseephony @garrusvkarian @c4psicle @shitpost-kaley @angeliteskies @blushingpink @knightofthieves @odette-moon @what-the-hell @mollyw03 @milf-lover01 @cal-ifornication @straykid1507 @meromelo @alpineandwhiskey @letmeinplease
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