#Matt Murdock Imagine
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the repercussions to rinse away
buttercup, chapter nine

a/n: was shower sex at the very top of my list of things to include in the new chapters? fuck yeah it was, as it should be. double bingo because he'd also super hurt, but like in the slutty way that he does it (you know exactly what i'm talking about. just look at the gif i made right up there if you need a visual aid)
summary: “…I want to ask you about how this happened, but I have a feeling you’re not gonna tell me…”
warnings: matt murdock x baker!reader, smut, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery, ptsd, the black daredevil suit, hurt/comfort, injuries, blood, kissing, shower sex, dirty talk, size kink, manhandling, impact play, pussyjob, thighjob, squirting, multiple orgasms, protected sex, penetrative sex, cockwarming
word count: 4163
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Knock, knock,” you hummed as you pushed open the door to Nelson and Murdock, peeking inside before you crossed the threshold completely. As your eyes flickered away from the empty offices, they then landed on the kitchenette off to the left where the only remaining employee stood.
“Hey,” Matt twisted his head in your direction to flash you the soft smile that promptly blossomed on his lip, as the sound of your voice melted into him like sweet hot chocolate on his tongue, warming him from the inside.
As his fingers went back to fixing himself a cup of coffee, extending to click on the electric kettle, you stepped closer before he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“So…” you breathed, slightly tense as his lips faded from your skin, “…are you alright?”
“Hm?” his brows knit together gently, “yeah, of course, I’m fine.”
“Okay, good,” you leaned against the counter with an exhale, “it’s just when you didn’t show up last night, I got a bit worried.”
“Shit,” he cursed sharply as it all came rushing back to him at once, “sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
Since today had been an early morning shift for you, the plan had been for Matt to let himself into your apartment last night after his patrol, so that your paths could, at the very least, cross for a brief moment instead of waiting multiple days for your schedules to once again align. But instead of feeling the comfort of his presence slip into bed beside you, he never came, and even when you dragged yourself out of bed while it was still pitch black outside in order to make it to the bakery when the clock struck four, fear had swayed you to briefly peek inside of his neighbouring apartment, as a detour when you slipped out of your own, but he was still nowhere to be seen.
“It’s okay, I understand,” you gracefully swallowed the lingering disappointment, “you probably just lost track of time, saving people who needed it, or just plain forgot,” you shared the theories you’d cooked up while you’d worked the early shift you’d clocked out of just before wandering over here, “or maybe we just missed each other, you got home right when I left, or maybe you didn’t wanna wake me up…”
Grasping your hand as the kettle clicked beside him, now puffing with steam, he exhaled, “what can I do to make it up to you?”
Pursing your lips as you thought through the options, you then suggested, “how about I sleep in your bed tonight,” your finger lightly poked his chest before catching his tie and gently running your thumb and forefinger down the silky strand, “and that way we won’t miss each other tomorrow?”
“Deal,” he smiled, stealing a swift peck before he finished brewing his simple cup of coffee.
Though when his feet then began to shift across the floor for the first time since you’d stepped into the office, a furrow found your brow as you noticed how stiffly he was walking, carefully rounding the corner, mug clutched in one hand as the other palm trailed the wall on his way back to his own desk.
“…why are you walking like that?” you tilted your head as you picked up on more of the obvious signs than just the pained facial expressions that he tried his best to suppress.
“Like what?” he tried to act like a kid who hadn’t just been caught with their hand down the cookie jar.
“Matthew…” your head faintly twisted from side to side as impatience overtook you and you continued to stare at him in concern, “don’t–…”
“Don’t what?” he kept his tone innocent, though didn’t spin back to face your overflowing worry.
Crossing your arms over your chest, your eyes narrowed before you uttered, “…take off your shirt.”
However, he still went on shielding you from the truth as he instead plastered on a smirk and croaked, “alright, sure,” placing his cup down on his desk as he finally whirled around to face you, “if that’s a way I can make it up to you, but just so you know before you start stripping as well, Foggy and Karen will be back any second.”
“Oh, stop! That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it,” you snapped, snuffing out his charm, “take it off,” you repeated firmly and watched as the faux grin finally dropped from his lips, “let me see.”
Slowly, he reached up to tug at his tie, carefully slipping it over his head before his fingers began to work at the buttons down his crisp shirt and flickers of agony flashed across his features before it finally parted enough for you to see.
“Oh, Matt…” you exhaled as you spotted the grievous wounds sporadically scattered across the sliver of his torso on display for you, all of them shielded behind blood-tainted bandages.
“I’m okay,” he gently grasped your hands as your fingers reached out to trace a ghostly touch safely along the skin beside some of the injuries.
“What happened?” you whispered as you tried to keep the reins on your imagination and not let it run wild.
“Sweetheart, this is nothing–”
“It doesn’t fucking look like nothing! Is this why you didn’t show up last night?” you asked before the guilty look that flashed across his features became all the answer you needed, “Matt…”
“I’m sorry,” he uttered softly.
“You should have called me, I could have come, instead of you just lying unconscious and bleeding out in an alley somewhere,” you pleaded quietly.
“I wasn’t bleeding out in an alley,” he said, attempting to calm your erratic nerves, “Y/n, I’m fine, I promise. It looks a lot worse than it is.”
“How did it even happen? Are you in danger? Is someone after you?”
“It was nothing,” his head faintly shook from his to side as he tightened his grip on your hands, “baby, it was nothing, okay?”
“…okay…” you hesitantly nodded, doing your best to let go of the fear still churning your stomach, “…you know, maybe it would be smart if I learned a little bit more about medicine since things like this are a much more common occurrence for you than I think I realised…” you blinked back down at his beaten and bruised skin, your fingertips briefly catching the hem of his open shirt.
“I can teach you what I know,” he tilted closer, grasping your cheek before he pressed a kiss to your lips, “…so,” the corners of his mouth twisted upwards as he then shifted topics in an effort to distract you from the remainder of your worries, “was it a no then on the quickie before the others get back?”
It was a stifled groan that woke you from your slumber.
Slowly blinking your eyes open, as you layed curled on your side, alone in your boyfriend’s bed, you had to squint before you saw the figure on the other side of the apartment, sitting by the dining table in the dark.
With his black mask dangling off the edge of the table, Matt’s fingers froze before they could reach back into the open first aid kit as his head tilted and he heard how your legs shifted slightly beneath the dove grey duvet as you woke up.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he called out quietly, keeping his back turned to you as he stayed still and tried to not let you notice what he was doing, “I’ll be there in a second.”
But instead, you sucked in a breath and crawled out of bed. Your soft nightgown unravelled and tumbled down around your thighs from where it had been gathered up around your waist while you were sleeping.
A long sigh slipped from Matt when your bare feet neared him and his current state became impossible for him to hide. His tight black shirt was pushed up to his waist, exposing the wound just above his hip, one that you’d spotted earlier that day back in the office, though now it was no longer neatly bandaged, but instead slowly leaking blood as he worked at stitching it back closed.
“Matt…” you breathed as your eyes flickered everywhere from his bloody nose to the small knicks that had sliced through the thin material of his shirt.
Bathed by the neon lights that leaked in through the tall windows behind him, he simply exhaled, “I’m fine,” as he reached for a clean cotton pad in the first aid kit and dabbed it against the wound he was patching back up, swiftly swallowing a grunt of pain as the gauze was slowly stained crimson.
“You can’t keep saying that,” you pulled out the chair next to him and sank down, “tell me what to do.”
“You don’t have to,” he gritted his teeth as he pierced the curved needle in his grasp through his skin one last time before tying the thread off with a tiny knot, “I can handle it myself–”
“Matthew! Will you please just shut up and let me help?” you barked, finally cutting through his stubbornness before you watched an exhale slip from his lungs and his head slowly tilted in a nod, “thank you,” you huffed before scooting a bit closer, “now, please be honest this time, how bad is it?”
“I promise, it’s not that bad,” he uttered as his hand that clutched to cotton wad kept on putting some pressure over the freshly closed-up laceration.
“Do you need any more stitches anywhere else?” your eyes kept on scanning his bruised body, noting as he spoke the bloody gash that split up his lip.
“No, it was just this one that popped back open,” he carefully took the swab away from the wound with tender dabs, the needle that still dangled from the thread swung gently from the friction, “I just need to get cleaned up, maybe a few bandages and I’ll be fine,” he tried to flash you a smile, though the brave face didn’t help the way that he’d hoped.
All he could hear was how fast your pulse was beating as you stared at him, tears threatening to spring forth as your heart nearly burst straight out of your chest.
“Y/n,” his hand swiftly found your own, “hey,” he uttered gently, “take a breath… take a breath…” his head faintly nodded in soft encouragement as he steered you to finally fill your lungs properly.
As your shoulders finally began to relax, you felt him let go of your palm again before his fingers went back to work.
“What do you need me to do?” you asked once more.
Tilting his head towards the first aid box, he murmured, “you can grab the scissors.”
And as you grasped it, you watched as he then leaned back in the chair, a jagged breath slipping from his lungs as he shifted, before he plucked up the dangling needle and held it out for you to snip the thread.
“Like that?” you asked once you’d cut through the thin cord, nervous that you’d somehow messed the small task up.
But as he brushed his fingertips against the short string that remained at the end of the row of stitches he’d knotted, the corner of his lip twitched as he uttered, “perfect,” before he carefully tugged his shirt back down over his stomach.
A long exhale escaped Matt as he finally let himself relax and fall back down from the highs the events of his night had brought him to. For a while, you both just sat there in silence as he sank further into the serenity he’d made his way back to.
But then, as his eyes fluttered closed, you parted your lips and uttered, “…I want to ask you about how this happened, but I have a feeling you’re not gonna tell me…”
Face briefly threatening to scrunch up at the frustration that bubbled up in him, he muttered, “sweetheart–”
“But I just wanna say that even though I know why you don’t like to talk to me about the details,” you cut him off before he had the chance to stop you, “sometimes it doesn’t protect me, sometimes my active imagination takes a hold and tries to fill in the blanks in ways that are surely so much worse than the reality…”
Sucking in a breath, a second passed before he said, “…you really wanna know?”
“Yes,” you swiftly nodded, leaning in a tad closer in your seat.
Sitting up a bit more, he planted a forearm for support on the table before he began to tell you, “a few weeks back I intervened in this trafficking deal, two dozen women and kids, ready to be shipped off like lambs at the slaughter,” his hand gestured alongside his words, “turns out it was connected to something much bigger than I had thought,” he exhaled before uttering, “do you know who Joseph Giordano is?”
“I don’t think so,” you murmured slowly, “why?”
“He is next in line to the throne in the Giordano crime family.”
Your brows then knit together as you blinked back at him, “…are you saying that there’s an entire mob after you right now?”
“Well, I don’t know if they’re after me, I’ve just pissed them off a few times,” he tried to downplay his situation in order to calm your nerves that began to pick back up again, thumping in his ears like the booming base at a club.
“Is that what happened tonight? You pissed them off again?” you looked once again to how hurt he was before he begrudgingly began to nod his head faintly, “…so, how worried should I be?”
“It's nothing I can’t handle,” he uttered as his years of experience shined clear through his tone.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” he nodded, “I am so close to putting a stop to them, all of them, making them pay for all the shit that they’ve done,” his sentence culminated in a heated huff before he let it go. Carefully rising from his seat, he briefly flashed you a tight-lipped smile as he changed the subject, “I’m gonna go clean up, you head back to bed.”
“No, I’ll–,” you swiftly stood up as well, “let me give you a hand.”
Pausing just before he began to shift close to the bathroom, he then murmured, “alright,” before he let you grab his palm and shadow him with every careful step.
Reaching an arm into the shower, you turned on the water so that it could begin to rise to a temperature that wasn’t like having snow dumped down over you. As you twisted back around, you spotted Matt’s features, faintly screwed up, as he cautiously peeled his shirt off, though before it could slip over his head, your fingers caught the tail end of it.
As you dropped it down on the edge of the sink, Matt’s hands found his belt, although before his nimble fingers could begin to undo it, your own touch landed upon his own before his palms slipped out from under yours and he let you take over.
First, you kneeled down before him and slipped off his boots, pushing them off to the side before you straightened back up to undo his pants, gently tugging them alongside his dark boxers.
As you rose back up with the last of his black vigilantly suit in hand, your partner’s wide palms naturally found your waist in a soft graze, before your fingers then drifted to the hem of your nightgown and he felt the fabric slip beneath his touch as you pulled it over your head.
Dropping it down on the top of his own clothing, piled up on the edge of the sink, you then grabbed his hand once again before your feet began to shuffle against the tile, backing up till you were both in the shower. Twisting you both around, you slowly guided him under the drizzle of water, still holding his palm in yours as it began to rain down on his battered form.
The water turned a ruddy shade as it cascaded over his body and gently washed the blood away. Gingerly, you let your fingers ghost over his injuries, being careful as you helped clean them. His eyes fluttered closed when your touch floated up from his chest to his jaw before you softly swept over the crimson that had dried in a trickled path from the gash on his forehead, his nostrils from the blow his nose evidently had taken, as well as from the small cut on his lip that had begun to puff it up slightly.
Gliding your hands down to his hips, you gently guided him around for his broad back to face you. As your hands skimmed over the fresher damages, your touch couldn’t help but slow as you blinked back at the gnarly old scars that split up his skin. You’d likewise been staring at the ones all over the rest of his flesh as your touch swept across his body, but as he stood, facing away from you, the intimate graze of your fingertips couldn’t help but slide up and trace the long marks.
You barely realised that you’d stopped your aiding efforts till it was just your thumb lightly brushing against one of his scars, back and forth in short swoops, before you closed the short distance and pressed a tender peck to the middle of his spine.
Though as your touch slowly returned to their work, his hand suddenly snatched up one of yours. His feet shifted slightly, angling him only partly back to face you, he raised your palm up as he bowed his head to meet the back of it and press your hand to his lips.
Ripping your gaze away from his broad back as it slowly twisted away from you, it swiftly drifted up to Matt’s features, faintly wistful as he planted the soft peck to the back of your palm. When he came to face you once again, his other hand swept up your frame till it came to cup your cheek.
A soft breath flowed from his nostrils before he uttered, “I love you…” in a tone that made it sound as if he was thanking you, before he then tilted your face up as he bent down to gently press his lips to your own.
For a while, he kissed you as if he was trying to make time itself stop, as it stretched on, slow and smouldering, light on your lips. But then, while the hand he had on your cheek stayed in place, the other one let go of your palm and drifted down around your waist, gently caressing your side before his fingers slightly dented your skin as he drew you in closer and the light pecks morphed and deepened so slowly that you barely registered the change he had initiated till your tongue was suddenly dancing heatedly against his own.
His touch on the side of your face soon faded as it instead slipped down the landscape of your body and a heavy intake of air rushed in through his nose as the kiss then grew more desperate. Though as you hugged him closer, careful with your touch, a quiet gasp suddenly bubbled up your throat as his frame finally pressed flush up against your own and you felt the hardness that now poked you in your stomach.
“Matty…” you breathed in between ravenous pecks as his cock throbbed against your skin.
A low groan rumbled in his chest as his wide palms then swooped down over the curve of your ass, briefly digging his touch into your softness and making your cunt clench around nothing, before his knees then bent slightly and his hard length slotted in between your thighs, perfectly slipping against your pussy.
Letting the devil out, Matthew then let himself rut against your folds, a gravelly grunt rolling off his tongue as he momentarily rested his forehead against your own.
“O-oh, fuck…” you moaned as his hardness continued to nudge against you, parting your slick petals with his fat girth. Hazily tilting your head back at the feeling, you soon felt his lips flutter down your neck, “Matt…”
Though your pants continued to grow unanswered as your partner only growled in response before one of his hands soared up to capture your jaw and tilt your head for your lips to come crashing back against his own in a feverish kiss.
Shifting your frame, he then brought your legs closer together till the softness of your thighs hugged around his length still slotted against your pussy. With his hold still digging into the softness of your bottom, he then began to fuck your thighs, though with each needy thrust he granted himself, the details of his cock still dragged against your buzzing clit and made you whimper against his kiss.
And when you were both on the verge of exploding, nearly too pent up to keep your balance on the wet tile floor, he hastily reached an arm out of the shower and grabbed a condom from the medicine cabinet. Snatching it from his hands, you panted as you rolled it on him, briefly raising yourself up to stand on your toes to steal a breathless peck from him as your fingers twisted the latex into place, granting him a soft stroke once you’d finished.
Long moans drew forth from both of you when he slowly slid inside, his forehead melting down against your own as he paused at the very tip, letting your cunt clench around his girth a moment before gradually giving you more in shallow thrusts.
Whimpering to the rhythm of his steady pace, you blinked up at him and panted, “I love you,” before he then crashed his lips against your own. Tilting your hips slightly as he gently rocked inside of you, slowly dragging his cock out of your pussy, most of the way, till he dove himself back in once more, each time burying himself a little deeper than before.
Your palms slid up his burly chest before your touch tangled around his neck, holding on tight as his desperate grunts melted against your tongue. Matt’s grasp, still on your ass, dented your flesh further as he then began to move your body for you, dragging your hips closer to meet his bucks and grant him the angle to go even deeper, filling you up till your eyes rolled in your skull. His hands swiftly tapped against your butt as he found a greedy pace, one that caused your pussy to sing sinfully over the splashing of the showerhead still pouring down over the both of you.
The next thing you knew, Matthew then snapped, losing the last bit of self-control he had left after the long night he’d had, and drowned himself completely in the one pleasure that his soul ached for. Feverishly, he suddenly plucked you up off the wet tile, his fat length still nestled deep within you as he picked you up into his arms.
“Oh my god,” you yelped as he rooted his strong hold under your ass, “wait, no,” your nails instinctively dug into the nape of his neck, “you’re hurt–”
But he only cut you off with a quiet, “shh…” as his nose brushed against your own before he uttered in a gravelly tone, “trust me when I say, I can take a lot more than this when I’m way worse off.”
And with you in his arms, he then readjusted his grip on you, briefly tossing you up a smidge, before he then sank you back down onto his cock, plugging you up till you couldn’t help but let out a shaky moan as your brain momentarily went blank in the ecstasy.
Toes curling, you whimpered, “j-just be careful,” as you spread out your fingers till they weaved through the short hair at the back of his head.
But rather than of playing it safe like you begged him to, he instead just tightened his hold on you as he growled, “I’ll be careful later,” before he then went to town, pounding away till the showerhead above wasn’t the only thing gushing.
And when Matt finally came undone, after you began to fear he might not snap out of his ravenous haze till the sun rose, fucking your pussy till you could no longer stand on your own two feet, your spine was plastered against the tile wall as his head melted down against your shoulder. The shower went on running as he kept you in his arms, both of you panting as he granted himself the gift of staying warm inside your fluttering cunt even longer and further drawing out the bliss to balance out the night that he had endured.

© 2025 thyme-in-a-bubble
#lea’s writing#buttercup series#matt murdock smut#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock fanfiction#matt murdock fanfic#matthew murdock imagine#matt murdock x fem!reader smut#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock x you#daredevil x reader#matt murdock series#matthew murdock x reader#matthew murdock smut#daredevil smut#daredevil fanfiction#matt murdock angst#matt murdock hurt/comfort
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This is would 100% be my reaction to finding out Matt is daredevil 🤣🤣 I love this sm
blind as a(n acro)bat / matt murdock x age gap!reader
summary: you simply cannot wrap your head around your boyfriend being daredevil
warnings: cursing, reader being a little bit...shocked to say the least
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you sighed as you tossed the key matt had given you on top of your bag that you'd haphazardly thrown onto the bench in the hallway. you were meant to stop by the lab and work on some experiments for your thesis, but something had gone wrong in the building and you weren't allowed into the lab until the day after tomorrow, so you figured you'd come to matt's because his place was closer to the lab and you had a majority of your research materials here anyways.
but you were pretty sure that no research would get done right now because you were exhausted and his soft silk sheets were calling your name. you kicked off your shoes and changed into one of matt's t-shirts before climbing into his bed, quick to bundle yourself up under the blanket and kick your socks off onto the ground next to you and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
you'd been dreaming happily of eating endless pasta and garlic bread on a rainbow in the sky when a loud thump made your eyes shoot open. you jumped out of bed, grabbing the alarm clock next to the bed seeing as you had nothing else to defend yourself from the intruder you thought was coming. but when the intruder turned out to be matt in a black and red leather superhero suit, the daredevil helmet clutched in his hand, you reacted in the only way you could.
"what the fuck"
his eyes widened as he looked at you, the clock dropping out of your hand and clattering onto the floor.
"y/n" he gasped out, still trying to catch his breath.
you just stand there, staring at him in all his daredevil glory.
"y/n i-"
"what. the fuck?" you narrow your eyes at him as he reached out for you.
"y/n please. just let me explain." he pleads, grabbing your hands in his.
you let out a loud short laugh, taking your hands from his and running them over your face as you take in a deep breath.
"oh trust me, you're gonna explain. you're gonna explain a lot. you're gonna explain so much that you're never gonna want to explain ever again!" you yell, stomping off towards matt's bedroom.
"baby, please just-" he pleaded, following behind you before you shouted.
he pauses, furrowing his eyebrows.
you let out a frustrated huff as you put on a pair of his sweatpants, pulling the drawstrings as tight at you could.
"well i don't know if you can see!"
"i can't. but...would it matter? i've literally been insi-"
"SHUT UP MURDOCK" you shout, a yelp following the end of your sentence as you trip over one of your socks.
"yes ma'am." he says, nodding his head and closing his mouth.
once you were ready, and once matt had changed out of the suit, you sat across from each other, him on the edge of the coffee table and you on the couch in front of him. he'd spent the last maybe half hour explaining what had happened to him, how he and daredevil came to be, how he learned all these things, his heightened senses, everything. he'd finally told you everything, and as scared as he was, there had been a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
"so then...you're not blind."
"no i'm blind."
"but not like...fully."
"i mean, yes fully. but it's different. like i said it's a-"
"world on fire, right. but like...you're not that blind."
"i mean, i can't see, so. i'd say that's pretty blind."
"and you're a superhero."
"i don't really like that term-"
"but you are."
"no i-"
"vigilante then?"
"absolutely not. i just...want to do what's right for hell's kitchen and its' people. i just want to make my city a safer place."
he groans, putting his head in his hands.
"i'm not a superhero. and i'm blind as a bat."
"more like an acrobat." you mumble, making him roll his eyes.
"i heard that."
"so you...can't see anything?"
"no, my love, i cannot see anything." he says, his voice falling flat.
he was grateful, of course, that you weren't angry at him. but he wasn't going to lie and say that your stubborn disbelief wasn't extremely frustrating for him.
"...nothing at all?"
"yes, nothing." he sighs, running his hands over his face.
you just nod your head, still trying to process all of the new information you were given.
"so when we first met and i said that you and foggy took down fisk, you....really to-"
"took him down. yes. i did. well, daredevil did."
you just nod your head, taking another short pause.
"and....you came up with that name?"
"no, i didn't. but i think it fits."
"okay...so you....get hurt. badly. like a lot."
matt takes in a short breath, pressing his lips together in a line.
"i do, yes. it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen."
you let out a shaky breath, nodding your head.
"but, you're always okay, right?"
matt leans forward, placing one hand on your hip, pulling you closer, and the other hand on your cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb.
"i will always come home to you, okay? i promise you that." he says softly, leaning his forehead onto yours.
you just nod, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"i lo-"
foggy. foggy. foggy. fog-
matt sighs, grabbing his phone and quickly answering.
"yeah, we're on our way fog. okay, yes we will pick some up on our way. okay. bye."
you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, pulling back from matt as he puts his phone back into his pocket.
"i forgot to tell you that foggy invited us out to josie's. and we're supposed to pick up some thai on the way."
"does foggy know?"
"yes, and karen."
you just nod, staying silent as you stand up and get dressed back into your clothes.
"hey. we're okay?" he asks wrapping his arms around you as you button up your jeans, his cheek leaning on your head.
"we're okay, matty. but it...does scare me." you sigh, leaning your head into his cheek.
"i know. but i'm okay. i'm always okay. cuts and bruises heal. and i'm okay." he reassures, tightening his hold on you.
you nod, holding onto his arms and just enjoying the small moment you two had together before heading out the door.
when you and matt arrived at josies, you glared at foggy and karen as you dropped the bag of takeout onto the table.
"you guys are so fake." you say, shaking your head at them as matt chuckled, pulling out your chair.
"w-what did we do?" foggy whines.
"i can't believe you didn't tell me. i thought we were friends." you pouted, making karen's mouth fall open.
"we are!" she argues quickly.
"she knows." matt says as he folds up his cane and takes a seat.
"she know wh- oh. she knows." foggy says, nodding his head slowly.
"i mean...come on. we couldn't just tell you!" karen pleads as foggy opens up the bag of takeout.
"yeah i mean, if we tell you about the thing we have to tell you about everything! and i mean, i'm sure you didn't take it well when he told you about the time that he almost died and then faked his death."
"...she didn't know that." matt groans
"well...now you do. don't say i never told you anything." foggy shrugs
"i'm sorry you faked your death!?"
"here we go." matt sighs, putting his face in his hands.
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#matt murdock x reader#x reader#marvel#daredevil#daredevil x reader#marvel fanfiction#marvel men#matt murdock#netflix daredevil#matt murdock imagine
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Matt would be so reasuring upon hearing pancied breathing and eratic heartbeat, hearing and honing in on it, as well as he could easily pick up on the uneveness of your hands; picking up on how uncertain fingers fiddled with the bottom of your shirt in an attempt to self sooth.
He would reach over for those very fingers, enclosing them within his steady and certain hands, close to his palm as his thmb rubs reassuing and calming patterns and words upon your skin. Matt's paitence is unwavering as he gently tugs you towards him, him softly shushing you oddly grounding as your head rests upon his chest to listen to his heart, listen to his breathing and follow by example.
'i am right here,' he tells you soflty, not wanting to it barely above a whipser and light as a feather, 'listen to my voice, focus on it, focus on me.' He adds as he listens in on your heart periodically aswell as your words, all the while he acted acordingly in helping you find your feet once more, letting you breath him in and focus all of your sense on him and him alone.
'Take your time, there's no rush in getting better.' Matt reminds you when he could tell you were feeling as though you were taking his time away from far more important matters -elevating your heart once more momentarily- forcing him into acting as he kisses your forhead and squeezed your hand to remind you thst he wasn't going anywhere, not until he was certain that you were okay.
Matt was paitient, he wasn't loosing time on you. He was more then willing to spend the day with you if that's what will help you, and when he does feel you calm down as well as sense you calm he would smile sweetly as he kisses your forhead in pride. 'you did amazing, im so proud of you sweetheart.' He would say to you in a hushed tone, kissing your forhead once more as he watched you close you eyes, exhasuted as you cuddled yourslef closer to him.
Matt would do this a thousand times over again if he must to bring you reassurance, to help you reclaim control over yourself, to never allow your mind to ovetake you. He was there for you and would never dare to think otherwise, sometimes you'd wish he took his own advice...
#daredevil x you#daredevil fluff#daredevil x reader#daredevil imagine#daredevil imagines#daredevil#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock fluff#matt murdock x you#matt murdock imagines#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock#mcu x reader#mcu imagine#mcu imagines#marvel imagines#marvel fanfiction#marvel x you#marvel x reader#mcu x you
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mea culpa (m.m) - 5
SUMMARY: "mea culpa" (exclamation - noun/legal term)
used as an acknowledgement of one's fault or error.
↪ in which matt murdock accidentally falls in love with the district attorney's daughter.
warnings: smut !! p in v, she/her pronouns used for reader
series master list
any minors caught interacting will be blocked and reported
It didn’t take long to get used to life without Matthew Murdock.
He’d been important to you and then he wasn’t. People came and went all the time - you had ex-boyfriends and ex-best friends and a multitude of relationships that had been significant until they weren’t. You wouldn’t go as far as calling Matt your boyfriend but that didn’t erase the fact there had been a connection. That was what you missed most: having somebody who got you the way he did. And it was funny, because the string of insults he’d thrown your way during your last conversation proved him to be everything but someone who understood you. It had been a weak moment for you both and maybe if there had been more at stake - if you’d been the same age, or things were more serious, or your lives more intertwined then you could have moved on from it. That was just it though: it was just a fling. And it had to end eventually.
Two weeks later, you’d fallen back into your natural routine of shopping and drinking and enjoying a privileged existence. Now, however, you were spending more time at the office: not necessarily helping your father, but just running errands and doing paperwork. You told yourself over and over that it wasn’t anything to do with what Matt had said. Say it a few more times and maybe you’d start to believe it.
“So Harrison is single again,” your best friend’s voice filled the void of your father’s office. She was sat on the edge of your desk, filing her nails whilst you did your paperwork. “His ex-girlfriend cheated on him so he’s selling his place in London and moving back here. I can give him your number if you want.”
You tried not to visibility flinch at the mere thought. Even though your affair with Matt had proved to be anything but successful, the idea of ever going back to a guy your own age was a little too much. What was the point? They were all immature, trust fund babies who couldn’t fuck properly and definitely wouldn’t treat you right. And you weren’t looking for commitment - not at that point in your life. You just needed someone who could make you laugh and make you orgasm. That had seemed impossible to find. At least until Matt.
“Mmm,” you hummed. “No, I’m good. Harrison and I never really got on that well.”
“Oh, come on!” she groaned. “He’s hurting right now so you know he’ll probably put out-”
“- I’m not interested!” you cut her off. “I’m just not really looking for anything right now. I wanna focus on work.”
“Doing paperwork for free at your dad’s office doesn’t count as work,” she huffed.
“Yeah, whatever,” you muttered. “I have an appointment now anyways, so if you could make yourself scarce I would really appreciate it.”
“Fiiiine,” she grumbled. “Are you coming to cocktails tonight at the Rainbow Room?”
“I’ll see.”
She stood up and sauntered out of the room - just in time, actually, because your 4PM appointment was waiting right outside. You tried not to visibly react to seeing Matt; somehow, you’d avoided crossing paths with him around the courthouse thus far. It was bound to happen eventually but you felt a lot worse about it than you initially thought.
“Mr Murdock,” you greeted him, holding your professionalism until the door was closed and your friend was out of earshot. When she was, you faltered slightly. He had a strong presence after all.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Matt took a deep breath, putting aside his cane.
“Look, Matthew, I can reschedule this appointment when my father’s back in town, or when his assistant can take it instead-”
“- I scheduled it for today on purpose, actually,” he admitted. “I wanted to talk to you.”
You scowled. “And did you consider that maybe I don’t want to talk to you?”
“Yeah, that was definitely a possibility I thought about,” he said. “But you are talking to me, so that gives me hope.”
You paused for a second - Matt did have a point. If you truly hated him, you probably would have ignored him from the get-go. You were furious with the man, without a doubt, but some part of you still held onto the way he’d made you feel before the fuck up. He’d said all those things in the heat of the moment, but you couldn’t shake the fact he still said them.
“I’m getting on with my life,” you said. “I’m over it. You should do the same.”
“I tried,” Matt replied. “I already regretted the things I said-”
“- why?” you cut him off. “You had a point, Matt. I’m a spoilt little rich girl and you’re a working class lawyer. We’ll never see eye to eye or understand each other. No amount of good fucking will change that.”
He hesitated for a second. “I think you’re wrong.”
“You were right about the Thompson case, though,” he admitted. “The defendant changed his plea last week.”
“Right,” you murmured. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Yeah, me too,” he shrugged. “I’m more sorry about the things I said, though. I take my job very seriously and there are times where it gets in the way of other important things - more important things.”
“I’m a girl you slept with a few times. I wouldn’t hold myself in that high regard.”
He gave you a small smile. “You should - I’m not here to declare my love for you or ask for your hand in marriage but I didn’t realise til you weren’t in my life that you meant more to me than a silly argument.”
“I do?’
“You do,” Matt replied. “All those things I said…none of them matter. I might be right, I might not be, but even if you’re the most spoiled, aloof rich girl in this city, you’re the girl I’d choose over any other.”
You stood up and crossed over to where Matt was stood - he reached out for you as you met halfway, large hands taking your waist as you crashed your lips against his. You’d missed his palms; they were calloused and rough and rugged but fuck, they held you so well. Same for his lips. He bit them when he was anxious so they were always a little indurated but they felt right against yours.
After that little speech of his, things felt a little more…intense. It had just been a fling before but now it felt like something more.
“You sure do how to sweet talk a girl into forgiving you, huh?” you murmured against him.
“I really don’t,” Matt replied, and you felt his chest shake slightly as he chuckled. “I practiced that speech like fifty times on the way over here.”
“It worked,” you smiled. Taking a step back, you locked the office door and then tangled your hands with Matt’s, leading him over to the sofa on the other side of the room. “But I think we should talk things through a little bit.”
Matt took a seat opposite you. “Yeah, of course.”
“We need to set boundaries,” you explained. “We’re very different people and I just…I need to know that we can deal with those differences if they come up again, you know? We can’t argue it out every time and now that we’ve established this is a little more than a one night stand-”
“- you don’t have to decide what it is yet,” he cut you off. “I know things are different for you - you’re younger and your entire life is different from mine. When you do know, you just say, okay?”
You smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Of course, I appreciate that.”
“And I know that we’re different,” Matt said. “I like that about us. If it does come up again, we’ll dealt with it. Not like the first time we dealt with it, but we will.”
He pulled you into another kiss; this one was a little deeper, a little more passionate. There was no guesses on where it was leading, and you had to quickly remind yourself that you were still in your father’s office. Not that you hadn’t fantasised about this multiple times. You weren’t opposed to it - not by any means - but you worried Matt might have his reservations about getting off in such a public place.
You almost said something, but when he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you onto his lap, any worries quickly dissipated. Previously, neither of you had worked this fast. There was normally build up - a bit of teasing and fliritng, even if you both knew where it was going to go - but after two of nothing, neither of you cared much for foreplay (in both a literal and metaphorical sense).
Matt pushed you back onto the sofa so you were laying flat, attaching his lips to your neck. You almost let out a moan, until he clamped a large hand over your mouth. Thinking ahead, as always. He didn’t waste any more time in taking off your blouse and skirt. He was a little more careful than usual, being aware that you’d have to put them back on after. That didn’t stop him throwing them across the room. There was a little more fumbling and finally his shirt came off too.
“Matt,” you murmured. “Those marks on your chest-”
“- they’re nothing,” he growled.
The lawyer huffed - he wasn’t about to get cockblocked after two weeks of not seeing you.
“I fell,” Matt muttered. “I was drunk and I fell. Will you take that story?”
“I will take it simply for the sake of the fact your boner is pressing against my thigh,” you replied. “But I’ll have questions later-”
“- works with me.”
He went back to work, lips on your neck, then collarbone, and chest, and then your neck again. The marks he’d left on you after your last fuck had faded and he was determined to leave more. He was still careful though, making sure they were in places no-one else would see. If you went into this meeting with no visible hickeys, you’d have to leave without them. Y’know, for continuity.
You moved your hands down, fiddling with the buckle on his belt until it came loose and you were able to reach a hand down and brush it over his dick. He shivered when you did: even though he had the feeling of you memorised - your hands, your mouth, everything - it was still something he had craved over the last few weeks.
Matt grabbed you again, and you let out a squeak as he flipped you over. He was underneath now - you still in control no doubt, with one hand on your throat and the other on your ass - with you on top. That had become one of his favourite positions. It gave him easy access to everything.
Placing both his hands on your ass cheeks, he pulled you forward and slipped inside you. It took you a minute to revel on the feeling: after all, this time an hour ago, you weren’t sure you would ever feel this good again. And some petty part of you still wanted to punish Matt, so you held out on moving for as long as you could. It was easy enough until he grabbed you by the throat again, pulling you towards him so that your foreheads were pushed together.
“Ride,” he demanded.
You did as he said, moving your hips back and forth. Your groans were simultaneously, but both surpressed given the…envrionment. Normally, you were noisy as fuck and Matt would encourage it. At the moment, you couldn’t work out if him squeezing your throat every time you let out a groan was praise or punishment. Either was fine.
Matt’s free hand moved about, sometimes on your ass, sometimes on your tits, and ever so often lingering on your clit. If he’d had more time, he would have teased you more but given the noise and time constraint, he kept it simple. That was funny to you, because his idea of simple was still a thousand times more mindblowing than any other man you’d ever been with.
He hit the right spot over and over and it wasn’t long until you could feel something building up in the pit of your stomach. That might have been a new record. You could barely think straight as you rode him, hands leaving bright red scratches up and down his toned arms. It was only egging him on.
Even when your high hit you, completely disabling your ability to think and ripping through your frontal lobe like a bucket of cold fucking water, Matt kept going. He wasn’t far off, and the load moan you let out when you came brought him even closer.
“You need to be quiet,” he teased, hand squeezing your throat as you let out another groan.
Matt followed not long after you. Rather than covering his mouth, he buried his head in your shoulder, teeth pinching at your bare skin as he let out a low grunt. You tangled a hand in his hair, arm wrapping around his neck to bring him up into a kiss.
“You’re amazing,” he murmured. “Is it safe to say that we’re all good?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “You’re forgiven.”
#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock imagines#matt murdock x you#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock smut#matt murdock angst#matt murdock x fem! reader#matt murdock#daredevil x reader#daredevil imagines#daredevil imagine#daredevil x you#daredevil smut#daredevil
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In Matt's opinion, the pros of his extraordinary hearing ability outweighed its many cons. He had found a duty, a purpose, and despite the harms that fell upon him, he always answered the call. But sometimes he enjoyed the more indulgent aspects of his ability, how he was able to focus on a single thing in such an intense manner. For example, when he has your back pressed on the wall of his apartment and he places his head in the crook of your neck so he's able to hear even the slightest whimper coming out of you. He's got a rough hand down your panties and his other is holding the bend of your knee. Kissing the more sensitive spots on your neck while he's kneading small circles onto your clit. You're squirming, but he'd press his body into yours to hold you in place. You'd buck when he'd press on your button or when he'd dip the tips of his coarse fingers into your inviting heat. This is when the rare chance of Matt accidentally overstimulating you occurred. When he's fingering you, he'd change his pace at random, he'd start to be a bit rougher with his kisses, and he'd drop your leg to grope the rest of your body. Matt was drunk on memorizing which squeaks and whimpers you'd make depending on where he'd kiss or how deep he curled his fingers into you. Even when he was on the verge of ripping off his pants and feeling your cream on his cock, he'd hold himself back because he loved feeling your most needy spots in his hands. Matt getting to hear your voices of pleasure was an all-cleansing remedy from whatever he dealt with in the hours prior.
#just some filler while i try to finish this one fic#matt murdock x reader#daredevil x reader#matt murdock smut#matt murdock imagine#matt mudock fanfiction#daredevil smut#⨾ଓ. char. matt murdock#⨾ଓ. matt murdock babble#can you tell i wrote this at 3am? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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The angst is SO good, Selene! And is VERY Matt.
“But you never do.”
AH! That gutted me 😢
You put so much feeling into a short fic. Well done, my lovely friend ❤️
❝ i know i fucked up. i know i did but don’t shut me out anymore. let me in. please let in. ❞ with matt 🥲
pairing: Matt Murdock x avenger/shield! gn reader
word count: under 500 words
warnings: language, daredevil canon level violence, pure angst, breaking up.
a/n: bestie W H Y ksksks
"Open the door!"
His fist hitting against the wooden door echoes through the apartment, causing tears to fall down your face. You are wrapped up with a blanket on the couch, your head buried between your knees.
"Please, please, let me talk to you."
Trying to bury yourself even further, hoping that a neighbor might hear something and maybe get him to leave, you remain silent. You could not deal with a situation like this. You felt betrayed right into your very bones. What good would an apology do?
"I know I fucked up. I know I did but don't shut me out anymore, let me in." Another bang on the door followed by a whimper, was he crying himself?
"Please let me in." The sound of his cry stirred something in you, maybe your empathetic nature was coming to play, maybe you were wrong for looking up and pushing the blanket away. Dragging your feet you get up reaching for the door. Hesitantly you caressed the door handle.
"I can hear you, I can hear you breathing, Y/N, please!"
You push the handle down and move away from the door. What you saw next was unexpected. Matt was covered in bruises and scratches, blood running down his skull, his hair disheveled, and his black fighting suit ripped and dirty. His sight makes your stomach turn and you place your arms around your belly, hugging yourself.
"I am sorry." He repeats staring between the floor and the door. "I should have listened to you."
"But you never do." You whisper lower than an average human could hear. You shallow a dry lump in your throat, your eyes long dry from all the crying you have done.
"I needed to--! Someone must do something! Innocent people could have died!"
His voice is trembling as he steps inside your small apartment in the direction of your voice. He knows that this is not what you want to hear. You have been through this before, you were there to help him, it was your job after all. Long trained for it. Maybe he needs another reminder.
"And I could have helped and you know that. I am trained for this shit. I would never walk away in the middle of the night, abandoning you like that, and then get my ass kicked. I would have talked with you, organized a plan of attack, and secure our position first! Anything than this!"
Your voice doesn't betray you, firm and confident while you are looking at him reassembling a wet puppy. He knows he fucked up, he knows he lost your trust, your intel, your resources. Maybe he cared more about those than you.
"I am sorry." He repeats. Maybe to himself. Maybe he needs to hear himself like that- broken. Maybe he knows he lost you.
"Let's get you patched up."
You say out loud and you both know very well it's going to be the last time.
#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock#matt murdock drabble#matt murdock angst#matt murdock imagine#daredevil x reader
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Tumblr baddies help a girl out
phew srry bout that something came over me. but seriously my friend got her question answered and he smiled and waved at her and girlie needs that video.
it was during the American food question! PLS TUMBLR BAES UNITE
here’s a cute picture of him as bait^
#daredevil#matt murdock#charlie cox#daredevil: born again#not a drill#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock imagine#marvel#help#fan expo#cleveland#fan expo cleveland#he was so cute#love him#help a girlie out#dd#comics#panels#comic panels
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heartbeats - matt murdock
synopsis: someones heartbeat is giving it away
pairings: matt murdock x reader
warnings: none
notes: knocking out three requests in a row i’m on a roll. this can be based off matt in the earlier seasons idk
Matt isn’t trying to notice. Really, he’s not. But it’s hard not to when your heart starts racing the second he leans in.
You’re sitting side by side on his couch, going over some case files, when he reaches past you to grab a pen. His arm barely brushes yours—just a light shift in the air, his warmth lingering for half a second. And yet, your pulse jumps like you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t.
His lips press together, fighting back a knowing smile.
You clear your throat, shifting slightly, but you don’t say anything. Just keep your eyes on the papers in front of you like they’re the most interesting thing in the world. But then he does it again—leans in, close enough that he can hear the hitch in your breath, the way your heartbeat stutters, a little too quick, a little too obvious.
And then there’s the warmth—subtle at first, then blooming. Across your cheeks, down your neck, that slow creeping heat that tells him everything.
You’ve got a crush on him.
And now, he knows.
"Something wrong?" he asks, casual, like he doesn’t already have the answer.
You sit up straighter. "Nope. Why?"
His lips twitch. "You’re fidgeting."
Your fingers freeze against the paper. "No, I’m not.”
"You are."
A pause. You let out a slow breath, clearly trying to keep yourself in check, but your heart betrays you again—one sharp little thump against your ribs. Matt leans back, smiling now, pleased in that quiet, infuriating way of his.
You swallow. "You’re doing that thing."
"What thing?”
"That smug thing."
His brows lift, feigning innocence. "I have no idea what you mean."
You groan, burying your face in your hands. "I hate you."
His laughter is soft, warm. "No, you don’t."
And he doesn’t have to see your face to know you’re smiling, too.
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IM CRYING?? this was all so sweet
Would Matt Murdock have hard time being around an emotional & sensitive person? Like, when someone raises their voice slightly or be mean to me, I'd be holding back tears.
alrighty let me crack my fingers here, whip out the keyboard, here are some headcanons and a little bonus fic
Matt picks up on every little change in your heartbeat, breathing. There is no hiding your sensitive behavior and feelings. He’ll know the second something is wrong and will gently nudge you to talk about it.
He’s used to dealing with intensity and conflict, but when it comes to you it is personal which makes him a lot softer. If someone raises their voice at you, Matt immediately steps in, positioning himself between you and the other person, voice low and steady. “Hey, that’s enough.” He doesn’t need to get aggressive, he is confident that his presence will do the job.
When he senses you’re on the verge of tears, he’ll make sure that he is properly handling the situation. He will either reach for your hand or if you are in a group, even a small one, he would guide you somewhere quieter. He knows how embarssing it can be to have a crashout moment or a cry in public. He is just the right amount of touch, not too brutish but not so soft it makes your skin tingle.
Matt’s seen the worst of humanity, he in fact has told you that humans are the worst monsters to ever exist. Your kindness and sensitivity? It’s a kind of a relief, I mean to see a human be human in a non-criminal way, happy heart moment. He never gets frustrated if you’re overwhelmed easily. Instead, he’ll talk you through it, using that soothing lawyer voice of his. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Just breathe. I’ve got you.”
If someone makes you cry, he interalizes it. He won’t lose his mind and go on a killing spree, but there’s a quiet, dangerous edge to him if you allow him to confront the responsible party and or person. He would not go out of his way to do that outside of your permission unless you were physically injured.
If you’re spiraling, he’ll do whatever you need him to do, of course he does not always expect you to be able to tell him. His go to is to take you anywhere that is away from everyone else and firstly try light touch and talking, if that is not sucessful then physical touch with your body as his guide, and if nothing else he will give you space and just sit with you.
He admires your ability to feel so deeply. He’s seen too many people become numb to the world, himself included sometimes. Loving you reminds him that softness isn’t a weakness—it’s a strength.
Matt hears it before you even step through the door—the unsteady rhythm of your breathing, the uneven thump of your heartbeat, the way your shoe pats against the floor like you’re quickly tapping, possibly shaking.
Something happened, something Matt knew he would not like.
He feels you, tracks the way your keys rattle to open the door. Then the door opens, and even though you don’t say a word, he feels the weight settle into the apartment with you, he hears the tiniest sigh escape your lips.
You linger in the doorway, hesitant, like there’s something pressing against your chest, something you can’t quite push down. You knew Matt already knew it was written all over the way he stood with his ear facing the door just listening to every single thing you did. You don’t even take off your coat, don’t put your bag down—just stand there, staring at your shoes.
Matt sets his cane aside as quietly as he can, stepping toward you carefully. “Sweetheart?” His voice is quiet, meant to coax, but you still flinch ever so slightly as you completely spaced out.
“Hey,” you say, and the sound of it makes his stomach twist. It’s thin, a ghost of your usual tone, fragile like brittle glass.
He waits for you to say more, maybe even start to sob or cry, but you don’t. You don’t move, don’t breathe properly, like you’re standing with a gun pointing into your back.
“Talk to me,” he says, stepping closer. “What happened?”
You exhale sharply, shaking your head. “It’s stupid.” The words slip out under your breath like they were not even meant to be spoken.
His brows pull together. “It’s not.”
You hesitate, your fingers twisting into the hem of your sleeve, you could feel your face heat up. A type of heat that would travel everywhere in your body that allowed you to move just with trickling pains. Then it all spilled out.
“I went to meet up with some people after work.” You pause, choosing your words carefully, like they might come out wrong if you’re not precise.. “I thought—God, I don’t know. I thought they were my friends.”
Matt’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t speak. He just listens.
“They weren’t mean exactly,” you continue, you could not stop playing little moments about that interaction through your head, it felt like it would never end. “It was just little things.”
Your breathing shudders, as you allow yourself to use more of your body to take steps, the sound of your shoes were just as loud to you as they were to Matt.
“They kept talking over me. Every time I tried to say something, they’d just—move on, like I wasn’t even there. And when they did acknowledge me, it was just—” You break off, swallowing hard. “Little jokes. Stuff about how I’m too sensitive, how I take things too seriously, how I always ‘look like I’m about to cry.’”
Matt feels a sharp, quiet anger coil in his chest, but he keeps his voice soft when he speaks. “Did you say anything to them?”
You let out a breathy, humorless laugh. “Yeah. And you know what they did? They laughed. Said I was proving their point.”
Matt closes his eyes for a brief moment, his jaw clenching hard enough that it aches. He knows—God, he knows—that kind of cruelty, the kind that hides behind lightness, the kind that makes you feel like you’re the problem.
You press the heels of your hands against your eyes, your breath hitching. “I hate this,” you whisper. “I hate that I can’tjust brush things off, that stuff like this gets to me so much.” Your voice breaks on the last word, small and aching.
Matt steps in without hesitation, if anyone knew how it felt to not be heard or understood. Though he did not interalize his feelings as deeply as you he knew how damiging to the mind not being understood could be. The closer he got to you the louder your heartbeat seemed to get, your skin looked red and angry especially your hands.
His hands find yours, gently prying them away from your face. His touch is steady, warm, careful. He cradles your face in his hands letting you keep your hands to yourself, his thumbs ghosting over your cheekbones, tracing the heat lingering beneath your skin, the tremble in your lips. His hands feel cool against your face, a nice soft cool.
“You feel things deeply,” he murmurs, voice low and sure. “That’s not a flaw.”
Your throat works, but you don’t speak, something about being able to smell his cologne and slight leathery smell from the couch made you feel okay to breathe.
Matt leans down, resting his forehead against yours, his breath warm and steady. “They don’t get to decide what’s too much. They don’t get to tell you that you’re wrong for feeling.”
You let out a shaky breath, and your hands come up, gripping his wrists, grounding yourself with him.
“But they made me feel so—” Your breath hitches again, and the words spill out before you can stop them. “So small.”
Matt feels that, too. A loss of a sense is enough to make freshly blind young Matt feel so tiny when he was a child and that is a very hard feeling to forget. To think about the fact that you felt this way so often shook him up. Something in his chest cracks, deep and aching. Because he knows. He knows what it’s like to be dismissed, to be talked over, to have the world act like you’re invisible. He knows how it rots inside you, how it makes you doubt your own voice, your own presence.
He slides his arms around you, pulling you close, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head. He holds you like you’re something precious, he softens your hair down on your head as he feels you attempt to settle down.
“You are not small,” he murmurs into your hair, voice thick with emotion. “Not to me.”
Your body shudders, and then you break, your arms wrapping around him as you bury yourself in his comforting presence. He feels the damp heat of your tears against his collar, the way your shoulders shake as you let go, letting him hold you, letting yourself be seen.
Matt presses a slow, lingering kiss to the top of your head, his hands tracing slow circles against your back.
“You’re going to be okay,” he murmurs. “I’ve got you.”
And this time, when you grip him tighter, when you press yourself closer like you believe him—Matt knows you do.
#matt murdock one shot#matt murderdock#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock x you#matt murdock x y/n
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Pairing: matt x wife!reader
Word Count: 2, 156
Summary: After a very tense argument about a misused name, your apologetic husband ends up getting looped in by your students.
//follow-up to three empty words but can probably be read on its own. i realize i lost the original plot so if it’s too bothersome, i’ll rewrite it// rewrite/part three?
The next morning, you refused to dilly dally your morning routine. Your shower was quick, your hair and makeup remained simple. Even your outfit was more or less the first thing you grabbed from your closet. You gathered all of your papers - which you hadn’t gotten around to grading the night before - and your laptop before Matt’s alarm had even gone off.
You skipped making breakfast, deciding to stop at a coffee shop on the way to work instead, and hustled out the door. You ignored the still sleeping figure of Elektra on your couch even though your brain wanted to soak her with cold water and kick her out. You did slam the door on your way out but that was just to satisfy your own anger.
You walked into your classroom and let out a loud sigh as you dropped into your deskchair. You were thankful to be out of the house, in your own space for the time being. As you began grading the papers and piling them according to the hours, your mind wandered back to the night before. You wondered if Elektra would be out of your apartment when you got back. You wondered if Matt would tell Foggy and Karen that you two got into a fight last night. You then found yourself wondering if Matt was actually going to go to work that morning.
You realized you were staring blankly at the student’s worksheet in front of you so you shook the thoughts and focused on the daunting stacks before you.
Most of the hours were business as usual. Your normal rowdy students were a bit extra, but that might’ve been due to your already grated nerves more than their own behaviors. It wasn’t until the hour before lunch that you found some of your students more huddled and secretive than usual.
“What are you doing in the corner?” You called, peaking over your computer at the small group. “There’s, what, five minutes till the bell?”
“Mrs. Murdock, what’s your husband’s name?” One of the girls, Liv, asked with an innocent expression. The same one she gave you when she explained her lacking assignments.
“Matthew.” You titled down your screen to see them better. “Why?”
“What does he do again?”
“Lawyer. Why?”
“Is he handsome?” Another girl, Nicole, asked with wiggling eyebrows.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes at your middle schoolers.
“Yes, very.” You smiled slightly. “I wouldn’t have married him if he wasn’t.”
“And if he’s a lawyer, he’s gotta be smart, right?”
“Again, very. He went to Columbia.”
“So like… Is he why you’re so sad today?” Blake, the only boy in the group, chimed in with a nonchalant shrug.
“Guys.” You frowned slightly. “I’m not sure what you’re doing, but I’m not sad. Me and Mr. Murdock are fine. We’re happily married. And you should be worried about your own relationship drama, not mine.”
“So you admit there’s drama?” Nicole countered quickly.
“Between Blake and Emmy? Yes.” You nodded and Emmy’s jaw dropped while her friends poked her teasingly. “Between me and Mr. Murdock, no.”
“Mhmm.. So why is the photo face down?”
“The photo by your computer.” She came across the room and lifted the frame near your laptop that was in fact, face down. “You told us on the first day that this was one your favorite photos and you have it on it’s face… There’s drama, Mrs. Murdock.”
“You’re very observant, Nicole. Thank you.” You said flatly as you took the frame from her hands and set it in it’s rightful position. “I must’ve knocked it over when I was trying to find you and Liv’s missing portfolio project.” “You can’t deflect, Mrs. M.” Liv added from across the room. “It’s all over your face.”
“Y’know what.” You announced, standing from your desk. “The bell rings in less than two minutes. You guys can all go to lunch early.”
A chorus of questions arose while you heard the door being pushed open.
“They can’t write you all up.” You shrugged and dropped back in your chair while the meddling group made their way into the hall.
The girls continued to whisper to themselves and glanced back at you, to which you shooed them away. When you were finally alone in your classroom, you let out a heavy sigh and rubbed a hand over your eyes.
Usually, you adored having open communication with your students because that meant they trusted you. But at the same time, that meant they felt entitled to know your life story whether you like it or not. The bell echoed in your ears so you spun your chair to the small fridge under your desk that held your lunch.
You clicked play on a playlist from your laptop and began eating your lunch, typing away to enter in grades. You knew you should just do nothing, scroll mindlessly on your social medias instead or maybe even call Foggy to ensure Matt made it to work, but the busy work for your eyes, head, and hands felt better. Plus, you weren’t exactly sure what you would’ve said that could’ve gotten your question answered without being a dead giveaway. So you kept working instead.
“MRS. MURDOCK!” Liv nearly yelled as she burst through your door, maybe halfway through the lunch hour. “OHMYGODYOULLNEVERBELIEVE-”
“Liv!” You said in shock, nearly dropping your water bottle. “What is going on? Is everything okay?”
“Look at this!” She hurried across and showed you her phone screen. Oddly enough, it was a photo of the back of a man exiting a taxi. What stood out to you was the white cane in his hand.
“It’s a guy getting out a cab.” You tried to reason, gently pushing her phone away. “That’s what you ran in here to tell me?”
“But he’s blind!”
“So it seems.”
“Don’t you know what this means?” She insisted with a small stomp.
You simply shrugged and raised your brows.
“It’s Mr. Murdock! He came to apologize!”
“Liv, I appreciate your concern for my marriage but we’re fine, okay? It’s not like he and I are heading towards a divorce. We’re just in a bit of an argument. It’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? Because I’ve never seen you so…” She gestured vaguely to you.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now go back to your lunch, please. I have to finish these.”
“Mrs. M, just-”
“Liv, boundaries, please.”
“Just listen!”
“No.” You said firmly. “Go back to your lunch.”
She huffed slightly but retreated to the door. As she was heading out, she nearly ran into one of the monitors.
“Sorry to intrude, Y/N.” The monitor said as she popped her head in. “I have a visitor for you.”
“Another one of my kids being a problem?” You sighed and wheeled yourself a bit further from your desk. “Send ‘em in. They can sit in the corner till next class.”
“Actually, I think you’ll be glad to see this one.” She smiled knowingly and reached for something outside the doorframe.
Before you could voice another question, she ushered Matt through the door. He said his usual thanks for being guided and the monitor gave you an approving nod and thumbs up. She mouthed a very not subtle ‘He’s very handsome’. You smiled awkwardly in agreement but once the door closed, you rolled your eyes and went back to your gradebook.
“Could’ve called.” You said simply.
“I didn’t think you would answer.” Matt replied honestly.
“Probably wouldn’t have… Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I couldn’t focus.”
You heard the clicks of him folding his cane as he wandered around your classroom. You peaked up to watch him manueaver the desks with such ease that for a split second, you forgot he was blind. You watched him run his fingers along the bulletin board you had on one wall, leading into the standards and other required signage you had up.
“Did she leave?” You asked and returned to your prior task. You knew if you watched him for too long, he’d know and he’d show you that stupid lopsided smirk that he did.
“She was still pretty weak when I left.” He said and there was a slight sadness in his voice. Though if someone asked if it was for Elektra or your argument, you wouldn’t have been able to say. “But I did ask Stick to find somewhere else to take her to recover if she can’t leave on her own by the time someone gets home.”
“Chivalrous.” You made a face behind your computer screen. “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that.”
He sighed slightly and you mumbled a short complaint to yourself before scooting away from your desk and spinning in your chair to face him, just as he appeared at your side. You folded your hands over your stomach and leaned back in your chair, giving an exaggerated sigh and nod for him to talk.
“Y/N, last night, I said something I shouldn’t have.” He began carefully, as if he was following a carefully rehearsed speech. For all you knew, he had rehearsed it with Foggy that morning before he showed up. “I let Stick push me and I just said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But she shouldn’t be the first thing, right?” You said softly with a small shrug. “Stick shouldn’t be able to push you into saying that, whether you meant it or not.”
“You’re right.” He admitted and your brows went up slightly. “I shouldn’t have said that. You are the only woman that I want to be with. I married you, without any hesitation. I never had second thoughts or second thoughts or anything. You, Y/N Murdock, have my heart.”
You nodded slowly but said nothing as you stood. You crossed your arms and looked up at him, him offering a hopeful expression in return. You broke into a small smile and nudged him with your shoulder before moving past him. He followed you almost instantly and you took him to the wall on the other side of your desk near the window.
“The kids started calling this the Sweetheart’s Spotlight.” You said quietly with a small smile. “They keep a polaroid camera in one of the cubbies and every Friday, they rearrange the couples in order of their favorites… They made me put a photo of us on here, too.”
“Where do we rank?” He smiled slightly.
“We’ve been number one since it started.” You laughed. “They tell me that you’re the best by default since I’m their favorite teacher.”
“Lucky me.”
“You know I’m still upset, right?” You said carefully when the air was too light between you two.
“I know.” He nodded. “I can hear it in your voice.”
“But I also don’t want to hold onto this fight. So here’s an idea. Elektra’s out of the apartment today. You two finish whatever crusade you’re on. You make sure you don’t get yourself killed. She leaves New York and it’s all put to bed.”
“Consider it done.” He nodded. “And I know better than to get myself killed. I’ve got it too good to die.”
“Yeah because then I’m a widow and there’s not much life insurance to cash in on.” You joked as the lunch bell rang.
“I should get going.” He nodded before gently taking your hand. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too.” You said softly as your students started filing in.
“OHMYGOD.” One of your students yelled and you closed your eyes tightly, quietly groaning in embarrassment. “IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?”
“Yes, Luna.” You said, feeling the blush across your cheeks. “This is Mr. Murdock and he’s leaving.”
You pulled Matt towards the door as he laughed. Your kids yelled questions that you tried to ignore until Matt stopped, pulling you to stop with him.
“It’s career week!” One of the boys yelled. More so a demand.
“I’m aware, Jack.” You nodded. “What does that have to do with this?”
“He’s not here to talk to us about lawyers?” The boy’s head cocked as he asked his question.
“That’s exactly why I’m here.” Matt grinned and you groaned again. “Let’s give Mrs. Murdock a break, right?”
“You’re so dead.” You threatened quietly with a laugh before heading back to your chair.
“Okay, kids.” You announced. “He’s blind and can’t write. I’m not getting up. Take your own notes and keep your questions relevant to his career, okay?”
“Yes, Mrs. Murdock.” They all answered.
“All yours, Mr. Murdock.” You gestured before returning to grading and the personal questions started flying.
“How did you guys meet?!”
“What’s her favorite color?!”
“Did you see the wall?!” “He can’t see!”
“Are they always this rowdy?” He asked you with a slight laugh.
“You’re new and exciting.” You shrugged. “Take it as a compliment.”
#matt fluff#matt murdock fanfic#matt murdock fic#marvel matt murdock#matt murdock mcu#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock angst#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock#matt murdock fluff#matt murdock x you#matt murdock x yn#matt murdock x wife#husband matt murdock#daredevil#daredevil x reader#daredevil angst#daredevil imagine#mcu daredevil#netflix daredevil#daredevil fic#daredevil fanfic#daredevil fluff#marvel daredevil
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the abandoned tie
a/n: this man... this man, this man. i've missed him so much. he has been on my mind all summer and now i finally snapped and wrote some yummy yum about him.
summary: It was terrible, you knew full well that he was your boss, but what had started as an innocent little crush the moment that you were hired as a secretary at Nelson and Murdock only grew and flourished the longer that you worked there. It didn’t help matters either that Matthew was a natural flirt, or at least was with you, always making you stumble over your words and blush like a damn schoolgirl. But even though it was the right thing to do, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to go on and actually quit, because if you did, then he wouldn’t get the chance to make your heart flutter on a daily basis anymore, bittersweet as it may be.
warnings: matt murdock x secretary!reader, smut, coworkers to lovers, kissing, office sex, clothed sex, ripping pantyhose, manhandling, oral, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex, protected sex, alcohol consumption, foggy slutshames matt (as he deserves. he a hoe and we love him for it)
word count: 4144
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Okay,” Foggy huffed out a long exhale, “I can’t look at this anymore, I’m going all cross-eyed,” he slammed shut the laptop on the conference table before him, “I gotta call it a night,” and as he raised from his seat, your head tilted up from the intimidating stack of paper your nose was buried in, “any of you up for a round at Josie’s?”
“Uhm, actually, I think I might stay here a little longer,” your thumb brushed against the corner of the pile before you, a mountain of perhaps the most boring paperwork you’d ever given your time of day, but the small chance that some tiny nugget hid in there, something that could help the firm on their current case, convinced you to volunteer to take on the job, “see if I can make a bit more of a dent in this.”
“Alright, fair,” your colleague eyed the papers, then shifted his glance to his partner, seated on the stool directly beside where you sat, “Matt? Come on, man. Don’t let your best friend drink alone.”
“I’m sorry,” he shifted slightly in his seat, then uttered in a tone that almost made it sound as if he was just making up his answer to match yours, “but I think I’m gonna keep going as well,” though the hope that he had changed his verdict to sync up with your own was a dream you’d never truly let yourself believe.
It was terrible, you knew full well that he was your boss, but what had started as an innocent little crush the moment that you were hired as a secretary at Nelson and Murdock only grew and flourished the longer that you worked there. It didn’t help matters either that Matthew was a natural flirt, or at least was with you, always making you stumble over your words and blush like a damn schoolgirl. But even though it was the right thing to do, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to go on and actually quit, because if you did, then he wouldn’t get the chance to make your heart flutter on a daily basis anymore, bittersweet as it may be.
“Workaholics the both of you!” Foggy groaned light-heartedly, conjuring an airy chuckle to bubble out of you, “well,” he puffed as he bent down to grab his bag and stuff his laptop inside, “then I guess I’ll just see you guys in the morning.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” Matt flashed his friend a smile as he crossed the threshold of the door to the conference room.
Catching his eye through the windowed wall as he made his way out towards the exit, you waved, “night!” before he raised his hand to mirror your gesture.
After silence had consumed the office once more and your eyes returned to their tedious scanning, a yawn soon forced its way out of your lungs.
As your hand flew up to cup your mouth, Matt’s soaring fingers stilled over the braille on the pages before him and his head tilted up in your direction.
“You sure you’re not done for the day?” he quietly asked.
“No,” you uttered before the yawn was through, “I wanna stay.”
“Alright,” he breathed, “how about some coffee then?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, I can go make some–”
“No, no, stay, I didn’t mean for you to–… I’ll make it.”
“Oh,” you blinked back at him, perhaps finding the role reversal a bit more staggering than you’d expected as you were usually the one making everyone else beverages, “y-yeah, that would be great,” before your gaze then shadowed him as he got up and crossed the small width of the humble office to the little kitchenette nook.
You should have probably just returned to your reading as he stood there and waited for the water in the electric kettle to boil, but you just couldn’t tear your eyes away from him.
When he returned with a steaming mug, he held it out for you to grasp, “here you go,” before he returned to his seat beside your own.
“Thanks,” your fingers enveloped the warm ceramic before you took a small sip, one that was swiftly cut short as soon as the flavour enveloped your tongue, “wow…”
“What? Is it bad?”
“No, no, quite the opposite actually,” you glanced down at the coffee in amazement before your gaze flickered up to him, “it’s perfect,” you uttered, unsure if you were more shocked or just plain weak in the knees at the fact that Matt somehow knew how you took your coffee.
The evening however didn’t drag on for too much longer following the very last sip of your caffeinated beverage. You tried to return to your work, you truly did, but no matter how hard you tried to get back into the flow of things and make a proper dent in the colossal workload, you just couldn’t.
You were too occupied staring at Matt.
Gazing longingly at his burly forearms, exposed and framed by the rolled-up sleeves of his button-down, at his wide hands as they danced over the papers before him, nearly caressing them in the manner you always fantasised he would touch your goosebump-ridden flesh, and even at the slight furrow line that appeared betwixt his dark brows as his brain absorbed the texts he read, the little crease you so badly wished to soothe with a kiss.
As your eyes continued to linger and your heart thumped in your chest at the way your mind ran wild, Matt’s right hand then extended in search of one of the items on the cluttered table, though before his fingers located the wanted folder, they first wandered so close to you that they grazed against your forearm resting there on the surface.
Though the contact sent butterflies soaring throughout your stomach, the spark also managed to snap you out of your daze and jolt you back to your senses, though the realisation bolted through you so severely that in your haphazard and hazy attempt at both hiding any trace of what you’d let yourself do, as well as dive back into what you should have been doing all along, your clumsy ass twisted away in a manner that almost caused you to fall off your chair.
You would have fallen face first on the cold office floor if a pair of swift hands hadn’t seized your waist.
“Wow–, I’ve got you.”
As your head tilted up, gratitude ready to drip off your tongue, it ceased and shrivelled as you realised just how close you now were to Matt. Your noses almost touched as his grasp didn’t move to unfasten their strong hold on you even though you were now completely out of danger.
“You’ve got–…” you echoed hazily, “I-I–…”
As his breath fanned across your face, your eyes flickered down to his lips. You’d never been this close to him before, but now that you were, impulsivity swiftly seized your soul.
Pressing your lips against his in a chased kiss, you soon sensed his grip shift as he kissed you back, his fingers gently digging into your sides to claw you even closer.
Though as you felt yourself melt away in the dream you’d always yearned for, a flash of sense sparked within you and caused you to plant your palms on his broad chest and push him back.
“Oh my goodness…” your shoulders shot up towards your ears, “I am so, so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t fire–”
But no more fretful words managed to leave your lips as Matt then primally grabbed your face and shut you up with a kiss, a taste of hast tingled on his tongue as he let his own desire take over and rush for more instead of other civilised methods one could opt for in such a situation, he didn’t stop to put out the fire, only fanned the wicked flames and kissed you as if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
It had caught you completely off guard and was only when he slowed his heated lips to smouldering pecks that you got the chance to catch up.
“Oh my god…” you whispered slowly between kisses, utterly stunned and reeling in the reality. Your tone at first came out a bit timid as you still couldn’t believe what was transpiring, but as soon as his lips began to wander down the side of your neck and your eyes fluttered at the dizzying sensation, you felt yourself melt into the moment and echo, “oh my god…” though now in a completely different manner, one that dripped with the desire that you evidently hadn’t been the only one to keep bottled up for so long.
As the lawyer soon rose from his seat, he dragged you up with him by the starved hold he had on your face, keeping you close and devouring your lips.
Your fingers found his dark tie for support, the fabric of which had already previously been loosened slightly by his own fingers when they long ago drifted up to pop open the very top button of his collar.
When his feet then shuffled and your backside bumped into the table’s edge, Matt’s palms coasted down your frame till they greedily swept over the pencil skirt you wore and cupped your ass, only letting himself cop a feel for a second before a small yelp bubbled out of you as he then lifted you up to sit on the conference table.
As your fingers then untangled themselves from the silk hanging around his neck and swept up to the sides of his face, your eager touch bumped into his tinted glasses, which you swiftly removed and cascaded to the messy tabletop beside you where you sat.
“Oh… Matt…” a small whimper rolled off your tongue as he then ducked down to plant sloppy pecks all along your neck, “please don’t stop…”
His low voice then vibrated against your rapid pulse, “yeah?”
“Uh-huh,” your head tilted slightly in a nod as your fingers stretched to weave in with his dark hair, “I–… I–…” you tried to fight through the foggy feeling he distilled in you, though ended up only offering him a short and desperate, “please.”
When you glanced down at him, fully expecting the lawyer’s lips to return to your own, you instead watched as they dipped down even lower, straying from your throat and wandering down to the sliver of skin on display in the neckline of your silky blouse. Your breathing was heavy as you watched your chest rise and fall beneath his hot pecks. Mouth agape, you stared intently as his kisses wandered even further south, his nose nuzzling against the soft material of your shirt as he dropped down to his knees.
Planting your palms on the surface of the table for support as you watched Matt crack open your pantyhose-clad legs, his lips then dipped down to one of them as he plucked it up to rest it upon his broad shoulder, all the while a series of kisses smothered the sheer nylon clinging to your skin.
Soon he had your skirt pushed up and bunched around your hips, fervently opening you up and peeling back your layers till he reached what he most desired. However when his touch finally did sweep up to graze against your covered centre, it didn’t continue on the journey up towards your waistband as you had assumed, but instead, his fingers pinched the sheer core of your stockings and tugged till a ripping sound rung out through the dark office.
“Fuck…” he groaned as he finished tearing the hole, nearly making it huge enough for the nylon to just give up completely and split right down the middle, that’s how little he let remain intact before he moved on and reached for the underwear now accessible to him.
His thumb stayed hooked in the soaked gusset of your underwear as he rushed to dive in for a taste of your divine. One of your hands shot down to gently grasp his hair as his tongue lavishly licked you up, making your whole body quiver from the way he made out with your cunt.
Scooping a palm up to cup your tit through your clothing, Matt groaned, “shit…” his fervent rumble vibrating against your puffy pearl before he sucked down on it, “you taste so good…”
As you swiftly felt his kisses push you over the edge, your hips began to rock back against his efforts, grinding your pussy against the lower part of his face as he lapped you up, his fingers too raising to dent your thigh, both to keep your leg draped over his shoulder, but also to keep you steady through all of your squirming as you rode out your high.
“Oh my–, fuck!” you gasped, catching your breath. Blinking down at him, you watched as he slowly rose back up, planting a few pecks in a sporadic pattern up your form till his lips again found your own. The taste of yourself was heavy on his tongue as you drifted a hand up to wipe your slickness from his stubbly chin.
“Miss Y/l/n,” he smirked as you tilted away from his kisses to clean him better, addressing you with the same formality he only occasionally still withheld for you during your working hours together, “whatever would I do without you?”
Still in your haze, you thought too hard about the flirty comment and instead turned it into some kind of unnecessary riddle, “well, first of all, you properly wouldn’t have the evidence of what you just did all over your face, and second, then I also wouldn’t even clean it up because it wouldn’t be there, because I wouldn’t be here, and–,” but then, he simply cut off your words, frankly, as well as your brain, and pressed his lips to yours.
“I fucking love how your mind works,” he grinned, a hand floating up to offer a feathery stroke through your hair.
“Oh, I–,” a shiver ran down your spine as you blinked back at him, “thank you.”
A gentle chuckle then rumbled in Matt’s chest as his fingers reached up to tug at his tie, “sweetheart, if you’re gonna thank me like that every time I pay you a compliment or talk dirty to you,” he yanked the loosened accessory over his head, “then I don’t know I’ll ever be able to stop,” and tossed the silky material to one of the dark corners of the dim room.
Tangling your arms around his neck, an amazed giggle bubbled out of you as you then settled on simply repeating, “thank you,” softly egging him on as your nose nudged against his own.
Groaning lowly, “you little minx…” a smile tugged at his lips as he then leaned in to claim your lips once more.
As he kissed you once again, your legs snaked around his form, dragging up against his sides like a cicada in his arms.
And when he soon shifted a bit before you and extended an arm to something on the table, you breathlessly asked as your fingers floated down to undo his belt, “do you have a–,” but then you twisted your neck to see what he conjured from his bag, “oh,” you glanced down at the small foil packet in his hand, “you do,” you let out a relieved exhale, “good, because I didn’t, so here I was scrambling my mind for what other options we had.”
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, the sudden presence of his hands working at freeing himself caused your own to retreat, “and what did you come up with?”
“Oh, well…” you swallowed, conjuring enough courage to utter, “we could just touch each other…”
“Yeah,” you hazily nodded, “or I could repay you the favour.”
“Yeah?” his hard length sprang free, “you’d suck my cock?”
Scarcely breathing at all, you stared as he swiftly rolled on the condom, “more than you know…”
“But none of that’s what you really want right now, is it?”
As his hand snaked around your hip to scoop you that much closer to the edge, you foggily shook your head, “no…”
“Tell me what it is then,” he uttered as he rubbed the bulbous head of his dick through your folds, making you squirm from the dizzying sensation, “tell me what you want.”
Though the mission of getting words out and offering him an answer seemed more difficult than you anticipated as his tip nudged against your swollen clit and made it near impossible for you to think, “I–… you. I want you,” your arms draped around his neck he inched back in for a kiss, “I-I–, Matt, please just put it in–”
Answering your prayer, he then slid his cock inside, slowly filling your dripping pussy up till his pelves pressed against your puffy pearl and the tip of him kissed a spot so deep inside of you that you felt as if you could scarcely breathe at all.
“There you go,” his groan rumbled in your ear, “that what you wanted, huh?” though when you tried to respond, only whimpers flowed from your lips, “then be a good girl and thank me again,” he dared to request as he gently began to move, “tell me thank you for giving you exactly what you want,” and you moaned, eyes rolling at the way he dragged his girth out of you, so overwhelmingly slow that your cunt clenched around him so tightly that he had to carve anew when he finally thrust forward and filled you up once more, “come on, you can do it. Your pussy’s already doing it in her own incredible way.”
As his lips lowered to flutter against the side of your neck, you faintly murmured, “t-thank you–”
Though the cocky lawyer only bucked into you harder, making you tremble in his grasp as he smirked against your goosebump-ridden skin, “what was that?”
“Thank you, M-Matt!” you successfully squeaked.
“Atta girl,” his hand slid up the column of your neck as your head began to lull, “that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Uh-uh,” you hazily shook your head as you clung to his broad shoulders.
Lightly enveloping his fingers around your neck, just to keep you close, his other digits then reached down between your bodies to find your clit in a harsh rub as he dared to say, “then say it again…”
The words of gratitude then became like a mantra on your lips, incoherently flowing through your moans as he rocked into you so hard that the conference table rattled beneath you, fucking you till you both tumbled over the edge, though the simple phrase still kept rolling off your tongue even when he offered to walked you home afterwards and too when he pressed a soft peck to your forehead, whispering you goodnight before you disappeared inside your building.
The cups of coffee you had nervously bought the very next morning were quite the task to balance in your hands. It would have been strange if you didn’t buy one for all of your coworkers, even though the brew truthfully had ulterior motives.
It wasn’t just the regular kind and thoughtful round of coffee to start the day, but in truth was a thanks for the bang last night, oh, and by the way I am head over heels in love with you, I know I was too scared to tell you last night, but I’m terrified of fucking this up kind of coffee.
It was a lot of pressure to put on a simple cup of coffee, you recognised that, but what else were you to do?
Though when you managed to push open the door to the office without dropping or spilling any of the balanced paper mugs, Foggy was the first one to spot you.
“Oh, you bought coffee?” he grabbed one out of your arms, “thanks!” before he called over his shoulder, his voice flooding into the room to the left, “hey Matt! Y/n got a round of coffee!”
It hadn’t been the suave delivery you’d hoped for, having Foggy force the mood in a purely platonic and professional direction as Matt appeared and casually seized the cup his friend caught from you and extended to him, instead of the fantasy that had tickled your mind all morning of effortlessly slipping into his office and sliding it across his desk with some clever line you hadn’t been able to come up with yet.
Though Matthew still smiled and said as he raised the cup up to his lips, “thank you, Y/n,” and the mirroring echo of the words he’d made you repeat last night so many times that it lost all its meaning, caused your cheeks to heat up.
“Uhh,” you blinked back at him, trying to shake the memory off of you, “y-you’re welcome…”
However, before you could part your lips, ask your boss for a private moment and finally make your move, Foggy opened his mouth once more and spoke.
“Hey, remember how I put out feelers to Karen?” he began to saunter into the conference room.
As Matt began to follow his voice, you too shadowed them, all the while trying your best to keep the butterflies on your belly at bay as you returned to the scene of the crime, most of the papers on the table still in a mess from how little the pair of you had bothered to clean up afterwards.
“Yeah,” Matt tilted his head, “she got anything?”
“Yup,” Foggy took a sip of coffee, “called me this morning and said she’d pop by later with the stuff she–, hey,” his sentence then took a sharp turn as his gaze found something on the floor that puzzled him enough for his brows to crinkle up. Bending down, he picked up a silky string of fabric and wrapped it around his fingers, “Matt, did you forget your tie here?”
“Uh, what?” the man beside you stiffened up slightly.
“Your tie, this looks like the one you wore yesterday.”
“Oh, uhm, yeah,” he coughed, fidgeting lightly with the to-go cup in his grasp, “it just bothered me last night, so I took it off, must have forgotten to put it in my bag.”
As Foggy’s eyes scanned Matt’s reaction and too let his gaze wash over your flustered form and spot how the truth virtually poured out of your pores from the way your eyes grew, he simply hummed, “…uh-huh…” not believing his pal for a second.
Sucking in a breath, Matt tried to extend his hand and asked, “can I have it back?” though his forced casual tone was utterly unconvincing.
“Oh my god…” Foggy sighed before tossing the tie in his friend’s face, “you have a problem, man.”
To your surprise, the man beside you caught it, though you were still just one step too far behind him to catch the way a smug smirk tugged at his lips, “what?” as he couldn’t for the life of him hide the pride of the discovery is friend had surely made countless of times throughout their friendship.
“I leave you two alone for one night, one night!”
“…and to Matt for giving the closing argument of a lifetime and winning us this case!” Foggy raised his drink to the centre of where he, his colleagues and Karen sat around one of the small tables at Josie’s.
“Oh, come on,” the dark-haired man beside you humbly tilted his head, “you were on fire as well–”
“Matt,” his friend cut him off by briefly planting his palm on his shoulder, “just shut up and take the compliment,” before he tilted his beer bottle back up and roared, “cheers!”
“Cheers!” Karen, to the left of you, sang before the rest of you echoed, clinking all of your glasses together.
“Thank you,” Matt gave in and smiled as everyone took a sip, “I couldn’t have done it without you all,” before he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “especially you…”
The sound of his low voice directly in your ear was enough to turn your knees into jelly, but as your eyes fluttered up to gaze at him, the personal space he had now eliminated betwixt you two caused you to positively melt.
As you breathed out an audible smile, his lips stayed close as his breath once again tickled the shell of your ear, “so now that the trial’s done, I was wondering,” he uttered slowly, making you cling onto each and every syllable that flowed from his lips, “would you let me take you out on a real date?”

© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble
#lea’s writing#matt murdock smut#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock scenario#matt murdock oneshot#matt murdock one-shot#matt murdock one shot#matt murdock fanfiction#matt murdock fanfic#matt murdock dialogue#matthew murdock imagine#matt murdock x fem!reader smut#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock x you#daredevil x reader#daredevil smut#matthew murdock smut#marvel smut
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honeymoon phase // matt murdock x age gap!reader
summary: your friends cannot stand you and your newlywed husband
warning: so much fluff and sweetness you might need to see a dentist and a doctor after reading. hope u have insurance or live in a country that cares about you. wanted to give you guys this after the drama.
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the morning after your january wedding was cold. but the morning after you'd returned from your island resort honeymoon was even colder. which was to be expected since it was only just the beginning of february. but you were the warmest you'd ever been, including the time you spent in the warmer climates of thailand, which you and your husband had just returned from. you laid entangled in silk sheets, his arms woven tightly around you, holding you close to him as he slept soundly.
a soft smile emerged on your face and you lifted your hand, bringing it up to his face and placing your hand softly on his cheek. stroking the stubble with your thumb.
"your hand. is cold." he mumbles, his eyes still closed and his mouth barely moving.
"and your face. is warm." you tease, tucking your other hand under his other cheek, sandwiching it between his face and the pillow and giving him a quick peck on the nose.
"leave my face alone." he groans, pushing your hands away.
"that's no way to talk to your wife." you pout playfully, and he opens one eye, peaking over at you and smiling softly before closing his eyes again.
"my wife. i like that." he hums, re-wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest, bringing the blankets up to your shoulders as he tucked his face into your chest.
you just smile, raking your fingers through his hair and cradling his head against you as he hummed happily.
"how do you feel about-"
you were interrupted by the door being thrown open, you feel your spirit leaving your body as matt shoots up, pushing you behind him.
"WELCOME BACK HONEYMOONERS" foggy shouts through the loft, making matt relax, a sigh leaving both of your lips.
"i'm gonna kill him." matt shrugs nonchalantly, and you just shake your head, pushing his arm slightly as you lean down, grabbing matt's sweatpants from the floor beside you.
"no you're not." you roll your eyes, standing up out of bed and pulling on his pants and throwing on his columbia hoodie.
" i could." he frowns, throwing on some clothes, his frown still etched onto his face as you slide open the bedroom door.
"hi fog." you smile, and foggy excitedly wraps you into a hug.
"if it isn't my favorite murdock!" he exclaims, rocking the two of you side to side.
"first, you break into our house. then you tell me that you like my wife more than me, your best friend." matt frowns, pulling you from foggy's hold and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest and tiredly placing his head into your shoulder.
"sorry to break it to you matt, but i'm pretty sure everyone likes your wife more than you." karen responds as she walks into the loft, a bag of bagels and a tray of coffee cups in her hands.
"that's what i'm saying! it's like you didn't listen to my speech at your wedding." foggy smiles, throwing his arms up.
you throw your head back as you laugh, matt grumbling into your neck.
"i'm touched. truly." you smile, placing your hand on your chest.
"i'm not" matt pouts, and you roll your eyes, turning around and placing your hands on in chest.
"you're my favorite murdock." you smile, leaning forward and pressing a short peck on his lips.
"that makes me feel a little better." your husband smiles against your lips.
"okay enough being gross. karen brought bagels and coffee and we have a new case we need to discuss." foggy quickly interrupts, pulling you from matt's grip and plopping you onto the couch.
"you relax. and you, sir, come to the table." foggy directs matt as he throws a blanket over your lap.
your smile widens as karen hands you a cup of coffee, the latest seasonal drink and an your favorite bagel (with enough cream cheese to drown yourself in, of course. you're sophisticated)
"you're an angel" you sigh as you stare at the coffee and bagel in your hands.
"you owe me a lunch date. i wanna hear all the honeymoon deets" she smiles at you as she walks towards the table where foggy was forcing a pouting matt to sit down.
"absolutely!" you agree, tucking the blanket under your legs and reaching forward to place your coffee on the table so you could dig into your bagel.
the next day you found yourself perched on top of matt's lap in his office. soft giggles emitting from your lips as he placed gentle kisses along your neck and collarbones.
"how'd i get so lucky?" he says softly against your lips
"i'm actually a government plant" you shrug, and he snorts, leaning in to place his lips on yours.
"oh jesus, seriously?"
you jump, pulling your lips away from matt's and turn to see foggy frowning in the doorway.
"hi fog, sorry" you say as you sheepishly sink into matt's chest.
"when will the honeymoon phase be over? i work here too ya know!" he groans, shutting the door behind him.
"if it helps, i brought coffee?" you say, nodding your head over to the counter where the large coffee traveler sat.
"it does" foggy frowns before walking away momentarily to pour himself a cup of coffee.
"maybe i should go?" you whispered to your husband, and he frowned, dramatically pouting at your suggestion.
"y/n i love you so much, you two disgust me." foggy smiles sarcastically before sitting down in front of matt's desk.
"i know" you say proudly, standing up from matt's lap.
"where're you going?" matt frowns, and you lean down, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
"leanne's. i'll see you at home?"
matt nods his head and you say bye to foggy as you walk out of the office.
"i love my wife." matt smiles proudly, making foggy roll his eyes.
"you're gross."
"i'm happy you think so"
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#x reader#marvel#daredevil#daredevil x reader#marvel fanfiction#marvel men#matt murdock#matt murdock x reader#netflix daredevil#matt murdock imagine#matthew murdock#matthew murdock x reader#matthew murdock imagine#matt murdock x age gap!reader
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marvel men + love languages
steve rogers - physical touch + words of affi
the sacred combo!! steve is a clingy mf - either always having his arms wrapped around his s.o, a hand on their leg or on their waist, and if he's not with them, he'll be texting you all day, asking how you are and just chatting. steve has had to learn to live every day like it's his last, so he'll never go to work, bed, or even to the shops, without telling you he loves you. it's just part of his routine, really.
bucky barnes - acts of service
bucky is not very good with words, or with expressing himself. even before hydra, it was something he struggled with. so, acts of service are his main love language. it can be little things - making coffee in the morning, putting the laundry away when he knows you're busy - or bigger things, like taking your car into the shop when you forget, or building new furniture, or shaking down your weird co-worker who was kinda mean the other day. he finds so much purpose in just making your life easier (in a healthy way!!).
sam wilson - quality time
sam is a man of quality time. he has to work away quite a lot and is always on the go with work and his tasks, but when he does see you - and he makes sure it's a fair amount - he tries to make it count. hell, it doesn't even matter what you do, as long as he's with you. sam does try to make sure you're always having a good balance of chill time and fun activities though, so he always plans the best day.
frank castle - words of affirmation + gifts
aight this might seem weird bc frank is not very good with words (try and make him form a sentence without a swear word or abbreviation, i dare you) but the ones he does say, he always means. especially when he says that he loves you and would probably kill for you. but, it's frank's famously bad way with words that make you realise how much he loves you - because you're the only person he will verbally open up to and be a complete and open book with. as for gifts, every single one he has ever bought you has been the most thoughtful, sweet things; stuff you wouldn't even think to buy yourself. it's just a testament for how well he knows you.
matt murdock - physical touch
this one feels fairly obvious tbh, because alongside his hearing, matt's touch is his the sense he relies on most. he loves your voice and the way you sound but most of all, he loves the way you feel. whether it's the feeling of your skin against his, your fingers all tangled up, or when you kiss him, he just fucking loves it. physical touch is matt's favourite way of knowing you.
#this definitely doesn't make sense bc i am typing too quickly oops#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers imagines#steve rogers imagine#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes imagines#bucky barnes imagine#sam wilson x reader#sam wilson imagine#sam wilson imagines#frank castle x reader#frank castle imagines#frank castle imagine#steve rogers x y/n#bucky barnes x y/n#sam wilson x y/n#frank castle x y/n#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock imagines#marvel imagines#avengers imagines#avengers fanfic#avengers fan fiction#steve rogers#captain america x reader#captain america imagines#captain america imagine#captain america x y/n
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Matt: *touches foreheads with you*
You: is there a particular reason why you always do this? Not that I’m complaining or anything, it’s cute but I’m just curious.
Matt: oh I like to pretend that I can sense your inner thoughts-heartbeat aside- I like to act like I know what your thinking and if it’s negative about yourself, then think of it as me fighting back against them, proving them all wrong. *smiles*
You: you’re too sweet for me mattie.
Foggy: wrong, you’re both far too sweet, think I might throw up from it actually.
#daredevil x y/n#daredevil x you#daredevil x reader#daredevil imagine#daredevil imagines#daredevil#matt murdock x y/n#matt murdock incorrect quotes#matt murdock fluff#matt murdock x you#matt murdock imagines#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock#mcu x you#mcu x reader#mcu imagine#mcu imagines#incorrect mcu quotes#marvel x you#marvel incorrect quotes#marvel x reader#marvel imagine#marvel imagines
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heather wanting to meet frank castle and have him speak about his life, feelings, and vigilante business is giving:
bc that shit ain’t happening
#frank castle x y/n#frank castle x reader smut#frank castle x you#frank castle x reader#frank castle imagine#frank castle smut#frank x reader#frank castle#daredevil#daredevil born again#matt murdock x y/n#matt murderdock#matt murdock x you#matt murdock one shot#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock x reader
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college!matt murdock x reader | mutual masturbation... but not how you're thinking! | nsfw
a/n: matt’s kinda a perv in this… but you just sound so beautiful
college!matt fisting his cock in the shower to the same pace he hears you fucking yourself at. he tried to ignore your muffled moans at first, knowing how wrong it was to eavesdrop on his neighbor in the room across the hall. but his exam stress and your airy breaths combined into a painfully hard problem for matt.
it had been so long—too goddamn long—since he'd last had the chance to get off, mock trials and essays taking up any spare time. exhaling a long, slow breath, matt leaned forward and rested his forehead against the cold tile.
were you relieving your stress too? how many fingers were you fucking yourself with? were you wishing someone could be there to help you get off?
"fuck," he groaned at the thought, gripping the base of his cock. his hips jerked forward involuntarily at the sensation. he could hear your teeth pierce your lips as you hold back a whimper. matt sucked in a sharp breath thinking about your lips and how he wish he could feel them, feel the way your heart pounded with pleasure.
“pleasepleaseplease,” he overhears, fist continuing to work along his cock. your pleas combined with the wetness of your cunt hinted at how near your orgasm was. matt steadied himself against the wall with his left hand, ministrations containing with his right. it had been so long since he had last done this.
admittedly, matt didn’t find himself doing this very often. more typically than not, the stimulation was too much for him to feel pleasure. but sometimes, his neighbor across the hall sounds too pretty and fucked out for him to not. and you didn’t even know what you were doing to him.
“oh god,” his grip tightened, bringing him closer to the edge.
he wondered how long you had been touching yourself for before he caught you? what got you so worked up? if he were to just go and knock, would you let him help you?
matt’s chest heaved at the same pace as yours, orgasms approaching in tandem. your fingers grasp against your sheets, his desperately grasping for any stability against the tiles. his eyes squeezed shut, almost in a desperate attempt to imagine how you look while lost in pleasure.
a soft, echoing moan flew from matt’s lips, his head dropping back while his abdomen clenched at his release. cum splatted against the shower walls, washing away with the water and some dripping down his hand. his thumb swiped over the head of his cock, working himself to overstimulation to get this feeling out of his system in case he ever bumps into you leaving his room.
a pang of dizziness overcame him, pairing with his exhaustion. with a groan, matt pushed himself off the wall, leaning into the water stream. as his body began to relax, his ears grew deaf to the drops of water sliding off his warm skin, only hearing the slowness of your breathing and pulse of your heart.
he’d finish off his shower when he could find a thought of his that wasn’t about you.
#idk i’m high and can’t stop thinking about eavesdropping college!matt#did NOT proofread btw#just spewing college matt eavesdropping for those to hear#college!matt murdock#daredevil#daredevil x reader#daredevil x you#daredevil imagine#daredevil fanfiction#daredevil smut#daredevil born again#matt murdock smut#matt murdock x reader#matt murdock x you#matt murdock imagine#matt murdock#matt murdock fanfic#matt murdock is a perv
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