#wednesday the cramps
hotandfunnywomen · 2 years
Cast of "WEDNESDAY" watch the Goo Goo Muck dance scene.
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walloruss · 2 years
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With a way out body underneath that head Well I'll get you baby with a little luck 'Cuz I'm teenage tiger and a goo goo muck
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yangyangchuu · 2 years
i just got hit with a thought, lmfao.
for some reason, in my head, despite enjoying being in pain or causing pain, wednesday despise period cramps. and its funny asf.
[wednesday sitting on the couch surrounded by heated blankets and a heating pad on her stomach, elvis sitting by her feet.]
wednesday, getting hit with period cramps out of nowhere: [grips knife tighter, crushing the handle] im cutting it out.
tyler: [turning around] cutting what out-? WEDNESDAY PUT DOWN THE KNIFE-
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Inconvenient hours of overtime
Pairings: Wednesday x Weems (Platonic)
Word count: 1.7K
Summary: Wednesday finds herself in a stick situation and ends up tying weems into it.
TW: Periods? Blood, cramps, breaking and entering, Wednesday being Wednesday.
A/n I got so sunburnt at the beach … whoops.
Wednesday woke to a stabbing pain in her lower stomach. under normal circumstances she would be overjoyed. Perhaps Pugsly had finally become more adept in his knife studies. However, upon opening her eyes she let a small groan escape before snapping her jaws shut.
She was at school. Enid slumbered on over on her side of the split attic room.
Wednesday knew exactly what this feeling was. the monthly cycle, her period.
Reaching a hand down slowly to feel the sheets she almost groaned again at the sticky feeling on her fingers. Even in the low light she had seen enough blood in her teenaged existence to know she was lying in a pool of it, and being at the school that made things harder, not impossible, but harder.
Wednesday sat up and climbed out of bed. She left the sheets for now and grabbed some clothes from her dresser. Carefully, so she didn’t wake enid she snuck into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Enid slept heavily so it shouldn’t be a problem.
Usually, she would deal with this herself, so she didn’t need enid to wake and freak out over the blood.
She stepped into the steamy shower and scrubbed herself clean, glaring at the pink water that circled the drain as if it had personally offended her. Which it had … it woke her up. Her mother always said murder had a prerequisite of at least eight hours sleep.
After a quick shower to clean herself up she slipped into some black underpants lined with an overnight pad. pulling on a spare change of black Pjs she gathered up the soiled clothes and left the bathroom. Throwing the clothes on the bed she peeled off the sheets and bundled them up.
Grabbing her lock-pick from the drawer she paused remembering the student use washing machines were broken and needed to be fixed. A couple of rowdy furs had been wrestling and broke the doors off and pulled out the plumbing by accident.
Knowing that left only one choice, Wednesday debated which was the worse option. Deciding to just go for it she set out for Weems study, which was connected to her own personal quarters, which were most likely equipped with a washer she could use, maybe even a dryer. Otherwise, she had no issues sleeping on damp sheets.
Stopping outside the big double oak doors, Wednesday held the bundle of fabric under one arm whilst she picked the lock. After a few seconds of expert work which involved a lot of precise jiggling; it clicked undone.
Wednesday opened the door and crept into the study, making her way to the door at the back which led to the headmistresses' personal quarters. Wednesday shivered and opened the door.
Normally she may have just sucked it up, but the sticky texture of her own blood was raw and awful against her skin, and she didn’t want people asking her questions.
Wednesday opened a few doors before she found the laundry. Stepping inside she opted to ignore the light-switch for obvious reasons and began to put the machine on. Closing the door quietly she pressed the on button and stood back and simply watched.
She stared blankly at the machine as it threw the black sheets and clothes around and simply reflected on how tired she was. She longed for nothing more than a few more hours of sleep. She would defiantly be sneaking into jericho for a quad over ice in her first lesson tomorrow. Heaven forbid, someone found her asleep at her desk in classes.
fifteen minutes had passed when all of a sudden, the light came on. If Wednesday hadn’t been so sleep-addled, she may have been more aware of the principle no longer being peacefully resting in her room.
She squinted up at the person in the doorway who was rubbing her eyes and frowning.
Wednesday simply glared back.
“It’s three in the morning Ms Addams. What are you doing here??!” Weems asked sounding frustrated and bordering on angry.
Wednesday schooled her expression, which did not go unnoticed by the ever-observant Principal Weems.
“Blood on the sheets is only acceptable if I’m not sleeping in them.” She huffed. Weems stood a bit taller seeming more awake at the mention of her student's blood.
“Wednesday its three am, it's too early for your riddles.” She glowered down at the addams but it lacked the same ferocity as before.
“I got blood on my sheets and needed to wash them.” Wednesday shrugged growing tired of talking and her lips thinning in annoyance, she just wanted to sleep.
“At 3am? Are you injured?” Weems asked coming over and tilting Wednesday's head back with gentle fingers to assess her physical form for signs of trauma or distress.
“No more than any other women once a month.” She stated with an edge to her voice. Weems dropped the hand on her chin and took a half step back out of respect for the Addams need for space and the face she would very much like to keep all ten of her fingers.
“Oh… do you need anything?” The ever-patient headmistress asked.
“Clean sheets.” Wednesday replied curtly. Weems rolled her eyes and suppressed a smirk by lightly biting the inside of her cheek.
“Other than that, you impossible child.” She fussed massaging her temples in feigned annoyance.
“No. i enjoy the cramps.” Came the response.
“Wednesday!” The exasperated teacher scolded.
Wednesday ignored her and turned back to keep staring at the washing machine but Weems would not be deterred, no matter how odd the situation. She had come to expect the unexpected with the Addams family years ago when she still roomed with Wednesday's mother in her own years of schooling.
“Have you got… supplies?” She asked kindly.
“Ms Weems” Wednesday huffed in a very un-Wednesday manner due to her lack of sleep. “I would have to be an idiot without a single brain cell to not be prepared for what is an assured monthly event.” She sniped back not looking away from the sheets and willing them to wash faster
“Ok … alright.” Weems said smoothing her hands down her silk nightgown to reign in her thoughts.
“The student washers are broken curtesy of the furs, and I did not even begin to entertain the idea of sleeping in blood-soaked sheets and shorts.” Wednesday explained.
“Quite understandable.” Weems nodded.
“I assumed as much.” She huffed.
“Next time, knock. Wake me up please dear child. Don’t just break in. Under different circumstances I would have you in detention for a week. But for now, simply come with me. I have a spare bed that could use someone sleeping in it.” She said holding out a hand for the young Addams to take.
Wednesday stared at the extended hand, before glancing back at the machine She let out a tired sigh and relented. Her body simply was screaming for sleep as soon as possible and her limbs felt heavy.
“Alright.” She said after a moment of deliberation, she pointedly ignoring the hand that was offered to her. Weems nodded again and led her to a room with a bed in it, her hand on the child’s lower back in a motherly fashion. Wednesday was too tired to care. She wasted no time hopping in and getting comfortable.
Weems smiled from the doorway. “Wait here and don’t go to sleep just yet Miss Addams.” She said and disappeared for a minute. Wednesday huffed and tried to ignore her but her body seemed to obey as sleep evaded her.
A moment later Weems returned with a glass of water and two small white tablets in one hand with a heat pack in the other. Wednesday rolled her eyes.
“Ms Weems-“
“Wednesday,” the headmistress said sternly. “You're sleeping in my apartment with my rules, so you take the medicine and heat pack or find somewhere else to sleep.” She said.
Wednesday was too tired to fight anymore, she was exhausted, and her body was screaming for sleep. She relented. Allowing Weems to deposit the medicine directly into her mouth before taking the glass from the women and drinking some water.
Weems watched on with a fond expression and pulled the sheets down slightly to press the hot pack to the Addams’ stomach before pulling the covers up again and tucking her in. Pointedly ignoring the almost healthy colour that had seemingly come into the child’s cheeks as a result of her actions.
She walked back over to the door and turned out the light. She looked back at Wednesday, as she watched from the bed. Weems smiled and bid her sweet nightmares as she had every night for morticia during high school.
Wednesday frowned in the darkness at the stirring of emotion in her chest before she clamped down on it, hard. She would not be feeling anything. It was most likely the lack of sleep she reasoned to herself. And then, she folded her arms over her chest as the Pharos did and she was asleep.
Weems was already planning to excuse her from her first two classes, the bags under the child’s eyes not having gone unnoticed by the British blond even at three in the morning.
The child was smart enough she probably already knew the terms content for her classes and the principle had decided that the teen needed sleep more than school stress.
At that the headmistress went back to her own bed, nursing a cup of tea she made to help her sleep. She finished the last dregs in the cup and set it on her nightstands to be dealt with in the morning. Sliding under the crisp white sheets she sighed in content.
And things went back to how they should have been at three in the morning, with all parties, students and teachers alike, asleep in bed under the restful wake of dreams and soft snores.
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xleeleeboox · 2 years
I firmly believe that Spencer Reid in fact does have a music taste outside of classical. He listens to alternative dirtbag, punk rock, and specifically The Cramps.
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dominik528 · 11 months
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-- The Cramps
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richiesosilly · 5 months
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I hate when people wanna be different so bad that they post shit like this the only thing that’s different about you is how abnormally cringe you are
And for the record the first time I heard it was also Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 but like who gives a fuck how someone discovered a song the point is that they discovered it and more people are appreciating the artist like gatekeeping is so weird and pointless 😭
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bongdaddy666 · 7 months
still thinkng about how when Wednesday came out people hated on the dance scene song, when they clearly do not know that The Cramps are a parent of goth and is one of the first recognizable proto-goth bands
not to be an elitist, but know your music history you posers
listen to these and tell me its not goth as fuck:
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iamfandomcrazy · 1 year
i should be finishing my day 7 fic for wyler week but here i am writing a fluffy fic where wednesday is tired and crampy and tyler is being the bestest bf and making her feel better
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Okay but Wednesday Addams dancing to The Cramps is fuckin’ brilliant.
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felicitypdf · 1 month
woke up insanely anxious. a thesis year is a horrible thing to happen to a young woman
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g0away-tate · 2 months
when you can't mention the cramps without someone talking about wednesday but ive been a fan since i was like 9💔
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queer-crusader · 5 months
Anne to womb 📣 we finished our period nearly a week ago, please stop cramping out of fucking nowhere like you wanna go for round two
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Bands & Horror! 🔪
The Cramps + Wednesday Addams! 🖤
“I see the world as a place that must be endured, and my personal philosophy is kill or be killed.”
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onceuponaroast · 1 year
You know for all the shit we give periods I'll give them this, they're pretty handy for telling time. For instance: it's been about a month since the last time I had lasagna and you'll never guess how I know this
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chickenisamazing · 6 months
My period could start any moment bc I've been having cramps since last Friday but I'm praying that it doesn't start until this weekend bc I wanna be at the masjid for the khatm I don't wanna miss a single day
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