#wednesday cares about enid
sxphr · 9 months
Wednesday - Season 1 Episode 7, 39:09
The way Wednesday hesitates before saying "skip the tape." The avoidance of eye contact and the slight change in her voice. Wednesday was being vulnerable with Enid; was finally trying to let down her boundaries around Enid. Wednesday didn't want to lose her again because, in watching Enid leave, Wednesday had finally realised just how much she cared about Enid.
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
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This is honestly another one of my favorite scenes to hyperfixate on. There are very few instances in the show where we see Wednesday looking genuinely shocked/confused/disturbed and this is one of them.
This is probably just my headcanons running wild but…
While Wednesday did mislead Enid to get her there and put her in danger in the first place, you can tell when they’re being chased by the Hyde that she’s protecting Enid. From Wednesday’s point of view, this obviously means she cares in some capacity. The beginning scene of the show with the piranhas is how we know that’s how Wednessay shows she cares, not through words but actions.
As soon as she heard Tyler scream and Wednesday realized they were in danger she stuffs Enid in the dumbwaiter FIRST and then gets in and tries to protect them.
And then after all that and finding SOME clues Enid says this and she just looks dumbfounded.
Wednesday is really like, “I wear the snood, I take down the murder board, you’re not dead, what more could I do?”
I think starting here and throughout their fight, Wednesday realize Enid needs to be told and shown care in a different way than she’s normally used to. And THEN. The little affectionate speech Wednesday attempts to give to reassure Enid.
“The mark you left on me is indelible.” You can TELL our girl has learned something, look at her trying to show her girlfriend she cares after and is willing to put in effort for Enid’s needs the way Enid does her. WHAT OTHER person gets a speech like that from Wednesday. Nobody. They’re girlfriends case closed.
I know I’m probably reading too deeply into things, but I saw someone post this and my mind starting racing back to the scene and everything that followed. I wanted to share my thoughts because it’s honestly one of my favorite scenes because Wednesday is not going to outright say “I care” to Enid but she looked appalled that Enid even had to ask. I love it. This scene isn’t ran over with a queer magnifying glass enough.
Wednesday isn’t the type of person to verbalize she cares…until Enid wants to hear it. Smh our girl is whipped.
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Wednesday: *sitting in the quad reading a book*
Yoko: *walks up and sits next to her*
Yoko: So, fems?
Wednesday: *looks up from her book and sees Enid and Divina across the quad*
Wendnesday: Fems.
Yoko:*also looking at Enid and Divina*
Yoko: Glad to know we could agree on something.
Wednesday: This doesn’t mean I like you
Yoko: Yeah, i figured
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eidolons-stuff · 7 months
Bianca: *still fighting thing* "You can do that on your own"
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comicake · 2 years
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enid sinclair hcs!!
• newjeans + kpop fan (do i even need to explain)
• favorite ice cream flavor is birthday cake
• was a gifted kid then burnt out
• favorite candy is nerds ropes- i imagine her sitting in her and wednesday’s dorm and just devouring them
• definitely a percy jackson kid, i just feel it in my bones
• naturally a brunette! (can u guys tell a lot of these are based on emma)
• decorates her headphones with cute stickers
• wears heelys
• bisexual awakening from victorious, i think she was obsessed with jade and when she met wednesday she finally realized why 😭
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seance · 2 years
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WEDNESDAY (2022) + name etymology.
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breawycker · 5 months
It's 4:36 AM and I can't sleep so I'm just gonna post this dumb wenclair thing I just came up with when I was trying to fall asleep.
Okay so like when Enid comes back after they have that falling out Wednesday says “Thing missed you” and Enid replies “I missed him too.” Cause like they can't express their feelings for each other because they're scared so they use Thing as a proxy and in the end they're like “Thing loves you” or “Thing says he loves you” and then Enid is like “I love him too” and they kiss because they know exactly what they mean and Thing is just completely confused. Like Wednesday will say “Thing says you look nice today” and Enid will be like “tell him thank you” or Enid will be like “Thing says your cello playing is beautiful” and as it keeps up they realize that the other feels the same as they do. Like they slowly escalate it until we reach that kiss.
Here's an example I came up with:
Wednesday: Thing says you look nice today
Enid: what else does Thing think about me?
Wednesday: he thinks you're too good for that brainless stoner, Ajax.
Enid: Really. Does he have any other boyfriends in mind?
Wednesday: he wonders if it has to be a “boy"friend 
Enid: tell him I'm open to other suggestions 
Wednesday: he wonders perhaps another girl?
Enid: does he have a girl in mind?
Wednesday: he does but he wonders if she'd be good enough for you. He thinks you're special for some reason. 
Enid: perhaps he should tell this girl to meet me in the cemetery tonight at 8
Wednesday: he says that's perfect grave digging time
Enid: well I was hoping for a picnic too
Wednesday: he thinks that can be arranged as well
Enid: tell him it's a date
Wednesday: I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear.
Thing, signing: what are you two fucking talking about?
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genghisthebrain · 7 months
"season two wednesday is going to be darker!" NO. your honour let me live in denial. wenclair are gonna get together and sit on one another's laps and make art and playlists and music and be sweet sweet murder girlfriends and be happy together
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ziegayler · 2 years
No but imagine Thing telling Enid about Wednesday’s novels and out of curiosity she asks Wednesday about them. Wednesday is surprised but hides it masterfully (or so she thinks Enid has gotten very well at reading Wednesday’s mannerisms). After bugging Wednesday she lets Enid read them.
Normally she isn’t nervous but letting Enid read her novels is very…intimate. Enid enjoys reading them even if they’re a bit morbid. She gasps at the twists and turns of each mystery. She even asks Wednesday questions and points out what she likes.
Wednesday starts to feel strange knowing that Enid actively engages with her about her novels and seems to enjoy them. Each time it happens she feels her dead heart beat and a small smile forming on her normally emotionless face.
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non4ry · 2 years
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ur-not-reddie · 1 year
you really gonna sit here and tell me wednesday and enid aren’t into each other?? that’s a bold face lie
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darthluffy · 2 years
Not sure why people are complaining about a love triangle in Wednesday, I enjoy when a girl has her awakening and tears her rival’s face off
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Enid: *walking around her dorm* pspsps pspsps
Enid: Come on out Willa
Yoko: *Walks in* When did you get a cat?
Enid: Oh, hi Yoko! Uhm… not to long ago. She’s really shy so it might be best if you leave.
Yoko: I mean I can help you look. I am a cat person after all.
Enid: Unfortunately this cat isn’t a people person, please leave.
Yoko: Come Enid it can’t be that bad.
*both turn their heads as sounds come from under Wednesday’s bed*
*Yoko walks over the check under the bed*
Enid: Yoko don’t!
Wednesday: HISSSS
Yoko: AHHH! What the fuck?! Is that Wednesday!?
Enid: I told you not to do that.
Wednesday: Leave my place of solitude at once.
Yoko: God damn, fine *dodges kinfe* IM LEAVING!
Yoko: What the fuck was that?!
Enid: I tried to force a pink sweater on her and she went full cat on me.
Yoko: Why didn’t you just tell me that to begin with?
Enid: I didn’t want to embarrass her.
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eidolons-stuff · 6 months
Wednesday: "What is taking Xavier so long?"
Thing: *signs* "Who cares! We need to get ready!"
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gh0st-city · 2 years
Sorry for the spam but I finished the Wednesday show yesterday and I have many many thoughts and feelings about it. Overall, kinda disappointed with what it ended up being but man that Wednesday portrayal by Jenna Ortega was so on point and the dynamic between Enid and Wednesday is so *chef's kiss* I'm so mad they didn't make them have a romance and instead shoed in these generic forgettable straight boys for them to chase around, they had the perfect romance right fucking there!!!
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