#wedding stories
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bankssims · 1 year ago
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Wedding Night - Sexy Black Lingerie
Look 1: body suit, stocking
Look 2: body suit
Look 3: top, bottom, stocking
Look 4: top, bottom, stocking
Creator Credit:
@helgatisha @sentate @charonlee
Thank you so much to these creators for their talented hard work. I apologize to the creators I could not list.
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aritany · 1 year ago
I want to hear a wedding story! (Only if u want to share ofc)
where to begin. notably, the funniest part of this story is the wedding night (no, not in the way you're thinking), so stick around for that.
previous context is the divorce story, which is significantly less funny, but it does talk about boobs, so, you know.
buckle up, folks.
okay pov you're me. you're 19. your now-fiancé just proposed to you in Front Of Your Mother, with whom you have a notably Contentious Relationship. you do not take this for the red flag that it is. instead, you start planning a wedding.
also, you're in university, because you're 19, and you're taking seven courses and your now-fiancé Wants To Fuck, (as many young christian men do, also because you, as previously mentioned in divorce story, have excellent tits) so this wedding is happening in 6 months.
weddings are very expensive. notably. you, being practical, and also very nearly friendless, are keen on a <30 person event. close friends and family only. your now-fiancé, on the other hand, knows Probably All Eight Billion People On The Planet, and so if it were not for budgetary reasons, would very much like to hold a 300+ person shebang. fortunately, budgets. 130 people on the guest list, all of a sudden. you mourn your intimate wedding dream privately.
as a rule, wedding planning is very stressful, but fortunately, your now-fiancé is an Exceptional Event Planner, so he's very eager to take over on the planning, including (and this is important), wedding night accommodations.
you realize very quickly into the planning process that this wedding is exceptionally transparently a way for your mother (youngest girl of 5) to show off to her siblings (all wealthy, she married a musician, life's rough, perhaps chill out, arlene) and as such, Choices Are Being Made. you are very nervously trying to not butt heads with her, considering the aforementioned Contentious Relationship, and previous experience/fear for your life expectancy.
believe it or not, your mother marrying a musician was an important point, because they popped out several musician babies to form the Von Trapp Family Nightmare of their dreams, and as such, your mother reminds you, there are expectations in place! people are practically coming to the wedding for the music! she tells you and then gets very huffy and insists it's a joke. you let her hire a guitarist for the prelude, because, whatever.
it is possible, due to your as-yet-undiscovered autismal nature, that you are not doing as well as you might think you are at disguising that you're not all that pleased, but overall you stuff it down. compromise is a part of life, whatever. more on this later.
the wedding day approacheth. you throw a bachelorette party with 5 people including your 15 year old sibling, because you are very cool with lots of friends. you get very smashed. mother is not pleased, due to the presence of said sibling, which is perhaps her only valid moment in this story. sorry, noa.
the night before the wedding is where things get a little bit spicy. because of the Contentious Relationship, you can smell a storm coming from a mile away, but all you know for sure is that your mother is Not Pleased With You, which is very stressful until about eleven pm, when your father elects to pull you aside to Have A Chat.
in said Chat, he tells you that you could really do a lot more to make your mother feel more special during the following day. you say, father? on my wedding day? he, also autismal, also afraid of your mother, says, you heard me. you ponder this, and then end up explaining awkwardly and painstakingly why you will not be doing this, due to the Contentious Relationship, Also, Abuse. your father, now sitting with the brand-new information that his wife Sucks, Like, Severely, doubles down.
through the balcony window, your mother sees you Having A Chat. assumedly, she feels very left out. you smell danger so you go inside to mitigate. she understands that she is the topic of discussion, and, i shit you not, throws everything she's holding onto the floor and marches out of the room.
you do not see her until forty-five seconds before the ceremony. instead, you go to your room, and you cry so hard you give yourself a nosebleed, and you sleep for about three hours.
wedding's a bit of a blur. mostly you remember eating bread in a golf cart after the ceremony, and that during the reception, your dress was so uncomfortable that it overshadowed almost everything else. also, you and your dad (who does not dance) choreographed a whole 5 minute deal to one of your favourite songs for your father-daughter dance and now you can't hear it without feeling like you're going to throw up, due to the bigotry.
let's get to the juice.
you are ready to leave about .3 seconds into the reception, but it's sort of the whole deal that this is The Party that you're supposed to really stick around for, like, the whole time. so you are VERY brave. you dance like nobody's watching, or whatever. (you dance like everybody you know and respect is watching, because they are.)
eventually, you get to leave this party. you drive away in your car together, and you're very newly married, which is, naturally, very exciting.
now, earlier, i said we'd revisit compromise. here's where that's going to happen. see, when you're planning a wedding, you have to be very careful about the budget. your fiancé-turned-husband also happens to be very frugal, a quality that is frequently very useful, however.
apparently, the budget didn't extend to a very nice wedding night. and, like, you're you. you're honestly just very relieved to not be financially and emotionally dependent on your mother, for aforementioned and i hope deeply obvious reasons. you do not have high expectations. you're not expectation champagne, or anything.
however, you're also not expecting to pull up to a comfort inn in the industrial area of downtown, an institution so fine that it is now Permanently Closed. you, in your terribly uncomfortable wedding dress, traipse into reception, where the receptionist proceeds to stay on the phone for 45 minutes.
eventually, she gives you your room key and tells you that your room is in the annex.
the annex, you think. that could be nice. maybe that's a special building. and it is. oh, it is special. you lug yourself and your suitcases across the parking lot to the annex, a grey building with grey windows that looks a little bit like a hidey-hole for a serial killer. you open the door.
inside, a double bed. it is concave. in the corner, a dog bed.
you realize very abruptly that for you, on your wedding night, with intention of Consummation™, YOUR FRESH HUSBAND HAS BOOKED FOR YOU THE ROOM THAT THEY GIVE YOU WHEN YOU SAY YOU'RE TRAVELING WITH A DOG.
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mzosofaboloustv · 2 years ago
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TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mzosofaboloustv
STREAMING LIVE: Sun, Mon, Wed 2-7pm est.
MY GALLERY ID: Gemelli2020
TWITTER: @GemelliSimmer
SIMSTAGRAM: @Gemellisimmer
INSTAGRAM: MzosofabolousTv
Shout out to some of the amazing CC creators for making dope pieces for me to build with!!!
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thehouseofkitten · 9 months ago
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Wren aged up against my will lmao 😂 and now I have to marry her to her betrothed (Royal props) she's not happy at all!
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persephonebitesgameplay · 2 years ago
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beautyandthebetes · 2 years ago
I was at a wedding the other weekend and I had two very different experiences during the whole thing:
The first was excitedly chatting with an old friend who’s a nurse about my recent upgrade to the G7, what I like/dislike about it, and funny stories about her coworker who has everyone as a follower so the whole unit beeps when she goes low
The second was at dinner, everyone’s a few drinks in, and I asked everyone sitting at my table if they were okay with needles as I pulled out my pen. A girl who I’d never met before that night went “Yaaaaass girl, do it!” And I replied, “Bitch this isn’t heroin, it’s just insulin, calm the fuck down!”
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here-queer-jointpain-severe · 11 months ago
It’s Beas nice ask day!
So my question for you: What is something (fandom or not) that you have stepped back to say “damn I did that” that makes you feel proud
Late to answering this but it's easily the time I gave someone my wedding dress after the Alfred Angelo fiasco back in 2017.
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legacymanor · 1 year ago
Finally pulled off a successful wedding 💍💒👰‍♀️
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extracelestialsims · 2 years ago
The Sims 4 - A Wedding Story
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thelemonzone42 · 1 month ago
Holly Santapaws
It was a cold Christmas Eve and Jess and Lily were escorting her grabby and hungry geese from the cabbage patch to a pond. After feeding the rabbits, guinea pigs and tortoises some lettuce and carrots, Mrs. Hart gave the geese the same vegetables. She also told them that they’re pairs for life when they fly down for the winter.
After she left, Jess and Lily remembered that they have to go to the Christmas Wedding of Mr. Cleverfeathwr and his fiance Miss. Sweetbeak.
When Goldie showed up, it was time for the wedding preperations.
When they arrived to Friendship Forest, it was snowing. Goldie introduced the girls to Mr. Cleverfeather’s inventing apprentice. Holly Santapaws, who is a white puppy. She offered them her Toasty Toffees(Which makes the person who eats it warm all day) but they were too warm. Although they didn’t work, they were tasty.  After cheering the pup up, they decided to go and meet the blushing bride.
Friendship Forested was decorated with candles, tinsel and Christmas carolers. It was nothing that Jess and Lily had ever seen.
They arrived at Miss. Sweetbeak’s Unique Boutique, where they met Mr. CLEVERFEATHER’a fiancé, ‘Miss. Sweetbeak’. She is a snow owl who is as beautiful as a blushing bride and has speech-impairment, just like Mr.Cleverfeather. She has desgigned clothes and accessories for the patrons of Friendship Forest and brings out their inner beauty. She has made special dresses for Jess and Lily for Christmas. When Miss. Sweetbeak asked them to be her bridesmaids and Holly to be the flower girl, they accepted the offer. She told the girls to give Mr. Cleverfeather to give him his Christmas present, an embroidered vest she made herself.
By the time they reached his workshop, Mr. Cleverfeather started to get wedding jitters. The ice sculpting machine, the music player and the confetti machine were out of whack and the reindeer to pull the wedding sleigh hasn’t shown up. The girls, Goldie and Holly will assure that it will all be fine by tomorrow.
To start their search, the quartet decided to check Holly’s tool shed for any clues. Unfortunately, they could only find the Dancing Shoes Holly has been inventing for Mr. Cleverfeather. Just as she was about to explain what was wrong with them, they heard an EVIL cackle. It was Grizela, she had come to ruin Christmas and Friendship Forest with her new ice monster henchmen. She grabbed Holly’s confetti machine and turned it into a, ‘Muck Machine’ with her evil magic. With one blast, everything became mucky and gross. Without time to hesitate, the trio decided to head back to the Unique Boutique to check on Miss Sweetbeak.
They passed through the filthy disgusting muck and into the shop where they found Miss. Sweetbeak heartbroken and the dresses for the wedding ruined. Miss. Sweetbeak worked hard on the dresses, she’d even preserved all of her shedded feathers since she was a little owlet. They couldn’t just give up now. Holly came in with a special Bubble Paint Potion that was supposed to make bubbles that pop out in blue paint. Unfortunately, it makes ANYthing clean instead. Hearing the word, ‘Anything’ Jess and Lily suggested thata she should dump it into the river and hope that it’ll clean the entire forest. 
At the river, the ice monsters were having a waater break, much to Grizelda’s dismay. Holly quickly poured the cleaning potion into the blue river and a variety of bubbles came up and about. Everywhere the big blue bubbles went they popped and made Friendship Forest sparkly clean. Grizelda was horrofied by the cleanliness. She tried to make it mucky again, but Holly immediately clogged the machine with her Toasty Toffee. WHAM! Grizelda immediately got covered in muck and flew off with her ice creatures flying behind her.
Everyone congratulated Holly for her bravery, including Miss. Sweetbeak. Before they could celebrate, they saw a kite flying towards them. The kite was made of invention diagrams made by Mr. Cleverfeather and it had a phrase written in black, ‘Melp He’. That can only mean one thing, he’s in trouble.
They arrived at Mr. Cleverfeather’s treehouse, only to see Grizelda lock him away and making off with his Merry Music Machine. They started to search for Grizelda, her ice monsters and the Merry Music Machine. They searched high and low until Lily heard an out-of-tune version of, ‘Ding Dong, Merrily On High’. Instead of sounding like bells, piano and flute, the music sounded like a screeching violin, rusty trumpets, and outdated drums. The music was so loud that small balls of snowballs  became big ones. It was an AVALANCHE. The girls, Goldie Holly, and Miss. Sweetbeak got away as fast as they could. The snowballs rolled down and covered the houses with snow. 
They needed a way to stop the snowy madness and save the good citizens of Friendship Forest. REmembering the Dancing Shoes that weren’t working, Jess got an idea. She believed that Holly could use the haywire Dancing Shoes to trick Grizelda into leaving. Unfortunately, there was no time to go back to the shed. So they decided to go to the local cobbler, ‘Billy Stroutfoot’ the goat to request a pair that is similar. He made a similar pair with purple gemstones and bells. 
At the river, Grizelda was getting annoyed by the water in her shoes. and it worked. Grizelda shook so hard that the key to Mr. Clever feather’s home fell out. Jess quickly snatched it and ran as fast as she could. Holy still has the kite that Mr. Clever used to get help.
Miss. Sweetbeak said that it’s in her snow owl nature to know about snow. 
They arrived at Mr. Cleverfeather’s . Holly fixed up the Confetti Machine and the Dancing Shoes while she was at it. It was getting late.
They arrived at The Santapaws residents where they found Mrs. Santapaws putting out a plate of gingerbread cookies and strawberry tarts. Holly’s cousins and Mrs. Santapaws’ adoptive family, ‘The Swiftpaws’ were coming over tomorrow for Christmas. For their gift, Holly decided to give her cousins her Cleaning Potion, since they get their paws dirty all the time. 
The next day, Mrs. Santapaws fixed up some chocolate pancakes with berry sauce, toasted buns, cinnamon porridge with honey it and hot cocoa. The Swiftpaws arrived with presents for Holly and her family. However, presents can wait because Jess and Lily have to help with final preperations for the wedding.
Along the way, they saw ice sculptures that looked very convincing. When they arrived at the boutique, they couldn’t help but notice that the entire shop was vacant. The only thing standing in the middle, was a statue of Miss. Sweetbeak in her wedding gown, horrified and frozen. That’s when Jess, Lily, Goldie and Holly knew the statues were real. The girls, Holly and Goldie knew they had to get to Grizelda’s tower, fast. Fortunately, HErmia and her Messenger Butterflies avoided capture by hiding as decorations. Goldie told them to contact The Swiftpaws, because they wouldn’t reach the tower in time if they went on foot. 
A few minutes later, The Swiftpaws arrived in their sled and took our heroes to Grizelda’s tower. They needed a way to get up to the top of the towers. Suddenly, Holly remembered that her Toasted Toffee is extremely sticky. Lily, Jess, Goldie, and Holly covered their hands with Toasted Toffee and climbed their way up. Holly also brought her backpack with her. As they got to the top, Holly got out her Ice Machine, which was suppose to make ice sculptures. Unlike the ones who Grizelda froze. While taking a glance at the poorly-done Christmas tree covered with real bats and broken ornaments, the monsters flew in from above.
Holly fired her Ice Machine, but only to unleash steam and mist, which thawed the monsters. As it turned out, the monsters were the missing Sparklehoofs Sisters, the reindeer who were suppose to carry the happy couple. They consisted of Mistletoe, Ivy, Berry. 
One by one, they hopped onto the reindeers back, Holly activated her machine and they flew off to thaw out the patrons, all while singing, The Holly and The Ivy.
After that, it was time for the wedding ceremony. Owls don’t exchange rings, so Mr. Cleverfeather and Miss. Sweetbeak exchanged beautiful necklaces made from white and red beads. After they were pronounced married, it was time for the wedding reception at the Toadstool Cafe. The Sparklehoof sisters carried them in their sleigh, leaving behind a trail of sparkles that taste like sugar cookies. 
The Toadstool Cafe looked exactly like a gingerbread house, just like the ones Mrs. Hart makes every year. The wedding colors were Green and red and there were silver bells and mistletoes on each of the tables. One by one, Mr. And Mrs. Cleverfeather gave the guests their party favors. Lily got a wooden lily for her room, Jess got a wooden ball for her cat, ‘Pixie’, Goldie got a wooden jewelry box, and Holly got a wooden picture frame. In the picture was her and Mr. Cleverfeather from last year’s Christmas.
The cafe served Sweet root soup, hazelnut patties, stawberry meringues, rasberry buns, and chocolate cream cake.  Afterwards it was time for the wedding dance. After Mr. And Mrs. Cleverfeather danced to Silent Night, Jess and Lily decided to perk up the wedding with their makeup dance, ‘The Wiggle Jiggle Giggle’..
When the wedding was over, Mr. And Mrs. Cleverfeather flew off to their honeymoon in the Snowcat Mountain.Jess and Lily changed back back into their regular clothes and found silver roses in their jacket pockets. Inside was a note from Mrs. Cleverfeather
Dear Less and Jilly
Thank you for supporting me on my wedding way.
As a token of our affections
Please have these silver roses and you can keep the jesses and drackets.
Love, Mrs. Sweetbeak-Cleverfeather.
Jess and Lily decided that incase their parents ask where they got the jackets and bridesmaids jackets, they’ll say that a boutique owner gave it to them for free.
Back in Brightley, Jess and Lily saw the geese flying off, assuming that they’re going on their honeymoon just like The Cleverfeatahers. Jess and Lily held each other’s hands and took off to the animal hospital with their silver roses in their hands. 
The End.
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intersectionalityamazon · 1 year ago
Hilariously this did happen at my wedding! (minus the deliberate part, the lawn blower guy didn’t know)
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sorry but in my opinion this is so rude
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kiyannasquotebook · 7 months ago
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littleveronavillethings · 8 months ago
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we briefly interrupt the new active family to drop these screenshots i forgot to post from the previous family's wedding!!!!!!!!! i worked SO hard to get these pics you wouldn't believe
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groovydazestudent · 1 year ago
Minimalist Living: Streamlining Wedding Registries with Essential Home Maintenance Products
In a world inundated with material possessions, many couples are opting for a simpler, more minimalist approach to wedding registries. Rather than accumulating unnecessary items, they prioritize quality over quantity, focusing on products that serve a practical purpose in their everyday lives. This article explores the concept of minimalist living and its application to wedding registries, with an emphasis on essential home maintenance products that promote simplicity and functionality.
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Embracing a Clutter-Free Lifestyle
Minimalist living is about more than just decluttering; it's about intentionally curating a life filled with meaning and purpose. By streamlining their wedding registry with essential home maintenance products, couples avoid the trap of excess and embrace a clutter-free lifestyle from the outset. From multi-purpose tools to space-saving storage solutions, these items promote efficiency and functionality, allowing couples to create a home that reflects their values and priorities.
Cultivating Mindful Consumption
Incorporating essential home maintenance products into minimalist wedding registries encourages couples to adopt a mindset of mindful consumption. Rather than succumbing to the pressure of consumerism, they focus on acquiring only what they truly need and will use on a regular basis. By prioritizing quality over quantity and durability over disposability, couples invest in products that stand the test of time, reducing waste and minimizing their environmental footprint in the process.
Wedding stories are as much about the journey as they are about the destination. By embracing minimalist living and prioritizing essential home maintenance products in their registry, couples embark on a journey towards a simpler, more intentional way of life. In doing so, they lay the groundwork for a future filled with purpose, mindfulness, and shared experiences.
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crustaceousfaggot · 1 year ago
Crane Wives songs will be like *folk guitar intro* ooowoahhhhhhhh ooowaoahhhhh. I am a wolf in the river. I am worried that I'm too volatile to ever be in a stable relationship. *guitar interlude with some percussion now* ooowoahhhhhhhh ooowaoahhhhh. There is ash in my hair. I am so tired all the time. I think I'm a bad person.
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syfysyd · 1 year ago
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Let's welcome the Blooms!
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