mourntheantagonist · 1 year
I have blocked over 200 bots in the last 24 hours. Help.
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spectrumspace · 3 months
soviet era animation loves to have sounds and noises
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banchie · 2 months
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candiedlavender · 2 years
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heartinggays · 7 months
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shiveringfrogspawn · 8 months
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Here’s your daily reminder that healing takes time, but it’s possible. You’re worth putting in the effort for the results you’ll reap ❤️
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 5 months
also while im in an opinions mood here's a reminder to anyone who thinks that any of the internet bills they try to pass to "ban icky porn and keep the internet safe for children uwu" is a good thing ever.
reminder that those same people putting these bills forward are the ones who think being homosexual is an obscenity and that that is not a coincidence and is in fact the driving force of said bills in the first place.
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added a new song to xdx3xp!!! also created a new blog post, and did some other general site maintenance... belgh :P go to thepersonever.neocities.org!
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shatterspin · 1 year
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Core Illustrations Part 9
All are from Cole’s Earth Dragon EVO
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butch4maryoliver · 9 months
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Select pages and buttons from my neocities website(s)
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mirnsey · 3 months
Me after reblogging every thing my mutual reblogs like the mindless zombie i am
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spectrumspace · 7 months
the Thing about Mid-2010s Ace Discourse that gets me is that even if you weren't really someone who kept their pulse on the latest news in the lgbt+ community or queer theory or whatever, it'd still make its way onto your dash in a more subtle way as "cringe"
like i think a lot of funny posts at the time being made by the Big Guys were like "34yo 'fandom moms' about to doxx a preteen for not shipping rey-lo" followed by an image of peter griffin photoshopped to have dyed hair, piercings, heavy makeup, and a shirt in the ace flag colors using a laptop with fandom stickers on it. like very much a "gay people i do not respect" strawman but with the label scribbled out and a new one slapped on. and no one really read into it critically
and if someone did actually go "hey what does asexuality have to do with it" they were put on blast by op and their friends for "reading too much into it" and the post would immediately devolve into bullying whoever decided to speak out -- often someone very young and/or with trouble picking up on social cues -- until they wrote up a long emotional thesis trying to stand their ground where inevitably they said something wrong and op got to say something like "ummmm 😳 did you just say lesbianism is aphobic??? 😂" and everyone would reblog the whole miles-long thread going "LMAOOO CRINGE" with the subtle insinuation that All Ace People Are Like This.
like i never saw anyone share around straight up Discourse™ discourse on my dash specifically, even if i knew it was out there/saw it in the wild outside my personal bubble sometimes, but this kinda stuff was Everywhere thanks to the rise of "cringe culture", and i think that was more fundamentally damaging than any 10k word google doc essay with sources trying to make an "intelligent point" for ace exclusion
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mdeanstrauss · 3 months
from my weblog, I write about my experience researching, selecting, acquiring, and shooting with the Leica Q3...
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tequilaqueen · 4 months
I’m trying to cut down on my screen time el I probably won’t be that active on here. We’ll see how long my resolve lasts.
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badgraph1csghost · 7 months
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I didnt want to add this to the original post because it's just too darn long.
You want to know how Black Friday used to be? I mean, it's always been psychological trauma for retail workers, but I'm talking like OUTSIDE the building.
People would queue up. Right? When there was a new game console or something coming out, they'd queue up, sometimes for 16 hours. They'd sleep on the queue. They'd have dinner on the queue. They'd have to limit their fluid intake because there were no toilets on the queue.
Because there were doorbusters. There were door prizes. There were savings unfathomable to the 2023 mind. People would form groups to rush the doors, people would get trampled, there was an incident at Kohl's where the manager got trampled to death by a herd of frantic soccer moms who hadn't taken a piss in 16 hours and absolutely HAD to get the best deals on cookware before anyone else.
Just 10 years ago, it was like this.
You didn't understand the phrase "every man for himself" until you saw a group of American suburbanites, half-frozen from the late November cold-snap fighting-- literally FIGHTING like fucking Mortal-ass Kombat-- to get their hands on what? A god damn toaster oven. At Best Buy one year about 10-12 years ago, a soccer mom went to jail because she cut a guy's hand off to get the last big-screen TV.
Why? Why do that? You don't know, do you? The sales were BIG. I tell you, this TV was as big as the wall in my sitting room and it was normally $995; it was on sale for $350. That's a savings of almost $700 fucking dollars, can you imagine it? No, of course you can't, because we live in the 2020s, where the prices of everything have been going up and up and up for the past 5 years.
TVs like the one I mentioned are now $1500 and go "on sale" for $1490. Yeah, save 10 bucks on a fuckin almost $2000 TV that only cost probably $200 to build in the first place. Black Friday doesn't fucking exist anymore.
And I've been saying this like it's a bad thing. It's not. I want to live long enough to stop seeing Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads in the post. But the fact that people STILL behave like they're gonna walk away with a deal just points to how thoroughly the corporate feudal state has convinced us that 700% inflation is just a fact of life.
Oh, yeah, and those stores I mentioned? The Kohl's where so many people burst into the place that the manager got trampled to death? The Best Buy where the guy got his hand cut off? They closed 2 and 3 years ago. No more business. They cut their stock back, still not enough business, and they closed. Yep, nothin' wrong with THIS economy.
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devynsshitposts · 1 year
imma be straight with y’all, if one of my faves (including but not limited to @abadtakehonestly @hotdapologist @valeskafics ) gets shadow banned i straight up just do not know only because i go straight to their blog, cause i am not scrolling through the tags to see if they posted (unless they ask to just make sure they have been released from the shadowlands) i just go straight to their page cause even if they didn’t post new chapters they still answers asks and everything and that brightens up my day
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