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"Weather Modification And The U.S. Military."
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Weather Wars: Can We Really Control the Storms?
The debate rages on about whether humans can actually control the weather. While Florida Rep. Carlos Gimenez calls such claims "outlandish," some insist on the possibility, pointing to scientific practices like cloud seeding. With natural disasters like hurricanes causing fear and devastation, how should we approach the information swirling online? Are patents and theories enough to prove human influence over weather, or is it all just conspiracy talk? Share your thoughts—can we truly manipulate the elements, or is all this just a storm of misinformation?
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Mission Mausam || भारत सरकार की योजना मिशन मौसम || 2000 करोड़ रुपये मंजूर किए #MissionMausam

देश का मौसम बदलने वाला है, और इसका रिमोट कंट्रोल भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों के हाथ में होगा! क्या हो अगर आपके पास एक ऐसा रिमोट हो, जिससे बारिश और तूफान को कंट्रोल किया जा सके? सुनने में अजीब लग सकता है, लेकिन भारत सरकार ने "मिशन मौसम" नामक एक क्रांतिकारी योजना की शुरुआत की है, जिसके लिए 2000 करोड़ रुपये मंजूर किए गए हैं। इस योजना का उद्देश्य मौसम संबंधी आपदाओं जैसे बाढ़, सूखा, और ओला-वृष्टि को नियंत्रित कर कृषि, आपदा प्रबंधन, डिफेंस, एविएशन, ऊर्जा, और टूरिज्म जैसे क्षेत्रों को लाभ पहुंचाना है।
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More funding is needed for my newly-created Doggy Dust Devil Deterrent Department, or DDDDD. With enough support, we can tackle more destructive weather soon... please contribute today! . . . . . #California #Chico #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dust #devil #dustdevil #deterrent #department #DDDDD #weather #weathermodification (at Chico, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRNrtp6lQ2R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🤔 #newpost Link in profile 🕯🧘🏽♀️ #geoengineering #chemtrails #haarp #lookup #weathermodification #weatherwarfare #wakeup #solarradiationmanagement #wedonotconsent #cloudseeding #sky #clouds #g #agenda #weathermanipulation #eleganteventsstarot #climatechange #earth #research #truth #climateengineering #nasa #notmychildhoodsky #geoengineeringwatch #chemtrail #stop #weather #contrails #truthseeker https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMCu3wDstC/?igshid=jqlwfnhwywte
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#Weather #weathered #weathering #weatherchannel #weathermodification #weatherman #Weatherby #WeatherProof #weatherforecast #weatherphotos #weathertech #weatherwithyou #weatheredwood #WeatherGirl #weatherporn #Weatherford #weathervane #Weathergram #weatherreport #weatherspoons #weatherphotography #weathernetwork #weatherchange #weathercontrol #weathersucks #weatherlive #weatherthestorm #weathertechsportscarchampionship #weatherphoto #weathers https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2t1lQAYvc/?igshid=zyibbsdm0sha
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Geoengineering is real, they’re now admitting, and it’s for the good of the planet. But the truth is that the chemtrail agenda is a nefarious tool that the “elite” are using as a means of weather control, and thus #populationcontrol. While it’s somewhat encouraging to see that what we and others have long warned about is, in fact, turning out to be everything we said it was, the revelation of this to the general public suggests that the globalists are much further along in fulfilling their agenda than many people probably think. Climate scientists are absolutely mad, and their agenda will cause a planetary collapse. Even as the media admits that geoengineering is real, the claim is that it’s being used to “cool” the planet. All of that barium and aluminum raining down from our skies is somehow a “good” thing, the media insists, even as rates of chronic illness skyrocket. With the financial help of globalist billionaires and eugenicists like #BillGates, chemtrails are now being sprayed in pretty much every country around the world, which climate alarmists now say is necessary to “block” the sun from warming the earth. 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾 #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #Agenda2050 #StratosphericAerosolInjections #WeatherModification https://www.instagram.com/p/B3TM8_ijQ-B/?igshid=16017nk8fg2g3
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One of the most common messages I receive from people regarding the rabbit hole of geoengineering is the topic of energetic warfare and the confusion in understanding the connection of dots between it and the solution, Orgone energy. --- When I say geoengineering is energetic warfare, I mean that with the plethora of intertwined agendas (such as causing drought, destroying protected land, controlling the food supply, and spraying chemicals to create life-long pharma customers), there is a bigger agenda that doesn't get acknowledged, that is, the ultimate agenda behind energy, our collective energy, and our collective consciousness. --- I recently discovered Cory Daniel, who does research on lots of fascinating esoteric and energetically related rabbit hole topics. This particular exposé on one peculiar Arizona senator's death is mind blowing. The reason I'm sharing this, is because it paints a picture of exactly what the parasites on this planet are doing under the radar, while their behaviors, rituals, and rules-to-follow are something you'd expect from a Harry Potter saga. --- When you understand how much energy manipulation and bastardization is happening, it begins to make sense why something as simple as chemtrail spraying coincides and correlates with things like holidays, media headlines and negative news, moon cycles, sungazing hours, celestial and astrological events, biblical references, and countless other happenings pertaining to energy points, earth grids, ancient cultures... you get the point. These "people" know energy secrets that most humans do not. --- If you want to see the level that parasites go through to perform modern day "magic" (for lack of a better word), check out this piece regarding the very blatant yet fascinating ritual centered on John McCain and his death last summer. Visit ThePhoenixEnigma.com and type "McCain" in the search box. There's an in-depth article, and a fascinating video too. Prepare to be dazzled! --- #Orgone #energeticwarfare #geoengineering #weathermodification #scalarwaves #collectiveconsciousness (at Sedona, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WSF6jnwj0/?igshid=6evnpz0wlg3g
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Reposted from @gisellerivera9 - Hunanity is in serious trouble Truth in Plain Sight 👀 🎥 #weathercontrol in the Movie #Geostorm. They even use Direct Energy Weapons in the movie as you can see in this video. #directenergyweapons • • #geostorm #geoengineering #weathercontrol #weather #weathermodification #haarp #chemtrail #research #truth #cloudmachine #hurricane #weathermanipulation #lies #depopulation #explorepage #government #barrium #DEW #chemtrails #wokebreed #woke #staywoke Follow 💥 @wokebreed 💥 https://www.instagram.com/p/B01ArqHHeZwQyW33yDGUa_q-2I-TvWR6GQCKYM0/?igshid=lbqcg044s50u
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Power Hour with Prints & Poopster Podcast - 2019-09-12 - EP4 - I Believe I Can Fly
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Reposted from @foundconscious - Here you have it folks. The connection between spraying our skies with heavy metals, as part of the global geoengineering programme, and 5G technology. This is a mass surveillance system. They can track and trace anyone anywhere which this technology. Additionally, it’s equipped with beam-forming technology which allows it to basically lock on to targets and direct a focused beam of electromagnetic waves to that target. —— Check out the documentary “5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event” 🎥 on YouTube. It is a MUST WATCH. #5g #technology #emf #frequency #emfprotection #wifi #radiation #chemtrails #geoengineering #weathermodification #nikolatesla #fuckthesystem #fuckthegovernment #sheeple #mindcontrol #surveillance #conspiracytheory #conspiracy #nwo #agenda21 #illuminati #freethinker #freethinkers #truthseeker #truthseekers #truth #thematrix #smartcity https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6vjA5HwPS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=185kz7v3d6phh
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I #see things... Just some #NormalClouds.... #NJSkyWatch #Geoengineering #WeatherModification #Faces #Cloudcasso https://www.instagram.com/seanbrodudeman1010/p/Bt6DURlFyMb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xkr2pw5fl572
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