#weather in assam
Weather: Will Delhi-NCR Witness Rain Today? Know Which States Are Likely To Receive Showers
Weather: Will Delhi-NCR Witness Rain Today? Know Which States Are Likely To Receive Showers
New Delhi: The weather department has predicted rain in several states including Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharasthra, Arunachal Pradesh, and other regions on Monday while Delhi is not likely to witness rain hereafter. Schools for all children up to class 12 will remain shut on Monday in parts of Uttar Pradesh as per the orders of the district administrations following a heavy rainfall…
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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World War Two: When 600 US planes crashed in Himalayas
2 days ago
View of a US Army Air Transport Command cargo plane as it flies over the snow-capped, towering mountains of the Himalayas, along the borders of India, China, and Burma, January 1945, February 20, 1945.Getty Images
Pilots called the flight route "The Hump" - a nod to the treacherous heights of the eastern Himalayas
A newly opened museum in India houses the remains of American planes that crashed in the Himalayas during World War Two. The BBC's Soutik Biswas recounts an audaciously risky aerial operation that took place when the global war arrived in India.
Since 2009, Indian and American teams have scoured the mountains in India's north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, looking for the wreckage and remains of lost crews of hundreds of planes that crashed here over 80 years ago.
Some 600 American transport planes are estimated to have crashed in the remote region, killing at least 1,500 airmen and passengers during a remarkable and often-forgotten 42-month-long World War Two military operation in India. Among the casualties were American and Chinese pilots, radio operators and soldiers.
Has India's contribution to WW2 been ignored?
The operation sustained a vital air transport route from the Indian states of Assam and Bengal to support Chinese forces in Kunming and Chungking (now called Chongqing).
The war between Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the Allies (France, Great Britain, the US, the Soviet Union, China) had reached the north-eastern part of British-ruled India. The air corridor became a lifeline following the Japanese advance to India's borders, which effectively closed the land route to China through northern Myanmar (then known as Burma).
The US military operation, initiated in April 1942, successfully transported 650,000 tonnes of war supplies across the route - an achievement that significantly bolstered the Allied victory.
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This operation sustained a vital air transport route from India to support Chinese forces in Kunming and Chunking
Pilots dubbed the perilous flight route "The Hump", a nod to the treacherous heights of the eastern Himalayas, primarily in today's Arunachal Pradesh, that they had to navigate.
Over the past 14 years Indo-American teams comprising mountaineers, students, medics, forensic archaeologists and rescue experts have ploughed through dense tropical jungles and scaled altitudes reaching 15,000ft (4,572m) in Arunachal Pradesh, bordering Myanmar and China. They have included members of the US Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), the US agency that deals with soldiers missing in action.
The forgotten Indian soldiers of Dunkirk
With help from local tribespeople their month-long expeditions have reached crash sites, locating at least 20 planes and the remains of several missing-in-action airmen.
It is a challenging job - a six-day trek, preceded by a two-day road journey, led to the discovery of a single crash site. One mission was stranded in the mountains for three weeks after it was hit by a freak snowstorm.
"From flat alluvial plains to the mountains, it's a challenging terrain. Weather can be an issue and we have usually only the late fall and early winter to work in," says William Belcher, a forensic anthropologist involved in the expeditions.
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A machine gun, pieces of debris, a camera: some of the recovered artefacts at the newly opened museum
Discoveries abound: oxygen tanks, machine guns, fuselage sections. Skulls, bones, shoes and watches have been found in the debris and DNA samples taken to identify the dead. A missing airman's initialled bracelet, a poignant relic, exchanged hands from a villager who recovered it in the wreckage. Some crash sites have been scavenged by local villagers over the years and the aluminium remains sold as scrap.
These and other artefacts and narratives related to these doomed planes now have a home in the newly opened The Hump Museum in Pasighat, a scenic town in Arunachal Pradesh nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas.
US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, inaugurated the collection on 29 November, saying, "This is not just a gift to Arunachal Pradesh or the impacted families, but a gift to India and the world." Oken Tayeng, director of the museum, added: "This is also a recognition of all locals of Arunachal Pradesh who were and are still an integral part of this mission of respecting the memory of others".
The museum starkly highlights the dangers of flying this route. In his vivid memoirs of the operation, Maj Gen William H Tunner, a US Air Force pilot, remembers navigating his C-46 cargo plane over villages on steep slopes, broad valleys, deep gorges, narrow streams and dark brown rivers.
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Wreckage of many planes has been found in the mountains in recent years
The flights, often navigated by young and freshly trained pilots, were turbulent. The weather on The Hump, according to Tunner, changed "from minute to minute, from mile to mile": one end was set in the low, steamy jungles of India; the other in the mile-high plateau of western China.
Heavily loaded transport planes, caught in a downdraft, might quickly descend 5,000ft, then swiftly rise at a similar speed. Tunner writes about a plane flipping onto its back after encountering a downdraft at 25,000ft.
Spring thunderstorms, with howling winds, sleet, and hail, posed the greatest challenge for controlling planes with rudimentary navigation tools. Theodore White, a journalist with Life magazine who flew the route five times for a story, wrote that the pilot of one plane carrying Chinese soldiers with no parachutes decided to crash-land after his plane got iced up.
The co-pilot and the radio operator managed to bail out and land on a "great tropical tree and wandered for 15 days before friendly natives found them". Local communities in remote villages often rescued and nursed wounded survivors of the crashes back to health. (It was later learnt that the plane had landed safely and no lives had been lost.)
Does Nolan's Dunkirk ignore the role of the Indian army?
Not surprisingly, the radio was filled with mayday calls. Planes were blown so far off course they crashed into mountains pilots did not even know were within 50 miles, Tunner remembered. One storm alone crashed nine planes, killing 27 crew and passengers. "In these clouds, over the entire route, turbulence would build up of a severity greater than I have seen anywhere in the world, before or since," he wrote.
Parents of missing airmen held out the hope that their children were still alive. "Where is my son? I'd love the world to know/Has his mission filled and left the earth below?/Is he up there in that fair land, drinking at the fountains, or is he still a wanderer in India's jungles and mountains?" wondered Pearl Dunaway, the mother of a missing airman, Joseph Dunaway, in a poem in 1945.
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The China-bound US transport planes took off from airbases in India's Assam
The missing airmen are now the stuff of legend. "These Hump men fight the Japanese, the jungle, the mountains and the monsoons all day and all night, every day and every night the year round. The only world they know is planes. They never stop hearing them, flying them, patching them, cursing them. Yet they never get tired of watching the planes go out to China," recounted White.
The operation was indeed a daredevil feat of aerial logistics following the global war that reached India's doorstep. "The hills and people of Arunachal Pradesh were drawn into the drama, heroism and tragedies of the World War Two by the Hump operation," says Mr Tayeng. It's a story few know.
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themoomoorn · 2 years
Megathread Review of the Lupicia x Fire Emblem Fódlan Tea Collection by a Tea/Coffee Addict (UPDATED!)
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And now that I have your attention...guess who bought the Fódlan Tea Collection from Atai-Kuji? Meeeee.
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Out of all the bizarrely belated FE3H merchandise to actually come out, the tea set is definitely one of the better ones, and one of the most fitting. Not only does it fit the setting completely, but it's also a great bit of merch for an older weeb like me who does not care for figurines. You can either use/consume the merch, or display it, and it looks classy! And I really like tea. A lot. I even broke out my mother's fine china tea cups for the occasion. So for the curious, I decided to post a review of every tea in the set. Please note that I'm a fanatic, not an expert in tea by any measure. I hope you enjoy this anyway. Now if only they actually did a full-blown tea parlor café I mean come on it's the perfect fit and would probably bring in money hello???
Of note, the teas used in this set are blends and leaves curated by a high-ish end Japanese tea merchant called Lupicia. The majority of the teas used here are derivatives of tea they sell on their site, with a few custom blends put in here and there. They have a U.S branch based in Hawai'i, and they also have merchants in Taiwan, France, and Australia. Each store also sells region exclusive blends, like the Hawai'ian tins for the U.S site, which is pretty cool.
Also, I only purchased the tea box set (the box with Femleth on it), not the box with the special tea cup and Hresvelg Blend tin (the one with Manleth on it and also of course that blend got the big fancy tin with five satchets...), so the Hresvelg Blend will go unreviewed.
Also, I'll be sharing my favorite teas and there's a lot of hyperlinking in this post. This is NOT any kind of endorsement - I just really like tea, okay?
UPDATE: Disregard the above statement! A second run of the set was made available and I have now the Manleth box, teacup, and Hresvelg Tin in my possession!
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Let's begin!
In-Game Description: "The bright notes of this tea stem from an infusion of citrus oils. This blend is highly favored by nobility."
Tea Base: Earl Grey tea
This well-known tea's biggest feature is being blended and cooked with bergamot oil, giving it a very unique flavor. Being a black tea popularized and cribbed by the English yet having Chinese origins (as the English so often do), Earl grey tea is one of the most accessible and affordable teas out there, and you can get it at any grocery store. Lupicia has their own base blend along with some special blends.
Alas, because this tea is normally accessible as can be, I can safely say that this set's Earl Grey is not very special - if anything, there's a lack of bergamot. Since EG is one of my all time faves, I can safely say that there are better greys out there. For personal picks, I really like Twining's Lady Grey derivative (it's an Earl Grey with lemon and orange peel added).
Two packages of bergamot come in the box. One is eagle red with Aymr illustrated on it; the other is lion blue with an illustration of a wax-sealed letter, presumably for Sylvain.
Favored By: Edelgard, Sylvain, Lorenz, Constance, Hanneman, Anna
Final Rating: 2.5/5
Dagda Fruit Blend
In-Game Description: "A stark, bitter fruit from Dagda makes this black tea particularly pungent. Connoisseurs enjoy its unique flavor."
Tea Base: Assam tea with bits of mocha
This black tea comes from a state in India that shares its name, and it is one of the biggest producers of any tea leaf in the world. By itself it is malty and bold. Because of its flavor profile and ability to grow quickly and in high amounts (due to Assam's soil and weather conditions), the tea is fairly easy to come by. If you see "breakfast blend" teas (I.E English or Irish), there's a 99% chance that it's made from a blend that includes assam tea leaves. Most straight assam teas and blends especially are quite affordable and widely available. This particular bag appears to be a custom blend, as none of the assam teas on Lupicia's site feature the mocha bits within them. A similar black tea with cacao nibs and cocoa powder is also on the site.
The tea itself is nice and malty (I already enjoy Irish Breakfast a lot, so that helps), and the mocha bits add an extra bit of sweetness and depth that enhance it. Believe it or not, very small bits of coffee flavor mixed with tea actually can taste good, as Canandian teamaker David's Tea has a pu'erh blend with coffee beans and vanilla. "But MoomooRN," I hear you say, "this isn't a fruit blend!" Technically, coffee begins its life as a fruit that resembles a cherry, so actually yes, this tea is a fruit blend. Hah!
Two bags of the Dagda blend are in the box. One is eagle red with a bag of coffee beans, funnily enough, representing Hubert. The other is one of the four grey ones for the Ashen Wolves, featuring a drawing of assorted pebbles, which Hapi likes to collect.
Favored By: Hubert, Ignatz, Marianne, Hapi, Anna
Final Rating: 5/5
Almyran Pine Needles
In-Game Description: "This tea is composed of oxidized pine needles from eastern Almyra, giving it a distinct, earthy tone."
Tea Base: Lapsang souchong
This beautiful Chinese black tea originates from Fujian Province and gets its distinct flavor by its leaves being smoke-dried over a pinewood fire. While not quite as widely available as other black teas, it is nevertheless fairly affordable. This is a special tea for the set, as Lupicia does not sell lapsang souchong on their site.
Because of its signature smoke, this tea is very divisive (I hated it when I tried it the first time). I've had a blend of the stuff from Twinings that dialed down the smoke a little and liked it, and I can safely say that this lapsang is fantastic for the same reason. It even had a little bit of a chocolate-y aftertaste, and it smells wonderful.
"But MoomooRN," I hear you again, "There's no pine needles in the tea!" Pine needle teas (like this Korean one) do exist, but it's been cited that multiple breeds of pine needles, when brewed, are poisonous. Plus, the tea in-game is described as having an "earthy" taste and the needles are oxidized; oxidization is one step in the LS-making process if smoked hot...It's the thought that counts?
...The fact that this tea is inadvertently tied to the guy making homebrew poisons is pretty funny, actually.
Two bags of the Almyran goods are in the box. One, fittingly, is deer yellow with Failnaught illustrated on the front. The other is eagle red with a drawing of a tea cup with a tea tin and bag of leaves, representing Ferdinand as one of the continent's leading tea connoisseurs.
Favored By: Ferdinand, Linhardt, Felix, Claude, Cyril, Balthus
Final Rating: 5/5
Angelica Tea
In-Game Description: "A cleansing herbal tea blended with angelica."
Tea Base: Herbal tea mixture of rosemary, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, and verbene
The angelica plant exists in varying forms across the world, particularly in Iceland, Lapland, Greenland, and in parts of China. It is a popular plant for herbal medicine, and some seeds are used to flavor gin and liqueur -
"MoomooRN, there's no angelica in this tea!"
Yeah, that's actually correct. Whoops. Despite this big fat omission, this tea is a fantastic blend of plants that always taste great together, especially the jasmine and verbene.
This is notably the only tea in the box that is a true herbal tea. The tea base for this is Lupicia's custom Lumière blend, which appears to be only available in the Japan store.
Two bags of angelica tea come in the box. One is eagle red with Linhardt's down pillow illustrated on it. The other is deer yellow with a drawing of a bow and arrow set made by Leonie.
Favored By: Linhardt, Ashe, Leonie, Seteth, Rhea
Final Rating: 4.5/5
Ginger Tea
In-Game Description: "The sharp spiciness of ginger laces the body of this tea, unforgettable and brightening."
Tea Base: Assam tea with ginger
Ginger is one of the single most ancient herbal remedies on earth. Not much else to say about it, other than the fact that it often breaks its back carrying both good tea and great food. I personally prefer ginger blends to straight ginger, and I definitely liked this blend since the assam it's mixed with isn't too strong.
This tea is based on Lupicia's ginger blend, which is African CTC (a type of assam) tea mixed with dried ginger.
Two bags of ginger are in the box. One is eagle red with a drawing of a broken hatchet, presumably belonging to Caspar (none of his Lost Items are a hatchet); the other is ashen gray with a bag of coins, presumably belonging to Balthus (again, he lacks a Lost Item of this nature).
Favored By: Petra, Caspar, Dedue, Raphael, Balthus, Seteth
Final Rating: 4.5/5
Albinean Berry Blend
In-Game Description: "Dried albinean berries give this black tea its fragrance. The sweet, relaxing scent is popular among many."
Tea Base: Black tea with dried rhubarb and strawberry
Strawberry is a pretty popular additive to teas, especially of the iced and sweet variety. It's unknown when this trend began, but I suspect that Europeans who raided the Americas had something to do with it (while strawberries as we know them were produced in France, the plants that form its base originate in North America and Chile, respectively). Very sus. Rhubarb, meanwhile, is a bizarre plant. Much like how avocados and tomatoes are fruits treated as veggies, the opposite is true for rhubarb as its inherent flavor is very tart. Strawberry and rhubarb have become a classic pie-filling combo, and this translated into some tea blends, like this one.
Rhubarb is also involved in the human creation myth in Zoroastrianism. Neato.
In spite of all this, it's a pretty bog standard black tea with overpowering strawberry flavor and no rhubarb detected. And there's no berries either, if you want to take your pedantic meter to the next level. Booooo.
Lupicia has both a black tea with just strawberry, as well as a custom blend called Merci Mille Fois, which is the same thing but also includes peaches and rose. This blend appears to be based on the former, since there's mainly only strawberry flavoring.
The two bags of berry blend are both eagle red. One has a drawing of Dorothea's hat, while the other has a hedgehog toy that's presumably based on the case Bernadetta made.
Favored By: Dorothea, Bernadetta, Jeritza, Mercedes, Hilda, Yuri, Constance
Final Rating: 2.5/5
Four-Spice Blend
In-Game Description: "A novelty tea blended with four unique spices inspired by the Four Saints. Enjoyment requires a mature palate."
Tea Base: Black tea with cardamom, cinnamon, peppercorns, and cloves
The above listed spices are popular options for chai tea blends, which in turn has translated into popular dessert drinks overtime like masala chai. The original chai combo actually didn't have any tea leaves in it, but was a medical spice mixture that has origin points in both India and Siam (modern day Thailand). The British coming a-knocking on India's door because of course they did would be the launching point of the modern chai tea as we know it.
Despite this sweeping history with an even more sweeping flavor, this tea fails to live up to its name. While four spices are visible in the sachet, the cardamom overwhelms the other three, although I could taste some pepper in there too. The cardamom itself isn't even that good. The tea itself is also very weak. So much for being the tea labeled for a mature palate.
A bag of assam with pepper and cardamom is available on Lupicia's site. This is likely what this blend is based off of.
The two bags of this blend are eagle red with a drawing of an exotic feather owned by Petra (it's a peacock feather, actually) and a lion blue with a worn practice blade presumably belonging to Felix, as one of his Lost Items is a sheath fragment.
Favored By: Petra, Dedue, Felix, Leonie, Hapi, Seteth
Final Rating: 1.5/5
In-Game Description: "A stark white floral tea with bright notes, this blend calms nerves and heightens concentration."
Tea Base: Black tea with chamomile leaves
Chamomile is ancient, with the first citations of its long medical career stemming from ancient Greece and Egypt. Its claims to fame are sleep promotion and assisting with GI problems, so much so that it's actually become one of the few herbal remedies that's been validated to an extent in the medical world for its effectiveness. Not bad for a flower that looks like a cute little daisy. It's brewed either alone or as part of a blend, and I personally prefer the latter since chamomile by itself has a bitter taste. My personal favorite is the Sweet Dreams blend by Bigelow, which is chamo with rose, hibiscus, mint, and orange. This may not be as good, but the chamo and black tea in this blend mesh nicely together.
This appears to be a custom blend, as the chamomile Lupicia sells is all herbal and features elderflower, mint, and rosehip; this tea is a black mix mainly featuring only chamomile and some mint.
The lone package of Chamomile is in lion blue, and Areadbhar graces the front of it.
Favored By: Dimitri, Ingrid, Claude, Shamir, Rhea
Final Rating: 4/5
Cinnamon Blend
In-Game Description: "An aromatic bark blend referred to as the king of spices. Its unique taste appeals to similarly unique people."
Tea Base: Black tea with dried cinnamon
I've already bought up cinnamon in the Four Spice review above, but I did find some more fun information about it: It's origin points are Sri Lanka and Egypt, there are multiple types based on where it's grown, and the Ceylon version of cinnamon has a chemical called coumarin, which can inhibit clot formation. On the flipside, coumarin can be toxic and even cause liver damage, which makes a specific gag in Persona Q have its comical elements sucked out of it (the gag is that Elizabeth forces her brother Theodore to eat an extreme amount of cinnamon). Luckily, there's only so much cinnamon in this bag, and it tastes great, being complimented by a moderate-strength black tea.
This is based on Lupicia's black tea and cinnamon blend. A bag of cinnamon mixed with assam is also available.
Only one bag of cinnamon is in the set. It is lion blue and uniquely Dedue, as the illustration on its bag is of one of his earings.
Favored By: Hubert, Dedue, Marianne, Hapi
Final Rating: 4.5/5
Sweet Apple Blend
In-Game Description: "A tea blended with two types of apple peels. elegant and sweet, it is popular among common folk and nobles alike."
Tea Base: Black tea with dried apple slices
Apple is not as common a tea additive compared to other fruits, and I suspect its flavor profile and fragility might have something to do with it. The closest to a true blend I could find was this blend from a Turkish seller called Hazer Baba. It's apparently often sold to tourists in Istanbul. In any case, a friend of mine on Discord mentioned that apples in tea often don't work twofold: Apple's mild flavor is prone to being destroyed by tannins found in black tea, and caffeine from black tea also destroys apple's natural acidity.
Lo and behold, she was right. This is probably my least favorite tea in the set. Not only is the flavor poor, but it smells almost artificial.
Lupicia sells a black tea with apple, and is used for this tea.
The two apple teas are in a lion blue bag with a drawing of a music score sheet, presumably by Annette; the other is ashen gray with Constance's fan.
Favored By: Dorothea, Jeritza, Annette, Lysithea, Constance, Flayn, Hanneman
Final Rating: 1/5
Mint Leaves
In-Game Description: "An invigorating mint blend that revitalizes and refreshes all who partake."
Tea Base: Black tea with mint leaves
Mint is a perennial favorite for digestion woes around the world. In North African countries, Maghrebi tea (mint + green tea + cane sugar) is the socially significant drink of the region, similar to the socialization surrounding rize tea in Turkey, Cyprus, and some Balkan countries. Mint tea's efficacy as a GI aid is debated, but that doesn't stop it from being a hot option for tea.
Another simple combo, another great delivery. Mint is delicious and its use in savory stuff (I.E mint jam on lamb chops) is underrated.
This appears to be a custom blend, as the sole mint tea product on Lupicia's site is a Baï Mu Dan (white peony) blend.
The two bags of mint in the box are both in lion blue, with one featuring a book about a knight (Ashe) and the other featuring metal horseshoes (Ingrid).
Favored By: Ashe, Ingrid, Hilda, Manuela
Final Rating: 4/5
Crescent Moon Tea
In-Game Description: "Fermented dried seeds blended with tea leaves. It has a soft and subtle flavor, akin to the gentle light of the moon."
Tea Base: Black tea with vanilla flavoring
In spite of its rep as being the default of "boring," vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world due to its intensive cultivating process. Anything flavored by the beans (particularly the Madagascar and Tahitian varieties) is nothing short of divine, and the demand was so much that we got some of the earliest examples of knock-off flavoring out of it (I.E vanillin). Interestingly, while vanilla is a very popular additive for chai beverages, a true chai mix does not include vanilla in it.
It's a damn shame that this tea sucks. It has an artificial scent and taste like the Sweet Apple blend, and the vanilla itself is very thin.
This tea is derived from their black tea and vanilla blend. A small variety of other vanilla teas are also available on the site.
There is only one bag of this in the set. It is lion blue with an illustration of a hand-sewn bow, presumably Mercedes'.
Favored By: Mercedes, Lysithea, Shamir, Alois, Rhea
Final Rating: 1/5
Rose Petal Blend
In-Game Description: "Black tea laced with rose petals. A classic floral blend often enjoyed by Kingdom and Alliance nobles."
Tea Base: Darjeeling with rose petals
Darjeeling is akin to assam, Ceylon, pu'erh, and lapsang souchong in that it is specifically grown and harvested in select locations - West Bengal, in this case. Leaf types are determined by season, or "flushes," with the most commonly consumed teas being the first flush (March and April) and the second (May and June). First flush teas are typically classified as being floral-tasting and having a strong aroma. Rose petals, meanwhile, had their start as an herbal remedy and tea in China, and is cited to have GI and menstrual woe-relieving properties; It is also akin to lavender and chamomile in that it's a soothing agent. Rose petals are also a dinner and dessert darling, especially in Middle Eastern countries, with the Lebanese/Syrian zhourat tea mixture being one example.
I liked this tea a lot. Weirdly, while rose petals make for excellent blending catalysts, it doesn't fully mesh with the darjeeling here. Both taste wonderful nevertheless.
A set of first flush darjeeling can be found on Lupicia's site. Several blend varieties exist as well.
There is only one bag of this blend in the box. It is deer yellow with an illustration of a rose, the rose of the based Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!
Favored By: Annette, Hilda, Lorenz, Constance
Final Rating: 5/5
Almond Blend
In-Game Description: "A refined, nutty tea that is blended with leaves and thinly-sliced almonds."
Tea Base: Black tea with almonds
Since the composition of an almond appears to be diametrically opposed in possibly contributing to a tea blend, one would think that this wouldn't work. But this tea is fantastic, and easily one of the best "dessert" teas I've had recently. It would definitely be a great catalyst for a fancy iced latte that doesn't require metric shittons of extra sugar.
As an aside, during my research for this post, I stumbled on this old-time Chinese recipe that's a mixture of Chinese almonds, milk, and rice...except the "almonds" are apricot kernels, so they're not quite the same thing. Pretty cool though.
This tea is based on a Lupicia custom blend called...Cookie. No, seriously. The blend has almond and tiny specks of caramel mixed in the leaves, which is likely why the flavors blend together so nicely.
Only one bag of this tea is in the box. An illustration of Raphael's presumably-germ-riddled leg of mutton graces the bag.
Favored By: Annette, Raphael, Gilbert
Final Rating: 5/5
Honeyed Fruit Blend
In-Game Description: "A candied blend made up of dried honeyed fruits. For anyone with a sweet tooth, this tea can't be beat."
Tea Base: Black tea with marigold and honey-glazed dried fruit
The stunning marigold comes in shades of red, orange, yellow and white, and is an icon of Mexico, serving as its flower of the dead. The pot marigold bloom has become a popular option for herbal tea blends, and the whole plant itself is cited to be safe for human consumption. Its inherent flavor is a bit bittersweet yet still floral.
This is my second favorite of the "sweet teas" after the Southern Fruit Blend, as it was hard to parse whatever dried fruits were used. Nevertheless, the floral marigolds and honey made for a pitch-perfect combo.
This tea is specifically based on Lupicia's Neptune blend, stated on the bag.
There is only one bag of this blend in the set. It is in deer yellow with a drawing of cake and cookies on it, presumably belonging to Lysithea, who I can only assume will struggle with diabetes if her Crests don't take her out first...
Favored By: Bernadetta, Jeritza, Lysithea, Yuri, Alois
Final Rating: 5/5
Seiros Tea
In-Game Description: "A black tea common to the south of Almyra, it is fairly basic in its flavors. [Seiros Tea] is its common name in Fódlan."
Tea Base: Ceylon tea
This is yet another example of a coveted regional tea. Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon), like India and China, is home to lands that are primed for growing tea leaves which naturally made it yet another target of the British Empire, the assholes. This tea must meet extremely strict qualifications in order to even be considered a tea worth exporting, and the requirements include it being grown by Sri Lankan farmers and even being packaged in said country - no lion label means that it's a dupe. Ceylon blends, including ceylon grown out of Sri Lanka, are fairly easy to come by compared to their genuine counterparts, but the latter is still obtainable.
In any case, most true ceylons are described as being bold yet brisk, and this tea lovingly delivers, making it stand out compared to the other black teas in the set. Unfortunately, this is also yet another case of game-versus-reality suspension: While the use of an in-universe localization of this tea's name is pretty cool/fitting, the text describes the tea being "basic," which true ceylon definitely isn't. There's also that aforementioned pesky extreme standards of perfection to consider. Maybe they do the same in-universe?
Side Note: For the longest time I assumed this was another Almyran tea, but the text reads "to the south of Almyra," which, going by the world map, is presumably Morfis...but there are also two islands below Almyra, so they might be from there instead. Either way, I doubt the devs give a rat's ass if their Three Hopes interviews are anything to go by.
Lupicia sells a ceylon tea blend called Ratatam, which also includes some assam leaves and vanilla flavoring.
Two bags of this tea are in the set. One is deer yellow with a painting Ignatz presumably made (it shows a view of the Monastery he looks at with Marianne in one of their Supports), while the other is ashen gray with a sword that's likely associated with Yuri.
Favored By: Ferdinand, Sylvain, Lorenz, Ignatz, Yuri, Anna
Final Rating: 5/5
Lavender Blend
In-Game Description: "Tiny dried purple lavandula flowers are sprinkled into this refreshing floral tea."
Tea Base: Black tea with lavender petals
This beautiful purple flower, much like chamomile, is one of the go-to options for relaxation and better sleep. It's less likely to be steeped on its own due to how delicate it is, however, and it is arguably more popular as a culinary ingredient and as a scent option for essential oils. Lavender has even joined chamomile in the "verified for its boasted properties" club.
Like the chamomile, this simple combo tea is great, and the lavender itself is plenty strong.
This is another custom blend, as the sole lavender tea product on Lupicia's site is a white tea blend, which this tea definitely is not.
Another deer yellow exclusive oner joins this set's club. On its cover are birds, likely companions of Marianne's.
Enjoyed By: Ignatz, Marianne, Manuela, Gilbert
Final Rating: 4.5/5
Southern Fruit Blend
In-Game Description: "A blend with a unique dried fruit of the south. Popular for its intoxicatingly strong, bright notes."
Tea Base: Black tea with mango and hibiscus
Mango is a superstar tropical fruit that has a unique flavor, is found in multiple countries across the world, and is one of several Vitamin C powerhouses. The hibiscus flower has hundreds of species across the subtropics and tropics, being commonly associated with places like Hawai'i and Haiti. The flower is even worn by Kali, the Hindu goddess of power, destruction, and change. Hibiscus in particular is an extremely popular option for teas and blends due to its lightly tart flavor, while mango is more of a popular flavoring option for the stuff - just ask Snapple.
This is definitely the best of the "sweet teas" in the set, courtesy of a good tea base, dried mango, and just enough hibiscus to avoid a sour flavor. Now in-universe, where "to the south" would be is a mystery -maybe Brigid? - but they certainly picked two fitting flavors for it.
The tea on the bag is called "Grenada," but no tea fits that description on the Lupicia site. However, there is a black mix called Alphonse Mango, whose flavors seem to align with this one.
There is only one of this blend in the set. It is yet another deer yellow (what's up with that) and features a set of three used perfume bottles, all belonging to Hilda.
Favored By: Ferdinand, Jeritza, Mercedes, Hilda, Lysithea
Final Rating: 4/5
Leicester Cortania
In-Game Description: "A specialty tea from the Alliance blended with a variety of leaves from the east. This tea is of the utmost quality."
Tea Base: Second-Flush Darjeeling
What separates second-flush darjeeling from first flush is that these leaves are specifically plucked between May and June, after a period of heavy rainfall. The flavor is muskier (and sometimes more floral depending on where the leaves are harvested from), with some farmers describing it as a "muscatel" flavor, or like muscat grapes. Second flush teas often boast more potent flavors in exchange for a less noticeable aroma. Due to the shorter window for harvesting, as well as the tea-making process, this tends to be more expensive than its first-flush counterpart.
This tea was a good option for the Leicester Cortania label, and it definitely had a pleasant faint grape flavor and a nice floral scent.
Lupicia has both first and second flush darjeeling, with the latter being this tea's base. Darjeeling blends also exist on the site.
The lone package of Leicester Cortania is one of two that are purple. The illustration on it is of the Sword of the Creator.
Favored By: Catherine
Final Rating: 5/5
Tea of the Saints
In-Game Description: "Even commoners have tried this cost-efficient tea, which is a mixture of herbs. It's a tad bitter."
Tea Base: Pu'erh tea
Pu'erh tea is a unique tea originating from Yunnan Province in China, and said uniqueness comes from the fact that it is made by microbial fermentation. Much like how the wood of a barrel and aging flavors a whiskey, oxidization and how long the fermentation process goes on determines the tea's flavor. As you can see by the length of the linked wiki page, the creation process is extremely intricate.
There's a variety of flavors to any pu'erh, but the most common heard is that it tastes "shroomy," likely because of the fermentation. This pu'erh is subtly shroomy, earthy, and a bit grassy, and absolutely wonderful because of it.
This is one of the single most egregious cases of in-and-out of universe separation for this piece of merch. In-universe, this tea is cited to be common, inexpensive, and made of an herbal mix. Out-of-universe, they happened to pick a tea that's one of the single most expensive to produce in the world, is highly coveted, and, uh, there's no herbs in it. It's straight pu'erh tea. That's pretty bad, IntSys.
Lupicia sells a highly affordable blend of pu'erh made in the Menghai Factory in Yunnan, which is one of four pu'erh processing plants in the province. If you want to look elsewhere though, be prepared to shell out some serious dough for it.
The lone package of Tea of the Saints is the other sole purple bag. The illustration on the front is of Sothis' elaborate tiara.
Favored By:...No one, which is probably why Sothis' tiara is on the package. Perhaps she herself liked the tea when she was alive?
Final Rating: 5/5
And now, at long last...
❁Hresvelg Blend ❁
In-Game Description: ✽ "A high-quality blend of leaves procured specially for House Hresvelg. Its refined flavor brings sheer bliss." ✽
Tea Base: Assam and nilgiri tea with rose petals and safflower...and fragrance.
If you bought only the tea cup and the yellow box with a Byleth who looks oddly angry for some reason, then this is the tea you got saddled with, and they let you know it because you got the elite, better-than-you House Hresvelg's epic, boasting tin of how their tea leaves were specially procured only for them. In-universe, this tea and the Leicester Cortania are the most expensive teas to purchase, and the Kingdom gets no equivalent because they're too cold and mopey for one, I suppose. Fittingly, they have assam and rose mixed in with nilgiri tea leaves from Tamil, India (ironically reverse-engineered by English colonists, as the camellia sinensis tea leaves grown there were given to India in the 19th century) and safflower is what the Crimson Flower route is called in the Japanese version of 3H (紅花の章).
In addition to being flowers thought useful in attracting love and marriage, safflowers are both drought and wind-resistant, is able to grow and tolerate slightly acidic soil, can make a dye that can wash away easily depending on the cloth it's placed on, and is considered a cheaper alternative to saffron in cooking.
In any case, this tea's scent borderlines on being a potpourri ball. The flavor is similar to the rose petal blend but it's much more bitter and leaves a harsh feeling on the roof of the mouth. Safflower flavor is said to be similarly bitter, which is apparent. While it's not the most unpleasant-tasting of the teas (Albinea and Sweet Apple are still at the bottom of the barrel), the princess treatment is a bit overrated.
Funny how that works.
As boasted on the tin, this is a custom blend, and no equivalent exists on Lupicia's website.
As shown above, this tea gets the princess treatment with its own tin. The tin itself is...fine? I guess? It looks and feels very cheap. Furthermore, unlike the individually wrapped teas in the purple box, the tin has the five sachets packed together in a single aluminum bag (similar to how some companies package matcha powder).
Favored By: Technically no one, but both this tea and the Leicester Cortania are the most expensive teas in-universe, and some characters will comment on said expense if you give this to them.
Final Rating: 2/5.
Final Rating for the Tea Cup: 6/5. Unlike the tin, it's gorgeous and much sturdier than the average piece of china. Can be used to drink out of, or as the perfect knick-knack! And I will say that Rika Suzuki's art of Male Byleth does look fantastic.
Overall, most of these teas are pretty great and I'd honestly get the set again if it's ever available. This sort of merch is also my favorite - think of all the fic ideas and accidental laughs you can get out of stuff like this - Like how the Bergamot tea shall hereby be named the "Duke Aegir" because "Earl Grey" is an actual guy, plus in one of the few bits of Hopes' fun worldbuilding bitw is how the Aegir Dukedom actually owns a stretch of sea that serves as their trade route with Morfis. See? Fun!
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(IDK why male Byleth is frowning here, he's having the coveted Hresvelg Jingle Juice, he should be happy lol)
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nando161mando · 4 months
"As the time for plucking commences, labourers, especially women, are exposed to extreme weather events and snake bites, which increase their vulnerability to disease. Other common conditions such as diarrhoea, skin rashes, fever and malaria, tend to spike during the summer and monsoon seasons, health workers said.
Apart from this, locals say, extreme erratic weather events, such as intense rainfall, thunderstorms and hail storms, such as the one just before this reporter visited Cachar, also impact workers’ health as they have to work in waterlogged plantations.
The paucity of clean water sources is yet another issue. Many of the garden population drink water from unprotected ponds and water bodies that they also use for cleaning utensils and other day-to-day activities, leading to stomach pain, skin disease, etc. The tea garden hospital management committee's tasks include preventing and controlling malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoea and Japanese encephalitis."
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eldritchqueerture · 2 months
For the 3 asks:
> Favourite tea?
> If tea isn't available, what do you like to drink?
> Favourite piece of clothing you own?
1. I only drink black tea (occasionally with milk) and my favorite kind is called Assam Dikom. I drink this one every morning actually
2. Coffee (more milk than actual coffee though), milk itself as well, juices, ice tea, soft drinks are alright as well. What I don't drink is plain water because it is disgusting and I hate it <3 unless I'm like actively dying of dehydration i guess :/
3. Probably the hoodie I got from Dan Howell's Doomed tour. It's awesome. Wish I could wear it. *glares at the weather* (its hot)
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aliosne · 2 months
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@lesbianvampirebatwillowrosenberg :D :D if anyone else is feeling indulgent or wants to reblog, it’s here
1. First piece of furniture: a little red and black set of drawers, about the right size for art supplies. I got it from London Drugs and I was SO PROUD (no idea how I got it home, it weighs a tonne) Anyway I used it as a stepping stool back in my Princess and the Pea phase (real zetsufans remember)
8. Fav cleaning product: Gonna show my whole hippie ass and say dilute vinegar in a spray bottle. Cleans up most messes, including on glass, doesn’t leave nasty residue, and is cheap af. And on the other end of the spectrum, Vim cream bleach. (Obligatory do not mix these two DO NOT MIX THESE TWO). It actually stays on the thing you’re bleaching. As a lifelong and very clumsy hair dyer, it makes my life a Lot easier.
16: getting out of the house in bad weather: ngl mostly I don’t orz That said, I have quite a weakness for the sea in a storm. The beaches on the south of the island get some FANTASTIC wave action. Standing in a little cove in the dark with water roaring in your ears makes everything feel Pretty Okay.
32: morning caffeine: black tea brewed thick enough it could be mistaken for coffee, with lots of milk and two scant teaspoons sugar. I basically want a latte but tea lmao my fav teas are Murchie’s Orange Spice and Pumpkin Spice, The Tea Centre’s Blackberry, and Silk Road’s Assam. I use a milk jug I broke several years ago by dropping my spinning wheel on it and if that isn’t the most me-core thing ever….
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Extreme weather events such as floods and droughts are especially disruptive to tea production, as the crop often relies solely on rain for its water needs, with little facilities for irrigation and water processing. Heatwaves and floods have had a hugely detrimental impact on India’s tea production, with excessive heat in May followed by flooding in Assam hitting output level. As a result it's estimated that the average price of tea could rise by up to a fifth. Currently, China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenya are the biggest tea producing nations globally, accounting for about 75% of worldwide supply, according to Palais des Thes. At the time of writing, one kilogram of tea was INR 223.46 (€2.47), having risen more than 47% since the start of this year. On a year-on-year basis, tea prices have risen about 22%. In May this year, Indian tea production dropped to 90.92 million kgs, from 130.56 million kgs in May 2023. This was the lowest May figure for the country in more than 10 years. The Indian government’s decision to ban the use of 20 pesticides is also contributing heavily to increasing tea prices, as several buyers are once again buying Indian tea. Previously, a number of countries were rejecting Indian tea exports, due to the high amount of pesticides used in some varieties. Some of the key buyers of Indian tea are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which includes Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Several rejections of tea exports were coming from these countries, however, following the pesticides ban, demand for Indian tea has risen once again. However, production is still suffering considerably due to this decision, with several tea growers having to scramble to find pesticide alternatives.  
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kajaawa2 · 3 months
Meghalaya Tourism: An Ideal Travel Guide
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Meghalaya, meaning "the abode of clouds", is a paradise for nature lovers. This hill station in Northeast India has captivated travelers worldwide with its truly magnificent and enchanting skies. Nestled in the Himalayas, Meghalaya shares its borders with Bangladesh to the east and south and Assam to the north.
Unforgettable Experiences Await
Meghalaya boasts a plethora of tourist attractions, from towering hills and valleys to countless lakes, cascading waterfalls, pitch-black caves, and sacred forests. Panoramic views, misty hills, terraced slopes, flowing waterfalls, and serpentine rivers are sure to enthrall your soul.
Meghalaya will awaken all your senses. From cultural highlights to heart-pounding adventures, numerous unforgettable encounters await the curious traveler.
Cultural Tapestry
Meghalaya's cultural tapestry is woven with numerous threads. The vibrant traditional festivals are a fantastic way to experience the uniqueness of the state's indigenous population. Soak in the customs of the locals and the breathtaking views while learning about the message each festival conveys. Explore some of the state's local history while sampling the various cuisines it has to offer. Get lost in the area's markets and take advantage of the burgeoning nightlife scene. Meghalaya is renowned for its contemporary cultural celebrations that honor local and international artistic talent. Expect a showcase of music, art, intriguing cultural customs, and more.
Top Tourist Destinations
Popular tourist spots in Meghalaya include Shillong, Tura, Jowai, Cherrapunjee, Nongpoh, and Baghmara. There are numerous tourist attractions in Meghalaya that are worth a visit, including:
Shillong (Scotland of the East): Explore Shillong Peak, Elephant Falls, Ward's Lake, Don Bosco Museum, and Umiam Lake.
Cherrapunjee (One of the wettest places on Earth): Witness the awe-inspiring Dain-Thlen, Kynrem, Nohkalikai waterfalls, and the marvel of engineering - Double Decker Living Root Bridge. Explore Mawsmai Cave, Seven Sister Falls, and Wei Sawdong Falls.
Mawsynram (Another contender for the wettest place on Earth): Visit the famed Jakrem Hot Spring and the Mawjymbuin Cave.
Mawlynnong (Asia's Cleanest Village): Experience serenity amidst spotless surroundings and explore the Living Root Bridge and Balancing Rock.
Dawki (Crystal-clear Dawki River): Enjoy kayaking, snorkeling, and camping by the river in Shnongpdeng Village. Take in the scenic beauty of the Dawki River and the Indo-Bangladesh Border.
Best Time to Visit:
March to June: Pleasant weather, ideal for sightseeing and adventure activities.
July to September: Perfect for relaxation and enjoying the beauty of the rainy season.
October to November: Witness the vibrant cherry blossoms in autumn.
December to February: Ideal for hiking excursions and exploring nearby locations.
How to Reach Meghalaya:
By Train: The nearest train station is Guwahati (Assam), 180 kilometers away. Taxis or buses can take you to Meghalaya from Guwahati.
By Air: Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati (Assam) is the nearest major airport. Taxis can take you to Meghalaya from the airport.
By Road: Major cities are well-connected to Meghalaya by roadways.
Travel Tips:
Research local permits required for specific activities.
Book your accommodations in advance, especially during peak season.
Pack essentials like rain gear and comfortable shoes.
Plan your itinerary based on your interests and time constraints.
Budget for your trip, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities.
Sample the local cuisine - a delightful way to experience the culture.
Respect local customs and traditions.
Rainfall in Meghalaya:
Meghalaya receives an average annual rainfall of 1,150 millimeters. The state lives up to its name, with the sky rarely remaining cloud-free.
Weather in Meghalaya:
Meghalaya boasts pleasant weather year-round with an average temperature of 24°C. The monsoon season brings ample rainfall, enhancing the beauty of the natural landscape. Winters are dry with moderate temperatures.
Ready to Explore?
Meghalaya, with its stunning beauty, rich culture, and diverse experiences, is a destination that will leave you mesmerized. Let Kajaawa Tours & Cabs craft your dream Meghalaya adventure and help you discover the hidden gems of this incredible state!
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lovelylogans · 6 months
Random question of the day: what is your favorite drink?
difficult!! i love a little beverage and am notoriously incapable at picking One Favorite, so i'm breaking it into categories
soda: specific, but mirinda strawberry soda. local spot has it and i worry every time it's out of order that they're taking out for good lol
tea: i love a good black tea, what can i say!!! hot, earl gray, bitter; cold, assam and sweet (typically my boba order)
coffee: the dunkin churro latte has overtaken my mind. i've gone to dunkin more times since they introduced it than i wish to disclose lmao
alcoholic in nature: wine! probably more red than white, though i'm partial to white/rosés in warmer weathers. honorable mention here to a moscow mule. love a bev in a copper mug
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sweetest-omens · 1 year
an extremely domestic snapshot from my ineffable husbands retirement fic. ft. sleepy crowley:
Neither of them had bothered to swap the sign on the front door of the bookshop over to OPEN that morning yet. Outside, it was tipping it down. An uncharacteristically decisive sort of rain for London, hard and cold, and it cleared the pavements of tourists, who were ducking in and out of every storefront but A.Z Fell & Co. to stay dry. 
“Miserable out there,” Crowley commented cheerfully.
Aziraphale was at his desk, a pair of teensy little reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, shuffling through all sorts of old and yellowing papery bits. 
“Mm,” Aziraphale said vaguely. He held one official-looking paper up to one of the twin desk lamps. By all reasonable assessment, the poor, ancient thing should’ve fallen apart in his gloved hands, but it held quite valiantly together. It also seemed to have something important or interesting or... something of that ilk to say, because Aziraphale suddenly beamed at it and cooed. “Oh very good.” 
“I think I might take a little nap,” Crowley announced. “Perfect weather for it, really.” 
“Alright,” Aziraphale said, not looking up. 
“Shall we open a bottle of something later?” Crowley asked. “Are you…” he eyed the large pile of papers strewn across the little hardwood desk. “Around?”
“Oh yes,” Aziraphale said. 
The mug by Aziraphale’s elbow was sitting exactly where Crowley had set it down about thirty minutes ago. Crowley angled a glare at it, and lightly-steeped assam tea began, sheepishly, to steam again. 
“Well,” Crowely said. “Shout if you need anything.” 
“Will do,” Aziraphale said absently. 
The grand spiral staircase creaked gently underfoot as Crowely climbed it. Gauzy light fell through the big, round skylight overhead. 
It really was perfect weather for a nap.
It helped that the bookshop held an eternal and ambient sort of warmth. Particularly against the gruesome showing that purported to be mid-August outside. It was a glow, a sort of… feeling that pervaded under the toasted almond scent of old paper and polished wood. 
The bedroom lay behind a heavy wooden door, which was slotted improbably into a curving bookshelf. There was a single bed in the room piled with plush blankets that predated the turn of the last century. It was surrounded by rather a lot of books. 
Crowely folded his waistcoat and silver scarfie-thing and set them on a hefty looking leather-bound tome. The rest of his clothing melted into silk pajamas: black as the shifting fabric of the universe before time and relative space; black as the absence of all light and hope —  because they knew what was good for them. 
A single bed. Oh, how Crowley missed his flat sometimes. His Egyptian cotton, his Super King memory foam mattress… and yet. 
The little bed smelled like ancient fabric and the cracked spines of the books that surrounded it. And underneath — you really had to search for it; Crowley climbed in and pressed his face into a feather down pillow to inhale deeply — the whiff of ozone that lifted off an angel sometimes. You might only pick it up if you were, say, another occult being attuned to the scent. And perhaps if the wind caught in the angel's hair, or you stood very, very close. 
Crowley pulled the covers around himself. There were so many layers that the effect was not unlike being pinned under a weighted blanket. Rain pattered against the windowpane, drowning the bustling view of Whickber street into something soft and far away.
Was this bliss? 
It was something very near it, at least. Nothing to do and nowhere to be but here. Later, Crowley would probably sprawl on the couch and watch Aziraphale uncork something red and earthy, something with terrific legs. And then they’d while away an entire night talking, arguing, laughing, drinking into the early hours. 
At which point… Crowley would probably take his leave. It was about time, anyway. He’d spent the last three days in and around the bookshop. Buzzing like a gnat. Taking Aziraphale out to little bars and restaurants, plying him with amuse-bouches and theatre tickets. 
Yeah, he’d slink off to the Bentley tomorrow. Make some trouble for himself. 
He heard, down on the shop floor, Aziraphale fending off an unwitting un-customer with a severe: “I’m afraid we’re closed!” 
Crowley curled up in Aziraphale’s little single bed, and fell into a sweet and dreamless sort of sleep. 
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Spiced chai weather. Will be adding a mixture of Ceylon and Assam tea after the spices come to a boil.
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acydpop · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
✨ Projects:
Daddymort Fest
DD:DNE Summertime Sadness
HP Cest Fest
Snape Big Bang
Tomarry Big Bang
Snarry Bang/Reverse Big Bang
Batfam Reverse Big Bang
This week has been pretty busy.
There's been a lot of cycling through projects to have a little bit of progress being made on each one. I've been using the Pomodoro method to help me stay in "work mode" during the allotted time (and it's been working so far). I tend to hyper-focus when working on a project, and that's great, but I also am a perfectionist, which means I would spend too much time focusing on the minor details of one piece when I have other projects I'd also like to work on. Plus...I like to sleep, and working until 3-4 am is not good for my health. 😅
I'm glad there was a gap in the bad weather so I could take the final photo for one of my pieces. I love working traditionally, but some materials like to shine brighter than others under indoor lighting, so natural light is very much needed.
I can't post any progress photos on any of my projects since they're for ongoing fests, but I do plan on making individual posts for the bts of my artworks. I may do the same for my fics, but I'm not sure what I would do for them tbh.
Here is a picture of what my work desk looks like now. The towel is covering up a fest painting. The desk is a lot cleaner here. Once I bust out the other materials, the decks, poppet, and other misc things will be moved somewhere else (most likely my bed).
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[id: A photograph of the writer's cluttered workstation. The majority top portion of the photograph shows a stack of art media paper, a Batman comic, tape, sticky notes, and writing utensils. In the top-left corner is a small stack of tarot and oracle decks with a small doll on top with a part of its head off. The bottom half of the photograph shows from left to right: a mixing palette with a pink hand towel for cleaning brushes on top, a taped-down painting covered by another pink towel (this one even messier with paint) and a white ceramic container housing small tubes of watercolors. /id]
For the next couple of days, I'll probably not be working on anything since I just got injections in my lower back today, and I was told I'll definitely need days to heal from that. Hopefully, by this weekend, I will get back to my painting. :)
My goal for next week's check-in is to have a couple of fics outlined and another couple having the drafts started. I will be flexible with my expectations with the art creation piece since I can't sit at my desk for too long.
I hope you all have a lovely day, and until next time,
♥ acyd
March 24, 2023 --> Listening to: "Ritual" by Necronomidol
--> Reading: I Failed to Oust the Villain! (webcomic) by Jaeunhyang & Assam & syunnuyn
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Pan (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Lost God, The Great Pan by the people of Olympius
Mr. Reed by Hermes
The Pipe by Dionysus
Age- 56 (immortal)
Location- Arcadia, Olympius
Personality- Despite the gossip for being known as an amorous frenzied drunk, he's actually extremely wise, calm, respectful, & benevolent. Above all else, nature is extremely important to him. He's polyamorous.
He's the only god in the pantheon that's a satyr.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music his powers/abilities include his most powerful one- the panic cry (which induces frenzy & madness in others), chlorokinesis, being able to summon/control all wild animals, dendrokinesis (controlling wood & trees), geokinesis, vounókinesis (mountain manipulation), vitakinesis (healing), hydrokinesis (as it pertains to fresh water sources), limited atmokinesis (weather manipulation), woodland magic, and pan flute magic (when he plays his sacred instrument he's able to curse others by putting them in an uncontrollable dancing trance).
His natural scent is that of musk and frankincense.
Pan's favorite colors are green & brown.
Throughout his godly career he was involved in many things like Zeus' battle with Typhon, the Gigantomachy, and the not-so serious talent show-off with Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge).
Pan didn't mind that he was put on a pedestal being the unofficial spokesman for the Satyr race.
After a few hundred years living in the modern world, he bagan to feel anxious & restless. Pan couldn't quite put his finger on it, but several things he noticed about modern society he now found repulsive- especially beings' relationship with nature. He quickly deleted his Fatestagram profile and with little resistance from the King, Pan slowly and quietly walked away from the public eye & official duties of the pantheon. He still had control over his businesses in the country. Before he left, he was a mentor twice- to Hermes & Dionysus (god of wine).
Pan thought it was hilarious when there was months long news coverage of his "disappearance." A mortal sailor Thamus achieved notoriety during his press tour- being interviewed by many journalists and going on talk shows with his unbelievable tale of recieving word of the god's death. His iconic line, "The great god Pan is dead!" has been printed on T-shirts. It was even more funnier when a blurry photo of Pan taken by the paparazzi made its way on the cover of The Oracle Scoop!
After abandoning most of modern society, he retreated to his sacred place (the state of Arcadia) where Pan has now established a commune that's two thousand strong. The commune is situated on his MASSIVE woodland estate, hidden away under the cover of mountains. There has been a school built for the kids, a library, his juice shack business, a yoga studio, & a holistic health center. There's also a huge farm filled with horses, cows, sheep, and goats. A major rule of the commune is not using any modern technology (mainly TVs, computers, laptops, smartphones, & tablets). Clothes are often washed by hand and there's no Wi-Fi.
When he's feeling nervous or anxious he'll sometimes chew on tin cans.
Pan's favorite drinks include coconut water, aloe vera juice, roast coffee, grapefruit soda, carrot-ginger-tumeric smoothies, mango juice, beer, coconut milk, matcha tea, oatmilk, assam tea, orange juice, sweet tea, & green tea. He even makes his own moonshine!
His businesses in Olympius include his weed dispensaries and The Lytêrios Oasis, an adult nudist resort. earnings from those businesses go toward various charities & projects like his Green Grove Project- to combat deforestation and repairing homes for people in woodland & mountainous communities.
Pan loves Deipneus' garlic bagles (with a vegan cream cheese spread). He also likes the vegan tempeh club sandwich from The Bread Box.
He (much like the residents in the commune) is vegan.
Pan frequents shrooms, weed, lotus tiles, and chewing tobacco. He also ironically likes nicotine gum!
He can play the pan flute, lyre, acoustic guitar, ukulele, & other woodwind instruments like the clarinet and oboe.
His favorite dessert is the hummingbird cake from Hollyhock's Bakery. He also likes the oatmeal brownies his daughter brings for him when she visits.
In the pantheon Pan's good friends with Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture); though they haven't seen each other in many years, Nyx (goddess of the night), Erebus (god of darkness), Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest), The Ourea (esteemed mountain gods), Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck), Chiron (the immortal centaur), Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates), Livádi (goddess of meadows), Paean (goddess of physicians), The Nesoi (sister isand goddesses), Hydros (god of water), Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity), Elpis (goddess of hope), Triptolemus (god of farming), and Trochilus (god of the mill wheel).
Former lovers of his include Selene (Titaness of the moon), Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest); they're now friends, Evimería (goddess of prosperity), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), and Hesychia (goddess of quiet, stillness, rest, & silence). There are even rumors swirling about that Pan & Gaia (goddess of the earth) got together a few times! Current lovers are Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Damia (goddess of naturalness), and Eupheme (an oread); they share a son Krotos. The only romantic relationship that Pan ever considered marriage was with the naiad nymph Syrinx. They share a daughter Physis (goddess of nature). They used to be in a folk band called Chapters of Lore. The band traveled & performed everywhere (even in the Underwater realm), managed to perform at the Summer Solstice Music Festival, and even snagged five Golden Laurels!
His favorite snack are plantain chips and cashew string cheese.
Pan uses the sulfate free aloe vera shampoo and the almond & castor oil loc elixir from Glory's Crown for his long dreadlocks.
His favorite frozen treat is cinnamon oatmilk ice cream.
In his free time Pan enjoys archery, horseback riding, gardening, canoeing, hiking, mountain climbing, music, acupuncture, aromatherapy, swimming, basketball, surfing, football (soccer), writing (songs or entries in his journal), pottery, yoga, reading, cooking, spending time with his children, painting (mostly landscapes & nude portraits), and lovemaking.
Some of his favorite meals include cabbage stir fry with buckwheat soba noodles, vegan shepherd's pie, miso tofu wraps, butternut squash stuffed pasta shells, curry lentil soup, & vegan rasta pasta.
"When you are looking for peace, nature is always the answer."
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mgcem · 1 year
For Exclusive Dealership of India's No.1 Premium WhiteWash MG CEM & Premium Powder-Based Cement Primer MG PLUS, 📞8004-982-291.
#MG #Cem #Plus #Premium #Imported #White #Cement #Wash #Primer #Meme #Ever #Smart #Birla #More #Ujala #Multi #Use #Damp #Weather #Proof #Shree #ASSAM #JK #Wall #Suraksha #Balaji RM #Surya #Prakash Product of #MastermindGroup
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parkers-tea-shop · 2 years
11/6/2022 - cream of Assam. a delicate black tea. very good with milk and honey. 8/10 - heather meadows. underwhelming. looks really pretty tastes eh. 5/10 best parts - getting a whole ass bottle of vanilla syrup for 11$ - an old man doing a 5 minute rant on how much he hates chamomile - listening to mom gossip - not burning my hands at all - watching the owner attack some ice with a knife - watching the weather outside slowly go from sunny to rainy to snow - people coming in and slowly updating us on a building that lit on fire
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desupporttourism · 5 days
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A tour of Arunachal, Meghalaya, and Assam offers a blend of culture, nature, and adventure. Travel packages typically start in Assam with a visit to Kaziranga National Park, famous for its one-horned rhinos, and the Brahmaputra River. In Meghalaya, explore Shillong, the picturesque capital, and Cherrapunji, known for its living root bridges and waterfalls. Arunachal Pradesh offers stunning landscapes, monasteries like Tawang, and tribal culture. Packages include guided tours, accommodations, and transport, with options for trekking, wildlife safaris, and cultural experiences. The best time to visit is from October to April for pleasant weather and clear skies.
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