#weapon summon artworks
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chaosduckytoast12 · 1 year ago
I was doing a drawing challenge with a friend where we draw how see each other and then how we see ourselves and all was going good until she showed me her drawing of me and she has drawn me with platinum blonde hair, a knife, and As 6'2...
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bogleech · 5 months ago
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@revretch and I were just talking about how we never see anyone mention this online, or depict it in artwork or in the media. Don't people CARE that a type of tiny ridiculous looking dog was (at least allegedly) bred to be hidden in your sleeves as a "defensive weapon?" Like a Pokemon? Like a real life summon spell? I don't even know for sure if that was ever actually done but it was at least a strong enough theory that they were carried around in sleeves anyway as a flex. The entire suggestion of it is so funny you'd think it'd be in a million cartoons. Or you'd think there'd be people even now dedicated to keeping them hidden in their coats like a gun.
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months ago
SSR Riddle Rosehearts - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: It's an honor to be chosen as a supporter for this historical museum. I'll do my duty diligently while adhering to all the rules.
Summon Line: I made sure to review everything there is to know of the exhibits here at the Land of Dawning National Museum of Art. I am looking forward to seeing these works of art in person.
Groooovy!!: I cannot believe anyone would attend a tea party for which they did not receive an invitation... They'd only have themselves to blame if they lose their head.
Home: My utmost respect to 100 years of history.
Home Idle 1: When I gaze upon artwork that depicts esteemed people of lore like this, I feel humbled. I must also strive to achieve greater heights.
Home Idle 2: I saw Lilia-senpai staring at a painting intently... I'm a little... no, very surprised to see him look so serious.
Home Idle 3: I wouldn't say I find painting difficult at all. Although, the first time I was given an abstract assignment to complete, I did struggle slightly.
Home Idle - Login: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art exhibits countless masterpieces. This is a fantastic opportunity to improve our imagination skills.
Home Idle - Groovy: Rook-senpai had nothing but flowery praise to say of every single painting we came across. I see that's one way to interpret everything...
Home Tap 1: There are many tales of the Son of the God of Thunder in which he is depicted as one who could not control his strength. It seems he was not the type to tread carefully.
Home Tap 2: Silver was looking at the weapons wielded by the Thorn Fairy's men and was giving his thoughts on what form of fighting they each must have mastered. that is a perspective I hadn't considered.
Home Tap 3: Did you see the tea blends they have at the museum shop that are supposed to be made with specific luminaries in mind? I'm curious as to their flavor.
Home Tap 4: I saw Azul eyeing the painting of the girl wishing at a well. He sure looked like he was plotting something.
Home Tap 5: It is because we wear this formal attire without a single strand out of place that we look as regal as we should. It is out of the question to wear it slovenly.
Home Tap - Groovy: You wish to know what legends inspired these paintings? Fufu, I see you're quite eager to learn. Well then, allow me to explain everything to you in detail.
Duo: [RIDDLE]: Rook-senpai, I'm sure you know the drill. [ROOK]: Of course, Riddle-kun.
Birthday Login Message: Thank you for the birthday wishes. Make sure you attend the birthday party that will be thrown later, as well. It seems there will be a larger variety of dishes set out this time than previous years. It would be impolite to leave any food left over, wouldn't you say? Also... I'm sure it will be much livelier if you all were to come... At any rate, you must make your way to Heartslabyul later!
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Requested by @farfalla049 and @sakurakudo.
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cursecuelebre · 6 months ago
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All About Woden or Oðin
It’s going to be a bit long so I hope I won’t bore y’all.
Magic (Seidr or Galdr)
The elite which is the high class (historically speaking but he can still be worshipped by any class he doesn’t discriminate)
King of Asgard and Aesir
Father to men and gods
Air and Breath
Runes (which he gifted to mankind and sacrifice himself for)
Ravens, he has two of his own called Huginn (thought) and Muninn (Memory). Crows can be associated as well but accurately are Ravens.
The rune Ansuz
His spear Gungnir which will always hit its mark
A winged helmet
Sleipnir the eight legged horse, child of Loki. Horses can also be a good symbol as well.
Valknut a sigil that is representative of Death, Preparation, and Protection.
The Gungnir sigil which is a diamond with an X over in the center
Horn Triskelion which Odin’s gift of knowledge of poetry and mead
Poetry this can be written poems or songs
Wednesday or Woden’s day
His own set of books called Havamal which is basically Norse proverbs but it’s basically means “Words of The One Eyed”
Herbs/Plants/Trees: Ash trees, Elm Trees, Rowan Trees, Horehound, Parsley, Woad, Mugwort
Mead (Beer can be a good substitute) if you can’t get beer water or tea or coffee is fine
Meat (for his wolves it’s said that Odin doesn’t eat but drinks a lot according to mythology, but I don’t think he would be mad if you put some on the side for him)
Poetry or general music
Handmade items
Weapons (doesn’t have to be real)
Bird feed (for his ravens)
Crystals (it’s more neo pagan, but he likes obsidian a lot)
Devoted acts like writing, exercise, crafting, etc.
Any magical things
Anything associated with Horses, horses were very sacred in Norse culture. Pictures of horses, horse hair(if you can find any), drawings of horses, etc.
Ravens like raven feathers or skulls (please clean them well and ask the spirit for permission) but then again no need anything crow or Raven related same with Wolves.
Runes, bind runes, handcrafted runes, rune artwork, etc. any divination tool as well like a tarot deck.
Staffs or Wands
There is quite few depictions of Oðin in artwork but here is common scenery, he is an older gentleman with a long beard with one eye (the lore never said which eye was sacrificed).
His wanderer aspect: It’s the one I described earlier about him looking like Gandalf, a older man in a top hat or hooded in old robes carrying a staff. This aspect is of him traveling throughout the nine realms.
Warrior aspect or King aspect: He is in his armor, carrying a spear. Sitting in a throne with his winged helmet by his side are his two wolves Geri and Freki and at his shoulders is Huginn and Muninn who are essentially his messengers but very still apart of them so that they can see everything throughout the nine realms.
His hanged aspect: Which shows him hanging upside down from the world tree by stabbing himself while gaining knowledge about the runes. He died then rose back to life fully understanding the runes we know today which he gifted to us.
Sleipnir: Oðin attain Sleipnir by Loki, Sleipnir has eight legs and was Oðin’s battle horse and accompanied him throughout the nine realms most famously known traveling to Helheim to summon a dead seer for a prophecy.
There are so many but I’ll shall put the ones that are commonly used and ones I really like and forgive me for any spelling mistakes Germanic or any Scandinavian languages isn’t my first language and I have terrible handwriting.
Aldafödr- Father of men
Alfaðir or Alföðr - Allfather
Báleygr - Feeble eye, one eyed or flamed eye
Draugadróttin - Lord of Ghosts
Foldardróttin- Lord of The Earth
Gapthrosnir - One in a Gaping Frenzy
Gizur - Riddler
Ginnarr- Decevier
Göndlir - Wand Bearer
Gollnir - Yeller
Godjaðarr - God Protector
Grimnir, Grimr - Masked one, hooded one
Hangaguð - Hanged God
Gudan - Master of Fury
Haptabeiðir - Ruler of the gods
Haptasnytirr- Teacher of The Gods
Hárbarðr- Grey Beard
Hárr - One eye
Havi- High one
Jölföðr - Yule Father
Jölnir - Yule
Oðinn- Frenzy one
Óski - Fulfiller of Desires
Runatyr- God of Runes
Sigföðr - Father of Victory
Wōden- Master of Fury
Ódr - “frenzy”, divine inspiration, breath
Wilde Jaegar - Lord of The Wild Hunt
Karl - Old man
Long hat
Wise and Wisdom Granter
True Father
Spell caster
Shadowed face
Fool and Wise man
General Information
Commonly known as Oðin (frenzy) or Wōden (Fury) to the Anglo Saxons he is probably one of fascinating gods in Germanic/Norse Mythology. From the titles and attributes even the symbols you can tell he isn’t just one set type of God he rules and charges over countless of things.
Oðin was born to Borr along with his two brothers, Vili and Ve, Oðin is the oldest. All three brothers killed the first being in existence Ymir. Which they created the earth, sky, and sea from his corpse literally Ymir’s skull is the sky and his brain the clouds and his blood the rivers and ocean. Then him and his brothers created the first humans Ask and Embla from pieces of trunks of Ash and Oak. I should note that most of what sources we have Norse Mythology is from Christian sources so you might see some influences from Abrahamic faiths. Oðin along with his brothers Vili and Ve gave each of them a trait of life. Oðin gave breath of life, Vili gave understanding and physical movements, and Ve gave their senses.
Oðin is a god of wisdom, he is always eager for the pursue of knowledge. That is why he travels a lot. Once he came upon the Well of Mimir beneath Yggdrasil’s roots a Jotun who guarded the well who was the wisest being of all and his well and grant such wisdom. Oðin asked if he can drink from the waters. Mimir agreed but said he needed to give the well, a sacrifice, so Oðin did that he gave the well his eye that he can drink. From doing so he became very knowledgeable in the ways of magic, curing the sick, calm storms, summoning the dead, etc this lead him on to his pursuit of the Runes. By the way Mimir’s head was beheaded and to preserve his head Oðin put the head in herbs and sang spells so that Mimir can still speak to him.
Then another famous story was how he gain the runes. Oðin hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil tree by piercing himself with his spear as he called for the runes. For nine days and nine nights he had no help but when the runes finally came to him he let out a cry falling dying. It’s said it was describe the light of the world going dark when Oðin dead but suddenly it light up again and Oðin came back alive with the knowledge of the runes. Which he generously shared with Mankind.
He is a god rules over Valhalla one half goes to him (those who die in battle) and the other goes to Freyja’s hall. He’ll lead dead warriors when Ragnorak begins.
He is the god of kings and rulers but he also is the god of tyrants as well
God of order but he does do some trickery like Loki.
He is a war god there is so many titles that have him in war context that is overwhelming lol. About frenzy, fury, spears, victory, etc. it’s also describe Oðin will bring war upon peaceful communities as well.
God of Death, he is considered to be a psychopomp
He is equivalent to Mercury or Hermes (Psychopomp, knowledge, share the same day Wednesday.) similarities between them are mostly documented by Roman historian Tacitus.
He is a God among the goths, Anglo-Saxons, Germanic Tribes, Norse, Danes, Swedish, Finnish, and Icelandic peoples
He is the God of the Wild hunt which along side him is Holda a Germanic goddess of winter and death, it’s said Santa Claus is partly inspired from him because after he is finished with his hunt will come around people’s homes dropping gifts in shoes. He is also known as the Yule-Father.
Oðin is also the god of magic of Seidr and Galdr, Seidr is like a shamanic form of magic that the Norse used. It involved divination, spirit work, chanting, spinning, meditation. Seidr historically was only socially acceptable for women to practice not men but Oðin is the one that taught men Seidr. Galdr is magic of chanting or singing, created the song to cast spells. He can send a person dreams and messages. He can also make witches go mad apparently.
He is able to summon the dead, make them alive again. 
Oðin is married to Frigga of marriage and justice and they had together Baldr, Hodr, and Hermod. But Oðin had many lovers and many children including Thor, Vali, Vidarr, Heimdallr, and many more. It’s also said that he had a relationship with Freyja even married her at one point before he disappeared however it’s not quite clear nor proven to be Oðin just speculation.
My personal experience
I will say Odin is a different type of God I encounter with. The best way I can describe it and it may sound weird but he’s like a fun grandfather. He has his wisdom and knowledge but also his sense of humor. He has helped me through a lot especially with anxiety and depression and burnout. Out of all the gods I have worked with he is the one that gives me the most dreams, the dreams are so beautiful and powerful I can’t describe them in full detail but involves magic.
Typically he loves any type of votive offering (creating the offering) like he enjoys regular offerings of course. But just using your free time to do craft something for him or do something for him he really appreciates. Writing your own poetry, studying, crafting, using your inspiration for workings, etc. divination or spellwork. He does play some playful tricks time to time.
Tarot cards I resonate with Oðin from my personal practice
Hanged Man
Ace of Wands
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dansyron · 3 months ago
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"legend speaks of a weapon buried deep within the Abyss: a sword of the gods, able to tame the horrors of the maze. The dead corpses of previous summoned blades litter the landscape as markers of the fallen mazeknights. The weapon is eternal, and in the right hands may find the end of the infinte Labyrinth, but at a cost. The knight of Omega must forfeit their soul to the Abyss in exchange for its power, and thus its wielder will return one day to the Abyss, without fail. it is their inescapable fate." Some more proper production artwork for my personal project Abysm. The giant sword has been in quite a few pictures but never really displayed properly, nor explained. The full lore is on my patreon. CSP ______________________________________________ Follow Me on Twitter | Furaffinity | Patreon | Tumblr | NewGrounds | IG
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sweetteaanddragons · 5 months ago
And How Can Man Die Better: Director's Cut
I had lots of worldbuilding thoughts that didn't make it into the story for @saturniiids beautiful artwork, so have them here! (Spoilers ahead.)
"Thorin had never met a hacker quite so dedicated to pretending to be on the legal side of the fence as Master Baggins. It was reassuring, really; it spoke to a level of discretion he appreciated."
As you might have guessed, Bilbo is actually 100% sincere here. Thorin remains blissfully unaware of this throughout the entire story.
"They knew they had already been earmarked for Mahal; that he needed their service in his great foundries and machineries to make his constructs for the Last Great War. What would become of them all when the end days came and Dagor Dagorath struck if they had denied him the souls of centuries of dwarves? The government had not been impressed with this argument . . . " The government here is Sauron. Also his minions, but ultimately Sauron. The dwarves do not, of course, know this - he's switching between his personas as Annatar and the Necromancer - but unsurprisingly, Sauron was not impressed by the argument that the dwarves needed to be allowed to go to Mahal's Halls so they could create weapons to use against him and Morgoth at Dagor Dagorath. If the dwarves had realized, they would have tried a different argument.
"The government had not been impressed with this argument, any more than they had been impressed with the dwarves’ furious insistence that Mahal was not, of course, in any way connected with one of the Forbidden Ones. Who was this Aulë others spoke of? Certainly they knew him not. They followed Mahal and Mahal alone; surely they could not be faulted that his name and that of one of the Forbidden Ones rhymed." Sauron is genuinely unsure if the dwarves telling him this - perfectly straight faced - are as unaware of the truth behind this as they were with their previous argument or not. A lot of knowledge has been lost! (A lot of it has been deliberately suppressed.) They might not know - or they might, and they might be laughing at him.
Most of the dwarves genuinely don't know and are making this argument with indignant righteousness. There are a few (like Balin) who know better. Regardless, they end up having to follow Mahal in secret because all mention of any of the Valar, much less any devotion to them, is being violently suppressed by Sauron, who is violently afraid that the Valar are going to show up to topple his little house of cards. The Valar showed up because the mortals were penitent last time and because the mortals asked for help; he can't risk that happening again.
The Valar are, unbeknownst to him, very aware of what is going on and very eager to intervene, but toppling his house of cards is exactly what they're worried about; Mordor has so consumed everything that they aren't sure how to save people without accidentally destroying the planet in the process.
"Just as they were also faulted for just how many dwarves had been, tragically, dying in conflagrations so intense that no brain matter was left for Dol Guldur." Dol Guldur's brand of afterlife nastiness in this story was borrowed from the Mechanism's album, Ulysses Dies at Dawn. Like in that world, all brains are plugged into a horrible mass computer system after death; any attempt to render your brain unsuitable for this is punished horribly.
But if there's anything that could make a brain truly, entirely, unpunishably unsuitable, it seems like being consumed by fire would do the trick.
"The concrete didn’t switch to marble; there were no trumpet calls summoning them home. Still. He almost thought he could feel it, like a buzzing in his chest." And here we have the first mention of the buzzing that we will eventually learn is the madness-inducing tone coming from Smaug! This was also inspired by Ulysses; Erebor takes the place of Ilium. This seemed particularly appropriate to me given the gold madness that awaited Thorin in the original.
"In the old days, Balin had told him once, their people had buried their dead in stone. Fire had been too impermanent a monument . . . 'From the fires of Mahal’s forge we came,' Balin said quietly. 'And to them we pray to return,' the rest echoed." I thought a lot about the dwarves canonically having to burn their dead after the battle of Azanulbizar; how it was against their traditions, but they did it out of need and made it an honor.
In this AU, I imagine this necessity initially was deeply upsetting to the dwarves that took it up, but by the time the story takes place, they've successfully mythologized it to make it acceptable to themselves.
"The City had not always just been the City, of course; once, before it had conquered and bargained and slowly consumed all else, up to the top of the breathable atmosphere and down to the roots of the earth, once there had been other cities and so it had needed a name.
Once, it had been Mordor."
In this AU, Celebrimbor helps Annatar create a wonderful potion of immortality for their mortal friends. Why shouldn't they be able to delay the Gift of Men for awhile as the Numenorians already do?
The Numenorians, of course, are enchanted by it and use it to extend their own very live longs (and, like in Ulysses, this has unfortunate consequences for the world around them). There's the potion for those who can afford it . . . and Annatar's promise that eventually, even the very poorest will be guaranteed to live forever.
Hello, Dol Guldur.
Annatar uses the potion to seduce some countries into willingly joining his banner and sets out to conquer the rest.
Celebrimbor, once he realizes how it has all gone wrong tries - and fails - to stand against him.
Somewhere in this AU, Pharazon is very much still alive and enjoying his wealth and power.
“'Skulls are intact,' Fili said quietly. 'Most of them.' It was true, he saw. Some few were smashed, but that was easily enough explained, whatever they had been fighting. Most were intact. Which meant that even after the Necromancer had won, he had not sent in drones to collect minds for Dol Guldur. Not even from the bodies that had not been burned." So, in Ulysses, some people's minds are deemed unsuitable for harvesting due to insanity. To keep this from seeming like a preferable alternative that people might be tempted to feign or induce, these people are forcibly kept alive through immortality inducing drugs . . . but kept in absolutely horrible conditions. Presumably, though, this did not happen to the people of Ilium who were driven to kill each other through Ulysses's weapon.
 “Hobbit ears must not be as keen as their dwarven fellows.” Which Bilbo will have ample cause to be thankful for shortly.
"The next door was the one Thorin had been unable to find anyone qualified to open on his own; the one he had nearly despaired of until he had once again stumbled across Gandalf, who had hemmed and hawed over the danger of the journey before admitting it might be worth the risk and saying he knew just the man for the job." Gandalf is still one of the Istari in this AU; five undercover Maiar sent by the Valar to try to figure out a way to help. As per canon, Radagast has gotten sidetracked by his absolute horror over what has become of most of the plant and animal life in this world spanning city, Saruman is slowly being corrupted by fear and the promise of power, and the blue wizards are . . . somewhere. Gandalf has lost track of them.
He, however, is still desperately trying his best.
"'Of course outside of one of their terrarium blocks you haven’t got much of a prayer of getting anything to grow.'
'Not much of a prayer!' Master Baggins said indignantly. 'Why, all you have to do is - '"
As you might guess, there aren't any Ents left in this AU. There are, of course, still hobbits; they weren't particularly seduced by the lure of immortality, but they were conquered easily enough. Their knack for growing things has fewer opportunities by far, but they still grow what they can.
There was so much blood on his hands. Obviously, Thorin and his nephews ended up mortally wounding each other. Their brains are scrambled enough though that they can't remember who struck which blows. At this point, only Mahal could tell them - and he definitely has every intention of keeping that to himself.
“Thorin, are you - I promise it’s just me, totally harmless - “ The trap was calibrated for dwarves. Bilbo was totally unaffected except for having to run from everyone.
"Thorin, at least, would die sane. Surely Mahal would accept Thorin’s tribute at least, and if he did - surely Thorin could convince him. They had died in Mahal’s service; surely Mahal could find some purpose for them even if they had not died sane. Surely there must be something he could offer to convince -" Thorin is aware that Dol Guldur does not accept the insane, and he assumes that Mahal's Halls will be the same. The dwarves' understanding of their Maker has been corrupted over time; mostly, they assume that working in Mahal's Halls will be much like their current (horribly inhumane) factory jobs. This is still preferable to Dol Guldur, because Dol Guldur is awful, and also because they are genuinely convinced they are needed to prepare for the apocalypse.
The dwarves are, of course, very wrong. Mahal accepts them regardless of their condition - and in Fili and Kili's case, they were fine once the sound's ability to influence them ceased.
Dwalin was there, blood thick on his own hands, but Dwalin was there, and Dwalin understood. I regret to inform you that Balin was also a casualty of this AU. And probably some of the others.
Fili: . . . and with a productivity increase like that, you really can't afford not to assign the three of us together to whatever doomsday weapon you want worked on.
Kili, in iglishmek, from where he's currently smushed against Mahal's shoulder: Do you think it's working?
Fili, from the other shoulder: I don't know. I've never had to give this speech to a supervisor that was hugging me and crying before.
Mahal is just. So happy. Whenever any of his children manage to find their way home.
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snapmite1998 · 2 months ago
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Darth Maul was roused from his dream, the remnants of sleep clinging to him like the shadows of his past. He sat up in bed, the silken sheets cascading around him, a stark contrast to the heat, damp, and filth of Lotho Minor where he had once languished in waste and piles of trash during his solitude. Exhaling softly, he recalled the agony of his exile—the endless nights spent in darkness, gnawed by hunger and thirst, his mind unraveling with each passing moment, and the dark side of the Force itself keeping him alive, its raging inferno blazing so bright, that it had not died out during those twelve excruciating years.
Those memories twisted within him like a blade, sharp and unyielding. He had clawed his way back from that abyss, fighting against the madness that threatened to consume him. The torment of deprivation had etched itself into his very being, a constant reminder of his resilience. Yet here he was now, surrounded by luxury that few could fathom—a bed of the finest silks, walls adorned with opulent artwork, and treasures amassed from across the galaxy.
He leaned back against the plush pillows, a flicker of satisfaction igniting within him. Wealth flowed like a river through his criminal empire, and he had risen from the trash and filth of his past to command respect and fear in equal measure. His family—those who had remained loyal through his darkest hours—stood by him, their unwavering support solidifying his position as a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Maul’s crimson skin glistened in the soft light, and he reveled in the power that coursed through him. He was no longer a forgotten specter, but a force to be reckoned with—a master of the shadows who had transcended his former limitations. As he sat in his lavish chamber, he allowed a small, sinister smile to creep across his lips. The galaxy would soon learn that he had not only survived; he had thrived, and he would not rest until he had reclaimed all that was rightfully his.
Rising from the bed, Darth Maul approached the nearest water basin, its reflective surface glimmering under the warm glow of the crimson fire that illuminated his chambers aboard the Blood Star. He splashed cool water on his face, the sensation invigorating, washing away the remnants of the restless night. The room around him was as imposing as he was—a vast expanse of onyx marble, its dark sheen capturing the flicker of flames from the basins that lined the walls. Statues of his former selves, each a testament to his evolution, stood like sentinels, watching over him: the child, the apprentice, the savage warrior, and ultimately, the Dark Lord he had become.
As he dried his face, Maul's thoughts swirled with anticipation. He dressed quickly, sliding into his ebony robes, each fold and contour tailored perfectly to his lithe, powerful frame. The fabric whispered against his skin, a reminder of the finesse and strength he embodied. He reached for his double-bladed lightsaber, the weapon humming with dormant energy. As he summoned it to his grasp, the blades ignited with a fierce hiss, bathing the chamber in a blood-red glow that mirrored the intensity of his resolve.
The crimson light danced across the marble, casting eerie shadows that seemed to writhe in response to his fury. Maul reveled in the power of the moment, feeling the Dark Side swell within him. This was more than just a weapon; it was a symbol of his vengeance, a harbinger of the blood he was destined to shed. Soon, he would unleash this fury upon his enemies, particularly the one who had wronged him most—Obi-Wan Kenobi.
As he steadied his breathing, focusing on the mission ahead, Maul reflected on every choice he had made since his rebirth. Each step had led him closer to this pivotal moment—the end of the war, the dismantling of his enemies, and the reclaiming of his rightful place in the galaxy. Victory was within his grasp, and with it, the sweet taste of revenge against the Jedi who had stolen so much from him.
With one last glance at his mirrored reflection, he stepped forward, the lightsaber illuminating his path as he left the sanctuary of his chambers. The Blood Star thrummed with anticipation, a fitting vessel for the storm that he was about to unleash upon Naboo. His brothers and allies awaited him, and together, they would carve a path of destruction that would echo through the annals of history. Today would mark the dawn of a new era—one where Darth Maul would reign supreme.
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blacknight7890 · 1 month ago
I made my own Epithet TTRPG character based on what was shown in the stream. Not sure how balanced it is but I like it, its very versatile in the right hands. Could fit all sorts of roles both in and out of combat. Name - Vanny Gohla Epithet - Sketchbook Class - Art Summoner
WEAPON Sketchbook - A thick sketchbook that can pack a wallop when swung around. Deals 4 damage.
PASSIVE: Inspired Creativity - Vanny is always looking for new sources of inspiration. She can make a Sketch of things around them that inspire them. Vanny can use Sketches to create nearly any kind of Artwork using aspects from at least two different Sketches. After a rest, Vanny loses interest in their old Sketches, so they cannot make Art with them. Vanny can summon their Art into reality, but only once per Artwork. If it is a creature or moving object, then Vanny has full control of it. Summoned Art ceases to exist after one hour has passed since its creation, Vanny may also dismiss it at any time. The Player may propose what the summon is capable of, but the GM has the final say. Vanny may have up to 2 different summons active at the same time. Vanny cannot summon something that is already summoned. If Vanny falls unconscious then all her summons vanish.
PASSIVE: Personal Favorites - At the beginning of the day, Vanny may select up to 3 Artworks she has previously drawn in her sketchbook. they become her Favorites for that day. Vanny may repeatedly use her Favorite arts for summons, and they last until the start of the next day. She still cannot have more than one of the same art summoned at a time, and still must abide by her current summon limit. The GM may require changes to the art's capabilities if they have balancing concerns.
Sketch Artist (1): Vanny makes Sketches of 2 diffrent things of your choice in their line of sight or things they have seen within the last minute. These sketches can be people, creatures, objects, or phenomena. Vanny will not sketch the same or similar thing twice in a day.
Still life Sketch (2): Vanny may summon a duplicate of an existing inanimate object within 15 feet that she can see that fits within a 5 foot cube. The object cannot be modified and is summoned in an empty space adjacent to Vanny.
Life-like Artwork (3+X): Vanny uses at least two sketches to create an Artwork that incorporates aspects of all the sketches used. you and the GM determine its exact capabilities based off the sketches used. The Artwork is summoned as a real physical thing in an unoccupied space within 15 feet. The summoned artwork must fit within a 5 foot cube. For every additional 5 foot cube it takes up in physical space, it requires 3 additional stamina, with a minimum cost of 3. Things that are thin and long (poles, spears, planks, pipes, ect.) are instead based on its length, with every additional 10 feet costing 3 more stamina. Things that could conceivably fit in a 5 foot cube (like a coil of rope, a person, or folded up ladder) can still be summoned for the base cost unless the GM says otherwise. if the summon is mobile, it acts on your turn and uses your stamina. In addition, the Summoned artwork may have special abilities as determined during creation. These cost your stamina to use and may or may not add an additional cost to summon it. The stamina required to use a summons abilities, and any additional summoning cost is determined by the GM.
Old Favorite (X): Vanny summons one of her Favorite arts for the same amount of stamina it originally cost to summon it unless the GM says otherwise.
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aaamike · 9 months ago
Very Light JJK Spoilers
I’ve seen a lot of criticism about Sukuna as a villain. But I don’t think many people have taken the time to enjoy the time of big brain he is. We see this intelligence of his on full display during the Big Raga Incident.
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- here upon ariving on the scene, Sukuna was able to deduce very quickly that:
1: Mahoraga is a Shikigami summoned by Megumi, despite never knowing about Mahoraga. Or the 10 shadows technique outside of what he’s learned from past battles during the Heian era and or his time in Yuji’s prison
2: Megumi’s subjugation ritual keeping him in a suspended state, and thus, he can’t die until Big Raga is dealt with.
3: Haruta staying alive being crucial to keeping Megumi alive throughout the ritual.
Sukuna is so familiar with Shikigami users and rituals associated to them, he’s able to figure in a few seconds everything that’s going on and what he probably needs to do. No other character in the series has demonstrated this level of analytical accuracy, this quickly.
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- Here, Sukuna is able to identify what Mahoraga’s sword can do from their first exchange. It’s clear he’s seen or read about it before in the past. We don’t know all the battles he’s been a part of but he is clearly well versed in some ancient weapons as seen as during his battle with Kashimo.
Sukuna may be an avid enjoyer of his curse technique, Shrine, but he’s a fan of weapons, mainly in a lot of his Heian era artwork. Mainly a staff like weapon and then that lightning weapon he used against Kashimo. Let’s not forget to mention all of his past Heian era battles gave him a lot of experience. Who’s to say none of those sorcerers carried a cursed weapon. Based off of his current battle with our cast, he seems pretty used to sword users.
In short, Sukuna knows his way around cursed weapons, and is able identify what they’re capable of. He is also very capable of dealing with a weapon user, barehanded.
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- lastly, we see Sukuna compare Big Raga to a something named Yamata no Orochi. Now Yamata no Orochi the Legendary 8 Headed/Tailed Dragon, in real life is a mythical creature first written about around the early 700s in Japan, “filled with malice” and eating young girl sacrifices every seven years. Later, Susanoo, the god of Storms, kills it. It’s known for having a few amazing powers but the main one is regeneration from damage, even death.
Now Sukuna may be referencing the actual mythology, since it was around during the Heian Era, which started at 794 AD and ended in 1185 AD. It’s plausible to assume Sukuna grew up well aware of the mythology. Or perhaps in the JJK universe, there was a Shikigami that may have created the legend we know today. Regardless, upon identifying how Big Raga preferred to stop his ops, via, adaptation, he activated Malevolent Shrine, to create the right conditions for him to use Fire Arrow.
(A quick aside for context, recently it’s been confirmed by Gege that Sukuna’s activation of Fire Arrow is simplified and buffed by the storm of cleave and dismantle turning everything into a fine powder in an air tight enviorment/ie his domain, so when the Fire Arrow activates, it causes an instantaneous explosion, disintegrating any and everything within the domain.)
I’m not saying the manga or anime implies Sukuna fought Yamata no Orochi, but it seems clear Sukuna knows how to deal with an adapting enemy: Obliderate it with an attack it can’t heal from, adapt to, or come back from.
I really enjoy how Gege writes action in JJK. In many cases, it tells you a lot about the characters involved and I believe the Mahoraga fight is one of the best, because it fully demonstrates how well experienced Sukuna is.
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vvooper · 5 months ago
alright. next up in my ffvii character pokemon teams: it's Tifa Time
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tifa's team was pretty straightforward for me to come up with. details under the cut as always
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tifa's sprite is a recolor of the gen 4 battle girl. seemed perfect for her
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species: lopunny
ability: cute charm
item: muscle band
moves: close combat, return, power-up punch, captivate
ok I'll just address the obvious: there is some meta commentary going on here with my pokemon choice. people online can be very not normal about tifa's appearance. and I get it, I fully agree that Tifa Pretty, but let's not lose sight of the important fact that she can kill a man (and much scarier opponents) with her fists. I didn't give stargazer lopunnite here because that felt a little unfair to all the other characters who didn't get megas, but I definitely had mega lopunny in mind for the theme. the name is not really related, but I felt like it was a good name for a pokemon.
the ability cute charm and captivate kind of follow in the same vein. but muscle band, close combat, and power-up punch are all about kickin ass. I chose return because tifa is kind of a people pleaser, if that makes sense
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species: mudsdale
ability: stamina
item: leftovers
moves: high horsepower, body press, smack down, rest
I chose a mudsdale because of tifa's cowgirl outfit from when she was a teen. yknow for a long time I thought that that was some kind of phase tifa went through. it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the entirety of nibelheim is a weird fusion of nordic and wild west influences. the name comes from one of tifa's limit breaks but again is not super related.
the stamina ability is for tifa being in great shape. it also works well with body press. high horsepower is just for the horse theme
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species: togekiss
ability: serene grace
item: berry juice
moves: air slash, aura sphere, water pulse, roost
for seventh heaven, I had to go with an angel shaped pokemon. there are... surprisingly few of those.
the serence grace ability is yet another reference to tifa being in great physical shape. for some reason, the thing that immediately comes to mind is her summon animation from remake and rebirth. she does this cartwheel maneuver and the whole thing is so smooth and impressive.
berry juice is a god awful item, but I really wanted seventh heaven to have a beverage.
aura sphere felt like a good representation of tifa's chi mechanic in remake and rebirth. water pulse is another choice vaguely related to seventh heaven being the local watering hole. similar for roost, as it's a place for people to gather and recharge (or get plastered, but whatever)
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species: palafin
ability: zero to hero
item: punching glove
moves: jet punch, drain punch, focus punch, bulk up
a dolphin pokemon is mandatory for tifa! now that I'm looking at it, maybe I should have named it dolphin flurry from remake and rebirth rather than dolphin blow from og, but too late.
the set is just pure punchy woman. punching glove powers up all the punching moves. as an added bonus, jet punch is a priority move, which is fitting because of how speedy tifa is. as for bulk up... square I'm BEGGING you to give tifa more muscle. her arms should not look like that!
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species: medicham
ability: pure power
item: life orb
moves: close combat, zen headbutt, bullet punch, counter
premium heart is tifa's ultimate weapon. I chose medicham as another pokemon that can be related to her chi mechanic.
the life orb item and counter refer to premium heart's special mechanic. it deals more damage the higher tifa's limit gauge is, but in order to fill the limit gauge, tifa must take damage.
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species: urshifu (rapid strike)
ability: unseen fist
item: choice band
moves: close combat, surging strikes, brick break, u-turn
tifa's legendary pokemon is urshifu, named zangan after her martial arts instructor. I've taken all of the pokemon artwork for these posts from pokemon home, but apparently it only has one urshifu icon for both forms, in which it just kinda... stands there. rest assured I chose the rapid strike form, both for tifa's speed and for the water type.
honestly the set itself is not super thematic, just fully geared toward physical power from martial arts-inspired moves.
previous entries found here. aerith is up next
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thekingofwinterblog · 1 year ago
So i haven't seen anyone on this site do a full on dive on what little material we do have of dreadwolf. For a title that's gonna come out next year if its not delayed, there's shockingly little that's actually out, and what there is can be divided into two.
In game images, and artwork.
For this post i wanna focus on the art.
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The most famous of the art is of course this piece. Solas in both his Elf guise and True form, both reaching for the red lyrium idol Hawke and Varric found in DA2.
First things first, before we got confirmation through Urthemiel's concept art, this was the first rock solid proof that the Evanuris were the Old Gods. 7 were sealed away, 2 yet remain, just like the orbs we see here so clearly connected to the taint through the red lyrium idol.
Now a couple of things about this idol.
1. It keeps regenerating. Inquisition did not in any way tell us about this, but this idol keeps regenerating regardless of what happens to the original.
Meredith's lyrium body was hollowed out from the inside out, and the lyrium had used her internal parts to remake itself, where it was taken by certain expanded DA universe characters.
Thats how its back despite being made into a sword, then infecting meredith.
2. The way this picture frames it, this seems to be the key to Solas goal of ripping down the veil, entering the Fade in the flesh and remaking the world.
That's not really the interesting part. No the interesting part is that this isn't the first, or second or third, but fourth completely separate object Solas seems to theoretically be able to use to undo his great work.
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In the most recent trailer, we see him use a seemingly completely different artifact to try to do the job, but given the fact this is likely going to be the opening introduction of the game, whatever he's trying to do with this artifact is most certainly going tk go wrong somehow, and might tie into the main character of the game's strange ability to summon magical weaponry out if nowhere.
Maybe a sorta repeat of what happened in the inquisition? His great ritual is interrupted and derailed by some random schmuck that absorbs it's power and becomes his arch enemy?
That would explain how this random thief leader guy that this game is supposed to be headed by, becomes able to defeat Solas.
Assuming this is correct, this means that after this ritual fails, his eyes will instead turn to the red lyrium idol.
Also as i said, that would bring Solas artifacts that could be used to accomplish his plans to backtrack on the veil to a total of 4.
The first was The Mask of Fen'harel, from Redemption, an artifact that was clearly meant as a possible failsafe, given it had the capacity to rip down the veil even in the hands of a mediocre mage, nevermind Solas as he is now.
The mask was destroyed in that series, before Solas even woke up, forcing him to try to rely on his second option, his orb, his Foci, which was also destroyed in Inquisition.
Thirdly there is this strange, green, wand thingy, that seems likely to fail in some way.
And fourthly there is the red lyrium idol, which was the source of all red lyrium that has since plagued the world.
And speaking of the blight...
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There are two remaining old gods, and we know how Urthemiel would have looked like in his uncorrupted state through his statues.
This is another of the old gods, uncorrupted by the taint, though which of the Evanuris this is i have no idea. A true eldrich abomination.
Regardless, while Solas is the main villain, we'll be fighting at least one more Elvhen God in this game, which assuming the other one is not fought and/or killed, means there will be one more at the game's end.
One more potential blight.
Or not as we'll see below.
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From what very little we have seen of the main character, they seem to have the ability to summon a magical energy weapon. If i had to guess, this seems to be a concept art piece for that.
It also seems to be set at the final area of tresspasser(wherever that is), and the fade seems to be really powerful here at this moment, given those gloating rocks.
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Not too enlightening, except for the fact there are Two archdemons in the background who may, or may not be blighted.
Guess all the evanuris as waking up in this game after all.
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Shockingly enough given the last two old gods will awaken in this game, we'll get one, final dig into the deep roads before they become irrelevant as a setting.
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There's some concept art for what is clearly companions, but i wanted to highlight this one along with the big one im ending this speculation post on.
The three figures from the wall aren't too interesting looking(I think the foremost guy is the pc), but the guy on the far left seems to be a avaar, given his Hakkon helmet.
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Apparently we're gonna get water diving in this game, either as a cutscene, or in game play.
The guy with the mustache seems to be Dorian, though it could be a new companion rather than a returning one. The lady on the left looks like isabela, but given the glowing, magical knife, i think this is concept art for the female version of the pc, before they settled on the whole summoning the weapon.
Also the fact we're finally getting sea levels, hopefully means we get to see and possibly fight the last of the important lore monsters, the Cetus.
Seriously, if this series ends without us even getting to see the gigantic, electrical sea dragons of the Northern ocean depths, i will be so mad.
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The anderfels, likely Weishaupht, the only place we know for a fact that we'll visit in game, given our only glimpse of gameplay so far takes place there.
Again, this game will likely be the final time the grey wardens are relevant, so of course we're visiting the great Warden fortress, and taking a look at what the hell's going on there.
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Alright, so one of the first pieces of art we ever got, and it seems to be the companions of what is likely going to be the last dragon age game.
Left to right, i think the lady on the far left is the lady with the mask from the big battle scene artwork. If so, probably an antivan crow with a mask and a rapier.
Next is a Qunari, though what class is hard to say.
Next one is definitly a rogue, though seemingly male.
Looks like the Inquisition's horse master to be honest.
Next is who I'm assuming to be dorian.
And after him, there is the most interesting part of the piece, a figure with either a thick hood, or thick white hair, holding what is very, very clearly a gun.
Which is not too surprising. Gunpowder has been on the verge of being cracked since awakening, and the Inquisitor discovered the recipe in tresspasser, so guns being invented in the meantime makes perfect sense.
No clue about the next two, but the final one is very, very clearly related to the Navarran death mages, though wheter it's a mortalatasi, or a spirit bound to a body by them is hard to say.
Regardless they all seem to be a ragtag bunch compared to Inquisitions group. Which would fit with the idea that they are supposed to be a bunch of thieves and such that'ss forced into a battle for the world.
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marveldcnerdys · 2 months ago
Robbie Reyes: The Modern Ghost Rider
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The mantle of Ghost Rider, a supernatural anti-hero empowered by the Spirit of Vengeance, has been passed down through several individuals since its inception in Marvel Comics. Among these, Robbie Reyes stands out as a unique and modern iteration of the Ghost Rider. Introduced in 2014, Robbie brought a fresh perspective to the character while maintaining the fiery legacy of his predecessors. This article explores the origins, powers, character development, and cultural impact of Robbie Reyes as Ghost Rider.
Origins and Introduction
Robbie Reyes first appeared in "All-New Ghost Rider" #1, written by Felipe Smith and illustrated by Tradd Moore. Unlike the previous Ghost Riders, Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch, who rode motorcycles, Robbie’s mode of transportation is a black muscle car, specifically a 1969 Dodge Charger. This significant departure from tradition highlights Robbie’s modernity and urban roots.
Robbie is a young Latino man living in East Los Angeles, a community grappling with crime, poverty, and gang violence. As a mechanic, he works hard to support his younger brother, Gabe, who is physically disabled and relies on Robbie’s care. Robbie’s life takes a dramatic turn when he enters a street race to win money for his brother. During the race, Robbie is ambushed and killed by gang members seeking drugs hidden in the car. However, Robbie is resurrected by the spirit of Eli Morrow, a former serial killer and Satanic worshipper. Together, they form a tenuous alliance as the new Ghost Rider.
Powers and Abilities
Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider retains many of the signature abilities associated with the character, such as:
Hellfire Manipulation: Robbie can summon and manipulate hellfire, which he uses as a weapon or to empower his car.
Enhanced Strength and Durability: In his Ghost Rider form, Robbie’s physical abilities are significantly heightened, allowing him to overpower opponents easily.
The Hell Charger: Robbie’s Dodge Charger becomes a supernatural vehicle capable of immense speed, durability, and even vertical movement on walls.
Spirit Possession: Unlike previous Ghost Riders who were bonded with the Spirit of Vengeance, Robbie is linked to Eli Morrow. This unique dynamic adds an element of internal conflict, as Eli’s malevolent nature clashes with Robbie’s morality.
Character Development
Robbie Reyes’ journey as Ghost Rider is marked by personal growth, familial bonds, and moral dilemmas. Initially, Robbie is reluctant to embrace his new identity, fearing the influence of Eli’s dark tendencies. However, his love for Gabe and desire to protect his community drive him to harness his powers for good.
Throughout his comic run, Robbie’s relationships play a pivotal role in his development. His bond with Gabe is heartwarming and serves as a grounding force amid the chaos of his double life. Additionally, Robbie’s interactions with other Marvel heroes, such as the Avengers and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., further expand his character’s depth and integration into the Marvel Universe.
Key Storylines
"All-New Ghost Rider" Series: Robbie’s debut series lays the foundation for his character, exploring his origins, struggles with Eli’s influence, and his efforts to protect East Los Angeles. The series is celebrated for its dynamic artwork and fresh narrative approach.
"Secret Wars" (2015): During the multiverse-shattering events of Secret Wars, Robbie plays a minor but memorable role, showcasing his resilience and determination in the face of cosmic threats.
"Avengers" (2018-2021): As a member of the Avengers, Robbie steps into the spotlight, fighting alongside iconic heroes like Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man. His tenure on the team solidifies his status as a prominent figure in the Marvel Universe. Key arcs include battles against the Celestials and the demon Mephisto.
"King in Black" (2020-2021): Robbie’s Hell Charger proves instrumental during the war against Knull, the God of Symbiotes. This storyline highlights his resourcefulness and the unique capabilities of his supernatural vehicle.
Cultural Impact and Representation
Robbie Reyes’ introduction marked a significant step toward greater diversity in comics. As a young Latino hero, Robbie resonates with readers from underrepresented communities, providing representation in a medium that has historically lacked inclusivity. His struggles with societal issues like gang violence and economic hardship reflect real-world challenges, making his story relatable and impactful.
Moreover, Robbie’s portrayal on the small screen in "Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." (portrayed by Gabriel Luna) brought the character to a broader audience. The adaptation stayed true to his comic origins while expanding his narrative, earning praise for its authenticity and depth.
Comparisons with Other Ghost Riders
While Robbie Reyes shares the mantle of Ghost Rider with Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch, and others, his character stands apart due to:
Urban Setting: Robbie’s story is deeply rooted in modern urban life, contrasting with the more mythological and supernatural backgrounds of Blaze and Ketch.
Unique Bond with Eli Morrow: Unlike the Spirit of Vengeance, Eli’s presence introduces a psychological aspect, as Robbie must constantly battle his influence.
Focus on Family: Robbie’s relationship with Gabe adds a heartfelt layer to his character, emphasizing the importance of family and sacrifice.
The Hell Charger: The car’s inclusion modernizes the Ghost Rider aesthetic and provides a fresh visual and narrative element.
The Future of Robbie Reyes
As the Marvel Universe continues to evolve, Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider has immense potential for growth. His inclusion in major storylines and crossover events signals Marvel’s commitment to developing his character. Speculation about future adaptations, including a potential standalone film or series, keeps fans excited about what’s next for the fiery anti-hero.
Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider embodies the perfect blend of tradition and innovation, honoring the legacy of the character while carving out a distinct identity. His compelling origin story, unique abilities, and cultural significance have cemented him as a vital part of the Marvel Universe. As comics and media continue to embrace diversity, Robbie Reyes stands as a symbol of representation, resilience, and redemption—a modern Ghost Rider for a new generation.
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alexanderlightweight · 2 years ago
I posted this to ao3 for someone i know who doesn't have a tumblr, but I'll share it on here as well.
this is a follow up and expansion into Magnus/Alec's battlelust date in portugal when the rifts open
Magnus stops his art to admire his canvas, enjoying the tilted face and closed eyes, the long lashes trustingly resting on high cheekbones that Magnus is brushing over.
“I adore you,” Magnus can’t help but whisper and his breathe fans over the glitter he hasn’t yet set, spreading magic across Alexander’s face.
“I love you too,” Alexander murmurs back. “But if you keep doing this, I’m going to ruin your hard work by kissing you.”
“I wouldn’t mind.” Magnus freely admits, perfectly fine with the passion he has for his boy, “I can start over.”
Alexander peeks his long, gloriously thick lashes open and squints suspiciously at him.
“Babe, you’ve restarted three times. I thought we were going to that flower festival somewhere?”
“You and your flowers,” Magnus teases lightly. However, he’s pleased more than actually upset, delighted at how much Alexander has opened up with and for him, how the keeps trusting pieces of himself with Magnus and then entrusting even more.
“Yes, my flowers.” Alexander says smugly and wrinkles his nose, like a bunny. “Now hurry up, I’d like to have time to watch you pick your clothes.”
It’s a charming habit that Alexander enjoys watching Magnus find them both the perfect outfit.
Magnus finishes his artwork, the petals carefully drawn out and set with shimmering lines of magic that won’t be smeared or lose their sheen.
“Now, then—” Magnus announces and uses magic to throw open their closet doors. He’s about to start when a fire message comes his way, he reads it and his smirk grows. “Change of plans, lovely! A dozen rifts have open in the south of Portugal, coordinates to come. Shall we take a detour, go to the festival tomorrow instead?”
Alexander grins, a matching expression of gleeful delight. “Sounds nice.”
“Oh—” Magnus can’t help how his expression falls, “I’ll have to do something about this.” He murmurs and reaches out, magic sparking on his fingers and Alexander captures them, kissing the magic away.
“Don’t you dare, Magnus.” Alexander says, voice low and eyes amorous, “this is a date, not a mission. Are you trying to take my flower crown away, babe? I thought you liked them on me.”
“Never,” Magnus says in delight as he magicks a small cluster of flowers over from the vanity and he snaps them both into their battle-gear. “I have a matching boutonniere, my dear.” And once it’s tucked into the pocket of his vest, he cups his boy’s face. “I was merely worried about the shine of the glitter affecting your vision.”
Instead of melting at the concern, his darling boy huffs in disbelief and his face twists into a scowling pout.
“I’ve killed demons half blinded by ichor before, Magnus.” Alexander grumbles as he summons his weapons and makes sure his boots are tight enough.
They are.
“Honestly, Magnus. Glitter is annoying and can be uncomfortable sometimes but it doesn’t literally sear you raw and take out your sight. Your priorities, babe. Sometimes they make no sense.”
Magnus stares in utter shock as he gets the last of his own outfit ready. “Alexander, did you really just try that with me? Do you not remember your own priorities? Or that time you tackled a demon off that resort balcony — while naked? On the fifth floor might I add!”
“It was trying to steal our breakfast Magnus and there were strawberries with the waffles. What was I supposed to do, let it win?”
Magnus stares at this ridiculous, hopeless man who he has so ardently dedicated himself too and been met with devoted to in turn.
“Oh, lovely how do I ever try to resist you.” Magnus says and he crosses over and pulls his boy into a passionate, hungry kiss.
“I didn’t know you tried.” Alexander murmurs, voice low and hoarse and his lips chasing Magnus’ own.  They kiss, unhindered or distracted for a few minutes before Magnus pulls himself away with a slick pop and forces himself to make a portal. 
“Your battleground awaits, my love.” Magnus says holding out his hand for Alexander to take before he steps through the portal and he exits first, using his magic to keep the portal open as he helps Alexander out, a warrior descending from his chariot.
His love is magnificent, a circlet of plum blossoms crowns his brow and the outline of a peony in full bloom across his face, the lines a soft peach that shimmer in the dying sun.
Alexander looks like a god of war, come to scatter petals for the dead and destroy whoever dared stand before him.
Magnus personally chose his clothes, a leather jacket woven with abyssal silk and studded with demon pearls, every single one imbued with a different array of protection or spell of endurance, each the red of Magnus’ battle-magic.
The only adamas Alexander has ever allowed on his battle-gear after he met Magnus, is the steel tipped toes of his boots and the tiny spikes of adamas on his soles.
Magnus wears dragonscale shoes in return, just in case they want to dance after a battle and Alexander steps on his toes, again.
A graceful warrior his shadowhunter may be, but a graceful man in the face of Magnus’ delight he is not.
Magnus’ own outfit is as dark as Alexander’s but threaded with spidersilk harvested by moonmoth fairies. They spin the webs on willow branches in the light of the moon until they shine with the same glow. It also is the same glow as Alexander’s blessed weapons and witchlight. Magnus wears a circlet of magical platinum, pure grade and harvested in the mines of the Spiral Labyrinth.
Perhaps it’s not quite as charming as his Alexander’s own crown, but the magic stored in it is what helps Magnus tames Edom’s magic and harvest what his flames devour to renew himself.
Together, they step onto the ravaged earth and look across. There are shadowhunters and warlocks working together across the plain and Magnus casually disintegrates a demon that scuttles too close.
“Oh dear,” he murmurs, and he surveys it with a friend. “I’m sorry darling, I fear I expected a bit more. Is this too boring? We can still make the festival.”
“But Magnus.” Alexander is looking at him with feral delight, his eyes huge and wondrously amorous, “it’s been so long since we’ve danced.”
Then Alexander is ducking under the sweeping but lumbering tail of a demon, gloved hand touching down, his bare fingers brushing the earth as he lashes out with his foot.
The demon explodes in a burst of ash and ichor as the spikes on Alexander’s boots and the force of his kick crush it’s orbital bones into its brain.
“You are a delight.” Magnus admits and he sends a spear of magic through a demon thinking it might sneak behind. “Well, then, a waltz to begin?” And Magnus ducks under Alexander’s arm as his love draws his bow, notching an arrow and plucking a demon from the sky.
“If we get closer to the rifts, we might get around to a tango.” Alexander, his charming boy chuckles, dark and hoarse and alite with the thrill of a brutal, deadly dance.
Alec lets himself settle into the rhythm and delight of a good battle with Magnus at his back.
There’s a simple joy in it, in the harmony of their backs pressed together, of knowing when to duck and trust or when to take the lead and protect. There’s an indescribably beauty and Alec knows the luxury he’s been gifted.
A king’s ransom that other shadowhunters would kill to experience.
Magnus changed, after Edom and Alec is certain that now, that in the entire world there is no one more powerful than Magnus.
Alec is still stunned by it, in awe of it and flustered by it.
Magnus is still Magnus, despite all his power and glory and Alec adores him all the more for it.
Like how he spends his time painting flowers in a prism of magic across Alec’s face or grows entire trees just to gather blossoms for Alec’s crowns.
Each time Magnus wreaths him in magic and flowers, Alec feels his heartbeat thud as if he’s meeting Magnus again for the first time.
It’s with a smile that he shoves his fist through a demon’s maw and rips out its jaw, hissing at the sting of ichor.
No sooner has he felt the sting than it’s soothed, the flower petals on his brow glowing softly as they imbue him with healing and Alec can’t help the small, tiny smile that it brings him.
“You can’t smile like that,” Magnus bemoans and Alec knows he’s just teasing so he smiles a little broader, hopelessly charmed by Magnus’ teasing. “Alexander, my heart. How can you tease me so in the middle of such a dance.”
“How can I not smile when I look at you?” Alec asks, “when I think of how much you love me. How amazing your magic is and how I’m covered in it. What am I supposed to do, Magnus? Pretend I’m not awed every day at how much you love and want me?”
Magnus makes a mournful sound and then his magic explodes, bursting out of him in a shockwave that disintegrates every demonic being within three-hundred yards and sends two dozen shaowhunters flat on their asses.
Magnus grabs him and dips him, kissing Alec with a fervor that ignites Alec’s battlefever and his lust. He chases the kiss, but Magnus pushes him back with a smug, laughing smirk.
“Oh, the things I’m going to do to you when we’re done.” Magnus promises and Alec lets a laugh of delight and draws another arrow, waiting for the demons to recover and ignoring the ache of his hard cock against the seam of his pants.
“I can’t wait.” He promises because it’s true.
“Commander!” Alec hears and he mutters a scathing remark that has Magnus tittering and blasting a demon with a bit too much force as he tries to stifle it.
“What?” He asks as he avoids ducking and instead stabs the approaching demon. Ichor splatters across his face and Alec can’t help it. “Fucking demons better not stain my goddamn flower crown.”
He turns to see a shocked, frightened, and clearly worn hunter.
“Commander, are you reinforcements, what should be done? I’m not sure what formation to send them out in.”
He’s asked Alec rolls his eyes because he’s honestly disappointed.
“You’re a ranked shadowhunters, you know what to do or you wouldn’t be here. Focus on your own people and let us be. I’m on a date, not here to save you.”
Alec leaves the gawping hunter to return to Magnus’ side, irritated about the absence even though it lasted mere moments.
In a battle, mere moments can decide victory. It’s with an extra vicious kick that Alec accidentally knocks the demon’s head clear off, the toes of his boot severing the spinal attachment and sending it bouncing across the field. It rolls for a moment before it explodes, as if the body had only just realized it was dead.
They fight until they’re bored, dusk turning into twilight and Alec is ravenous for a different kind of battle, a different kind of fight where he has no intention of winning and every intention of absolutely enjoying his loss.
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loli-momo1908 · 9 months ago
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"NH: Ustura reference sheet"
Hey, everyone! Here's the new reference sheet for one of the antagonists for my very own Nature Healers series. 
Name: Ustura (oos-too-rah) Age: 30 Species: Indian Red Scorpion hybrid Personality: Serious, cold, evil, manipulative, easily annoyed, cunning Likes: Winning, seeing humans and animals flee in terror, mocking Nature Healers' efforts, sun bathing, seeing her master pleased, mango juice Dislikes: Nature Healers, sight of friendship, losing, Reina Terrastone, dealing with Crotalus and Gyps comically arguements/fights, her plans failing, getting yelled at by her master Theme color: Red/Orange and Yellow as sub color Weapon: Sabaku monster Bio: Ustura is one of the 3 Generals of the Predatrons and the sole female who's also the leader. She alongside Crotalus and Gyps serve the Boss of the Predatrons as their main mission is to exact his vengence against Mother Nature for banishing them by taking over Earth as their global territory. When Ustura was sentenced to capture Tilli, the tiger lily fairy from Emerald Floratina, she came across with Reina Terrastone, who started protecting the little fairy mascot after seeing how evil that scorpion villainess can be. Just as Ustura decided to strike Reina and Tilli together with her stinger from her hair, Reina's strong heart has summoned a Rainbow Gaia Gem as it deflected her stinger attack, much to her shock as she witnessed Reina's transformation into Healer Gold Tiger. After Reina defeated the Sabaku monster and saved the day, Ustura coldly declared that she will get the leader of the Nature Healer and retreated for now until the rightful time comes to settle the score between them both once and for all.
Fun Facts: Ustura gets annoyed by Crotalus and Gyps' typical arguments, she would usually end it by slamming their heads against each other comically. When getting angry, she lifted up her hair/stinger in a most threatening manner. One sting from the tip of the stinger will make you feel very weak and sick. She's used her scorpion legs for her to boost up her speed and uses her swift kick attacks. She takes her mission seriously that she scolds at Gyps and Crotalus for each failure in their mission and reminds them about how would their master feel, if they fail again.
Well, I hope you like it and more of the antagonist reference sheets for my Nature Healers will be coming soon.
Nature Healers, Ustura (c) me
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