#we're gossiping and having a sleepover together :>
captainmvf · 19 days
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It's Pearl day!!!!!! @isaterriblebore
Another one of my top five Stex favs! She's wonderful and pink and pink and pretty and soooo pretty!!
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
hey, i love your writing, could you write keith x reader headcanons for when they reveal to the rest of the team that they're a couple? thank you, and it's totally okay if you don't want to do this :)
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i'm stalling too much on my other keith fics ☠️BUT I'LL GET THIS ONE OUT TOO!! probably took me around 10 minutes tops. tbh i haven't watched vld since like 2018, so i'm def a bit rusty when it comes to events
i also suck at this type of concept so oops
very short/not proofread
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of course, the two of you weren't hiding your relationship at first, it just hadn't been a priority to tell the rest of the team
keith wasn't one for pda, so it wasn't very obvious from the start.
shiro definitely knew though
occasionally you'd sneak him a kiss in dark corners, hidden away from the team
majority of your time with keith was spent in his room or in the training room, and no one bothered you during those times
behind closed doors, he was a lot more soft and loving
you will never convince me he doesn't like being the little spoon
outside, he treated you the same as the others, since that was simply his personality, and also meant that no one would catch on
lance didn't know the two of you were dating, and didn't even have a slight suspicion (he's always clueless)
this led to him still constantly flirting with you, always with that goofy grin you'd grown to love
you never really dragged it on, but sometimes you'd entertain him (he always confessed his love for allura to you, so you weren't worried about leading him on)
but keith definitely did not like it. he didn't blame lance, but he was still always looking over with a glare and shadowed eyes
"you want to go get food together? are you asking me on a date?" lance winked at you as he lazily draped his arm across your shoulders
that was his last straw
at this, keith walked over and took your hand, dragging you towards him so you woud be right against his chest
"she already has a date," he began to lead you straight out the room, and when you turned back to sheepishly apologize to lance, you saw almost everyone staring with their jaws dropped
shiro had his arms crossed with a knowing smile, compared to lance who looked like he was a statue, his arm still raised in the spot your shoulder was
pidge was dumbfounded, and hunk looked betrayed
"we always tell each other everything! why'd you hide this from us?" he whined dramatically. "especially during our sleepovers!"
hunk would be pouting and fuming about this for at least a day
allura and coran looked like they were gossiping, shooting glances your way with coran's hand held up between them
the door shut behind you, and you heard them talking about it
"you knew about this, didn't you shiro!" lance accused
he was 100% confronting you about this later
looking back toward keith, you asked,
"you really decided now to make everyone know we're dating?"
he shrugged. "at least lance can finally focus on getting his little girlfriend."
"you're cute when you're jealous, y'know that?"
he face turned red and he looked away, and you playfully swung your hand entwined with his back and forth. you were going to tease him about this forever
"shut up."
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
Having them as best friend's:
Multiple X Reader
Contains: Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Rosie, Adam, Lute, and Valentino
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You're gonna have to hear me out with this one: he's down for the gossip 24/7!!!
He will listen and talk shit with you 100% and I'm not arguing on the matter.
Someone says some wack ass shit to you in public? "I beg your fucking pardon?" With like the scariest grin that fucker can muster.
You start talking to someone? He interrogates them! If they're not strong enough to survive one little interrogation with THE Radio Demon, they're not good enough to date you. Sorry not sorry.
The friendship would be violent, but in almost a sibling type relationship. If he said something absolutely out of line, you'd smack him or kick him in the back of his knees. He'd always get payback, whether it was immediately or a few days/weeks later.
You called him a 'radio faced cunt' once in front of everyone and they all mentally started planning your funeral.
Until he clapped back with something equally as interesting.
He only accepted affection from you and Rosie. And Charlie that one time.
If you had a bad day, he'd know immediately by the look on your face and wouldn't let anyone talk to you until he knew exactly what had made one of his two favorite people upset.
He'd kill them if you told him to. Just supportive bestie shit!
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Angel Dust
Let's be real, if you're best friends with Angel, you're probably equally as close with Cherri.
But just you and Angel Dust as best friend's? Shit, he's awesome.
Had a bad day? Go to his room and cuddle Fat Nuggets while you cry/rant about the days woes.
Spontaneous sleepovers BECAUSE YOU CAN!
Platonically flirting to the point that everyone thinks you're together. Neither of you deny the claims, just to keep everyone on their toes.
The words 'love you' followed by something like 'slut' or 'bitch' are common occurrences.
When it comes to dating, Angel just wants you to be happy.
But if someone breaks your heart? He'll come out with guns blazing with no hesitation. NO ONE hurts his bestie.
Platonic cuddles because you love his floof.
Would probably form some sort of marriage pact with you for fun one night when you're both wasted. "Yeah, I'd marry you if we're both still single in 100 years, Toots."
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The banter would be unmatched. You call him a furry and he'll clap back with something that makes your jaw drop before you burst out into laughter.
He'd tell you how it is, regardless of whether you asked or not.
Sure, you're his best friend, and he cares about you. . . But it's because he cares about you that he won't sugarcoat something, even if it's not something you wanna hear.
He would listen to your problems, like any good friend.
He wouldn't trust anyone you had romantic interest in, especially since the ones you always went for had some serious issues.
He'd say something like: "Don't cry to me when that bastard breaks your heart."
And you wouldn't cry to him when it happened, but he'd make you a drink and silently take care of the problem once he had one of the other hotel residents hoist you up to your room.
The next morning you'd tell him he was right and he'd smirk as he wiped down the bar, but wouldn't say anything.
He was never good with affection, so he respects your space and you respect his.
He literally always has your back, even if you don't know it. You do.
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Honestly, you probably grew up together and that's how the two of you became best friends. (But even if you didn't, everything is still the same.)
She's the friend that's too trusting of everyone, so you easily filled the place of being the friend that questioned everyone's intentions.
You even heavily questioned Vaggie's intentions when Charlie insisted on bringing her around after finding her.
You only warmed up to Vaggie when Charlie admitted her feeling for her, to you one late evening. She was a nervous wreck, but you were always the level-headed friend.
Being best friends with the princess of Hell had some lesser known perks — invitations to high class parties, special access at LuLu World, and the most eventful sleepovers known to Hell.
Whenever you mentioned interest in someone, Charlie was the first to push you to go for it.
If it went wrong, she was always there first, telling you it would be completely fine. If it went good, she was the first to congratulate you.
She's 100% the mom friend. Thirsty? Here's something to drink. Cut your finger? "Here's a bandaid, be more careful."
A relationship similar to siblings, bit without any malice or envy. Just happy to be in each other's presence.
She literally documented everything the two of you did, since the very first time you called her your friend. She's not going anywhere.
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Yeah, so, everyone thinks you're dating. Even Charlie is a bit suspicious. You're not, but you had been there by his side for as long as he could remember.
When Lilith left, you filled some part of the void, not allowing Lucifer to go hungry when he spent long days in his office.
On his good days, he's absolutely there for all the tea, especially if it's PIPING HOT. "That bitch said WHAT!?"
He has no filter and will unintentionally intentionally hurt someone's feelings when it comes to you.
He protects you as fiercely as he protects Charlie, despite knowing that you're capable of protecting yourself.
The two of you argue like an old married couple, which only fueled the dating rumors. . . Until you mentioned someone you had interest in.
Bro interrogated everyone you ever liked. Can't handle five minutes with the king of Hell? Not good enough for his bestie. Keep it movin' pal.
No one is allowed to call you a bitch, but him. Anyone else tries, they'll be met with absolute SASS.
Not even joking, Lucifer would be so sassy towards people, to the point that you picked it up.
So the two of you just went around unintentionally terrorizing demons!
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You hate someone? Bet. He'll have someone spy on them and give you the real tea.
Brings you as the plus one for many major events, but bullies you the entire time. You thought you'd get five minutes of peace on your best friends arm? WRONG!
Literally throws toddler meltdown style temper tantrums when it comes to Alastor. You're usually the one who has to reboot him or just smack some sense into him.
You're both pretty level-headed most of the time, but one of you probably has a couple of screws loose. (It's definitely him.)
No one is good enough to date you. Not sorry.
If anyone looks at you wrong, they've signed their second death to double Hell.
You and Vox talk shit about everyone, especially if you've had a hard day.
If it was bad enough, he'd offer to kill the demon who dared make your day shit. He'd still listen to you though.
"Fuck that. You're not going alone." And then you have to wait 15 minutes for him to look 'good enough' to go out, even if you were powerful and just wanted to go on little walk down the street.
Body doubling. Different tasks, silence, but the comfort of having someone else in the room. Absolutely.
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She likes you slightly more than Vox and Valentino, which is fabulous.
Weekly designated sleepover nights where the both of you unload from the week.
Someone is rude to you? Cue Vel lecturing them on how they fucked up and their career is over, but make it musical.
You went on a date with someone and didn't tell her? "I want details, Lovey! Are they an overlord too? Tell. Me. Everything."
Prepare for Hell's greatest gossip sessions, especially around the topic of Hell's cutthroat fashion industry.
She might not seem like it, but she's a good listener.
You're leaving the tower to run a small errand? Surprise Surprise, she's coming with you and turning it into a whole day, complete with lunch and shopping!
She uses you as a model sometimes, purely because she can.
Will call you a sweet name and insult you in the same breath.
Gets worried if you don't text back within five minutes. She will literally show up to make sure you're alive. You're probably taking a nap.
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Literally the best to spend the day with. She loves walking with you or just having tea.
Much like Alastor, she would be down for the gossip, but she wouldn't go very far with it.
In terms of relationships, she'd want you to be happy, but would also threaten to eat your partner if they hurt you.
She'd be such a good listener when you came to talk about your day.
She'd even offer advice and just casually drop something like: "Listen to your intuition, darling. It'll tell you others intentions."
At some point or another, everyone questions whether you're dating or not, which both of you laugh at frequently.
She enjoys her privacy, but she also would love having you around more than others.
She would love giving platonic affection, just to make you feel loved.
Sometimes Alastor pops up and Rosie gushes about how the two of you would get along — and immediately you're just thinking how this trio would be iconic.
She doesn't care about your past, you don't care that she's a Cannibal. . . Well, she cares, but she would NEVER hold it against you!
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He literally goes out of his way to piss you off.
There's a lot of threatening and him calling you stuff like 'Sugar Tits'.
Adam annoys you to the point of you WANTING to just jump to Hell, but you never do, because he's your best friend, and you wouldn't want to emotionally traumatize him by making him think that he lost his best friend to Lucifer, AFTER losing his wives to him.
He says "Suck my dick, Bitch" AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES A DAY. It irritates you to no end.
The banter is unmatched. He wants to get sassy? You're the SASS MASTER.
You pushed him down the stairs for fun and he didn't talk to you for two days.
He doesn't give a fuck who you date, but if they hurt you, he's taking care of them and not telling you SHIT to avoid all of that mushy feelings crap.
The two of you argue too much for anyone to think you're together.
There's NEVER a moment of silence when you're out. He's always singing, talking, laughing, or mimicking the sound of some instrument.
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She's annoyed 24/7 and you're one of the two main causes.
But she wouldn't replace you because who else would put up with her attitude and listen to her rants like you?
If you had a hard day, she'd probably make some offhand comment and then subtly try to make it better by like getting you ice cream with rainbow sprinkles or something.
She hates physical touch, so the only time she touches you is to smack you, probably for saying something very Adam-ish. "Say that shit again and it'll be worse."
She hates everyone you have romantic interest in, but let's you learn your own lessons the hard way.
Nobody could ever picture the two of you as friends, let alone dating.
She's like the sister that has it all but claims she's the black sheep of the family.
Her job comes before everything else in her life, that including you, but when she has time for you, there's usually food and shit talking involved.
She makes sure you drink water every day. She'd kick your ass if you passed out because of dehydration.
She'd give you the key to her place, but you'd never use it unless she told you to. (Like in the event she forgot her set or something)
(I've reached the 10 media limit, so just imagine a gif right here)
He offers you a job almost weekly. You hold off on kicking his ass every single time because that's your best friend.
Derives great pleasure from pissing you off.
You don't agree with the manner he treats his employees, so you undermine him every chance you get, just to make sure they get the best treatment possible.
It pisses him off to no end, but he let's it go. He wouldn't hurt you. He couldn't, not without a whole bunch of backlash from quite literally everyone.
Whenever you start liking someone, he warns you to be careful because he knows the industry. He is the industry.
He's gossip central. Talks super exaggerated with his hands and his voice changes whenever he remembers another detail.
He's a touchy feller, that much is evident. He's always touching you in some way, but it's not sexual/romantic or violent, it's more reassurance for both of you. It's a safe middle ground.
You have to leave for some reason? "The limo will take you, but don't touch anything."
He throws tantrums on the regular and you've learned to just let them go on until he eventually shuts the fuck up and let's you speak.
He'll call you a slut and then ask if you want to get food. It's extremely clear that you're not dating lmao.
A/N: I hope this is okay! I've never written for a bunch of these characters, as I just stared writing Hazbin stuff last week, and even then, it was a small Vox one-shot and a Lucifer one-shot.
Requests are open, if anyone would wanna request something for one of these characters? I'd pull through to the best of my ability.
Part Two
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enhastolemyheart · 1 year
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pairing | best friend brother!niki x fem!reader
genre | fluff, kind of strangers to lovers, summer au (again)
synopsis | niki finally doing something about his undying love for you.
word count | 1.1k+
warnings | one kiss, swearing, teasing, mention of food, proofread but lmk if any mistakes, niki's sister name is Zuha but it's not the idol, Niki is a year older
a/n | it's here!! I'm really sorry for taking so long to do it, i jus got really really busy with school. I hope the 💍anon likes it! (lmk that you've read it!) thank you v much for requesting!! as always, requests and taglist is open! feel free to share anything if you'd like!! Enjoy reading!! THIS IS REQUESTED.
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Gosh, why the fuck is she so cute and pretty?!
You probably won't believe it but, that was what was going on inside Niki's head when you walked into their house. His sister, only a year younger, invited you to a sleepover because your finals had just ended and you were free to spend some time together. 
He couldn't help but ogle at you when you took off your shoes and walked inside to the kitchen, zuha offering you chocolate milk. 
"Bro, can you not stare at her like that? You're going to creep her out." The voice of Niki's best friend, Jungwon hissed. "Focus on the game man, we're losing against the other team, and you know how much I hate losing."
Jungwon's words came out very incoherent to Niki. His focus was solely on you, the way you were sipping onto the chocolate-y delight. Smile slapped onto your face as you and his sister gossiped about stuff. His heart melted on the spot when you pushed unwanted hair behind your ear. It was like his ears reddened. When you and zuha head to her room to spend the rest of the time there, his heart skips a beat when you glance at him, waving a small 'hi' and making your way to zuha's room at her call. 
Once you're out of his sight, Niki clutches at his heart and groans at how fast you made his heart beat, lip subconsciously making its way between his teeth. You both have never really interacted, the only reason was because both of you were shy and Niki thought it wasn't right to become friends with a person who's close to her sister. But, it's not like he's breaking a rule or something, right?
. . .
It was now dinner time, Jungwon and you were sleeping over at your friends' house. Niki's mother had prepared sushi and some other meals for the night. She has asked niki to set the table up, but you had insisted that you'd help. 
While grabbing the required cups for water, you were aware of the glances that Niki would steal whenever you both brush past each other to make your way around the kitchen. He also helped you carry the plates when he saw you struggling, you would feel tingles all over your body when his hands brushed against yours, tips of the ears going red. He cleared his throat as to come out of the daze you had unintentionally put him in. 
While eating, you both sat opposite to each other. It just happened to be that you were opposite to each other and Niki couldn’t help but feel giddy about the littlest interaction you had. 
"So, how was your finals? I assume everyone did well," Zuha's mother squints her eyes at Niki as she says so, breaking the the silence that had erupted in the room. The tiny, soft chuckle that escapes your lips causes Niki's face of suspicion to turn soft at the sight of you. 
“I did them very well,” Zuha answers, “I’m sure that I’ll get a good score this time.” Her mother let out a proud smile at her words before turning to you, “well, how did you do Y/n?” You stop midway of a bite before smiling sheepishly, “I did pretty good Mrs. Nishimura. I expect a good score as well,” she smiles softly before patting your head and turning to the boys to ask them.
. . .
You being you, help niki out with the dishes as his mother said doing the dishes after dinner is Niki’s job. He lets me lay off and take an early rest. Who knew Niki is such a good son? You are aware that you don’t interact with him often but when you do, your heart flutters at how respectful and nice he is. Despite all the good things, Niki can also seem to naughty and mischevious. You had occasionally witnessed him getting in small trouble around campus, you couldn’t help but think how silly and cute of a person he is.
Ever since last summer, when you had visited Zuha’s house often, you would often go to her house with the desire to talk to Niki (but also hang out with Zuha ofc!). After this summer, the way he had changed— glowed up for that matter —only made your infatuation for him grow into a full blown out crush. You were too scared to talk to him considering he is a year older and he kind of intimidated you, but now you have become more mature and gave yourself a word that you would talk to him before it’s too late. 
"so, any plans for summer?" You break the silence that has taken over the room.
Niki was drying his hands after washing them after cleaning the last utensil of the night, "um, not really. I do plan casual plans like going to the mall or the movies with boys but nothing big you know?"
"yeah I get it." You nod.
"What about you?" He moves closer to you. way too close. "What are your plans for the summer?"
"Uhm well," you mentally sigh, eyes closing at your stammer, "I am going to Busan to visit my grandparents in a month so, I guess that's fun."
"have fun y/n," He moves even closer, trapping you between the counter and himself "are you by any chance, free tomorrow?" You have no idea why he's acting like this. Since when did he get flirty? You’re glad that it's only you both in the space of the kitchen right now. Zuha and Jungwon are up in Niki's room watching a movie, on a projector screen that Niki had recently purchased. 
"Uhm yeah, it's summer so I’m free," the way your voice was low and soft. Like it was some sort of sweet melody that Niki could listen to for a lifetime. your eyes look into his when you hear a low chuckle emerge on his side. 
"Alright then, will you, Y/n who I've liked forever since middle school, go out with me?"
A big smile makes its way to your lips, he notices the way your eyes sparkle, you nod softly before the gesture becomes more prominent. This causes Niki to smile, "wait, really?"
And that's all you say before subtly placing your hand on his shoulder, going on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. The kiss however is short-lived, purposely so you can make him want for more. And he's definitely wanting more. But, he doesn't get any, furrowing his brows he opens his eyes to see you smiling giddy-ly before slapping him lightly on the chest and escaping from his hold. 
And Niki just stands there, a low chuckle eliciting, thinking how he was not too late.
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a/n | thank you sm for reading!! again, reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!! And I'll see you in the next one!
perm taglist: @jak-ey , @snoowhore , @hsheart , @hsgwrld (bold can't be tagged; send an ask to be added)
© ENHASTOLEMYHEART ON TUMBLR, 2023 — do not translate, copy, modify, or repost any of my works as your own in any platform or form of use.
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alornights · 1 year
⟢ sleepovers and treatments
➜ in which ! kyle enters the world of lush and beauty.
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💌 ﹫kyle broflovski.
✩ 🎸 warnings﹗none.
🍓 ⟡ notes — i need to get my lush life together tbh
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kyle never was that interested in skincare or beauty if we're being real here, seriously guys, be honest.
of course he takes care of his hair but, very minimal.
so when he starts dating you and is invited for a sleepover at yours, he's beyond shocked at what he witnessed in your bathroom.
"Why do you have so much stuff." He murmured in disbelief, jaw dropped at the sight of your bathroom.
You laughed pulling out two face masks. "It makes me feel good, I feel accomplished and it makes me feel pretty."
He rolled his eyes, "I don't think you need all that though."
"Probably," You joked pushing him so he was sitting on the toilet, walking between his legs to start putting on his face mask, "But it's fun, it's cool, and it's trendy. And you feel like you aged down 50 years so I say that's a win."
"Oh really?" He questioned, his arms dragging you closer to him by your waist, giving you a kiss on your collarbone. "We'll see about that."
and see he did.
usually he would just, not do this. like he would just refuse.
but something about the way you just lit up whenever he let you do something had his heart melting.
so he let you put all kinds of products on his face, and tbh, took note of what might work, for research purposes ofc.
you even managed to get him to realize how bad his hair is and how he needs to bring it to its glory. lord knows how much he needed your advice on that one.
one of the main reasons he let you do this though, was because of how close you would get to him.
he loves you. which means he loves being around.
so the fact that you're so up and close to him most of the time sends butterflies to his stomach and almost gets him to giggle.
if you're standing while he sits, he'll let his hands rest at your hips to circle them or draw/write things into your skin.
extra points; he kisses any skin he sees to make you flustered.
extra extra points; you sitting in his lap so whenever he wants hell just start kissing your neck, whispering sweet nothings.
this whole ordeal lasts fucking hours. let's say you start at like 7, this shit will take up until 11 or 12.
why? either you two get distracted talking about gossip or kyle is being dramatic and refuses to do something.
"Do I have to?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, watching you take out your nail equipment.
"Yeah, your nails are horrendous to look at. You have some hot hands, they can be even hotter with good nails." You explained with a smirk, "And it's not like I'm going to color them unless you want me to."
"... What colors do you have?"
ended up not doing any color nail polish sadly, one day you'll get him though. don't worry, time is unlimited.
"All this... for a bath." He uttered turning to you in shock seeing what you had laid out for him.
He tilted his head as he watched the bath continue to steam up. Looking to the end of the bath he realized there was a stool with a few things on it.
For one, his favorite drink was in a wine bottle. Ice and mini umbrella included. Then there was a radio with old classic hits playing, some grapes, a lit vanilla candle, and a bunch of different varieties of bath bombs.
All this, for a bath.
You simply smiled, "Welcome to the lavish life."
he will be doing this at home any chance he gets.
or he'll just go over to your place. either which works.
you tried for funsies to try and do his makeup and he simply refused knowing it would somehow get passed around.
but, he wanted to do your hair to see if he was any good (totally not bc he wanted to do it for you every day in case you didn't want to). and how could you deny your boyfriend?
you started off with braids and he was surprisingly good at it for his first time. a few mistakes but overall pretty good.
this is just a silly lil thing but i imagine the two of you listening to barbie, specifically can you keep a secret while doing your routine.
by the end of the night, he feels like a new man.
he's never, and in his words, "felt so clean"
"So...." Kyle murmured climbing onto the bed to lay his head on your chest.
You smiled immediately letting your hands play with his curls, "Hmm?"
".... When are we doing this again?"
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sandbees · 2 years
I don't know if you open, but I love. No. I adore your house of mouse au, I've seen most of it but I wonder, what if the ob gang see Yuu and the great seven chatting then Yuu saw them, pull them and say 'this is the guy I told you back then', now I probably already read one of ask that contain this, but I wanna see only overblot's first reaction that probably quite fascinating
:0 alright!
It's already been a few months since Yuu has introduced their friends to the House of Mouse. Honestly, they were fine with that, until there was a planned Dorm Leader meeting. Sadly, their usual spot was taken by the teachers for another meeting, but hey, the House of Mouse is always there! So Yuu invites them for a meeting.
Thankfully, Mickey was glad to give Yuu time off ("I wouldn't want you to be focused on work all the time! It's important to keep your social life back at home healthy. Enjoy the show! :)")
So, they wait for the other Dorm Leaders before they take them to their mirror upstairs.
Kalim: Oh! Are we having a sleepover!?
Yuu: No, we're going to my workplace. They're giving me time off so we can have a meeting and enjoy their performances!
Riddle: Well, as long as it doesn't distract us from the meeting...Why are we even in your room to begin with? Yuu: 'Cause we can't get in without using my mirror, duh. *Pushes Idia into the mirror*
Idia: WHY ME-
They go through the mirror, and the others are pretty impressed with Yuu's personal dressing room.
Yuu: Yeah, my boss is the best :). Oh, btw, don't be surprised to see the Great Seven.
Azul: Hahaha, WHAT?
As they walk out, Minnie personally greets them and leads them to a table. Goofy comes by a minute later and takes all of their orders. As they wait for their orders to come, Yuu gauges everyone's reactions.
Azul is, unsurprisingly, writing things down, muttering about "new ideas for Mostro Lounge. Kalim is looking around the whole dining room, his eyes sparkling. Riddle and Vil are talking quietly, commenting on the decor. Idia was grossed in his video game he brought, glancing at anyone who passed by the table. Leona was messing with the center piece, looking absolutely bored. And Malleus just looked happy to be there.
The meeting went well, actually. With a lively atmosphere, the Dorm Leaders were able to have some productive conversations. Yuu was especially happy to be included in future events run by the Dorms. There were a few interruptions, though.
Of course, it was pure coincidence that the Great Seven were also having a get together. But the oddest thing was that THEY WERE AT THE TABLE NEXT TO THEM??? If that isn't planned idk what is. Yuu introduced the gang to one another.
Riddle is all red in the face, probably very embarrassed to meet the Queen of Hearts. He certainly didn't expect to meet her in person! Though she's pretty impressed by him. He knows all 810 rules by heart. What a good Dorm Leader, remembering all the ruels and making sure the rest remember them!
Leona and Scar didn't talk to each other at first, but when the topic of siblings came around, YOU BET THAT THEY WERE TALKING SHIT. Honestly the funniest thing for them to realize this and begin gossiping about the dumbest things people have done in front of them. It's very sweet to watch them vent out their frustrations to each other.
Ursula talking with Azul and giving him tips on how to blackmail convice people to sign his contracts. Maybe even answer his questions about herself or giving him ideas for his business. A magic item made by the Sea Witch herself? For a price, of course~
Honestly, I can only see Jafar tolerate Kalim at best. He sees Kalim as a foolish kid. Though maybe Jafar slightly warms up to him??? Yuu is probably the one to mediate between the two, honestly.
VIL AND QUEEN GOSSIPING ABOUT BEAUTY TIPS. VIL WOULD TOTALLY TELL HER ABOUT MODERN BEAUTY TIPS. They would be the mean girls of the group tbh. I think Queen would also give tips on being a better leader, because despite her vanity, she was probably a good ruler if the kingdom didn't go to hell in the movie.
Idia would 100% be dying inside at Hades' extrovertness. Hades would be very excited to learn more about his dorm honestly. (Wait no Hades would joke about them being related, and Idia would sink into his seat further). The conversation was awkward until Hades asked about the video game Idia brought. Idia would not SHUT UP ABOUT IT-
Malleus and Maleficent would have a lovely chat over teas and biscuts that they ordered. Maleficent would 100% give Malleus any and all advice she had gained over the years. (Maybe advise Malleus to snag Yuu before anyone else got them). They would totally have conversations about the use of gargoyles and how spot a wild one.
It's getting late at night, and the meeting was over, but Yuu convinced everyone to stay. The show began, and it was one of the best Yuu's seen in awhile (to be fair, most of the shows were sabotaged by Pete, which they helped stop).
The night ended with a bang, and all the Dorm Leaders agreed to hold another meeting at the House of Mouse some time in the future.
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billy hargrove x pregnant/mom!reader.
content: mentions of smut, alcohol use, the kid isn't billy's genetically, friends to lovers, swearing, mention of smoking.
i'm probably gonna make several different versions of this where it's different situations but idk yet. oh and i changed red text (in the content section that refers to words or things that may be triggering for some readers) to green because i didn't like how the green and red looked together. oh and sorry if i don't post so much, it's honestly because of school and mid terms and like i kinda wanna do good on that lmao so that's what i'm focusing on rn. it's likely that the next few posts will be drafts.
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Billy fucking Hargrove being the first one to find out about your pregnancy had to have been the stupidest but best decision in your life.
You'd gotten pregnant by someone, whom you hadn't known because who's to shame you for being an adult with sexual needs?
Letting Billy know you had something important to tell him and for him to head over to your apartment, he got there in his breaking record of three minutes. Barging in through your door, no warning whatsoever still wearing his work uniform.
"You can't just walk into my house like that." You scold, though all you're doing is sitting on your couch reading a magazine.
"Your door is open.." He'd say in that sarcastically rude tone he'd always use as he takes his spot beside you on the couch. "So what's up?".
Sighing and standing up, walking over to the tv table rested across the room to pick up a test and a picture. Handing the two items to your friend who looks at them in confusion. "What?"
"Are you fucking stupid?" You'd dramatically point at the place on the test where it says "pregnancy test" in bold lettering.
"Did someone come by and drop that off to you? Tell you to show me?" He'd say with a concerned expression and you'd sarcastically laugh at how stupid he is.
"No you idiot. Wait– did you? Nevermind, no. It's mine." You shake your head and sit beside him as he examines the picture of your uterus.
He sits for a moment before opening his mouth, his back falling back expressing that he understands as he lets out a big "Ohhh."
"Yeah, ohhh." You repeat in a soft whisper and he looks into your eyes.
"Who's the dad?" Is his first question. Which you'd expected him to ask. Often times the two of you would talk about your sex life to one another as you'd been close friends and to put it bluntly both of you were whores and had all the gossip of how such and such is in bed. Common to find yourselves on the couch taking shots talking shit about certain people's way of going at it and falling asleep in eachothers arms.
You don't say anything, a small smile starting to form on your face and he immediately understands, the two of you giggle together.
"Seriously though, I need help. What do I do?" You ask, shoving his shoulder slightly as he places the test and picture on the glass table that rests affront the two of you.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, referring to if you want to keep it or not. You had to think long and hard about your decision.
If we're being honest, all you could think about was who you were going to have sex with when your tummy starts showing. Which is ridiculous, but it felt important. And you're sure to voice that to Billy.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He laughs and you giggle back. You were like two bestfriends talking about their crushes at a sleepover.. except, this was way more serious than that.
——Start - 2 months——
And thats how it began. Billy took care of you, bringing you home food after work and talking to you until you would fall asleep. He brought you pain meds and heating pads when you were complaining. He really was your bestfriend. And you knew he would act like this.
What you weren't expecting was his reaction to your hormones. You thought maybe he'd just leave you alone when you were horny to masturbate, but no. Because when you complained about being horny mid regular conversation on the phone he'd tell you "Be there in like.. 5." before hanging up.
You were confused but like he said he would be there, he just walked into your door with some bag in his hand while you were curled up on your couch reading your magazine wearing just panties and one of Billy's shirts that'd been at your house.
"I told you, you can't just walk into my house, Billy." You smile when he throws you an annoyed expression.
"Not my fault little miss 'nobody wants to fuck a pregnant woman' complains about being horny all the time." He wasn't wrong, you complained about it a lot and almost every time he'd tell you to get with someone and you'd argue the same thing every time.
"Well what are you gonna do about it mr 'I can just walk into your house because of something you said over the phone'?" You laugh and stand up on wobbly feet.
He walks over to you and rubs his hand over your small but obvious little bump, his other hand going to push a strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you mama." He'd smirk down at you when your breath hitches at his request.
"Pretty sure you saying 'mama' just made me cum so I think I'm good actually." You giggle and bring your forearms to rest on his shoulders and tangle your hands in his curly blonde locks.
Pulling his head down so you could feel his hot breath colliding with your own, looking into his eyes and grabbing a better grip on his hair before he leans down into your lips.
At first it's a simple kiss, lasts a few seconds then you release. But your lips chase eachothers and find them creating contact again. His cold hands rubbing under your shirt causing goosebumps to form on your skin and you moan into the kiss, giving him time to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Your knees hit the back of the couch and you sit down, laying back and he hovers over you.
That night he gave you the best god damn sex you've had in all the 23 years of life you've lived on this planet. You knew he would be good, but that good? Could just be the hormones but wow.
——6 months——
"You suck." You'd say, chest falling up and down as Billy falls naked be your side on your bed, throwing a heavy arm to rest just above your now big belly. A low vibrating chuckle leaves his lips. "At this point you're the one who has me knocked up by how many times you've came inside me.. kids gonna come out looking just like you." You joked.
"You're already pregnant why would I pull out?" He smirks and pecks your lips softly.
——8 months——
You'd been about 8 and a half months pregnant when you starting going to the community pool that Billy worked at during summers. It became his side summer job since highschool, you used to go with him all the time and talk to him while he's working so he's not so bored.
Laying on one of the chairs that rests in the sun, reading your magazine like always with a lollipop in your mouth. You resorted to lollipops rather than cigarettes while pregnant, and so did Billy.
Before his shift started he'd make sure to come out and sit on the end of the chair with your feet in his lap, rubbing them softly as you complain about how expensive the shitty hair sprays were in the magazines.
"Can you put sunscreen on me?" You ask, handing him the bottle of lotion with a knowing smile and he'd take it from you with a dramatic groan. But he knew damn well he enjoyed doing it for you. All the moms reactions when he'd rub your big belly and massage your back, sneakily rubbing hands between your thighs just to "make sure they won't get burnt" admiring the hickies he'd left the night prior.
And the new lifeguard girl that begun working there since Heather stopped would head off her chair, walking past the two of you saying "Your shift, dad." throwing you a wink.
He'd laugh and loudly whisper to you "Call me daddy." and get up, not before pecking your lips softly. Heading over his chair where he's meant to be watching the kids but he can't keep his eyes off you.
Billy's in the room when you deliver. All the kids such as Max, El, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Mike sat in the waiting room until they got the okay to head in. Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin where there too as they were pretty good friends of you and Billy.
The younger kids came in first as a big group and you were convinced that wasn't allowed but didn't care when you saw the smiles on their faces as they came and stood beside your bed where you were holding your daughter. The only one who didn't stand by your bed was Max, who was sitting in a chair patiently next to Billy, making conversation.
They'd cascade you with questions that you didn't answer. Things like did it hurt, who's the dad was a big one, and are you okay was the one you answered.
"I'm fine guys, really. Just can't go up stairs for a while." You smile softly. It was a c-section, rather than vaginal. Again, something you decided on because of sex.. Not completely though, knowing that you didn't want vaginal birth anyway.
"So.. who's the dad?" El would ask, just curious unlike others who may have just wanted to hear the gossip.
You eye Billy and smile, "He is." you nod your head in reference to him and they all gasp in shock except El and Max.
"Are you guys slow or something? Why do you think he was in the room this whole time?" Max would roll her eyes and stand up, pushing them out of the way to see her niece that she waited patiently enough to see.
Her features soften and she sighs before asking "Can I hold her?".
You smile softly and make space for her to sit down on your hospital bed before handing her your daughter. She handled her with so much love and care, and you've honestly never been happier.
——Following Week——
Billy ended up moving into your apartment, he was there almost all the time anyway. Besides, decidedly he was the father to your baby. And he was a damn good one.
——2 months——
You hear the cries of your daughter at a little past midnight. Sitting up and wiping your eyes to go get her, your boyfriend sits up quicker than you can take the blankets off.
"Hey, go back to sleep baby. I got her." He'd get up and walk his half naked self to your daughter's room. Not long after you hear the door open and sit up again, you couldn't find yourself falling back asleep.
"Is she okay?" You ask with a small voice and Billy chuckles, standing by the bed.
"She's fine, baby. Thought you were gonna go back to bed." He says as you crawl over to him, sitting yourself on your knees and you take his hand. You nod your head no and he asks why.
"Not tired no more." You shoot him a pretty smile and you stay on your knees, just lifting your body up to where you're eye level with Billy. You kiss him softly. "Can we take shots?" You ask with a smirk on your features.
He nods his head as he chuckles, placing his hands on your waist before kissing you again. "Just one though." He says inbetween kisses and you smile into the last one.
You make your way off the bed and follow him in a little jog to the kitchen. You felt like a teenager all over again, taking shots with Billy and giggling together about whatever was going on in your lives. You missed that, more than anything while pregnant. And you were scared. Scared that if after he had sex with you it would be awkward. But no, it changed your life for the better. And you couldn't wish to be with anyone else.
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kurtie4life96 · 2 years
Your writing makes me feel things oh my
Could you do a Robin smut with promts 1, 2, 28, and 30? Ik it probably sounds like a lot so I'd get it if u don't want to. But I thought it'd all fit together like Robin's jealous reader's flirting with someone else and reader's excuse is that she and Robin are "just friends" so Robin has to set her straight
Anyways I also wanted to say that I am so jealous of your writing skills and I (embarrassingly) look up to you(r writing?)
Baby I love you for this and your compliments mean the absolute world to me. Like I love you so much let's get married immediately.
No Robin smut for me is too much.
No Sharing // R.B. x Reader
Summary: Robin has to set the record straight with her "best friend".
CW: MDNI 18+, delicious beautiful smut, fingering, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, dom!robin, sub!reader
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Another hot, dusky summer night, another house party at Steve Harrington's house.
Everyone was there, of course, including Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve himself, just about everyone that went to Hawkins High School. Including your most cherished best friend, Robin Buckley.
The two of you stood in the kitchen, people watching, laughing at everyone's antics, like Tammy Thompson being too drunk to even stand, and Steve slipping on some spilled liquor, falling straight on his ass.
It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to be alone in the corner, giggling and gossiping with each other, huddled close together as the two of you normally would, being the introverts you are.
Robin had been your best friend since 6th grade, when your mom forced you to go to her birthday party, March 10th, despite your attempts at begging not to go. You didn't get along well with other kids, as some weren't fond of your "awkward" personality, so you always opted to stay home.
Your mom forcing you to go to her birthday sleepover was the best thing that could've happened to you. You'd gotten along with her so quickly, having so much in common, like being labeled "weird" or "different". You had the same music taste, the same sense of humor, and hated the same people.
Over the years, the friendship blossomed, hanging out after school, passing notes to each other in class, sharing clothes, having sleepovers, Robin always falling asleep during the middle of movie night, and snuggling together in bed. You'd even practiced kissing each other, for when the two of you would eventually get a boyfriend.
But as time passed, neither of you had ever gotten interested in boys, because they were "boring", and spent most of your time with each other instead, which the two of you were happy to do. It was a beautiful friendship, sent from the universe itself, and you were absolutely inseparable.
As you and Robin were continuing to laugh and goof around, she spilled her drink from her red solo cup onto the front of her shirt, drenching her.
"Oh shit, Robin, let me find a towel-"
"Nah, it's cool. I'll go find one myself." She insisted.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna go find one, be right back." She saluted you.
"Okay." You giggled as she began to navigate through the sea of intoxicated young adults.
"Hey there." A familiar voice greeted you.
You looked over to see Eddie Munson himself, drunk, hovering above you.
"Hey Eddie! What's up?"
"Not much," he gestured towards Robin, "where's she going?"
"Oh, she spilled her drink on her shirt, went to clean herself up is all."
"Ah, okay, gotcha. So, how you been doin' lately?"
Eddie and yourself chatted amongst yourselves in the kitchen for a few minutes. You couldn't help but find his drunken, goofy self charming.
And Robin couldn't help but notice.
She came back to see you talking with him. You were laughing too much, shoving him playfully too much, twirling your hair with your fingers too much for her liking.
And she couldn't help but overhear you say:
"Robin? Yeah, I know we're really close, just best friends, ya know?"
She'd heard enough.
She put on a smile and strutted over, linking her elbow with yours.
"Oh, hey Robin!" You exclaimed, smiling at her, "did you find a towel?"
"Yeah, I did," she nodded, her eyes fixated on Eddie, "so, what're you guys doing?"
"Oh, we were just talking, catching up, ya know-"
She cut Eddie off, "Yeah, that's cool. Hey, can we have our own talk over there?" She glanced at you, pointing to the stairs.
"Oh, um, yeah..." you said, confusion on your face. "Sorry Eddie, I'll see you later-"
"Yeah, she'll see you later." She interrupted you, a condescending tone to her voice as she grabbed your arm, walking you towards the staircase.
"Robin, what the hell was that? That was so fucking rude-"
"Shut up and keep walking."
You hesitantly followed her up the stairs to an empty room, the only furniture in it a dresser and a freshly made bed, feeling annoyed as she shut the door behind you, locking it.
"What's gotten into you?" You questioned her, frustrated, "You been drinking or something?"
"Oh, stop it, you know that neither of us actually drink at these things." She took a few steps forward to you, her hands behind her back.
"Well," you stammered, "what the fuck is your problem? You were mean to him for no reason-"
"You wanna know what the fuck my problem is?" She raised her voice, "My problem is you going around telling people that we're 'just friends', flirting around with people I know you don't care about."
You shot her a confused look.
"Okay... well, what's wrong with that?"
"Oh my god," Robin threw her arms up in the air in frustration, slapping them on her sides, "Cut the shit, babe. You know what's wrong with that.
"Robin, I really don't understand-"
She stepped closer to you, very much so irritated with you.
"Come on, now. Don't act so ignorant," she began one of her infamous rants, "we've never had boyfriends, never even kissed one, for fucks sake, we've only kissed each other. We have sleepovers where we cuddle, sometimes even half naked, we wear each other's clothes, we only spend time with each other, no one else! Don't act so fucking stupid, because I know you're not blind to this, to this situation, to us!"
There was a moment of silence, a moment where the air, the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
Your face went hot, as you just stared at her with glossy eyes, feeling timid.
She took note of your body language, and took another step forward, until her face was only inches from yours.
"We're not just friends, and you fucking know it." Her voice dropped an octave, lustful eyes glancing to yours, and to your lips.
"Robin," you breathed, "I'm sorry-"
She grabbed your face with her hands, crashing her lips onto yours, pulling you in for a hard, passionate kiss.
When you didn't reciprocate, she pulled back.
"I'm sorry," she started, "I shouldn't have-"
You grabbed her head, yanking her forward and smashed your lips onto hers, giving her the same hard, passionate kiss she'd given you moments before, not wanting to let go, wanting to draw it out as long as possible.
You broke the kiss, looking at her through half lidded eyes, relishing in her presence.
"Robin," you whined, fisting the fabric of her shirt desperately, "Robin, please."
She gazed at you for a moment, savouring your touch, your presence, and crashed her lips against yours again, snaking her hand down your back as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders.
Her lips were so soft, tasting of vanilla chapstick, as she kissed you over and over again, only breaking them to take a shallow breath in between.
The both of you panted as you continued to embrace each other fiercely, feeling fire spread across your skin as she suddenly gripped your hips tightly, thrusting them against yours.
You lightly gasped, Robin taking the opportunity to skim her tongue along your bottom lip, beginning to pull you in for a deeper kiss, your tongues gliding against each others feverishly. You raked your fingers through her hair hastily as she she kept a hold on your hips.
She pushed a leg in between yours, biting your bottom lip softly, then taking it into her mouth, sucking on it, and letting it go with a pop.
You softly moaned, begging for more as you held her close to you. She smiled.
"You say we're just friends, but you can't keep your hands off me."
You bit your lip, looking down at her chest and looking even lower, rubbing your thighs against hers for some kind of friction.
She smirked and frantically grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it off your head, then began unbuttoning your pants, you eagerly slipping out of them. She gazed at your body in adoration, before quickly taking off her own clothes, the both of you standing before each other in your bra and panties.
She leaned forward, bringing her lips to your ear, sliding a finger down the side of your underwear, and snapping it against your skin.
"I always liked these," she whispered, her hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
She kissed you harshly again as she slipped her hands behind your back, unclasping your bra and sliding it off your body.
Robin made her way down from your lips to your neck and chest, gently biting and sucking, leaving light bruises scattered across your exposed skin.
"Robin," you softly moaned.
"Sh," she hushed you, "You're mine, and I don't share."
She continued her assault on your chest, cupping your breasts as she swirled her tongue around your nipples, sucking and kissing them, before grabbing the soft flesh of your ass and lifting you up, tossing you onto the bed.
She unhooked her own bra as she sat before you, throwing it somewhere in the room. You reached for her, wanting to touch her soft skin, but she pushed you back down, grabbing the waistline of your panties and pulling them down your legs.
You squished your thighs together in embarassment, but she grabbed your knees, spreading your legs apart to get a good look.
"You're beautiful, babe. I'll show you."
You huffed, quivering under Robin's touch as she teasingly brushed her fingers along the skin of your inner thighs, lightly scratching you with her nails as she descended her hands down towards your heat.
She lightly stroked your folds, collecting your slick on her fingers, making you whimper.
"Fuck," she groaned, "you're so fucking wet."
She brought her fingers to her mouth and slowly licked them, keeping eye contact with you as she relished in your taste, you gazing at her with half lidded eyes and inhaling a sharp breath.
She bit at the side of your knee, mumbling expletives as she tried to compose herself, prevent herself from completely devouring you.
"Robin," you panted, "please... I need you."
She gave a teasing smirk at your words, breathing heavily, and placed a finger on your dripping entrance, gently sliding it into you.
You gasped, arching into her touch as she began pushing it in and out of you at an achingly slow pace, then without warning, inserted a second digit, curling them into your sweet spot, making you bite back a moan as your walls clenched around her.
She paused, smiling at at your reaction.
"Right there, huh? That was easy." She said in a low voice.
She continued pumping her fingers in and out of you at a faster, steady rhythm, making sure to hit your spongy spot everytime. You began feeling fire in your abdomen, goosebumps spreading across your skin, panting, moaning her name shamelessly.
She crawled over you, her other arm holding herself up on the pillow next to you, continuing to fuck into you, and began circling your clit with her thumb.
"Oh fuck, Robin," you mumbled, her catching your mouth quickly, your kisses sloppy and deep between heavy pants. She nipped at your bottom lip and sucked on it, your lips surely swollen and bruised now as you felt the coiling tension in your stomach get tighter.
"Could he make you feel as good as I do?" She asked between pants.
You shook your head, shivering under her.
"Answer me." She demanded, squeezing your cheeks together.
"No, never, fuck Robin, I'm gonna-"
She quickly removed her fingers from you before your orgasm could peak, sitting up.
You groaned at the loss, rubbing your thighs together for some friction.
"Why did you-"
"As much as I wanna watch you fall apart underneath me right now," she teased in her raspy voice, "this isn't how I want you to cum."
She leaned over, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, and grasped your hips tightly, making you yelp, as she yanked the apex of your thighs towards her face.
She licked a thick stripe up your dripping heat, making you push your hips to her face even further.
She began to lap you up rapidly, swirling her tongue along your folds as the coil in your stomach quickly returned. You moaned a mixture of her name and expletives, watching your best friend devour you senseless.
She inserted her tongue into your entrance, making you roll your hips and cry out in pleasure, reaching out to grab a fistful of her hair as she licked inside of you.
Robin then skimmed up your heat, licking a flat tongue over your clit, swirling around it with a fast and hard pace, then taking your swollen bud into her mouth, sucking and smacking her mouth on it ruthlessly, drowning you in absolute ecstacy. You gasped and gripped her hair tighter, making her moan against your heat. The vibration alone sent you over the edge.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Robin, I'm gonna cum-"
Your back arched as shockwaves gripped your body, pulsing against her mouth as you fell apart, her continuing to lap up your mess through your high until it came to a halt.
She let go of your hips, panting, her mouth wet with your slick as she dropped your lower half back onto the bed.
Robin leaned over you and kissed you feverishly, her face flushed, and you pulled her in deeper, tasting yourself on her tongue.
She plopped her back onto the bed, laying beside you, catching her breath as you both stared at the ceiling, your fingers interwining with hers as you held hands until both of you could steady yourselves.
"Robin," you started, "that was amazing-"
"I know," she smiled, "I know it was."
You looked over to her, chuckling a bit.
"You're feeling pretty proud of yourself right now, aren't you?"
She nodded excitedly, "Yep. I am."
She turned over to you and gazed at your fucked out face, smoothing your hair.
"Now everyone will know, I'm not your best friend."
You grinned. "Yeah, you're right," you gently kissed her swollen lips, "but everyone will know I'm not your best friend, either."
Robin looked at you questioningly.
A devilish smile came across your face.
"It's your turn."
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losingmymindrn · 4 months
I’m still thinking about coral & festus as cousins (what have you done!)- do you have any headcanons for them?
HAHA CORRUPTION and yes I do<3
They actually really loved each other as kids and always wanted to have sleepovers, so they did performances to convince their parents to let them sleep over
They, no matter how much they love each other, brawl every time they see each other. Coral wins every time ofc
Festus is the more out going one and has more friends, so growing up he would drag Coral everywhere and force her to be nice
They played mermaids as kids and Festus was always the pretty one. Coral drowns him every time because it was amusing to play the vilian
They traded food during lunch if they didn't like something, Coral is a real hard bargainer
Festus and Coral have matching earrings
Since Coral is a complete mama's girl (fight me on that) and will always do as she asks no matter how embarrassing it is, Festus makes fun of her for it. Coral beats him up later though
If one of them gets a girlfriend, or boyfriend in Festus's case, they are IMMEDIATELY judging them so damn hard
They refuse to hug when they were in their teen years because they had a sibling like rivalry
Coral is always in trouble or doing something she probably shouldn't be, and she often drags Festus with her
Festus is gossiping about drama all the time, and Coral gives him plenty to go off with because she always finds a way to find some, whether she's apart of it or not
Festus bribes teachers to let Coral off with only a slap to the wrist when she gets in trouble
They won't say it, but they're each other's biggest supporters
If we're putting Coral and Lucy Gray together, Festus and Lucy Gray become besties real fast
And if we're going off of my Coral family lore, Festus is always there for Coral whenever she's stressed, which is way too often
Spreading my agenda is fun, so let me know your thoughts or whatever on this😚
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themaladaptivewriter12 · 11 months
Mirai Yuhara and Heartslabyul
Mirai | Ramshackle | Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia | Staff |
c/w: none
Ace Trappola
You couldn't tell if the two hated each other or liked each other
One moment they're at each other's throats, and the next moment, they're laying on each other, scrolling through Magicam
Most of their relationships consists of flipping each other off
or constantly jabbing at each other
Ace: "'Sup, Loser" Mirai: "Hey, Moron" Ace: "Bastard" Mirai: "Jerkface" *slappy fight noises can be heard and Riddle's scolding*
They once got in a fight that lasted about a week
The rest of the Freshmen were so annoyed their their moping that Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, and Ortho locked them in a storage closet until the made up
And let's just say things were said, voices were raised, and tears were shed
Partners in crime Ψ( `∀)(∀´ )Ψ
Anything that goes wrong on campus can most likely be traced back to Mirai and Ace
The frogs had been let loose? It was Mirai and Ace. Someone TP'ed the Courtyard? It was Mirai and Ace. There was a brawl between the Freshamn class? It was Mirai and Ace.
Stupid late night convos that sometimes lead to arguments in the morning
Ace: "This you?" *sends a pic of some ugly fish* Mirai: "Nah, but this is you" *sends the ugly pic of Ace he secretly took* Ace: "DELETE THAT NOW!" Mirai: "No" The next day, fighting ensues
Ace Trappola - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Not much changes
Just like above, you can't tell if they're together or not
They're not too public about it
their pet names are any insult they can come up with atm
Although, if you are unlucky, you just might find them in some secluded part of the hall sucking face
They fight often
No it's not healthy, Trey has told them so, but they always bounce back
Their silliness is honestly how they show affection
Ace and Mirai at Basketball practice Ace: "This is for you, Mirai!" *Shoots the ball and proceeds to miss* Mirai: ......凸(`△´#)
Deuce Spade
Mirai is slow when it comes to his academics as well, so he can relate to Deuce with his academic struggles
they do their hw toghter, but it normally doesn't end well
most of the time they get help from Trey or something
if Deuce is fighting, so is Mirai (((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡ ☆⌒ミ((x_x)
And sometimes, Mirai is his voice of reason
patches Deuce up if needed
Mirai: "Deuce, we talked about the fighting" Deuce: "I know." Mirai: "At least invite me next time, we can whop 'em together."
grocery shopping buddies because Deuce always gets the best deals
goes to Deuce's track meets to cheer him and Jack on
Mirai also brings snacks
Cheers Deuce up when he's down
especially when Ace is the cause
and Mirai has and will beat Ace for it
Cater Diamond
Has a mega crush on Cater
Likes to try out different trends with Cater
likes to let cater dress him up and give him makeovers for fun
Does best friend quizzes to see what they get
Cater: "It says we're hardly friends." Mirai: "Lies! What my favorite color?" Cater: "Blue" Mirai: "Food?" Cater: "Blueberries" Mirai: "Hobby?" Cater: "Gaming" Mirai: "See, you know me."
Likes accompanying Cater to cafes so he can have the little cakes
Cater is Mirai's most trusted Junior
Let's Cater confide in him with things he's insecure about
Cue the therapy session and the tears
but that's okay, whatever happens in that room, stays in that room
gossip sessions are a must! And there's lots of them
Sleepovers! o(≧▽≦)o
No matter if it's Ramshackle or Heartslabyul, they always have a blast
Cater teaches Mirai how to skateboard
It doesn't go well at first
Mirai likes to tell Cater about the Media back home
anything he can remember he tells
Mirai just loves how fascinated Cater gets when he does
And did I mention the crush?
Cater Diamond - Dating Mirai Yuhara
Mirai has a MAJOR crush on Cater
They are the couple everyone hates!
Because either you envy them
Or you're just plain disgusted at how sappy they are
*Cater running up to hold Mirai in his arms* Cater: "Hey, Baby" *kiss* "My, little muffin" *kiss* "My, Sugarplum" Mirai: "I missed you too, hun" *kiss* Cater: "What do you wanna do, Babydoll?" MIrai: I don't know, but there's this totally hot strawberry blonde that just mig-" Ace: "GET A ROOM!"
Pet names all the time, those are a must!
and so are kisses (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
and hugs and cuddles are a must too!
Always touching somehow ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)
In class? Their ankles and intertwined. "At lunch? Their knees are touching. After school? They walk hand in hand.
They don't post much on Magicam, but when they do, Cater likes to keep his followers guessing
They do couples quizzes, do couples trends on Magicam, and wear couples outfits
Anything can be a date!
they move so flawlessly together, it was like it was meant to be!
Trey Clover
Mirai helps a lot with baking
Trey even started to give him pointers
Fingerprints left in the dough
Who knows where they came from? ┐('~`;)┌
Trey: "Prefect?" Mirai: "Yes, Trey?" Trey: "Why is there a fingerprint in my cookie dough?" Mirai: "I don't know" *slowly tries to escape* Trey: "Shall we compare prints then?" Mirai: (⊙_⊙) Trey: ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓
Unofficial official batter/dough taster
Trey doesn't mind
Mirai prefers Trey as a study partner
Hes the best at explaining things
and he's patient
and for every right answer, Trey gives Mirai a cookie
Riddle Rosehearts
Mirai finds the second year very pretty
but ofc he won't say it in front of the Heartslabyul Housewarden, lest he wants to lose his head
*Mirai staring at Riddle* Riddle: "It's rude to stare, you know" Mirai: "Did you know you have pretty eyelashes?" Riddle: "I do not!" Mirai: "You do. All of you is pretty!" Riddle: ∑(O_O;) Mirai: (O u O) Riddle: "Off with your head!"
Tea time with Riddle
Mirai likes those moments, because Riddle is always his most relazed
He's more open and himself during those moments
Mirai loves the Unbirthday parties and is happy Riddle always extends an invite
Mirai likes to paint the roses red as well
But he always loses to Riddle at Croquet
But then again, it's not so bad, at least Riddle is happy
This took way longer than expected, but it's done! You can see who my biases are *Cough* *Cough* Cater and Ace * Cough* *Cough* But I tried to give them all enough content
And as you can see, Mi-Mi is shipped with Ace and Cater. This will be a reoccurring theme with these. All of my faves will get a dating bracket with Mi-Mi!
Anyways, stay tuned for my next part, Savanaclaw!
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fizzywashere87 · 6 months
If we were friends irl:
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We would be baking a lot
But like absolutely chaos baking ykwim
Halfway through baking brownies we get into a food fight and lose most of the batter to the floor
But we don't care because we're having fun laughing
I'll pretend to scold you for sneaking a taste of the cookie dough but then i'll smile and sneak some too
Decorating competitions
Who can decorate a cupcake better? And we ask whoever is nearby to judge us on it
Overall we just have a lot of fun baking little treats
Especially if it's a sleepover and we just wake up at 2 in the morning to make a cake
Trying to suppress our giggles so we don't wake our parents
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Yes is this because of what you told me earlier? Maybe
Anyway, we would totally do some crazy shit to our hair even though we definitely shouldn't be
Late night run to the store to grab some shitty box dye and we are on our way
Whether it's my hair getting changed or yours, somebody's is changing
We probably gossip a ton while this happens
you would tell me about your crushes and your boyfriends and your drama
And i would be there giving you hilarious and pretty mean roasts
I would tell you about my drama and give you some advice that isn't actually that good
hi :)
i can't cook for shit but i'll gladly steal ingredients :)
yes, i'll eat brownie batter off the floor five second rule, time me
arts and crafts will consist of me drawing something inappropriate to make you laugh but i can't even finish the drawing because im laughing too hard it probably wasn't even funny but here we go
you'll record me going up to random strangers and asking them if a dill pickle and a crayola crayon had a baby and named it felipe would the titanic still have sank
how old are you? *deletes blog becuz ur a minor* /reference
being up at 2 am and i drop something/accidentally hit something and we shut up so our parents don't wake up but we're trying not to laugh
heheee i get the joke:)) (my hair was okay!!)
ill fix our hair to make sure it doesn't fall out! but it's gonna change
do u want bangs but too scared to get them? i gotchu
yesss you're gonna know who the school thot is with atm i'll keep you up to date on that shit!!
our sleepovers have to be at least weekly or i get grey hairs
omgieee friendly fire insults <3
i will take your advice and now we're both left overthinking
ill rant to you even if it's just about me dropping a pencil on my foot and it somehow hurt it was a ticonderoga pencil and it's why i only use mechanical pencils now
blasting music together and you'll listen to my gangster playlist
i'll put aluminum foil on my teeth to try and make you laugh
i'll play a recorder i forgot how to play
people will think we're high but its okay
handwritten birthday, and valentines day cards
random brain dumps at 3 am leaving you wondering what i was doing at such an ungodly hour as you see the message in the morning
me doing impulsive shit and roping you into it and i get a minor injury from it
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strellzzz · 3 months
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THE SLEEPOVER . (all parts / lil bit of nsfw at the end)
you and your best friend decided that you guys should have a sleepover cause it's been a while since you guys hung out with each other.
"Y/N GIRL HURRY UPP I'M OUTSIDE" your friend said while screaming at you on FaceTime.
you put everything you need in your bag like your morning clothes , night clothes , lip gloss , makeup etc. you zipped up your bag and left the house locking the door behind you.
your friend rolls down her window. "DAMNN... GIRL TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH"
"STFU." you said laughing while getting in her car.
she starts driving to her house , you always known your friend to be a fast driver but she always gets to her destination safely cause she's still cautious.
"i'm so happy we're spending time with each otherrrr , it's been so long bruh"
"i knowww !!!! i missed you so muchhh"
you guys end up at her house , yall end out getting out the car taking yall bags in her house.
you go to her room putting your bag on the floor.
"so what do you wanna do !"
"girll i got a lotta stuff to tell you"
yall end out talking/gossiping for hours while doing each other nails and makeup.
les say like a good 6 hours past
"This is cuteee" you looked at your nails as you both got done with each other nails.
"thank youuu , i been trying my best in doing nails. i love yours too and the way you put the little charms on it."
"your welcome , so what you wanna do now it's kind of getting dark outside" you said while spinning on the stool.
"okay so i invited my boyfriend and his friend"
"is his friend fine ? , i'm not gonna judge i'm just not gon fw him if he look like Sid from ice age."
yall both started laughing
"nahhh he's not ugly, he's really cute, I think you will like him and if you're not comfortable with it just tell me"
she shows you his highlights on his insta
"he's so fine.."
"seee i knew you was gon like him"
"so when are they coming"
"ion kno he said give em like 5 mins"
"oh okay , u wanna make tiktok's ?" (press keep reading)
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(kinda lazy writing some of this, bare with me also this is a insert character story i forgot to say ... so just make up whatever you want his name to be.)
you guys end up making TikTok's as soon you post it on your TikTok you get 540 likes in like 13 minutes. you weren't popular but a lot of people knew you cause you were nice to ppl who talked to you.
you looked at your friend "when are they coming?"
she looks at her boyfriend's location "They should be on their way"
"oh okay well i bought my polaroid for we can take pictures , cause i need it for memories" you went in your bag and grabbed your white polaroid and took pictures of y'all together.
the sounds of knocks came from the front door
"that might be them" she went to the front door and opened it.
standing there is her boyfriend and his friend holding bags of snacks and wingstop
(if you don't like wingstop just replace it with another food)
"hey baee" she looks at the stuff. "you didn't have to buy that we could've went and got them"
"nah it's all good , we didn't want y'all to go through all that" (her bf)
"yeah plus it's dark outside" (his friend)
"oh okay well y'all can come in" she walks back in the room and looks at you. "their here"
they both walk in putting the food and snacks on the bed
"Okay y'all we all gonna put our PJs on and watch a movie"
she took the snacks out of the bag and organized them on the bed.
her and her boyfriend went to the bathroom to change into their pajamas leaving you and I/C alone with each other.
(I/C means insert character)
"so what's your name?"
"my name is y/n"
"that's a beautiful name"
"what's urs?"
"i like your name also"
"thanks, you look really pretty"
"thank you" you started smiling at him.
you both start chopping it up and y'all conversation went really well , like having the same interest , music taste and everything.
"wow that's crazy me and you have the same interests in things"
"i knowww ... it's like we were low key meant to be locked in"
your friend and her boyfriend came out with their pjs on.
"what took y'all so long?"
"oh , we took a shower and shi.. y'all can too if y'all want"
you look at him "do you wanna go first?"
"im good , ill wait for you to come out"
"okay" you took your bag inside the bathroom with you and closed the door.
red : your bsf boyfriend
pink : your bsf
green : insert/character (your bsf boyfriend friend)
your bsf look at I/C.
"sooo what do you think of my bsf ?"
"shes pretty and she's into the same stuff i'm into"
"bruh you should make a move."
"i would but ion know if she into me like that"
"she is. cause i know if she wasn't she would've been said sum"
"duhh , trust me. i been friends with y/n ever since we was in 2nd grade. she would say sum if she didn't fwu"
"ong she always got sum to say"
she looks at her bf. "not to much on bsf.." she rolls her eyes and looks back at I/C. "anyways... she fw's u"
"okay if you say so cause if she don't i'm fighting both of y'all stg"
"stop" she laughs a little.
"bruh can she hurry up .. i'm hungry"
"your always hungry , that's why your back is getting big now"
"i knoww your not talking, every time i have some food , here come hungry ass. "can i get sum" "
"SHUT TF UP" she's says throwing her fist in the air acting like she's gonna hit him.
he flinches.
you eventually come out the bathroom with a cute pajama set with your furry bear slippers on
your bsf looks at you.
"girlll that's cute where you get that from!"
"shein." you laughed
"it looks hella good on you."
"thank youuu !" you smiled.
every time he complimented you it made your body feel warm cause it made you feel happy.
"finally time to eat."
"ummm no .. I/C gotta get ready too greedy"
"okay damn bruh the food not going no where"
he gets up and take his bag to the bathroom with him.
you bsf look at you smiling. "soooo what do you think of himm?"
"omggg!" you said in a happy tone. "he's so sweet and funny. i like him a lot , and he literally loves everything i like"
"he likes you too"
"he does ?"
"yesssss he was over here practically drooling talking about you"
"that man was not drooling, he is into you though"
she looks at him. "will you shut the hell up"
"my bad"
she looks back at you "anyways he literally fwu i swear"
"okay good cause if he didn't i would literally spazz out"
after minutes of you and your bsf talking and her boyfriend complaining I/C comes out of the bathroom with his PJs on. you look at him seeing what he's wearing and he's wearing a T-shirt with pajama pants. As you're looking at him you can see his abs compress to his shirt.
"alright i made you and I/C a pallet on the floor , if that's okay with y'all..."
"it's fine with me if y/n don't mind"
"yeah i don't mind"
"okay , i gave y'all extra blankets and pillows and some of my plushies for y'all won't b uncomfortable"
"i mean you got carpet so we're good regardless"
"alright enough chatting bruh i'm ready to eat"
you take off your slippers and sat down on the floor where your bsf made the pallet at.
I/C sits next to you.
your bsf turns off the lights and dim the led lights low. she opens the wing stop bag and hands y'all the food.
"alright what movie y'all wanna watch me personally we should watch mean girls"
"yeah we should"
"fuck no"
"what's wrong with mean girls"
"nobody wanna watch that"
"okay then how about we watch Rio"
she goes on amazon prime video and puts on the movie rio.
after like 25 mins past your bsf and her boyfriend was knocked tf out. leaving you and I/C the only ones awake.
"they really asleep?"
"yeah especially her." you laugh a little.
your bsf is lying all over her bf with a fry hanging out her mouth. you poke her but she doesn't budge.
"well are you tired yet?"
you looked at him and laid down. "not really , i'm just bored"
"yeah.. well can i tell you something"
"hm?" you look up at him.
"i think your really pretty."
"are you being honest?"
"yeah. why wouldn't i be"
"i'm just making sure cause i just need reassurance. that's all"
"well to me your the most prettiest girl i ever came across too."
he lays down with you leaving both of you looking at each other. you guys lock eye contact, he leans to you kissing you. you start kissing him back. the feeling of his lips was soft. He stops and leans back looking at you.
“Tell me when to stop”
he starts kissing you again passionately. you start putting your arms around him while he slowly puts his hands inside your pajama shorts/pants rubbing your pussy, but your panties are covering it.
he starts putting his hands inside your laced panties rubbing your clit. he stops kissing you and you can hear is his deep voice in your ear.
"your so wett..."
you start putting your legs around him as he puts puts his finger inside your pussy fingering you.
you start moaning softly.
"shhh mama.... ion want them to hear u"
he starts fingering you faster than before making you cum on his fingers. he takes his hands out your pants. and starts whispering.
"i want to fuck you so bad mamas..." he whispers while looking at you
"you can..." you said silently while rubbing his bulge.
"ion want them to hear us"
"i'll be quiet.."
"you sure ?"
you nod your head.
he pulls down the front of his pajama pants and boxers revealing his dick to you. you didn't expect him to be that big...
you start to look a little worried.
"what's wrong.. yon think you can take it ?"
" ... "
"like i said, just tell me when to stop .."
he grabs you close while you have a leg on top of his waist. he ends out sliding his dick in your tight pussy, he turns both of you over where you're on top of him now. you put your arms around him where your close to his ear and he's close to yours.
"make sure you stay quiet" he whispers in your ear.
alr this wasn't my best story honestly. im probably gonna start back writing story's but i maybe just delete this acc frl. ion know
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polyamorouspunk · 3 months
Sleepover Monday? Sure.
I'm in so much pain over this girl who's so mean sometimes but also so nice sometimes. I haven't spoken to her in months, and I'm kinda afraid when we talk in a couple of days, it's gonna be the last time because we don't have anything forcing us to see each other anymore. She's so antisocial when she doesn't *have* to talk to anyone. I'm so afraid of losing her even though we're sometimes toxic together. I didn't think I would care at this point, but I can't stand the thought of her not being in my life ever again. I still don't even know if she's poly or if I even want to be with her. I think I just want more time to figure that out, and I'm sad.
- your moping mutual who's afraid she's gonna somehow find this if it's attached to their username lol 😣
It’s not don’t worry and oh my god???
Okay okay so like I came on here yesterday to bitch about how my ex FP was coming back and like don’t get me wrong she’s come in as a customer before so I’ve had to see her and after like the third time she came back in I stopped crying about it and we were honestly kinda chill again and I was hanging out at my normal hangout spot in the store (every store has an area where the employees gather to gossip and shit) and she was there doing onboarding stuff and like honestly her personality is just so… like this bitch. This bitch I kid you not is the exact kind of girl who cries wolf all the time at shit which is exactly why she was like oh person with BPD? 911 I’m in danger I’m working with a baby serial killer-
But holy shit her charisma. Is off the fucking charts. Like honestly I went from this morning texting my friend all the things I wanted to say to her to then seeing her and she was just so sweet and charming again and I was like… FUCK. Because I can feel myself wanting to go EXACTLY back to how I was when she was my FP which is like “look! Look! Look at this thing I did!” Or “Guess what? Guess what?” And Jesus Christ she is treating me the exact same way she was before she told me I was “threatening” to her and all this shit. And I HATE it. I’m like wow bitch it ain’t even been a day and you’re already back to puppy-tail-wagging at her.
Also the last girl I was kind of seeing who then also decided a bitch with BPD wasn’t for her I am still not over her and it’s driving me crazy. I’m like I’m so glad I had one bitch walk out of my life because of my BPD just for the bitch who walked out of my life because of my BPD before her to come waltzing back in.
I’m so so so tired of falling for people who really don’t seem like they are good for me? Especially when it comes to having BPD?
Honestly like not to be like “I diagnosis you with me” but like… mood.
I hope like… you figure out what you want and it works out? I mean it seems like she’s not gonna hold on to keeping in touch with you anyway so it’s probably out of your hands anyway? But like yikes. Can we PLEASE have some healthy options who we are interested in?
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
☕talk about ur best friend! what're they like? what do u love about them? <3
OMG YAY OK i could talk about my best friends for HOURSSSS (i have a few best friends so i'll talk abt all of them <333)
ok so first there's 🐀 (emoji is an inside joke i made her a felted stripper rat for her birthday) i don't think she knows she's my best friend but idk?? genuinely one of my fav people ever she's literally the funniest person on earth and i love her so much, we've known each other for like 6 years now which is insane to me. on all of our school holidays we have sleepovers where we watch the cringiest movies we can find and make cursed cakes (if you want more context send me an ask lmao 😭) and honestly it's so fun. we wore matching fairy costumes last year on halloween (i was blue, she was green) bc of the whole ✨she was a fairy✨ audio it was so funny and we're gonna do a transition from those outfits into our formal dresses at the end of the year in the same colours hehe (which i helped her pick literally two days ago). also been accused of being madly in love with her which is how you know the friendship is real lmaooo
then there's 🐟(she would HATE me for this emoji LMAOOOO) and she's literally one of my favourite people in the world and ive known her for a year????? like there is a massive part of my heart that is molded perfectly for her and we only met last year??? it's insane to me honestly she's irreplaceable idk what I'd do without her i adore her with my whole heart. literally one of my favourite memories from last year is with her from the eras tour movie like it was a core memory that will live in my heart forever we sung and danced together and at that point we'd known each other for like 6 months??? crazy to me that she's so important to me after so little time like it feels like I've known her my whole life and those kinds of connections are so important to me. but anyway she's so funny and the sweetest person ever and she got me a birthday present 2 months ago??? my birthday's in june 😭😭😭 i love her endlesslyyyy and we have plans to run away to italy together to escape maths. it's so funny as well bc we've been friends for just a year and literally everyone associates us together like "oh you're ___'s lucy!!" and im like hell yeah we've known each other forever- and then it's one year
okayyy and then there's 💐 and ugh she's so sweet we've known each other for like 2 years and we bonded over music and she's literally an angel on earth im so lucky to know her. she's the sweetest, kindest person i know i genuinely cannot express how much she means to me. we go thrifting together and gossip a bunch and we have plans to go to concerts together and ugh she's my pinterest spotify soulmate she's sooo sweet you have no idea <333 cannot express how much she means to me
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milkywaydrinker · 2 years
Day 25. Sleepover
I think they should hang out more. Picks up right after the Elevator prompt
The broken elevator doors were slightly parted. The button was dark and there were no signs it was about to change anytime soon. A glaring yellow "out of order" sign was plastered on it as a constant reminder of her predicament.
"So you really are stuck here, huh?" Courtney looked up at Zagan with a smirk on their toothy face. "Can't imagine how that must feel…"
"I'm going to punt you like a football."
"Relax, it's not so bad. You'll love it here." They still took a few steps away, just in case.
"It's not about that," Zagan said with a frown, "I can't stay here for too long. I've left all of my… stuff at home."
"What kind of stuff?" Norma walked into the main hall, carrying a big duffel bag.
"Oh, um, just, things?"
"It's fine if you don't want to tell me, you know?" She set the bag down with a huff. "We'll figure out a way to get you home soon. I promise."
"Ooooh this is going to be so much fun!" Badyah stepped into Dead End with a huge grin on her face. She had a big backpack and a rolled-up sleeping bag. "Sleepovers are the best!"
"Uh, what's a sleepover?" Zagan looked at the abundance of equipment both girls brought in and couldn't help but feel slightly anxious.
"Well, according to common depictions seen in pop culture, a sleepover is an overnight gathering of friends. It mostly entails bonding activities such as pillow fights, party games, and gossiping," Norma said in one breath.
"You've never been to one, have you?" Courtney teased.
"That's irrelevant to Zagan's question." She puffed up her cheeks.
"Well, you were on point." Badyah dropped her backpack on the ground. "Sleepovers are just for hanging out with your friends, watching movies together, talking about crushes and stuff."
"I see." Zagan relaxed slightly. "So like a moonlit covenant but more casual." She nodded to herself.
"You've got to tell me what those are." Norma perked up, any embarrassment wiped by curiosity.
"Booooring." Courtney yawned. "Let's get to the fun stuff already. I want to hear all of the embarrassing things Norma pretends never happened."
"Not fair!" she yelled. "I am not playing truth or dare after that!"
The preparations after were straightforward, both Norma and Badyah laid down mats and sleeping bags on the floor. After bothering Pauline enough, they found old duvets hidden in the attic storage room and set up the full pillow fort.
"Okay girls," Badyah said, clapping her hands excitedly, "we're all cozy now so our Spooky Sleepover can get started!"
"One question," Norma exclaimed, interrupting, "Do we have any overarching rules?"
"Oh, yeah," Badyah said with a grin, "good question! Nothing too explicit or invasive, be cool! That's the rule!" She clapped.
"All right!" Zagan smirked and grabbed a plastic water bottle from the floor, "so that's the game you've been talking about before?"
"Well, not really because-"
"Yeah totally!" Norma covered Badyah's mouth with her palm. "Spin the bottle and ask whether we'd like a truth or dare!"
The bottle spun, stopping after way too many rotations, only to point at Courtney.
"Yes!" they roared. "Dare, dare, dare!"
"All right!" Zagan conceded, "dare, you freak." She looked over Courtney as if examining her. "Go ask the front park desk how much they get in tips."
"Aw man, this is so boring," they whined, "no wonder Norma's into you."
"Hey!" the girl in question yelled and swung at them with her notebook.
"See ya!" They peaced out before the impact.
"Damn," Zagan hummed under her breath, "are all of those games so cutthroat?"
"Oh, that was very mild if we're being honest." Badyah unrolled her sleeping bag, completely unconcerned with the current conflict between Norma and Courtney.
Zagan sighed; it was going to be one of the longest nights of her life.
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i literally just realised your welcome post references castle byers sign itself hahahaha
speaking of your namesake, do you think it will be updated, rebuilt or visited after dark in s5? do you think it's closer to lover's lake than we think? :))))
Yes!! I love Castle Byers so much and I'm honestly glad I settled on this theming for the blog. Like we're all hanging out in a fort together sharing secrets and gossip and random thoughts like at a sleepover, chatting about boys and making dirty jokes. Love it, love yall 😘
And I think it would be such a cool visual to have it rebuilt in someway. I know it's featuring in the show since they have shown behind the scenes with it, and I think in multiple ways? Flashback for little Will and in the Upside Down for a different scene with present day characters near it? Unless I imagined those were different featured scenes.
I am very confused where everything is located in Hawkins because the show isn't clear enough and I've seen several different, conflicting maps online and from official merch that don't line up. I'd love if Castle Byers was somewhere close to Lover's Lake. It all ties into just the aura of hiding out and finding somewhere safe and could be explored in some way. But I'm not sure how close it is. Because I think the Byers house was closer to the quarry and I don't think the quarry and the lake are right next to each other.
There's too many ideas I really like and I'm glad I have the fandom since there will only be one reality in the show. I like the idea of a heart to heart in Castle Byers, a first kiss there. Mike rebuilt it for Will. It's their new hangout. Even if we don't see that happen I like the idea of that being true and it's their spot to enjoy in between when everything's settled and graduation, before Mike and Will leave Hawkins together. They spend a lot of time hanging out in the fort.
But I also love the idea of kissing in the church, a big fight and confession in Mike's garage, a first kiss in Mike's basement is iconic, too. There's so many possibilities and I really can never commit to an idea for how it's going to happen!!
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