#we're coming back slowly but surely gang
ciircex · 3 months
|| ♡ I'm starting fresh with a starter call! I deleted my other ones just because I cannot for the life of me recall who I did and who didn't. So yeah, like for a starter <3 may be iconless because I'm on mobile.
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girlystories · 11 months
Being the Bowers gang girl
*ೃ::Both platonic & romantic headcanon
– pairings: various x reader
addition warnings: swearing, bullying, very few depictions of sexism, few derogatory names, toxicity, abusive parenting.
words: 2.6k
this was entirely inspired by z0mbiekittyy, so please check them out!
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Meeting/joining the gang
you were at first the quiet, loner girl who kept to herself, only having a few acquaintances, with very few friends.
it wasn't because you were a loser. only the opposite. everyone wanted to become friends with you or get to know you in some way but you never let anyone get close.
everyone had heard of you of course. when they realized you were different they stopped trying to read you or make their mind about you.
that was until greta keene couldn't get enough. she hated the attention you got. so one day she started spreading rumors about you.
it was relatively easy, since no one knew you enough to disprove them in any way. one word went to another and everyone in town now started talking shit about you.
despite that, you didn't care. you had your mind somewhere else. popularity and school drama weren't your thing.
you didn't mind hearing the remarks spat at you when you wandered the halls or when you were in class. you were completely and utterly unbothered.
word got fast that it even reached the all too feared bowers gang.
you were making your way to biology class when you were shoved against a locker, all your books falling one by one on the floor.
"well well well, if it isn't derry's most favored whore", henry was the first to indulge in the act.
he was followed by vic, or – as he liked to refer to him as his 'right-man', "hey, hank. why haven't we ever tried to mess with her before?"
you tried to back up slowly, but your back hit against another frame. when you looked up your eyes met with a pair of green ones, followed by an unsettling smile.
it seemed like no one noticed what was happening – or in better words, no one gave a shit about what was happening.
"dont worry, [name], we're not gonna kill you, jeez," belch revealed.
that made henry groan and turn his head towards his friend. "shut up."
patrick, still behind you, held onto your shoulders, which was very easy due to his height. "or we will, you will find out soon."
"both of you shut up," henry silenced them before it could escalate to something else. "so, how about you come with us for a ride? ya'know, get some air n' stuff."
"you mean like skipping school?", you asked.
"why? are you scared? I'm sure your reputation is as shitty as it can get. can't get any worse than that. even ours is better."
you shrugged, and just decided to follow them. just as you sat at your seat – between vic and patrick, you couldn't make out the read ahead of you, as they were driving recklessly. where you were, you hadn't the slightest clue.
they were laughing and howling, sometimes shouting at the drives passing by.
you? well, you were scared shitless. you clung onto your seat belt, and holding back the urge to start shrieking.
after a while you got used to it and had to admit deep down it was kinda fun.
when you stopped, you realized you were at a junkyard. they prepared a fire when the sun began to set down and opened some bottles of beer.
as you all circled around the fire you began to talk about whatever. you also found yourself to... tolerate them. or, better yet, even enjoy their company.
before you knew it, little by little you hang more and more with them, slowly becoming one of them. it was the first time you were a part of something. they felt like home and you could trust them, despite the hardships and more extreme emotional outbursts.
your reputation got even worse but you didn't care. you had found your people.
other than hanging out in the junkyard, you guys do other stuff (of course).
it's like you all live together, while you also don't. frequent sleepovers, meet-ups on each other houses take place, ect.
vic once convinced you all to go camping a few towns away. despite being the one who recommended the idea, he ended up despicing it. on the other hand, patrick who hated the idea ended up having the most fun. scaring vic by hiding bugs in his tent and pretending he was hearing bears or wolves. belch had enough and kept demanding they'd stop fighting, while you kept laughing at vic's reactions everytime. you never went camping again.
every morning belch picks everyone in order, first henry, then patrick, then you, and lastly – the sleeping queen himself: vic.
then, you make a stop at the local diner, everyone choosing their own specific order that the waitress had already memorized.
unless vic had a hangover from the party the day before, he wouldn't stop complaining about who-knows-what.
sometimes, when you were really bored, you'd go out of town in search of abandoned places, owning them for a while until someone else found them and ruined them almost immediately.
it was expected and common sense you'd show up at ever party. then you all would split for a while but meet up in order to leave. belch was in priority not to drink or get high until anyone else got a license. that's what you all agreed on but that possiblility seemed unlikely.
at school you avoided bullying anyone, but giving up on trying to stop them from terrosizing another kid since it was the only thing they ignored you on. the only time you fought back was to defend yourself. not that you needed to, but because you wanted them to know that you weren't as incompetent as you seemed.
when you had the change you'd shoot empty beer bottles with henry's dad's gun.
Henry Bowers
you and henry would share your deep wounds together. him about his alcoholic and insane old man, and you about your hard time fitting in, both in family and friends.
you would joke around, but to an extent. if you said the wrong thing he'd refuse to speak to you for days, weeks or maybe even months – depending how much it affected him. if he was too stubborn, vic would have to somehow find a way to talk him out of his bitchy attitude.
despite him trying to seem hard-shelled, deep down he was very sensitive. he knew you knew that, and he hated it. it was the only thing he hated about you except the fact that tend to be pushy sometimes.
he had never cried in front the guys, but one day he couldn't hold back when he was only with you. it happened only once, but he still feels humiliated about it and hopes you'd never bring it up. he made you swore to never tell anyone.
butch seemed to like you for a reason, only approving of you from the gang. he hated the rest. when you find yourself at their house, he'd warmly greet you.
at first he and patrick made a lot of sexist joke about you. later when he noticed you went silent you, he started using them less, only saying them once or twice.
always offers you cigarettes, and makes sure to buy your favorites.
sometimes (when he's not in a shitty mood) he pays for your food when you go at the diner without saying a word or giving you the chance to convince him otherwise.
all good things considered, let's be honest here cuz we all know he has more negative that good qualities.
for example; gets jealous super easily and gets mad at you for it, making you apologize for something that isn't your fault.
NEVER admits he's wrong. ever.
when you have a different opinion he tells you to shut up or straight up threatens you.
needs a lot of attention, while also can't have on his tail all the time, making him indecisive and confusing.
sometimes doesn't realize you need help and leaves you deal with your problems alone while you clearly do need some sort of hand.
still, you always have a way to be together again, unable to keep any distance between you both. on weekends you usually take the bus to his house, helping him with the choses around the farm.
Vic Criss
you and vic already knew each other from middle school. you were in the same class and he used to help you with homework.
then, when kids started growing up through that phase everybody did about that sort of rivalry against girls and boys. because of that, your 'friendship' fell apart.
you weren't really friends back then but you could've been.
he never admitted it but he always stared at you from away, wishing you would somehow start talking to each other again.
he was the one who convinced henry to approach you that day. the idea popped into his mind just as those rumors started going around.
he was glad henry agreed. even though he always did, he was anxious of saying no. later, he lied to you, saying it was henry's idea instead and that first interaction you had with him was henry's way of being kind (despite calling you a 'whore').
you and vic were close, in a different way you were with the others. he understood you better and he was very good at telling advice. he was also fun gossiping with. definitely the best when having a sleepover. the others found him annoying or bitchy about it, but with you he was himself.
he also was kinda subtle about his true personality, not showing his true small but intresting quirks only you knew.
speaking of gossiping, almost every weekend he crashed at your place, the excuse being his siblings giving him a headache, while his mom being 'a pain in the ass'.
everytime he had a problem with the others you would be the first to know. he was still henry's 'right-man', but sometimes henry was, well... henry.
at parties he'd get wasted and you'd be 100% sure he'd be found in the bathroom pucking his guts out.
you guys are so close he would be showering while you were doing your business at the toilet, gossiping about everything single detail.
still sometimes helps you with school after some persuation, but keeps reminding you that 'he is not your tutor'.
loves braiding your hair when you're hanging out, especially during class when it's something super boring (even for him).
Patrick Hockstetter
you were honestly pretty scared of patrick at first, and most definitely the only one from the gang who gave you the creepes.
the alligations weren't few, to say the least, and at first you kept your distance from him.
he also didn't try to make a move on you, which you found stange, yet grateful. maybe henry threatened him or something. either way you were considerably on good terms with patrick.
one day at school, while you were waiting for the other three to come at your usual spot during break, he offered you a cigarette. you received it with gratitude, since it was rare for an offer coming from patrick. he even stricked up a conversation, which was... maybe a bit thought provoking.
then he smirked – that one charismatic he wore when you would stop being able to read his mind. he was like a puzzle, but most pieces were missing or switched with incorrect ones. "are the rumors true?", he asked, closing his zippo with a 'click' after he light your cigarette.
"i dont think that you care if they're true or not," you answered back, the tobacco filling your lungs with nicotine.
clouds of smoke escaped his nostrils with each chuckle. "maybe."
on your ride home Black Sun Morning by Screaming Trees was playing from the radio and you found yourself singing alongside patrick. he rose his brows, "you know 'em?"
"duh, of course."
the next day on the ride to school, instead of gossiping with vic you ended up having a deep conversation with patrick about music. you never imagined that you'd be having a conversation about art with him of all people.
since then, you hit it off well. he stopped using sexist comments as well, and even attempted physical contact at the diner, brushing his fingers against your hair. when he realized you let him or try to stop him, he smiled to himself.
in the end you were usually seen together, you sitting on his lap during breaks or at the gym stands, in the car or diner. he would wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. it was making the others sick.
sometimes you attempted to help him with homework, but he only agreed so you could just hangout. he wasn't really interested in attending college. the thing he was good at was certainly playing the guitar. both bass and lead guitar. vic jokes about him making a band but it something told you he didn't view it as a light joke.
one day he invited you to his house to show you his vinyls and discs. that's when you met his mother and was pretty surprised to find out she was vietnamese. he made sure to never speak vietnamese around you or the others.
when meeting you he became less... interested at the fridge at the junkyard, viewing it less and less. maybe therapy was starting to work out? even for a tiny bit.
extremely protective of you, especially at parties. makes sure to keep an eye out even though you wouldn't know it.
Belch Huggins
belch was the most chill and the most independent one of the gang. aways making sure everything was in check and going smoothly. it was no surprise he was super welcome to you and tried to make you at ease the first few weeks, asking you if you were okay or needed a ride home.
is a gentleman, of course. doesn't tolerance any disrespect towards you, no matter how small it may seem to you.
offeres to pay for you when going out, no matter how many times you don't let him.
one time you both got so drunk you couldn't stop laughing; your bellys hurting and your eyes filled with tears while your faces were bright red. it made henry mad (as usual) but it's a memory you'd never forget. you had no way to get back home, though.
on fridays you watch him play basketball, sitting at the stands, and smoking and encouraging him. sometimes vic or patrick came too, but it was very rarely.
he offers you the ball but you immediately decline, being reminded of the day the ball hit you in the face after you missed your shot.
you requested him to teach you how to drive, which was a bad idea honestly. at first you didn't understand his instructions at all, but when he asked you if you had any questions you lied saying 'no'. after that instead of stepping on going forward you accidentally went backwards, almost crashing his beloved trams-am that he named 'daisy'. then you turned the wheel too far, almost falling at a ditch before he saved you two.
swore that you'd never get a license in your life and forbid you anywhere near the wheel, not even the passengers seat.
his dad owes a workshop, fixing cars. he helped too, supporting him in any way he could. you also helped him here and there while he taught you the basics and answered any questions you had.
he promised that he'd let you fix a car entirely on your own without his help. he said he'd also let you keep it for free.
you have a drawer contained only of belch's clothes. at first you'd ask him to try his sweatshirts on. then you'd complain you were cold and he'd sigh, saying you could give it back another day. but you never did.
you loved it when he gave you biggyback rides. his, especially. he could never refuse, despise how tired he was.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
COD characters finding out that Reader's past lover(s) have never given them an Orgasm.
Am I exactly sure what Anon is asking? No, But I will persist.
I'm choosing to write this with the interpretation of Reader never having an orgasm even though they've had sex with others. (The other way I read it was that Reader just flat out never had an orgasm before, and I think that's extremely unrealistic. So we're going with that one) ALSO because of the prompt You and the guys have yet to bump uglies!
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•Simon is a little confused "Like...None of them?"
•He takes it very seriously
•He asks you to elaborate a little more. He just wants to know if the other guys sucked (or just didn't in this case) or if you two needed to do something specific in order to please you.
•He understands if you need some kind of accommodations and will ask you what he needs to do
•You and Simon have a long discussion over what you want your first time with him to be like. He makes sure you both have a clear understanding of what's to come (ha).
•First thing he says is “Would you like to?”
•He thinks it's a little funny but really sad too
•”Darling, you're too pretty to let subpar men just use you.”
•He immediately wants to show you how it's done and what you've been robbed off
•He asks if he can take you for a “good ol' mustache ride”
•”Young men are dumb.” He says and takes a drag from his cigar
•”But I guess it's nice to know I have no competition.” He smiles
•He does talk to you about your needs and what he needs to do to meet them properly
•He takes you out on a nice dinner date, goes on a nice walk with you, and end up with his hands wrapped around your waist taking you home
•Can not stop laughing
•As soon as you tell him he erupts into a fit of giggles. He takes him a full 3 minutes before he calms down enough to hug you and pat you back.
•”You poor thing.” he chuckles and kisses your cheek. “I'll make sure to make up for all their failures, Mi querida.”
•He’ll ask you what they were doing down there the whole time. Which leads to even more laughter when you tell him.
•”But I think I should buy you a nice dinner first.” he winks
•Absolutely floored
•”Like never?” He signs. You can see the horror in his eyes
•He’s got his head in hands, contemplating life. He's so concerned for you. He has to take a moment of silence to comprehend the level of incompetence the men in your life must have had.
•When he finally sits up he looks you directly in the eyes and signs “Thank God I'm good with my hands.”
•Slowly turns his head to look at you with his brows furrowed and confusion
•Is too shock to speak
•He gets up to pour himself some Scotch
•”How many times have you had to fake an orgasm?” “8” he proceeds to down the entire drink and pour himself another
•This time he hands it to you “You need this more than me.”
•He gets up and takes a lap around the house
•When he gets back he pulls you into a hug
•”You deserve so much better, Mi Tesoro.”
•Kisses your jaw and runs his hands down your back. “I can give you so much better.” He tells you in-between kisses
•He offers you himself until your properly satisfied, for however long that takes
•”Why do you like incompetent men?”
•He means it in a genuine way, But he accidentally reads you to filth.
•”Why spend your time and affection on someone who cannot please you?” he asks. “I didn't want to seem shallow.” You replied. “Shallow? Liebste, No.”
•He practically scolds you for allowing such men into your life. It's actually the most you've ever heard him speak. Which really tells you how upset he is.
•”You're Lucky I'm here. I will not let such things happen ever again.”
•And fuuuck, he means it
•”Other men are filthy animals.” he tells you like it was a normal thing to say
•He gets in close to you and rests his arms on your hips. “Don’t get me wrong, I'm a man whore.” He laughs lightly and kisses you “But you knew that.”
•He asks you for all the funny details and thinks it would make a decent bonding experience.
•He tells you about his less than great sex stories and failures
•”Rest assured sweetheart, I'm a pro at making people scream.”
Thanks for reading <3
(I realize now that I wrote them all in different mindsets of this prompt... Good luck with that, I guess)
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invisible-lint · 3 months
Not Quite Soulmates
Summary: Azriel introduces you to his family when your mating bond snaps... Just not with him
Warnings: light angst?
Word Count: 1.1k
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You stare at your reflection in the mirror, trying to decide if you liked this dress better than the last one. You had been seeing Azriel for the better part of six months, and tonight you were going to meet his family for the first time. You smile, thinking back to when you had first met the Shadowsinger. 
You had been at work, shelving books on the top shelf, when suddenly the ladder you were standing on broke and you fell. You had expected to hit the ground, only to be caught by Azriels strong arms instead. Despite that being like something out of a romance book, it had taken Azriel some time to get you to go on a date with him. It wasn't that you hadn't been attracted to him, you absolutely were. But you had been unlucky in love, and convinced yourself you were destined to be alone. 
He would come into the store and ask for recommendations and then come back to talk about the book with you before asking for another recommendation. This went on for months before eventually you had asked him out when one of your coworkers had said she would if you didn't. 
And now, six months later, you were so glad that you had. You couldn't imagine your life without him in it. 
You're drawn out of your thoughts by arms wrapping around your waist and a kiss pressed to your shoulder. 
"You look beautiful." 
"Yeah? I wasn't sure if I should wear this dress or the purple one." He presses more kisses across your shoulder and up your neck. You smile, tilting your head to the side as he does. 
"Definitely this one. I have a... Very fond memory of this dress." You laugh, knowing exactly what very fond memory he was thinking of. You had worn this dress to dinner before taking him to your bed for the first time. 
"Keep it in your pants Azzie. We'll have plenty of time for that later tonight, after dinner." 
He takes a step back, sighing, holding his hand out for you. You take it with a smile, and he leads you out the door.
It's a nice late summer evening, so the two of you walk to the River House. He stops you just outside the door, eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's not too late to back out, we can always head back home and I can come up with an excuse." 
You shake your head, laughing. "You have been putting this off for far too long already. Either you're nervous, or you're trying to get me naked." 
"A bit of both." He admits. 
"Well too bad, because we're going in. And you're going to have to deal with all of your favorite people ganging up to tease you." He laughs, shaking his head and leads you inside. The two of you head for the sitting room where everyone is mingling before dinner. 
Azriel leads you around the room, introducing you to everyone as he does. You make eye contact with the long haired Illyrian you assume is Cassian, the brother Azriel has told you so much about. Azriel starts to lead you over to him and you freeze, eyes widening. A mating bond has snapped into place, but not with your boyfriend. No, it snapped into place with his brother. And going off the look on his face, it snapped for him too. You both curse at the same time, drawing attention from the rest of the room. Azriel looks at you, his expression asking what's wrong. You have two options. You can tell them what just happened, or you can run. You choose the latter, running out of the sitting room and down the hall, out the front door. You follow the Sidra, paying no attention to where you’re going. 
You run until you trip over a rock, tumbling to the soggy ground next to the river. You lay there, looking at the stars, slowly starting to dance across the sky. Perhaps you could move courts, because you certainly couldn't continue to date Azriel. Not without rejecting the mating bond. And you can't stand the idea of living so close to your mate and not being with him. Yes. You'll move courts. As you lay on the river bank, imagining which court you'll move to and your new life there, Azriel lands nearby, calling out your name. You sit up and look at him, biting your lip. “Azzie… I…”
“I know. Cassian told us everything.” He sits next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and you lean against him. 
“I guess this means we have to break up…” 
“Because you want to be with him?” 
“Because I would have to reject the bond to be with you. And you could never look at me the same way again knowing I'm the reason he's in so much pain.” 
“And you want to be with him.” 
“Why do you keep saying that?” 
“Every single romance book you recommend was about mates. Even the ones that weren't romances, if they happened to have a relationship, they were mates. You want a mating bond.” 
“I don't want to hurt you.”
“It will take some time, but I'll be okay.”
You lean away so you can look up at him, but his face is blank, unreadable. You frown, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. You hate when he does this, shoves all signs of emotion away, leaving you unable to tell what he's feeling. 
“I don't want to lose you.”
“I don't want to lose you either. I'd rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all. Take some time to wrap your head around it if you need to, but you should get to know him before you make a decision.” 
You nod. “I suppose I won't run away to the Summer Court then.”
“Before you got here I was debating leaving for another court. I was thinking about the Summer Court.” 
Azriel shakes his head. “Rhys and I had to talk Cass out of running away to Windhaven. The two of you are ridiculous.” 
You stick your tongue out at him. “I think it's a perfectly reasonable reaction to the situation.”
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, standing and helping you up. “I'm taking you back before you can convince yourself running away is the best option again.” He picks you up, holding you in tight as he takes off, flying back to the River House, back to your mate, breaking his own heart.
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A/N: I have plans for what's essentially a happier part 2 with Cassian and also I'm sorry I love Azriel and I want him to be happy but I haven't written anything happy for him yet oops. Feel free to send in requests! I won't be posting this week, but I will still be writing!
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daydreamabout · 1 year
3:15 (Oscar Diaz Imagine)
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Summary: You're in a situationship with Oscar, not sure if you want to be official. Inspired by 3:15 by Russ. All I ever tried to do was help you understand and grow Light the way for truths that if not for me simply wouldn't show 'Less you get somebody else who's on my level, but you know That there's no one on my level, you gon' realize if you don't I wish you would own up to your flaws And just say that you're wrong when you're wrong Instead of actin' like you're right, then it turns into a fight Now you're stormin' out my house in the middle of the night “What's on your mind?” Oscar interrupted your few kisses. You were currently all over him in your bedroom, as usually. You pecked his soft lips one more time and sighed “I don't think you should do it tomorrow.” you spoke softly. Your lover's dark eyes looked at you for a few seconds before he frowned “Don't start this shit again.” The anger about the same situation started to boil within you, so you got off of Oscar and laid on your back. “What is your problem?” you spat at him. The sudden tension in the room was obvious. He suddenly sat on the edge of your bed and gave you an intimidating look over his right. “I don't think we're close enough to have this kind of conversation!” “Wow.” You didn't know how else to react. He was obviously refering to the fact that you weren't sure how to label your 'thing'. You cared, a lot. But he was part of a gang and you cared too much about other people's opinions too. “I think you should go home. ”you let out bluntly without thinking. He turned his head away from you and let out a dry laugh “You know.... I fucking might!” and stormed off. ***
How come when I love somebody, part of me don't wanna stay? Every time I get too close, I just start pushing them away I know, I know Maybe I just wanna leave before they try to leave me first Maybe I don't wanna need 'em 'til they say they need me first I know, I know (yeah, yeah, yeah) Damned if I do, damned if I don't Drank Tequila, I can't drive home Hard to play cool, heart belongs to you I know that if I show that I keep my walls up, if you want me then you better start to climb WoMen who love me aren't rare WoMen who mean it hard to find Somethin' tells me that I'm right about you Please, don't prove me wrong They say love's a song for fools We're wise enough to sing along  “Back off!” you raised your voice and pushed the guy to the side. You were frustraded, ended up at someone's houseparty, drank enough Tequila to not drive home by yourself, but not enough to forget about Os. The porch made an exceptable place to sit down for a bit and re-think your previous thoughts. You wanted him. All to yourself. So you took all your courage and dialed his number. Oscar picked up after a while, but did not say anything. You could just see the seconds of the phonecall on your screen. “Can you pick me up?” you asked carefully. You could hear him sigh into the phone. “Where are you?” *** It took about 20 minutes until you could see the familiar red car pull into the street. You slowly got up and neared yourself the sidewalk. The car came to stand right in front of you, but before you even had the chance to get in, your lover already got out. He stood right in front of you and looked deep into your eyes. “You're in my head.” you said while pointing to your temple. The alcohol was definitely kicking. His eyes softened and you felt like there was a slight smile on his lips. He took your hand in his and placed a soft kiss on it “Get in the car, Y/N. ” You continued to stare into his eyes. “I want everyone to know about us. ” His face seemed to light up a bit. He pulled you in and kissed your forehead before whispering in your ear “Get in babe, we'll talk about it tomorrow.”
But now it's hard to breathe I'm not in love, it's just a game we do I tell myself I'm not that into you But I don't wanna sleep, it's quarter after three And now it's hard to breathe I'm not in love, it's just a thing we make We're skin on skin, I need this spell to break, oh But I don't wanna go, and I know that you know You're in my head like
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
alright, i'll do it.
I'll go off the deep end over the argument scene
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First and foremost: they're kinda both in the wrong, obviously. But also kinda both in the right?
Macaque, is in the right for being upset that Wukong didn't listen to him, that Wukong drove himself to this point, etc etc. He, even, is not the one to start this argument, and instead approached peacefully, and attempted to leave when he was getting irritated. It was Wukong that pushed him over the edge into blowing up at him.
He even leaves afterwards, which, actually, is technically the right course of action. In a healthy relationship (platonic or romantic) it'd be best to give both parties time to cool off, and then return and discuss the issues calmly to find a solution.
The main problem is; they don't do this. Macaque doesn't come back, and Wukong doesn't cool off.
On the other hand, Wukong is in the right for being mad, mad that Macaque isn't working to free him (cause, from his position, it sure seems like he isn't), and is instead 'wasting time'. Mad that Macaque would dare to say he was dragged into a mess when he isn't the one trapped under a mountain. (On some level, mad at himself, likely, for letting all this happen).
He, of course, doesn't have the choice to leave, so instead he's left.
The core issue here, as is usual with most relationships shown in media; is their lack of communication. Wukong didn't truly listen to Macaque, and Macaque was too upset to understand Wukong's side of the issue.
...And they let this fester.
Of course, this isn't the end of the falling apart between them. No, there's more to this, the show makes this adamantly clear with MK trying to get Macaque to tell him "what happened between them".
Things continued after this, this was just the barest tipping point.
So. Macaque (probably) didn't come back.
We don't know why. We don't know if it was his choice, based on hearing Wukong yell that he "never wants to see your face again", or if it wasn't his choice, if something else happened.
So Wukong is left alone.
It is shown, in Journey to the West, that Wukong is prone to anger.
Quite usually, this is his response to most situations that upset him (followed later by crying), anger and destruction is usually his first response.
Whether viewed under an "autistic Wukong" lense or a "traumatized Wukong" lense, this makes perfect sense.
It's even shown in the show, if you look at the early pieces of flashback art that show bits of the Journey, you can see that Wukong looks pissed in most of them, and that he slowly starts to look happier as the images go on, as, in the story, he worked on this issue, and got better, less angry, less prone to immediately resort to violence.
(Notably, as far as I remember, the tipping point for when he slowly starts becoming less violent literally is the Macaque Chapter. Interesting, huh?)
Wukong, likely, logically knows that there was nothing Macaque could do to free him. Emotionally, though?
He's going to be upset the next time he sees him. And when he's upset, he's prone to anger.
Macaque, on the other hand, is going to see Wukong, with the Journey to the West group, slowly becoming a better person, old parts of him returning, creating someone new. Wukong... changed for these people, he listens to them.
But not for him. Wukong didn't change for him, and he never listened to him.
So. They meet again. We're not sure how. We don't know if that whole thing of Macaque pretending to be Wukong and attacking the JTTW gang is still actually a thing in Monkie Kid. It's possible he might do it out of jealousy, but we're not sure if it happens.
Maybe Macaque came to Wukong for help. Maybe Wukong, still mad about being left behind, refused. (I consider this possible based on the the way the special shows Macaque when MK says that "Monkey King would try to save us if one of us was trapped" + his reaction to MK saying he'd never abandon his friend in s3ep10. It's possible he's regretting not trying harder to free Wukong, but...)
We don't know.
What we do know is, they fought, and Wukong, in the end, successfully killed Macaque.
A Key thing this show hasn't brought up though is... how.
Shadow Play, vaguely, implies that it might've been via his Kaiju Form.
Notably, we are now at the point where Wukong, who, once again notably, has the most memorable Kaiju Form within the story of Journey To The West, is the only one of the three monkeys in this show who hasn't used their Kaiju Form.
We've been told, quite a few times, actually, that Wukong is holding back.
He held back against Nezha. He held back in episode 9, in the fight against Macaque. Even when he was possessed he wasn't using his full power- we're outright told that Wukong was fighting her control the whole time- he couldn't do that while also going at full power.
We've never seen Wukong go all out in the show.
Why would the most powerful character, of all time, not use that power to defeat world-ending threats? Why would he choose to not pull out all the stops?
("You can't just ignore your power because you're afraid of it.")
Why else, would he not be using his full power, if it wasn't what killed his best friend?
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peachhcs · 3 months
high school signing day | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy's feeling lost with her college decision, so she looks to the three people she admires the most.
1.5k words
this is totally not samy and will, but this was requested!! there's like a little small bit of angst, but only if you squint. btw i'm not 100% sure how high school signing days work bc my school never had them really, so i just guesses lol
au masterlist
the hughes sibling group chat burned into samy's skull while her thumb hung over the facetime button wondering if she should call them or just figure it out on her own. she hated bothering them, especially if they were out doing something because who wanted their younger sister bugging them when they were hanging out with friends?
that felt like the worst part about all of this. samy was the last one left out of her brothers. all of them were on their own now and while luke was still in michigan, it felt like he wasn't a lot of the time because of him being busy with college. the connection the four of them once shared slowly dissipated despite the promise they all made before quinn went to college.
"i promise we'll still talk everyday. we can't get rid of each other that easily. we're family," quinn glanced between his siblings as they stood in his freshly decorated dorm room.
"yeah, promise. we're all still in michigan, so we're not even that far away," jack had said with a slight eye roll. he wasn't as emotional as luke and samy were about their oldest brother leaving home.
talking everyday slowly turned to texting everyday which turned into twice a week if samy was lucky. she knew their lives would start becoming more important than texting the groupchat everyday, but when one of the most important things was hanging in the balance of samy's life, she wasn't quite sure if she could bring herself to call the three people who had been there for her entire life.
"just call them," samy muttered to herself.
somewhere, she gained some courage and clicked the facetime button where her screen split into four boxes waiting for them to pick up. her lip slipped between her teeth as she anxiously hoped one of them would answer.
luke connected first.
his face appeared with a small smile while samy watched him stick his airpods into his ears and walk somewhere which definitely meant she interrupted him from something.
"what's up?" the older boy wondered.
"hi, sorry. am i interrupting something?" the girl immediately asked.
"oh, no. i was just playing video games with some of the guys," luke shook his head, relieving some of the worries in the girl's chest.
quinn's square connected a second later. he looked quite comfortable in what must've been his apartment couch. "hi, what's up guys?"
"hi quinny," samy hummed, smiling at her oldest brother.
"hey squirt," quinn's little nickname made samy chuckle.
finally, jack joined the call from his new jersey apartment. he waved to the group, "whole gang is here. what's up?" the middle hughes wondered while their gazes fell to samy since she started the call.
"hi, i just wanted to talk if you guys aren't busy?" samy wondered.
"sure, what's up? is something wrong?" quinn's protective older brother instinct kicked in almost instantly making the girl smile a bit.
"no, not..not really. i'm just..thinking a lot lately with..signing day coming up," the younger brunette explained making her brothers quickly understand.
"oh right, mom mentioned that. have you picked a school yet?" jack asked.
"uh, that's the problem. i-i don't really know," samy frowned.
she'd been back and forth between michigan and boston for weeks now. both of them were such great schools and amazing soccer programs, she didn't know how to pick one. if she went to michigan, she'd continue her brother's legacy, but if she went to boston, she'd get to stick close to will and the guys she's grown so close over the last two years.
"what's got you stumped?" luke raised his eyebrow.
"i-i don't really know. they're both such good schools. i feel like i'm gonna let people down no matter which one i choose," the girl sighed a bit.
"wait, who are letting down? mom and dad?" jack grew confused.
"well, yeah, if i don't go to michigan and you guys in a way and i let down will and the guys if i don't choose boston," samy sunk down into her bed.
"wait, no, no, you're not gonna let us down if you don't go to michigan. you know that, right?" luke quickly cut in.
"i-i mean.. yeah," samy's voice grew quiet.
"we don't care where you go, samy. as long as you're happy that's all that counts. would it be awesome if you came to umich? yeah. my heart wouldn't be broken if you chose boston though. plus, i know mom and dad will be happy for you no matter what?" luke quickly reassured his sister, but she only shrugged.
"i just feel so..lost, i guess. i mean how did you guys even choose?" she mostly asked quinn and luke since jack didn't go to college.
"quinn sort of influenced my decision, but i guess i just loved the atmosphere michigan brought. it's like home to me. you just gotta choose where you most feel at home," luke hummed.
"if that's boston, that's great. if it's still here, that's also great. no one's gonna hate you if you choose one or the other," quinn added in.
a little smile danced across the girl's lips. "yeah, i guess you're right. maybe i'm a homebody, but michigan will always feel like home to me."
large smiles grew across her brother's lips hearing her say that. they would've been happy wherever samy ended up, but all of them were secretly hoping she'd land on michigan.
"you guys sure you can't come out for my signing day?" samy asked half joking, half not. she was mostly asking quinn and jack since luke would most definitely be there living so close to home.
"sorry, squirt. i'm not sure if i can get the time off," quinn frowned.
"yeah, me neither, but we'll be there in spirit. maybe mom can facetime us in!" jack exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.
facetime us in. that phrase was common in the household nowadays. there were a lot of things samy's brothers have missed because of their obligations which she completely understood, but sometimes it hurt. she never once missed any of brothers most important days, yet they seemed to have missed nearly all of hers.
not to mention, facetime calls got old really fast.
"that's okay. i'll think of you. i better let you guys go though. thanks for talking," samy put on her best smile despite the pit in her stomach.
"of course. anytime, squirt. love you," quinn said while jack and luke echoed his sentiments. samy hung up first leaving the other three still on the call.
"are you guys for real not coming down?" luke wondered, tone somewhat bitter but not quite.
"i mean..i would if i could, but with a game coming up i just don't know if i can swing it," jack began.
"come on, she's been there for us our entire lives. she's been dragged to more of our shit than us to hers. the least we could do is be there for her for once," luke didn't mean to sound so angry, but he couldn't help it because he too was one of the forgotten siblings jack and quinn slowly stopped showing up for when they left the house.
quinn and jack's expressions fell soft and it seemed to ebe decided then as texts and calls were quickly sent.
samy sat at the table with her parents making up the last of the display. they all sported the infamous blue and yellow colors along with a banner laid over the table saying university of michigan. the decision seemed so easy after that conversation with her brothers and samy was glad.
she spotted will, gabe, ryan, drew, aram, jacob, and will vote up in the gymnasium stands watching down with proud smiles on their faces. sure, it hurt that they'd be separated in the fall, but the brunette knew they were all extremely proud of her.
samy's eyes weren't on the doors that opened a few seconds later with three very special guests walking in. instead, she watched her mom fix more things on the table that she also didn't catch her dad recording her.
"i'm glad we have another baby wolf in the family," quinn spoke first, instantly catching samy's attention.
she probably gave herself whiplash with how fast her head swiveled around to meet all three of her brother's gazes.
"o-oh my god. what are you guys doing here?" the girl exclaimed, jumping up to collect them into hugs.
"you'd really think we'd miss something like this?" jack laughed, nuzzling his head into his sister's head.
"i'm really glad you guys are here," samy grinned.
"wouldn't miss this for the world," quinn beamed as well.
after the hugs and reuinions, the entire family crowded around samy's table as she got the paper ready alongside the woman's soccer coach. her high school coach also stood behind her while the photographer got ready for the big moment.
they staged a handshake pose before samy began signing her name across the paper, beginning her contact with the ncaa.
"samy hughes, university of michigan women's soccer!"
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orshii · 4 months
Will I Ever See You Again? CHAPTER 4: Everything I Wanted
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Author: orshii
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x reader
Warning: cursing, violence
Word count: 4,4 k
Summary: You were left alone with your brother, Yunho, and his best friend Hongjoong, after your parents' death. Yunho had someone to grieve with, but you? You had no one as your brother and his best friend pushed you away, singing becoming your only savior. There was one rule that Yunho made inside his friend group: “Don’t touch my sister”. And for this reason, Hongjoong had always kept his distance. But one night, you find yourself in danger. And from then on, Hongjoong does not leave your side. He is suddenly overprotective of you, and your relationship shifts and becomes fraught with tension and unspoken feelings, with secrets lurking beneath the surface and a painful past haunting you. Will you find out the secrets your brother and best friend have been keeping away from you? Will you be able to finally free yourself from your cruel past?
Will you fall in love amidst the chaos around you?
A/N: This is my favorite chapter so far. A lot of actions happening so be ready. The truth unfolds. Please listen to this song, it plays an important role in the story. Enjoy, reading! (sorry for the late update, if anyone is still interested at all lmao). Byee!
(Series Masterlist)
Taglist: @bvidzsoo @vixensss @deltamoon666 @scarfac3 @chatsgotmytongue
@xiang-zalea @cookiesandcreammy (taglist is open)
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I felt my heart in my throat as I listened to the loud bangs coming from the doorway.
I looked at Hongjoong, panicked. "What should we do now? We can't fight them."
He slowly faced me, stood in front of me, grabbed the sides of my upper arms, and leaned down to be at my height. "Listen very carefully!" His tone got lower. "You have to leave the house as soon as possible, Y/N!" His face went dark as I saw that some stupid plan was playing in his head.
"No fucking way I'm going to leave you here, Hongjoong!" I told him, looking into his eyes desperately.
"Sugar," he cupped my face. "I'm going to follow you as soon as I've won enough time for you to leave safely." He looked back at the door as the outsiders got more impatient.
I held his hands still holding my face. "No, Joong, we fight with them together, or we leave together. I'm not going to leave you here. Please, Hongjoong!" I started to sob as my voice got quieter.
"Fuck, Y/N, it's not the time to be stubborn." He stepped away from me, getting angrier. He went to the window to peek outside.
I stepped next to him, so I could see five men standing in the dark, shouting for us to let them inside. "You know you can't do anything against five men. Please think a little bit, Hongjoong." I reached my hand towards his upper arm, to make sure he knew I was by his side, not the enemy. "Look, if we sneak out through the backdoor that leads towards the ocean, I'm sure we can leave them behind and call for help." I had an idea as I tried to convince him to come with me.
He looked stressed as he ran his fingers through his messy hair, then brushed his palms against his face, trying to think clearly. "Okay, then I'm going to call Yunho to speak to the rest of the gang, and we're going to trap them." He looked around the living room, still thinking.
"Help me gather some things in front of the door. I have a feeling they're going to break it in no time." He went near the armchair, lifting it as if it were a feather. I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab the chairs, and we put anything we could in front of the door.
"That's it. Now run!" he suddenly said, grabbing my right hand and pulling me along with him.
I had no time to think as I just focused on not falling. We quickly escaped through the backdoor. The chilly air of the night hit me like a rumble of thunder; I was wearing one of Yunho's purple hoodies only. The moon was up in the sky, showing the way towards the ocean with its brightness as we were running in the moonlight. We climbed over the fence, just to arrive at the neighboring street. Hongjoong still held my hand and didn't let it go, not even for a second.
I think I might need to start jogging because recently, I've been running for my life every day, it's not even a joke. My breathing started to get heavy. I looked behind me quickly to make sure no one was following us. I started to slow down as I thought I might throw up at any second.
"Sugar, don't slow down, we need to reach the ocean." He looked back at me, holding my hand stronger, pulling me along. Two streets remained until we reached the coast. Suddenly, I felt the need to look back again, and when I did, I saw two black shadows far away running after us.
"They are—following—us," I said heavily, my breathing becoming more uncontrolled. This wasn't the time to panic, so I tried to gather myself.
Hongjoong looked back. "Okay, sugar, they aren't that close. Keep going, we're nearly there." He tried to motivate me.
The houses were slowly disappearing as the air got saltier, whispering danger. The scenery changed into a darker scene, the sun barely visible, and the golden hour disappeared just minutes ago. After running without stopping, we were near the ocean, and I started to hear the loud crashing of the waves against the cliff. It wasn't a normal coast; there wasn't any sand slipping through your fingers—the only thing that could slip through your fingers was your life, as these waves were killers, crashing you against the cliff with the power of a boxer's stroke, multiplied by ten.
We arrived at the edge of the cliff, my legs shaking. I didn't know how I was even able to stand still. I hunched over as something in my throat wanted to escape. I breathed heavily, feeling like I was on a roller coaster. Hongjoong did the same. He was trained, but this much running could defeat an athlete as well. The sound of the crashing waves never stopped, making an unnatural beat. I straightened up when I felt a little bit better and looked down at the ocean. Not much distance separated us from the ocean.
"How the hell did they find us, for fuck's sake?" I heard Hongjoong behind my back.
I was no longer there. I fucking lost my mind. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, as I was so sick of this, sick of the constant running. I couldn't do it anymore. My legs gave up as I fell to the ground, trying to breathe in some air, but it just couldn't reach my lungs. Hongjoong stepped next to me as soon as I fell, to grab me. I felt like I was in a never-ending dream, where I had everything, I wanted, but suddenly it turned into a nightmare.
"Hey, sugar, look at me!" He grabbed my wet cheeks, and I didn't even realize I was crying. "Look at me, please, Y/N, stay with me!" His voice was like the ocean, but softer, more concerned. He was blurry, as I didn't see him because of my tears, but I looked at him.
"Good girl, now I need you to breathe in and out slowly." I heard his voice from the distance; it felt like I was hearing that familiar melody I always heard in the back of my mind. I felt as if my body obeyed him. I inhaled as the salty air reached my lungs finally, spreading like veins, then I exhaled, finally letting out the stress I had been through, coming back to Hongjoong, to the real world, where we were at the edge of a cliff and some fuckers wanted us dead.
I reached my hand to Hongjoong's hand, which was still holding my head. "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you, sugar, I promise." His face was full of something I didn't recognize; his words hugged me, keeping me alive with every second.
I nodded as he helped me up from the ground, some sanity coming back to my mind. I looked behind Hongjoong and saw two figures coming our way. They didn't even run, as we were trapped here like rabbits. Hongjoong took out his phone from his pocket and quickly typed something on it, then switched it off just to throw it on the ground.
"Now, listen to me, Y/N, you have to trust me. Do you trust me?" I shouldn't, why would I? But he wasn't the enemy; he only wanted to protect me. I nodded, words not coming out of my mouth.
"We need to jump—they think they trapped us, but I know this place like the back of my hand. When I was a kid, we jumped from here all the time, it's really not that bad." He grabbed my upper arms to look straight into my eyes.
I looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you kidding me? You ask me to jump straight into those killer waves?" My voice was weak, barely escaping my lips.
"I'm going to be there, next to you, Y/N. We don't have time. They are going to think we are dead. But trust me, please, with only this thing." He tried to convince me, his voice sounding weak just like mine.
"Fuck…" I looked behind him at the two evil shadows closing the distance between us, then back to the waves that lured me like they promised life to me. "Okay, fuck, let's do this," I said, running my fingers through my hair.
"I'm proud of you, sugar, we can do this." He wiped my cheeks with a careful touch, scared not to break me. "I'm right by your side, I'm not letting you go, okay?" His voice was so soft, he could've convinced me to burn the whole world; I would've done it in a second.
I just nodded. He reached his hands towards me, and I accepted them, interlocking our fingers, our hands becoming a padlock with no key. He slowly leaned towards my face and pecked my cheeks.
"Together, on three. Are you ready?" He looked at me, his eyes giving me the power to do this fucked up plan where we could easily die.
"Ready," I said, nodding my head.
Hongjoong looked behind him for the last time and shouted, "GOODBYE, FUCKERS!" and he lifted his free hand in the air, just to show them his middle finger.
I would've laughed at that, but I was so fucking stressed I couldn't think of anything else other than the fact that I'm going to jump into the ocean.
"Okay, sugar, remember, don't let my hand go. I'll be there to protect you." He looked at me for the last time.
"Three, two, one!" He shouted as he stepped towards the edge, pulling me with him into the crashing waves, looking at us like some monsters waiting for their food, open-mouthed. The seconds were longer than hours; everything felt slow, like in a movie. I felt like I left my body. I felt the air in my lungs leaving me and the only thing I could focus on was Hongjoong's hand, making sure I didn't lose it. I heard a loud crashing noise, feeling the icy water hit my body. I closed my eyes as I felt the salty water entering my lungs, almost like it whispered to me, “Welcome to your last journey.”
≫ I would sink with you until we reach the bottom
Not letting the monsters catch us above ≪
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Darkness was surrounding me, my body was numb, I didn't know where I was exactly, was I dead or was I alive? I didn't know it anymore, as my lungs were full of something salty, I didn't recognize. It was hard to breathe because something heavy, pushed me down into the dark, not letting me go. Chains choked my neck and my wrists, it became one with my skin, locking me down. I just couldn't escape.
Dim light hit my eyes, but still, I didn't see anything. I felt like I was blind, I was still in the dark, not letting the lights in. I inhaled the air, which wasn't salty anymore. It was fresh and warm.
The music hit my ears and I started singing. That was the moment when I realized I was standing on the familiar stage, curious eyes watching me, waiting for me to let my voice out so it could slowly crawl into their ears, possessing their brain as if it was some kind of superpower of mine.
♪ I had a dream,
I got everything I wanted ♪
My voice was so far away from me, that I felt like I was still underwater. I felt like all of this was a dream.
♪ And if I'm being honest
It might've been a nightmare ♪
That turned into a nightmare.
♪ Thought I can fly
So, I stepped off the Golden ♪
Suddenly I felt, as if I was on the edge of the cliff, ready to fly straight into the crashing waves.
♪ But when I wake up, I see
You with me ♪
I saw Hongjoong next to me, when I stepped closer to the edge, I felt two hands pushing me down into the waves, sending me down, alone.
♪ And you say
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you
If I could change the way that you see yourself
You wouldn't wonder
"They don't deserve you" ♪
The familiar hands caught me, while falling, just to protect me from the waves, just so we fell into the ocean together. I felt safe around those arms, I felt like I was drowning but he still brought me back to life.
♪ I tried to scream
But my head was underwater
And it feels like yesterday was a year ago
But I don't wanna let anybody know ♪
Where was the reality? Where was the reality, where we escaped from the ocean, which felt like an eternity? I felt like we were locked down into the depth of the ocean forever.
In reality, it was only a few seconds as Hongjoong helped me out from the crashing waves, being the helping hand, that I needed my whole life.
Something changed there inside of me and nothing was the same anymore.
My eyes found him in the crowd, but I only saw him, everything was black, but he was shining. He was the light in my darkness. Just when we were in the ocean I opened my eyes for a moment, just to see him, holding me like his life depended on it.
I locked my eyes with him. He looked at me like I was the shining moon in the dark night.
♪ If I knew it all then, would I do it again?
Would I do it again? ♪
The melody ended, and I felt like my heart was pumping blood into my body fast, I was afraid I might explode. I wasn't myself; I couldn't recognize the strange people around me. I felt empty inside, my body was there, suddenly dancing in the crowd, I don't remember if I drank something, but probably I didn't have to, because I felt dizzy enough from this strange feeling that wasn't even a feeling. Something pushed my chest so hard; that I couldn't breathe. I felt strange hands around me, touching me. I wanted them to stop, but I couldn't let out my voice, it stuck halfway in my throat. I wanted to escape from there, but I was still in the dark.
I felt one, now familiar hand, grabbing my wrist. Two fiery eyes looked at me like they could burn me alive right there, I wouldn't even care. He dragged me along, through the moving bodies, through a door. Shining light hit me again, dragging me out from the dark, as we reached the bathroom. Hongjoong pushed me inside, letting my wrist go.
"Get the fuck out!" He shouted at the pair who were making out innocently in the bathroom. When they saw Hongjoong’s furious face they were running for their lives.
His furious voice brought me back to the real world all of a sudden, and I started to feel my surroundings, as the air got into my lungs finally. Chills ran through my body, and I started to feel the numbness escaping my body, as I was myself again. What the hell was happening to me?
Suddenly, I was standing in front of Hongjoong, trying to remember what happened in the last few hours, as I wasn't really myself from yesterday.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" Hongjoong's voice was dark, it sounded like he was furious and I didn't know the cause of it.
I stepped back a little, as he stepped towards me, we played this game until my back reached the cold wall of the bathroom.
"I'm not doing anything." I let my voice out finally, I felt like I hadn't been speaking for at least a year, and my voice came out weak and quiet.
"I saw as that fucker touched you and you let him? Are you really that desperate for attention?" His eyes were full of desire, with jealousy. He leaned closer to my face, his right hand on the wall next to my head.
My blood started to boil. Why was he acting like this? I was in a state where I just didn't understand anything at all and to be honest I didn't even care.
I looked at him furiously. "Why the fuck do you even care of what am I doing? You didn't even look at me since yesterday.” My voice came out unfazed. “I don't have the energy for this now, Hongjoong." I said, as I stepped out from his cage and went to open the door. But as I opened the door it was shot back right then, as I saw a hand on it pushing it back with a force.
"Don't you dare to run away from me, sugar!" He said stepping close to my back, whispering it into my neck.
I slowly turned around, looking at him sharply. "What if I am?" My voice came out a little teasingly.
He suddenly pushed me against the door by my neck, his hands around it like a chain.
"You can't run away; I won't let you." He leaned closer to my face, his hands tightening around my neck. It wasn't hurtful, he had got me in a chokehold but still, I felt like it was the most caring touch I have ever experienced.
I stayed quiet, I couldn't really say anything at all, because of his hands around my neck. My heart was racing quickly as I tried to breathe.
"I think about you all the fucking time, you drive me crazy, and I just can't watch standing still as someone else is touching you." He said with a tone I never heard from him, it whispered possession and safeness.
"Why?" This was the only word I could somehow push over my lips.
His hands got loose around my neck, as he slowly started caressing the two sides of my face. "Because you are mine, and mine only." His lips were almost touching mine as his voice came out so demanding I felt like I'm going to melt right into his hands.
I wanted to kiss him so badly, I felt like I couldn't breathe without him anymore. But I had one last question.
"Why are you doing all of this? This protective side of you and shit." I tried to explain my question as I wanted to know why was I this important to him.
"I promised your dad I'm going to protect you at all costs." His eyes were now on the wall next to me, he looked like some memories were playing in front of him. Some bad memories, because his eyes started to water.
"Hey, look at me." I cupped his face, lifting his head towards me to look into my eyes.
"What happened? Do you know something about my father's death?" I looked at him my eyes full of concern as I saw how suddenly Hongjoong got influenced by some memories.
"I—It's…yes." He looked into my eyes, but he seemed like he wasn't there, it felt like he was in a memory at this moment.
"Tell me Hongjoong, please. I don't fucking know a thing about how he died, about what happened. Does Yunho know?" My voice got weaker as I was on the verge of crying.
He just nodded. "We didn't tell you because we didn't want to put you in danger. All of this shit is dangerous, as your dad experienced it on his own. The gang, that attacked you two weeks ago killed your father." He was looking at me, trying to explain all the things that happened in the past. But as he said those words 'killed your father', everything went quiet for a moment, I thought I might die right there. Tears started to appear in my eyes.
He continued. "He was part of that criminal gang, it was a trader gang, still is, doing some illegal trading shit, with guns and even people. We didn't know how your father got into that gang, we only found it out the day when he died." Hongjoong's voice cracked a little, getting weaker and weaker. My breathing started to get quicker as I was listening to him.
"It was one morning when we were in the kitchen. You and Yunho were already in school, and I was alone with your father when suddenly some people broke into the house and kidnapped both of us. I didn't know what the hell was happening, and your dad said nothing at all, just to shut up.” His face looked full of emotions, as if he was back on that day, experiencing it again. “They took us somewhere, I don't know, it looked like an abandoned factory. They tied us to a chair. And suddenly they were arguing about some stolen money and a man who got saved by your father, so they couldn't trade him. I didn't really understand what was happening. They started to be rough, they threw your dad on the floor. I have only some memories about the whole thing..." He suddenly stopped; his eyes were as empty as a black hole. "...I—I saw as they—" His breathing started to quicken, tears rolling down his face. My heart was aching, seeing him like this, my tears blinding my eyes.
"Hey, hey, look at me, Hongjoong." I cupped his face, forcing him to look at me. Now it was my turn to help him out. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." I tried to bring him back here, into the present.
He grabbed my wrists, looking into my eyes with so much guilt, that his eyes were screaming at me. "I— couldn't do anything, Y/N—they killed him right there…and I couldn't do anything at all." He started to sob, hiding his face in my neck. "His last words were to protect you no matter what. And I promised—I promised I'd never let anything happen to you." He mumbled into my neck, his voice barely recognizable. I was frozen; I couldn't perceive what he just said. Suddenly I didn't know where I was. I only felt Hongjoong against me, as he let his heart out, confessing his sins to me, without fear. The fact that my father was killed also killed half of my heart, leaving emptiness on that side. And the fact that Hongjoong saw it all and blamed himself killed the other half of my heart, leaving me heartless as my thoughts flew at me like furious birds, killing every part of me.
I was suddenly a bird in a cage, not even wanting to leave the emptiness.
My subconscious reached for my hands to bury them in Hongjoong's black and blonde hair. Trying to calm him down, as I couldn't even calm myself. "It's okay, Joong. It's not your fault." I said quietly.
He slowly lifted his head and looked at me with red eyes, tears still on his face. "We tried—alongside Yunho, we tried to get revenge for him. We entered that gang with pen names so they didn't know who we were. They didn't recognize me, as I bleached my hair like this back then. At first, the plan was working really well, they didn't know who we were. Then somehow, they found out, and that's when they started to attack you and us too." He looked down at the floor, looking guilty, looking like he already accepted his fate.
I slowly buried my face in my palms, as I needed to process all the things he said. This was fucked up; the whole situation was so fucked up, I didn't know what to do.
"You knew… you knew the whole time how my father died and you didn't tell me…" I said as little tears rolled down my face, without my knowing. "Yunho pretended he didn't know it, he lied to my fucking face, kept me like a bird in a cage…" I didn't feel anything at this point, I never felt this heartbroken. My chest was hurting, I felt like my heart was burning at that moment, leaving only ashes behind.
Hongjoong looked at me with wide eyes, trying to say something, but words didn't come out. "I could've helped if I knew…We could've avenged him, together. But I was a fucking princess closed in a tower that had no exit, Hongjoong. I lost all of my feelings." I was crying now, tears rolling down my face like a waterfall. "You two were there for each other, but who was there for me? Huh? No one." I was angry at him, at Yunho, at myself for letting my anger off on Hongjoong. "Yunho got into this shit because of you." I pointed at him, losing all of my sanity. He couldn't say anything as his face told me too many things. Disappointment, sadness, guilt, regret. Anger took me over, so I said some things I didn't mean at all. "My father died because of you, Hongjoong." That was the stupidest sentence that had ever escaped my mouth, but I said it, and there was no turning back, as Hongjoong's face returned to its emotionless position, where I just couldn't read anything.
I couldn’t look at him anymore, as I turned over, opening the door. I wanted to disappear from there, I didn't want to be near him. I just wanted to disappear from the world. As I realized what I had said to him, my heart was clenching, and I felt shame crawling into my heart, not wanting to leave it. I went out into the dark, chilly night, I just wanted to clear my head, and the only solution was to go as far as possible from here. I sat in my car, turned on the engine, and drove away from this shitty town, running away from my problems, as this was the easiest thing to do.
≫ The red string connecting us now bleeds, 
Leaving drops of blood behind, 
Showing the way towards me ≪
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☆ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 ☆
"What is like to live in the present?"
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♬♪ 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 ♬♪
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✶࿐ Summary : you still don't know what you're here for but you won't give up for finding the answers for it
✶࿐ Word Count : most likely to be quite enough, I suppose 😅
✶࿐ Warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x Future!FEM!reader, cursing, Jason Carver and his gang reoccurring lol, mentions of guilt and past trauma, use of y/n, topics about social issues like racism, LGBT, women's rights, feminism, mental health awareness, body positivity, wrong point of view of religion, reader is still adjusting with the whole crew but she's getting a hang of it slowly and surely, once again no spoilers! 🤭
✶࿐ What to Expect : ANGST at the beginning and FLUFF and the end! we're getting there, reader lives in 2024, time travel, romance, comedy, a sneak peek of being in denial of both feelings 👀
✶࿐ Note To Reader : hi!, I'm sorry, If I'm taking too late to write the next part, I'm trying so hard to make it right and I'm worried that I might lose the flow 🥺
✶࿐ Author Note : after this and chapter five, it's going to get real good! SOOOO just sit tight and enjoy ❤️
𓆩♱𓆪 𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𓆩♱𓆪
❦ 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙖'𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙚 ❦
"Would you slow down?!?"
You didn't wait up for Eddie to open the passenger seat door as you went down and you saw Nancy's figure from afar already looking at the woods calling Fred's name
Gareth, Jeff, Lewis and Chrissy shared same the looks as they start speed walking to follow you
You sprint your way up to Nancy until Eddie snatched your whole body away from the road when you heard the tires screeching next to you, Steve almost run you down that made you and Eddie fell down on the ground
"Oh my fucking god, are you two alright?" Steve exclaims as he gets out of his car and the rest as well
"Yeah, man, I'm good, Y/N-" Eddie grunts and you swore to himself that he heard you whimpered slightly when he carefully moves your legs aside but you still force yourself up to stand
When you get up you almost fall back down again but Steve catches you by the arms
"What's the rush?" Steve already had an idea that you're the mystery girl that Dustin and Max just told him earlier at the car
"I seriously really have no idea too" Eddie dusts himself off and both men saw the fear in your eyes
You tried to get away from Steve but he holds you in place, you called out to Nancy where she followed your voice and finally saw you and everyone
"Y/N, you're limping" Eddie inspects your leg, he figured out that you might have a bruise from the impact that just happened
"Steve, let me go" you keep looking at him back and forth with those eyes that he couldn't quite place what are you afraid of
He shoots his eyes back to the woods and to you
He only just met you but you speak his name filled with so much familiarity
It's like you already knew him before
Steve briefly nods and he does let you go and you scurried away as Eddie runs behind you
"Dude!" Eddie exclaims as he holds his hands up
"Come on" Steve muttered under his breath as they all followed you
She looked at you in confusion and the people behind your shoulder
"Who are you-"
"Where is Fred?"
"Where is Fred Benson?!?"
"I-I don't know- I told him to wait for me in the car and the next thing I know he's not there anymore- he could be in the woods?"
Your eyes are now watery, she saw the worried look on them as you brush past her
"What is going on? W-What are you guys doing here?"
Everyone ignored Nancy's questions as she also went inside of the woods too
"Y/N! you're moving too fast!" Eddie shouts as he tries to keep up with you
You loudly gasp, "O-Oh my god" you almost tripped in the branches as you come closer to him
It's happening, you could hear his breathing rapidly fast, his eyes are went extremely white with blue-ish hues on them like Chrissy's
Nancy cupped her mouth in shock when his friend's body begin to float, you frantically looked inside your bag and they all saw a wired earphones as you plug it on the device that Eddie, Dustin, Chrissy and Max just saw recently
"That's exactly like-" Eddie pants besides everyone
"What happened to me" Chrissy takes a sharp breath
Steve, Robin, Dustin, Max, Nancy, Gareth, Jeff and Lewis whipped their heads at what they just heard
"Do you know his favorite song?"
"I-I don't-"
"Answer me! Nancy or else we can't save him!"
"It's the only way we can save your friend, Nancy, you gotta think" Chrissy went in front of her
This is all too much to bear, it's all coming to fast, she closes her eyes as she remembers one time, she catches a glimpse of Fred's cassette tapes when they're writing a school paper together
When Nancy yells the song to you, you placed the wired earphones to him as you wished that you could still save him
You wished that there's still more time, you know there might be 1% chance when he's already levitating above the air
"Fred! I know you can hear me, it's not your fault that you and your classmate got into an car accident, it was never your fault, it was an accident" you say as you look up to him hoping that you can also save him like you did to Chrissy
"What is she talking about?" Nancy furrowed her brows
"She's from the future" Eddie answered as he kept his eyes on you
"I think it's true, Nance, Dustin told me that she saved Chrissy's life" Steve replies as he puts his hands over his hips as he pulls his brows together
You can't fucking believe it
Fred went back down on the ground as you catch him before he knock himself over
"Don't Dream It's Over" is still playing as he looked scarily everywhere in the woods thinking he might be still in the other dimension
Chrissy wipes her tear with a shaky hand, Gareth saw it as he darts his eyes back to her and to Fred
"Fred, Fred, you're here, you're safe now" you held him by the shoulders
The moment he felt your warmth beneath your touch, he knew that you're real that he's not in the other side of the world anymore as he throw his arms around you
He starts crying as you rubbed his back, you sadly smile that you saved someone again as you exhaled deeply
You finally meet Eddie's eyes that brings you so much comfort
The eyes that says that you're not alone
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Lucas couldn't take it no more
He knows that he's going too far
He knows that even Max wouldn't be proud of him if he still continues to stay with them
So, he made a plan to escape them, he wanted to warn his friends
Little does he know that you already know about this
"I know where he is"
The car abruptly stopped as Jason looked at him studying him
"Well, it's about damn time, Sinclair"
"He's over at that strange hut in the woods"
"Yeah, I think I know where that is!" Patrick leans forward as he exaggeratedly nodding to Jason
"He better count his days now" Jason murmurs as the car begins to move again
Lucas took a deep breath through his nose, he knows that there's a hidden bike in there he could use it for his plan to getaway from Jason
He knows this won't be easy, he is scared for Christ sakes but he is much more terrified of what he might do to his friends
And that alone.....he won't be able to forgive himself, so, while there's still time he won't let Jason do this
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"You haven't spoken a word"
El sighs in defeat as she sat down on the dining table as she pulls down the sleeves of her sweater
"It's just that- something weird happened back at the airport"
"What kind of weird?"
"I almost fell back down, right? and then Mike thought I was lightheaded but I wasn't something else flashes right before my eyes"
Will nods in understanding as he pauses in thinking as he asks "Flashes?"
"It's a person, a girl, I don't know who she is and I think there's danger ahead"
"In what?"
"Back in Hawkins, I think- it's giving me a sign, a warning"
"N-No, that's impossible- should you feel that since-"
"I know, I lost my powers few years ago but Will, I think the person in my vision is already helping our friends out there, I know I haven't met her but I feel her energy, it's so different"
"Are we going to tell this to-"
"Don't tell anyone yet, I don't wanna make them worry"
Joyce appears right around the corner with a dish filled with food "Is anyone hungry tonight? I'm sure all of you will like this"
"Yes, I'm starving" Mike climbs downstairs as he settles besides El
"Mom, is it okay that Argyle is coming over?" Jonathan helps out putting the linens in the table before placing the dishes
"Yeah, sure, hon" Joyce smiles as she puts down the utensils
"You ok?" Mike takes El's hand as she looks at it and then back to Will with a look that says
"I'll tell him when the time is right, I promise"
"Yes, I'm doing alright"
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"So, Dustin told me everything"
You looked over to your side and saw Steve offering you, a glass of lemonade, you take it and softly murmured, thank you
"I'm sorry" you say with a deflated voice
Steve looked at you as if you've done something unforgivable as he shakes his head at your words, "What are you apologizing for?"
"Isn't this creepy to you?" You point to yourself and to him
"Of what? we're having an conversation?"
"No, it's me that I just spawned out of nowhere and I-I think I'm not used to all of this yet- it's surreal to me"
Steve analyses your expression, your movements and your face
You can't just pretend that you just met Steve Harrington and my god, the articles that you read about him are undeniably true
His looks, his face, the way that he talks and his infamous luscious glorious hair
Steve Harrington that you met in the convention for your report for school about the history of Hawkins, if you compare to this and now, it's making you want to hurl and die
He has that sparkle in his eyes, you can't see that anymore, the lively joy on it
And now, since you're from the future, you are dreading the idea that he'll lose them very soon
He isn't like this when you met him, it isn't because he's middle aged, sure, he is still willingly to tell people about the truth in Hawkins like Dustin did with his book
He's only killing time because he has got no will to live anymore
After....a lot of battles happened, you wouldn't blame him for it but you want to erase that thought
"Seems like you're normal to me" he just shrugs as he drinks his lemonade
His voice snaps out of your thoughts, "Huh?"
"I said that you're cool to me and-"
"Nah, that's not what you said"
"Yes, it is"
"It's another word!"
Steve is amused to this natural bickering as if he didn't almost run you over with his car an hour ago
You let out a breathy laugh, "Right, okay, Steve, your charm may work on other girls but not to me" you brush past away from him as he chuckles
"You may deny it but my charming nature will not be diminished by your words" he says with a deep voice that made you almost spit out the lemonade in your mouth
"I want the Steve back that gave me a glass of lemonade" you giggle as you gesture to him to get back
"The royal one?" Of course, he knows that you're aware of his reputation but he wants to know of what you think of him
"No, the Steve that acknowledged his mistakes, holds himself accountable for it, makes up for it, everyone thought you're mean but that's just all an act that you show at school turns out that he's got a big heart full of love and very caring, if they give him a chance, not only that he become a much better person ever"
Steve slowly opens his mouth and is completely awestruck of the words that you just said to him
You smile at him as you place your hand over his shoulder as you give him a reassuring pat
"You have no idea how much everyone adored you in my time" you show a bit of a sadly smile at him but in your eyes it shows how much you appreciate him
"Y/N!" Max pulled you with her as you mouthed "I'll talk to you later!"
Robin saw his amazement face as she follows his friend's gaze as she came into his side as she sips her own drink, his eyes never left you, "Oh, boy, what's gotten into you?"
"For the first time in my life, Robs, finally someone else sees me through who I am"
"What am I then? A wall?" She jokingly said as she begins to ramble at him
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"What is like to live in the present?" Max asks as she pulls you to her side as you became the center of attention
All eyes on you and it's making you feel overwhelmed again
"Do they have flying cars in the future?" Dustin asks as he points at you
You shake at him as you watch curses something under his breath
"Music, what about music? Does future have good ones?" Gareth leans forward from his seat as he waits for your answer
"Well....." You try to appear positive about it but it turns out the exact opposite because the way Lewis notice your face scrunched up in the question
"That doesn't sound good" Jeff says as he looks at Eddie who is looking at you in curiosity
"Okay, okay, future has 50/50 of it, but in my case? I'd still choose the classics anytime and all the time"
"Why?" Fred asks as he adjust his glasses back in
"Because the music in my time doesn't feel the same anymore like it doesn't hit like it usually does" you explain it as you watch them all nod to your answer
"Movies?" You heard Steve's question before you can look beside you as you felt the couch dip when he sat himself in
"Oh, it's like the same thing with music too, it's 50/50"
"Really? Why is that?" Robin crossed both of her arms as she tilts her head at you in question
"Is it just me or nothing is good that ever comes out in the future?" Dustin says as he fixes his cap in the mirror as he looks at you in the reflection
You chuckle in amusement, "Not really, not all of them are bad, what I mean is that in music what I don't like it loses its value, the reason why we enjoy listening to music it's because we feel it, right?"
You watch them one by one agree to your words as you continue
"Right now, you could still feel that is made with love and passion but in my time? only a few of them has it and it doesn't have a soul anymore, they just make up nonsense and then release it" you eye roll to the battle that you have against at every fandom you've been in
"And movies?" Max brings herself closer to you as she listens carefully
"They're more into CGI and not appreciating good acting unlike the movies before"
"CGI?" Gareth repeats your words in confusion as you saw all of their faces mirrored the exact same thing with him
You clear your throat when you realized you're getting way too ahead of yourself, "If you watch Star Wars, Alien, The Exorcist and Jaws, all of them have movie magic right? well, guess what, In my time? it's much more high-tech and more realistic than we have today but some of them are taking the advantage of using it frequently rather than using it lightly"
You get the response a lot of "ahhh's" and you just chuckled to yourself, it's like you're having a business meeting
"Don't get me wrong, I like seeing special effects in movies, I mean, they're cool but pouring them all too much in a film is tiring and again missing the point of what's the story is all about" you shrug as you rest your back in the couch and leaned down
"What about the society?" Eddie asks as he comes forward, all eyes are on him as everyone waits for him to elaborate
"Like social issues?"
He nods, "Yeah, tell us about that"
You breathe through your nose, "That's kind of a big question but okay, I'll try my best to answer"
After another segment of genuine reactions to everyone, you're not going to lie, you are fond witnessing it, if you live in the past, you would ask the same
Who doesn't want or wish the future to become more better than before?
"I'm not saying that my year is better but I'm glad everything is lessen and much more free than before" you say as they all nod in understanding on what you mean by that
"There is still hatred that is happening but a lot more people are not afraid anymore to speak up and stand up for what is right" you add as you saw Robin twiddling with her thumbs as you already felt what she wanted to ask
"Everyone is welcome, no matter if you like girls or boys" you say as you look at Robin's eyes and her blue doe eyes staring at your soul as she start panicking at her stance as she excuses herself for a minute but a smile lingered on her face as you pursed your lips to bite off your smile
"All body types are accepted too" you say this as you don't tear your eyes away from Chrissy who's eyes became glassy from your words as she smiles in gratitude
You know her struggles as a cheerleader and you know that she's the golden child of the family and the pressure that she's been holding it in, it's the main reason why she is targeted by Vecna
"I think Nancy is going to love this one" you smirk at the thought of it
"Oh?" Nancy tug up a smile on her lips with a arched eyebrow
"Toxic and fragile masculinity are shut down with a lot of good feminists in my time, a lot of women speaking up in music and even on films too"
"Wow, that's amazing!" She says with a excited smile on her face as she starts became giddy at you
"Discrimination is a big no-no in my time too, a lot of great people died for it and a lot of us didn't let it end there, we still keep fighting for it"
"That's so awesome, Y/N" Jeff says as you saw the disbelief on his face
"What I only don't like about it, people are too sensitive sometimes that it's over exaggerated and twisting every word, I'm happy that a lot of people are aware, but you know, you can't just control the world sometimes too" you sigh as you get up from your seat as you pour yourself another glass of lemonade
"Damn, I just hope people in the future aren't making fun of us anymore" Gareth scratches the back of his neck and Eddie shushes him
"Oh, if only you knew" your mind flashes to every scenario back in Hawkins High and you winced that some of them are still dragging their religion to their kids to stay off to rock music which is so ridiculous
"I know all of you have so many struggles especially when it comes to certain emotions because I do too share the same angst, so, I'm telling this just to let you all know that you're not alone" you take in a deep breath before you speak again
"My family is uh- religious and I know the saying that "you should pray more and that depression will go away", well, it's not that easy, am I right? It takes so much time to recover and yeah, thankfully some of that situation is not getting tackled anymore in my time but some elders don't agree on it since they keep saying that we feel is not real but you know what it is, others are stubborn to understand, you're lucky if your parent is willingly enough to try to put their pride for once and help their child" you say as you swallow the liquid in your mouth harshly as you blink the angry tears that is forming in your waterline
Eddie can see that you're trying not to break in front of them and he feels bad and also pissed off? that's new to him, he doesn't even know your folks personally but can't help but feel sorry for you
you sniffle and let out a nervous chuckle, "Oops, my bad, if I went too serious-"
"It's alright" Fred smiles sympathetically at you and give back the same gesture to him
"Y/N" Dustin pops his head in the corner of the room saying something about the news in the television
"What is it?"
"Just- all of you come with me!"
"This better be good" Steve sighs tiredly as he leans his side in the wall
"BREAKING NEWS : A satanic cult, The Hellfire Club, a ritual as they say from the people of Hawkins that the members are performing a human sacrifice as many concerned citizens about their children being targeted by the leader named Eddie Munson, it's the prime suspect...."
The voice from the reporter drowned out from your hearing as it became all blurry and your vision starts to unclear to you as you feel like something else has sucked into your soul, a punch to your gut, a slap into your face and you thought you're getting good at this
Well, you thought wrong, when you think you can change the past
All of the voices from your new found friends are also overlapping as your mind wanders to something that you simply wanted to avoid
The tragic ending for him
Him, the person that you defended all your life even like your life depends on it
You care about him so much that it destroys you and you don't want to take over the toll of your mentality again
You drop your glass onto the floor making a breaking sound causing everyone to stop talking to each other as they all looked at you
You gasped as you looked at Steve with a pounding heart, "Steve- I'm s-sorry" you stuttered
"It's okay, Y/N" he says as he finds his broom to sweep the broken pieces of glass on the floor, he moves you aside to keep you away from the dangerous shards on the ground
Eddie saw your state like you're in the verge of tears as he walks closer to you and held your forearm
"Y/N?" He says softly, it is laced with so much empathy, you really don't know what you truly feel about him
Is it admiration? or is it love? Or maybe you are driven to fight for him because you know they didn't give him justice for what he deserves in the first place?
You can't just love somebody from the past who clearly doesn't have any idea who you are until now
"Y/N? talk to me, I'm right here" he says carefully as he patiently waits for your answer
"I-I have to go" you move and step away from him as he calls out your name as he follows you
Unbeknownst to the both of you, someone else catches the slightest obvious intimacy at the exchange between the two of you
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"Where is he?"
"Did he just bailed on us?"
"Fuck, he snitched us"
Lucas was fighting for his breath as he cycling his way out of them, he's panting as his chest hurts as it lacks for air to ease out but he can't stop now or else he is going to end up with a blow to his face
He doesn't know where he's friends are, he must find the nearest payphone, he needs to contact them as soon as possible
He just can't believe that Jason will do such a thing, he is now regretting leaving his friends behind, he is ready to explain everything to them
He doesn't even care at this point if they don't understand him but at least he has got to say his piece
He knows that Eddie and Jason are two different people with different interest and social cliques
Eddie can be a lot of things but Jason? spreading lies without proof is clearly inhumane thing to do and it's insane
It's every fiber of his being the urge to stop him but what can he do? when he might end up in a freaking ditch? so, the only option is to lie to them
"H-Hello?" He says with a strained voice as he tries to clears his throat, he looks at the side to see if Jason's car is approaching he is bopping his knee up and down in nervousness
"Sinclair? Dude, you sound awful-" Steve answers and picks up the phone and Lucas can already the worried look on his face as he can sense the concern at the tone of his voice
"is Dustin with you? Give the phone to Dustin, I need to talk to him" he pants and wipes the build up perspiration on his forehead
"Oh, he's right here-" Lucas heard the rustling cord over the receiver and hears his friend's voice muttering the words to Steve "Is that Lucas? Hand me that phone-" "Hey watch it, Henderson"
"Hey, are you going to tell us your spectacular bonding with your varsity friends?"
He huffs, "I'm not going to argue with you, Dustin-"
"Where were you? Have you seen the news-"
"God! Just listen to me!" He exclaims in frustration as Dustin can hear the way Lucas slam his hand at a surface
There's a beat of silence as Dustin squeezes his eyes shut as he begrudgingly, "Fine" he says through gritted teeth
"It's about Jason and I think Eddie's life is in danger"
"Say no more, you have a lot of catch up to do, where are you?"
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taglist <3 : @paleidiot @marsmallow433 @whothefckissofia @letsfallinlove-blog @silky-luxe @imagine-all-the-imagines @theladyasgard @mayaluvzyou @mewchiili @crystalr
(chapter 4 is here! I'm so very sorry this took way too long but I hope it's worth the wait, I appreciate for all of you for being patient with me and thank you for all of your support! 🥺💖)
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
Hi I just saw ur post about the sh comfort, could you write a sh comfort fic, a outsiders one please, could you do Johnny hcs pleases and can you make the reader gn please
johnny seeing your SH scars ( thighs, wrists )
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑚, 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠, 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑓𝑖𝑐
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐!𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
looking back, johnny felt bad that he didn't push sooner
he only found out that one day at the Curtis's when you were in the bathroom and were pulling on a tank top to put a long sleeve shirt over that
johnny didnt knock, no one knocked.
when you jumped to face the intruder, johnny looked down to give you your modesty, put his eyes locked on the jagged lines criss crossing on your thighs
he looked up slowly, your paused movements giving him view to the faint scars on your wrist
swallowing, johnny turned on his heel and left, making sure to close the door when he left
he didn't avoid you; you were both dating and practically lived at the same house
however, he avoided the confrontation for fear of irritating you
you pulled him away from the group while darry and soda tossed the football around, two-bit occasionally jumping in to intercept the ball cleanly and take off in a sprint
"hey" you "hi :p" johnny
you asked him if he told anyone, and he gave you a questioning look
"my scars, johnnyboy. did you... tell anyone?"
he shrugs. "did you want me to?"
you almost cried tbh
you smile at him shyly. "do you want me to explain it? why aren't you asking me questions?" through your happines, there was confusion
the few people that had seen normally asked a lot of questions
you almost... wanted him to know
was it because you were dating? who knows!
"later? we can go pick up sodas and go hang out at the park?" johnny
you agreed, happy that he wasn't interrogating you, but not brushing you off
later, you both walked down to the park, drinks in hand
you explained (albeit shakily) why you made yourself bleed., and johnny listened
at some point, he shifted his coke to his other hand so he could link pinkies with you bc you sounded sad </////3333333
screaming and crying i need a johnny
after that night, johnny glances at you with A Look ™️, questioning if you had Done Anything
you shook your head; he was helping you forget that habit and
if you were still self harming (cutting), johnny would always clean your cuts and bandage them up without saying anything
your own battles are always the worst
and he knows that
but a whispered "i'm here" from him always makes you tear up
your beyond disappointed at yourself for possibly disappointing johnny and feeling upset that he would waste his time with you
he absolutely DOES NOT think that :')
he's secretly in love with you!
if/when you finally stop turning to that to take out your emotions, (when ur snuggling or in private) johnny rubs his thumbs over your scars
one time, he whispered "you're so strong"
you were asleep (or were you?😏) so you didnt answer
if you decided to wear a short sleeve or let your scars show, johnny would never leave your side: he gets a lot of looks because of the marred skin on his face
darry sat you down, though, as the mother that he is
it was a simple "you don't need to do that anymore, we're always here for you, you're part of the gang" speech
it was touching, but funny
dally had to be held back whenever someone pointed or laughed or made a comment about your wrists
most likely by two, darry, and soda
mans strong when infuriated
mans hot af
if you do the shmexy time when ur older,
kisses your scars, takes time to trace them with a light fingertip
he's so proud of how far you've come <3
sobbing i love him
if you were comfortable with it obviously,
if you had a pattern like # that, two would probably play tic tac toe with you i dont make the rules i dont wanna offend anyone
you were startled at first at how he looked up at you, holding the marker out to you
but now it your thing
johnny laughs whenever you beat two (which is always 50/50)
will edit later,
sorry if this is bad <3
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mwolf0epsilon · 9 months
The 501st Gang Meet their 105th Counterparts
A prequel to my last post
Rex, staring uneasily at the fully kitted captain Carno who is just silently staring at him: ...Uh, welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll feel right at home with the 501st and, should you need anything, we're more than willing to accomodate. Carno, continuing to stare menacingly before finally speaking up in a raspy and very hushed tone: I don't like your face. Rex: Wh-- Carno, shoving past him rudely: Stay out of my way, Blondie. I don't need some flashy Jedi's pet putting a spotlight on me. Rex, starting to think this might not be as easy as the briefing made it sound: Oh boy...
James, looking Jesse up and down while playing with his braid: So, is like, the tat supposed to be some kinda statement, or are you just really into licking boots? Jesse, pausing: I... Excuse me?! -staring at James wide-eyed- James: Oooh, it's a statement isn't it? Dang boy, they should slap you on a poster. Every battalion needs a show fathier, I guess! Jesse, glaring: I don't like you. James: Feeling's mutual. This ship ain't big enough for two token pretty boys. Jesse: No, no it isn't.
Hardcase, excitedly showing Clearcut around while talking like a ship running a click per second: Clearcut, allowing Hardcase to drag him around while sort of tuning him out and only picking up on vital pieces of information like emergency hallways, weapons storage and other such things: Hardcase: You don't talk much do ya? That's fine I'll talk for the both of us! Clearcut: By all means, carry on. Hardcase, happily carrying on: I can tell we're both gonna get along really well. Clearcut: I agree.
Kix, staring at Bon who's been shaking and on the verge of tears since arriving: Bon, staring back at Kix with very wet eyes while holding a fully stocked medkit in hand: I get to use this on anyone who comes in here? Kix, blinking: ... Yes. This is the medbay after all. Bon: And I'm allowed to treat them? I'm allowed? Kix, feeling a little uneasy: Yes...? Bon, openly crying now: This is the happiest day of my life... Kix, incredibly uncomfortable: Ah...
Echo & Fives, having a stare down with Wallflower & Nowt: Wallflower & Nowt, staring back at Fives and Echo with an impassive and a smug look respectively: Fives, opens up his mouth to say something: Nowt: Bitch. Wallflower, turning to slap his brother across the face: Captain said to put a sock in it. Nowt: The captain can suck it! If it wasn't for me he wouldn't know half the kark the others get up to when he's not looking! Wallflower: Karkin' snitch! Fives, closing his mouth and looking at Echo: Echo, nodding at Fives as both of them slowly back away from the now furiously arguing Jenga Twins:
Tup, sitting on the floor wrapped in a thin blanket because he was kicked out of his bunk and had his belongings taken: Can I at least have my brush back? Lobo, tossing him a pair of scissors instead: No amount of brushing will make that rat's nest look any less like osik. Tup, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the scissors and now standing up angrily: I'm gonna knock your teeth out. Lobo, equally angry: I'm gonna make you eat your own hair. Tup & Lobo launch themselves at each other and proceed to start a fight:
Dogma, a little overwhelmed as Caprichoso pulls him along while he's supposed to be the one giving him a tour of the ship: Caprichoso, wide-eyed and extremely excited about everything he's seen so far: Wow! You 501st lot have EVERYTHING! Good eats, tons of new gear up for grabs, full training room setup, clean showers, clean barracks, fully stocked medbay... Your Jedi spoil you so good! You must be the greatest troopers ever! Dogma: I... I wouldn't say they spoil us... That'd be a sign of unfair favoritism and would go against the no fraternization rules. And while the 501st certainly has a degree of great competency among many of the GAR's forces, those things you've listed are all requirements that were put forward to the Republic since the beginning of the army's first year of deployment. An ill-prepared and ill-equipment battalion wouldn't serve properly. Caprichoso: I know what you mean. But our general didn't see it that way. Thought we could push ourselves to be better without extra help... But eh! Who cares? The blighter is dead an' buried while we're here now! Gosh... You think your medic could give me a once over? Or or or, maybe we could hit the mess? Or uh! A shower yeah! I haven't had a shower in two weeks... My armour's getting more rank than I am ehehe! Get it? Dogma, moving slightly away from Caprichoso out of mild disgust: I, yes, a hot shower and a hot meal, then I can continue giving you the to-- Caprichoso: YOU GUYS GET HOT WATER?! I LOVE IT HERE ALREADY! -hugging Dogma tightly- We are gonna be such great friends! Dogma, eyes watering at the intense stench of B.O as well as the bone crushing hug of the rather clingy trooper: Stars have mercy...
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ignoblepalm · 17 days
The JOJOLands theory: the true riches we found along the way
Since I started using this app I figured I should share this theory I came up with on Discord.
Basically, this theory is the assumption that the message of this part will be that true riches are the friendships we made along the way (or something like that). And to achieve that, the main characters will be teaming up with most (if not every) enemy they face along their journey, as Jodio makes his way towards his goal of becoming rich.
I know it sounds like a joke, and it is, but it's not something too far off from what Araki could write, and as new chapters come out I'm slowly leaning towards believing in this theory unironically.
So, why did I think that in the first place? Beyond the obvious joke that I've been making since chapter 1 released last year, we've already seen a few signs that the Jodio Gang (that's the official name btw) will be expanded as the story goes on. This started all the way back in chapter 1, when Jodio (through the narration) explains that just the original three participants of the heist would not be enough to deal with whatever danger they were about to face, or rather, they wouldn't be able to no matter how many people they had with them.
While this phrase is very vague and we still haven't seen the full scope of what he was refering to, I have always interpreted this line as a sign that the team would be growing in the future, in preparation for a fight they aren't aware they can't win. Still, it's very easy to interpret this otherwise, but it's not like we haven't seen it happen already.
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This Charming Ally
Something I certainly didn't see coming when chapter 11 came out was that Paco would be suggesting that the gang allow Charmingman to tag along. And even more surprising was the fact that the next chapter starts with them integrating him into the group. Friendship is beautiful!
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In this world where mechanisms rule, having valuable connections is an important way to move up in life, and what better way to find those connections than by sharing a common goal? Charmingman gets recruited by the gang because of his knowledge of the lava rock and of Howler's activities, which also tie into his personal goal of finding out what happened to his brother.
To achieve that, they went after the land scriptures owned by Howler in order to gain access to the land and find the origin of the lava rock, but at the point we're at right now, we're not actually too far off from that happening, or at least is seems so. They have already transfered the land ownership, and John Howler's fortune is already slipping from his fingers, so really, how far can they be from reaching Charmingman's goal? And will he continue to be a part of the group after they find out what happened to Mauka?
I know for sure he's not intending to stick around for too long.
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While he is working for Meryl Mei Q in their current heist to get the land ownerships from Howler, Charming has already expressed his lack of faith in Jodio's goal of becoming rich. Unless he changes his mind later down the road, I don't find it unlikely that he will be leaving the group for one reason or another after their current mission.
But why would Araki do that? Why introduce another character into the main group just to dump him like Fugo later in the story?
The idea came to me while thinking about Anne, from Stardust Crusaders. Y'know, the little girl who follows the crusaders around for a while, starting at the Dark Blue Moon fight? I was thinking about how interesting it would be to have a story where the cast is made up of characters that join the group for a while before leaving it some time later. And that's when it clicked to me, that maybe, Araki could actually pull that off in The Jojolands.
Given the progression of the story and its structure, it could be very interesting for Araki to explore a group of characters which is constantly changing to adapt to every mission they're assigned to do, every new member bringing a new speciality to the table that could be useful for the next situation. That way, he could make it so every enemy joins the main group without making it bloated, as they would leave whenever they reach one of their goals, or perhaps for some other unexpected reasons.
There's not much concrete evidence for that ever happening beyond what I already mentioned, but there is one more case that could indicate this theory might become true.
Lulu & Bobby Jean
At first glance, it's probably hard to imagine any reasons for any of these two to join the main gang, especially since we know they were hired directly by Howler, but the last chapter has given us some insight into their relationship that changed the way I percieved the two:
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This scene tells me that Lulu has lost her trust for Bobby Jean, after not only having her fiial love for him rejected but also his weird talk of beating his own children, which I'm sure she hasn't taken lightly. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it almost feels to me as if Araki is trying to paint her in a more sympathetic light. Why so? You probably already guessed.
From there, I don't think it's too much of a reach to say Lulu could be the next one to join the Jodio Gang. She knows that Howler is after the lava rock, so she could be the one to warn that to the group, and maybe even give them some more insight into what Howler's been up to. We also know she's a needy child, so maybe she has something to win from helping the gang achieve their goals.
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I feel like the position she's in could be very convenient for the gang, and if she does end up joining them, I think we'll be close enough to saying we have a pattern going on.
At this point you've probably pieced together what this all has to do with the message of "the real riches were the friendships we made along the way": by teaming up with others on his way to his goal Jodio slowly realizes that the reason he was unsure of his ability to find his own happiness was because he had never before tried to share precious moments with others. By understanding that he is finally able to become happy with all the friendships and connections he made, leading to his ascension to a higher plane or something idfk honestly this all just one big joke. I'm sorry.
It's definitely too early to come up with any theory as big as this one, but I just thought this joke of a theory was worth sharing enough after the last chapter. I'm not expecting this theory to come true, and I know it's corny as hell, but if it does come true it'll be hella funny.
Thanks for reading I guess. I hope you find the idea equally as funny and interesting as I do. Can't wait to see what Araki will end up actually doing.
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Accidental Slumber
Summary: After a long night of researching, you and Giles fall asleep in the library.
Pairing: Rupert Giles x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): cuteness overload, friends to lovers type sitch, cuddling, idiots in love, mutual pining, lemme know if I forgot anything
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I do not own this image...credit to the original creator
The library was dimly lit, and the musty smell of ancient books filled the air. You and Giles had been researching late into the night, delving into the mysteries of an obscure demon. Exhaustion had finally caught up with both of you, and without realising it, you had drifted off to sleep.
As the sun began to rise, soft rays of light peeked through the library windows. The first sounds of footsteps echoed through the hallways, indicating the arrival of the Scooby Gang. Buffy, Willow, and Xander made their way to the library, eager to share their newfound discoveries with their mentor and the newest member of their team, you.
However, the sight that greeted them was unexpected. Their jaws dropped as they saw Giles and you, entwined in each other's arms, fast asleep on the library table. The tension in the air was palpable as they exchanged perplexed glances.
Buffy cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "Um, guys? Maybe we should give them a minute." Her tone was playful, but her eyes sparkled mischievously.
Giles, as if sensing the disturbance, pulled you closer into him; pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Willow's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson. "Oh, yes, definitely. We can...wait outside or something."
Xander scratched the back of his head nervously. "Yeah, no problem. We'll just... be over there, pretending not to see anything." He gestured toward the bookshelves and quickly herded the others away.
Slowly, the two of you began to stir, disturbed by the hushed voices and nervous shuffling. Groggy eyes fluttered open, meeting each other in a mix of surprise and embarrassment.
"Good morning," Giles murmured, his voice thick with sleep.
You stifled a yawn, feeling a blush creep up your neck. "Morning. Did we... fall asleep here?"
Giles chuckled, his British accent adding a touch of warmth to the moment. "It appears so. Research can be quite exhausting, it seems."
As you began to sit up, Giles' arm instinctively tightened around you. His touch was gentle yet possessive, as if he never wanted to let you go. You glanced down, noticing the affectionate gesture, and couldn't help but smile.
The library doors creaked open, and the Scooby Gang tiptoed back inside, albeit less discreetly than they intended. Buffy, Willow, and Xander tried their best to hide their amusement, failing miserably.
Buffy broke the silence once more. "Well, you two sure know how to have a slumber party without inviting the rest of us."
Willow nodded, grinning ear to ear. "Yeah, we thought we'd come and join in on the cuddle-fest."
Xander nudged Buffy, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "And I even brought the popcorn, just in case."
You felt your face heat up, and Giles' cheeks tinged with a blush that matched your own. It was clear that the Scoobies were delighted to witness this unexpected moment of vulnerability between you and Giles.
Giles finally released his hold on you, running a hand through his tousled hair as he straightened himself. "Well, um... it seems we may have dozed off accidentally."
Buffy grinned playfully. "No judgment here, Giles. We just wanted to make sure you two lovebirds didn't miss out on anything important."
Willow joined in the teasing, her eyes twinkling. "Yeah, we wouldn't want any precious research time to go to waste."
Xander added with a mock-serious expression, "And if you ever need any tips on cozying up, we're here to help."
The playful banter continued, gradually easing the awkwardness. It was clear that the Scoobies were genuinely happy for you and Giles, their friendly ribbing serving as a testament to their acceptance and support.
As the laughter subsided, Giles took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. "Well, it seems we owe the nosy teenagers our gratitude for their invaluable research assistance."
Buffy grinned. "We'll take our payment in the form of a slightly less awkward group hug."
The suggestion was met with enthusiastic agreement, and soon the library was filled with warm embraces and lighthearted chatter.
In that moment, surrounded by your newfound family, you realised that accidental slumbers and shared vulnerabilities could bring people even closer together. And you couldn't have been happier to be a part of it all, entwined with Rupert Giles, the man who had stolen your heart.
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A/N I love Giles 😍
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poisonedjoinery · 2 years
Filthy Secrets
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Hank Voight / Reader (F)
Authors note: I like the thought of Voight being super protective, he's a good man.
Summary: When a building explodes, you and Voight end up trapped in the rubble for 18 hours. However, you neglact to mention the wounds you sustained sending Voight into a panic. The only issue? The rest of 51 can't grasp why Voight cares so much about you. You're just a firefighter... right?
Warnings: Mention of serious injuries, explosions, being trapped in a collapsed building. Mention of dying but being revived. Angst, If you think there needs to be other warnings, please do let me know.
Gif by: @smaoineamhsalach
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I NEED A MEDIC NOW!" Voight came limping out from the collapsed building carrying your unconscious body. Brett was the first to get to him, then chief Boden, Ruzek, Atwater, Casey and a multitude of other people. Boden helped shift your body onto a backboard, Ruzek helping to hold up Voight.
"She... she took a load of shrapnel to the stomach. She passed out about ten minutes ago." Brett nodded, ushering Boden and the others to move you onto the ambo. Ruzek gripped Voight tighter,
"Come on boss, we need to get you seen to as well." Voight didn't want to move at first, watching as the ambo holding you sped off away from the scene.
"Boss come on, we got this." Finally agreeing, Voight let Ruzek walk him to his car.
"Keep up with that ambo." Frowning Ruzek nodded, peeling away from the chaos behind him. Voight kept quiet the whole ride to Med, he let Ruzek update him on everything that had happened between the time he went into the building, till the time he came clambering out. A huge fire had started in a building the intelligence team were watching. They had a gang under surveillance who were meant to be the newest suppliers of heroine. It seems, they were so new they didn't know how to balance the chemicals properly, causing the whole building to go up in flames. FireHouse 51 had showed up, and got to work battling the fire. It didn't take long for the fire to be put out, or it's occupants to be escorted out. Once it was clear, Voight asked Boden to be shown where it had started to see if any of their gang members were part of the new burnt features. Boden had grabbed the first person that passed, you. Of course it had been you, of all the firefighters on this job it had to be you that came past at that moment.
"(Y/N), would you be so kind to show Sergeant Voight where the fire started please?"
"Sure thing Chief." Nodding his thanks, Voight followed you into the building. You'd only been in there for a short while when something blew up, causing most of the building to come down around you, and that is where you had both become stuck for eighteen hours. EIGHTEEN! Voight had ended up with a piece of metal impaling his thigh, and you had taken shrapnel to the torso. But you hadn't told him at first, you'd wanted to help Voight and anyone else you could find.
"I'm a firefighter Hank, it's my job to help others." He could still hear your voice ringing through his head. He'd only realised something was wrong, when your face became pale. Wrenching open your fire coat, a wave of horror spread over him. You had multiple entry points in your stomach and side, and blood was slowly oozing out of all of them.
"God damnit (Y/N)!" He stripped off his outer layer, tying it around your stomach trying to stop the blood flow. He'd spent hours digging away rubble, trying to find a way out. The last time he had felt this panicked, Camille had become terminally ill. You were both lucky that you hadn't gone too far into the building when it had blown, he managed to make a gap that he could pull you both through.
"WHAT!" Ruzek frowned at Voights outburst.
"I know you're angry, and injured but we're gonna get this son of a bitch okay?"
"Mmm." Nodding he turned to look back out the window, letting Ruzek's words wash over him.
Voight came down to the waiting room to find the whole of 51 in there. Boden stood up, extending his hand. Shaking it, Voight nodded at everyone in the room.
"How is she doin'?" Boden gave a frown, keeping his voice low.
"We don't know yet, they took (Y/N) in for surgery about three hours ago." Clenching his jaw, Voight put his hands in his pocket. Hermann came over, giving an appreciative smile to Voight.
"Hey uh... thanks for pulling (Y/N) out. I uh... she's on my rig and I appreciate you looking out for her."
"Don't mention it, she's a good woman. You should both be proud of her, she spent most of her time looking for any casualties and trying to get us out of there." Smiling, Hermann looked at Boden both of them showing pride. Doors swinging open behind them all, a surgeon walked out smiling half heartedly at the crowd of firefighters.
"I managed to remove all of the shrapnel, there was a lot of internal bleeding. So much so that she coded twice on the table... I..." Voight stepped forward quickly, anger rolling off him in waves.
"You mean died... she died on the table." Looking uneasy the surgeon nodded.
"Yes... but I have managed stop all of the bleeding and she is in the recovery room." Boden looked between both men, a frown forming on his face.
"Uh... thank you Doctor. Are we able to see her yet?"
"Yes, she is still asleep but feel free." Most of 51 got up and quietly made their way into your room, Boden, Hermann, Voight, Severide and Kidd all remained in the waiting room.
"You know you didn't have to get all rude to the Doctor?" Kidd said, eyeing Voight with a pissed off look. Turning, Voight watched Kidd for a moment then looked around at the rest of them.
"I just spent eighteen hours trapped under a collapsed building with her, so please excuse me for feeling a little concerned for her wellbeing." Boden stepped forward, wanting to calm everyone down.
"We're all concerned here Hank, but you don't need to get angry at the people trying to save her life or my team." Smirking Voight turned on his heel, Hermann piped up feeling his temper rise.
"Hey you know we care about (Y/N) a lot! We were just as scared when you brought her out, so don't act like you're the only one who cares for her. She is part of our team.. OUR family okay and.." Voight whipped round quickly, his temper at breaking point, not noticing Ruzek, Burgess and Atwater stepping in behind him. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, knew if he did he would have a whole damn house of firefighters come down on his ass.
"Uh... Sarge? We um... think we've found the guys. We're going to bust them now. Do you want in or..." Rubbing his face in frustration, Voight turned on his heel.
"Let's go." Shoving past Atwater, Voight headed out fire burning his blood.
Prying your eyes open, you found yourself laying in a dark room with the quiet beep of machines around you. Glancing round, you realised you was in Med.
"Hey... how you feeling?" Looking to your left you found Brett sitting in a big arm chair. Smiling you sat yourself up wincing at the pain in your stomach.
"I feel like I've been used as a sieve for bomb fragments. But other than that, I'm fine." Reaching for your hand she squeezed it,
"We were all here, we're taking it in shifts to check on you." Frowning you looked over at where your uniform had been set aside.
"The explosion... what happened? Did anyone else get hurt?"
"It's okay, we were all out of the explosion zone enough to just get a few cuts and scrapes. It was only you and Sergeant Voight that got the brunt of it." You felt your face grow hot at the thought of Voight.
"Christ... was he okay?" You tried to sound casual but it clearly wasn't enough. Brett smiled softly,
"Voight... he's fine. The last I heard he was out with his team hunting the gang responsible."
"But...?" It was Brett's turn to flush this time.
"Well um... see while we was waiting to hear about your surgery, he came and waited with us. The surgeon finally came out and told us how you was doing, but Voight... he seemed angry at how injured you had been." Your heart was racing now, every thought going through your mind.
"He didn't say why he was angry... but... when we spoke to Burgess she said that he gets a bit over protective. He thinks it's his job to save everyone you know?" Nodding, you felt your eyes water slightly as you dropped your gaze.
"He was angry I didn't tell him about my injuries, that's probably why he was so angry." Glancing up at Sylvie, you gave a half smile.
"I kept my mouth shut about the shrapnel I had taken, I knew if I didn't try to get us out of there, I'd have lost my mind. I just..."
"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me (Y/N), I get it. It's part of our job." You wiped at your face. She leant in and gave you a hug,
"Tell you what, I'll come back and see you tomorrow. You get some rest okay?"
"Thanks Sylvie, you're amazing." You watched her quietly leave your room, smiling to yourself as you shut your eyes feeling the sweet lull of sleep pulling at you.
You'd finally gotten out of the hospital and was now resting in your own home. Most of 51 had called in to see you, bring you food and check you was okay. You hadn't seen Voight, he'd been pulled into another case which was taking up all of his time. You didn't mind, usually you were both pretty busy with work. Looking around your home, you felt boredom set in pretty quickly. You'd been resting for over a week, you needed to get out take in the night air.
Freshening up, you pulled on clothes that didn't make you look like a college bum, grabbed your keys, and headed out to Molly's.
"(Y/N)!" Hermann's voice rang out over the crowd, causing the rest of second shift to turn and grin. Smiling, you waved. You had a lot of people come and hug you, pat you on the back. Taking a seat at the bar, Hermann handed you a drink, squeezing your hand.
"It's good to see you kiddo." Taking a swig of your drink, you smiled.
"Thanks Hermann. I'm glad to see you too." You sat quietly, watching everyone come and go from the bar. Kidd had joined you at some point and you'd had a few drinks before you heard a bit of a commotion at the door. Both of you turning, you saw Voight standing in the doorway, looking straight at you his face full of thunder.
"Oh girl I think you're in trouble." Spinning back round you saw Kidd's eyes widen as she got out of her chair swiftly moving away. Before you could call her back, you felt a heavy presence behind you. Slowly turning, you found Voight looking down at you.
"I've been looking everywhere for you... you weren't at the hospital... or home... I thought you'd... I thought." His voice was low and dark. Fear and frustration was rolling off of him.
"I just wanted some fresh air, and decided to come here." Hermann was standing close by, listening in. Voight leant closer, reaching out a hand to gently touch your cheek.
"I was worried about you." Hermann shook his head and stepped closer.
"Hey Voight, I know you care but you're being a bit much aren't you?" Voights eyes lit up with a fire as some of the others of 51 had started to listen in.
'It's okay Hermann." You could see both men getting more angry by the second.
"What... no he's being a jerk. You aren't the only one who cares about her... she..."
"We're dating Hermann!" You felt the whole bar go silent. Hermann's eyes went wide, his mouth half open. Voight looked down at you, a smile playing on his face.
"You're...you and... and and Voight?" Hermann seemed to be struggling with what you'd just told him, slowly looking behind you and saw the rest of 51 had obviously heard you too. Keeping your voice quiet, you leant into Voight a little.
"Yes... me and Voight. That's why he was angry at the hospital." Sighing you looked up at Voight.
"For how long?" Hermann sounded confused and curious all at the same time. Voight answered before you could, never taking his eyes off of you.
"Mmm... about a year and a half."
Hermann seemed to go pale, kicking himself that no one at 51 had figured it out. Sighing, you gently placed your hand on Voights side.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the shrapnel, and... and I'm sorry you were worried about..." Before you could finish, Voight leant down and kissed you softly his big hand gently tilting your head back. Pressing his head to yours he smiled,
"You don't have to apologise. It's who you are, putting others before yourself. It's how you're built, it's why I fell in love with you." He enjoyed watching the surprise light up your face. Reaching up, you ran your hand over his cheek.
"Want to get out of here?" Grinning, he hummed in agreement. Helping you off your bar stool, he placed his arm around your waist, walking you slowly to the door. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, heard Kidd and Brett whistle at you. Tilting your head up to him, you waited for him to lean in closer so you could kiss his cheek.
"Huh... what was that for?"
"I love you too Hank." Smirking, Voight reached out for the door guiding you both out into the warm Summer night.
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 5 months
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 2440 (chapter 51)
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51. Bang
"Hello, Brett. Again." You smile awkwardly when you reach Mahoney, Matt and Foggy, involved in a hushed conversation.
"Wow, what are you... wearing?" Foggy is the first one to ask, looking at your silk dress and high heels. The silver cross catches light from one of the police cars, and Foggy squints to see if you're really wearing it.
"Uh..." You panic, looking down at yourself. No one would believe that you were a lawyer currently standing near the crime scene, and not a model who ran away from the photoshoot. "I was on a date." 
Brett eyes you as well, visibly surprised to see you in something other than your lawyer outfit he has seen earlier today. "We meet far too often, y/n."
Matt clears his throat, bringing the attention back to himself and away from you. "I called. We work as a team." Mahoney bites away another comment and waits for either of you to finish your explanation about the mystery client, who was currently in hospital with Karen.
"Client privilege." Foggy answers to Mahoney's raised eyebrows from his previous question.
"Well, uh, Mr. Nelson, if that was true... Hypothetically speaking, I'd tell you that withholding your client from the NYPD would be obstructing governmental administration, and I'd probably just arrest your ass myself." Mahoney fires back, smiling, "In theory." 
"I guess we really can't help each other after all." Foggy shrugs, fixing his jacket. You notice that he has ditched his office outfit and is wearing a comfortable hoodie underneath. Surely he has been home.
"Sergeant." Matt speaks up, "Why would an Irish mobster wear body armor to a private meeting inside his own club?" This makes you furrow your eyebrows and look at Matt confused. You didn't even understand why they called you here in the first place.
"Hey! Tell 'em to keep it down in there or somebody's getting written up." Mahoney shouts to a passing colleague, annoyed. "I help you, you help me?" 
"That's all we want." Matt smiles briefly, making your heart skip a beat.
"There's a total clampdown on any of this getting out to the press. I'd like to keep it that way."
"Brett, you can trust us. We're lawyers." Foggy's words win over and Brett gives in, gesturing to follow him behind a parked police van.
"Come with me over here."
"Come on." Foggy urges the two of you, slowly dragging behind.
"DA's going batshit trying to figure it out. This isn't the first hit that matches this mode of operating. Call it massive gang-on-gang overkill. Downtown office thinks we got new players in Hell's Kitchen, and whoever they are, we're talking some kind of paramilitary-type organization with the training, knowledge and hardware to take out half the city." Mahoney looks around uneasy and disturbed. The sight inside wasn't pretty, and his eyes were telling exactly that.
"What do they want?" You step closer, and together all four of you form a circle. 
"That's what's driving the DA nuts. We don't know who they are. We just know who they're not."
"I'd say they're definitely not fond of the Irish." Foggy shrugs.
Matt turns his head to the side, listening to one of the officers complaining about the situation, the last sentence draws his attention. 'You think? Where exactly am I gonna put this asshole? The morgue's completely full.This is worse than what happened to the Dogs of Hell.'
"Now, we got history, so I'll tell you as a friend, you stay out of this shit. If you got a witness, the smart move is to turn him over and walk away. Hell's Kitchen is about to explode." Mahoney is about to turn on his heel to leave, but then he looks at you, "I guess the Irish didn't get to use their warehouse stock after all."
"You hear that? He called me friend." Foggy slaps a hand on Matt's back, and pulls Matt away, a couple of meters from you, leaving you standing confused. 
You catch up with Mahoney, "Hey, is Paxton gonna be okay?"
Mahoney rests hands on his belt, "Listen, I can't promise anything, and especially can't promise that this won't reach the district attorney, but, we have confiscated the ammunition from that warehouse, so the kids shouldn't be too worried about a possible connection to what happened here."
"So, if you took the guns before this..." You gesture back at the club, "that means that there's another warehouse fully packed, and it belongs to whoever has it against the Irish?"
"They really didn't explain anything to you, huh?" 
You laugh shortly, sighing afterward, "No, I was on a date, not working night shift just this evening."
"Well, I hope you enjoyed that free time, because it seems to me that Mr Nelson won't give the witness to us easily, so... Enjoy working, y/n, goodnight."
"Yeah." You look at the ground, in thought, "Night." Foggy shouts something and returns back to you with a quick step, and alone. "Where's Matt?" Words leave your mouth faster than you'd like, and you clear your throat uncomfortably.
"Uh, he left. Said he has to stop somewhere on his way home." Foggy smiles awkwardly, "want to grab a cab?"
"Yeah, sure." You answer, watching Matt disappear in an alley, confused. This evening has been too much and a headache was forming in the back of your head.
"So, a date?" Sly grin appears on Foggy's face, and he eyes your dress again.
"Yeah. Figured it's time to... Start dating again."
"Huh. I noticed lately..." He fixes his hair, that are fighting a battle of their own with the wind. "You've been kind of, god, what's that word... Ah, glowing!"
"Glowing?" You laugh in disbelief. "Good joke Foggy."
"No, I'm serious!" He grabs his heart, offended. "I hope he makes you happy. And is at least better than that Fisk's guy."
Your smile falls slightly, and Foggy is quick to apologize. "No, it's alright."
Halfway through the city, Foggy asks the cab to stop in front of a shady bikers' bar, urging you to get home. You don't trust that weird thing going on with Matt and Foggy, so you stop the cab around the corner and walk towards the bar, slowly, trying to not draw attention to yourself with your heels clicking on the pavement. 
The bar 'Dogs of Hell' looks terrible from what you can see outside, and you can easily guess that it's just as much of a pig house inside as it is outside. Snooping around gives you no results, so you try to get as close to the bar without alerting the huge man standing guard in front. Foggy is nowhere to be seen, so you sneak around the back, watching a buff guy push Foggy into the night. They both start shouting at each other, and you see a knife's blade shine in front of Foggy's face. Instantly alert, you try to think of ways you could help Foggy. Calling for help or cops would take too long and draw attention, and just your luck, you left your pepper spray at home. Glancing around your hiding place, you notice a brick and take it. For the sake of confidence. 
"Shut up!" The guy shouts, pointing the knife again. You clutch the brick close to your chest and listen intently to any dangerous words. 
"I helped a guy named Pope! Yeah, the VA said that his injuries weren't sustained during battle, but they were! They just didn't manifest themselves for 20 years." Foggy stammers, his voice getting higher when he's afraid. "Uh, we got his operation sorted and then, a couple of months later, he was back on his Harley, doing whatever it is you guys do. Which is none of my business! 
"You helped Pope?" The biker asks, confused. Foggy nods slowly, but the answer he gets isn't what he expected. "Get the hell out of here."
"Really? What happened to Smitty?"   Who the hell was Smitty?
"You serious?" He asks in disbelief, lifting the knife again.
"I came here for a reason. I just need answers! Look, if I don't get answers, a lot of innocent blood could be shed." The guy grabs Foggy by the collar of his jacket, and you tense, ready to go save him. As stupid as it sounds. "People who both you and I care about are gonna get hurt. And you don't seem like the most sentimental guy, but you're still listening. And that knife isn't in my neck, so I have to believe that right now, maybe you and I are on the same side." Foggy rambles, his lawyer skills coming to help.
 "You got guts, Harvard, I'll give you that." The guy releases Foggy, and you let out a huge sigh of relief.
"Columbia, actually, but it's not courage. It's more like sheer adrenaline." Foggy fixes his jacket, breathing a fresh air of life, "Hey, look, I wouldn't be asking, I wouldn't be here doing this if it wasn't important."
After a long pause, the biker finally answers, "Smitty was on a run, I-90 with four brothers, transporting a big score. They were hit by a goddamn army. Their whole crew was cut to pieces.
Left there like roadkill." 
"Any idea who did it?" 
"Nah. New crew, doesn't matter. Whoever they are, we're gonna find 'em. And when we do, you wanna be very far away from the action. You didn't hear none of this from me. Now go." He urges Foggy to leave, "And don't come back!"
Foggy hurries to get out of here as soon as possible; just as he's about to pass your hiding spot, you emerge from the bush, dropping the brick on the ground. "Jesus!" He lets out a scream, quickly covering his mouth, but then he recognizes you and in a hushed tone asks, "what the hell are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing!" You shout back, but before you could interrogate your friend, Foggy starts dragging you out of this street, firmly holding your forearm. "What the fuck was that, Foggy? Who was that guy? Who's Smitty? Where's Karen and who the hell is that guy that wants witness protection?"
"Too many questions, y/n, just keep going."
"Foggy!" You pull your arm out of his grip, stopping in the middle of the dark alley. "Please don't lie to me. Not you."
His eyes soften and he sighs, frustrated. He didn't want to lie to you, but he also didn't want to betray Matt. "Smitty was my classmate, but obviously he joined the Dogs of Hell. And got killed by some other gang recently. The same one that put the Irish to sleep tonight."
"Okay. Where's Karen?"
"In the hospital, with Grotto." Your raised eyebrows are enough to keep Foggy talking. "He was involved in that bar shooting, and now he wants witness protection, so he could save himself from whoever is killing everyone."
"Oh God." You close your eyes tightly, taking a deep breath.
"Although... he said that it was one man." 
"One man? Is it possible? To have all the ammunition and... He has to be at least military trained." Your eyes widen, understanding just how dangerous this man is.
"Yeah, that much I figured out myself." 
The office was quiet and empty when you came, and remained like that until you finally got a hold of Foggy somewhat before noon. You weren't complaining, obviously the silence was nice, and you finally had time to finish some leftover work papers that were pilling up for the last couple of weeks, but soon the empty office walls started to feel depressing and loneliness crept on you.
Foggy was currently monologuing with Matt when you called again, and this time he decided to answer. Matt was about to protest against it, but Foggy was already speaking, "hey, y/n, something happened?"
"Yeah, where the hell is everyone? Or is it a holiday that I've never heard of?" Your voice is stern, and Foggy visibly vinces.
"There was something... But it's alright now. Karen's supposed to be at the station now, so, could you go there and help her?"
Foggy's lying skills were beyond terrible, but you had no time to ask any more questions, since he ended the call. "What is going on in this hell-hole?" You ask yourself, walking into the tiny kitchen to make a cup of coffee before going to the station. Karen hasn't replied to any of your texts, so while waiting, you call Matt once again today. It goes to voicemail, but this time you leave a message.
"Listen, Matt, I've been calling everyone like crazy this whole morning, and since no one tells me shit or shows up to work for that matter, I'm getting really worried." You sigh heavily after a mild pause, "I hope it's not related to what I said, or didn't say during our dinner. And I hope you're not avoiding me, please, just call me back ASAP, because it's insane out there. Love you, bye." You end the message, slightly cringing at yourself for telling 'love you' on the phone, but you will get used to this, eventually.
The automatic voice tells Matt that it's the end of the voicemail, and silence settles in his living room. Foggy stares at the table, where Matt's phone was put, not a single thought in his head, whereas Matt was rubbing his forehead in shame, and pain.
"What?" Foggy finally utters,  casting his eyes at Matt. "Love you? Are you two together?"
"Foggy it's n-"
"It's not? That's your excuse?"
"No! It is... We just didn't want to tell anyone." Matt sighs, sitting up. His head hurts, whole body's sore from last night's fight, he's tired, angry and hungry, and this is not what he thought was gonna happen when your call went to voicemail.
"How long?"
"More than a month."
"Does she know? About your nightly deeds?" Foggy's voice cracks, he starts pacing around the living room. "Since she's so against the devil, I'm guessing not."
"No, and I prefer to leave it that way."
"Matt. How many more lies are you gonna create?"
"Not today, Foggy, please?"
"Then when? When someone's gonna beat you up and she finds you in a pool of blood just like I did?"
"Get your head out of your butt for once, Matt. Here's your aspirin. Don't choke on it, Daredevil." Foggy hands Matt the pill and puts a glass of water on the table with force, leaving the apartment without another word.
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Fallen Angel
Yandere Bowers Gang x reader
-Headcanon here-
Summary: they are obsessed and decide to act on it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing
Fm = favorite movie
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Yn pov
"Hello" I smiled sitting next the platinum blonde boy "I'm yn" I said and took out my books "victor" he greeted quietly before the teacher started speaking and through the lesson victor explained the previous lesson and showed me his notes which I gladly expected the help before the bells go "thanks so much victor how will I ever repay you" I asked packing up my stuff "you don't have to but whenever you need help just come to me" he smiled putting his bag over his shoulders "I'll make sure to keep that in mind" I murmured and went our separate ways, over my first week me and victor got closer and he's been helping me a lot "bye vic" I smiled and walked into my history class and sat at my normal spot in the back "good day class today we will be preparing a project which will be due in 2 weeks" the class groaned in disappointment "don't worry you will be able to pick your own partners" I looked around for anyone familiar but nothing "can I be your partner" I turned to the voice and see one of the people that hang around victor "of coarse I don't mind" I smiled and moved my bag to make room for him "yn and belch you will do ancient Rome" the teacher explained and did the rest of the groups and aloud us to go to the library "so yn I see you hang around victor" belch made small talk as we gazed for books on the shelves "yeah he helps me with my homework and tutors me" I smiled and started piling the books in my hand "let me carry those" he smiled taking the books out my hands "oh thank you belch".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I smiled as me, victor and belch made our way down the hall "hey guys who's this" we paused as two boys stepped in front of us "oh hey Henry" victor murmured "hi I'm yn" I smiled at both of them "well cutie I'm Patrick" the one smiled licking his lips "I'm Henry" the other crossed his arms "well its nice to meet you two but I need to get to my maths class bye guys" I smiled and walked away.
And everyday day after that I was the new member of the bowers gang and over the time the boys became more and more disappointed if I talk to anyone but them or gave anyone my attention "guys come on it was one thing" I whined as they kept quiet as we made our way behind school to belchs car so we can get something to eat "but you could've asked us" victor muttered and opened the door for me I climbed in with victor and Patrick sitting next to me "why are you so protective" I asked but didn't get a response instead silence filled the car the only sound was the soft tones coming from the radio "belch can I have a water" I murmured leaning forward "yea here" Henry muttered handing me a bottle of water I slowly uncapped it and took a sip and closed it back up "this isn't the way to the has station" I murmured but slowly started to feel dizzy and my vision started fading "what did you do" I leaned forward and felt tired "it's OK now" Victor's voice turned to whispers before I blacked out completely 'this is where the nightmare begans'.
My eyes adjust to the darkness it had been a few hours since belch dropped of breakfast for me they'd lock the door to the room I was in except for the attachment bathroom, the room had no windows and was lit up by a flickering light.
"Babe we're home" I sighed in relief as Henry unlocked the door it was getting more and more boring when they leave I was starting to actually miss them "we were thinking how about we go into the lounge and watch a movie" victor smiled sitting on the edge of my bed "you mean leave the room" I was shocked I haven't left the room on months "yes since you've been so good we want to reward you" I giggle happily and jumped up and hugged them "come on tiger" Patrick murmured and lifted me up and carried me down stairs while the others got get the stuff ready "how was your day" I asked as he settled us onto the couch with me on his lap "it was good but missed feeling your but on my dick" I blushed as he slightly grinded against me "Patrick stop being a perv" Henry smacked the back of Patrick's head while giving me a blanket and setting beside me while victor brings the drinks and sits on the other side of me and belch brings the snacks and settles between my legs "what do you wanna watch" Henry passes me the remote "how about fm" I put on fm and snuggled into Patrick's chest 'maybe this isn't a nightmare after all'.
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