#we plottin
lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
coming to the conclusion that trying to write fic again might make me feel more confident in my own abilities when it comes to other writing
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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" - Was it the smell of the wine or is this spot not as secret as I thought?" Peers over the hedge with INNOCENT EYES - grumbling as she shifts on the bench near the deserted pavilion in order to accommodate the presence of another person. The Heavenly Realm has changed IMMENSELY since she left Taichen Palace - what seems to her to be like a LIFETIME ago, even if memories still haunt every corner. And now - her aunt's getting married.
Takes a swig from the bottle she lifted from the banquet - and makes a face. It isn't quite as strong as she'd like it to be - not as strong as her uncle's wine anyway. "...Well, here you are anyway. Want to drink with me? Drinking alone is just - TOO SAD."
plotted starter for @adversitybloomed !
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Bend it back and make it clap girl 🍑
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mcondance · 9 months
oooo oliver turning into something a lil spicy i kinda fw this
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fadetoblackhq · 1 year
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pyshcic · 2 years
⤳   @vinduri​​​,    𝘨𝘪𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘰 𝘢𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘰,   asked:     ‹ have i satisfied your morbid curiosity? ›
“ oh, i hadn't meant it morbid.  ”  voice is a muttered and quiet thing, a thin speech breathily made as she leans closer to inspect the printed image of a painting which reeked to her of familiarity: ivan holding his son tightly to his chest, his eyes wide in horror, drenched in blood. something about the visual gripped alice from somewhere deep within her chest, but she couldn't place the reason. brows furrowed as her frustration mounted, and with great effort she pulled herself away from the book and shut it with a swift, delicate motion of her hand. “ it's only that i'm very ill of loneliness. and i'd been wanting ... to ask –––  ”  mouth hangs agape as she folds her hands in front of her and looks a bit sheepishly towards the other, before sparing a glance around the room. the silence is filled only by the obvious end to her sentence, that she had wished to ask exactly what she had asked him: what sort of teeth lay behind those lips, are they sharp? bloodied? have you eaten, lately? “ i am ... so hungry.  ” 
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kadwrites · 1 year
an introduction | T.S
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summary ; you meet your husband to be for the first time.
warnings ; angst, dysfunctional family ig? , arranged marriage trope. bad writing?
a/n ; is it good? is it bad? is it too long? who knows. thank you for the support <3 please let me know what you think!
you hadn't left your room for the past three days. celest would be there , feeding you, holding you as you cried.
tonight though, you couldn't sleep because the sounds of your siblings yelling is keeping you away from the slumber you very much needed.
"you did what?"
oliver's brows furrow, his very pregnant wife , renee , sits beside him, her eyes open wide and a hand on her belly.
his mother tries to act like she didn't feel the guilt clawing at her heart , she sips her tea, "it's about time she got a husband."
"mum , what were you thinking? what has gotten into you?" his voice isn't loud, it isn't his usual roar, which is what concerned his wife. she puts a hand on his shoulder "you're forcing 'er to marry thomas shelby? are you fucking insane? have you lost your bloody mind?"
"im not forcing her to do anything, she agreed."
"after ya slapped 'er."
celest lets out a chocked sob at the mention of that
his mother's eyes are stern when they look up at him, resenting the fact that he brought it up
"she's a wild girl, she raised her voice at me"
"what did you expect 'er to do?" he got up, and his wife desperately tries to calm him down "lay on 'er back and open 'er legs?"
"to obey her mother."
"the mother that treated 'er own daughter like a piece of meat?" his jaw clenched, his hands shake "how could you do that? you didn't even tell us anything."
abraham is pacing around. his girlfriend ,anna stands in the doorway, watching this unfold. what else was she supposed to do?, its not like she can do anything. celest is sitting on a chair, her face buried in her hands as she cries. their father wasn't at home, he was out visiting his brother.
he's been avoiding this very incident like the plaque.
"when did this even 'appen?" abraham walks and stands next to oliver, both of them staring at their mother, his voice trembles as he tries to hold back whatever he had to say.
"why does it matter?" their mother slams the teacup on the table "it's already happened. what good is it going to do if we keep talking about it?"
"how long 'ave you been plottin' at this?" oliver's voice gets louder, his wife tries to get up but cant, abraham grabs his shoulder instead. "are you that desperate for money?"
"i did it-"
"for 'er ? securing 'er a future, yeah? is that what you tell yourself?" celest finally speaks, her face glistening with tears as she stands up
celest was always her mother's daughter. being the eldest, she always aimed to please her but when this happened, she couldn't even stand to look at her mother. she knew their mother was looking for a suitor ,she tried to reason with her, telling her how her younger sister would never agree, that she'll just yell and maybe even try to run away. celest never knew that the suitor her mother had in mind was thomas shelby, she never knew that he'd already agreed to all of this.
their mother's eyes move to celest, renee and anna share a look , and anna stands with her mouth covered. "this is not going to end well." ,they both think.
"i said is that what you think you're doing? that you're doing whats best for 'er?" celest repeats "when you and i and everyone in this room knows who thomas shelby is, we know what he does, we know how he lives"
"he will take care of her." she raises her voice as well
"mother...." abraham warns, with his eyes closed. he knows the words she will say next would just anger everyone further
"i dont want her to end up like you! with a man that has you living in a piss poor excuse of a house, running after his spawn." her mother spits those words out like venom.
"i love 'im, i chose 'im, and i never ever regretted that decision, i never once complained,i never doubted his love or loyalty" celest walks closer "i will live a good life with a man who is good to me, an honest man. would she say the same about the husband you chose for 'er?"
"she will love him! she will grow to love him" she yells those words, as if she desperately wants them to be true.
celest lets out a chuckle , looking at her mother as if she was insane "do you not hear yourself? do you not hear how you sound?" then she moves even closer,"you're ruining 'er life!" celest cried, her screams sound through the whole house, abraham is now holding her back, as she squirms and thrashes "is this what you fucking want ? for your own child to live a miserable life?"
oliver left the living room at some point and he was inside your room now, somehow.
he crouched at the side of the bed, where you're laying on your stomach, cheek against the pillow and covers tucked up to your neck.
"i..." he tries to speak, he lets out a breath "i didn't know" he felt guilty for some reason, as if he could've stopped this.
"i know"
"you don't 'ave to say yes" he puts a hand on your head smoothing down your hair. oliver was never the one for affection, always awkward with it. "you don't. you can say no"
"i cant" you whisper back to him, your eyes look at him and they are once again filled with tears, your lips quiver
"yes you can"
"no i can't" you let out a sob "and you know that."
he just looks back at you, keeps on smoothing down your hair
"its not your responsibility to save them."
"it is now"
and he knew he couldn't change your mind, "she says he's comin' by tomorrow ,to see you."
silence ensues. you two just stare at each-other not knowing what to say
for the first time in his life, oliver the man with the biggest mouth, the loudest voice, the one who always fought you over that one spot on the table, doesn't know what to say. he has nothing to say.
he slowly gets up, and leaves the room, closing the door behind him gently.
and when that dreaded morning comes, you find yourself on your vanity chair, looking at your reflection in the mirror, your face still almost emotionless
celest stands behind you, brushing your hair,she's crying silently, and you just stare at the mirror
you knew that those steps belonged to your mother, you'd memorized how they sounded when you were a child , when you pretended to be asleep so she wouldn't know you'd stayed awake past your bedtime. she walks and stands next to celest, you don't look at her, you just stare at yourself.
celest puts the brush on the table and she walks away, she walks to the window, trying to calm down. your mother picks up the brush.
"i know you think im cruel, and that i'm selfish. but i did it for your sake." she speaks
this is the first time you'd even seen her since it all happened
your eyes dart up to her, she doesn't look at you, she just looks down at your hair as she brushes it.
"when your father got sick, i never thought we'd lose the farm too, we lost the very thing that gave us most of our money." she pauses for a second "i know this isnt how you wanted to get married, it was not an easy decision for me either"
"i don't love 'im" your voice is soft, its not angry
"love isn't everything, you don't need it to be content" she continues "i didn't love your father when i married him , but love follows"
"he is nothing like my dad"
your mother stops again "he's a hardworking man, he was in the war , wasn't he? just like yer father."
"my father was a farmer," she muttered "that's what you loved about 'im, what you've come to love. that he is a good man but the man you're marrying me off to isn't"
you sound like celest.
your words cut deeper than you thought they would, your mothers eyes close, she sighs "you're my youngest child and i want you to live a good life when me and your father are no longer here .a safe life. i dont want you to need a roof over your head or worry about money or food"
you don't want to argue , so you don't. you just let her brush your hair and neatly style it. she brings a box and opens it, inside it a golden necklace with a ruby as a pendant, she puts it on you, she smiles at your reflection
"i wore it when i married your father", maybe it will bless your marriage too, your mother thinks to herself.
you don't say anything, you just do what you're told. you were too tired to fight this anyways. you just wanted this day to pass
and then you hear it, your brother's voice as he greets him, despite his anger your oliver sounds polite. their voices are muffled but you hear them.
you mother walks you down the stairs and when you descend you see him, on the green sofa , talking to your father and your brothers and as if he could sense your presence his eyes dart up the stairs and he sees you.
you feel as if the whole house ran out of air, and as if your lung collapsed. you look back at him nonetheless as you walk down the stairs.
it feels as if their voices are distant as your family greets him, very welcoming and warm they sound but you can't process a word. you just look at him. you think you mumbled a greeting too, you're not sure.
he got up when you entered the living room, he looks you up and down but only for an instant and then his eyes go back to yours. you cannot see any emotion on his face.
you sister stands at your side, renee on the other, they sit with you between them on the couch facing him, the rest of your family scattered around the room but you didn't look at them, too busy looking at the man you'll marry. it's almost as if you can visibly see the blood on his hands.
but when he speaks , you snap back into reality out of your trance
"its a pleasure to finally meet you."
his voice is deep, calm and collected. for some reason it sends a chill down your spine
"the pleasure is mine" you say back, as politely as you could.
slowly, person by person, your family leaves the room
you glance at the window, your brothers and father are outside smoking, pretending to not watch. celest, renee and anna are under the foyer.
your mother and mrs gray are in the kitchen, having tea, when did she come in here?, you didn't even notice her.
you lean back against the sofa, you stare at him just like he stares at you
"mind if i smoke?" he already has his cigarette between his lips , he pulls out his lighter
"no" you say curtly , you sit on the sofa in the most expensive dress you own, your newest heels,
he offers you a cigarette, you eye it. you hadn't smoked since your parents caught you smoking on the roof but they've disappointed you, so what if you disappoint them one more time
you pull a cigarette out, he passes you the light and you light it, then putting it out
he leans back as well, crossing his legs
"are you good with children? can you care for them?"
you nod, your cigarette hangs between your fingers"i 'ave one nephew and 4 nieces, one on the way too"
"i 'ave a boy"
his eyes give nothing away no matter how long you stared at him , looking for a crack in the mask
"what's his name?" you ask softly
"how old is he?"
"four, he's turning five soon"
"is that why you're looking for a wife? to look after your son?"
"thats a part of it, yes" he exhales the smoke, he throws an arm around the back of the sofa
"what's the other part?"
"i need a wife and i want someone i can trust around my boy when im not around"
you nod , your eyes look away for the first time.
"do you feel like you can do that?"
you turn back to look at him
"i believe so , yes"
he nods, "are you being forced into this?" he's blunt. it doesn't take a genius to know that you're not happy, that you're reluctant.
"no, i'm not"
"i don't want to marry you if you're unwilling"
"i said i'm not ,didn't i?" you tried to hold back your tongue, but you couldn't
his brow raises at this ,"you don't exactly look like you're content with your decision"
"is this an interrogation?" you ask, stubbing the cigarette on the ashtray that sits on the table. partly because the taste of it made you nauseous, having not had one in years. the other part annoyed and defensive
"i believe its called an introduction" a his face is still stoic, but his voice is betraying him, it's sounds as though he's amused.
you look up, you hate to admit it but you can't deny it. he looks handsome, in his expensive suit, his glasses, his cheek bones. celest was right, at least he is easy on the eyes
"an introduction, aye?"
you just look at eachother, you blink a couple of times, then lean back again.
"its my decision, mr shelby." you try to compose yourself, "it wasn't forced on me,"
he nods again,
"do you 'ave any conditions?"
"i do..." you lick your lips nervously "my father, he's sick"
"i will take care of his medical expenses" he nods before you could finish that sentence
"it would be nice if i could finish my own fucking sentences"
he lets out a dry chuckle, and you take it as a sign to continue
"he's never been properly checked , we don't know what exactly is wrong with 'im" you sigh "my only condition is that 'im and my mother would be looked after, financially and medically."
"they will be"
"i want it in writing" you hesitate but then say it anyways , you don't know if you can trust him, you don't care if you offend him.
he looks at you, his eye travel between yours "alright"
you let out a breath you didn't know you've been holding
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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seventeenpins · 5 months
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knock him down a peg
pairing: QZ!Joel x F!Reader x Tess
word count: 4.4k
summary: A follow up to Never Pegged You For A Quitter. After a raid gone wrong, Joel's been acting out. Cue an attitude adjustment. Inspired by this ask! 🩷
content/warnings: threesome, pussy eating, anal fingering, Tess is 'daddy', sub!Joel, fucking with a strap-on, reader is injured, Tess is protective af about reader, Joel nuts a frankly concerning amount, references to fisting, Tess slaps Joel
a/n: uhhhh i've been working on this for MONTHS but i think it's finally ready?? shoutout to my co-writer @ozarkthedog without whom this wouldn't exist -- thank you for letting me scream about all of my horny Tess thoughts, helping me organise my brain, giving me about a million good ideas, and encouraging me the whole way thru, and to @sp00kymulderr for giving me the fic title (did you know you did that?? you did. thank you!!)
The three of you had been planning for weeks; maps spread out across the kitchen table. Packs filled with ammo and food and product. It was an immaculate plan, every variable accounted for.
It still went tits up.
Just that morning, FEDRA had changed patrol routes altogether, so your route out wasn't clear anymore. It was no matter, you'd figured. You could head south, through the old high rises, and hook around.
That's when you discovered why FEDRA changed their routes.
Swarms of infected like you'd never seen them had flooded the buildings, hissing and flailing and scrambling towards you. Tess nearly got bit. And then once you made your drop and collected your payment, you had to go back through again.
Tess and Joel had taken the rear, and you'd gone ahead, ending up face-to-face with a slimy FEDRA lackey who took all of the cards you had on you, half your new product, and still put you in lockup for three days.
All in all, bad. 
Arguably better, though, than the noose.
Tess had been waiting for you when you got out and scanned over you as you limped your way out. Your shoulder had been dislocated, but she'd reset it as soon as you were let outside, cussing out the disinterested agents who were watching you, telling you to breathe deep and setting it on two when she made you count to three.
Now, you’re home, sat across from Tess, hissing as she dabbed iodine on the oozing cut beneath your eye. There was a gash on your abdomen that was just shallow enough to avoid the need for stitches. Small miracles. You watched her scan over you, head-to-toe, as if you were hiding some extra life-threatening wound that neither of you knew about yet. Her concern was firm and fierce; never sweet words, but warm hands and a careful touch.
Joel, however, wasn't handling things well. He was pacing back and forth, dangerously quiet. He wore a mean scowl, and his eyes were nearly black with fury. You could see all of his tells; the clench of his jaw, the flash of his eyes, the way his fingers twitched nervously and he refused to make eye contact with you.
The more he paced, the more Tess tensed till suddenly she snapped.
"Sit the fuck down, Joel. You're not helping, pacing like that," she scolded. He practically growled in response.
"It was fuckin' reckless," he spat, "Shouldn't've let her go ahead."
"Her?" you scoff, "We all decided I should go ahead. Someone's gotta do it, and I'm as much a part of this as you are."
He glowered.
"You think you're some kinda savior?” Your shoulder smarts, and the more Joel talks, the more you want to smack him. “Gotta protect me, is that it?"
“You’re more important here,” he argues, punctuating his point by jabbing his finger towards you, “Plottin’ out the routes, trackin’ product, inventory-”
“Joel-” Tess interrupts, “You know as well as I do that she’s been doing this just as long as we have. You wanna know why you weren’t the one going ahead?”
The guard dog reels, as if he didn’t know his place and his role were calculated. As if it weren’t something Tess would ensure.
“You’re talkin’ bout reckless? You’re the one getting reckless, Joel,” Tess hisses.
“It shouldn’ta gone like that-”
“Shit’s gonna go bad, sometimes. But we’re all here. We’re all okay.”
Joel huffs a sigh. “We nearly weren’t.”
Tess ignores him. “And you think being a martyr, putting yourself in danger ahead of us is gonna help us in the long run?”
“If I’d been up front-”
“If you’d been up front, right now we’d be cleaning your oozing face. Maybe you’d have some broken ribs, too.”
“Nah. Shut the fuck up, Miller.”
Joel scoffs, nostrils flaring. Shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
The eye roll–that’s the final nail in the coffin.
Tess glowers. “You’d better fix your fuckin’ attitude, Joel, or I’ll fix it for you.”
He grinds his jaw, glaring at you both in turn.
But then Tess sees it; the way he’s starting to get hard in his jeans. You see it too, and you start to notice other things; the flush of his cheeks, his pupils dilated, blown black.
“Oh-,” Tess smirks and turns to you, “Look at that, baby. Looks like he wants a little attitude adjustment.”
You expect him to fire back, make some quip, talk some shit. Instead, he looks ahead. He avoids making eye contact with either of you. A deer in headlights.
“C’mon, Joel.” Tess soothes, stepping forward to rub small circles on his hips, holding and settling him with a surprisingly gentle touch. "Instead of letting you be a stubborn jackass, maybe we oughta fuck some good sense into you.”
Joel doesn’t groan, he just lets out a breath. You do groan.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to be good for us,” she taunts.
You’ve been on the receiving end of Tess’s mean streak before and it’s embarrassing how immediately it excites you. Whenever you think about it, your stomach flips and you have to actively restrain yourself from rubbing your thighs together. Her voice was then as it is now–gleeful and mocking. She made sure you learned your lesson- you fucked up, so now I gotta teach you how to act right. 
The last time you’d seen her like that, the night had ended with your ass on fire, covered in raised handprints. Painful indents of bite marks bruised beautifully up along the insides of your thighs, and you’d come so many times you nearly passed out. These days when you touch yourself, you’re thinking of that; how Tess must’ve been wrist deep, fucking her whole fist into you as she opened her mouth, tongue ready and waiting, grinning when your release splashes her face and drips down her chin, telling you, “Now that’s better, baby.”
Now, fully back in the moment, you’re looking at her and you can see the fire in her eyes. Tess grabs you by the collar, kissing you hard. It’s a dizzying few moments as she licks into your mouth, tongue hot and sweet. You love how she tastes.
When she pulls away, you’re breathless and she’s smirking. 
“Take a seat, honey,” she tells you, and pushes you back. You stumble and land in the armchair behind you. Then she turns to Joel. “You,” she fixes him with a stern glare, “No touching. Behave.”
She exits the room. You and Joel are left in silence. 
You don’t know exactly what Tess has in mind, but you’ve got a pretty good idea.
Joel watches you, wordless. You can feel the energy, the urgency vibrating out from him, but he says nothing. Barely moves. Tess has him trained well.
You unbutton your jeans and lower your zipper. Shimmy them down your hips, past the swell of your ass, and kick them off. 
There’s a sharp intake of breath, and you know Joel’s just noticed you’re not wearing any underwear. You recline back, letting your legs spread. Letting him see every part of you.
The wound on your abdomen is hot, a burning pulse. Your shoulder aches. Your jaw stings. You’re pretty sure your face is a swollen, puffy mess, especially where the gash beneath your eye still weeps, and there are bruises in the shape of handprints all down your arms. 
You need to feel good. Not broken or disregarded, and certainly not made to feel inadequate. You’d gotten your ass handed to you. Now, you need to indulge in some of your more hedonistic pleasures. And, you want to torture Joel, just a little.
Hoping Joel’s watching, but refusing to look up to see, you start to trace along your body. Your fingertips brush your lips first, trailing down your chin, your throat, your collarbone. It’s grounding. Assessing. You need to know what will make you feel good and what will cause you pain.
Slowly, you follow down your shirt, taking a moment to pinch your nipples, tracing a path along your belly, and then to the thatch of curls between your thighs.
You hear a restrained breath, and now you know Joel’s watching. You cup your mound, feel your own heat in your hand. You don’t want to go too far, don’t want to really start before Tess is back, but there’s no harm in warming yourself up.
A few minutes later, as you’re stroking your cunt, feeling yourself start to drip, she walks back in. 
What a fucking sight to behold. Her own shirt is unbuttoned, harness secured at her waist and thighs, the firm silicone cock hanging heavy between her legs. She’s beautiful, breasts unconstrained by any bra, nipples hard, and legs so toned. She looks at you, your naked self, and her scowl softens.
She turns to Joel. “Now, that’s a good girl, huh? Look at that.”
Joel says nothing, just grunts a vague noise of affirmation. 
Tess raises a brow. “Really, Joel?” she admonishes, “You had plenty to say earlier.”
He’s grinding his jaw, has been grinding his jaw for a while. You start to gingerly pull the shirt you’re wearing off and over your head, and Tess leans down to help, taking care to avoid your fucked up shoulder, all your cuts and bruises.
“This is what’s gonna happen,” she tells Joel, “I’m gonna fuck our girl, and you’re gonna watch. If you’re good, then we’ll fuck you, too. Got it?”
Joel grumbles an affirmation, but Tess is sick of his avoidance. She rounds on him, closing the space between them in only a few steps, and slaps him hard on the cheek.
“-The fuck, Tess.” Joel growls, and he’s mad now, “Goddammi-”
She smacks him again. “This isn’t a negotiation, Joel. You can leave if you want,” her eyes glance down to where his cock strains painfully against the fly of his jeans, “But I’m guessing you want to stay here and play with us.”
Finally, Joel looks at her. Directly at her. It’s like staring at the sun.
“Yes,” he admits, “I want to be here.”
“Good boy.”
Now, her attention turns on you. “How’re you feeling, baby?” she asks.
“Better every minute,” you grin up at her, fingers lazily swirling around your clit as you let yourself feel.
“Let me see,” she commands, and you let her spread your legs, opening your thighs wide as she examines your glistening cunt. She nearly gasps when she takes a look. “Oh, baby,” she praises, “Look at you-”, and it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard.
It feels so vulnerable, having Tess on her knees in front of you, looking at you bare. She breathes in deeply, groaning as her nostrils fill with the smell of you. The vulgar eroticism sends another surge of arousal through you and you’re almost embarrassed at how much it makes you drip.
Gently, she presses an exploratory middle finger against your opening and hisses out a breath when she slips in easily.
She turns her wrist, twisting the digit, letting you feel the width of her fist pressing against your mound. The pressure against you is delicious. It obsessed you, every time you considered it; the way she can make every time feel like the first time. You could never get bored. She’s a force.
You want to taunt her or tease her, rile her up just a little more. You love her rough side. But you know she wouldn’t go for it, the state you’re in, and besides–you’re tired, and the way she’s fingerfucking you feels so goddamn good you can’t even think of a single thing to say. 
She goes from stroking your folds and covering you with your own slick, to slipping her ring finger in with her middle. It’s an easy glide, too, and she starts pumping the digits, thumb hard against your clit as she works you open.
“God damn,” she groans, “All beat up and you’re still fuckin’ gushing for me, pretty girl.”
The pressure is overwhelming but you want to endure, need to endure. That doesn’t, however, stop your body from writhing and shaking, and the combination of her words and her ministrations, you know Tess feels how hard you’re clenching around her, feeling yourself get too close, too fast. She winks at you before turning back to Joel.
“C’mon over here,” she beckons him. He obeys, kneeling down beside her. She leans over and narrates. “Look at how she’s taking my fingers. Barely any resistance. Slipped right in, see how wet she is for me?”
Joel hums in acknowledgement, something between a sigh and a growl.
“Good thing she’s this wet already,” she tells Joel, nodding at the strap between her legs, “Otherwise you might have to suck it first-” 
His growl turns into something like a whine, desperate and beautiful. You know more than most how much effort he’s putting into not allowing himself to speak. How he must really be desperate to get fucked if he’s restraining himself like this.
“And we know that’s not a punishment for you, don’t we?” She swats him on the cheek, “We all know how much Joel Miller loves suckin’ cock, huh?”
She’s not wrong. His eyes somehow grow darker, and you’re so focused at watching his reactions that you barely even register Tess spreading your legs even further apart till the head of her cock presses against your drooling cunt, and she slides the entire length in, bottoming out in a single smooth thrust.
“JESUS, Tess,” you cry out. 
She just grins and holds you by the waist. “Hold on tight baby,” she tells you, “I know you can take all this and then some.”
After a few restrained thrusts, she finds her rhythm and starts fucking you. The initial sensation of being filled starts to wane, and you swear your pussy is a starving entity of its own. It wants and it wants and it wants.
The ache is so good, and she’s deep, too. It’s a perfect balance of pleasure and pressure. With each cant of her hips, you sink further into a blinding euphoria. It’s exactly what you need. 
“Taking me so fucking good,” she praises, “Like you were made to take me. Goddamn, baby, you’re dripping like a faucet.”
“Needed this so bad-” you mumble, “Fuck, Tess, I need you-”
“You got me, baby,” she promises, “You got me, I’ll give you anything you need.”
Every word is punctuated by another thrust. 
“Tell me what you need, honey.”
“Faster,” you gasp, “Please, Tess, need it faster-”
With a growl, she shifts you, pulls out for a moment and grabs you by the legs. She drags you further down the chair but rests the back of your calves on her shoulder before plunging the strap back in, deeper and rougher than before.
You wince a little, the tender part of your belly stinging, and she notices immediately. Rearranges you, just a little. 
When she slides back in, the pain is gone. Only pleasure remains.
“See?” Tess snarls, “She knows how to be good, huh?” 
Still holding your legs with one arm, she wraps the other around you and lands a hard smack on your ass, grinning when she feels you gush around her again.
You buck and writhe, and you know you have the stupidest grin plastered across your face.
She makes you dizzy.
“That’s it, baby,” she tells you. “So good, telling me what you need,”
“Fuck–” you rasp, “I’m gonna cum, Tess, please-”
She keeps to the rhythm, letting her fast strokes and the snap of her hips undo you. You’re close, so fucking close, but you can see the way she’s trembling, so focused on you, you don’t think she realises she’s close to the edge too.
Now, the only thing you want is for you both to cum together.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Tess, daddy, cum in me, please–”
A strangled moan leaves her, breathless, and she fucks into you and feels the way you tighten and pulse around the cock, feels the way you drip greedily down her thighs, and that’s enough; Tess comes with you.
As you come back out of the fog, your head is giddy with bliss. You’re tangled up, sweaty, sticky skin pressed together. You hold her close as she runs her hands up and down your back, soothing you. Your breasts are pressed together like a jigsaw puzzle, and the thought is silly, but it’s true.
The strength of your orgasm has knocked you numb, and it takes several moments for your vision and hearing to come back fully. Tess seems to be in the same boat, because it’s at the same time that you both hear it.
Slick squelches. Soft moans.
You both look over at the same time. Tess’s jaw drops. You feel another surge of arousal run through you as you focus on Joel.
“I’m- I’m sorry, honey,” he tells you, “Shouldn’t’a acted like that.”
You barely register his words. Instead, you watch how he’s stripped down near completely, barring his socks. That should make you laugh, but his legs are lewdly spread. With one hand he’s gripping his balls, clearly trying not to touch his drooling cock. With the other, he’s three fingers deep in his asshole, moving desperately. There’s a bottle of lube nearby and you can see its contents dripping down his wrist as he pumps his fingers hard and fast into his aching hole.
Tess looks stuck between telling him off for touching himself, and wholly impressed by his dedication to preparation.
“Well I’ll be damned,” she laughs, incredulous, “Someone’s eager.”
She’s still inside you, and you can feel another rush of your cum drip down the strap. An idea strikes you.
“Fuck him with it,” you tell her, looking down at the thick silicone as she glides out of you, “Fuck him with it, while it’s still dripping with me.”
Tess moves a hand to her breast, pinching and flicking at her own nipple, practically growling at your words. She stares at you for a moment. Then back to Joel.
He’s lost for words, too, it seems. He looks absolutely wrecked. His fingers are still buried deep, but they’re not moving anymore. Focus on the motion is forgotten, he’s just fixed on you both, eyes darting between you, waiting for a decision, any decision, to be made.
“Honey,” she smirks at you, “Why don’t you move over to the head of the bed there, that’s a good girl.”
You get up and scoot back, snorting a laugh as she swats at your ass while you rearrange yourself so your back is against the headboard.
“Spread those legs,” she orders. “Mmm yes, that’s it. My good fucking girl-”
She turns to Joel. “What a nice view, huh?”
Your lips are puffy and used, shining with slick. The room smells like sex, heavy and intoxicating.
“I think you’d better clean up the mess I made of her,” she gestures towards you and Joel doesn’t hesitate. “Hands and knees, Miller.”
He moves from his seat, crawling up the bed, wrapping his hands around your thighs and spreading them further.
The first stroke of his tongue feels like coming home. The hot, wet pass of it is intoxicating, and you’re already so sensitive you don’t need any focus on your clit to feel the build clutch at you again already.
“Good boy,” Tess praises him. He growls into you, the strokes of his tongue growing wider and faster, drinking up every drop of you.
He pulls away for only a moment. “Fuck me, Tess, please-”
“You focus on her and you’ll get what you need,” she promises, “But you’d better move fast, Texas.”
He sighs, but glances up at you. He nods, more weight to it than you’d expect, before he runs another lick up your cunt.
You shudder at the sensation, your legs turning to mush again. His calloused hands scrape against your thighs as he holds them apart, nuzzles at your pussy, dives back in, alternating between licking and sucking. 
There are many things that can be said about the man worshiping between your legs, but no one could ever say he eats pussy with anything less than religious devotion.
He nibbles gently in a way that devastates, knocks you back and wears you down. Once you’ve hit one peak it doesn’t take you long to hit the next, and he has you on the edge so damn fast you’d feel embarrassed if you didn’t also feel so fucking good.
“Fuck,-” you breathe, “Fuck, Joel-! Can’t fucking stop coming- Fuuuckkk–!”
He blinks, dark brown eyes gazing up at you as he continues, relentless, barely impeded by the way your body is convulsing from the overwhelm of sensation.  
You shudder on his mouth, legs shaking, involuntary whimpers turning into something more like panting whines and moans. You’re pretty sure the entire building can hear you. You really don’t care.
Tess has been watching the whole time, smirking but silent. Now she lines up her still-wet cock against his slick hole.
“Y’ready, Miller?” She asks, and you feel yourself melt at the tenderness of it. You fall in love just a little bit more, every time you see her soft.
He grunts an affirmation. His mouth is still on you but his movements slow and he buries his nose between your folds, nudging at you gently as Tess presses the head of her cock to his slick hole. The most beautiful whine slips out his mouth, reverberating against your cunt. You can feel the way his entire body moves, pressing up into you, as she lets herself loose, thrusting shallowly at first before snapping her hips in longer, deeper strokes.
With one particularly brutal thrust, he knocks forward. The curve of his nose hits against your clit and you come again with a shriek, soaking his face as he takes everything she gives him.
You’re worn out, spent and satisfied. You clutch him by the hair and yank him off of you, and now his moans aren’t muffled anymore. 
He keeps his head between your thighs, breathing in your scent as the cum on his face cools and starts to dry. He’s loud, whining and grunting, taking Tess’s cock like it’s his only purpose.
“Fuck, Tessa-” he sobs, the heat of his breath on your used-up cunt. “Feels- so fucking- good.”
“Feels real fuckin good, don’t it?” she echoes, rhythm never ceasing, “Lettin’ your daddy fuck you like this.”
“Uh huh.”
“You wanna be good for me, say thank you?”
“I-” His words come out stilted, punctuated by each thrust. “Yes-”
“Say thank you, Daddy.”
“Thank- Thank- you- daddy-” he chokes.
“Thank you for what?” you prompt, and Tess grins. Joel looks up at you with a flash of something that could be fury or hunger.
“Thank you-” he hisses, “Thank you- daddy- for teaching me a lesson-”
“Good boy,” she soothes, “Say ‘thank you daddy, for teaching me how silly and childish I’ve been.’”
“Thank you daddy,” he echoes, “For teaching me how silly I’ve been. How childish. Ain’t been actin’ right. Not to you honey-” he presses a gentle kiss to the inside of your thigh. Closes his eyes when he speaks to her. “Not to you either, daddy.”
“You feelin good, baby?” she asks him.
He breathes out a shudder. “Feels so fucking good, but–”
“Need more. Need to be touched.”
“Poor baby,” Tess pouts, “I’m afraid we can’t do that.”
He whines, but nods.
“But since you’re taking this lil attitude adjustment so well, I suppose we can let you cum. That sound alright to you honey?”
“Sure,” you beam, “He can rub himself up against the mattress if he likes. Cum just like that.”
“Mmm yeah,” Tess agrees, “You able to cum from rutting up against the bed?”
“Yes- yes anything, please-”
“Love it when he begs,” you sigh and Tess hums in affirmation.
She presses him down, keeps her cock in him as she knocks him so he’s flat on the bed, legs splayed, swollen dick rubbing against the covers as she holds him by the hips.
This whole time, she’s kept a steady pace. Not quite brutal, but certainly not leisurely. You see the way his own hips rock as he humps the bed, trying to find an angle that’ll give him the release he needs.
“I’m- fuck, I’m getting close Tessa– Gonna fuckin cum–”
“Good,” she smacks him hard and watches the flesh of his ass shake deliciously from the blow.
The masochist he is, it’s all he needs to tumble over the edge.
He comes with a shout, cum painting the bedsheets and pooling on the fabric, coating his stomach, his cock, his balls. Tess is still inside him, still hitting his prostate with every stroke, and it strengthens his orgasm to a point of almost overwhelming intensity. After a few moments, you’re not sure if he’ll ever stop coming, the amount of it verges on concerning as the pool of cum threatens to trickle over the edge of the bed.
Finally, his orgasm comes to an end, and Tess’s thrusts slow. 
They both reel back, panting, Tess pulling out gently and Joel whimpering at the loss of sensation. 
“Good boy,” she tells him, unbuckling the harness and letting the strap fall to the floor.
“Fuuuuuckkkkkk-” he sighs, and you giggle. His eyes snap up to you, but he’s laughing too. 
He shakes his head and starts to peel himself up from the sticky mess he’s made. “Sorry I’m such a jackass.” 
“Eh,” you shrug, “We know you’re a jackass.”
He nods, considering.
“And–” Tess joins in, “We know how to set you straight.”
He snorts.
“Just– I know you were scared out there,” you tell him, and he must’ve been fucked real good because he doesn’t even try to argue. “We’re always gonna have close calls. But we’re in this together, yeah? Don’t shut me out just because you’re afraid.”
He’s silent for a moment. Then nods at you.
“Okay, honey. And- thank you, Tessa. You know how t’ keep me in line.”
“Anytime, Texas,” she grins.
You get up and turn on the shower. The rest of the day, you’ll get clean. You’ll rest. You’ll let your aching bones start their healing. Just over the sound of the shower spray, you hear Tess speaking to Joel; “Now, unless I’m much mistaken, it’s your turn to change the sheets-”
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gintrinsic-writing · 8 months
Twilight was a no-good filthy traitor. Legend hoped a bird shit on his head, or that he had to walk with wet socks, or that all of his hair burned off during the next monster fight. It would only serve him right.
“He looks like he’s plottin’ my demise,” Twilight muttered in an aside to Hyrule.
“Because I am,” Legend bit out, only keeping his voice down so the others didn’t wake. If there was any mercy to be found, it was that Twilight hadn’t told anyone else yet. Goddess knows that would only make things worse.
Hyrule took a slow, deep breath—bracing himself, or maybe out of patience. Legend didn’t know him well enough to say, yet. For a healer, he was surprisingly prickly at times. “We’re only concerned, Legend. Let us help you.”
“And I’m telling you, there’s nothing to help.”
“Twilight said he’s seen you wearing those rings every night.” Hyrule glanced at Legend’s fingers pointedly. “We recognize them. You once mentioned they’re for healing.”
“So what?” Legend snarked.
“So quit being a stubborn bastard and tell us where you’re hurt,” Twilight grumbled, voice just shy of too loud. “You wouldn’t wear ‘em without reason. You’ve said yourself you don’t like wastin’ magic.”
“They’re passive,” Legend sighed, then held up his hands when they both scoffed and opened their mouths to argue. “Why can’t you simply trust me to handle my own shit?”
“Because you’re not on your own now,” Hyrule argued. “We’re a team, and if you’re hurting when one of us can help—”
“Good Three, are you deaf?” Legend snapped in a whisper. “I already said you can’t!”
Hyrule’s ears flattened, and he lowered his gaze. Legend instantly felt like shit.
“Prove it, then,” Twilight said. “Let him do a quick scan, and if there’s truly nothing, we’ll apologize and leave you alone.”
Legend wanted to throw something. He half-considered shoving Twilight just to have an outlet for some of his frustration, but the farm boy was built like a brick shithouse. Probably wouldn’t do Legend the courtesy of budging. “You know what? Fine. Since you’re incapable of respecting my privacy, fine.”
They both looked chastised, but not enough to stop them from taking advantage of Legend’s reluctant acquiescence. Hyrule stepped forward—and wasn’t that its own sharp discomfort, allowing someone into his space without bristling—and placed glowing hands near Legend’s head and chest. For a moment, the only sound was the crackle of the camp fire. Then Hyrule made an unhappy sound in the back of his throat.
“Your right knee…”
As if on cue, an ache shot up through Legend’s leg. “Old ACL tear.”
“It didn’t heal well.”
Seconds passed, Hyrule chewing on his lower lip. “What about your back?”
“Nerve damage after a fall.”
Twilight winced. “How high?”
Legend bitterly recalled the unforgiving rocky slopes of Tal Tal Heights. “High,” he answered curtly.
Hyrule shifted his hands. “Your hip—was it dislocated?”
“Mhm. Lynel clipped me.”
“It’s not… Your socket must’ve been damaged as well. It’s not a great fit.”
“I’m aware.”
“And your left ankle?” Hyrule asked quietly. “A fracture?”
“I didn’t have time to set it properly. Had to chug a potion and run.” He figured it went without saying that the alternative would’ve been much worse.
Hyrule frowned. “There’s some scarring in your lungs. Does it hurt to breathe?”
A small raft, a large storm. Choking on salt water as waves crashed overhead. Waking up on Koholint, convinced he must’ve drowned— “Not enough to matter.”
“I see…” Hyrule suddenly took Legend’s left hand in both of his. He was so, so gentle. It made Legend want to hide under a rock. “Can you feel anything in your palm?”
“Besides pins and needles?” Legend shrugged. “Hardly. Burn went too deep.”
Twilight shifted uncomfortably where he stood. “Hyrule, can you heal any of this?”
Hyrule hesitated, then took a step back, letting go of Legend’s hand. “I can try but…” He shook his head sadly. “There’s so much more. So many little traumas that healed wrong, or weren’t addressed in time. Some of your joints are relying on scar tissue for support to function. The arthritis alone, it—I can’t even imagine. Oh, Legend, I’m so sor—”
“I know,” Legend hissed, feeling his face burn with embarrassment. “I fucking know, but you both insisted, and—and there’s nothing to be done, is there? Nothing to do but deal with it, like I always have.” He scoffed, fidgeting with one of his rings. “Only now, you know how broken I am. Congratulations, I guess. I’m proof of what it means to be the goddesses’ favorite.”
Twilight reached out, probably intending to offer comfort, but Legend flinched away. He wasn’t sure why he’d said that last bit. He wished he could take it back. “Just… please,” he started, too tired and ashamed to keep up his anger. “Give me some privacy, and don’t tell the others. Can you at least do that for me?”
Twilight finally looked appropriately regretful. Too bad it didn’t make Legend feel any better. “Of course, Ledge,” he murmured. “And I’m—truly, I’m sorry for pryin’.”
“It’s fine,” Legend said, which wasn’t true, but it was better than “whatever” or “you should be.” He thinks they understood anyway.
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sweetgirlaryya · 3 months
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• Thank you Mom — Gojo x Reader • (friends to lovers)
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• Summary: Your best friend of 4 years finds out through your mom that you always had a crush on him but never said anything. What will he do? Will he stop talking to you? Will he pay you no mind? or Will confront you with the same feelings?.... • Read to find out 🤭
Also this is just a regular high school au and feel free to give advice and criticism at the bottom.
And sorry for any grammar mistakes along the way
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• After school you and your best friend Satoru are walking back to your house sharing your airpods listening to your favorite song (song of your choice) you arrive at your house, and as soon as you take one step walking up the stairs you trip....over nothing.
And when you do Satoru's on your right laughing his ass off at you. "BAHAHAHAHA" Satoru stops laughing at you and acts like he's wiping a tear. "I needed that laugh" he says, helping you up and letting you dust yourself off.
"Fuck you i'm glad you had a great laugh" you huff taking your keys out and opening the door, letting yourself in and trying to close the door on him.
"Hey what was that for y/n" Satoru says and you roll your eyes "Cause you deserved it" you say walking away knowing he'll close and lock the door for you. Putting your's and his bags down.
"Awwww want me to make it up to you love~?" he says winking and laughing a little while following you to the kitchen and sitting on the bar stool. You walk behind the counter looking in your kitchen for a snack.
"No and i'm not your love Toru" you say while doing air quotes (you call him Toru for short) knowing deep down that you wanted to be his everything for a while now, but never admitting it not wanting to risk your friendship and things becoming awkward between you too.
As soon as he's about to say something your mom walks in the house coming from getting her nails done.
 "Oh, hey y/n and Satoru" she says, while sitting her purse down on the couch nearby. " You guys hungry?" she asks, "Yes ma'am" Toru says to your mom while you tell her that you'll be back after a very much needed shower while heading upstairs.
" Sooo Satoru, how was you and y/n day at school today?" she asks." Well Ms. (your mom's last name) my day was good, but I saw y/n talking to this guy who I don’t really know, which is fine but, he was kind of all up on her.”
He tells your mom with a sigh while shaking his head a lil (MY BOY STRESSIN).”Continue” your mom says while cutting up some bell peppers with a lil smirk on her face (she plottin real bad lol)
“But I don’t like the dude because I don’t get why he had to be all up on her like he need to back off if she wanted him to be on her she would have initiated it.” He responds with a huff and crosses his arms. 
Your mom laughed a lil while putting the ingredients into the pot.”What if y/n did initiate it then.” She lifts an eyebrow when she turns to face Satoru.”Well…” Satoru starts but stops.
Your mom pats his arm a lil “I don’t think you should worry because y/n can’t stop talking about a certain someone when you're not here.” she says. “What?!” “Who?!” Satoru asks.
Meanwhile this is what your doing :
You're getting out of the shower in your wonderful comfortable pajamas or whatever you sleep in and you get a text from the guy who was all up on you at school today.
He sent you a text inviting you to a party tomorrow night (It's Thursday right now y’all we not partying on no school night).You tell him that you’ll be there since you have nothing planned anyway.
You think about asking Satoru to go with you not wanting to be alone since you don't know who's all going to be there at the party.
You check the time and head out to go eat dinner with your mom and Satoru when you hear Satoru shout. “What happened?!” you yell out to them.
“Nothing” Your mom yells back while she looks back at Satoru raising her eyebrow at him. Satoru smiles and rubs the back of his neck, mouthing a sorry, he then takes a breath and peaks down the hall to make sure you're still in your room.
He looks at your mom and she continues.“She talks about a certain someone white hair and piercing blue eyes,who is also tall and just a tad bit cocky.”She tells him with a smirk as she nods her head to him.
Satoru blushes and realize what she’s hinting at. ”Are you for real?” He asks your mom and she nods while making your and Satoru’s plate.
Satoru just smiles a little bit.You come out of your room and sit down beside Satoru and you notice his cheeks are a little flush.You ask him about it but he says it's nothing so you let it go not wanting to pry.After dinner he goes home.
You wash the dishes and head back into your room.But before you close the door your mom calls out to you. “Yes mom?” you respond. “Goodnight and tell me everything that happens tomorrow.” she says with a smirk.
Not knowing what she’s talking about, you're about to ask her but she shuts her door before you ask.
You wanted to go in there and ask her what she was talking about but you decided to let it go since it’s already late.
•Next Day•
You wake up and take a nice shower and get dressed (whatever you want to wear) once you enter the kitchen, you see that your mom made you some breakfast before she left.
You finish your breakfast, grab your house keys and head outside to meet Toru.Once you step outside you see your best friend. “Hey darlin~” Toru greets you.
You smile and roll your eyes and decide to flirt back, “Hi Toru~” you say while wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling up at him.Satoru freezes up a bit and blushes.You do nothing but a laugh a little and pull him to start walking.
•At School•
You and Satoru walk into the building.As you guys are walking the guy you were with came up to you.
“Hey y/n mamas” with wink (what the hell did i just type smh☠️) “What the hell you just call her” Toru ask. “She’s my girl” Aaron responds with a smirk.
Satoru just looks at him like he’s a crackhead. “Hey Aaron” you respond, trying not to make a wtf face at him. 
“Are you still coming to the party tonight?” Aaron asks you. “Yea and Toru is coming with me too.” You respond.
Aaron just looks Satoru up and down but just looks back at you. “Yea well don’t let him ruin our fun.” he says.
Satoru just looks and says “Well sorry but she’s not yours and she’s going to be with me tonight sitting nice and pretty on my lap ain’t that right love~?” Toru asks you and smirks.
You could only look shocked and nod your head while playing along with him. Satoru pushes past Aaron dragging you along to class. “You alright y/n?” he ask.
You look up at him in his eyes and see he is actually concerned. “Yes I am, thank you for asking” You respond .He just sighs and smiles.
You punch him in the arm lightly and ask him “What was that about me sitting pretty on your lap at the party?” you side eye him.
“Well what was that about me coming to this party tonight without me knowing I was coming?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“No comment” You say and walk away to class. Watching you leave he just shakes his head a lil and walks to his own class.
•After School•
You both are walking to your house since it’s routine but instead he’s just dropping you off. When you reach your house he tells you he’ll pick you up. He tells you to text him when you're ready to go.
•In your room•
You're standing in your room with your closet door open not knowing what you should wear. You think about just not going until you hear a knock on your door. And before you can answer your mom comes in.
“Maaaaa” “Yes?” she answers you. “What do you wear to a party?” You felt hesitant to ask her but you did it anyway. “Ummmm it depends what mood you're in.” “You need some help ?” “Kind of” You tell her.
“Just wear what you feel is comfortable but nice for the party and also use protection” She says with a smirk walking out of your room. “Mom be for real!” You yell. “ I’m always real, I ain’t raising no kids” she responds. You just put on an outfit of your choice and then text Toru that you're ready.
As you make your way to the front of the house you hear a knock on the door.You open the door and see Satoru looking like a gorgeous greek sculpture. Especially since he had a muscular body but not bulky.
When Satoru sees you open the door he can’t help but think you are the most beautiful girl he has ever seen (which is true cause we are a badass bitch) and smiles knowing you're going to be by his side tonight with how good you look.
“Hey y/n!” He says “What no more love or darlin '~?” you ask. He just laughs “Now you miss the little names I call you huh” he winks at you “Come on so we can make it to this party.” You say.
As you and Satoru are walking up to the house you can hear the music from outside the door.When you walk in you take in the scene around. People drinking, Playing cup pong, Couples making out, People smoking, Some dancing, you even see 2 couples make their way upstairs to a room to do god knows what.
“Alright I’m going to go get us some drinks.” Toru tells you. “Okay just find me on the dance floor” you respond. You guys split and go your separate ways. As you make your way to the dance floor your favorite song comes on. You're dancing doing your thing when you feel someone behind you grinding on your ass.
You turn around and see Aaron. “Oh, Hey Aaron” you greet him. “ Hey mamas~~.” He replies with a smirk while grabbing your hips. While he is trying to basically grind his cock on your ass. You're trying to pull away. “Aaron let me go” You tell him but he doesn’t listen. “Awww~ what's wrong sugar cookie stop playing.” He tells you. But this bad bitch is not having it.
•Meanwhile with the main man himself •
I go and get me and y/n some drinks. As I’m pouring our drinks I hear yelling going on. At first I paid no mind but then I realized that was y/n yelling. So I drop the drinks and rush to the dance floor. I push and shove to get to her. When I reach her I see….
•Back with y/n •
Aaron tries to move his hand towards your cunt (which is dry as a desert thanks to him). You shove your elbow back into his stomach and watch him hunch over. When he does you kick him in the balls and watch him fall to his knees. You yell at him that he is perv and needs to get a life instead of always trying to get his dick wet.
Satoru runs up to you asking if your okay and turns to see Aaron on his knees.Satoru takes Aaron by the collar of his shirt and “If you ever lay a hand on my lady again it’s gon be me and you” He says while smirking and then punches him in his shit.
Satoru picks you up bridal style and walks out the door with you in his arms. You can tell something is wrong with the way his face is frowned up. “Toru, what's wrong?��� you ask him.
“ I’ll tell you when we get to your house.” He says. You don’t say anything and let him carry you feeling how his grip tights on you like he's scared you’ll disappear any moment.
When he reaches your house he puts you down. You unlock the door and welcome him in. You both head to your room. When you get there you give him some of his clothes that he leaves here to change into while you go to the bathroom to change.
When y’all have settled in your bed you're waiting for him to say something. When he sighs.
“y/n l/n” he says
“Not my government name”
He looks at you with a little smile and shakes his head
“ I’m in love you” He says
You look at him shocked not knowing what to say. But then you kiss him and it’s not like fireworks or butterflies in your stomach. But it’s like this warmth that spreads through you and it wraps around you like a warm blanket when you're in the cold. Or the warmth hot chocolate brings on a snowy day.
You break the kiss and look at him in his eyes.
“ I'm in love with you too.”
You both smile and get up under the blankets and you ask him.
“Mmm” He responds
“What made you confess?”
He looks at you and pulls you close and says.
“Your mom”
You look at him and laugh. You both say goodnight to each other and as you look a Satoru you can help but think.
“Thank you, Mom.”
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my master list
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sbg-loving-pierog · 5 months
Hunger Games (Simulator)
✨️ School Bus Graveyard ✨️
Part 1, probably. also no spoilers except for the characters that may have not appeared in the previous chapters ':)
Introducing : The squad! :D
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Are you ready? :D
The Reaping:
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The tree be like "oops, I did it again"
Ashlyn is SLAYIN' 💅✨️
UM. TAYLOR? "Traumatizing Tyler" the speed run, cause ITS NOT EVEN DAY 1
Now, DAY 1:
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Tylyn are starting their enemies to lovers story
Guys I think the tree is looking for someone.
Something about Aiden making a slingshot feels very canon
Statuses so far!
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Centipede is so out of place 😭
The ceiling is what
DAY 2:
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Well... Tyler is joining Taylor in heaven ☹️
And Alex now knows the deadly power of trees
Status time!
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Logan, my baby 😭😭
...I feel like it's doing Ben dirty.
Ashlyn 🥲
DAY 3:
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I never knew a huge phantom spraining his ankle running away from Aiden's mom is what I needed in life
Arena Event!
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Mike doesn't seem like an Aidlyn supporter.
Why are all the worst ones surviving 😭
It won't fit in one piece so I'll link part 2 HERE 👈😔
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strange-destinations · 8 months
....I need you to break down which Game of Rassilon characters would survive Dracula now please.
ah fuck okay, here we go. going by @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula's set of critera at the top of the blog...
Riley!Doctor - Wouldn't take the crucifix because she's already got several spare ones in her pockets, somewhere, maybe, she'll go looking for them later. Of course she's sneaking around and getting nosy. It's what she does. Holds Dracula's attention well enough until he says something really blatantly evil, and then she promptly snaps and ruins everything and turns the whole deal into a survival horror game. Finds a rusting sword somewhere and beats the three vampire gfs back with it. Uses her scarf to rappel her way down the side of the castle, and uses a combination of Venusian Akido and clever sonic screwdriver technobabble to disrupt the vampiric influence on the wolves. She's the Doctor. She'll be fine.
Millie - the real-life Amelia Earhart was somewhat religious, so I can easily see her taking the crucifix if offered. Talking and climbing aren't what's going to save her here. Her greatest strength is piloting and repurposing things. In the absense of a plane or spaceship, she might very well hijack the carriage Dracula drove in on. 50/50 chance of her managing to pull this off.
Travis Killian - Travis's greatest strength lies in his ability to fuck with technology, and unfortunately castle Dracula is not wi-fi enabled. He's genre-savvy enough and probably knows enough vampire lore to get a good grasp on what's going on, but that's not going to save him. I don't doubt his ability to survive a few terrifying conversations with the Count, but I do doubt his ability to climb down a ladder, let alone a massive castle wall. Probably going to die without assistance, let's hope he asks for help.
Roman - Roman would try to shoot Dracula several times and miss, every time; but that only happens at the climax of this little disaster. Vampires and Time Lords are natural enemies, so he'd have a pretty good idea what's going on from the start. Being left in a creepy old building owned by a malicious entity that wants him to suffer and lose his mind is kind of already Roman's thing, so he gets bonus points for that. Roman can absolutely talk his way around Dracula and in fact I'd pay actual money to see those conversations. When things inevitably go to shit and he has to run like hell, the aforementioned bad Marksman score kicks in. He fails to even so much as wound Dracula, and probably isn't remotely equipped to climb down the castle walls. The wolves probably get him. Sorry, Roman. He dies, but don't worry, it's all part of the plan.
Carrie Vu - after ascertaining that someone really weird is going on in the town, would turn up at Castle Dracula's front doors and offer him girl scout cookies that she doesn't own in order to sneak in and snoop around. Dracula would not be fooled but would let her in anyway. Every conversation between Carrie and Dracula is the equivalent of getting beat around the head with a rubber chicken. There's no way to predict how any of this will go. Dracula is too bemused and off-balance to contemplate killing her at first. Gets very very offended when he calls her iPhone a foul bauble of man's vanity. Would manage to get at least one good whack in with her baseball bat. The vampire GFs do eventually get her and things look hopeless, but the Corsair swings in at the last moment to rescue her, and the resulting scene is like something off the front cover of a horny romance novel.
Dan!Doctor - Would take the crucifix, insist on paying or giving something back, comedic 5-minute sequence of him pulling random currency and bizarre items out of his pockets. Solemnly promises to do something about the babies getting stolen and eaten, and this is his entire life goal for the next few weeks. Probably manages Dracula marginally better than Riley!Doctor, can keep up and hold a conversation while carefully plotting his exit route. Locates every coffin and regretfully destroys them. Very thoroughly makes sure that no part of Dracula's cunning real estate plan will ever come to pass. Escapes Castle Dracula by jumping out a window because climbing is too slow. He's good at falling off things, he'll be fine probably.
Lita Fane - Lita's wary enough that I have serious doubts she'd even go up to the castle in the first place unless coerced or forced into it. She feels much more like the person to stay down in the town and try to help the people living there. Assuming she has to go to the castle anyway - I don't know if the crucifix would be even recognizable to her as an important item, so she'd probably just be really confused about it, might take it just to be polite. Engineering skills aren't really helpful to her here. I don't think she'd be great at talking to the Count, either. Dracula sets off every red flag possible for her - Lita's having a bad time. It doesn't feel like she'd be an especially great climber, either. Lita's a survivor, but probably not in this case. Vampires were never really the thing she learned how to survive.
Stanley Campbell - Oh, god. Sorry, but there's just no way Stanley would notice that Dracula is even remotely a vampire until it's way WAY too late. 50/50 on him taking the crucifix but I'm thinking maaaybe not. He'd probably end up wandering. Dracula would lose interest in his tangents very very fast. He ain't climbing his way out, with OR without crocs. One way or another, he's not moseying his way out of this one.
bonus: Joseph!Doctor - a stick is just a stake that hasn't been sharpened yet. Dracula's going down.
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alyshiba · 7 months
Rebecca Yarros Iron Flame Interview breakdown
I was reading Rebecca Yarros's interview fo Verity, and I couldn't help but notice the amount of info she gave there, some of which feeds right onto some of theories that has been floating around since Iron Flame came out. Ofc Spoilers Ahead for Iron Flame.
I'd like to break down the most interestig parts and bits of informations she ends up giving.
I'll jump straight into the questions in which they focus on the book and the storyline. And I'll break them down in the same order they are written in the article, so if you want to read and draw your own conclusions itìll be easyer.
The first interesting piece of information is given when she's asked about the opening of Iron Flame:
[...] the first way I wrote it in her POV, it was a 7,000 word chapter where he explained everything because she was like, you will tell me now. And it was an info dump at the end. So we cut it and we put it in Xaden’s POV.
This refers to very first chapter where Violet has just learned that Brennan is actyually alive.. I find it very interesting that Rebecca ended up cuttin it since in those 7000 words there was probably info about Naolin and what really went down the day Brennan "died". It makes me think that there's really something more to the story that we aren't meant to know now.
Then Rebecca is asked how come Violet is much less perceptive in “Iron Flame” than she was in “Fourth Wing,” to which the author gives, at least in my opinion, a very interesting answer:
Violet’s entire sense of self is based on her knowledge. Her knowledge of history, her knowledge of being raised as a scribe, her knowledge of everything that’s been poured into her. [...] She doesn’t know what of what she’s been taught is a lie. She doesn’t know if it’s her brother that just lied to her or her boyfriend or her best friend Dain or her mother or the guy she thought was like an uncle, Dain’s father. [...] And she has to learn that she has to trust herself again before she can trust anyone else. And she finds that in knowledge and in history and in books.[...] So she’s very torn between, I need to know everything because I know nothing now, and maybe I don’t want to know, because maybe loving him should be enough.
I was reading this article while writing my other post about Violet's second signet, and if this is doesn't answer what Violet's most pressing need is, what might influece a second signet I don't know what else will. Rebecca has just given us the answer to that question.
We are then met with a question regardin Dain, and "whether we should like him or not". So this is what she has to say about this:
*I knew Dain’s arc in book one. So while writing book one,*I had the interrogation scene from “Iron Flame” already in my head.[...] *[...] when you’re in first-person POV, you only see it from Violet’s point of view.* It is never confirmed that he knew they were going to die, it is never confirmed that he knew what they were sending them into*. All he did was see something and trust his father.
I think this part is answer enough to those who think Dain was plottin with his dad to send Xaden & co to die. I'm not saying it's confirmed that in Iron Flame he's on the good side, but now we have confirmation that at the time of Fourth Wing he 100% wasn't plotting anything.
Then we're given a very random piece of information concerning the weather in Aretia, the question might be random, but the answer, again is very interesting:
It grows hotter as more dragons arrive. Just like the Vale is tropical at Basgiath, as more dragons arrive in the valley in Aretia, the temperature rises*.*
I find this interesting since we know that there are at least 2 types of magic currently being used in the FW / IF universe: magic channeled from mythical beasts (yes, I'll group gryphons and dragons toghether, since asaide from the strenght of the magic, we know channeling from these two species is almost the same concept) and magic channeled from the earth (the source). We also know that dragons, and griphons i assume, can't channel their own power directly, there's very limited things they can do (like holding a rider in place, for example), without bonding to a human. So the fact that their presence influeces the weather of the area they choose to live is a very important and interesting detail. It shows that somehow dragon's magic influences the source.. so that makes me wonder how do these different types of magic interact (aside from the ability of a Venin to drain a dragon) ? Do they "come from the same place"?
I think this is an important point becouse if the source and dragon magic interact, than they do not exclude one another, and if this is the case, than we confirmed that one can be Venin while still channeling from their dragon, if the dragon doesn't choose to sewer the bond (we have no info on this actually happening ever though).
Is there something there? Or am I goig nuts?
The next question revolves around Jack Barlowe, Rebecca is asked why does he save her if he's venin, to which she responds:
[...]he’s still in hiding at this point and who better to convince everyone that nothing’s wrong with him than Violet
This is explanation enough, if he's the spy, he needs to maintain his cover, then she adds:
[...] By saving Violet, he’s still hiding what his true nature is and he’s still trying to prove to the professors who have been trying to quote, unquote, mend his soul and bring him back that he is fixable that he is mendable when really in the background, he is orchestrating this entire takedown of the wards.
This passage confirms, in my opinion, that if someone is plotting with the Venins, than it's not someone that has access to Basgiath. Becouse everyone who about him was trying to fix him, and find a cure to his veninism. This also explain that quote we're given at the start of I don't rememeber which chapter**, in which Lilith Sorrengail is being said that there's no cure, but only contol.** At that point probably Nolon has deemed that Jack was too far gone in his Veninism and his soul couldn't be mendend.
Oh yes and sould mending is confirmed to be a thinh lol, but only if you are already a mender.
We then skip the sex talk lol, and jump to why did Rebecca chose to introduce us to Catriona There's a passage in this answer, aside from the need to have one prominent chacter that makes dragon rider question the way they are being thought to ride, channel etc. which story wise, for the development of the character was a great choice to this passage:
[...] I wanted them to see Catriona’s not out to get Violet just because she loves Xaden, or because they had this relationship, she’s out for the power. [...] [...] She flat out says, you think this is about a man, this is about a crown. And any man in that situation would absolutely take another man to task over winning that crown.
This is very interesting phrase, considering that this is how Rebecca opened this very iterview:
[...] “One of the things I love to play with is that absolute power corrupts absolutely*, and that* when you want magic and you can’t have it because you haven’t been chosen by a dragon or a griffin, what will you pay for it? And people will pay with their souls. You see it in our society, all the time, people will sell their souls for power. So it’s a matter of, how much of his soul did he exchange? And once you start, how do you stop and is it an addiction?” [...]
I know that Catriona kind of has a redemption ark, she ends up saving Violet's life and they become somewhat civil at the end, but.. Rebecca repeated the same concept only twice so far, and casually she does when asked about Catriona.
She is then asked about Xaden's second signet, and Rebecca says the following:
[...] What I love about that is he says, it’s a kind of inntinnsic — but they don’t have any alive*. So* how does he know exactly what he is? How does he know if that’s full? How does he know what it is? He has no clue. They have no inntinnsic alive. So he has no idea what he is. And he has no idea, is it intentions? Is it words? Is it thoughts?
This is exactly what we've been asking ourselves, and I feel like with this phrase she is hinting that she will take one of this two directions: Either there are inntinnsics alive, adn Xaden has had some sort of training/knowledge however brief that might be, or he is not what he sais he is and he can read more than intentions, or will be able to. I'm more lenient towards the first.
In the end it is safe to assume that there are more than one type of inntinnsic and that some of those can remain hidden or are just killed, like truth tellers. There is (i don't remember which chapter) an heading quote in IF that goes something like: Inntinnsics are always killed on the spot for the danger they provide, but yet we let truth tellers live, so it wouldn't be odd for a full inntinnsic (that hasn't gone mad) or some type of them that hides pretending to be an "accepter kind of inntinnsic"
We are then told that Xaden did not fall in love with Violet from the stories Brennan told him, as some theories stated, and that he did in fact hate her, but could't act on it since his deal with Lillith.
Rebecca also says, in this response that "he’s [Xaden] not the guy who’s going to save the world", and is one of those who would destry the world for the one he loves, so there's that. He's no hero..
Then, as I also said in my post about Violet's second signet, we have confirmation from Rebecca herself that Liam was just an hallucination and that her second signet manifested
After this we get some questions that are answered with "you have to read book three", confirmation that Xaden is turning into a Venin, and not yet a full one like Jack. AND that No one as ever seen someone be cured of veninism, but we haven't read book three yet. So maybe there is a cure after all.
The dream that Xaden has featuring the Sage in that final scene, which reveals how he began to turn venin, appears to be the same dream Violet has been having featuring the Sage throughout all of “Iron Flame” — but that Violet’s dream has actually been from Xaden’s POV this whole time. Does this mean the Sage (who says he’s actually General!) always wanted Xaden, or he wanted Xaden to get to Violet, or he wants both?
So I feel like I am right in my prediction of Violet's second signet after all
Then when Rebecca is asked if the characters will remain in Basgiath for book three she ends up saying the following:
[...] that there are weaknesses in the wards they aren’t aware of. You see it in “Fourth Wing” when he shoves the energy into her while they’re sparring.
So basically, the way she phrased this makes it look like Venin are siphons for the power of the source, they do no just drain, but "fill" with the energy/magic they steal. And yes considering that in that scene Jack's eyes are described to be red-trimmed I'm 100% that this was part of his Venin powers. That is a take I personally have not yet read anywhere, and that makes one wonder if siphons (or at least a specific siphon**) are more prone to turning Venin becouse their power works in the same way**, and wheter this is the reason they are kinda rare as a signet... do they all end up turning venin?
This is about it, I find that she made such interesting points, and that she danced a lot around the major theories going around since november... what do you think ?
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poetrex · 3 months
Liberty Baller
Brought a poem to the gunfight. Said a sword wouldn’t show ’em, but the Pen Might. Put down the Long Knives, say Good Night. Plant a Flower in your Power Barrel ironsight— You’re out of time; sonically, I’m blowing your Mind Like a Dandelion (& during the war, this is fine). Colonizer so I rap about Lilies. Christ died so you’d know what the Dilly’s: Fourth of July, we make the Temple Capacious Whatever the Hue of their Faces, We do the Despot no Favors— Get In, Loser, ’cause we’re Hanging Jeff Davis! You heard right: Battle that Hymn at the gunfight, I’ll make you Holy. Roll On the Liberty Ball until you know me. Yea, Red, White, & Blow Me A metaphor, I’ll show what you’re headed for— Where Pride goeth. Money where your Mouth is (You can Die Mad About This). You heard right: A poem to the gunfight. It’s triggering! Tongue in the cut like it Let Freedom Ring Facts: I’ll water that Tree with your fascist Axe Then rack your geriatric ass like a Hat Trick. Your credit is cashless; This Machine is Killin’ It— Take your Shining City & put a Hill in it, America! I pull out a poem at the gunfight, Said a sword wouldn’t show ’em & I'm hoping the Pen Might Bullet Rhyme! Hit like a .303, High Fidelity Sublime, spottin’ the shot droppin’ the Thought Felony. Boss make a nickel, I turn on a Dime— Heed the Need: can't regulate the Deed, 'cause all of my Haters turn to Naders when I’m unsafe at any speed I'll Gore ya! Vacate the China Shop, I implore ya! Got a Bullish feeling that this Market'll floor your Sic Semper; clean your room, I got a Temper: Click-click Boom, you're in the History Hamper! Bang & a whimper, your Dirty Laundry Blondie got me plottin' to be Back to the Future to re-assassinate Mahatma Gandhi (You heard right!) A poem to the gunfight. It’s triggering; Tongue in the cut like it Let Freedom Ring Facts: I’ll water that Tree with your fascist Axe Then rack your geriatric ass like a Hat Trick. Your credit is cashless; This Machine is Killin’ It— Take your Shining City & put a Hill in it, America! I pull out a poem at the gunfight, Knowin' the sword wouldn’t show ’em, but the Pen Might Put the Bomb in your Wicka-wick-wickatty Dot Com, 'cause I'm a Atom Smasher, the Party Crasher, my tongue-lashin' Paint the town red with your Face like it was Fast Fashion. I Double Dare you—prepare to duel! 1-v-2, I'll Chew ’em up Lit & then Spit ’em fire like Rocket Fuel, I'm the Cyclops of the Hip-Hoppers, the visor's off & I will Verbally Laser a lowlife seeking High Office. Look away; if you're an Alpha, I'm a Gamma Ray: Penetrate your mother so hard I make your Grandma gape Like Watergate (You heard right!) Poem to the gunfight. It's triggering; Tongue in the cut like it Let Freedom Ring Facts: I'll water that Tree with your fascist Axe Then rack your geriatric ass like a Hat Trick. Your credit is cashless; This Machine is Killin' It— Take your Shining City & put a Hill in it, America! I brought a poem to the gunfight Knowin' that swords couldn't show what the Pen Might. One more historic moment I can’t vote in, but no law stoppin’ me From droppin’ Hot Bops on the campaign trail for my J. B. Because I put the ‘G’ in the O.G. G.O.P., I be Reconstructing memes for my Radical Republican Teens In Jeopardy: What, to the Fifth of July, is Juneteenth? Only 1860s Kids will Get This, but check this scene: This rap is in memory of Phillip G. & George D., Privates, 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. So Rally 'Round the Ballot, I'm on my knees, I'm beggin' please Don’t make me March Through Georgia again, Let them Rest In Peace. * * * Written July 2024.
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
Plottin n schemin yall….
Valentine’s n 300 follower wips comin up…
n they’re both dad bod Miguel. r we surprised?
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^^^ how I look writings these
(There’s still time to request ideas before I finish em!)
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
The Game
Erik!Stevens X Black!Reader
Part Six 
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Erik being the most popular person at  Texas Southern University, he has his heart set on a particular girl.
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(Y/N) sat at her desk, reviewing her notes for her astronautics class. She needed something to keep her mind off of the situation with Erik for the time being but she knew she would have to face him. Especially because she left her things and her car over at his house. She woke up with a huge headache, still a tad bit drunk from the night before so that really wasn’t an option to try and go over there. 
She fixed herself a nice cup of tea, put on some classical music, and did what she did best. Studying. She couldn’t help but think about the fact that her feelings were hurt. Especially after everything she thought her friends said. As much as she wanted to refuse the idea of Erik using her to get back at the two of them, the little piece stayed in her mind. 
She heard her door open, turning around to see Omariana in her gown with a croissant in her hand. “Here, eat this. You need some bread.” she placed it on her desk and she thanked her. 
“Thank you,” she whispered before pulling the crossing apart and eating pieces of the bread. Omariana leaned against the desk and started to stare (Y/N) down. She looked back at her before sighing. 
“Don’t catch an attitude with me. I still deserve an explanation from last night,” she said to her with a chuckle. “I mean, Jakeen told me a few things but I want to hear your side of the story,” she said. (Y/N) placed the croissant on her desk before starting, 
“I was coming out of the bathroom and he was there. I-”
“He followed you into the bathroom. Fucking weirdo.” Omariana rolled her eyes.
“I’m sayin’. Anyways, he tries to talk to me about Erik and how I didn’t know him like he did. And how he said that he was changing me because I started to drink and go to parties.” she said with a roll of her eyes, making Omariana scoff. 
“Okay but that doesn’t make no sense. Because you were planning this way at the beginning of summer. Boy bye.” she said sitting on (Y/N)’s bed. 
“That part. Then Aliyah brought her ass out of no were asking if there was an issue. I was just trying to leave but he bought up how I was fucking Erik.” 
“No... Aliyah was on Instagram last night on some bull shit.” Omariana replied. For some reason that just made her stomach drop. 
“Wait.. what?” Omariana pulled her phone out of her robe pocket, pulling up her Instagram and showing Aliyah’s page.
Dumb ass hoe blocked me... how you claim you were a friend but fucked him at the chance. Bitch been plottin from the start ong 
“Bruh, I been had her blocked, what the fuck is she talking about?” (Y/N) said before going to the next story. 
Enjoy my leftovers lil hoe, that’s what I call a rebound bitch fr  
“Does she not have anything else to do with her life. Tired ass bitch.” (Y/N) mumbled giving her the phone back. 
“I mean... you had to know that this was going to happen sooner or later.” Omariana warned her. 
“I know, I know. We tried to be secret about our relationship but fucking Travis. Like, dead ass he should’ve just kept that shit on the low if he liked me. I don’t even think he really likes me. He just like the idea of me liking him but I don’t want him no more. Not after doing some pussy shit like that.” she snapped turning up. 
“Forreal. Especially after Erik punched the Mario coins out of that nigga. That is not a turn-on.” Omariana laughed. 
“It was kind of sexy when Erik punched him. Not gonna lie.” (Y/N) admitted. 
“About Erik, have you talked to him?” she asked as (Y/N) shook her head. 
“He’s been texting me but I have my phone on do not disturb.” 
“So how do you know he’s been texting you?”
“Because I be checking.” The both of them laughed as (Y/N) sighed. “I really don’t know what to do or say to him. Like god’s honest truth, what they were saying, as much as I hate it, does make sense.” she finished. Omariana sighed before saying, 
“You know I wouldn’t tell you anything that I know would hurt in the long run right?” Omariana said. 
“Of course.”
“And you know how much I dislike Erik.. right?” 
“Oh, I haven’t noticed.” (Y/N) responded nonchalantly. Omariana hit her on the thigh before saying, 
“Look. I would have never thought in a million years I’d be saying this but... ever since you and Erik started dating, I noticed a change in him. Hell, even Jakeen noticed it too.” she admitted. (Y/N) tilted her head to the side. 
“What do you mean?”
“He’s been more tolerable. Like a little more mindful of what he does and says. The other day I went over to Jakeens place and Erik was there, we actually had an interesting conversation just me and him. And I remember thinking to myself, wow.. he ain’t that bad. Then yesterday when he corrected himself.” she said. (Y/N) couldn’t respond to that because that’s how Erik has always been with her. 
“That’s how he always been with me, though.”
“Key word.. with you. Even when he was dating ole girl he wasn’t like this. The fact that he’s actually pressed about you. I know Erik, he would’ve been moved on from this situation. Matter of fact, he wouldn’t even have fought Travis if it was some other chick.” she finished off. (Y/N) went silent as her mind started working. 
“As much as you are thinking about how this looks on Erik’s part, look about the overall picture. Travis is realizing that he won’t ever get the chance to be with you. So now he is on his if I can’t have you no one can bullshit. We all peeped at how he started acting when you and Erik started to flirt with each other. At the party back in August.” 
“Aye, (Y/N). Come outside with me real quick.” Travis spoke up. She looked up at him confusingly. 
 “Yeah, I’ll be right back,” she said. She followed him outside, Erik waited till they were out the door before looking at Omariana. 
“Aye, Mari. What’s up with her? She gotta man?” he asked her as she talk to her.
”No but you ain’t finna talk to her. And what did I tell you about calling me that.” she said to him. Erik rolled his eyes.
 “Damn I can’t even-”
“You damn right you can’t. You must have forgotten, girl talk on the team. And there has been a lot of drama surrounding you.” she pointed at him as he kissed his teeth. 
Omariana looked at Jakeen to see if he was peeping the same shit. Obviously, Omariana told Jakeen about the old crush that (Y/N) had on Jakeen. And Jakeen saw the way Erik looked at (Y/N)’s photo earlier. It would be like Erik to try and holler at her to get back at Travis. 
Jakeen peeped it too. They both knew that Travis was slowly starting to feel her, but it was way too late. Jakeen knew once Erik made his way into (Y/N)’s life, she would want him. 
But they weren’t expecting Erik and (Y/N) to fall head over heels for each other. 
The night in question started to play in her memory. He had feelings for her since that night. 
“Damn. I’m dumb,” she said scratching her forehead. 
“Nah not dumb... you just see the good in everyone and people take advantage of that. Think about the ole girl. Even after she was caught cheating on Erik, she tried to start shit with every other girl that she thought he was talking to. So she tried to say that Erik was getting back at her for being with you. And not gonna lie, I thought it too. Until I saw how he acted around you.” she responded honestly standing up. 
“All I’ma say is, maybe, give Erik a chance. He really does want you. (Y/N).” Omariana gave her one last look before leaving. 
One thing she could say is Omariana was really spot-on with her advice. Not once had she ever given (Y/N) advice that didn’t turn out well for her. She grabbed her phone, unlocking it where there sat the messages that Erik sent her. Four more text messages came in.
Erik: I’m just texting you to check up on you, that’s all
Erik: You left everything over here, do you want me to drop it off. 
Erik: Actually just come over, your car is here is too 
Erik: Come on, I miss you...
She decided to text him back. 
(y/n): can we talk
In an instant, (Y/N) received a face time call with Erik. She accepted the call, placing her phone up against her laptop. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Erik asked immediately. She couldn’t help but chuckle at how fast he called and his jumping straight to the questions. 
‘Hi, I’m fine. How are you?” she asked him. 
“Fine, just worried about you,” he said honestly as she smiled at the camera slightly. “I want to see you. Are you coming back?” he asked her. 
“Yeah... I need to call and uber but I-”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll come pick you up,” he said. It looked like he was getting out of bed and getting dressed. 
“Dang can I finish.” she laughed. “I need to study and-”
“You can study over at my house.” he cut her off. “I’m serious (Y/N), I want you over here. You were supposed to be with me last night.” he placed his phone up on his bathroom sink grabbing his toothbrush to brush his teeth. 
“I know, I know it’s just-” she paused before continuing to talk. “After everything, I was just overwhelmed and I needed to be in my own space to get my thoughts together,” she replied honestly. 
“I understand but look-” he spat out the toothpaste before looking dead into the camera. “I’m saying this because I want to be with you. What they were saying wasn’t true, right. I want you and I need you for real. I’ll do anything to show that to you..” he told her. 
“I know, but that very thing we tried to avoid it happening,” she said worriedly. 
Erik knew what she talking about. Aliyah was blowing his phone up with text messages and calls, trying to get in touch with him. Finally, he saw what she had posted online about her. 
“If you’re talking about Aliyah, I’m sorry about that. Forreal,” he said.  “I’ve been ignoring all her calls and text messages,” he said. 
“She’s been trying to reach out to you?” she asked him, he nodded finishing up brushing his teeth and picking up his phone. 
“All last night and a little bit this morning. I’ll show you the text messages when I see you, this shit is blowing me,” he said putting on his beanie and grabbing his keys. 
“Erik, I can catch an uber over there,” she said standing up and closing her door so she could get dressed. 
“Nah, I’m picking you up. I should be there in about 15 minutes,” he said stepping out of his front door. The two of them hang up as she packed up her materials to study over at his house. 
Erik got into his 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. He heard his phone ringing, thinking that it was (Y/N), not looking at the contact. 
“Finally you answer my fucking calls nigga, the fuck is wrong with you!?” he heard the irritating voice on the other end, knowing that it was nobody but Aliyah. 
“To be honest, I answered that shit on accident. Aliyah what the fuck do you want and why do you keep blowing my phone up.” he snapped at her, starting the car up and pulling out of the parking spot. 
“You’re really fucking trifling you know that. Playing with that girl’s feelings to try and get back at me. Nigga let it go. I’m so over”
“How the fuck do you know I’m doing this to get back at your ass. If that is true, do you think that you would have known this by now? We’ve been fucking with each other for months now.” he snapped at her. The phone got dead silent making Erik laugh. “Now how is the silly ass bitch now. Stop fucking playing with me. You wanna sit here and act like this shit is about you, it ain’t. So you and that other nigga can hop off my dick and stop fucking with (Y/N). Because if I find out any one of y’all dumb asses said anything to her, I swear-”
“Oh please, Erik. Ain’t nobody scared of you. If I want to say something to that bitch I will happily do so. She’s the one that’s fucking my ex and-”
“And did you not cheat on me with that bum ass nigga!? Someone who was still my fucking bro!? Get the fuck out here and be real with yourself. Because it ain’t the same and you a crazy ass bitch if you think so.” 
“You didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself!? You were in Oakland and I was lonely and he was-”
“Listen. I’ma be real with you. I really don’t give a fuck. That wasn’t stopping you from asking me for money, right? That wasn’t stopping you from staying in my apartment when I was in Oakland, right? Yo dirty ass would have probably fucked him in my place if I didn’t have cameras old dirty bitch.” he insulted her. 
“Dirty? Nigga you fucking with a bitch that’s dirty. Who sleeps with her ex-friend’s ex. That’s fucking childish as hell bro all for what? A nigga that she wanted, wanted me? That bitch wishes she was me.”
“Nah I highly doubt that. I ain’t wasting no breath with you. Say anything to her, I’ma beat his ass, and then pay them bitches that don’t like you to jump you.” Before she could say anything else, the phone hang up
As she was tidying up her room, there was a knock on her door. “Come in!” she yelled, thinking that it was Omariana. When she noticed that it wasn’t her, but that it was Erik, she looked at him in shock. 
“Hi.” he shut the door behind him before walking towards her. 
“You good?” he asked her cupping her face. 
“Yeah, I was just reviewing my notes and things. That’s-” 
“You know what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about that.” he reminded her as she sighed. 
“I’m not really a drama-filled person so this is obviously irritating me. I just wanted to keep what we had on the low and now it’s blowing back in our face,” she admitted looking back at him. He smacked his teeth letting her face go. 
“I’m going, to be honest with you. Straight from the begging I didn’t want to do that shit. I want everyone to know I’m yours and vice versa. If anyone has something to say about it they can come to me. And I’ll ignore their ass like I’m doing this bitch.” he said. He pulled out his phone opening it up to see text messages from an unsaved number: 
834-432-4394: Erik answers my fucking call...
834-432-4394: Tell that bitch when I see her it’s on sight, on everything. 
834-432-4394: You a weak ass nigga for fucking with that bitch on god  
834-432-4394: That’s fine, keep ignoring my ass. You act like we ain’t been through this before and you came back, begging to eat this pussy
“Oh, my-” she whispered rereading the text messages. It threw her by surprise how crazy this girl really was. She ain’t never seen this side of her. She was surprised she didn’t catch her like this when they were friends. 
“She called me begging to talk but I don’t want anything to do with her. " Either of their asses,” he told her as she returned the phone. 
“Erik... I am worried about this. I have a lot to lose if she does something.” she said sitting down at her desk. Erik kneeled in front of her grabbing her hands that were in her lap. 
“I promise I won’t let anyone touch you. I put that in my life. I don’t want to be the reason that everything you worked for gets fucked up. I’ll fix it, don’t you worry about nothing.” he comforted her. He looked back at her before saying, “I will do anything to protect what we have.” he whispered to her. 
She scanned his face, seeing nothing but worry and adoration. She knew he was telling the truth. And she knew that he was the type of man to stand by his word. Something in her told her not to worry, and she was going to do exactly that. 
- - - - - - - - - -  
The next day, she sat in front of the mirror in the dance room, doing her normal stretches. Not surprising her though, she was getting some stares as the girls whispered amongst themselves. She had her AirPods pro so she couldn’t really hear what they were talking about. Kia, Omariana, and Brandy walked into the hall before seeing (Y/N) stretching in the mirror. She looked up and saw them walking towards her, standing up and taking out her earphones. 
“Girl..” Brandy whistled as (Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. 
“Don’t get me started. I swear.” she said placing her hands on her hip. 
“You don’t have to tell me anything. Erik got you all posted up and shit. Y’all adorable or whatever.” Kia laughed pushing her a little bit in a teasing way. 
“Mhm, could’ve fooled me.” Omariana laughed placing her bag and water on the ground. 
“Well, we are taking it a little slow. On my request.” (Y/N) said a matter of factly as Omariana scoffed. 
“ ‘Taking it slow’ my ass.” She mocked her. “This nigga be looking at you like he ready to chew through yo panties.” Everyone laughed as (Y/N) blushed. She knew it was true, and that look got him anything he wanted. Before she could say anything, Ms.Ruby, their coach came out on the floor. 
“(Y/L/N). Lemme see you in my office.“ Everyone looked at her, as she stood up from her seat. She wiped her hands off on her thighs before walking pass the glares and stares she received. She walked into the office before closing the door shut. 
“Gone head and sit down. I think you know what I’m going to talk to you about.” Coach Ruby said sitting down in her office chair. 
“Yeah.. I figured.” (Y/N) sighed sitting down on the chair scratching her forehead. “Look Coach, I-”
“Hold up. Lemme finish.” she said with her hand up to signal for her to stop talking. “Now between me and you, you are the only girl on this team with the exception of a few who has given me your 100% effort since you were a freshmen. Hell, you gave me more at your tryouts when you were a little bitty thing when you were a senior in high school.” she started off. “You’re always on your Ps and Qs, crossing your Ts and dotting your Is. So when one of your dance mates comes to me and tell me that you’re messing with that boy Stevens, you know I had to say something to you right? Knowing everything he has done with this team.” she said. 
“Coach Ruby with all respect, majority of them are lying. I-”
“You don’t think I know that? Trust me, I know a desperate female when I see one but like I said. You are one of my best dancers and best students and I don’t need drama getting to your head, you hear me?” she warned as (Y/N) nodded. 
“Yes Ma’am.” she nodded. 
“That brings me up to my next point.” she pulled out her tablet and passed it across the table as she picked it up. It was her at one of the fraternity parties that her and everyone else were on the weekend before. She had a cup of liquior in her hands and she was dancing on Erik.. a tad bit sexually. 
“Did someone really send this to you?”
“Yes, Mirah did.” she rolled her eyes. Of course it would be one of the girls he entertained. “Look, I can care less about what you do once you are outside these walls. But when the outside effects what we have going on inside of these walls, that’s when I have to step in.” she reminded her. 
“And has anything happened?” 
“You don’t think I know about the little tussel that happened on Saturday night?” she asked her. (Y/N) sighed. 
“That wasn’t even our fault. Travis-”
“All I’m hearing is excused (Y/N). And you know how I feel about those.” she stopped her. (Y/N) closed her eyes in annoyance. 
“So what? Am I suppose to not date. Am I suppose to not have a life? Because people don’t know when to mind their business?” she snapped. It caught Coach Ruby off guard. 
“Now wait just a minute. I don’t have a problem with you dating that boy. Like I said once your grades start slipping and drama starts happening because you started dating this boy, that’s when I have a problem with him.”
“My grades are not slipping. And me and Erik has been dating for months.” she snapped once again. That statement caught Coach Ruby off guard. 
“You’ve been dating for how-”
“Long enough to know that people started messing with us once Erik and I were seen with each other. We don’t even post each other.” she said. “Now within them months, has my grades been slipping? No. Matter of fact my grades has been better than they have been since I started college. And the team and me as co-captain have been doing great have we not?” she said as the Coach sighed closing her eyes. 
“Yes.You guys have.”
“Okay, so Erik is not the problem. The problem is the girls on this team feeling entitle to speak on my relationship because of Erik. Maybe we should have a discussion as a team instead of passing pictures and gossiping and get to the real issue.” she said sliding the tablet back across the table. Coach Ruby looked at the iPad then back to her. 
“Do you think that will fix these issues?” 
“No. But it will warn them not to be in people business before it really does effect us.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
“I can’t believe she really said that to you.” Erik said as they talked on the phone. (Y/N) was in the middle of making her some brain snacks so she could spend the rest of her time tonight to study. 
“That’s not even the worse part. Mira sent her a picture of me dancing on you. Coach Ruby was like ‘she’s only doing that because she’s concerned for the team’.” she mocked her voice. “Like no bitch, she’s doing it to be messy. Like what is it with you and picking all these messy ass girls to fuck with.” she snapped. 
“Whoah. First of all like I said, I only really fucked with Aliyah. Mirah was just a dumb spin the bottle bet sophmore year. Everyone else are non-factors.“ he defended himself. She sighed, feeling guilty about snapping on him. 
“I know.. I’m sorry. It’s just I hate how they view you and I, like we are two concenting adults. What we do is no one business but ours.” she responded placing her fruit in a bowl. 
“What she say after that.”
“She then tried to say if my grades start slipping and the team starts slacking it’s because of we are dating. First of all, we’ve been talking for months and not a damn thing change. So we not the common denominator in this expression. So if it does happen, it ain’t got shit to do with me, but it does have something to do with how they feel about shit.” she snapped. 
“Yeah nah, that’s wild. The fact we stayed to ourselves for this long and no problems raised up until Travis said some shit.” 
“So now, tomorrow at practice she wants me to hold a team meeting as team co- captain since Omariana won’t be here.”
“How do we feel about that?”
“Oh I’m excited.” she said quickly making him laugh. “You’re laughing I’m so serious. I’m literally just gonna be like, ima ask them a few questions. Then set the record straight.”
“Do what you gotta do.” 
And she was.
- - - - - - - - - - -
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