#we might go into his past which would be super super cool!!!!!!!!!! :O
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sunnibits · 2 years ago
HEEHEEHEHE my DM asked me if I wanna do another one-on-one sidequest just to have fun with Dimitri and get into his Lore™️ >:)) this definitely proves that I am his most favoritest player because I am oh so special and my character is the sexiest best character <3333 😌
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virtue-and-beneviolence · 2 years ago
Virtue!! Your event!!!! Why are you so sweet let me smooch you😭
If it's okay I would love to tell you about my Selfship with none other but Benkei bear 🫶
Sadly I don't have any selfship art bc your bitch is broke but I have a picrew
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We're just that wholesome lil couple where you think "oh my how adorable I want that too!"
We got our difficulties choosing movies because I live for horror and gore which he's scared of bc he's a baby. All big and tough but he's the softest. He would keep a light on when I listen to true crime to fall asleep and states it's so he can read and play with my hair but in reality he's scared (but won't say anything bc he knows I can't fall asleep otherwise)
He would protect me from everything and speak for me when anxiety kicks in but as we know I'll gladly destroy kneecaps if someone pisses my loved ones off so I think this dynamic fits us best
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He's this cool headed, calm, rational guy that likes to be loud and cheer all his friends on while I'm that impulsive little crackrat that can't open her mouth for shit - and if I do it's either veeery quiet (or I will make you question your existence if you chose to fuck around and find out)
Him and Ace are best buddies and it makes me question from time to time if he's with me so he can hang out with my dog 💔 can't blame him tho, that stinky is a legend.
Our song is Work song by Hozier. It just gives me this big ol Benkei vibes.
You probably have the whole knowledge of A-Z about him thanks to yours truly 🫶
And about me uh yeah. I'm a lil Shrimpy that would kill for her dog and loved ones, big anger issues but a shy baby. As you know I love to crochet and lately to paint / draw.
I don't know what else to tell you but I could go on for hours about how much I would like to lay in bed and cuddle him right now because yeah. I love him and he's that big walking heater that likes to cuddle.
I just love this man why is he not real 🥹
Greet the Breadstick from me please and give her some good booty scratches if she's into that🖤
◇─◇──◇── @benkeibear  x Benkei! ──◇──◇─◇
birthday edition!!! Wishing you a very tolerable year with more ups than downs hehe <3 <3
□ I feel like Benkei has definitely tried to train you a bit in the past. So he can be particularly comfortable and secure in your ability to stand you ground against the GIANTS you experience on the daily.
□ And thank god it happened after hours bc i think it has also once maybe ended in steamy locker room times.
□ Benkei has tried to squat Ace (with ace kind laying on/being held on his shoulders). I don't think ace loved that. His lil face was VERY CONFUSED, but the gym insta followers loved the video.
□ this one is kinda out there but i think maybe Benkei might have discovered yarn bombing and coordinated with some local grandmas to yarn bomb a park. I think he probably tried to get you to teach him (I'm not sure if his hands were quite dexterous enough) but tldr, the grandma population loves him and he thinks it's a very silly idea.
□ big spoon/little spoon? Puh-lease. Benkei lays on you. He hugs your hips and nestles his cheek into your tum and he could die happily like that, your warmth on his cheek. It's super cute right!!! WRONG! Come winter you are going to be plagued by his COLD NOSE. It is the ONLY PART OF THE MAN THAT GETS COLD. But ugh anything for him T.T
□ Benkei sends you a video every. single. walk. with Ace because he's a silly boy or his ears flopped really cutely.
□ He absolutely lifts you in the grocery store.
□ Benkei, in all his buff, yet soft glory spends a lot of time at Shinichiro's place lately. He always smells really sweet when he comes back too.
□ it's weird but like it's Benkei. Benkei would never do anything so sketchy as cheat.
□ Of course, he was really getting baking lessons from housewife in the making Emma. Even better than the cheesecake me makes for your birthday, is the stack of photos of Benkei with each and every one of his failed creations along the way.
□ Also, he's the most reasonable of the older gen trio, but he still forgot candles so you just blew out his lighter lmaooo
□ I just know he'd be coordinating for months to get people to get to see you irl esp after the last few years of wild shit. It's made even more sweet bc I don't think he's really the stay-tightly-in-touch type so it's really a little labor of love and UGH I LOVE YOU TWO.
□ Most importantly Benkei lets me play flirt with you and is in on the running joke that if heaven forbid anything happens to him, I get you
If anyone but rhy made it here - sorry yall, this is me celebrating our girl's birthday so it's a super special extended length version.
Have you ever lovingly teased him about his very of-the-time tribal-y tattoos?be honest. eheheh
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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charlierejouis · 1 year ago
2023: The Year of Universe Zero
Last year was been quite a year, huh? It was a crazy and eventful year. I haven’t done too much outside of Quick Notes on this website. So I’ve had a lot of time to think through doing this.
This post will be different than the past years. Normally, I would talk about the seven best things to happen in the year for EZ fans. (I’d also have done it in 2023.) But outside of the anime, anything else I could mention involves the same thing: the shift into Universe Zero.
This was the second biggest thing on last year’s list, but barely. The only reason I didn’t have it as number one was because its overall impact on the series had yet to be made clear. It’s hard to think of anything in the manga this hasn’t affected last year.
So as the year has ended and Mashima seems dead set to end the series, it’s about time to ask an important question: is Universe Zero a good thing or a bad thing?
Let’s get the obvious out of the way. Many of the more tragic after-effects from before have been undone. Every character who died in the last universe has come back alive. All kinds of other tragic events have either been undone or lessened.
I know the way both sides feel. The negative side is that any tension from before is dissipated. The comeback for that is that having everyone come back gives the EZ crew more to protect. I lean towards the latter, especially considering I made a similar case when we learned the nature of Cat Leaper.
Though, you might remember that I made a bit of a bold prediction in that post. I said that Mashima could use the concept of what we’ve come to know as changing universes to bring about particularly drastic results for example all the past villains get together and form a super evil coalition against the EZ crew.
What happened in 2023?
The Oracion Seis Galactica came back. Deadend Crow and God Acnoella are joined by an evil AI made by Professor Weisz and Dr. Muller. No matter who the other two members were, this was an amazing setup for the group. Outside of the group, Drakken Joe and Poseidon Nero team up against the EZ crew, with Sister, Kris, and Kleene. Poseidon Shura brings the Ocean Six back into the fray. And behind all of this, the EDENS ONE, Void, and the Dark Starts are racing towards Mother, who is on the verge of dying.
So, the stakes are the highest possible, right?
Well, only kind of?
Not to disrespect anything I mentioned before, but it’s not like I figured it would be. Ignore the EZ Crew in what I’m about to say. Weirdly, this universe is a kinder version than before. (Such a Mashima fan complaint.) Mashima is amazing at dramatic situations, more than he’s often given credit for. Though, as you might tell from my jokes about his “school of despair”, things end up a bit too happy. It feels like this universe was a way to reset crazy things on a large scale.
Drakken Joe, the villain responsible for stealing the life spans of people around the planet, including Weisz’s mother? Now he uses animal life to keep himself going.
The battle between Oasis and the Aoi Empire, which is one of the most pivotal series of events in the past two universes? They realize they have a common enemy and fight him quickly.
Dr. Muller, arguably the most evil villain in the series, and easily my favorite villain? Weren’t you paying attention? He’s that common enemy. The Rutherfords don’t even get a shot at him despite teasing the idea.
And then there’s the EZ crew.
Probably my biggest complaint about this situation is one that I have with a lot of Mashima’s writing. We don’t get to see stuff we should. We should see how and when everyone came to realize that they’re in the new universe. I think the best chapter in this arc, and possibly the series, was the last chapter from last year. We had a repeat of the last chapter with a couple of twists. It ends with them realizing what happened.
It was cool to see how the EZ crew members came to remember things. My favorite one was Homura. Unlike most of the members, her recollection didn’t come from seeing the other members of the EZ crew or being on the EZ. It wasn’t until she was reunited with Valkyrie that the memories came flooding back. (More on this to come.) But we should have seen this for all the members. What made Laguna Hermit and the Rutherfords remember their place on the EZ crew?
And I can’t stand the training and handling of new powers in old bodies. I hate that things played out how they did. They just catch onto things they know despite their bodies having to adjust. Making Over Drive work is one thing. Cat Leaper coming back was a slap in the face. I would have been fine if the effects stayed, but they didn’t. The training should have been a mini-arc. But, again, Mashima is dead set on ending this series soon.
I must admit that I enjoy the positive gains the EZ crew has experienced. Homura was able to reconcile with her mother more realistically. (Loathe as I am to admit, no one is as cruel as the original Kurenai in real life.) Weisz gets to be with his mother again. Even Happy is a real cat and not a cyborg – a point that causes issues during fights.
And, speaking of positive changes for the EZ crew, we haven’t even gotten to the biggest one of all: all four of the Shining Stars have been reunited. It only took around four years from when the idea was teased on Sun Jewel, but Witch, Sister, Hermit, and Valkyrie Yuna are all on the same ship again. On one level, it feels cheap that they’re back. But, to be honest, it makes perfect sense. The whole universe was reset to the time before Witch Regret’s sacrifice. And with a Kurenie who’s helping the resistance, this wouldn’t lead to the incident that did Valkyrie in.
The most fun thing about the Shining Stars all being back is the allusions to the distant future. These were teased during the Aoi Cosmos war, but we’re getting a better look at what led to the Shining and Dark Stars to exist. I won’t pretend I understand much of it. However, the lore behind this whole thing could blow a hole through much of our current understanding of the series, depending on how Mashima takes it.
Speaking of Mashima, I’ve hinted at this multiple times, but I need to talk about this. Mashima has said that he wished for this universe to be much happier. It seems that he isn’t too comfortable with the dark aspects of this and any series he writes. It’s a shame because it’s one of the best things he does.
In Conclusion:
Seeing things play out in Universe Zero is as much of a grab bag as so much of Mashima’s writing. A lot of good has happened and a lot of bad. As always, let’s just stick along for the ride and see how things play out.
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sleepybeanmal · 2 years ago
TWST Boys Rated 1-10 based on how my (unverifiably)Narcissistic Dad and his side of The Family™️ would approve of them:
Sidenote: This is gonna be a little aggressive so in the next post I’ll rate them how my Mom and her side of the would feel about them and that’ll be really wholesome and sweet. I’ll link it when I post it❣️
For the record, I love them all! This is just how I believe my father’s side of the family would feel about them. All these bois are fantastic options and deserve all the hugs and choccy milk in the world🙏
Edit: Here’s the link to the sequel if y’all wanna hear what The Mother’s Family™️ would think
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Riddle: 4/10- Aside from looking much younger than me(no disrespect to Riddle stans, I just wouldn’t be attracted to him and thusly wouldn’t take him home because he looks so young), they wouldn’t have much of an opinion, except if The Father™️ or The Family™️ starting getting….well, the way they get….and Riddle stood up for his S/O or challenge the conversation in any way, they’d all probably start being a bit offended, but since Riddle is usually civil first, it’d just be subtle annoyance but not total disapproval. The rest of The Family™️ would just see him as a really intelligent square, which, while being incredibly reductive and disrespectful, is not out of character for them at all.
Trey: 10/10- Boy is so respectful and upstanding and sweet that The Family™️ literally would not care or be able to tell if or why Trey starts to take issue with some of their treatment of me or other family members. The Father™️ would literally kiss the ground upon which this boy walks because he’ll be so excited in thinking that I’ll finally be someone else’s problem and he can just go back to being “The Fun/Cool Parent”. The Father™️ absolutely thinks he’s just him and thusly will view Trey as an extension of himself and might love him more that way.
Cater: 2/10- Wouldn’t be able to look past what he’d view as a shallow obsession with optics. Both The Family™️ and The Father™️ would watch this sweet boy who’s bubbly, very caring, super sweet, and really proud of his S/O take pictures and hype them up and just see it as overblown vanity and just launch subtle jabs at him for being too into his phone or obsessed with social media. This sweet boi would not be treated well by my family, we’d just leave dinner and go get nuggies and choccy milk on our own for fun👍
Ace: 4/10- Acts a lot like some of them but not nearly as subtly hurtful. Ace can absolutely dish out any shade The Family™️ would throw his way, and they would HATE that. We love a boy with a spine but they’d just get annoyed with him in the same way they get annoyed with me. Ace would also be the kind of S/O who’d stand up for himself and his S/O if their The Family™️ or The Father™️ starts being problematic or hurtful or subtly abusive- but only once he catches on. The Father™️ would probably think he’s lazy and rude, but also like his sense of humor.
Deuce: 2/10 except The Grandmother™️ would LOVE him. The Father™️ would feel threatened by how responsible, upstanding, and protective this boi is, and how much effort he clearly puts into everything. He’d find it endearing if he wasn’t so obsessed with his own image of being considered the same way without putting in a fraction of the effort. Comparing The Father™️ to Deuce in terms of how much this boi tries to be a good person would piss him off so badly, and The Aunties™️ would feel the same way and get defensive on behalf of The Father™️. If they also found out that he’s a former delinquent, they’d also absolutely hold that against him. The Grandmother™️, however, would just find him charming, adorable, and would be so chuffed that someone cared about their S/O so much and so clearly. For her he’d be like a 10/10.
Leona: 1/10- The only thing that’d even remotely redeem this man in the eyes of The Family™️ and especially The Father™️ is that he’s a literal prince. They’d focus on that and bragging to everyone else they know about it and then immediately turn around and shit talk him for being lazy, sleepy, grumpy, rude, disrespectful, etc., despite the fact that Leona probably made an effort to at least try and be respectful going into the first meeting despite what I would’ve told him about the way The Family™️ and The Father™️ treats me and my sibling. After they start getting shady at him about his habits and second-born status, I fully believe he’d just give up and start ripping them all a new one verbally for the things they’d mcdone to me and my sibling(which I really don’t have much of a problem with him doing). Leona wouldn’t let anyone disrespect or hurt his S/O if it got to the point where he’d be meeting their family imo. He has a backbone for himself AND for his S/O and wouldn’t let The Family™️ keep treating his S/O poorly. He’d probably just pick them up and walk tF out and go get a nice warm drink and a nap to forget about those assholes. Maybe spicy cuddle time. Who knows? Sure beats spending time with The Family™️ after all. The Father™️ would absolutely hate him no matter what. The subtle mcracism would absolutely start coming out too. We don’t like and won’t stand for that in my shitty apartment😤
Ruggie: 6.5/10- The Family™️ would absolutely love that this man is a provider and would be ON. THE. HUSTLE- Notwithstanding that the reason why Ruggie is consistently on the grind is because he struggled with poverty and food insecurity growing up. Ruggie would probably hate The Family™️ imo- they waste SO MUCH food, money, and general resources that I wouldn’t be shocked if he just scoffed and left after hearing them have conversations over dinner. The Father™️ would fall in love with Ruggie’s work ethic and determination though. Again, it’s because they’re things he thinks he has, but that’s beside the point.
Jack: 4/10- Strong? Check. Respectful? Check. Cares about his S/O enough to stand up to authority figures who shoot subtle abuse their way? ABSOLUTELY CHECK. Check check check. The Family™️ would be obsessed with how respectful, responsible, and strong this boi is with bonus points for assertiveness up and until he uses that strength and assertiveness to defend his S/O from subtle verbal abuse or disrespect. The Family™️ would get upset REAL fast. The Gaslight-Gatekeep-Girlbossing from The Aunties™️ wouldn’t take long to come out. The Father™️ would just be pouty and displeased. However, Jack is another boi that The Grandmother™️ would adore. She’d spoil him and be so happy with him. Grandma rating would be another 10/10.
Azul: 10/10- The Family™️ would LOVE Azul, but he’d hate them. I don’t think he’d stand up to their subtle insults and abuse well; he puts up a great front at first but I think it’d be really hard to endure especially with the kinds of things he’s gone through in his past(I’m really similar here which is where I base this from). Azul is absolutely someone who would love his partner so wholly and completely when he’d get to a certain point in his relationship with them that I fully believe he’d just try to be strong and take it on the chin to remain diplomatic and just try to get through the gathering as smoothly and quickly as possible so that he and if necessary, his S/O, can get out of there to a safe place at home and have a good cry about it. He would need so many hugs and reassurances after a meal with The Family™️ because of how they’d hyperanalyze and criticize every little thing about him. I have a feeling it’d probably as triggering for him as it is for me. Octopod snuggles and choccy milk afterwards for sure.🥺
Jade: -2/10- They would be so unnerved. The Father™️ would probably be very wary and not like the stares and ominous smiles and subtly intimidating way Jade cooly counters any insensitivity or hurtful criticism sent his or his S/O’s way. The Family™️ would be so scared that they’d probably just stay frozen in a tense silence while waiting for someone else to try something, ANYTHING to get another conversation rolling again. Fish Mafia Man isn’t fun for them, and I would enjoy every second of it.
Floyd: -9001/10- Absolutely not. Would call the cops on me AND him, and probably attempt to institutionalize me. Their loss, the Fish Mafia Men will have me out in no time.🥰
Kalim: 1000/10- The Father™️ would adore this respectful lil himbo. He’s too sunshiney and happy and kind to pick up on the subtle awfulness The Family™️ would send his way while trying to pick apart his whole deal. I don’t think he’s so clueless that he’s miss how The Family’s™️ behavior and treatment would affect his S/O though- he’d probably handle it by being world’s best hype boyfriend. The Father™️ would also be over the Moon with how loaded this boi is; tbh, he(or The Family™️) would probably try to weasel even more money or gifts out of Kalim than he’d already inevitably be willing to provide. His S/O would probably have to stop him from giving The Family™️ more shit bc they absolutely don’t deserve it. Protect this boi. Plz. I would never take him home because he’d be so taken advantage of.
Jamil: 7/10- I think Jamil would probably handle The Family’s™️ bullshit by just not acknowledging it. Maybe a huff or a subtle roll of the eyes, perhaps even a diplomatic but well-aimed counterpoint or statement, but he’s absolutely more than smart enough to know the right words to act as counters to their fuckery without starting shit. The Father™️ would really admire and respect Jamil’s work ethic and personal convictions, and honestly I think would actually genuinely get along pretty well with him up and until he tries to complain about something privileged or start getting whiny or performative. The Family™️ would probably just assume Jamil would be perfect husband material otherwise and just ignore him after they get tired of trying to unsuccessfully pick his shit apart. I’d probably Yeet us back home early and just pamper the shit out of Jamil after that bc honestly, just bc he’d be an expert at countering those assholes doesn’t mean that it’s not exhausting or frustrating. Snuggles for all after that bullshit😔🤌
Vil: 4/10- The Father™️ would be fascinated that he’s a celebrity and would try to be all cool and keep up appearances, and it’d be painfully mid by Vil’s standards. I bet both him and The Family™️ would get pretty fucking miffed after a while with Vil’s indifference and coldness towards them because you just KNOW Vil wouldn’t validate any of their shady and rude fuckery by dignifying it with pleasantries. The Family™️ would be much too intimidated to toe the line with him and wouldn’t bother trying to pick his airtight shit apart, so they’d just go about business as usual. Aside from just not getting verbally belligerent, I believe that coldness is the extent of Vil’s social diplomacy if the people he’s with are disrespecting or passive-aggressively picking on his S/O. Because it’s The Family™️, I don’t think Vil would completely lose it on them, but if he hits his limit, I think he’d just stand up, give everyone a brief but stern statement condemning their conduct, and then just picks his S/O up(probably not literally but you never know) and brings them back home. The Family™️ would be shooketh by such a brief but effective dressing down. Honestly I’d pay money to see it.
Rook: 9/10- I fully believe this man, as loving and well-meaning as he would be towards his S/O, wouldn’t pick up on how shitty The Family™️ is being until he picks up on the effects of their words on them. The thing that stops him from doing so right away would absolutely be the way The Family™️ would eat up every story and dramatic retelling of anything Rook would have to offer in a social setting. He’s so dashing, flamboyant, and vibrant in social settings that The Family™️ would love bomb him 110% and hang on his every word out of his mouth. The Father™️ would be speechlessly impressed by Rook for sure. He’s charismatic, speaks more than one language, is a multitalented student of many subjects, and a whole ass romantic. He’d probably start going back and forth with The Father™️ with jokes and conversations and overblown stories until he starts picking up on The Aunties™️ being shady at his S/O. At that point, when they start getting more visibly affected, he’d definitely be the kind of person to make a polite(albeit dramatic) excuse and whisk his S/O away somewhere safe to decompress and just be together by themselves after that for the rest of the night. He’s a good bean who would just get a lil swept up at first in the manufactured adoration and blinding limelight The Family™️ would laud him with until he loses their interest but would absolutely still take care of his S/O when he catches on.
Epel: 2/10- The first thing The Father™️ would notice is how much this boy looks like an actual child(another one that I wouldn’t actually bring home or be attracted to because of that, no disrespect or shade to the Epel stans💜). The second thing is how belligerent and defensive Epel would get at The Family™️ when they start getting invasive and shady with their questions and comments. Idk but this boy would not last long there. Tbh would probably just drag his S/O out and go have a better time elsewhere doing something fun and wholesome.
Idia: -10/10: Rude, standoffish, socially awkward, absolutely does NOT want to be there and wouldn’t make a secret of it. I think Idia would easily be able to pick up on not only the elevated expectations and skepticism of The Father™️, but also immediately could pick up on the condescension of The Family™️ RIGHT away. Both he and The Family™️ would hate each other right away. Tbh he might like some of The Cousins™️ though, the younger ones are a lot like Ortho in some aspects. The adults would absolutely despise him though. Defo would need hugs afterwards. He’d probably just leave early with his S/O to go play some games and forget about all the unpleasantness.
Ortho: A literal child. Would not bring home unless Idia wanted his family to meet his S/O’s family. The Father™️ would think he’s super cool though, he’s really into tech.
Malleus: IDFC/10- I genuinely don’t know how The Family™️would react to Malleus. On one hand, he’s a Prince, which we’ve already established is a HUGE plus. On the other hand, he’s a.) a fae, b.) a literal dragon, c.) goth as fuqq, and d.) unaccustomed to human society, let alone subtly abusive and snide family dynamics. Overall I think The Father™️, while offput at first, would come to kind of like and respect Malleus(until Malleus hears about the shit that The Father™️ has done in the past to wreck my future financially) I don’t think he’d pick up on their bullshit right away because he’s a bit dense when it comes to humans at first, but because he’s so observant of his Child of Man, he’d certainly pick up on it then. He absolutely wouldn’t stand for their treatment towards his S/O, and especially not if his S/O were to pull him aside and explain the full extent of it to him. I doubt he’d torch them but he’d certainly give them the most terrifying talking to of their next three lifetimes. I absolutely would not care how The Father™️ or The Family™️ would think of Malleus because I fully believe that, of everyone on this list, would be the most tender and caring of his S/O after removing both of them from the situation. There would be a learning curve with him but he’s so earnest and gentle towards those he cares about that he’d learn quickly how to help his S/O recover from a triggering get-together with their family.
Lilia: The Family™️.exe has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution for the problem…/10- Because this man is practically an ancient being who’s done everything from bring up children to participate in history hard enough to literally be in History of Magic textbooks, he would absolutely know what these impudent and pathetic humans are up to the second any sort of cutting words or subtle abuse leaves their mouths. He also wouldn’t stand for it- but he’ll play with his prey before he strikes. Lilia would play 4D chess with The Family™️ and absolutely tee up the most clever and damning of verbal takedowns like it’s running circles around preschoolers. I also fully believe that he’d throw mad shade at The Father™️ when he learns how he handled his failed marriage and how he’s treated his children over the years. Lilia would absolutely wipe the floor with The Family™️ and leave with an ominously jovial smile with his S/O in tow.
Sebek: 0/10- I don’t think I could bring this boi to dinner. MFer would just yell at everybody and get angry at them for bullying his human the second he sees how uncomfortable and upset his S/O is getting. They do things v e r y differently in The Vally of Thorns and Sebek will not allow the people he holds in high regard to be dishonored or disrespected by anyone. His S/O may not be Lord Malleus, but he sure as shit cares about them just as much and just as passionately. He would not leave until he was literally dragged out by his S/O because he would be lecturing The Family™️ so loudly and passionately that their ears would start bleeding. This man absolutely gets slept ok because he will fucken FIGHT for his S/O as long as it doesn’t go against Lord Malleus. No fear.
Silver: 2/10- I’m sure that it can be inferred by my name that, like Silver, I am incredibly sleepy all the time. I may not be falling asleep constantly, but at least one person being constantly exhausted at a gathering is nothing new for them. What is new, however, is how Silver will snap out of his sleepery enough to come to bat for his S/O. I fully believe that he would be very civil but very firm with The Family™️ when he starts to pick up on the snide remarks and passive aggression, and the transition from sleepy boi to knight in shining armor would be jarring for them. The Family™️ doesn’t like people who stand up to them and will take any resistance or counter remarks as disrespectful, and The Father™️ would probably translate Silver’s sleepiness to disinterest and laziness until he comes to at for his S/O in a way that The Father™️ has only done for me once before in my entire ass life. After that happens, The Father™️ would probably accuse him of faking it and being manipulative. Tbh might tell Silver to leave if Silver doesn’t just walk out with his S/O before then. Of all the people on this list, Silver probably would handle the treatment of The Family™️ the most rationally out of everybody when the rubber really meets the road here.
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flightfoot · 4 years ago
Perspective From Another Timeline
Thanks to my betas @steelblaidd and Izzybusy!
I ADORE @buggachat new Bakery Enemies AU. This idea just kept on swirling through my head, I had to write it! This is set between parts 13 and 14, so after Adrien meets Alya and Nino but before Marinette starts sympathizing with him. AO3
“You okay?”
Alya shook her head, trying to clear it. “I’ll be fine. I’ve weathered worse than that - we both have.”
Nino grinned at her. “True that.”
Alya smiled at him fondly, remembering Heroes Day. It was a bittersweet memory, with her having been turned against Nino and them both being akumatized. 
But they had fought to protect each other as best they could. She’d seen Prime Queen’s footage, how Carapace had struggled to get her to fight against Dark Cupid’s magic, how he’d only given into despair after she’d given into akumatization. 
“What did that blast do to us?” Nino wondered. “Everyone else the akuma blasted just disappeared. Why’re we still here?”
Alya’s brow furrowed. “I dunno… hold on, let me check to see whether any new info on the akuma’s been uploaded.”
Pulling out her phone, she tapped on the Akuma News Alert app.
An error message popped up, telling her that she had no internet connection.
Puzzled, Alya checked her phone’s other settings. 
No wifi - no wifi even recognized, much less connectable - no cell service, no connection to the outside world at all.
She glanced over at Nino. “Hey, you got any signal?”
Taking out his own phone, he quickly checked his connection. He shook his head. “Not a single bar.”
Frowning, Alya looked around. “Maybe all the cell towers were taken out?”
Everything looked intact though, no sign of any destruction at all.
Something else caught Alya’s eye. “Hey Nino, what time should it be?”
Nino blinked. “Well I mean lunch just started so it should be a little past noon-”
He glanced around, noticing the long shadows and the pinkish-orange of the evening sky.
“-which it clearly is not anymore,” he concluded.
Great. “Guess Ladybug and Chat Noir must’ve taken a while to defeat the akuma,” she said, putting her phone away. “Hopefully my parents aren’t too worried. They like me to text them just after an akuma attack, but right now…?” she gestured to her pocket.
“My folks aren’t as worried,” Nino said. “But they still expect me back home before the sun goes down. They’ll be getting nervous soon.”
Alya let out a small sigh. “So much for playing Super Penguino together.”
“Hmmm…” Nino’s eyes gleamed. “You know… it’s not night just yet. And I’m sure my parents would understand if I was a few minutes late because I grabbed a bite to eat.”
Grabbed a bite to eat? What was Nino hinting at…?
Alya looked around at their location more closely.
Wait… that blast seemed to have carried them to that one park, the one near-
Alya grinned. “I think my parents will forgive me for not calling in if I bring them fresh-baked treats from the best bakery in Paris.”
*ring ring*
The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the store. 
Instantly Alya felt her shoulders loosen up, releasing tension she didn’t even know she’d had. There was just something so warm and comforting about the bakery.
Of course, a lot of that was due to the people running it. Good luck finding more friendly, caring people than Marinette’s parents. Sabine often checked up on anyone who seemed to be struggling or upset (and ready to protect them if they were - Alya had seen the video of the time a TV crew decided to invade Marinette’s privacy), and Tom was basically a giant teddy bear in human form.
But neither of them were manning the counter today.
Instead a young woman stared back at them.
A very familiar-looking young woman. 
“Marinette?” Alya asked cautiously.
The woman stared at her for a minute. “Alya?” she finally asked. “What happened to you?” She paled. “Did a new supervillain attack? Is that why you and Nino are younger?”
Huh. Weirdly scared reaction from Marinette. They’d all gotten used to supervillains by now. She’d expect an older Marinette to take them in stride even more than the current Marinette.
Hm… an older Marinette, a different time of day, and Marinette not seeming to know about the latest akuma attack? 
“Marinette… what year is it?” 
Marinette blinked for a moment. Her eyes widened.
Seemed Marinette understood what she was getting at.
She told Alya the date.
Her hunch was right. “We’re in the future,” Alya breathed.
A wicked grin slowly spread over her face. 
Five years was a long time. A lot of things could have happened. A lot of information could’ve come to light.
Like Hawkmoth’s identity.
Or more information on the Miraculous.
But most importantly right now-
She leaned in close to Marinette, making sure to keep her voice down, just in case someone else was around in the back. “So did you ever get together with a certain blond-haired, green-eyed model?”
“Uh… what?” Marinette asked, looking puzzled.
Alya snapped her fingers. “Adrien. Did you and Adrien finally get together? Ooooh, if you did you’ve GOTTA tell me how the confession went! Or, no, wait, don’t tell me, I want to get the deets at the time. Just let me know how long I’ve got to wait, girl!”
Marinette just stared at her, slack-jawed. “Adrien… like ADRIEN AGRESTE?!” she said, her volume rising with every word.
Alya’s eyebrows flew up. “Um… yes…?”
She’d thought that Marinette would be glowing about finally getting together with her crush, or dejected about still not being able to spit out what she wanted to say to him, downcast over him rejecting her, or maybe even infuriated because he mistreated her and they subsequently broke up.
(The last one was VERY unlikely though. After the Felix debacle, she’d learned to have a bit more faith in Adrien’s good nature.)
Shock at the concept of dating him? Not something she’d anticipated.
Footsteps echoed from behind Marinette.
So one of Marinette’s parents must’ve been in the back-
Adrien popped his head around the corner.
Seemed both he AND Marinette had aged well. 
Not that Adrien looked all that different. Taller, definitely, maybe with slightly messier hair and… were those earrings? They looked good on him.
“Hey dude!” Nino waved at his best friend. “What’s up?”
“Uh…” Adrien said, scratching the back of his neck.
“WOW those outfits really take the years off, huh?” Marinette said loudly, shoving them out the door. “Make you look smaller than usual. Well we better go talk about plans later okaybye-”
She promptly slammed the door behind them, physically pushing them away from the bakery.
After Marinette had dragged them a good distance away, Alya finally got over her shock, turning around and glaring at her. “What was that about?!” she asked Marinette indignantly, hands on her hips. “You know me, I wasn’t going to spill anything to him. That’s why I was talking so quietly! Why’d you have to do that?!”
Nino frowned, seeming more concerned than annoyed. “Adrien looked really hurt by that. Not cool.”
“There’s nothing to spill!” Marinette protested, gesticulating wildly. “I only met him for the first time two days ago!”
*record scratch*
Two DAYS ago?!
Ok, hold up.
“Adrien joined our collège class the day after I did! He sits in front of you in class! What’re you TALKING about?!”
“Uh… no…?” Marinette tilted her head to the side, befuddled. “I think I would remember that, even if it was a few years back.” 
Alya let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, no kidding. He would be uh, difficult for you to forget. Heck, even if your memory was erased, you’ve got so much stuff revolving around him, I couldn’t see that lasting long.”
Marinette blushed. “Why do you think I have a crush on him?! He’s HAWKMOTH’S SON!”
“WHAT?!” Alya and Nino yelled in unison.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated Hawkmoth a couple years ago,” Marinette explained, pulling out her phone.
A moment later she held it up, showing a blog post from the Ladyblog.
Oooh, that’s a nice graphical design. I’ll have to look into updating my site, Alya thought.
Turning her attention to the picture, she squinted. “Hey, can you enlarge the photo?” She asked.
Marinette complied, enlarging it and turning her phone sideways, letting it fill the entire screen. 
Gabriel Agreste being led away in handcuffs by the police, with Ladybug and Chat Noir in the background. Ladybug looked satisfied, with maybe a twinge of melancholy, but Chat Noir…
He stared vacantly ahead, seemingly not focused on anyone or anything, a smile on his face - but the most forced one she’d ever seen.
“What’s wrong with Chat Noir?” 
Marinette frowned, looking troubled. “I don’t know. He seemed really, really upset when Hawkmoth was defeated. It was a tough battle, bad enough that neither of them have returned since, but that doesn’t explain why-”
She trailed off, lost in thought. 
A moment later she looked up, meeting Alya’s eyes.
Immediately she waved her hands around, trying to ward off… something. “I- I mean, that’s what I read on the Ladyblog and what I could piece together from video footage, it’s not like I was there, NOPE. I was huddled in my room the entire time. Not like I have any insight into what Chat Noir was acting like during the battle, not beyond what any other civilian would know! That would be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!” she let out a few forced guffaws.
Alya’s eyebrows flew up.
Maybe Marinette had been following Ladybug and Chat Noir during the final battle and hadn’t wanted anyone to know? She’d wondered whether Marinette might have a thing for Chat Noir, but her crush on Adrien dwarfed any feelings she might have had for him. Plus it’s not like Marinette would actually know Chat Noir, unlike Adrien.
Thinking about Adrien…
“He must’ve been devastated,” she murmured. Marinette looked at her questioningly. “Adrien, I mean,” Alya clarified. “Having your father turn out to be a terrorist? I can’t even imagine.”
Marinette buried her face in her hands. “Not you TOO,” she said, her voice muffled.
Nino slowly started edging his way behind Marinette.
“What’s your problem with Adrien?” Alya asked. “Did he do something?”
Marinette glanced away. “Not… exactly… I just… I’m afraid that it might all be an act. That he might’ve been helping Hawkmoth secretly, and… and even if he wasn’t before, that he might just be biding his time, waiting until he figures out who Ladybug and Chat Noir and then BAM!” she slammed her fist down on her other hand. “He takes them out, steals all the Miraculous, frees his father and rules Paris FOREVER!”
Alya reached out towards Marinette tentatively. She collapsed into Alya’s arms. 
Hugging her tightly, she sang a soft nonsense song, rubbing small circles in Marinette’s back. 
She’d done this a few other times since she’d met Marinette, though she’d never thought she’d do it underneath these circumstances.
Whatever these circumstances actually were.
Did everyone have amnesia or…?
“Do you have any big memory gaps?” Alya asked once Marinette’s breathing had calmed down. “Especially from five years ago?” 
Marinette shook her head. 
She’d shelve that theory for now then. More likely it was…
“An alternate timeline, huh?” Alya said.
Marinette looked up at her questioningly.
“That’s what I think this is,” Alya explained. “I WAS thinking that maybe there’d been some sort of mass amnesia, but if you don’t have any memory gaps - and trust me girl, with how involved you were with Adrien, there WOULD be memory gaps - that seems unlikely. I’m betting this is some sort of alternate universe, one where Adrien never got to go to school.”
“I still don’t get why you think there’s something between me and Adrien!” Marinette said. “I mean sure, he’s pretty, but did I really fall for him just for that?” 
Alya shook her head. “Actually, you hated him at first. Chloe’d been bragging about how he was her friend, and with that on top of you catching him trying to remove the gum Chloe’d planted on your seat and mistaking it for him PLANTING the gum… well… both of us just assumed he was a spoiled rich bully, just like Chloe. Luckily that turned out not to be the case.”
“How’d that misunderstanding get cleared up?” Marinette asked. “And how did your Marinette jump from that to crushing on him?”
Alya grinned. Marinette had ranted about this moment to her SO. MANY. TIMES.
“School let out later that day. It was raining and Marinette had forgotten her umbrella, so she hung back a moment, long enough for Adrien to approach her. At first she looked away from him, not wanting to acknowledge his greeting. But then he told you - told her I mean - that he hadn’t done it, promised that he’d just been trying to take it off with such sincerity that she had no choice but to believe it. He opened up to her, even though she’d been shunning him just moments ago. And finally he gave her his umbrella, just because he could. Because it was the kind thing to do. She’s been a goner ever since.”
The Marinette in her arms looked away. “I can see why she might have developed a crush on him. But I still dunno whether I trust him.”
“I don’t know whether I have anything that could convince you on that,” Alya admitted, “especially since this is probably a different timeline, and for all I know he could be evil here. Just make sure that you’re judging him on his own merits, okay? Not who he’s associated with. Not his fault he has so many crappy people in his life.”
“I’ll… take it under consideration,” Marinette said reluctantly. 
Marinette looked from side to side. “Where’d Nino go?”
“Oh, he snuck back into the bakery several minutes ago.”
Nino opened the door to the bakery, letting out a small sigh of relief. He really wanted to check in on his best friend, and judging by Marinette’s behavior, she wasn’t exactly keen on him or Alya chatting with Adrien.
Thinking back on what he’d just heard, he frowned. 
He wished he could say that he’d never have suspected that Gabriel was Hawkmoth.
That he didn’t think Adrien’s old man could ever be capable of such evil.
But he knew better.
The guy threatened to withdraw Adrien from school and isolate him from everyone else at the drop of a hat, paid little attention to his son when he was at home, and was a very negative influence on his life in general. He might have been grieving, but… so was Adrien. He needed the only parent he had left.
And instead Gabriel had chosen to respond by becoming a supervillain and terrorizing Paris, endangering his own son in the process.
He really wished he’d gotten to hit Hawkmoth with his turtle shield more. At least he got to relish the smack he got in.
“You’re back!” 
Nino looked towards the voice.
Adrien walked closer to him, a tentative grin on his face. “I didn’t think you’d return so soon!”
“I had to come back to talk to my best friend,” Nino said.
“Best friend?” Adrien asked, blank-faced.
Oh, right. According to Marinette, Adrien hadn’t joined their class. She hadn’t even met Adrien until recently. 
Had some sort of memory-wiping akuma attacked? Wouldn’t have been the first time. 
“Do you know who I am?” Nino asked, pointing at himself.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh… well I know you’re friends with the Ladyblogger and Marinette, and… sorry, that’s it.”
He looked really apologetic, like a dog who’d ripped up a bunch of toilet paper and acted guilty about it once caught.
Hm. If it had been a memory-erasing akuma, maybe he could jog Adrien’s memory…?
And even if it wasn’t, he wanted to let Adrien know that someplace, somewhere, people cared about him. If Marinette’s reaction to him was any indication, he’d need that reassurance. Being looked at with suspicion, having people run from you just because of who your dad was, thinking that you might’ve been involved in his crimes… he couldn’t imagine.
“You joined our class the day after Hawkmoth first attacked,” Nino told him, pulling out his phone.
Adrien shook his head, looking confused. “Uh… no? I wanted to, I REALLY wanted to go to school, but Father-”
He cut himself off, looking away.
“Marinette said the same thing,” Nino told him. “That you hadn’t enrolled in our class, that she’d only met you recently. I don't know what that’s about, whether everyone’s memories were wiped, or an akuma messed with the past, or what.”
Come on, come on, where was it- ah!
He clicked on a photo, one taken a few months ago, holding his phone up so his friend could get a better look.
Adrien squinted for a moment. His eyes widened. “That’s-!”
Nino nodded. “Our class photo. The official one, anyway.” He chuckled. “I liked our unofficial ones better.” Swiping to the side, he showed the new ones the class had taken at the park. 
Adrien’s jaw dropped more with every new photo. He let out an involuntary bark of laughter at the one of himself, Nino, Kim, and Juleka posing. “I- I always wanted to mess around like that at photoshoots,” Adrien said. His voice trembled slightly. “But I wouldn’t be able to get away with it. And that’s mostly fun when you can share it with friends, at least share the picture, and I- I couldn’t. Chloe wouldn’t have appreciated it, and L-”
He cut himself off, shaking his head.
“Luka?” Nino asked. 
He didn’t know why Adrien would know Luka and not anybody else, but he seemed the most likely option.
“Uh…” Adrien scratched the back of his neck, looking away.
Hm, he’d have to see if he had- ah!
“You played in Kitty Section too, with Luka, Rose, Ivan, and Juleka.” Nino explained, clicking on the video. 
Adrien’s hands shook as Nino handed him the phone, watching the mini-concert.
“I- I was allowed to- I got to-” Adrien’s voice quavered. 
“Not at first.” Nino grimaced, remembering how bummed Adrien had sounded when he called him. “Your old man said that Agrestes were soloists, and that we were all bad influences.”
“HE was the bad influence,” Adrien said. A current of anger, of venom ran through his voice that Nino had never heard before. 
“Well I already knew that, even before finding out he was Hawkmoth,” Nino said, making a face. “Dude needed to chill out.”
Adrien snorted. “If he had any ‘chill’ he wouldn’t have decided that becoming a supervillain was the best way to heal my mother.”
So THAT was why Gabriel had done it.
He’d just thought it was standard ‘I’m an asshole and want to rule the world while being a jackass to everyone in my life’ behavior.
(He still wasn’t going to rule out that being a factor.)
Nino put a hand on Adrien’s shoulder sympathetically. “At least he’s gone now and you’re free, right?”
“Right,” Adrien said. He didn’t meet Nino’s eyes.
“Not you TOO,” Marinette had said, burying her face in her hands.
As if she found it exasperating that Alya sympathized with Adrien. As if she had expected differently. 
Those worries she’d voiced as Nino had been tiptoeing away, about Adrien helping Hawkmoth, about him lying in wait, biding his time… Marinette probably wasn’t the only one to have that concern. And with Adrien’s face being as well-known as it was...
“You AREN’T free, are you?” Nino asked, eyes wide.
Adrien sighed. “I was as surprised as everyone else when I found out who Hawkmoth was. That someone who’s caused that much harm, that much trauma to this city, lived in my own house.” He clenched his fists, digging into his jean’s fabric. “I could barely believe it… no… I didn’t WANT to believe it.”
He took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I- I only remember snippets from right after his arrest. The police chief talking to me. Riding back to the station. It’s all a blur. Everything felt like I was processing it underwater. It was all so blurry and muffled. Even- even then, though, I could feel everyone’s accusing stares.” “I understand why, don’t get me wrong,” he cut in hurriedly. “Who wouldn’t be suspicious of the son of the terrorist who’s been making everyone’s life miserable for the past four years?” Adrien almost panted with exertion, his eyes wild. “And- and it was happening in my own house! Underneath my nose! I should have KNOWN! I could’ve stopped this!” 
Reaching out, Nino pulled his friend into a hug. 
Adrien stiffened for a moment, before melting into his embrace.
“It’s his fault, not yours,” Nino murmured. “Remember that, dude. He was the adult. He was your parent. Your ONLY remaining parent. I’ve met the guy. And I’ve heard you talk about what he’s like. If you had investigated more?” Nino shuddered, thinking about the disproportionate punishments the bastard had enacted. “And knowing he was HAWKMOTH on top of that? I’m kinda glad you didn’t. Yeah, maybe you could’ve ended things sooner. Or maybe he would’ve hurt you more before you had the chance. I’m just glad you survived.”
“I-” Adrien’s throat sounded tight. “I’m- I’m glad I survived too.”
They stood there for a moment, Nino feeling Adrien’s breath go in-and-out, his heartbeat racing, until it gradually started to slow.
*ring ring*
Adrien and Nino broke up their hug just as Marinette burst through the door, Alya on her heels. She skidded to a halt in front of Adrien - but not quite in time, sending her careening towards the floor.
She never made contact.
“Woah!” Adrien shouted, catching her in his arms.
Nino detected a hint of pink to Marinette’s cheeks before she abruptly sprang to her feet.
“So, uh,” Marinette said awkwardly. “I’m guessing Nino talked to you about some stuff. I mean, of course he talked to you about stuff, because that’s what talking is about. What- what I mean is, what were you two talking about?”
“I wanted to show him how much we care about him,” Nino told her. “Especially since with this… amnesia?”
“I think it’s an alternate timeline,” Alya said. 
“Especially since in this timeline,” Nino continued, “it really doesn’t seem like he had anyone.”
“I had a couple other friends,” Adrien told him quietly, giving a melancholic smile. “But I lost contact with them right after Hawkmoth’s defeat.”
Noticing Nino’s frown, he hastily added, “they didn’t abandon me or anything! They were online friends. One moved somewhere without internet reception, and the other... we never knew each other’s names. But we talked all the time. We chatted, laughed, defeated villains together…”
“In the video games we played, of course!” he added after a moment. He chuckled fondly. “We played as a team. Together, we were unstoppable, no matter what our opponent threw at us.”
Adrien swallowed. “But in the aftermath of Hawkmoth’s defeat, with all the turmoil, with everything that happened… I lost my means of contacting her. I- I don’t know whether I’ll ever get to see her again.”
“We’d promised to meet up after Hawkmoth’s defeat,” Adrien said. His voice cracked. “That- that once it was safer in Paris, we’d finally tell our names.”
His eyes dropped to the ground. “Instead, we lost each other. Maybe for good.”
“I know what that’s like,” Marinette said. She sounded strangely distant. “I had a friend like that too. I cared about him. A lot. Maybe… maybe even as more than a friend.” She said the last part haltingly, as if she’d only just admitted it to herself. “He- he wanted to know who I was. For me to know who he was. But- but I couldn’t do that. Not in Hawkmoth’s Paris. I already cared for him so much it ached. If I was closer to him than that- if I’d accepted his rose- I’m- I’m afraid Hawkmoth might’ve used the strength of those feelings against me. That I could’ve gotten akumatized, or he might’ve, and if we knew who each other was, knew WHERE the other one was… I just… I couldn’t accept that we might be sent to hurt each other.”
“We talked while the final battle was raging,” she continued. “He seemed really upset, more angry than I’ve ever seen him before, but… also kind of sad. I wanted to know what was wrong, but there wasn’t really time to press him. And after that battle he just… disappeared. I knew there was going to be some sort of disruption, but- but I’d thought we’d have more time to talk beforehand, that we’d be able to exchange new contact information. We were cut off before we had the chance.”
“I- I think of him every day,” she said quietly. “Wondering how he’s doing. He was always so positive, no matter what life threw at us. I hope that wherever he is, whatever he’s doing, he hasn’t lost that positivity, that optimism, the ability to see the best in the world and in others.”
“I’m sure he’d be happy to know you cared for him so much,” Adrien said, giving her a warm smile.
Marinette blinked, giving herself a small shake. She turned to Alya. “I dunno whether you’ll remember any of this after the Ladybug in your time restores anything, but on the off-chance you do, is there anything you need to know?”
“Oh!” Alya pulled up some footage. “You told me who Hawkmoth was, but what about Mayura?”
Alya snapped her fingers. “You know, the Peacock Miraculous wielder, the one summoning the sentimonsters! Did she not exist in this universe?”
She pulled up part of the fight against Mayura, the sentimonster Ladybug, and Hawkmoth.
The video ended, she took another glance at Marinette and Adrien.
Marinette seemed to be in shock, staring straight ahead.
Adrien frowned, thinking. “I’d wondered for a long time how Father managed to hide his supervillain activities from Nathalie, considering she was around him most of the time. I thought maybe she was just really good at never asking questions.”
He grimaced. “Looking at that? I’m betting she didn’t ask questions because she already knew the answers.”
“You think Mayura’s Nathalie?” Alya questioned.
He nodded. “Unless something’s different in your universe. My father doesn’t have a lot of associates, and the way he acted around Mayura there, how he was willing to pass up a chance to fight Ladybug for her Miraculous in exchange for catching her… the only people I can think of who he’d do that for are my mother and Nathalie, and mom…” he trailed off.
“I- I didn’t even think about that,” Marinette said guiltily. “I remember reading something about Gabriel having a secretary, but I didn’t think about her much beyond that.”
“Maybe you could ask this universe’s Alya to post something on the Ladyblog, telling Ladybug and Chat Noir she has a lead on who Mayura is?” Alya said. “I mean, I know they haven’t shown up in ages, but maybe that’s just because they haven’t had reason to.”
Marinette winced. “I… really don’t think that’s it… plus Ladybug and Chat Noir never said that someone was helping Hawkmoth. Mayura never appeared, at least in public. I don’t know what we can do about this right now, especially without proof. Maybe if Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared, but…”
She sounded doubtful. Alya was beginning to think that the final battle was even worse than Marinette had alluded to.
She hesitated a moment, before turning to Adrien. “I- I think I owe you an apology. I thought you might’ve been helping Hawkmoth, but… well… I was just judging you by who your dad was. You’ve been nothing but sweet and kind.”
Adrien smiled at her, though it was slightly strained. “It’s fine. I’m used to it. A lot of people in this city have suffered at Hawkmoth’s hands. I don’t blame them for being scared, or angry at any reminders of him.”
“That doesn’t make it RIGHT,” Marinette said heatedly.
Nino nodded. “Dude just because something’s done to you it doesn’t mean it’s justified, or that it shouldn’t be made better. Like with your old man forbidding parties. I didn’t let that stop me from bribing your bodyguard into letting me and the other guys throw a party at your place for you!”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “It kinda escalated though. I think half the guys at Paris were partying in your room by the end!”
Alya gave Nino a sideways look. “And ONLY the guys because they ditched us girls while we were planting trees with a lame excuse. Seriously if you’d said you wanted to throw a party for Adrien while his dad was away, you could’ve just told us!”
Nino winced. “Yeah, my bad. At least we got to have fun there for a while before the akuma attack.”
“Akuma attack?” Adrien asked, eyes wide. “But I thought you said Father was gone!”
“He was- OOOOOOOH.”
“Yeeaaaah I don’t think he was actually gone,” Alya said. “You threw a ‘secret’ party in Hawkmoth’s house, WHILE he was still at home.”
Adrien gaped at Nino. “How’re you not DEAD?!”
Nino chuckled. “Lucky I guess?”
*twinkle twinkle*
A familiar red mass flew towards Alya and Nino.
Adrien’s eyes widened. 
“Behind the portrait!” he blurted out, just as the two of them were enveloped by the ladybugs, spiriting them off to whence they came.
It was silent for a moment.
“Do you think they heard?” Adrien asked Marinette.
“I hope so,” she said, looking off in the direction the ladybugs flew.
She turned to him. “I was planning on setting up some hang out time with Alya and Nino later this week. If you’re not busy… would you like to join?”
His smile told her everything she needed to know.
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captain-kinda-trash · 4 years ago
Hi! I wanted to request some headcannons for rottmnt boys with a reader who gives great hugs and gets a plush hoodie this winter, so hugging them feels like hugging a teddy bear now
Of course!! Thank you so much for the request!!
Teddy Bear (ROTTMNT Headcanons)
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This was what I had in mind while writing 🤔🤔⬇
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Let's just be clear about one thing
Leo LOVES your hugs
CANNOT get enough of them
Long night of fighting for justice? Huggies
Gets into an argument with Donnie? More huggies
Hell, even walking past you in the lair, he'll do little grabby hands and act like a whiny baby until he gets his daily hugs 🙄 😩
But then you get a super soft, super fluffy, super warm sweatshirt?
He's dead
You're basically like a human heater for this cold-blooded blue boy
Since you've gotten it, you can hardly stop wearing it, because it's the most comfortable thing ever-
And Leo has gotten even more excuses to hug you
"Leo, im cooking!"
Will, without a doubt ask you to carry his lazy ass, just because he wants to snuggle into your sweatshirt
And don't even get me STARTED on movie nights with him
Because what begins as a cold-blooded turtle hanging onto your arm like a baby koala
Ends up being Leo curled up in your lap or somehow wrapped around you with this hot sweater
So while he's practically purring with comfort, you are sweating like a dog
Not to mention, this bitch is just heavy
like 200+ pounds of straight muscle, so I hope you don't have to use the restroom any time soon because it's going to take a while to pry this big baby off of you
I'd also like to mention, that you don't need to tell him not to steal your hoodie
because he’s gonna do it anyways 😎💙
You discovered this one day, when you slipped the article off to bake with Mikey
After a nice batch of cookies was made, your jacket was gone and you began parading around the lair to find it 
Only to see Leo, snuggled in his bed and playing on his phone, with your hoodie practically swallowing him whole
If he hadn’t looked so comfortable, you would have been angrier, and just settled for scolding him playfully for stealing it
it was hell trying to pry it off of him,  though...
This turtle knows how to wrestle and he will not hesitate to kick your ass over this fluffy sweatshirt 😤
These two things (hugs and your hoodie) combined just make Leo melt into a puddle, and he couldn’t be happier to have all of your teddy bear hugs :>
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um, have you met this turtle?
KING of hugs
It’s so great how both of you share the same energy
Though he’s more cold-blooded, like Donnie, he needs all of the hugs
It’s just your thing
With Raph, you have fist bumps, Leo, you’ve got a cool handshake, Donnie is more for high-fives 
And for Mikey, it’s hugs 
He practically tackles you to the ground in tight hugs whenever you get home from school/work and come to the lair, like a happy little puppy
Speaking of puppies…
That’s what he says your hoodie feels like whenever it first arrives in the mail.
Immediately, you throw it on, and Mikey is all over it, petting the soft fabric and squealing in excitement 
Can he please wear it?? 🥺
Little Mikey didn’t even have to ask before you shed the hoodie and let him try it on
And OH
The amount of cuteness that this turtle radiates when he’s smiling like an idiot and flapping the oversized arms around is just-
He vows to get his own since it’s so warm and comfortable
But he’s very respectful and gives it back to you
Only to attack you in another hug and lift you off of the ground because you look so adorable
“You’re like a little teddy bear!” *excited squeal!*
Mikey 100% respects your space so if you’re ever snuggling, he’s instantly aware of your getting sweaty or uncomfortable and will let up or loosen his arms
Winter days?
Snuggles all day and night
when Mikey (politely) asks to wear your jacket, he’ll throw it on and give you piggyback rides around the lair, because we love fun
And for Christmas, you get him his own, and he’s IN LOVE 
Sweater buddies 
He gets one in his favorite color and little ears on the hood and once a week, when they need to be thrown in the washer, you’ll keep him warm while he waits.
(Leo gets jealous of all the attention you’re giving Mikey >:o)
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we all know that Don isn’t the biggest on physical affection
If he wants a hug, usually he’d be the one to initiate, which is totally cool, since usually he’s forced into a hug by his brothers (secretly loves it tho)
He does enjoy your hugs, though he can be a bit awkward and stiff with them at first
If he’s feeling down, needs to be warmed up a bit, he’ll immediately seek your comfort
Even out of his brothers, you’re secretly his favorite 
Sure he loves Dr. Delicate Touch, but sometimes Donnie would rather go to someone who isn’t very pushy with solutions, and is willing to listen
And we can also all agree that he has an immaculate fashion taste ✨💜
When he sees the fluffy sweater draped over your arm, he’s immediately running over, analyzing the fabrics, and rushing to get you to try it on
Why? Fashion show 
Loves the warmth of your hoodie
And I because “it’s so soofff”
Donnie’s blood runs the coldest out of all of his brothers and he has the most sensitive shell, so he just adores your sweater
Is definitely contemplating on getting one for himself, though he wouldn’t tell you at first, because you might think he’s trying to copy your awesome style, and that would just destroy his massive ego 😩💅
He enjoys it when you sit in his lab with him, maybe rested against his side with your hoodie on, as you play on your phone/read/draw
Also up for snuggles when it’s extra chilly in the Lair, or when his brothers aren’t around, because once again, damaged ego
Movie marathons?
Hell yeah
Donnie will always make sure your comfortable before he gets comfortable on the couch, so you won’t shift around while watching the movie
He’s also very vulnerable when he takes his battle shell off, and in more ways than one
You know he’s got real, strong trust when he does so and will let you carefully hug him from behind with your hoodie on, since it’s so soft
Donnie will also snatch your massive jacket if he gets the chance, and disappear into his lab for days with it on
And he’ll never tell a soul this…
But he loves it the most, because it smells like you, 💜
so it’s like having you right beside him while you’re gone, or when he’s busy building something 
Also, tries to use his classic and sarcastic charm when it comes to asking for your hoodie back
“Come on Don, it’s cold outside! I need it!”
“But would you take it from such a luxurious face as this?” 😏
“Right, giving it back-“
He totally gets his own hoodie, by the way
Purple (obviously)
But it just isn’t the same as your own, so Donnie might just have yours on and then wrap his own around his waist
He sure does love his teddy bear 💜
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Okay but Raph is an actual teddy bear-
A big, mom-friend, weapon-wielding teddy bear
He LOVES giving hugs, and most would recognize this, seeing the various pictures and instances where he pulls all three of his brothers in for a great big group hug ❤
He's constantly reminding himself that you are much much more prone to injuries than his brothers, so he holds you like a little baby when he hugs you
(Unless he gets super excited or has a really rough night, so just be aware that you might be restricted of breathing privileges in that case-)
Usually so gentle 🥺
Just picks you up and wraps those huge freaking arms around you like giant pillows
And he LOSES HIS SHIT when you come back with this fluffy ass hoodie
Has this infatuation with petting the fur and running his fingers over it
He has never felt something so soft in his entire life 😩❤
And then when he hugs you with it on-
"Why are you a like big teddy bear?!"
"Buddy, you're just getting a taste of my own world-"
Poor Raph, being the size he is and having such a spiky shell, can't just wear your hoodie like his brothers :(
I mean, sure he could take it so easily
But he doesn't want to disrespect your things, or make you upset, because this man is The Gentleman™
So, rather than asking to wear it, he'll ask to spend more time with you
Not just for the hoodie ofc, but because of your sweet gentleness and warmth
Better quit your job babe, because your new occupation?
Raph's cuddle buddy
He refuses to let you become uncomfortable, makes sure there are the right amount of pillows, blankets, and room for you to move around while you snuggle together etc.
Raph is also a heavy sleeper, so once he gets comfy and warm enough, he'll probably doze off and trap you in his big "arm cage"
Really, his nature is pure and gentle and everything you could ever imagine when it comes to hugging his little teddy bear ❤🐢
@getacactus @turtle-babe83
Hope you enjoyed this little ditty! I LOVED writing these!! 💜💜
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leftovergarlicbread · 2 years ago
For the headcanon ask thing.
What about Taka or Cal
WHY NOT BOTH!!!! :D Thank u for the ask!!! <3 <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Hes a bisexual loser and you can’t tell me otherwise.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man but in a he/they way.
A ship I have with said character: Again, I don’t have many strong opinions on shipping, but I feel he might have a slight crush on Zero. They’re L4L, loser for loser solfknehwosiufnlk.
A BROTP I have with said character: Ace and Taka obvi <3 <3 but also Taka and Luna!!!! They’re childhood besties and they have a weird cousins relationship thanks to their dads being so close.
A NOTP I have with said character: Tbh, Ace and Taka. I am really not a huge fan of childhood friends to lovers, I have a lot of opinions about it that I won’t get into here, but I usually I just prefer they stay platonic. But I also still don’t really know too much about their relationship considering I’m not quite done with the maingame yet, so this could very well change!!
A random headcanon: Taka likes to bake!! He and Luna bake a lot together and he makes some of the best poffins around. He’ll often bake ppl something as a gift for birthdays and holidays instead of buying them something. Also because it’s usually cheaper LMAOOO
Luna also knitted his scarf for him!
General opinion on character: The most patheticest wettest cat of a man ever. An absolute loser. He’s absolutely wonderful. He deserves to be passionately kissed by someone
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay! Fun fact I actually headcanoned him as gay before I knew he was canonically which I just find really funny olskdfhnos. *stares into camera* I Know What You Are
Gender Headcanon: Cis man, hes just ur local neighborhood Guy.
A ship I have with said character: I already talked abt Cain and Cal on my answer for Cain, sooo some other thoughts: I think he has a bit of a crush on Taka in a “hes hot in a rat kind of way” lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: Obvi Cal and Shelly <3 <3 <3 But I feel like Cal and Luna would also get along really well! They watch horror movies together!
A NOTP I have with said character: I’m saying Cal and Victoria here just because I want to share a funny story abt how I completely monkey’s pawed myself. So, back after I defeated Shelly, and Cal first goes to Apophyll, (my laptops autocorrect wants to turn apophyll into chlorophyll HELLO??) and like, it was very obvious that Cal and Victoria were a thing they were hinting at I was like “mmmmhhhh I don’t really want cal and vicky to become a thingggg :////” aND THEN TWO BADGES LATER THE EVENTS AT APOPHYLL HAPPENED AND I REMEMEBR JUST SITTING THERE LIKE “W e l l  I g u e s s  I  g o t      w h a t  I  w a n t e d” Believe it or not I did that to myself TWICE. The second time being me going “hmmm I wonder if fern is going to become more plot relevant soon!! After beating him on Route 1, and then, again. 3 badges later. Hes on team meteor JKSNOIUFVOKISIDNUHG
A random headcanon: Shelly writes a lot of fanfiction and she always asks Cal to proofread it for her. He is literally SO TOUCHED by this and it means the fucking world to him. She insists that he’s honest and gives her critique but it physically hurts him to say anything bad about her writing hhhh
General opinion on character: I love him sm!!! His development throughout the story makes me so happy ((and also the way he and victoria completely swapped characters and roles and like,, changed literally opposite to each other makes me go FERAL AAAAAAAAAA) The way he cares so much about Shelly is just so sweet and it’s just really cool to how we actually get to see him work so hard to grow and change and better himself as a person and it’s just really really cool to see and means a lot to me :] I really really love stories and characters who work to overcome who they were and be better than their past, I just. I can’t describe it super well, but just. Everything about Cal and his character is just. Yeah. I love that <3
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haik-choo · 5 years ago
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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superman86to99 · 3 years ago
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Adventures of Superman #510 (March 1994)
Bizarro's World, Part 2! Bizarro has kidnapped Lois Lane and taken her to a warped replica of Metropolis he built in a big warehouse within the real Metropolis, like the plot of Synecdoche, New York but with a defective Superman clone instead of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Despite being a big ol' dumbass, we find out that Bizarro definitely retains some parts of Superman's original personality, like his love for Lois (hence the kidnapping) and of course his profound hatred for Jimmy Olsen (hence the part where he blows up a mannequin dressed like Jimmy with his heat vision).
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Meanwhile, Superman thinks it'll be easy to find Lois with his newly augmented powers, but turns out they're SO augmented that he can't even focus his super-hearing and ends up having a sensory overload, so he's pretty much useless right now. Fortunately, Lois is very capable of saving herself, which she eventually does by climbing to the top of the "Daylee Plandit" building and pushing the crude globe replica on top of poor Bizarro.
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Before escaping, Lois also figures out that Lex Luthor Jr. is somehow responsible for Bizarro's creation, which she deduces mainly because just hearing Lex's name made Bizarro start screaming and breaking stuff.
So yeah, Superman isn't very useful in this issue, because we've reached the point where his "enhanced" powers have officially become a problem. Lois tries to comfort him saying that she wants a husband, not a bodyguard, but only one thing can make Superman feel better: punching the crap out of Bizarro for a while. Continued!
The best part of this issue are the Bizarro-speak Easter eggs throughout Bizarrotropolis, like the mouse with a sign that says "Kad" (Cadmus), the mannequin wearing a bib that says "O" (Bibbo), the Daylee Plandit employee whose head is a bottle of Perry water (wait, has “Perry White” always been short for “Perrier White”?), and others I probably missed.
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Curious that Lois thinks "This creature really is some Bizarro version of Superman," since the term "Bizarro" comes from, well, Bizarro. Where did it originate in this universe? I was gonna say Seinfeld, but the “Bizarro Jerry” episode aired in 1996, two years after this issue (and was probably called "Guy Who Is The Complete Opposite of Jerry" anyway).
The scene where Superman loses control of his hearing powers is pretty similar to the moment in John Byrne's Superman #10 when the same thing happens, only that time they actually pulled word balloons from various other DC comics that came out that month, which was pretty cool. This time, the only piece of dialogue that sounds like it might be from another comic is "wish I was like Barry," but I checked the March 1994 issue of The Flash and there's nothing like that (it does sound like something early '90s Wally West would say on any given issue, though).
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An increasingly Lex Luthor Sr.-looking Lex Luthor Jr. summons his mole in Project Cadmus, Dr. Packard, to find out what they know about the mystery illness afflicting all clones in the city (which includes Lex himself, as Packard is shocked to learn), but Cadmus has no idea what's going on either. All they know is that Guardian seems to be the only clone who doesn't feel like crap right now, for some reason. It's worth noting that none of the other clones are losing their hair like Lex, so presumably that's not the Clone Plague but just regular alopecia.
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Time's Up for Vincent Edge! Cat Grant goes off script during her show's live broadcast to #MeToo her boss, who's been aggressively hitting on her for the past few months -- the old incorrigible horndog didn't even give it a rest when Cat's young son was murdered. This issue includes Vinnie's worst line yet when he tells Cat he wants to help her career because "Nothing would please me more than to see you on TOP. If you know what I mean." My headcanon is that he's arrested by the cops at the end of this issue specifically because of that line.
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All of the above was seen ten days ago by our patrons Aaron, Murray Qualie, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Hank Curry, and Bol! Find out how to join the kewl kidz club at https://www.patreon.com/superman86to99
Don Sparrow’s section below is all-new, though, so click on to keep reading:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
We start with the cover, and I love it—a great callback to Man of Steel #25, right down to the font.  I love the detail of the crystalized flesh flaking off of him, showing the deterioration plaguing Bizarro, and his fellow clones.
Inside the book, we get a look at Bizarro’s World, a shanty play-village version of Metropolis.  Karl Kesel is one of the funnier writers on the Super-team, so there’s a cleverness to the phonetically constructed signage (which to me also read as a nod to the old “Bizarro #1” sign that Superman’s imperfect duplicate would hang around his neck).  But I can’t get past the refrigerator logic type questions, like—wouldn’t it be harder to learn the concept of an egg sitting, rather than “exit”?  And how does he have any written language skills, having only been born a few hours ago?  But, it’s comics, and as we saw in the Man of Steel mini-series, there’s some sort of intellectual imprint on Bizarros from the original article.  
Page 4 has a great flying shot of Superman searching the city for his duplicate...
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...and page 10, apart from Vinnie’s painful (and if Max is right, flat out illegal) play on words, we also get a look at some extreme 90’s blazer tailoring on Cat Grant.  The panel of Bizarro lost in his rage at the mere mention of Lex Luthor is an appropriately frightening one.  Quite a nice drawing of Lois lifting herself through the skylight, later that scene.
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It’s a cool detail that Cat’s broadcast uses the same candid photos of Superman and Lois from the previous issue’s broadcast, redrawn here by Barry Kitson.  
Nice to see that Cat Grant does her own re-writes—she has long been established to be a legitimate journalist, having grown out of her gossip columnist roots.
Cute silver-age callback to the cube globe Bizarro world, as Lois tries to scale the top of Bizarro’s ersatz Daily Planet.
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We’ve covered this ground before, but it’s astonishing to me that decades after this issue came out, sexual harassment in TV news remains endemic—it might actually even be worse today than when this story is published.  But it’s cheering to see Cat Grant take down another powerful Edge, again with the truth of journalism as her weapon. [Max: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this is the second Edge boy Cat brings down... and she didn’t even have to sleep with this one. Progress!]
It’s pleasing that Lois rescues herself, rather than Superman finding her, but it also meant Superman didn’t get up to much Adventuring this week. The “Superman is over-protective” angle gets its first mention here and will come to matter a lot more during the David Michelinie era of stories.  
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howuart · 3 years ago
also, sorry for getting third life and last life mixed around! AND for forgetting about the boogeyman in L.L. that's like one of the coolest/most important things about it and i just straight up forgot lol :,). shoutouts to that one person in the notes section of my first ask for correcting me!!
ANYWAYS, onto some ideas i had for the soulbound au (im kinda smushing together Third Life, Last Life, and Double Life for a super fun funky experience) im only really gonna be talking about nya & zane, kai & pixal, and lloyd & morro bc those the only soulbounds of which you are 100% sure of
edit: quick interjection as im like 40 mins into writing this to say idrk how far you are in the show, but theres some s8 spoilers in the latter half of the kai and pixal section, so please be careful of that!!
• i think that whenever you're in the presence of your soul bound, just know somethings up. its like a weird feeling you have. and whenever you see them or they see you, you both realize 'oh hey were bound arent we? cool!'
• ^ or not cool depending on your opinion of your sb (looks at morro and lloyd)
anyways, nya and zane!!
• i think these two had a really funny first meeting. the ninja obviously first met nya when they were rescuing her, and i cant help but laugh at the idea of nya brushing right past her brother and the guy who obviously wants to hit on her to go talk to the quiet guy whos just looking at her, amazed.
• they obviously told the others what was happening like 5 seconds later, but those were a VERY confusing 5 seconds. especially for kai
• they are (to me, at least) the perfect definition of a platonic soulbound. i feel like interviewers would go up to nya and be like
• "so we've heard that you're soulbound to one of the other ninja! just between you and me, is it jay or cole? or is it a familial bond with kai?" and NO ONE believes her when she says its zane. IF she even tells them. she might not even answer those kinda questions tbh
• whenever zane dies every other season, she knows he's not REALLY dead. wouldn't she be dead then, too?
• i feel like that adds a whole other layer to Zanes season 3 sacrifice, cause he'd know he'd be taking nya down with him, yet i am FAR too mentally unstable over the thought of that to get into it <3<3
okay, kai and pix time!!
• start-of-season-3-kai, who just finished reprimanding a 6 year old for shoving gum up their nose, seeing this techy nindroid walk out and suddenly Getting It: O h
• instead of zane being pixals sentience-awakening, i believe her seeing kai for the first time would shake her.
• Pixal, upon realizing her soulbound is the elemental master of fire: THAT'S WHY I OVERHEAT ALL THE TIME???
• as for their dynamic. c'mon. we saw how they were in the car scene. kai is unhinged and pixal has him on a child leash
• HOWEVER Kai has proven to be very smart multiple times in the show, and pix would 100% go to him to ask questions she doesn't under the solution to. most of the time he doesn't know either, but be occasionally does!
• their dynamic (again, to me personally) could either be platonic or romantic? kai is the typa guy to just casually flirt with his friends, and as we saw from that one s8 scene with Pixal and lloyd, pix sometimes does that, too!
• overall i think these two would be very healthy and kai would be ECSTATIC when pix gets her body back as samuri x. 100% would hug the life out of her
okay. fluff over. now onto the disaster that is lloyd and morro as soulbounds
• when lloyd first walked into the muesuem and saw the (possessed) nightguard, he knew something was.. off.
• he didn't get that floaty feeling that the others described when they found their soulbound, but he did feel. something.
• morro felt the exact same thing, but he refused to acknowledge it. why would he? the thought of him and Lloyd, the Green Ninja, being soulbound is so preposterous that it's almost funny
• then, whenever morro jumps out of the nightguards body, there's a horrifying moment where he realizes what's going on
• lloyd, not knowing the extent of Morro's villainy, is super excited!! he found him, his soulbound! the person that'll be by his side through it all!! yeah, he's a ghost, so that's a little weird, but who cares? he found him!!
• then possession happens. then the the rest of the season happens.
• a remorseful and tentatively redeemed morro, knowing that if he lets himself drown he'll kill lloyd in the process, ruefully takes his masters hand
• he's around. he's not really a part of the group. he's just there to make sure he's not why lloyd suddenly dies
• morro'd 100% protect lloyd if he was ever in a life or death situation. he'd say he did it to protect himself, but that's a lie
• after Lloyd processed everything that morro put him through, he might try to reach out? like it or not, and trust me; they both HATE IT, they're soulbound
• would take a long, painstaking, heartwrenching journey, but they might be able to be proper soulbounds. after a long, long time
• maybe.
• ...they're 1000% a power duo tho. working together, they could kick your ass blindfolded while bound and gagged to a chair
OKAY THAT'S ALL I HAVE FOR NOW. well. this is all im putting down for now. ive been writing this 4 like an hour and am terrified of tumblr crashing mid-submisson, but i have more (general) headcanons if you'd like to hear them :)
Don't worry about spoilers I know everything, well except crystalized I don't want to be spoiled for that. And also HI! I missed you anon!
yeah like first you see them and it's just like sparkles all around and then eye contact and you rush at each other and just start chatting! Like for Nya and Zane nya just jumps off the Dragon while Kai's about to explain his plan and she just goes to the and they both yell 'YOU!' with so much excitement that it just confuses Kai. Jay's just heart broken she likes Zane??? like he loves zane and all but zane?? really. and then they're just like this is my soul bound!! and Kai's super happy for his sis but he's like 'sis gtg save wu common have fun soon' and Jay's happy he's still got a chance! plus Zane's helping him.
yeah Nya doesn't give the interviewers much ground just like 'yeah the rumors are true but like I"m telling you who' and just leaves it at that.
Yeah Every time Zane dies she just like no he's still here, I have a few sketch Ideas I'll get to soon. and season 4 is different cause they know he's alive so while they hold a memorial for the people but they also promise to find him.
So the beginning of season 4 lloyd's still gonna get them all but they're all looking for Zane and Kai's looking for both Zane and Pixal cause he know's something happened to her but hasn't gotten to telling the others yet, been busy looking for them.
So lloyd gets everyone cause he got a lead, Chen's invitation. And he shows them told to only tell the other elemental masters. Garmadon still figures out though.
And the rest of the season is mostly the same but when they find Zane Kai's like 'pix??" Cause he can feel her even though she's not quite there, no body and all.
Nya ATTACKS Zane when they see each other during the fight, and freaks when he goes missing not long later, 'I just got that idiot back!" Kai's also worried about PIxal but less cause 'she's smart she knows her limits... I hope'
And I just realized both Smith's are gonna be with Zane a lot since pix is in him so they are just a trio (quartet) you see together a lot.
Right! like Kai even right after zane's staring at her cause he got stuck in the door lol just pushes him and like zane and Nya just kinda yells "You!?" and pix stares back in shock like I'm a robot I dont' get a soul bound right???
And they chat for a bit and then they split cause she's busy and Kai has to go see borg, they promise to talk when they get back.
Zane's probably a bit jealous at this.
And when she's evil kai doesn't like it and Jay and cole have to drag BOTH Kai and Zane.
Not sure if I want Zane to be outside with the technoblades or kai. ughs decisions decisions.
And when Pixal is out fighting the ninjdroid army it's both Kai and Zane out there, It takes them longer to figure out how to break the glass cause kai's smart and the others aren't. as smart or good on their feet. Jay and Cole aren't gonna figure it out. rip them.
They still get the power off though
xD Zane has to deal with pix being hot a lot but it's ok cause he's ice still bothersome though.
OH! But with Zane and Pix sharing a heart the Smith sibs are also connected now!! And when she's in him, it's faint but the two(smiths) defiantly feel it.
Yeah I don't know if I want Pixane or Hotwire in this au. ugh hard choices.
Yup hug zane hug Kai<3
Yeah I just imagine Morro throws the Realm crystal and grabs at Wu's hand. Not gonna die today!
Yeah I was thinking Morro went to the monastery and saw it burned down, he's upset I mean that was his home. so he starts to rebuild it, somewhat not too sure how to do that.
But then Lloyd's the leader and doesn't know what to do he's trying but he's still a kids. So morro tentatively offers advice sometimes the two being on better grounds since morro helped cole and the two are both human now. Cole and morro are working on the waterphobia. so bonding with lloyd's brothers
Morro helping with his knowledge on ghosts during day of the departed helped him get more into the group (he doesn't like this though and prefers to stay back when they go on missions. but he's around got to make sure lloyd doesn't die.)
And Morro really wants to find his dad. he's with Nya and Lloyd.
And then lloyd has a crush. oh but I need to rewatch that season before I talk about it cause I forgot a lot of stuff. so I'll get to that later.
Yeah! I'd love to hear more headcanon! I love making this little au with you! you're sparking lots of Ideas in me<3
And I was also trying to pair up the other's and thought what about Echo and Jay? and it hasn't left so do with that what you will.
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years ago
Read on AO3
Summary: Wild tells of the gifts the past Champions have given him. All that's left is for the others to witness these gifts.
Warnings: Descriptions of injury, temporary character death.
Notes: Finally got a prompt done. Y'all proud of me? If you are, then know I wrote this instead of Chapter 2 of Succumb because I'm an awful creature who has a solid idea for the entire fic except Chapter 2 and I'm avoiding it. Stop being proud of me now.
“How about you, Champ?”
Wild blinks from the daze he's fallen into and looks up to see eight pairs of eyes all looking right at him. The moon hangs lazily above them, nothing more than a C-shape tied to the stars to watch them all talk themselves to sleep. Wild’s zoned out of this one, for reasons he can’t really explain why. It’s not that what they’re talking about tonight is particularly dull or offensive. It’s just… well… they’re talking about magic and discussing the common theme that seems most sources of magic that they know has been given to them.
Time and Great Fairies. Hyrule and wise men in caves. Wild’s sure the others all have similar stories, he’s just decided to not listen to them tonight.
“About me?” He asks hopefully. Maybe they have changed topics while he was trying to decide what the woodchip by his boot resembles.
Four leans forward on his knees, wiggling his eyebrows. “Any magical gifts that you’ve been holding out on us?”
Wild tries not to let his disappointment show on his face. “Ah.” He curls his fingers around the hem of his tunic before they could nervously knit with each other on his lap. “Nothing that’s important.”
Besides him, Twilight scoffs. “Nothing that’s important? Cub, either you really are holding out on us or you’re being humble.”
“Wild? Humble?” Warriors snorts. “Perish the thought.”
Wild sighs. “Really, I don’t have any cool stories to tell tonight. I’d much rather listen to you all.”
“Listen, huh?” Four challenges, grinning like an imp. “Who taught Hyrule how to shoot fire from his sword?”
Wild rolls his eyes. “Some old guy in a cave.”
“Actually,” Hyrule says with a soft, apologetic smile, “it was an old man in a basement.”
“What is up with you and old men?”
“Anyway,” Twilight says, giving Wild a hard look, “you’re obviously not listening. Is something wrong? You’re usually more talkative.”
Does Twilight have to be a doting old mother in front of everyone? Wild can feel himself bristling. “Maybe I just don’t feel like talking tonight. Vet isn’t talking and you’re not pestering him.”
“That’s because Vet never talks about himself,” Warriors says, foiling Wild’s entire argument. Legend has a smug look on his face. “Not unless he’s trying to heighten his own ego.” Legend’s smug look falls into a glare.
“Fine,” Legend says. “I’ll tell one. Then Champ can tell one, so that you all will get off both of our backs.”
“It has to be serious, Leg,” Wind butts in, completely oblivious to Wild’s dying hope of getting out of this conversation. “No ‘I got my magic from being super cooler than everyone else’ bull.”
“I wasn’t going to,” Legend snaps. “Besides, I don’t have magic. I have magical items. Which is just as useful.”
“Then what’s that one?” Sky points at the small clay ocarina in Legend’s hands. “You’ve been holding it all night.”
Legend stills and his face softens, and immediately the whole group can tell that whatever that ocarina is, Legend has feelings attached to it. He takes a deep breath. “It’s not very magic,” he says, his fingers rubbing over the holes reverently. “It used to be able to summon a gust of wind to take me wherever I needed to go. It could also awaken the dead under specific circumstances… now it’s nothing but clay. It doesn’t work anymore.”
“Where’d you get it?” Wind asked, and not unkindly. He, like the rest of the group, knows that Legend wouldn’t be holding an item so tenderly if it only didn’t work anymore.
Legend stays silent for a moment, allowing the crickets in the forests to sing uninterrupted. Then, his shoulders fall. “The most beautiful woman I ever met gave it to me. She had the most lovely voice. This… after… after I lost her, I woke up stranded at sea. It was around my neck on a string… it’s all the proof I have that she ever existed.”
Silence hangs over the group like a heavy blanket. Wild can’t help but feel a lob of guilt get stuck in his chest. All he can do is sit and watch Sky lean over and place a hand on Legend’s knee.
“Love is one of the most powerful magics an item can hold, even if it’s just a good memory.”
Legend brings a sleeve to his eye, holding the ocarina tightly with his other hand. “Oh shut it, you sap,” he says through a smile. Sky smiles back, and Wild curls his arms across his chest.
Besides him, Twilight looks at him. Not expectantly, though, but with understanding. Perhaps he knows now why sometimes someone would wish to stay silent during these kinds of nights. Not everyone got magical gifts from old men in caves. Or basements.
But the guilt sits, and no one is saying it’s Wild’s turn to spill some beans. Not even Legend. But how could he stay silent after Legend told something so personal and sad? It’s not fair, even if he’s the only one who thinks so.
He bites the arrow and takes a breath.
“I don’t have magic. I have… blessings. From friends I had before the Calamity.”
For the second time that night, eight pairs of eyes fall onto him.
“I don’t use them much anymore,” Wild continues; somehow his hands have made it to his lap anyways, knitting his fingers together like string on needles, “they gave me everything they had so I could defeat Calamity Ganon. Now that he’s gone, I don’t want to abuse their gifts any longer.”
“I don’t mean to pry…” Four says, “but maybe they gave you everything they had to help you. Maybe they didn’t consider it abuse.”
And somehow, Wild doesn’t feel like Four is prying at all. In fact, it startles a chuckle out of him. “Maybe. But not Revali, that’s for sure. He and I got along worse than Vet and Cap.”
“Not an easy feat,” Warriors says to the others while nudging Legend with his elbow. Legend rolls his eyes. “I’m impressed.”
“What blessing did he give you?” Wild asks. There’s stars in his eyes that always get there when he gets too interested in a story. Though, Wild supposes any story involving a rival-ship greater than their very own Legend and Warriors is something to be interested in.
“It was the power to call upon the gusts of wind he used to command with his powerful wings. He was a Rito, the best there ever was. He could fly into the air without having to jump off of ledges. The wind would carry him up itself, like it belonged to him.”
Agony is a poison pulsing through Hyrule’s leg. The fall had been great, and it’s a miracle Wild had been there to dive down and at least try to lesson the fall with his paraglider. The ground was weak in these desert-y canyons, and maybe Hyrule shouldn’t have gotten so close to the ledge to warrant his boot’s slipping, but at least Wild was there.
Hyrule’s ankle is broken, or at least badly sprained. Either way, it’s painful enough that he can’t even stand up as Wild paces the bottom of the crevasse they have found themselves in like a pair of cornered animals. The others… they’re close to an hour’s worth of time away. He and Wild were exploring and gathering whatever they could find that might be used as firewood as the sun began to set. It’s been a terribly awful day of traveling in the desert heat, and he and Wild were excited to experience the sunset’s breeze while the others set up camp.
They got too excited. Too far away. There’s no way anyone will hear them if they call. No one will come looking until the sky is black.
And who knows, maybe they won't consider that maybe they fell. Maybe, if they come looking, they won't look down the right scar in the land, and they will burn to death in tomorrow's sun.
“What do we do?” Hyrule asks through an embarrassingly choked voice. He’s been fighting tears since the moment his ankle bent wrongly in their crash landing. He knows Wild will not judge him for sobs, but it doesn’t make it any easier for him to allow any to escape.
Wild sighs and glares up at the lip of the cliff they’ve fallen from. “Any trinkets?” he asks back.
Hyrule bites his lip. He wishes he were like the others and had a trinket for every situation. Legend had promised to give him an old grappling hook he had hoarded away the next time they end up at his and Ravio’s place. “No.”
“Okay,” Wild says. Not angrily. “Okay.”
Wild takes a deep breath and looks down at Hyrule with… fire in his eyes. “I won’t be long. Will you be okay while I fetch the others?”
Hyrule licks his lips and looks down at his leg, already braced with brush twigs and the wrappings that usually decorate Wild’s arms. A cold breeze blows suddenly, making Hyrule shiver and remember the desert only takes what it’s given when it comes to heat. When the sun’s up, it thrives, and when it’s gone…
“Don’t take long,” he replies, even though he doesn’t really know what Wild’s about to do.
Wild nods, shrugging off the cloak he usually always wears and gives it to Hyrule. Hyrule nods his thanks and takes the warm accessory, placing it over his head and wrapping the caped section around his shoulders.
He watches as Wild walks towards the edge of the cliff facing where the others are with camp. Hyrule wonders what he’s about to do as he clings to the edge of the cloak. Wild unfolds his paraglider from his back, baffling Hyrule even more, and widens his stance.
A moment passes. Then another.
Then a gust of wind appears seemingly out from the floor, powerful enough to blow dust back and almost get in Hyrule’s eye if he hadn’t instinctively covered his eyes. There’s a flash of teal through his fingers… then an unfamiliar voice snorts.
“About time, runt.”
By the time Hyrule deems it safe enough to uncover his eyes without getting dust in them, Wild is already high in the air. The miracle gust of wind cyclones in the spot his friend used to be, growing weaker and weaker by the second before it’s gone completely. There’s no sign of whoever made that flash of teal… nor who spoke, but Hyrule doesn’t think too into it as Wild drops his paraglider and grabs onto the upper ledge of the cliff.
Far above him, Wild climbs to safety and looks over the edge. He waves, and Hyrule cannot help the giggle that climbs through his throat as he waves back.
Pain in his ankle be damned, whatever Wild just did was cool, and as Wild turns and runs towards the others he knows he won't be in pain for long.
Not much longer than an hour passes before the others come with their ropes and grappling hooks and worried voices. Wild glides down to him to help carry him up. There’s something about the way he stands that gives Hyrule the feeling that he… realized something today. He gives Hyrule a bottle of health, then helps tie a rope around his waist as his ankle begins to hurt a little less.
As he’s lifted off the ground towards the top of the cliff by his friends, he looks at Wild who is clinging tight to Hyrule’s body like a stronger lifeline than any rope or chain.
“Was that Revali?” He asks, without really thinking.
Wild looks at him with wide eyes, and then a wider smile. “Yeah.”
Hyrule smiles back. “He sounded like an asshole.”
A startled laugh bursts from Wild’s mouth as he throws his head back. “He is an asshole,” he agrees in good nature.
They reach the top. They reach the others. Twilight scolds their ears off the entire way back towards camp, and Hyrule can't stop grinning for his own safety… and for whatever mended in Wild’s heart tonight.
“What about the others?”
“Well… ah… there’s Daruk. He was one of my oldest friends. The strongest Goron there ever was, though he was a little fearful of dogs.” Wild laughs, as do the others politely; probably imagining the biggest Goron they could be scared of a small fluffy animal. “He had the strength to block anything, and he was always ready to take a blow for the team. Even after… even after… he still protected me. He gave me the ability to call upon even a fraction of that power, that way nothing could hurt me in case my own shield failed. Without him… I would not be here, I’m confident in that.”
They honestly should have expected an ambush before Warriors was the one to call it out. Four likes to consider himself lucky for coming from a comparatively peaceful time, relatively speaking, but even he should have expected the top of the hill to be lined with determined monsters with big rocks.
The first few moments of watching the boulders come down feels almost like Four is stuck in time. There’s nowhere to run, the expanse of the monsters at the top is too great. Left or right would bring more chances of being hit. They can’t run back down the hill and outrun the danger either. Their only option is to dodge through the rocks until they can get to the top and take out the danger.
Distantly, as time spreads up, Four is aware of Time and Wild each releasing arrows towards the top of the hill, igniting various monsters on fire, but soon it becomes pure chaos. He can only focus on himself as he does his best to jump out of the way of rocks that are much bigger than him. The colors in his brain scream as he tries to remain calm and collected. No Blue, he can’t just jump over the boulders because it will look cool. Red please calm down you’re screaming too loudly. He knows to go left, Green!
It’s a miracle he’s managed to last this long with the confusion. Which is why he’s not surprised when something finally hits its mark. He’s just glad that when the agony of a shattered bone shoots through his body, it’s only his right shoulder that took the brunt of the hit.
Not that he has time to be thankful for that. After the boulder hits into his side, his balance is knocked right out of him. He ends up crashing to the tilted floor in a jumble of limbs and dust. There’s tears in his eyes, and he can barely focus enough to lift himself back up. His entire arm feels like he’s stuck it into the mouth of a dragon—teeth and all. His chest feels tight and his hip all bruised. He wouldn’t be surprised if he’s broken a few ribs as well.
He barely has enough time to look ahead of him from where he lies on the ground. There’s another boulder bouncing right towards him. If… if he doesn’t move now… he will surely die.
But he cannot move. He cannot move because his entire side hurts too badly for him to go at a speed that matters. He closes his eyes and tries to make himself smaller. Maybe, if the goddess decides she likes him today, she will allow the boulder to bounce over him… or something as unlikely.
Either way, he accepts whatever fate he’s about to meet, even as he hears Sky scream his name.
And maybe it’s because he’s a coward and he’s scared, but he opens his eyes to look at his approaching doom. Only… that’s not all that he sees. What he sees is Wild jump out right in front of him with a ball of orange energy surrounding his entire body. A surge of horror swells inside of his belly the moment he sees this. Is Wild serious?!
Then, a heartbeat passes, and the boulder rams right into Wild. What happens next, though, Four would never have guessed. The orange energy explodes in shatters around him. Standing over Wild, however, is a ghostly Goron that’s bigger than anything Four’s ever seen. He shouts as the boulder stops in its tracks, crumbling before his mighty fists.
“I got you, little buddy,” Daruk’s spirit says. Then, the teal spirit disappears with the orange energy, leaving Wild standing there with the shattered remains of the boulder at his feet. Up the hill, Warriors, Legend, Time, and Sky take out the remaining monsters before they can release any more rocks.
Wild turns towards Four with a crazed, adrenaline fueled gaze. There’s a grin on his face though, one that Four finds himself matching.
Next thing he knows, Twilight, Hyrule, and Wild are rushing to his form and shoving various medicine bottles into his face; of which he takes gratefully.
“Thank you, Wild,” Four makes sure to say once he’s finally back on his feet with a makeshift sling over his only slightly aching arm. Wild turns towards him to give a blushing smile. He rubs the back of his neck with his hand.
“I couldn’t just watch you die. It’s the least I could do.”
Four hums. “I’m still thankful. Though… your Goron friend looked big enough to squish me between his fingers.”
Wild grins. “Daruk wouldn’t do that. It’s his hugs you have to watch out for.”
Four’s sure that if Daruk’s hugs are anything like Wild’s, then those hugs would be very tight indeed.
“I will take your word for it, then.”
“And then there’s Urbosa. She… if you think you’ve met a scary Gerudo, then you haven’t met her.” Wild waves his hands in the air, only slightly aware that he’s getting too invested in this story now. He didn't mean to spill his guts on his past friends tonight, but here he is, living their memory. Passing on their stories to his new friends. He finds he doesn’t mind it as much as he did several minutes ago. He doesn’t know why he was afraid. “She was the leader of her people, and she could summon lightning onto anyone who's ever defied her. She fought armies of Yiga all on her own and came out without a scratch. She’s blessed me with the ability to summon lighting as well. It’s my most powerful attack, and it’s saved my ass more times than I can count.”
This is bad. Very bad. Time can’t even properly express how bad this is.
An ambush of monsters? That’s manageable. He has confidence in himself and his companions to be able to handle a meager ambush. However, this? This is a whole army of monsters. Lizalfos, apparently, like to group up in camps when they’re not scrambling around in ancient dungeons and temples.
There’s enough to outnumber the heroes five-to-one. It’s not impossible to take them down if they had stuck to the outer edges of the camp and took a good portion of them out with long ranged attacks… however what happened was much less graceful. They walked into the forest, intending to make a camp for the night, just to wander right into a community of Lizalfos armed to the tails.
So now? They’re running; the monsters in an excited chase. Like Time said: This. Is. Bad.
“We lead them to the river,” Warriors suggests, ever thinking of solutions. “We can push them in and weaken their numbers.”
“I say we turn and fight!” Wind shouts. He looks too excited. He pulls a bomb out from his satchel and before Time can say anything, the boy turns around and throws it at their pursuers. There’s a blast, a few screeches, but nothing significant happens. The numbers are too great. Wind is pulling out another bomb.
“The river,” Time says, nodding at Warriors. Wind cheers as another explosion erupts. He leaves the boy to it. As long as he keeps up. “It’s the best bet.”
Time turns his head to tell the others about the makeshift plan, but before he can say a thing Wild looks him straight in the eye. “Have everyone get as far as you can away, I know what to do.”
“What?” Time asks, baffled.
Wild doesn’t explain. He just turns heel and runs the other way towards the enemy.
“Cub?!” Twilight shouts, turning around as well to grab his wayward protégé, but Time grabs his shoulder and keeps him running in the opposite direction. Twilight gives him a panicked look.
“I don’t know what he plans,” Time explains, “but he seems confident. Trust him.”
Twilight swallows and nods. Time shouts at the others to pick up the pace.
Behind him, the Lizalfos screech in delight, a sign they and Wild have now met face-to-face.
Whatever you’re about to do, wild one, do it now.
He doesn’t have to wait long. The smell of ozone becomes intoxicating all within a heartbeat. The hairs at the back of his neck rise as the sky goes impossibly dark for the time of dusk that it is. Then, light flashes all around him in thunderous claps. He can barely hear the sound of screaming monsters over the bolts. Time can’t help but stop in his tracks and turn, lifting a hand above his brow to see green lighting like he’s never seen before attacking the earth through the trees.
As soon as it begins, it ends, and the sky brightens with silence.
Time doesn’t waste time running forward. What he finds when he runs towards the small clearing Wild had met the monsters in is something he will never forget. Static energy seems to curl around his hand, raised into the air and on the end of a snap. Beside him stands a tall Gerudo woman, cloaked in a ghostly aura, her back towards the others and her hand on Wild’s shoulder in triumph and fierce protection. There’s nothing but black, charred corpses of monsters around them.
Time watches, as do the others, transfixed as Urbosa looks down at Wild and smirks.
“You should have called earlier, my desert flower.”
Everyone looks so transfixed, that Wild almost moves on without really thinking about it. Only… the words catch in his throat. He finishes telling of Urbosa, and just… freezes. His hands are back in his lap, wringing each other out.
He was so engrossed with his own stories that he’s forgotten that while he loves each of his past friends equally… not all are so easy to talk about.
The others must sense his inner struggle, as none of them call out his sudden silence. He knows that if he decided to stop now and not tell them of his last blessing… they would not argue. They must know this pause is similar to when Twilight stops talking about his adventure when he reaches the point where he meets a mysterious companion. Similar to when Time pauses in his magical tales of his childhood. Similar to when Sky looks off in the distance with his voice trailing off as he tells of special places in the sky.
It’s a pause of loss. A pause of something cherished. A pause of something that you fought so hard for, but will never come back.
A hand falls on top of his own. He recognizes the shape of Twilight’s calluses without having to look up at him. “You do not have to force yourself to continue,” he says.
Wild shakes his head. “I’m alright. I can continue…”
A beat of silence. Wild takes a breath.
“Last is… Mipha. Not only was she the most beautiful Zora I’ve ever met, but also the most beautiful soul. She… would always be there for me… whenever I got hurt. She could heal my wounds better than any potion. I…” his throat bobs, the words are no longer coming. “I cannot bring myself to tell of her gift. It’s too special. I pray I never have to use it again, nor must any of you witness it.”
Twilight didn’t know what to think when the attack had begun. It didn’t start with a shout. It didn’t start with the enemy running screaming out from the shadows of the trees with swords raised. It didn’t start like any kind of monster attack that Twilight had grown so used to.
It’s probably why they were unprepared for an attack by something smarter than monsters. Something that has no problem sitting quietly in the trees, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He’s heard that there’s a group of former Sheikah in Wild’s world who have it in for the hero’s life, he just never really expected to meet them.
That’s probably why the arrow met it’s mark too. They’ve all grown accustomed to the sloppy ambushes put together by monsters. It’s the only thing Twilight can think of to justify how none of them saw it coming until there was a thwip of a feathered arrow flying through the air… and landing with a thunk in Wild’s stomach.
Wild fell to the ground, and with a flash of cards and light appeared several Yiga Clan members. Nobody stopped to stare. It was pure rage from the heroes at that point, and as soon as it began the Clan members all put their hands together and retreated into seemingly thin air. It all ended about as soon as it began.
And the only thing he could think about now is Wild laying there on the ground in a growing pool of his own blood. The arrow still sticks out of his midsection, undoubtedly having hit something important judging by the trail of red going down the corners of his mouth.
Twilight is the first to run up to his side, but thanks to the quick thinking of Warriors, he’s not the first to offer a way of healing.
However, by the time the bottle of the red potion reaches his life stained lips… it’s too late. Twilight can only stare in horror as the light leaves Wild’s eyes.
The Yiga Clan… they’ve succeeded… and everyone knows it when Warriors falls backwards in defeat to sit on his heels, looking down at the full bottle of healing in his hands. Sky falls to his knees. Hyrule chokes a cry. Twilight's sure the rest of them are feeling their own reactions of grief, but he can no longer pay attention to anything but his own.
He’s… he’s failed. The one person he swore he would protect… pass on his ways… his stories… his teachings… it’s all for nothing. All it is now is a gaping hole in his heart. His cheeks are wet with tears that came too quickly.
Suddenly, something happens. There’s a flash of teal, and somewhere behind him someone gasps. Twilight can only watch with wide, tear-drowned eyes, as the teal swirls around into the glowing form of a beautiful Zora.
All eyes are on her, but hers are on Wild. There’s a fondness to her face that could be mistaken for sadness. Her hand brushes his cheek, and to Twilight's surprise Wild blinks and breathes in a soft breath. The hole in his stomach glows bright blue… and the arrow dissipates in shining bubbles.
“I will always heal you when you need me, my love.”
Then, she’s gone before anyone, including Wild, can respond.
Wild slowly raises himself to his elbows, blinking and smiling sheepishly like he’s never gotten even a scratch.
“I’m sorry you all had to-” he begins, but Twilight cuts him off by launching himself forward and wrapping the idiot in his arms. Mipha’s gift, the one he wouldn’t tell them about because it was too special, the one he never wanted them to witness…
He’s such an idiot.
“Shut up,” Twilight says through a tight breath. “Thank the spirits… just let me hold you.”
Wild doesn’t say anything, he just returns the embrace and the hold just as tightly.
Thank Hylia and all of the goddesses for this miracle. Wild clearly has friends that care so much about him that they would protect him fiercely even after their deaths. Twilight knows that from now on, he will spend his nights praying thankfulness to them. Wild is a formidable hero, one of the best in fact, yet Twilight can only imagine where he would be without these gifts. Imagining it makes his gut twist, however, so he squeezes his hold just once before letting go.
He smiles at the younger boy, and Wild smiles back, everything that needs to be said being translated there alone. You scared me. I’m sorry. Don’t apologize, just be more careful. No promises… but I will try.
The wordless conversation passes between them in a moment, and the moment is broken by Wind pouncing onto Wild. Wild, the poor boy, is shoved straight onto his back from the force of the tackle, yet he’s laughing as Wind calls him an idiot over and over. Everyone else gathers as well, to tell him they’re glad he’s alive in their own ways. Time places a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and shares a knowing look.
“Let’s set up camp early tonight,” he says, and Twilight cannot help but agree.
As Time announces the plan to the others, separating the others and telling them to give Wild some space, Twilight lets his heart calm. Wild always says he was alone in his adventures, but now he knows that that wasn’t all true. He also knows now why Wild doesn’t abuse the abilities his friends gave him.
With a silent vow, he promises Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, and Mipha that he will work harder to protect their boy. For now, Wild has been barred from making dinner tonight, and Twilight has to be sure that Hyrule gets nowhere near the cooking pot.
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softhourtxt · 5 years ago
ateez as boyfriends
aka what no one asked for! :)
× pairing: ateez x reader × genre: fluff × warnings: mild swearing
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  h o n g j o o n g  ♡
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he treats you like a damn princess
hella sweet nicknames
honey, sweetie, darling, jagi,,,,,,,
worries about you!
so much so he might come off as dad-ish (no not like that you perv)
always wants to hear about your day no matter how busy he is/you are
comes to you when he’s facing hardships
you can tell when he’s stressed or exhausted because he just wraps his arms around you with a long sigh
and when you tell him you’ve got his back and it’s gonna be ok he–
first he’s silent and then
“i love you”
but other than that he is soooo caring :((
he’s always brushing your hair out of your face and giving cheek kisses
s e o n g h w a  ♡
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you’re his baby.
i said hongjoong might come off as a dad??? seonghwa basically is your dad
probably absolutely spoils you
sugardaddy ahem
every time he sees you you’re like “omg hi seongh-” “WOW you’re pretty”
might throw in a cringy line as well ya'know like “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
takes you out to all the restaurants
he’s very excited like “y/n did you hear about this place??? we gotta go try it out”
when you get food in the corner of your mouth
he comes real close and slowly wipes it with his thumb
and he swears it was accidental when his thumb lingered over your bottom lip and was not just trying to make you flustered
it most probably worked anyways
y u n h o  ♡
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let’s be real you have him wrapped around your finger
and he has you wrapped around his
i mean how could he not???
he’s clingy in private
more shy around people
rly scared of getting teased by his members
he’s your puppy :(
like the second you see him you feel instantly energized
because his face lights up when he sees you
your crops are growing and your skin is clear
if you’re separated for long he spins you in the air when you see each other again
he wants you close by all the time
and when i say close–
he’d glue himself to you if he could
y e o s a n g  ♡
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okay the first thing that popped to my head was him introducing you to the members
he’d be so super very shy
no eye contact with anyone whatsoever
well maybe with you because that way he gets more confident
“umm yeah this is my girlfriend y/n,,,,,,,,, well bye!”
you literally have to drag him back because he wants to run away
because i love yeosang’s sense of humor i have to include that!
you’d be throwing sarcastic remarks at each other whenever you could
but even more so,,,,, at the members
lowkey loves playing with your hair when you lay your head on his lap
in general might not admit it but he loves your snuggles
he’s super comfortable around you and supports you in literally anything
would even help you hide a body if you asked!
s a n  ♡
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san is a 50/50 type of boyfriend
he’s always either
a. the most uwu soft caring boyfriend
or b. an actual demon
there is no in between
soft uwu boyfriend san is clingy and wants your attention all the time because he dies without it
soft san wants to either hold you or be held at all times
baby this, baby that
demon san however
it’s literally what we see on stage
he’s a tease
might be a brat sometimes
but if you seem even a teeny tiny bit hurt by his actions?
-poof- soft san is back
i feel like he’s soft around you most of the time anyways
he wants to be babied come on
but he also loves babying you
basically an all round switch
m i n g i  ♡
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b a b i e
a very tall child
you thought you had a boyfriend? no you adopted a baby
ok maybe not
but you feel like his parent at times
he’s a squish
whines a lot and pouts if he doesn’t get what he wants
which usually is your attention
when you’re not around he gushes to the members about how amazing you are
“okay and then y/n flipped their ice cream and was like "do you even skate?” and it was so cool you should have seen it that’s my s/o right there–“
and whoever poor soul has been listening to him for the past 20 minutes nods their head while totally listening
you probably have so many inside jokes with him because it’s never boring with song mingi
w o o y o u n g  ♡
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i feel like i have a single word for every member
wooyoung’s descriptive boyfriend word is
he’s always teasing you every chance he gets
he catches you staring and
"do you like what you see?”
and if you decide to tease him back like “eehh i’ve seen better”
even if it’s an obvious joke
he pouts
probably clings to another member instead of you just to show you what you’re missing
and he won’t forgive you unless you do something for him to prove you love him
if he’s feeling exceptionally evil he might ask for,,,,,,,,,,, aegyo
some days just begging does the trick and he’s clinging onto you again like a monkey
and when that happens uwu hours have officially opened
the cutest snuggliest caring type of uwu hours
j o n g h o  ♡
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i feel like he’d be super protective
like always pretending to be your personal superhero
we all know he’s strong so he’d be more than happy to open cans and jars for you even if you don’t ask for his help
and if you can’t reach something that’s high up he’s gonna lift you up so you can grab it
loves to make you giggle and smile so he does a lot of dumb things you find funny
loves back hugs :(( both receiving and giving
he probably won’t express his affection through words a lot but his actions speak so loud!
anyone could see he looks at you with hearts in his eyes
like he has this fond lil smile on his face when he’s listening to you talk about your day
he just likes staring at you like a dork
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actual-fucking-clown · 4 years ago
I just heard that you're doing requests!!! I already love your content and fully agree that Natsuo Todoroki is King~!!! If I may bother to ask a request? Just all the hcs you want to write about Ice Man bc it's getting to June where I live, and I don't mind cooling down~
Tera, my beloved, I'm going to be honest I literally fucking screamed upon seeing this request!!! I’ve been reading your fics before I even had like an acc here, so we vibin :) Also after the day I’ve had I need some fucking Ice man in my life n hopefully doing this will help me write my way out of the writers block that has been plaguing me for months!!!!
Future Blue here to say I had up to like all done last night and then my internet ate shit and I lost everything after 5. smfh. Woulda been done last night but the loss of my writing got me fucked up lolololololol. N e way
Warnings: cursing obvi, uh like nsfw for a hc or 2, my unorganized hcs that really follow no succinct line of thought and might not even be actual hcs???????
So Natsuo, 
There is not a thing I wouldn’t do for this man, bc honestly after all the shit he’s put up with he deserves the world and then some. But I digress.
1. I think he’s a hesitant but attentive boyf. Like he seems like a genuinely friendly dude but I think it’d take him a while to properly warm up to someone enough to date them. And even then I think he might struggle to open up to his partner about anything like, emotionally. Not to say he’s entirely emotionally closed off or anything but somethings are just harder to trust people with. The main thing being his familial issues. And of course that’s were most of this stems from. 
Now for the attentive part. His family dynamic has set a precedent on what not to do in a relationship so he’s always hyper aware of the things he or his s/o does, trying his best to avoid making any of the mistakes his parents made. Of course if he finds the right person he’ll be surprised to find that having a non-toxic relationship can be less stressful than he thought. It’s like a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders.
2. He’s fucking hella romantic. Like he’s shitty romance movie romantic. He’s out here trying his best n woof. Gimme gimme. On date nights he pulls out all the stops. Sometimes it’s a nice classic dinner date at a pretty nice restaurant downtown, or it’s a picnic in the park at noon, or it’s stargazing from the roof of his or his s/o’s dorm/apartment/house, or driving out to a beach just for a long walk at sunset, or road trips to nowhere in particular. I could go on, I really could but you get the gist.
3. He’s got shitty pickup lines for days. Whenever I say shitty I mean like “god I hate it but at the same time I love it” kinda shitty. But yeah he likes to see his s/o’s reaction to his stupid pickup lines, whether they get flustered, or die laughing, or groan and make a snide remark, he’s here for it. Shoot one back at him and he get’s so absolutely red. Mans wasn’t ready. Mans will never be ready.
4. This just came to me but let’s be honest a lot of us here, myself included, have some sort of fucking daddy kink and like, I get it obvi but in this situation never call this man daddy. I feel like for him that is an instant turn off. I’m sorry to everyone I’m letting down but sometimes daddy issues don’t lead to a daddy kink. 
5. But on the topic of kinks I think this man is pretty vanilla, he doesn’t scream “freak” to me, you know? Just normal amazing sex. Oh but he does enjoy hella praise both receiving and giving.
6. Hopping off that train of thought and onto another I think he kinda tries to keep his s/o as far away from his family as possible. He doesn’t hate them (when I say them you know i mean everyone except Enji bc he avoids that man like the plague and like keeping his s/o far far far away from that man was a given), no he just likes to have something so utterly untouched by his family issues. Mans needs a breath of fresh air.
-These next 2 I think will veer off from being hcs a bit and just like shit that I like to think about in general. Does that make sense? Who knows lololol. N e way. I like to think a lot about two aspects of this man, well 1 aspect of the man himself and one....dynamic? It’ll make sense in a few so just hear me out. 
7. Ok so like I saw this post somewhere eons and eons ago. It was long before current manga events, maybe around the time we’d just gotten Natsuo in the manga. My memory of this post is hazy at best so bear with me as I stumble over my thoughts. Obvi at this point in time we had little to nothing on this beautiful, beautiful man, so people were left to theorize. So this one post, was really that shitty meme where it’s like “small brain if you think such n such, bigger brain if this, n galaxy brain if this, etc., etc.” Where in essence it was like, “He probably has a weak ice quirk but what if some sort of ice based healing quirk or no quirk at all!” N i think about it a lot to this day. I don’t believe that either of those are true but I do think it is absolutely immaculate food for thought so uh do with that what you will.
8. I guess this is back on hc territory but Natsuo isn’t picky with who he dates, as long as you’re not an asshole he’s kinda set, good to go. Now most of the fics for him you’ll see are like “ay yo, you’re another college hoe or like you’re just a civilian” but like what would the dynamic be if he dated a hero?????? I don’t think he hates heroes but his father has definitely had an impact on his view of them. He’s not enamored with them like I guess the rest of the population is so what if hero s/o?????? Perhaps?????? Have I suddenly had a fic idea??????? I like the idea of Natsuo with a like super popular Pro hero s/o or with like a super lowkey underground hero idk this whole post has been me spitballing shit.
9. Back onto proper hcs, it’s a common one that mans runs cold and ugh pls yes. It is also June rn and while the past few days have been cool and sexy the weeks prior had been hellish and on top of that I despise summer so give me all of that. Mans is your personal ac, he’s not opposed to his s/o just spending a hellishly hot day laying on top of him as they watch garbage reality tv.
10. Can we talk love language? Physical touch. He just radiates that energy. Probably touch starved, obviously due to you know what. But yeah definitely a hard physical touch. (Which is actually my least favorite love language considering I’m quite ✨𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓾𝓵𝓼𝓮𝓭 ✨but hey I’m not here to project I’m just here to tell you what I see n therefore think) He likes to be touching his s/o like 24/7. Out in public shopping or some shit? Holding hands, linked pinkies, arm around the shoulders or waist. At home? Sheesh be ready to be smothered bb.
TLDR: What a man 🥵
I think I’ve gotten most if not all of my thoughts about our beloved ice man out. I hope you enjoyed my nonsensical ramblings :)
Have a good morning/afternoon/night!!!!!
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cobaltusami · 4 years ago
Hey hi hello! I finally finished my Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc fanfic, It took me a literal week. I've been in a bit of a writing slump, But I hope this long fic makes up for my lack of writing!
Words: 3654
Characters: Switch!Mondo, Switch!Taka, Leon
Makoto was just minding his own business, He was walking to the dining hall with Sayaka just chatting about whatever came to mind when it started.
The closer they got the louder the voices were. He couldn’t distinguish who the other person In the argument was through the thick walls, But could clearly make out Mondo’s swearing.
“Do you… Hear something?” Sayaka asked, Putting a hand on Makoto and stopping both of them In their tracks.
“Yeah, Sounds like someone’s arguing with Mondo.” Makoto murmured as he closed his eyes in an attempt to make out what was being said.
For a moment the words got louder and clearer, But quickly became muffled again. As Makoto opened his eyes again he saw Yasuhiro standing In front of the closed doors. “What’s going on In there?” Makoto asked curiously.
“Ugh. Mondo and Kiyotaka are getting Into It In there.” Hiro sighed. “The energy In there Is like, Super negative. I wouldn’t go In there If I were you.”
He patted Makoto on the shoulder as walked past back to his room.
“We should go In there.”
“Are you sure? I mean last time I tried to diffuse a situation involving Mondo I got knocked out.” Makoto laughed nervously, Rubbing the back of his neck.
“You might be able to talk Taka down though.” She suggested, A bright smile on her face.
‘Somehow I sincerely doubt that.’
With a nod and a sigh, Makoto pulled the doors open and stepped In with The pop star.
It was much louder In the dining hall, Taka and Mondo were yelling at each other back and forth In front of their friends.
Makoto left Sayaka’s side and approached the duo warily. He didn’t get too close though before a hand tugged on his arm, Pulling him to a stop.
“Don’t get too close.”
The Ultimate turned to Sakura who had been the one to warn him, She had her eyes carefully trained on the two bickering students. She looked as if she were ready to jump In to separate the two at a moment's notice.
“How long have they been arguing?” The brunette asked, Stealing glances at his friends.
“At least ten minutes.” Hina spoke up from her spot next to Sakura. “They started fighting over who was better.”
“Yes.” Sakura responded.
“Man, This is getting old.” Leon sighed. “Sakura, Why don’t we just separate them now?” He asked, turning to the Ultimate Martial artist.
She glanced at him for a moment before looking back to Mondo and Taka. “And do what, Exactly? They need to work this out for themselves or the fighting will never end.”
She has a point…
“They should just have a stupid competition and get It over with.” Hina huffed. “Seriously, Their bickering Is ruining my donut eating session.”
“Don’t you eat Donuts all the time?” Leon asked, Exasperated.
“Also yes.” Sakura spoke up again, Smirking in amusement as Asahina pouted and grumbled to herself. She reached out and patted the Swimmer affectionately on the shoulder.
“Well,” Sayaka spoke up for the first time since entering the room. “When my group would be upset, We’d find things to do to alleviate the negativity.”
“Like what?” Leon asked curiously, taking his eyes off of the Ultimate’s before him.
The Idol hummed thoughtfully as she recalled all the group activities. “Well, We would talk about our feelings, Gossip…”
“Anything that might help this situation?” Makoto asked.
“Well, I remember one time I was really mad at a few of my friends And to make me forget about how angry I was and realize how stupid our argument had been, They ended up tickling me until I felt better.” Sayaka responded calmly, As If this were a totally normal thing.
“T-Tickling?” Leon stuttered. “You can’t be serious.”
“Sayaka, I don’t think that’s going to work…” The Ultimate Lucky student mumbled, A little embarrassed at the mention of the word.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but… That might actually work.” Sakura interjected. “Maybe not In the same approach but the laughter should produce enough Dopamine to snuff out some of the Adrenaline they have.”
“Meaning…?” Hina asked quietly.
“Oh, I gotcha. They can’t be mad If they’re too busy laughing?” Leon asked.
“How do we get them to go for that?” Makoto asked.
“I’m on It!” Hina jumped up, Suddenly very enthusiastic as she approached the pair. Makoto and Leon both exchanged worried looks.
“H-Hina wait!” Sakura tried to stop her friend but she was already actively ignoring everyone else.
“Should we… Stop her?” Makoto asked, To which Leon shrugged.
With a sigh the Martial artist watched even closer than before. Just what Is she up to?
After a few attempts at gaining their attention, Hina stepped In between them and yelled as loudly as she could muster. “BOYS!!!”
Taka was the first to notice her. “A-Asahina!?”
“WHAT?!” Mondo yelled back.
“Your yelling Is super annoying.” Aoi chastised them both, Crossing her arms. “Why not just settle this stupid argument with an Endurance contest? Whoever gives up first loses.”
“Hey, That’s a great idea. Then I can prove once and for all that I’m better than your dumbass.” Mondo smirked at Kiyotaka who rolled his eyes at the Biker.
“What kind of Endurance contest do you propose?” He asked the swimmer.
Aoi grinned, Her eyes glinting with mischief. “How about tickling? Whoever says mercy the fastest loses!”
Mondo and Taka exchanged glances. “That’s fucking stupid.” The biker replied, Uninterested, But that changed however when he noticed Taka looking a bit worried at the mention of Tickling.
“Y-Yeah, I don’t see how It’s supposed to be an endurance challenge! One has to be… Sensitive, In order for that to work out In the first place!” Taka stuttered nervously, Trying desperately to keep his composure. “R-Right…?”
He has a damn good reason to be worried, Kiyotaka Ishimaru Is immensely ticklish, In fact It’s nearly impossible to find a spot on the boy that Isn’t ticklish.
“Hey! It’s a perfectly good Endurance challenge! Right Sakura?” Aoi called out to her best friend, Ignoring that comment about sensitivity.
“Yes, But It’s not so much a physical endurance challenge as It is a mental one, It’s about pushing limits.” She complied.
“Yeah! She would know about pushing limits!” Aoi smiled, Going back over to Sakura. “Tell them!”
“I… Just did.”
“Not that, I meant that story you told me about Ke--”
Sakura quickly put a hand over Hina’s mouth, She appeared calm despite freaking out internally. “Karate.” She blushed, Not wanting anyone else to know the story about Kenshiro that Hina almost just blabbed. “Similarly to Karate, If you want to prove who’s better, What better way than to push past even your opponents limits?”
Leon and Makoto exchanged looks again, This time intrigued. Evidently they both picked up on the odd response.
Mondo looked back at Taka, Who despite his best efforts, Looked incredibly nervous as his window for escape kept getting smaller and smaller. “You look a little nervous, Ishimaru… Don’t tell me you’re ticklish.” He smirked as Taka’s face went red.
“W-What?! Me?! D-Don’t be preposterous!” Kiyotaka retorted. “W-What about you? Are you…?”
“Tch. As If. You think someone as tough as me Is fucking ticklish?” Mondo brushed off the comment, Playing It cool despite lying and being completely and utterly ticklish.
Aoi finally removed Sakura’s hand to dish out another embarrassing comment. “I mean, Sakura’s tougher than you are and she’s ticklish.”
Sakura was too late to stop her this time. Her face went red as everyone quickly looked at her in disbelief. “Don’t look at me like that.” She mumbled. “It was a long time ago.”
Not wanting to press their luck and get their asses kicked for teasing the powerful student, They turned back to what they were doing.
There was almost an unnervingly teasing edge to Mondo’s words as he spoke In a low voice. “So? Whaddya say Kiyotaka? Think you can outlast me?”
No, No he doesn’t. But he’s out of excuses to back out now so he gave a small nod. “O-Of course! I’m much stronger than you are!”
“I doubt that very much.” Mondo smirked, Glancing to Aoi. “You’re the one who suggested It, What do we do?”
Hina turned to Sakura to ask her opinion, But she looked too embarrassed to say anything, So she turned her attention to Sayaka. “What do you think?”
“Maybe set a timer and time how long the person lasts? and have one tickle the other?”
Mondo gave a rather sinister smirk to Taka. “Works for me.”
“W-Wait a moment! How Is that fair? I’ve never actually done this to someone before!”
“And you think I look like the kind of fucking person who goes around tickling people for shits and giggles?” The Biker scoffed.
“I mean, If you need help I can show you how to do it.” Leon volunteered.
“If you value your life you won’t get Involved.” Mondo warned.
“Now that that’s out of the way.” Makoto intervened. “Who wants to go first...?”
“We’re seriously going to do this? D-Don’t you feel the least bit… Childish?” Taka made one last attempt, And Mondo wasted no time crushing it.
“If you’re scared you can always just admit I’m better.”
Kiyotaka glanced around the room at their classmates before sighing and resigning himself to his fate. Either way his secret is going to get out, But at least this way he can take Mondo down with him. “Very well!” He shot back, Pushing aside his nervousness. “I will go first! This should be easy enough.”
While Taka wasn’t paying attention, Mondo had silently moved behind him. Smirking as he listened to Taka continue on with his self pep talk.
“I mean, It’s just tickling, How bad could It beeeEEE!” Taka squealed In surprise and quickly brought his shoulders up as he felt fingers flutter over his neck for a moment.
Mondo snorted in amusement, clearly proud of himself for producing that reaction. “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish earlier?” He asked teasingly.
“You just startled me!” He shot back, Though he was unable to hide the blush that formed.
Mondo rolled his eyes, smirking at the Ultimate Moral Compass. “Whatever,” He paused for a moment, Thinking about how he wanted to do this. He reached around Ishimaru and began to tauntingly unbutton his jacket.
“What are you doing??” Taka demanded.
“I’m having a fucking pool party-- What’s It look like I’m doing?!” Mondo retorted.
“Pool party???” Hina perked up at the mention.
“H-Hina… No.” Sakura sighed, Exasperated.
“I’m undoing your jacket so I can reach more spots.” The biker explained, Undoing the final button revealing a white shirt underneath. “There. Now then… Who’s keeping track?”
“I got you.” Leon volunteered, Whipping his phone out of his pocket and fiddling with it for a second. “Okay, Whenever you two are ready.”
“Are you ready to admit defeat?” Mondo whispered in his ear, The feeling of his warm breath against his neck sending chills down his spine. “Remember, The magic word for when you’re screaming your lungs out with laughter Is ‘Mercy.’”
Taka shivered, Closing his eyes and taking a small breath. “I am ready to begin, Leon!”
“Startiiiinnnng… now.” Leon announced, Hitting the start button on the stopwatch app.
Mondo wasted no time, His fingers skittering across Taka’s stomach with careless abandon. He smirked at the way the Red eyed student flinched and trembled under his touch.
“S-See? This Is pointless. I am fine.” Taka struggled to maintain his composure, He clenched his jaw to keep any whimpers or other embarrassing sounds from escaping.
Mondo winked at Leon as he slowed his fingers. “You’re right, I guess this Isn’t going to--” He stopped mid sentence to shove his hands under Taka’s shirt, and dug his fingers into his sides.
That’s all It took for Taka to crumble, He let out a scream and fell back against the Ultimate Biker’s chest laughing. “N-NOHOHO! MOHOHOHNDO!” He cried out, His hands grabbing uselessly at the tickling appendages.
“Well well… Looks like someone’s pretty fuckin’ ticklish.” Mondo smirked victoriously, His fingers squeezing at Taka’s bare sensitive sides without mercy.
In an attempt to escape the tickles, Taka sank to the floor. Mondo however, followed, not letting up for a moment. “Where do you think you’re going?” He teased. “You’re not getting out of this that easily.”
The Ultimate Hall Monitor flailed helplessly, Laughing hysterically as he did. “PLEHEHEHEASE!”
“Begging already? Man, this Is gonna be easy.” Mondo chuckled, Brushing his fingers teasingly across his stomach. “Just say mercy and this will all be over.”
“N-Nohohoho! I won’t gihihihive up!” He tried to curl In on himself but Mondo was quick to sit on his thighs to stop him.
“Fine, Guess I’ll just have to kick It up a notch then.” Mondo smirked, Tracing his fingertips up and down his sides. This action drew a squeal from the uptight student. “You seem to be pretty ticklish here. You got ticklish sides, Ishimaru?”
“N-Nohohohot particularly!” He lied. His sides were one of his worst spots.
“You’re a terrible fucking liar.” The biker scoffed, Tickling his sides much more vigorously, he honed in on a particularly sensitive spot just under his ribs.
“KYAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!” Taka’s face went red as he began flailing again, Mondo jolted back, narrowly missing a hand to the face.
“You’re kind of dangerous when tickled, Aren’tcha?” He chuckled, His fingers rhythmically massaging circles into the sensitive skin.
Taka couldn’t remember the last time he laughed this much or this hard, His lungs were burning and his sides were beginning to ache. He’d been tickled In the past by his parents, But never this brutally or for this long.
Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and his small gasps for breath became more frequent. Every nerve In his body was on fire. He knew he couldn’t last much longer.
Mondo knew this as well. “Squirm all you want, The only way to make this stop Is to say the magic word.” He teased. “I could keep tickling you for hours.”
He emphasized this by kneading his sides rather meanly, Sending ticklish shockwaves coursing through the laughing student below him.
He broke almost instantly, with a scream of laughter. “NAAAHAHA! MERCY! MERCYEHEHEHEHE!”
Almost begrudgingly, Mondo let up on the merciless tickles and moved off of Taka. “What was his time?” He asked Leon casually, Hiding his disappointment quite well.
Leon glanced at his phone screen again after hitting stop. “I’m not telling until after you go.” He grinned.
“What?! How am I supposed to know how long to last?”
“You don’t. I’ll tell you once you’ve beaten Taka’s time.” The redhead responded slyly. “It shouldn’t be a problem for someone like you, Right?”
He shoved his phone back Into his pocket and turned to Makoto. “You keep track of Mondo’s time.”
Makoto nodded and set up the app as he was told.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Mondo rolled his eyes and laid down on the floor next to Taka, Who had finally caught his breath and gotten rid of the ghost tingles.
The Ultimate Moral compass sat up, thinking carefully. He still wasn’t entirely sure how to go about tickling Mondo, But he had a bit of an idea after that.
Leon came over, Not that Mondo had noticed due to him closing his eyes to brace himself. The former Baseball star leaned In close to Taka and whispered. “I’ll help you. Basically, Mondo Is super ticklish on his stomach and under his arms.” He explained, Glancing at the student in question.
“He’s super weak to light teasy touches on his stomach, Like this.” He demonstrated by lightly running his fingertips across the back of Taka’s hand. “Also, teasing him verbally literally kills him.”
Taka nodded as he took In all of this information. More eager than before to try.
Just as Mondo was opening his eyes to question them, Leon had pinned his arms above his head. “Hey there!” He greeted cheerfully, a wide grin on his face as he received a death glare.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Mondo snapped, tugging at his arms uselessly.
“Helping the opposition, What do you think I’m doing?” He asked innocently.
“I swear to God, I will fucking end you!”
Taka sat next to the angry biker on the floor, watching the two go back and forth for a moment longer before calling over his shoulder. “Makoto! I am ready!”
“O-Okay! Stopwatch started!”
Wasting no further time, Taka began fluttering his fingers ever so lightly across Mondo’s toned stomach, making shivers run down his spine as he tried to squirm away from the delicate touches.
The biker tried to resist, But try as he may, he soon began sputtering out giggles and threats. Though not really directed at Taka. “Leheheheon, You behehetter be thinking about what you want to say to gohohod because you’re gonna meet him today!”
“Taka, He’s still threatening me, I don’t think he’s laughing hard enough.” Leon tried to say seriously, But the grin on his face betrayed his words.
“I agree! I think I know how to fix that!” Taka smirked, Darting his fingers underneath Mondo’s jacket and launching an attack under his arms.
Mondo let out a shriek and tugged roughly at his trapped arms to no avail. “NO! NOHOHOT THERE!” He barked out between laughs.
Taka’s fingers were clumsy at first, But he quickly adapted, finding spidering motions to be the most effective technique. “Why not? This seems like a very sensitive spot. I think It would benefit me to stay here.”
“THIS IHIHIHSN’T FAHAHAIR!” He complained, Burying his face in his sleeve to hide his growing blush. “IHIHIT’S TWO ON ONE!”
“Hey, I’m just helping because Taka’s never tickled anyone before. I’m making things fair if anything.” Leon retorted. “Besides, I haven’t tickled you. I’m just holding you down. This Is all Kiyotaka.”
“That’s right! The rules never stated anything about restraint.” Taka smiled tauntingly, Applying a bit more pressure and mimicking the massaging motions Mondo used against him earlier.
“I bet that tickles like hell. It looks like It tickles.” Leon teased.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” He pressed out between fits of laughter.
“Taka, Try his belly again. Now that he’s laughing, He shouldn’t be able to hold back.” the Ultimate Baseball star encouraged.
Ishimaru did as instructed, His fingers brushing teasingly against his stomach. This drew a squeal from the feared Biker gang leader’s lips.
“FUHUHUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! TAHAHAHAKA STAHAHAHAP!” He cackled as he felt fingers delicately dancing across his skin.
“I’ll only stop If you say Mercy!” Taka reminded, Continuing his soft torturous tickles.
An Idea came to mind, A rather cruel one. Taka recalled a time when he was a child and was playing with his mom, he remembered how badly It tickled when she blew a raspberry on his belly and wondered If that would work here too. “L-Leon, You know that thing where someone presses their lips against your skin and makes a weird sound? What Is that called?”
“Eh?” Leon looked up at him curiously, Pondering for a moment. But a rather evil smile crossed his face as he came to the realization. “Oh, You mean raspberries, Don’t you?”
“Raspberries, Yes! How do I do that?”
“It’s simple really--”
“NONONO DOHOHOHON’T YOU DAHAHAHARE YOU SON OF A BIHIHIHITCH!” Mondo threw out an empty warning, His struggling intensifying.
Leon laughed. “You press your mouth to their skin, And blow. That’s it. Oh, When you do It, Make sure you tickle him with your hands somewhere too, That’ll really drive him nuts.”
Kiyotaka nodded, Eagerly he bent down and pressed his lips against his quivering stomach. This action alone drew a string of unmanly giggles and squeals from him.
The first few attempts weren’t so successful, but he finally figured it out and blew a raspberry against his stomach, while at the same time digging his fingers into his underarms.
Taka relented, Pulling back with a victorious smile on his face. Leon released his arms and immediately dove for shelter In the form of hiding behind Sakura.
The others laughed at this.
Makoto was about to say something but Sayaka silently shushed him.
“Y-You’re fucking evil.” Mondo said breathlessly, pointing an accusing finger at him.
“S-So are you. I still feel the tingles on my sides.” Taka shivered at the recollection.
The Biker leader sat up and they locked eyes for a minute, Silent as they studied each other's reactions. Soon another round of laughter filled the room as they laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“I’m sorry man, I guess I was kind of being a dick.” Mondo apologized.
“N-No, You’re fine! I apologize! I suppose I don’t know when to ‘take It easy’ as you put It.” Taka also apologized.
Mondo hooked his arm around Taka’s shoulders and pulled him to him. “That’s alright, I can teach ya bro!” He grinned.
“R-Really? Thank you bro!” The strict student beamed back.
“Oh God. They’ve become the other extreme now.” Aoi mumbled.
“I’ll never understand how male friendships work.” Sakura sighed, Hina giggled In response. “But, If they’re done fighting then… I suppose It’s all right that I don’t understand.”
Makoto looked at Leon. “Do you think they even still care about who won or lost?”
“Nope.” Leon snickered. “You wanna know just for the hell of It?”
Makoto nodded with a small chuckle.
“It was--”
“For our first hang out,” Mondo said loudly, on purpose. He locked eyes with Leon, Who had peaked out from behind Sakura to look at him. “Wanna help me get revenge on a certain Redhead?”
Leon squeaked as Taka also looked at him with a rather mischievous glimmer In his eyes.
“Yeah, Let’s get him.”
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ketchupkio · 4 years ago
Pillow Talk
co-written with @mizuriii!!
Rating: G
Category: M/M
Relationship: Legend/Warriors
Words: 2123
established relationship, the rest of the polycule is mentioned, trans male character, fluff, like some cavity inducing fluff, light angst, nightmares, prophetic dreams, phantom pain, chronic pain, comfort, Legend and Warriors being mushy, sleeping in the same bed, lullabies, contains like 1.5 references to sex lol, also a reference to Plot??? OWO???
Legend and Warriors get some rest... or try to.
An excerpt of something that was supposed to be canon in the AU, but we didn't think hard enough about the timeline first so it's not lmao. Hope you like it!!!!!
Context: Legend, Twilight, Sky, and Wild have just come back from a excursion and traveled the whole night, not sleeping, because they got freaked out by something. Warriors couldn't sleep either because he was worried about them (...but mostly about Legend, let's be real). Legend saw him and immediately went cling! but Wars started spouting theory and strategy and that wasn't super appreciated by the sleep deprived heroes.
The hero with his face currently buried in Warriors’ scarf groaned in protest. “Babe, c’n it wait until ’ve had caffeine or a nap? Please…”
Twilight looked like he didn’t absorb half of what Wars had said. “Strategist brain is appreciated, but a nap would be good, yeah.”
"Er.... s-sorry. We've got these rooms for the next two days, so you're all welcome to head back upstairs if you want...?"
Legend tugged on his scarf, trying to get his eyes to focus enough to glare at him. “You’re coming too. Ya didn’t sleep either, dummy.”
"I-- .... okay, okay, I'm coming. I just wanted to let them know they don't have to rush."
Warriors smiled at him and let Legend push him toward the stairs.
"Your rooms are the three at the far end of the second floor, and the first right hand door on the third."
“Their room is on the third, if you wanna avoid it,” Wind sneered. Hyrule pinched his ear and Legend flipped him off before managing to successfully shove Warriors into the stairwell.
"Are you really alright?" Warriors asked, slipping an arm around Legend’s body. ".....You look exhausted, love...."
Legend hummed. “No one got hurt, but… haven’t been sleepin’ well recently. Barely got any ‘n past few days… Nightmares… ‘N I have a hard time without you...”
"....Me too. When I turn over and you're not there, it's--.... it's cold, you know? But more than cold."
Warriors kissed his temple as he led up to their room, and produced a spare key for Legend in case he wanted to get up and get breakfast before Warriors woke later on, unlocking the door with it before slipping the key into Legend's waist pouch.
"Come sleep with me, okay...? We'll actually get some rest for once."
Legend nodded, and after the door closed, he let Warriors unbuckle his belt and open his tunic. Legend would have dropped them on the floor, but Warriors laid them over the back of a chair, along with his scarf.
“Stays and boots off,” he instructed, and Legend complied with barely an insubordinate tongue sticking out in return. Warriors chuckled at him fondly as he climbed into bed and reached for him, trying to snag the hem of his shirt as he changed into something softer.
“Love you…” Legend murmured. “C’mere…”
"Your wish is my command," Warriors hummed, settling in once he was changed himself, and nestling up under Legend’s chin. His hands pressed gently against Legend’s side and his back, and Warriors took a minute just to breathe in the smell of Legend’s presence. "I love you more..."
Legend would have protested if he hadn’t been so damn tired, so all Warriors got was a (frankly adorable) grumble as the younger hero slung his arms around him and pressed his cheek against the golden hair at his crown. Warriors could feel the tension leaving him as he relaxed, and with Legend’s steady heartbeat under his ear, he could finally breathe easy enough to relax too.
"......Goddesses, we're such anxious wrecks," he laughed after a minute. "Fuck me sideways..."
"Mmh. Maybe tomorrow."
Warriors snorted, then kissed his neck before settling again.
"Sleep well for me, love.... My night depends on it."
…..Legend tried his best. He did.
There were flashes of the desert, of a different era’s Hyrule Castle, of the shade of a king and a jaded prince taking the throne from a corrupt queen, a furious Sheikah founding a rogue organization, and an old, bitter sorcerer with a young face making a deal he couldn’t refuse. Then, dark, choking mists of acid, plants and grass melting at their feet as they advanced, searching, hunting--
Legend shot awake, gasping as phantom pain shot through his arms and back along old, white scars that coiled and branched off like vines through his blood vessels in place of the stinging, corroding pain of acid from his dream.
He didn’t even hear Warriors calling his name until the pain receded to a strong, but not overwhelming ache.
It was dark, he could hear rain hitting the shutters of the windows, and he could feel the storm in his hands and knees and hips.
“Link…” he managed, in an effort to let his partner know he was alive.
Warriors loosed a gasp of relief and worry, and then pulled Legend tight to his chest.
"Y-you were wailing," the captain said, tripping over his words, "a-and crying for me-- are you okay?"
“Sorry…” he rasped, trying to get his bearings. Gods, his throat was raw and he could feel sweat rapidly cooling on his skin in the chill the rain brought. It’d be nice if he could flex his hands at all, or move his anything without it hurting. “I-I ruined your sleep, didn’t I?”
"To hell with my sleep, y-you're in pain, aren't you? Is it the storm? ....Fuck, where'd I put my potion bag--"
“‘S okay, don’t rush… Potions don’t help a lot when there’s nothin’ to heal, babe,” Legend muttered, sluggish even as a sense of urgency crept over him. “...Had a dream. Been having similar ones lately… I have a bad feeling about it.”
"....... Can you tell me about it?" Warriors asked. "You sounded like you were in agony, it scared me...."
Legend leaned into him as best he could. “O-old pain trying to come close to dream pain… It had a sorcerer in it, and a rogue Sheikah… Didn’t Wild say the Yiga from his era used to be Sheikah? This might have been the first of them… Something about Hylian royalty… I-I had prophetic dreams before my first quest…. This feels like those.”
".....A prophetic dream you have bad feelings about....?" Warriors grimaced. "....Should we wake up Sky and the sprite? If you're having prophetic visions, they might be too, but if they're not we can maybe rule out that there's an evil sorcerer on our case."
Legend wanted to ball his fists in Warriors’ shirt, but he couldn’t make his fingers do more than curl loosely. “If I could move, yeah, but that’s probably not going to be for a while… You could get them if you wanted.”
".......Later. When the storm passes, because I'm not leaving you."
Legend let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Thank you…. Come here and hold me? I’m cold…”
He didn't have to ask Warriors twice. The captain practically wrapped himself around Legend, and pulled in close and tight.
"I've got you, love. I'll keep you warm."
Legend kissed whatever part of Warriors was closest, which happened to be his jaw. “....You’re wonderful…”
….Something nagged at him, though. Warriors hadn’t been a part of his dream that he could remember, but…
“Hey… You said I called out to you…?”
"Yeah.... I think you were asking for help...."
“That… doesn’t bode well,” Legend grimaced. “Can you promise me something, though? I mean like actually promise, no matter the circumstances.”
"......You're scaring me a little.... What is it...?"
“Don’t throw yourself in front of anything for anyone. Not even me. Don’t do reckless bullshit that would get yourself hurt instead of others. That’s not to say you can’t defend anyone, just… don’t jump in where you know you’re gonna overextend and get hurt as a result. Does that make sense? I know that’s both specific and not at the same time, but I can’t explain it. I just… have a feeling. Promise you’ll be careful about that?”
"Don't do something reckless that'll get me killed out of some white knight complex and lack of self preservation? Is that what you want from me?"
Legend tried to shrink further into Warriors’ chest. “....Yes….”
"......You're asking me for quite the tall order," Warriors hummed, pressing kisses against Legend’s temple. "Aren't I supposed to be your dashing knight in shining armor, astride a white horse, keeping all the scary monsters at bay?"
He was trying for humor, but humor wasn't a given promise.
Legend huffed, but the kisses were sweet and he liked the attention. “Yes, and I know that’s a whole personality archetype for you, but Link… I’m worried. Please. This wasn’t in my dream, but it’s got the same feeling. Can you promise me that you won’t do something stupid like that?”
Warriors hesitated.
".....Legend-- if something happened to you--"
“No, no, that’s not relevant. Link. We carry fairies and spells and items as countermeasures so if we do get into a dire situation like that, we’ll survive and not have to endanger anyone else in the process. There would be no need for you to risk yourself like that, which is why I want you to promise me you won’t. Hyrule has the goddamn triforce. I’m sure if something were to happen to one of us, there would be some way to help that wouldn’t involve you needlessly throwing your life away. Especially if it’s me, who has items so overpowered that I don’t use them, but keep them in reach so if I need to, I can…. You’re not making me feel good about this.”
"......You didn't hear what you sounded like tonight.... I'm sorry, I just-- ....There's not a whole lot worse than having someone you love screaming for you to help them and being helpless... I don't want to repeat that when there's someone trying to kill us."
Legend scowled, then gave a long sigh. “...We also have three partners at home. We have to think about them too. Minimum number of people getting hurt…”
He… felt like he wasn’t going to get his answer at this rate. Goddamnit.
"............That could also go for you, you know.... but that isn't what you want me to say."
Warriors sighed.
".......If you promise not to get into a situation I feel like you won't come home okay in, I won't do anything stupid. Deal....?"
….That was also a hard thing to guarantee. But…
“I’ll try my best. Deal,” Legend said with a note of finality. “...Now kiss me to seal it. We’re making a contract.”
Warriors smiled and tilted up Legend's chin with his fingers, and pressed a soft, but long, luxuriant kiss against his mouth.
"I love you, love.... Please, goddesses above, get some rest..."
Legend stole another kiss because he needed it. “And I love you, Sir Knight… I’ll try, if I can. Tired…”
".... Should I sing for you...?"
When Legend looked up, Warriors wasn't looking at him, and instead trained his eyes on a particularly interesting lump on the old earthen wall as his ears burned.
"Y-y'know.... t'help you sleep...."
Goddesses above, Legend was smitten. Every day he fell a little bit harder for this man.
He kissed Warriors’ cheek. If his hands worked, he’d be tempted to stroke those beautiful, flushed ears and run his fingers over the scarred edge of his left one. “...I’d love that, baby.”
"M'kay..... Tell. No one. Okay?"
“Why would I? This is just for me. Wouldn’t wanna share it with anyone else…”
"Three reasons. Guess their names."
Legend grinned. “Why wouldn’t you want them to know? They’re our partners, we love them. Two are very musically gifted and would love it. While cute, you’re also being silly.”
"Mhhhhhhh because!! It makes me self conscious and people used to stare.... A-anyway, are you gonna hush and let me, o-or what??"
Warriors’ face was so, so red, and Legend was having some very dangerous thoughts about proposing marriage. Nonetheless, the younger hero conceded.
“Gods above, I’m so in love with you. Okay, yes, I’ll be quiet,” he said, tucking himself more comfortably into Warriors and the pillows.
Warriors kissed him again, and sighed, letting his thumb rest on Legend's cheek, the circles it ran over his skin serving as his metronome. A gentle lullaby brought Legend back to gentle shorelines, warm sand and easy, soft sunlight. It nestled him against merchants fabric that smelled lightly of spice and fairy dust, to old books with knowledge ancient and timeless. It brought him round to soft white linen and blue silk, and rocked him gently on the heels of someone taller than he was, pulling Legend over to a gentle heartbeat.
It brought him home even though home was a thousand miles and goddess only knew how many years away from now.
There was something to be said for song magic, because Warriors was doing it, whether he intended to or not. Legend could feel the intent of a spell woven into his voice. It made him feel warm and safe, eased the pain and fatigue of his body, and relaxed him enough that he immediately started to drift off, awash in the calm sea of Warriors’ voice.
He was out like a light.
Thanks for reading!!! Reblogging and/or screaming in tags/replies/inbox is SO appreciated!!!
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thatdoctorharvey · 4 years ago
Hi howdy ho neighborino! I’ve been reading some of your fics and I love them! I was wondering if you could write something where the farmer has married Harvey but Harvey gets jealous of the other bachelors that farmer has high friendship with angst. I saw the flowers fic and I thought it was super cool but it would be cute for things to work out in the end
Okay so for this one, I saw the perfect opportunity to do a little snippet of how my Harvey x Reader book is going to be. It’s not gonna be anything directly from the book but it will give you a pretty good idea as to how everything will be written.
Also, for the sake of Sam can’t pick out a name for his band, I’m going to use the name of my Uncle’s former band (I got his permission, don’t worry). This will be important.
I did kind of incorporate flowers into this as well. Gotta have the flowers prompt with a good ending too, right?
I also apologize. The pacing for this is a bit rushed and there isn’t much Harvey at the beginning but you’ll see why.
This was the last thing you expected. It had been years since you had been to the city. Yet here you were.
“You ready for this (y/n)?” Sam asked you, seeming to be pretty pumped up.
“Always!” You replied, brushing your hair out of your face.
You looked beside you at the equipment. It was just the mics and guitars, the rest being among the other band members. For once, you were nervous. The last time you performed in the city, you had made a fool of yourself. You silently hoped no one remembered as it was the reason you ended your musical career.
Abigail suddenly tapped your shoulder from the seat beside you, leaning into the isle and waiting for you. You quickly snapped out of your little trance and leaned to her, feeling like a teenager back in high school again.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“Are you and Harvey okay? I didn’t see him talk to you when we were loading up and he’s all the way in the back.” She asked you.
You took a quick glance back to the crowd of townsfolk on the bus. Sure enough, there he was, the very back of the bus, by himself. He looked to be bored as he stared out the window.
“I mean, he’s been very meh lately with talking to me, but I’ve also been practicing with you guys a lot for the past couple months to prepare for this.” You looked back at her. “He wasn’t happy when I said I offered to sit with the equipment to make sure it didn’t break on the way there.”
Abigail looked to Harvey and then quickly back to you. “Shit. He saw me looking.”
“So, (y/n), I was thinking, maybe we could perform one of your old songs?” Sam suddenly interrupted. 
You and Abigail both looked to him. It didn’t take long to realize that, not just Sam, but Abigail and Sebastian were looking at you now. They had been talking about this for a while and had been practicing when you weren’t around.
“Wh..which one?” You asked, a little nervous.
“We won’t tell you until the end. That’s when we want to perform it!” Sam smiled brightly.
Abigail grabbed your hand. “Pleeeeease! It’s a good one!”
You sat back in your seat and let out a breath. Harvey had only heard you sing a select few times, but to hear one of your old songs with how he’s been acting. It just wasn’t a good idea...But it was just a song, right?
“What the hell, let’s do it.” You suddenly said, looking at your guitar case beside you. “But just one!”
All three of them fist pumped and looked to Pam, who was giving them a dirty look. Luckily, they had arrived at the spot they would be performing so they had a valid excuse to leave.
“Alright you four! Get your stuff and get off the bus!” Pam grumpily said in a semi-joking manner.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.” You mumbled to yourself and grabbed as much equipment as possible. Kent and Demetrius helped get everything off the bus and onto the stage. Everyone riding was going to have some fun in the city until the concert, aside from a select few who would stay and help set up. Harvey was not one of them.
“Alright, (y/n), once we get set up, do you mind doing your thing while we check equipment?” Sam asked.
“Sure! I know none of you will sing into the mics to test them so I might as well.” You jokingly replied, taking off your hoodie to show the upper half of your band outfit. It was a bit revealing but nothing super intense. It also hugged your body fairly well. “Let’s get this going so we can get this show on the road!”
All three of your bandmates cheered. This was big for all of you. Sure, you’d had a few decent sized crowds in bars before, but this was a whole new thing. You were about to perform on a stage! A real stage! There weren’t just going to be drunk men and weird girls! There were going to be hundreds of people! Even your husband was going to be there!
“Hey! Come on, you gotta help me with the mics.” Sam suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts. The sky had darkened a bit but not too much. Just enough to notice that time had passed.
“O-oh! Sorry! I got distracted.” You said and walked to your mic. “Just let me know when you have them all on.”
Sam nodded and went to the little booth, turning all the mics on and muting all but yours. “Good to go! Abigail, Sebastian, you know the routine.”
The three of you nodded and began the process. You had done this many times back at home. You had performed some of your more family friendly music during the events through the year, and of course, this meant you had set up the mics before.
So there you were. The middle of Zuzu City. The crowd began to form as your singing began to test the mics. Even though it sounded weird since you had to move from mic to mic, it still sounded good. You didn’t know that your husband was listening though. And the song you were singing was hitting him like a ton of bricks. Memories...Was he nothing but a memory now?
Soon enough, the time came. The crowd stood in front of the stage, the townsfolk among them. You couldn’t seem to spot your husband though, but you knew he was out there. Perhaps the lights were making you unable to see him. They were already affecting your vision.
“Hello everyone!” Sam spoke. “We are from Pelican Town!” He seemed to be oddly confident, something that everyone in town knew wasn’t right, especially for a first big performance like this. “And we are the Block Party Massacre!”
And just like that, everything began. Everyone began to play their instruments and you sang. The crowd cheered and clapped after each song. Once you reached the final song, you nearly cried. Some of the people in the crowd began to sing along. It brought back memories and it truly touched your heart to know that  your fans still remembered your songs.
But, like everything else, the concert came to an end. You helped get everything cleaned and loaded up before looking around. At last second, you saw Harvey getting on the bus. Immediately you went to Abigail.
“Hey, you mind sitting with the equipment? I...I think I should sit with Harvey.” You asked her.
“Sure! Just, go easy on him. He looked pretty hurt, especially during the last song.” She replied.
You simply gave a nod and hurried over to the bus. You took a breath before getting on and looking at the seats. Harvey was still in the same place, the very back. You made your way back there, slowly sitting beside him. He jumped a bit, seeming to have been in his own world.
“O-oh. Hi.” He said when he realized who had sat beside him.
You offered a smile. “Hi my love. Did you have fun?”
Harvey just gave you a look. Not one of love nor hate. More like hurt. Out of instinct, you gently grabbed his hand, turning your body to face him.
“Harvey. Look at me.” You said softly. “What’s wrong? You’ve been like this since I started practicing with them.”
The doctor looked at you for a minute and then to your hands. He wanted to say so much but his anxiety ridden mind wouldn’t let him.
“Do you love me?” He suddenly asked after a few short moments.
You offered a soft smile and rested your head on his shoulder. Was that why he was making a big fuss?
“Of course I do! I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t. What made you think I didn’t?”
“You...You just never talked to me and you always got home late and you were so close with Sam a-and Sebastian and Abigail an-”
“Harvey.” You placed a finger on his lips as you looked back up at him. “You are the only one I love. I tried making you breakfast and dinner but you always let it sit out. I tried to talk to you but you always ignored me. I thought you were pushing me away, so I started opening up my schedule to practices. That’s what I’ve been doing the past few months.”
The doctor didn’t know what to say.
“Answer me this; would I ever want to leave you, my comfy pillow and cuddle bug, for Sam?” You poked his belly for emphasis on the pillow part. “You are everything I wanted and more. Hell, I didn’t even know what I really wanted until I met you.”
“But...The song…”
“I wrote that a long time ago. Didn’t you hear? People were singing along. How would they know a song the band wrote if they had never heard it before?” You chuckled a little bit and hugged him.
“I…” Harvey slowly wrapped his arms around you. “I guess that is true.” His grip tightened slightly, but not enough to hurt you. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey. It’s fine. We can cuddle when we get home. That always cheers you up.” You said happily. “Just, please communicate with me next time. I don’t want you to be hurt like this. It hurts my heart.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking up when he heard the bus start up. “Yeah...I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time.”
And with that, you two headed home.
The fire crackled as you rested on the couch. It was a rather peaceful night, the sky clear and the animals not too loud. Crickets could be heard if you listened closely, but you didn’t want to listen to them. You would rather listen to something else.
“(Y/n), are you certain you’re comfortable?” Harvey asked, a hand rested on your back. The other held a glass of wine that he’d been sipping on. “You don’t look to be.”
“Oh trust me Harvey, I am.” You assured your husband, nuzzling a bit against his belly as your arms slightly tightened their grip around his waist to indicate a hug. “I am always comfortable when I lay on my pillow.”
He blushed and took another sip of his wine before setting the glass on the side table. He was half laying on the couch, you on top of him. On the coffee table in front of you was a vase that contained a small bouquet of flowers. He had made it for you once you two had gotten home as an apology for his behavior. In return, you gave him some of your finest wine that you had planned on selling to make up for everything.
“I love you Harvey. Don’t ever forget it.” You half whispered, looking up at him.
The doctor couldn’t help but smile back, his face still red. “I love you too (y/n).”
“I will never forget it.”
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