#we have witches vampires ghosts demons and all kinds of supernatural stuff
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oobbbear · 2 years ago
I love immortal/lives way too long characters they can fit so much trauma 🙏✨
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alexdrawsagain · 4 years ago
What sort of supernatural enemies will Diego Diablito face in his adventures?
Sadly i don’t have any designs yet for Diablito outside of a few (hell you can say that for a lot of ideas i have). As you can see i’m trying to remedy that which is why you’ve seen concept sheets spring up like rabbits over night. And also why i’m continuing Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student so I can alternate between fleshing out ideas and produce more spidey x mha comics.
Anyhoo here’s some vague things in my brain so not to totally give it away:
The VHS Horror Aisle: Basically riffs on many of the fun things i grew up watching as a boy. And just exploring some admittedly burnt out concepts and seeing if i can refurbish them into something interesting.
The New Internet Breed: I’m fascinated by this new breed of monsters even if i find them all kinda samey with their super tall, skeletal, pale, sharp toothed demeanor. Although i just like that despite the sameyness there’s ironically quite a bit of variety.
From Fiery Below: One of the key things i’ve always always wanted to do was to design me some demons. Something a bit different to compliment the standard horns and hoofs ones. And the sexy ones. My design philosophy being they should look like something that’s the manifestations of humanity’s fears and suffering. Just as long as they don’t look like an alien.
Spooks: As a fan of Ghostbusters, i’ve always loved the idea of a “haunted anything“. Or the screaming clawed ghostly kind i’d read in books.
Cuentos de Abuela: This is the one I’m currently doing more research on because ever since i first read “Hellboy in Mexico“ I’d been fascinated with the kinds of monsters/ghosts/witches lurking in Mexican folklore that i’ve never heard about. Which is a damn shame and am trying to remedy that. Like hell, apparently we have like a vampire witch lady that specifically goes after newborns at night. F@ckin’ Metal.
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hedjblogr · 4 years ago
Are supernatural creatures a thing in the world of GW2? Who cares, let's pretend they are! What supernatural creature would your charr be, including any and all were-beasts? If they could choose, which would they like to be, of different from what you choose? - moonlit-grove
aight so fun fact half my characters are based off of characters from elsewhere, either my own ocs or canon characters i’ve roleplayed enough to diverge in some way, so like half of them are already supernatural creatures of some kind
i don’t think a lot of the same supernatural creatures exist, and some have different names (what was fun was having someone who’s called a gargoyle a lot find out that tyrian gargoyles are just spicy griffons)
this got long so i’m gonna drop most of it under a readmore fhdskjfgh
hestia’s sire, kain bloodreave, is based on a vampire so that’s one right out the gate hfjFKJDSFHJGH though granted the vampire he’s based off of has some nontraditional abilities - telekinesis, little a lightning magic of a sorts - but can also do standard stuff like turn into bats, turn into a wolf creature, turn into mist, dominate/mind control people, hover/float, super strength and speed, stuff like that
and i think if he knew anything about his non-tyrian self, he’d be like “aight that’s kinda cool except the being allergic to water thing, if we can fix that we’re golden”
hestia herself would probably beeee... oughhh this one’s hard, but werecharr/werehuman might be interesting? basically giving her the ability to change into a human sometimes. okay maybe not that interesting but she’d have interesting applications for it as a member of the ash legion
jhitts would be some kind of werebeast for sure, probably a classic werewolf but fuckoff massive (as the character he’s based off of is actually a were of a sort! and tends to turn into a massive doggo that shoots lasers)
omen would very much like to be the classic cauldron and broomstick witch and she’d probably end up dressing up very cute for it... but in truth i really like the idea of her being a barghest? they’re literally omen dogs :> staunch protectors of the dead and dying, company at the end kind of thing
now here’s an interesting one! wig, aka mad king’s wig - while i don’t have a ton of stuff for her beyond being a lunatic courtier cursed beyond death, i think she’d end up one of the worse off for becoming a more supernatural creature as part of this question
what would make most sense for wig’s personality would be some manner of banshee - awful that she’d be a ghost in a literal sense, given the relation charr have with ghosts, and twisting what’s good left in her into all the horrible things. the likely war crimes, the obsession gone too far, viciousness and madness hooooh this is fun to think about 80
all that would be left would be a shrieking demon that mostly haunts male charr, especially ones that resemble rytlock in like any way. (tldr on that is she has a weird obsession with rytlock??? i have NO idea how this happened she just kinda did it)
i could go through the side characters (aria, wisp warband, fengor etc) but i don’t have as much down for them...
but also i could just cheat and say aria would be a fire djinn, wisp warband would all be vengeful will-o-the-wisps, and idk for fengor maybe a cerberus since he’d be more pubby than his grandcub omen
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buffyversefanfiction · 4 years ago
The Haunting of Buffy Summers
Warning: I do not own the rights to the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its spin-off series Angel, its dark horse comics continuation series, or any of the characters created by Joss Whedon and others in the Buffyverse. 15 years +, Mild to Strong Violence, Sexual References. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other + 
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It had been months since the passing of Buffy and Angel’s son Tristan and despite the relief over there being no sign of the shadow demon that was released at the time of Tristan’s death there was very little reason to celebrate for Buffy and co this Halloween as Buffy and Angel both mourned their child, Dawn grieved her nephew, Faith a friend, Willow an honoree nephew and Spike an strained ally. Yes, this Halloween nobody had celebration in mind, well almost nobody. “Xander, you absolutely cannot dress up my niece as a pumpkin!” Buffy told her best friend as she and Xander walked through a local cemetery within San Francisco. “With our luck with Halloween you’ll end up turning baby Joyce into an actual pumpkin.” Buffy had always called her niece baby Joyce instead of just Joyce, even though she was a young child now and no longer a baby she could never bring herself to just call her Joyce, perhaps because it was confirmation there was no other Joyce amongst the living anymore or perhaps it just brought up too much pain. Buffy thought about her mother everyday but more so since the death of her son, more than ever she wished for her mother to be there and somehow make everything okay not that she could even if she was still alive but still wishing was better than accepting the harsh reality of what her life had become. “Your niece wants to be a vampire of all things it is literally like she knows what we all get up to when we join her aunt Buffy for late night walks.” Xander admitted to her. “I for one don’t feel like having to stop my five-year-old from biting my neck because Halloween got too real again!” “Somehow I’d still prefer that over my niece potentially becoming somebody’s pumpkin pie despite how delicious pumpkin pie maybe.” Buffy replied to her best friend. “You should come over for Halloween might be nice spending it with family,” Xander suggested. “Especially after everything…” “Nah, maybe next year this year I really do not feel like getting caught up with Halloween.” Buffy responded, making it clear she wanted to be alone. “Do not get me wrong if some wacky stuff starts happening text me but otherwise it is me, my couch and some good old-fashioned movie watching.” Before Xander could reply to Buffy’s rejection of his invitation to spend Halloween with him, Dawn and baby Joyce Buffy stopped walking, becoming frozen within the spot she stood in, forcing Xander to stop walking, clearly concerned for the slayer as the slayer turned to her side to notice her son Tristan’s grave, her eyes going straight towards his tombstone. “I cannot believe I almost walked past it!” Buffy told Xander, the hurt of seeing her son’s grave clearly all over her face. “Burying dust is kind of weird when you think of it, I mean he was technically already supernaturally cremated…but it sure is nice to be able to see him every night…just wish I did not have to wait for his death before I could be this close to him.” “Maybe you should start skipping this cemetery?” Xander suggested as he put his arm around Buffy and side hugged her tightly. “Willow and I could patrol this cemetery, so you do not have to be here all the time.” “Thanks for the offer Xander but I cannot leave him again, I have already left him too many times before.” Buffy replied as tears began forming in her eyes. “Even if he does not know it, I do not ever want him to think I’m gone.”
The very next morning, the morning of all hallows eve certainly proved to live up to it’s spooky legacy for Buffy as she awoke from her bed, climbed out of it, stood up and walked over to her nearby dresser where she sat down in front of the mirror, picked up and brush and began combing her luxurious long blonde hair. “Happy Halloween,” Buffy mumbled to herself as she continued brushing her hair before she suddenly heard the roaring noise of the television coming from the living room of the apartment she shared with Willow. Buffy stood up from her dresser chair, charged towards her bedroom door, opening it with force before running straight into the living room where the deafening noise of the television continued to grow louder as she desperately search for the television remote within the corners and sides of the nearby couch. The noise was not only heard by the slayer as she quickly discovered when Willow rushed out of her room chanting loudly in a long dead language before waving her hand and suddenly the noise was gone. “Hey Buffy love you and everything but the next time you try deafening me in the morning I may have to turn you back into a rat.” Willow joked with her, only to be left shocked by a stunned Buffy who stared blankly towards the television. “Buffy, I was only joking about the rat thing.” Willow glanced over to the television to see what Buffy was staring at only for her to be left shocked to see the television was switched off. “Do not tell me we are haunted again,” Willow complained to Buffy. “Here is hoping it is something you killed this time and not me!” “I think it was Tristan,” Buffy admitted to her redheaded best friend. “I was at his grave last night he is clearly trying to contact me.” “Buffy, you are at his grave every night I doubt he’s decided to make contact for the first time on Halloween.” Willow told her as she began walking towards Buffy. “I’d love it for him to be able to say goodbye to you but you and I both know it’s probably some pissed off spirit or something else.” “Yeah I know,” Buffy sighed as she sat down on the couch. “It is just the shadow demon is out there somewhere whose to say Tristan is not?” “We have been through this before sweetie, Tristan’s at peace and maybe that’s the best place for him to be.” Willow replied as she sat down on the couch, sitting next to Buffy. “I do not think he’s anywhere bad I think he’s finally at peace and I think that is something he wanted for a really long time.” “Your right it is probably just some new Halloween horror that I am going to have to kill or whatever it is that we call getting rid of a ghost...” Buffy responded, trying and failing to sound any less sad than she was. “Or we could call ghostbusters and I can go back to bed?” “There’s a powerful psychic that I tend to go to from time to time when I feel the need to hear something from the other side her name is Madame Majestic and she is really good I’ll go see her and see if it is spirit related before we hit the books for alternatives.” Willow revealed to her best friend, eager to take some responsibility off the struggling slayer. “Here’s me thinking all those mystic megs and Madame magics were all phonies.” Buffy admitted before standing up from the couch. “Drop me her address and I’ll go see what Madame Majestic has to say about haunted televisions.” “I could go for you…you know…in case you get hurt when you realize it is not Tristan.” Willow suggested as she stood up to face her friend. “This seems like more like a case for a witch than a slayer maybe you should just go back to bed and let me handle this.” “I’m fine with going Willow to be honest I would rather stay busy and I think I want to handle this one alone for now…you know until witch assistance is needed.” Buffy told her, reassuring the witch that she would be fine going solo. “Okay…I could go with you though? Maybe even get Xander to tag along like the old days just us three?” Willow offered, worried to leave the slayer alone, knowing how much Buffy had been struggling following the death of her son. “I kind of just want to be alone!” Buffy admitted, feeling guilty for pushing away her friend but needing the time to herself.
Buffy walked down one of the many back alleyways within San Francisco in search of Madame Majestic’s headquarters eager to find out what caused the television annoyance earlier that day, convinced it was the spirit of her late son despite her friend Willow telling her otherwise but not wanting to get her hopes up at the same time in case Willow was right. Buffy stopped at a door painted a bright baby blue before noticing the writing “Come on in, I’m waiting” written on the window next to the door. “Well here goes nothing!” She mumbled to herself as she started knocking on the door only to be met by no answer. She waited at the door longer than she would wait at most doors that people did not answer because she believed her best friend would never steer her wrong and after several minutes the bright blue door suddenly opened by itself, alarming Buffy at first by a tell tale sign off what may await her when she walked into Madame Majestic’s. Although that worry never stopped Buffy as she knew deep down whatever was haunting her this Halloween would find her again one way or another and therefore, she was ready to find it first. “You must be Buffy Summers you have many fans on the other side and even more enemies.” Madame Majestic greeted Buffy, as Buffy walked into a darkly lit room to find Madame Majestic dressed up like a stereotypical gypsy styled psychic, sitting at a table with a clear crystal ball. “You got to be kidding me! This is right out a horror movie well a B horror movie although every horror movie is a B when your life is an A horror.” Buffy complained to the psychic as she walked over to the table and sat down on a seat opposite her. “I am very aware of your chosen destiny Miss Summers just as much as you are aware of a spirit haunting you,” The psychic replied to the slayer. “You are confused by the spirits identity and even more so confused that they have chosen Halloween of all times to contact you but you should not be frustrated with this spirit as Halloween hauntings are very common. It is after all when the veil between the living and the dead is at its weakest.” “I think I’ve heard that before never thought much of it till now. Is this spirit…. evil?” Buffy wondered, unable to ask if it were her son, fearing Madame Majestic would say no. “The lines between evil and good are blurred with many especially with your son but no he is not trying to harm you in fact he needs your help.” Madame Majestic revealed to the slayer who was shocked to learn she really was being haunted by Tristan. “Of course, I’ll help him!” Buffy declared to her. “I will do anything to help him…how can I help him?” Buffy was unsure whether or not she believed this psychic’s words not because she did not trust Willow’s recommendation but because she did not want to get her hopes up like she had so many times before when it came to Tristan but she knew she had to do whatever the psychic told her to do in order to potentially speak with her son once more and help him in any way she could.
After a short but seemingly long to her kind of day, Buffy Summers was now laid on her fully made bed within her bedroom in her San Francisco apartment, her eyes closed while she was deep in thought. She had been giving some herbs that was put in a tea that she had drank before going to her room after Willow ensured her what she was taking was not some hippie thing that’d make her go on some bad drug fueled trip. She just lay there with her eyes tightly shut, thinking of the son she lost, not daring to open her eyes or move in anyway, knowing that if she did before it was time then the psychic’s potion would not work. She laid there for what felt like forever until she almost found herself falling asleep when suddenly she was now stood next to the bed looking dazed and confused as she looked down at her own body, stunned that there was now two of her as she realized she was having some kind of magical out of body existence. “You know it is a whole lot spookier on this plane when you have a body to look at in the living realm.” Tristan declared, as Buffy turned around to see her son stood in front of her with a smile on his face. “Tristan…” Buffy replied softly, as she began to smile at the sight of her son, a sight she believed she may never have seen again. “It is nice to see you to mum!” Tristan said to her, shocking Buffy by calling her mum for the first genuine time. “But I am afraid to say this is not going to be a happy family reunion!”
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the-stories-in-my-head-95 · 6 years ago
A Magical Arrangement
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Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Reader x Tony Stark
Summary- There are four types of supernatural beings that call this earth home, and they are all at war with one another, well they are until the high councils of the four races come to a truce. A truce that would change your life forever.
Message- Reader is a witch, Tony is a vampire, Bucky is a werewolf, and Natasha is a Demon (Succubus)  
Warnings- Arranged Poly Marriage
Word Count-1285
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you out here?”
“High Priestess?” You ask as you jump off of the tree branch. “What’s wrong?”
“Y/N!” She huffs. “I thought you were teaching a lesson.”
“I was, but it’s so nice out. I told the students to go outside and enjoy the sun.”
“We will talk about that later. But right now the council wants to speak with you.”
“Alright.” You say, smiling. But before you can take even five steps she grabs your shoulder.
“Put some shoes on before going to them.”
“Have a blessed day, high priestess.” You say, smirking as you walk away.
“Just nod, so I know you’ll put shoes on.” She calls after you. “Y/N! I know you can hear me!”
“Sorry can’t hear you!” You call over your shoulder as you run towards the school. Once you get inside you make your way towards the council chambers. Once you get there you raise your hand to knock on the door.
“Come in Y/N.”
“Look, I don’t know what you heard, but-why are the wolves here?” You say, noticing a large pack of rugged people standing to the side of the room.
“They are our allies.”
“I know that, Elder Simmons.” You murmur. “It’s just this is a school, the war and its troubles have never been brought here.”
“So you keep your soldiers in denial?” One of the werewolves asks.
“This is a school, there are no soldiers here, only children.” You sneer.
“Who will grow up to be soldiers. Isn’t it better they know what their reality will be?”
“They are children.” You murmur. “They should know peace, while they can.”
“That is why we called you here.” Elder Simmons says. “Ever since you retired from our army, you have used your power and influence to speak out about bringing about a time of peace.”
“I am allowed to have an opinion.” You sneer.
“We know.” Elder Simmons says, grinning at you. “Your opinion is actually why you are hear.”
“So you’re not going to feed me to the wolves.” You smirk, glancing over at the visitors.
“We wish for you to marry one. Well a wolf, a demon and a vampire.”
“What?” You laugh.
“There was a summit, between the four supernatural races. There has been a call for peace.”
“What does that have to do with a marriage?”
“They want to bind the four clans together.” The werewolf that spoke earlier says. “To do that they want to bind the souls of four people together, one from each clan.”
“So marriage, to 3 other people.” You murmur.
“It’ll bring about an age of peace-.”
“I’ll do it.” You say. “Obviously.”
“If you need time to-.”
“No, I’ll do it.” You say, turning to the werewolf who had spoken before. “Are you-?”
“Yeah, I’m your fiancé-or whatever.”
“I’m Y/N.” You say, putting your hand out for him to shake.
“James, but my friends call me Bucky.” He says, shaking your hand.
“I like that.” You say smiling up at him, then you turn back to the council. “When will this binding take place?”
“Next week, it will take place were the territories meet.”
“And once the binding takes place the fighting will stop?” You ask.
“Yes, and a new council will be formed. Its purpose will be to help the four of you rule.”
“What?” You ask, eyes darting around the room.
“The four of you will be crowned as the new rulers of the supernatural world. The four of you will be tasked with making our new laws.”
“The world has officially gone insane. You want to put me in charge-me! I’m not even wearing shoes!” You say. “But fuck it- I guess I’ll be a Queen or whatever.”
“You are taking this way better than I did.” Bucky says.
“I kind of like the idea of being in charge.” You murmur. “Yeah, this is good.”
“The packs will be staying here for the week.”
“Okay, cool.” You say, before looking at Bucky. “Can I show you around?”
“That would be nice.” Bucky says, smiling at you. “We should probably talk about- well about a lot of things.”
“Do you think we’ll get crowns?” You ask, putting your hand out for Bucky to take.
“I don’t know…Maybe.” Bucky murmurs as you leave the council chambers.
**1 week later**
“You look amazing.” Bucky says, kissing your cheek.
“Thank you.” You whisper as you play with the large tulle skirt.
“These are for you.” Bucky murmurs, handing you a bouquet of flowers.
“They’re lovely.” You say, smiling.
“Are you ready for this?” Bucky asks, offering you his arm.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You say, looping your arm his. Then the two of you walk out of the tent and start to make your way up the aisle. “Do you recognize either of them?”
“That’s Natasha, she’s a succubus.”
“That’ll be fun.” You say, a large smile spreading across your face.
“And I think the vampire is Anthony Stark, but I’m not entirely sure.”
“I guess we’ll find out soon.” You murmur.
“Yeah.” Bucky whispers. Then the two of you walk the rest of the way to the alter.
“I’ll give the four of you a minute.” The High Priestess says.
“Thank you.” You murmur, passing her your flowers.
“I’m Y/N.”
“The witch.” Natasha says, eyes roaming up and down your body.
“I’m Tony, and this is Natasha.”
“Well we should get this show on the road.” Tony says, motioning to the Priestess.
“Are you ready?” She asks.
“As ready as we’ll ever be.” Bucky says.
“Alright.” She says, as she hands you all a lit candles. “We are gathered here today to bind these four souls together as one. This binding will usher in an era of peace unlike once we have ever seen in our histories. Anthony Stark, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Natasha Romanoff, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“James Barnes, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Now that the four of you have consented to this union, please use your individual flams to light this candle, a representation of your four souls becoming one.” The four of you nod, before lighting the large candle that was placed at the center of a table. Once the flame was light the four of you turn around. “I know present our new Kings and Queens, may the peace never end!”
“May the peace never end!”
“Oh this is going to be weird.” You murmur.
“So weird.” Bucky agrees.
“At least they’re not bowing down.” Tony says.
“Yet.” Natasha murmurs.
“So like, do we get a palace now? Or-.”
“We’re going to live at my castle.” Tony says.
“You have a castle!?” Bucky asks.
“Don’t you?” Tony asks.
“Well I guess I do now, because what’s mine is yours, Sweet thing!” Bucky says, smirking.
“Oh this is going to be fun.” Natasha murmurs.
“I think so to.” You say.
“And so they lived happily ever after.” A voice from your right says.
“Shut up, Punk!” Bucky yells.
“Yeah, Steve, Shut up!” You yell as well. “Oh and that’s by royal decree!”
“Yeah!” Bucky says. “I’m in charge now, Punk!”
“Goddess help us all.” Steve murmurs, with a large smile on his face.
“Damn right.” You say.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 6 years ago
A Woman of Letters (Getting a Feel for Sam Winchester) - Chapter 5
Summary:  You’ve just opened an occult bookstore in Lebanon, Kansas, when you fall for a tall, handsome customer…literally. You soon find out that there’s more to the world than you ever suspected, including you. Discovering your heritage puts you directly in a witch’s crosshairs, though, so the Winchesters offer to take you in and teach you how to protect yourself. As you discover your own family history with the supernatural and your own hidden talents, you can’t help but wish a certain brother was as excited about your interest as you are.
Total length: 43 chapters, 70,247 words - Read on AO3 - Series masterlist
Chapter word count:  2093 words
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Canon-level angst and violence
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You were officially having your first rush since you opened the shop, and you heaved a sigh of relief in between customers. Opening a small business was always risky, but an occult bookstore was even riskier. You figured your uncle had closed his shop so he could have a steady income once he had to support you, and you didn’t blame him. You had missed his shop, but the change had made him more stable, which was what you had desperately needed.
As more customers wandered in, you noticed a scruffy-looking man enter dressed in work boots, torn jeans, dirty flannel, and an old army jacket. He wasn’t your typical customer, but seeing him made something click in the back of your mind. You were too busy with answering questions and ringing up purchases to think about it, though. Part of you kept an eye on him as he wandered around the store, taking his time looking at books and wind chimes that just didn’t seem his style. As the rush finally ended, he grabbed a couple of pieces of fulgurite and headed to the counter.
“I was wondering if you might have some other items in stock in the back for a friend willing to pay cash? I’ve got some, uh, special items I’m in need of, if you know what I mean.”
You looked at the guy and sighed. Did your uncle have to deal with these kinds of lunatics when he had his shop? You stopped the thought there, remembering how many people thought your uncle was, in fact, the local lunatic.
“I’m sorry, sir, but everything I have for sale is already out on display. I can maybe look into ordering something for you if it’s in one of my catalogs and I can call you when it comes in?” You pulled out a pile of catalogs from under the counter and looked up at the man. He had that same look of confusion on his face as every other weird customer that had come in here. Like they just couldn’t believe you didn’t carry things other than what was on your shelves!
“No, ma’am, I’m not talking about things you order in catalogs. Is the shop owner here, by chance?”
“I am the shop owner, and like I said, I only have what you see on the shelves. There’s no back room with more stock; this is it.” The man huffed and gave you a frustrated look like you just weren’t understanding him. Your stomach twisted nervously as you watched him. He backed away while the only other customer in the store approached the counter and paid for their items. Once they were out the door, he came back to the counter and tried again.
“Look, you’ve got the star in your window, so you know who I am and what I’m looking for. I’m willing to pay cash, so you’re not going to get scammed, here. I’m completely out of devils’ shoestring and angel feathers. Do you have any in stock or not?”
You stared at the man with eyes wide and mouth slack. How many different times did you have to tell him? And what did the star in your window have to do with any of it? Your thoughts felt scattered at his agitation, and you took a second to compose yourself before replying. As you began to speak, the bell over your door rang again, indicating another customer was coming in.
“Like I told you before, sir, I don’t have anything that isn’t on display and I have no idea what you’re talking about. What is devil’s shoestring? And angel feathers?” You shook your head and saw the man’s face turn red. Just as he was about to open his mouth, your new customer opened his.
You looked up, and up some more, and there was your handsome customer from yesterday. He grabbed the shoulder of the other man so he faced him, away from you.
“Hank, man, stop. She’s a civilian. She really doesn’t have anything here.” You stared at the tall man in confusion, and just watched the exchange.
“But, Sam, the star,” the shorter man gestured toward the shop window, “and, you know, here, near you. How can she not…?” His voice trailed off as he looked at the taller man, Sam, then looked back at you, and shook his head in confusion. Then he seemed horrified and started sputtering. Sam turned him towards the door, putting an arm around his shoulders. You heard what he said next, but just barely.
“C’mon, man. Call Dean, tell him what happened here, tell him what you need and he’ll see if we have any we can spare and meet you at the bar.” Hank threw another worried glance at you over his shoulder and then let Sam push him out the door. As the door closed, Sam sighed, then turned around to face you. “I bet you have a lot of questions. Can we talk?” Now that the other man was gone and Sam was facing you, you felt your breathing ease up a bit. You nodded dumbly, then sat down on your stool behind the counter. “Um, I hate to cost you business, but can we close up shop for a little while and do this somewhere a little more comfortable? This might take a while.”
“Sure. We can go in the back room. I have some coffee sitting back there, if you don’t mind it being strong enough to melt a spoon.” You were still feeling a little dazed and you felt words coming out of your mouth with little to no feeling of control over them. Sam nodded, and you locked the door, put the closed sign up, and led him back to your back room.
In the back room, which was just big enough for a hot plate, sink, mini fridge, and a table for two, Sam sat down and you poured coffee for both of you. Though he seemed uneasy, something about him calmed you. Your brain kept shooting off alarm bells, but you felt your body relaxing, anyway. After you had settled down and had a sip, Sam finally spoke.
“My name’s Sam Winchester.” He held out a hand for you to shake, which you stared at for a moment before reaching for it with your own.
“Y/N Bowen. I’d say nice to meet you, but I think I’ll wait until after you tell me whatever it is you’re about to tell me.” You paused, looking down at your cup for a moment. “That man, and you, and at least one of the other customers that came in here asking for weird stuff, all mentioned the star in the window. That star is more than just something my family thought was pretty, isn’t it?” Sam looked at you sadly and sighed.
“Yes. It is. Y//N, your grandfather, and mine, were members of a group called the Men of Letters. The Aquarian Star was their crest. They investigated, and documented everything about the supernatural. Everything you read about in your uncle’s books is real, and they were kind of the librarians of the supernatural world. They worked with hunters, who take a more active role.” Sam cleared his throat and looked down into his coffee cup. “Hunters go after anything that, well, goes bump in the night, and take care of it. The Men of Letters worked with hunters, supplying information, tools, and other supplies the hunters needed to do their jobs. Having that star in your window tells hunters that you know what they are and you sell what they need.”
Sam paused, watching your face as you processed everything he told you. You took a deep breath and let everything he said wash over you. Your uncle’s books weren’t hard to read, just boring, really, though they talked about vampires and werewolves and ghosts. Well, until you factored in the idea that they were real. Suddenly, everything you had read seemed far less boring.
“So, vampires, werewolves, demons…they’re all real?” You gazed at Sam with eyes wide. Sam nodded.
“Did your uncle’s books talk about anything else?” Sam’s voice was quiet and gentle, but his words were still alarming. Your eyes flew to his.
“You mean, there’s more??” You felt your jaw hang slack. Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“Oh yeah. Lots more. Ghosts, angels, djinn, kitsune, gods, you name it. It’s all out there.” Sam paused, watching you think.
“And these Men of Letters, they, what, catalogued and experimented on them? And my grandfather was one of them?” Sam nodded. “How do you know that?”
“I went through the records and found some Bowens mentioned. I did a records search and matched the Bowens in the Men of Letters records to you.”
Just then, you heard a noise from the shop. Sam jumped up, reached behind his back, and pulled out a gun from the waistband of his pants. As he approached the door to the front of the shop, he motioned for you to stay behind him and stay quiet. Your brain fired more warning shots at you, screaming about a gun casually hidden in a waistband, but you told your brain to shut up. As he flung open the door, gun held steady in his hands, you saw a well-dressed man with a beard and short, dark hair standing in the open doorway. He smirked at Sam, and you watched Sam relax just a fraction.
“Crowley? What are you doing here?” You stayed behind Sam, peeking around him just enough to see the smug look on the newcomer’s face.
“Oh, c’mon, Moose. Put the gun down. You know it’s not going to hurt me, so why bother?” Sam sighed and put the gun back in the waistband of his pants, but kept you behind him.
“What do you want, Crowley? Why are you here?” You heard Sam huff angrily.
“Grab the girl, and get her back to your Batcave, pronto, or you’ll both be yesterday’s news.” Crowley turned to walk back towards the shop door, but stopped when Sam spoke again.
“What’s going on, Crowley? How do I know this isn’t some kind of trap?” Crowley stopped and turned back to Sam.
“Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend?’ Well, you’re in luck, today, Moose, because my mother didn’t appreciate your little bondage scene in the warehouse. Apparently whips and chains actually don’t excite her, after all. And now, she has the Book of the Damned, the codex to read it, and she wants you dead. So, as much as I might dislike you, I want her dead more, which means I need you alive. She’s been watching you, waiting for you to leave the protection of your little underground clubhouse, and knows about this one, here. She was going to just take this one and trade her for you, but, no, you’re here, too. You being here is just making her job easy, so stop standing there like a simpering idiot, grab the girl, and get the hell out of here!!”
You saw Crowley’s eyes turn red with small tendrils of red smoke appearing to wisp around them, and you gasped in fear. Crowley turned around and headed back to the front of the store, stopping by the door. Suddenly, your hand was engulfed in Sam’s, you quickly grabbed your purse, and you followed him to the front of the store. Just as you expected them to open the door, you saw Sam look at the books in the display case. Quickly, he ran behind the counter, broke the glass of the case, and grabbed as many books as he could hold. You picked up an almost empty box of pillar candles, dumped it out, and pushed it towards Sam. He dumped the books in the box, grabbed the pictures from the wall, and you both headed for the door. Crowley went out the door first, looking both ways before stepping out of the way. As you followed Sam to a beautiful black classic car, you heard Crowley’s voice behind you.
“Hello, Mother. Fancy meeting you here. What brings you to this end of nowhere?”
As you turned your head to see who Crowley was talking to, your vision was blinded by the light of a massive explosion. You felt yourself lifted off the ground and sent flying towards Sam’s car. Pain bloomed in the back of your head before darkness overtook you.
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hana1379 · 7 years ago
The Lesser Evil
Summary: A demon wanting nothing more than feed on human souls meets a human girl in who's he falls in love (I suck at summaries, I know)
Pairing: AU!Demon Bucky x Human Reader
Warnings: Long ass fic, kinda angsty, language, smutty and smut (please if  you are an underage turn around and leave)
Words: 12k (I warned it is a long fic and I wanted to divide it but yolo)
Notes: It's my first request and I know I'm hopeless and it took me forever to write it but I hope you'll like it @just-antiyou and I'm sorry if it sucks! If you spot any mistakes, please blame my lack of education or Grammarly
@lovely-geek @british-men (cause you wanted to be tag in everything. I think)
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How you were on your way with your friend to this dubious club you had no idea. Oh, yeah right, your friend dragged you. No, Wanda begged you to go with her and finally you gave in when she mentioned something like ‘I'll wash the dishes for at least a week’. How could somebody say no to the offer like that? She wanted to go to the club for "supernatural" because she was a witch and she ‘had enough of boring human stuff’. Thank you. That's how you- a human was on your way to that club were only reckless or really desperate humans went to. You still had doubts but when you saw how happy she was you knew you did the right thing, she was your friend after all and going to the clubs with her should be in your schedule.
"It's going to be fun! You'll see" she walked with you arm to arm through the back alley leading you to the club
"Promise you won't leave me alone so you can dance with some douchebag" you stopped to look at her and she placed her hand on her heart with a serious face
"I promise I won't. Scout's honor" she laughed and took your hand in hers heading to the entrance "But if by some miracle you will be left alone and somebody will try to accost you just say 'Begone thot' that usually works in my case" you looked at her with disbelieve
"I'm not gonna say that to anybody! That's ridiculous, they would start laughing instead of walking away. I'm not gonna embarrass myself" you stopped to stand in a line leading to the entrance
"Shh!" she placed her index finger on her mouth shushing you "Shut up and don't draw attention to us "she looked over at the bouncer "Y/N look! He's a werewolf!" she said pointing at the guy "Really?" you asked and she nodded "Yeah! And behind us are two vampires" she pointed with her thumb at the tall and slender couple who stood no more than two meters from you and you were sure by the look on their face's that they've heard her.
"Jesus Wanda!" you scolded your friend and turned to the pale couple "I'm sorry for my friend, she's a little, you know. She's weird" they said nothing and you turned back to her "Are you trying to kill us?" you whispered to her and you weren't sure she even heard you, she was standing buckling her knees rapidly looking like she was slightly jumping, beaming at nothing in particular
"Wanda? Are you high?" you said and she turned her gaze to look at you "I may or may not drank grandma's tisane"
"That's it! We're going home!" you almost screamed and she looked at you with puppy eyes
"No please Y/N, we're so close. Look! We're next!" you looked up to be greeted with bulky chest and sharpened teeth of a werewolf
"You girls are coming in or not? Cause I don't have all night" he asked grinning at you
"Y-Yeah we're coming in" he stepped aside for you to enter the club "Wait! You are not gonna check our ID's?" you asked and he leaned to whisper in your ear
"I don't think such a lovely human like you would lie to me" he said with a smirk and you felt a wave of nausea boiling in your stomach. You didn't know how to respond on such a remark. Being human surrounded by "not-humans" was at least dangerous, everyone wanted to kill you or eat you, drink your blood or have sex with you and thank God you had Wanda with you as she took your hand and surged forward into the club
"Yay! I'm first at the bar!"
And she was but as soon as she was there ordering a drink a tall man approached her and they started talking. 'Great. Scout's honor my ass' you muttered to yourself and took in your surroundings.
The club was dim with purple neon as an only sauce of light. To your right was a round bar, you saw several people sitting on the stools drinking. It wasn't as occupied as booths with white couches further on your right. People sitting in booths were mostly making out or snorting something probably cocaine and you could've sworn you saw in the far corner a couple were well, he was probably bitten by a snake and she was sucking out the poison. The dance floor was on your left in another room but you didn't feel like being grabbed by somebody during the dance.
You turned to the bar and you couldn't get the feeling of being watched out of your head. 'Begone thot. Begone thot' you murmured under your breath heading over to the bar. You sat on the stool and ordered a beer. Next to you, Wanda was flirting with that guy giggling like a school girl. Rolling your eyes at her you turned around to face the bar and something slid on the surface and stopped in front of you. You frowned, it was a shot glass with crystal liquid in it, you looked in the direction where it came from and you saw a man with dark hair and jawline for days. He was dressed in a gray shirt and black leather jacket. In front of him, he had several same shot glasses filled with a crystal liquid.
"It's vodka. It'll help get rid of your annoyance toward your friend" his voice was smooth and you shivered, you wouldn't mind hearing his voice lulling you to sleep. But you realized where were you, in some shabby club with supernatural creatures around you and there was a chance your shot didn't contain only a vodka.
"That's really nice but thank you I don't want to mix beer and vodka, it usually ends badly" you smiled at him and he shrugged
"Suit yourself" he reached for the shot and gulped it down wincing at the taste "God, I missed that" he said reaching for another shot and gulped it down immediately
"Hard day?" you asked sipping your beer through the straw, he turned to you and his gaze locked on your lips, he scoffed and turned taking another shot in his hand smiling to himself
"Yes, you can say that" again he gulped it down and placed the empty glass on the bar "What's your name?" he asked turning once more to look at you. You introduced yourself and he smiled "That's a pretty name" his eyes were blue, you could see it now.
"Thanks, I guess?" you hated how much you blushed around him, you cleared your throat to say "Well I would compliment yours if I would know it" you smirked and he was still smiling and you turned your gaze from him.
"Bucky" he said and when you looked at him he immediately looked at his legs like they were more interesting, he slightly blushed- you caught him staring or maybe it was the alcohol?
"Well you have strange name Bucky" you smiled at him and cursed yourself, great start, making fun of his name "I'm sorry"
"It's okay doll" he interrupted you "I know it's stupid" Bucky shrugged "Tell me now Y/N what are you doing in this shithole?" he laughed at your expression "Don't worry we play in the same team" he beamed at you
"Then what are you doing here? Not many humans come here" you felt the wave of relief washing through you. He was a human just like you, not some nut werewolf or freaky vampire
"I know the owner, besides I like it here although this place is a crap" he looked around and you smiled at him. He was something else.
An hour later you were sitting beside Bucky on one of those white couches in a booth. The music was louder than where the bar was placed and it gave Bucky the opportunity to sit really close to you so that he could better hear you. His arm was resting on the back of the couch gently tracing patterns on your shoulder with his fingers. You didn't mind it because although you knew him for an hour now you felt like you've known him much longer than a lifetime. You were talking briefly about everything and anything in particular when the subject turned from family to things scare you the most
"C'mon doll" Bucky encouraged bumping his knee on yours. You rolled your eyes
"What kind of question is that?" you chuckled and he smiled at you wider
"Normal" he shrugged "I dunno, I just wanna know everything about you" you smiled looking at the floor and tucked your hair behind your ear blushing. He bit his lip when you looked at him, there was no doubt you affected him but you were wondering how? You were a normal girl from the neighborhood and yet he was looking at you like you're the most beautiful woman in the world, like you were the only girl in the world.
"Well usual things like the dark when I'm alone in my flat after watching a horror movie" you said and he smiled at you nodding in understanding "Let's see.. 2000s fashion" Bucky snorted and you giggled "What? It was horrible"
"What else?" he asked and took a sip from his beer. And you wondered how on earth he could stand still after he drank a dozen or so shots of vodka and now he was drinking his second beer. That was... unusual.
"Ghosts, spiders, demons..." his gaze drifted from his beer placed on the table to you and his brow frowned
"Why demons?" he asked but he wasn't smiling anymore, his eyes were fogged like he was thinking about something really hard while looking at you but as soon as you parted your lips to ask what's wrong he blinked and smiled at you, his eyes were now crystal clear.
"I dunno, they're rarely seen and you know all the stories about them killing people to bathe in their blood? That's creepy" his smile faded once again and you saw something in his eyes, something like sadness and regret
"You realize half of these stories are pure bullshit?" he asked and continued talking when he saw a quizzical look on your face, looking around like he was searching something or maybe he was searching words "The owner of the club is a demon and I've told you I know him. Demons don't take baths in a blood"
"But they feed on souls don't they?"
"Yes they do but only after person let them" he took his bottom lip between his teeth, you wanted to know more but he blurted out
"Can I kiss you Y/N?" it took you by surprise, he was biting his lip nervously you were sure he would draw blood and you smiled softly at him, change of the subject was a good idea
"Yes, I suppose you can" he placed his hand on the back of your neck and leaned to you, you closed your eyes and Bucky's lips were barely brushing yours for some time before he pressed his plump lips to yours.
The kiss was tender and kinda shy but soon after you started to kiss him back Bucky deepened the kiss and slid his tongue on your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, you moaned and felt his tongue brushing yours. The kiss lasted for some time until the need for breath was too much to bear. Buck pulled away and looked at you smirking, your eyes were still closed.
"You are beautiful Y/N" you opened your eyes and he started stroking your cheek with his hand, you smiled at him and he leaned once more to kiss you.
You didn't know how it happened but from a kiss to making out you started to grind on Bucky's lap when he suggested to take it somewhere private. You texted Wanda that you're going home and she texted you back that she's not coming home tonight. Perfect.
Bucky pinned you to the wall and ground his clothed member to your core. You moaned fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. You both got rid of your jacket's the minute you entered your flat and now you weren't sure if you'll go to your bedroom or you'll let him fuck you in a hallway but you were sure you wanted more than one round so you came to your senses
"Bucky... My room..." he pulled away from you with a groan and you took his hand leading him to your room.
On your way there Bucky ripped your skirt from your body and when you were there you finally got rid of his shirt leaving him only in his trousers and God he was built, you could touch and kiss his toned body all day. You saw his left arm was covered in deep scars. From his wrist, up way to his shoulder, it looked like scars from the cut but it didn't look so bad. Bucky saw that you were looking at his arm.
"I had an accident a few years back. Long story, maybe I'll tell you someday. Now, where were we?"
He pulled your top from your body and smirked seeing your matching underwear
"You know you look like a snack right now?" he asked placing his hands on your hips and pulling you closer to his body
"Says who? Mr. Fucking Perfect" your hands reached back to unhook your bra and slid it from your figure. His eyes widened and his hand immediately went to caress your breasts kneading them. You moaned when his thumbs brushed your nipples, he let go of your tits and looked at you. His eyes were now darkened
"Lay on the bed Y/N" you shivered at his tone but you obeyed making sure to turn around from him and crawl your way to the head of the bed giving him the view of your butt and soaked panties. You leaned against the headboard and parted your legs, Bucky was watching you like a predator watching his prey. He climbed on the bed between your spread legs and kissed you in the way he didn't earlier, his tongue was exploring your mouth moaning like he was man starved for your kiss. You gasped for air when it all became too much and he moved his lips from your mouth to your jaw
"Tell me you want this" he was kissing your neck heading to your clavicle while his hand sneaked it's way between you two and started rubbing on your core through the fabric of your panties
"God, Bucky I want you, I want this" you moaned and your eyes rolled back when his fingers flickered your clit, you felt him smile against your skin. He moved from your collarbone to your breasts all the way kissing your touch-starved body. Bucky licked your nipple while his hand was rolling the other between his thumb and forefinger. He took your nipple into his mouth and sucked slightly you moaned at the pleasure it brought. Your hand immediately went to his head and you ran your fingers through his hair. He slightly purred when you massaged his scalp.
"Tell me you need me" he said against your breast never stop sucking on it.
"Yes, yes I need you Bucky, I need you so much... please" although you weren't quite sure what you're begging him for he seemed to understand as he smirked and moved to your other breast repeating his actions. When he was done he moved lower and trailed wet kisses to your lower abdomen and suddenly he came back to claim your lips once more in a searing kiss. He pulled away and saw how flushed you were, how desperate for touch, for his touch. He hovered above you smirking
"You're mine Y/N" you didn't answer him instead you pulled him for a kiss and you felt him smile against your lips. You couldn't help but moan into his mouth he let go of you and again trailed kisses along your body and stopped at your pussy sliding your panties off your legs
"I'm yours. Fuck. Bucky I'm all yours"
"Good" he said and you opened your eyes, (when did you close them?) he was now eye level with your throbbing pussy and you saw his eyes were dark, not lust dark just dark when you heard him say "Cause I'm yours too" he leaned to kiss your outer lips, you felt something was off but then his tongue made contact with your clit and Oh!
You woke up when rays of sunshine hit your face. You frowned, they shouldn't be here until noon and you looked at your clock it was 12:30 it meant you've slept for at least eight hours but you could sleep some more. You wanted to get up but Bucky's hand held your back flush to his chest, his chin was placed above your head and you felt small against him. You tried to break free from his death grip but he only pressed you closer to his chest like you could be even closer to him, you could feel his heartbeat on your shoulder blade. You somehow pushed him back and you got up to put your pants and some t-shirt on from your drawer, you couldn't risk Wanda seeing you naked in the hallway.
When you were about to leave the room Bucky suddenly lifted his torso from the bed
"Where are you going?" he asked and you shrieked
"Jesus Bucky! You scared me" you brought your hand to your chest to calm your nerves and you felt your heart was beating rapidly you smiled at him but he didn't return your smile, his brows were furrowed but besides that, you couldn't read his face "I thought you were asleep"
"Yeah, I was until you decided to fidget on the bed. Where are you going?" the look on his face was priceless, he looked like an angry child.
"Bucky I usually don't do this" you gestured between him and you "I don't do one night..." you were struggling to get the word out of your mouth and Bucky was smiling wildly
"Stands?" he interrupted you "You don't do one night stands?" you nodded and he chuckled "Baby I won't be your one night stand if you'll say yes to dinner with me today" he got up from the bed and the comforter around his lower body slid. You looked away blushing
"You're still naked" you said to him as a matter of fact and he snickered approaching you. Your eyes wandered on the ceiling when Bucky grabbed your face and made you look at him
"You saw me yesterday like I saw the whole of you" he kissed you tenderly and you melted ready to  give in again "So, are you ready for round two?" he asked wiggling his brows
"Round two? More like round five by now" you snorted and he gave you his toothy grin
"We can go for five rounds if you want" he leaned to kiss you but you were interrupted by his phone ringing, Bucky grabbed his trousers from the floor and took out his phone from pocket
"Shit! I gotta go princess but I'll call you later. Be ready around eight" he started to dress.
You escorted him to the door and you both met Wanda on your way. Her eyes widened on the sight of him, she probably didn't think you would have one night stand, especially so hot like Bucky. You introduced him to her and she was strangely tense only mumbling: "nice to meet you". You kissed Bucky goodbye and promised you'll be ready for your date.
You went to Wanda who was sitting at the kitchen table and you sighed
"God Wanda, Bucky is amazing" she looked at you with a blank stare
"Do you have a fucking idea who he is?"
Half an hour later you were crying on the couch, your arms wrapped around your legs close to your chest. Wanda was pacing back and forth telling you how stupid you were, yelling at you for how too trusting you were
"How could you be so stupid Y/N?! I told you not to screw with anybody who goes to that club!"
"He told me he was a human!" you tried to excuse your stupid quirk
"Well, he lied to you!"
"How could I know? His eyes weren't red!"
Wanda growled and you saw red energy forming around her clenched fists
"Black! Demons have black eyes! Vampires have red! Is it so hard to remember?!" something clicked inside you. He did have black eyes when he was plowing into you yesterday but you thought maybe it was because of light angle or maybe lust but you decided not to tell Wanda.
"He had blue eyes" you mumbled and Wanda groaned in annoyance
"Of course he had! He's a fucking demon and a powerful one! He can hide his true form! He lied to you Y/N! Even with his name!"
"What do you mean?" you looked at her and she shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose "His name's not Bucky only James. James Barnes, he's the owner of the club and he's very powerful. I didn't know he was back from the underground if I knew we wouldn't go there. He is a bad man Y/N. Like every demon, he needs human souls to survive sure but there's something else, I don't know what but he's known for his hate towards humans like he hates you all " you felt sick. He lied to you about his nature but also about his identity and you sobbed placing your eyes on your folded arms. You felt dirty and fleeced. Wanda sat beside you on the couch and said your name calmly not to upset you more
"Y/N? Did he.. did he mark you in some way?" you looked at her with frowned brows "You know. Did he leave some fingerprints on your body? Some hickeys?"
"Of course he did! We screwed!" you cried out if she thought he would be gentle with you she thought wrong
"I mean big ones. Noticeable and painful" You didn't know. She asked you to remove all your clothes so she could examine you, you knew she was trying to help you there wasn't time and place for being a prude. Naturally, you had hickeys on your neck and breasts but they were too small.
When you took off your pants leaving you only in your underwear she saw fingerprints on your hips but it wasn't it, her eyes wandered lower and suddenly she inhaled sharply, you looked down and you saw it. Big bite mark next to your groin on your right thigh. It was purple and in some places, his teeth pierced your skin. You touched it and hissed. He marked you as his. Demon's property. You knew other supernatural creatures will know you are his, just like werewolf's bond mark and vampire's bite on the neck, your aura will change, everyone will know. You collapsed on the floor and started to wail. He tricked you, he said demons ask for permission. He did ask you though and you said yes but you didn't know what he meant at that time. Wanda wanted to comfort you and suggested to remove it with holy water but it only made it worse. It hurt and you knew Bucky or James could feel that too. You knew he was pissed. You knew he'll come back.
Your bite mark ached and Wanda suggested you to lay in your bad and rest but you didn't want lay in the same bed he was a while ago. In the same bed where he was touching you, kissing you. You laid in her instead. She gave you grandma's tisane for your nerves and it helped. You were relaxed until your phone rang and you saw Bucky's name on the screen. You wanted to answer but Wanda was faster. She didn't bother being nice to him, you almost felt sorry for the guy but you heard he wasn't nice to her either, he was calling her names like 'broad', 'slut' and 'stupid bitch' or maybe it was 'stupid witch' you couldn't tell, but you heard clearly his threat
'Give the phone to Y/N or I'll go to your place, snap your fucking neck and take her with me' Wanda knew he was truth-telling, demons were cruel, killing her wouldn't affect him, so with watered eyes, she gave you the phone
"Baby? I know you know. Please can we talk about it?" he sounded almost broken given his previous tone.
"You lied to me, y-you tricked me" your hands were trembling, you had a hard time with holding your phone
"I know and I'm sorry. I really am. Can we talk about it, please? I'll tell you everything you want to know, we'll start over but please let me explain it to you in person" You looked at Wanda and she shook her head, she knew he wanted to trick you once more
"N-No. I-I don't want to be near you any time soon" you swallowed harshly, his voice had some power over you, you couldn't imagine how vulnerable you would be if he was here. You heard him sigh
"Okay, okay I understand but please don't cut me off, I beg of you"
"You left a mark on me. Can you take it back?" you asked full of hope that he will take a pity on you and leave you alone but your hopes were crushed when he went silent and then his voice turned cold and it made you shiver
"No. I'll talk to you after you'll cool off." he ended the call and you were left with pounding heart and aching head.
Next few weeks were pure torture. James didn't bother you by calling and sending messages but you knew soon he will. You caught yourself looking over your shoulder when you were outside your home, you always felt somebody was watching your every step. It was slowly driving you insane. Some part of you wanted him to cut it out and come to you like he said he will but other more reasonable part didn't want to see him again. But you knew sooner or later he will appear before you because mark on your thigh didn't disappear if anything it became more sensitive to touch. Wanda said your aura has changed, she said it as like you were now surrounded by darkness.
Five weeks from your "adventure" you were sitting in a cafe minding your own business scrolling through your Facebook when you saw the table's surface became shaded, you felt somebody's presence. Your heart was beating rapidly, you were afraid to look up at this person because you knew who it was. You had to face your demons at some point so you looked up and saw him.
He was smiling at you, his stubble was darker now, few more days and it'll become a beard, his hair wasn't styled, they were fluffy and he looked like a good neighbor who tells you 'good morning' with a smile on his face in the hallway.
You looked around in hope somebody will see how uncomfortable his presence made you but nothing, no one even looked at your direction
"Hello Y/N" his voice was honeyed and you shuddered at the way your name spilled from between his lips "May I sit down?" he asked holding the back of a chair with an attempt to pull it and sit on the chair
"No" your response was quick and if it stung him he didn't show it, chuckling he sat on the chair anyway. You dared to look at him, he wasn't smiling anymore he knew his smile was creepy in this situation nevertheless his face looked friendly. You squirmed in your seat and he sighed
"We have a lot to talk about, so maybe I'll start from the beginning"
"Yeah, good idea let's start from, I don't know maybe what the fuck?" as soon as the words came from your mouth you fought with the urge to clamp your hand over your lips, you didn't know where it came from. You were scared and adrenaline wasn't helping.
He only smirked but you knew he was annoyed, he ran his hands over his face and leaned back in his seat looking at you intensively
"I've got better one; why don't you shut your mouth and let me talk?" now you weren't scared, you were shitting yourself, your gaze drifted from his face to the sugar bowl, so that's how you gonna die. In cafe killed by your ex-fling, a demon. He will probably snap your neck or choke you.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm just tired" he sighed and leaned over the table
"I don't even know your name" you whispered almost inaudibly but he managed to hear that, he smiled
"I'm James but they've called me Bucky ever since I was a kid" you looked at him confused, demons actually have kids? He knew why you frowned "What? You thought we are like this from the day we're born?" he chuckled "We have kids but they're not leaving home until they are adults" he smiled when he mentioned his 'home' not underground like everybody called it, home.
"Much more learn for you but I know you'll hack it. You are smart Y/N, I knew you were perfect from the start" he outstretched his arm and his hand was now stroking your cheek. You closed your eyes, you couldn't help but lean into his hand feeling warmth enveloping your whole body.
"The truth is" he started, his hand made it's way to your chin making you look at him "The truth is when I saw you then I wanted to get to know you, know everything about you which is strange because I've never felt like that before. Once when I saw some human I only wanted their soul but you" his hand left your chin and he placed it on your hand squeezing lightly "You Y/N, I wanna hold you in my arms and never let you go again"
"It's not helping" you felt his grip on your hand tighten like he was afraid you'll slip him
"I was scared that once when you know who I am you'll run away so I lied to you that I'm a human and then you were asking about my life and wanted to know me I couldn't bring myself to inform you. I mean I would tell you at some point but..." he paused looking at your intertwined hands, he looked like he was actually regretted lying to you, like he was sorry but maybe he wasn't just looking like that, maybe he was really remorseful. Bucky looked at you again and a sad smile settled on his face
"I've never done that before, this whole relationship things with a human I mean but I'm willing to try only when you'll help me" he let go of your hand and straightened in his chair. He looked good in his brown leather jacket, your eyes wandered on his torso and you blushed knowing what he's hiding underneath his clothes. But you remembered who he was and what he's asking you for and you put your thoughts about how good he looked aside.
"Why me? I've heard you hate humans" he chuckled and shook his head and then grinned at you
"The one I hated happened to be humans but I try not to lump everybody. You're not them Y/N. You are too good" his hand once again made it's way to your cheek and he brushed it with his fingers lightly
"What about you feeding on my soul? If you think I'm gonna let you fed on me you're wrong" tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you held them
"Oh honey, I'm not a youngster anymore, I don't have to feed that often. Don't worry, I won't be hungry for a while, besides I fed on you while we had sex" you shook your head and stood from your place, he stood as well and blocked your way. Was he even serious? One moment he was telling you that he felt something for you and the other he was casually telling you he fed on your soul, 'Baby I want to be with you, oh and BTW I fed on you when we banged'  
"What do you want?" you asked letting yourself feel annoyed and he took your hands in his
"Only your permission" he placed a light kiss on your knuckles and you shook your head, he was sweet talking you, another five minutes and you'll give in
"You want me to beg you on my knees? Fine" he knelt still holding your hands in his "Please Y/N give us a chance. I promise I won't ever hurt you" he was looking at you with puppy eyes and people in the cafe started clapping thinking he was proposing to you. You looked around, all eyes were on you, Bucky was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. You knew what you were about to do was crazy but you hoped that Bucky in his own twisted way felt something to you. You looked into his beautiful blue eyes and nodded
"Okay. Let's try"
Like any other relationship, yours and Bucky's started pretty normal. With butterflies in the belly, good morning messages and goodnight calls. Things were getting really good. But one detail was trammeling; none of your friends accepted that you were dating a demon. Your parents openly said they didn’t want to have anything to do with him.  Which hurt you because they didn't even bother to know him and Bucky turned out to be a nice and funny person and most importantly he cared about you.
Wanda who you considered your best friend wasn't any better. She didn't even hide her animosity toward your boyfriend. She couldn't understand how could you do that, being his guinea pig and letting him keep you for your soul.
Bucky didn't like her, calling her bitch behind her back, not like she was present when he visited you but still, you tried to make him not to call her that but he was stubborn. He once told you that as your friend she should accept your choice, you knew she worried about you but he was quite right. You and Bucky were sitting on the couch in your living room scanning through your childhood pictures. You were together for seven months now
"Awww you looked so cute!" Bucky couldn't help but grin seeing four years old you dressed as a Pocahontas on Halloween "I mean you always look cute but look at those chubby cheeks"
"Okay Barnes that's enough" you moved closer to him to take the photo from his hands but as soon as you sat down he moved his hands away from you. They were above his head and you couldn't reach them "Buck come on"
"You want the photo back? You have to give me something in return" he beamed at you
"Like what?" you couldn't help but grin seeing his smiling face. It wasn't always like that, sometimes he was furious, not on you but it still made you shake in your boots. Bucky never raised his voice on you, he was always sweet and caring but once you witnessed him arguing with some werewolf, he shrugged it off but later that werewolf was found dead in a trash can with a slit throat, he was also stabbed multiple times while still being alive, you asked Bucky about that and he said it wasn't him but you knew better.
"A kiss will do" he had sparks in his eyes and his lips were formed into a mischievous smile. You leaned closer to give him a peck on the lips but his hands made their way to your head holding it in place so he could deepen the kiss. He jostled you on your back on the couch and settled his hips between your thighs, you both knew where it was heading and probably you would have fun on the couch if it weren't for the front door being unlocked.
You scooted away from Bucky as Wanda came in, she looked at both of you and sighed. She went straight to her room without a word. You looked at Bucky, he had concern written all over his face, you knew all this situation tuckered him out. He turned to you and smiled like it was nothing.
"Wanna go to my place?" he asked and you nodded. When you both were ready to leave you went to tell Wanda that you're leaving, you entered her room and she was doing something on her laptop. You told her you didn't know when you'll be back and she just nodded. When you turned to leave her room she spoke
"You know Y/N, I dug a little. I dug and I found some interesting facts about your beloved one" she didn't wait for your reply and started to speak
"Did you know he was an assassin working for Hydra for many years? And when whole organization collapsed he scrammed and built that club as his base and as cover for his shady businesses but that's not all, his former employers went after him and couple years back your sweet boyfriend laid a trap for them and this whole situation is known in the supernatural world as Bucharest Massacre. He wasn't gentle with them, he wasn't even quick, he made them suffer and he enjoyed seeing them break their teeth from pain. After that, he had to back up to the underground to recover or something but that's where the scars on his arm are from. Funny story isn't it?" she asked with a smug look on her face thinking she shocked you.
"I know all of this Wanda, he told me" she frowned, you sat close to her and took her hand in yours "Wanda I know you're worried and I know this is madness but Bucky cares for me, he wouldn't hurt me and you should accept my choice and at least try to speak with him from time to time and you'll see he's not heartless beast as everybody paints him"
"What if he'll break your heart?" she asked and you've honestly never thought about that, but in the end, it didn't really matter; if he cared for you he wouldn't want to break your heart. You smiled at her
"Then you'll break his legs" Wanda chuckled and you missed this, missed spending your time with your friends.
"Okay, I'll try" you hugged her and thanked. You knew everything was going to be alright.
Wanda kept her promise, she opened up toward Bucky, their relations were still cold sure but she didn't treat him like air anymore and he still didn't like her, in fact, you were pretty sure Bucky didn't like anybody. New-known people, he treated according to him "as they should be" which was almost like a shit. You were surprised when he told you he had friends among his kind. His kind, his home, you didn't like how he was separating underground and surface, how according to him on underground they had better service, better leadership, better food even better sky, fake and made by some sort of magic but still, it was better to him than the real one. After a year of his comparisons, you were sure he missed his home but he didn't admit it and the feeling that at some point he'll like to come back to his home was creeping in the back of your mind.
You weren't prepared for what was coming as you were lying with Bucky on his bed cuddling, his face in the crook of your neck. At first, you didn't understand him as his voice was muffled but when you asked him to repeat you swore your heart stopped beating
"I want to take you underground" he said firmly but he didn't have enough courage to look at you. You didn't know what to say, did he even think about it or he was saying it in a heat of the moment
"Bucky" you moved away from him and he looked at you with pleading eyes and serious look on his face
"I mean it Y/N. I want to take you home. It may sound cruel but" he stopped to search for words  "here we don't have a future together. Look, I'm not aging and you..."
"So that's it? You want to take me underground to feed on my soul all the time? Or maybe because when I'm in my 40s you won't find me attractive anymore huh? Am I right?!" confused between slapping him and crying you decided to stand from the bed and put on your shoes 
"It's not that Y/N! I'm scared okay?! I'm scared one day you'll vanish because some drunk fuck won't be able to control his car and you'd be gone forever! There" he pointed to the ground "you won't even be ill, you'll have the ability to live forever"  
"At what cost?!" the look on his face confirmed he didn't know what he was asking you to do "You want me to leave my job, my friends, my family to live with you for a hundred years?!" Bucky moved closer to you and you hoped he understood, you both knew once mortal enters underground, he cannot leave.
"Y/N I love you" he moved to sit on the bed and it made you taller than him Bucky hesitatingly took your hands in his "and I know it's hard but sometimes we have to give up something to make something other happen, choose the lesser evil and I've..." tears in your eyes threatened to spill but you managed to keep your face neutral. The lesser evil, a situation in which you lose something, either Bucky or your life here. Immediately your memories with your family came to your mind.
Only yesterday you spoke with your parents and a month ago was their anniversary, the thought of not seeing or hearing from them anymore broke your heart. The memories of you playing hide and seek with your father, your mother reading you a book to sleep, your Saturday mornings in their bed watching cartoons. Your time spent with Wanda, she was your best friend through thick and thin, she was there for you when your first boyfriend broke up with you which at the age of 15 it was the end of the world and you were there for her when her brother died. Flashback with Bucky also appeared, your dates, your lazy mornings in bed, his face when he was laughing too hard, the way his eyes were sparkling when you told him you love him, the moment when he told you he loves you holding your hand in winter and trying to keep you warm, his cheeks flushed from the chill and you knew he was telling the truth.
The lesser evil.
One way or another you lose someone. But you made your decision. You knew what you had to do.
"Bucky" you whispered interrupting him as you didn't want these words to leave your mouths "Listen to what you are asking me to do" Bucky's face dropped, he knew, he understood "I cannot abandon my family. I think it's better to end it now before we go too far"
"No, you can't do that Y/N. You can't leave me! Please just listen to me..." his voice broke and he inhaled sharply. You released your hands from his grip and shook your head
"It's for the best and you know it" he started sobbing, you didn't know he was capable of crying but the tears on his cheeks made yours spill.
"You're everything I have Y/N" he cried and you fought with the urge to wrap your arms around him and tell him you were sorry for everything and staying with him
"It's for the best. I-I'm sorry James" you turned to leave and you dared to look at him last time, you saw a broken man, sobbing with his face in his hands "Goodbye" you whispered one more time before you walked out from his life.
The following days were blurry. You didn't know what was happening, Wanda helped you move in with your parents for a couple of weeks so Bucky wouldn't descend on you if something like that popped into his head. She told you he came once and asked her where you were but she didn't tell him so he made her promise she'll look after you when she told you that you knew that was the end, he understood, he gave up.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into one long year and year turned into another, the bite mark on your leg disappeared after some time. Saying you didn't miss Bucky would be a lie and after two years he became only a pleasant memory but every time you were thinking about him your heart ached and your eyes watered so you minimized your thoughts to a bare minimum until you stopped completely. Besides you had other things to think about for example Wanda's wedding.
She was getting married to Sam- the guy she met in the club on this red-letter day. She made you her maid of honor and you couldn't be more happy for her. She couldn't stop talking about her dress and asking you about opinion on which flowers pick but after a brainstorm with you and her fiance, they both came to the conclusion that roses are too generic but timeless. You didn't want to let Wanda down so you were part of their brainstorming until everything was wrapped up neat and tidy.
So now you were sitting with her, Sam and his best man Clint in a restaurant enjoying your dinner. Wanda and Sam looked cute together, the way he is looking at her with such adoration and love and you started to think if you'll find someone who will look at you like that. Someone who will make you feel loved and safe. If only Clint wasn't in a relationship you'd ask him out
"So Y/N, I've heard Peter was asking about you" pulled from your thoughts by Wanda you looked at her and blinked "and he can't wait to see you at the wedding" you growled in disgust and both Wanda and Sam frowned, Clint looked at you in understanding
"Look Peter is great and all but I don't need someone who will date me and God knows how many girls at the same time". Peter Quill, he was shamelessly flirting with you while his girlfriend was in the next room, you didn't know he had a girlfriend at all.
"They broke up" Sam said and placed his chin on his fist looking like he was listening to you intensively
"Doesn't matter. Listen there are two types of beings in the universe, those who dance, and those who do not. He's a dancer and I'm not" you said and Clint nodded
"He just needs to find a woman who is pathetic like him" you all looked at Clint and he had panic written on his face "What?! I'm being honest"
"That was savage" Sam replied and after few laughs, Wanda changed the subject and you went back to your thoughts.
Two years. Two years have passed and you didn't manage to have someone in your life for good after he-who-must-not-be-named and you didn't mean Voldemort at all. You've been on few dates sure but nothing too serious. Buck wasn't a dancer, just like you and that's how you were good together. You weren't afraid to say it out loud that he was the love of your life and you let him go. You missed him sometimes like you miss the sun when it's starting to get dark. But sitting and self-pitting wasn't a good solution so you brushed your thoughts aside and turned to Wanda who was telling about something when you heard infectious laugh among people chatter and plate clatter. It was oddly familiar and you started digging in your memory when have you heard it when Wanda called your name.
"I'm sorry I'll be right back" you said and stood up to use the bathroom, you heard the laugh once more but it went dead when you made your way through the restaurant.
You couldn't stop thinking about what Wanda had said about Peter. Maybe just maybe you'll give him probation or maybe you'll just give him what he wants and sleep with him, you must think about it at home.
Coming back to the table your gaze drifted to somebody's standing at the other end of the restaurant. Wearing all black Bucky looked gorgeous and your heart stopped when you saw him mouthing your name. You saw he wasn't alone. At the table where he was standing a redheaded woman wearing little black dress was seated. She was looking at you over her shoulder smirking. You felt a wave of nausea crushing through you. He was on a date. Part of you, this foolish and selfish part wanted to him to be alone like you were, you couldn't imagine he moved on. It wasn't jealousy, it was distress. Your stomach clenched and you darted a glance at him and quickly made your way to your table.
Wanda was asking what happened while you were collecting your belongings. You said it was emergency and you have to go.
"I'll walk you wherever you're heading" Clint proposed and stood up from his chair but you shook your head and placed your hand on his shoulder stopping him
"I'll be fine, I live not that far from here"
You couldn't sleep that night, every time you closed your eyes you've seen him standing there with his eyes boring into yours restlessly. When sleep isn't an option the television is. Wrapped in a blanket cocoon you collapsed on your couch watching late marathon of 'Scooby-Doo where are you?' Wanda was banging on your door
"Goddammit Y/N open the door!" you rolled your eyes at her
"You wouldn't have to knock if you didn't move out to Sam and made me change flats" you mumbled to yourself and watched as The Gang split, obviously Fred and Daphne were paired together, they probably went for a quickie.
You heard Sam saying something about forcing the door and Wanda groaned
"God Sam no! Y/N? Is it because of him? I mean you-know-who? Yeah I saw him at the restaurant and I know you've must been in shock seeing him but I swear I didn't know he would be there. Listen Y/N I know... God, I feel stupid talking to you through the door can you please open it?"
"No Wanda leave me alone! I'm fine, go back home. Sam was complaining he was tired earlier"
"Y/N?" Jesus, she was stubborn as hell "You know the wedding is in a few days and I want to know if you'll be good. I mean will you cool off?"
"Don't worry Wan I'll be the best maid of honor you'll ever have" you said watching as Scooby and Shaggy was eating as always and obviously they met a monster  
"Okay. Cool. I'll call you in the morning! We love you, bye!" Wanda shouted to the door and slowly turned around to look at Sam's bitchy face with written 'Told you so' on it, she shook her head
"Swear to God I hate her sometimes" Wanda's eyes drifted to the blue ones which belonged to the figure standing further in a hallway
"Sorry pal. Not tonight"
Wanda and Sam's wedding came and you were furious. You screamed at the bride on her wedding day
"He's Sam's friend I didn't know it until a few days back" Wanda tried to explain why Barnes was present on her wedding reception
"More like you let him in today Wanda! Please don't lie" you both hide in some sort of staff only room after you saw Bucky on the reception.
The wedding was wonderful and both Wanda and Sam looked beautiful and utterly happy when Wanda's father, Erik walked her down the aisle. You were moved by them saying their wedding vows. At the reception, Quill was never from your side and eyed every guy who wanted to dance with you. When he left you to bring you some drinks you saw Bucky standing on the other side of the room looking around like a lost puppy. You knew he had to have the invitation to come in as if it was a closed party so you decided to confront Wanda and so here we are.
"Okay! They're not friends, they just know each other and Sam doesn't even like him" Wanda was mumbling and refused to look into your eyes. She played with her fingers nervously like a child getting scolded by their parent
"I don't care if he likes him or not Wanda, that's not the point. Did you or did you not give him the invitation?" you were breathing sharply through your nose, your jaw was clenched. You made a mental note to poke her on the nose once the wedding is over
"I did" she looked at you with guilt in her eyes but before you said something she continued "He was with us the other day when we tried to talk to you through the door. I saw he was suffering and you... I mean, just look at you and your past two years, you are miserable so I thought that it would be nice if you two talked and clear the air from all these toxins and you know I gave him the invitation" you scoffed and shook your head at how stupid and childish this whole situation was
"So now you don't treat him like an air? You decided to play the matchmaker and- wait! He was with you at my house? He knows where I live?" you looked at her with wide eyes and Wanda nodded shyly "For fuck's sake Wanda!"
"Y/N just please talk to him. I don't ask you to marry the guy just talk. You both need it" you scoffed again and doubted Barnes needed anything. His girlfriend was probably providing him with everything his wicked heart desires. Oh yeah! That's right! He had a girlfriend and you wondered did Wanda knew or did he passed it over in silence just like this little thing about his identity with you. Wondering either tell Wanda about Barnes' new desideration or not you decided to adapt his tactics and leave it unsaid. It was his life after all, who were you to bother anyway?
"I hate you, you know" you sighed and Wanda hugged you tightly
"I hate you too. Now go before you change your mind" she ushered you out of the room and you were met with the music and people dancing. Searching through the crowd for this familiar yet so distant face. You couldn't find him and your eyes met Sam's
"Sam! Have you seen Barnes?" you asked and he looked suspiciously at you
"She talked you into it?" you didn't have to answer, your action spoke for itself. He knew your story and he understood you and that's why you liked Sam Wilson "He went outside to the garden. If you want I'll keep Quill as far from you as possible to give you two more privacy" you thanked him and headed through the dance floor to the door leading to the garden. With pounding heart and soul on your shoulder you walked through the green alleys looking around and searching for him don't bothering calling his name, it felt unnatural. When you stopped at the big hedge maze you knew where he was, he wanted to play cat and mouse, you'll play along but this time you won't be a mouse.
You cussed when you turned into the dead end. Again. It was probably the fourth time you were in this corner, everything looked the same. You groaned angrily and shouted
"Damn you, Barnes! Damn you and your stupid games!" you turned around and walked to the alley you came in, at least you thought so because not a minute later you knew you got lost in this damned maze.
"Shit!" you looked around as panic enveloped you "Shit! Shit! Fuck!" trying to breathe you chose the alley on your left and walked until the alley seemed to go to the end, you couldn't describe the wave of relief when you saw dim lights at the end. Exit. You were saved. You decided you're going home where there are no hedge mazes and where you can easily go to your bathroom without any handicaps.
But how you were surprised when you saw that this wasn't the entry of the maze but the center. You made it. You managed to get through the maze and you mentally patted yourself on the back. Your bliss didn't last long because of the person sitting off the edge of the turned off fountain. He was holding a simple daisy between his two fingers, rolling it and you with pounding heart walked toward him slowly.
"What are you doing alone in the dark?" you asked and Bucky averted his gaze from the flower to you. He smiled sadly
"Not alone anymore am I?" he turned slightly and threw the flower into the water. You approached him but you kept the distance, you're both silent for some time before you sat beside him. Not close but not so far either.
"I know Wanda gave you the invitation because you wanted to talk or something" you dared to look at him. His blue eyes looked so pale in the moonlight "The real question is what about you wanted to talk?" he shrugged and shook his head
"I don't know" his eyes drifted from your face to the ground like it was more interesting "I just wanted to know how you've been"
"Good. I'm good. As you can see Wanda got married and she made me her maid of honor" you smoothed the hem of your beautiful cobalt dress on your knees.
"She'd be crazy if she'd chose someone else" he looked  as your hands were still smoothing the material probably in an attempt to calm your nerves "You look beautiful" your eyes met and you gave him a polite smile
"Thank you" you cleared your throat "Where's your girlfriend? I thought she'll come with you"
He frowned and looked at you but soon his face lit up a bit "I barged in and you expect me to drag her here with me? I'm not that brazen, doll" your cheeks reddened slightly but you weren't sure either because of you assumed the worst of him or his pet name for you. You liked when he called you that, it made your heart melt but soon you remembered that everything you had with him was over. He had another doll and you weren't her. The redhead chick was the first thing he sees in the morning, she eats with him, makes out with him, laughs with him, fucks with him and you could name the activities forever but you caught yourself before your heart would swell. You didn't show any emotion but the only sound you made was your fists clenching
"Who is she? I'm just curious" you added the last sentence when he narrowed his eyes at you. You didn't want to look like you were desperate but curiosity who your ex-boyfriend was currently dating was acceptable.
"Natasha. Nat. She's uh... She's great! You know? She's nice, funny..." Bucky started to rub the back of his neck, it was the sign that he was nervous talking about it, you wanted to apologize and change the subject but he blurted out "What about you? You have someone special?"
"Yeah, yeah I have" you winced and scolded yourself. Why the hell you were lying? You couldn't take this back so you decided to lie a little bit. It's not like he'll check it right? Right? "Peter. I'm with Peter" you winced again when he wasn't looking and wondered why it felt so strange telling it
"That's the guy you've been dancing the whole time?" Bucky asked and you nodded "He looks... decent"
"He is. He's really funny and nice and he is an amazing dancer, I could've danced with him the whole night" Bucky smiled and you knew you'll be burning in hell for your lies. Bucky didn't say anything instead he rolled the rock under his shoe and made the silence that fell even more noticeable. You both were looking at his shoe was sliding back and forth for a couple of minutes until Bucky decided to speak again
"She's not my girlfriend" your eyes shot to his and he blushed, you almost didn't notice in the dark "I wanted to make you jealous"
"If she's not your girlfriend then who is she?" you couldn't help but ask and he turned his head in embarrassment
"She's my partner in monkey shines. She sells me information"
"But-but you were laughing with her, you were in the restaurant, it was a date" if he was doing business with her why he didn't do it in private?
"She's not the person you want to be alone in the room, Y/N. She's dangerous and I wanted to be sure she wouldn't do anything in front of the other people, that's why restaurant. And we simply didn't want to get caught so we pretended it was a date" he chucked  "Besides she cracks jokes"
You were speechless. You didn't know why he was telling you this and why he lied to you in the first place. To make you jealous? Yeah he definitely did and now you were kicking yourself because you weren't any better than him, you also lied maybe to make him jealous but probably not to make you look like someone alone
"I don't date Peter. Although I'm sure he'd want to but no, he's not my type. In fact, I haven't dated anyone in two years" you looked at the flowers before you it was pansies or some sort, Bucky did the same
"No one compares to you" he whispered and you looked at him. His hair was longer now. Back when you were dating his hair was short, not short-short but still, some may consider it short. And now you could tie his hair if you'd persist. They would’ve all fell from his tiny ponytail but it'll look cute nonetheless. Bucky turned his gaze to you
"Why did you leave me?"
"Excuse me? You told me to choose between you and my life- the 'lesser evil'" his eyes narrowed when you made a quotation mark with your hands and he scoffed
"You didn't let me finish! You chose not knowing the whole truth and then you ran away!"
"What whole truth?" this is gonna be good you thought to yourself but  you promised you'll listen to him and then you'll leave and never see him again, this whole situation was ridiculous
"My friend is in our kind of government and he said it wouldn't be an issue for you to leave from time to time if you really loved me" your opened your mouth to speak but nothing came and you were sitting there with your mouth opened in disbelieve
"What?" it came hoarse and it was the only thing you could think of
"You could've enter and leave whenever you wanted to and after some time we could move to the surface for good"
"Why you didn't tell me?!"
"You ran away! You left me alone! You made me promise I wouldn't hurt you and look a plot twist- it was you who hurt the other, you broke my heart Y/N"
"Why you didn't tell me?" you repeated yourself but you couldn't form any other words, you could've asked him why he didn't bother to explain everything to you. It was like after his first attempt he gave up everything you had together.
Bucky couldn't believe he was sitting there with you, after two years his first conversation with you turned into arguing and it made his heart clench. All he wanted to do was to hug you and hold you, you could hit and kick him as you want but he wouldn't let you go ever again. For the past two years, he was a shell of himself. He spent them mostly in the underground or in his club hoping one day you'll show up and everything will be fine. He wanted to love you, marry you and show the world how happy you made him.
"The bite mark" he said slowly "I felt you didn't want to see me and you said that was for the best so I thought it was an excuse to leave me" he dropped his gaze to the ground and fought with the tears, he didn't want to show you how weak he was
"What? An excuse?" you scooted closer to him and placed your hand on his knee to make him look at you "Bucky it was the toughest decision I made. You have no idea how many times I pictured how my life would pan out if I'd chose to be with you" your hand on his knee burned him and you must've felt it because soon you took it but as soon as you did it he missed your touch. You were silent for a moment, both searching for the right words, you were searching for 'how sorry and stupid you were' words, he for 'how sorry he was for not trying more'. It was Bucky who spoke first
"If you knew would you agree to be with me?" he almost whispered you knew he was insecure
"Of course, Bucky. I loved you" he winced at you using the past tense. You loved him, how bitter that sounded. "So... You're saying we're both idiots and we wasted two years of our lives?"
"Pretty much"
Again silent. You both were getting used to it descent between you two. Looking everywhere but not on your companion. You smiled when you saw it was the kind of garden where you and Wanda were playing princesses as children. The dim light from the lanterns and crickets sing made the setting rather romantic and you felt the tension hover in the air. You caught Bucky stealing glances your way.
"I like this place. It looks..." you saw lighting bugs flying further in the garden and you smiled "It looks kinda magical"
Bucky looked at you and also smiled, your eyes met and you saw an ultimate adoration beaming from him "Yeah" he leaned slightly to kiss you but soon he remembered himself and wanted to pull back but he wasn't quick enough and you leap at the chance to pull him back to you by his tie and catch his lips in a tender kiss.
His hands reached to cup your face and you swore you saw galaxies before your closed eyes. Bucky pulled away to look at your face, you opened your eyes and you smiled at him nuzzling your nose against his, he soon captured your lips into another more absorbing kiss. You felt butterflies in your stomach when he pulled you onto his lap without breaking the kiss and you thanked God your dress was only knee-length so it wasn't difficult for you to sit on his lap. You moaned when his hands pulled you closer to him by your waist making you grind on him. 'Smug bastard' you thought to yourself when you felt him smile against your lips 'but he's my bastard' you ran your fingers through his hair and pulled making him groan. Bucky broke the kiss or some may rather call it make out session and looked at you. You were both panting, your lips were swollen and to him, you've never looked more beautiful than in this moment.
"I love you Y/N" you inhaled sharply when you felt his hands reaching under your dress and moving up your thighs "I never stopped" he reached the hem of your underwear and  played with it "and I'll never stop" you gasped when you felt the sting in place where your underwear encroached into your skin while he ripped it.
"God Bucky" you closed your eyes and placed your forehead on his, you were breathing heavily and Bucky's lips grazed yours
"There is no God here darling. Only you and me" he closed the gap between your lips and started kissing you feverishly stealing your breaths and making you dizzy. You couldn't wait any longer. You needed him. You needed to feel him. Your hands automatically reached to his belt to unbuckle his trousers. You stopped kissing him to better see what your hands were doing and Bucky took the opportunity to kiss and nibble at the skin on your neck. You unzipped his fly and without waiting any longer you put your hand under his briefs.
"Jesus" Bucky hissed and threw his head back when he felt you stroking his dick. You chuckled and started to move your hand up and down along his length
"No Jesus. You can call me Y/N" he looked at you and you saw his eyes turned black completely. Once when you started dating you'd turn your head away for not to see his demon's eyes but now you yearned to see him, you missed seeing his face, demon or not he was your Bucky, your greatest love.
You released him from his briefs as much as it allowed and you braced yourself holding Bucky's shoulders while he was steering you onto his throbbing member. He entered you in one swift motion. You moaned loudly while he groaned. Bucky closed his eyes and placed his forehead on your shoulder.
"Fuck Y/N. Why do I get that feeling with you like I'm flying?" he kissed your cheek and you looked at him
"I love you James" he didn't has a chance to answer because you experimentally rolled your hips making him moan. You cupped his face and peppered kissed all over it still rolling your hips when Bucky stopped you. When mischievous sparks appeared in his eyes you knew that was it. The playtime's over or rather that was when it truly began. Bucky lifted you so only the head of his cock remained inside and then he slammed you down, smirking while you gasped. He didn't bother being gentle, he was slamming into you without a mercy besides you've got the whole time in the world for slow love making
"I missed you so much, I missed you so fucking much but don't worry we're not gonna leave the bedroom for at least a week" Bucky whispered in your ear whining and clenched around him when he hit your g-spot "we have two years to catch up with" he was moving your hips rapidly and you weren't sure how much longer you're going to last and he wasn't helping at all, he was telling you what's he's going to do to you once you get back to your house, how he was going to fuck you against every possible surface
"I'm going to fuck you Y/N. I'm going to fuck you so good you're not going to think about anything than my dick inside you" you were squeezing him tight he wasn't sure whether he'd come any minute, "Fuck! I'm going to love you, I'm going to marry you and we'll live happily ever after. How's that? You'd like that?"
"Yes! Yes, yes Bucky I'm close, I'm so close" you clenched again and he growled
"Cum Y/N! Fucking cum right now!" and you did, moaning and chanting his name. Bucky gasped and moved your hips up and down for a few times before you felt him empty inside you, he nuzzled your neck and you cradled him as close to your body as possible. You're both panting, both spent. You kissed the top of his head and brushed the hair from his forehead. He looked at you and smiled
"I meant that Y/N. I won't let you go ever again" you were afraid once the bliss would fade it would be awkward between the two of you but he made it right. Bucky always made everything right. You beamed at him and grazed his cheek with your fingers
"That's good but I'm not sure I'll ever think about walking away" you leaned down to capture his lips in a gentle kiss and he moaned slightly against your lips.
In the end, it didn't matter who he was whether a demon or a human or even a freaky vampire as long as Bucky loved you and promised to have his future with you.
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asagimeta · 5 years ago
you're absolutely right! we could be dealing with something closer to a haunted area, since the mystery hiker lost his ear BEFORE Jingles made his way back to the camp. And the ritualistic nature of the left ear reminds me of that one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the chumash warrior vengeance. and isn't this season set in that area of California?
I think you’re right Anon! You know what else is in California? The Hotel Cortez and the Murder House
AHS has been getting pretty heavy-handed with the crossovers lately, now I’m not saying that we’re getting anything like we did in Apocalypse because I’m pretty sure we’re not, but my point is that California is used as the central location in two out of three of the “haunted” seasons that deal primarily with ghosts, and it wouldn’t at all surprise me if there’s going to be some kind of homage to that
Both Murder House and Hotel also focused on serial killers pretty heavily wich makes for a really nice touch on a slasher season, we might be getting ready to witness an origin story of some kind.... maybe that’s the big twist about Jingles, not that he’s related to someone this season, but rather, that he has some connection to someone in one of the former seasons...
I also think it’s very telling that there’s such a heavy focus on wanting to be or not wanting to be in L.A. at this point in time, it’s... odd.... yes it lays a good groundwork for why this particular group of people is at the camp together but why does it keep coming up frequently even after the initial “I want to get out of here” discussion? What’s more interesting though is that there’s another half of the discussion focused on why people do want to be in L.A., this isn’t just setting up our campers, it’s potentially setting up another story in Los Angeles with another set of charectors- or atleast one other charector, and that could be our connection
On the subject of Buffy, as mentioned before with The Walking Dead, there could be some winks and nudges there but I don’t think it’ll serve much of a reference point for this season specifically, I’d be looking at the great slashers instead and finding out wich ones take place in California :) But you’re right that it’s very ritualistic and as we saw in Roanoke, AHS isn’t opposed to getting down and dirty with ancient rituals, there could easily be a connection there! Though the ears could also just be trophies, we know that’s a facet of serial killers that AHS has also explored- maybe it’s both?
I do know one thing though, I’m excited to theorize for this season! As much as I love supernatural stuff, I’m possibly more proficient in slashers just because the lore is usually much tighter and less varied, so having seen a fair number of slashers probably does better for me than seeing almost every supernatural thing in existence xD
Though with that said, I deeply and desperately hope we have some supernatural elements here, I really missed them in Cult!
I could see witchcraft being involved in this one easily, not organized witchcraft like we had with Coven and Apocalypse, but more of the rogue-witch-in-the-woods thing we saw in Roanoke, what if that’s what the ritual is all about? What if the ears are being taken not just for any ritual, but specifically for something to do with witchcraft...?
I do hope we start getting more variation on supernatural lore though, I love ghosts, witches, and demons, but I want to see more out of the AHS world as well and it’s been a good three full seasons without getting anything new, so I’d say it’s high time to introduce something ;)
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musubiki · 6 years ago
by the by here some oscar headcanons
same age as the other 3, ends up getting into the same class as them
the excited sunshine friend (tm)
also surprisngly the most normal out of all of them. the only one with both his parents
the 1st person he runs into is lime and hes excited!!!! dude!!!! long time no see remember me????? were in the same class now how cool is that????????????
he was limes best friend in early middle school. they would get into so. much trouble. 
so he is notoriously out of the loop for literally everything thats happened 
he sees mochi down the hallway and hes all “Oh my god., iis..is that...mochi palms????” “YEAH shes in our class too”
at first hes a bit playfully mean to her
lime has to literally stop him from bullying her and let him know that theyre on good terms already chill out
(hes not a bully by nature but him and lime used to tease her in middle school and he was just backing lime fjdksdf)
mochi just kinda laughs it off. its ok. relax
hes a HUGE like. ghost adventures fan. hes always chasing paranormal cryptid shit. but hes not scared of it. he goes and calls the ghosts asshole wimps
hes the only one out of the group that doesnt live in the town. he has to take like a 10 minute bike ride to the nearest bus stop and then its another 10 minute bus ride to the school
he lives in a very rural country setting outside the city. theres a lot of like farms and feild out there, but his parents wanted to live in the clean quiet air kind of place (insp from my neighbor totoro kind of place)
oscar takes wood shop as an elective, and he kind of likes it. hes made a bunch of wooden little projects for fun. 
hes also pretty good at carving by hand. once he made a little wodden horse,. it had a dumb looking head and its legs were too short, ubt you win some you learn some nfdksf
sometimes the drama club needs some more specific props. mochi has to go ask him for help because coco is too stubborn. “Can’t we just make it out of like????? cardboard?????/ please???????????” “Or we can have oscar do it for free”
this is because once she asked him and he insisted $300 dollars cash payment. mochi asked him later and hes like “OH sure. np👌” we hate him
him and coco got off on the WRONG ASS FOOT. 
1st interaction was when coco was climbing through the window of the classroom, late to class again, with the teacher that hates her. she was trying to be discrete, oscar is sitting right by the window, she has no idea who this new kid even is, tells him “scOOT YOUR ASS BEFORE HE SEES ME”
ofc oscar is like “????? no wtf” AND SHE ENDS UP FALLNIG ON HER FACE. the teacher looks suspiciously in their direction, shes fokojng hiding behind oscar and mochis tables. “WHY ARE YOU MAKING SO MUCH NOISE OVER THERE OSCAR????” 
“Uhhh its not me its this chick hiding behind me”
que to coco running out of the room with the pissed off teacher chasing her (eventually she outsmarts him and makes it back to the room,., another teacher has to sub because all the running made the other one faint. coco: 34, teachers: 0)
“Whyd you rat me out like that you piece of fruit????!??!?!?!” “?????!?!????? I DOnt want to get in trouble fix your time managment next time” life is hard when you meet someone = to your sass level
overall hes not a sassy guy though. hes a good hearted kid and a good soul but he can totally ROAST you if you come after him. so HAHA now cocos super irritated by him,. oscar just kinda lets it go and forgets about it within an hour, coco is salty for 700 days. 
lime is overjoyed that now someone is here that can actually piss her off 
for unknown reasons oscar is supremely capable of pushing her buttons and no one knows how. he doesnt even mean to he can say literally anything and shes annoyed. [confused nick young meme]
his favorite holiday is ALSO HALOWEEN and is the self-proclaimed king of halloween. this sparks the biggest rivalry between two self proclaimed royalty claiming that they go harder on halloween
cocos main interest in the holiday is more of the ‘get free candy, harass young children, tp houses’ vibe, whereas oscars is more,,. ‘im gonna lure out all the ghosts and no one can stop me’
problematic bc coco is actually kind of afriad of ghosts
once mochi and lime had to stay at their shops for part of the night for the trick-or-treaters, so coco and oscar went trick or treating together. oscar LITERALLY had an ouija board and was READY TO CONTACT THE OTHER SIDE,. COCO WAS FREAKED THE HELL OUT “DUDE PUT THAT DEMON SHIT AWAY WTF????????!?!?!?!!!!”
coco is better with makeup but oscars outfits are better quality
he is also the only one to suspect that mochi is more than normal. he cant put his finger on what it is about her exactly but he feels like something is off. his 1st theory was vampire (quickly disproven bc she obviously. goes in the sun. and hes seen her reflection before.
carries around a notebook to record evidence on supernatural and mochi theories.
“okay 1. lives near the ocean, 2. no one knows of her late night activies, 3. never goes in the water, 4. always drinking water SHE MUST BE A MERMAID”
lime is just shaking his fiukcjng head (post-reveal)
once he saw her cat and literally asked her “..........are you a witch?” at first shes SHOOK but then kinda stares at him for a while, before answering “is this another one of your conspiracy theories” “or a mermaid. are you a mermaid?”
not a bad dancer. actually pretty good,
one time mochi and lime go over to his house for a project. his house is near the border of a big forest. mochi never tells him theres powerful forest spirits in there
but his home is a great safehouse later on. sometimes they make the trip out there just to relax in the mountain air. peaceful(tm)
hes the last of the squad to be introduced, but i havent decided if him or coco find out about mochi first. also havent decided on what his power is going to end up
always drops by mochis shop after school for a snack. hes a little hurt because he has to pay for it whereas lime gets stuff for free LMAOO
he can tell pretty easily that mochi is crushing on lime. he teases lime about mochi too. chaotic nuetral “Have you guys hooked up yet?” “HAHA NOOoo wTF are you TALKING about.,..,..”
the bigass weeb. watches anime and cartoons. pretends like hes the edgy cool guy(tm) but hes really not. literally wears a gravity falls shirt. loser
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ladylynse · 7 years ago
Hey, you doing more of those writing prompts? If so, "Ghosts, demons, evil Sorcerers... what's next? Elemental spirits? Every single mythical creature of human legends? Gods and deities?" SuperPhantomRC9GN crossover thing (throwing a bit of a challenge here, so feel free to drop one of the trio if you can't come up with something)
To be honest, @azthedragon, I’m a little surprised you wanted Supernatural in there when you aren’t overly familiar with it, but here you go! Enjoy.
Lessons:[FF | AO3] Frankly, Dean had his doubts that Phantom and the Ninja were ever going to take this seriously.
“Ghosts, demons, evil Sorcerers…. What’s next? Elementalspirits? Every single mythical creature of human legend? Gods and deities?”
Dean glared at the kid in the ninja costume. He and hisghost friend were sitting on Sam’s bed in the motel room while Dean sat on hisown bed, surrounded by weaponry, and Sam was at the table with the laptop andthe journal. “You laugh, but gods are even bigger di—”
Dean rolled his eyes at Sam’s admonishment. These guys wereteenagers. A little foul language wasn’t going to scar them for life. And theyhad superpowers, or near enough inDean’s book. A ninja. A ghost. Both of whom he’d shot at before getting theirstories straight, but Dean was past the point of hunting something just becauseit could be considered a monster. Not all of them were evil. The ninja kidmight not be a monster, but the ghost definitely fell firmly into thatcategory. And if he started icing people, well, Dean would pay him a visit atthat point. Until then, he could keep doing what he was doing, as far as Deanwas concerned.
From the sounds of it, Phantom and the Ninja—the two stillrefused to give actual names; it was annoying as hell—had worked togetherbefore. Fine. Dean didn’t ask questions about that kind of thing. He and Samhad come to Norrisville on a demon hunt, found a little more than they’dbargained for, and hadn’t quibbled when the so-called town hero had offered tofill them in.
(In all fairness, Dean had been pointing a gun at the Ninja’shead at the time, but considering the kid had pulled a Houdini with thosestinking smoke bombs before, Dean had known he’d be able to do it again, evenwith Sam flanking him.)
Dean hadn’t really thought they needed backup that wasn’tCas, but the Ninja had insisted on calling in a friend—“It’ll be fine; it’s theweekend, so it’ll be easy for him to get away.”—and Castiel hadn’t been pickingup his damn phone anyway. Sometimes, Dean wondered if the angel pretendedignorance for convenience’s sake.
“Y’know, in all fairness, I kinda have dealt with elemental spirits before,” Phantom mused. “IfFrostbite doesn’t count, Vortex or Undergrowth probably does. I mean, they’renot dead humans like Desiree or Ember, so I guess you could call them elementalspirits. They can control certain elements, anyway. I just mostly ended updealing with the bad guys the same way as I do every other ghost.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of the Tengu.”
“I thought you said the Tengu was a bird demon.”
“Well, if it is, then it’s a different kind of demon thanwhatever this was.”
“And you’re thinking the fireball thing.”
“Yeah, and—”
“But you know the Tengu’s real.”
“Sure, but these shoobs don’t. I mean…not necessarily. And—”
“Can we get back to the point?” Dean snapped. “This isn’t africkin’ joke. People’s lives are on the line.”
“Dean’s right.” Sam’s tone was all gentle and placatingdespite the glare he was sending in Dean’s direction. “We’re not exaggerating.You deal with ghosts all the time,” he said with a nod to Phantom, “and you—”here he looked at the Ninja “—apparently have been dealing with a warlock—sorry,sorcerer—for years.”
“Centuries,” corrected the Ninja, as if Dean was really goingto believe he’d been around that long. He’d metwitches and warlocks that were centuries-old and had had enough dealings withangels and demons to know the type. This kid? Definitely not even in histwenties.
Sam was not dissuaded. “The point is, now you’ve run intodemonic possession. We told you how to deal with that—”
“I have already forgotten that ritual,” interrupted theNinja. “I mean, what was that, Greek?”
“I think it was Latin,” Phantom said with a shrug. “I dunno.I was going to ask Sam about it when I get back. She probably knows. I’m prettysure I’ve seen her doodling that symbol.”
“The point—”
“Point is, you know other monsters are real,” Dean cut in. “Soit would save guys like us—” he gestured to himself and Sam “—a helluva lot oftrouble if you dealt with them when they cropped up on your home turf.”
Phantom caught Dean’s look and crossed his arms. He still refusedto say where he was from. Also annoying as hell. But that feeling hadn’t reallygone away for this entire hunt.
“Demonic possession doesn’t seem to be too different from ghosts,” allowed Phantom at last as he uncrossedhis arms and leaned back on the bed. “Just write out that stuff for me againand I’m sure I can figure it out if I need to.”
“Little more different than when someone’s stanked,” agreedthe Ninja, “but I can wing it, and it’ll look super bruce when I do. Howardwill totally think I’ve wonked his cheese. It’ll be great. You guys cool if Idon’t tell him I got the info from you?”
If Dean still had even a fleeting thought that God actuallycared, he might pray for strength. He and Sam had never been that idiotic. Reckless, sure, until their cockinessnearly got someone killed, and that was gone in both of them by twelve even withtrying to keep Sammy away from the worst of it. But these two….
Frankly, having seen them in a fight, Dean was pretty surethey’d be dead if they didn’t have superpowers. Or, in Phantom’s case, if he weren’talready dead. The Ninja’s attacks were sloppy, often leaving himself open, andhe usually forgot to watch his back. Not to mention the fact that he announced each attack. Phantom was morewasteful in his actions, expending too much energy at once and not caring if hegot hit as long as he managed to get a hit in, too. He didn’t have much of asense of timing; his typical strategy seemed to be to pour pure power into anattack and hit something for all he was worth.
Dean, being very human and not wanting to die (again) orwatch Sam die (again), had questioned their partnership often over the last twodays. Still, he had to admit that watching Phantom and the Ninja work togetherto create the Devil’s Trap—combining ice and fire powers—had been a satisfying,especially after that lowlife demon had managed to crack the concrete floor Samhad spray-painted the first one on earlier. But that demon was Crowley’sproblem now, and Crowley was not going to be pleased to hear that some uppitycrossroads demon thought he could garner favour by playing fast-and-loose withthe rules.
Crowley might take every loophole for the opportunity itwas, but he didn’t break the rules of his contracts. Broken contracts meant thesouls were no longer bound and no longer destined for a date in hell in ten yearsor whatever the agreed upon time period was. Apparently, the demon had thoughthe could get around that with a separate verbal agreement, but that sort ofthing didn’t hold up. Something about double dealing. Or maybe not sealing thedeals appropriately. Frankly, Dean hadn’t cared. He’d just sent the sonnovabitch back to hell where he belonged.
It would’ve been an easier task if all the other,non-demonic possessions hadn’t been happening at the same time. What the Ninjahad called stanking and the Phantom had not-so-helpfully explained as just astrong form of magical possession. But the Ninja didn’t seem to think Sam andDean would actually be able to help him get rid of the warlock, no matter what theysaid, so it had been Sam’s bright idea to at least educate these guys so they’dknow what to do if anything else showed up.
Dean was already regretting agreeing to this.
“Look, just listen, okay? We’ll run you through the basics.Don’t worry about trying to memorize it all right now—”
“Definitely wasn’t going to happen anyway,” said the Ninja,to which Phantom nodded his agreement.
“—because you can contact us if you run into something andneed a refresher or some backup.” Sam got up from the table and handed each kida business card. “Our numbers are on the back. The front, that’s a friend ofours, Jodi Mills. She’s the Sheriff in Sioux Falls. South Dakota,” he added atthe blank looks on their faces. “If you can’t reach us, phone her. She’ll putyou in touch with someone who can help.”
Both kids pocketed the card, though Dean didn’t see where. “Anyway.Enough chitchat. On to business. First up: vampires. It’s pretty straightforward. You just—”
“Drive a wooden stake through their heart,” said Phantom. “Everyoneknows that.”
“That’s actually a popular misconception,” corrected Sam. “Truthis, you—”
“Garlic,” said the Ninja immediately. “Lots of it. You cangarlic them to death.”
Dean heaved a sigh and met Sam’s eyes, knowing hisexpression conveyed exactly what he wanted to know. Do we have to do this? But he knew Sam’s answering expression well.That was a yes. Well, morespecifically, Dude, if we don’t, we’rejust going to regret it later, so suck it up.
Dean rolled his eyes before looking back at the kids. “Youcut off their heads,” he said, overriding Phantom’s offer of ‘crucifix’. “Ilike a machete, but anything’ll do in the pinch. Sword, sickle, garrote, ice…thing.”Phantom was good with that ice; chances were, he could make something strong enoughand sharp enough to do the job if he tried. “But if you’re trying to take downa vamp nest, you’ll wanna get your hands on some dead man’s blood.”
“On what?” the Ninja repeated. Phantom looked surprised butdidn’t seem as disturbed by the idea, maybe because he’d have an easier timegetting some in the first place.
“Dead man’s blood,” repeated Sam, even though Dean wascertain the repetition was unnecessary. “Preferably, more than one syringe full.It’ll knock them out cold, usually for a couple of hours.”
“Uh huh,” the Ninja said slowly, “and when you say nest, do you mean more of a cave, forwhen they’re bats? Are they more vulnerable at that point, being bats?”
Sam winced. “They can’t turn into bats, either. They do have a retractable set of teeth, sowhen they bite someone, expect more than two puncture marks.” Sam went on toexplain more of the signs, what to watch for, and Dean had to admit that thequestions slowly got less inane and more intelligent as Sam started working hisway through the most common monsters and the kids genuinely started to listen.
Dean wasn’t sure the kids believed them, of course. TheNinja had outright laughed when Dean had said Cas was an angel, evenconsidering they were hunting a demon, and that crack at gods and deities madeit clear the Ninja had never met any of them. (To be honest, Dean wished hehadn’t met a bunch of them, either, since none of the experiences had exactlybeen fun, but that was beside the point.) But it would be something, and if itmeant someone lived, then that was surely worth this pain and suffering.
“Um, yeah, definitely gonna have to veto you on that one.Salt does not work on ghosts.”
“You wanna test that theory of yours, kid?” Dean asked. “I’vegot a bag of rock salt in the trunk. We can find out pretty quick.”
“Oh, I would bet money on this.” Phantom was grinning. “Howabout, um….”
“Dinner at McFlubbusters,” piped up the Ninja immediately.It was probably his favourite place—or at least one of them—and chances were hehad forgotten that he was currently wearing a mask.
Still, Dean agreed to their terms. (Sam just sat thereshaking his head, so Dean didn’t plan on letting him order dessert. Not that hewould, anyway. He still did not appreciate the sanctity of pie.) He and Samwere due for a free dinner, anyway, even though he had doubts about whetherPhantom or the Ninja would be able to cough up enough between them to cover onemeal. But sometimes, it really is the thought that counts.
(see more fics)
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movedto-dazaipositive · 7 years ago
urban fantasy + jackparse
big thanks to @taggianto and @restfulinsomniac because they yelled at me when I asked them to I couldn’t have done it without you 💙 🌌brought to you by the parseposse 🌌
Bob was human before Alicia turned him
but she turned Bob only after Jack was conceived
so Jack is a halfie from the start
and in their real forms, vampires are unnerving. they have waxy, bloodless skin and sunken eyes but in artificial light they’re sparkling_heart
and Jack gets all his mom’s good looks and his dad’s love for hockey
but they know that putting him in hockey is unfair because humans just can’t compete
he never grows up with hockey as a burden on his shoulders. he’s allowed to be a geeky, chubby history nerd who loves taking photos of random stuff
Jack goes to samwell
the Samwell campus (since I can’t remember canon right now) is next to/in a lil town
right? and Kent is just this lonely sixteen y/o boy who has a little magic and he can talk to ghosts
and in Jack’s first year, this girl on campus and her boyfriend are found dead in the woods behind the Haus
and then weird shit starts going down near the Haus and their Captain, who is superstitious as fuck even by hockey player standards, is like. nope. we gotta do an exorcism
and he puts Shitty and Jack on the task because the frogs gotta be good for something, right? and so they ask around and someone gives them the game of someone who tells them about Kent
Kent lives alone. he got kicked out when he was 13 bc his dad was like, no fucking devils in my house. Kent finds this dilapidated cottage just a little bit into the woods on the other side and the ghosts there are friendly and kind and give him instructions on how to cook and which herbs to pick at what time for witchcraft and which herbs the florist will buy
and Kent survives and occasionally someone will ask him to do an exorcism and Kent will charge them to talk to some poor confused ghost who doesn’t know what’s going on
which is what Jack and shitty ask him to do, or so he thinks, so he shrugs and agrees. and I want it to keep in mind that this is Jack without hockey. he’s a slightly chubby, awkward history nerd who takes a camera everywhere and happens to be half-vampire by complete accident
he’s like, the last person you’d expect to have vampire parents
he’s adorable, okay? Kent can’t deal with this stupidly beautiful soft boy. he just can’t. he reacts in typical Kent fashion by being a jackass to Jack (ha!) who’s like ?? about it
(Kent is going to melt the first time Jack hugs him)
Kent is so going to melt, though. he’s been alone with nothing but ghosts for regular company since he was 13 and Jack is large and warm and he smells like maple syrup and almonds and he’s always wearing dorky sweaters and he’s got a slow, wonderfully calming heartbeat. Kent doesn’t stand a fucking chance
I think Jack doesn’t even need to be a vampire for this fic to work he just needs to not play hockey
anyway. Kent goes with Jack and Shitty to the woods behind the Haus and they a have a campout for 2 days where they toast marshmallows and wait for the ghosts to show up
Kent hears someone crying on the second night after Jack and shitty are asleep. he goes to investigate, like the entire dumbass that he is. who goes it turn out to be? the girl who was killed, ofc. and she’s all bloody and horrifying and shit and I won’t go into details bc I have to sleep in 15 minutes but she scary
but Kent is like, np. hey, can I help you out? what happened? starts talking to her in a normal person voice until she calms down somewhat. and she’s just getting somewhere when shitty pops up behind Kent with a really loud leaf cronch sound and the girl starts screaming again
Kent is like, good job, asshole. and they aren’t getting anywhere with the girl so they just go back to their tents, where Jack is taking photos of the fire and looking Hot As Fuck (ha!) and Kent is extremely flustered bc he is a smol teenagered boy. and they all go to bed.
Kent wakes up just before dawn, yelling. his nightmare is bad enough that he nearly strangles himself trying to get the fuck away from whatever it was and Jack and shitty don’t get what’s going on but Kent is terrified and won’t stop crying so they take him back to the Haus, where Drew, their manager, makes waffles for everyone but especially Kent
who is by this time wearing one of jack’s sweaters and also has their softest blanket draped over him like a cape
(interlude because I fell asleep)
so where I left off, Kent is sitting at the table, eating waffles courtesy of Drew, the SMH’s genderfluid manager and Lardo’s predecessor
Jack is hovering nervously bc Kent has been crying for half the night and vomiting for a quarter of it
but Kent insists he’s okay now, and Jack is hovering because he’s! worried! Kent is tiny and Jack doesn’t want anything to happen to him
Kent, between shoveling waffles into his mouth bc he’s only had them once before in his life, tells them briefly how the girl died
and the way she died is like, gruesome. it’s this horrible thing involving a high school cult and this girl was a witch with real power that got trapped in this thing and they tried to kill her but it didn’t work and it’s bad. let’s not go into too many details about it
and she told her boyfriend, who was a lax bro, and he was like, I’m gonna beat these people up, except there was a demon stuck somewhere that these stupid cultists set free and it killed her and her boyfriend
bad, long drawn out deaths
and once Kent is done eating waffles–which takes a while, because he eats a lot–he slams his fork down and says, grimly, “I’m going to kill them.” and Jack goes ummm? no? ur 16 u r a child?
they fight. loudly. there’s a lot of Jack yelling you are a child and Kent screaming, I’m the only one who can do this
Kent does not like Shouting he has a lot of bad memories of it.
shitty, walking in: we can,,,,,,all go,,,
and drew is like, the hell you guys are leaving me behind. I’m the only adult in this room and y'all all are kids
restful: (drew has adopted three children? somehow?? but they are all drew’s children and drew loves them)
restful: (one of them lives in the woods and needs more waffles in his life, another goes by the name ‘shitty’, and the third hangs around with the hockey team despite not playing hockey but they are all drew’s kids)
me: (the lax bro feud starts in jack’s sophomore year and it is 100% Drew’s fault. drew didn’t have to humiliate the entire team because zey were bored)
Drew uses zey/zer/zers
drew is a messy edgelord parent
so Kent and shitty and Jack and drew all go on an Investigation
(I feel like this fic should be written like an Enid Blyton novel)
so they around and ask people weird questions until Kent sees someone who has magic. people who have magic (and other supernaturals) show up in Kent’s vision with weird coloured auras.
and they go up to this dude, a Muslim guy in his third year who recognises drew, and this guy is like, yeah totally. I know about that cult of fucking weirdos that followed Allison around. I helped her get a restraining order on them
so they go track down the restraining order. the cop they meet first is this nasty cishet dude who refuses point blank to use Drew’s pronouns, casually calls Kent a slur, and won’t look at Ahmed and sideyes shitty suspiciously. this is where jack’s occasional vampire charm helps (or maybe it’s because Jack looks like a Fellow CisHet) and the cop agrees to dig up the file
Jack is not a Fellow CisHet and is very uncomfortable at being mistaken as such but he plays along because he Must
and everyone acknowledges the brave sacrifice that he’s making
restful: Jack, staring longingly at Kent’s every move. “Uh, yeah. Het. I can pretend to be that.”
me: [about Jack] me? heterosexual? yeah, uh, totally. I’m not. gay. or bisexual. *staring at Ahmed’s ass in those jeans * I’m Straight
Kent, also staring at Ahmed’s ass: I’m not
drew: you’re all dead to me except Ahmed, who can have my number whenever he wants
restful: Ahmed, wide-eyed and trying to decide which of them to stare at. “all of you can have my number, please use it.”
Ahmed: except you, Kenny. also, does anyone know to file for adoption?
the head of the (I had to google this) precinct is a butch Native American woman who shows up to ask them why they want records.
Captain: can someone explain?
Drew: please take me I’m gay
Kent explains the situation to her and she’s like, yeah totally. u can have the records. Allison’s restraining order was before i transferred here but totally
so they go thru the records and find the names of the people Allison restrained. and then they go track down those people
drew gets the captain’s number 'just in case we need some help’ but we all know zer True Motives
(Ahmed and Drew are gonna get together and work out a relationship where Drew gets to have as much sex as zey like and Ahmed gets to remain faithful to zer which is ideal for both of them, partly because Ahmed is just a lil grey ace? he’s uncomfortable calling himself that but he doesn’t like sex nearly as much as Drew does)
anyway, they have a showdown where Ahmed shows off his karate moves and Drew splits zer time between fighting (badly, needs to be rescued) and 😍@ahmed
drew is such a bad fighter because zer entire technique is to flail and screme
Ahmed loves his idiot person, okay? he’s made his peace with it
Kent meanwhile tries to exorcise a demon and he has no fucking clue what’s going on
or what he’s doing. but he cuts a deal with the demon that amounts to 'you can have the cultists but plz go from here, begone etc’. demon is okay with this, partly because Jack is being a threatening bloodsucker in the background and this demon isn’t that strong–demon boi might win. but he might not. boy ain’t chancing it
Jack and Kent become awkward friends who meet for dinner every week and they go trekking in the woods and pine horribly over each other. it’s gross. Kent is still living alone in a cottage in the woods and he still needs to be hugged about 6 times more than he is right now
but on the plus side, he has friends now! Jack and Drew and Ahmed (who’s teaching Kent magic !!) and *looks at smudged writing on hand * Skittles
and the entire hockey team.
and the Captain, who takes one look at this idiot boy and invites him home and feeds him and does it regularly enough that Kent is living there before he knows it
Kent goes back to school. he s t r u g g l e s to get grades good enough to get into samwell next year (he hasn’t been to school in 4 years ok) but he has Jack to help him study!
Jack kisses him at graduation
it’s just a quick little omg you made it kiss but Kent is! so happy! he feels like he’s bursting with it
he has everything he wants, he’s loved and hugged, he has a little kitten who’s his familiar, and even if he doesn’t get into Samwell he’ll still finds have magic and community college and he wants to become a teacher
the end
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chaoticneutralwriter · 7 years ago
Fic Recs/Writers *updated 09/12/2019
THE LIBRARY IS OPEN DARLING....for some actual reading.
A list of fics/writers I’ve come across that got some of that pretty sweet stuff. And also because I’ve read around too much and can’t remember names or fics to save my life. THE UPDATES MAN!
Warning: Some fics (as will be indicated) are +18/rated M for Mature/take me to church kinda deal
I’d say almost all of their stuff is worth a read (whoever your bias may be, they got stories on them), but my personal faves are their vampire au series, some +18 stuff there but majority of the stories are oneshots and drabbles
@honeyedhoseok (I think now @tawnytaehyung)
I’m sure everything they wrote is worth a read from what I’ve read thus far but because of that, I can really only recommend the three fics I actually read.
Series: Besitos (ta!Jimin) rated M for recent developments hoho~
Bruh why is this not reality? Why don’t we get really hot TAs to crush on? It would’ve made my school life hella easier and I’d get that perfect attendance. Jimin is your hottie creative writing TA who you can’t help but crush on (but can anyone blame you) and envious to all, he likes you back too. College au shenanigans, teacher/student dynamic, and dorky wingman ta!Taehyung friend.
Oneshot/drabbles (Crossroad demon!Jimin): Crossroads + Hunted + Captured Part One *NEW + Captured Part Two *NEW
I’d sell my soul to satan if he looks like bs&t!Jimin. You basically make a deal with crossroad demon!Jimin and can’t help but actually grow fond of the supposed devious, soul eating creature of hell.
Series: The Black Book (CEO!Hoseok) rated M
My heart can’t take the drama but it’s still a really good read. CEO!Hoseok may be young and rich but he definitely has some questionable methods of relieving stress, one that you’re all too aware of which makes things super awkward cuz you in love with the man. Does CEO!Hoseok eventually change thanks to you or do old habits die hard and just leave you in a world of hurt? Again if it’s Hoseok he can be the biggest jerkface and I’d still be charmed.
Shorts/Drabbles: the ocean (mermaid!Jimin) + drabble
Because goddammit mermaid!Jimin is cute okay??! (and I love me a good supernatural au of any sort) You’re a ballet dancer going to Busan Arts and stumble upon Jimin chillin’ in the water by the beach. You mistake him as fellow peer but hey he shows up to your class anyways (totally rocks the dance thing) but then as time passes, you find that something is quite...fishy about him.
Series: It’s okay, that’s love (splitpersonality!Jimin)
No not the drama. Okay so a shrink is still involved and that’s played by you and you’ve got water polo player!Jimin who has split personality disorder (he’s scary when he’s angry...) as your patient, except he doesn’t know about this ‘other self’ of his. As if feelings aren’t already making things complicated, imagine accidentally finding yourself rooming with him (along with your other favourite boys).
Okay so I might’ve read all of their Jimin stuff and yes. All yes (warning: they’re +18 stuff soooo)
The only other fic I’ve read from them is Ambrosia (M) starring Fallen Angel!Hoseok....I like supernatural au fics alright. Fallen angel or not, Hobi is still super sweet and since this is a series, we don’t know what the reason was and MAJOR CLIFFHANGER!
Series: Beyond Reach (ghost!Hoseok) ft. Reaper!Namjoon and other ghosties
This shit made me nearly cry five times....FIVE TIMES. I say nearly because I don’t like crying so it took literally all my willpower to not (ended up with a runny nose though). ANGST AS SHIT. Has some triggering stuff involving death so be warned. It’s a good read though....BUT SAD AS HELL (at least it’s completed :’))
One Shot: Head Over Heels to Hell (reverse soulmate!AU, Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers! Hoseok x reader)
Oh yes, this was a WILD RIDE. Goddamn it’s like you hate the man but then in the end that shit got me emotional for some reason like djgskh good shit good shit (you have gone through multiple different lives meeting Hoseok, all of which he screws you over somehow but in the end of it all... perhaps things could still work out??)
Series: The Deli Diaries (produce! Jimin x Deli worker!you) fluff, slow-burn
Holy shit this is cute af. It’s so mundane (guess that’s a fair warning??) but just reading the way the relationship develops is just....ahh!!! I want my own cute Jimin who pines after my dumbass TAT
Series: Jungle Park (Workplace Romance AU, Lawyer! Hoseok x New HR Manager!Reader) fluff, slow-burn, slice of life, a little angst **NEW
A long series for those of you who love to read chapter fics! Oh my God this was a thrilling ride of emotions! The pacing is amazing, each chapter you’re hooked on wanting to see more development on the history between these two so it’s worth a read! I love how Hoseok is portrayed here; it’s like a piece of how he would be in real life is put into just another scenario (Also hate how reader is like... relatable in a way where I also majored in HR so...WHERE’S THE OFFICE ROMANCE LIFE TRAIN GONNA HIT ME WITH THAT??)
Three Shot: Magic & Mysteries (Familiar/Hybrid!Jimin x Witch! Reader) fluff, a little angsty, comedy, romance **NEW
A three shot series involving what the title says! Magic! It’s a little adventure tale of our reader who’s a witch struggling to find her place in terms of specialty and overcoming some fears and insecurities with the help of sassy (but secretly cares a lot) Jimin who’s a wizard cursed to be a dog (that looks like Chimmy!) It’s cute and pretty wholesome in my opinion :)
Also an honorable mention from them is the Service Series (it’s fluffier dw) and honestly their other fics are definitely worth a read :D
Oneshot: Devil’s Advocate (devil/demon!Jimin)
Ironic how despite being a devil Jimin is still the sweetest being to exist. Devil!Jimin walks into your life abruptly and worms his way into your heart with his devilishly good looks and sweet charms. It’s hella cute, a slightly angsty ‘defining’ moment that actually had me tearing up a bit??? (I’m a sap for sweet, tender affection like the ones that happened in here okay??) but it all ends well :)
I’ve read most of their Hoseok and Jimin stuff but I think all of their fics are worth a read!
Oneshot: Cover You In Constellations (Hoseok x reader fic)
I’ve read this a while ago but keep coming back to it because oh god this was cute, so domestic and so fluffy like this is the kinda shit I would pull if I had a boyfriend like Hoseok like skdjfskgha. I like the way writer portrays Hoseok because it feels so like what I imagine he would react. Hoseok deserves all the love ;_;
Series: My Boss, The Vampire (Vamp!Jimin x reader fic)
Two parts are out so far and I’m loving the premise! New office worker with notoriously hot CEO Park Jimin who has a secret to hide (guess what it is). One day, you find out what it is and so now what?? Things get steamy ;D Also, the title of it is so K-dramaesque and I don’t know! I like the charm it adds to it!
@readyplayerhobi **NEW
Honestly all of their fics are worth a read because they flawlessly combine story building with any kind of genre you can think of. Some are smutty, some of fluffy and some are just downright angsty but you just want to read them all regardless!
@yminie **NEW
Series: Nine-One-One (Detective!Jimin x First Responder! Reader) fluff, angst, romance, old flame au, future smut, and other mature themes!
This is thrilling! In both romantic and story aspects! The base story line is that there’s a serial murderer on the loose who’s been stalking reader and Jimin and his team are on the case about it. They’ve both got romantic history with each other and as old feelings resurfaces, so does the situation as things hit a little too close to home. Obviously with serial murderers involved, there is mentions of death, suicide and well...the warnings there!
A03 Fics
*will be pretty rare on this list; am I the only one who finds it super hard to find good fics on there?
Author: kimtrain
I swear they had a tumblr before since that’s the only reason why I remember them and their fics. Thankfully they’re all there still and all of them are 👌👌👌 Mermaid!Hoseok AU and the Hybrid!AU are my faves.
Fic: Warm Blood by ARMY_BRAT
The one instance where my weakness for supernatural AUs + wanting to read something paid off. MC is an ARMY but also a grim reaper so what happens when BTS shows up on her list, destined to die? Well, she says NOT TODAY but that just throws EVERYTHING out of the loop, leaving her to fix it.
Went into it with a grain of salt (ngl description was...ehh) BUT was pleasantly surprised! Digging the writing style which made MC really likeable so far and the AU strongly reminds me of Goblin: The Lonely God but focusing more on the grim reaper side of things which, personally, I was WAY more interested in even with the drama so yay! :D Glad someone took inspiration from it. Still ongoing and fairly new so dsfajdkas
Fic: Three Pints Full by Valkook **NEW
Woah it’s a vampire/supernatural fic! A little on the mature side because there’s well...blood...a little bit of death mentioned...and smut... BUT a really compelling story! Set mainly as a Cop/Detective! Reader who’s been assigned to solving some mysterious deaths/murders happening in the wild parts Montana joined in with appearances by Hunter/Tracker!Yoongi, Partner!Hoseok and Vampire!Jimin, Jungkook and more!
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benito-cereno · 7 years ago
The Haunting of Netflix House 5: The Netflix Dimension
What’s up Octobocops, it’s Halloweason. Let’s get spooked. Here are some movies of the horror and horror-adjacent genres that you might watch by yourself or with a party of friends or with the spirit of a long-deceased duke who lives in inhabits your house. This is part five; you know the goddamn drill by now.
Previously, on The Haunting of Netflix House:
2013: The Haunting of Netflix House
2014: The Haunting of Netflix House 2: Your Sister is a Netflix
2015: The Haunting of Netflix House 3: The Season of the Netflix
2016: The Haunting of Netflix House 4: The Netflix Master
A couple of notes for those who are new to the list:
This is being posted on October 2, 2017. For humans of the future who find this, the links may not all be up to date. Some might even expire by November 2017. Click at your own risk.
I try to offer both breadth and depth of options on this list, but it is by no means exhaustive. I’m sorry if a favorite of yours got left off. There’s a chance I just haven’t seen it yet. Feel free to reblog and add some of your favorites, but please make sure a movie is actually currently available on Netflix before jumping my shit about some nonsense I “forgot,” please and thank you.
This list is based upon movies that are available on Netflix in the US. I have no idea what is streaming on Canadian Netflix or British Netflix or Slovenian Netflix. How would I know this. Why would I know this. Please do not expect me to know this. Feel free to be the Canadian/British/Slovenian Benito and make your own list applicable to your own countryhumans.
Horror movies, by their nature, have horrific things in them. Most of these movies are violent; lots of them deal with torture, abuse, and mental illness. If some element of this jumps out to me while I’m writing these up, I’ll mention them, but if you are sensitive to or have issues with certain types of content, you might look an individual movie up on Common Sense Media first to check for content warnings.
While there are always good horror movies to be found on Netflix, if you really like scary movies, you should just get a Shudder subscription (or even just the free trial!). It has an unbeatable, well-curated selection.
All right let’s get to the goddamn movies what say
Classics (this section seems to get smaller every year):
Jaws (this is about a shark)
The Fly (the Vincent Price version, not the Jeff Goldblum one)
Gremlins (technically a Christmas movie, obviously, but maybe you’re a rebel)
The Sixth Sense (is this a classic? I mean probably your mom has heard of it, so)
Horror Comedies:
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (highly recommended)
Little Evil (new from the maker of Tucker and Dale; great cast; more than the Omen spoof it looks like; recommended)
Troll Hunter (not horror in the traditional sense; not a “Halloween” monster; found footage style; subtitled; awesome)
Young Frankenstein (maybe you’ve heard of this one)
The Host (subtitled; not a “Halloween” monster)
Ravenous (fucking rules)
Housebound (recommended)
Patchwork (in the vein of like Re-Animator and Frankenhooker)
Deathgasm (the best the best the best; watch immediately)
The Bar
Haunted House/Ghost shit:
The Awakening
The Pact (recommended)
The Babadook (highest possible recommendation; how have you not watched this yet)
Under the Shadow (recommended; basically the Iranian Babadook)
The Canal
We Are Still Here (Barbara Crampton is in this; her name will be mentioned a few more times on this list because she is apparently a major selling point for some people)
Last Shift (haunted police station; recommended)
The Legend of Hell House (love this one; love Roddy McDowall)
I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (very slow paced but atmospheric)
Coraline (yeah, the scary stop-motion one)
Vampire shit:
Stake Land (non-traditional vampire rules; not really my jam but some people love it; no idea if the sequel is good)
Night Watch
Werewolf shit:
Late Phases (old blind guy vs werewolves; pretty good)
When Animals Dream (hit some similar thematic notes to Ginger Snaps, but completely different tonally; subtitled)
Zombie shit:
Train to Busan (this rules; subtitled)
Witch/Demon/Pagan shit:
At the Devil’s Door (from the maker of The Pact; not as good, still interesting)
The Void (Lovecraftian cult shit; very cool visuals and practical effects)
Baskin (subtitled; super gory; also, the protags are asshole cops who tell transphobic stories and say homophobic slurs and talk about bestiality at the beginning, so heads up; worth a watch if that doesn’t bother you)
The Devil’s Candy
Hellions (this is not *great,* but it looks good and is heavily Halloweeny)
The Wailing (fucking amazing; subtitled)
Found footage shit:
V/H/S (lots of sex, violence, and sexualized violence
V/H/S/2 (same)
V/H/S Viral (same but in a different way)
The Den (ChatRoulette the horror movie; highly highly highly recommended)
Creep (recommended)
They’re Watching (not super amazing, but it’s wild af and I kind of love it; what if House Hunters International renovated a witch house?)
Man Vs (pretty okay)
Slasher shit (needless to say, these are gory):
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
Curse of Chucky (way better than you think it is)
Clown (the haunted clown suit movie so good that Marvel said, “Yo, this guy should be in charge of Spider-Man”)
The Windmill (it’ll do fine if you’re just looking for a new slasher; tbf it is probably  the best windmill-themed slasher ever made though)
Other shit:
Monsters (really good; not “Halloween” monsters)
It Follows (hey, what’s up, it’s the best horror movie of the past decade; highest possible rec)
Sleepy Hollow (what section do Headless Horsemen go in? Dunno; the movie not the show)
The House at the End of Time (highly recommended; subtitled)
Starry Eyes
They Look Like People (this is a slow burn, but super highly recommended)
Extraordinary Tales (animated anthology of Edgar Allan Poe stories narrated by famous people; a mixed bag, but cool)
Darling (okay, so: this is a really beautiful and atmospheric film that I, generally speaking, recommend; however, it is kind of “artsy,” there is not a lot of dialogue, it is in black and white, there are some light strobing effects, rape does not occur on screen but is implied to have happened in a character’s past)
The Hallow (scary fairies)
Tales of Halloween (an anthology, so a mixed bag; okay overall, but it’s definitely Halloween-y)
The Invitation (highest possible recommendation)
Beyond the Gates (I actually did not like this very much, but some people might find it interesting, especially if you like--wait for it--Barbara Crampton)
Turbo Kid (this is not really horror, but if you like horror, especially splatter stuff, you will probably like it; it is good as shit)
Gerald’s Game (new shit from Mike Flanagan and it’s really great. Deals with lots of hard issues like abuse and such so maybe take a look at content issues if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff. Also definitely not for the squeamish, so head’s up. That said, it’s really really good)
80s/90s shit:
Hellraiser (not my style, but maybe you like this stuff, iunno)
Children of the Corn
The Craft
Non-Supernatural Thriller/Violence shit (these are violent):
Hush (Mike Flanagan directs; home invasion with a deaf woman protagonist; fucking rules)
The Silenced (haven’t actually watched this yet, but it looks good; don’t *think* it’s supernatural?; presumably subtitled)
The Eyes of My Mother (black and white; super bleak; beautiful and highly recommended)
Dig Two Graves
We Need to Talk About Kevin (very bleak)
The Bad Batch (from the director of A Girl Walks Home Etc; only kind of horror-adjacent; Jason Momoa and Keanu Reeves are in this)
Sun Choke (visually beautiful but super art-housey, also lots of mental illness and abuse stuff in this one; also *Barbara Crampton*)
Zodiac (biography of Ted Cruz)
I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore (so fucking good; very funny also)
Nightcrawler (basically a vampire movie, but with a camera instead of fangs)
Horror and Horror-Adjacent Documentaries (all the good horror docs got moved to Shudder):
The Nightmare (a doc on sleep paralysis and night terrors that is so-so as a documentary, but super effective as a horror film)
Witches: A Century of Murder (history of British witch trials, reenacted; two parts)
“But, Benito!” I hear you cry. “I don’t have Netflix for some reason! What about some other streaming services?” Yeah, all right. Here are some quick hits that are definitely not exhaustive. Just a couple of party jams you might enjoy if you’ve burned through the Netflix list.
What’s on Hulu though
10 Cloverfield Lane
Monster Squad
Fright Night (the original; a must watch if you haven’t seen it)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
From Dusk Til Dawn
An American Werewolf in London
Pumpkinhead (check this one out if you haven’t seen it)
The Blob
I Saw the Devil (amazing)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (either version)
Shaun of the Dead
The Loved Ones
The Thing
Rigor Mortis
The Descent
Bloodsucking Bastards
Willow Creek
Berberian Sound Studio
Plus a bunch of shit that’s also on Netflix
What about Amazon Prime you idiot
The Girl with All the Gifts
Them (not Them!)
The Witch
Hell House LLC
Neon Demon
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Green Room
Little Shop of Horrors (the Corman one, not the musical)
The Blackcoat’s Daughter
The Bay
The Last Man on Earth
The Last Exorcism
What We Do in the Shadows
Amazon Prime is hard to navigate so that’s all. If I left off a favorite, it’s not because I don’t like it. It’s because it didn’t pop up in the first 20 pages of search results.
Tell me some good Shudder ones
The Innkeepers
A Tale of Two Sisters
The Gorgon
Lake Bodom
All the Phantasms (maybe not Ravager)
Shrew’s Nest
Noroi: The Curse
The House of the Devil
Black Sunday
Let the Right One In
Murder Party (highly recommended, esp for Halloween)
WNUF Halloween Special
Ghostwatch (play this at your party if you want to fucking win Halloween)
This list could be a million more entries long. Shudder rules.
What about Crackle/Vudu/YouTube/etc
Please shut up
As usual, please do me a solid and only circulate the current version of the list, so people aren’t clicking on dead links and thinking I’m an idiot. Again, this list is not and could not be completely exhaustive, and if I left off your favorite movie, I swear I was not targeting you personally. And, again, some of these movies are more interesting than they are good AND horror is a highly subjective experience, so your mileage may vary on some of these.
If you enjoyed this list, perhaps consider checking out some of my other Halloween-related posts:
a primer for spooky stories
a primer for Lovecraft specifically
a list of “essential” horror movies
a list of “essential” silent horror movies
a list of “essential” horror comedies
a list of suggested horror double features
a primer for Hammer horror
a list of cool movies starring Christopher Lee and Vincent Price
this list of resources, including short films and even more scary movies
a suggested Halloween playlist
a primer for spooky classical music
the scariest 20 minutes in radio history
free to play spooky games
and my general Halloween tag, which includes short films, movie trailers, comics, stories, and more
Also maybe consider checking out my Letterboxd profile, where I rate and review movies of all types (but primarily horror) all year long and from all sorts of sources, in case you’re wondering what’s good on more than just Netflix. Also also, maybe take a look at some of my comics, several of which are appropriate for Halloween times.
Happy Halloween, nerds!
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sloumate · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
here’s a list of fics that contain miscellaneous halloween themes such as vampires, demons, pumpkins, ghosts, witches, mermaids, werewolves, all kind of supernatural stuff plus halloween centred fics! hope you enjoy them :)
waiting on you by emma1234 // vampire!harry + human!louis, 76k 
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
read you for some kind of poem by mentalistecbm // vampire!harry + human!louis, 11k
He likes to imagine that he’s always aware of Harry’s eyes on him, but the spark that flashes across his body at how often Harry licks his lips while looking at his throat doesn’t feel like something he’s explicitly and consciously acknowledged before, but it feels familiar. Usual. Right.
(Louis is human, and Harry is lucky enough to be his vampire boyfriend.)
+ part 2 painting the hills blue and red 
through eerie chaos by MediaWhore // ghost!louis + human!harry, 102k
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
say hallelujah, say goodnight by alivingfire // angel!louis + demon!harry, 110k
Louis is an angel who is just a little too bad to be good, Harry is a demon who is just a little too good to be bad, and they're both a little too in love to be impartial when angels and demons go to war.
run like the devil by benzos // demon!harry + demon hunter!louis, 138k
Supernatural AU. Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
it's a better place (since you came along) by phdmama // magical!harry + magical!louis, 51k
When Harry Styles, a mid-level talent, Finder, and small business owner, sets off on the vacation of a lifetime with his best friend, Niall Horan, he has no idea the changes his life will undergo over the next nine days. He's got it all planned - there's going to be shore excursions, lounging by the pool on the deck of the luxurious cruise ship, not to mention margaritas. What he does not plan for are the new friends, new bonds, or the mystery from his past that comes back to haunt him, and he certainly hasn't planned for Louis.
love is divine by stylinsoncity // witch!harry + human!louis, 25k
Being a witch doesn't help when it comes to unrequited love.
something strange by MiniMangaFan // ghost!louis + ghost!harry, 7k
Harry and Louis are ghosts who are intent on making Liam suffer.
may we stay lost on our way home by LoadedGunn // fairy!louis + human!harry, 74k
On March 31st, Harry Styles disappears. Though many speculate, only two people know where to find him: Niall, his former guitarist, and Zayn, who follows where Niall leads.
The fact the biggest boy band in the world broke up two weeks earlier might be related to the disappearance. The fact Harry meets a fairy named Louis in the woods is a whole other matter.
(Liam is a centaur.)
feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream by togetherwecouldbealright // magical!harry + human!louis, 123k
Harry is a journalist with a lot of secrets and Louis is the future king of the United Kingdom; they live together for 60 days.
amaryllis by hattalove // werewolf!harry + werewolf!louis, 146k
the one where harry gets bitten by a werewolf. louis is the mysterious not-quite alpha, liam and zayn have Things going on, niall is their token human, and together, they watch a lot of TV.
break open the sky by karamelised // werewolf!harry, 20k
Harry might be a werewolf, but he still wants to experience Uni like everyone else. Turns out he learns a lot.
purer than the water (like we were) by FeelsForBreakfast // mermaid!louis + human!harry, 33k
Louis is a merman and Harry is a boy. The lake is a good place to fall in love.
"Louis wants the boy to wade deeper, deep enough that Louis can go under and wrap his fingers around his ankles for just a moment. Pull him under. Just touch skin, for a second."
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents // mermaid!harry + human!louis, 28k
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
seaside improvisation by tinyweirdloves // mermaid!harry + human!louis, 6k
Harry is a mermaid who has lost his tail and he lives in Louis's bathtub for a month.
runaway land by daggerinrose // demigod!harry + demigod!louis, 103k
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
no grave can hold my body down by soleilouis // human!harry + human!louis, 13k
harry and louis find themselves stuck in an old haunted house. it may or may not be the fault of three friendly matchmaker ghosts.
float down like autumn leaves (stay now) by hopelesswriter // halloween, 16k
The AU in which Louis has a 6 year old daughter with a costume emergency that puts her school's annual Halloween party at risk, Halloween decorated cupcakes are hard to find and tall men look absolutely ridiculously cute in giant vegetables costumes. Co-starring Harry, who makes really good food for the kids. Featuring Niall, who works in a bakery but has a part time job as a babysitter. And as much as he doesn't believe in love at first (or second) sight, Louis is really infatuated and really wouldn't mind seeing Harry again.
may the gourds be with you by CalamityK // halloween, 3k
Next time you want to go on a road trip to the middle of nowhere, I’m saying no. ASDA has plenty of pumpkins.” Louis says darkly.
Harry shoves his phone back in his pocket, “Just start the car like I said and we can see if we can get back the way we came.”
Louis turns the key slowly and isn’t even surprised when nothing happens. He just sighs, “God hates us.” Or that one fic with where Harry can't read maps, and Louis hates pumpkins.
you are the moon that breaks the night by supernope // halloween, 4k
Harry doesn’t realize he’s been squeezing Louis’ hand until Louis nudges him in the hip and laughs, “They’re just pumpkins, Harry, calm down. Let’s go have a look.
”Harry lets Louis drag him off toward the closest pile of decorative gourds, then tugs him down into a crouch so they can begin to search through them all. He wants carving pumpkins, but he also wants little ones for decoration and a couple of ripe ones to bake with.
Louis does not understand the art of selecting a pumpkin, Harry discovers, and he has to give him a hands-on tutorial that involves way too much touching for such a public, kid-friendly place. Harry wants so many pumpkins that they end up making it into a contest to see who can choose the best ones, both drifting from pumpkin pile to hay bale, turning pumpkins over and pressing on the bottoms like they’re pumpkin experts.
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ginnyzero · 4 years ago
Booktober 2020 Wk 3: Creatures
Hello my lovelies, it’s week 3 of Booktober. The month we talk about books, books, books! Or in this case, I’m talking about horror and paranormal books. Anyone is welcome to join in, I have put up prompts on my twitter and tumblr! If you decide to join in and use the tag booktober, at me, ginnyzero, on social media and I’ll try to reblog your posts. 
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This week, I am talking about creatures! What books do creatures in interesting ways? Creatures are a huge part of horror and paranormal culture, ghosts and cyptids and people who can use magical forces for good or for ill.
I’m going to start with my favorite creature, the werewolf. Of course, you can say, “Ginny that’s not fair, your favorite werewolves are the ones you write.” Yes. Yes. They are. My favorite werewolves are my werewolves in the Heathens because I love cozy werewolf drama family stuff with action sequences and explosions. Write what you love. My werewolves are based on a couple of things, old folktales where werewolves are actually benevolent creatures rather than out of control monsters, modern wolf science where wolves are families with siblings that squabble instead of a strict hierarchy of stranger wolves (wolves in zoos) and a bit of ‘science’ like the first werewolf movie put out by Universal; Werewolf of London. (It was a bit of a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde thing where they became a werewolf through the power of science.) But those are my tastes and may not be your tastes.
I think the most diverse werewolves in a book would be in Jim Butcher’s Fool Moon. Fool Moon uses a bunch of different werewolf types to drive the plot and conflict of the case Harry is working on. Harry has to figure out and work through the different werewolves in question to solve the mystery. He goes up against a gang of Beserkers, who are men who take on the spirit of wolves to be faster and stronger. There is a loup garou, the French and Cajun cryptid of an out of control wolf monster who rampages on the full moon. There are some werewolves who have made a pact with a ‘demon’ and use wolf belts in order to change into wolf monsters. There’s a group of DnD larpers who have figured out how to turn into wolves who are more benevolent and in control. And lastly, there is a wolf who has learned to change into a human.
It was really neat to see all the different types of wolves. I think all that was missing was the excommunicated/cursed by a priest wolf, and the ‘born werewolf.’ Unfortunately, outside of this case. These werewolves haven’t been hugely important to the story since. Other than the DnD group who Harry plays with on Friday nights. It really can get you thinking about the types of werewolves and how you can use them in a story.
Another popular creature and one I was fascinated with for a while are vampires. Okay, my favorite vampire is still The Count from Sesame Street but we are talking books. So, the most interesting take on vampires I’ve seen in a book is in Angela Knight’s Mageverse series. The Vampires in the Mageverse series are warriors who were originally turned by Merlin and Nimue in order to protect the Earth from alien invaders. Yes, Merlin and Nimue were powerful aliens. So, these vampires are all male, they drink blood of female ‘witches,’ they’re powerful warriors, and they can turn into wolves. (Yes. I know. But there are actual werewolves in this ‘verse too who are there to make sure the vampires don’t go nuts, but they aren’t as interesting.) If the vampires don’t feed off the witches, the witches get too high blood pressure and die. It’s paranormal romance so, there’s a lot of sex involved. The concept of “we’re the ancient round table of Arthur turned into magical vampires by the alien wizard Merlin’ was just so interesting to me.
Now, for demons, I really have to go to Christian literature. Because if you’re going to do demons, no one really doesn’t like the Christians do. Christian literature was the first place I was exposed to the supernatural. (Really, Christianity is metal and gothic, especially Catholicism. Catholicism is probably the most ‘mystical’ of the different groups.) To young me, Stephen R. Lawhead’s This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness were fascinating. He built this world where demons and angels were fighting over the mundane souls. They had personalities and jobs. So, you had two or three layers of story going on where the actions of the mundane characters gave power to the angels or the demons. Lawhead is a decent writer. The books are very, very protestant Christian making the concept of spiritual warfare very real but not trivialized like the way Left Behind did. And I haven’t seen anyone else do it precisely that way since.
Ghosts are difficult. I have seen books with ghosts that have really good concepts and poor execution. My favorite book with a ghost protagonist is Haunted by Kelly Armstrong. It’s part of her Women of the Otherworld series. In Haunted, the main female character is set a task to discover how another ghost is possessing people in the mundane world and causing murders. Kelly sets up rules for the ghosts. There are limitations to what the main character to do and this puts obstacles in her path as she has to navigate the realm of the living with these rules, different sections of the realms of the dead, prison realms, and make deals with demons. She ends up having a personal stake as well, when the other ghost targets her daughter! So, thrilling adventures.
So, what type of witch am I? I am a Cosmic Witch. I enjoy astrology, horoscopes, and all types of zodiac signs. I have looked into the Eastern Zodiac, Celtic Tree Calendar, blood types, the 12 moons of the year. I just enjoy delving deep into how different times of the year can affect your personality, whether or not you believe it’s real or not. If emotional energy is celestial energy, then I’m all about it. I also know some green witchery like herbalism and essential oils, but um, only for if you’re really sick. I mean it folks. It’s medicine. And like all medicine, it reacts differently with your body. I’m something of a night owl. So, being a cosmic witch makes a lot of sense. (Maybe I’m a Cosmic Werewolf Witch. Hmm.)
Now about books with witches! The most interesting books about witches to me were Rachel Caine’s Weather Witch series. Yes, it also involved fast cars and fashion. I really enjoyed the concept that there were different types of witches that could control different parts of the earth and the weather. So, like, fire witches could do forest fires and volcanos. While Weather Witches did storms and everything to do with the atmosphere. And Earth witches were mudslides and earthquakes and that sort of thing. Their powers also involved the Djinn. The main character was a female weather witch. She discovered corruption going on in the witch and wizard organization and abuse of the Djinn and yeah, lots of trouble. The witch craft that was shown was pretty scientific too the way it was described. It made things feel real.
Now for real old school horror, we need to talk about the fae. I’m not talking about the way fae are now portrayed in most paranormal romance and urban fantasy books. Because, the fae are just very, very powerful, and scary, so much so if you live in a world where they are still active, you don’t talk about them and you don’t try to gain their attention because they are capricious at best.
It’s really difficult for me to find a portrayal of the fae to take seriously. Maybe it’s too much Tolkien, maybe it’s DnD. I dunno. The best portrayal of the fae I’ve encountered was in the Lark and the Wren by Mercedes Lackey. Which is the first book of her Bardic Voices trilogy. Lark and Wren are in the middle of nowhere, when the fae kidnap Wren and Lark has to use her skills with the fiddle to get him back. (Kind of like a Devil Went Down to Georgia thing.) The fae are portrayed as capricious, deadly, and powerful. The books otherwise don’t have much to do with them. I’d really love to see a fae oriented book where the fae are portrayed this way.
I know Laurell K Hamilton did her Merry Gentry series, and yes, there are lots of horrifying parts to it (and not for the reason I think they were supposed to be horrifying.) But um, they’re erotica and for erotica they can be decent erotica. But for a fae story, they just don’t 100% hit it for me. Plus, she never finished them and it went to a really dark place (and I mean, like I thought she’d hit as dark as she could, but nooo.)
Now for the most out of the box creature book I’ve read is Terra Harmony’s the Rising. It involves mermaids and werewolves. Which, at first glance, don’t seem to have anything at all in common, but Terra works a way to give them something in common. The solution to the story is a bit horrifying, but I’m not sure I’d classify them as outright horror or even paranormal romance. Like Angela Knight’s the Mageverse series, the idea was very interesting to me. Plus, the mermaids are really well done.
I haven’t really seen books with gargoyles, mummies, djinn, actual sirens (sirens are birds, not fish) or secular books with demons in them. I don’t do zombies. Zombies are a hard no from me. So, here are some more interesting books for me books about creatures and witches.
Next week, I’ll be discussing classical horror and myths! Including some actual ghost stories and crypids. Once again, anyone is welcome to join in Booktober! Here is a handy image for next week’s prompt. (You don’t have to use it unless you want to do so.)
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officialjkhogan · 7 years ago
STRAY: Chapter Five
STRAY: Chapter Five
by J.K. Hogan
Years later, Sebastian still remembered that boy. Of course, years were like drops in the ocean for his kind. He’d often strolled down that street during his patrols of the city, but he never caught sight of the kid again. The house fell into disrepair, and eventually the whole block of row houses was torn down.
This night, Sebastian was hosting a conclave of the Sentinel at Club Sanctuary. A few of the envoys were less than happy with the venue, but he couldn’t have cared less if he were a corpse. They convened in a banquet room in the back, adjacent to the suite that had been converted to a homeless shelter. Envoys turned up their noses in distaste.
Cyprian was the only envoy present from Sebastian’s inaugural meeting. Around the table, there were unfamiliar faces with familiar hard expressions. The last year had been a dark time. They’d lost too many humans, and the Sentinel was losing ground.
The Vampire wore all black—a black turtleneck that molded to his slender form, black jeans, black boots. Beyond that, he could have been any twenty-something twink with a melanin deficiency. This time Cyprian held court at the head of the table, even though it was Sebastian’s territory. It was a clear statement that Sebastian did not misunderstand.
Cyprian was flanked on the left by Iskra, a female Delphic, Quirin and Aleksey, Loupos and Canis respectively, and a newcomer called Aedon, an Aviscindo. Incredibly rare, Aviscindae were bird shifters, and Aedon was the first Sebastian had ever met in person. On the Vampire’s right was Bohdan, an Ursascindo who was almost as big as a bear in his human form, Kishore, a Banshee, and Feroze, a Demon with a face only a mother could love.
Tension suffused the room, making Sebastian’s skin prickle as fine hairs stood on end. If he were in his Felis skin, he’d be puffed up like a blowfish. They’d been arguing about what should be done about repeat offenders. Some wanted to build a prison, warded against the Supernatural. Others lobbied for a swift and merciful end of life, while still more advocated for torture and a much more painful death.
The only thing the envoys all seemed to agree on was that what they’d been doing—banishment—was not working. The general consensus had been to table the discussion until the Envoy Summit the next month. More opinions were needed than just the eight who were present at the conclave.
“Next on the agenda,” Cyprian said in his smooth, cultured voice, “is the problem of the Whisper Communes. They’re gaining ground all over the Allied Territories, and my scouts have learned that there is a prolific one right here on the outskirts of Beltrane. Sebastian, do you have any insight?” The slick Vamp raised a manicured eyebrow in challenge, probably because he knew very well Sebastian hadn’t a clue what he was talking about.
Seeing no way around it, Sebastian had to take the bait. “What are Whisper Communes? I haven’t heard of them.”
Cyprian’s lips curled in a hard smile with just a hint of fang. “Whisper Communes are the newest religious fad among the humans, especially the doomsdayers awaiting the next purge. The communes are run by churches, usually centered around a single religious leader or, in some cases, a group of leaders. They’re hailed as prophets, saviors, while the humans are ignorant to what they really are.”
“Which is?”
“Dark Mages, usually,” said Feroze. “Though some of my kind have jumped on the bandwagon as well.”
Fuck…Demons. Something tickled Sebastian’s memory, but it slipped through his metaphorical fingers each time he tried to reach for it. “But why do they do it? What do they get out of it?”
“That, we don’t know for sure,” Cyprian answered, obviously disgruntled over the lack of information. “Worship, perhaps...adulation. Control. What evil wizard wouldn’t want a bunch of brainwashed humans to do his or her bidding? Or maybe it’s something worse.”
“Worse?” Sebastian asked.
“Worst case scenario? A vehicle for genocide. If you know your history, consider instances such as Jonestown and Heaven’s Gate during the second half of the twentieth century, or the Halcyon Brethren of the mid twenty-first. Imagine if cults like that could coordinate across the territories, and throw in the influence of Magick-Users? We could be talking global extinction.”
“If that’s their goal,” Kishore added. Her expression was skeptical.
“Yes, if,” Cyprian conceded. “But I think we have to presume the worst so we’ll be prepared for anything.”
Finally that errant memory took hold, and Sebastian saw flashes of a slender form, of teary brown eyes, of a boy running. “Actually… Now that I’m thinking about it, I think I’ve met someone who came in contact with the church who runs the commune in Beltrane. It was a boy I saved from a Vampire attack a few years ago. From Rydic,” he said, his gaze sliding to Cyprian, whose mouth tightened almost imperceptibly.
“I was keeping an eye on him in my Felis form, and he was upset so he started talking to me—to a cat. Apparently his parents abandoned him to go live at the commune, and they signed over their house to the church. The kid was basically squatting until the church came to claim the house.”
“Why didn’t they take the boy?” Iskra asked.
“I… I’m not sure,” Sebastian said. “I couldn’t ask without revealing myself. I think maybe he refused to go? And something about them not being his real parents. I don’t think he was sure whether he was adopted, or if it was something they’d said to drive him away. They called him a monster…”
Cyprian steepled his fingers, regarding Sebastian with a cool stare. “Could’ve been one of your Felis cast-offs, yes? Your mountain-children?”
“I suppose it’s possible, but in Roth, we keep close track of the gets, and they are either given to allies who know the truth about us, or to infertile humans desperately seeking children, who’ve been fully vetted. Though I can’t say what other strongholds in other territories do.”
“Where is the boy now?”
For a fraction of a second, profound sadness gripped Sebastian’s heart in its tight fist. “I lost track of him. The house fell into disrepair and was eventually torn down. I don’t know what happened to him. He’d be a man now—had almost been at the time.”
Cyprian’s fist clenched, his sharp nails appeared to be digging into his palms until Sebastian was sure there should be cold blood seeping beneath his fingers. “Find him. Find the boy. I want to know what he knows about the Whisper Commune. This is happening in your backyard, Sebastian the Lucent. Don’t fail me.
Days after the conclave, Sebastian was still irritated at being treated like both a servant and a failure by some Vampire. It didn’t matter that Cyprian was a Trueborn, the Feliscindae still considered the bloodsuckers an inferior species. Sebastian made a concentrated effort to see past his affront to realize that he really did need information about the Whisper Commune, because the very concept was dangerous. Gods knew what that horde of fanatics was doing just outside the city limits. His city.
He prowled the streets of Beltrane at the witching hour, first in his human skin, then in his Felis form. Cats could travel a great many places that humans—or those posing as them—could not. It was a cold night, and Sebastian was grateful for his thick pelt as he padded soundlessly through the park.
Deep within the fifty acre oasis square in the middle of Beltrane, there was a monolithic bridge, one that seemed excessive for the dry riverbed it spanned. The water had dried up ages ago. As Sebastian approached the stone monstrosity, he saw with his cat-eyes that a group of homeless were huddled under its shelter. There was a metal can where they must’ve had a fire, but it had long since gone out. He sniffed the air, but caught no scent of danger. He made a mental note to come back another time, earlier in the evening, and tell the squatters about the shelter in the back rooms of Sanctuary.
Sebastian continued on, moving like a ghost through the manicured greenery, shrouded by night. He walked parallel to the main path, but stayed in the shadows, away from the streetlamps. He was headed to the south side to patrol, and cutting through the park was the quickest way to make it across town on foot. A familiar scent drifted to him upon the frigid breeze, causing Sebastian to freeze in his tracks. Noah.
Expanding his sight once again, Sebastian scanned the area around him with an almost three hundred and sixty degree periphery. Nothing moved, so he followed his nose along the path a few yards. He didn’t notice the lump on the park bench until he was nearly on top of it. While it was a common misconception that felines could see in thermal infrared, it was true for the Feliscindae—and they were probably the reason that rumor developed in the first place—but it wasn’t as keen or precise as their mechanical counterparts. Still, the more heat an object gave off, the better he could see it in his Felis form… which made it all the more distressing that he hadn’t seen Noah on that bench.
Sebastian leapt up onto the bench beside Noah, who was wrapped in a dirty wool blanket. The boy—no, young man now—didn’t stir, so Sebastian turned and flicked his tail back and forth across Noah’s face. Eventually Noah’s nose twitched, and his eyes opened sluggishly. They focused and widened when he saw the source of the tickle.
“Hey, you,” he said in a voice that was too weak and scratchy. His cold hand stroked Sebastian’s fur. “You couldn’t be the same cat…”
Sebastian sank down into the sphinx position, and butted his head against Noah’s chin.
“But somehow you are, aren’t you?”
Sebastian meowed, having no other way to answer.
“Freaky,” Noah mumbled, mostly to himself. “So yeah, things have gotten a little worse since we last saw each other, you know?”
Sebastian purred and snuggled closer.
“The good news is I found a dry place to keep my stuff. But it’s a crypt, so it’s too cold to sleep in. I’m better…” He trailed off with a shiver. “I’m better off in the open air.” His eyelids fluttered and closed.
His pallor was sickly, and Sebastian didn’t like the color of his lips. He knew he couldn’t save Noah, couldn’t give him a home with a snap of his fingers, but he sure as hell could keep him from freezing to death this night. He told himself, as he disappeared into the thick bioretention swale, that he was doing it because he needed to interrogate the guy about the Whisper Commune, and not because, inexplicably, Sebastian cared about him.
Hiding in the reeds, he allowed the change to take hold from prickles to pulls, from pain to relief once he stood his full human height. Unlike the Loupos, Feliscindae used their Magick to retain their clothing during the Change—the wolves loved running around in the nude for some reason—and at a time like this, it came in handy.
Returning to the bench, he scooped Noah up, dirty blanket and all. His eyes blinked open for a brief moment as he gazed up at Sebastian.
“Well look at you,” Noah said in a voice as thin as paper, before passing out cold.
Sebastian told himself it was easier that way. There would be fewer questions. Noah would wake up at Sanctuary, warm and safe, with food available. They could talk, and maybe Sebastian could find a way to anonymously help him.
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