#we get there and they’re asking for $300+
tormiller · 1 year
i’m literally so sad about my eras show experience like it was a great concert but so many things went wrong trying to get there and then getting back home was even worse and on top of it all the surprise songs were lame
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danrifics · 23 days
good morning i have slept a total of 2 hours here’s my spoiler breakdown for terrible influence antwerp
they start by playing a text to speech voice who welcomes us and the straight boyfriends and the dads (they’re a bit obsessed with the dads i’ll be real) the voice tells us if we film she’s gonna sue are asses. text to speech lady she is an icon
dnp come out and they’re like yo this is cool it’s the first show, you guys are gonna see what we’ve been up to and then they’re like it’s the first show so we can use you guys to decide if we change anything
they they’re like there’s probably people in the audience who don’t really know us so they do a 15 years of dan and phil lore breakdown with dolls of themselves in little set of iconic dnp locations (made by pj and sophie btw) they put these sets in a table in front of a camera and it shows on the big screen, (for 1 section of this the screen doesn’t work for the first part lol) also phil makes the dolls kiss and they also make the dolls hump the breakfast bar cos of course they do
i can’t remember what happens next or maybe it jumps right into the next thing i mention
they play a game show called role model or no-model which is a madlibs style game where you have to decide if the version of dan and phil the audience creates is a role model or not these are compared to real dnp. we had homophobic furry lawyer dan and linguistics dr phil wo has a thing for hamsters. just an fyi for this dan is really good at hearing what the audience is saying and phil is not at all and im pretty sure he made his up cos he couldn’t understand what we wanted
okay so after this iirc they start talking about the youtube landscape and what they’re gonna do after tour and how to keep people entertained and they go on a little adventure through different genres of youtube like minecraft lets plays, vtubers and then they pretend to be mr beast and pretend to give away a bunch of stuff that they don’t have, they cure us of any mental health issues and they cure us from being gay <3
then they decide to have a boxing match cos obvs that’s what youtubers do, they ask us to cheer for whoever they want to win and it has cool intro to it! i’ll be honest this boxing match goes on for entirely too long like it spans the end of the first half and the start of the second but they have like choreographed fighting and OMFG it’s very gay and like suggestive and they do many times look like they’re gonna have sex 😂 like one of phils moves is to hit dan with his ass while dan is holding him from behind so… yeah. anyway dan thought he won ours and then phil knocked him out with a tv, as he should!! also before they end the first half they’re having an insult match where phils tells dan hes gonna burn his house down only for dan to say they live in the same house and i was dying it was so funny, phil also calls dan a dickhead and this is where he also calls him a cunt and that’s how the first half ends. oh also phil has a fake 6 pack on and that’s the $300 dollar silicone btw
okay second half after dan is dead they have a sincere moment and then they’re like you guys keep telling us you want load of long unedited content and they ask us to tell them a topic to monologue about and someone shouts feet and they rant about feet lmao phil excitedly tells everyone he has a better wiki feet rating than dan
then dan goes on a rant about being discriminated against as a millennial (can’t remember how we got there) and phil gets bored and starts watching subway surfers and i’ll be real honest as a gen z i instantly got distracted by subway surfers and didn’t listen to what dan was saying (that was the point tho) and phil keeps turning up the volume and dan gets mad and he storms off
we have a nice sincere moment with phil but idk what tf it was cos neither did phil 😂
then suddenly a voice, oh here she comes, she asks if we’re ready to confess our sins and out comes sister daniel, everyone fucking loses it, if you heard me screaming so loud no you didn’t.
anyway they read some confessions (phil is father philip) and they read out a few including one from @dnphobe !!! phil has a water gun that he didn’t have when he was meant to and couldn’t find and then found and he was spraying it at people to cleanse them of their sins which is what they meant by people being in the splash zone btw also phil sprayed it at dan it was kinda cute
okay so they say they need to go and get changed and they head off stage and there’s a gag where they leave the microphone on and they’re purposely making it sound sexual and it’s so funny and then dan comes out and phil doesn’t cos he’s struggling with his leather fucking trousers that was a completely unscripted part for sure
then they talk about the hiatus a bit and how dan left us and they keep calling us their family and brb while i cry my eyes out
then they pull out a fucking banger of a song, like i can’t even explain to you how good it is, it has a fully like kpop style dance to it that im gonna fucking learn lmao and dan was so good at it like im not even kidding that man was pulling moves!! phil was doing great too btw but he definitely wasn’t as confident in it as dan was but damn it’s the best song yet imo!!
also i forgot to write the conspiracy bit because i forgot where in the show it is but on one of them they were trying so hard to make us say the opposite one but we were literally forcing tour bus on them and yes they confirmed they shared a bed on that tour bus!! and they played it off like its okay for friends to do that (cos it is) but they way they said it was that thing again where they blur the line a little so we know what they actually mean but still pretend they mean something else
okay some little things i remember that i didn’t write above
- “i can’t imagine my life without you”
- “it’ll be 15 years in december” (if you know you know)
- the absolute silence after they confirmed the bed thing cos none of us were actually expecting it
- dan had to prompt phil a little to remind him what to say next but it was very cute
- they kept looking at each other in *that* way
- phil lied to us about when norman died cos he had norman merch coming out
- sleepless night with phil 3 is fake!!
- they showed *that* video of phil asleep on the tour bus
- there were multiple times where i thought they’re gonna kiss right now???
-phil called dan kinda sexy
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
Could we get one where Reader is chaos incarnate in terms of personality? No one is sure how Donna managed to tame them but they’re more calm with her? Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop them from snarking and maybe insulting the lords if they try to flirt with them, soothing Donna’s possessiveness without realizing?
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
May the chaos be with you
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 5,900
Summary: You were like chaos, but she was like calm...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open, I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“How much, you say?” you asked with a cocky pose, blinking comically.
“Well, that's the price of the product,” the Duke said calmly. He was the greedy merchant from the village, and he was ignoring you.
“300 lei for a chocolate bar…” you whispered mockingly, walking back and forth from the entrance to the mansion. “Do you think I'm stupid?”
“I would never dare to say such a thing, Miss (Y/N),” the man said, with a sinister smile on his face.
“No? Well, you are,” you protested with a frown.
“Please, you know that I would never dare to say such a thing about someone like you,” the merchant commented, counting coins disinterestedly. “But I'm afraid that's the price.”
“I don't believe it, you damn fat bastard,” you said with a furious growl. “I wonder if that carriage of yours will burn as well as I imagine.”
“Oh, sure it will… But it would still be 300 lei, well, maybe more for the trouble,” the man answered, laughing amused at your chaotic attitude.
“Maybe more for the trouble,” you repeated in a mocking tone, imitating his voice in an unpleasant way, crossing your arms.
“Come on, don't be like that, Miss (Y/N). Besides, I'm convinced that chocolate bar is to your liking, in fact, I'm sure that the 7 you stole from me last week were to your liking,” the merchant whispered, with a dark tone, but without erasing that fake smile from his face.
“Me? Stealing? Nonsense,” you said, feigning indignation at those words.
“Yes, yes, nonsense… I'm convinced that doll I saw rummaging through the carriage had nothing to do with Miss Angie, right?”
“You can't accuse me of anything. You'd probably mistake her for another Angie,” you said, looking away, lowering the volume of your voice.
“I'm probably a bit distracted lately,” the Duke said, rolling his eyes, rubbing his hands impatiently.
“Too much sarmale?”  you joked, arching your eyebrows.
“It's never enough...”
“Well, I hope after that confusion on your part, you'll give me a discount,” you said again with arrogance, with an evil glint in your eyes.
The man laughed amused, clearly enjoying your behavior.
“Why is that?” he asked, wiping away his tears of laughter.
“Do you know who you’re talking to?” you asked, raising your chin haughtily.
“Mm… (Y/N), right?” he answered, still laughing. You nodded and turned to point at the house with your hands.
“Yes, and do you know where you are? With a snap of her fingers, Donna can make you have the worst time of your life so…” you threatened, just as the merchant stopped laughing and looked over your shoulder.
“Lady Beneviento, your presence is… comforting,” the man said, elegantly, simulating a bow.
You turned around to see the lady in black right behind you, holding the Angie doll, your favorite accomplice, in her arms.
“Donna, that fat guy accused me of being a thief, tell him something,” you said, pulling the black fabric of her dress. She looked at you through her black veil, and then at the merchant, who put his hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, please, we were just arguing about an incident I had last week. Nothing to do with your… Well, with (Y/N). Of course I wasn't accusing your puppet of being part of that lack of stock in my carriage.”
“You see? Come on, torture him,” you said, pulling the black fabric again, hearing a slight laugh from the lady in mourning, who took your hand to calm you down.
“Calm down, tesoro… Go ​​inside, I'll take care of this,” she whispered to you in a hoarse, soft voice, too low for the merchant to hear, although from his expression, you could tell he did.
With a haughty gesture, you turned around and obeyed the lady's command, as you always did, as you always wanted to do, entering the house with an arrogant step.
“Let's see who's laughing now,” you said amused, rubbing your hands as you dropped into the rocking chair, closely followed by the Angie doll, who climbed onto your lap.
“(Y/N), (Y/N),” the puppet said, excited as always when you were together. “The fat guy snitched. How could he have noticed?”
“I don't know, I guess we have to plan better next time,” you whispered discouraged. Normally your pranks went unnoticed, or so you thought.
“Mm, I got it,” the doll said, getting closer to your ear. “We could wait for him to fall asleep and...”
“Pepper on the sheets,” you interrupted, with that same sinister look.
“No, although it's also a good idea,” the doll said, confused. “I had thought we could use the solvent that Donna has in the workshop to light a bonfire.”
“Hey, that's even better,” you said, stopping swinging, but undoing your smile instantly. “But we can't.”
“Why?” Angie asked.
“Donna would be angry,” you said with a sigh, looking at the half-open door, playing with a ball of yarn that was on the table.
“Donna is boring,” the doll protested, crossing her arms. “You have to stop paying attention to her or you'll become a boring, stupid girl.”
“But I love her,” you said frowning.
“Bah, nonsense, if you want a faithful ally, here I am,” Angie said, pointing to herself in a funny way.
“I'd love to take you up on your offer, but I don't think so,” you said with a smile, shaking your head and throwing the ball of yarn to the doll, who protested by moving her limbs erratically.
“Mm, it's a good opportunity to create chaos... But if you prefer boring Donna...” she said ironically, making you laugh.
“You don't do to me the things she does,” you said with a mischievous whisper, making the doll cover her face in embarrassment.
“No! Don't tell me! I don't want to know!” Angie shrieked, pretending to cover her ears. “Disgusting...”
You laughed mockingly, jokingly fighting with Angie, when the lady in black entered, closing the door behind her and removing the black fabric from her face.
“Oh, did you make him suffer?” you asked, pulling her wrist closer to the rocking chair. She smiled and shook her head, showing you your long-awaited chocolate bar and handing it to you. “Thank you, thank you…” you said, amused and triumphant.
Her smile remained on her face, but her gaze searched for the puppet, which quickly hid under the table.
“Angie, (Y/N), have you stolen from the Duke? Again?” she asked in a soft voice, with her hands on her hips. Her gaze didn’t express the slightest sign of severity.
“No,” you answered at the same time, making your lie more evident.
“It’s not my fault that the fat man is clumsy and leaves his carriage parked anywhere,” you said, excusing yourself, crossing your arms.
Donna laughed softly, leaning down to caress your cheek.
“Tesoro … What did we say about stealing?” she asked, staring at you, making you lose yourself in her beauty.
“Stealing is wrong,” you grumbled, looking away. She nodded slowly. “Okay… I promise you that next time he won't find out…”
She shook her head again, with an amused smile, getting a little closer to capture your lips in a soft, tender and slow kiss.
“Oh, no, here they are again…” Angie protested, fleeing the hall hastily.
The two of you looked at the doll and then back at each other. Donna sighed, helping you up and gently grabbing your waist.
“You're such a naughty girl, you know that?” she whispered seductively in your ear, making you shrink, your body trembling.
“Is that why you love me that much?” you asked, with that same playful tone. Donna nodded, kissing you on the cheek, pulling your body closer to hers with a gentle tug, running your hands around her neck.
“Who knows…”
It was just another day, another day in your life, a new life that came by chance in the midst of your mischief and pranks.
Since you were little, you were chaos made person. Pranks, jokes, a shameless vocabulary… You were a tough nut to crack for your family, and for most of the villagers. Normally, people born in that place became empty vessels, submissive, accommodating and polite people.
You didn't know what could have gone wrong with you, because you were the opposite.
Extroverted, daring, a joker… No adjective that could be used to describe you was accurate enough. Maybe you were a goddess, a powerful one, a goddess of chaos. Without fear of authority, of the consequences of your actions, you grew up being the terror of the villagers, of your neighbors.
You couldn't go a day without planning some mischief or responding inappropriately to anyone who dared to tell you that you couldn't speak in church.
Together with your small group of friends, you lived a thousand and one adventures always guided by your lack of judgment and fear of the unknown. Maybe it was your lack of logical reasoning that led you that day to enter where not even your friends wanted to do so, into the lands of the dangerous Lord, Donna Beneviento.
The fear the villagers of that place had made you want to enter that dark forest more and more. After all, you had already raided the factory, the castle and the dam. A sinister forest with porcelain dolls was not going to stop you from sowing chaos once again.
But your actions for once had consequences, suddenly running into the owner of those lands, the lady in black, who was known to be the personification of fear itself. At first you played your good girl card, trying to make Donna believe that you were nothing but a poor lost villager.
You soon discovered that you couldn’t fool her so easily. She didn’t know you, you doubted she had ever seen you in the church, but even so, she seemed to know more about you than you did yourself. Somehow, your desire to be rude and sarcastic disappeared with the breeze that carried her sweet lavender perfume.
She was quiet, calm, sick according to the villagers, dangerous and very, perhaps too intelligent.
Her solitary life in that place marked as forbidden caught your attention making your desire to do evil things disappear when her black clothes were in front of you. You couldn’t explain why but, with her you felt… Comfortable.
Little by little, those little encounters forced by your lack of judgment became a routine, in absurd but profound conversations, in visits beyond the wooden bridge, beyond that waterfall. You, who believed that love was nonsense, a method of life to reduce your desire for chaos, suddenly found yourself crazy for the lady in black, addicted to her serenity, her voice, her gaze.
Everything that happened around you seemed to bathe you in a calm atmosphere and that served so you, the goddess of chaos in the village, began to enjoy boring things like silence, like a caress, like some quiet kisses with the sound of the waterfall as your only companion.
After you loved each other and declared that you could not live without each other, your life improved, leaving your cabin, the village, to live in the mansion next to her, to feel that feeling of peace and tranquility every time.
You were still you, Donna was still Donna. Opposites attracted, or so they said. You were crazy about her, she was crazy about you. Silence and noise, tranquility and chaos, had fallen in love.
With her, nothing was as funny anymore. Playing pranks had become a risky sport. You didn't want to disappoint her, with her you behaved... Well, more or less well. Maybe if the Angie doll hadn't been there, you would have managed to reform yourself completely.
After the storm, the calm came, one of those moments when your thoughts went blank, when the ideas of fire and destruction stopped harassing your mind. Just a few soft caresses on your hair, your head on her lap while she read a boring book, her relaxing, comforting humming... You didn't know at what point you had started to prefer being like this to planning another of your evil plans.
“Is it fun?” you asked, lying on your back, distracting the lady from her reading and her melodic, calm humming. She looked down, intensifying the caresses on your hair, forcing you to close your eyes at the calm produced by her fingers tangling in your locks.
“No, not at all,” she said, amused, bending down to kiss you in the same calm way, settling down on the couch.
“Why are you reading it then?” you asked curiously with a frown. Donna sighed, with that same serene expression.
“You know what? You're right,” she said, closing the book and letting it fall on the table.
You smiled triumphantly, rubbing yourself affectionately against her lap.
“I prefer to look at how beautiful you are,” she whispered, playing with one of your hands, causing your skin to burn under her touch.
You tried to avoid it, you certainly tried, but you couldn't stop the blush from bathing your cheeks at such a compliment. Could it be that your chaotic attitude was due to the lack of affection in your life? Maybe, maybe that's why you felt better by her side.
“But that's boring too,” you said in a childish tone. Donna looked at you curiously, tilting her head.
“You think so? I don’t think so,” she whispered, amused. “Are you bored, tesoro?”
“A bit,” you sighed, trying not to be offensive, not to show the slightest rejection of her caresses.
“Well, what do you propose?” she asked curiously as you sat up, yawning indiscreetly.
“Well…” you whispered, rubbing your eyes, under her ever-attentive gaze. “I still haven’t thanked you for that chocolate bar…”
With that lustful hiss, you threw yourself into her kisses, climbing up her body, letting her hands embrace your back as your lips devoured each other.
“You’re tireless, aren’t you?” Donna said, amused by your erratic kisses, by your shameless caresses. “Haven’t you had enough this morning?”
“It's obvious I haven’t,” you said amused, moving down to her neck slowly, channeling that desire for action into a feeling of excitement and desire to love. You didn't want to admit it, but that was much better than any mischief.
Donna laughed nervously, bringing your body as close to hers as she could while your hips began to dance uncontrollably. Suddenly, she pulled away from your kisses, frowning.
“Did you hear that?” she asked, stopping her movements and looking over your shoulder. You shook your head, cupping her face in your hands and returning to those kisses you needed that much.
“I haven't heard anything,” you said a bit frustrated by her lack of attention to your actions, not giving her a moment to breathe. Donna, knowing that when you wanted something, you got it, gave in to your caresses, resuming the dance of your hips, for a short time.
“Hey! Get away, separate, let the air flow, you disgusting sticky fools!”  Angie shrieked, suddenly entering the living room, pretending to cover her eyes.
“Angie, get out of here,” you said, smiling sinisterly at Donna, who seemed to not give importance to her doll.
“Hey! Listen to me you two!” she shrieked, climbing onto the couch and pulling at your dress, making you growl furiously.
“Angie, go away,” Donna ordered her, supporting her words with a gesture of her hand. The doll, irreverent as always, grabbed that hand and pulled it.
“Will you, just, listen, to me? Miranda has called,” the doll protested, now yes, attracting the immediate attention of its owner, who stopped the kisses, remaining almost paralyzed.
“Miranda?” the lady in black asked, catching her breath and looking at you to get off her lap. You, reluctantly, complied with her silent order, falling beside her with your arms crossed.
“Oh, you're finally listening to me, huh?” Angie mocked, looking at you as if she knew what she had just interrupted. Of course she did.
“Say what she wants and get out, we're busy,” you said, with a harsh tone towards your usual accomplice.
“Like you always are…” the doll answered, jumping onto her owner's now empty lap. “There's a meeting, a meeting, Donna.”
The brunette sighed, closing her eye. Unfortunately, she wasn't there just for you. Her duties with that sinister cult in the village were always there to make you want to get up to mischief again.
“When?” Donna asked, putting on her dress, already knowing what the answer would be.
“Now, silly Donna, are we going?” the doll teased, tugging Donna's arm again to get her up from the couch “If the blood gets to your head, of course…”
“Oh, shut up, I'm coming now,” the lady said annoyed slowly turning her head towards yours. “I'm sorry, amore mio, but…”
“Yes, yes, you're leaving,” you said, with a haughty stance, looking away. Despite your noticeable improvement, you still had trouble accepting that you wouldn't have what you wanted.
“I promise when I come back…” she told you, kneeling on the floor and leaning on your knees, with a sad look, knowing what that meant to you.
“Yes, okay, I know… You're leaving me alone again,” you protested, unpleasantly removing her hands from your body, making her sigh.
“It's harder for me than for you, believe me,” Donna said, slowly getting up, with a glint in her eye that caught your attention.
“What do you mean?” you asked curiously, frowning.
“I don't like leaving you alone, tesoro,” she murmured in a low, broken voice, as if she were hiding something. You weren't stupid, you realized right away.
“Oh, you don't trust me not to do anything naughty, do you?” you hissed in a serious tone, with real annoyance.
“No, honey, it's not that,” she said hastily, lifting your chin so that your gaze met hers.
“Then, what is it?” you asked abruptly, sitting firmly on the couch. Donna opened her mouth to answer, but seemed to regret it.
“It's not important. Just wait for me, okay? I won't be long,” she said in a soft voice, with a smile that didn't seem at all sincere. After a quick goodbye kiss, she walked away from you.
Your head was spinning from that strange behavior and a huge amount of bad thoughts invaded your chaotic mind. Maybe Donna was hiding something from you. Well, you only had one idea to find out.
“Hey, wait, Donna,” you said, standing up, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I have an idea, why don't you take me with you?”
“Do you want...? Do you want to come with me?” she asked confused, scratching the back of her neck, doubtful. That gesture didn't please your disturbed mind.
“Yeah, it could be fun. Besides, I haven't met your siblings yet,” you said, showing a wide smile. That idea sounded better and better in your head.
“Oh, of course, I… I don't think it's a good idea…” she murmured, moving away from your amused posture, shaking her head.
“Why not?” you asked offended, changing amusement into chaotic rage.
“Because… Well, those meetings are…”
“I know that Dimitrescu sometimes brings her maids, why can't I go?” you protested, stamping your feet in a childish way. “Are you ashamed of me?”
“Of course I’m not,” Donna answered, with a serious look, trying to calm you down with her caresses, ones that you rejected.
“It seems like you are,” you whispered, cowardly fleeing from her comforting touch. “Of course you are, you are ashamed of me, you are afraid that I will do something evil or stupid, right?”
“No, tesoro, it is not that,” she said, with a serious tone, with a cold look, trying to be as sincere as possible.
“Say whatever you want, I know. I don't know why you are ashamed, I’m not the one who is sick in the head,” you hissed without thinking.
Donna stepped back, as if your words had pierced her fragile heart. It was to be expected. Both her appearance and her mental problems were the only things that prevented her from calming you down on some occasions. She felt self-conscious about it.
“(Y/N)…” she sighed in a sad voice, scared by that way of addressing her.
You shook your head, closing your eyes and taking a breath, regretful.
“I didn't mean that, I'm sorry,” you apologized in a low voice, taking her hand, which was already beginning to tremble. “Forgive me... I didn't mean to talk to you that way.”
She nodded, relaxing that sad expression and changing it into an understanding smile, caressing your cheek.
“It's okay, I know, amore mio...” she sighed, kissing you quickly so you both could calm down.
“Hey, well, it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me,” Angie intervened, tugging on the dress of the lady in black, who looked at her curiously. “Come on, Donna, it could be fun.”
“See? Angie agrees,” you said, joking, forgetting that awkward moment. Donna laughed, shaking her head.
“Angie always agrees with you,” she murmured amused, playing with your hand. She seemed to be really thinking about it, which sent a wave of excitement to your face.
“We're good friends, right?” you asked the doll, who high-fived you.
“Please, Donna…. Let her come,” the puppet begged, comically clasping her hands together, joining your pouting face, imitating your gesture.
“Come on… Please…” you repeated with that same childish, pleading tone.
“Oh, okay, fine, come with me but…” Donna said, defeated, crossing her arms.
“Yes, yes”
“Yes, what?” she asked distrustfully.
“I'll behave…”
The walk to the meeting was, well, you couldn't say it was smooth. Both you and Angie talked nonstop about how excited you were to be able to go to a meeting of Lords.
You could certainly understand Donna's fear in taking you, but your keen intuition told you that maybe it wasn't for the reasons you thought. What was it that scared the lady in black that much? You figured you'd eventually find out.
“Okay, I'll go to find a chair for you,” Donna said, covered in that horrible black veil, searching the corners of the cathedral for a place for you to sit. There was still no one else.
You nodded, looking around at that sinister place.
“Is this the place?” you asked Angie, who didn't seem to want to leave your side. Had Donna ordered her to?
“Yes,” the doll replied. “It’s cool, huh?”
 “Yes, it has many possibilities…” you said, pretending a thoughtful, intellectual look, finding in every corner of that place, a possible prank.
“Isn't it? I always think that when these fools start talking about boring things. Look at those chandeliers…” Angie commented, pointing towards the altar.
“Oh, yes, it would be a shame if someone loosened those screws,” you murmured amused, shaking your head instantly. “No, no, I promised Donna I would behave.”
“But Donna isn't here…” the puppet tempted you, giving you a few soft nudges on the leg.
“Donna is here,” the lady in black said, approaching with a chair, placing it next to what seemed to be hers. “Angie, leave (Y/N) alone.”
“You boring spaghetti thing,” the doll said, crossing her arms and climbing onto your body, gracefully climbing up your back. “I told you, if you keep listening to her you'll be as boring as her.”
“Angie…” the lady complained, extending a hand towards you, which you took with a shrug. “Come, tesoro, sit here.”
You obeyed, letting yourself fall into the uncomfortable wooden chair. Donna, checking that everything was okay, sat on hers, taking your hand.
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly, just as some erratic steps approached you.
“Yeah, sure,” you said with a sincere smile, nodding calmly. “Oh, it seems someone took the bait…”you commented when you saw the horrible monster of the dam enter. Village Lord, Moreau
“Donna, Donna,” he said with a goofy voice, smiling as he approached you. “You look beautiful today…”
“Thanks, you ugly little monster,” Angie said, answering for her owner, in part.
“And you, who are you?” the creature asked, pointing at you with a slimy finger.
“(Y/N), Sal. She’s Donna's girlfriend,” Angie answered, displaying you as if you were an object, to which you frowned.
“Oh, of course, you're beautiful too,” the monster said, bowing at which you had to hold back your laughter.
“I wish I could say the same,” you said with a grimace of displeasure, receiving a nudge from the brunette. “I mean, nice to meet you, I guess…”
“You remind me of a little human who snuck into my swamp two years ago,” Moreau murmured, approaching you unpleasantly. You arched your eyebrows, slightly suppressing the evil smile that formed on your face.
“Really?” you asked, biting your tongue. The monster nodded.
“Yes, yes, I was locked in my room for days because that little mouse took my keys... If I find her...” the Lord explained, causing you more difficulties to contain your laughter.
“That's because you're very clumsy, Sal, (Y/N) is good. She has nothing to do with it,” Angie said in your defense. Of course, she knew you had been the culprit of that incident. It was one of the things that the mischievous puppet admired you for.
“It's true, my apologies, young lady,” the fish man said kindly, walking away with a farewell gesture towards his sister.
“It seems he likes me,” you commented to the lady in black, who shook her head and a soft veiled laugh.
“You are incorrigible, amore mio,” she whispered back, kissing you on the cheek through her veil.
“Well, well, well!” A mocking male voice reached your ears, making you turn your head. Another of the Lords, Karl Heisenberg, had just entered, looking at you over his glasses, walking towards you. “Donna's special friend…”
“Girlfriend, you moron,” Angie protested, earning a gentle reprimand from her owner, who seemed very attentive to the metal man.
“Yeah, yeah…” he sighed, leaning on your chair, watching you amused. “Hey, do we know each other?”
“I don't think so,” you said, in a brusque tone.
“No? Because you… Oh yeah, you're that little thief who snuck into my factory with some friends to steal my beers, right?” he accused you, pointing at you with his finger.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” you said, looking at your nails with disinterest.
“Of course, I would recognize that good girl face from miles away…” the man commented, with a mocking tone. You, oblivious to the danger, shrugged your shoulders, sighing. “Come on, what do you have to say in your defense?”
“That beer tasted like Lycan piss. It wasn't worth it,” you said amused, with a sly smile.
Karl laughed loudly, shaking his head.
“Excuse me, your majesty. Maybe next time you'd like me to put them in the fridge,” Heisenberg said ironically, with a dark look, playing with a cigar between his teeth. You smiled innocently, nodding.
“It would be nice, yes,” you joked, with a cocky pose, leaning your back on the chair.
He laughed even louder, approaching the lady in black and giving a strong slap on her back, which destabilized her comically.
“Oh, Donna, your friend is so bold, isn't she?” he sighed beside her. She did nothing, she just looked away, you guessed at you. “Rude and fighter... Just the way I like them.”
You turned around abruptly at this unexpected compliment.
“I guess I'll behave better then,” you said through clenched teeth, furious at this shameless hint.
Karl laughed again, approaching you in a casual manner.
“Come on, come on, don't be like that, cutie,” he said to you in a tone that turned your stomach.
“Call me cutie again,” you threatened with a sinister smile, making the Lord look at you carefully, but without losing the mockery in his eyes.
“You don't like it? I figured as much,” he said, slurring his words.
“Stay away from her, Karl,” Donna said, surprisingly speaking for herself, clenching her fists tightly.
“Look at that, your girlfriend's become jealous... That's because she knows there's something going on between you and me, don't you think?” he said, amused. You smiled again, narrowing your eyes. “It must be very boring to be surrounded by disturbing dolls all day long...”
“I like it,” you said, crossing your arms again.
“I'm sure you'd have a better time in my factory,” he whispered, pretending Donna couldn't hear him. You knew she could, as her whole body tensed again.
“I'd rather have a stick shoved up my ass and be set on fire than spend a single minute in your disgusting factory, Karl,” you said, amused, with all the arrogance your lack of sense of danger allowed you.
“Oh, what a nasty girl,” he joked, leaning on his hammer. “Donna, is she like that in bed too?”
“I'm sure you'd love to check it out,” you said, answering for your girlfriend, who was being calmed by Angie's soft words.
“Of course,” Karl murmured, arching his eyebrows.
“Try it in the next life, asshole,” you hissed, with a serious face, maintaining your cocky tone and posture. He stepped back, surprised by your impudence. “Do you mind getting out of the way? I'd like to see something different than your shitty face.”
With a nasty laugh, the Lord walked away from you, much to your relief.
“(Y/N)…” Donna sighed, her voice calmer, grabbing your hand tightly. “Be careful.”
“Why?” you asked, confused.
“Donna, how nice to see you with company,” a dark, seductive voice interrupted that moment. The lady of the castle, Alcina Dimitrescu, stood before you with an elegant posture.
The lady in black nodded kindly, as a greeting. You frowned when the tall woman did the same when she saw you.
“You…” she whispered thoughtfully. You smiled, with that good girl face again. “I know you…”
“Everyone knows me,” you said smiling, blinking mockingly.
“I see. You are that little bird that snuck into my castle and stole a bottle of my best harvest, right? Oh, don't answer, of course it's you, I would recognize that body anywhere.”
“(Y/N)…” Donna sighed, shaking her head and leaning back in her chair.
“Wine? I don’t know,” you said, shaking your head, keeping the vampire’s gaze , who made a small grimace of disgust. “By the way, I was wondering if next time it could be the blood of a blonde maiden, I wonder if it would change the taste…”
A disturbing smile formed on the face of the lady in white, separating herself slightly from you, taking a drag on her cigarette.
“You cheeky little bird…” she murmured, shaking your head. You, unfazed by her overwhelming presence, pretended to be a saint again. “If you wanted wine, my dear, you could have tried asking me in person.”
“In person?” you asked, feigning confusion. The tall lady nodded.
“Yes, I'm sure we could have a most interesting conversation... As long as your dear Donna allows it, what do you say, cara mia?” she asked, looking directly at the brunette, who shook her head erratically.
“I can think for myself,” you protested, attracting her attention again, causing Alcina to bend down and blow the smoke from her tobacco in your face, making you cough.
“It seems so… Well? Do you want to talk in my castle? I'm sure a girl like you has many stories to tell.”
“Mm,” you murmured, nodding sarcastically. “You know what? I don't think I would be up to it,” you said jokingly, with a sardonic look.
“You little brat...” the lady growled, completely taking notice of you game of words.
“Little, maybe, compared to you, of course,” you continued joking, stopped by Donna's hand, which squeezed yours tightly to shut you up.
After those little awkward encounters, at last, the priestess, Mother Miranda, arrived. You, tired of being there, didn't pay attention to the most important winged figure in the village. You could have joked, but you didn't want to. Donna's siblings were one thing, Miranda was worse, she was too important to your girlfriend, you couldn't let her down with that. Or that was your intention.
“Well, you can go,” the blonde finally said, causing the Lords to leave the room, but not before giving you a burning look, full of resentment. You, amused, blinked comically again, waving goodbye mockingly.
The priestess sighed, suddenly looking at you and walking towards you. Oh, another stupid moron delaying your return home…
“Donna, is everything okay?” the blonde asked, removing the golden mask covering her face. The lady in black nodded, and so did Miranda, turning her head towards you. “What do we have here? Are you the famous (Y/N)?”
You raised your eyebrows and sighed listlessly.
“What? Do you want to take me to bed too?” you asked without thinking, causing you to receive a strong elbow from the lady in black.
Miranda looked at you with wide eyes and a surprised expression. She didn't say anything, just that expression of astonishment slowly changed to a smile that spread more and more across her face until it turned into a soft laugh, as she walked away from you, running a hand over your shoulder.
“Take care of her, Donna. I like her,” the priestess said, before disappearing down the hall.
When you were alone, Donna stood up in a huff, pacing back and forth in front of your chair.
“Maledizione, (Y/N), have you dedicated your life to infuriating everyone?” she asked nervously, resting her hands on the arms of the chair.
You shrugged, amused.
“A joke is a joke. I don't care if it's a Lord or a normal villager. I don't discriminate,” you joked, making Donna snort and move away from the chair, shaking her head.
“You're going to drive me crazy,” the lady whispered, removing the veil from her face, revealing her worried look.
“I thought you were already crazy… I mean, crazy about me,” you said slowly, thinking your words carefully and grabbing her waist, earning a condescending smile.
Something in her gaze suddenly changed and, after looking at your lips, she threw herself at them, devouring you with kisses in an unexpected way, caressing your body, sitting you on the chair and climbing onto your lap.
“Hey, hey, Donna, what's wrong?” you asked, stopping the brunette's passionate attack. She shook her head, caressing your cheek while, with a gesture of her other hand, she left Angie inert on the floor.
“I think you deserve a reward,” she whispered in your ear, playing with the buttons of your dress. You frowned and looked at her confused.
“Why? For getting on your nerves?” you asked amused by her unbridled attitude.
Donna relaxed and her expression did the same, avoiding looking at your face.
“No, I... I didn't want you to come because, because I know my siblings and... Well, you're beautiful and I... I was afraid of...”
“Of losing me,” you finished her sentence with a sigh, far from the chaos of your mind.
She nodded with a lost look, with a tear running down her cheek.
“Hey, Donna…” you whispered tenderly, looking up at her. “You're the only one who makes me look like a normal person. I would never give up on the only woman in the world who can make me enjoy calm…”
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as-is-yours · 2 months
happy 2024 summer olympics!
some tog watching the olympics hcs for the soul because i love the olympics and i decided they do too:
andy competed in the ORIGINAL greek olympics. yes she did
with the guard being as competitive as they are, the olympics are a BIG deal in the safe house - it’s like the football world cup but all day every day for three weeks straight
it’s obviously too dangerous for the guard to attend the olympics these days with all of the cameras and media, so they hunker down in a safehouse and watch as much as they can on TV
they used to go most years though, nicky even told nile that he considered competing in olympic shooting back in the mid 1900s but it was too high profile to risk it
quynh was in the ocean when they brought back the olympic games as we know them today. her first olympics year back with the guard she asks andy why everyone is clothed and where the victors wreaths are
nile LOVES the olympics so she fits right into the dynamic when the first olympics of her time with the guard roll around
she was a little nervous about coming on too strong that first year, but when she saw how hard they roast each other and how much they goaded her into being just as competitive and aggressive as they were, she settled in easily
they would later regret unlocking that part of her once they realize how painful watching the olympics with an american is
nile keeps a scoreboard on the wall next to the TV where she updates the medal counts daily and reminds everyone who’s winning (the usa)
joe, quynh, and booker prefer the summer olympics while nile and andy prefer the winter olympics. nicky is just happy to make some money off of booker when france loses, no matter the season
“andy im getting us a peacock account to watch the olympics, they’re starting next week” “peacock account? what the hell is peacock? like the bird??”
there’s ALWAYS a bet going on. for the full duration of the olympic games there is never not a bet going on
nile will be doing joe’s dishes for a month after kaylia nemour beat suni lee in the uneven bars final
booker owes nicky €300 after italy advanced out of the first round of the women’s doubles tennis tournament (france did not) and another €1000 for italy winning the gold medal
andy stays out of the betting for the most part, or just picks the best athlete rather than one representing her home nation
“andy, that’s cheating—” “the scythians were nomadic. i don’t even remember where i was born so i’ll pick whichever athlete i damn well please, and you—” “okay, fine! we get it!”
andy found quynh wandering in a desert, quynh doesn’t really remember where she’s from either so she picks her favorite athletes based on vibe and which countries were her favorites to travel around with andy
there aren’t nearly as many north african athletes as there are italian, french, and american so joe starts adopting the athletes with the most heartwarming comeback/underdog stories as his faves
i feel like nile LOVES usa gymnastics having been a teen watching gabby douglas and simone biles!
that girl was SAT for every gymnastics event cheering on team usa like it was her job
andy has broken her neck attempting to pull off the stunts she sees in olympic snowboarding, gymnastics, skateboarding, figure skating, etc…. but sometimes she nails them. and it’s sick as fuck
nile is from the midwest i know she’s an ice hockey enjoyer. she pregames the winter olympics by making the guard watch miracle (2004) (nicky cries)
booker makes a drinking game for watching the games. he prints out the rules and pins them up next to nile’s medal count. take a sip when an announcer starts yelling, a shot when a random celebrity is shown on the broadcast, and finish your drink when a medalist cries
whenever great britan places below one of the guard’s countries, copley receives a very vulgar and unsportsmanlike text from them
no, quynh does not watch swimming events. thank you for asking
the couch is NOT a safe space. anything goes during the olympics. anyone who gets too mean (or whose athlete loses) can and will be pushed off the couch and exiled to the armchair
i will surely update this as the olympics continue and my friends and i get up to more hijinks. stay tuned and enjoy the greatest sporting event ever conceived
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agendabymooner · 1 year
ride home ! carlos s. x ofc (filipino!content creator!ofc)
“and my weary heart has come to rest in yours.”
summary: carlos sainz accidentally outed himself as a married man and his wife is filipino, which is quite ironic if you would look at the history between the two nations. OR mona magdalena was something of a surprise to the f1 world as she’s something of an… ordinary person. but the ferrari driver’s in love with her and that’s enough for anyone to understand.
content warning: established relationship, use of explicit language, unclear plot (intro to carlos sainz’ ofc wife), fluff, lando = knowing something you don’t, poorly translated comments, mentions cheating (no one did), connected to the alessandro/hearth universe (see masterlist)
note: there will be a translation to some of the words in this post (context: spain colonized philippines for 300 years and language/culture/practices were adapted from spain.)
this is a self-indulgent fic. a little bit of it i think. this came from my halo-halo homies’ asks and i was inspired to write. i should write some fernando alonso soon, no? enjoy xx
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liked by carlossainzjr, landonorris, zildbenitez
user2 welcome back to philippines magda!!
zildbenitez sex or chocolate? liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena the city by the 1975
user3 i cant believe that you’re working a regular job in spain/england while you’re a whole ass celebrity in the philippines 😭 liked by monamagdalena
monamagdalena duality of a woman 😉
benandbenmusic gimmick sa’n? where should we hangout?
monamagdalena i want some inasal :)
benandbenmusic bet, meet u at the nearest mang inasal then 🫶
carlossainzjr y u so pretty cariño? liked by monamagdalena
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carlossainzjr posted a story !!!
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this story in unavailable
[translation: my wife should just quit her day job and come travel with me]
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[translation: there’s no one i would yearn for more than you, my lovely lady.]
tagged monamagdalena
liked by charles_leclerc, blastersilonga, landonorris
user1 ok but why doesn’t she give wag vibes? did she ever attend any of his race?
user2 she doesn’t seem to be like his type tbh. why does she have a huge fanbase?
user3 bestie they’re married- what more can they do?
user4 she’s hella gorgeous
user5 i didn’t even know who carlos was until now :’] magda really chose the perfect one 😭
user6 welcome to the pits of hell we call f1. ferrari’s at the deepest depth - carlos drives for ferrari
user7 y’all btches blind if you don’t see the heart eyes carlos is giving her
user8 he’s so in love i wish that were me
landonorris ok but i’m rooting for you two though 🥲 liked by carlossainzjr and monamagdalena
monamagdalena thanks, lando! i’m also rooting for us :)
monamagdalena you’re the best partner to have existed. mahal kita sobraaaaaa ❤️ i love you soooo much liked by carlossainzjr
carlossainzjr see you soon cariño ❤️
user8 she really said “colonizing his heart” 😭
user9 who cooks better though?
carlossainzjr her because she grew up with a single mother only and they always make the best cuisines - lena taught me how to cook most filipino dishes
monamagdalena most filipino dishes that NEED to be paired with rice 🥲 i get so lonely having to eat rice by myself at times
landonorris you should have me over so we can eat rice together
monamagdalena you betcha. i’ll be making you dinner like it’s a filipino birthday party lando!
user10 now THAT is the dream 😩 imagine being so sweet that you’d make your husband’s mate some roast pans full of filipino food and pull up the karaoke ughhh so mother of u
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bonus !!!
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mahal / irog = terms of endearment, “love”
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prying-pandora666 · 11 months
On Alucard and Maria
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Are there actually fans advocating for Alucard to be written as Maria’s father figure in the new season of Nocturne? Like that would be a good thing and not infinitely creepier? I don’t think they’ve thought this through.
Alucard is the single most popular character in the franchise. He’s also probably the most shipped character. And yet he has only had one canon love interest in the decades since he’s existed. It’s Maria. And you’re telling me that you think that because he’s 300+ and she’s 17-18 when they started living together in the games, that it would be grooming. However, somehow him inserting himself into her life at age 16 when she’s just lost both her parents wouldn’t come off like grooming!?
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Does this man look like he should be picking up random children!? He’s literally terrified of his own cursed blood. Maybe LISTEN TO HIM.
I’m convinced fandoms have forgotten what that word means. Grooming has specific features. It doesn’t just mean “older guy and younger girl.” A relationship with an age gap or an uneven power dynamic can be exploitative or abusive without being a case of grooming. Grooming specifically refers to the process of forming a relationship with a child with the intention of leveraging that relationship and trust to train and prepare (aka brainwash) your victim for the harmful activities the groomer wants to normalize. The relationship Alucard and Maria have in the games is in no way grooming. You know what would be grooming though?
Coming into a 16 year old’s life when she’s vulnerable, traumatized, and recently orphaned only to insinuate yourself as a new father figure. This is so highly inappropriate and a huge red flag. Consider what you’re actually asking for here. These characters do not exist in a a vacuum. They have a long history together as each other’s only canon love interests. You cannot fully extract them from the games, art, interviews, audio dramas, animations, and more where they’re depicted as a couple. There are decades of this precedent and you are asking Netflix to knowingly take the characters with an established romantic dynamic that the audience is already primed to see as romantic and instead portray their meeting as him trying to be her new daddy?
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“Oh look! Alucard and his… daughter? Yikes.” This is an official advertisement btw.
THAT is grooming! Think about the optics of this! It would be abysmal! No it would NOT fix the problem of their age gap to make him act like a groomer and get in good with her as a dad. You just cannot completely extract them from the legacy of their relationship in the source materials. It will be incredibly creepy and textbook grooming if you get your way.
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Is this really what you want to associate with an “adoptive father Alucard”? Because the art we create doesn’t exist in a vacuum. All the old content—official and fanmade—is still going to exist.
What is so objectionable about the original dynamic anyway? It’s a pretty fun subversion of the tired and problematic vampire trope of “vampire man stalks teen girl and coerces her into being his”. Instead in their original relationship, Maria is the one who pursues Alucard! It’s the young woman who takes initiative and is given the agency to go after what she wants. She courts and woos him. That’s part of the fun!
Yes, Alucard is 300+. He’s also a fictional creature that doesn’t actually exist IRL and stays eternally young. There are no actual people who will ever have his problem of staying 20 forever so it’s rather silly to say he can’t date any humans because of course he will have an age gap with any of them.
The only real problem I have seen people bring up is Maria’s age, but from what I can tell, the show’s already fixed this. Check it out.
In The Games
Rondo of Blood: Maria is 12. She and Alucard do not meet. Richter is a brother-figure and not romantic.
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There is then a 5 year time skip.
Symphony of the Night: Maria is 17. She and Alucard meet to save Richter. At the end, Alucard says his goodbyes and intends to return to a life of solitude. Maria goes after him because she has developed feelings for him and doesn’t want him to suffer a life alone.
Maria is given agency to pursue what she wants and prove herself even against Alucard’s resistance and hesitance to let another person into his life.
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They spend a year together before we get the audio drama.
Nocturne of Remembrance: Maria continues to try to get close to Alucard. They end up saving each other’s lives and in the end he finally confesses his romantic feelings for her. She is an adult and perfectly able to make her own choices. She chose him. He admits he returns her feelings.
How fandom can look at a story about a young woman subverting the trope and chasing the vampire to get what she wants—basically an anti-Bella Swan—and still find a way to disempower her just so they can pearl clutch? I couldn’t tell you.
So now let’s look at what the show did.
In The Show
Nocturne S1: Maria is 16. She’s been aged up from 12, probably to give her a more active and believable role. But this also means she’s within a normal age to start feeling attraction and expressing her wants. Within her society, she’s even considered of marriageable age. However we are spared the discomfort of our modern values clashing with her contemporaneous ones because Maria in this season isn’t interested in romance. She’s interested in revolution, equality, justice. They’ve portrayed her with so much love and strength. There is no indication they’d betray her by writing her as the child victim of a male suitor. In fact she only meets Alucard in the final few seconds of the season and the two do not even speak a single word to one another.
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Now let’s remember the games had a five year time skip. The show only needs two years to get Maria to the adult age of 18, but assuming the follow through with the timeline and go for the full five?
Maria will be 21.
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Fan concept for adult Maria. Credit:@esp-art
Are you telling me a 21 year old woman is not old or mature enough to make her own decisions? How is this not a total infantilization of women? Do you think a 21 year old badass vampire hunter needs protection from the ace depressed dhampir boy who just wants to sleep and has in no way tried to pursue her until after she expressed consistent and persistent interest in him?
It is not “grooming” to meet someone when they were younger and then meet them again years later as an adult. That’s a thing that happens! In real life! Adults can still make decisions for themselves! It is only grooming if Alucard behaved in a way that would manipulate teen Maria and put her under his control and authority before she can consent. There is no indication that Alucard in the show is going to do this. And yet the fandom is basically demanding it by saying he should make her “his baby girl”?
And what of Maria’s feelings in all this? She just lost her mother and was betrayed by her father shortly after discovering he even existed. She has lived her whole life without a father. She is in no desperate need of a new one. And if she does need a family member, she already has one! Richter is 19 and is her trusted adoptive brother. Why wouldn’t she go to him over a total stranger she just met and who is half vampire - literally a predator creature that feeds on humans!?
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Yeah, hi, Richter Belmont still exists. He and Maria consider each other family. Why would you want her relying on a strange man she just met as a “father figure” rather than her trusted and loving brother?
Have none of you even considered how Maria would feel if Alucard even tried to fill the paternal role? He’d have to force it on her through manipulation and coercion. No way she would want to view him that way. Especially considering she is 16 and likely to be as attracted to the sparkly 20 year old looking sculpted marble beauty as anyone else!
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Don’t mind the beautiful eternally young man who looks made of pure porcelain and light. No teen girl has ever been attracted to this, right? No way it could be exploitative and creepy for him to present himself as her new daddy, giving himself authority and influence over her as his child to mold as he wishes, right? Oh yeah, this is MUCH better than Maria pursuing him of her own volition once she becomes an adult, right guys?
We are truly in the stupidest dark timeline.
Frankly, I don’t care if Netflix has them get together or not. They would work just fine as friends too. I just sure as hell hope they’ll ignore the fans clamoring for a creepy daddy/daughter dynamic. Dressing it up as “concern” won’t hide that for some it’s a fetish, and for others they’re just useful idiots who haven’t thought it through.
I implore you to think it through.
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goldthorn-archive · 2 months
Prompt: sender braids the receiver's hair.
Pairing: Clegan
cute! a little over 300 words, i liked this one :)
John’s bored. He’s trying to enjoy the day, he really is, but he’s never done well with sitting still. Gale is sitting between his legs, lying heavy against John’s chest. They’re out in a field, far from the noise and bustle of the base. It’s so warm here in the sun, quiet, and one could almost forget there’s a war going on. Almost.
Gale shuffles a little between John’s legs, sighs contentedly. John looks down at the mop of golden hair resting on his chest, brings a hand up to card through the blond hair. Gale makes an appreciative noise, lets his eyes close. They spend a long while like that, Gale drifting in and out of sleep, John watching the sun creep lower to the horizon, hands in Gale’s hair. He brings his other hand up to Gale’s head, tries to make a small braid but the hairs keep slipping out of position after only a few strands. John tries a few different ways, tries to see if french braiding will work better (he grew up with sisters, he didn’t have a choice whether or not to learn how to braid). No matter what John tries, Gale’s army regulation hair (which really, is pushing the boundaries already) is too short to stay braided.
“Whatch’ya doin’?” Gale asks sleepily, when John lets out a little huff of frustration. John doesn’t answer his question, just says,
“When we get back home, can you grow your hair out just a little—” and the both of them freeze at John’s slip up. They’ve been trying not to talk about a future lately, not to talk about home, about the war ending, about what any of that means for the two of them.
But, for a moment, it’s a nice thought, John braiding little braids into Gale’s hair, sitting on the couch in a home they share, somewhere in America.
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kinardsevan · 2 months
(finally fulfilling that prompt @30somethingautisticteacher sent me about Tommy dropping facts at an art museum / aka, me abusing my art degree.)
They stroll into the museum and Evan is all but bouncing on his heels as they wait to get through admission. Ever since Tommy mentioned going for a day date, he’s been on a deep dive on the Rembrandt collection currently on display. He has so many fun facts he’s excited to share with Tommy that he couldn’t even keep them all to himself  until they made it into the exhibit. 
“Did you know he painted over 300 paintings in his life,” he’d told Tommy on the drive over. And Tommy had responded the same way he always did, always invested in his deep dives. 
“Really, babe? What else?”
He’d launched into half a dozen facts about the artist while they were still on the 10 before remembering that he wanted to save the best for when they actually got to the museum.
So he’s a little thrown when, after getting past admission, Tommy leads him down into the basement instead of up towards the third floor where he knows the collection is stored. 
“Where are we going,” he asks, being pulled along by Tommy’s fingers interlaced with his. He’s not upset, but he’s definitely curious by this change in plans. 
They make into the basement and around a corner, through an open doorway.
“Photo department is always in the basement,” Tommy murmurs as they start walking into the room. “Why they keep them hidden away from the light is beyond me, but…” 
Evan follows after him, watching with rapt attention as Tommy leads him forward, towards the first set of photographs. They’re black and white prints; portraits. A man at a desk with books stacked in front of him. Another man at a kitchen table from the 60s, metal lunch pale in front of him. A bed with a stuffed animal on it. 
“Chauncey Hare,” Tommy states softly, not wanting to interrupt other people’s study of the photographs in the room. “He started out at Standard Oil Company and ended up shooting all this work on the bullshit that goes on in the work place. Got a degree in psychology and abandoned it all to work with his second wife on working against workplace abuse.” 
Evan looks up at Tommy then, a little baffled. Tommy tugs his hand gently, pulling him further along to see more of the pictures. There’s one of a girl sitting in who Evan assumes in her father’s lap, facing the camera. Two other men also facing the camera but not in focus are also in the image. A blonde girl holding a cigarette in the next. A child without a shirt on, laying in someone’s lap. 
“Sally Mann,” Tommy tells him as he continues to stare at the picture of the little girl holding the cigarette. “She shoots a lot of stuff, but her bread and butter are her family, even now. There’s been a lot of controversy over her work because of the state of nudity, but-...” 
“It’s amazing,” Evan murmurs, almost a whisper. He can’t stop looking at the picture of the daughter with the cigarette. 
Tommy keeps pulling him along, showing him pictures, talking about the artists, moving through decades of images, until they’re standing in front of newer work. Color photos. 
Children standing in a doorway. A boy at a table, looking at the camera as an adult holds a baby in the background. Sisters—a blonde and a ginger—next to each other. Three boys on the floor in front of empty chairs. A woman laying in bed holding a small blonde child of maybe one or two, bathed in sunlight. 
“Jessica Todd Harper,” Tommy says as Evan reads the label next to the image. “She shoots her family too. Some posed, some not. Always trying to tell a story about family interactions and complex relationships.” 
Evan stares at him, utterly enamored as they walk out of the area, head back towards the stairs.
“We can still go see the paintings,” Tommy tells him. “I just… I like the photography.” 
Evan stops walking, pulls Tommy back when he keeps moving. His boyfriend looks back at him, gives a small smirk. 
“Did I steal your thunder,” he asks, a little bit sheepishly so. 
Evan shakes his head, stepping into Tommy’s space, resting his hand on his chest. 
“I like it when you let me in like this,” he murmurs. “When you share.” 
Tommy’s smile widens a bit more, even as his cheeks flush. 
“I just think…most people don’t think a lot about what’s happening in an image. Is it real? Or is it just a concept of what you think is real? Is it telling an actual story, or just the version of a story you’ve decided on?And what makes one more important than the other? Is digital better than film? Some people think nothing will ever top painting, others think digital photography is a hack and doesn’t have the same connotations as film photography because there’s less effort in the process,” he states. He pauses for a moment, somehow getting pinker in the cheeks. “That’s what I nerd out about.” 
Evan grins at him and then leans forward pecking him on the lips. 
“Well we’re just gonna have to go see more photo exhibitions then,” he says when he pulls away. “Can’t have you holding out on me now.” 
Tommy rolls his eyes, shaking his head. He tilts his head towards the stairwell again. “Come on. Tell me all you researched about Rembrandt.” 
(I posted all of these pictures on my feed if you want to see them!!!!)
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vmlnrznotfound · 2 months
Hello hellooooo first of all congrats on 300+ followers! I’ve been seeing ur fics all over recently and they’re so scrumptious omg ur writing <333
Saw that ur requests r open so i wanted to ask if u’d be willing to write sth for Hiori? Maybe like childhood friends trope where reader also has strict parents and they care a lot about academics/a certain extracurricular etc.
Congrats again and thank u for feeding the bllk community!!
maps we draw ourselves.
hiori yo x reader
a/n: thank you so much anonnie, im legit BLUSHING! i try my best!
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the sun was bright and warm on a afternoon. at just seven years old, you and hiori were playing in the small backyard of his house, which had become your favorite hangout spot. the grass was freshly cut, and the scent of it mixed with the smell of the nearby barbecue your parents were preparing.
hiori had set up a makeshift fort using old sheets and a few wooden sticks. inside, it was a cozy little hideaway where you both could let your imaginations run wild. today, you were playing pirates, with hiori proudly wearing a pirate hat he’d crafted from cardboard.
“arrr, matey!” hiori declared, holding up a plastic sword. “we’ve got to find the treasure before the other pirates do!”
you giggled, playing along. “aye aye, captain yo! where do we start?”
hiori pointed towards the far end of the yard. “we have to sail through the wild jungle and avoid the dangerous traps!”
as you both pretended to navigate through the jungle of your backyard, you noticed hiori’s face turning serious. “hey, y/n,” he said quietly as you paused for a moment. “do you ever get tired of all the stuff we’re supposed to do? like school and... you know, everything?”
you looked at him, puzzled. “what do you mean?”
hiori sat down on the grass, “well, my mom and dad are always telling me i have to practice soccer. it feels like i don’t get to just play and have fun like this.”
“my parents keep saying i need to study hard to become a doctor. but i just want to play and not think about studying,” you explained.
hiori shrugged and picked up a small stick, pretending it was a treasure map. “maybe one day we’ll get to choose what we want to do, and we won’t have to worry so much.”
you smiled, feeling comforted by his words. “yeah, and until then, we can hunt for treasures, as pirates!"
hiori grinned, clearly pleased with the idea. “yes! and we’ll make sure to find all the treasure.”
the carefree days of pirate adventures became cherished memories. the small backyard fort was long gone, replaced by the responsibilities that came with growing up.
at seventeen, you and hiori were sitting on the front steps of his house, watching the sun dip below the horizon.
the conversations you used to have about treasure hunts and wild jungles had been replaced by talks about exams, future careers, and the weight of expectations.
“remember when we used to play pirates in the backyard?” hiori asked, a nostalgic smile tugging at his lips.
you laughed softly, nodding. “yeah, we really thought we’d find some buried treasure back there.”
“i wish things were still that simple,” he admitted, his voice tinged with the same seriousness you’d first noticed all those years ago.
“me too,” you agreed, leaning back on your hands. “it feels like everything’s been decided for us, like we’re just following a map that someone else drew.”
hiori glanced at you, his expression thoughtful. “but maybe we can still find our own treasure, you know? maybe it’s not about what everyone else wants for us, but what we want for ourselves.”
you looked at him, surprised by the familiar words. it reminded you of that day in the backyard, when he’d said something similar about choosing your own path. “yeah, maybe you’re right,” you said, feeling a bit of that old excitement returning.
“so, what do you say, y/n? one last treasure hunt before we head off into the real world?” hiori asked, his grin widening.
you smiled back at him, feeling a surge of determination. “let’s do it, captain yo. we’ll find our treasure, no matter what.”
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tag list: @fishii28 @someprettyname @ikuaiku
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x0llaz · 4 months
Ten Things I Hate About you
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Jung Sungchan
Chapter 1) first impressions
Masterlist. Next.
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It was Sohee’s first day at his new school, he had spent his morning talking to counselors, teachers, and the principal. He was finally assigned a buddy to show him around for the rest of the day. He walked into the hallway and saw a taller boy waiting across the hall.
“Sohee?” The other guy called.
“That’s me,” Sohee said meekly.
“Great,” the taller approached. “I’m seunghan, I’ll be showing you around.
Sohee was used to the routine, get paired with a buddy who felt pressured to sticking with him until he switched schools again. Make in-genuine friendships that could last just until he was on the road.
But as he walked with seunghan, who took time to not only show him around, but made an effort to fill him in on anything he should know, he felt more at ease. It felt like seunghan was having more of a genuine conversation- though it was mostly one sided.
“Ready for the fun part?” Seunghan asked with a smirk.
“What’s that?”
“The cliques,” Seunghan gestured to the courtyard full of diverse groups of friends. “We have your usual preppies, jocks, nerds,” he lazily directed Sohee’s attention across the area. “But we also got theater kids, IB candidates, and plenty of other genres of douchebags,”
“Riveting,” sohee sighed. It was going to be a long year.
“Tell me about it,” seunghan laughed to himself. “There’s a rumor that the band kids suck each other’s dicks at contest,” seunghan cracked a bright smile that made sohee laugh in shock.
“How would you know that?” He asked.
“Word gets around,” The older shrugged. “Anyways, we can go-“
“Holy shit!” Sohee interrupted as his eyes caught on someone’s figure.
She was slim, with long hair, a pretty outfit, and big eyes that made his heart pound. “Who’s she?” Sohee asked breathlessly.
“Her? That’s Yuna,” Seunghan sighed. “Take a good look, that’s as far as you’ll ever get,”
“What group is she in?” Sohee finally turned his gaze away.
“She’s not just in the group, she is the group. They all revolve around her. She’s the queen bee in her class, even upperclassmen know about her,” seunghan explained in admiration. “But shes kinda off limits so,”
“What? Why?” Sohee furrowed his brows.
“Her dad’s a real nut job about dating and stuff. He hates the existence of teen pregnancy,” seunghan told the younger.
Sohee just frowned. “Okay… what about… that guy,” he gestured to the group of guys by the wall. The guys were all huddled around each other, checking out girls as they passed by.
“That’s jeno and his little dream team,” seunghan mocked. “Ridiculously handsome, but there’s nothing going on in their heads,”
“Huh,” sohee shifted his gaze to a girl who was sitting at a table by herself, earbuds plugged in, drawing on a sketch pad. “What about her?”
Seunghan looked over at her. “Oh man, don’t,” he shook his head. “That’s YN, Yuna’s older sister,” they watched as she continued drawing. “She’s a nice girl deep down, but man can she be a bitch,” they watched as some of her friends joined her. “Her friends are the only people she talks to, other than Yuna, or Jeno when she wants to rip him a new one,”
“Sounds intense,” Sohee felt tense as he heard about her.
“Yeah, but she’s nice when you get her talking,” seunghan said, when a group of guys passed by them. Sohee noticed how other students looked up to stare.
“They don’t have a name. They’re just kind of insane.“ seunghan faked a shiver and sohee huffed out a breath. It was going to be a long year.
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First chapter is kinda just a silly little intro! Next chapter will be a full smau and we’ll get into more stuff >:)
Taglist: @allyoops , @snowyseungs , @seobstarr , @hollxe1 , @Mmmewxgthn, @haeeeeefer , @dinosluver , @sseastar-main , @st4rryhae , @m1ng1swife , @hisrkive , @user7520, @nattys-girl , @papichulomacy , @so-lychee , @nicholasluvbot, @onebnis,
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luffyvace · 10 months
Zoro x reader x Sanji poly relationship headcanons
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yes this a poly
no this is not nsfw just funnies and fluff
consider this my 200+ (now 300+) notes special
thank you all so much for the support you guys are awesome<33
first of all idk how you got these two to settle down and SHARE a partner but ok.
don’t think for a second they aren’t gonna argue and fight over you
they argue whether the moon is purple or not
why wouldn’t they do the same over you?
it’s obvious they’re constantly fighting over your attention
and who gets to save you
(which sometimes distracts both of them and you don’t end up getting saved- either that or franky or robin swoop in)
then they’re arguing about why the other didn’t hurry up and save you
sanji flexes his cooking and zoro his swords
they argue over who you love more and who you think is more attractive
don’t even get me started on who you think is stronger
your relationship is pure chaos.
on a softer note
when zoro is sleeping
you and sanji have cooking lessons together if you don’t know how
he lets you help prepare simple things for dinner
and you feel accomplished once everyone says how tasty the food is
zoro will mention how it tastes better when you help to spite sanji
sanji is mad but he also feels happy that you helped
he’s conflicted 😭
he just sighs and gives it up this time
only because it’s partially a compliment to you
but if you can cook
sanji will give you tips on how to improve and what spices taste good with what
especially as a first rate chef
he will let you prepare whole dishes instead of just cutting up stuff
loves cooking with you as quality time
plus dinner gets done 2x faster
luffy will still bombard you to go faster tho
the whole crew has to deal with the antics of “who do you think ____ likes more?! me or moss head?!”
“_____ thinks i’m way strong than that ero cook don’t they?” *cocky smirk*
zoro forces you train with him no matter how strong you are
this is a problem with sanji tho
“Lovely _____-chan/kun should be relaxing!! not doing hard work and labor with you!”
unless you like to train
then he will bring you plenty of tasty refreshments and snacks throughout your training :)
They purposely crash each other’s dates with you
you and sanji had been through a wonderful night of shopping, eating and playing carnival games at the newest island you stopped at
there were traditional japanese lanterns that reflected off your elegant face as he stares into your lovely (color) eyes
you were leaning into a romantic kiss
faces inching closer together
“oi _____! there you are! ive been looking for you everywhere! did you get lost or something?”
zoro grabbed your arm and took you away starting to ramble on about the new sword he managed to get a deal on
que sanji cursing him out then sulking and venting to robin about what happened
and let’s not even mention the time you and zoro went on that long romantic walk in the flower field you found
(he claimed to have planned it out but knowing him you knew he’d never arrive to the right destination so you figured out it was a bluff)
but it didn’t matter, it was a beautiful sight to experience with your lover.
your feet started hurting and you asked to sit down
luckily you packed food in your backpack so you had something to eat
you guys had some lunch and chatted for a bit
before long you found yourselves watching the sunset in silence
you turned to zoro to admire his beautifully sculptured face only to realize how close your faces were
you both started to lean in and close your eyes
“_______-Chwan/kun~!! there you are! what a beautiful flower field maybe we can!-“
sanji was livid to see zoro beat him to it and was already living his dream
you were kinda upset because most of your dates with zoro were gym dates and this would be your first romantic one
even if it was unintentional sanji still kind of ruined the moment
zoro and sanji started arguing and you never got your kiss :(
random for both of them
sometimes you take naps with zoro
he usually falls asleep and you come and cuddle up next to him
he’s pleased to see you when he gets up and feels proud, like your big strong protecter
even if you can defend yourself
for sanji
he rants to you for hours about all blue and his childhood
the second part only after whole cake
and it’s kinda venting if you don’t mind
if you seem uncomfortable he’ll stop
but he liked having someone to go to
he realizes how much he’s been rambling and feels bad
he gives you a chance to rant about your dreams
he listens intently and seems almost more excited than you
if your strong they’re glad you can defend yourself
so they don’t worry as much
zoro would wanna spar with you even more
but if your in the coward trio
they always argue over your safety
what did you expect?
they both make sure to keep an eye on you
they would risk they’re lives for you
and two strong men like them?
yeah, your for safe for sure
anyone who dares to hurt you physically or mentally are done for.
sanji would ask usopp to make you some sort of contraption if your regular like nami
once you get whatever weapon usopp makes for you zoro wants to spar even more
”let’s test out that new thing-a-ba-jig of yours”
if your intelligent zoro will rely on you for those types of things
”oi _____ come crack this code”
”what in the world is _____”
sanji praises you and admires you for it
will ask for synonyms for cooking terms and use them more often to try to impress you
will listen to your intellectual rants about smart people stuff 🤓☝️
sanji treats you how he does robin and nami
no matter what or who you identify as
(maybe more—he loves you a lot)
neither of them care about your appearance
sanji is more superficial than zoro
but he loves you and would never judge you so no need to worry about that
he’ll always praise you and have heart eyes around you
praises you how he does nami and robin
zoro gets annoyed and tells him to shut up
it’s not that he doesn’t agree it’s just he’s tired of all the yelling
he’s trying to nap
”WHAT?! you don’t think ____ is absolutely amazing in every way?!”
they start fighting
of course
if your fine with the chaos you’ll pretty much be okay
but if it annoys you, you’ll probably loose your sanity
have fun with your new guard dogs!
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miloformula123fan · 3 months
Could you do fic for Peter 'Bono' Bonnington with wife reader? With both Jerome D'Ambrosio and Loic Serra going to Ferrari with Lewis, he wonders whether or not he should go. She assured him whatever his choice is, their family will always be with him. Just something fluff. You decide how it goes. Thanks!! :))
of course of course :)
if you want to participate in my 300 followers event, look here :)
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist lmk :)
peter 'bono' bonnington x wife!reader
Y/N could immediately tell that her husband was stressed. Having been married for 2 years, and dating for years before then, she knew her husband.
And she knew right now that he was stressed.
He was sitting in their shared bed, laptop in front of him open to his data, but he wasn’t looking at it. He was instead staring at the wall opposite, thinking way too hard for this late at night.
She put her book down on the bedside table and snuggled up to her husband, taking him out of his mind and forcing him to look at her.
“Hello Darling.”
“You’re thinking so hard that you’re going to wake up the kids, c’mon, tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s nothing…”
Y/N gave her husband a mock glare until he wilted, and shut his laptop screen.
“You know how I have an anti-poaching clause to prevent me from going to Ferrari? Well it doesn’t officially count if I approach ferrari and go to them instead, and there’s a bunch of technicalities of ways that I can go to ferrari without it being considered poaching. Anyway, when Lewis was first announced I was barely thinking about it, but I don't know, Merc is being weird and with Loic and Jerome both going to Ferrari, I don’t know what to do.”
“Okay, here’s what I would do. I would approach Ferrari and try and get a gist as to whether they’re interested in you or not. Because I don’t know why they wouldn’t want you, but if they don’t then you’re stressing over nothing. Then… you work it out from there, whether Lewis wants you, whether you’d be happy at Ferrari, y’know, you’d have to learn Italian, you would have to eat pasta, significantly less spicy food, and the stress of working for Ferrari may not even be worth it. So I would weigh it all up, once you know whether Ferrari are interested, but I can assure you. Whatever your choice is, I will always stand by you, okay? And the kids will always be with you. I will burn all their Lewis merch if you stay, and we can become a Ferrari household if you move. I didn’t marry you and have kids with you because you work for Mercedes or because you’re Lewis’ race engineer. I married you because I loved you, remember our vows. I will be with you through thick and thin, until death do us part.”
“Do I tell you how much I love you enough?”
“You do, but I will never get sick of hearing it.”
taglist: @leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @pear-1206
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himbofan · 5 months
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
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heyyyyy y'all sorry for being MIA for months... but don't worry you can't get rid of me that easily >:)
ODASAKU!!! i just love this man so much.... we have been married for 20 years and i wanted to share some of the things oda would do as ur boyfriend cuz he's perfect boyfriend material <33333
i have a lot of bsd ideas and things i wanna write too so never be afraid to slide in my inbox and tell me what u wanna see :3 i love to yap about 2D men :333 anywayzzzz hope u enjoy!! likes and reblogs always appreciated <3333 🫶 (this is like my fourth time posting this, pls show up in the tags this time 😭😭)
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wc: 300+
characters: sakunosuke oda
cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff
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sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…remember tiny things about you, from your favorite coffee order to which side of the bed you like to sleep on. even the most minute and menial details are etched into his mind. don’t like tomatoes on your sandwich? don’t worry, you’ll never have to ask him to change it again, he’ll always make sure you never have tomatoes.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…watch every video you send him beginning to end without skipping, anything from a 10 second funny cat tiktok or a 2 minute youtube video explanation about the life cycle of shrimp. he’ll respond with a “👍” or “Lol.” every time.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…always agree to matching halloween costumes with you, even if they’re silly. he doesn’t really have a strong opinion about what he wears, he just likes to see you excited. last year y’all went as barbenheimer but he was barbie and you were oppenheimer. (he had a blast)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…listen every time you rant about annoying coworkers or classmates. even though he looks uninterested, he’s actually listening carefully, even if he doesn’t know who you’re talking about he just likes to hear how you feel and think. he's an excellent listener and loves to hear you talk because he likes the sound of your voice :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…attract animals for seemingly no reason. whenever you’re out and about in the city, he never fails to have a stray cat appear and rub up against his legs, or a squirrel cautiously approach him begging for food. his aura is so comforting and secure, he’s basically an urban disney princess.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…let you pluck his eyebrows and have self care nights with clay masks and fuzzy hair bands. he doesn’t really know what’s going on but he lets you pamper him with products because he loves to spend time with you and see you smile. :)
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…slow dance with you in the living room, kitchen, hallway, or anywhere the mood strikes you. he loves seeing the beauty in the mundane domestic moments, it reminds him that your shared love is unconditional.
sakunosuke oda is the type of boyfriend to….
…stare at your face while you’re sleeping. he wants to memorize every feature and shape, silently admiring how the rays of light dance off of your skin in the early morning. even if you’re snoring or drooling, he’ll always think it’s adorable because you’re the most beautiful thing in his life.
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skrunklyshrimp · 3 months
Favourite regular - Semi E.
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You, a new business owner, becomes close with your new favourite regular, Semi Eita. Coffee shop AU
Warnings: Timeskip spoilers for their jobs!
Notes: Thank you @cheshanoneko-draws for the image! Also I rushed the ending a bit, so if it seems a bit lackluster that's why! 5545 words!
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“Finally I’m able to go home on time. I haven’t practiced guitar in a while.” Semi Eita mutters to himself. He’s had to work overtime for the past few days, sleeping in the office. By the time he eventually reaches the bus stop, the bus has already passed. “I want coffee.” he sighs and looks at the nearby stores, to his surprise a new coffee shop has opened.
Ding, ding.
The familiar sound of the door cracking open gains your attention. You look over to see someone in a suit with ashy blond hair and tired demeanor, the thing that catches your attention the most though being his beautiful brown eyes.
“Welcome to the shop! What can I get for you tonight?” You ask the man as he approaches the counter.
“A medium coffee, black please.” He requests.
“That will be 350 yen please.” You wait as he digs around his pockets.
“Shit I only have 300, just make the coffee small.” The man sighs.
“Don’t worry about the 50 yen, it’s on the house. After all, you're one of my first customers.” You quickly say, feeling bad for the poor man, he probably just came back from a long day at work.
“I’ll pay you back, I promise, er,” He squints his eyes trying to see your nametag, “(L/N). I will pay you back (L/N).”
“Please don’t worry about it, like I said it’s on the house.” You respond, pouring out his coffee. “Make sure you get rest today, I can tell you had a long day.” 
The man nods while grabbing his drink and walking back outside to the bus stop. You sigh and lean against the counter after a long day at work, after you’ve taken a rest you get back up to finish cleaning.
“I had to sleep in the office again!” Semi complains while kicking a rock on the street. “I’m gonna have to call the band to cancel again. Damn it!” He wails in anger. “I need another coffee.” Sighing, he starts heading to a familiar shop.
Ding, ding.
“Welcome- oh it’s you from the other day!” You say, happy to see a possible regular. 
“You remember me?” He questions,
“Of course I do! I try to remember all my customers, they’re all special to me and this shop.” You gleefully say, “Now a medium black coffee again?” He nods at your statement before adding,
“As well as two of those croissants please.” He requests.
“Your total is 1030 yen.” You answer, grabbing his two croissants as he looks around in his pockets.
He hands you 1100 yen, grabbing the croissants you were holding. “Here, keep the change. I told you I’d repay you one day.” 
“Wait! I can’t take extra money from a customer, here let me get your change.” You hurry to grab the cash out of the register only for something to be shoved into your mouth.
“I told you I’d repay you. Don’t mind getting me another croissant.” He smiled at you.
You pull the croissant out of your mouth, “You didn’t have to do that. Anyway, if you don’t have anywhere to be, would you like to sit and chat while we eat?” You ask as you start brewing the coffee.
“I don’t have anywhere to be, it would be a pleasure to eat with you.” Semi responds.
 It’s funny, Semi thought. He wanted to go home, have a beer and sleep the night away, but here he is waiting for you to finish making his drink so the two of you can chat.
“Here you go, uh…” The realization hit you, “Oh my god I don’t even know your name! I’m so so sorry.” You apologize for your lack of manners but he just laughs.
“You’re kind of a clutz, I guess that’s what attracts people to you.” He says, grabbing his coffee, “My name is Semi Eita.”
“Have a seat anywhere Semi, I’ll join you after I make myself a drink.” You tell him, starting to prepare your own drink.
As Semi sat down in a booth he realized that the coffee shop was extremely clean, even if it was around closing time. This leads him to wonder if you get many customers. He wondered why people wouldn’t want to come. There’s you with a friendly personality, the beautifully decorated interior and the delicious pastries.
“Sorry it took a little long to make my drink.” You take a seat across from him. “So, Semi. Where do you work? You always seem so tired.” You wondered.
“I’m a civil servant, I mainly work with taxes and stuff. It’s a busy season right now.” He sighs and takes a sip of his coffee, “I also play in a band as a side gig.” 
“You’re lying right?! That’s so cool!” You exclaim, “Being in a band, even as a side gig, is such a huge thing! What instrument do you play? Or are you a vocalist?” You bombard him with questions, flustering him a bit.
“I play guitar, but since it's a busy season I’ve been canceling practices with the other members.” He awkwardly laughs. “You should come watch us play one day, I promise we’re not the worst.” 
“I’ll watch no matter what! Supporting small bands or businesses is something I’m completely fine with doing. Probably because this coffee shop is a small business so I understand what they may be going through.” You answer.
“I’ll continue to support your business.” He says while standing up. “It’s my que to head out now, the bus should be passing by any minute now. Thank you for this chat (L/N). Next time we’ll talk more about you.” Semi began to run out to his bus stop.
Sighing, you start to clean off the table the two of you were sitting at, changing the sign at the front from open to closed. Today you didn’t get many customers, but that’s the business world, some days will be slow. Flicking off the lights you grabbed your keys and started walking home.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“SemiSemi!” A particular annoying voice calls out to Semi. 
“What’s up Tendou. Oh? You came with Ushijima too?” Semi states, seeing Ushijima wave as Tendou jumps up and down in the air, getting Semi’s attention.
“That’s right! Ushijima had a free day today so he was able to come with us.” Tendou says, “Also here, freshly made chocolate!” He throws a bag of chocolate at Semi.
“I don’t get any?”
“Oh Goshiki. I didn’t realize you were coming too.” Ushijima says.
“Yeah, I managed to find time between games and classes.” Goshiki responds, “Also Shirabu is supposed to be coming as well.” 
“We may be missing the majority of the team but it’s like we’re all still here together.” Semi reminisced about the time they had ditched volleyball practice to visit a shrine together, now years later they’re visiting the same shrine.
“Don’t act like they’re dead, Semi. All of them are very much alive.” Shirabu says, making his late grand entrance. 
“You look dead inside. How’s med school treating you?” Semi asks, looking Shirabu up and down.
“Whatever it’s not like you look any better!” 
“That’s enough you two, do you have to have me step in like back then?” Tendou says, slugging his arms over their shoulders.
“I never want to see anything like that ever again please Tendou.” Goshiki shudders at the memory.
“Let’s head up then.” Ushijima says, walking ahead of the group.
You decided to head up to the shrine to pray for good fortune, with bills racking up it looks like you might go under soon. After praying you wonder where to go next. You can’t open the shop since it’s a holiday, you can’t buy anything since you don’t have money, all your friends are with family right now. You sigh.
“(L/N) is that you?” You hear a voice call out to you, surprised you turn around to see Semi looking at you. He was wearing some jewelry with a darker colour scheme, paired with a fur coat on top. 
“Who’s this Semi? Did you find a date and not tell us!?” A red haired person panics behind him. 
“No this is (L/N), they own a coffee shop around the bus stop I take to go home. I went in one day and I keep visiting, I’m a regular there.” Semi explains the situation to his friends.
“Nice to meet you!” A black haired man extends his hand, “I’m Goshiki, nice to meet you (L/N).” 
“Goshiki you just said the same thing twice.” An olive haired man says before approaching you, “I’m Ushijima.” 
“My name is Shirabu, I’m actually the closest with Semi out of everyone here.” The man with sandy hair waves at you as Semi rolls his eyes.
“And last but not least I’m-” 
“You’re Tendou Satori!” You exclaim. “Your chocolate is so popular, I’m actually a huge fan of your work and I hope you continue to show how you make chocolate! Seeing you motivated to follow your dreams as a chocolatier actually inspired me! “ You laugh awkwardly, seeing as how you’re bombarding the man. “I hope you expand your shop, I’d love to taste some chocolate here instead of traveling all the way to France.”
“Man I didn’t get to do a big introduction, but I’m glad I’ve got a fan! I might try expanding here, depends on how I feel. Alas,” He dramatically places a hand on his head, “if only I had known you were going to be here, I would’ve brought extra chocolate.” He sounds guilty over the fact that he wasn’t able to give his, probable, number one fan anything.
“No no don’t worry about it! I’ll buy your chocolates one day but I kinda can’t afford anything right now haha.” You joke around.
“Since you’re here, want to join us for the day?” Semi asks, shortly realizing you might be with someone, “If you’re not with anyone now that is.” 
“I’m not here with anyone. I’d love to join you all but I can’t really buy anything.” You say awkwardly. Semi looks at you with a frown.
“Then I’ll pay, consider it appreciation for how kind you are to me whenever I come into your store.” Semi says, not allowing you to say anything else as he drops his arm over your shoulders. “Where are we going next guys?”
“Did not think we’d be here. Do you even know how to skate Goshiki?!” Semi yells at the poor boy. 
As the group was walking around town Goshiki and Ushijima wanted to try going skating, the entire group agreed except for Semi. Why did only Semi disagree? Semi didn’t know how to skate and he didn’t want to embarrass himself. 
“To answer your question Semi, when I was younger my mom wanted me to go pro with skating, but eventually I got into volleyball and skating became a hobby of mine.” Goshiki answers, shocking almost the entire group.
“It looked like you had prior experience so I’m not surprised. It’s odd.” You say getting the attention of everyone, “I find that depending on whatever sport you’ve participated in changes the way you walk or act. Like Goshiki you walk like a volleyball player but there's this hint of elegance behind it, you must have been a figure skater.” Goshiki looked at you, jaw to the floor with your accurate assumption of the sports he partook in.
“Woah (L/N) you’re super good at analyzing people, were you some sort of sports manager back in high school?” Tendou asks, surprised by your knowledge.
“Nah, I’ve just liked looking at people from afar.” You say before realizing how wrong that sounds, “I mean not in the creepy way! Like in a sort of observation way. It’s interesting seeing how people interact with someone they like or dislike. Or if they’re having a bad day or not.”
“I suppose that makes sense. I don’t get it though.” Ushijima says finishing tying up his skates.
“Everyone good to go on now?” Shirabu asks. He was waiting on the ice for a while as the majority of you struggled with getting skates on.
Everyone gets on the ice slowly but surely. Shirabu and Goshiki start skating and trying to one up the other, Tendou and Ushijima skate around trying to get used to the feeling, as you try to get Semi on the ice.
“I don’t know how to do it, I think it’s better if I sit this out.” Semi says, his body shaking from nerves.
“Don’t be like that! You could have a fun time without knowing it, just hold on to the railing and I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I promise.” You try to convince him, holding out your hand to assist him onto the ice. 
Still shaking, Semi grabs your hand and slowly gets onto the ice. While trying to get his left food onto the ice he trips over the bar and falls forwards a bit. Since you weren’t expecting the sudden force you fall down backwards, still holding hands with Semi dragging him down on top of you.
“I’m so sorry (L/N)!” Semi says, getting off you and sitting against the side. “I told you I should’ve stayed on the side.”
“Don’t be sorry, we’re having fun aren’t we! Look, you're on the ice now.” You cheer him up.
“Look at the lovebirds over there.” Tendou whispers to Ushijima, to which he nods in agreement.
“Thank you for today, as well as walking me home, Semi.” You thank him.
“It’s no problem really, and I should thank you for teaching me how to skate.” He laughs at himself. There were a lot of times where he fell and accidentally brought you down with him but you were right, he had a lot of fun.
“Be safe on the way back to your place, Semi, and make sure to not push yourself. I’ll see you around my favourite regular.” You tease him before shutting the door, leaving the poor man blushing madly.
“I’m your favourite huh.” Semi whispers to himself before walking away. “Damn it I should’ve asked for their contact info!” Semi realizes it’s too late to go back and ask.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ding, ding… Ding, ding… Ding, ding… Ding, ding…
Maybe it was the prayer from the shrine or your promotion got popular but you’re backed up in your shop today. Constantly taking orders, making pastries, and cleaning.
“Excuse me but why is it only you working? You should get another hire.” A random customer rudely says to you, to which you brush off. Up until today you weren’t able to afford really anything, but if business continues to be as busy as it is now things will get better.
“Oh, Semi! Welcome, I'll help you in a minute. I just have three more coffees to make before taking your order. Wait, you're getting a black coffee and croissant again right?” 
“You’re right but it looks like you’re swarmed, want some help (L/N)?” He offers, “I’m not good with making coffee or pastries but I can take orders and clean tables. Something to take your mind off stuff.”
“An apron should be in the back, grab that and put it on. Thank you, Semi.” You say, smiling happily as you bring out orders.
“(L/N) we’ve run out of cupcakes!” Semi shouts at you.
“Give me a minute I’m putting frosting on them!” You yell back, quickly finishing the sweet treats and bringing them out to him. “I’ve got to make more dough, you got the front counter?” You ask, to which he nods.
Flipping around the sign from open to closed was the best feeling today. Both you and Semi Eita collapse on the ground.
“You really need to get another hire.” Semi pants out, his sweat dripping on the floor.
“Thank you for helping out but, didn’t you have work today? I didn’t keep you right?” You sit up, guilty for making him late.
“Actually I didn’t have work, I have the next 2 weeks off. I’m visiting France tomorrow to see Tendou.” He explains, sitting up with you.
“Tell him I said hi!” You excitedly say, “We should start cleaning this up so we can head home though.” 
So the two of you spend the next 45 minutes prepping the pastry batter for tomorrow, cleaning the machinery and the tables, and taking out the trash.
“I’ll see you in a week, Semi.” You say, smiling.
“Huh?” You ask, confused.
“Call me Eita, not Semi.” He answers, smiling back.
“Then, call me (Y/N).” You wave goodbye to Semi and head home. Even if he was a regular, a friendship has blossomed from it.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Semi sighs as he plops down on his bed, after being dragged around by Tendou for the entire week he needed a good night's rest. He went to many tourist attractions, he even went to a few bakeries around and, he has to admit, their baked goods were really good but it couldn’t compare to yours. Luckily enough he managed to snag some of Tendou’s chocolate before it all sold out. He thought to himself that he should give you some before drifting off into sleep.
Knock knock.
“Ughhhh…” Semi groans into his pillow, looking up at his clock he notices he’s only been asleep for 3 hours. 
Knock knock!
Sighing Semi stands up and heads towards the door to answer whoever may be knocking. 
“Welcome back Semi!” Two voices call out while confetti flies into his face.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Semi goans, seeing both his underclassmen standing at his door.
“We knew you went to France so we decided to welcome you when you came back home!” Goshiki says.
“Yeah, and we were wondering if you got us any souvenirs..” Shirabu says, eying down Semi.
“What! Why not!?” Both of them exclaim at the same time.
“I’m just messing with you two, but did you both seriously have to come visit me the day I get back?” Semi asks while inviting them inside.
“It was the one day our schedules aligned so we could come together.” Shirabu answers, plopping himself down on the couch.
“Have you eaten yet Semi?” Goshiki asks.
“Nah, like I said I just came back and I immediately fell asleep.” 
“Then if you don’t mind, let me make something!” Goshiki insists.
“Knock yourself out.” Semi answers, joining Shirabu on the couch.
“So you didn’t get souvenirs for just us right? Did you get some for (L/N)? What about Ushijima?” Shirabu bombards Semi.
“Well, Ushijima is rich as hell and you know it. He visits France all the time to see Tendou. I also didn’t get anything for (L/N).” Semi lied through his teeth. What he found which reminded him of you was a mug that highlighted your kind personality. He also found matching keychains for both you and his underclassmen.
“I don’t believe you but you can spout whatever you want. Start the TV so we can watch Ushijima play.” Shirabu complains.
“Shit he’s playing today? I thought that was tomorrow.” Semi says, turning on the TV just in time to see Ushijima spike a ball, gaining a point. “Damn that still gives me chills to this day.” 
“Yeah Ushijima is super cool. I can’t believe how competitive I was with him back in high school.” Goshiki, embarrassed with himself, says while walking out with a tray of sandwiches and tea. “The tea just got poured, be careful.”
“I was surprised all those years ago when Tendou said he wasn’t going to go pro. I thought for sure he was.” Shirabu says, reminiscing about the past.
“You’re not one to be sappy, what's wrong with you.”  Semi stares him down.
“Med school has been getting to me, what can I say?” Shirabu sighs. He takes up a cup of tea and sips it to only spit it back out.
“It’s hot isn't it?” Goshiki stares at Shirabu angrily.
“Yeah it is.” 
“Maybe you should’ve listened to me.”
“Stop staring at me like that!” Shirabu yells back jokingly.
“Now, now, you two don’t make me call Tendou, you do know it's early in the morning for him.” Semi says, trying to stop the fight between the two. The two instantly stop bickering. 
Back in high school there was once a fight between underclassmen around 2am. Tendou, who was woken up by this fight, managed to strike so much fear into the poor students to the point where they resigned from the volleyball club.
“Let’s just cheer on Ushijima, yeah?” Semi asks, to which the two boys nod their heads.
Semi sighs, glad to see his underclassmen but also glad that they’ve left. Goshiki, bless his heart for making food and drinks, choose the wrong tea, making caffeinated tea instead of uncaffeinated. Semi took this as a sign to fully unpack and clean the house, to get rid of some energy of course.
“Oh that’s right.” He mutters to himself, picking up the bag of chocolate that he bought for you.
See there was a little event that happened in France. Semi had stopped by a bakery and they had chocolate croissants and they were irresistible. That’s when he had an idea, he decided that when he came back he would try to make chocolate croissants for the both of you. He spent a good two hours asking Tendou how to melt it, how to properly drizzle the chocolate, pretty much every question in the book. Now it was the time to put all the knowledge he gained to use.
He burnt 2 batches, one of which was still raw on the inside. Thankfully his last chance at making a batch turned out perfectly. He quickly drizzled the chocolate on top, letting it sit. Thus your big souvenir from France was made.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Knock, knock.
“(Y/N)? Are you home? You should be off work at this time.” Semi asks, waiting for you to open the door, he has all your souvenirs in a gift bag. You rush to open the door.
“Eita, I’m so glad you’re back, I missed you!” You exclaim, jumping up and hugging him.
“Woah be careful! I bought you some gifts and one is fragile!” Semi says, placing one hand around your back to stabilize the two of you.
“You didn’t have to, after all I’m not as close as you are with your other friends.” You pout, gently letting yourself off of him.
“Well I wanted to get you something. Mind if I come in?” He asks, to which you oblige. 
Semi walks in and places his gift bag on the table, you followed him shortly behind. He then pulls out three different wrapped gifts, each being a different size. You frown.
“Did you have to wrap them all?”
“No but I thought it would be a nice gesture.” He says handing the smallest gift to you first. “Open this.” 
You smile, gladly pulling apart the wrapping to see a cute coffee keychain.
“They had four different colours of the coffee, so I bought all of them. Gave one to Goshiki and Shirabu and kept one for myself.” Semi says while pulling out his phone to show the cute green coffee cup hanging from it. “Here’s the second one.” He says handing you the next gift, which was the medium sized one.
“Thank you so much Eita, don’t forget to tell Goshiki and Shirabu that I’d love to hang out with them again!” You say, smiling at the fond memory of the two. “Alright let me open this bad boy!” You say while ripping off the wrapping.
It was a mug, a beautiful one at that. It had your name on the side of it with beautiful designs covering it.
“I got it at a small business, I specifically requested your name.” He says, smiling sheepishly. “Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do!” You respond almost immediately, running to the kitchen sink to wash it. “I’ll drink something out of it later. Now what’s the last gift!” You say while making grabby hands towards Semi.
“Here.” He hands you the last one, a slight hue a pink covering his cheeks. 
You pull off the wrapping to see a container with croissants in it. 
“French croissants? From a bakery?” You look up to him confused.
“I actually made the croissants myself, the chocolate though is Tendou’s chocolate. I melted some down and drizzled it on top, I also have a bag of them if you want it plain.” Semi says, giving you a big smile, “Let me know how they taste, yeah?” 
“Eita..” You flush. He specifically remembered how you wanted to try Tendou’s chocolate, and he knew how much you liked pastries so he went out of his way and made you chocolate covered croissants. “Thank you, even if you were a regular at first, we definitely have blossomed into something more.” 
Now it was his turn to blush.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ding, ding.
“Welcome!” An unfamiliar voice calls out to Semi. Looking to where the voice came from he notices a teenage girl instead of you. “What can I get for you?” The girl asks, smiling up at him.
“Is (Y/N), er, (L/N) here?” He asks, only for her to shake her head.
“(L/N) is sick right now so my mom asked me to take care of the store for them. I’m alright with it because when this place gets business I’m gonna apply here and work!” The girl says enthusiastically, “So are you gonna order anything?” 
“I’ll take a medium green tea and soup to go please.” He answers.
Knock… knock… knock..
“(Y/N)? Are you home?” Semi asks, giving time between each knock of the door. Eventually the door swings open, scaring him.
“Eita what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” You ask in a daze, both from confusion and from your sickness.
“Firstly it’s the weekend, all I have is my band but we’re not practicing until later, secondly, I don’t want you to stay sick. Go inside, I'll warm up your soup.” Semi says, slightly shoving you back inside your house with ease.
“Oooookayyy, I’m going to the couch.” You point in the direction you’re going before sluggishly making your way there.
Locking the door, Semi lets himself in and heads straight for your kitchen. He brings out a pot and puts the soup inside, letting it boil. While it’s heating up he pours some tea out for you, kept warm by a thermal cup.
“(Y/N), here drink some of this.” Semi asks, placing the cup of tea next to you, after you not moving for a while he asks again for you to drink some. This goes on for a while before he’s fed up and takes the cup and holds it to your lips.
“Open your mouth a bit, I’ll pour some in for you to drink.” He smiles as you oblige, slightly opening your mouth allowing for some liquid to get in. “I’ll be right back with some soup for you.” He gets up and heads back to the kitchen. 
As he’s out of view your cheeks turn a light pink, realizing what Semi had just done. Grabbing a pillow you lean your head down comfortably onto it.
 “Have you eaten anything at all today? You shouldn’t get sick from lack of food.” He mutters, gently brushing some hair off your face only to realize you fell asleep. “I’ll put the soup in the oven to keep it warm.” He says standing up and grabbing the bowl.
After putting the bowl into the oven he notices the dishes that were left, wanting to make things easier he begins washing them. Just then the realization hit him, his face turned red as a tomato, he was acting as if you two were a married couple. For a good minute that was the only thing he could think of, getting very flustered.
Eventually you fell asleep. Not wanting you to sleep on the couch he picks you up and tries finding your room. 
“(Y/N), is it this one?” He whispers, as to not stir you up too much. You groan yes in response. He gently places you down onto your bed, grabbing some blankets to place on top of you. He quickly runs downstairs to grab a glass of water in case you’re thirsty when you wake up.
“(Y/N).” He mutters to himself, “Am I in love with you?”
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“After talking with the council, Semi you definitely like (L/N). Definitely in a romantic type of way too.” 
“The fuck is the council?? You just asked Shirabu and Tendou their opinions, didn't you Goshiki.” Semi angrily says.
“You should try making a move Semi. Now I have to go, my practice starts soon.” Goshiki says before hanging up the phone.
Semi groans and composes himself before entering your shop. Looking around he doesn’t see you until he looks down to you on the floor scrubbing something.
“Oh! Eita, don’t mind me, one of the customers threw up on the floor.” You answer what was obviously going through his head. 
“No get up, let me finish cleaning it up. You’ve probably had a long day.” He says before bending down and taking the cleaning supplies out of your hands. 
“Thank you. Oh also! I get to have some time off, I found some new hires since business has been going well!” You say while taking off the puke covered gloves. “Since it’s not a busy season for you, we should hang out soon.” 
“I have a show this friday. If you’d like to come, I can get you tickets.” Semi blurts out.
“Well now I can’t say no if one of the band members asks me!”
“I’ll send you the information afterwards, but now I’m gonna go wash my hands.” Semi says, placing the cleaning supplies down and walking away.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𖹭 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“Woah.” Is all you can say when you see the venue. It’s quite small but still feels like a concert hall, it’s not too empty and feels homey almost. “Excuse me but where is this seat located?” You ask a person nearby.
“Oh you’re so lucky dear, that’s right in front!” The nice woman says. She directs you the right way, and you thank her.
She wasn’t lying, you were lucky. Front and center, you got the greatest view of the stage. You wait in suspense as the band members go on stage one by one until Semi walks up. Oh, is all you can think. His hair, his outfit, everything just made him so attractive.
The night went on, each song bringing a new edge, and finally after an hour the songs came to an end. Before anyone does anything Semi speaks up.
“My name is Semi Eita, I’m the guitarist for this band and I have an announcement to make.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, “I’ve fallen in love with one of you in the crowd, I truly hope you know who you are.” He says as he holds up his phone.
That’s when it hits you, the phone wasn’t him ending the night in some punk way, it was a way of showing who he liked, that person being you. You were the only one in the crowd who had matching souvenirs with you, you were the only one who talked with him daily.
You walk outside with the rest of the crowd, circling around to the back door. You sigh as you think this through again. Semi, he was definitely more than a regular but, did you really want to pursue a relationship with him? He helped when you were in a time of need, he bought and made little souvenirs for you when on his trip to France, got you chocolates you’ve been wanting forever, and took care of you when you were sick. On the flip side though, you only knew him because he became a regular, you don’t even have any way to contact any of his friends. You sigh, deciding on your final answer.
You knock on the back door to see one of Semi’s bandmates answer. 
“Yo, I can’t let you in here, sorry.” He says.
“I’m here to see Semi, he invited me to come here and I kinda need a ride back.” You laugh awkwardly as the bandmates' eyes widen.
“So it’s you, yeah? The one he likes, c’mon in.” He laughs and opens the door for you.
“Thank you for opening the door and thank you for telling me it’s me.” You wave and go on the hunt to find Semi. 
You see out of the corner of your eye the door that says Semi. You slowly open the door to see Semi sitting with his head in his hands muttering about anything and everything, you hear a few ‘why did I do that’ and ‘god they hate me now’. 
“Eita, don’t worry.” You hug him from behind, “If today was your way of asking me on a date, then I accept.”
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supersteiiar · 5 months
Bribelle hcs if u hv anyyy?🥺
- briar’s “magic touch” as described by the show is having super hearing when she’s asleep. on days when she can’t keep herself awake faybelle makes sure to go to all of her classes for her and get her work/keep her updated on the latest gossip and news from around the school. in classic faybelle fashion she pretends to have no idea what briars talking about when she thanks her for it (or says some stupid stuff like “yeah well you’re my enemy and we have to be on equal footing”)
- them being “enemies” has always been more of a one-sided thing with faybelle being super dedicated to their rivalry and briar being like “well . i don’t hate her but if it keeps this cute girl around me i’ll play along”
- they’re both super competitive though so it works out great. they’re not fighting for the top spot in class or anything but they’re definitely teasing each other about scoring one point higher on a test or assignment
- ^ briar’s always willing 2 help faybelle study tho. invites her to “study parties” that turn out to just be her and faybelle LMAO
- i wrote abt this in a fic once but briar keeps sticky notes in her room with reminders to invite faybelle to her parties (bc of faybelle’s curse)
- they have each others coffee orders memorized because they’re gay as hell
- it takes them like twenty billion years to get together . not because either of them are oblivious to their feelings but because they’re scared to love each other . they’re both destined to be alone, destined to lose the ones they love the most. so even though they hang out 24/7 and the entire school considers them 2 be a couple, they don’t make it Official until like… post dragon games
- at that point the whole “300 years of service” thing scared faybelle so bad that she wants to make things official. and briars totally fine with that because lord knows shes been ranting to ashlynn and apple for AGES about how she “just wants to be faybelle’s girlfriend” LMAO
- faybelle shows her love thru acts of service (doing things for others when she could be doing them for herself) and briar shows hers through quality time (she has so little time but she wants to spend as much of it with faybelle as possible) . they both like gifts !
can u tell they’re my favorite ship LMAO
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AITA for editing my friends cover letter and then telling him I wouldn’t give him my employee number for a referral if he used the cover letter he wrote? (Emojis to find this whenever it posts)
For some context… I work for a HUGE university that is extremely hard to get a job at. I have friends in HR here now and they said pretty much every job posting (and the postings are pretty sparse) gets a minimum of 250-300 applications. I got extremely lucky securing my job and truly do not take that for granted. And now that I’m an “insider” I have the ability to make referrals for my friends so that they can at least get an interview and hopefully a job here too and hop on the good pay and excellent benefits train especially since we’re all coming up on 26, therefore, we are all losing our health insurance (yay America).
So, one of my friends finished his masters degree recently and was looking for jobs in my area and saw something at my place of employment he was interested in. I told him I would be more than happy to look over his cover letter and resume before he submitted his application because I know what they look for in those. He said if there was any major changes he would pay me for edits too. I agreed because why not help my friend out. Give him a shot at this place.
And as much as I hate to say it… his cover letter was just… bad. It was so bad I reread it a good 5 times before I was fully able to comprehend just how bad it was. I had to go for a walk around the block to collect my thoughts on it. It literally made me question how he got a masters degree if I am being completely frank. It was also just so atrocious I offered to edit it for free because I felt so bad.
I don’t want to give specifics but think, half a paragraph on things he explicitly states that he has not done and will never do in his masters program, saying “folks” instead of colleagues (which is fine in conversation but like. Not for a cover letter ya know?), talked more about his experience in retail than he did his actual masters program, and just so so so much more.
So to just give him as fair of a shot as I could, I asked him for his thesis and service work that he did in his program, and asked permission to pretty much start from scratch on his cover letter. He excitedly agreed and told me to “go to town and do what you have to” and said “you know better than me what they’re looking for” and once I returned the final product to him he wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the amount of jargon I inserted and the amount of changes I made to his “flare”. I had my friend in HR at the specific department I work at read it over and he said it was spectacular and he would interview someone with the cover letter in a heartbeat. I told my friend that and he still felt like I “robbed it of his personality.” I told him he’s welcome to edit it however he wants but my friends in HR said it was really strong how I wrote it and I would highly recommend not making any changes before he applies if he wants to get an interview and told him to just think on it for a bit before throwing in his application.
He didn’t respond for a couple of days and then called me out of the blue and told me he was working on his application now, was planning on using his original cover letter unedited, and needed my ID number for the referral. And I said… no. I am super super lucky to have my job and as jobs here are in such high demand I was scared to stick my neck out for him because I felt it might stain my reputation and reflect poorly on me. And he yelled at me and accused me I was being selfish and uppity about my job and that I needed to just give him the number because “if doesn’t matter anyway”. I tried to explain to him that any referral an employee makes gets added to their file regardless if the person got hired or not.
I did not want to stand by his original cover letter because I felt like it would’ve knocked him out of the running LONG before the interviews would’ve even started getting scheduled. I also feel it is important to add, I never told him his cover letter was garbage. I just told him it needed some work/jargon/fine tuning to the job description. I would never EVER say something like that to someone because I would never want to hurt someone’s feelings
I feel horrible. I didn’t want him to be hurt by the advice and changes I was making but I am in a very interesting and delicate position with my job in that I am one of like 5 people in any kind of administrative role at the entire institution that doesn’t have a bachelors degree. I secured my job because I worked as a temporary assistant for a few months and they loved me so much they made an exception to hire me in fully. I am deeply loved in my department and I truly love my job with all of my heart. It is wonderful and incredibly rewarding to do the work that I do so I really do not want to fuck this up for myself. I have had other friends apply and get jobs here with a little guidance and they love it too. I absolutely want that for my friend I was trying to help. I truly do. But he was not willing to take my advice and I just couldn’t risk sticking my neck out for him. So… AITA?
TL/DR: I work for a hard to get into place. Spent a lot of time fixing my friends app bc he writes like a 14 year old despite having a masters degree. He said he was using his shitty cover letter and asked for my referral number anyway and I told him no it’s not gonna happen because I can’t afford to stick my neck out like that since I got my job in a non traditional way leaving me a bit more vulnerable than most. I never explicitly told him “your cover letter is garbage” because I didn’t want to make him feel bad but warned him it would most likely not make it to the interviews and the one that I wrote him was applauded by my friends who work in HR.
What are these acronyms?
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