#we do have a candle snuffer but it is not always used
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famuladomini ¡ 18 days ago
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Spent the afternoon scraping candle wax from an altar cloth. I am not even halfway done yet. I hope all of the wax comes out in the wash.
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buggywiththefolkmagic ¡ 1 year ago
Only YOU Can Prevent Witchy Fires
Hello witches, workers, and all in between! Your friendly neighborhood Granny is here to teach you a few things about fire safety!
Yes, yes, I know. “But Buggy, this is tumblr! And you're on a boring witchcraft blog! What do we need a lesson on fire safety for? We aren’t in kindergarten!” But trust me! More than one witch has accidentally singed their hair or set their own altar on fire before! Sometimes we get so into the spiritual that we forget to be mindful of the reality around us.
I’m going to go over a bundle of good tips to keep in mind for making a wax seal over that spell jar or burning a few bay leaves or ingredients to release that nonsense into the air! Even a section for the kitchen witches!
Indoor Safety:
*Those annoying fire alarms? Make sure they are operational okay? Change those batteries at least once a year, preferably twice. (If it is something you are in control of.)
*Always use a fire-safe candle holder for candles! Trim down that wick before lighting! I know it seems silly to use a pair of scissors or a wick trimmer, but trimming down that wick will always make that flame much easier to manage. And that flame? If it gets big enough to cause black smoke ALWAYS put it out.
*Always keep the candle in your line of sight, no meditation with an open flame going okay? Also if your candle is big enough to burn for more than four hours...put it out at the 4 hour mark.
*The longer a candle burns the more carbon gathers on the wick itself and that can make the flame get bigger and more unstable. Those ultra-wobbly flames that flicker and waves like one of those wacky inflatable arm flailing tube men? That is something you don’t want.
*Putting out a candle: We don’t recommend putting it out with your fingers no matter how cool it looks. Use a candle snuffer, or blow it out. I promise blowing out a deity candle won’t insult them!
*Another crucial tip is to keep anything that could catch fire a minimum of three feet or 91 centimeters AWAY from the fire source. That includes carpeted flooring, cloth, hair, rugs, altar cloths, papers, books, all sorts of things! Always wear your hair back when working with fire, and wear close fitting clothing that won’t hang or drape into the fire with your movements.
*Another tip given straight from the NSC is to NEVER use candles or other fire sources while tired or inebriated! That means no 2 am spell jars if you are half asleep! ALSO never EVER leave a candle WARM or actively BURNING! Same goes for any items you are burning down like bay leaves. Burn them in a fire safe bowl that is much bigger than you think you need. Toss the debris around and soak in water to ensure they are safely doused.
*IF you are using wax to seal off spell jars I highly suggest getting a wax sealing kit! Wax sealing kits come with a little spoon that you drop bits of wax into and ‘melt’ them down over something like a tea candle. An example is this: Which you can find on Amazon for roughly $10 USD!
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The spoon is perfect for pouring and there’s less likelihood of the candle you would sit on top of the jar from falling off because...there is no candle! If you only have a candle to work with...please don’t burn the candle on top of the object you are sealing, put the candle in a safe holder and hold it over the object once warm to let the wax drip down. Have the object you are sealing sitting on top of a safe ceramic plate or bowl in case of drippage!
But what do I do if a fire starts?
Good question! That depends on the type of fire it is! Here’s a breakdown of the types and methods to put them out: Ordinary Fire: An ordinary fire is caused by candles, papers, cloth, plastics, that sort of thing!
The good news is these types of fires respond amazingly well to plain old water! It’s always advised that you keep a bucket or pitcher full of water within reach whenever using candles just in case!
Electric Fire: Electric fires are caused by a source of electricity, like wires getting crossed and arching.
NEVER use water on an electrical fire! If you do, you'll just electrocute yourself. If it’s safe to do so...unplug the object from the outlet. Turn off the electricity in your house’s electric breaker box. Smother the flames by pouring baking soda onto them.
Chemical Fire: Chemical fires have a chemical as a fuel source, like rubbing alcohol, nail polish & polish remover. Even your nails near a candle can produce a small chemical fire if you aren’t careful! (Dry those nails up good before using candles.) These fires can only be put out with a fire blanket OR pouring a LARGE quantity of baking soda or sand onto the fire.
Cooking Fires: Cooking fires are the most common form of household fire. It can be caused by grease, burning food, or burning cooking oil. Water will NOT work on any fire oil or grease based, it may seem like a first instinct to grab the pan and toss it into a sink with water...DON’T.
That will cause the oil to splatter and can injure you and make any flames spread further! It the fire is small enough and contained within a pot or skillet, have a lid or baking sheet handy and throw that onto the top of the fire, this will smother it out. A fire blanket can also be used for this. Do NOT swat at the flames, this is just a fanning motion and will give the fire more oxygen to grow with! Pour a large amount of salt or baking soda on top of the fire. MAKE SURE it is not flour, as flour will cause the fire to grow quick enough to even explode! Turn off any heat source.
And if the fire is in the oven or microwave? Leave that door CLOSED. It seems super scary but the fire will smother itself out when trapped in a small box. (Of which both cooking items are.)
Outdoor Safety:
Never burn outdoors if it is windy or extra dry! Do not burn general trash, only burn natural dry vegetation/herbs. Always check your local ordinances and make sure there are no burn bans in your area currently active!
If you are going to burn outside, clear away a circular space for the burning items. Far enough away from overgrowth, houses, powerlines, and other such things. The burning site should have plenty of dirt or gravel around it, usually around 10 feet, 304 centimeters circular if burning a campfire-size burning space. Make sure the dirt and gravel is well doused in water to prevent any spreading.
Always stay around the fire until it is completely out. Turn the debris from your burn a few times and douse it hard with water. NEVER leave dry ash on the ground, embers could be still warm enough to catch on the inside of the ash! Keep checking on that burn area for a few days or a few weeks to make sure nothing is left, especially during warmer or dryer months. Don’t toss matches or other lighting instruments just anywhere! Those can still be warm and still catch grass alight.
And there you have it! A crash course on being safe with fire while doing your thing and slinging your spells!
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wench-and-jezebel ¡ 2 years ago
The Musketeers Reaction: The Challenge
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Now with BONUS: meta analysis :) (But Wench might post that separately later too... she hasn't decided)
[Oh, no, a prisoner transfer!  That always goes badly; just ask CTU (from 24)]
Well shit 
“Stay out of this, damn you”  Let us get our asses kicked by one man.. on our own  [Red Guards be prideful dumbasses]
Wot?  WOT?!  WHAT!?!  [Tenth Doctor-coded, you are]  ☠️☠️☠️ [But also, agreed.  They explicitly warned the Red Guard.  And then tried to help.  Not their fault the RG didn't listen 💀]  Right!?!
No one asked you, man child
OOOP- awwwwww  [Dangerous for him and Constance to do that in broad daylight tho]  
Well their relationship has escalated
[OH, LOOK, HER HUSBAND; WHAT.  DID I SAY.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ [Awkward, that is.]
Sweet lord  [Indeed]
Do they not get paid?  [Kinda but also... money got spent… It's not much, I don't think]
[They're Tinder-ing in church ☠️]  Im dying  [Porthos swiped right on the widow alkdsfj]  Trying to say something and these two are distracting me  [I adore them] Ok, so anyway… I’m guessing D’art does it, wins, and then becomes a Musketeer
Poor d’Art
Y’all two really trying to swindle money from grieving women… MEN  [Only one was grieving.  The other was having an affair, since those are highly common]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Imma.  Oooop… Second-hand embarrassment  [She's covering for him :)]  ☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️ Oooop she ain’t grieving too hard  [I'm sorry, but they're kinda cute]  They are
“You’re cute”
☠️☠️☠️ Aramis is gonna get the money and Porthos is gonna get a wife  [adslkfjlksadjf]
Candle sniffer?  Is that a person?  ☠️☠️☠️  [Candle snuffer, dear]  I know 😂
["Too often, you let your emotions get the better of you"  "Can we just get on with it"  Sir, that.  Proves the point]  ☠️☠️☠️
Oooop, I see what you’re doing, Athos
[I love Peter Capaldi]
Oooop.  That might not go well
[Love lines like "I can see you are a man of quick intelligence"... they’re always passive-aggressive digs]
How did he not see him?  Or hear that?  They are quite incompetent
“You killed my father”  [he’s making a habit of this]  “I mean, burned down my farm.  Prepare to die”
Well damn  [This has gone badly for young d'Artagnan]  d’Art, how do you really think this is gonna play out
[Of course Athos had to save him ☠️]  ☠️☠️
Awwww  [They turned it in a different direction, but I usually detest "I'm not like *you*" statements]
“Get some rest!”  How about dry off?
Bruh where did the rain go?
Bitch (Milady), why ain’t you ded?
[This is what I meant by “I remember what happens after this” btw]  Let me breathe on your mouth for a moment  [Shut up]
“Leave me alone, Athos”  Ma’am you came to him???  Womennnn
“I thought you had brains, but clearly not.”  Athos, what has he done for you to think that?  [alskdfjlsakdjf This is a valid question]
– – – 
Jezebel: Welp! First off the level of ack I feel about friends having to fight each other in a competition is like…. Skyrocketing.  Idk if it’s gonna be as awkward (they each think they will win, disappointment if they don’t) but I feel awkward about it lol!
Wench: You underestimate their loyalty, dear… I'm reasonably — like 90% — confident that they're only, like, half-competing.  Because this is the current main way they know to get d'Art his commission and he's running out of time.  And these three are, it's heavily implied, the best of the regiment so it’s kinda foolish to send a new recruit unless it’s more about getting him the commission.
Jezebel: Ohhhh they letting him win?
Wench: I suspect they've already gone to Treville and been like.  “Don't consider us for the tournament.”  I don't know for sure, but that's always been my interpretation.  Also, it's less "letting him win" and more "nudging him in the right direction and giving him sway with Treville."  Buddy's from Gascony and got that hot-headed pride thing going; he wouldn't accept their charity any more than he'd accept their money
Jezebel: Ohhhhhh! I see!!  I love them! 🙂
Wench: At least Athos, since he's heavily training d'Art to compete.  I'm less sure about Flort because they seem to kinda need the money 💀 
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️  Gonna be another: (Athos) “We weren't gonna try to win” -> (Porthos) “Weren't we?” -> (Aramis) “Next time let us know” things
Wench: aslkdjflkadsjf Exactly!!!
Jezebel: It feels like as of rn they have put Milady in the ep…. Just so she’s in the ep ☠️ Not that I’m complaining she’s aight but she just seems random
Wench: You ain't seen shit yet.  Also, in case you missed this, they're Heavily paralleling Athos and d'Artagnan in this ep.  Her being there is definitely intentional.  
Jezebel: Yes! I have 😂 Athos even said it ☠️
Wench: Ma'am.  He said one overt "you're more like me than you know"; that is not paralleling ☠️  And, if it were, it’s not the extent of the paralleling either 
Jezebel: Aight lay me out the parallels 😂😂
Wench: I'll tell you in endpoint; it's easier to avoid mincing my words
Jezebel: Speaking of tho!  I LOVE ATHOS TRAINING DART SM OMG!!!  And Flort are just fucking chaos. ☠️☠️ I love them! Porthos trying to talk to the widow tho was fucking adorable
Wench: I adore them all
Jezebel: Ready?
Wench: Yup!
– – – 
She is so pretty tho 😮‍���😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Oooooop!  Oooooooooooooop!!
No, she didn’t
Oh nooooo  ["Who else is just going to walk up and hand me 30 livres"  Well, ya see-]  THIS IS WHY YOU ARE DUMB  [Constance was]  
OOOOP she’s giving him that look
[never trust "it doesn't matter"s]
[I kinda adore them; sorry to your Portamis plotting ☠️ ]  (Porthos) “What was I supposed to be getting again?”  (Aramis) “….. NOT THAT”
[Shocker, the marksman won the shooting competition alksdfj]  Aramis and that damn hat ☠️☠️☠️  [Oh, and the close-combat dude won the close-combat skirmish; who knew? :)]  OH THIS GIF SET!
Athos watching all proud  [*simultaneously* Also, in point of fact, I'm not actually sure Athos is competing at all]
Angry face
“No control….”  Buddy. You knew this. Ahead of time. Why are you acting like it's new???
I see what you’re doing… Le gasp!  CARDINAL YOU ARE INSANE!  
Ma’am!  SO ARE YOU 
Okay, not the last one.  But two out of three isn’t bad!
Ma’am… It- Y’all- Sir.  THEY ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER  [Because they're so dumb? :)]  Yes
He gone beat the hell out of herrrrr… Those things were allowed back then
[Protective!Athos unlocked asldkfj]  Ooooop!
Treville knows he’s letting the guy fight huh?  [Not saying :)]
POOR DART!  [Poor Constance]  I KNOW
💔💔💔💔  The break in his voice when he said I want you
“Her name’s Alice”  Oooop-  [Callback to your earlier “Aramis is gonna get the money and Porthos is gonna get a wife” !!!]  Jealous Aramis
The Musketeers are like WOT
[Bruh.  Swordsman???  It's a.  Sword contest.  I know Athos didn't seem to be competing in the initial bracket.  But also. If the point is to win. ???]
They look like guard dogs ready to attack
[Once again, a very Doctor Who score… (Again, same dude, but it especially shows here)]  lol!
There goes the hat
[Also, gotta love Athos getting ready to throw hands the second Treville's arm got injured alksdjf]  Yes!!!  [Man was taking off his cloak in 0 time]
Welp ok.  King making up for all the childish behavior
[d'Artagnan needed to have his heart broken to not let it sway his actions ☠️]  💔💔💔💔
Ooooop!  He’s doing the thing! The thing Athos did!  [:))))]
Whoooop whooooop!  [I must say.  It's.  It's kinda biased.  To have the King.  Judging an assessment.  Involving the King's Musketeers]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oooooo!  Whoooop whoooop!
[Adore the fact that Athos gets to give it to him]
Ooooop!  She’s been had!  [Why is she surprised that the scheming, manipulating, control-freak Cardinal was being a scheming, manipulating, control-freak??]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Also, I'm sorry, but the Athos/Milady storyline is something that is so delectably twisted I can't even... I'll explain some in endpoint]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
“d’Art is the key”  ‘Cause he’s dumb
Sighhhh, womennnn
OOOOP!  She’s confused!
– – – 
Jezebel: Basic summary: Poor d’Art!  But also YAY D’ART!  But then poor Constance.  No really 💔💔💔💔 POOR CONSTANCE.  But Miladys face when he didn’t get in the carriage?  stunned 😀
Wench: Indeed
Jezebel: Also I didn’t absolutely hate the king this episode.  He seemed competent ☠️☠️ I retract my earlier statements about him 😂😂
Wench: Ma'am. He was still being the same childish king he's always been; he just happened to be childish in favor of the protagonists.
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️ ok fair
Wench: He just threw a competition as a way of proving that his men were better than the Cardinal's, and then he rigged that competition, and then he took the prize money on top of that laksdjf
Jezebel: This… is also true 😂😂  Anyway 😂 ummmmm… oh yeah! Porthossss 💔💔 he was so soft and non-tough-guy with Alice it was adorable.  And the “Who’ll look after you?” to Aramis???? 💕💕  (When she leaves)
Wench: Yeah  :) 
Jezebel: And Papa Treville! And how they all was like yeah fuck the competition soon as he got hurt! I love it!  And I did mention up there the look on Milady’s face when the lil dummy she was so sure she could seduce didn’t take the bait ☠️☠️ Now that may change I guess! But that was satisfying that he wasn’t like “well, bye, Constance; hello, Milady!”
Wench: This is true, and it's nice that he's not fickle... Fits in with his character, though, for the most part, so I'm not horribly shocked
Jezebel: Athos tho! I loved him this whole episode!  And his little "get down there before he changes his mind" (with a smirk)
Wench: Yesssss
Jezebel: Uhhhhh… the only thing I can say about Athos and Milady’s scene together was already said in the react, but how she was all “lemme stalk you” and then all “HMPH stop stalking me”... Like!?!?
Wench: You still don’t see the parallels?
Jezebel: Nope ☠️☠️ Just tell me
Wench: *sigh* Okay
Jezebel: 🙂
Wench: For reference, btw, we only have two more s1 episodes left.  Now, first, some contextual parallels: Have you noticed the running theme of scarring/binding/tying in Athos' and Milady's backstories?
Jezebel: Um. I- no? Maybe? You say that and all I think is her being hanged but I can’t remember where else it is happening or do you mean figuratively
Wench: Yes and no.  That’s the obvious example.  She was hanged.  She still "bears the token of [his] love" in the scar that remains.  She covers it up with a fine necklace --- a choker --- to obscure her past.  But less obviously... He still wears her locket.  She says that he gave her a necklace, and he still wears the chain that represents her around his neck.  Half the time he's drinking, his head is literally bowed by it.  Also, in his intro, the locket is the first real thing we see of his character.  He's hungover and drinking first, yes, but the second he gets his bearing/sits up, he pulls out the locket.  And that's before he even gets dressed/does his wake-up ritual.  Within that locket is a pressed forget-me-not (or an icon of the flower, but the point remains... a forget-me-not).  Additionally, the first time we see her, she's manipulating things so that he gets imprisoned --- weaponizing justice the same way she feels was done against her --- and quite literally manacled in the process.  Et cetera, et cetera.
Jezebel: Ok, so see! This is what I mean by I may see a parallel but would never see it that deep! I would see he wears her locket with a forget me not inside and be like ohhhhh he is like tormenting himself. And this I would not think about it again.  I would have never caught the choker being symbolic just that she needed something that fit to her neck… or she couldn’t hide the scar
Wench: And that's shown in their interactions too… In "Commodities," for example, when they both are back at Pinon: after she’s knocked him to the ground, she literally pulls him up to meet the dagger by the locket chain.
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Still Wench: And yet it’s also why she can’t go through with killing him; she's so distracted by it that she takes too long and d'Artagnan shows up.
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Jezebel: ☹️☹️☹️☹️ see now I caught that that threw her off ☠️☠️ I’m not fully unaware! 😂
Wench: Not surprised by this, but the scene still means more in context of the larger symbolism.  Then you've got the episode we just watched, where you have the alley scene, in which she literally tugs him closer via the chain.
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Once again back to Wench: But even beyond the literal symbolism that's emphasized overtly on screen, it's their literal storyline… They're each orbiting the other, unable to let go completely but unable to forgive and forget and move on either.  Tied together by their mutual scarring --- whether literal or metaphorical --- and the literal ties that bind.
Jezebel: ☹️☹️☹️☹️ that is so sad and makes so much sense once pointed out omg
Wench: So.  Why have I spent so long yapping about this?  Because all of this context boils down to Milady deciding to sponsor d'Art.  And what does she do for him?  She gives him money, BUT.  Attached to that money.  Is nothing less than:
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Still Wench: A necklace.  More than that, a forget-me-not pendant on a chain.
Jezebel: I meant to mention that more! I think I was like oooop or something but at first I thought it was THE locket! Like i thought she’d got it off Athos
Wench: It's not, but what it is is a cheaper-quality pendant.  It's not a locket; it's just an oval with a carving.  It's stark and cold, harsh and engraved.  Molded.  Like, one might say, a woman who's been through shit and decided to embrace the role of criminal she feels shoved into.  Athos', meanwhile, is a locket.  It's got the actual flower, soft and natural and encapsulated in time.  A happy memory encased in pendant form.  But it's also not intact.  It's old and withered and slightly tarnished: the necklace equivalent of that warm and happy glow they always use for the Athos/Milady flashbacks.
Jezebel: I am sitting here reading this like…. Bruh, these are blink and you’ll miss them moments and here she is just pulling full detailed parallels out of her ass…. But they make sense and make the characters so much deeper and sadder… ack
Wench: I'm boutta add a bit more, whoops :)  Because this shows up in the context of Milady offering to sponsor d'Artagnan, right?  She's offering him money.  But the chain comes with the money.  Her influence comes with the money.  They have to go together, or they don't go at all.  If he takes that money, he becomes even more indebted to her than he already was.  And he does take it.  And he takes the necklace (her "care," her influence, his debt to her) too.  AND… this is what gets him and Constance in trouble.  It's Bonacieux seeing d'Art and Milady together and discovering that necklace that prompts him to follow d'Art.  It's Milady's meddling influence that keeps screwing things up for them.  BUT it’s not all bad because, when the necklace goes missing and Constance asks about it, he dismisses it --- her influence, his debt to her --- as unimportant.  He lets it go.  She does it again --- not with a necklace, but still --- at the end: she offers him a ride in her carriage, and it’s just a simple offer, but with strings --- literally --- attached
Jezebel: (I was waiting cause it seemed you were gonna add more to that! Since he declines the offer)
Wench: Oh, no.  Nothing immediately attached.  But I will say... The more I (re)watch, the more I realize that she's got a lot of the archetypes of the devil figure.  (That's the character who offers a temptation but gets control of you in return)
Jezebel: Oooooo! 👀 I can see that
Wench: She consistently offers things to people --- love to Athos, power to the Cardinal, a hodgepodge of things for d'Art --- but it's not as easy as it seems.  With the sole exception of the Cardinal (because he's an unstable force that she can't fully manipulate), she gets nearly interminable power over the people who take her up on it 
Still Wench: Anyway, that's the main but extensive parallel between Athos and d'Artagnan in this episode.  Athos outright says, "you're more like me than you know" (paraphrased), and they show it, bit by bit, with this running symbolism.  They're alike, but not the same.  They have similar necklaces --- similar ties to Milady --- but not identical ones.  d'Art hasn't and never will have the same opportunity to be influenced by her as Athos did --- he first met her when she framed him for murder, so he's not quite as inclined to trust her as Athos (who met her when she was either not the same person or pretending to not be the same person, depending on your interpretation) --- but he's nonetheless swayed by her.  Similar, but not the same.  See?
Jezebel: Yes! I do! 😂 though I never would have before! So thank you 😂😂😂
Wench: :)  np!  Any overall responses though?  ☠️ I kinda took over
Jezebel: More of a question… Am I just seeing her look confused he didn’t get in the cart, or is that gonna play into this little “she can sway Dart to come to the Cardinal men” thing she had because she doesn’t have the hold over him she thinks?
Wench: Wot
Wench: Hellooooo?
Wench: Good night, dear
-- -- --
*the next morning*
Jezebel: I was falling asleep ☠️ but I can’t remember if you ever commented on if there was a point to be made about him not getting in the cart with her. Like he can resist her and she didn’t expect that, or something. And because it seemed like you hadn’t responded I was asking basically if I was looking too deep into it. Like sure maybe she was like: oh ok then. But to me she looked legitimately shocked, as this came right after her telling the Cardinal it would be easy to sway him in their favor. If that makes more sense ☠️😂
Wench: It does a bit, yeah, and, to answer…  I kinda adressed it, but only a bit, with the "She does it again --- not with a necklace, but still --- at the end: she offers him a ride in her carriage, and it’s just a simple offer, but with strings --- literally --- attached.”  It's another way of drawing him closer/getting him under her influence.  And she's feeling Really Confident --- as you said --- about her skill at influencing him.  But what he does is a) show loyalty and b) show love.  (Both for Constance, but still).  This is particularly important because, if you think back to the pilot when they *coughs discreetly behind my fan* laid together, he saw the scar around her neck, asked about it, and, upon hearing that her husband had her almost killed, offers to kill said husband for her.  So what we have here is a conflict between her influence and the other people in d'Artagnan's life, and she's been counting on her influence being strongest.  (Which is partly because that's how it worked with Athos... even now, buddy can't move on.)  But she just got proof that it's very clearly not.  He just prioritized Constance (someone who'd just broken up with him, too, and seemingly very cruelly, even if Milady didn't know that) over her, and that's a sign that maybe she's too used to her own allure working and she's misjudged d'Artagnan's character,  But it's just a minor thing, so it's not panic yet, just confusion.  Does that make sense?
Jezebel: Yes! 🙂
Wench: Good... I feel like half of this shit is not what it is in my head laksdfj
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ doubt it, because everything you say makes so much sense
Wench: ☠️😭
Jezebel: The emojissssss
Wench: Shut up  But I have had months to think about this.  And more since the book.
Jezebel: That was all I had for endpoint though! I just really wanted your two way more than two but I love it cents on that look
-- -- --
Wench edit, many days later: It's occurring to me that those "oop"s are very incomprehensible but idk what they referred to, so I can't put in signal phrasing... sorry :] (Blame Jezebel)
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mathewmartin1 ¡ 1 year ago
Tea Light Candles: A Versatile Tool for Relaxation and Meditation
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In our fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace is essential for well-being. Tea light candles, those small, unassuming sources of light, have emerged as versatile tools for relaxation and meditation. Beyond their delicate glow and decorative charm, tea light candles offer a myriad of benefits, creating an atmosphere conducive to serenity and mindfulness. In this article, we will explore how tea light candles have become indispensable aids in the practice of relaxation and meditation, helping individuals find solace in the midst of life's chaos.
The Gentle Glow of Serenity
The soft, flickering glow of a tea light candles has an almost magical effect on our senses. Here's how tea light candles contribute to relaxation and meditation:
Ambience Creation: Tea light candles are masters of ambience. Their gentle, warm light instantly transforms a space, creating an inviting and calming atmosphere that is conducive to relaxation and meditation.
Focus and Mindfulness: The act of lighting a candle and watching its flame can be a mindfulness exercise in itself. It helps center your thoughts and bring your focus to the present moment.
Symbolic Representation: In many spiritual and mindfulness traditions, a lit candle symbolizes illumination, inner light, and spiritual awakening, providing a visual point of focus for meditation.
Versatile Uses in Relaxation and Meditation
Tea light candles are versatile tools that can be incorporated into various relaxation and meditation practices:
Yoga and Meditation Sessions: Place tea light candles in a safe location near your yoga mat or meditation cushion. The soft illumination helps you maintain a sense of calm and focus during your practice.
Guided Visualization: In guided relaxation or visualization exercises, tea light candles can enhance the experience by creating a soothing and immersive atmosphere.
Breathing Exercises: Tea light candles can serve as a focal point during deep breathing exercises, helping regulate your breath and calm your mind.
Mindfulness Meditation: The act of lighting a tea light candle mindfully, watching it burn, and observing the sensations and thoughts that arise can be a form of mindfulness meditation.
Candle Gazing: Trataka, or candle gazing meditation, is a technique where you maintain unwavering eye contact with the flame of a candle. This practice enhances concentration and inner awareness.
Safety and Considerations
While 8 hour tea light candles are wonderful tools for relaxation and meditation, it's essential to use them safely:
Use Appropriate Holders: Always place tea light candles in heat-resistant holders designed for their size to prevent accidents and protect surfaces.
Keep Away from Flammable Materials: Ensure there are no flammable materials, such as curtains or papers, near the candles.
Extinguish Properly: Use a snuffer or gently blow on the flame to extinguish the candle. Avoid blowing forcefully to prevent hot wax from splattering.
Never Leave Unattended: Do not leave a burning candle unattended, especially in a room with children or pets.
Tea light candles, with their gentle radiance and soothing presence, are versatile tools that enhance relaxation and meditation practices. Whether you are engaging in yoga, meditation, or simply seeking moments of peace in your daily life, these small candles have the power to create an ambiance that encourages serenity and mindfulness. As you light a tea light candle and allow its warm glow to envelop you, remember that you are not merely illuminating a room; you are illuminating your path to inner calm and tranquility.
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atricksterproblem ¡ 3 years ago
I hope that wherever Jerome K. Jerome is now that he’s proud of how prescient he was.
“To go back to the carved-oak question, they must have had very fair notions of the artistic and the beautiful, our great-great-grandfathers.  Why, all our art treasures of to-day are only the dug-up commonplaces of three or four hundred years ago.  I wonder if there is real intrinsic beauty in the old soup-plates, beer-mugs, and candle-snuffers that we prize so now, or if it is only the halo of age glowing around them that gives them their charms in our eyes.  The “old blue” that we hang about our walls as ornaments were the common every-day household utensils of a few centuries ago; and the pink shepherds and the yellow shepherdesses that we hand round now for all our friends to gush over, and pretend they understand, were the unvalued mantel-ornaments that the mother of the eighteenth century would have given the baby to suck when he cried.
Will it be the same in the future?  Will the prized treasures of to-day always be the cheap trifles of the day before?  Will rows of our willow-pattern dinner-plates be ranged above the chimneypieces of the great in the years 2000 and odd?  Will the white cups with the gold rim and the beautiful gold flower inside (species unknown), that our Sarah Janes now break in sheer light-heartedness of spirit, be carefully mended, and stood upon a bracket, and dusted only by the lady of the house?
That china dog that ornaments the bedroom of my furnished lodgings.  It is a white dog.  Its eyes blue.  Its nose is a delicate red, with spots.  Its head is painfully erect, its expression is amiability carried to verge of imbecility.  I do not admire it myself.  Considered as a work of art, I may say it irritates me.  Thoughtless friends jeer at it, and even my landlady herself has no admiration for it, and excuses its presence by the circumstance that her aunt gave it to her.
But in 200 years’ time it is more than probable that that dog will be dug up from somewhere or other, minus its legs, and with its tail broken, and will be sold for old china, and put in a glass cabinet.  And people will pass it round, and admire it.  They will be struck by the wonderful depth of the colour on the nose, and speculate as to how beautiful the bit of the tail that is lost no doubt was.
We, in this age, do not see the beauty of that dog.  We are too familiar with it.  It is like the sunset and the stars: we are not awed by their loveliness because they are common to our eyes.  So it is with that china dog.  In 2288 people will gush over it.  The making of such dogs will have become a lost art.  Our descendants will wonder how we did it, and say how clever we were.  We shall be referred to lovingly as “those grand old artists that flourished in the nineteenth century, and produced those china dogs.”
The “sampler” that the eldest daughter did at school will be spoken of as “tapestry of the Victorian era,” and be almost priceless.  The blue-and-white mugs of the present-day roadside inn will be hunted up, all cracked and chipped, and sold for their weight in gold, and rich people will use them for claret cups; and travellers from Japan will buy up all the “Presents from Ramsgate,” and “Souvenirs of Margate,” that may have escaped destruction, and take them back to Jedo as ancient English curios.”
That’s from Three Men in a Boat, published in 1889.
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celestiaphia ¡ 4 years ago
My Ritual for Offerings and Prayers
Simple Version - Full Version
I got a lot of positive feedback when I mentioned writing a post about my own practices so here it is! Please keep in mind this is all about my own practice, this is not reconstructed, historically accurate, or required for anyone to do it like I do it. Hopefully this will inspire others to share their practices. If you have questions about anything, feel free to message me. 
How I Created my Ritual
Before I go over the specific ritual I follow I want to talk about how I created them. Some of it is influenced by reconstructed hellenic polytheism but the majority of it I created over time as I added things, took things away, and found what worked for me.
When I first tried creating a ritual to fit myself, I asked myself what giving an offering means to me. At the most basic level I decided an offering means inviting the Gods into my home as guests. With that in mind, I could use the idea of Xenia, hospitality, to shape my ritual. I don’t know if this is commonly how other people treat it, but it’ll be obvious how important it is in my ritual and it’s important enough to me that I wanted to specifically call it out.
Formality in ritual is incredibly important to me. I believe that formality and ritual is valuable for strictly defining a difference between the sacred and the profane. It allows for a deeper experience with the Gods. I typically do free form prayer along with my offerings, but with some Gods I do give more informal prayers without ritual or offering - it depends on my connection with the God. 
I also want to note - this process is pretty long and involved and I am hoping to make a quick and more minimalist version that both meets my requirements for ritual and doesn’t require so many steps. Even if this altogether takes only 10 minutes, it feels like a lot and I am hoping to find a ritual process that I can do quicker so I can do it more often. 
My Steps for Offering
1. Preparation - I get everything I need for the ritual. I don’t want to have to leave my altar in the middle because I forgot my lighter! I also make sure my altar is clean and I’ve set up any art I may be using. I currently use tarot cards or other art cards as a stand in for statues and a way to help me focus on a specific deity.
2. Ritual Cleansing - Ritual cleansing is important to me not necessarily because of a strong believe in lyma/miasma but because it’s a special process to tell myself this is a special time. It’s a way for me to focus  my attention on this moment, and mentally transition myself into the space for worship. Ritual cleansing for me could be a shower, washing my hands, or using khernips. I’ve done all of the above and sometimes one feels more necessary than the other. Lately I’ve been using khernips more since it’s ritual heavy and, I love ritual!
3. Put on a Veil - This is the newest step in my ritual and it’s in “beta” phase. After cleansing, I put on a full head veil. Thus far that means - putting up a hood on a jacket/hoodie. I haven’t invested in a unique veil yet but I do plan to. I’ll be making a detailed post about what veiling means to me in the future and if I remember I’ll link the post here. 
4. Light My Altar Candle - I can’t use incense, so instead I light a candle. This is a candle I only use when I am giving an offering or praying at my alter, never for any other purpose. This allows it to be another way of making this time/space sacred; lighting the candle signals this is a ritual, sacred space. This step originally came from the practice in Hellenic Polytheism of the hearth, and the first offering being given to Hestia, but I don’t always pray to/give first offering to Hestia. Nonetheless, in her own way she gets rep at my alter with the candle!
4.5. Grounding in the Moment - This is not a step I always do, it depends on how I feel but at this point I will sometimes pause to close my eyes and take a few breaths to ground me in the moment, to mentally focus before I speak. 
5. Invite the God(s) to My Altar - “(God’s name), I ask you to join me at my altar as I offer and pray to you,” or if I’m offering to more than one god, “Dear Gods, I ask you to join me...” - I may word this differently since though I have formal steps, my wording is all done on the fly. In the spirit of Xenia, viewing the Gods as my guests, my first real step in the offering is to invite them in. I believe this is a good way to get the God’s attention before I give my offering. 
6. Give the Offering - My most common offering by far is a libation of water. (Why Water is not a Lazy Offering) I will pour the water from whatever holding vessel I’ve used into my special libation glass. While giving the libation I say: “I offer to you this libation. May it please you and bring you joy.” If I’m offering something else, of course I won’t say “this libation” I’ll specify whatever I’m offering. If I’m giving multiple offerings like libation and food, then I’ll call out each one separately.  
7. Prayer - Give Thanks - I thank the God for anything they have recently done for me, or generally for their existence and what they’ve done in my life. It’s incredibly important to me to offer my thanks every time and especially before I have any requests to make in prayer. The prayer sections of my ritual are the most freeform, it will depend on the god I’m praying to. Some I will give a short prayer of thanks, and others I will go on for a while, listing the many things they have done for me, thanking them for what they have brought to me in my life. I am speaking from my heart when I do this - I do not give thanks because I have to but because it’s something I am truly thankful for. 
8. Prayer - Supplication/Request - This is an optional part of the prayer. If this is my first time praying to a specific deity I will almost never make a request of them, since I believe it’s rude to ask them for something when we have not built any kharis (built a relationship) between each other. An initial prayer to a God is to invite them in as my guest, give them an offering, thank them for coming - and that’s it. This may also be optional if I don’t have anything to ask the specific God for or if for some reason it doesn’t feel appropriate to me to ask for anything.
Just like giving thanks, this section will be mostly freeform, but there is one part of praying for things that I do very specifically. Before I ask for anything I say, “If it would pleases you” or “if the fates will it” or something to that effect - signaling that though I ask for this, I know that I am not guaranteed it and it ultimately is up to the god if they choose to do it for me. It’s important to me to signify that I know the Gods do not owe me anything, that I cannot expect anything from them - not that they are cruel and wouldn’t do that, but that they are not vending machines who I can give offerings to and get something from.
A request could be as simple as “If it would please you, I pray that you guide me to be more like you” (in prayer to Athena for wisdom) or it could be more complex, talking about a problem I’m going through, and praying for specific help and guidance through it. Since this is a freeform prayer, sometimes it does not always follow either the pattern of thanks then request - but I do generally try to give thanks first , then request, then I can speak as freely as I wish to the God. 
9. Repeat Steps 6 - 8 as Needed - If I am praying to multiple gods, then my offering/prayers are done uniquely for each God. Each step could be as long as short as I want it to be, but the most simple example of giving to multiple Gods would look like this:
“I pour this libation to Hermes” (Pour small amount of water) “Thank you Hermes for all that you do in my life.  If it pleases you I pray that you continue to help me with my job. Thank you. Now I pour this libation to Athena” (pour water again) “Thank you Athena for all you do in my life...” and so forth
Because of the amount of detail I put into my ritual, if I’m praying to more than 3 Gods I generally make the prayer sections very short. If there are Gods for whom I want to give longer prayers - then those are typically the ones I will offer and worship to exclusively, to give them special offerings and time all their own. Otherwise it gets to be too much. 
9.5 Meditation - Another optional step, I have some prayer beads I will use to meditate with at my alter and focus on the God/Gods and generally let myself experience whatever I am feeling  as I am in this sacred space. This may lead to me making more prayers as feelings come up or may be as simple as me taking a few breaths as I think on the Gods. I don’t always do this but just like grounding helps me enter the ritual, I think doing the same as the ritual is ending is helpful. 
10. Closing the Ritual - To close the ritual, I first thank the God(s) for joining me. I’ll say something like: “Thank you (God’s name)/Gods for joining me at my alter. I pray that the offerings pleased you and that you will join me again in my home.” After this I will snuff out my candle and remove my veil if I was wearing one. I don’t have any opinion on blowing out vs snuffing out a candle,  but I have a candle snuffer so I do use that. 
Minor Details
Where do I put my hands? As someone who was raised Christian, it’s almost instinct  for me to put my hands together in prayer. Sometimes I do pray this way. Sometimes I pray with my hands open and facing up for Olympic Gods, or facing down for Cthonic Gods. I try to use the second one more than the first - but I don’t judge myself if habit of putting my hands together kicks in. I try to remember that intention is what matters most of all. 
What does my altar look like?  Here is a recent post with pictures and details of my altar. Here is a picture of my altar after a ritual. (I chose to leave the candle lit for the picture.) This is a picture of my altar from 3 years ago, and an even earlier picture of my altar. This will hopefully help people see that altars don’t always start so full and pretty! Seriously, my first altar was a cardboard box I had covered in fabric. We do the best with what we have available to us. 
How long do I leave out my offerings? I used to remove my offerings immediately after giving them because otherwise I was afraid I would forget them. I’ve started leaving them for longer, but it does end up being an issue still if I do forget them. Ideally I would remove them 24 - 48 hours later, and no longer than that. I feel leaving them for some time afterwards helps to symbolize that I am continuing to honor the Gods even when I am away from my altar.
How often do I give offerings/prayers? Due to my current living situation, my adhd and other mental health issues, and because of how complicated my ritual process is, I don't give offerings and prayers formally with this ritual as often as I'd like. I aim for once a week, but a more realistic answer is every two week to once a month. I do set goals for myself, but loosely. If I miss a goal, I remind myself I can do it again the next day or week, and that it's not a failure. There's a lot going on in our lives (especially this past year 2020). I don't give up if I miss a week, and know I can always do it whenever I have time next.
This is why I hope to make a quicker and simpler version of my ritual in the future, and when I do I will make a post for it as well.
Where do you get items for your altar? When I am able, I do buy unique items from Etsy, and a few items on my altar were gifts, but for the most part a LOT of the items on my altar were gotten from Good Will and other thrift shops! i recommend thrifting because it’s affordable, environmentally friendly, and allows for creativity. For example, I made devotional jars to some Gods using tiny spice jars from the thrift store, glitter, and little items representative of the Gods. 
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thedeevirus ¡ 5 years ago
Do you think that you could possibly make a part two of that au where Ed is a Masseuse and Oswald is one of his clients if that's alright?
Hope you enjoy it :)
‘Mr Penguin!’
‘Hello Ed. Sorry to startle you’.
‘It’s fine. It’s so good to see you. I thought you might not be coming’.
‘If it’s inconvenient I can-‘
‘No! No, of course not. I kept the slot open. Just in case’.
‘I would never miss our appointment’, Oswald said, his warm smile turning regretful, ‘Especially after last time’.
Ed licked his dry lips. He had thought of little else in the week between. At the last appointment, Oswald and he had kissed for the first time. Haltingly at first but then deeper, more desperately. 
Ed had been shocked, pleasantly so, at Oswald’s eagerness and had gladly surrendered to the assault on his mouth. When Oswald’s sharp teeth had latched onto his lower lip he had cried out, in surprise at the sudden pain but also in at the electrifying pulse it sent racing down his spine to the pit of his stomach. 
But Oswald, seeing the blood on Ed’s lip, had begun babbling apologies. He had halted for just a moment to retrieve his discarded towel and his clothes before running (as much as his bad leg would allow) for the dressing room.
Ed had been too startled to go after him. He had pressed a fingertip to his lip and shuddered at the red brightness that stained it. It was only when he had heard Oswald slam the front door to his parlour that he had realised he was rock hard.
‘Oswald, Mr Penguin, I am so sorry if I overstepped or-‘
Oswald held up a hand and Ed stopped talking.
‘Please,don’t. I’m the one who should apologise for running out. It was nothing you did.I was actually…’ He paused to chuckle fondly. ‘I really liked what you did. It-it was me’.
Oswald cleared his throat and tossed his head.
‘My inexperience’, he finished with a peculiar air of sad defiance.
Ed placed the candle snuffer he had been fiddling with on the table, suddenly conscious of the movement in the silence. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of the nose and crossed his arms.
‘Do you want us to go back to strictly professional terms?’ he asked.
Oswald shook his head as he stepped forward. Ed couldn’t help but mirror the movement.His hands fell to his sides.
‘I don’t know what I want’, Oswald mused, ‘I mean, I know’. He reached for Ed’s hand and squeezed. ‘I’m just not sure I’m…ready’.
Ed squeezed back in an attempt at reassurance but Oswald winced at the pressure. Ed looked down and noted Oswald’s bruised knuckles. He used his other hand to rub them placatingly and Oswald smiled in gratitude.
‘I understand’, Ed said, ‘It’s okay’.
Oswald wasn’t looking at him. His eyes were fixed on the floor and his shoulders were rounded. He seemed to be on the verge of crumpling in on himself.
‘Are you sure you’re alright?’ Ed asked.
Oswald sniffed loudly and when he spoke his voice was trembling.
‘Yes.I’m fine. Really. I just didn’t expect you to be so kind about it but I should have’.
Ed offered him a tissue from a nearby box. Oswald blew his nose loudly. Ed stifled a laugh at the comical sound, conscious that Oswald may take it as mockery.
‘To be honest, this is a first for me too’, he said, ‘Up until last week I thought I was straight!’
He laughed; borderline hysterically. After a full week of trying to articulate his revelation, he had just blurted it out! He bit his tongue hastily. This was not about him. He was trying to put Oswald at ease!
‘We’ll figure things out together if you like?’ Ed offered.
Oswald’s smile lit up his pale face, his watery eyes shining.
‘Yes.I would like that’, he replied, discarding the used tissue in a nearby wastebasket.
‘Hows about we start with a nice, relaxing massage session? It’ll help us think and I ordered some new candles from Isley Infusions’.
He held up the box excitedly. Oswald obligingly raised an eyebrow at the impressive range.
‘I thought they only did teas?’ he said, examining the label of an alarmingly pink specimen.
‘They’re branching out’, Ed said, ‘ No pun intended’.
He put the box down and showed Oswald one of the lit candles. It was mint green with dried leaves curling though the waxy surface. He indicated the translucent liquid pooling at the base.
‘These are made of soy bean, see? Oil not wax. I ordered this one for you because the vitamin E in reduces scarring and moisturises the skin’.
Ed held up a bowl with a different fragranced oil in it. Oswald inhaled deeply and sighed in pleasure at the spicy scent.
‘It smells like Autumn’.
‘Ginger and cinnamon blend. Just the thing to warm you up on a day like this’.
‘How do you use them?’ Oswald asked, eyes flicking to the lit candles burning on the countertop.
‘Don’t worry.  I prepared this well in advance. Nice and lukewarm’.
Ed swirled his finger in the oil to demonstrate the temperature.
‘I’m going to start at the base of your foot and work up from there, okay?’
‘Sounds good’, Oswald nodded, tapping his knee with a wince, ‘It has been clicking lately’.
Ed was gratified to see Oswald disrobe without a hint of self-consciousness though he couldn’t ignore the slight pang of disappointment when Oswald wrapped a clean towel around his waist for modesty. Oswald sat on the bench and Ed knelt down. He rubbed his palms together, coating them with oil then began to rub Oswald’s heel. Oswald sighed approvingly, flexing his toes at the warm,soothing sensation.  
Once he had finished coating Oswald’s feet, Ed moved gradually up the leg until he reached the knees. He focused on the bad one first, slathering it with the oil.Oswald’s head was back, his eyes closed contentedly. His eyelids crinkled and his brow furrowed slightly as Ed rubbed the oil into the various bumps and creases of the knee. He was careful to keep the pressure consistent, to keep the pain as a dull ache rather than spikes of varying severity. Once satisfied the knee had been treated accordingly, Ed stood and moved behind Oswald, starting to work on his shoulders.
‘What happened to your hands?’ Ed asked.
‘Normal day at the office’, Oswald said drily.
‘Explains the tension in the shoulders’, Ed remarked.
‘I’d never wanted to kiss anyone before’, Oswald mused, flexing and unflexing his fingers restlessly.
‘You think it’s weird’.
‘I’m actually flattered’.
‘I didn’t realise it would feel like that. Does it always feel like that?’
Ed shrugged.
‘Depends who you’re kissing’, he said.
‘Have you kissed before?’
Ed smiled wryly.
‘I thought I had’.
‘I wanted more. But I had no idea how to go further even though I wanted to. So, Iran away. I’ve never felt like that before. I’m sorry I left the way I did’.
‘I was sorry you left too’.
‘It feels so good to let my guard down that it makes me nervous. This feeling is wonderful but it’s terrifying’.
Ed looked down and swallowed. Oswald’s pale eyes were open now. They were wide, like a questioning child’s. They reflected the golden light of the candles around them.
‘Am I making any sense?’ Oswald asked quietly.
Ed rested his hands on Oswald’s shoulders and squeezed gently. Oswald blinked and Ed saw his lashes were wet. Ed moved around, facing Oswald’s seat.
‘I’ll make sure you won’t regret letting your guard down’, Ed said, undoing his shirt, ‘I promise’.
‘What are you doing?’ Oswald whispered, eyes transfixed on the movement of Ed’s long fingers.
‘You’ve never seen me naked’, Ed said, halting, ‘Would you like to?’
Oswald rose and Ed watched him balance himself on his unsteady leg. His slick flesh shimmered in the light as he undid the knot of his towel.
‘Only if I can join you’, Oswald replied, the towel falling to the floor.
Ed smiled as he saw Oswald was already at half mast.
‘Would you like to give me a hand?’ Ed asked, spreading his arms invitingly.
Oswald approached slowly. Ed kept still despite his impatience. His breath hitched as Oswald took hold of his shirt and began to unbutton it. His movements were hesitant and his mouth was open, top teeth peeking over the bottom lip, as if he couldn’t believe what he was doing. Ed felt his heart begin to race. How could a man of such brutality be so gentle? Ed had never felt so treasured and couldn’t suppress a longing moan as he felt himself literally swelling under the attention.
Oswald reached up and removed Ed’s glasses as he undid the last shirt button. Ed blinked in surprise and Oswald marvelled at the rich, brown irises. The candlelight was yellow flecks in the dark depths, lighting them up from within.Oswald felt himself becoming lost in the amber, wolf-like depths and felt his tenuous grasp on his self-control slipping. Ed’s eyes glimmered and Oswald smirked as he read the hunger in that honeyed gaze.
Ed couldn’t resist any longer. Oswald’s glass like eyes filled his vision as he closed his own eyes and kissed him. He gasped as Oswald tore off his shirt and he fumbled with his fly as Oswald threw his arms around Ed’s neck. Ed inhaled deeply, savouring the spicy scent of the oil on Oswald’s goose pimpled skin mingling with the musk in the air.
The kiss was hot and heavy, spurred on to newer, rougher heights as both men’s hands explored each other, fingertips and nails digging into each other’s soft skin with relish. Oswald nipped at Ed’s lips again (more carefully this time) and Ed opened wide, eyelids fluttering as Oswald’s tongue explored every inch of his mouth. After a few, frenzied moments, they both broke away, panting heavily.
‘There’s something else that I’ve heard is rich in vitamins’, Ed said breathlessly,stepping out of his remaining clothing.
He knelt down and gently began to open Oswald’s legs further but stopped when he felt Oswald cup his face with both hands.
‘Ed, I don��t think I…‘
He trailed off but Ed knew what he meant. He immediately got to his feet and kissed Oswald’s forehead.
‘It’s okay’, he said gently, ‘We don’t have to. I promise it’s okay’.
He was interrupted by the sudden sensation of Oswald’s fingers wrapping around his cock.
‘It’snot fair you always have to do all the work’, Oswald said with a cheeky raise of an eyebrow.
Ed laughed. Oswald was still Oswald even when he seemed vulnerable.
‘This isn’t work. Trust me’.
‘I do’.
Ed felt Oswald’s hand guide his own downwards until it was wrapped around Oswald’s cock.
‘I trust you’, Oswald finished, his cheeks adorably ruddy as he kissed Ed again.
Their bodies drew closer as their tongues entwined until they were flush. Both men gasped at the incredible warmth and sensation of their cocks rubbing together. They began to pump in unison, mirroring each other’s movements. They each fancied they could hear the other’s thundering heartbeat as the pressure began to build; a perfect storm of bliss born of swirling thumbs and lashing tongues. They clutched at each other with their free hands, hips bucking as they both plummeted over the edge of exquisite ecstasy, the breath of their strangled cries extinguishing several of the candles surrounding them.
In the ensuing gloom, they shuddered and huffed, fingers coated and smiles wide as they gazed at each other, awash with pleasure in the cooling air.
‘Shower?’ Ed offered.
Oswald licked a long vein on Ed’s neck, making him whimper.
‘Shower’, Oswald accepted.
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samwisethewitch ¡ 6 years ago
🏳️‍🌈💕 Sam’s Guide to Gay Love Spells 💕🏳️‍🌈
Note: this was originally posted on my blog, themysticbitch.wordpress.com
If you do a quick Google search for “real love spell,” “magick love spell,” or any related search terms, you’ll find a lot of spells that use very similar symbols and correspondences. Red roses. Strawberries. I don’t know about y’all, but those symbols strike me as inherently heterosexual. Maybe it’s growing up in a heteronormative culture, or maybe I’ve just seen one too many bad romantic comedies, but when I think about roses and strawberries, I think of a straight couple on a stereotypical Valentine’s Day date. And if you’re looking for something outside of that heteronormative mold, these traditional symbols can feel a little… limiting.
I did some research (A lot of research, actually. I made a whole YouTube video about it.) and put together some spells for nontraditional people seeking nontraditional relationships, whether it be a woman seeking a feminine partner, a man seeking a masculine partner, or someone who really doesn’t give a you-know-what about their partner’s gender.
A couple of quick notes: First, if you’ve studied any sort of magick system, you know that most people who practice magick do so with great respect for the free will of others. We don’t do magick that interferes with someone else’s ability to choose. Period. Because of this, it is NEVER okay to do a love spell on a specific person. It is NEVER okay to try to use magick to make someone love your or return your attraction. The love spells outlined in this post are intended to work with the energy of love, and they will automatically attract the right partner for you. It’s okay to have a few personality traits, or even physical traits in mind for your future partner (in fact, I encourage this — focusing your energy is easier if you have a clear idea of what you want), but not a real-life individual.
Second, the following spells are very basic and simple. I designed them this way because I want them to be accessible to people from all magickal backgrounds, no matter their level of experience. (And also because crystals, incense burners, etc. can get real expensive, real fast.) Feel free to personalize these spells in a way that suits your beliefs and preferences. If you want to cast a circle, cast a circle. If you want to call on your spirit guides for help, call on them. If you want to include crystals, go out and find the largest, most obnoxious chunk of rose quartz you can. Make the spell your own!
If you’re looking for ideas for how to personalize these spells, including deities, angels, saints, herbs, and crystals, check out my previous post about magickal correspondences for LGBTQ+ issues!
A Love Spell For Lady-Loving Ladies
You Will Need:
A pink candle OR two pink female figure candles
Jasmine oil for anointing candles (associated with feminine energy, sexuality, and attraction)
Violets (have a long historical association with romantic or sexual love between two women, thanks to Sappho)
Optional: patchouli incense (has both masculine and feminine qualities; associated with sexuality and attraction)
Casting the Spell:
Begin by making sure you are in the proper head space for magick. You want to avoid bringing any negative energy into the work you are about to do. You may choose to cleanse yourself by taking a shower or bath, using sage or frankincense for a smoke cleansing, or by meditating with a selenite crystal.
Once you are ready, light your patchouli incense, if you choose to use it. As you do so, focus on the sexual passion and strong emotional bond you want to share with your future girlfriend.
Then take your candle (or candles) and anoint it with the jasmine oil. You can do this by simply dabbing the oil on the wick, or by rubbing it up and down the length of the candle. As you do this, imagine your body becoming charged with a sort of magnetic energy that will pull your future girlfriend into your life. (Note: Some traditions state that you must anoint the candle in an upward motion — moving from bottom to top — for attractive magick. Other traditions state that it doesn’t matter how you hold the candle as long as your hands are moving inwards, towards your body, as if they were physically pulling in the energy you want to attract. Personally, I believe that the actual motion used matters less than your intention. Just do what feels right for you.)
Place the candle in a candle holder or on a surface you don’t mind dripping wax on (paper plates can be a good way to protect tabletops!) and begin to carefully arrange the violets around it. How many or how few violets you use is up to you. As you place them around the candle, think of the sweet, pure, and faithful love that you and your future girlfriend will share.
Light your candle and focus on the type of relationship you are looking for. Focus on the type of personality you want your girlfriend to have, the type of feelings you want to have for each other, and the kind of things you want to do together. You may want to speak your thoughts out loud by saying something like: “I have a girlfriend who loves me. We respect each other and support each other in following our dreams. She brings out the best in me.” (Note: Spells are always spoken in present tense, as if you have already received the thing you are manifesting. This is a sign of faith in the universe and in your own energy to give you what you want.)
Wrap your hands around the candle (if using two candles, wrap one hand around each candle) and focus on transferring energy and intention from yourself, into the candle. It may help to imagine pure white light flowing through your hands, or to picture tiny bolts of lightning shooting into the candle. If you used a spoken spell, repeat it over and over until you fall into a rhythm. Feel the energy build, growing in size and power.
You will know intuitively when the energy you have been building reaches its peak — when this happens, immediately release the energy and remove your hands from the candle. You may physically feel the energy rushing out into the world, or you may feel a bit lightheaded for a moment. Sit still until this passes.
Be sure to ground and center yourself. You may even want to have a snack — magick can take a lot of energy out of you! Your part in the spell is over. You have put your energy out there, and it is now being sent into the universe to manifest your desires, amplified by the candle.
Let the candle burn down completely. If you need to put it out and resume the spell later, for whatever reason, always snuff it out with a snuffer or wet fingertips — never blow it out! Snuffing out a candle is like putting the spell on pause — blowing on it ends the spell and scatters all of the energy you worked so hard to gather.
A Love Spell For Men Mad About Men
You Will Need:
A pink candle OR two pink male figure candles
Lavender essential oil (has masculine energy, associated with love and fertility)
Green carnations (associated with romantic or sexual love between men since the Victorian Era, popularized by Oscar Wilde)
Optional: patchouli incense (has both masculine and feminine qualities; associated with sexuality and attraction)
Casting the Spell:
Begin by making sure you are in the proper head space for magick. You want to avoid bringing any negative energy into the work you are about to do. You may choose to cleanse yourself by taking a shower or bath, using sage or frankincense for a smoke cleansing, or by meditating with a selenite crystal.
Once you are ready, light your patchouli incense, if you choose to use it. As you do so, focus on the sexual passion and strong emotional bond you want to share with your future boyfriend.
Then take your candle (or candles) and anoint it with the lavender oil. You can do this by simply dabbing the oil on the wick, or by rubbing it up and down the length of the candle. As you do this, imagine yourself planting seeds of mutual attraction that will grow into a beautiful, loving relationship. (Note: Some traditions state that you must anoint the candle in an upward motion — moving from bottom to top — for attractive magick. Other traditions state that it doesn’t matter how you hold the candle as long as your hands are moving inwards, towards your body, as if they were physically pulling in the energy you want to attract. Personally, I believe that the actual motion used matters less than your intention. Just do what feels right for you.)
Place the candle in a candle holder or on a surface you don’t mind dripping wax on (paper plates can be a good way to protect tabletops!) and begin to carefully arrange the green carnations around it. How many or how few flowers you use is up to you. As you place them around the candle, imagine them giving off soft, loving green energy that amplifies your own magick power and makes your spell more potent. This energy will act like a magnet, drawing the perfect man into your life.
Light your candle and focus on the type of relationship you are looking for. Focus on the type of personality you want your boyfriend to have, the type of feelings you want to have for each other, and the kind of things you want to do together. You may want to speak your thoughts out loud by saying something like: “I have a boyfriend who loves me. We respect each other and support each other in following our dreams. He brings out the best in me.” (Note: Spells are always spoken in present tense, as if you have already received the thing you are manifesting. This is a sign of faith in the universe and in your own energy to give you what you want.)
Wrap your hands around the candle (if using two candles, wrap one hand around each candle) and focus on transferring energy and intention from yourself, into the candle. It may help to imagine pure white light flowing through your hands, or to picture tiny bolts of lightning shooting into the candle. If you used a spoken spell, repeat it over and over until you fall into a rhythm. Feel the energy build, growing in size and power.
You will know intuitively when the energy you have been building reaches its peak — when this happens, immediately release the energy and remove your hands from the candle. You may physically feel the energy rushing out into the world, or you may feel a bit lightheaded for a moment. Sit still until this passes.
Be sure to ground and center yourself. You may even want to have a snack — magick can take a lot of energy out of you! Your part in the spell is over. You have put your energy out there, and it is now being sent into the universe to manifest your desires, amplified by the candle.
Let the candle burn down completely. If you need to put it out and resume the spell later, for whatever reason, always snuff it out with a snuffer or wet fingertips — never blow it out! Snuffing out a candle is like putting the spell on pause — blowing on it ends the spell and scatters all of the energy you worked so hard to gather.
A Gender Indifferent Love Spell
You Will Need:
A pink candle (NOT a figure candle)
Patchouli essential oil (has both masculine and feminine qualities; associated with sexuality and attraction)
One red rose (feminine; associated with Venus, love, and sexuality)
Coriander (masculine; associated with Mars, love, and sexuality)
Optional: patchouli incense
Casting the Spell:
Begin by making sure you are in the proper head space for magick. You want to avoid bringing any negative energy into the work you are about to do. You may choose to cleanse yourself by taking a shower or bath, using sage or frankincense for a smoke cleansing, or by meditating with a selenite crystal.
Once you are ready, light your patchouli incense, if you choose to use it. As you do so, focus on the sexual passion and strong emotional bond you want to share with your future partner.
Then take your candle (or candles) and anoint it with the patchouli oil. You can do this by simply dabbing the oil on the wick, or by rubbing it up and down the length of the candle. As you do this, imagine yourself becoming irresistibly attractive to your ideal partner. (Note: Some traditions state that you must anoint the candle in an upward motion — moving from bottom to top — for attractive magick. Other traditions state that it doesn’t matter how you hold the candle as long as your hands are moving inwards, towards your body, as if they were physically pulling in the energy you want to attract. Personally, I believe that the actual motion used matters less than your intention. Just do what feels right for you.)
Place the candle in a candle holder or on a surface you don’t mind dripping wax on (paper plates can be a good way to protect tabletops!) and begin to carefully sprinkle the coriander around it. As you do so, feel the strong, action-oriented energy building, preparing to go out and get you the person of your dreams.
Remove the petals from your red rose and scatter them around the candle. As you do so, imagine yourself and your future partner together in lover’s bliss, completely head over heals for each other (in a healthy and autonomous way, of course).
Light your candle and focus on the type of relationship you are looking for. Focus on the type of personality you want your partner to have, the type of feelings you want to have for each other, and the kind of things you want to do together. You may want to speak your thoughts out loud by saying something like: “I have a partner who loves me. We respect each other and support each other in following our dreams. We bring out the best in each other.” (Note: Spells are always spoken in present tense, as if you have already received the thing you are manifesting. This is a sign of faith in the universe and in your own energy to give you what you want.)
Wrap your hands around the candle and focus on transferring energy and intention from yourself, into the candle. It may help to imagine pure white light flowing through your hands, or to picture tiny bolts of lightning shooting into the candle. If you used a spoken spell, repeat it over and over until you fall into a rhythm. Feel the energy build, growing in size and power.
You will know intuitively when the energy you have been building reaches its peak — when this happens, immediately release the energy and remove your hands from the candle. You may physically feel the energy rushing out into the world, or you may feel a bit lightheaded for a moment. Sit still until this passes.
Be sure to ground and center yourself. You may even want to have a snack — magick can take a lot of energy out of you! Your part in the spell is over. You have put your energy out there, and it is now being sent into the universe to manifest your desires, amplified by the candle.
Let the candle burn down completely. If you need to put it out and resume the spell later, for whatever reason, always snuff it out with a snuffer or wet fingertips — never blow it out! Snuffing out a candle is like putting the spell on pause — blowing on it ends the spell and scatters all of the energy you worked so hard to gather.
Well, there it is. I hope this was helpful. If any of y’all are looking for that perfect Pride Parade date and decide to try one of these spells out, let me know how it turns out! And if you have your own love spells that you swear by, I would love to hear them! Also, let me know if any of y’all would like to see me do a video tutorial for one of these spells — if so, which one?
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Be Our Guest
A request for REDACTED! Title should give this away, Disney BBS AU- enjoy! Ohmtoonz and Terrormoo- sorry if the formatting is off, Tumblr is a bitch
Ohm was a bit worried, walking through dark and unfamiliar halls. He made sure to stick close to Brian- the candlestick providing a rather warm glow in the dusty corridors. Evan was toddling next to the candelabra, his wooden feet echoing loudly on the stone-tiled floors- nearly in time with the ticking of the clock that made up most of his face. “Brian! Slow down! We’re going to lose Ohm-” “Slow down? Thought ye always wanted to be on time?” Brian turned to his friend with a smirk, hopping just a little faster just to spite the clock. His laughter was nice to hear, and Ohm found himself smiling despite the crazy circumstances he had been thrown into. Magic appliances? A beast with one eye? He did say he wanted something more than the provincial life… “Maybe I should be more careful with my wishes.” Ohm said, more to himself than to his hosts. His mouth was open, poised to ask a question, but the words died on his tongue as they all rounded the corner and the dining room came into view. Even dusty and nearly barren it was still gorgeous; with a high painted ceiling, unused but pretty china resting in a cabinet along the fall wall, and most importantly the table- a long piece of mahogany that shined like ice despite the rest of the room’s rot. Brian and Evan seemed to pay no mind to the state of the dining room, jumping onto the table with surprising ease. Ohm wandered in after them, trying not to eavesdrop but it was hard not to when Brian was shouting- in the direction he assumed to be the kitchen- before turning back to Ohm with that charming smile on wax features. A bright light fell straight upon the candelabra, making him glow even brighter than his own candlelight. “Mon cher Monsieur! it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair-” As soon as the words left the candle’s lips, a chair swept up behind him from seemingly out of nowhere- his knees buckling as the edge of the seat knocked against him. In any other circumstance, he would have screamed- but he was more charmed than anything; enamored with the magic and mystery that hung around the castle like a thick fog. With the chair snug against the table, Ohm had no choice but to look to the candle once more, whose snuffer looked more like a fashionable hat atop his head. “-as the dining room proudly presents: your dinner!” One look at Evan showed that the clock wasn’t too fond of whatever antics Brian was up to (if the eye roll was anything to go by). Soft piano, barely audible, sounded through the nearly empty room. Ohm turned his head in any attempt to find the source of the music, but his attention was quickly diverted when the flirty candle on the table started singing, his voice just as accented in melody as it was in speech. “Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test. Tie yer napkin 'round yer neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest!” Brian had to sing just a bit louder as the sudden clanking of metal and china drowned out the song- trays and dishes spilling from the kitchen and heading straight for them, whereupon they danced onto the wooden surface with linens to cover the tabletop. Brian didn’t seem unfazed at all, dancing around silverware and platters to get a bit closer to Ohm. His candle hands, which were still lit, gestured to a few covered trays- and they opened up like clamshells, wafting heavenly smells of fresh bread and cooked veggies. “Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres- why, we only live to serve! Try the grey stuff, it's delicious! Don't believe me? Ask the dishes-” With a mouthful of sweet bread, Ohm turned his head to the dusty china cabinet where a ruckus had started. The plates tumbled and rolled out of the open cabinet doors with ease, swirling around in a synchronized dance as more melodic voices filled the dining room. “They can sing, they can dance, after all Sir, this is France- And a dinner here is never second best! Go on, unfold your menu- take a glance and then you'll be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!” Evan seemed to be having a pretty hard time- clumsy on his feet the more wound up he got (literally). Brian just smirked as he twirled around the clock, narrowly dodging a swipe aimed his way. More trays opened up at Brian passed them, his candlelight casting a pretty golden glow over all of the dishes. “Beef ragout, cheese soufflé, pie and puncakes en flambé! We'll prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaret!” The candelabra sidled up onto the arm of Ohm’s chair, leaning close enough so the inventor’s son could feel the heat from his light on pale skin. Ohm found he couldn’t wipe the excited grin from his lips even if he tried- he did have to stop himself from bouncing in his chair, though (mainly because he didn’t want to hurt the thing). “Yer alone and yer scared- but the banquet's all prepared. No one's gloomy or complainin’ while the flatware's entertaining! We tell jokes! I do tricks-” As Brian sang, he tossed the hard wax of his hands in the air, juggling them for a moment as he belted the words, eyes closed and smile wide on his beige wax features. “-with my fellow candlesticks, and it's all in perfect taste that ye can bet! Come on and lift yer glass-” A dozen or so cups, filled with wine and beer alike, hopped and spun around Ohm’s side of the table- just narrowly keeping their liquid contained as it sloshed around the sides. “-ye've won yer own free pass to be our guest- if yer stressed, it's fine dining we suggest. Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!” The upbeat music seemed to die down a it, replaced with music more somber and softer- and the dancing came to a standstill all at once. The lights dimmed down one more, this time Evan in the spotlight- frozen as he was singled out from all of the silverware and china. Brian sidled up to the clock, wrapping a spindly arm around wooden shoulders. With one small blow Brian’s lights in his hands were out- but the candelabra started singing as if it didn’t happen, voice low and solemn. “Life is so unnerving for a servant who's not serving- he's not whole without a soul to wait upon.” Brian shook his head sadly, memories flooding blue eyes. Evan seemed to somber up a bit too, his clock ticking slower and sadder, if that was even possible. Ohm bit his lip, clearly missing a bit of context as the staff reminisced. It just made him even more curious about the beast that was currently residing god knows where.   “Ah, those good old days when we were useful… Suddenly those good old days are gone…” A pause, and Brian draped himself over one of Evan’s arms, looking far too dramatic- especially when his candles lit back in a snap, bathing wood and gold in a bright glimmer. “Ten years we've been rusting- needing so much more than dusting. Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills! Most days we just lay around the castle…” The mood as well as the beat seemed to perk up instantly, as if flicked on by a switch, and Brian’s voice came back cheeky and sultry as it always was. “Flabby, fat and lazy- You walked in and oops-a-daisy-” Maybe Brian’s sudden enthusiasm had to do with the lovely teapot that made his grand appearance, all smiles and twirls as he sashayed across the white linen- past numerous trays of food and dessert. His little boy- Squirrel- the teacup with the chip in his left side, hopped behind him eagerly, sloshing tea a bit over the clean tablecloth. “It's a guest! It's a guest! Sake's alive, well I'll be blessed! Wine's been poured and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed!” Brock’s smile never left his face, nearly as bright as the white porcelain that made up the majority of his body, sans the multicolored pieces that were more decoration. Pink, yellow, and orange paint stood out as colorful as the teapot’s personality. Ohm pushed himself out of his chair- unable to stop himself from dancing as the melody picked up. He saw Brock’s gaze follow him, but the teapot just kept smiling and hopped with a bit more spring in his step. “With dessert, he'll want tea- and my dear that's fine with me. While the cups do their soft-shoein', I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing. I'll get warm, piping hot-” Brock trailed off from his thought, eyes focused on the little teacup at his side- and when Ohm twirled around he managed to spot a little smudge on the right side of the cup’s face. “Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up! We want the company impressed-” Ohm watched with a giggle as Brock wiped at Squirrel’s face like an overbearing mother, the teacup giggling too as he was spun around, his laugh bright and so innocent. “We've got a lot to do, is it one lump or two? For you, our guest!” “He's our guest!” “He's our guest!” “Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!” The music picked up once more, Ohm taking in the sight with pretty green eyes as more and more and more plates and silverware flooded the table, along with dusters and trays, their metal glittering with every turn and swivel as they swept across the now clean tabletop. In a loud but nice harmony- voices loud and belting in the dining room. Even Evan seemed to join in the clock’s tick clicking in time with the fast beat, and the hands on his face spinning faster and faster across his cheeks and over his eyes. “Be our guest! Be our guest! Our command is your request. It's been years since we've had anybody here- And we're obsessed! With your meal, with your ease yes, indeed, we aim to please. While the candlelight's still glowing let us help you, we'll keep going…” Brian cut in, his Irish lilt cutting through the many different voices of the table. Ohm kept swishing from side to side, watching with bright eyes as the candle hurried over to dip Brock- the teapot flushing pink across white porcelain. “Course by course, one by one- 'til ye shout, ‘Enough! I'm done!’. Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest! Tonight you'll prop your feet up But for now, let's eat up-” There was so much for Ohm to take in- so many dancers, plates and napkins spinning fast enough to become blurs. Voices louder than ever, lights flashing with gold and yellow wherever Brian sashayed by, Evan and Brock hot on his heels with a small teacup hurrying to bounce along with the rhythm behind them all. It was better than any book he had read, the books long forgotten as the fantastic scene in front of him came to a climax. “Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest! Please, be our guest!” A cacophony of music, loud and bright and enchanting as the last note was held. With careful ears, Ohm could pick up the four distinct tones of the servants he had gotten to know the best. His heart felt close to exploding- and it did- Or rather, the dining room doors had slammed open, the beast standing in the doorway. His sudden appearance made everyone shut up in an instant, forks and knives clattering on the tabletop and making the subsequent silence that much more awkward. It was broken by the beast, a snarl on his lips, his good eye filled with hate and anger as he roared, “BE QUIET!” before storming off just as quickly as he appeared. Like lightning and thunder; a flash and a boom, leaving the servants shaken and a bit upset. “Well, that was rude.” Ohm was certainly going to give this Cartoonz a piece of his mind.
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tipsycad147 ¡ 6 years ago
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In this section,  I’d like to share some tips and tricks that you can try in order to be more successful in your candle-burning activities.
Some of the topics we will cover  include:
Hiding Your Activities
Hedging Your Bets
Some Practical Tips
Fire Safety
Hiding Your Activities
Due to privacy reasons, many people find that they cannot openly burn candles on an altar or shelf. They may live with those disagree with their beliefs, and who may actively attempt to sabotage them. They may live in a situation where they have very little privacy, even sharing a bedroom with another individual as in a dorm room environment. In order to get around this obstacle, some workers have learned to ‘dedicate’ candle holders to certain magickal goals. Dedicating a candle-holder allows you to burn candles openly for magickal purposes without raising suspicions.To dedicate a holder you will need one whose bottom is lined with felt. Carefully peel back one section of the felt. Write your petition and fold is as per your usual practice. Fold it up and place it in the base of the holder behind the felt and then glue the felt back. When you are done, you will then use the candle for only the purpose for which you wrote your petition.
You can find candles that have a hollow base but which are not lined with felt. In these cases you can simply tape your petition, herbs, personal concerns, etc..to the inside base of the candle and then glue your own piece of felt to the candle. If you have many of these disguised candle holders, you may want to choose a candle holder that speaks to the nature of the work do you don’t confuse your hexing candle-holder for your landlord with the love candle-holder for the cute boy at the supermarket. For example, I have a candle holder that incorporates a heart into its design that I use for a specific kind of love work. Alternately, you can mark each candle-holder in some way, perhaps my matching the colour of the felt you glue to its base to the goal of the spell (red for love, green for money, yellow for success, etc..)
Another option for those who feel the need to hide their candle-burning activities is to  make use of  scented candles like those you find in the supermarket.  Most everyone burns these types of candles in their home so it would not be surprising to find one burning in your environment. To use a scented candle try to choose a scent that matches your goal. For example, the scent of jasmine is believed to assist in bringing psychic dreams so you can purchase a jasmine-scented candle and put a few drops of Psychic Vision Oil in the candle and burn it while you sleep. As the wax melts the oil will mix with the liquid wax and no one will be the wiser.
Perhaps you’re burning a reversing type candle but you think that burning the candle on a mirror would raise too many suspicions? If this is the case you have two choices. 1) Place a piece of tin foil (shiny side up) under the candle as it burns. If anyone asks, you can just tell them that the tin foil is to protect the surface underneath from any wax that may dribble down the candle or 2) Burn the candle on the ledge of a window at night. The window will act like a black mirror reflecting the negative energy back to the individual as represented by the candle.
Hedging Your Bets
No one ever became successful without making enemies. As a magical practitioner you will eventually come across another magickal practitioner who will oppose your work for some reason or another and who will actively work against you. They may have the same goal as you (i.e. they may be your competition for the same promotion or you may have the love interest) or they may have been hired by another individual to do so. Non-magical people with strong wills can interfere with your work with their thoughts.   Even in the best situations there are those around us who often don’t want you to get your wishes “for your own good”. For this reason, it is wise to place a ring of salt around any spell-candle that you are burning to prevent interference and opposition.
As a candle burns down it will sometimes form a well near the wick. When this occurs you can ‘feed’the candle by filling the well with your condition oil. This will ensure that the candle remains strong as it works for you.
Just as strong-willed people can often interfere with your candle-burning activities with their thoughts,  you can enhance your spells with your own thoughts! It is your responsibility to monitor your thoughts as your candle burns by shutting out all doubt about the work or any thoughts of failure and to let your mind dwell only on a successful outcome of the work.
Many people labour under the belief that a spell is complete once the candle is spent, but this is not the case. I often tell my students that a spell is not complete until they have properly disposed of any left over wax or other ritual remains. This is especially true in the folk-magic tradition of Hoodoo where disposal of ritual remains has a direct symbolical bearing on the work at hand. I’ll touch more on this subject in Part Five but generally speaking if the work was done to draw something to you, the remains are buried on your property, often near your front door to draw in those influences and conditions; if the work was done to move something away from you the remains are buried off of your property, often in a graveyard or at a crossroads (but not always).
Practical Tips
Perhaps you’re on a budget and need to make what supplies you have last. A lot of people will not agree with me on this one, but there were times when I purchased 12 inch candles and cut them into halves or thirds so that I got two or three spells for the price of one.
Another option is to invest in a bag of 50 count tea lights and use these for your spell casting. Some of the reasons people fail to utilise tea lights in candle spells may include 1) They believe that the un-familiar size and shape of the candle is counter-productive to casting spells in the same manner that they are accustomed to.  2) They may believe that because tea lights are small and do not burn as long as larger candles that they lack a certain degree of power.  3)The thought may have not occurred to them. You can cast candle-spells with tea lights by gathering all your equipment and materials before you. Next, remove the tea light from the little tin cup that it comes in, and using a pin or needle carve your wish around the candle. Put a very tiny bit of your chosen herb(s) inside the bottom of the tin cup and add one to three drops of oil. If you have a hair, nail pairing, small scrap of cloth belonging to the person the spell is to effect, then place that in the cup too. Place the tea light back in the tin cup. Then place some of your chosen oil on the tip of your finger. You will then place your finger on the top of the candle and run it on the top of the candle around the wick three times. If you are drawing something towards yourself, move your finger clockwise; if you are moving something away from yourself, move your finger counter clockwise. Charge your candle with your prayer or petition and finally, light the candle and let the magick do its work.
As mentioned in part one of this series there are traditionally three ways to extinguish your candles they are: 1) Blowing them out 2) Pinching them out and 3) Snuffing them out. Many people prefer not to blow out their candles because of the belief that it ‘blows out their wish’ or that using the element of air to kill the power of fire upsets the balance of the work. There are those who do not wish to ‘pinch’ out a flame, out of a fear of burning or otherwise hurting themselves. For these reasons, many people choose to ‘snuff’ out their candles using a candle-snuffer. However, a candle snuffer isn’t always available to everyone. In these cases I’ve often advised the individual to make use of the concave part of a metal spoon, which works just as well.
As a magickal practitioner it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the proper tools you need to perform your work. I have seen practitioners use long screwdrivers to bore holes in Vigil Lights for the insertion of oils, herbs, etc…, I have seen nails, large sewing -needles, the tip of a knife,  and even a drill bit used to scratch names on candles, I have seen salad tongs used to hold a match in order to re-light a Vigil Light which has become extinguished. I have seen candles being cut up and carved on with a pairing knife. As you can see, your tools need not be fancy or expensive and many of the things that you will need can be found in your home right now or are easily available. Once you have your tools, it is important to respect them by keeping them clean and in working order as well as to only use them for magical purposes. You wouldn’t want to peel potatoes with the same knife you used to cut up a candle.
Fire Safety
As far as possible NEVER leave a candle burning unattended, that’s just common sense. However, there are some time-tested tricks that we can do during those times when we need to leave a candle burning while we are away. Some of these tricks include 1) Placing the candle in your stove. 2) Burning the candle on a dish filled with clean sand. 3) Placing your burning candle in your bath-tub or sink (away from anything that is liable to catch fire such as curtains).
As far as possible, burn you candles out of any drafts. A draft can cause a candle to burn un-evenly and result in a lots of drippings. Furthermore, he movement of a candle that is in the direct path of a draft can be misinterpreted as signs of spirit activity.
A candle which loosely fits into a candle holder can be made to fit more snugly by wrapping the base in tin foil. NEVER use a flammable material to wrap a candle in this manner.
ALWAYS keep your candles away from anything flammable or which can get hurt or injured if it comes into contact with the flame such as curtains, photographs, children, pets,  etc…
Picture https://www.lisamcgarrity.com
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lemiroirnoir666-blog ¡ 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 8: The Ritual Tools And Raiments Of The Satanic Black Magician
In this Text we examine more closely the Ritual Implements of the Black Arts more closely - those touched on the previous Text and others used more infrequently. The Ritual Tools of The Satanist are many but to list them all here would be futile as some may never be used, very few Practitioners are likely to practice ever Working within a Book or a Grimoire and certain Tools and Implements are utilized in only one Rite or a few at most. In view of this it is best that such Implements are discussed at the same time as the Workings in which they are to be used. The below listing is comprehensive enough to provide the Satanic Seeker with good foundation knowledge of what they require and why. PRIMARY RITUAL IMPLEMENTS THE PENTACLE OF SATAN PURPOSE The central core of power upon The Black Altar Of Satan, the Conduit of Infernal Power and the Talismanic Key which awakens the Altar during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES The Pentacle is usually disc shaped and bears the Inverted Pentagram upon it, it should be formed as a brass disc with a pewter Inverted Pentagram upon it or if made from wood it should be painted Black and the encircled Pentagram painted either White, Gold or Red. It may also be formed of clay and painted in a similar way or the Inverted Pentagram may be engraved within the clay. THE PERSONAL GRIMOIRE PURPOSE To house the handwritten or copied Texts of the Grimoire from which the Satanic Initiate is Workings. GENERAL NOTES A blank leaved Book is best should the Initiate be intending to keep their own handwritten copy of the Grimoire, a folder to house collated loose leaves would be best if the Grimoire’s Texts are downloaded or printed copies. THE BLACK MIRROR PURPOSE For use in Workings of Magick and Seership. GENERAL NOTES An excellent Satanic Implement which has immeasurable power when used as a Spiritual Gateway during Conjuration, Necromantic or Seership Workings. The frame of the Mirror may be formed from any material accept Silver, the Mirror itself may be made from Obsidian or a traditional looking glass painted Black. OIL/INCENSE BURNER PURPOSE For the burning of Aromatic Incenses or Oils during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES The Oil Burner is preferable to the use of Incense or Incense sticks or loose Incense which can both be messy, heavy on the breathing (particularly for those with respiratory problems) and also time consuming when topping up the Incense during more lengthy Rituals. A stock of Incense or Oil will need to be maintained for such uses as will charcoal discs if loose Incense is being employed. Scents suitable for use in Satanic Workings are Tobacco, Pine, Sulfur, Mint, Sandalwood or Cinnamon. CANDLE HOLDERS/CANDLES PURPOSE For Illumination and Devotional/Magickal uses upon the Altar. GENERAL NOTES For the Altar at least three Candle Holders should be obtained (if possible matching and formed from iron, pewter, brass, copper or similar metals), Candles to used within these should always be of a Black, Ivory or not available a Red hue. Candle Holders and/or Sconces shall be required for providing illumination during Ritual. CANDLE SNUFFER PURPOSE To extinguish Candles at the end of Satanic Workings. GENERAL NOTES This Implement should be forged from iron, pewter, brass, gold or copper, it has long been a tradition in many Occult Practices to extinguish the Candles used in Ritual Workings in this way. ALTAR DISH/BOWL PURPOSE For the burning or holding of certain material during the Black Arts. GENERAL NOTES The Ritual Bowl/Dish should be made of some form of metal and be fire proof, iron is a useful material for this Implement. SCRYING TOOL PURPOSE For use within Seership Workings. GENERAL NOTES The Black Mirror may be used for Scrying Workings but for those who do not resonate with this method it could be replaced with a Crystal Ball (made of Clear Quartz, Obsidian or Smoky Quartz), a Candle for aid in the Scrying Art of Pyromancy, an Obsidian Scrying Disc or indeed any other paraphernalia that the Satanic Initiate finds suitable. SCRYING JOURNAL AND PEN PURPOSE To make notes of messages, symbols etc received from Scrying Works during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES A blank leaved Book would be best for the Scrying Journal, it is important to keep such a journal as it serves the Satanist well to be able to look back upon visions, images, words or symbols that I have been received at the time of the Scrying Operation. Such items may be used after the Ritual Working also but should still be Consecrated and not utililzed for any other use. BLACK HOODED ROBE/CLOAK PURPOSE To be wors as the Satanic Initiate’s Ritual Vestments In Workings.  GENERAL NOTES The Traditional Ritual Raiment of the Classical Theistic Satanic Initiate made usually from cotton, velvet or silk. PARCHMENT PAPER/CARD PURPOSE Required for the making of Oaths, Pacts, Talismans, Sigils etc  GENERAL NOTES Virgin Sheep or Calf Parchment can be obtained from certain Occult specialists but these are not easy to find. There is no reason at all why the Initiate cannot use ordinary Parchment Paper for the above mentioned purposes and Parchment Card is suitable for such items as Sigils and Talismans. THE RITUAL CUTTING TOOL PURPOSE For blood letting during Rites. GENERAL NOTES A Ritual Knife, Dagger or Bladed instrument of some form should be kept upon The Black Altar Of Satan. Certain Workings require the spilling of the Initiate’s blood or the blood of another and and an Implement conducive for this purpose will need to obtained by the Satanist. Some use a small bladed knife or razor for spilling their own blood while a Ritual Dagger is used for other situations. CRYSTALS PURPOSE Used in certain Workings as conduits of Demonic Power. GENERAL NOTES The use of Crystals is by no means mandatory but they are useful items of empowerment and as conduits of Power in Magickal Workings - those best suited to the Satanic Arts are Obsidian, Jet, Clear Quartz, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Onyx. OTHER IMPLEMENTS THAT ARE UTILIZED WITHIN LE MIROIR NOIR ARE AS FOLLOWS . . . . TAROT DECK This shall be explained further in the Text ‘The Infernal Arcana’ . . . recommended decks are Victoria Frances’s Favole Tarot, The Alchemy Gothic Tarot, Luis Royo’s Labyrinth Tarot or The Anne Stokes Tarot. MANDRAGORA ROOT This natural Root is Sacrosanct to the Satanist and was indeed revered by the Devil Worshipers of the past with good reason (which shall be expained in the Text ‘The Devils Root’) it is required in a small number of powerful Black Magickal Workings WOODEN BOWL For use in the Working The Gestation Of The Death Wraith. WOODEN STAFF TOPPED WITH A CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL SPHERE This is a powerful Tool that shall be explained in much more detail in the Text titled ‘The Staff Of The Atavistic Seer’ . . . a Working of great Power. CLAY For the forging of Effigies and Golems in Magickal Workings. ANIMAL AND HUMAN TISSUE IMPLEMENTS UTILIZED WITHIN LE MIROIR NOIR IN VARIOUS WORKINGS SEVERED HUMAN HAND For use in making The Hand Of Glory and The Bound Hand Of The Dead. HUMAN SKULL For use in the Working The Skull Of The Satanic Seer. RAVEN SKULL To be used in the Remote Viewing Working The Corax Oracle. ANIMAL HEARTS Utilized in the Workings The Nailed Heart Hex and The Hearts Bound In Blood. Any other Ritual Implements or requirements used in other Dark Workings within LE MIROIR NOIR shall be given full attention and explanation in later parts of this Book in relevant writings. This applies in particular for requirements in such Satanic Operations as The Rite Of The Child Of The Dead, The Demonic Doorway and The Black Sites And The Bloodied Stone. (c)GilesDavot 2018
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nerotcandles ¡ 3 years ago
Beeswax pyramid candles set of 3
Dear friends!
Today we present our elegant candles gift set of three pure hand-poured beeswax tetrahedral pyramid candles. One side of each candle is manually engraved with gold foil and different patterns. Each pattern is unique and unrepeatable.
Beeswax is a symbol of spiritual purity, hope, and well-being. It will perfectly decorate your living room, dining room, bathroom, study room, bedroom, fireplace mantel, coffee table.
Beeswax candles have a natural light honey scent, even when not lit. This is an excellent and unique handmade gift for your family and friends and every occasion - a housewarming party, birthday, friendship, co-worker, thank-you gift, gift for the teacher.
These decorative candles are ideal for relaxing bath time, yoga, spa, massage, meditation, family dinner ambiance.
This is the only kind of candle gift for anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma.
Beeswax candles are the exclusive candles that are used for all purposes at once - as decorative candles, as gifts, as aromatherapy, as an air purifier.
Natural beeswax candles are helpful for human health. Beeswax candles emit a bright light. About 50 different substances and essential compounds are being released into the air, including negative ions and propolis, thus purifying it and cleaning it from pathogenic microorganisms.
We always buy beeswax from the same apiary and do not add anything, neither aroma nor paint - only pure nature with decoration.
Beeswax can be of different shades - from light to dark. It depends on the honey harvest season and the types of honey. In time, a white coating may appear on the candle. It usually happens with 100% pure beeswax products and could be easily removed with a cloth.
The design of our handmade candles is our and our only exclusive design. We do not copy someone else's products. So, thanks to creative search, all our beeswax candles are born. All our works have our brand mark and QR code. Beware of fakes!
Minor discrepancies in color, accessories, and details are permissible. This is a handmade craft, which is impossible to repeat 100%.
The candle wick is made of 100% cotton. Eco-friendly materials only. Candles are sold without a stand.
If you wish to burn all three pyramid candles simultaneously, please keep at least a 4-inch distance between them. Always light candles on a non-combustible candlestick, ovenproof plate, or bowl. Never leave burning candles unattended. Trim candlewick to Âź". Keep candles away from children, pets, drafts, and direct sunlight. Use a snuffer or lid to extinguish a candle. Never blow!
Candles size: Big pyramid - 9.3" height x 2" base Medium pyramid - 5.4" height  x 2" base Small pyramid - 4.4" height  x 1.8" base
Burn Time: Big pyramid - 6 hours Medium pyramid- 4 hours Small pyramid - 2.5 hours
Candles Weight: Big pyramid - 0.5 lb Medium pyramid - 0.3 lb Small pyramid - 0.15 lb
Made with love, Nina and Julia.
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jiffey ¡ 3 years ago
Are 8 Hour Tea Lights Safe?
We all enjoy candles, premium handcrafted wax melts, and anything else that smells good, but there is some crucial information to keep in mind to ensure that you do so safely. 8 Hour tealightsare inexpensive and tiny, but they are just as harmful as regular candles, so use them with care.
Tea-lights are packaged in little metal pots that may get rather hot. They have the ability to melt through plastic and ignite a home fire. A lighted tea-light should never be left alone, even for a few seconds.
It’s advisable to use a normal 2-4 hour tealight when utilising your wax melt with a tealight burner. The 8 Hour tealights are wonderful for lifespan, but they burn excessively hot, causing the wax to heat up and perhaps burn. You need to keep a few things in mind when using tealights.
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Before Lighting
¡         Always cut the wick to Ÿ inch before lighting8 hour tealights. A wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors can be used. Uneven burning, dripping, or flaring can be caused by wicks that are too long or crooked.
¡         Always keep the wax pool free of matches,wick trimmings, and debris.
¡         In a well-ventilated space, light these candles.
¡         Vents, drafts, and air currents must be avoided. This will assist avoid excessive dripping, sooting, and fast or uneven burning.
¡         Candles should not be burned for more than four hours and should be allowed to cool for at least two hours before relighting. However, in case of 8 hour tealights, similar special attention is to be given.
¡         Use long matches or a long-reach lighter to light a candle. Make sure that you keep loose clothing and hair away from the flame.
While Burning
¡         A candle or tealightshould never be left alone.
¡         Never light a candle on or nearbycombustible materials. Keep candles away from combustible items such as furniture, curtains, beds, rugs, books, paper, and flammable decorations.
¡         Tealights should be kept out of reach of youngsters and dogs. Lighted candles should not be placed in areas where they might be knocked over by children, dogs, or anybody else.
¡         When a candle is burning or the wax is melted, never touch or move it.
¡         Don't burn an8 hour tealightscompletely. To be safe, stop burning a tealightwhen there is 1/2 inch of wax left in the container, or 2 inches if using a pillar candle.
¡         Make sure that the candles are at least three inches apart. This is to prevent them from melting one other or creating their own drafts, which would cause the candles to burn unevenly.
¡         If a candle's flame grows too high or flickers often, it should be extinguished. Before re-lighting the candle, let it cool, trim the wick, and check for draughts.
¡         Never use a candle as a nightlight or when you're sleeping.
When Extinguishing a Candle
¡         To put out a candle, use a candle snuffer. It's the most secure method of preventing hot wax from splattering.
¡         Never put out a tealight with water. The hot wax might spatter and destroy a glass container if it comes into contact with water.
¡         Before leaving the room, be sure the tealight is totally out and the wick ember is no longer burning.
¡         Wait until the candle has totally cooled before touching or moving it.
¡         To remove wax drippings from a glass holder, never use a knife or a sharp instrument. It's possible that continued use will scrape, weaken, or break the glass.
¡         Check your burner for cracks or damage on a regular basis.
¡         Use just 2-4 hour tea lights, and let your wax cool between each burn. Using 8 hour tealights requires following these cautions more stringently.
¡         To remove the wax from your burner, DO NOT use sharp items.
¡         Make sure you don't overfill your burner.
¡         Use a tea light that isn't perfumed.
¡         Never ingest.
¡         Draughts should be avoided.
¡         The burners become quite hot! Wait until it has totally cooled before moving.
8 hour tealights are great for it burns for an extended time period. However, it is always advisable to take all the safety measures and follow these safety measures when burning tealights with a longer life span.
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marcustherevenant-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Inside the Ritual Satanic Chamber the Initiate will find themselves requiring a number of items for Workings within the Satanic Black Arts . . . some of these will be utilized on most occasions during practice while others shall be used less often, maybe only being employed for one Rites regarding certain Ritual Implements. Those that will be required on regularly are the Pentacle Of Satan (the very heart of Satanic Rituals within this Grimoire), the Ritual Chalice, Candle Holders, Candles (Black and Red), the traditional Black Hooded Ritual Robe, the Altar Cloth, a Candle Snuffer, Ritual Dagger (optional), a blank leaved book (for your hand written copy of the Grimoire), a Black Mirror and either an Oil or Incense Burner. A variety of small cork stoppered bottles and bowls of either brass, metal or wood are also items that will be required on occasions. A healthy stock of Crystals are always useful (especially Clear Quartz, Apache Tear, Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian and/or Hematite for Satanic Practices. The Ritual Satanist will usually have a Pendant (Baphomet, Inverted Cross, Goat’s Head or Inverted Pentagram) that they wear during Ritual as a personal and Consecrated symbol of power. The Ritual Chamber itself should ideally be a room set up for this purpose alone, however in the busy and mundane world in which we live this is rarely practical, so a room may double up as Ritual Chamber and for a mundane purpose . . . what is important is to use the same room as it will become empowered in itself the more it is used. The Ritual Robe and Altar Cloth should be Black, while some Satanic Groups do employ other coloured Robes (particularly to indicate ranks and Grades) the Black Ritual Robe is invariably Black in most Orders as is the Cloth although the Cloth may often be emblazoned with the Inverted Cross or Inverted Pentagram in White, Gold or Red. The Pentacle Of Satan should be made of wood painted Black and upon this should an encircled Inverted Pentagram be painted in Red, this Ritual implement is the very core of the Workings within the Grimoire Malediction! The Black Mirror is also of great importance with the Workings of Traditional Satanic Rites, it is used in Rituals of Evocation, Invocation, Conjuration, Seership, Necromancy and other more specific Infernal Operations . . . the Mirror may be one of Obsidian or can be an ordinary Mirror painted Black. Other Tools the Initiate may eventually acquire are those for use in Divination and Scrying such as the Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Runes, Crystal Pendulum or Ouija Board. Other implements which shall be used throughout the Workings of Satanism especially in the darker Rites of the Black Arts, implements such as Mandragora Roots, Wooden Discs, Human and Animal Bones, Skulls and a variety of Mirrors of different sizes. The Ritual Chalice is important to procure as it is used in Infernal Communion on a regular basis and in other Workings also. The two lists below are separated into important requirements to obtain initially and those that shall be required at a later date should the Initiate decide to venture into the realm of practicing the Forbidden Arts of Satanism REQUIRED RITUAL TOOLS The Pentacle Of Satan Black Altar Cloth Black Ritual Hooded Robe Candle Snuffer* Candle Holders Candle Sconces Oil/Incense Burner  Black Mirror Ritual Chalice Metal, Brass or Wooden Bowls Divination/Scrying Tool Incense or Oil RITUAL TOOLS REQUIRED FOR MORE ADVANCED WORK Cork Stoppered Jars And Bottles Mandragora Roots Skulls Animal/Human Bones Crystals Wooden Discs Large Full Length Mirror Various Sized Mirrors Other more specific implements (especially those that are of a more clandestine nature) shall be explained within Texts describing the performing of the Workings in question. *It has been a long held belief that Ritual Candles should not be blown out but extinguished through the use of a Candle Snuffer, I very much accept and uphold this tradition. marcus(c)copyright2018
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44four ¡ 5 years ago
Love 7 Day Candle Romance Attraction Devotion Passion Witchcraft Hoodoo Soy Wax
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LoveBlessed, dressed and charged for purposeI now use 100% natural soy wax for a clean burn with minimal smoke or soot, and a self-trimming wick that doesn't need trimming ********* Special: Buy 2 Get 1 Free, mix & match. Put any three candles in glass your shopping cart, and one of them is free. Discount is applied at checkout. Shipping is always free. Who doesn't love LOVE? This "7-day" candle is the classic, tall style in a glass jar. This is a completely hand-poured and hand-dressed candle made right here in the Keeping Room. The deep, rich red soy wax is infused by us with oils and herbs that are traditionally used in work for love and attraction, such as rose, jasmine, cinnamon and gardenia. It smells as beautiful as it looks. The top is dressed with herbs such as red rose petals and jasmine flowers. The label features love symbolism, and there's a silver-tone filigree heart charm attached to the satin ribbon (either red or black) that's tied around the neck of the jar. Use our Love candle the same as you would any "7-day" type candle (although this candle, like most of them, will not burn for 7 consecutive days), on your altar or anywhere else in your home. You can burn it straight down or light it for a few hours each day. If you choose to burn it straight down, please don't leave it unattended. If it develops a melted pool of wax that's more than about 1 1/2 inches deep, snuff it out, let it cool, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch and light it again. Generally, conjure candles should never be blown out. If you decide to extinguish yours, snuff it out by placing a saucer on top of the jar, or use a candle snuffer. Trim the wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting again. The candle pictured in the images is representative of the candle you'll receive. Every Love "7-day" candle is made using the same materials. The wax is prepared and poured here, the finished candle is dressed with herbs and oils by hand, and every label is applied by hand, so your candle may look -slightly- different. We also make a smaller pillar candles and anointing oils for love. Check out our pink Love pillar candle and our vivid red Come to Me candle, which uses the classic hoodoo oil blend. If you don't see a 7-day candle that you want for sale, or if you need your candle dressed with different herbs and oils, just message me. I love custom orders! I can even create a custom candle that's absolutely yours, alone. Your purchase will be protected and packed with lots and lots of cushioning. ________________________________________________ Keeping Room candles are sold as curiosities only. I make no claim about their power or anything of that nature, nor do I take any responsibility for their use. However, each one is dressed and charged using known correspondences that have a long history of use for the purpose of the candle. Shipping Shipping is free, U.S.P.S Priority. I ship candles within three days after payment is received, except on weekends. Payments I accept PayPal payments and credit cards processed through PayPal. Read the full article
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taruna0ils ¡ 6 years ago
Aromatherapy Soy Candles
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For at least the past 5,000 years, man has been growing the soybean and using the oft named “miracle crop” for a variety of different products and uses. Aromatherapy soy candles are often used as alternative to candles made from paraffin wax by those who are conscious of the environment, as well as those interested in the healing benefits the practice of aromatherapy has to offer. And, since soy is a renewable resource and completely biodegradable, environmentalists have long preferred this type of candle over any other.
Today, millions of crops of soybeans are grown in various countries all over the world, with the United States being one of the top leading growers. Aromatherapy soy candles are made from glycine max, which is the technical and scientific name for the soybean, a type of legume that’s related to peas, alfalfa, and clover. Soy candles can be found in a wide array of aromas and pleasing fragrances and are used for a variety of therapeutic purposes.
Besides candles, soy can be found in foods, drinks, and many other types of products, all safe for the environment. Many people are pleasantly surprised to learn that soy based candles are usually less expensive than their paraffin or wax counterparts. Because they also burn slower than other types of candles, they are also more cost effective, sometimes burning twice as long made from beeswax or paraffin.
The Benefits of Using Aromatherapy Soy Candles
One of the most positive benefits of using soy candles for aromatherapy is that they emit very little soot as compared to those made from paraffin wax. Also, soy candles emit absolutely no petro-carbon soot the way petroleum-based candles do, which has been likened to second-hand cigarette smoke in that it is just as harmful to the lungs and the cells of the body.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S., the soot and fumes from paraffin wax are actually byproducts of petroleum and when burned, emit more than 10 toxins that may be harmful to our health. Considering that the fragrances and scents are meant to be inhaled in close quarters, toxins and man-made substances in other types of candles negate the positive effects and health benefits that we look to aromatherapy for in the first place.
Aromatherapy soy candles are also safe for to be used near children and pets since they are non-toxic, although caution should always be used with any type of lit candle.
For the purpose of aromatherapy, soy candles are rather beneficial as they last considerably longer than candles made from other substances such as beeswax, and they also tend to last as much as 50% longer than paraffin candles. Since soy is water soluble, the wax from these type of candles allows for quick clean-up with simple soap and water.
The very best aromatherapy soy candles also contain no artificial dyes or colorants, using only natural ingredient to achieve the various colors. Unlike regular candles made from waxes such as paraffin, soy candles don’t contain metal cores and will feature wicks made from 100% cotton, making them environmentally friendly as well as safe to use in your home as they will not discolor the walls or furniture the way other fumes from other candles often do.
Some of the common types of aromatherapy soy candles include: Pillars, Tapers, Tarts, Travel tins, Votives
Aromatherapy soy candles are often used by trained aromatherapy practitioners, herbalists, vegans, massage therapists, and, of course, the avid candle enthusiast. When buying these types of candles, remember that the word “soy” doesn’t necessarily mean the candle is made from all-natural ingredients. Unless it contains pure essential oils, not fragrance oils, it may have a pleasant aromatic scent, but not be completely natural.
In keeping with the holistic and naturalistic theme, many companies choose to forgo adding any dyes or coloring agents to their candles so as not to take away from the appearance of the soy. If you are still interested in having color, try putting natural soy candles in colored glass jars instead.
Caring for Aromatherapy Soy Candles
To keep your aromatherapy soy candles looking their best, polish them with either a soft cloth, or a stocking made from fine mesh, and to prevent them from fading, keep all candles out of direct sunlight as well as heat. For longevity purposes, keep the wicks of aromatherapy soy candles trimmed to 1/8″ long, and never attempt to cut a wick while it is burning. All candles will burn best if they are stored in a cool, dry place, and always allow candles to burn until the melted wax, or soy in this case, reaches the outer edges of the candle.
Don’t burn soy candles in a draft or near an open window as this will cause the candle to burn unevenly, or need relit more often, putting extra wear and tear on the wick. Also, after each burn, make sure the wick is properly centered while the soy is still soft and pliable. Using a candle snuffer helps to safely extinguish candles without causing the soy or wax to splatter, and always make certain you are using a heatproof container, plate, or holder when burning aromatherapy soy candles.
Some of the accessories that can be used along with aromatherapy include candle snuffers with swiveled heads, which are the safest ways to extinguish any type of candle and are made to reach down into many different types of candle holders. A bobeche is another useful item to have when using soy candles for aromatherapy. Besides being a decorative candle holder, a bobeche features a round disk with a hole in the center for the candle to slide into, neatly eliminating any wax drippings.
The post Aromatherapy Soy Candles appeared first on Taruna Oils.
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