-I- Le Miroir Noir -I- Satanic Black Arts
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Welcome to this Blog formed to release my Book LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror): SATANIC BLACK ARTS . . . I am Giles Davot and this Book shall be an extensive Work detailing the Dark Operations of Satanic Rites and Black Magick Arts that have been practiced by Classical Traditional Satanists and Devil Worshipers over the centuries - there truly has never been such an extensive collection of such Infernal and Demonic Works made available to the public before! Photographs, Artwork and all forms of depictions here are not my work, nor do I own the copyright to these, they added for aesthetic purposes only and as a mark of admiration for the creators of these images!
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 8: The Ritual Tools And Raiments Of The Satanic Black Magician
In this Text we examine more closely the Ritual Implements of the Black Arts more closely - those touched on the previous Text and others used more infrequently. The Ritual Tools of The Satanist are many but to list them all here would be futile as some may never be used, very few Practitioners are likely to practice ever Working within a Book or a Grimoire and certain Tools and Implements are utilized in only one Rite or a few at most. In view of this it is best that such Implements are discussed at the same time as the Workings in which they are to be used. The below listing is comprehensive enough to provide the Satanic Seeker with good foundation knowledge of what they require and why. PRIMARY RITUAL IMPLEMENTS THE PENTACLE OF SATAN PURPOSE The central core of power upon The Black Altar Of Satan, the Conduit of Infernal Power and the Talismanic Key which awakens the Altar during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES The Pentacle is usually disc shaped and bears the Inverted Pentagram upon it, it should be formed as a brass disc with a pewter Inverted Pentagram upon it or if made from wood it should be painted Black and the encircled Pentagram painted either White, Gold or Red. It may also be formed of clay and painted in a similar way or the Inverted Pentagram may be engraved within the clay. THE PERSONAL GRIMOIRE PURPOSE To house the handwritten or copied Texts of the Grimoire from which the Satanic Initiate is Workings. GENERAL NOTES A blank leaved Book is best should the Initiate be intending to keep their own handwritten copy of the Grimoire, a folder to house collated loose leaves would be best if the Grimoire’s Texts are downloaded or printed copies. THE BLACK MIRROR PURPOSE For use in Workings of Magick and Seership. GENERAL NOTES An excellent Satanic Implement which has immeasurable power when used as a Spiritual Gateway during Conjuration, Necromantic or Seership Workings. The frame of the Mirror may be formed from any material accept Silver, the Mirror itself may be made from Obsidian or a traditional looking glass painted Black. OIL/INCENSE BURNER PURPOSE For the burning of Aromatic Incenses or Oils during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES The Oil Burner is preferable to the use of Incense or Incense sticks or loose Incense which can both be messy, heavy on the breathing (particularly for those with respiratory problems) and also time consuming when topping up the Incense during more lengthy Rituals. A stock of Incense or Oil will need to be maintained for such uses as will charcoal discs if loose Incense is being employed. Scents suitable for use in Satanic Workings are Tobacco, Pine, Sulfur, Mint, Sandalwood or Cinnamon. CANDLE HOLDERS/CANDLES PURPOSE For Illumination and Devotional/Magickal uses upon the Altar. GENERAL NOTES For the Altar at least three Candle Holders should be obtained (if possible matching and formed from iron, pewter, brass, copper or similar metals), Candles to used within these should always be of a Black, Ivory or not available a Red hue. Candle Holders and/or Sconces shall be required for providing illumination during Ritual. CANDLE SNUFFER PURPOSE To extinguish Candles at the end of Satanic Workings. GENERAL NOTES This Implement should be forged from iron, pewter, brass, gold or copper, it has long been a tradition in many Occult Practices to extinguish the Candles used in Ritual Workings in this way. ALTAR DISH/BOWL PURPOSE For the burning or holding of certain material during the Black Arts. GENERAL NOTES The Ritual Bowl/Dish should be made of some form of metal and be fire proof, iron is a useful material for this Implement. SCRYING TOOL PURPOSE For use within Seership Workings. GENERAL NOTES The Black Mirror may be used for Scrying Workings but for those who do not resonate with this method it could be replaced with a Crystal Ball (made of Clear Quartz, Obsidian or Smoky Quartz), a Candle for aid in the Scrying Art of Pyromancy, an Obsidian Scrying Disc or indeed any other paraphernalia that the Satanic Initiate finds suitable. SCRYING JOURNAL AND PEN PURPOSE To make notes of messages, symbols etc received from Scrying Works during Ritual. GENERAL NOTES A blank leaved Book would be best for the Scrying Journal, it is important to keep such a journal as it serves the Satanist well to be able to look back upon visions, images, words or symbols that I have been received at the time of the Scrying Operation. Such items may be used after the Ritual Working also but should still be Consecrated and not utililzed for any other use. BLACK HOODED ROBE/CLOAK PURPOSE To be wors as the Satanic Initiate’s Ritual Vestments In Workings.  GENERAL NOTES The Traditional Ritual Raiment of the Classical Theistic Satanic Initiate made usually from cotton, velvet or silk. PARCHMENT PAPER/CARD PURPOSE Required for the making of Oaths, Pacts, Talismans, Sigils etc  GENERAL NOTES Virgin Sheep or Calf Parchment can be obtained from certain Occult specialists but these are not easy to find. There is no reason at all why the Initiate cannot use ordinary Parchment Paper for the above mentioned purposes and Parchment Card is suitable for such items as Sigils and Talismans. THE RITUAL CUTTING TOOL PURPOSE For blood letting during Rites. GENERAL NOTES A Ritual Knife, Dagger or Bladed instrument of some form should be kept upon The Black Altar Of Satan. Certain Workings require the spilling of the Initiate’s blood or the blood of another and and an Implement conducive for this purpose will need to obtained by the Satanist. Some use a small bladed knife or razor for spilling their own blood while a Ritual Dagger is used for other situations. CRYSTALS PURPOSE Used in certain Workings as conduits of Demonic Power. GENERAL NOTES The use of Crystals is by no means mandatory but they are useful items of empowerment and as conduits of Power in Magickal Workings - those best suited to the Satanic Arts are Obsidian, Jet, Clear Quartz, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Onyx. OTHER IMPLEMENTS THAT ARE UTILIZED WITHIN LE MIROIR NOIR ARE AS FOLLOWS . . . . TAROT DECK This shall be explained further in the Text ‘The Infernal Arcana’ . . . recommended decks are Victoria Frances’s Favole Tarot, The Alchemy Gothic Tarot, Luis Royo’s Labyrinth Tarot or The Anne Stokes Tarot. MANDRAGORA ROOT This natural Root is Sacrosanct to the Satanist and was indeed revered by the Devil Worshipers of the past with good reason (which shall be expained in the Text ‘The Devils Root’) it is required in a small number of powerful Black Magickal Workings WOODEN BOWL For use in the Working The Gestation Of The Death Wraith. WOODEN STAFF TOPPED WITH A CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL SPHERE This is a powerful Tool that shall be explained in much more detail in the Text titled ‘The Staff Of The Atavistic Seer’ . . . a Working of great Power. CLAY For the forging of Effigies and Golems in Magickal Workings. ANIMAL AND HUMAN TISSUE IMPLEMENTS UTILIZED WITHIN LE MIROIR NOIR IN VARIOUS WORKINGS SEVERED HUMAN HAND For use in making The Hand Of Glory and The Bound Hand Of The Dead. HUMAN SKULL For use in the Working The Skull Of The Satanic Seer. RAVEN SKULL To be used in the Remote Viewing Working The Corax Oracle. ANIMAL HEARTS Utilized in the Workings The Nailed Heart Hex and The Hearts Bound In Blood. Any other Ritual Implements or requirements used in other Dark Workings within LE MIROIR NOIR shall be given full attention and explanation in later parts of this Book in relevant writings. This applies in particular for requirements in such Satanic Operations as The Rite Of The Child Of The Dead, The Demonic Doorway and The Black Sites And The Bloodied Stone. (c)GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 7: The Black Altar Of Satan
The Black Altar Of Satan is the very heart of the Satanic Working area, the heart of the Temple of the Black Arts. It is a physical gateway, a portal to the realms of Hell or rather the dominion I have come to call 'The Shade' which seems to lie between the plane of the physical and the plane of the Demonic, other realms taper off from this plane which are occupied by the Spirits of the Dead who have not passed and over properly from this domain and other creatures which have been formed from the thoughts of humanity either by accident or deliberately through Magickal application. The Shade is a realm of Darkness where the Working area can be transitioned allowing the mortal Satanist and the Demonic Entity communication, it is a realm which is in essence a form of subconscious sphere and can be entered through the subconscious mind by humans and Demons alike. This powerful realm is accessed in the Workings of LE MIROIR NOIR through the Magickal Opening of a Gate which is in essence The Black Altar Of Satan itself, The Pentacle Of Satan being the Talisman which unlocks that Gate into other Worlds. The Black Altar is set up in the following format as regarding Rituals Tools! First of all the Altar itself must be covered with a Altar Cloth made from Black Material, some Satanic Groups also decorate this with a symbol relevant to their form of Satanic Practice, if this is going to be the case then to resonate with the system of Magick in LE MIROIR NOIR the best symbols to utilize would be either an Inverted Pentagram, an Inverted Cross or the Cross of Sulfur. Two Candle Holders bearing Candles of Black or Ivory should be placed at either end of the Altar, at the center of the Altar The Pentacle Of Satan should be placed and directly behind it should be whatever Implement is favoured by the Satanist as a Scrying Tool. To the left of The Pentacle Of Satan should be the Satanist's personal Grimoire containing the Magickal system with which they Work, to the right of the Pentacle the Candle Snuffer shall reside. Between the Candle on the left hand side and the Scrying Tool the Satanist should place a Metal Bowl and in the same place on the right hand side shall be placed the Incense/Oil Burner (whichever is preferred). Other Ritual Implements will be required to be upon the Altar at certain times depending on Practices being carried out, for instance at times an additional Candle will be required in supplication for a specific Demon being summoned or possibly for use in the Arts of Pyromancy. When other Implements are required they shall be explained fully in the preliminary notes at the beginning of the text detailing the Practice they are needed for. In the next text of this Book these Implements and other Ritual requirements shall be examined in more detail.
©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 6: The Demonic Legion
There have been many different Demonic Hierarchies put forth over the years, S Connolly's splendid Book THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DEMONOLATRY gives some interesting information on these, as to the Reader perusing the older Occult studies, they will find many variations regarding the order and inclusion of Demons within these Hierarchies. The Listing of Demons below is that of the Hierarchy utilized within the Workings of LE MIROIR NOIR, I have named it The Guibourg Hierarchy after the famed Satanist Abbe Guibourg. The list here is but a brief introduction to the Demons Worked with in LE MIROIR NOIR, further information will be given on each Demon later in this Book including descriptions of their appearance,  areas of Command and specific Evocations.
SATAN ~ Demonic Lord And King Of Hell BEELZEBUB ~ Standard Bearer Of Hell LILITH ~ Mother Of Demons ABADDON ~ Prince Of Desolation ASMODEUS ~ Lord Of The Carnal House LUCIFUGE ~ Grand Paymaster Of Hell AGALIAREPT ~ Sentinel Of The Gates NAAMAH ~ Mistress Of Seduction SARGATANAS ~ The Infernal Guardian BELPHEGORE ~ The Demon Of Inception ERYNOMOUS ~ The Prince Of Tears BEHEMOTH ~ The Demon Of Sins MEPHISTO ~ The Lord Of Pacts ARIOCH ~ Prince Of Vengeance ALASTOR ~ Grand Assassin Of Hell SONNEILLON ~ Princess Of Discord ADRAMALECH ~ Lord Of The Plague XAPHAN ~ Demon Of Fire UNSERE ~ Demon Of Childbirth DELEPITORAE ~ Grand Enchantress Of Hell MAMMON ~ The Prince Of Gold UKOBACH ~ Mistress Of The Eternal Flame RIMMON ~ Lord Of Healing HUMOTS ~ Lord Of Writings LEONARD ~ Master Of The Black Arts VERDELET ~ The Master Of Ceremonies ELELOGAP ~ Mistress Of The Tides CRESSIL ~ Demon Of Apathy VETIS ~ Demon Of Temptation BIFFANT ~ Demon Of Possession SIRCHADE ~ Demon Of The Beasts HUICTIIGARA ~ Mistress Of The Realms Of Sleep SURGAT ~ Demon Of Doorways FRIMOST ~ Prince Of Fornication KHIL ~ Mother Of Destruction FRUCISIERE ~ Demon Of The Dead BECHARD ~ Lord Of Storms CLAUNECK ~ Demon Of Prosperity GULAND ~ Demon Of Disease MERSILDE ~ Demon Of The Astral Realms BUCON ~ Demon Of Hatred CLISTHERET ~ Mother Of Illusions ©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 5: Disclaimer
The Contents of the Book LE MIROIR NOIR are released as a studious document compiled to relay knowledge concerning the Satanic Black Arts which are practiced now and those which have been practiced in the past. I make no proclamation to say that I have taken part in all of the Workings within these Texts or to know of those who have. Those entries within this Manuscript which are drawn from past life recollection and pieced together from other such techniques I can offer no validation for other than my word and my own experiences. I do not condone nor condemn the practices put forth in this Book, some of them are attributed to times long past and to my knowledge are no longer practiced . . . still they are included in this Manuscript to forge a complete collection of the Satanic Workings that have been practiced throughout the centuries in the Name of Our Lord Satan! Knowledge is meant to be shared and in support of this belief I have included all knowledge appertaining to the Rites of Classical Satanism and Demonic Sorcery at my disposal for the study and perusal of others who share this Path. ©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 4: The Rise Of The Old Ways
The core intention of this Book - apart from to provide an extensive amount of knowledge regarding the hidden Satanic Black Arts - is to bring forth a revival of the Old Ways of the Demonic Paths . . . to breathe new life into the ways of Classical Satanism, Dark Demonic Sorcery, Devil Worship, Black Satanic Witchcraft and Traditional Satanism. It has been too long that these paths have been neglected and it is my hope that the writings of LE MIROIR NOIR will lay the foundation stones for a rise in interest and power among the Old Satanic Traditions. The power of Satan is ancient and primal as is that of His Demons, but the tepid paths of Neo-Satanism such as Rational Satanism seeks to weaken that power which is why to me they are enemies aiding the power of the Orthodox Church. There effect is draining similar to that of Wicca which has drained the Old Paths of Witchcraft of its true energy and force. It is time to replenish that power, to reawaken the Old Paths of raw primal Dark Religion such as Traditional Satanism and Devil Worship. The perceptions of others who gladly fit into the social web of Orthodoxy must be cast aside as unimportant, the modern requirements of political correctness and socially acceptable normality be rebuked. We who call ourselves Satanists must behave as such, our laws are primordial, of dark creation, carnal and fueled by might and instinct . . . we have no need to pander to the impotent social structure which is the bastard child of Orthodox Religion and Science! The Power of the Classical Theistic Satanist lies in their connection with the Grand Demons of Hell, the darkened force of their primal Soul and their disregard for the laws of Orthodox Religion and Conformist Hierarchies. The Power of those who follow this path is ineffable for they follow an energy current which has its roots in primal chaotic creation, the true force of all in existence . . . I speak of cause of the Demonic Current, the most ancient, dark and creative of all Spiritual energy sources. We encompass the ALL . . . the instinct and primal will of the beast, the intellect of the the Philosopher, the creative force of the Artist and the Poet . . . we are liberated from the shackles of those who adhere to the conformist tenets promulgated through the Orthodox Religions, liberated from the narrow minded scope of science and liberated from (although forced to reside in) the malformed and restrictive matrix of conformist society and its tyrannical Governments. The Satanist of Old was feared, feared because of the very elements described above - nothing brings fear to those of the conformist and orthodox social and religious structures in the same way as that of the individual who is free mentally and physically of that structure's laws and tenets. The Old Ways of Satanism strike fear deep into the hearts of those of the conformist herd for it brings them face to face with the concept of an free flowing movement in opposition to them that is unpredictable and primal in its actions. May this Manuscript be the flame that ignites the rise of the Old Ways of Classical Theistic Satanism and Devil Worship and the flame which kindles the Inferno that will cleanse the Earth of the parasites who govern over the social structure of apathy and conformity!
©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 3: Following The Atavistic Lineage Of Satan
This is but a brief passage of thought on the descent of Classical Satanism, there is a lost lineage in Satanism, one that has been buried beneath persecution, secrecy, fear, fallacy and social rejection. It precedes LaVeyan/Atheistic Satanism by centuries and yet now is no where near as popular as the aforementioned pallid form of Satanic philosophy, the Atheistic Satanist hails this as a triumph and yet all they have done is help the Orthodox enemy weaken the power, will and strength of true Satanism. Atheistic/Rational Satanism is popular because the Church do not care about it, they see it has no threat and why should they, who would feel threatened by a bunch of atheists borrowing the title of a Deity they claim does not exist and who worship their own egos . . . and they are some big egos to worship. Nobody cares about Atheistic Satanists . . . the Church know they are no threat, the 'Real Theistic Satanist' finds them an irritation (at worst), a joke (at best), Atheists probably think they need therapy and to everyone else they do not even exist. There importance lies with their own belief in their own mundane despiritualised importance and will die with each of their kind who feeds the worms or the furnace. For their Souls (which they also do not believe in) have been consumed by a darkness which exists out the outer realms of our World and are doomed to ever lie within its chaotic limbo. I claim this not as a theory but as a fact, the souls of these cretins are bound to a destiny I would not wish on my most loathed enemy, and that knowledge often paints a smile of amusement on my face. But I digress, the point is that 'True Satanism' . . . the paths of Classical Satanism or Traditional Satanism still continue to this day, possibly not as prevalent as they were across Europe in the 1600s to the 1800s but still there, practicing their Arts of Darkness in secrecy, weaving the blackened webs in private. I came into contact with such a Cabal many years ago and the Members of this Cabal were aware of at least fourteen others around Europe who continued the Old Ways of Devil Worship, Classical Satanism and Satanic Witchcraft. I gained much knowledge from this Cabal which I have since evolved and some of which is included within LE MIROIR NOIR, it was the knowledge of the Old Cults held by this Group which set me on a journey to discover more and eventually lead me to developing techniques Reincarnation Recall, Atavistic Remote Viewing and becoming a Demonic Conduit (all of these developed techniques are to be included within the writing of this Book to aid others in uncovering more) and from these techniques - one of which I have mastered to a powerful degree - I have discovered much more of the Workings and Rites of Old Age Satanism. You will not find this kind of knowledge in Books, it may have been written down at one time - in fact I know some of it indeed was - but these writings were probably destroyed with those who wrote them upon the Pyres of Orthodoxy. You may find occasional glimpses of such Workings in the historical Book (strangely enough those written by Scholars of Right Hand Path Occultims and Orthodox Religion), you may also find vague insights within the fictional writings of Joris Karl Huysmans and Dennis Wheatley. But you will not find a Book out there dedicated to the Old Path of Classical Satanism with such extensive content as LE MIROIR NOIR, the reason for this being that not many Satanic Authors have gone to the lengths or extremes I have to discover the knowledge held within this Book (and believe when I say it has taken an intolerable toll on my health). Another reason is that there are Satanic Black Magicians out there who believe that the Darkest of Satanic Workings should be kept secret within the clandestine Cabals who have the Initiates to undertake them and master them. I understand this reason but have reached a point in life (specifically nearing the end of it) when I have come to believe that it is time that these hidden Black Arts and Satanic Workings were made available for all to study. Although I do not like the thought of the Orthodox having access to these Workings, the thought that just one dedicated knowledge hungry Satanic Seeker out there - who may never be fortunate enough to stumble upon one of those rare underground Cabals - will come upon LE MIROIR NOIR and satiate their desire for that knowledge overrides this hesitation and drives me on to complete this Manuscript. Besides, from private sources I have made over the years it would seem that what Book that may remain detailing the Forbidden Arts probably now lie in the hands of the Priests of Orthodox Religion, particularly the Catholic Hierarchy . . . so I risk little in writing this Book, I am simply placing the knowledge back into the hands of those who deserve it and have rights to it. ©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 2: One Merged With Satan
Over the past thirty-four years my life has been given to Satanism and the study, practice and teaching of His Black Arts and Rituals, I am at one with this path, at one with my Infernal Father, there is no separation now. My name is Giles Davot (at least this is my Pseudonym, my real name for now is of little relevance to this Work) and I am an Apostle of Satan and Initiate of the path of Classical Theistic Satanism. The Work of this Path, the contemplation of what can be explored and achieved upon it are always on my mind in waking hours and at times those hours spent in slumber. Around nine years ago I began to delve deeply into the concepts of Reincarnation and merged these studies with operations of Meditation, Automatic Writing and Remote Viewing to create a method of Working which could explore past lives more fully. As with all new practices there were occasions of much success and others greeted with failure, incarnations that became almost easy to tap into and others which remained cloudy, hidden just beyond the veil. The most prominent incarnations were from France in the 1600s and England in the 1800s, possibly because they were nearer in the cycle of existences . . . others remembered in ancient Ireland, Egypt and Italy remained far less clear, no more than fleeting visions and faded images. I learned that I was involved with Satanism in both the incarnations in France and England, particularly the one lived in France, I could be tempted to go into detail regarding this life but that is not the purpose of the Book, the purpose of this Book is to relay a full account of the Black Magick Arts and Rites of Classical/Theistic Satanism past and present. Suffice to say here that my life spent in France was obviously deeply entrenched with the path of Devil Worship and Satanism. This life has been a mirror of that incarnation, born with a fascination with the dark side, horror, mythology and the strange my journey into the Occult was inevitable, even at the earliest of ages I was intrigued by strange Rituals and Magickal abilities in Horror and Fantasy Films. Even in fictional literature I grew up entranced by the Works of Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker, Joris Karl Huysmans and Dennis Wheatley. Majority of my life has been dedicated to the study, research and practice of the Satanic Black Arts . . . learning from three Mentors in my formative years on the path while absorbing copious amounts of knowledge from Occult Books my path has taken many evolutionary shifts resulting in becoming a Mentor to others myself and taking the position of High Priest in four various Satanic Circles based in France and England. When I am not practicing or studying the Black Arts I am writing about them or teaching them, when not involved with any of these pursuits I am deep in Communion with Demons or utilizing my skills as an Automatic Writer and Past Life Viewer to enhance knowledge on other realms and levels. I have not set eyes on my biological parents or associated family for around twenty-seven years, they were the typical mundane drudges that make up conformed society and abusive, I have no thoughts of them or feelings for them. Satan is my Spiritual Father, the Demons of Hell my Spiritual Family, those of the path of Theistic, Traditional or Classical Satanism my earthly siblings. My life is spent in realms apart for the majority of the time and my only true connection to this World is my partner of twenty-seven years who holds my heart as Satan holds my Soul. It is time now to reveal all that I have gained knowledge of in this life regarding Satanic Rites and the Black Magick Arts and that which I have recalled from those lives which now fade into the past. This is the objective of LE MIROIR NOIR . . . let those who gaze into this literary Black Mirror find the reflections of the powerful Mysteries I have unveiled throughout those lives given in Service of Satan. Giles Davot November 9th 2018 ©GilesDavot 2018
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lemiroirnoir666-blog · 6 years ago
LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror) Text 1: Introduction
The most sincere of welcomes and darkest salutations to those who find there way here, welcome to LE MIROIR NOIR (The Black Mirror): SATANIC BLACK MAGICK. This book is the culmination of a thirty-four year journey upon the Left Hand Path, the Dark Path of Classical Satanism and Black Magick. It also has its roots in a past life I have strong links with which took place in France in the 1600s, I have many recollections from this incarnation of practices which were no doubt the norm at the time in the dark clandestine cloisters of Devil Worship and these recollections have been recorded too within the following Texts of this Book. The formulation and lineage of this Book is without doubt a collaboration of the knowledge and experience I have gained in this life and from that previous incarnation. One of the most vivid memories of that time in France was the possession of a Book called LE MIROIR NOIR and it is in memory of this Book that I have named the present Manuscript now being unveiled before you. LE MIROIR NOIR . . . The Black Mirror . . . such an accurate Title for the Book then and for the Book now, as this Volume resonates very much with the old quote of the Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche "And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." The Black Mirror of Hell upon which one may gaze and see the reflection of Hell mirrored within the Dark Soul of the Self, the Black Mirror which is indeed a Portal and a Gateway to journey into the abyssian depths of the Demonic. LE MIROIR NOIR is akin to looking into this Blackened Mirror . . . the further one journeys into its Texts and unveils the Satanic Rites and Black Arts of the Demonic Mysteries the further one loses themselves within the dark realms of Hell, the further one becomes merged with the Demons that reside there. Similarly the deeper one journeys into practicing the Mysteries held within LE MIROIR NOIR the deeper ones Soul becomes joined with the eternal and ineffable Infernal Current of Our Father Satan Himself. LE MIOIR NOIR will be of little interest to the dabbler within the Black Arts and of no interest at all to the inane followers of the path of Atheistic Satanism (such a banal oxymoron) . . . to truly unlock the Mysteries of this Book absolute belief in Satan and His Infernal Demons and a deep and sincere desire to obtain and master the knowledge of the Satanic Black Magick Arts are imperative if the Satanic Seeker is to endure upon and succeed in their quest. From the inception Rites of Consecration and Initiation, onto the Arts of Evocation, Invocation, Sex Magick and Seership . . . further and deeper into the Black Rites of Necromancy, Malediction, Magickal Scripts and the Darkest of before unrevealed Insidious Infernal Rituals shall the Initiate of the Satanic Arts journey. Even beyond this the Initiate is taken into exploratory and forbidden Workings of the Black Arts which rebuke the very power God of Light and seek the Satanist becoming a Dark Creator in their own right, a Microcosm of their Infernal Father Satan. A Black Magician . . . a Satanic Black Magician . . . does not exist only in the Sanctum Temple, it is a life path and one which must be embraced on the deepest of physical, psychological and spiritual levels. We are arching back to the great Dark Magicians of the past such as Abbe Guibourg, La Voison and Gilles de Rais, many such Black Occultists had at one time adhered to the Catholic Faith but abandoned it to worship the Devil, the Lord Satan and so obtain the liberation, desires and power that could never have been found grovelling before the Altar of Jehova and his pallid Son the Nazarene. There is a rich and hidden history throughout Europe of the old Cults of Devil Worship and Classical Satanism, particularly in France, England Germany and Italy but its secrets lie in the underground Covens and Orders of secretive Satanic Practitioners who rarely declare their knowledge beyond the walls of their private Temples. For those who are fortunate to discover such a clandestine Coven the knowledge held within them is priceless,  I have been fortunate enough to have discovered such in two separate incarnations, and the Darkest and now Forgotten (Forbidden) Arts gained in the first enabled me to find my way 'home' in this present incarnation. All of what I speak of here shall become much clearer over the Texts of LE MIROIR NOIR  and for those who persevere with the journey into this Book much of that priceless knowledge will be discovered along with the Sacred Keys to unlock Mysteries which yet remain unresolved.
Brother Sarran Priest Of The Abbey Of The Unholy Europe 18:59 November 9 2018
©GilesDavot 2018
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