#we celebratin
anime-penis · 11 months
cock extra fat today. must be friday.
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chrlvctius · 1 year
can't believe I'm gonna write my second ale fic this month
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loupy-mongoose · 10 months
so question regarding This one ask. mews can transform into technically anything(? not sure in your universe) given that, if they transform into anything else. does the eye color remain given that? (as in say turning into an Eevee for example; the eye color of the mew forsay Blue instead of the eevee's color Brown (tumblr doesnt have a brown coloration :( sad noise ) would that make sense?) Or would it turn into the color of the pokemon?
-sincerely Peppercosmos <3 and happy feast day!!
Just for the sake of clarity, I'll specify that they can't turn into inanimate objects. Only living creatures/Pokemon/Humans.
Their eyes will always match their Mew form's eyes! If he could've, Mo-turning-Randy would've changed the eyes as well.
I have a few samples from previous arts:
Hypothetical Randy as an Arcanine;
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Akoya as a Wingull;
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Akoya as an Altaria;
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And of course, their human forms!
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I need updated human references lol
...Does make one wonder what would happen if they turned into something without eyes, like a Zubat.
Cursed images~
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domifucker · 1 year
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chloedoesart · 1 year
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Here's a couple of concept sketches for Can't Fight Fire with Fire because we went through a lot of different ideas.
We ended up choosing the fire one, because once we realized both characters were fire-coded, we thought it would be fun to give them a challenge. That is, to force them to stop a fire rather than start one.
The Engineer belongs to @modmad
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exyglass · 11 months
I just got a big scholarship out of the blue?!
Shoutout to my guardian angel watching over me 💜
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gurorori · 1 year
like genuinely. every year pride feels like a distant fever dream. its like not being invited to a party year after year while everyone else is
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series)+02 + “The B e g i n n i n g” x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {1st Verse.} {David A r c h u l e t a} L i v e C o n c e r t Ver. + R U I & U k k o m o n; + KOUSHIRO & Izumis
"I'm hearing what you say..."
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Koushiro, opening scene; More spoilery shots of Rui, also from opening scenes (Tower scene) + middle part BIG spoiler (Rui's eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye T r a u m a; B l o o d}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them coming in???]
*Edited in about 30~45 min overall (Preparing for this however took at least a couple hours) More possibly to come in the future!! {2nd Verse can be seen here!}
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its L I V E Ver.)
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit’s Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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ghettogothgoblin · 3 months
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
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I gotta say, being problematic enough to gain a twitter call out post is…certainly a feeling. a milestone methinks
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xiao-come-home · 4 months
Giggling, kicking my feet, spinning in circles over Boothill...
Just imagine, S/O in a creative field, and they've been preparing for an event where they get to show off their work..
Except, they've been doing it in secret because they don't feel confident and they're unsure if people would stop by for them..
So cue S/O's surprise when they suddenly bump into Boothill at said event—maybe even burst into (happy) tears if he praises their work.. I just know this man's the sweetest for his S/O ;;;-;;;
YUEESS anyway this got kinda long but take it 🫡
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You knew the day was coming - the day so, so important in your career that could possibly shift everyone's opinion about you and your hard work. Day after day, more preparations were made, and people who assisted you kept patting your shoulder as you walked by, already congratulating you.
Yet, amongst all of the joy - your hesitation was certainly present. No one close to you knew about the event - not even the closest people, not even Boothill himself, who was your significant other. Even though so many already praised you - just what meaning does it hold if no one actually shows up to the event itself?
The lack of confidence and worrying were the only ones that bothered you to no end - which, Boothill noticed immediately as it was not your usual behavior. Not only were you constantly busy and away from home when he finally got back, but you were constantly stressed out. He tried not to pressure the matter as you were unwilling to talk, but that's Boothill we're talking about - which means - time for Boothill to snoop around and find out himself.
Today is the day. The day you anticipated so much, but also dreaded to finally have it happen. You hop onto the stage, and gasp at the amount of people below. You can't count the amount of eyes that gaze at you, and people seem to be genuinely impressed at your work - applauding loudly, causing you to tear up on stage.
That's a shame you haven't noticed the familiar cyborg who's been watching you the whole time, smiling widely to himself.
Once the official part is over and the festivities begin, people swarm around you to ask you more about your work or actual interviews, but you gently excuse yourself for now under the excuse of being tired. Surprisingly, the crowd goes away, but they'll surely be back...
You breathe in and out, shaking your head from all the attention, but suddenly, you bump hard against something and your hands automatically cover your poor nose; the pain makes you cry under your nose a tiny "oww," just what the hell is that pole here? Was there one before?!
"Ouch! 'm sorry sweetheart! Thought ya would finally notice me, but not that kinda way..." Boothill's voice reaches your ears and you open your eyes in the span of seconds, "I can't believe ya didn't tell me about all of this! A god dang event just for you, and those little motherfudgers that barely let me in, let alone get closer to ya—"
Boothill takes your hands off your face in his, pressing a soft kiss on your nose, "I didn't know my sweet pea was so smart," his voice gets softer and quieter, eyes gazing into yours, "I'm so proud of ya. I really wish you've told me about this, so we could be properly celebratin' this together."
You no longer could fight your tears and let them run down your cheeks, "I'm sorry, I didn't— I didn't think anyone would even show up," you sobbed, "I didn't even know if I could get through this if—" your sentence gets cut off by Boothill's fingers pushing your chin up and staring at you with ungodly amounts of love in his eyes.
"Silly you," he wiped off the tears with his hand, "of course they'd come. They did. So many people are here just for you, admirin' yer work and almost fightin' to say a word to ya. I know ya often doubt yourself, but, as you can see," Boothill looks behind you and see people fawning over your projects, "there's no need for it. You deserve all of this, sweetheart, even if I can't understand a single fudgin' word. You put yer entire heart into this - I see it, love."
Boothill's words only make you cry harder, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly - but this time, your tears are those of joy.
After calming down, you sit nearby with Boothill next to you. Sparing him a glance, you confusingly mention the new hat he's wearing, "Ha! Took ya long enough to see! It worked as intended - ya didn't know it was me back there, in the crowd!" He exclaimed proudly, sending you a smug grin.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Sirius Vs Remus last interaction with Harry in POA
With all this conversation about who's the better parent, the better guide to Harry, I'd like to address the LAST MOMENT in POA with Sirius vs Remus and WHY Harry ends up closer to Sirius and it has NOTHING to do with his 'status' as godfather and everything to do with their behavior directly after Harry discovers their relationship to his father.
Long Post under the cut.
First, Remus' last moment with Harry:
A shadow fell across them and they looked up to see a very bleary-eyed Hagrid, mopping his sweaty face with one of his tablecloth-sized handkerchiefs and beaming down at them. "Know I shouldn' feel happy, after wha' happened las' night," he said. "I mean, Black escapin' again, an, everythin' -- but guess what?" "What?" they said, pretending to look curious. "Beaky! He escaped! He's free! Bin celebratin' all night!" "That's wonderful!" said Hermione, giving Ron a reproving look because he looked as though he was close to laughing. "Yeah. . . can't've tied him up properly," said Hagrid, gazing happily out over the grounds. "I was worried this mornin', mind. . . thought he mighta met Professor Lupin on the grounds, but Lupin says he never ate anythin' las' night. . . . " "What?" said Harry quickly. "Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" said Hagrid, his smile fading a little. He lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in sight. "Er -- Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'. . . . Thought everyone'd know by now. . . Professor Lupin's a werewolf, see. An' he was loose on the grounds las' night. . . . He's packin' now, o' course. " "He's packing?" said Harry, alarmed. "Why?" "Leavin', isn' he?" said Hagrid, looking surprised that Harry had to ask. "Resigned firs' thing this mornin'. Says he can't risk it happenin again."
Let's stop here - I included this part because it tells us something EXTREMEMLY important - Remus was going to LEAVE without even talking to Harry. He had NO intention of talking to Harry or explaining what happened. He had NO intention of following up on their relationship and build on it - he was just going to leave after ALL that.
Harry scrambled to his feet. "I'm going to see him," he said to Ron and Hermione. "But if he's resigned --" "¨C doesn't sound like there's anything we can do --" "I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll meet you back here."
This tells us that Harry wanted a relationship with Remus, and expected to have one. Only for Remus to disappoint him.
Lupin's office door was open. He had already packed most of his things. The Grindylow's empty tank stood next to his battered old suitcase, which was open and nearly full. Lupin was bending over something on his desk and looked up only when Harry knocked on the door. "I saw you coming," said Lupin, smiling. He pointed to the parchment he had been poring over. It was the Marauder's Map. "I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?" "I'm afraid it is," said Lupin. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents.
Here we have proof that Remus knows that HARRY would reach out to him - yet, he doesn't reciprocate. He sees Harry's upset about it and he just ... keeps packing. Using the Map to see Harry do just that.
"Why?" said Harry. "The Ministry of Magic don't think you were helping Sirius, do they?" Lupin crossed to the door and closed it behind Harry. "No. Professor Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that I was trying to save your lives. " He sighed. "That was the final straw for Severus. I think the loss of the Order of Merlin hit him hard. So he -- er -- accidentally let slip that I am a werewolf this morning at breakfast." "You're not leaving just because of that!" said Harry. Lupin smiled wryly. "This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving from parents. . . . They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry. And after last night, I see their point. I could have bitten any of you. . . . That must never happen again." "You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" said Harry. "Don't go!"
Here Lupin simply answers the question matter-of-factly and in fact, seems to expect that Harry would be affronted on his behalf. What's interesting here is that Lupin KNOWS that Harry has formed this bond with him and still makes what happened about him. Even though he ENDANGERED the kids ALL YEAR, here he focuses on the night before which was the most dangerous moment, and while he's doing the responsible thing but resigning and making it about the parents reaction to his condition feels like a ploy to make Harry feel sympathetic towards him. He didnot want him to feel like he screwed him over by not telling him about his parents, Sirius (and hiding something if it Sirius HAD been after him would've gotten him killed), and by slipping up the night before.
Lupin shook his head and didn't speak. He carried on emptying his drawers. Then, while Harry was trying to think of a good argument to make him stay, Lupin said, "From what the headmaster told me this morning, you saved a lot of lives last night, Harry. If I'm proud of anything I've done this year, it's how much you've learned. . . . Tell me about your Patronus." "How d'you know about that?" said Harry, distracted. "What else could have driven the Dementors back?" Harry told Lupin what had happened. When he'd finished, Lupin was smiling again. "Yes, your father was always a stag when he transformed," he said. "You guessed right. . . that's why we called him Prongs."
Okay. Here's Lupin's opportunity to talk to Harry - an orphan and his best friends' kid - about James and he doesn't take it. He just said - oh yeah, that's what he turned into.
Lupin threw his last few books into his case, closed the desk drawers, and turned to look at Harry. "Here -- I brought this from the Shrieking Shack last night," he said, handing Harry back the Invisibility Cloak. "And. . . " He hesitated, then held out the Marauder's Map too. "I am no longer your teacher, so I don't feel guilty about giving you back this as well. It's no use to me, and I daresay you, Ron, and Hermione will find uses for it." Harry took the map and grinned. "You told me Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would've wanted to lure me out of school. . . you said they'd have thought it was funny." "And so we would have," said Lupin, now reaching down to close his case. "I have no hesitation in saying that James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found any of the secret passages out of the castle."
Here, this feels very manipulative. Of course, if he didn't give the map/cloak back to Harry, James and Sirius would be pissed - that's his birthright. But It's pretty obvious that just like the other times that Remus uses James against Harry (Like when he discovers the Map - months previously - and he says 'I don't think your {dead} parents would appreciate you gambling their sacrifices for a bag of magic tricks'), that this time, he's using him to stay in Harry's good eyes. Especially given his parting statement.
There was a knock on the door. Harry hastily stuffed the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak into his pocket. It was Professor Dumbledore. He didn't look surprised to see Harry there. "Your carriage is at the gates, Remus," he said. "Thank You, Headmaster. " Lupin picked up his old suitcase and the empty Grindylow tank. "Well -- good-bye, Harry," he said, smiling. "It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Headmaster, there is no need to see me to the gates, I can manage. . . . " Harry had the impression that Lupin wanted to leave as quickly as possible. "Good-bye, then, Remus," said Dumbledore soberly. Lupin shifted the Grindylow tank slightly so that he and Dumbledore could shake hands. Then, with a final nod to Harry and a swift smile, Lupin left the office.
Now, finally, the end of his last moment in POA - note that he says goodbye, says he was pleased to teach Harry, and THEN SAYS:
"I feel sure we'll meet again, sometime."
What does this tell us? That Lupin - Despite being around for a WHOLE YEAR & creating a relationship with Harry - DOESN'T WANT to continue the relationship. He "feels like" they'll see each other - he doesn't say anything about 'I'll write you' or 'you can write me' - he basically makes it SO FREAKING CLEAR that he's done. He came into Harry's life and plans to disappear. There's no excuse for this (especially given book 4) and THIS is exactly why Remus isn't a "Parent" - he's not a "honorary godfather" and he's TERRIBLE.
Harry can tell in this interaction that he's just a professor, just Lupin, nothing else.
It just makes it obvious that he doesn't really care for Harry, so he wouldn't be a parent and doesn't deserve all of that 'Lupin was a better option', Lupin 'should've been godfather', etc.
Now, Sirius' last moment with Harry:
Harry picked up the letter. It was addressed to him. He ripped open the letter, and shouted, "It's from Sirius!" "What?" said Ron and Hermione excitedly. "Read it aloud!" Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle. I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job. I believe the Dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted. There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt --
Let's stop here. First, Sirius makes sure to send Harry the letter when he's alone. I bet he's thinking Harry's going to do exactly what he does with regards to Aunt/Uncle because he KNOWS based on Harry's quick acceptance of moving in with him & the runaway situation at the start of the book.
Then, he immediately tells him that he's safe because he knows that Harry was worried about him enough to go through time, so he assures him that he's fine.
Next, he tells him that he's thinking about him and the affect of everything that's happened and how he plans to fix it SPECIFICALLY so that HARRY is safer after he put him at risk. He takes responsibility and does whatever he can to make up for it.
And while Remus acknowledged that he was at fault, he also put it off on 'Snape let it slip and I have no choice'.
THEN knowing that Harry was probably wondering about the Firebolt - he tells him what he did. Proving that he's been watching over and caring for Harry even from a distance.
"Ha!" said Hermione triumphantly. "See! I told you it was from him!" "Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?" said Ron. "Ouch!" The tiny owl now hooting happily in his hand, had nibbled one of his fingers in what it seemed to think was an affectionate way. Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather. I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me. I'll write again soon. Sirius
Now, for the rest of the letter.
Sirius explains about the Firebolt and how DESPITE being in prison, he immediately wanted to make up for missing 13 years of Harry's like buying the Firebolt (which is noteworthy because Remus ALSO missed 13 years, and does nothing - and he could've done OTHER things besides a gift like pictures or letters or stories...).
Anyway, then, even though Harry probably didn't even remember that night he ran away, Sirius points out that the FIRST thing he thought of on getting out of prison was to CHECK ON HARRY.
He's been tortured for 12 years and has a mission to get the rat and his priority is check on his kid! And if he could do it - so could Remus. Anyway, he TELLS Harry what he did and what he wanted - just a glimpse to make sure he was okay - and then *apologies* - he's one of the few adults that does.
Then, lastly, he tells Harry's he's been paying attention by enclosing the Hogsmeade slip and ASSURES him that he WILL be writing soon and that Harry SHOULD write to him.
Sirius - I'm here for you, I'll write, you should too.
Remus - Eh, bye I'll see you around.
Harry looked eagerly inside the envelope. There was another piece of parchment in there. He read it through quickly and felt suddenly as warm and contented as though he'd swallowed a bottle of hot butterbeer in one gulp. I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends. "That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry happily. He looked back at Sirius's letter. "Hang on, there's a PS. . . . " I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat. Ron's eyes widened. The minute owl was still hooting excitedly. "Keep him?" he said uncertainly. He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, to Harry's and Hermione's great surprise, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff. "What do you reckon?" Ron asked the cat. "Definitely an owl?" Crookshanks purred. "That's good enough for me," said Ron happily. "He's mine. " Harry read and reread the letter from Sirius all the way back into King's Cross station. It was still clutched tightly in his hand as he, Ron, and Hermione stepped back through the barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. Harry spotted Uncle Vernon at once. He was standing a good distance from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, eyeing them suspiciously, and when Mrs. Weasley hugged Harry in greeting, his worst suspicions about them seemed confirmed. "I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after Harry as Harry bid him and Hermione good-bye, then wheeled the trolley bearing his trunk and Hedwig's cage toward Uncle Vernon, who greeted him in his usual fashion. "What's that?" he snarled, staring at the envelope Harry was still clutching in his hand. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another --" "It's not," said Harry cheerfully. "It's a letter from my godfather. " "Godfather?" sputtered Uncle Vernon. "You haven't got a godfather!" "Yes, I have," said Harry brightly. "He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though . . . keep up with my news . . . check if I'm happy . . . " And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon's face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.
And Lastly, Sirius proves that he thinks of Harry's friends, too, by providing Ron an owl, as well as knowing that Harry's needs his form.
Also, it's worth noting that Harry was so touched by the letter that he kept reading and rereading it AND given that he'd run away after blowing up Marge & what happened with being locked in the year before, it's entirely possible that the Dursleys planned to lock him up again and Sirius gave him an adult that he could use against the Dursley's (WHICH IS APPARENTLY ALL THEY NEEDED TO BEHAVE) - and that means that despite reneging on the whole 'live with me' deal, he still provided protection that Harry desperately needed.
Which is what a PARENT does.
THUS, Sirius is the Proper Parent, the Best Choice, and did the BEST HE COULD DO for Harry, while Remus dropped the ball.
Also, worth noting the differences in the last POA interactions sets up the next few books nicely with regards to Sirius&Remus with Harry. Harry turns to Sirius when he needs someone, despite knowing Remus for more time. He writes to him, he lets Sirius reassure him and support him, he expects him to be there - and he is. Remus isn't. And he never planned or wanted to be.
That much is obvious from the get.
So, in conclusion, Sirius is a GOOD GODFATHER, and Remus can suck it.
This has been properly tagged, so don't come at me, but feel free to discuss nicely.
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I've been dreaming of my First Friend.
In this strange new world, nothing is certain—not even one’s safety.
But through it all, you were with me. Always by my side.
Please don’t leave me behind.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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"Grrr...! This stupid thing won't close," Grim complains. He fumbles with the buttons on his robes, which refuse to be secured.
"That's because you've got two left thumbs... or, more accurately, no thumbs at all," his human companion teases. They crouch down, gesturing for him. "Here, I'll help you."
"Myahaha, that's my minion!" Grim scrambles over on all fours—definitely not like a cat. He's far more dignified than some glorified house pet or familiar.
"You're going to get your clothes dirty if you walk around like that," they scold him lightly as they cinch his robes shut, then dusts him off. They pause, going in to adjust his waistband, then the angle of his cap. "There you go." "All set for your big day."
"Our big day," Grim corrects, nudging them on the cheek with his paw. "We're a 2-for-1 deal, remember?"
"Right. Me and the almighty Grim-sama," they reply with a laugh, poking his little nose.
An ear-splitting sob disrupts the intimate scene. Three ghosts in top hats and gray cloaks sail in—one small, one plump, one scrawny—all wailing.
"I can't believe this day's finally arrived!"
"Grimmy and Prefect, all grown up... Off to tackle Twisted Wonderland head-on..."
"WAAAAH, I'm gonna miss my living roomies!!"
"Hey, hey, what's with the empty nest syndrome, guys?" The prefect huddles with the ghosts. They cannot physically touch, but the same energy is there, their arms lingering where the ghosts’ bodies float.
“Don't worry. No matter the time or place, we'll carry the spirit of Ramshackle dorm with us wherever we go.“ They smile sympathetically. “That means you’ll always be with us! This world, this life… and into the next.”
"D-Do you really think friendships can last more than a lifetime?" one ghost asks through his tears.
"For sure. So please… Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. Can you do that for us?”
“O-Okay,” the trio blubbers and sniffles.
“Geez, you’re all a buncha babies,” Grim sighs, paws on his hips. “C’mon, we’re supposed to be celebratin’ US today!! Like my minion said, let’s see some smiles, yeah?”
“We’ll come see you off at the ceremony the,” the small ghost suggests. The cheer is strained, like he is holding back a torrent of tears.
"The ceremony…” The prefect’s eyes go wide and panicked. “Oh crap, we're going to be late! The headmaster should already be starting his speech...!"
"Not a problem, leave it to this Grim-sama. A teleportation spell's easy as takin' a tuna can from a kitten!"
"Sorry, guys. Gotta run...! We'll see you there?"
Grim expertly clambers onto the prefect's neck, making himself comfortable as a boa on their shoulders. The magestone dangling from his neck lights up, and the duo are enveloped in its glow.
The last sight before they blip away are the ghosts, waving good-bye with wet eyes.
A blink later, the two are among a crowd of students in the same uniform as them. Long robes, graduation caps affixed to their heads. They're lined up behind a stage, the curtain stained the dark sapphire of a night sky and dotted with sparkling stars.
Crowley's voice drones from the other side, amplified by a microphone. A waiting crowd murmurs appreciatively as he crows on about hard work, congratulations, and new beginnings.
"See?" Grim winks at his minion. "What'd I tell ya? Anything’s a cinch with my magic~”
"Great going, archmage-in-the-making. You really saved our butts," they say, ruffling his fur. “Come to think of it, were running late for our first day too… and the sorting ceremony before that. I guess we’re destined to be tardy together, huh, Grim?”
"Heh, you got that right!" He bumped his tiny fist with his partner's. “Let’s keep at it, you ‘n me! Grim-sama and his loyal minion, together forever.”
"Oiiiii! Grim, Prefect!!"
"Oh, that’s..."
They glance up, finding a group of boys making their way toward them in the crowd. One with a heart etched onto his face, the other, a spade. A wolf beastman, another with reptilian eyes and slicked back hair, trailed by a smaller, delicate boy and an android with a head of blue flames. Old friends from the other dorms.
"There you are. We thought we'd missed you." Deuce calls out, looking relieved.
"Idiot, we wouldn’t have missed them—you worried for nothin’. They're first on the chopping block cuz they're sooo special." Ace rolls his eyes. "Lu~cky. You get to show off and hog the spotlight before anyone else does.”
"We um... wanted to come and say good luck," Epel offers. "It's a big deal to have made it this far. Starting a new life in an unfamiliar world and all, it's a lot."
"Thanks, everyone. I really couldn't have made it these past few years without your support."
"Ah-HEM!" Grim coughs.
"... And Grim," the prefect added, scratching him behind the ears.
"This is really it, then." Jack is blunt, his arms folded. "Our last chapter at Night Raven College."
"Hmph! Is that all you have to say?! Surely you can muster up more oomph than that!! Today is not just that--it is the start of the rest of our lives." Sebek straightens, looking rather proud.
"Hmm..." Ortho taps at his chin contemplatively. "You know what? When words are not enough to express ourselves, action may be the next best thing!"
"... Wait, what exactly are you suggesting?" Ace asks suspiciously, an eyebrow raised.
"A group hug! For one final sendoff."
Sebek is the first to protest, his voice cutting through loud and clear. "I refuse!! There is absolutely NO WAY I am engaging in physical intimacy with you humans!"
"Not so hot on the idea either."
Ace and Deuce warily stare at each other. "Not happening," they chorus at the same time.
"Well, if the others don't want to, then..." Epel trails off.
"Guys, shut up and group hug already," the prefect groans, throwing their arms around their friends. Reluctant grumbles round the group, but no one makes an active effort to peel away.
“GACK!!” Grim chokes out, crushed between everyone’s chests. When their bodies recede, he collapses, vision spinning, seeing stars.
“Hahah, looks like Grim got flattened like a pancake,” Ace jeers. “Still got it in ya to waltz on stage after that?”
“C-Can it!! Of course I do!” he snaps back.
The timing is opportune. Right then, Crowley’s speech reaches them, a summons.
“… We will now begin calling up our students to receive their diplomas, starting with Ramshackle Dorm.”
“Looks like that’s our cue, Grim.”
“Let’s get goin’!!”
The prefect steps back and passes one final look to their peers. People from many different places, many different backgrounds. United at last.
They do.
Clutching onto their graduation cap, the prefect races up the steps from the wings. Grim bounding along by their side. Every stride equal against the other’s.
Like shooting stars, they’ve come so far. They can’t go back to where they used to be.
When they emerge from the darkness, they’re hit with bright sunshine and stage lights. Spring is in full bloom, welcoming them with balmy weather and armfuls of flowers.
The headmaster beams from behind a podium, gesturing for them to approach. In his grasp, two scrolls secured with navy ribbons.
Their diplomas.
“Presenting Grim and the Prefect, our special students sharing the spot of Valedictorian.”
Grim squeals, soaked up the adoration. He waves at the audience, flashes silly poses for the cameras. The prefect laughs, prodding him along with their hands.
“Come on, let’s not stall the ceremony for everyone else.”
“One moment.”
A smallish figure blocks their path. It’s a young man with crimson hair and heart-shaped ahoge. He holds out his hand--and the prefect, stunned, takes it.
"Riddle-senpai. You've returned."
"Prefect. Grim." He politely greets them, shaking their hands in turn. "May the Queen of Hearts and her spirit of strictness guide you as you cross this threshold in life. Remain disciplined, and I know you will both achieve even greater things."
Riddle releases, and another seizes their hands. This shake is rougher, looser.
"Congrats, you survived four years at this place," Leona purrs. He wears less of a smile and more of a bemused smirk. "Persisted, like the King of Beasts did."
His duty done, he casually drops them. Azul elegantly ducks in, his grasp firm and tone professional.
"Fufu. What an honor it is to reunite like this. Your benevolence has done much to improve our dear Night Raven College. The Sea Witch would surely extol your generosity."
"Prefect, Grim!!"
Azul steps back with a bow, making space for the next person.
Kalim practically collides with them, excitedly yanking their hands up and down as he chatters. "So good to see you again!! Gahahah, you haven't changed a bit! I bet you're much wiser now though--maybe just as mindful as the Sorcerer of the Sands was!”
Behind him, someone clears their throat. Awareness hits him and Kalim gasps, letting go of the graduates.
"It takes considerable tenacity to arrive at this milestone,” Vil says, clasping the prefect and Grim’s hands in his own. Then, he smiles ever so slightly. “… Be proud, potatoes. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed by the Beautiful Queen.”
He steps aside, allowing a gloomy, hooded figure to replace him. Idia grimaces, shielding his eyes from the lights glaring down at him.
“Tch… Dragged me out here for this,” he mutters, keeping his clammy, pale hands shoved squarely into his hoodie pockets.
A pause—and Idia managed an anxious smile. “GG or whatever. I guess even an amateur can clear hard levels if they’re diligent enough. The King of the Underworld was a noob at one point too.”
(“Is that really the most encouraging thing you could muster?” Vil tuts from the sidelines.)
With that, Idia shuffles off, joining the other ex-dorm leaders.
“Nyahahah, it feels nice to be recognized~” Grim snickers.
“Well, I certainly hope you haven’t had your fill yet.”
A frigid touch comes upon the prefect and Grim’s hands. That voice, like sudden nightfall. They find themselves staring up at a colossal shadow with leering green eyes, scales studding their forehead.
"M-Myah?!” Grim’s fur stands on end.
“Even you came, Tsunotaro!!” the prefect gasps.
“I wouldn’t miss this ceremony for the world,” Malleus smoothly reassures them. “I wished to lend my support to my dear friends and send them off with my blessing.”
He raises his arms to the open sky. Bright blue, barely a cloud in it. Sunlight pouring down, framing the ceremony in a golden spotlight.
“The Thorn Fairy’s utmost value is nobility. As you of the new generation sally forth into the world, let your souls shine as noble and true as her own.“
Uproarious applause rises, cheering and clapping combining into one frantic melody. The flowers blush, swelling large and healthy with color. The sun itself seems to brighten too, the wind lifting in a joyous, effervescent song.
“Waaaah, Tsunotaro made the whole world light up!” Grim cries, eyes sparkling. “Heheh, okay, that’s a pretty good one—but watch out cuz one day I’ll be one of the top 5 strongest, most charismatic mages too!”
“Fufufu. I look forward to that day.”
Malleus bends down, his lips puling back to reveal luminous teeth.
“May you never be apart,” he whispers, so quiet that no one hears. Then, more loudly, “Congratulations. I wish you all a happily ever after.”
“I dunno what you’re goin’ on about, but thanks for hypin’ us up!!” Grim grins from ear to ear. “Today’s definitely… the best day ever!”
“I’m glad of it.”
And may it remain that way, forevermore.
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
Metallic Beauties
Hobie Brown x Spidey!F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, nipple piercings, almost skinny dipping, Hobie being an absolute slut for your nipple piercings, tit biting and sucking, nickname
Summary: After a successful mission together, Hobie wants to show you a ‘new spot’ he found. Which turns out to be a rooftop hotel penthouse, with its own private pool. Hobie convinces you to take a relaxed moonlight swim, as both of you begin to strip you remember that you recently got a new accessory. Hobie not having yet seen your new nipple piercings… you can’t wait to see how he reacts.
A/n: Read a work by @murdrdocs about Hobie with a reader with nipple piercings and I was INSPIRED! Definitely check it out —> link. Also! Hobie has my whole heart… love this anti-establishment British heartthrob.
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You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched Hobie do a series of dramatic poses between each swing on his web. You had just completed a day long mission with the punk, with expert skill and not a single slip up. Even made sure to keep the anomaly contained to an unexpectedly effective degree. You couldn’t help but share Hobie’s excitement.
Hobie was your closest friend on the team, having joined a few months ago, you were seen as a new recruit, not yet trusted… he didn’t see you like that. Due to Hobie’s lack of interest - more like borderline hatred - for labels, you two weren’t defined… merely thought of yourselves to be ‘close’.
Close being, telling each other anything and everything, having each others backs no matter what, you even getting involved in some of his demonstrations he went to, tending to each other - whether for injuries or… other needs. The two of you were inseparable, but undefined. Even though many of the other spider-people just wished you two would just accept you’re dating.
“Oi love, I wanna show you a lil somthin’, a new spot I’ve been hangin at” his words peaked your interest, and you just nod. At that he begins to swing off in another direction, ducking and weaving through a series of buildings. Trying your best to keep up, your curiosity only grows with each swing.
When he finally stops, he’s standing on the rooftop of a hotel. You land next to him and look around, seeing a large pool, a series of lounge chairs, and even a small seating area with a large fire pit. This ‘new spot’ was a hotel rooftop penthouse suite.
“Well… who did you bribe to be allowed here?” Your tone was playful as he begins to walk towards the pool, you following close behind. He chuckles lowly, and looks over at you, hands on his hips. “What can I say… I’ve got connections.” he peels off his mask and tosses it onto the lounge chair behind him.
“It’s not booked” he adds hoping to calm your slight unease. He didn’t need to use his spidey-senses to know that. Hobie had always been an amazing observer, picking up on the way you slightly shift your weight, how your pick at the fabric of your suit, how your eyes glance away every few seconds. It was easy to notice those things… because he often couldn’t help but observe you.
You take off your mask as well, throwing it on the lounge chair behind you, positioned right next to his. As you watch him strip out of his boots, then his vest and shirt your eyes widen. He notices your shocked expression and chuckles with an amused grin. “What? We just did a mission which’l keep Miguel off our asses for months. I’m just celebratin’, love”
You roll your eyes at his words but can’t help but agree. This mission was a pain and the pool looked really enticing. He continued to strip, peeling his shirt off, and unzipping the top half of his suit. You keep your gaze on him, intending to give him an incredulous look but unable to hide the slight awe in your eyes. You couldn’t help it, although you’d never admit it, Hobie looked good in anything… or even in nothing.
He smirks and jokingly remarks “Close your mouth… it ain’t like you haven’ seen me naked before” and he’s right, you’ve gone skinny dipping before, in fact you’ve both gotten naked on multiple occasion. Strip poker, just happenstance when you’re both high as kites, and times when you both agree the heat in your reality is unbearable.
You scoff “Well Hobie… when you’re right you’re right” before removing your shoes, and any clothes you wore over your suit. Then reaching to your back and unzipping your spider suit. As you pull it down you pause, remembering that you don’t wear a bra underneath the suit, feeling your bare back where the strap would be.
Hobie was just in his boxers now, and after putting his things on his lounge chair, he immediately dives into the water, quite elegantly if you say so yourself. You watched his figure under the water until his head broke through the surface. A hand coming up and rubbing his face.
He still had his jewelry on and the now wet metal glistened under the pool lights. They were a soft blue and lined the pool wall, with some additional lights outside of it. You could only stare as his figure was illuminated in a soft blue, reflecting of his face piercings beautifully. You were only able to break away your gaze when he spoke.
“The waters peak love, hop in before I come up there and throw you in” the lopsided grin on his face made it clear he wasn’t joking. You chuckle but then gulp, feeling suddenly vulnerable. Although he’s seen you naked before, you hadn’t yet told him that recently you got a new little piercing. Well… two new piercings.
They were fully healed now but you only got them a week or so ago. Not having yet found the correct way to tell or show him. You knew he wouldn’t judge, but you weren’t sure whether he’d like them. As much as you tried to convince him otherwise, with snide remarks and playful insults, you were nervous what he thought and truly cared about his opinion.
You turn away from him, showing him your back as you finish unzipping the suit and slip it off. When you turn he groans, his voice low “you bloody tease…” and you just chuckle before retorting back. “You bloody perv…”. You finished getting undressed, standing there only in your panties and jewelry, most of which you stole from him,
You placed your things on the lounge chair next to his, which already had your mask on it. As you were folding your suit and clothes, not wanting them to get wrinkled, there was a soft splash sound behind you. You place your mask on top of the pile of clothes and then turn back to the pool.
“If any of my things get soaked I sw-“ Once you turn back around towards the pool, he was gone. Your smile drops and your brows furrow. You walk to the edge of the pool looking down into it, thinking he was under the water. Your spoke cautiously, searching for him “Hobie? Where’d you go?” No response.
You go to turn around and gasp, suddenly face to face with Hobie. “Took too long. In ya go.” Before you can even react, Hobie pushes you into the pool. You let out a soft yelp and before landing in the pool you can see the smirk on his face.
There’s a loud splash as you fall into the pool, slowly sinking to the bottom, you open your eyes under the water and, in blurry vision, see Hobie dive into the water after you. Once again his dive is graceful, managing to perfectly align his body with yours, parallel to one another.
You watch through blurry vision as he glides up the length of your body, feeling his hands slide up your thighs, hips, and stop at your waist. His gaze focused on your face, until, from his peripheral vision, he catches a glint of light.
Even in his blurry vision he can see it’s coming from your chest. He tilts his head downwards, his eyes moving away from your face. They widened as he spots the two small silver beads in each of your nipples. You don’t have to see clearly to know he’s looking at your tits, your face beginning to feel flush at how entranced he appears to be.
You use his haze to swim away from him, his hands sliding off your waist. You take in a breathe as you resurface out of the water, shaking your head to shake off some of the water on your face. You open your eyes and look forward, watching as Hobie’s head pokes up after yours.
You were both standing in the shallower end of the pool, feet touching the ground, only a mere meter from one another. You felt your heartbeat quicken as he stands tall in front of you, feeling intimidated by his figure looming over you. His eyes were focused back on your piercings, now being able to see them clearly.
“Well well well… when’d you get those done?” You shrug, deciding to play coy. You tilt your head and furrow your brows. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at… what are you referring to?” Unable to hide the sly smirk growing on your face.
You watch as he pokes his cheek with his tongue, his eyes looking back up into yours. His gaze pinning you in place, unable to move from where you stand. He grins and let’s out an amused chuckle. “Tsk. Always so coy” His voice was low, but his accent was thick… he knew how you got whenever he spoke like that.
You watch as he moves towards you, a smirk still plastered on his face and his eyes narrowed. “I’m referring to…” you shudder slightly as his hands slide up your waist again, but then go to grope your breasts, his thumbs softly rubbing on each piercing. “These metallic beauties” his touch has you humming softly and looking into his eyes, his gaze lustful… you can only imagine you look the same.
He leans forward, his face now settling into the crook of your neck as he mumbles against your skin. His breath sending a shiver down your spine. “Hm. Isn’t that interestin’. They feel even better than they look…” His hands move back to your waist and, as if you weight nothing, he lifts you partially out of the water.
Recognizing his action, you know what he wants, you can only give in… wrapping your legs around his waist, allowing his hands to move to your thighs to hold you up. His face now directly in front of your breasts. “I wonder how they taste…” those words made your breath catch in your throat, back arching as his lips latch onto one of your piercings.
Your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue began toying with your piercing. His hands grasp tightly at the flesh of each of your thighs, “God… they taste even better” his soft groan sending vibrations through your entire body. His mouth was doing wonders, being so gentle with your bud, but effortlessly driving you mad with each flick of his sharp tongue.
The way he paused before beginning to lay searing hot licks over the entirety of your nipple with the pad of his tongue. It had you taking in shaky breaths. As his lips wrapped around your bud again. you could feel his coy smirk, clearly loving the reactions he was getting out of you. He took the piercing in between his teeth and that one action had you dizzy.
Loving the mix of pain and pleasure he was giving you. He began to move away, sucking at the piercing, his lips pulling away with a soft pop. You let out a shaky moan, barely audible but he heard it. And he wanted to hear more… loving the way he felt your body lightly tremble in his arms. The mere thought that he had this much power over you… it had him hazy and his only focus right now was you.
“You’ve been naughty haven’t you? Hiding these from me…” he moves his lips to your other breast, not wanting to leave it left out. He leans in, sticking out his tongue and softly circling the piercing, dragging a whine out of you. “Should’ve asked me to pierce them for you. Would’ve made them look perfect” he then closes his lips around the second piercing. Teasing it the same as he did the last.
You look down at him, his eyes immediately locking with yours. Your own glossed over with pleasure, his half-lidded, focusing his energy on perfectly teasing your bud. “A-are they not perfect?” You question. Not intending to be playful, but rather serious; genuinely asking him. Wanting to know what he thought, and getting tense at the idea that he didn’t think they were perfect.
“Aw… of course they are love. In fact, they look absolutely fucking ravishing on you” he begins to softly kiss your piercing, before going to kiss around it as well. Leaving open mouth kisses, and soft purple bruises in the process. “I just can’t help but be envious… knowing someone else got the pleasure of piercing them” he then bites at the skin of your breast.
You gasp lightly, your eyes fluttering closed again. Biting your lip as he takes the piercing back in his mouth, speaking against your flesh. “Watching you strip, then being able to praise you for stayin’ nice and still, watchin’ your face contort from pain… fuck darling what I would give to’ve been there” each of his words went straight to your head, making you more dizzy by the second.
“W-well… actually. I did them myself” you smirk and look down at him again. He pulls away from your chest, his mouth falling agape, his gaze locking on yours. A grin slowly gracing his lips. “Well fuck…” he moves a hand up to the back of your head, pulling your head down, crashing his lips against yours.
“My brave little bird aren’t you?” He mumbles against your lips, there’s something about the way he says it that has you whimpering against his lips. The way he calls you ‘his’… even if he didn’t like labels of what your relationship was, your heart sings at such praise from him. You softly nod your head, moaning against his plush lips and then feeling him smirk against yours.
His hand grasped your hair, pulling your lips from his for a moment, looking deep into your eyes, his own filled with desire. But you saw… something new. An aura of possessiveness, of unfiltered want… but what caught your eye the most was the smallest glint of pure affection and admiration.
“That’s you isn’t it hm? My bird… my best bird. All mine.”
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Pairing: Finan x f!Reader
The camp is celebrating a battle that you have won, and while they drink and dance together, you sit by a lake alone. Finan has some ideas of what you could do instead.
Warnings: SMUT - 18+ - oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, fingering, riding, unsafe sex + creampie :D (enjoy) - plus words such as "cunt" are used to descibe reader's private parts. No use of Y/N, only petnames
Word Count: roughly 1.8K (posted to ao3, too)
You have won a battle again. All the warriors are celebrating, feasting and dancing around the bonfire. You had enough of it a while ago, and now you are sitting by the lake alone. You said to yourself it would be only for a short while, but it is not going exactly that way. 
“Is everything alright with ya’?” you hear from behind. You hum as you look up at Finan, who has a jug of ale in his hand. 
“Oh, I’m fine, Finan, don’t worry. I just...wanted a little calm and quiet.” you smile at the Irishman. 
“Ya wouldn’t mind some company, would ya?” he asks, and he doesn’t sit down until you tell him that you don’t mind him being with you. “You don’t have anything else bothering you, right?” 
“Nothing’s bothering me.” apart from maybe seeing so many people happily together, like Uhtred and Gisela, Sihtric and his wife... 
“It seems like something does...” he nudges you a little, and it makes you smile a little. “You should be celebratin’! We won! Feast! Drink ale! Dance! Get yourself a man to hump!” you laugh at his last suggestion. 
“As if there were available men in camp who are not only caring about their own pleasure.” you take his cup and a sip of ale. You didn’t have the best past relationship with men, especially your late husband, who has put himself before you in every situation possible. 
“I know at least one.” he raises his brows suggestively. You stare into his eyes, your cheeks reddening. You know what he means, but you are not sure in yourself. 
“Well, I don’t think he would want to be with me.” you say, teasingly, with a small smile. 
“That is nonsense, half the camp wants to be with you.” he chuckles. “It is irritating...” he starts but doesn’t finish the sentence. 
“What is irritating?” you ask, now hiding away your smile. 
“Listening to them. With the urge to beat each of ‘em up, but I can’t, because we need the numbers.” he rolls his eyes again. 
“Well, none of them dare come close to me. I am sure what you hear are only words, and nothing more.” you say to him, your smile coming through. “Now, this one man you know...you sure he is in that half of the camp who wants to be with me?” you say cheekily, and you are not sure if he is catching on. 
“Oh, I am very sure.” he turns to you, only now realizing that you have been staring at him the whole time. “Very, very sure.” he says, his voice lowering as he leans slowly closer. “Darlin’...” 
“Yes?” you ask back as your noses are touching. 
“May I?” he asks, quietly, only for you to hear, although it is not like anyone else is nearby. 
 “You may.” you say, cupping his cheek as he leans in closer, capturing your lips with his. You giggle into it, his beard tickling you. He gets on his knees, and starts kissing down to your neck, sucking on your sensitive skin, making you moan. “Finan, please...” 
“How do you want it?” he murmurs between shaggy breaths. “Do you want to lay down, and I give you everything, or should I lay down and you take everything yourself?” 
“Both. One after the other.” you gasp a little, pulling him in for another kiss. He pushes you back, so you lay down in the soft grass, with him lying above you. For a few minutes, he is just laying on you, kissing you sweetly, letting you wrap your arms and legs around his body. He himself holds you tight, finally having you all for himself. He grinds down on you, and you feel him get harder through all the clothes. 
He starts kissing down your neck, setting your moans free again. With one hand, he unties your shirt, revealing only the top of your chest just yet, and kisses all over what bare skin he can find. What gets him a little frustrated, is that there are no more knots on your shirt, or buttons, and he doesn’t want to sit you up, as you just laid down. 
“How much do you like this shirt?” he asks. 
“It’s nothing special.” and as you say it, he rips it apart right in the middle, making you giggle a little at his eagerness. It didn’t surprise you at all. He is fast to attack one of your breasts, kissing you and sucking there, while massaging the other, earning more and more moans and whines from you. 
To his dismay, he has to lean away from you to remove the rest of your clothing. He is on his knees, looking down at your bare form. He has to stop for a moment, to keep his composure and keep it slow at the beginning. 
“Don’t you think...you are a little over dressed?” you ask, just before you would shudder from a breeze. Maybe the two of you didn��t think it all through. He gets up, grabbing you and carrying you away. 
“Don’t worry, my tent is nearby.” he says with a cheeky smile, watching out for the others so they don’t see the two of you. You giggle, hiding your face in his neck. He walks fast towards his tent, setting you down on his bed, where you are swallowed by the furs, and a sigh leaves your lips at the warmth. 
He takes off his own shirt, too, and you prop yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at him. It is not the first time you have seen him shirtless, oh no, but this time, it is all for you. He looks deep into your eyes as he starts to untie his pants. 
“Ya like what ya see?” he asks, raising his chin a little. 
“I don’t know, I might have to take a closer look.” you sit up and help him to untie his pants, as he is struggling with it a little. He groans. “I really like what I see.” you smile up at him before laying back and watching him take the rest of his clothes off. Your eyes wander over his body, his muscles, his scars, his thick, hard cock. You swear, throwing your head back. 
He just chuckles at that, then crawls back onto the bed and above you. He smiles down at you as he moves to kiss your jaw, then your throat, and from then on down to your stomach... 
He has his hands on your hips gripping into your skin, but one slides down to feel how wet you are. You gasp a little, then moan as he circles your hole. He pushes a finger inside, not breaking eye contact with you as he does so, then another one. You moan louder with each thrust of his fingers. 
“Come on sweetheart, I can’t hear ya’.” he smirks, latching onto your pussy. 
“Fuck! Finan...” you let out, throwing your head back. 
He works you slowly, moaning at your taste. You sneak a hand into his hair, which makes him even more desperate. You stroke and pull his hair slightly, moving him where you most want him. A chill goes down your spine, and you shake in his arms, making him chuckle. 
“Let it out, darlin’.” he says against your skin, picking up his pace as he feels you getting closer to your peak. You curse and try to close your legs, locking him in place between your thighs. He moans, rolling his eyes out of pure pleasure. He feels like he just ascended into a heaven he will never get into. 
You are soon arching your back, reaching your high, crying out his name. You pant, feeling as your legs give out, with a hand over your lips. He is still licking up your folds, but he is much gentler than he was before. 
“Heavens...” you sigh. 
“That good, ha?” he crawls up to look down at you, some of your juices glistening in his beard. 
You smile then laugh. “Very good, yes. Very good.” you nod, trying to clean his beard, even though you think he looks really good like that. “Can’t wait to have you inside of me...” you say quietly, and he groans, hiding his face in the crook your neck and leaving kisses there. 
“The things you say, you filthy heathen...” you laugh as you push him away and down onto the bed. You straddle him, your wet cunt making contact with his hard cock. You feel him twitch as you slide your folds over his base. 
He sits up, grabbing into your hips. You are on your knees, doing your best to help him guide himself inside you. He kisses you gently, as he pushes inside. You let out a long moan, which he devours instantly. 
You lean away to look him in the eyes. Into his pretty, dark eyes. You smile, giving him a peck on the lips as you caress his cheeks. 
“So handsome...” you say with a grin on your face. 
“Says the most beautiful creature amongst all people.” he huffs out. “Ya have no idea, just how heavenly ya look. If someone said to me ya are an angel, I would believe them.” 
You chuckle. “Give me a minute and you will think of me differently.” 
He hums with a smile. “Perhaps ya are a devil in disguise?” 
You kiss him, moving your hips faster. “Perhaps.” you murmur between kisses. You grab his shoulders for leverage, as you start riding his cock even faster. 
“Oh, fuck...” he moans. He bucks up into you involuntarily, making you cry out his name. He kisses down to your neck and sucks, leaving red bruises all over your skin there. “Darlin’...” 
“Finan!” you cry out his name before you reach your peak again. Your cunt clenches around his cock, making him release his seed deep inside you. 
He holds you close as he rests his head on your shoulder, grabbing into your hips with a vice grip. You pant into his ear, giving him some featherlight kisses. He holds his own lips against your skin, not exactly kissing, but just keeping them there. 
You run your hand through his hair, tugging gently, encouraging him to look up at you. You peck his lips, and he smiles fondly at you. He pulls out and you groan, feeling as his seed flows out of you. He grabs a cloth and cleans both of you off. 
“Everything alright?” he asks as you lay down on the bed and he sits down next to you. 
“Yes, my love.” you smile. “Now, come and rest with me.” 
And he does, laying down next to you and enveloping you in his arms, almost instantly falling asleep next to you. 
The next morning, you let Finan sleep in, and you walk out of his tent, just to be greeted by the other three, who are joined by the hip. 
“I told you so.” says Osferth. Uhtred rolls his eyes and Sihtric tosses silver coins at his head. 
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Celebrate (Marc Spector x fem!Reader, Steven Grant x fem!Reader, Jake Lockley x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! So, I have had this done for a while and just never posted, so better late than never, amirite? And besides, we can all always use more Oscar Isaac and the Moon Boys in our lives. Enjoy! :)
Summary: The boys realize that they've never celebrated your birthday with you, despite being with you for well over a year and you celebrating their birthday. When they find out when it is, nothing will stop them from giving you a birthday for the record books.
Warning: Fluff (established couple with all the Moon Boys, super sweet affection, kisses, a very important question), angst (negative emotions about birthdays), implied smut
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 3,348
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Steven, Marc, and Jake love you. They loves everything about you, from how you talk, to how you have a ‘lucky’ something for every category of item you own, to how big your heart is. But there is one thing about you that particularly irks them.
In the year and a half that you have been together with them, they has yet to find out when your birthday is. For all they knows, they could have missed it twice! Hell, you’ve remembered theirs twice and have done incredibly loving things for both.
They have tried everything—Steven even tried to sneak a peak at your license once, but turned out to be in a different wallet. Steven only knew his lack of knowledge wasn’t by virtue of him not trying extremely hard, because Marc and Jake couldn’t find out either.
Jake enjoyed playing around with the fantasy that you were a secret spy or assassin who stepped away from the action to lead a normal, quiet life. Steven and Marc were ready to quickly dismiss it when they remembered that they served as an avatar for the Egyptian God of the moon. In all honesty, there was a chance that Jake could be right. 
“Did you know that in Ancient Egypt, Pharaohs didn’t celebrate birthdays on the actual day?” Steven asks as he hands you a dish from the suds. “They celebrated their coronation day since it was when they were born into the role of ruler.”
“Interesting,” you respond as you use the towel to dry the plate.
“It’s a bit sad, though, innit? That other people didn’t celebrate their birthdays. It wasn’t a common thing.”
“Well, I mean, I guess people make a big deal out of birthdays and place a lot of pressure on them. Maybe the Egyptians had it right.”
“But it’s an important day, you know? Someone fantastic was brought to the world, that’s worth celebratin’.”
You have a feeling you know what he’s getting at. You choose to remain quiet.
“You’re worth celebratin’, (Y/N).”
You feel tears sting at your eyes, and you suck in your bottom lip to prevent yourself from crying.
“Why haven’t you told us when your birthday is?” he pleads softly.
You dip your head and shrug. “My birthday . . . I don’t know,” you mutter. “I have a lot of mixed feelings about it, and I don’t know how to say them without sounding whiny.”
Steven tilts your chin up with a sudsy finger so your eyes lock onto his.
“We’re all ears,” he says tenderly.
You let out a sigh, but Steven’s finger refuses to let your gaze leave his.
“No matter how old I got or whatever new friends I made, my friends and colleagues and even my exes always forgot my birthday. I always made it a point to remember theirs, get a gift, a card, whatever, because—it’s the friggin’ day they’re born! And then I always had these small, wistful expectations there’d be something done for me like a surprise, but it was always nothing. Once I got into my college years, I’d have these hopes and expectations of what I’d have done by that birthday, and most of them never came true. My ‘have a first kiss’ goal was deferred for eight years until I was 25.” You close your eyes and give your head a little shake. “I’m just always disappointed by my birthday with other people and myself. Never a real reason to celebrate.”
Steven dries his hands and wipes away yours tears with the pads of his thumb as he pulls you in for a loving hug.
“Will you tell us when your birthday is, love?” Steven whispers into your hair. “Please?”
Unable to resist his tender embrace, you tell him the date, and he pulls back to scan your face. “That’s Thursday,” he states.
“Yeah,” you nod. “It is.”
You don’t expect him to cradle your face in his hands while he kisses you deeply. “Boy, do we have some idea’s stewin’ in our brain,” he beams as he gives you another kiss. “And you know what? Since I missed it last year, you’re gonna have a half-birthday celebration that is gonna knock your knickers right off of you.”
“My knickers?” you laugh, your hurt feelings quickly leaving your body.
Steven whistles and moves his hand like a plane to emphasize the absolute absence of panties you’ll have before he hops up and rubs his hands together in excitement. 
“Oh,” he says as he holds up a finger. “This is why we couldn’t figure out your birthday, right? You’re not secretly a spy or assassin?”
You laugh at the implication, the sadness rolling off of your body. “Jake’s idea?”
Steven nods. 
“Well, I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you, and I’d hate to ruin that pretty face of yours. And then there’s the issue of getting rid of the body, and we’re on the fifth floor—.”
“See, I know you’re jokin’, but part of me is actually a little spooked right now,” Steven says.
“No, hon. I’m not a spy,” you giggle, moving to kiss his cheek and push his curly hair back. “Sorry to disappoint Jake.”
Steven breathes a sigh of relief and dips his head as you hold onto him. "Oh, thank the gods!"
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You’re vaguely aware of the shifting on your mattress as you continue to enjoy a cozy slumber under the comforter with your head on the pillows. After a bit, you feel another shift on the mattress along with the warmth of another body whose smell you know all too well. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” Steven whispers with a gentle kiss to your cheek.
You let out a tired moan as you roll into Steven’s body, wrapping an arm around his middle and burying your face into his chest as you try to pull yourself back into a deep sleep. 
“Come now, I’ve made you your favorite. And I have a nice big mugga mornin’ Joe with your name on it,” he encourages.
You unbury your head slightly, looking up at him with still heavy eyes. He smiles as he looks down at you, kissing your forehead.
“I knew if the kisses didn’t do it, the coffee would,” he chuckles.
As you sit up in bed, Steven twists his torso and places a breakfast tray on your lap, presenting you with waffles, fresh cut fruit, and veggie sausage.
“Thank you, hon,” you tell him, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Anythin’ for the birthday girl,” he hums, placing a kiss on your neck that sends goosebumps throughout your body. “I still wish you could’ve taken the day off.”
“Trust me, if I didn’t have these big meetings, I’d probably just stay in bed with you three.”
“Don’t give Jake any ideas—he’d find a way to make those meetings cancelled,” Steven chuckles, stealing a strawberry for himself. You know there’s nothing particularly aphrodisic or phallic about a strawberry, but watching Steven’s lips move around the red fruit and how his tongue licks away the juice sends your head spinning. Steven catches you looking at him and smirks. “Yes, love?”
“Oh, nothing,” you blush as you move to take a bite of the waffles in front of you.
“Mm, likely story,” he hums as he licks his lips once more, bringing his lips to your pulse point for a chaste kiss.
“I don’t know that I’m gonna be able to finish these, hon,” you chuckle as you take a closer look at the stack. “You made eight?”
“I’ve seen you devour a stack of waffles with no issue before.”
“Yeah, on a weekend where I don’t have to go do a full day of work later.”
“Then lucky for you, I am here to help,” he smiles, stealing your fork to snatch a bite of waffles for himself. “Bloody hell, I’m a good cook.”
We continue to sit in bed and eat the fluffy breakfast food until you have to get ready for work. As you fix your hair in the bathroom, Steven takes care of the dishes; he finishes drying them as you move from the bathroom to put on your clothes. As you slide on your sweater, Steven shuffles into the bedroom.
“Let me walk you to work today?” he whispers as he lifts out the hair tucked into the collar of your sweater. 
“I want to say yes, but then I wouldn’t want to go in or have you leave,” you respond just as quietly. “Especially after a morning like this one. It’d be the bed predicament on the sidewalk.”
Steven brings his lips to yours slowly as you wrap your arms around his waist. The kiss is tender and lazy, much like how you wish you could spend the day with one another. Steven lets out a defeated sigh as his lips part from yours, resting his forehead against yours.
“Text me when you get there?” he asks as his fingers play with your hair.
“Of course,” you tell him. "Love you."
Steven hands you your purse, letting you adjust it on your shoulder before he places more quick kisses on your lips, murmuring a "Love you more," as you attempt to make it out the door.
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“What?” you chuckle as you put your purse on the table by the door. Jake is leaning on the kitchen table like a puppy that needs to be let out.
“I can’t wait for my girlfriend to do part two of her birthday?” Jake smirks as he suavely moves over from the wooden surface and meets you at the door, his hands on your waist as he plants a passionate kiss on your lips.
“And what would part two be, exactly?” you smile as you bite your lip, keeping them just out of reach of his so you don’t spend the rest of the night making out in the kitchen—although, you wouldn’t be opposed to it.
“I can’t give away all of the details, mi corazón. Now, go to the bedroom, put on what’s laid out, and then we’ll go to part two.”
You smirk at him and scrunch your eyebrows playfully as you try to figure out what he has planned. You do as he asks, nonetheless. Lying on the bed, you see a beautiful sky blue satin dress with an asymmetrical hemline and silver strappy heels. You slide on the dress and it fits like a glove—so much like a glove, you can see the line of your underwear underneath the fabric. Lightly chuckling to myself, you slide off your panties and take off your bra. Usually, you’d be opposed to going full commando, but when you see yourself in the mirror, everything looks better—the dress was made to be worn on your body without undergarments. You slide on the heels to finish off the look and quickly comb your hair to revitalize it from the day. When you meet Jake back in the living room, he licks his lips and smirks as he looks at you, giving you bedroom eyes as you move closer to him.
“Now will you tell me what we’re doing?” you coo as you run your hands up and down his chest.
“No,” he smiles as he pulls you in for a searing kiss, squeezing your ass for scientific reasons, you’re sure.
“You’re not wearing anything underneath this, are you?” he breathes against your lips.
“Not a stitch,” you hum as you move his hands off your rear, taking a step back and opening the door with your things in hand. “Lead the way, Lockley.”
He gives you a bedroom smirk and mutters a string of Spanish curses and erotic notions under his breath—something about not realizing how sexy you’d look and what he’d rather be doing to you.
“Don’t worry, babe, I think all of you boys will be able to do those kinds of things later,” you assure him as you pull him down by his tie for a kiss. “Patience is a virtue.”
“Not when vice looks as good as you in satin.”
Jake captures your lips in a passionate and lusty kiss that still maintains an air of chastity to it—his mind on the mission of the surprise, but his heart veering towards your shared bed.
“Come on, cariño,” he rasps as he takes your hand and leads you out of the apartment and down the stairs.
“I don’t even get a hint?” you try again as you walk along the sidewalk.
“Tell me what you think we’re doing.”
“Really? Twenty questions on my birthday?”
“Play along,” he chuckles.
“Fine,” you sigh dramatically as you lace your fingers with his. “It’s definitely somewhere fancy?”
“Is it, though?”
“I’m dressed to the nines. I don’t see how it can’t be somewhere fancy.”
“Or I wanted to show you off.”
“Okay,” you say, processing Jake’s cheeky remark, thinking of all the possibilities. “Well, dinner would be too obvious, so it clearly can’t be that.”
“Clearly,” he chuckles. “Come on, cariño, I thought you knew me better than this.”
“Ouch, gut punch!” you say, poking at it side. “I’m still thinking. You are an expert at being sneaky, I’m trying to process my options.”
“Well, you should come up with one soon. We’re almost there.”
Knowing the area, you scan through all the storefronts you can bring to your mind, when something clicks with your ensemble.
“Jake Lockley, are you taking me dancing?” you hum as you look over to him, his eyes sparkling in the dim London light.
“It took you long enough to figure it out,” he chuckles as he guides you to the left into a little courtyard that is all done up where other couples are waiting to start the lessons. “We’re gonna put those hips of yours to a different kind of work. Just for a short while, at least.”
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“I’m sorry I don’t have anything fun or culinary up my sleeves,” Marc says as the two of you walk hand in and through the quiet park, the path lit by beautiful old street lamps.
“You don’t need to apologize for anything,” you tell him. “I know how much effort you all put into today. It’s nice to wrap it all up with dinner and a little stroll.”
A gentle breeze begins to pick up, and Marc immediately shrugs off his bomber jacket to place on your shoulders. You want to protest, but you love having things that he wears on your body—the warmth form his frame, the smell of his skin and cologne, the silent gesture of love.
“Thanks, baby,” you tell him softly as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Did you have a good day today?” he asks, matching your tone. “I know you mentioned your meetings—.”
“Yeah, the meetings from hell,” you sigh as you roll your neck, the mere thought of them bringing tension to your body. “Not only could they all have been emails, but they were ridiculously long and were so unproductive that we knew less by the end than we did at the start. Debbie led both.”
“Oh no, not Debbie.”
“Mmhm. Don’t get me started with that one.” You let out a long sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. “But it’s all worth it, because I get to come home to an amazing system of men who love me.”
He rests his cheek on top of your head. “We love you, too, baby.”
“How about we go home and take a bath? Wind down from the day. Get naked and wet together.”
“Mm, two of my favorite adjectives.”
“Maybe we can add some other adjectives you like to that mix,” you chuckle, lightly checking his hip with yours.
Taking a turn off the path of the park, you hop on the sidewalk and make the short walk back to the flat, snuggling close in the old elevator as it drags its way up to the top floor. 
“You want me to put on a kettle for tea or coffee or something?” you hum as you unlock the door, tossing your keys into the dish as you make your way in. “Or are we going to save all the warm water for—what are you doing?”
In your living room, Marc is perched down on one knee, a little open box in his hands as he looks up at me with his rich brown eyes.
“We were actually gonna do this next week,” Marc starts, his voice soft, the edges brimming with emotion. “But we thought this might be a really great way to end your birthday.”
“Baby . . .”
“(Y/N), I don’t think I need to begin to tell you how much we all love you. If I did, we’d be here for a hell of a long time, I’d loose feeling in my legs from the knee down, and you’d offer to help me walk over to the bed, just like how you are always there to help me and Steven and Jake with whatever comes up. You see us as whole people. You make us feel whole. You have the biggest, most caring heart that a person can have, and you love so selflessly . . .” Marc sniffles and furrows his brows as he tries to keep his cool. You take a few steps toward him, kneeling down and wiping his tears away with your thumbs. 
“Marc,” you say softly, his name on your tongue dripping with emotions.
“We can’t imagine our lives without you in it, and we never want to,” Marc continues. “Will you marry us?”
“Of course,” you practically sob, wrapping your arms around him and holding him tight. He holds you back just as firm, neither of you saying a word. Marc is the one who eventually breaks the embrace, moving to take out the ring out of the box to slide it on your finger slowly.
“It’s a pink sapphire, but it looks purple, and you love purple—,” Marc starts.
“—and gold jewelry looks so lovely on your skin, cariño—,” Jake continues.
“—and it’s a vintage settin’ so there’s no ill-environmental effects,” Steven finishes. “Happy birthday, my love.”
“You guys are sure?” you sniffle, your teary eyes frantically scanning their faces. “Are you sure you guys love me? That this is what you want?”
“Mi corazón, where is this coming from?” Jake asks softly, brushing tears off of your cheek. “Of course this is what we want. We’ve never felt this way about anyone before. We only want you, amore.”
“It just doesn’t feel real. It feels like a dream.”
“It’s very real, love,” Steven says, gentle hands on your shoulders as he leans forward to place a sweet kiss on your forehead. “And you already said yes—there’s no take-backs.”
You let out a wet laugh as you move back in to kiss Steven—he always knows just what to say to bring a smile to your face.
“Well, I guess if there’s no take backs.”
As Steven leans forward to kiss you again, and you feel distinct shift just before we part, and you’re met once more with Marc.
“Is it still a yes?” he asks carefully.
“Of course it’s still a yes. I’ve got the three best guys in the world—why wouldn’t I want to make it official?”
Marc smiles brighter than you’ve ever seen in your life. He leans forward to kiss you once more, his arms wrapping around you tightly and picks you up, much to your surprise. The two of you continue to kiss as he walks you to the bed and lays you down on the mattress, only briefly parting from you to brush some stray hairs off of your face.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he whispers, his forehead resting on yours, allowing you to feel his eyelashes brush your cheeks. 
“I love you all so much,” you whisper. “Thank you for choosing me.”
Marc gingerly kisses the tip of your nose. “Forever and always.”
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