#we can do daily fish pics
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unriding · 7 days ago
every few months or so i am struck with such a strong urge to get a pet fish ):
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hwajin · 2 years ago
☆°. — silly boyfie things | skz
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genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
note: i haven't posted headcanons in ages and this was SO much fun to fabricate omg hope you like it 🫶🫶
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he would FIGHT with you over the check after you went out for dinner. like literally FIGHT and not budge when you propose to pay yourself, because you feel bad that he always, always pays for the both of you. you think you smarted him out when you invited him for dinner calling for you to pay but he has his wallet ready the moment you finish your food, telling the waiter the bill is shared and having his money out faster than you can look — it nearly enrages you every time, but he tells you he genuinely enjoys paying, doesn't mind it and wants to do it, so you have no chance other than letting it go (even if reluctantly).
he's so annoying he thinks it's PEAK commedy to say "no" to every single favour you ask him only to do it seconds later. OR saying no and waiting, actually not doing said favour and waiting for you to get annoyed until he'd nudge and end up doing it after all. giggles as if he's the funniest mf like he enjoys seeing you being annoyed so much. acts like this in front of friends and in public in general as well, ALSO cringes sm when you show him affection whenever on a get together though the moment the two of you are alone he literally won't be able to keep his hands off you. like he pretends to be so disgusted when you even as much as touch him in public, and the moment you're alone behind closed doors he's slouching onto you like a koala.
omg you can't tell me that he didn't invent the "no you hang up first" 😭 like you'd be coming to the end of a conversation (often while he's on tour or smth tho he literally needs to hear your voice every single day so he calls you like whenever he has a minute even of free time) and at some point he's like "aight hang up 🥰" and you play along and hit him with the "no you do 😆😝" and the quarelling goes back and forth (jokingly on your side, in ALLLL seriousness on his) and at some point you say goodbye for real and hang up AND YOU CAN BET THIS FUCKER CALLS BACK like all pouty and actually slightly upset that you had the audacity to hang up??? and you're like someone has to at some point we can't have an endless phone convo??? and he's like why not do YOU NOT LOVE ME???? yeah you get it.
bro this man NEEDS him to be your lockscreen on your phone. like it's an actual need of his or else he's gonna cease to exist he thinks. like you're obviously his wallpaper (both on his lock AND homescreen) so when he catches a glimpse of your phone and you dare to have just a random pinterest pic as your lockscreen, one you've chosen mindlessly altogether he RIOTSSSS. pouts as if his life is depending on it, clutches his heart as if it's gonna stop any minute, gasps and side-eyes you as if you straight up cheated on him. takes a selfie RIGHT that moment (it takes him a while because he both can't decide whether he wants it to be cute or sexy, and because he wants to look good either way) and sets it as your lockscreen instantly. checks like daily to see if you've changed it (if you did to tease him he LITERALLY is moments from breaking up with you).
he sends you pics of ugly looking animals with a 'you' attached to the message. like even if it has no resemblence with you altogether. like it'll be a fish, a whale, a bird, a funny looking dog and their all attached with 'you'. and like he finds it so funny even if you never react to it, in fact finds it SO hilarious that at some point he will send you pics of literally ANYTHING he sees ever — like furniture, tools, random fucking street lamps, you name it — with a 'you' attached to it and CACKLES as if he invented comedy himself. the bright side to it, he takes this to the romantic level and shoots pretty pics of flowers and sends them with the same 'you' attached to it, or pics of the sky, or of a particularly bright star. so maybe it's not that annoying after all.
he causes his friends to tease you because he literally can't shut up about you. like every single thing you do he even slightly adores (which is, every single thing period, tbh) is being reported to his friends because he's just so in love with you he has to get the words out or he'll combust :((. like you'd maybe get him a little gift, smth small about stuff he's interested in lately, or these "i saw this and thought of you" gifts and he presents said gift to his friends as if it's an artifact of love itself, and the next time you're over they're going at you, teasing the shit out of you because tbh, they've teased felix so much already for talking their ears off that they need another victim. you basically never stop blushing when around them, hearing constantly just how much your bf talks about you when you're not around (and you'd lie saying you don't like it).
bro just straight up leaves you on read except when your text contains something of advantage to him 😭😭. like you haven't seen him in a while and want to catch up a bit? he reads the message and responds like 5 hours later ("we've seen each other yesterday, you can't possibly miss me enough to talk again"). or when you send him random tiktoks or shitposts — opens and reads them and then doesn't ever bother to even leave a like 😭. though the moment you hit him with a text like "running to the supermarket, you want anything?" he's responding the same second and you grow salty every time, wondering why you put up texting him in the first place.
pretends to be jealous like a LOT. like the first time he'd be actually jealous, going fresh into the relationship with insecurities still gnawing at you and him and when he confesses you reassure him, making sure he understands there will never be an occassion on which he needs to be remotefully jealous, even. and after that he simply pretends to be, for shits and giggles and to piss you off. like you talk to the barista for your order? how could you even look their direction omg. you send a quick text to a friend while out with him? how dare he's not the single most important thing in your life rn. you tell him about a dream that didn't involve him? breaking up with you this very instant. can't stop himself from giggling at his one if a kind humour while watching you grow annoyed every time anew.
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@happycandynoelle @es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut
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crossstitchbossbitch-blog · 10 months ago
So I talk, like, a lot. I was speaking in full sentences before 12 months old and, as my family said, I "never shut up since".
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Through my teen years I learned to emulate the voices of my favourite bands so I could sing along (The Living End, Green Day, Stray Cats, Nine Inch Nails, Reel Big Fish, The Clash, Rancid, My Chemical Romance, Mustard Plug, [Spunge], Fall Out Boy, Papa Roach, New Found Glory, Nekromantix, The Meteors, etc.), and they were all male-fronted. There were only a couple of bands or a couple of songs with female singers that I liked (props to Dance Hall Crashers, Deadline, No Doubt, The Distillers and Horrorpops).
Such was the state of popular alternative music in the 2000s.
I had a father with short man syndrome, and the way folks got respect in our family was through being the loudest and most aggressive.
I attended an all-girls grammar school and all I wanted to do was differentiate myself from the shrill catty posh girls who were quite mean to my friends and I on a daily basis. As we got a bit older and our goth-punk-emo obsessions could be let out in outfits to wear once we started going out drinking and clubbing, me and my friends were not far off this pic:
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Men and boys seemed to have a lot more gravitas and commanded more respect from the general population. I joined the air cadets and discovered I had to be more monotone, macho and masculine than the boys in my squadron in order to be heard.
All this meant that I modulated my voice pitch quite low.
Now I'm going through a journey of unmasking my neurodivergent self and I am trying to be more sociable and get over myself. Cultural norms have moved on and I've matured to the point to realise that no one really gives a shit what you wear or what you look like.
Some of this means making an effort with folks at work and talking to them, but my voice is loud and low, I have trouble filtering myself so swear a bit and generally my reactions like bursting out laughing or making noises of acknowledgement are loud too.
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On Friday me and my team got told to be quiet because some random woman in our open plan office wanted to concentrate. She isn't senior to us and prefaced her comments with "Can I be a bitch" which just makes it worse, because she knew she was being an asshole.
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It made me super pissed and I really did have to stop myself from telling her to fuck off. I am BAD at modulating my voice pitch and volume due to my neurodiverse traits and now I'm spiralling looking at how to voice train myself to be soft and quiet and sweet and feminine so I don't get shushed again.
She was not given permission to be a bitch.
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coridallasmultipass · 2 years ago
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I (temporarily) conquered my anxiety and depression and went to a feather tying class with my tribe! This class, we started the foundation of what will eventually become a "cux" ("kookh") headdress! The feathers will be splayed out kind of in a way similar to how I'm holding it for the pic, otherwise, it's just a long line of tied feathers. This is awesome, because I have some really culturally important feathers to me, and now I know a way that I can attach them to a cord. (I missed the first round of classes where they learned individual feather tying, or I would have brought mine for that.) Traditionally a cux would have black magpie and crow feathers, and then an accent of white, but these were what was able to be provided for the class, so it's definitely not as dramatic and formal as tradition, but still very cool and important to learn with. (Also, being a fiber nerd, I notice we're working with cotton yarn, which is not traditional at all, but will thankfully be much longer lasting than any grasses that were traditionally used.) So yeah, hopefully my anxiety and depression aren't as severe next week when we finish, because I had to load up on medication before I even entered the building, and was still shaking with anxiety when I sat down. 🪶 (If you didn't see my story from yesterday. Well. My fish died. And I'm just not okay at all because I already deal with severe grief on a daily basis, and this just brought it all out again (fuck March, I hate this fucking month), ESPECIALLY because my care and documentation of care for my aquariums is meticulously logged, BECAUSE of my anxiety. I think she was possibly eggbound, but there's no way to know, because sometimes fish just die, and I didn't have time between noticing the symptom till her death to even research how I could help her release eggs. And I keep looking at her empty tank, expecting to see her. Uneaten pellets are still sitting on the top of the glass from when she refused dinner the night before. It's depressing and anxiety-inducing and I don't know what to do to make it ever stop.) 🪶🪶🪶🪶 #n8v #native #ndn #indigenous #chumash #feathertying https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpwn69JOIdQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2b-or-not2b · 3 months ago
What do you look like without the makeup wig contacts eyebrows. & no filter. Please.🙏🏾 inshallah.
LOL. Generally, I leave messages to the effect of these alone, but the phrasing and the anonymity of this was too oddly specific to seem innocently enough(you could’ve respectfully asked what I looked like in a natural state, even though respectfully it is none of your business. Whether you may believe it was phrased with “good” intention). And it appears that I have time today, so a brief but not so brief presentation of some of the items you included 🥳…
I get so many messages on here on the fact of that I use filters. If you go through most of my photos they have a filter. In most of my tags, this is apparent with a ‘Snapchat’ tag. Based on the culture of today, I’m not the only one who uses a filter and I find them to be fun and exciting. My persona on this app has nothing to do with me irl. While I upload solely pics from snap here, I have no problem using my portrait mode for people who see me on the daily. I don’t have an insta or most apps, so I still use snap. In full transparency, filters generally slim my face a little and smooth my skin. I think I also love the different snap effects. With PCOS, my face shape and fullness fluctuates anyways so it’s whatev tbh. Also, more than a filter goes into a photo, lighting and angles are also important.
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Brows literally frame your face, but filling them in generally just adds depth and darkness. It’s not a huge, huge difference (even though I crash out and I’m ready to throw up if my eyebrow lady mess them up). I do my makeup with one side of my face first, so here’s a comparison:
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I’m forever getting messages on here about my contacts, so I’m happy to address this. I have no issue at all with my eye color. I feel like my natural eye color eats, and is so beautiful. My favorite feature are def my eyes, because not even trying to seem arrogant but my eye shape imo is what makes my eyes beautiful. The allure of my eyes is solely due to the shape. My natural eyes imo give such a sultry effect. I wear color contacts simply because of the positioning of my iris. Looking forward, my iris sits higher up leaving a huge portion of sclera underneath. It gives the appearance that I have strabismus, when I don’t. Like it looks slightly off, and makes it seem like my eyes have difficulty focusing. If a color contact matched my iris but had the same diameters of a colored contact, I would prefer to wear that anyways tbh.
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I’m not gonna yie… my forehead is huge af and if I could pull my lace to my nose, I would 😘. I love wigs because I can literally switch up my look with little effort. The man that God has ordained for me will literally feel like he has 5 different girls in one based on the switch up. And he will love me whether I am in my Meeks or not. I can literally go buss down, middle part, bob, blonde, or side. Not to be messy, but if you go through my tags, I definitely be switching it up. Like do you not get how I have the ability to play with my hair as much as I want. I love my natural hair as well, but I am too lazy to do it. I do believe that energy transference when it comes to hair is very real so I don’t let anyone else do my hair, and it’s def not a talent of mine so wigs it is. I literally just slap my wig on and go. Best part of my day is removing it and chilling in my bald cap. And trust, there’s only one man on this app, I would respectfully let wear me out, and based on the phrasing of the message, you’re not him babe. But he could def pull my braids on a good day 😭😩.
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Makeup is my hobby. Makeup means a lot to me. A lot of y’all solely look at makeup as cat fishing or means to be a completely different person. My makeup collection cost $$$ and I won’t even get into that. I will say on a regular day, the cheapest thing on my face is my $27 brow pencil. Makeup is an art, no matter how much some people will think otherwise. I wear makeup because it’s expressive. I don’t go into Sephora or Ulta, cashing out because my goal is to make somebody’s lame son’s peen hard. I do it to push my skills. I do it for the compliments from the girlies that would literally have me geeking and blushing and cheesing for days. My connection to makeup has nothing to do with male validation and never will. If I had a dollar for every time someone said something about my preference for makeup, I would just go buy more makeup. I genuinely love makeup. It makes me happy, so no other opinion matters. 🫶🏾
SB: Please forgive my lifting lace, I was obviously complaining about it lol. Also without makeup, at times I appear younger. Recently, my makeup obsession is becoming more of a skincare obsession, but last time I checked it’s my money and that’s how I like to spend it. I don’t recommend policing people on how they spend their money. I hope whatever your hobby/passion is that you’re cashing out as well ❤️.
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Now, I am unsure if your message came from a good place and it was just conveyed wrong. It felt slightly shady imo. If that wasn’t your intention, I deeply, deeply apologize and you can disregard the following!! I would say, a lot of the people on this app does eye pass me and it’s staring to rub me the wrong way. I’m always supporting other people and trying to be as polite and radiant as possible on here. Me and my wigs, contacts, filters, and makeup literally just mind our business, so I have no clue why people who don’t personally know me are always so inquiring. I come here to be myself, literally stay in my own lane, reblog things, and go. Anon messages that aren’t compliments or positive are hugely unnecessary to me. It was nothing to say: Do you have a picture with no makeup? How do you feel about your natural hair?, etc. I see some of the anons on here for others that are absolutely horrible. It’s irritating that some people can be so hateful or “bored”. Some of y’all def need to stop and think about the possible magnitude of what you have to say. You don’t know what it takes for some people to even post pictures of themselves. Some of y’all genuinely don’t like yourselves. The projection and one-sided relationship inappropriateness on this app can be really unsettling. A lot of y’all don’t have boundaries nor home training. I could never find it in my heart to send someone a message that feels like an attack on them or makes them reflect on their looks, purpose, etc. I have so much mutuals on here that are so uplifting and literally gems, and based on the decision to be anon, you’re clearly not one of them. (Also, again there’s only one man on here that I would let … 😮‍💨 lol ). Also, I put in mad work giving y’all a blog that y’all can genuinely reblog and like. My pictures imo are not the winning factor or reason that mutuals on here like me and bond with me. I feel happier receiving messages that someone likes my blog over than liking my picture. Furthermore, tbh I have NEVER once sent someone an anon message once within my 13+ years on this app because I can say everything I have to with my chest and fabulous tits. So simply to say, you don’t know me personally. Worry about you and please don’t send anyone else on here another anon like that. Socially, your phrasing is way off. Hope you have a great night 🫶🏾.
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umichenginabroad · 9 months ago
Classes, routine, and...a giant puppy?
Week 2
So far, it's been a busy and eventful two weeks here in San Sebastian! I've met a lot of people, gotten accustomed to my way around town, and have started to settle into my routine for the next 8 weeks. This post will mainly be dedicated to my university schedule and daily life (but also some fun tidbits from the week thrown in as well).
School Life
Since my program is a research internship, I'm here for a longer period of time than others. Up until this point, a group from Penn State was also here taking a 2 week design class, so a lot of the activities we did were with them as well. I'll be starting my research at some point this week because as of Friday, we just completed our Introduction to Research course. The course went over the basic principles of research methods, data collection/analysis, literature review, intellectual property rights, and more (you get the gist of it). For each lesson, we would have a different professor come in to teach it. I liked the way this was set up since it was helpful to get introduced to other members of staff from the university, along with having people we could contact later on for advice or resources. Class was everyday starting at 9am-11am, then a roughly 15 minute coffee/snack break, resuming from 11:15am-1pm. We would mostly have plenty of time to finish assignments in class, whether it was a hands-on coding lab or a short presentation to do. The schedule was another thing that I liked, since class ended in the early afternoon and we would have plenty of time to rest, explore the downtown, go to the beach, or go with the peer mentors to an activity they had planned. From the hotel where I'm staying, the walk is decently nice! I enjoy going on walks and this one is a comfortable 15ish minutes, which compared to walking across Ann Arbor's campus, isn't really that bad at all. I have some pics of the journey to class, and notice that the sidewalks are made entirely of tile, something that I thought was neat:
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Also, the weather kinda fluctuates during the day. It can go from being really rainy in the morning to being bright and sunny by the time class ends (much like our beloved Michigan weather).
Before class, I eat breakfast at the hotel since we have this included with our housing. It's buffet style, so a wide range of options, and there's a cook who you tell your order to after choosing from what they can make (pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, etc.). Below is an example of a typical breakfast spread.
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For the first two weeks, lunch has been included at the university's canteen. After class ends at 1pm, we take our lunch ticket to the cafeteria and can choose two dishes along with either a dessert, yogurt, or fruit. Everyday the options change, but usually there's some type of pasta, fish dish, meat dish, salad, or beans/soup.
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Featured here are some ribs, a vegetable rice dish, vanilla pudding, and fries on the left. On the right are some fish empanadillas, a strawberry yogurt, and fries. From now on, lunch and dinner are on me. Because of this, I have my next topic that I wanna talk about:
You won't find a typical Walmart or Meijer in San Sebastian; those types of places aren't really a thing here. Instead, smaller markets are the way to go. One of the first ones that I went to was called Todotodo Spar, and it reminded me more of a 7-11 but with a wider variety of products and fresh fruits. It's the type of store you would go to when doing some small shopping, like picking up a few items (in my case some conditioner since I forgot to bring some). On a larger scale, Super Amara is an upgraded version of that. An equivalent would be a Kroger, but the products sold are more of fresh/gourmet produce. It's all very reasonably priced, with a meat, cheese, and fish section, along with selling things like cosmetics and household stuff too. There are also a lot of independent fruit/vegetable stand shops as well. These are dedicated just for that purpose, but have to be eaten within the week because it's super fresh. I ended up buying a quarter watermelon from one and it was easily a top tier purchase. If you want the freshest of the fresh, go to a place like Más que fruta!
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~ live, laugh, love, watermelon ~
NOW, onto some things I did this week so bear with me here we're not done yet. I surfed? Partially. More like got thrown around by the waves and a lot of seawater in my stomach. Still very fun though and would try again! Took a day trip to Bilbao for the Guggenheim museum. I keep trying to think of how to describe it and the words that come to mind are unique, eerie, odd, interesting, and puzzling? Modern art isn't exactly my favorite thing, I find it intriguing for sure and to each their own but there's much to ponder about in those exhibits. One of the larger exhibits featured spirals that you could walk through and it really made me feel like I was wandering through an acorn. It was also a little trippy. You're probably wondering what I meant by puppy in the title of this post, well here's your answer...
Say hello to Puppy, the guard dog of the Guggenheim!
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and here's a guest star appearance of me from another exhibit which felt like I was inside of a christmas ornament.
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Enough yapping from me, hope you enjoy following along with my adventures!
In the wise words of a shirt I found at bershka, "Full inspiration today, periodt"
Emily Dobao
Biomedical Engineering
IPE San Sebastian, Spain
June 2nd, 2024
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christina-thebarber-yogi · 1 year ago
Hey y'all!! I know it's been a while but I'm back with more new year new me bs. I am not doing the 75 hard challenge this year. Instead I'm doing the whole 30 elimination diet. I won't be posting daily body pics but I'll post some food pics and all that. I meant to start with the updates sooner but here we are. I'm on day 8 and it feels like day 80. I "practiced" a little bit before the new year and I felt like I could do it....
For those who aren't familiar with the whole 30, participants basically cut everything out that is known to cause inflammation and cravings, a reset, if you will. What is eliminated is added sugar (all sources except fruit juice which is weird to me but whatever), alcohol (I haven't drank since before the challenge last year anyway), white flour (pasta, tortillas, pizza), dairy (I don't like it anyway), grains (rice, oats etc), corn (I guess it's also a grain), beans, diet soda, basically anything that makes you feel like 💩. However, it's quite meat heavy for me. I like eggs but I don't want them every day. I prefer oat milk to almond milk especially in my coffee. It's only 30 days but I think fish is making me bloated and gassy. I've tried several kinds (since I'm not buying snacks on bogo now and can afford it) and most have caused me gastrointestinal distress. I don't want to eat chicken every day but nuts and seeds only take me so far without lentils and quinoa and rice to bulk up my diet. I love fruits and vegetables and I really ate eggs sparingly (and they come from the fancy farms and all that) to begin with and very little meat. There is a plant based version that I might try after the reintroduction period. I miss overnight oats with date paste and chia seeds and walnuts. My boyfriend just came in the room with a bag of chips ahoy and I want one. My daughter has been making homemade chocolate sauce and she puts very little sugar in it but I still can't try it for 20 more days 😩
It's not all terrible though. I sleep better. I don't wake up with yukmouth. My clothes have gotten a little looser. My joints hurt less. I. Cook. Everything. So not going out to eat or grabbing a coffee has saved me the money I need to get the best of what I want to fix so that I'll actually want it and the people in my house who share it with me don't complain that it's not good. I'm waiting on the boundless energy that I was promised. I'm waiting for January 31st so I can have an oatmeal pancake and some lentils and rice and grits and maybe even pizza (vegan pls). I'm waiting on these Tums to kick in that I don't feel like I should red by now. Anyone else doing this?
The pics are of my last meal of 2023 (lions mane mushrooms over polenta with microgreens) and my first dinner of 2024 (before I smashed it it was roasted chicken and sweet potatoes, garlic kale, romanesco and purple cauliflower)
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year ago
大家好! Once in awhile I like to switch things up and, given the current global unrest, it's time to replace what used to be viewed as stable. Posts usually began with an exercise photo; similarly, we viewed daily nutritious meals as the most fundamental human right. As global tensions rise to bubbling levels, this is something I don't take for granted any longer. So for the rest of 2023, I'm celebrating food because chi de bao, shui de hao (to have a good meal and good sleep) is a luxury to many nowadays; exercise pics will be back in a coupla months, or by 2024.
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How aesthetic is yong tau foo even without fancy plating. There's no need for artsy fartsy dividing of a cherry tomato into 3 when vibrant colours take centre stage. Flavour is the name of the game, whether it's due to the freshness of the vegetables or the expert way tofu, vegetables, meat, seafood and fish are turned into culinary works of art. Paired with rice or noodles, yong tau foo gets my mouth juices working overtime every single time! This is a dish locals rely on whenever we wanna eat something nutritious and tasty.
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This week, I tried braised seafood noodles. The QQ strands were perfectly complemented by crunchy shrimp, clams, taupok (bean puff) and roasted peanuts; veggies wise, there were choy sum, cabbage and flower mushroom. It was so delicious that I returned the next day to try their white bee hoon (rice vermicelli). Essentially, it was the same dish, except stirfried bee hoon replaced braised noodles as the carbohydrate. Between the 2, I prefer the braised noodles, but both were excellent!
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These days the most frequent laments I hear are 'Standard has dropped' at popular food establishments. Overall inflation is falling but dining out is much more expensive than it used to be; skimpflation/shrinkflation and possible price gouging remain rampant. This week, I'm praying for a ceasefire in Gaza. If the unrest widens in the Middle East, not only could more civilians die needlessly, oil prices may spike as a result of supply chain disruptions and inflation may soar. As if life isn't hard enough already!
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I disagree with the narrative that anyone who doesn't support the massacre of Palestinian civilians is pro-terrorist. My country already condemned the attack against Israel but 2 wrongs do not make a right. I'm also extremely supportive of a ceasefire and 2 state solution so that conflict ends, hopefully once and for all. This is what I pray for, out of love for mankind, because wars only worsen suffering. In many countries, food insecurity has worsened.
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How can I be evil when all I'm doing is love? I don't buy that narrative at all. 下次见!
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gertlushgaming · 1 year ago
Call Of The Wild The Angler Review (Steam)
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For our Call Of The Wild The Angler Review, we play a game from the creators of the Hunter: Call of the Wild comes to an open-world fishing experience! Relax and unwind at your favorite spot or explore the beautiful great outdoors with friends as you embark on the journey to become a master angler.
Call Of The Wild The Angler Review Pros:
- Beautiful graphics. - Download size. - Steam achievements. - Full controller support. - Apex Connect integration. (optional) - Graphics settings - monitor, resolution, window mode, v-sync, graphics preset, resolution scale, motion blur, anti-aliasing, anisotropic texture filtering, SSAO, texture detail, shadow quality, geometric detail, vegetation detail, global illumination, volumetric fog, depth of field, screen-space reflections, and water detail. - Multiplayer settings - on/off, cross-platform, player names, activity reports, player join/leave messages, and fish caught messages. - Accessibility options - brightness, accessible cast (one button casting), reeling input type, rod tracking strength, strike sfx, strike indicator, vibration, trigger effects, boat assist, camera shake, field of view slider, crouch toggle, unit system, and subtitles. - Controller and keyboard settings - Invert the axis and sensitivity sliders, and you can rebind the controls for both. - Fishing gameplay. - Plays in first person. - You get to drive a jeep and boat each with three views. - The reserve is called Golden Ridge Reserve. - Many many Collectibles from lore to flowers, trees, and Big Foot sightings. It's weird but it makes sense.. Ish. - 21 fish species and they all have rarity assigned by size and type. - Earn EXP for catching fish and getting the Collectibles, discovering new areas, surveying the land, etc. - Watch towers have a survey spot that triggers a flyover and fills in the map with question marks for key locations. - Fast travel points throughout the map. - Day and night cycle. - Multiplayer is when you join a server and then you can see and interact with other players, Get notifications on what they are doing, etc. - Clayton Johnson is the reserve warden and will give stories, lore, and such. He moves around the reserve. - Sophia Taylor owns the shop and here you can buy equipment and clothing accessories. - Daily and weekly missions. - Beautiful looking reserve. - You can place your own waypoints and markers. - All fish are returned to the water. - Over time you can have waters fill in with fish details on the map. - Ride creator where you can choose the rod, the type (spinner/float), reel, reel wire, and any bait. - When catching a fish you earn exp for every piece of the rod you are using. - Catching a fish will bring up a pic of your smug-looking avatar holding his fish and on the side, it says all the details like fish caught, rarity, size, weight, and what equipment you used. - Full stats menu. - Your handbook fills in with fish caught, and all Collectibles are split up into categories. - The journal houses all collected missions and events, you can track/u track them at will. - The jobs board shows all available missions and events. - You can freely walk and run around the reserve or use the vehicles. - Easy to read Hud. - Reeling in a fish requires balancing out line tension, adjusting the drag, etc. - Float fishing has a focus button so you can zoom in and even see the fish. - You can adjust and set so much of your casting from how high the hook sits or the size of the hook. - If you so wish you can just go out and fish and still get leveled up and buy new gear. - Play how you want. - You can photo-bomb player's pictures. - Three types of fishing - float, lure spinning, and jighead spinning. - So relaxing and fun to play. - You can collect items when in a vehicle. - No fall damage. - Your fish are your fish, other players cannot scare or take your fish. Call Of The Wild The Angler Review Cons: - You cannot change the time of day. - The friend's integration is nothing but being in the same instance, no events or warping to each other. - Cannot skip the survey flyovers. - Doesn't offer stands for your rod or rods as multiple rods deployed would be awesome. - You cannot move once you have cast. - Fish information is only available on some of the water spots. - Doesn't offer weather types. - Not sure what the point of the Ranger is and why I need to know has moved to another point on the map. - The driving is horrendous and with no 3rd person view it is very much a vomit comet. Related Post: Mystic Gate Review (PlayStation 5) Call Of The Wild The Angler: Official website. Developer: Expansive Worlds Publisher: Expansive Worlds Store Links -  Steam Read the full article
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watermelonsnwonders · 2 years ago
If I compare two places on earth, I will compare the forest and the ocean. Because it is the most similar two, places natural habitat on this planet. The scarce demand for its well-being is as important as our own lives. How do we have to depend on its well-being as similar to our own health. Protection of its environment is as important as our own surroundings.
Since the fact is I have never seen outer space in a meterial way, i can't understand how it would feel to step in space. Even if there are so many millions of pics,videos, and so on, I have not seen outer space, which is why I can not compare my imagination. However, it is the most amazing place that I gaze at night. The sun during the day and the moon chasing its way keeps me wandering how it protects itself from outer space harm.
Meanwhile, the ocean I have been in, living in and eating on it every day. Then the forest I have seen and we are all living, in and been in and eating from. The diversity and the different kinds and species of fish, animals, and creatures lurking and luring everywhere keeps our eyes entertained. It is one reason why I love the ocean so much. An abundance of joy just as if a newborn baby gives its parents. They are the place where our hearts go when we need to heal. A harmony that connects to our minds and bodies as we wander beyond our imagination. If our souls feel this connection, then we are able bodies that can think and connect to our future wellbeing.
These two places we need and we can not live without. If this is our situation, why do all respected people just try to destroy our natural habits and habitat. Why do you want to touch artificial stuff when nature has so much. I don't mean a cute car or a nice shelter for a family. It's more than the said luxury. It's how much we extract from them to make these luxury things on a daily basis. If we keep doing this, are we not able to restore those touched plants and landscapes or the ocean and rebuild or plant back the hollow we created. There must be ways to fix what we do. Our hearts must have mercy on the destruction and fix what we destroy.
I'm saying all the toxic and the radiation. There is so much life in our ocean and forest. They are our nature and the truth. It doesn't stumble on our heads like the city does. It's where we feed on. Have everyone not been sleeping that we keep exploiting them to only feed ourselves. How selfish. How selfish. Nature will only give not destroy us. That's why we are alive, we understand, we are so greedy. We can not be selfish to the everyday suffering of millions of people. The universe is speaking to us.
To be continued.
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sixeyesgojo · 4 years ago
Pictures of You
Summary: prequel to I’ll Be Your Enemy - fluffy!
Characters: IBYE!Reader, Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara
Word count: 2,3k
Content warning: none
A/N: requested by @thecaptainsbride
If anybody got the reference Gojo made when he was late; congratulations, you have been successfully hurt (but this time it was not me).
Since I left the relationship between Gojo and the reader up for interpretation in IBYE, I will do the same here! Consider this piece me trying to mend your hearts <3
Taglist applications open for anyone who is interested!
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“A trip to an amusement park or something like that doesn’t sound so bad,” you mused in front of Satoru. “It serves as relaxation and maybe the first-years can get closer to each other, you know, bonding and so on. They will see each other many times from now on, so getting along with each other is important,” you reasoned, your eyes almost sparkling from the thought of a day off.
“But Jujutsu Sorcery is an individual–” he began.
“Satoru, I think you should see this as vacation. A vacation where you can eat sweets until your teeth rot and absolutely nobody will hold you back,” you interrupted him.
“Okay, I am sold. Am listening now.” You just knew how to convince him. Sweets.
So that was exactly how the first-year students and you ended up at a fairground somewhere in Tokyo; it was quite neat, not too small but not too spacious either. None of you could get lost in it. Still, it was buzzing with life and all kinds of people mingled. The colorfulness was a refreshing sight to take in, compared to the dark world of Jujutsu Sorcery where seeing people suffer was your daily routine. The pleasant smell of food wafted through the air, making your mouth water, as you walked past the different booths with them. Waffles sounded like absolute heaven on earth right now.
Jujutsu Sorcery certainly was a draining sport, mentally as well as physically. Therefore it was only right to take a break at times, right? Self-care days were just as important as working.
In order to wind down a bit, you had suggested a one-day trip – just you, Satoru and the three first-year students you had adopted in your mind right away after meeting them several times.
“Sensei, you look very pretty today!” Yuji complimented you. Even Megumi noticed: “Did you have a haircut? Your hair seems a little bit shorter.”
“Yeah, Nobara had a field day with me. Cutting my hair.. or more like trimming the ends, choosing my outfit, doing my make-up and so on just for today,” you gushed as if you were a high school girl again. “Leave it to master stylist Kugisaki Nobara and nobody will ever look bad,” the brunette girl commended herself. Yuji was affectionately patting her on the back.
Undoubtedly, Satoru was late – nobody was surprised about that. You already went ahead and generously treated the trio of students you loved dearly to some food.
“Thank you for the food, sensei!” As usual, Yuji and Nobara were in perfect harmony with each other, seemingly sharing a brain.
“Thank you very much,” Megumi also expressed his thanks sweetly. If you hadn’t known better, you would have thought the way his lips seemed to twitch was unintentional. “Absolutely no problem, kiddos. You guys enjoy it while I try to contact Gojo-sensei, yeah?” you shot them an apologetic smile, already fishing out your phone. The three of them nodded in perfect synchronization. They’re as cute as little ducklings, you thought.
You didn’t even need to bother calling.
You were about to dial Satoru’s number on your smartphone when Yuji’s voice boomed, “Oh! There he is! Gojo-sensei, we are here!!”
The boy waved at his teacher.
Satoru immediately spotted the pink-haired student and skipped over to where you all were standing. “Sorry for the wait! I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life!!”
“Nice of you to finally join us, but sadly, the fun is already over and we decided to go home. Just wanted to call you to let you know! We’ve been here since morning,” you deadpanned as the white-haired man arrived, looking Satoru dead in the eye – if they weren’t covered. “Wait, wha– Hold on, I am very sure I am not that late. MY MOCHI?” Satoru sounded frantic, facing his students who just shrugged their shoulders. “Serves you right,” Megumi stated calmly. Nobara, being the sassy girl she was, also joined in, “Losers don’t get to have fun and that’s a fact.”
It was such a wholesome and funny moment for you to see the students playing along with your prank without being told beforehand.
You broke out in laughter, not being able to contain it any longer, “You should have seen your face, dumbass! I was just joking!”
“Phew, I almost thought I had to kiss the idea of eating sweets today goodbye. What a horror that would be, my day would be OVER this instant,” the blindfolded man pouted, “so where should I buy my sweets? I’m gonna buy the entire place anyway, but where do I start? Any suggestions for Great Teacher Gojo?”
“Hold up, Satoru! We gotta take a picture together to commemorate this special day!” you suggested, bouncing up and down with enthusiasm. “I swear I just saw sensei’s eyes sparkle but I might be wrong,” Yuji remarked, looking at his dark-haired friend for confirmation.
“Sensei, if you want to take a picture, we have to take it at the right angle!” Nobara chimed in, the secret Instagram influencer in her on full display. She continued to explain, “It would come out great if Gojo-sensei took the pic, long arms privilege and so on.”
The female student almost seemed more into it than you were, it was adorable to you to see the usually bold student be this into taking pictures.
You hand the tall man your phone, but not without shooting him a “if you drop my phone, I’ll make you drop dead” look.
“Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation,” the male teacher commanded loudly. Upon hearing that, Megumi immediately slapped his hand in his face and turned away in embarrassment. Why was this man like this?
“...Ladies?” Yuji asked, the expression on his face screaming ‘confusion’ “Gojo-sensei just referenced a Beyoncé song, Itadori,” the dark-haired boy explained in a hushed tone, turning back slightly as if he did not want to get caught.
“And it’s not just any song!” Satoru happily chimed in. “Yes, yes, the good old Formation,” you added, nodding in satisfaction. You remember how you showed him the album when it dropped.
“Can we all just ignore Gojo-sensei and take our pic?” Nobara inquired as she shoved everybody into their respective spots. “Alright, everybody, smiiiiile for the camera. Say cheese!”
Click, click, click, click.
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Finally, Satoru had gotten his share of sweets. Complying with his sweet tooth was always an effective way to calm him for some time. Almost like feeding a baby, in a way.
Now it was time for fun rides!
...or at least that was what you thought… until Satoru dragged you along to ride a freaking pendulum ride with him. The three students had managed to talk themselves out of stepping foot on that monster of a ride but Satoru didn’t even give you a chance to refuse, he simply gripped your arm and walked towards it.
Stopping only when you were already standing in line, you nervously eyed the metallic behemoth with its iron arm. The monstrosity was seemingly ready to make you throw up from the way it would spin you through the air repeatedly, going back and forth and back and forth again. Why did you have to do this?
“Satoru,” you called his name timidly and tugged at his sleeve, the strange feeling not leaving your gut, “do I really, really have to do this?”
“Absolutely! I promise it will be very fun,” Satoru replied with a signature grin you wanted to wipe off of his face at that moment.
No, it was not fun. At all. You were dizzy and your fear of height was kicking. The blasts of air hitting your face left, right and center were not helping at all and you were sure, if anybody took a picture of you right now, you would look horribly green.
“I– can’t do this anymore!” you shouted mid-air, right before the ride swung to the other side. The force knocked the air out of you once again.
“SATORU, PLEASE GET US OUT OF HERE!” you begged and squeezed his arm with an iron grip. The height was too overwhelming. “Mid-ride?” Satoru asked and you nodded frantically. “Now that’s what I call reckless! Sounds like fun. I’m in!” he declared with a grin.
“Domain Expansion: Infinite Void.”
That was the last thing you heard the tall man say before he touched your head with his large palm.
Your eyes widened in horror as you realized this man used his domain this recklessly, for fun. Maybe it was a side effect of being able to use it multiple times a day.
The infinity gently wrapped itself around Satoru and you. Almost movie-like, you watched as the entire, vast universe beautifully unfolded in front of your eyes. Each star being created separately, then abruptly flashing by as a sea of stars – as if you were in a wormhole. You perceived the entire domain within a flash of a moment, yet tasted eternity in it. Everything but nothing at once.
Despite being touched by Satoru himself, the sensations weren’t without merit. If this was how it felt to be in the safe space of Satoru’s touch within his inner world of Limitless, you would rather not fathom how it felt to be the one hit by this powerful domain.
It took you some time to process things and recollect.
“When I said I wanted you to get the two of us out of that thing, I didn’t mean ‘send me to your domain’,” you scolded him.
“Well, it was convenient,” he defended himself and you could almost hear the grin on his face, “Bet you’ll hate me after this though.”
“Hating you was never really an option I’d ever consider but okay, we’ll run with it this time. Now undo your domain, please, while I am asking nicely.”
“Your wish is my command! This time at least.”
“Satoru.” A stern last warning fell from your lips.
“Yes, yes, boss. On it.”
“I thought you said it’ll be fun but I am absolutely not riding that thing ever again,” you took deep breaths to calm down as your feet securely touched the ground again. Your legs were still trembling a bit.
“And it was fun! At least for me! I like seeing you struggle – it’s so funny – and the way you clung to my arm? Adorable! You are so tiny compared to me, like a bug I could crush between my fingers!” The annoying sorcerer laughed merrily.
“Gojo fucking Satoru, the only thing that is about to be crushed here are your balls. With my leg. You are very lucky to have that damn Infinity of yours or else,” you threatened.
“Ouch, you really do know how to hurt an invincible man,” he snickered and flicked your forehead lightly.
Rejoining with the students was easy as they all saw the barrier Satoru’s domain created.
“You are lucky there was some kind of show going on down here. That barrier above would have freaked people out if they weren’t distracted,” Nobara said, looks shooting daggers at her weird teacher. Innocent and as nice as ever, Yuji pitched in as well: “Yeah, Fushiguro also tried to distract children with their wandering eyes! I think he did a good job.”
“Okay but what did he do though?” you asked curiously and looked at the boy in question.
“...Shadow puppets,” Megumi slowly admitted, looking anywhere but at the people in front of him.
“Oh? You love your foster-dad-turned-great-teacher this much to embarrass yourself out in public? That’s new!” Satoru teased the poor boy. “Someone has to be the voice of reason around here or you’d all be in jail. That includes preventing civilians who are able to see curses from seeing you use Jujutsu while floating mid-air,” he justified, ignoring the tall teacher’s mockery completely. 
“As much as I love slandering Gojo-sensei, I’d rather spend my day actually having fun,” Nobara pitched in, reminding everybody of why you were here in the first place.
“So, let’s go ride the ferris wheel!” she added excitedly.
More fun rides.
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Before you knew it, the day passed by. You could already feel the heaviness in your legs from walking. The swirling feeling from all the rides boded in your chest – you probably would not be able to sleep well tonight. It was definitely worth it though, you thought.
You had already brought the students back to their dorm – Satoru had ran off to the school because he remembered he had to do something – and were on the way home yourself.
You were in some sort of trance, completely immersed in your phone, so you hadn’t registered when Satoru called your name until he gently tapped your shoulder, falling into step with you.
“Yeah?” you looked up to Satoru, snapping out of your train of thought.
“Just wanted to tell you; ‘Operation: Relaxation Day’ was a great success.”
“I’m glad to hear that, Satoru.” A genuine smile graced your lips and for a moment, he softened at the sight.
“You know what? It was amazing, I really should start listening to you more often,” he confessed with a smirk.
“Well, it’s thanks to your amazing power of persuasion that we got to spend it like this, so thanks for today,” you half-heartedly complimented him.
“You do know I only said we’d not be available today and then dashed, right?” he asked you, the usual playful tone lacing his voice. “Exactly what I meant by saying ‘your amazing power of persuasion’.”
“I think I’ll frame the picture we took,” you murmured softly, fondly looking at the screen of your phone. The picture from earlier was displayed on your homescreen.
Surely, you would hang it on the blank wall in your home as well. It was a personal treasure now.
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Taglist (dm me if you wanna be added): @assbuttbaek​ @megumifushi​ @bleueluna​ @gojos-mochi​ @delammi
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finchleaf · 4 years ago
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howdy! sorry i've been away for so long; i've been visiting family here in turkey but i'm gonna try to start this blog back up :) for now it'll mostly be journal pics
24th july - would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
honestly? maybe a bit shorter. i feel like the days tend to blur together during summer break and not having school to focus on seems to make my mental health even worse :/ anyways! i'm very excited for senior year as you can tell haha
answering the rest down below!
1st July - What are your plans for this summer?
lots of traveling, working as a camp counselor in august, makin some sweet sweet money to save up for college, playing the new sims expansion pack (!!), and hanging out with friends as much as possible before schoolwork begins to bury me alive again :)
2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
i want to study really well for my sat in late august!! (i’ve already made some great progress) also i want to get a lot of college app stuff out of the way (write some more practice essays bc i don’t like my current one, get my letters of rec in place, figure out my major, etc)
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?
ooo ok we have to read a book and write an assignment for it for ap lit this year (except i think we start that once we get back to school?). also i need to do a bunch of summer hw for ap calc, but that’s pretty much it! and then i have a job for 2 weeks in august (as mentioned above hehe)
4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?
probably college app stuff ahhh don’t want to even think about it anymore
5th July -  Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
traveling to turkey to see my family!! staying in a couple of villas (there’s a lot of us!) and then my grandma’s old summer apartment for ~5 days
6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
going to turkey! a lifelong tradition since i was a lil baby :) last year we couldn’t go so this year’s extra special. also my first time doin a summer job!!
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
^^^ same as above haha
8th July - What’s your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
ooh probably one of the many from my grandma’s little summer apartment here. i have an 11 yo cousin so we share a lot of memories like running to buy our anneanne her newspaper in the convenience store downstairs, finding fish underwater at the local beach, staying up late gorging on magnum ice cream bars :)
9th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
10th July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: doesn’t have to be a summer vacation)
oooh one time after flying into istanbul to stay with aforementioned cousin and my aunt, we all traveled to london for about a week! i loved that so so much, we never could really afford to go anywhere else for vacation so that was super memorable for me.
11th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
swimming with my family in oludeniz, (called “blue lagoon”) a super pretty beach area. we swam to a little island and then jumped off its cliff :)))
12th July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
oh god ok vomit tw for this one but one time my aunt, cousin, mom, and i traveled back to istanbul after staying at my grandma’s in ayvalik and we had to take a boat for a couple of hours. everyone on the boat (and it was a big one) for some reason started vomiting everywhere. i was i think the only one who wasn’t sick so it was hell haha
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
like a month-long roadtrip around france!!!! i’ve wanted to go there since i was in elementary school
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month?
definitely travel cross country omg
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
bayram!! bayram is sick you get money for kissing the older people in your family sjfdsjj
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
renting a villa with the entire family!
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
at home, i usually wake up anywhere from 7am to 10am, take my dog for 2+ walks, read a ton, and avoid work ;)
18th July -  How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
it’s pretty tough! i’m hoping to study daily in my town’s library for my sat once i get back home in august. i think that’ll be pretty handy!
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
oh outdoors there’s no ac here so we’re constantly heading over to the beach
but at home in the us, probably indoors
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
nOOOOOO i love any season/month that allows me to wear sweaters and pants, so obviously i’m not a big fan of summer
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
oh hm i’m not sure... most of the women in my family always wear bikinis when we go to the beach and i just really hate them? idk haha
also i think summer camps are kinda weird but that’s probably because i never went to one as a kid
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
rather cool in the later afternoon. i also love how it smells there-- lots of freshly-cut lawns, grills constantly being used, the hydrangeas in our backyard
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
oh huh it can get reaaally hot midday so it would be nice if it was a bit cooler 
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tartagliaxx · 4 years ago
i too dont know shit about skating colleges, but i have more facts
Monstadt: They have so much air conditioning and heating like your hair is always in the goddamn air because of the force of the heating/air conditioners. They also have a lot of drinking parties, Diluc being the bartender usually and Kaeya being the loud drunk person
Liyue: The amount of paperwork you have to do basically on a daily basis is terrible. Yanfei is one of the main organizers of the events theyu have. They also have really good food, and their lighting is perfection, its the best out of the campus, its always working (unlike Inazumas) and the lighting is very photogenic
Inazuma: Power outages. And every single time it rains or storms, the power will go out no matter how light the storm was. One day, Aether was walking in the area and the power goes out and he starts panics, Beidou and Kazuha just sigh, "dont worry, you'll get used to it."
Sumeru: They have vines and plants everywhere. They have a courtyard in the middle with a shit ton of plants and they also have a huge greenhouse. The plants are also very well taken somehow, and they grow vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse :D Sometimes you'll see some people chilling in the greenhouse just eating apples at 4am
Fontaine: They have the cleanest water out of the building, all the drinking water fountains have very clean and filtered water, its never dirty. They also have a water fountain (the waterfall ones) in the lobby of their section.
Natlan: Heating goes brrrrr They have barbecues often in the kitchen and in their courtyard. They also have an outdoor kitchen where people can do those fire tricks on the grill/stove
Sneznaya: AC goes brrrr. Always cold. Once you enter their practice skating rink, you'll see your breath very clearly. They also eat a lot of fish and other seafood.
(ill just name myself cold anon here) - cold anon
OH. OH BIG BRAIN. since they are technically diff clubs, there’s deffo some tension but when other colleges come, they all act like ‘you can be rude to them because only WE can be rude to each other.’ like, sure they’ll mock the inazuman’s for their shitty electricity but sumeru members are always willing to offer their rink like that one time ayaka was going to participate in a championship and she cant practice well enough w the lights flickering on and off like a murderer’s about to pop out in any second. ye… just them sharing facilities bc yknow.. only each other can beat each other. oh and liyue’s deffo everyone’s hub. like their rink would be up in the mountains so everyone can just mind their own business. when they’re taking pics for forms and stuff, they climb all the way up to do it there. the more outgoing people hang around mondstadt and ‘party’ during weekends and after competitions, right before they go home, they all drop by natlan to celebrate and they grill meat bc they probs wont need to be so strict w their diet for a while. sigh, love <3 oh and aether and lumine are an ice dance pair and they’re transferees and they’re looking around trying to figure out which club to join so they have participation rights w every club for the time being 👀
also, welcome cold anon!!
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olivereliocorcordium1983 · 4 years ago
Summary: "I will try it on for Oliver. If Oliver thinks I look like a scarecrow in it, I'm not wearing it." - Elio, (call me by your name) basically what would have happened if Oliver had stayed instead of going to see his translater. XD
(got inspired by a pic on @charmied and my muse hit here is what became of it! Enjoy! ❤️)
The sun was particularly hot that day at the villa I was sitting outside with Elio and his family relaxing at the breakfast table, when I had heard Elio say something that caught my attention. More specifically caught me off guard as I was thinking about meeting my translator for the day and going over my book that evening. 
“I will try it on for Oliver. If Oliver thinks I look like a scarecrow in it, I'm not wearing it.”  
“Wait hold on! What? Why am I being roped into this and show me what?! “
I keep totally silent for a second until Elio catches my attention, and I just give him a look as he says, “Oliver? What do you think?” his eyes are hopeful.
“Why does he care what I think?”
I look at Annella who gives a soft smile and I quickly say, “What time you got?” grabbing Elio’s wrist, turning it in my hand so that I can look at his watch and he gives me another look that wishes for me not to go. Or is that irritation upon my multiple times of leaving? I can’t tell, either way this situation makes me nervous and I don’t trust myself. 
“Two thirty.”  Annella replies for Elio, before she puts her cigarette to her lips, all knowing smirk on her face. 
I watch Elio disappear into the house after that, practically running as fast as he can to get away from the table. 
‘I shouldn’t follow him, I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t.  I’ve been good, I haven’t done anything to be ashamed of… yet.’
I have been so good up until now, I have kept my distance from him not giving into the thoughts that come to my mind. My feelings about this boy have been kept to myself and the fear of them, make me nervous yet, it is no secret that I want him. But he doesn’t know that. 
‘Don’t follow him. Don’t…. Oh what the hell sate the curiosity before it’s too late. Besides, you have plenty of time.’ 
“Welp later mrs P.”  I reply giving her a closed mouth smile. 
“Later.”  she replies and as I head into the house, jogging lightly  I can feel her eyes staring at my back the entire time while I go and search for Elio. 
Once inside I look around and search for the professor I look into the kitchen, the study, the hallways, I even poke my head outside again just for good measure, and he isn’t anywhere to be found. The only person I find is Mafalda taking care of the fish Anchise brought from his daily catch, she looks up at me expectantly as if to ask  “can I help you?” and I just smile, backing out of the room and then I hear yelling coming from upstairs.
It’s the professor’s voice along with Elio’s petulant whine and I can’t help but head towards the staircase, my shoes giving off soft taps as they hit the floor, I place my hand on the railing and look up debating on whether or not I should go up and see what’s wrong.
“Papa! It will look up like a put up job!”
“No misbehaving tonight! No laughing. When I tell you to play you will play! You’re too old not to accept people for who they are! What’s wrong with them?”  
There is a pause and I slowly decide to ascend the stairs slowly, sliding my hand up the railing. The argument doesn’t sound like a full on angry fight like shouting but clearly pro is trying to make a point, I can also hear the sound of things being shuffled around, like hangers being dragged across metal. 
“What’s wrong with them? You call them Sonny and Cher! Behind their backs and then you accept gifts from them!”
“That is what mom calls them!” Elio shouts back a soft laugh in his voice and I shake my head slowly, as I stop at the top of the steps that lead into the hallway to the room I am staying in. 
“The only person that reflects badly on, is you. Is it because their gay? Or because they’re ridiculous?”
Elio is laughing by this point and all I can think is that if it was me, my father would have smacked me. No conversation at all just full on smacked. But I can’t help the snickers that come from my mouth that I muffle with the back of my hand, as I come closer. 
“Now get into this you.” and that was the last of the conversation and I move to the side as the professor comes out of the room, he looks at me and he shakes his head softly. I give him a look of comfort shrugging softly as I watch him move to my left to go back down the stairs, the sound of his shoes echo in my ears. 
I walk slowly to the bedroom door and gently knock once, twice, and then I open the door and step into the room, the sight that I see makes my eyes widen and my mouth goes dry. 
Elio is standing in front of the mirror with what I assume is the shirt in question on backwards with a fallen, almost frustrated look in his eyes as he finally notices me standing there. A blush comes over his cheeks and he looks away from me, ashamed almost from not being able to figure out how to put it on as I sit down in his chair at his desk. 
“That’s quite the… um... look you got on there, Elio. It’s-”
“Stupid. It’s stupid. I knew this was a bad idea, I shouldn’t have never-” He shakes his head, his soft curls bouncing around with the movement, his eyes welling up, his nose turning pink, he grabs the shirt and is about to pull it off when I suddenly reach out and stop him with my words. 
“Elio, come here… please.” 
‘What are you doing?! You said you wanted to be good! This is NOT being good!’ 
Silently he walks to me with his head down, slight pout on his red lips and all I can think about at that moment is wanting to kiss him. To taste his lips with mine, and admire the effort he has so strategically put together in order to I don’t know… get my attention. Well, you have it Elio you have my full attention now what? What is it that you want from me?
I look at him then at the “shirt” running my fingers over the straps first, they are softer than they look, that is surprising and I give an experimental tug on them. 
“What the fuck even is this? Cuz, this is the weirdest shirt I’ve ever seen!” There is a smile in my voice and Elio shrugs his shoulders at me, the pout isn’t there anymore but is replaced with slight mirth, and I know he is trying his best not to laugh. 
“How should I know, it was a gift from one of my parent’s friends and his husband, who are coming over for dinner tonight. I don’t know what the fuck they were thinking sending this to me, I can’t even put whatever this thing is on right.”
Against my better intentions I decide that we should inspect this so called “shirt” a little further and Elio blinks at me, hands down at his sides, he does this awkward sway and the air has turned and changed between us. 
“Let’s see if we can’t figure this thing out together.”  
“Yes, please,” he replies biting his lip. It comes out in a nervous almost breathless nature and I can tell he wants me to touch him. This is why he wanted me up here after all isn’t it? To show me what he was going to wear or was it just a false pretence for something else. 
I gently tug on the straps and pull his slender frame towards me, so that he is close standing between my legs, his stomach fully exposed to me, his chest slightly covered by the top of the shirt oh hell, lets just call it what it looks like alright? It looks like a damn bib? Yes. I will settle for that than calling it a shirt, most shirts that I have seen have backs on them. This thing… doesn’t and the skin that I have longed to touch is staring me in the face right now.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “Go shut the door please.” I instruct and I watch Elio do as he is told, shutting the door and locking it. He makes his way back over to me and again I grab the straps hanging down his front and pull him towards me again. 
“Okay turn around for me.”  He turns slowly so that his back is facing me and I see the whole bib is sequenced into some wild pattern. Without even thinking I reach out and let my hand run it slowly and I see Elio visibly shutter, now whether that is because of me or the temperature of the room I don’t know. 
“Well…” he trails off in an annoyed sigh. “Hurry up! They could be here any minute and I don’t want to have my father come back up here and scold me again!” 
“Do you want my help or not Elio cuz if not-”  he interrupts me then as he turns to face me again, his hand shooting out to touch my left shoulder, his eyes focused on mine, the nervous energy he holds comes out, as he tries to back petal his attitude towards me.
“No! I mean… uh, yes, I do want your help.” He looks away from me staring at something more interesting to his left side, picking out a book possibly to look at other than my face. “I’m sorry, I just don’t see why I have to impress those people who have known me since birth Oliver. It seems I don't know… redundant don’t you think?” 
I chuckle leaning forward. I purposefully press my lips into his belly and close my eyes briefly when I hear Elio’s soft gasp, and his long fingers playing with my hair. I know I shouldn’t be doing this but I can’t help myself, his skin is so soft looking and I want to help him relax so why not? 
‘There goes my will for being good’
“Whaa… Oliver, What are you doing?!” He laughs when I nuzzle him and he pulls me closer, trying to steady himself as I let my hands roam over his sides, over his ticklish spots and back down. 
“Helping you relax.” are the only words that leave my mouth and I smirk of course I am doing what I always do with him teasing, in hopes of lightening his mood. “You worry too much, you know that. They probably aren’t even going to notice your shirt. It doesn’t even look stupid so… take it off and let me put it on you the right way.”
So far all we have done was constantly flirt with each other on occasion. From the day I sat with him in the hallway and massaged his feet, to the playful banter back and forth in the pool. It all has led to this moment right here, and all I can think about is wanting to touch and kiss every inch of  his skin. He is all I have dreamed about, the consequences be damned. It is his fault, he ignited the flame first, and now I have no control well, at least not when he is sliding his hand through the collar of my shirt, his fingers brushing over my collar bones. 
I slowly stand up to full height and he takes a step back, lifting his arms up over his head, off the bib goes exposing his beautiful pale skin. I smile down at him and he looks up at me with such innocence,that I don’t know what to do with myself. 
‘Focus on the task at hand Oliver!’  
My mind chides me while my heart is in my throat. I turn the contraption around and slowly slip it over his head and he slips his arms through the holes. Then he slowly turns around so that I can help him with the straps, I pull them, tight but not tight enough to hurt him and tie them off, my knuckles gently and soothingly brushing against his skin. 
He turns to face me and without preamble I take his face into my hands, my thumbs sweeping across his pale cheeks, my eyes soften. “It looks lovely on you, Elio.” and then I press my lips to his, closing my eyes, I breath him in briefly as his body slowly melts into mine, my fingers curl around the back of his neck gently. 
The kiss isn’t demanding; it's just brief too brief as I pull away at the honk of a horn and Elio’s father calling him from outside. 
“See you at midnight. Later!”  I say enthusiastically with a wink, leaving him standing there in his room, with his eyes closed and a smile on his kiss swollen lips. 
(sorry for any mistakes I typed this out rather quickly)
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chuuhees · 4 years ago
bye bye 2020, hello 2021 !!
happy new year everyone!! there’s a lot of people i want to thank for making last year so much more bearable so i tried writing some messages for some of my dearest mutuals this year as well!! (keyword tried because i absolutely cannot put my feelings and thoughts into words. i love you all though and thank you so so so much!!!)
@angelhyunjin : angi!! i know you’re not on here anymore (actually i just found out . i ran to twt to find u as quick as i could!!) but it felt weird not?? putting you on here because you WERE a big part of my year!! i was always excited to chat with you and i rlly rlly loved (still do) seeing your art and your dance covers i can’t believe how talented at both you are!! you are really really lovely and even if it’s been a while i hope you know i still think of you and hope you’re doing well!! this year might have been hard but i hope 2021 will be much nicer to you because you definitely deserve it!! i love you!! 
@cinanamon : stephie!! i think we haven’t talked in a while until we started suddenly bonding over minho but all is well that ends well because now we are the founders of a minho cult and that’s all i could hope for in life i think! we don’t talk that much but seeing your tags in all the minho posts is always a TIME i absolutely love reading them! thank you for being there to lose it over minho, always, but also for being there in general! you are really sweet and i do love to talk to u!! i also know you are a really good writer so i hope 2021 brings you lots of inspiration to write more!! (and i’ll finally catch up on your fics too! hehe) happy new year!! 
@cocogoat : puppy !! i think we haven’t been friends for long actually and that sounds fake because that would mean there was a time i didn’t instinctively check your blog when i woke up in the morning (or the evening let’s be real)?? you are so! adorable and for what!!!!!! i really do love seeing you pop up in my phone notifs and reading your posts even if i dont have any idea what they’re saying half of the time unless it’s dgrp (i cannot believe i have a dgrp friend now. amazing i think i won) u are so funny and so cute and i’m really glad i got to know you because!! you’re such a nice friend that i! love! times can be hard but i hope 2021 is gentle with you because that is! what! you deserve! gentle pats and tight hugs! (maybe that’s why i associate ab6ix’s heaven with you it’s the gentle vibes) <3
@glossiers : miss bri i am in love w u that’s it. no i’m kidding that’s not it i have much more to say . i am in lov w u though #brillie2k21 i think. i think it’s been a surprisingly short time since we’ve actually started talking?? which is kinda crazy if u ask me because?? how the hell did i live my life without screaming BRIIIII whenever i see u on the dash like for real how . that sounds like a life so empty like. that would rlly be missing . something?? anyways u are a dear dear friend that i really really love and i’m sure you know that but i will keep saying it anyway! i’m sure i’m pretty annoying so thanks for putting up with me! and for talking to me! i feel like i’ve said it before but! you are a delight to see on the dash and i lovlovlov talking to u (and sending u pics of my cats, thank u for appreciating them). i still cannot believe u managed to convince yourself i was a hyeongjun stan though. hope i can be convincing enough to clear that up and leave no doubts in your brain this year. anyways i love you and i hope we can continue to be friends and talk even MORE this year!!!!!! happy new year ilu <3
@hwacinth : miss dia my sweet sweet floral nymph real life shirayuki and queen of urls! i am? so so so so so glad that we are friends you literally have my heart it is YOURS i can’t even try to claim it back!! you literally are shirayuki i don’t even know how to elaborate i think it’s just self-explanatory but you are just. such a sweet little sunshine!! it’s like you bring spring everywhere you go!! we could be in a middle of a metaphorical storm but when you appear the skies clear up and flowers bloom wherever you step and i cannot help but smile when i see you online!! thank you so so much for being my little ray of sunshine in these tough times! i hope to see even more of your posts this year!! don’t hesitate to live blog anything you watch in my dms if you feel like you’re posting too much (but i hope you never feel that way because you’re not . love seeing u live post it is absolutely amazing i won’t ever get tired of it)!! happy new year and i love you!! ps only 1 more hour until your birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIA ILUUU <3 I HOPE YOU CAN HAVE A WONDERFUL ONE!! IM SENDING YOU CAKE TELEPATHICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@hwisgf : sorinaaaa! happy new year!! we don’t talk that much but it is always nice seeing you around! you are vv sweet and i really appreciate that, thank you for taking the time to talk to me sometimes!! you are also probably my only fantasy mutual?? which is terrible on one side because i think everyone should stan sf9 but that’s besides the point . i really do love the fact that i at least have u to talk to abt sf9 if need and i LOVE seeing u in love with hwi it is absolutely amazing. i am forever grateful for all the free hwi pics days too!! <3 i hope 2021 can be a year full of happiness for you!! (also that is also besides the point but @ fnc i want an sf9 cb announcement) ILY!! (and so does hwi)
@inkigayeo : miss vivi galaxy brain happy new year!! we only started talking recently but u do have my heart already!! i hope this year treats you well and that we can get to know each other more and be friends hehe!!!! <3 (my other wish is for u to stop breaking my heart with those fake titles. please . why should san NOT come back explain yourself .)
@jeongcheols : mimi . mimi mimi mimi im literally typing this as u are listening to that ten n dj stage ok now it’s kai ok anyways . ANYWAYS i am loving your sm concert live commentary . criminal is sounding amazing taemin is insane indeed (yes i took a break before coming back to writing this) i truly don’t know what to say?? n i have to keep watching the time so that i can scream HAPPY NEW YEAR into the mic in 14 minutes. but like?? i love you?? like. like for real i don’t know what i would’ve done without you?? also it’s weird writing this for tumblr instead of just in your messages (also i can’t focus with idea playing. idea soty). and i mean. you technically know all of this but like?? i can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long but also such a short time at the same time like. what. thank you for being my bestestest friend and my soulmat i don’t think i would’ve been able to remain sane this year (and last year too honestly) if it wasn’t for you?? thank you for always listening to my incoherent rants and i’m always so sorry for spamming you while you’re asleep i know you must wake up to like 150+ messages with absolutely no connection between them and they’re all just so random i truly don’t know how you manage to not get annoyed and to just stay with me all this time i’m- getting emotional. you had a terrible year, i know it! i really do!! and while it might not be looking too bright right now, i hope the universe hears me and treats you much better in 2021 because!! you deserve so much more!! you deserve the world, really!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i would write more really but like what is there to say literally i’m just (your emoji)) i love you for real;;
@nakyngs : ele <3 happy new year!!!!!! we haven’t talked much this year but i do think of u a lot daily i hope you know that!! and i love u a lot! even if i still need to catch up on all your aus </3 i hope 2021 can be a fun and stress-free year for you!! and we should catch up sometime too!! ps i hope your fish are ok
@ncityzen : dear spring fairy!! i already sent you a new year’s message earlier today like what. 6 hours ago but! once again!! i really do hope you can leave the hard times behind in 2020 and only get the best things possible this new year!! i’m always very happy to see you appear on my dash and curious to see your life updates and your random literature-related mini-rants in the tags they are always very interesting to see!! so! hoping to see even more of that this year <3 i hope you know that i love you and i really care about you!!
@woojjongs : MISS IRI! i am screaming this very loud so hopefully u can hear me all the way in canada! okay i had to leave this one for last because i?? don’t really know how to start i’m just a pink glittery puddle with lil hearts flowing in it that is how i feel towards u right now . how does one think and how does one write down their thoughts coherently give me a second. this is going to be a mess maybe u shouldn’t read it (‘accidentally’ forgets to tag u). just know that i decided to play txt’s wishlist to write this and u might be confused by that but all u need to know is that it means i love you very much. OKAY so miss iri you are . such a wonderful pal i truly don’t know what i would’ve done without you like . it would feel so weird not seeing you around tumblr would be so so so so empty i don’t even think you can begin to imagine how empty i’d feel without you around here ksdjbskbds i absolutely adore you but we already knew that. i’m always super excited to see your gifsets and your nonsense!! be it your love for woojong or u missing lim jimin (play m.. 🔪) or your snoo brainrot or hating literally anyone on smtm or whatever else it might be i love it all!! you are so cute and adorable and talented and sweet and funny i cannot believe you also happen to be the prettiest person on earth too. how does that feel! anyways i love you so so so so so much? i keep telling you to hold back from committing crimes but i absolutely WOULD commit a crime for u i really do adore you!! i mean . how many groups did u make me stan . (ok actually i don’t think there’s that many. but STILL) i know i can be super annoying but thank u for taking the time to chat with me nonetheless!! i’m all over the place but . there’s times i come online literally just to check your blog nothing else! i hope we can continue to be friends this year too n perhaps talk more (or the same amount idk please tell me off when i’m too annoying)!! happy new year, i hope it holds wonderful things in store for u!!!!!! and we really are starting off great since victon comeback is approaching <3 (this got way too long i’m so sorry i’ll cut it off now before i write 10 pages)
@xiaocity : miss siya hello hello hello first of all i’m just so very glad that you’re back i l o v e you!!! i love seeing you around be it your gifs or your text posts which yes. i cannot properly understand half of the time but google is my best friend after all! you’re such a wonderful person and i’m just?? really glad to have you around like?? you feel kind of like a cousin i don’t always get to see but am always excited to talk to when i can? this might not make sense but. you are vvv cool and talented and funny and feel very like. reliable? i feel like i am not making any sense so like ignore me. what i’m saying is i really really like you a whole lot and i really hope we can talk even more in 2021!! happy new year, i hope it’s a wonderful one for you!!
@yunwoo : miss anna we haven’t been moots for that long and we haven’t talked much but u are vvv cute and i hope we can become (better) pals this year!! i’m looking forward to seeing u on the dash more often, hopefully!! happy new year <3
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40sandfabulousaf · 2 years ago
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大家好! LL had gone back to Shan Dong to visit family for a few weeks; when she returned, she was eager to catch up. Over a ton of food (all the dishes were for just the 2 of us, which we finished) and, of course, pu er cha (Pu Erh tea), she told me about the food, the fun she had and cherished moments with loved ones. The rest did my friend good; LL was glowing, refreshed and full of vitality. The food was very delicious, including the stirfried egg whites with crab (last pic).
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Besides freshly squeezed fruit juice, stalls also sell homemade barley drinks. For those of us trying to reduce our reliance on coffee outside of work, these beverages are great substitutes. There isn't a fruit stall at the coffee shop I was having lunch at; after a filling meal of steamed fish, tomato scrambled eggs, tofu, as well as stirfried celery and spinach, I chose an iced homemade barley drink over iced local coffee. Besides helping to quench thirst and cool body temperatures, it offers other health benefits. Local coffee may contain less sugar than some blended coffees at international coffee chains, but it's good to switch to other beverages when we don't need the caffeine hit.
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Moving onto nuts and seeds, like veggies and fruit, I rotate them to derive the most benefits. The 2 packets shown below contain about 1.5 handfuls of sunflower kernels each. Since I'm not a vegan and there're already healthy fats in eggs and fish, these seeds, alternated with fruit as snacks in between meals, last 1 - 2 weeks. I get hungry easily because I'm quite active; SW has heard my stomach growl way before it was time for lunch! I don't diet; I just eat nutritious balanced meals and snacks and exercise daily.
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How often I exercise: I do daily calisthenics and work different parts of my body everyday for at least an hour every morning. After a very heavy meal, I stroll to help with digestion. If I'm up for it on weekends, I do aerobics or dance on top of my daily calisthenics for up to 45 minutes. It doesn't feel like over-exercising because I enjoy what I do and don't force myself to do extra if I feel tired. Kids my generation ran around and played games (physical games, not online ones) for hours when we were younger and that was considered normal; what I do now is normal too.
On top of the above, there're household chores and, by supporting our government's push to green living, I walk or take public transport on weekends instead of relying on the car. All of it adds up and explains my pretty large appetite. I don't diet simply because I get hangry if I don't eat. And this, guys, is how I remain very active and mobile almost halfway through 46yo. 下次见!
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