#we can all agree he’s jealous of his son right?
Does anyone want to extrapolate on James Tartt’s psychology with me?
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miley1442111 · 5 months
safe- a.hotchner
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
you and aaron have jack (obvi) and a daughter, ellie. :) (1.4k + words)
summary: you become an unsubs target
pairing: husband/dad aaron hotchner x wife/mother reader
warnings: general cm minds topics, knives, stitches, head wounds, trauma talk of harm coming to the team, the reader is harmed, etc.
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There you stood, your own blood as well as another's blood all over your body. 
What happened? 
You were just leaving work, you were going to pick up Jack and Ellie on your way home. It was taco night, you three would cook together tonight, though since Aaron was on a case a few states over, you would be the only ones doing it. So, how did that exact same unsub get to you?
You sat in the ambulance, stitches going into your skin, but you weren’t even flinching, you didn’t even feel it. You knew Jack and Ellie were expecting you, so was Jessica. 
“Can I make a phone call?” You whispered to the paramedic. She nodded her head, sympathy on her face. “Thank you.”
You pulled out your phone as she finished the stitches in your head, moving onto the ones in your arms. 
“Hey Jess,” You sighed into the phone. 
“Hey, is everything alright?” she asked. “Do you want me to take Jack and Ellie for the night?” 
You could honestly cry at her generosity. “Yes please, thank you so much Jess.”
“No problem,” she smiled, worried from the other line. “Are you hurt?” she whispered. 
“I’ll be ok, someone just… yeah,’ you sighed. “Tell Jack and Ellie I love them, yeah?”
You hung up. The paramedic finished up and the officer who had been sitting with you for the past few minutes escorted you to a squad car and brought you to the station, informing you that the FBI were on their way. The FBI, really? Surely it wasn’t Aaron, right?
God, you missed Aaron. You’d never wanted to see him more in your life. Just to know he was ok, that he was there. 
Such luxuries could not be afforded at that current moment. 
Aaron sat beside David on the plane, exhaustion pulling at his eyes as Spencer read out the latest attack. 
“Oh, apparently there was one survivor,” Spencer said. “That might be his next target.”
“We should look into them, what’s the name?” David asked as Aaron yawned. 
“Y/n Y/l/n, she has a son, daughter, and husband,” Spencer said, and Aaron was wide-awake again. 
“Pardon?” He asked, hoping he’d heard wrong. 
“Y/n Y/l/n. She was beaten pretty badly and had a head wound and a stab to the arm, she’s at the station now. SHe agreed to a cognitive interview. She’s a professor of nuclear physics at a university nearby-” Spencer reads off. 
“She has more pHds than boy genius, 5 and counting,” Penelope interrupts him from the screen. 
“Well, she is older than me,” he stressed, attempting to keep some of his pride. 
“By what, 4 years?” Emily snorted, the rest of the team laughed, but Aaron was frozen. 
A head wound? You got stabbed? He felt faint. Immediately, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone, trying to call you. 
You didn’t pick up.
He tried again as the team stared at him in bewilderment. What was he doing?
No answer again.
“I want a profile before we leave this plane,” he ordered and the team all stared at him. “Is that too much for you?” He asked snarkily. They all shook their heads and began breaking off into groups to work. Aaron stayed seated, a million thoughts running through his head at once. Was Jack ok? Was Ellie ok? How much blood did you lose? Was the unsub already on his way to you again? Were you a target because of him?
“Hotch I think we have something,” Morgan stated after 30 minutes. “The unsub is targeting women with the same description as the survivor. I'd say he’s a college student who is jealous of her husband. He’s formed a parasocial relationship and obsession with her and his delusions have led him to hurt those closest to her. It makes sense she’s beautiful, described as being extremely kind and caring about her students, she’s ridiculously intelligent, and apparently she and her husband are madly in love with each other. What’s her husband’s name Pen?” Derek asked, looking at the computer. 
“Aaron Hotchner,” she said, a gasp following her words. Aaron looked up, meeting the eyes of the team as they stared back, shocked. 
He could deal with them later. 
“Send police to Jessica's house,” he ordered before he got up to go to the back of the plane for a moment of peace. He took out his phone, dialling Jessica’s number.
“Hey, is Y/n ok?” She asked. “I have Jack and Ellie right now, are you with her?”
“Not yet, I’ve sent police to your house, just as extra protection, ok?”
“Alright Aaron. Take care of her when you see her, she seemed pretty shaken.”
“Course,” he gritted out and hung up. This was going to be difficult. 
You sat in an office, a cop’s jacket strung over your shaking shoulders. You were still covered in blood, you still saw the horrible image of one of your students being killed in front of you.
Where was Aaron? 
 “Can I go and clean up?” You sniffled, asking the sheriff who was sitting at his desk beside you. 
“Course sweetheart,” she smiled softly. “There’s a bathroom down the hall, if you want a shower there’s one in the training centre.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, feeling smaller than you ever had. You were told to be careful with your stitches and that you’d be brought into the hospital in the morning once all of the stuff with the station was over. You walked down the hall to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, staring at your bloodstained face and clothes. The tears started falling, going down the drain with a red-tinge. 
You grabbed some tissue, wet it, and started scrubbing your face. The ache of your body was nothing to the turmoil in your head. Was it your fault one of your students was killed? Was Jack ok? Was Ellie ok? Was Aaron ok? 
You didn’t even notice him coming behind you until he took the tissue out of your hand. He discarded it, damped the towel from his go-bag in his hand, lightly washing your face. Tears fell freely as he did so, but he wiped them away, a comforting hand on your lower back as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your clean cheek. He continued his gentle cleaning, bringing it down to your neck.
“I’m sorry too.” 
He smiled softly. “You don’t have to apologise for anything.”
“Neither do you, but we do it anyway.”
His emotions became too much all of a sudden, the feeling of nearly losing you becoming unthinkable. 
“I love you so much,” he whispered.  
“I love you too.”
After Aaron sufficiently cleaned as much of the blood off of you as he could, he took your blood-stained shirt off and replaced it with one of his extra dress shirts. Walking outside the bathroom, you felt eyes on the both of you. You recognised some of the team from stories and photos Aaron had shown you. They stared as Aaron wrapped you into his side and walked you back into the sheriff’s office. 
“I want the kids,” you admitted. “I know we shouldn’t but I’m so worried that they're not ok,” you cried into his bicep as he sat beside you. 
“I’ll send one of the team to grab them and Jess,” he nodded.
“Please don’t leave,” you whimpered, holding onto him for dear life. You needed him. 
“Of course not, honey,” he soothed. He signalled for Derek to come in. He walked in, careful of your feelings. “Will you go to Jessica’s house and pick up Jessica, Jack, and Ellie?”
“Of course sir, but… who’s Ellie?” he whispered the last part. 
“My daughter,” Aaron said and Derek went wide-eyed.
“I’ll be right back with them,” he promised. 
"Darling, do you feel up to telling me about it? Or even just something?" he whispered against your skin.
"I know who did it," you whispered back. You felt such guilt. You knew the unsub, he was one of your students Andrew. Andrew was obsessed with you, with your life, but you just took it as a student being interested in your life to get out of work. You didn't pay enough care to the way his interest dampened when you spoke about Aaron and when you talked about your anniversaries or dates.
"His name's Andrew. He's in my chemical sciences class."
Aaron was silent for a moment. "Alright. I'll send officers his way."
"I'm so stupid, I didn't even realise-" you started but Aaron shushed you with a gentle kiss.
"Don't talk about my wife like that," he joked. You chuckled softly and he felt a sense of great accomplishment.
"I'm so glad you're here," you sighed into his neck.
"I'm so glad I'm here too."
"You're married?" Derek asked.
"Yes," Aaron admitted as he ran a hand through your hair as you lay on his lap asleep, Ellie and Jack playing by the sheriff's desk.
`'And you have another child," Penelope said, shock apparent in her voice and facial expression.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Spencer asked.
"I wanted to keep her safe," Aaron smiled. "I also just assumed you'd figure it out. Clearly you're not all as good as you think you are," he chuckled.
The team collectively rolled their eyes, but still smiled. Aaron was happy, you were safe, another unsub was awaiting jail, and they could almost feel the love radiating off of Aaron.
All was well.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :)
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
Hello. Can I ask imagine (or headcannons, if it would be more convenient for you) for Mori Ogai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol (separately) and their fem!s/o? Their child is jealous of his mother (s/o) to his father and tries to take all the attention of his mother to himself. Please.
— your child being jealous of dazai, fyodor, chuuya, nikolai and kunikida
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a/n: I do hope that this is what you wanted and that you like it <;33
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dazai never thought he would be bestowed the blessing or the bliss of having a family, but here he is. he has you wrapped in his arms and he is certain that nothing could feel better than this.
however, it is eerily quiet in this household and osamu guesses it’s because the little devil is asleep, the little devil being his son.
his son looks exactly like you, but my god if the kid doesn’t have the same amount of love dazai has for you then dazai doesn’t know what does he have.
the kid never lets him have his time alone with you and for some reason is genuinely upset whenever you and dazai hug or kiss.
that’s why dazai is making the most out of his time today.
he starts pressing kisses to your shoulder, “it’s been a while, right, belladonna?” your fingers find their way through his hair and dazai smiles instantly, “my pretty wife.”
alas, good things don’t last because the both of your are snapped from your sweet moment by the offended and sob-filled screech of your son.
the kid is balling his eyes out at the scene and starts screaming, “GET AWAY FROM MOMMY!”
dazai’s eyes widen; however, before he responds, you push him away and run to your son to coddle him and calm him down.
dazai pouts but lets it go because his son probably needs the hug.
but, what dazai didn’t expect was that his son would grin and stick his tongue out at his dad.
dazai is flabbergasted, but smiles back.
“she was and is my wife before being your mom,” he whispers and winks pointing at the ring on his finger.
your son frowns and simply huffs, assuming that you’re clueless to what the heck is happening while you’re hugging him.
your, petty, husband also believes that this banter would go unnoticed by you so he sticks his tongue out at his son and his son gasps quietly.
well, they’re both equally stupid cause you obviously know, but oh well.
never in a million years did he imagine that the person who would challenge him in everything would be his own daughter, his way too smart for a 7 year old, daughter.
today, she saw him hugging you from the back while you were cooking and decided that it’s enough time with you for him.
“father,” she calls out and he hums in response.
“that’s enough time with mom; get away,” she says calmly and he doesn’t look at her and instead tightens his hold on you and whispers, “milaya, you look breathtaking, today.”
you shake your head with a smile and a small, rare chuckle escapes fyodor.
“father, please distance yourself from mother,” she says one last time, patience running out.
fyodor looks at her, “and if I don’t, dear?”
she blinks up at him then kicks him in the shins. he staggers, surprising both himself and you. he looks at his daughter with a frown, “how courageous of you, my dear daughter.”
“cry me a river; we agreed that we each get one hour with mom!” and there comes out the you in her. she smiles the moment you pat her head, signaling for her to go wait for you at the couch.
she bolts there and leaves you and your husband to be. fyodor finally stands up and looks at you with a barely visible pout that has increased in appearances since you gave birth to your dear daughter, “y/n.”
“yes, fedya?”
“our daughter kicked me in the shins.”
you raise an eyebrow, “and you didn’t guess she would?”
“of course, I did,” he looks at her, and somehow your husband who often is known for his intelligence seems like some jealous baby, “but I thought she wouldn’t do it in front of you, at least.”
“well, I didn’t see anything,” you sing and he smirks lightly.
“teaming up on me, are you?”
you shrug, “how can I ever?”
“what a cruel wife you are,” he mumbles right beside your ear and you merely roll your eyes.
sometimes, you feel like you’re a rope being tugged between your son and husband. they are both equally possessive and both have quite the tempers and you have to act like the peace keeper most of the time.
today was no different; however, you have decided to simply watch from the sidelines this time.
“dad! I am gonna marry mom! don’t fight me about it!” your son says confidently.
your husband feels a vein pop, “you little— you can’t marry her! she’s already married to me!”
“no she isn’t!”
“yes she is!”
“what’s your proof?” your son says with a smirk that he definitely inherited from his father, but who’s counting.
your husband narrows his eyes at him and huffs and goes to your shared bedroom. your son giggles and runs towards you, “finally! mom, can I have a hug please?”
you open your arms and your son wastes no time jumping into your embrace making you smile and pat his back. you’re kind of surprised that chuuya didn’t fight back as hard today; maybe you guessed today’s outcome wrong—
you’re quickly proven to have indeed guessed it right as your chuuya appears in all his glory holding your wedding photo, the marriage certificate, and proudly showing off his ring.
your son’s eyes widen, “what is this?”
“the proof that me and y/n are married,” he replied smugly and you sigh.
“w-well, she doesn’t have the same ring as yours!” your son stammers and your husband simply smirks and points at your left hand.
you’ve never heard your son screech so loudly in all his 6 years of living as his eyes lay on your ring.
he jumps away from you, clutching his heart, “mom, what is the meaning of this?!”
“of what exactly?”
“YOU’RE MARRIED TO DAD??” he gasps and you chuckle lightly because if you were to roll your eyes then this house will be turned into ruins.
“honey, I had to marry dad so we can have you,” you smile and chuuya looks as offended as your son.
“HAD TO??”
you side-eye him and he quickly zips his mouth shut and looks away but not without grumbling a couple of curses.
“but that means that I can’t marry you cause you’re already married,” your son says defeatedly as he sits on the floor.
“EXACTLY SO LET US BE!” your husband shouts confidently.
tears well up in your son’s eyes and he bursts into a wail that has your house flooding in a couple of seconds.
you simply look at chuuya, “way to go my dear husband.”
most of the time, your daughter was a daddy’s girl. she always listens to him and a grin is automatically plastered on her face once she sees him.
you can never blame her though cause you have the same reaction whenever you see your lovely husband.
your daughter turned out to be an exact copy of you and both of you share the insane amount of love you have for kunikida.
but there are times where your daughter just wants time with her mama not her dad.
for example, today, you and kunikida were cuddling in the bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. his arms are wrapped around you as he strokes your hair and you feel him press a kiss to your forehead making you nuzzle into his chest.
you feel him smile and you close your eyes to welcome sleep, but you hear a couple of knocks on the door.
your husband sighs softly before sitting up and putting his glasses on, “come in, d/n.”
she slowly opens the door and peaks in, “sorry pa.”
he adjusts his glasses and shakes his head with a smile, “it’s okay; did you have a nightmare?”
she nods softly and perks up at her dad patting the bed. she walks to you two and climbs up the bed, which is quite the travail for her.
most of the time, when she has a nightmare, she squeezes herself between you both to have ‘best of both worlds’ as you say.
so kunikida expects her to sleep between you both like usual, but instead she pushes him away, albeit gently, and sleeps right next you —where he once was— and cuddles close to you.
you pat her head and pull her closer with a smile.
you look up at your husband who had his spot taken from him and giggle at the sight of his small pout.
kunikida watches you guys cuddle and then decides to just lay back down and simply wrap his arms around both of you at the same time. he didn’t train all of that time for nothing.
your daughter whines jokingly, “paaa, I want to be with mom.”
he raises an eyebrow, “is that so?”
she nods and starts squealing and laughing when her father squeezes you guys in a tight hug. both your laughters fill the room and kunikida smiles before saying, “do you not want papa anymore?”
“no no! I want you; please mercy!” she pleads making both you and kunikida chuckle before he finally relaxes his hold and kisses both your and her cheek and the three of you finally succumb to sleep.
“quiz time! guess who had his share of y/n today?”
you deadpan, “kolya, I am not a pie.”
“well, you’re certainly as sweet as one,” your husband grins, but both you and your son just gag at the terrible pick up line.
you’ve long got used to his theatrics, after all. your son, though, calls bs on everything his dad does.
“not me,” your son replied with a grin and holds you tighter, sticking his tongue out at nikolai.
“AHAHA! you’re as funny as me, s/n,” nikolai cackles, and you’re sure he is keen on throwing your son off of you any time now.
“but dad, I can’t be funny as you,” your son says dejectedly and nikolai’s eyebrow rises.
“why is that?”
your son smiles, a closed eye smile, before replying, “you’re not funny at all; that’s an insult to me.”
nikolai doesn’t say anything as he pulls your screaming son off you, after quite the struggle.
he walks to the garden and throws him there, “go play with a frog or something; I will have y/n all to myself for the rest of the day. thank you!”
your husband smiles victoriously and is about to throw himself into your embrace until his son reappears right beside you and the boy has a frown that only means one thing.
chaos is about to ensue.
your son starts throwing a tantrum and yelling, “I WANT TO CUDDLE MOM!!”
“no can do, young man,” your husband says shaking his head, “you already got your fair share of mama per the agreement.”
“what agreement?” your son asks, tears still streaming down his face.
your husband puts his hand in his coat and gets out a contract.
the contract reads that your son will only have 2 hours of your attention and time while your husband gets the rest.
“b-but these types of papers need to have signatures of both sides!”
your husband giggles, “your signature is right here, my dear son.”
your son gasps but quickly composed himself.
“oh whatever shall you do now? I rightfully deserve all of y/n’s time—AHHHHH WHAT THE HELL?!”
you come back —after leaving to get yourself a cup of coffee cause this is way too much for you— and find that your son has effectively set the contract on fire.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudssimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will cough in your face
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star-girl69 · 9 months
Love Song
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
a/n: just needed to do some general hc’s to get all my thoughts in order i hope you all enjoy!!
Love song - Lana Del Rey
warnings: the formatting is weird idk why i can’t fix it but y’all will live, swearing, a little itty bitty bit of violence, every facet of clarisse finding its way here and i love them all, tell me if i missed anything!!
i’m sure we all agree on this
but clarisse is very protective of you
even if you’re a very capable fighter, even if you’re even better than her, clarisse is still so protective of you
i mentioned this in one of my fics (maybe so it goes…????) but like the reason behind this is the fact that clarisse is just SCARED
she is terrified of losing you bc you are the only one she feels like she can be herself with
like clarisse is insane!!!!! in a good way!!!!! but also she’s a 17 year old girl…. she wants TO BE LOVED
she tries to talk to you about how she feels about her dad and about everything else in her life, but even though she doesn’t want to be, she’s locked up like a vault
she knows her emotions are always super intense and she has big reactions
major anger issues but they’ve gotten better with age
the problem is she spent her entire life being told that she needed to calm down, that she couldn’t feel like that all the time, and she just tried to shut down
obviously that did not work
but it still makes it virtually impossible to talk about her feelings
when it comes to you tho she’s an open book
she’s a daughter of ares she’s headstrong she’s proud and her fatal flaw is PRIDE
i mentioned this before but she wants everyone to know that you’re hers and she’s yours
your relationship is partly very public
she’s not afraid to touch you or kiss you
she’s not afraid to show you off and (needs to) show everyone that yes your beautiful self belongs to HER
so naturally she gets very jealous
even when you’re like clarisse you are INSANE
there’s been a few times when you first started dating and you were still getting comfortable and weren’t that public yet so like someone would flirt with you
it went like this
boy: hey what’s up you’re kinda fine
y/n: oh! oh yeah no….. no…..
then she started attacking him
lost dessert privileges for a month, she proudly declared that it was worth it (besides you would sneak her bites of yours like)
now that everyone knows you’re hers her jealousy is rooted a lot more in delusion and insecurity
you’ll be like in a group talking someone and she’ll pull you closer and be like “i think that guys staring at you a little too much.”
“clarisse no the fuck he’s not what”
b/c of the fact that she isn’t a son for her father she gets insanely jealous if specifically a MAN gets even an inch too close however innocently
she doesn’t want to think it but she thinks you’ll eventually realize her father is right and she’s not as useful or good bc she’s a girl
most of the time when she gets jealous bc of her insecurities she just becomes extra clingy
but also any emotion she feels she gets extra clingy to you so sometimes it’s hard to tell LMAO
she isn’t really a big hand holder but that’s only because she’s actually holding you CLOSER to her by your waist
also one more note about your relationship publically
everyone gets whiplash bc like she’s a BULLY fo everyone else and then you walk over and she’s all heart eyes
i hate everyone but you trope save me
save me i hate everyone but you trope
clarisse: pushes percy over
you: nuh uh clarissseeeeeeee
clarisse: omg hi beautiful gf
you: touches her shoulder, looks at her disapprovingly
clarisse: fine i’ll go, *scares percy*, bye bye beautiful ily
like she’s just being a bitch and then all of a sudden you come around and she’s like hiiiiiii babyyyyy how is my gorgeous gorgeous girl today??
so outwardly clarisse is just very proud and touchy
privately she lets herself be a little more chill
this is where she really touchy you thought before was worse nah
idk if y’all have noticed but in my fics clar’s always holding on y/n’s hips and that’s just me self projecting bc i have the most horrid hip dips but my point still stands
would totally call them “love handles” IM SORRYY
but she just likes having a place to hold where she can just like kinda actually physically grab you with her hands
like yeah she can wrap her arms around your waist but she likes to GRAB you
cuddling w her is fun bc like this girl cannot get ENOUGH of you there’s only like three ways you cuddle
you on top of her whether just like completely on top of her (one of her favs) or just with your head on her chest
this is what happens whenever you feel scared
like there was a monster attack just near the barrier and you’ve all been feeling uneasy all day
TRUST you are sleeping in her bed tonight
wraps her arms around you so tight it’s like she’s crushing you
also she’s running your back or caressing your head whichever you prefer
she keeps her spear right next to her bed and makes sure you can see it so you know however subconsciously NOTHING can hurt you bc she’s right there (nothings gonna hurt you baby vibes)
or she’s on top of you this one usually happens when she’s feeling a little extra insecure and jealous and it’s like no one can see you if she’s on top of her so then you’re hers
she isn’t the smartest one in the bunch but she has good intentions!!!!
also she lays on top of you if you get hurt
like after so it goes for example when y/n got that little cut on her hand
you’re like “clar pls you’re crushing me”
“um ok you scared the shit out of me today tho you need to LET ME do this fuck”
third option
you’re both laying on your side and facing each other legs tangled together and she’s probably whispering to you
she’s a big whisperer i feel it in my heart
like tracing her hands on your face and saying your so beautiful or telling you how you make her feel
oh lord take me now
also she loves you the way hozier loves
“someone asked me in the end i’d tell them ‘put me back in it’ // darlin’ i would do it again // if i could hold for a minute”
“when my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark earth no grave could hold my body down i’d crawl back to her”
like she BREATHES for you
if she died and then you were like “i miss you” trust she would find a way to come back to life
totally daydreams about going on such a fantastical quest that the gods offer both of you immortality so you can be together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever
like if the world ends y’all would still be there having a little picnic date
devotion is the only word that comes close
ok nicknames she calls you:
baby, angel, gorgeous, pretty thing/girl, beautiful, lovely, dummy (lovingly)
(recently saw a few posts abt clarisse saying mama/mamas i may be swayed)
dates she takes you on:
forces you to train w her even if you don’t like it but she lets you win OBVIIIII, under the stars in the woods, take your dinners to go and sneak back to either hers or your cabin to eat together, secret makeout sessions in the bathroom her cabin your cabin anywhere she can get her hands on you
this is so random but i get horrible migraines and i am ADDICTED to these like headache relief frequency sounds on youtube i swear they work and i was like omg you can’t have electronics at chb I WOULD NOT SURVIVE
so if you are a real one like me and get horrible migraines but this goes for being sick in general she’s like a little puppy pretending to be a wolf barely holding it together
she’ll be like at the foot of your bed begging you not to go into the light while shouting at someone at the same time to refill your water
you like have a cold
she would rub your temples if you had a headache and she would literally be like a doll for you to move around like oh you wanna lay on her chest? by all means
you wanna lay upside down with your feet in her face? as long as you get better you can do whatever you want!
you don’t wanna touch her at all? that’s where she draws the line
you’ll be like “ugh i’m hot get away from me”
“okay ☹️☹️”
“why are you touching my feet with your feet”
she places you above everyone else
like yeah other people are ok…….
but you 😍😍😍😍😍😍
this is slightly cringe but she would fr burn the whole world down and not let a flame touch you
LIKE HAVE YALL SEEN THE ANONS IVE BEEN POSTING AND THE CAPTURE THE FLAG THINGS 😱😱😱😱 (y’all always check my blog im always posting the funniest shit bc i’m funny)
“you’re one opposite teams blah blah blah you get hurt clarisse drops EVERYTHING to help you even if just a paper cut” (i have no chill fic coming soon)
THEN THEN the other one that was like “ok but what if you ACTUALLY get hurt like broken leg”
clarisse just goes crazy when you’re hurt
in so it goes: “what if that cut gets infected?”
you’re her WORLD she literally can’t stand the thought or something happening to you or else she starts literally shaking in anger and sadness
but when clarisse gets hurt it’s a whole other story
clarisse never let’s anyone but you see her true emotions
like yeah when you’re in public and you’re being cutesy she starts smiling and everyone is SO confused
but still
she never lets anyone see her as WEAK
so she always downplays her injuries in terms of how much they hurt, but flaunts them off proudly at the same time?? yeah that makes sense
after a capture the flag game you march her to the bathroom with a first aid kit “ok baby take off your shirt”
she always makes some flirty comment like SHUSH NOT RN
then she has all these bruises and every once in a while a cut from someone’s sword
you’re like 😔😔💔
you’re the only one she will let clean her up
unless she like breaks a bone or needs stitches (which has never happened) no way in hell she’s going to the healers
if you’re a child of apollo or smth she’s like “i literally have my own person healer right here…..”
anyways i think that’s all but i will probably be updating this when i think of more stuff bc as we know i have no chill
thank you all sm for reading and reblogging and liking and commenting and sending all of your WONDERFUL asks they make me so happy i’m always giggling when i get one
anyways bye bye 😘
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme
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hcsiqs · 2 months
Can I make a request where the reader and Caitlin spend the day with their nephews at home
| the right side of my neck
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• pairing: caitlin clark x fem!reader
• summary: your sister asks you to babysit at her house so she can go on a date night with her husband, so you and caitlin watch them together
• warnings: nonee
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“Go! Go! We got it!” you were pushing your sister out of your house for a much needed date night.
“Just call me if anything happens and I’ll be home right away!” your sister had her feet planted in front of the door.
“Nothings gonna happen! Now go have fun!” you smiled with one final push to get her out of the house. She then continually thanked you as she closed the door and left you and Caitlin to your nephews.
You walked through the hallway of the house, into the open plan kitchen and living room. Your sisters twin sons were sat at the kitchen island eating the pizza Caitlin had pulled out of the oven a couple minutes ago.
“Our friends are gonna be so jealous that Caitlin Clark is our babysitter,” Charlie, the other twin, nudged his brother.
“What? They aren’t gonna be jealous I’m your babysitter?” you dramatically dropped your jaw as you walked beside Caitlin, her hand finding its way to your waist.
“They don’t know who you are Auntie Y/N,” Camden laughed shaking his head at you.
“I mean, I’m The Caitlin Clark’s girlfriend,” you countered, cocking your head to the side with a smile across your lips.
“Mmm that’s true,” Camden tapped his chinned dramatically, “But you aren’t The Caitlin Clark,” he said quoting you. Charlie then immediately joined in agreeing with his brother.
“Whatever, whatever,” you laughed, plopping a piece of pizza down on your paper plate.
“Your Aunt’s pretty cool though,” Caitlin chimed in, her hands resting on your hips while standing behind you.
“Not as cool as you!” Charlie smiled, pointing his finger at the brunette. Caitlin just started laughing, hiding her head in the crook of your neck.
After the two kids finished eating their food you went over to the TV and turned on Back to the Future for them to watch as the both of you cleaned the kitchen up.
You were standing against the sink washing off the tin tray that the pizza had been sitting in. You were looking up every few seconds to make sure the boys weren’t getting into anything. Then Caitlin came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your stomach.
“Hi,” she sweetly said, her head rested on your shoulder.
“Hi baby,” you kissed her hair before focusing on cleaning the pizza cutter.
“They’re so cute,” you could feel her smile against your shoulder.
“Right,” you giggled, your eyes flickering over to the sweet boys on the couch.
You finished cleaning up the dishes, while Caitlin put up all the stuff y’all had gotten out. And once the kitchen was cleaned, the two of you walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Both of your nephews immediately went over to Caitlin and tackled her, loud laughs leaving her lips. She started playing with the both of them as you watched from the other side of the couch. All three of them wrestling, Caitlin ultimately letting them win by dramatically showing they ‘defeated’ her.
“Wow! You guys are so strong!” she laughed pulling them both into a hug. They both then settled down and you put on another random 80s movie once Back to the Future ended.
Through the second movie both the boys fell asleep against Caitlin’s chest and you couldn’t help but look at her with pure adoration.
“We should probably put them in their beds,” you suggested, getting up from your seat on the couch and walking over to Caitlin.
She nodded her head, carefully getting out of the boys embrace. She then picked up Charlie, while you picked Camden up and then you both quietly walked through the hallways to take them to their room.
“I can get him if you want,” she nodded her head to the boy in your arms, but you just brushed her off still holding him.
You both then entered the dark room and tucked them both into their beds. You placed a kiss on Camdens forehead and then walked over to Charlie doing the same, as Caitlin watched from the doorway. You then walked over to Caitlin, who pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you into the air slightly.
“I can’t wait to have a family with you,” she smiled, her dimples deep in her cheeks as she looked down at you.
“I can’t wait either,” you smiled, going on your tiptoes to place a kiss against her lips. “You’re gonna be such a good mom Cait.”
“No that’s gonna be you baby,” her hands ran through your hair before she closed the door behind you both as you stood in the hallway.
Your lips pulled into a bright smile before you turned away to hide your blush. Even after being together for years she still managed to make you feel like a teenager, all giddy every time she smiled at you.
You then grabbed her hands from behind you and dragged her through the hallway. She dropped your hands and pulled you in by her waist, trailing behind you until you guys got back to the couch. She pushed you onto the couch and then flopped on top of you.
Caitlin then placed a soft kiss to your stomach, “I’m so excited to have kids with you,” she beamed before meeting your face and kissing you gently. You just giggled at her and agreed completely.
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allie’s corner
ok i kinda went haywire at the end my bad…
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pr3ttyb0ym2g · 8 months
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POSSESSIVE ꒰ADAM 𝘅 male! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳꒱
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ;; Romantic. You're Adam's third lover, but you're not his wife, you're his husband. And you are definitely annoyed at Adam's snide remarks about you leaving him. Epilogue: COMFORT 𝘼/𝙉 ;; Sorry not so sorry, Adam is too fine and I'm going crazy for him, RABID actually. Def a lil cringe, but possessiveness + Adam was too good to pass up.
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Maybe it was the way Adam suddenly gave you attitude, but you were pissed. Your infamous lover, was going on a tangent about Lucifer after his daughter had just met with Heaven. He went on and on about Lucifer and how anyone associated with him, his daughter along with Eve and Lilith, were "shit-fucks". But with his complaining about Lucifer, came the topics of his two stolen wives. Now, you weren't jealous per say, you understood Adam's attitude towards his past wives. But what you were mad about, was when Adam decided to run his mouth about you. "Can you believe it!? Eve, Lilith! I wouldn't be surprised if it was you, at this point. I swear when I catch that son of a— " You snapped. You grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him close to you, face to helmet. Adam choked up on his words as he stared at you through his helmet, breathing heavily as his tangent was cut short. He saw how pissed you were, even when your face remained neutral, your eyes were glaring at him. He felt as though you were staring right through him. "Haha, sorry babe, did the truth hurt?" Adam forced out a snide remark while very apparently nervous. Your grip only tightened, and you uttered his name in a whisper. Your voice was low and you clearly weren't fucking around. First man or not, you don't take shit.
And Adam heard you loud and clear, he knew you were patient and he rarely ever saw you mad, but you were furious at him. Him of all things. "Sir, the Seraph—" Lute, one of Adam's closest exorcists, walked into the room. She was used to the man and often just stepped in, knocking only on occasions when she felt like it. Lute, knowing Adam, always expected him to be doing something vile or crude in his living quarters, but this was a different situation. Adam looked to be in a fight with you. She paused in her steps, taking in the unexpected sight. Your back was to her and she could clearly see Adam being in your grasp (literally). "Lute, get out." You didn't turn around, still staring intently at Adam, who took an unsteady breath. Adam prayed Lute had an emergency that would get him out of this situation. "There's a issue that needs to be—" "Lute, I said get out." You left her no room to argue. "I.. Yes sir. I'll notify the Head Seraphim." Lute never heard you ever ask her for something. You were humble and you never intercepted her relationship with Adam. So when you, for the first time ever, ordered her to get the fuck out, she did. It was out of character for Lute to just back down, but here was something she couldn't shake.
Lute is loyal to Adam, but she has a big sinking feeling he initiated whatever mood you're in now. "Shut the door on your way, please." The door was quickly shut. "Fuck [name], what if that was important?" He grabbed your wrist, trying to pull you off, but you didn't budge.
"We both know you wouldn't give a fuck if it was." Whilst Adam was somewhat cooperative with his boss, Sera, he was also very out of line. So much so that Sera has to often just appear and discipline him and Lute. And the man didn't care about anything that wasn't the extermination, one of his limited entertainments. "Adam, I want you to listen to me." He didn't respond. "Don't you ever spout anything like that again. Do you understand me? I am not a temporary lover, let alone a trophy to be displayed for your past mistakes. I agreed to marry you with every intent to stay with you, so I expect the same from you." Adam didn't say anything for a short moment and you both just stared at each other. "Okay."
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mynameismckenziemae · 3 months
Girl you can’t bring up fogging up the windows with Jake and Bradley and not give it to us????
I can and I will…give it to you that is.
(smut below the cut ✂️)
Disclaimer: it’s not edited.
“Seriously guys? Again?”
“Please?” You ask Bradley, watching his eyes darken before he nods, and you grin as you lean back to roll down the window.
Jake’s eyes take in your flushed cheeks and disheveled hair before dropping to your breasts, heaving against the fabric.
“Jealous?” You ask, glancing at the bar before leaning out the window.
“A little,” he admits, stealing a kiss after making sure the coast is clear. You fist his shirt when he tries to pull back, keeping him where you want him as you deepen the kiss.
Bradley’s hand grips his chin, breaking the kiss when he turns Jake toward him.
“Get in,” Bradley whispers, voice rough as he brushes his lips over Jake’s before releasing him.
“Yes sir,” Jake teases, but his shaky inhale as he steps back gives him away. Bradley’s cock twitches in interest under you before you dismount from his lap to the middle of the bench seat.
“Move over there,” Jake tilts his chin toward the corner of the lot as he gets in the passenger seat, “on the other side of that truck; can’t see past it.”
As Bradley moves the Bronco, Jake pulls out his phone to type a quick message to Nat, buying you more time. His thumb pauses on the keyboard with a sigh as you kiss his neck.
“Now,” Bradley says as he kills the engine again, his hand trailing up your arm to your hair, “where were we before we were so rudely interrupted? Something about sucking me off?”
“Mmm,” you hum against Jake’s skin, smiling at the way he shivers, “in a minute.”
“No,” Bradley growls, pulling you off Jake’s neck by your hair, making you gasp, “he can wait his turn.”
While Bradley pulls himself out of those tight-as-son jeans, you manage to get turned around, kneeling in the middle floor after only banging your knees on the dash a few times.
You kitten lick the precum beading on his tip before swallowing him down, knowing you don’t have time to tease.
“Fuck,” Bradley grunts, thrusting up into your mouth and making you gag, “take it, I know you can.”
You hum, nodding once.
“Atta girl,” Jake praises, palming himself over his jeans as he watches you take Bradley all the way to the base, “so good.”
“So so good,” Bradley agrees breathlessly, his head falling back as you pull back just to do it again, building into a steady rhythm.
“Touch him,” you tell Bradley, voice raspy when you pull off. Your right hand begins to stroke him while your left sneaks under your dress where you’re again wet and needy, “but don’t let him cum. I wanna taste both of you.”
They groan in unison and you smile as you get back to work, bobbing your head in a quick, unrelenting rhythm.
Jake pulls himself out and you moan, clenching around your fingers when you hear Bradley spit in his hand; then a moment later, Jake’s sigh.
“Slow down, Bradshaw,” Jake chokes not long after, letting you know Bradley’s close.
“She-shit, honey,” Bradley gasps when you tighten the ring of your lips, “she said not to cum. Don’t disappoint her now.”
“Slow down then,” Jake retorts, “ah-fuck!” He slaps Bradley’s hand away to grip his own base as Bradley cums with a low groan.
“Not-not all of it,” he pants out, sounding absolutely wrecked, “save some for Jake.”
You whimper around his twitching cock, swallowing all but a taste as you were told. Jake leans in, meeting your lips halfway; the rumble that leaves his throat at the taste of Bradley’s release has you on the knife’s edge of your own.
You nip his lower lip as you pull away, giving him a small smile before ducking your head.
“Your fucking mouth,” Jake groans as you swallow him to the hilt, your throat already relaxed from Bradley.
Bradley pulls your hair into a makeshift ponytail before guiding you up and down.
The lewd noises from your mouth harmonize with the wet sounds between your legs as you work yourself in the same rhythm.
“Fuck!” Jake cries, cumming in your mouth as you cum on your fingers with a whimper.
Not wanting him to feel left out, you sit up and beckon Bradley close with a crook your finger, treating him with Jake’s taste as your tongue tangles with his.
“Are you guys decent?” Nat’s voice startles you apart. Jake looks like he’s seen a ghost. “Come on, I know you guys are in there, the windows are all fogged up.”
“Uh, just a second,” Bradley says as he tries to tuck himself back into his jeans. Jake does the same while you attempt to right your dress
“Hurry up,” she sighs, “Jake went to look for you guys 20 minutes ago and now isn’t answering his phone.”
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quicktosimp · 11 months
Little Teeth
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Warnings: Birthing, Jake being a slight perv, and excessive use of the word "fuck", otherwise it's pure fluff
Words: 9k
A/N: Finally got around to finsihing this fic! I have had so much fun writing this. Thank you so much @loaksxhoe, for giving us your headcanons on @pandoraslxna, when you were still an anon. I love you so much Roomie 😘
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Jake and Neytiri didn’t take long to have a baby, and then right after Neytiri fell pregnant, we found that Grace’s avatar had also become pregnant. No one knows how, but what we do know is that two little babies will be born soon. Jake and Neytiri had already agreed to take in Grace’s baby, and as their third mate, I will be right there with them, helping along the way with two little ones. The firstborn was little Neteyam, a boy, followed quickly by Grace’s baby, a little girl named Kiri. Life with two infants is exhausting in all the best ways. Even though every moment is spent with one of the two little ones, it couldn’t be more perfect.
And then Neytiri announced she was pregnant. I made plenty of jokes about na’vi contraceptives, but I was elated about there being a new member of our family soon. Now, with a third on the way, things have been put into overdrive. Thankfully, with preparing for the first two, we didn’t need much more, but by Eywa’s grace, would Neytiri please slow down! She’s seven months pregnant, Neteyam strapped to her back, and is bow fishing! I demanded her to either sit down or hand me Neteyam…
“Neytiri love, you are heavily pregnant and carrying Neteyam; please let me take some of the load for you!”
Without seeing her face, I know she’s giving me that glare full of fondness, “I am well aware that I am pregnant, but that does not stop my duties.” she draws her bow, and the beautiful yellow and green feathers fan her cheek.
Rolling my eyes, “Oh wow, I didn’t remember seeing any of the other pregnant women hunting or fishing. I also don’t remember seeing anyone hunting or fishing with their babies strapped to their backs at all. Maybe I’m just blind.” I walk up, and Neteyam notices me. I started to play with the little foot that I could reach, “Let me take Neteyam, and you can have your fun fishing to your heart's content.” I bargain, Neteyam’s little giggles doing wonders for my case. 
With a sigh, Neytiri slowly drops her bow and slides Neteyam off her back. I grab him and cradle him to my chest. His big eyes stare up at me with glee.
“Hello, little mister,” I coo as Neteyam babbles happily, “Have you had fun fishing with Sa’nu?” I asked him, knowing he didn’t understand. But enjoying the attention, he continues to babble excitedly and squeal, communicating with me in a language only he understands. His bright green eyes stare into mine with the love and devotion only a child can hold.
A large hand cups my face, and Neytiri gently leads me to look at her, “You are perfect with our kids, and every day, I fall more and more in love with you,” She lays a gentle kiss on my lips.
I smile into our kiss, bringing our lips to meet again until a tiny hand smacked at my face. I looked at Neteyam; he was disgruntled, like I had ruined his little baby life. 
“It seems our ‘Itan is jealous. He doesn’t like Sa’nu taking all of his Mama’s attention,” Neytiri cooed at our son.
Neytiri and I turned our heads to look at Neteyam, surprised and joyful.
“Did he just?” I cut myself off.
“Yes, he did, Syulang. See if he’ll do it again!” She exclaimed, her hand covering her smile.
I look at Neteyam excitedly, “Neteyam, are you saying Mama? Mama!” I emphasized to him.
“Ma! Ma! Ma-ma!” His little fists raised in the air as he chants my name.
“Oh my goodness!” I squeal as tears prick at my eyes, excited to hear and be his first word. I kiss his cheek repeatedly, causing him to erupt in giggles.
“Oh my ‘Itan, you have always been a Sa’nu’s boy, yet you say Mama first,” Neytiri teases him, rubbing her nose against his cheek. 
Happy that the attention is back on him, he throws his head back in giggles as he claps his hands.
“I can’t believe it! Neteyam’s first word!” I gush over him.
“He is blessed,” Neytiri muttered, holding the two of us.
A thought suddenly hit me, “Jake’s going to be so upset. He missed Kiri crawling for the first time, too.”
“Ba, I told our Skxawng that she was going to start moving soon, yet he still went on that hunting trip,” She exclaims, rolling her eyes.
“Still, I feel kinda bad,” I worry, continuing to kiss Neteyam’s cheek, not wanting him to be upset after such a big thing.
“Jake will just have to work harder with this one.” Neytiri rubs her taunt stomach. 
“I cannot wait for this little one to join us,” I bring my hand to her stomach, feeling the little one inside.
Looking at the two of us, Neteyam lays his chubby hand on Neytiri’s stomach, “Your tsmukan prrnen is in there,” I explain softly.
Neteyam softly coos as he holds his hand on his Sa’nu’s belly. Suddenly, Neteyam yanks his hand back before angrily babbling, scawolling at her stomach. 
I looked at Neteyam questioningly as Neytiri laughed, “Our youngest just kicked Neteyam’s hand.”
I can’t stop myself from laughing as well, seeing Neteyam scold his unborn brother, unknown babbles and grizzles leaving him, making him sound like an angry bee. 
“Alright, my little buzzing bee, it’s time for us to go home,” I comment to Neteyam, caressing his cheek bringing his attention back to me, “Enjoy your fishing, my love,” I lay a kiss on Neytiri’s lips.
“Thank you, Yawne, you two enjoy your day,” With that, we go our separate ways.
The walk back to the village was long, as Neytiri likes to fish in more remote areas, but Neteyam and I enjoyed our stroll. I showed him many different plants and rocks. If they were safe, then I’d put them in his little hands as he learns to move them properly. Feel the texture in his hands and mouth as he learns.
Nearing the village, I hear the sound of pa’li and their riders nearby, “Do you hear that, Neteyam? Those are pa’li and their riders. The riders are brave warriors who protect the clan,” I explain diligently. 
Neteyam’s ears flicker, his eyes shifting between me and the sounds he hears. Soon, the pa’li riders show themselves, led by Tsu’tey.
“Oel ngati kameie, Tsu’tey,” I greet friendly, doing the movement the best I could with a squirming Neteyam.
Tsu’tey returns the gesture, “Oel ngati kameie, (Y/N), Neteyam,” Tsu’tey turns his attention to the wiggling baby, “He seems active today,” A grin shows on his face.
“I think he woke up from his nap just in time to see me. Gives his Sa’nu peace and quiet, leaving his Mama with a wiggle butt,” I joke.
Neteyam turns his head to me, “Ma! Ma ma ma-ma.” He babbles on.
“Well, he wasn’t doing that yesterday,” Tsu’tey commented, “Does Neytiri and Jake know that you’re Neteyam’s favorite?” He teases.
“I don’t know if I’m his favorite. It’s just easier for babies to use an ‘M’ sound than the ‘S.’” I shrug off, “But yes, Neytiri was there to hear his words. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen Jake today,” I explain.
Tsu’tey slowly shakes his head, “I swear those two wait for Jake to leave before doing something,” 
I laugh at his reasoning, “Neteyam, I believe it is bad timing. Kiri, on the other hand, I see the look in that girl's eyes. She’s doing it on purpose.” I laugh joyfully.
“Is that why Jake takes her with him everywhere? Now, Jake has always been good at caring for the babies, but I feel like I haven't seen him without Kiri attached to his chest for the past two months.” Tsu’tey asks, picking fun of my mate.
“I believe so. Jake had Kiri for 48 hours straight, with plenty of playtime and cuddling. Now Jake had Kiri on her back, playing with her. The moment that he went to go to the bathroom, she rolled herself over and started crawling!” I exclaimed, telling my favorite story.
“No wonder my brother refuses to let go of her! But now he may do the same with this little one,” Tsu’tey comments, laughing at my mate's plight.
“What will he do when our third is born? He can’t carry them all,” I enjoy the mental image that gives me,
“He will try, that is for sure,” Tsu’tey grins as he looks around, “Where is Neytiri? Surely you are not by yourself?” The grin slowly faded from his face.
“Neytiri is restless. She is bow fishing down by her favorite creak.” I shrug.
“She should still not leave you alone. The animals have been restless lately.” He pursed his lips, “Come here and hop on. I will bring you back to the village.” 
I thought to argue, but I was already tired from the walk, and Neteyam was getting restless, “Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I walked towards him, and he easily picked the two of us up, settling us in front of him.
“Of course, I am glad to be of help,” He responds before he urges his pa’li onward at a slow pace.
Neteyam, interested in the pa’li, reached out and patted the fin atop its head, “Yes, Neteyam, this is a pa’li, Tsu’tey’s pa’li. Tsu’tey is your uncle,” I ramble on to Neteyam.
“Uncle? I am not familiar with that word.” Tsu’tey inquired.
“It is an English word, an honorific; it is what children call the brother of their parents. I explain to him.
“And you are teaching Neteyam to call me that?” His tail swished joyfully.
“Yes, you were a brother to Neytiri first, growing up alongside her. Then you became a brother to Jake and me. We all proved ourselves during the war. You are our brother, and we agreed we like the name and want you to be called that by our kids,” I offered.
“This is a great honor, thank you,” Tsu’tey reaches around, placing a hand on Neteyam’s head.
“It is an honor for us to have you as a brother. I am always thankful to call you brother, and I am honored for my children to grow up with you around.” I explain heartfully.
“I promise to always live up to that name,” He responds dutifully.
“I know you will, Brother,” Looking back, I smile at him.
The rest of the ride back to the village was filled with idle chatter, Neteyam babbling along with us, believing he was adding to the conversation. Tsu’tey and I indulged him; every time he babbled, we would respond to him with wows or agreements, encouraging him to babble more.
Tsu’tey brought us to the village entrance before helping us down, “You two enjoy your day. I will be back later, hopefully with one of your run-away mates,” He explains, turning his pa’li around.
I give a small laugh at his choice of words, “Thank you, Tsu’tey; however, I will enjoy my time with Neteyam. It has been a while since he has had one one-on-one with his Mama,” I explain cheekily. 
“Got it. I will not look for them too hard,” He agrees, matching my grin. 
“Stay safe, Tsu’tey.” I nod before heading to my kelku.
Being mated to the Olo’eyktan meant our kelku was in the center of the village. It was also larger than the average, but that is fine as we will have three kids in under a year. It was decorated with beautiful tapestries, woven garments, and pillows. It had taken some convincing with Neytiri, but she ended up loving the pillows and the many uses they have, especially the one made to wrap around her front, helping hold the babies and letting her rest her arms.
Looking down, I hear Neteyam grizzling, with it being time for a feed and a nap. 
“I know Teyam, Mama’s going,” I soothe, preparing his bottle, another human invention I had to convince Neytiri of. 
Warming his milk, I check it on my wrist before pouring it into his bottle. I walk over to the pillows, situating myself and Neteyam as his whines increase in volume, “Shh, lovey, I got it right here,” I coo, placing the tip in his mouth. 
Neteyam eagerly latches on, suckling the milk into his mouth and swallowing greedily. He rests his arms on his stomach as his eyes grow heavy. I rest Neteyam on a pillow, angling him towards me, as I use my now free hand to rub over his head. He continues to suck at his bottle like it’s his last meal until it’s finished. Sitting him up, I hold him under his chin before patting his back gently, forcing the trapped wind out. After the wind came up, I brought him back to my chest, cradling him close to me as he readied himself for a nap. Smoothing his hair and running a finger over his face, Neteyam’s eyes droop further as sleep calls him. I chuckle softly as I watch him drift to sleep. With nothing else to do, I sit there watching his beautiful face as he rests peacefully, his chest rising and falling with every breath. I can’t help but reflect on everything that brought me here, and despite the losses, I wouldn’t trade this moment for the world. Knowing that I will be here for a while, I grab my last weaving project, another sling, as we’ll need it with the new little one, as they’ll be here any day.
Jake named Neteyam, wanting to honor Neytiri’s side of the family, and with Neteyam being a mini Neytiri, it worked perfectly. Neytiri named Kiri, naming her after her biological mother. I am unsure of who will name the newest one, but thoughts have circled in my head. One particular name stays around, refusing to leave.
“Darling, why must you look at me like that?” I hear Jake as he enters our kelku.
I turn to see him wearing the Olo’eyktan ornaments, with Kiri strapped to his chest, staring at her father without blinking.
“Please, baby girl, just blink,” Jake’s voice turns to pleading.
I laugh quietly at Jake losing a fight with his infant daughter, grabbing his attention.
“Hey, Sweetheart, how has your day been?” Jake asks, lowering his voice when he notices Neteyam sleeping.
I smile at him, bemused, as Kiri has yet to blink, “It’s been good. Got some time with Neteyam, saw Tsu’tey, now what is this about Kiri and not blinking?” I ask, giggling softly.
A groan escaped Jake, “I swear to you, she hasn’t blinked in over five minutes. She just stares at me blankly.” Truth be told, I still haven’t seen Kiri blink yet.
I have to restrain myself from laughing, “Gosh, I love that girl,”
“You say that like she hasn’t been purposely tormenting me,” Jake exaggerated.
“While that may be true, you did miss something important today.” I tease him.
Curiously, Jake’s face furrows as he smiles hesitantly, “And what did I miss?”
“Well, you see, I went to go and force Neytiri to chill out because I found her bow fishing with Neteyam again. After convincing her to hand over to Neteyam, she gave me a quick parting kiss.” I pause for dramatic effect, “Now Neteyam didn’t like that the attention was off of him, and Neytiri pointed out that he didn’t like that his Sa’nu and Mama were getting more attention than him. Apparently, Neteyam needed to get his point across, and he did that by saying ‘Mama,’” I grin triumphantly. 
“Neteyam, Neteyam said his first word? He said, Mama!” Jake’s ears and tail flickered in glee as he fought to keep his voice down. “I can’t believe it!” Jake paused briefly, his tail drooping, “I can’t believe I missed it!” Realizing he missed another milestone. 
I chuckle at his actions; poor Jake kept missing things, “Well, if you want to switch, maybe Neteyam will speak for you when he wakes, and our little miss will finally blink.” I reach my free arm out.
Grumbling, he unwraps Kiri from her sling, and we switch babies; Neteyam snuffles a little before settling in Jake’s arms, while Kiri finally blinks, realizing that she’s with her Mama a gummy smile stretched over her face, two little white spots on top of her gums.
I laugh, realizing that Jake missed something else, “Jake, my love,” I look at him, grinning.
He looks at me, concerned, “What is it this time?” 
“Our daughter has two teeth coming in,” I grin triumphantly.
“What? No way!” He rushes over the best he can with a sleeping Neteyam.
I turn Kiri around, moving her top lip to show the two white spots, “Looks like her fangs are coming in first. Is that normal for na’vi?” I ask while feeling the spots, seeing how far along they are.
“I don’t even know what human baby teeth come in first, let alone na’vi,” He admitted sheepishly.
“I’ll have to ask Neytiri or Mo’at, depending on how long Neytiri decides to stay out. Kiri’s teeth are coming along.” I mention.
Jake feels Kiri’s gums, much to her ire, “I’d probably do it sooner than later. Those teeth aren’t waiting for anyone,” He explains, removing his finger as Kiri goes to chomp down.
I laugh as Jake looks at our daughter fearfully, “Alright, scaredy cat,” I sit up and move towards the door.
I struggle to put on the sling for Kiri, but after successfully trying it, I wave back at Jake before heading back out.
The healing tent, thankfully, isn’t far from our marui, a brisk walk. The longest part of it was when I stopped digging up a plant for Kiri to hold. The plant seemed to react to her presence, but that was a topic for another day.
The healing tent isn't really a tent. It’s underground, beneath the roots of a tree, giving a warm and cozy vibe when you walk in, bringing warmth and peace as the scents of herbs and tinctures brush my nose. Mo’at stands in the middle of the undergrowth, grinding petals into her mortar. 
“Oel ngati kameie, Mo’at,” I call out respectfully. 
Her head swivels to look at me. A soft smile brushes her face as she spots Kiri and I, “Oel ngati kameie. I trust that you two are alright?” She asks, eyeing us for injuries.
“We are fine. Just came to show you Kiri’s new teeth,” I return her smile.
Mo’at’s ears and tail flickered in joy as her face lit up, “Bring her here! I must see,” She quickly abandons her work.
Laughing, I untangle the sling, happily handing over Kiri to her grandmother. Mo’at eagerly took her granddaughter, placing a finger inside Kiri’s mouth, feeling at the emerging teeth. 
“Two little fangs; it seems they’re coming in just fine!” She spoke excitedly, her voice soft to not bother Kiri.
“Jake and I  were wondering, is it normal for na’vi babies' fangs to come in first?” I ask, seeing that Mo’at is happy with the progress.
Removing her finger from Kiri’s mouth, she explains, “Hmm, yes, one or two top fangs come in at a time, then the bottom ones. After that, the front teeth fill in.”
I nod my head, happy with her words, “That’s a little different than what I am used to, but I am glad that everything is normal.”
“Is that not how humans work?” She asks curiously.
“Sa’nok! Do you know where Jake and (Y/N) are?” I hear Neytiri call.
“I am here, Love!” I called back to her.
“What is the matter ‘Ite?” Mo’at answers as Neytiri comes into sight, Tsu’tey at her side.
“I am in labor; our newest one is early,” She explains calmly as she shuffles her way into the healing tent.
Looking at Tsu’tey, I grab Kiri from Mo’at and hand her to him, “Ready?” I ask him.
“I have been waiting. We knew the day would be soon.” Tsu’tey accepts Kiri from me.
“Jake is at our kelku with Neteyam. If you could, please send him our way, that would be amazing,” I comment as I go through the mental birthing plan. 
“Do not worry. I will send Jake your way and care for the little ones,” He calmly states, noticing my incoming panic. 
“Thank you, Tsu’tey,” I give one last kiss to Kiri’s cheek before turning and joining Neytiri and Mo’at further into the tree roots. 
The deeper underground is only illuminated by the surrounding plants. As I walked down, it became warmer as steam poured upward, and the healing pools were heated, creating the perfect place for birthing. The area brings a natural peace, helping calm me.
Neytiri was already resting in a pool, her garments folded neatly off to the side, as she relaxed with her mother next to her. I sit next to the pool, grabbing Neytiri’s hand and placing it on my face.
“Are you calm now, ‘Ite?” Mo’at asks me.
Sighing, I reply, “Much better now. I’m sorry for panicking,” I mutter to Neytiri.
She laughs softly at me, “Jake was much worse when Neteyam was born. I thought he was going to pass out on me,” Her large thumb caresses my face.
“In our defense, human births are an ordeal. Sometimes it takes several days, and surgery is still needed to remove the baby,” I mumble, eased as I remember na’vi births are relatively simple.
“Several days? That seems excessive,” Mo’at questioned.
“Human births are not easy. It's excruciating. I know my mother was in labor with me for 29 hours before the doctor agreed to remove me surgically.” I explain, grimacing.
“Surgically?” Mo’at mutter aghast.
“Yes, my mother didn’t dilate enough for me to pass through, so instead, they cut open through several layers of flesh and into the womb to remove me.”  I wince at the idea, “The only other option would be to attempt to force me out, which would have either gotten me stuck, most likely killing both of us or my mother would have torn, causing her to bleed out.”
The two women looked at me fearfully, unable to process what I explained to them.
“And this is common for humans?” Mo’at asked softly, slightly pale.
“Yeah, around 1 million births a year are c-sections,” I struggled to remember the average number.
“Would you be at risk for those?” Neytiri asked concernedly.
I look at her earnestly, “Oh, definitely, that’s why Jake and I are so careful because a na’vi baby would be so large that I would be on bed rest from about the 4th month and would need a c-section. Although we do have several human doctors who can perform the surgery, it’s really just the pregnancy that has us concerned.” 
Neytiri goes to speak, but a wince cuts her off. I look down and notice her slit is swollen, symbolizing that her cervix is moving forward slowly. I place my hand into the water, gently rubbing at the side of her slit, trying to help ease the tension building there.
“After hearing that, this seems easy,” She groans.
“Hey, don’t play down your pain. Your body is literally rearranging itself for birth; you get to complain, groan, and moan, and I will personally help you if you threaten Jake, and Jake will as well.” I scold her gently but firmly.
“Threaten? Is that normal for human births? Neytiri’s giggles were infectious.
“Yeah, just the standard things though, ‘You’re never touching me again!’, ‘I’m cutting off your balls and feeding them to the dog!’ you know the normal things.” I comment, remembering some of the things I had heard before.
Mo’at and Neytiri burst into laughter, their giggles echoing to the top of the healing pod.
Jake walked into the birthing room smiling, “It seems I’m missing out.”
“Oh, you know, just threatening humankind by castrating men,” I smile sweetly.
Jake winces, pushing his legs together at the thought, “Babe, I don’t have those anymore, and that’s still terrifying.”
“I still find it odd that human sex are outside the body, males in particular. It literally sways as they move,” Neytiri muses, furrowing her brow.
My head tilts back in laughter, amused by her disgust, “Love, I was terrified when Jake showed me his slit and a giant dick covered in spikes came out! Human genitals are tame compared.”
I quickly shut my mouth, remembering that Mo’at was in the room. I sent her an apologetic look, apologizing for my language. She merely chuckles, shaking her head.
“Now that your mates are here, I will go upstairs. I’ll come back after you are finished together.” With that, she left up the stairs.
Jake takes her spot, kneeling on the other side of the pool, his hand rubbing at Neytiri’s neck, easing her muscles, “How are you feeling?”
“Sore and uncomfortable, this one is ready to leave,” She mutters, and I can feel her inner muscles contracting and moving around.
“I can feel it. Baby wants out now,” I chuckle lightly, realizing something, “All of our kids are eager today: Neteyam’s first word, Kiri’s first teeth, and now baby three is rushing their own birth.”
Neytiri’s face lit up, “Kiri has a fang now?” She asked excitedly.
“Two little teeth are pushing through, two little white spots on her gums,” Jake explains, cupping warm water and trailing it over her shoulders.
“Ahhh, I can not wait to see them,” Her face is aglow.
“And despite Jake having her all day, he still managed to miss them. I spotted her teeth,” I giggle at Jake’s luck.
“Ma Jake, what is with our children and avoiding you,” Neytiri’s laugh brought joy to us as we successfully distracted her.
“I held her all day! There is no way I could have missed that!” Jake whines.
“You also held a staring contest with her and lost,” I pointed out.
“She wouldn’t blink! Five minutes!” He exclaimed.
Neytiri’s head fell back as her laughter rang through the underground. 
“Our ‘Ite will walk all over you when she is older,” Her giggles trail off.
“I can’t fight an eight-month-old baby,” Jake’s pout was evident.
Neytiri and I look at each other, smiling, knowing that our husband was thoroughly whipped for his daughter. 
“Oh!” Neytiri exclaimed.
I press around the sides of her slit, feeling the baby's head was close, “I’m going to start prepping you, Love,” I explain to her.
I wait for her nod of consent before gently rubbing at her slit. The opening is swollen from the moving blood. I press down with easy pressure, moving my fingers from top to bottom, urging her slit to open. A sharp hiss leaves Neytiri’s mouth as she grabs Jake’s hand.
“Easy, it’s okay baby, we got you,” I can hear Jake hold back a wince of his own from her firm grip on his hand.
“Is this where humans would start to threaten their male mate?” Neytiri asked through clenched teeth.
“Yes, Love, this is typically that time,” I send a knowing grin to Jake, excited to hear the explicit that will fall from her mouth. 
Jake gives me a dark look but otherwise doesn’t say anything.
“Jake! You bastard!” She starts off strong, “If I didn’t like it so much, I would cut off your dick and feed it to the Ikran’s!”
With that, I had to duck my head, hiding the smile that couldn’t stop. I focus back on my task, feeling her muscles giving in to my touch. I push a little harder, needing to break the seal that her pregnancy caused.
“Fuck you, Jake! I’m trying your dick to an Ikran and having it take flight!” Her scream was shrill as I broke the seal.
“You’re doing such a good job, Love. The seal’s broken. The worst of it is over.” I coo to her.
“By Eywa, that seal is horrible,” Neytiri mutters breathlessly, the sharp pain of the seal breaking causing her to lose her breath.
Now that her slit is open, I can see the fluid from her womb flow out, tainting the pool in a soft blue glow. I dip my fingers inside, feeling for the baby’s head. Their crown was near but not properly aligned yet. 
“Almost there, Love. Just a couple more minutes, and we can get them out,” I explain softly, my fingers never leaving the baby’s head.
Neytiri chuckles through her groans, “This one is eager, a week early, and not even an hour in labor.”
“Neteyam was average, right? Three hours?” He questions.
I look up at Neytiri’s face, wondering what the answer is, “Yes, three to four hours is average. And I now know why. I can feel this one moving my organs at their whim.” She hisses as the baby moves again.
Their fuzzy head is beneath my fingertips as their crown aligns some more. I shot Jake a pointed look, so I could continue to ease the rest of her slit open. 
“So what are the names we had listed?” He asked lamely.
“Well, for a girl, we all agreed on Mi’niri or Tuktirey,” Neytiri reminded him.
“If she’s named Tuktirey, the kids may have a hard time with her name until they are older,” I warned as I used the warm water to gently ease away the remains of the seal.
“Mhm,” She groaned as more the seal was parted, “I don’t think any of us agreed on a boy name,” Wincing as more of her slit parted.
Noticing that the baby was trying to push itself out early, I placed a bit of pressure on their head, needing to open Neytiri’s slit fully; otherwise, it could hurt both Neytiri and the baby.
“Jake, this is 100% your child,” I mutter, trying to hurry but not wanting to hurt Neytiri anymore.
Sputtering, Jake managed out, “What did I do?”
“Your child likes to finish early,” I muttered blankly.
“I do not finish early!” Jake protested.
“Then why do I always make our, Paskalin cum?” Neytiri joins in.
Using Jake’s bruised ego as a distraction, I finish peeling apart the bottom of Neytiri’s slit, allowing our baby to come out.
“Ready, Tiri? Our baby is ready to come out now,” I explain to her softly, my joy barely contained.
I remove my hand from her slit; instead, I place both my hands outside and around, ready to catch our baby. Neytiri grips onto Jake’s hand, takes a deep breath, and pushes. As she strains, her slit parts wide, showing us the baby’s head.
“You’re doing so good; they’re almost here,” Jake cooed into her ear.
I look and see Neytiri struggling. I pat her hip and say, “Breathe, my love, you need to breathe.” I rub at her hip as she follows my words, “There you go, good job, just breathe,” I praise her.
I watch as her breathing regulates itself and that she’s ready to try again, “Ready, baby? They’re almost here; I can see their head. Just give me another push.” I explain softly, readying myself again.
One more breath, and she started to push, grunting as our baby’s head slowly went past her slit, letting us see their head to the top of their eyes.
“Almost there, Love!” I exclaimed as their head finally popped through, “That their head, good job, Lovie, one more push for the shoulders, and then our baby is here.” 
With that, Neytiri pushed as hard as she could, forcing the shoulders out, and the rest of our baby slid out. I grabbed the baby, bringing its face above the water as I cleaned the membrane off its face. 
Their little face scrunched up as they took their first breath before crying out their displeasure. I coo at them as I finish cleaning them off, looking for any abnormalities or injuries. As I washed them, their slit that hides their internal genitals didn’t have the strength to close and won't for many months. 
I slowly had them over to Neytiri, “Say hello to our son,” I whispered over his cries.
The three of us crowd together, our arms all coiled around each other, each touching one another and our new son. Tears were in all of our eyes as Neytiri brought our son to her teat, and his cries died off as he quickly latched on and began to drink. 
“He’s got a good appetite,” Jake softly chuckled, not wanting to startle the baby.
“He just wants his Sa’nu,” I chuckle back.
Slowly, I reach around and grab Neytiri’s kuru, bringing it forward as Jake goes for our son’s, the bare neural whip, tiny in his large hands. We both look at Neytiri, waiting for her to say something, but her eyes could leave our son's face. He was content where he was, laying snuggly against his Sa’nu, eating his first meal. 
Jake clears his throat, trying to grab her attention. Neytiri is slow to look away but eventually meets his eyes. Recognition faces through her face as she sees the kurus in our grasp.
“Please,” She whispers. 
And we obey slowly; we bring them together, the glowing strands wrapping around each other as Tsaheylu was formed. Slowly, Neytiri’s eyes closed as she relaxed into the bond, feeling everything that our son felt, the first bond being made.
Jake and I looked at each other, knowing that everything we had gone through was worth it for these moments. We slowly brought our faces together, and our lips met softly just over our baby’s head. It was sweet and passionate, full of love.
“I love you two, but do that somewhere else,” Neytiri gripped at us, her eyes remaining closed.
We part quickly, like teens caught by their parents, before we laughed quietly. I go back to finishing my job, cleaning Neytiri, and clamping the umbilical cord, severing one of the internal bonds. 
We all sat there quietly, Jake and I watching our son eat his fill, snuffling as he suckled. By the time he was finished, his little tummy was rounded full from his meal. I reached over and placed my hand on his stomach.
“Look at his tummy, Jake,” I coo, loving the feel of a newborn.
“Our little one is a good eater,” He responds, smiling, his hand rubbing at our son's head. 
“He enjoys your attentions,” Neytiri mumbles, a soft smile on her face. 
“He knows who his parents are,” Jake comments, his voice deep rumbling in a purr. 
A little squeaky sound follows, a little chirping noise that our son is making, the purr of an infant. The continued squeaking purr filled the underground, mixing with Jake’s comforting rumbles. Slowly and slightly reluctantly, Neytiri disconnects from our baby, handing him over to Jake. He grabs him and cradles our son to his chest, their purrs syncing. I grabbed Neytiri’s hand, linking our fingers together. 
We stayed down there for what seemed like hours, simply holding the baby and comforting each other. It was once again my turn with our son. He lay curled with his head resting above my heart. I smoothed a hand down his fuzzy head and down his back before doing it again, memorizing the sanhì that covers his body. This time, he was asleep, so it was quiet in the underground once again.
“Ma Yawne,” Neytiri called, “Jake and I have been discussing, and we agree it’s your turn to choose the name,” Her smile was soft as tears stung my eyes.  
“We’ve both named a child. This time, it's yours,” Jake added as he wrapped an arm around me.
“I-I never-I haven’t.” I stuttered out as tears poured out of my eyes, trailing down and dropping on my son's head.
Neytiri crawled out of the pool, sitting herself next to me. She grabbed my face and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, “You are one of us, Yawntutsyìp; you are our Syulang, never doubt that.” Her voice was full of passion as I leaned into her touch.
I have never doubted they loved me, but being the only human in this relationship comes with hardships and worries—fears of never being enough for them. But this was real and couldn’t be taken back.
Choking back my tears, I look at my son's face again, wondering which name to go with, even though I already knew the answer.
“Lo’ak,” I whispered, “His name is Lo’ak,”
“Like Lo’akur Toruk Makto Amulet, it’s perfect, Yawne,” Her voice wobbled as she held me closer.
I lean up and lay my lips on the underside of her jaw as Jake wraps himself around my other side. 
“I think it’s a perfect name,” But then he whispers quietly enough that Neytiri can’t hear, “It is Lo’ak and not LOAC, right?” 
I refused to respond to that with words. Instead, I leaned to the side and bit his ear.
“Hey! Let go. I was just asking,” Jake whined quietly, trying not to wake Lo’ak.
I continue with my hold on Jake’s ear, laughing as he attempts to get away from my teeth. 
On my other side, I can feel rumbling, Neytiri’s laughter, “Children, I’m mated to two children,” A grin overtook her face.
I quickly let go of Jake’s ear and turned to her, “You love us this way,” I smiled cheekily. 
She said nothing as she kissed my lips before doing the same to a pouting Jake.
And I know that this moment couldn’t be better.
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“Ma Syulang, I will be patrolling today. Jake should be back soon, but if I see Tsu’tey, I will send him to help you,” Neytiri rambles as she places her ionar.
I picked up Neteyam before he climbed onto our cooking spot. 
I turned and put on my best smile, “Don’t worry, Love, I’ll be fine until Jake gets back,” With that, Lo’ak started crying; growing in four fangs at once was painful.
Based on Neytiri’s face, I don’t think I did a good job in convincing her I was indeed fine, “I think I will wait for Jake to return before leaving,” She explains as she stops Kiri from putting a random leaf in her mouth, causing her to cry. 
I quickly placed Neteyam into the front of the sling, as Lo’ak was tied to my back, before moving over to Kiri, grabbing her wooden Ikran toy. Showing Kiri the toy, she quieted down, and I went to take her from Neytiri as Neteyam wiggled, becoming frustrated from the lack of mobility. 
“I’ve got them. You go on patrol,” I demand, as Netyeam grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked.
“Neteyam!” I scolded, a burning, sharp pain radiating through my skull. 
My shout scared the babies, causing all three to tear up and cry. Lo’ak’s cries turned into squeals, even more upset on top of the pain. Neteyam pulled again in his frustration, and I quickly put him down into the gated play area, “Neteyam, that is not okay. I know you’re upset, but you hurt Mama. You’re going to sit in here until you can use gentle hands. Mama loves you, but you can not hurt people,” I scolded softly but firmly. 
I sat down near the gate but left it out of reach; I pulled Lo’ak to my front, setting him next to Kiri as I shooshed them, trying to calm the two of them.
Neytiri walks urgently to my side, “Here, let me take one,” As she goes to grab one of the kids.
“No, Neytiri, I’m the one that scared them. I need to be the one to calm them and reassure them. I will do the same once Neteyam is out of timeout.” I sighed as Kiri’s cries trailed off into sniffles.
“I’m sorry, babies, Mama shouldn’t have yelled. I’m sorry for scaring you. Mama loves you,” I coo to them, apologizing for my actions. 
I continued to coo and rock them as Neteyam’s time came up. I walked over and stepped over the gate, sitting next to Neteyam. I pulled him into my arms, and he wrapped his chubby baby arms around my neck.
I kiss his head gently, “Neteyam, I love you so much, but you can not hurt people. Can you tell Mama you’re sorry?” I ask him gently.
“Sorry, Mama,” He sniffles, his little fingers clawing in distress.
“You’re forgiven, baby. Mama loves you so much,” I curled Neteyam closer to me as I leaned back against some pillows against the gate. 
“Love Mama,” He grizzles, rubbing his face in my neck.
“Mama loves you too, Teyam,” I whisper, noticing that the three of them are starting to settle down. 
Seeing that Neytiri was still standing there watching us, I used my face to gesture to the blanket nearby. Understanding what I wanted, she grabbed the soft blanket, covering the four of us in the soft fur. 
“Mama loves all of you so much,” I whisper again, kissing each of their heads.
Noticing that the situation was handled, Neytiri blew me a kiss before strapping her quiver on, her bow in hand, “Do you need anything, Yawne?” She asked one last time.
“Thank you, Love, but I’m good,” I whisper as I hear Kiri’s little snores. 
Giving us one last soft look, she left the kelku, leaving me with a snoring baby, a dozing baby, and a grizzly baby. I mentally curse at myself, realizing I should have asked for one of the baby sleeping mats to be placed next to me instead of where I spot it on the other side of the gated area. 
Accepting my fate as a baby bed for the time being, I slouch a bit more, getting myself comfortable. 
“Mama?” Neteyam asked drowsily.
“Yes, baby?” I hum, petting his hair.
“Mama?” He asks again, slower than the last time.
“Mama loves you, Netyeam,” I whisper again.
Slowly, his breathing eases out as he falls into a deep sleep.
Now that two of the three kids were sleeping, I turned to the third baby. Lo’ak was lying there resting, chewing on the strap to the sling, grizzling sleepily as he fights sleep and the pain of the emerging teeth. I kiss his forehead, bringing his attention to me.
“Mama loves you, Lo’ak, just as Mama loves Neteyam, and how Mama loves Kiri. I wish I could take the pain from you and help you rest, just as I wished I could do it for your siblings.” I ramble on, holding eye contact with Lo’ak, “Your Sempu is getting something to help with your teeth from your grandma, but he’s taking a long time, isn’t he? I love your Sempu, too, but he can be such a skxawng sometimes,” I smiled at Lo’ak, and in return, he gave me a watery smile before returning to gnawing on the straps of the sling.
He turned his head left to right, switching sides to alleviate the pressure. Using my not-so-free hand, I place my hand on his head, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, trying to give him the comfort he needs as he grizzles. Feeling something on his face, Lo’ak turns, sucking my finger into his mouth and gnawing on my thumb. He grinds his teeth and gums into my thumb, and I can feel my thumbnail crunching under the strength. I maneuver my thumb out of his mouth, trying not to curse at the pain. Looking at the offended limb, I see cracks in my nail from where he bit.
“You got a strong jaw there, baby. Gotta make sure nothing breakable goes in your mouth,” I laugh at Lo’ak’s disgruntled look, “Now, don’t give me that look. I like my thumb in one piece,” I say, wiggling my thumb, trying to ease the pain. 
Lo’ak’s eyes filled with tears as his new teething toy disappeared. I quickly leave small kisses all over Lo’ak’s face, distracting him from the loss of my thumb. Soft little baby giggles fill the kelku as the onslaught of kisses amuses him.
“Now that’s one of my favorite sounds. My other favorite is when you and Neytiri scream my name,” Jake’s face was stretched in a smirk.
Without looking away from Lo’ak, I calmly mentioned, “If you like us yelling your name, I’ll make sure to tell Neytiri it was you who lost the feathers she gathered for her arrows.” I quickly blow a raspberry on Lo’ak’s face, bringing forth more of his giggles.
“Easy baby, it was just a joke; please don’t sign my death warrant,” I hear him plead as he kneels next to the gated area.
“See, Lo’ak, I told you he’s such a Skxawng,” I explain to Lo’ak, his eyes attentive to me.
“Is this what you do while I’m gone? Teach them propaganda against me?” Jake teases, baffled.
“Yes, I’m staging a coup. Neytiri is my bodyguard, Neteyam is my recruiter, Kiri is my lookout, and Lo’ak is my second. Fear me, Jake Sully, your time is limited.” I drawl.
“Ha! You forgot Mo’at! She won't betray the Olo’eyktan!” Jake exclaimed quietly. 
“She will if her daughter is on my side, idiot,” I snark back at him, a smile threatening to cover my face. 
“Hmm, that is true, but I also have the numbing paste for Lo’ak,” He teases, hanging the bag over my head.
Interested in his father's actions, Lo’ak tries to reach for the bag above us.
“You would stoop so low as to threaten your own son's comfort?” I gasped dramatically. If my hands weren't full, I would place a hand over my heart.
“Anything to keep my lovely mates by my side. Now kiss me,” Jake demands, smiling at me, leaning down.
“You’re such a tease. We should role-play this some night,” I comment, leaning up to meet him. 
“I love that idea. You think Neytiri would be on board?” Jake asks concernedly, stepping over the gate, taking the two sleeping babies from me and cuddling them to his chest.
“Well, first, we would have to explain what role-playing is, but I have heard her say she wished you would command her in bed more often. As long as she knows that it won't change in our day-to-day life, I think she’ll love it,” I reply, explaining what I had heard.
“I hope she likes it,” He smiles, his tale swishing happily behind him.
I sat there thinking for a moment as I rubbed the paste into Lo’ak’s gums, careful not to let his jaws clamp on my finger again, “Gosh, I don’t think we’ve been intimate since before Lo’ak was born. It has been what, ten months now?” I ask Jake, really wondering if it had been that long. 
“324 days, to be exact,” He replied in a snap.
“Babe, have you wanted it that long?” I asked him concernedly.
Jake slowly shakes his head, “It’s alright, I have a working hand. We were all so tired, three babies right back to back. I didn’t want either of you two to feel stressed or pressured, so I kept my mouth shut,” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
Tears sprung to my eyes hearing this, wishing that Jake understood how much this truly meant. I stand to my feet, shifting Lo’ak so he is lying against my chest as he drifts to sleep now that the pain is gone. I cradle Jake's face in my hand as I kiss him passionately, pouring my love for him into the kiss. 
Parting slowly, I rest my forehead against his, “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Jake smiles softly, “The first time we met, I was in a wheelchair and got pushed down a hall. The force of the push caused me to hit you, and you fell into my lap. You could have yelled at me, blamed me, and so many others had.” Jake’s voice breaks as he licks his lips, “But instead, you took one look at the situation, and you apologized to me, even though you were the victim too before you hunted down the bastard and broke their nose, before chewing them out in front of everyone around. I knew right then and there that you were the one for me.” Jake rubbed his nose on mine as he couldn’t hold me with the two babies in his arms.
I curl into Jake’s arms the best I can, tears trailing down my face from the mixed emotions swirling inside me. 
“That long? And you didn’t say anything?” I whispered, my voice cracked. 
“You were so pretty and firey, way out of my league. I was just a dumb jarhead stuck in a wheelchair. I was just happy to be in your presence.” Jake wrapped his tail around, laying it on my lap. 
“You were always so much more than that. You were my first friend there, so kind and funny. I always had to stop myself from laughing when you snarked at Grace. You were always so strong and never took any shit. I knew I was falling in love with you, but the day you chose the na’vi over the humans, the day you betrayed your own species for the greater good, I knew I wasn’t going to let you slip away.” I explained to him, kissing him again softly. 
“Who would have thought we were both such simps,” Jake smiled into our kiss.
I giggled a bit, “Neytiri did. If it weren't for her, I doubt any of this would have happened,” I gestured to our kids. 
“That is tru-AHHHHHHHH!!!” Jake screamed, waking the babies and filling the air with their screams.
Panicking, I back away, trying to see what’s wrong.
“Don’t do that!” Jake yelled again.
“Don’t do what?” I scream in return.
Both the babies in Jake’s arms were squealing, terrified of the noise, as they waved their fists in the air. But Lo’ak was quiet. Looking down, I see the culprit of Jake’s pain. Right in Lo’ak’s little mouth lay Jake’s tail, clenched between those strong jaws and little teeth.
“Lo’ak’s biting your tail!” I screamed, trying to pull Jake’s tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“I see that! Now stop pulling!” Jake's teeth were bared in a natural defense to the pain.
“Well then, how would you like to handle this?” I yelled back, barely hearing anything over the screaming babies.
“I don't know! Just do something!” He yells, trying to pull his tail out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“Stop yelling! You’re scaring the babies!” I screamed back, trying to push on Lo’ak’s jaw to get him to let go.
Lo’ak’s squeaky growls add to the mix of screaming and whiling. Lo’ak does not want his new chew toy taken away, and he learned the last time to not let go.
“Fuck! Lo’ak! Let go!” Jake’s voice started to slip into a growl, fighting the challenge that Lo’ak started.
“I love you, but don’t you dare growl at the baby,” I hissed at him while still trying to pry Lo’ak’s jaw open.
“He started it!” He hissed back.
Kiri, either from fear or simply being done with shit, reached out and sunk her teeth into Jake’s shoulder, her growls adding to the mix.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Kiri, let go!” Jake yelled out.
“Da fuck? Why Kiri?” I asked no one in particular. 
“Is everything alright in here,” I hear Tsu’tey call.
Jake and I snap our heads over to him, “NO!” We yell in tandem.
“What is going on?” Tsu’tey’s deep voice asked over the chaos.
“Lo’ak bit Jake’s tail, and Kiri bit his shoulder, and we can’t get them to let go!” I rushed to explain while my hand started to cramp.
“Tsu’tey, seriously, help us get them off!” Jake demanded as nicely as he was able to.
“Have you scruffed them? That usually works,” Tsu’tey asked, baffled.
“Why would we scruff a baby?” I asked, bewildered and slightly hostile. 
“Be-because it calms them and will make them let go?” He answered, questioning us and himself.
“You know what, I don’t care, as long as it gets them off!” Jake hissed again.
Slow Tsu’tey walked over as if we were aggressive animals waiting to ponce. Spotting Kiri first, he slowly moved his hand over the back of her neck, gently rubbing before holding onto the skin there. A confused noise left her as she let go. Quickly, Tsu’tey grabbed her and held her properly. 
“You scruff them,” He explained calmly.
Looking down at Lo’ak, I move my hand from his jaw and copy the same movements that Tsu’tey did, and with a bated breath, Lo’ak let go. Jake grabbed his tail in relief as we all started to soothe the distressed babies. All of us are now mindful of the little teeth in their mouths.
“Brother, I thank you for your help in this, but if Neytiri ever finds out about this, I will personally make sure you and Ninat cannot have children,” Jake murmured while rocking Neteyam.
“No need for that, JakeSully. It is a right of passage in parenthood. Neytiri will be thrilled to see those scars!” Tsu’tey laughed, “Eytukan wore the scars Neytiri and Sylwanin gave him with pride. He would decorate the marks on the day of their birth.”
I look at Jake, bewildered that this is normal here, and based on the look that he gave me, he was thinking the same thing. 
“How-how often does this happen?” I asked tentatively.
“About once or twice a child,” Tsu’tey shrugged like it was no big deal.
“I’m going to tap out of this tradition as a human who is highly susceptible to infections, and I know that those teeth can and will do severe damage to me. For my safety, that isn’t gonna happen,” I deadpan.
I hear them both wince at the thought.
“That may be a good idea,” Tsu’tey, the biggest stickler for traditions, admitted. 
All eyes turned to the shouted curse.
“Please tell me-”
“Fuck!” Followed by little giggles.
“We’re so dead,” Jake muttered, all the color draining from his face.
“We have to hide this from Neytiri,” I whispered back.
Neteyam looked at Kiri from across the room, “Fuck!” He shouted at his sister, followed by giggles.
Kiri waved her arms excitedly, “Fuck!” She giggled back.
Tsu’tey slowly stood up, gently passing me Kiri like she was an atomic bomb, “You two seem to have a handle on this. I will take my leave now,” With that, he ran away with his tail between his legs, like a coward. 
“Did we ever finish writing our wills?” I ask, as Neteyam’s responding ‘fuck’ travels through the air.
“The na’vi don’t have wills,” Jake answered, accepting his fate.
“Maybe she’ll kill us quickly,” I whispered hopefully.
“Uck!” Lo’ak shouted his first word.
Slowly, we looked at Lo’ak before looking back at each other, dread filling our souls. Neteyam and Kiri were thrilled at their baby brother joining them. Their laughter and shouts of ‘fuck’ echo through the room, all three of them filled with glee. Not understanding that they were going to be raised by a single mother soon.
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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charlotteking23 · 4 months
Hello, I know this will seem strange but it just won't leave my mind. Imagine a scenario where Y/N is a Kardashian and she somehow ends up in Gotham and it starts to appear in all the newspapers(magazines) and somehow this makes Bruce a little jealous because there is someone stealing all the attention in Gotham and the boys(batboys) think she more than qualified to be with Bruce and somehow they start a relationship.
Kisses♡ (I imagined this in Ben Affleck's Batman but if you prefer Bale's that's fine)
A Fairytale come true
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As Bruce Wayne stepped out of the car, immediately flashing lights of the paparazzi cameras went off. But Bruce was used to it simply he smiled and waved, ignoring the questions from the people. Stepping inside the gala for some charity obviously, people knew Bruce he was always the highest bitter on the table. Yet their eyes weren't on him but a beautiful girl.
She was wearing a nice red cocktail dress hugging her body beautifully showing off all the right curves. Bruce observes her wondering who is she? and why is everyone looking at her?
It was time for the bitting the next auction was a one and a kind of painting. Many people started biting but Bruce ended up biting a million dollars to his surprise someone went higher.
"2 million dollars", the mystery woman said but Bruce was so shocked they had already sold the girl the painting before he could reply. This girl intrigued him.
Time skip
"Alfred can you believe this", Bruce said pointing at the TV and watching the news carry out about the mystery girl. Bruce had figured out the Mystery girl was one of those infamous Kardashians. Bruce looks over at Alfred only to see him simply ignoring him and continuing to read his newspaper. Upon looking more closely at the paper he saw not his face on the front of the newspaper but Y/n Kardashian.
"Why does dad look like a man baby", Jason laughed walking into the living room, and saw his father pouting on the couch.
"Doesn't he always", Tim said pouring himself some coffee again.
"Wait guys, I think I know why Bruce is acting like this, because he's jealous of Y/n Kardashian and how popular she has become", Dick said on the couch watching Y/n Kardashian answering the paparazzi questions.
Damian said something that no one expected "They would look good together", Bruce looked astonished at his son looking back at the TV where you were shown waving at the Gotham people. You were beautiful, yes he had to agree.
"Master Bruce, we are still going to hold the gala tonight", Bruce was interrupted from his thoughts, "Yes, and make sure Y/N Kardashian is invited".
It was already evening the gala decorations were set up, and looking in awe. Many people were already there wanting to discuss further business with one of the wealthiest businessmen in the world, Bruce Wayne.
Many wanted to talk to him but he couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/n, she was in a champagne color dress outshining the rest of the Gotham elite.
Bruce walked up to Ms Y/n holding out his hand in front of her, "May I have this dance". "You may Mr. Wayne", she responded gracefully taking his hand and heading towards the center of the ball room.
"what brings you to Gotham, Ms.Y/n", Bruce asked putting his hands on her waist as she slid her hands around Bruce's neck. "the usual, business", she replied leaning in closer to Bruce.
Anyone could feel the sexual tension of Y/n and Bruce Wayne. As the song came to an end Bruce put his hand on Y/n's back guiding her towards the garden for some privacy.
As the pair walked together it felt like a fairytale, they laughed talking about everything and anything. To Bruce this was the first time he could be himself he didn't have to try and impress her or play a fake facade it all felt natural. To Y/N it felt like a dream that at any moment she could wake up being brought back to reality. He saw Y/N as Y/N, not some rich Kardashian woman.
They stopped at a swing in the middle of the garden surrounded by flowers and a little fountain on the right it was beautiful. Bruce led Y/N to the swings, having her sit as he pushed her carefully making sure the swings lightly swayed. At that moment Y/N felt like Cinderella with Bruce being her prince charming.
Neither one of them had noticed the time, only when Bruce briefly glanced at his watch. "I had a wonderful time Ms. Y/N", Bruce joined Y/N out from the swings and caressed her hand gently wishing for this night to be forever. "I had a lovely time", Y/N smiled, holding Bruce's other hand and having him face her as she looked up at him. She stood on her tiptoes to reach his cheek, she lightly grazed it with her lips.
"Ms. Y/N would you like to have dinner with me".
" Yes, Bruce I would love to", Bruce took hold of Y/N's hand lightly kissing it with affection, before staring deeply into her eyes.
Time skip
It was morning in the Wayne manor, the boys were doing their own things, Alfred was cleaning, and Bruce was doing some work. Bruce took the remote from the small table beside him, listening to the news reporters. Something particularly caught his attention, someone had taken pictures of Bruce and Y/N in the garden laughing and smiling at each other.
"wow, Bruce I didn't think you would actually listen to Damian and get with Y/N Kardashian", Dick smiled walking towards Bruce.
Ding dong
"Who's at the door"? Damian said walking down the stairs case but was interrupted by Jason running towards the door trying to see who it was.
"Jason, if you're so curious why don't you open the door", Tim said holding a cup of coffee in his hand looking visibly annoyed at Jason.
Bruce cleared his throat gaining the attention of his kids, Bruce swiftly opened the door revealing the one and only Y/N Kardashian.
Immediately the boys all started talking at once trying to understand this situation. Bruce led his kids towards the living room trying to get them to calm down.
Y/N looked at Bruce seeing him be a father to his kids. He was wonderful, she thought originally he was a snobby rich boy like the L.A. people but he was sweet and treated her like a princess.
As she turned away she met face to face with Alfred Bruce's closest friend. "Ms. Y/n, I am so glad you came into Bruce's life, you have made him so happy", Alfred smiled looking at Bruce and Y/N.
Bruce finally finished explaining to his boys and came towards Y/N twirling her around before resting his hands on her waist and she slid her arms around his neck just like the dance they shared before at the gala. It was like a fairytale come true.
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allurilove · 3 months
What if we made a fort with Henry and yandere husband takes a video of the whole thing.
When new years passed, Henry built a huge fort in the living room. He gave his mother the comfiest spot with the beanbags, rugs, his nightlight lamp, and at least four pillows. His “room” was right next to yours, and he decorated the inside of the fort with color changing string lights. It takes him a couple hours for him to draw out the outline, gather all the sheets, blankets, and pillows. Henry tried to step up from last year, and he aimed to make this the best one yet!
“Can you at least be a bit more stable?” Henry frowned as his father struggled to crawl and film at the same time. Henry usually didn’t allow his huge and clumsy father inside. He feared that his father would make the whole thing collapse.
“I’m trying, Henry.” Your husband rolled his eyes. He had one hand down on the ground that supported his body up, and the other hand was busy holding the cam recorder. “Just hurry it up with your house tour.”
“…your so jealous of me it’s crazy.” Henry humphed and he crawled into his own personal space he built. Your husband had to contort his body to fit, and really only the top half was able to make it inside. “You wish you had a cool crib like mine.” Henry said rather proudly.
Yandere husband slowly panned the camera around to film his room. There was a tiny couch for kids in the corner, a sleeping bag, a small disco light that played music, and chips. A teeny tiny part of him was a bit jealous of his son, and if he was being honest, it was a cool bedroom. “Anything else you would like to show your viewers?” And by ‘viewers’ he meant him and his wife.
“Oh yeah! Let’s go to mom’s room!” Henry quickly ushered his father to move, and he started to lead the way. Henry knocked three times on the couch cushion that was used as a door, and you answered.
“Mom! Are you done with your room yet?”
“Almost…” You were contemplating on where to put your fake potted plant. “Where should I put this Henry?”
“Hmm… I got an idea!” Henry grabbed a piece of paper and he started to draw a window. He slapped on some tape and he pressed it onto the blanket. “Right there! Then it’ll get lots of sunlight.”
“Say… where is my room Henry?” His father pouted.
“Cameramen aren’t supposed to talk.” Henry deadpanned and he crossed his arms. He shook his head and said “tsk tsk tsk.”
“Henry… we talked about this. You agreed to make this fort for everyone.” You appeared by your son’s side. Henry looked guilty and he avoided eye contact with you.
“Some sacrifices must be made.” He awkwardly scratched his head. “Plus, you said you wanted a huge space!”
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geronimosong · 9 months
Okay, for a long time, I had a head cannon. Now that we have a great new adaptation, it is a good time to share it.
I firmly believe that the Neriad Percy meets after his fall from St. Louis Arch is Amphitrite, the Sea Goddess and Wife of Posiedon. Why do I believe this well? Firstly, she is the highest regarded Nereid, and after Amphitrite married Poseidon, the Nereids became part of their royal court.
I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I bowed. "You're the woman who spoke to me in the Mississippi River." "Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy to appear so far upriver, but the naiads, my freshwater cousins, helped sustain my life force. They honor Lord Poseidon, though they do not serve in his court." "And … you serve in Poseidon's court?" She nodded. "It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest."
"If my father is so interested in me," I said, "why isn't he here? Why doesn't he speak to me?" A cold current rose out of the depths. "Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly," the Nereid told me. "He stands at the brink of an unwanted war. He has much to occupy his time. Besides, he is forbidden to help you directly. The gods may not show such favoritism.' "Even to their own children?" "Especially to them. The gods can work by indirect influence only. That is why I give you a warning, and a gift." She held out her hand. Three white pearls flashed in her palm. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
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Theseus and Amphitrite, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art
Secondly, in mythology, King Minos questions Theseus's parentage with a ring thrown into the sea. Proving his connection to Poseidon, Theseus dives, carried by dolphins, to Poseidon's palace. Amphitrite treats him as a son, gifting him a purple cloak and a crown. Theseus triumphantly returns to his ship with these divine presents, reminiscent of Percy's encounter with a Nereid in "Lightning Thief."
Though Theseus proves his parentage to Poseidon, the god is not in the underwater palace. Theseus gains the ability to breathe underwater from Amphitrite. This parallels Percy's first underwater experience. You might ask why his stepmom would decide to help him; well, it is her kingdom that is at unwanted war, and Percy is her hope, too. In Riordan's own words, Poseidon and her have an open relationship:
“Most of the gods are jerks,” Delphin agreed. “And they have a lot of girlfriends even after they get married—” “Gah!” Amphitrite said. “I wouldn’t care about that. I’m not the jealous type. I just don’t want to be mistreated. I want to be my own person, do my own thing, without some man lording over me!”
As the years went by, Amphitrite discovered that Delphin was right. She did love her children even more than seabass, and most of the time Poseidon was a very good husband. He did have a lot of affairs with nymphs and mortals and whatnot, but strangely that didn’t bother Amphitrite so much. As long as Poseidon didn’t try to own her and tell her what to do, and as long as he was good to their three children, Amphitrite was cool. She was even nice to Poseidon’s demigod children, unlike some other goddesses I could name. (Cough, Hera, cough.) One time the hero Theseus came to visit, and Amphitrite treated him like an honored guest. She even gave him a purple cloak to wear, which was a sign of kingship. She’s been pretty cool to me, too. She doesn’t freak out when I leave my dirty laundry in the guest room. She makes cookies for me. She’s never tried to kill me that I know of. Pretty much all you could ask of an immortal stepmom. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
The description that Percy gives of Neriad matches the way he describes Amphitrite in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Although it could be argued that all the Neriads are described in the same Percy imagines the Neriad to resemble his mom because of the warmth she emits.
She had flowing black hair, a dress made of green silk. Light flickered around her, and her eyes were so distractingly beautiful I hardly noticed the stallion-sized sea horse she was riding. - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
She came in riding a hippocamps, in traditional depictions Amphitrite is represented either enthroned beside Poseidon or driving with him in a chariot drawn by sea-horses (hippocamps). It is one of her queenly attributes that separates her from the other Nereids along with her crown.
Amphitrite was gorgeous. The more she tried to avoid the gods, the more they pursued her. Her black hair was pinned back in a net of pearls and silk. Her eyes were as dark as mocha. She had a kind smile and a beautiful laugh. Usually, she dressed in a simple white gown. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Amphitrite sat on a coral ledge, watching the sunset filter through the deep water and make rosy streaks in the seaweed forests. A seabass lay in her open palm, all blissed out, because Amphitrite really had a way with fish. Normally I don’t think of sea bass as cuddly, but they loved her. Delphin could see why Poseidon liked her. She radiated a sort of kindness and gentleness that you don’t see in a lot of immortals. Usually with gods, the longer they lived, the more they acted like spoiled children. Delphin wasn’t sure why, but that whole thing about getting wiser as you got older? Not so much. - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
Hestia is the only other God that Percy has such an honorable description of in this entire book. This is significant. So, I can't wait to see if the show proves my theory to be right or not.
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callsign-mayhem · 13 days
i'm with the band (part 2)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female!Reader & Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader (final pairing to be revealed at the end...) Word count: 5.1k CW: Use of Y/N; reader wears Dr Martens, but that's the only specific detail.
You discover that your best friend Bob can play the drums, and since you have some musical gifts of your own, you decide to start a navy band. It's supposed to be a bit of harmless fun, but what happens when lines get blurred between you and Bob, feelings come to the surface, and a certain Rooster gets jealous?
This is a multi-part fic.
Find part one here!
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The Hard Deck was bustling like it always was on a Saturday night. Bradley was the last of the daggers to arrive, so he headed straight to the bar to get caught up. When he was eventually next in line to be served, he was more than a little surprised to see Maverick behind the bar.
‘What’re you doing, Mav?’ He asked.
Maverick handed two pints of beer to a young aviator, flashed him a million-dollar smile and then turned on Bradley. ‘Helping Penny,’ he replied. ‘One of her girls called in sick.’
Bradley’s lips quirked. ‘Does this mean I get free beers all night?’
Penny suddenly appeared beside him, a tray of empty glasses in hand. 
‘No, Rooster, it doesn’t. And if Pete wants to keep his balls attached to his body, he’ll agree with me.’
‘Remind me never to get on your bad side.’ Bradley grumbled.
‘There’s a beer in the tap for you, anyway,’ Maverick explained. ‘From Y/CS.’
‘Three beers, actually. She paid for them when she got here, something about getting you back for the sex on the beach.’ Maverick grinned, seemingly pleased that he’d successfully embarrassed his son for all intents and purposes. ‘Hope you used protection.’ 
‘Oh god, Mav. Stop. That’s not what she meant.’
‘I know what she meant,’ he said, pouring Bradley’s beer. ‘She’s drunk already. Phoenix too.’ 
Bradley’s stomach somersaulted. He’d seen you drunk a handful of times, and he was obsessed with the way it made you more confident. 
‘Yeah, that’s my fault.’ 
‘Keep an eye on them, alright?’
‘Always do.’ Bradley saluted him and headed towards your space in the corner. 
Somebody had the good sense to push three high tables together. Much to Bradley’s annoyance, Bob and Mickey had already taken the seats on either side of you. Nat was sitting opposite you like she had at the restaurant, so she saw Bradley before you did. 
‘ROOSTER’S HERE!’ She yelled.
You spun around so fast that you almost slid off your stool. Before Bradley could steady you, Bob was already there with his hand on your arm. 
‘ROOOOOOOOOOO!’ You cried. ‘Did Mav tell you about your drinks?’ 
You weren’t drunk to the point of heavy eyes and slurred speech, but you were the furthest from sober next to Nat. The last empty seat was right at the edge of the tables, next to Jake. Bradley didn’t feel like chatting to him all night, so he picked the stool up and put it at the head of the table by you and Natasha. 
‘Yes, he did. You shouldn’t have, doll.’ 
You practically swooned at the pet name, a reaction Bradley filed away for later. He wondered how else he could make you swoon. 
‘What did I miss?’ He asked, settling himself on his stool.
‘Me and Y/CS duetting Limp Bizkit in Bob’s truck,’ Nat informed him. ‘It was something to behold, really.’ 
‘Penny should start doing karaoke nights,’ you said. ‘Imagine the fun we’d have.’
‘Nobody would want to do karaoke with you, Y/N.’ Bob said. He had two Corona Extra bottles in front of him and a full one in hand. Bradley supposed that you weren’t the only one who needed a bit of Dutch courage tonight. ‘You’d smoke every single one of us with that voice of yours.’ 
You blushed deeply. Mickey and Natasha shared a knowing look, all but confirming Bradley’s suspicions. 
‘He’s not wrong,’ Bradley chimed in. ‘We should get behind the piano later.’
So maybe he was swinging his dick around. Either way, the way your eyes widened at his suggestion was worth feeling like a dick for a couple of seconds.
‘Yeah, it’s been a minute.’ 
‘I’d love that, Roo.’
Nat jumped down from her stool. ‘Let’s get another drink, Y/N. I think Penny wants to talk to us about that thing.’
‘She does? What thing?’
‘The thing,’ Mickey interjected. ‘You know, the surprise for Mav.’
One second, two, three. Then realisation suddenly dawned on you, and you disappeared with
Mickey and Natasha, out of Bradley’s grasp yet again. 
What he wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall during that conversation. 
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Natasha led you through the swarm of people around the bar and out to the decking. Part of it was undercover, which is where you stood to keep out of the rain. Clusters of people were huddled underneath the shelter, smoking cigarettes and sharing drinks. Mickey had followed you out, which you found highly amusing. 
‘You’re not one of the girls.’ You toyed, poking him in the chest. 
‘I am tonight. I know what’s going on, and I wanna be involved.’
Nat rolled her eyes so hard they disappeared into the back of her head. ‘You’re such a child, Fanboy.’
‘Oh, let him stay. Maybe it’d help to get a guy’s perspective. He texted me at the restaurant to tell me Rooster was looking at my tits.’
Natasha scowled. ‘Don’t let me hear you say tits, Fanboy. It doesn’t suit you.’
You and Mickey both howled with laughter. ‘That’s exactly what I said!’ 
‘We’re getting off track here,’ Phoenix said, flapping her hands. ‘Pay attention.’
Mickey nodded, face grave. ‘Attention on deck.’ 
‘First of all,’ she started, ignoring his pun. ‘Bradley was looking at your tits. Let’s get that out of the way. Second of all, Bob was also looking at them.’
‘Well, he was trying not to, which made it obvious that that’s where he wanted to look.’ Mickey corrected. 
‘Right.’ Nat agreed.
Heat pooled in the bottom of your tummy. ‘What am I supposed to do with this information?’
  ‘You gotta make a decision.’
‘What if I don’t want to be with anyone right now?’
‘Don’t you?’
It sounded even more stupid out loud. Of course, you wanted to be with someone, but how were you supposed to pick out of the two most incredible guys in the whole world?
‘Why do I have to make a decision now?’
‘Cause they aren’t gonna wait around forever.’ Natasha told you. 
‘Bob might.’ Mickey said, earning him a smack around the back of the head. ‘What the fuck was that for?’
‘Bob has just as much chance of finding someone else as Bradley,’ Natasha chided. ‘Don’t talk down about him.’
‘Right, sorry.’ 
‘Me and Bob are starting a band,’ you blurted out. ‘We’ve been getting close lately, practising and stuff. A few navy guys are coming to his place next week to audition.’ 
‘Oh boy,’ Mickey grinned. ‘You’re starting a navy band and didn’t ask Rooster to join?’
‘His name didn’t even come up,’ you admitted. ‘I doubt he’d wanna be part of it anyway. He’ll probably say it’s lame.’
Nat tucked a loose curl behind your ear. ‘If you think that, you don’t know him at all. He lives and breathes music, and he won’t think it’s lame if you and Bob are there.’
‘If she’s there, you mean.’
Nat raised her hand, and Mickey flinched. ‘I swear to God, your honorary girl membership isn’t gonna mean shit if you say one more word.’
‘We should go back inside.’ You said. 
‘Tomorrow, we’re gonna talk about this. Once we’ve dropped Bob off at his truck. You’re not gonna keep getting out of it.’ 
‘Breakfast? What breakfast? Can I come?’ 
‘Fanboy, for fuck’s sake.’ 
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Bob was arguing with you over the songs in the jukebox again. A fuzzy feeling had overtaken his body, filling the empty spaces with warmth and giving him confidence he’d never known until now. Sure, he’d been drunk before—well, drunk by his definition—but this was something else entirely. He’d come to the conclusion that even though he was enjoying himself immensely, it wasn’t something he wanted to feel on the regular. He didn’t understand how people did this every weekend. 
‘If you had to pick one song in this jukebox to listen to for the rest of time, what would you pick?’ You asked, leaning against the machine.
Bob scanned the song titles that were becoming so familiar to him that he’d probably be able to recite them in his sleep soon enough. 
‘That’s an impossible question.’ 
You smiled lazily. ‘Come on, Bobby.’
‘You’re expecting me to pick one when there’s The Clash, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen and AC/DC in this jukebox.’ 
‘And Billy Idol. You can’t forget Billy.’ 
‘Exactly my point.’ 
You leaned over to reread the song’s titles. Bob admired the way your hair slipped over your shoulder, brushing the hand he was using to steady himself against the jukebox. You were closer to him now than at the restaurant earlier, and he wished he could bottle your scent and carry it around with him all day. He was obsessed with your perfect, glossed lips and the idea of kissing them. 
His small crush on you wasn’t small right now, and being intoxicated made it harder for him to stop himself from doing something about it. You reached out and pressed the number for Dancing In The Dark before taking his hand in yours—a small feat, maybe, but not to him. Your hand was soft and warm, and he wanted to feel it on his face again, like in his truck. 
‘Where are we going?’ He questioned. 
‘To dance.’ 
‘I can’t dance, Y/N. You know that.’ 
‘Everyone can dance when they’re drunk,’ you reassured him. ‘Just don’t overthink it.’
It was easier said than done, but with your hand in his, his newfound confidence grew three sizes until it was almost too big for his body. You two were something straight out of a movie just then, dancing in a small space you’d found in the middle of the bar, singing along to the lyrics at the same time. 
He respectfully rested a hand on your waist, and you put the hand that wasn’t holding his other one on his shoulder, so you were like ballroom dancers. You sure looked the part, being too overdressed for The Hard Deck; the only thing missing was an actual ability to dance, but you were both too happy to care. Little did you know that Natasha was filming the whole thing on her phone and taking pictures now and then. 
When the song ended, you both waited to see what would play next, but nothing did. Instead, Bob was brought harshly back to reality, to the sounds of glasses clinking and loud chatter. That’s when it dawned on him that the jukebox had been unplugged. Once people realised what was happening, they moved to the piano on the other side of the bar from where you and Bob had been dancing. He hadn’t even noticed Bradley leaving the table to unplug the jukebox or take his seat at the piano because he’d been too wrapped up in your energy, your touch, and the sound of your voice. 
He wasn’t happy to have been interrupted by Rooster yet again, but the idea of hearing you sing properly—not just under your breath while dancing—was highly alluring. 
‘I think it’s piano time.’ You grinned. 
Still holding tightly onto his hand, you weaved your way through the massive crowd to the rest of the daggers, all of whom were at the front, waiting for their friends’ performance. When Bradley saw you, his face broke out into a toothy grin. He’d donned his aviators as per usual, and he watched you walk over to him over top of them like it was just you in the room. 
Bob couldn’t exactly blame him. Most of the time, you were the only person in the room for him, too. 
When Bradley patted the spot on the bench, you hurried yourself, clearly excited to perform. The alcohol was probably helping, as he’d yet to convince you to get behind the instrument sober. 
Bob moved to stand between Natasha and Reuben. 
‘Been having fun?’ Nat quipped. 
‘I was.’
‘Is that a little jealousy I hear in your tone, Floyd?’ 
Reuben nudged him playfully. ‘Come on, man. Phoenix didn’t raise you to sit on the sidelines. If you like Y/CS, don’t just sit around and watch someone else sweep her off her feet.’ 
Keys tinkled as Bradley got reacquainted with the piano. He looked to you earnestly, silently asking if you were ready. In response, you nodded and offered him an anxious but excited smile. 
Bob recognised the song immediately. 
Bradley sang the first verse, and you sang the second. Where his was husky and deliciously rough around the edges, yours was full and velvety. 
Slow down, you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then, if you're so smart, tell me Why are you still so afraid?
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out You got so much to do, and only So many hours in a day
When the chorus came around, both you and Bradley sang together. Paired with his expert piano playing, it was the most beautiful cacophony. Your voices welded together like precious metals, and the result was priceless. 
But you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through  When will you realise, Vienna waits for you?
You were bouncing off one another. When Bradley sang louder, you sang louder. When Bradley’s voice deepened, it made yours sound more angelic. When you held a particularly long and high note towards the end of the song, Bradley stopped singing altogether to give you and your voice a very deserving moment in the spotlight. Everyone around the piano was singing along, even Bob. He was helpless to stop the urge. Bradley’s stage presence was infectious, even when you weren’t performing with him, but there was something about you singing Billy Joel that made it virtually impossible not to join in. It wasn’t just the song or the fact that you were singing it, but the apparent joy that performing brought you and Bradley. Someone would have to be deaf and blind not to notice it. 
Bob was half considering asking Bradley to join the band. He was talented, and Bob could see that he’d be an asset, what with how much you loved singing with him. 
But that was also the problem, wasn’t it? 
He hadn’t even wanted to be in the band, but now he was protective of the whole idea. He didn’t want band practice to become another place where he competed for your attention and affection. 
Bradley managed an expert transition from Vienna straight into his usual crowd-pleaser, Great Balls of Fire. Bob had no idea how he’d managed it, but he had, and the crowd roared with delight. Mickey and Javy—who had somehow overtaken you and Nat and currently held the position of the drunkest daggers—were jumping around like maniacs. Bob, Nat, Jake and Reuben were laughing amongst themselves, totally distracted by their shenanigans. 
As a result, Bob missed the smouldering look that you and Bradley shared, the way you reached up and stole his aviators with a wink, all while never missing a word of the song. He was singing at you, and you were singing at him. Now, not only were you the only ones in The Hard Deck, but you were also the only ones left on planet Earth. 
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It was gone 1 AM when the cab pulled up in front of your home. Stars twinkled in the night sky—looking much like your dress—and your front garden was bathed in moonlight. It had been a night for the ages, but as brilliant of a time you’d had, you were looking forward to taking off your boots and putting your pyjamas on. 
Natasha seemed to share your sentiment—she’d taken her shoes off in the cab and walked up your front path in her socks, trainers swinging absentmindedly from her hand. You were glad she was spending the night because you felt you needed an entire debrief after the evening’s events. 
Bob’s presence was perhaps more exciting than the prospect of gossiping and making breakfast with Nat. He was drunker than you’d ever seen him, humming to himself as he led you to your front door. He held your arm to keep you steady, and the contact felt out of this world. 
‘Bobbyyyy—’ you slurred. ‘Please, can you get my house key out of my bag? I don’t think I have any base brain functions.’
He laughed, taking your bag off your shoulder to find your house key. ‘I knew I should’ve stopped Seresin when he started ordering shots.’
‘Nah. That might have been the best idea he’s ever had.’
‘I think we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.’
You and Bob were standing on your porch with the front door open. He gestured to Natasha, who was doubled over next to your rosebushes. 
‘Example A.’ He smirked.
You facepalmed. ‘Not the fucking roses, Nix!’ 
She heaved once, twice, then promptly threw up. You started down the steps, but Bob reached out and grabbed your arm again. 
‘You can’t even stand up straight,’ he said. ‘Go inside, I’ll get her.’ 
‘Yes, sir.’ 
You stumbled through to the kitchen, turning lights on as you went. The air in your house still smelled like the autumn candle you’d been burning earlier and clean laundry. At heart, you were a homebody. Nothing was more satisfying than returning to a clean, organised space, cooking a meal and watching a movie tucked under blankets after a long day. It was rare for you to enjoy a night out like this, to be the one begging everyone to stay for one more drink. The atmosphere had been charged tonight, especially at The Hard Deck. When you’d performed ‘Vienna’ with Bradley, it had been like touching a live wire. The current still reverberated through your body, and your body ached from unused energy. 
In the time it took Bob to get Natasha inside, you poured three glasses of water, added some ice, and nearly tripped over your own feet. She looked a bit worse for wear, but it was nothing that some aspirin and long rest wouldn’t fix. 
‘I think you two should get upstairs to bed.’ Bob said sternly.
‘Okay, dad.’ Nat sniggered. ‘You gonna tuck us in?’
‘Well, I just held your hair back while you threw up, so we’ve already crossed a line.’
‘Girls do that for each other all the time,’ you said. ‘It’s normal.’
‘But I’m not a girl.’
Nat wagged an accusing finger at him. ‘You know what, if Fanboy was here, he’d have appreciated that. He loves being one of the girls.’
‘So true,’ you murmured in agreement. ‘Bob, you’re being ungrateful.’
‘For what?’
‘Your hon-honourary girl membership.’ You said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
‘Alright, let’s go. Get your waters.’ 
Both of you did as you were told but weren’t happy about it. You headed towards the staircase, Bob following close behind. He turned lights off as he went, ever thoughtful. 
Upstairs, Nat collapsed face-first onto your bed. You rummaged through your chest of drawers for three sets of pyjamas while Bob switched your lamps on and closed your blinds. 
‘Bobby, are you okay with one of my oversized band tees?’ You asked.
When he didn’t answer, you spun around. He was perched on the edge of your bed, the photo frame you kept on your side in his hand. He was cradling it like it was worth a million dollars, eyes misty and far away. It was a photograph of you and him on the carrier after the special detachment mission when everyone had gone out to meet Maverick and Rooster. There seemed always to be people taking pictures in moments like those, and when you’d seen this one, you had to frame it. You and Bob were standing facing one another, faces bright with triumph and relief. He cradled your tear-streaked face in his hands, and you were both laughing in disbelief that you were together again. 
‘You keep this next to your bed?’ He whispered. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you said: ‘Of course I do.’
‘Because you’re my best friend, and I like it being the first thing I see when I wake up in the mornings.’ 
Bob set the photo down gently. He seemed to be having a hard time breathing. ‘One of your T-shirts will be fine, thanks.’ 
Natasha sat up, rubbing her head. ‘You guys are so cute,’ she said. ‘Do you want me to sleep in the guest room?’ 
Your eyes flew to Bob. He was playing with his hands, clearly still stuck on the photograph. 
‘No, Nix. You should sleep in here with me in case you choke on your vomit.’ You threw a pair of Spongebob pyjamas at her. ‘Go put those on.’ 
‘Both of you are so bossy.’ She grumbled. ‘You’re perfect for each other.’
She padded across your bedroom floor and out into the hallway. Once you heard the bathroom door close, you sat next to Bob on the edge of the bed.
‘It’s a Radiohead t-shirt.’ You informed him. ‘I don’t think any of my pyjama pants will be long enough for you.’ 
He took the shirt and set it on your pillow, ignoring the unsaid words that hung in the air like rain clouds. It was all you could do to sit still when Bob took his glasses off and ran his fingers through his sandy hair. 
‘Thank you for letting me stay,’ he said quietly. ‘And for the shirt.’
You looked at him earnestly, waiting for him to meet your eye. ‘Thank you for existing.’
His leg bounced nervously. When you laid a hand atop his thigh to stop it, his eyes darted to and from your face so fast you almost missed it. There was no way you were letting him shy away from this time. 
‘Bobby, look at me.’ You pleaded.
He did as you asked with some difficulty, and you were met with a hesitant gaze. 
You touched the middle of his head with your index finger. ‘What’s going on in there?’
He leaned against your hand, smiling bashfully like a child. ‘It’s a secret.’ 
‘We don’t keep secrets.’
It seemed like he was going to spill his guts for a moment, but then he stood up. He grabbed your t-shirt, pausing above you.
‘Get some sleep, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.’
And with that, he took himself off to the guest room, leaving your heart racing and your head spinning. When Natasha returned, you were still staring at the doorframe, desperately trying to figure out what had just happened. It seemed like Bob was upset with you. 
‘What happened?’
‘I think Bob’s angry with me.’ 
You picked up the picture frame and handed it to her. ‘He was looking at this, and I tried to talk to him—see if I could see what was going on in his head—and he couldn’t even look at me. He told me to go to sleep.’
Nat’s brows knitted together in confusion. ‘I don’t think he’s upset with you.’
‘He is.’
‘No, he’s not. Hear me out: he’s in love with you, and most of the time, you guys act like more than best friends. Short of sleeping together, you’re basically already a couple. Then, tonight, you have that moment with Bradley—’
Nat held a hand up. ‘Don’t deny it, we all saw it. There’s chemistry there.’ She insisted. ‘Bob’s probably super confused because he can see it too, and then he comes here and sees this. The poor guy probably doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going.’ 
Your heart withered in your chest at the realisation. ‘He’s in love with me.’
‘Yes, Y/N, and you need to do something about it. If you think you might feel the same way, you need to stop fucking around with Rooster and give it a shot with Bob. Or, you need to let Bob down gently because otherwise, someone is gonna get seriously hurt.’ 
God, how you wished it were that simple. You took the clips from your hair and kicked off your boots while Natasha took her makeup off at your vanity. All seriousness put aside, it did feel a lot like the kinds of sleepovers you had with your friends in high school. 
‘Nix, can you unzip my dress?’
‘Damn, now you’re trying it on with me too?’
You laughed. ‘You make me sound like a whore.’
‘I mean, if the shoe fits…’
You grabbed one of your throw pillows and launched it at her. She squealed with laughter, jumping up to grab her own pillow. After dealing a few revenge blows, she unzipped your dress for you. 
Breathless from laughter, you said: ‘Hangman would have a field day if he saw us.’
‘When he asks how our sleepover was on Monday morning, we should tell him we had a pillow fight in lingerie.’ Natasha grinned devilishly. 
‘He won’t be able to focus on his manoeuvres.’
‘Good, then I’ll beat him all day.’ 
Natasha crawled into your bed and propped herself up on your throw pillows. You went through the motions of your night routine, taking off your makeup and changing into pyjamas. It was gone 2 AM by the time you got into bed. You had lots to think about. Natasha was right about somebody getting hurt if you didn’t do something soon. She’d told you everything you needed to hear except what you were supposed to do about it. 
Why couldn’t there be a blueprint, a map that showed you which path to follow and where you’d end up? 
As you drifted off to sleep, you thought about band auditions with Bob on Tuesday afternoon and the expression on his face when he’d seen the picture on your bedside. But this wasn’t all you thought about. You couldn’t help but reminisce about your performance with Bradley and the pure, unadulterated joy you felt while singing with him at the piano. 
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Rain pelted against the roof of Bob’s garage. The weather had been awful the last couple of days, the build-up to the storm that had been forecasted for San Diego. Bob loved being cosied up inside when it was storming and falling asleep to the comforting sound of rain. What he didn’t love was the fact that it kept the dagger squad grounded and bored at work. Sure, there were other things to get on with, but he preferred being airborne. 
It had been a tedious week thus far. The only thing getting him through it had been the prospect of band auditions this evening. Considering he didn’t even want to start a band to begin with, he was in his element now. You and Bob were sitting on the sofa in his garage, leaning forward in your seats as you listened to Elliot Green play bass with expert precision. Elliot was one of the air and space operations guys, and he’d seen the poster you’d made on his way to work one morning. Bob wasn’t sure anyone would notice your posters, even though you’d spent ages creating them. 
He’d never been happier to have been wrong about something because Elliot was a natural on the bass. He was precisely the kind of person you needed for the band, and Bob could tell from the glint in your eye that you felt the same.
When he was finished, you both gave him a hearty applause. Elliot was tall and lean, with sandy blonde hair slightly longer than Bob’s and glasses. At work, he wore the same glasses as Bob, but he had a different pair for out of hours. These were round with tortoiseshell rims, and Bob couldn’t help but think Elliot was an artsier version of him. 
‘Well,’ you said dreamily. ‘I don’t think Bob and I need to discuss anything.’
‘No, we don’t.’
‘The spot is yours if you want it.’ You beamed.
Elliot’s blinked behind his glasses, taken aback. ‘Isn’t there anyone else trying out?’
‘Not for bass,’ Bob explained. ‘We've got someone else coming over in the next hour, but he’s trying out for guitar.’
‘You wanna stay?’ You offered. ‘Since you’re part of the band now, it might be a good idea.’
‘Yeah, sure.’ He smiled. ‘Thanks, guys. I’m excited.’
Not even half an hour later, Fletcher Adams showed up with the sexiest-looking guitar Bob had ever seen. It was a matte black Strat, and it suited him perfectly, what with his slicked-back raven hair, grey eyes, and sharp jawline. He introduced himself as Fletcher, but you and Bob knew him as something else. 
Fletcher Adams. Callsign: Phantom. 
He was part of another squadron, and although Bob didn’t know him well, Phantom’s reputation preceded him. If Bob weren’t part of a better squadron than Fletcher, he’d have found him intimidating. 
‘Thanks for having me, guys.’ Fletcher said. ‘I’ve been fixing to join a band for a while now, but there’s not much happening in the San Diego music scene.’ 
Somehow, Bob found that hard to believe. As you grabbed a cherry coke from the mini fridge, Fletcher eyed you like you were something to eat. If he’d wanted a bandmate with a massive crush on his best friend, he’d have called Bradley up.
‘Let’s see what you’ve got.’ Bob said, gesturing towards the guitar. 
Fletcher made a ballsy choice for his audition song: Master of Puppets by Metallica. Part of Bob had hoped that Fletcher was shit at guitar, but he was anything but. It was as if his instrument was an extension of his body, the strings extensions of his fingers. If that wasn’t enough, he played the most challenging part of the song with his eyes closed in bliss. 
It appeared the band was complete. 
Before wrapping things up for the night, you all made plans for the same time and place on Friday night to start putting some songs together. You also pooled all your equipment and made a short list of things you were missing. Everyone contributed, and you and Bob arranged a trip into the city over the weekend to get the last few bits you needed.
The whole thing had come together remarkably quickly, perhaps too quickly for Bob’s liking. At work, he was trained to keep his cool in stressful situations. It was different then, when he could use his nervous energy for problem-solving and quick thinking. He wasn’t unused to feeling like a fish out of water, but this was the furthest from the pond he’d ever been. Bob liked to keep his head below the parapet where it was less likely to get cut off. He stayed off the radar and made as little noise as possible, but starting a band was the exact opposite of that. 
And falling in love with you was the noisiest thing he’d ever done.
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A/N: Part two is finally here! This fic isn't doing as well as I thought it would, but I'm still going to finish it because I'm enjoying writing it. I guess my uni professor was right in saying that the projects you're super attached to are the worst received. I have such big plans for the next parts, and it's kind of writing itself at this point. I have no idea whether the reader ends up with Bob or Bradley, so I'll be just as surprised as you guys!
Taglist: @dearsnow
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judes-hoe · 6 months
what about jude being so overprotective when your teen daughter has a boyfriend? He would go full dad mode and also be a lil jealous so you have to calm him down. Also his daughter is like "dad, stop it" because she doesn't like the way jude was treating him through dinner
Didn’t expect to make it this long😭
You and Jude have 2 kids a son and a daughter, your daughter being the oldest. Your daughter has always been a daddy’s girl but now she’s a teenager and we know how teenagers can be. She’s at that age were she likes boys and well she wants to introduce her boyfriend to you and Jude so she asked if he could come over for dinner tonight and you agreed and Jude just groaned at you. While you and Jude were in your shared room getting changed he started to talk to you. “I mean she’s just my little girl, my baby and now she’s got a boyfriend, I want her to be little and think boys have kooties.” He wined to you. “I know love, but she’s a teenager now and she’s gonna like boys no matter what,” you comfort him while hugging him. While you were putting dinner in the table you heard the door bell ring and heard your daughter yell she’ll get it but Jude beat her to it. He’s looking at the poor innocent boy with a stern look, Jude whispers to him no funny business then your daughter pushes Jude out the way and smiles at the boy greeting him in. She introduces him to Jude again properly and then you and her brother. As you all sit down and start plating your own food. You start a conversation with your daughter’s boyfriend asking him if he does any sports and stuff and he’s polite and answering them. Jude starts asking some questions but they make your daughter roll her eyes and mouth to Jude “dad stop if,”. You all ate and made small conversations. After dinner the 3 kids said they’d clean up and you and Jude were appreciative. As you were sitting with Jude smiling at him. He seen as the boy made his daughter laugh and he started getting jealous, he walked into the kitchen and asked what’s so funny and while the boy tried telling Jude he just told a joke you daughter rolled her eyes and looked at you to come get her dad. You grabbed Jude’s arm and told them they’ll be back, you took Jude to your shared bedroom. “Jude, baby you need to get control of yourself. I know your upset seeing her like this I know you want your baby girl back, but I can tell this boy is good for her, he’s smart and does good in school, he plays football. I know a little part of me wishes she was that little girl that didn’t like boys but she’s a teenager we can’t keep her away from the real life,” he just nodded at you knowing your right and that she shouldn’t have acted like that. He eventually got over it.
Please request🫶🏻 inbox is open always even if it’s just to chat😁
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h50europe · 3 months
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BTS via 911ABC account. That looks like Lou cracked a joke and then immediately took a sip like, "It wasn't me." ROFL. Even BTS these two are so cute together.
Truly, madly, deeply
The vipers are all over this account. After reviewing it, I feel the need to take a shower. Their echo chambers must be crammed. Lordy, get a grip. At this point, I don't see B*ddie happening. The last thing Eddie would need now is a "bi awakening." He would end up in a loony bin. Also I doubt the writers push the repeat button concerning this plot.
Yes, it was cute when the elf told Buck that Buck and Eddie had an adorable son. But honestly, it was just a remark. And we never saw Buck running after Eddie and tell him about it. Buck was partly proud and partly embarrassed. If their connection would run as deep as they say, wouldn't he have told Eddie? But no. Why? Because Buck knows Eddie is straight as an arrow and it didn't sit right with him to share that with him.
With Tommy, Buck's gaydar seemed to have pinged. But it's not loud enough because it's just developing. And he always suppressed that side of him. But why in the world would he have sought Tommy's attention? Why was he jealous that Eddie had spent so much time with Tommy? Maybe because he knew that these two wouldn't be more than just friends while he, Buck, could give Tommy so much more. If Buck had been in love with Eddie truly, madly, deeply, he would have craved Eddie's attention. It was a clever move by the writers. And that's what the hardcore B*ddie stans don't realize.
Buck was always craving something. And he says it. He confesses his love to Tommy at the cafe, even if he doesn't say it. Why didn't he do that with Eddie if they were truly, madly, deeply in love? Because Buck doesn't see him as a potential partner. If so, he would have never gotten himself involved with Tommy in the first place. He would have accepted his bi-awakening and would have run straight to Eddie to confess. Because anything else would be a lie. And I think Buck's done lying to people he loves. That's also the reason he ended his relationship with Natalia. He could have lied to her and kept it going. But he didn't.
If Buck was truly, madly, deeply in love with Eddie, he wouldn't have agreed to date Tommy. He wasn't even bothered to see Eddie and Marisol arm in arm. His only concern was being caught red-handed while on a date with a "dude."
What would have it looked like if Buck was truly, madly, deeply in love with Eddie and confessed about his date with Tommy? By then, he would have had the guts to tell him, "Listen, I was on a date with Tommy when we met, but the truth is, I wished I was on a date with you." Why would he keep up a charade when, by then, it was clear to Buck that he could also love another guy?
Now I play the card, so many others have played on me when I was making up gay ships, even if they weren't. Can't two men be friends on the level of "B*ddie" without being truly, madly, deeply in love?
Seriously. They can live out of each other's pockets and still be nothing but friends. And co-parenting, sorry, I don't see it, Eddie is Christopher's dad. The legal guardian matter comes into play if something happens to him. So, Buck is nothing but an adult friend but surely not responsible for Christopher's upbringing/education. Those who insist on co-parenting don't know the difference between canon and fanon. This is a general issue with the hardcore B*ddie stans.
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i-loveoldermen · 1 year
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MPV: I really love the Knight x Princess trope it's just so beautiful and adorable! And I thought, why not write about it with our favourite giant?
🎀Warning: angst (good ending)🎀
The sun shun brightly through the young princess room, lighting up the big bedroom and shining right on the princesses face, emphasising all her cute features. The young 10 year old felt bored and she quickly turned around on her bed making her lay on her back and looking straight at her desk that had been cleaned by the maid earlier. The princess blew on the hair that had gently fallen on her forehead to move them away before sitting up.
Jumping down from the bed, she quickly ran out of the room and started looking for something fun to do. She sneaked pass all guards and maids, and made her way towards the flower garden which she had planned to plant anything she wanted when she grew up. Running around in the guard she giggled through the whole place chasing butterflies and admired their beautiful wings.
The young princess did not notice certain blue, grey eyes observing her with his head tilted to the side. His lips was slightly parted and his eyes wide and curious. He had never actually met the young princess and was shocked by her enthusiasm and beauty.
The young boy accidentally stumbled back breaking a branch underneath his feet causing the princess to still her movement and look towards his direction. The princess smile widened and her eyes brighten up.
"Hi there!" She yelled joyfully making the young boy freeze and not blink once. The princess walking slowly towards him with her same sweet smile and waved her hand.
The young boy gulped down the lump in his throat and with broken voice he replied back a squeaky 'hi' causing the princess to let out a soft giggle.
"Are you new here? I've never seen you here before!" The princess asked smiling brightly as ever.
"Well yeah actually.. my dads a cook here and he asked me if I wanted to come so I joined him and may have sneaked pass him to come here, its really pretty in the guard." He replied softly looking down at her.
The young princess looked up and had now realised he was quite tall but ignored it anyway. "Oh! I agree! It sure is a sight here. Lovely flowers never failed to amaze me. I've always loved the beauty and the smell of them. The maids always come by and noticed my love towards flowers so the always bring me books about plants and they always me so calm and happy" the princess spoke not noticing the boy admiring her.
"O-oh yeah! Flowers sure are fascinating" he spoke still looking lovingly at her.
"Oh my! How rude can I be! May I know your name?" She asked tilting her head.
"König" he replied short.
"I'm y/n! Nice to meet you könig! I hope to see you again, for now I need to return before guards notice my absence." She said waving and leaving back the flushed boy.
Weeks pass and the both grow quite close, königs father was quite shocked at his sons enthusiasm as he was a shy boy and never dared to talk to anyone especially because of his height and how boys his age make fun of him. So könig avoided making friend, but when he noticed the young princess he grew fond and actually felt happy being with someone.
Many boys eyed him jealous as they believed he did not deserve the princesses attention and he should stick to girls as tall as him.
Y/n had gotten to know königs father and complimented deeply about his wonderful cooking and mouthwatering bakings.
His father quickly understood his sons change in behaviour as the princess was leaving wonderful influence on his son.
One sunny day, the princess sat on the grass next to könig with a wide smile and hummed sweetly to her self before gasping happily causing the boy next to her to turn his head towards her.
"I have an idea in how we can be more closer!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air.
"What is that?" The young boy asked excitingly.
"You can become my Knight at my 16th birthday and then we'll always be together.!" She placed her hands on his shoulders and gently shook them in excitement.
König smiled brightly and nodded his head, as a naive 12 year old he stood high and placed a hand on his chest towards his heart.
"And I promise if you do make me your Knight, that I'll shall forever guard you and make you safe from harm" he said proudly causing y/n to giggle.
Smiling brightly, y/n jumped high and wrapped her arms around könig making him frozen in place. She gently turned her face towards his red face and smiled while tightening her arms around his neck more pulling him closer, his breath hitched but after time he slowly wrapped his arms around her more softer form.
Years pass and time flew quickly to y/ns 16th birthday. Men all around the village gathered around, hoping to be the chosen Knight, but the bored princess had already chosen her only one. She gently placed her arm on the reel of the balcony that had the view on the whole area and her other arm rested underneath the bored princesses chin, it had been months since her last encounter with her chosen Knight and all his excuses were about how he was training for her and she believed them leaving him alone for concentration.
Her eyes looked around and she met the familiar blue ones that brought her joy making a huge smile form. Her lips slightly parted when she noticed how more matured he looked. More physique and his face looked more serious. But as soon as his eyes meet her beautiful ones that he believed brought him calm and peace made him smile and give a small wave. The princess quickly waved back and sat straight now more excited knowing her true Knight had entered.
The battle begun and many men were quickly eliminated making könig more relaxed knowing he was making it to the finales.
Hard challenges were past until the very last was left. A young fine men with bright green eyes and blond hair smirked at könig and chuckled. "I shall warn you now, that you will not win, as I'm certain I'll win, and even if I did not pass, the princess with surly chose a more bright looking man then a... well beast" the man said motioning towards könig height.
Only did this not bother könig, but also motive him into believing in himself knowing he'll win, and that surly you would chose him.
The finale begun and the two opponents were having a sword fight. König almost dogged all hits but due his massive size, he had accidentally been his a few times. But even so, könig successfully hit the blond many times. The fight was intense and the princess stressfully bit on her nails parying for könig.
The game ended in tie and had come to the final round. After many hits könig took advantage of his size and quickly jumped on the man and brought him down. The blond quickly gave up being frightened and ran away. König was quickly announced winner and the princess quickly ran down the stairs having a bright grin.
"König! Oh könig my great friend! How shall I describe my happiness for you? I'm more then proud to call you my Knight!" She yelled jumping into his arms ignoring all the gasps and weird looks that were given the princess.
The shy Knight quickly noticed the weird glaces but chose to ignore them and wrapped his much bigger arms around her chubby form.
Looking up to him she had her sweet-honey smile and let go of him stepping a few steps back giving her father space to announce him Knight.
The day went amazingly and she quickly dragged könig into her bedroom happily and jumped on her bed while könig stood by her side.
"Oh by the way my lovely Knight, your uniform his on my desk." She smiled lovingly at him causing warmth to surround his heart. A small smile find its way towards the quiet Knight and he made his way towards her desk picking up his armor. Its looked so shiny he noticed his reflection on it. Rising the armor he also saw your reflection. The sweet smile as always.
"How do you like the armor my Knight?" She asked her eyes closing gently before reopening and watching him admire her beauty through his armor.
"Oh I truly love it princess, beautiful, but not as you" he said not realising the affect of his compliment on her. Her face reddened and she giggled before standing up and walking towards him.
"Oh könig, you never fail to flater me" she said while gently caressing his chest earning a soft 'hmm' for responds.
The day ended with the young princess sleeping peacefully in bed while könig stood outside guarding her.
Days pass and y/n and könig grew closer of possible, not a second apart. Her father noticed it aswell but also realising she needs distance as her age for marriage was nearing and he could not handle a Knight for a groom.
Once when y/n was softly planting flowers in her garden her father took a hold of könig and walked with him out. König looked confused and politely asked for answers.
"What is it your highness?" He asked slightly bowing and standing straight again towering over the father.
"I need you to keep distance with my daughter, enought of attraction. I do not want any feelings connecting you two. Is that clear gaint?" He said the last part as a insult causing a small crack in his heart and könig swallowed in a lump before replying gently.
"But your highness-!" "No buts! You obey as I say, I am your king and you're my Knight, and that is your duty!" He said throwing one of his arm dramatically while the other was behind his back.
König did not complain but just nod making his way back to the garden where she was smiling brightly as her eyes caught him.
"Oh könig dear! I looked for you, see my beautiful dahlias! Look how wonderful they've grown!" She said gesturing towards her newly grown plants.
"Yes princess, you're quite right." König replied not showing a single emotion.
Y/n took a notice in this and decided to ask.
"Is everything alright Knight könig? Something seems to be bothering you." She asked placing on hand on his chest.
König gently took her hand and brought it back towards her side sighing.
"No princess, its nothing that concerns you, carry on with you planting." The words came out more harsher then intended causing the young princess to grimace but ignore it feeling small shattering of her heart.
"W-well alright then" she stuttered feeling upset.
The knight quickly noticed her change in tone but could not say anything but let her be.
Days past and könig kept his awful behaviour towards the princess but spoke kindly once in a while, behind the Kings back as not to worry the princess.
Y/n started believe he might have mood swings so she let it be, being blinded by the love she bad for the shy giant.
One day, as both Knight and Princess hung in the garden, the princess chose it'll be the perfect time to confess her long going feelings for her lovely Knight.
"Hey könig, you do know about my age in marriage is nearing correct?" She asked still keeping her eyes on her roses she planted months ago when being ignored by könig to distract herself.
The knight only hummed in responds and the princess quickly turned around with a huge smile.
"Well! My sweet Knight, how to you feel by becoming my Prince instead" she said tilted her head with a worry smile on her nervous face.
Königs eyes widened and his armor suddenly felt more hotter and heavier against his skin.
"Princess i-" before being able to respond he realised the words of her father and decided to keep his promise to the king.
"My apologies princess, but I'm a afraid I have to refuse such a stupid offer. I'm a Knight for you, and that's something you have to live with, but I'm more then happy to help you to chose your Prince." König replied with a smile in the end hoping to smooth her.
But his smile soon faded when he noticed tears running down her chubby cheeks.
"Oh well, didn't know my offer was stupid, you could have just refused kindly." She sniffled as she picked up her gardening tools and left the garden with a guilty Knight.
"Wait, my princess I didn't mean-" "save it könig, I heard quiet enough" she cut him off walking back to the castle with small sobs escaping her.
The day for her chosen Prince arrived and once again, many men and surrounded the castle, even the blond from before.
König stood by y/ns side the whole time stealing glanced time to time and felt guilty and wished he could become the Prince, but he couldn't, especially because of the father.
He noticed that the princess had not once even knowledge the knight, and after the little argument had been avoiding him.
The knight gulped down his sadness and kept his sight on the war between the men.
The fight was intense and once again the blond was left with some random man.
The fight ended with the blond smirking down on the man before waiting for the Kings family to come down.
The King's family came down and congratulated him. The princess sharing a forced and fake smile with him and watched as he bowed slightly and placing a small kiss on her hand causing her to shiver but calm down eventually.
The day ended and the wedding was planned excitedly by her father leaving the sad Princess alone in her bed. She was interrupted from her sorrow when könig barged inside her room with not his usual armor but a pair of regular cloths. He panted as he ran towards her bed and looked at her with pleading eyes.
"Y/N, please my dear listen, I'm so awfully sorry with my behavior with you these past time. But I could not avoid the command as was force to obey by your father by distancing myself from you. So my dearest princess, I ask of you for forgiveness and the kindest of offering me the same offer as before. I promise when becoming you Prince, I shall take care of you with love and protection, and vow to protect you from everything" he said as he leaned closer placing his forehead against the shocked princess
"I... Yes könig! I do want you as my Prince! Oh please do not scare me like that again! I'd be damned if I ever lost you and if I were to marry another, please könig, don't ever leave me" she sniffled as she took ahold of his collar nearing his face towards hers before gently placing her lips against his causing him to freeze.
His eyes soon closed and he gently put a hand on her chin bringer her face closer.
After the affectionate kiss, the pulled apart slightly panting and looking lovingly at one another.
"Oh dear princess, we can't stay her, pack you bags quick, and we shall run and go to my hometown where we're both protected and will love one another without having barriers in between us he said pecking her forehead and standing up helping her up. She quickly rushed and packed everything needed and he hugged her as he jumped out of the window along with her after she placed a note on her desk for her father.
Running away they joked and laughed all awhile kissing and finally being able to love each other as they wish. When reaching home, könig told her that he had planned a garden for her already and said its near a cottage where they both and live and plant as much as they want.
Hearing this, the princess felt blessed and could not have kissed könig harder as they both watched the half planted garden which made the princess happy.
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teecupangel · 5 months
I had an idea for an Altaïr that accepted Al Mualim’s teachings and became his true successor after he dies, basically keeping Masyaf the same after his death with the apple. What would happen if a reincarnated Desmond just appeared in Masyaf one day? I was thinking of Altdes but like super Yandere Altaïr
You wanna make it all the more morally questionable?
Altaïr finished what Al Mualim failed to do.
He managed to use the Apple to control everyone in Masyaf.
When Desmond is transported into the past, Altaïr had already gotten to Saladin and is slowly getting the men King Richard trusts the most under his command.
Desmond was reborn as a nobody in this land… is what he would like to say.
Or maybe fortunately?
He was reborn as Jalāl al-Dīn Ḥasan III, the only son of imam of Alamut.
Meaning he’s 22 years old younger than Altaïr…
He was kept in the harem as a child and it was hard to run away from an entire castle filled with Assassins who knew their little prince liked to run away.
He had only met Altaïr once when he was growing up, being able to take peek even after his father ordered him to stay in his room while the mentor of Masyaf was visiting.
He had been sixteen years old.
And Altaïr looked just as handsome as he remembered.
Their eyes met and there was something in his eyes that made Desmond feel… something.
Something both enticing and… dangerous.
One of the Assassins saw him and escorted him back to his room before his father found out.
The following day, his father asked for him and he had been worried that he learned of Desmond sneaking in last night.
Instead, he ordered Desmond to show Altaïr around Alamut which he agreed easily to.
Altaïr’s stay in Alamut was short and Desmond savored every moment of it. He was a bit different from Desmond’s image of him.
More open in his curiosity of Alamut and…
Of Desmond himself.
He knew that Altaïr already had two sons by now.
But Altaïr laughed when Desmond asked about his wife.
He didn’t have a wife.
Desmond thought he was joking.
So Altaïr explained…
His sons’ mother was not married to him. She did him a ‘favor’. In exchange, he ‘assisted’ her in taking over the Templar Order. It’’s because of their ‘trade’ that Altaïr was able to secure an alliance with the newly reformed Templar Order.
Something was wrong.
Desmond has no idea why the timeline was this skewered. He sure as hell knew it wasn’t him.
It couldn’t be him.
He had been too young when Altaïr became a mentor to do anything even when he wanted to.
So he had to find out what happened to change the ‘past’ this much.
And the fact that he knew that there was something between them, something simmering under the surface with each graze of the back of their hands, of each brief touch on the arm, the shoulder, and back…
There was something between them that Desmond knew he was powerless to stop.
He didn’t want to stop.
So he asked his father if he could stay in Masyaf for a while, be some kind liaison or something.
He had been surprised when his father said yes.
He should have questioned it.
He was just glad that he could stay with Altaïr longer.
[Why are you bringing that child?]
[You do not need that child.]
“He’s not a child, is he? He doesn’t feel like one.”
[He knows nothing.]
“No one does. Only we know how this past must become to pave way to a better future. Is he not part of your Calculations?”
[He is inconsequential.]
“Then it doesn’t matter if I have him then if that’s true.”
“He sounds a lot like you. But he’s more… not innocent. No. That’s not the right word… ‘mortal’.”
[Altaïr, do not forget your pact with me.]
“I prefer to call it our vows but what do I know? I am but the first of your many, aren’t I? But he… he’s mine and mine alone.”
[Do not let him distract you.]
“When have I ever failed you? I know what he is. I can see it in his glow. He’s like you… he is you, isn’t he?”
“Is he my reward for being your loyal puppet king, my dear Reader? Or is he an anomaly I can do as I please?”
[… do as you wish but do not forget who you belong to, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.]
“I belong to you but you do not belong to me. But he… Desmond. He will be mine.”
Altaïr stared at the Apple on his table.
The Apple glowed dimly.
[Fine. Do as you wish.]
“I will.” Altaïr tapped the Apple, letting it roll an inch away from him, “Relax, my dear Reader. Aren’t you curious?”
“Who decided to place your human self here in our fixed past?”
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