#we both gotta play characters be it canon or OC...
ditterbutter · 2 years
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little-queer-bee · 6 months
Looking for a Hazbin hotel Roleplay? Lookin for a bottom roleplay partner? Hoping to find someone you can rp with for potentially years at all hours of the day? Look no further!
I am currently looking for Hazbin hotel roleplay partners! I do rp on discord in dm/in personal servers and in public servers! Down bellow ive listed a bunch of different stuff about me and my rp style.
Discord - sorrowbee
I am vehemently pro ship fuck off if you don't care for it. I don't wanna debate.
Lil one paragraph introduction:
Allo i am jami, I have been Arping for fucking years (15ish years) and need constant engagement or i get board. I am constantly coming up with new ideas and simply want someone willing to explore it with me. I want long time commitment. longterm friendship type shit. I am a pest who has weird….weird really weird ships and rp interests. Dark shit comes from this mind. I want friends who like to explore the darker side of writing and who enjoy sappy shit and hurtcomfort. uvu Gotta set these bitches up to fall only to bring them back up again. I am into writing some seriously fucked up shit and want people to come to me with an open mind and an eye for a fun engaging time.
Canon characters or ocs? both?:
Both! i love doing both! I am currently on a kick where i want nothing more than to rp my oc but thats workaroundbale. thats a word i swear.
Small list of characters I play!:
Adelia (my oc), Alastor, Husker (side), Vox, Velvette
Small list of doable ships!:
AdeliaVox, VoxAl, HuskAngel(side ship) , Adeliaanyone, AdeliaVoxAnyone, Voxalmost anyone, the entire cast in a poly ship. other polyships.
Not Safe for Work?
yes (I am into many things but like to do things with mommy/daddy issue vibes, age gap, size dif, monsters, cnc, dubcon, the big stuff you know can be discussed more in depth)
Dead Dove?
yes. I really like exploring things with gore and sensitive topics not seen in rp and fanfic a whole lot. We can go into depth about it and set yes and nos. It is not necessary to make a good rp though.
Bellow are a bunch of lil rp snippits of mine!
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fubardish · 2 months
Hey!! I love your work (both vore and non vore)
I have a bunch of questions if that's okay
1: Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
2: Are you open for rp?
3: What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
4: This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
HeyHeeyyy!! And hell yes, les gooo
1 - Do you have any ocs you do vore with besides MobFlams?
Yes I have WAY more pred OCs up my sleeve, but I'm hyperfocusing on MobFlams all the time because... I like mobster preds :^)
Here we got my boy Kenji:
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He's angry most of the time and a horrible glutton. I often draw him in various AUs because in canon he doesn't (always) eat humans. And when he DOES eat people, it's uhh... not safe :). Probably. You've gotta be REAL good friends to do safe vore with him, tho I think he wouldn't mind some casual mouth exploring?
And then we've got my man Yaten:
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Again, his canon version actually doesn't eat humans AT ALL. In fact he hates it (which is why I sometimes do unaware with him, whoops :^) ) But because I am absolutely OBSESSED with creating AUs of my OCs, I obviously did also one with Yaten as a giant mean Seadevil merman that eats people. Safe and fatal, both works with him. But he's always mean and full of himsel >:]
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And then I've got big nice uncle Hiroki:
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He's Flams' best buddy and he's NICE. Safe vore? Absolutely yes. He can go fatal on AUs, but in canon is super friendly. Loves eating people and keeping them safe.
And then another character I love who's not mine, Andre:
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He's my friend's character, but I designed him for my buddy. I often draw him because I like him... a lot 8). Also very friendly, loves humans and will never hurt them. Safe vore. Yes absolutely :)
Man... I AM really hyper-focusing on Flams. I got so many OCs I rarely draw vore with, holy shit XD
2 - Are you open for rp?
Right now, yes. Though again I prefer multi-paragraph RPs most of the time. But either way, if you're interested shoot me a DM with what you're interested in playing and we can talk about it :>
3 - What are your favourite vore tropes (both safe and fatal?)
When it comes to safe vore, I ADORE pred that wants to keep the prey warm from the cold. Spooky teasing is also very good, I LOVE cat and mouse scenes. Always a bit of thrill makes vore real gud, I love it. However when it comes with the trope of trusting eachother despite being scared of the pred MHMM YES THAT SHIT. It feels like an extended hug, but it's a spooky scary hug. A hug that keeps you safe from the outside world <3
In fatal vore I LOVE evil preds. They're just eating because they gotta eat :). Not caring too much and happily devouring spooked little peeps. Better when it comes with foodplay. Teasing the prey that they're just food and enjoying every bit of their fear and struggle. Unaware vore is also an absolute favorite of mine. Prey getting themselves accidentally stuck in food and getting eaten. They beg to be let out but either pred doesn't hear them over eating more food or they just don't care.
My two preferences in vore are VEEEERRY different from eachother, I'm aware of that. It's horrible XD. I really like both! But it's hard to keep them both in this blog because I know not everyone is fan of fatal. But I've come to a point where I don't care too much anymore. I'm gonna tag my art accordingly so that people can avoid it.
4 - This is a nonsexual vore blog, right?
Yes, absolutely! I always see vore as something non-sexual. As much as it goes into fatal and nasty stuff, I'm always seeing it as non-sexual. However even non-sexual stuff can be NSFW (as in not safe for work, in NOT LOOKING AT IT DURING WORK, I would never look at vore during that, holy shit no) But basically yes, it's non-sexual still. But please this blog is still +18 so no minors :'). Go look at my friendly blog where I have super harmless comic lmao
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saysike-skedoodles · 3 months
The Trio in The Smiler Queue
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The trio waiting in line to go on The Smiler, what could go wrong?
...Multiple things actually, for one, Bex is scared of rollercoasters, the small ones are enough for her to handle. Secondly, Bex and Stacy have never been on a rollercoaster as intense as The Smiler, so they're both in for a surprise. Thirdly, Silly has already been on this ride multiple times in a row. So you can image Bex and Stacy's reactions when Silly tells them.
I know I just uploaded 2 days ago but I FINALLY got the motivation and energy to work on a piece like this! I've been feeling the case of "Missing Alton Towers Hours" so I used it to make this bit of art. I always wanted to attempt at what I call the "Gumball lighting effect" and that's basically just putting 2D cartoon characters into irl photos and making them fit in. Trust me, it is a LOT harder than it looks. I'm trying to improve in lighting as it is so I found this to be a fun but annoying piece to work on. It's not the best, but for a first attempt at stuff like this I'm proud of it nonetheless. Also I should mention too that the photo used for the background was taken by me!! And yes, I FINALLY GOT TO ALTON TOWERS LAST YEAR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My phone storage is begging to be put out of its misery from the amount of photos I took while over there but ANYWAYS. BEST 2 DAYS OF MY LIFE I TELL YA. All the rides there were so fun and some even surprised me more. Looking at you Oblivion. You made me nearly black out halfway through the drop. No shade to Oblivion though, bro was still really fun. But I gotta say that Galactica and The Smiler are my favourites, I only was lucky that I got to ride Galactica twice, considering how busy the park was (we went around the time school tours were happening which we didn't know about cuz different school system here) but I still thoroughly enjoyed the rides I managed to get on :]. Also yes it's canon the trio went to Alton Towers, I made these OCs i can do what I like with them and that includes making it canon they've been to a theme park I'm very normal about (not) XD
I think you guys now understand why I'm like this about The Smiler. I'm betting that either the main theme or the "Ha Ha Ha" variation is gonna be my most played track for 2024.
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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grahamcracklewho · 2 months
a Carmen Sandiego (2019) rewrite.
tw (for the entire series): murder, death, mild gore, angst, obsession, ableism. i will add onto this as i go on. this series is DEEPLY redcrackle but includes ocs and reworked versions of characters, canon events, and etc.
this is ch2. ask/comment to be tagged for ch3 and more.
(I made this as understandable as possible to newcomers).
prev. current (ch3). next.
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Soft chatter emanated through the auditorium as VILE’s newest batch of students got themselves seated, waiting for orientation to begin. It didn’t take long for Coach Brunt to stroll onto the stage, approaching the podium that sat in the middle. She fiddled with the microphone attached to it, frowning slightly before rolling her eyes.
“Ahem!” Coach Brunt glanced around expectantly, waiting for the students to quiet down. “…Welcome to VILE’s school for thieves,” she said. “That’s V-I-L-E. Valuable imports, lavish exports. We ship goods to the four corners of the world.” The coach grinned down at the auditorium full of students. “You’ve all been hand-picked for our one-year program, thanks to your unique talents and exponential potential, so we’re expecting big results from all of you. But, that aside—my name is Coach Brunt, and I’m one of the head honchos around here, so you gotta play by my house rules.”
She held up a cell phone, the familiar object drawing the attention of the students. “Rule one: no communication devices.” She suddenly crushed it, bits of glass and metal crumbling to the ground, getting shocked gasps and concerned glances from everyone but Black Sheep. “And, rule two: first names only, until y’all get your code names.” Coach Brunt’s gaze slid over, meeting Black Sheep’s amongst the crowd. “Ain’t that right, lambkins?”
Black Sheep blinked in surprise before managing a nervous smile and shrinking back slightly, feeling the gazes of all the other students on her. Directly in front of her, someone barked out a laugh, making her flinch.
“Lambkins?” The person snorted. “Who knew VILE had a mascot?”
She was suddenly faced with a decision: allow herself to be made fun of on orientation day, of all things, or fight back.
Well, she never was one to back down.
Without a second to give room for hesitation, she grabbed the shirt collar of the person that had just laughed and yanked on it, hard, pulling their head back so that she could stare them down, ignoring the startled yelp they let out as she did so. It was a brunet male, his expression strewn with surprise. She bit back the urge to shake the wits out of him and instead managed a forced smile.
“The name’s Black Sheep,” she gritted out. “Only my friends call me lambkins.” Her grip on his collar tightened, giving it a slight tug. “Do you understand? Nod if you understand.”
He nodded hurriedly. “Uh-huh.”
Reluctantly, she released him, and didn’t hear another peep from him for the rest of the orientation. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the last of him that she saw. After orientation, students were directed to their respective dorms, with a handful of people in each one.
Black Sheep was the first one to arrive and settle into her dorm room (aside from that freaky quiet kid), only having to move a few maps and the set of Russian nesting dolls from her room to feel homely. She looked around the area and eventually decided on a bed by a window, so she could look out into the island, but still close by the doorway so she could watch as her new roommates filed in.
The first two that entered followed each other closely; a tall, lean man and his friend, who was much shorter and broader in comparison.
“Jean Paul,” the tall man said, nodding at her in greeting.
“And I’m Antonio,” the shorter man added.
Black Sheep smiled at them both. They seemed friendly enough.
Trailing behind them was a platinum blond woman. For a moment, Black Sheep’s mind flashed to Zicron and how she didn’t see him at orientation, but pushed the thought away, instead watching as said blond woman brushed her hair back and barely spared Black Sheep a glance as she entered. “I’m Sheena,” the woman said, sounding bored. Black Sheep already didn’t like her, but didn’t have very long to stew in hatred because the next person that came in was the brunet from earlier. Black Sheep’s eyes narrowed at him, and when his gaze met hers, he managed a sheepish smile.
“You,” she scowled, standing up. He glanced off to the side, rubbing his neck.
“Er… Black Sheep, right?” He asked, a hint of an accent in his voice. It didn’t take her long to identify it as Australian. “The name’s Graham.” He extended a hand out for her to shake. “Sorry about earlier.”
Black Sheep quirked a brow, scanning his face for any sign of deception. When she found none, she accepted his offer and gave his hand a firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Graham,” she said carefully. As much as she would’ve liked to acknowledge his apology, she wasn’t quite sure she was ready to let go of it yet.
Graham seemed to pick up on what she was thinking and a look of faint guilt appeared on his face. He started to say something else, but the shrill voice of one of her new roommates cut through it.
“These your toys, little girl?” Sheena had wandered over to Black Sheep’s bed without her noticing, and she took the opportunity to poke at the Russian nesting dolls sitting by the windowsill.
Immediately, Black Sheep scowled. “Hands off,” she warned as she walked over to her with brisk strides.
Sheena laughed and moved to stand in front of the nesting dolls. “Ooh, protective, are you?” She sneered. “I wonder what you’re keeping in these dolls. I guess I could find out.” Her hand inched closer to the dolls. Red filled Black Sheep’s vision, and she dove at Sheena, trying to get in a punch or two when Graham suddenly grabbed her, locking his arms underneath her.
“Whoa!” He shouted. “Let’s play nice, ladies.” He dragged Black Sheep away from Sheena, though not without some difficulties since she wouldn’t stop flailing.
“Taking sides with the little girl, Graham?” Sheena shot him an unimpressed look.
Graham only rolled his eyes. “What’d Black Sheep even do to you? Just don’t touch people’s things without permission.”
Sheena looked offended by the scolding, but only managed to let out a splutter before turning on her heel and sauntering off. “Probably cheap costume jewelry, anyways,” she muttered. Graham chuckled before helping Black Sheep back up to her feet.
“You okay?” He asked, glancing at her. She looked at him, surprised, before managing a small smile and nod.
“Yeah,” she said, looking down at the floor. That went better than she had expected it to. Usually, her shuffles ended up with her winning, but just barely, and with a heap of injuries to go along with it. “Thanks.“
He grinned. “No problem.”
Black Sheep was already making friends—and enemies.
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The next day, classes started.
Black Sheep got up earlier than everyone else, with the exception of Graham, who was playing chess with himself on the coffee table in the dormitory. She hadn’t been able to sleep very well last night, but woke up feeling more energized than ever, practically bouncing with excitement. This was it—what she had been waiting for, all her life. She had even gotten new clothes, commemorating her officially becoming a student. It was a sleek black stealth suit, with VILE’s signature green V in the front. 
“You’re really raring to go, aren’t you, Black Sheep?” Graham smiled at her from where he sat cross-legged on the floor. He, too, was dressed in new clothes: a dark blue jacket, over a black shirt. “You’ve been up for the past hour or so, just sitting there grinning.”
“Honestly? I can’t wait.” She managed a sheepish smile. As much as she didn’t want to come across as overeager (and remind a certain someone how “immature” she was) she couldn’t exactly hide it. Besides, Graham probably wouldn’t judge her. “How’re you so calm?”
“Trade secret.” He grinned before gesturing to the chess board he had set up. “Wanna play a round?”
Black Sheep glanced at it. “Sure, but no promises that I won’t win.” She took a seat across from him. “I’ve played chess with Coach Brunt a million times.”
“Fond of her, are you?” He hummed. “Well, I’m sorry to say that I am definitively better at chess than Coach Brunt is. Prepare to lose.” He paused. “You sure you want black? You can take white if you want.”
She shot him a look. “White is fine. I’ll destroy you either way.”
“Hey, hey, the match hasn’t even started yet. Let’s remain civil for just one more second.” His grin widened. “But game on.”
“I can’t believe you won!” Black Sheep groaned as she clutched her head. “I was so sure…”
Graham shrugged, hiding his smile. “What can I say? I play a lot of chess.”
“Ugh, unfair.” She punched his arm jokingly. “Whatever. At least it’s time for classes now.” He nodded, following her out of the dormitory.
“So, what’s your story, Graham?” Black Sheep glanced at her new classmate as they walked side-by-side down a corridor, heading to their first class: Stealth 101, with Shadowsan. She was trying to distract herself from the thought of having to take a class with the faculty member that hated her, all year long. That, and she knew the halls of V.I.L.E. academy much better than Graham did, so she thought she could spare him some time.
Graham grinned at her, folding his arms behind his neck. “I worked as a junior electrician in the Sydney opera house,” he began.
“Australia! I knew it.” She fist-pumped, making him chuckle. “Have you ever seen a koala there? Or sharks? Or, ooh, Ayers Rock?”
He cast her an amused glance. “I’ll, uh, get back to you on that,” he grinned. “Anyways, one day, a light went out. I realized I could make a far better living turning off the lights than I could keeping them on.”
Her brows rose, secretly impressed. “Cool. So now you’re here, huh?”
“Yeah. What about you, Black Sheep?”
Black Sheep looked down at the floor, thinking. “I was found as a baby on the side of a road in Bueno Aires, Argentina,” she said. “VILE’s faculty took me in and their own and raised me here, on the island. Being a professional thief is what my entire life has been leading up to.”
“Dedicated, huh? Respectable.” He nodded. “Growing up with a tropical paradise as a home must’ve been nice.”
“I guess.” She sometimes forgot that, to others, the isle of VILE was desirable. She couldn’t see it. It was empty and lonely; cold and stark, and her supposed family was too busy to ever spend time with her. “I’m just glad that VILE academy is a thing. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have met you, or anyone else.” She smiled up at him, and he gave her an easy smile in return.
“I agree,” Graham said. “VILE’s more welcoming than the real world, anyways. When you grow up alone, it’s hard to make others part of your life. VILE helps people like us have a home.”
Her smile widened. “Exactly.” They walked for a little longer before she added, “are you really going to go by Graham while you’re here?”
He looked at her curiously. “I mean, I wasn’t planning to go by anything else. Why?”
Black Sheep made a face. “I just…” she shrugged. “It’s not very cool, you know. Or threatening.”
“What would you suggest, then, Miss Genius?”
She rolled her eyes, smiling. “Gray,” she said pointedly. “I think that’s much better than Graham, at least until you get your code name.”
He considered that, brows rising. “That’s not bad,” he admitted. “Alright, then. Gray it is, courtesy of you.” He paused, and a grin touched his lips. “Still not better than lambkins, though.”
She laughed. “As it should.”
They eventually came to a stop in front of the doors to Shadowsan’s classroom. The two exchanged a glance before Gray gestured politely for her to go first, pushing the door open for her.
She grinned. “Thanks,” she whispered as they walked inside. Gray winked, trailing closely behind her.
The room was decorated minimally, with thin, transparent, Japanese-styled windows—which, Black Sheep knew were known as shoji—concealing the room, and a large bonsai plant growing from a pot in the corner. Straw mats were placed on the wooden floor, one for each student. She and Gray took a seat near the front, next to each other.
When Shadowsan strolled to the front of the classroom and looked her way, she met his gaze, refusing to back down. She wasn’t going to let him bully her into submission. She knew her worth.
Once all of the students filed in and settled down, Shadowsan sat down, crossing his legs, and held up a square piece of paper for the class to see. “Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding,” he said. In a flurry of motions, the simple sheet of paper was transformed into an elegant swan. “There is no better way to practice having the delicate touch of a thief than origami.”
Black Sheep and Gray exchanged an unimpressed glance, which quickly turned into matching expressions of dismay when they were handed some paper and were told to fold them into animals.
Despite Shadowsan watching her like a hawk, she actually was able to enjoy the activity. She made sure that each fold was neat and precise, and eventually ended up with an impressive unicorn. She held it up, admiring how cleanly done it was. For her first time, it was actually pretty good.
Shadowsan walked around the room, examining different creations. When he complimented the sheep Tigress had made, she raised up her unicorn, hoping he’d admit that she had done well, but he barely cast her a glance before strolling away, arms folded behind his back. Black Sheep’s brows drew together and she grumbled to herself, though Gray patting her shoulder comfortingly helped soothe her.
Once they were done, they showed each other what they had made.
“Nice rhino.” Gray squinted at her unicorn. She laughed.
“Hello? It’s a unicorn?” She waved it in his face, making him arch a brow.
“Unicorns aren’t real, you know,” he said. “Shadowsan said to make an animal.”
Black Sheep snorted. “Unicorns are fictional animals. Still an animal. And what’s yours supposed even to be?” She gave his creation an odd glance. It was scrunched up and creased all over, to the point it was indiscernible. “An… amoeba?” She joked.
This time, Gray was the one giving her an odd glance. “No, it’s a kangaroo.”
She gave the supposed kangaroo a few more looks. “Oh…” she said slowly. “I… see it now. I think.”
Gray sighed, setting his disfigured kangaroo off to the side. “Well, origami may not be my calling, but at least I gave it a shot.”
“Eh… yeah, honestly, you tried your best.” She gave him a fist bump. “Not too shabby for a pair of first-timers.”
“No kidding.” He grinned. “I didn’t come here to learn origami, but at least I can cross it off my bucket list now.” His eyes wandered around the classroom, eventually landing on a sword kept in a glass case in the front of the classroom. “Crikey! Look at that sword. It’s huge.”
She followed his gaze. “Geez, yeah. Kinda seems like overkill,” she mumbled. “I mean, I’m a thief. I don’t know why I’d need to lug around a gigantic sword like that.”
“Heh. Think Instructor Shadowsan ever uses it?” He raised a brow. “No, right? He probably cleans it three times a day.”
“Sounds like him,” she said. “Hopefully, in our next class we can actually do something exciting.”
Just as she said that, she felt a shadow loom over her, the silence suffocating. She froze, a chill crawling up her spine.
“My class is not entertaining enough for you, is it, Black Sheep?” Shadowsan glared down at her, and all she could do was manage a sheepish smile.
“I—I’m sorry, Instructor Shadowsan, I was just saying that because I expected—“
“It does not matter what you expect,” he interrupted. “Regardless of it, you should be grateful. I am sorry I could not live to your expectations, Black Sheep. Perhaps you could teach yourself some discipline helping Vlad and Boris scrub down the academy walls. Does that sound enjoyable?”
Her eyes widened. “N…no, Instructor.”
“Then do not let me catch you being so disrespectful again.” He turned his back to her, and the class started to snicker quietly, the loudest of all being Sheena. 
Black Sheep’s face flushed with shame, and she looked down at her lap, biting her lip. This… wasn’t how she wanted her first class to go.
Far from it.
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is black sheep suffering rn? yeah! do i care? ehh…
more importantly, we finally have gray’s introduction !! i don’t ship black sheep n gray (they give bro n sis) but stay w me y’all 😔 lmk ur thoughts :)
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outofthiisworld · 4 months
💞 OC x canon
📶 crossover ships
💙 crack ships
for Ophelia? ^^
. ✦ ݁ ˖ send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on… OoOo 💜Baby Girl Hours💜!!! i rambled and got off subject on a couple of these bullet points so under the readmore u go
💞 OC x canon
Y’know … I’ve come to realize I don’t really have any sort of canon characters I ship Ophelia with! :0 at least not really and not at the moment.
I’ve toyed around with a couple ideas before on my own time, and a few oc x canon orientated memes on here awhile back; hell when I first made her a couple years ago as a dc fan character— i shipped her mostly with a green lantern (that’s as much as anyone will get out of me, the answer of WHICH lantern will go with me to my grave)!!! Buuut it’s never really gone anywhere outside of moments of whimsy.
I think it’s also cause I naturally gravitate towards oc x oc more. there’s a euphoria to shipping an oc with another friend’s oc that is just sooo OOOOOUGH (affectionate) to me ya know? 💕
That being said i do wanna emphasize I am EXTREMELY PRO OC X CANON IN THIS HOUSE!!!!!! Ophelia is just. Finicky.
📶 crossover ships
Ophelia is a fandomless oc so truly all ships with her are crossover ships ✨
Crossovers are a blast and honestly a lot of my rp history + experience WAS heavily crossover based, so it’s not something I shy away from easily!
When me and my bestie were younger, like highschool era— we’d always take out favorite characters from all of our favorite shows + comics and then cram them all in a plot-heavy AU of our own making, usually inspired by whatever genre we both were really fixated on at the time. All so we can play Fucked Up Barbies with ‘em.
I’ve taken my former muse Wade Wilson to so many places you wouldn’t believe /lh. I’ve taken him to places back when I had no idea muse is what you called em.
Crossovers are so much fun. But you gotta MEAN IT with you whole 🐈!!!!!!!!!! AND I DO!!!!!!!
💙 crack ships
Crack ships don’t last long for me and what I mean by that is:
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it’s like when I started drinking G-Fuel as a gag with my bestie and then it very quickly became not a gag and I still order it to this day. My favorite flavor is Miami Nights.
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maitaitiu · 6 months
Above It All OCxCanon week 2024 Day 1: Play Fighting Pairing type: platonic Canon Character: Johanna Mason OC: Marsh Belltide Fandom: THG Wordcount: 1633
AO3 link CWS: underage drinking, mentions of/implied death and injury, swearing, heights
Synopsis: The evening after the 70th annual Reaping, Marsh Belltide and Johanna Mason sit out in the woods to chat, as they do every year.
“You got it?” Johanna asked her friend as they shut the door to their house behind them.
Her friend rolled their eyes, “Obviously. What do you take me for?”
“An idiot,” she smiled, and took the glass bottle her friend was hiding under their sweater and stuffed it into her messenger bag, “Nice. Let’s go.”
And the pair set off, only occasionally glancing over their shoulders to make sure that nobody had spotted them.
In truth, neither of them felt particularly great about sneaking out on the evening after the Reaping; not while they knew there was two families weeping with their shutters closed; not while the both of them had such personal ties to the Games. And yet, it had always been a tradition. Sneak out into the woods after the Reaping, when their families were asleep, and go and chat and sing and laugh in the woods until daybreak.
After a good few miles of walking at a decent pace, the pair found themselves far into the woods, in the same clearing they always used for this night, after finding it the eve of their first Reaping.
It was technically still within the confines of Seven, so it was perfectly legal to be here, but neither was particularly eager to get caught.  
They shimmied their way up on separate sides of an impossibly tall giant sequoia with practiced ease; the general lack of knots or branches barely a passing thought to them- as was the way with most lumberjack kids in Seven.
“Only two more of these things to go. Then we’re home free.” Johanna sighed as she stretched out on one of the branches, some fifty feet off the ground, “Can’t wait.”
“Same,” said her friend, hauling their way onto a branch just below hers and leaning back on the trunk as they sat, “The Games are so stupid.”
“Cheers to that,” Johanna said, pulling the bottle out of her bag, “Aw. Just red wine? Couldn’t have gotten something a bit stronger?”
“We’re higher than the Justice Building, Jo. I think wine is strong enough,” her friend cautioned, and then, after a pause, added, “Gotta make sure my dad still has one son left in the morning.”
“I guess,” Johanna grumbled, and started stabbing at the cork with the switchblade she carried everywhere. She managed to get it hooked in somehow and started to pull. And then stopped.
She glanced down at her friend.
She watched as he picked at a loose thread on his trousers for a moment.
“Yeah.” He replied quietly.
“Cool,” Johanna shrugged, and finally popped the cork from the wine bottle, and with a triumphant laugh, exclaimed, “There we go!”
She took a massive swig, and gagged on it. Too much at once, and it just wasn’t very good. Bitter. But… not in a nice way. She managed to choke down the wine, and then spluttered out, “That tastes like shit!”
Her friend laughed, and he pulled himself up onto the same branch as her, “Sure does.” He paused. “Aren’t you gonna say anything?”
Johanna took another sip of the wine, and let it sit in her mouth for a bit, attempting to get used to it. She swallowed. It wasn’t any better the second time around. In fact, it might have even been worse.
“Like what?” she asked, dramatically wiping her tongue on her sleeve in a poor attempt to rid herself of the bitter taste, “Oh. You got a different name? Is it just as stupid as-”
“It’s Marsh,” he replied, and swiped the bottle right from her hands.
“So that’s a yes.” Johanna smirked, and watched as his face scrunched up as he took a sip of the wine, too.
Marsh cringed, and bent his head all the way down into his chest at the taste, “That is foul.”
She whacked his arm and took the bottle back for herself. He reached over to snatch it, but she held it as far away from him as she could, and even with his absurdly long arms, Marsh was unable to reach it.
“Bitch, I brought it!” he whined, and Johanna used her free hand to push him back, “Joeeeee…”
“Aw, okay…” she snorted, and passed it back to him unceremoniously, “Baby Marshy needs his bottle.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he said as he took it from her and knocked back a swig. And then coughed. A lot, “Ugh.”
“It’s bad.” Johanna laughed, “Can’t believe adults big this stuff up so much.”
“I can’t believe this shit tastes worse than tesserae mush.” Marsh shoved the bottle back at her, “And don’t say nothing about my name being stupid. That is the point.”
“What?” She stared at him, on the verge of laughing again, “Why?!”
He shrugged.
She took another swig of the wine.
“Did your dad make this or something?” she asked, “He’s hardly a great chef. Maybe that’s why it’s so bad.”
“Nah, he bought it. I think it’s generally just… not good. I don’t even think he likes it. It’s just cheaper than hard cider for some fuckin’ reason.”
“Considering we’re the fuckers who grew the apples and make the cider, I’d have thought it’d be cheaper for us. Then again…” Johanna scowled, “Timber’s at a bit of a premium again.”
“So’s firewood. It’s a pain in the ass.” Marsh grumbled, knocking back another gulp of wine miserably, “It’s gonna be so cold when winter rolls around.”
Johanna threw her head back dramatically, “Ugh. Don’t remind me. Lizzie gets so anxious when it’s cold. And then I get anxious by proxy.”
“To be fair… you did break your leg in sixth grade when you slipped on some ice.”
“Yeah. I remember.” Johanna’s mood soured, and she frowned at her reflection on the bottle, when Marsh passed it back, “My parents were shitting themselves when I went to my first Reaping with a limp and six slips.”
Marsh glanced over at her, guilt creasing his eyebrows together. “Sorry.”
The two of them sat in silence for a while, looking out at the darkening woods. Watching as the occasional bird or squirrel or chipmunk scuttled on by in the branches near them. They passed the wine back and forth, both grumbling wordlessly about the taste after every sip, until their minds grew foggy with both tiredness and alcohol.
Johanna was the first to spot the flash of white in the trees, and soon spotted more and more. She nudged Marsh and nodded to the flock of gathering birds. She wondered if they knew; if they knew what day had just passed and what they were about to do.
She was never the first to start, though. A slight stage-fright that she’d carried her whole life.
Marsh’s warm alto voice bled into the night, as tuneful and as sad and alone as ever.
“Come all ye true born shanty-boys, whoe’er ye may be,
Come sit upon the deacon’s seat and listen unto me,
A story’f a young shanty-boy, so tall, genteel and brave,
‘Twas on a jam on Gerry’s rocks he met a wat’ry grave.”
They could pretend all they wanted; they could act as nonchalant as possible; they could drown their sorrows in booze and convince themselves that they were adult enough to deserve to be so tired. But both were just as petrified of the Reaping, and the Games as any other child in Seven. As any other child in Panem. And not just of the Reaping; of the Games, but of the dangers that lurked around every corner in Seven. Both had recently picked up some hours over the weekend at a logging facility. And already had seen and obtained more than their fair share of injuries.
The guard staff- the Peacekeepers- who followed them out and shadowed them in the forest at work- didn’t particularly care about any sprains or broken bones- or even deaths- as long as the work was done. Johanna had- just last week- seen a man be stuck under a felled trunk that slammed him to the floor. She hadn’t been strong enough to move it on her own, though she’d tried desperately. He’d passed out by the time someone else from the team had showed up and managed to help her move it.
He'd never walk again.
“It happened on a Sunday morn as you shall quickly hear.
Our logs were piled up mountain high, there being no one to keep them clear.
Our boss he cried, "Turn out, brave boys. Your hearts are void of fear.
We'll break that jam on Gerry's Rocks, and for the Capitol we'll steer."
Johanna joined Marsh then, their untrained voices wove roughly together as they sang. And soon the mockingjays picked up the song, too. Echoing the haunting, sorrowful melody around the woodland; it would surely reach all the way back to the town.
It wasn’t a cheerful song. But it hadn’t been a cheerful day, so what did it matter?
Death clung to district Seven like a burr, sharp and pinching, and impossible to avoid. The Reaping was a spectacle as much as it was a death sentence, an oddity to the quiet, unnoticed deaths that happened every other day.
Not that the kids who got shipped off to the Capitol were remembered any better than the poor sods who’d get sick, or crushed by felled trees, or torn to bits in the factories, or shot or some other shitty way to kick the bucket. It was hardly a wonder that over eighty percent of Seven’s population was under forty years old.
Johanna wondered if she’d make it that long. Or If Marsh would. Or her little sister.
And then she drowned that thought in another swig of the disgusting wine.
Better not to think about it.
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
💝💝 Hi hi, roleplayers.
I’m a 30 year old woman looking to take on more Marvel roleplays with other 21+ people! We will be using Discord.
In a partner, I expect the same I expect from myself. Meaning, I prefer someone on my level. I’ve been roleplaying for nineteen years. I am a literate writer who enjoys long posts, because I tend to get carried away. As a somewhat rapid replier, it would be nice to find someone who can do the same. If you aren’t a rapid replier, that’s okay! It won’t dissuade me from writing with you if we have a solid plot idea.
Communicate is a MUST. I enjoy talking OOC about our plot, characters, headcanons, etc… I’ll probably send music pertaining to our writings, and Pinterest boards. At this time, I am NOT looking to double. I would like to play one of my female OCs against a male canon character.
As stated, I’m looking for Marvel roleplay. I am looking for M/F pairs. I have knowledge on both the MCU and the comicverse. I enjoy difficult themes, but there’s gotta be some fluff, and we should be working towards a happily ever after. I fade to black. Canon divergent plots are preferred, but I wouldn’t turn my nose up at an alternate universe. AUs I enjoy would be SOL type plots — high school, coffee shops, vacation flings, soulmates, etc.
If you’re interested, like and I’ll message you. Thanks for taking the time to read my ad! :D
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findroleplay · 1 year
— 🕸️ 20 year old looking for anyone around that age+ for some fandom roleplays! a bit about me: i've been i've been roleplaying for over five years now. i write with "for talking" and 'for thinking/thoughts'. i LOVE details, as long as it makes sense ofc, but i love lit to advance-lit rp partners! i am looking to double up for these fandoms so please let's keep it fair for both sides! i don't mind focusing on one side for a bit for whatever reason, but i BEG that we keep it fair so we can both have fun! i'm also someone that loves talking ooc, sending tiktoks, discussing the story, headcanons, and so on, and i would much prefer someone that loves to do the same. now that that's set, let's move on! for each of these fandoms i would absolutely love if both sides took place around the same time bc i love giving our ocs opportunity to interact and that's just easiest for me (unless we do two different fandoms for each side which is perfectly fine with me as well). i don't mind what sort of dynamics/plots we do. dead dove darker ideas or lighter ones. angst. drama. just about anything is perfect for me! 🍪 moving on to the fun side of this request, the fandoms and canon characters i am currently looking for! that being said i can play just about anyone for your side as well, just let me know who you would like. Criminal Minds 🕸️ currently on season 6 (derek morgan, aaron hotchner) COD:MW 🕸️ (john price, alejandro vargas) Marvel 🕸️ (logan howlett, miguel o'hara, miles morales) TWD / FTWD 🕸️ keep in mind i only just started season four of ftwd but twd i've watched it all (daryl dixon, abraham ford, rick grimes, ezekiel sutton, negan smith, qaletaqa walker) Fruits Basket 🕸️ currently rewatching (hatori sohma, shigure sohma, kazuma sohma) One Piece 🕸️ so here you gotta be really patient with me because i just started the anime and i'm in the Alabasta saga and just got to Little Garden (roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks) i will do my best to in contact with each like! please only like this if you are interested in roleplaying any of these fandoms, don't leave me hanging as i don't want to be wasting anyone else's nor my own time. have a good day/evening to everyone!
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little-queer-bee · 5 days
Looking for a Hazbin hotel Roleplay? Lookin for a bottom roleplay partner? Hoping to find someone you can rp with for potentially years at all hours of the day? Look no further!
I am currently looking for Hazbin hotel roleplay partners! I do rp on discord in dm/in personal servers and in public servers! Down bellow ive listed a bunch of different stuff about me and my rp style.
Discord - sorrowbee
I am vehemently pro ship fuck off if you don't care for it. I don't wanna debate.
Lil one paragraph introduction:
Allo i am jami, I have been Arping for fucking years (15ish years) and need constant engagement or i get board. I am constantly coming up with new ideas and simply want someone willing to explore it with me. I want long time commitment. longterm friendship type shit. I am a pest who has weird….weird really weird ships and rp interests. Dark shit comes from this mind. I want friends who like to explore the darker side of writing and who enjoy sappy shit and hurtcomfort. uvu Gotta set these bitches up to fall only to bring them back up again. I am into writing some seriously fucked up shit and want people to come to me with an open mind and an eye for a fun engaging time.
Canon characters or ocs? both?:
Both! i love doing both! I am currently on a kick where i want nothing more than to rp my oc but thats workaroundbale. thats a word i swear.
Small list of characters I play!:
Adelia (my oc), Vix (oc) Alastor, Husker (side), Vox, Velvette
Small list of doable ships!:
AdeliaVox, VoxAl, HuskAngel(side ship) , Adeliaanyone, AdeliaVoxAnyone, Voxalmost anyone, the entire cast in a poly ship. other polyships.
Not Safe for Work?
yes (I am into many things but like to do things with mommy/daddy issue vibes, age gap, size dif, monsters, cnc, dubcon, the big stuff you know can be discussed more in depth)
Dead Dove?
yes. I really like exploring things with gore and sensitive topics not seen in rp and fanfic a whole lot. We can go into depth about it and set yes and nos. It is not necessary to make a good rp though.
Bellow are a bunch of lil rp snippits of mine!
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Arthur note: I’m gonna try a multi chapter story, let me know if you think about it in the comments.
Chapter 1: The Dahlia 
Third POV:
It’s an average day in the Southern Water Tribe Korra was just Identified as the next Avatar & the young water bender was as happy as ever with this recent development. Korra & her parents goes into town for supplies, as they were shopping Korra goes across the street to play with the local neighbourhood water bending kids. They stop playing dead in their tracks as soon as Korra shows up knowing that Korra’s the Avatar & kids being kids they start making fun of & picks on her for being different.
Korra’s POV:
“I haven’t done anything wrong to them, why are they being soo mean?!” Korra thought to himself. I then hear a crack about me being stupid looking Avatar I then angrily spat out “OH THAT’S IT!” I immediately started water bending a ring of snow balls orbiting around me, standing at the ready. As their ringleader started bending her own snow balls she’s suddenly hit in the head by a brown mud ball & everyone is confused on what she’s hit with, until she realises & says out loud “T-that’s not mud!..” then i just drop to the ground holding my stomach bursting out into laughter prompting the other kids to start snickering & laughing at their dung covered bully ring leader. She then runs away in embarrassment & disgust, then her entourage simply walked away still snickering at what happened. I then up to where the dung came from only to see a boy around my age sitting on a roof next to a large pile of dung I gleefully smiled & tell him “Thanks for the entertainment!” He stands up & reply’s “Oh I should be the one thanking you, ..for being the perfect distraction.” I scoffed & say “DISTRACTION?!..” “What can I say? Those bullies found you very Distractible.” “Ugh, whatever.” “You want to play Tag?” “Sure!” “Awesome, before we start I’m Y/N!” “I’m Korra, the Mighty Avatar!..” “Alright Korra, now since you’re the ‘Mighty Avatar’ you’re IT first!” He says as he sprints from roof to roof, I chase him from the ground I easily catch up with him & tag him he quickly comments “sh%t!” & starts chasing me. I easily air bend to leap away from him, causing him to get frustrated at my “superior totally natural skills” & he tries to catch up with me by attempting to make the same jump I just made without any bending & halfway across his eyes widened as he started to fall down to his death. I then acted on instinct & jump down to catch him use my Airbending to cushion our fall, we both just lie there in the snow next to each other staring at the sky both panting from exhaustion & Y/N simply pants out “You Airbending Cheater are ..so IT!” We both just started laughing for a moment then I heard my parents calling my name, we get up & I tell him “I have to go now otherwise my parents will kill me!” “It’s okay, I also gotta get back home too before my mum kills me.” “Well it’s nice meeting you, catch ya later Y/N!” “See you later ..Mighty Avatar!”
Y/N’s POV:
I’m running across rooftops to get home it’s starting to get late since the Sun’s going down, as I get home it’s already night time & as I reach out to knock on the front door it drifts open showing the house has been broken into & ransacked. I run in to check to see if mums okay only to find her collapsing onto the floor bleeding from her throat choking on her blood, i rush to try & help her cover her throat but she stops breathing & stops moving. My eyes widened at the realisation that she was gone & started rapidly breathing & my eyes started welling up with tears then I heard a voice outside shouting “GUARD’S! HELP! MURDER!” & before I knew it my house was raided by tribesmen & surrounded me pulling me away then knocks me out cold.
Third person POV:
Guard: “Oh spirits, he’s just killed his own mother!..” & they soon dragged him off to jail..
End of part 1.
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Mwahaha I'm actually on mobile with access to full emojis right now! 😜 So for the writers truth or dare game:
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? i don't think i've ever done reader or author insert characters intentionally, and i only do original characters when they have to serve some narrative purpose, ie. when i'm writing an AU and there is no canon character who fits the adaptation. on an OC but not fic-related note, what i've found in creating characters for D&D campaigns, whether PCs i'm going to play or NPCs for a setting, is that original characters are so freaking hard!!!! finding voices and perspectives for each character is what makes me relate to them, but that's almost impossible for me to do from scratch rather than someone else's blueprint. i think right now i'm in an "i actually hate creating characters as opposed to just adapting/using them" mood and i don't enjoy it until everything clicks together. i've gotta get better at training myself to find the clicking point faster tho, bc i have many good ideas for d&d campaigns that i would like to start manifesting, lol
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings oh man, i'm just going current = favorite, since i haven't done any kind of writing in a while (though i want to get back to it). so, warrior nun: 1) my hot take is that mary/lilith is a better pairing than lilith/camila, and that mary and lilith constantly try to outdo each other in the "who's a better morning person" department. mary can sleep in with the best of them, but also her view on being a morning person is "let me get all this shit done early so i can earn being lazy later on". whereas lilith is like, "i have to get up early because every day i must ensure i am doing More Things than anyone else." they're pretty evenly matched until lilith gets her wings/teleporting abilities and then she's just an absolute (metaphorical) monster about it.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh spiders georg, we all know this. but also if someone ever successfully adapted the loss meme to text, i think i would lose my shit
writer asks
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leatherbookmark · 6 months
☁️🐚🍄🍓(all, or any combination you want) for the fanfiction author ask meme
kissing your hand reverently for the ask etc
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
i just like leather bookmarks!! originally lb was a non-kpop sideblog, and i wanted something that wouldn't be fandom-specific (i don't really like changing usernames) but that at the same time would fit my current fandom (the hobbit hehe). so, leatherbookmark!!
as for my ao3 username, oenanthe is a name of two genera: birds and plants, but i took mine from the bird one. specifically, this little guy. i love that the latin name is so pretty (wine+flower) but both english and polish taxonomers went "this bird has a white ass. alright then here you go"
by the way, huh, these arrows are fun! they're not -> but ⇢. they're dashed. cute
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
oh boy i really don't... i used to when i was a kid, but at this point it's just a source of stress. though like -- depends, because if someone gets me a little postcard or a souvenir that's right up my alley, it's great and i'm happy they thought of me!, but if it's a big expensive gift... yeag
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
fascinated by the separation of ship and pairing here, btw
ohhhh my god i gotta get my fandom brain back in order.
xiyao. what do i think about xiyao? i like to think that in a better world they'd love to Eat. try out different stuff, ranging from "drowning in grease and made by a 78yo uncle who spits into his hands spiritedly before kneading the dough" to... hm. would they go for the "lick the citrus foam out of the plaster cast of the chef's mouth" dining, uh, experience? probably not, but lxc would be amazed and interested, half sincerely and half because he wants to check at what point jgy will go beloved, what the fuck.
but ALSO i think they'd just enjoy meals as a way of spending time together! so whether it's a modern au or not, they whip out the nice tableware, make sure there's a nice plantly being/something decorative on the table, etc. (they don't play music/put on tv in the background because they don't believe in that.)
(all of the above also means their meals take WAY longer than you'd expect, or rather -- as long as they can make them. breakfasts come with dessert now icydk)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
hm!! i think i just... started doing it? when i was a kid and browsing blogs about the witch comic series, i stumbled upon some blogs that weren't like, character profiles and comic arc summaries, but instead basically chaptered fanfiction. and since that, i kind of seeked out people's fics, often more than canon material like scans, databases and such lol.
iirc i started out making comics about my OCs, weird little AUs (like... utena characters, but magical girls/boys lmfao), or "original" comics obviously were just crazy mixes of whatever i was into at the moment. i only started writing fic when i was, idk, ten? and even then it was more like "ough i have a certain scene/image/mood/feeling in my brain and i need to get it Out" than actual stories :')
another thing that hasn't changed until sort-of-very-recently was me just.... starting anew every new fandom. i'd be into fandom X for years, produce tons of fics, and then once i got into fandom Y i was like oh fuck this is all so embarrassing, STARTING A NEW ACCOUNT RIGHT AWAY OR WE DIE. 👍 on one hand cool, on the other i sometimes envy writers who don't have to log into three separate accounts to see all their stats ='D
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cantuscorvi · 10 months
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Name— Rain
Pronouns— Any pronouns !
Preferred comms— absolutely discord. you can find me there @ cantuscorvi too
Name of muse— Raum
Experience in RP— I joined tumblr in 2009 and I've been rping here since about 2010. I've played other characters, both OC and canon, but I created Raum in 2013, so it's been ten years with him alone! He's my little princess and god help us all when he enters his tweens.
Best experiences— Honestly it's difficult for me to find a negative experience. But it's the best for me when I'm able to find people I click with. Writing always involves a little bit of 'forcing' each other to see your particular vision/portrayal but with some people that process feels very easy, and that's when it's so good.
Pet peeves / dealbreakers— Not providing a good 'space' for your partner in your muse's world. Not one muse is the star of the show, it needs to be a collaboration. It sucks when there's no opening for the muses to affect each other ( through emotions, opinions, conflict, circumstance etc ) because one muse somehow always needs to come out on top, and it just ensures that each interaction will ultimately fall flat.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut )— I like a good spread of them all. Fluff is a little harder to accomplish, but not impossible.
Plot or memes— Both, but ultimately plot. Like, even if I'm doing a meme, I'm replying usually based on some vaguely plotted framework or dynamic. Some really interesting and unexpected interactions can come out of memes though.
Long or short replies— For me personally it's gotta be long. I very rarely feel like a few sentences expresses everything that I want to, and if I try to confine myself to a short reply I end up feeling like something is missing.
Best time to write— The least convenient time. Absolutely fuckass o'clock in the middle of the night, especially after midnight, is the time I'm able to flow the best.
Are you like your muse— No. We're pretty much opposites, but at the same time, there are of course things I relate to in him. We are linked. To be unbearable and reference Jung, he is quite like the 'shadow' to my 'persona'.
tagged by @tximidity
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redwayfarers · 10 months
Do what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
i see you've been reading my baby tags lmao also hi!! ty for dropping by!!
i say that bc you did ask for a very certain criticism i have of ffxiv. and that has led me into very unforeseen territories over time. and while i don't do negativity posts, i gotta say that i'm not a huge fan of how canon wol is characterized in the story? they're too stoic head nods + being pushed around + no voice (both in terms of not being voiced, which i feel like gw2 has spoiled me for a bit; the commander, your pc, is voiced except for living world seasons 1 and 2 but even then, they're not stoic head nods as the wol is and in terms of not having, well, a say in what happens to them) and i just don't really like that? i get that this is a personal preference, and i'm not saying this is bad per se, but it's just not for me?
that all led to me having a bit of a hard time finding a wol. like, sure, i made nika, i had a character concept in mind (that changed so fucking much lemme tell you that) but i just wasn't buying the fact that he, the way he just doesn't really care for grander principles on their own, would do what arr has the wol doing, so i had him be just some guy. just some guy in eorzea doing his thing and the wol is someone else saving the world.
then it occurred to me i can make my own canon as i see fit, and once i did that, wol!nika made much more sense, and actually became the canon. most of the changes i made are related to how other characters relate to him, which is its own post, but essentially he views the scions more as colleagues than necessarily friends, barring minfilia and thancred. i think people would be hesitant to open up to him about stuff.
basically this game brings out all my chaotic neutrals and chaotic evils. i'm playing with the idea of what would happen if your hero, the warrior of light, was actually not that good of a person and the warrior of darkness was arguably the better person of the two? what would happen if your hero wasn't all that interested in being heroic and actually is very bitter about the role thrust upon him?
the writing got better from heavensward onward, i started enjoying the storyline a lot more, but this impression of a chaotic evil nika stayed and we have who we have today! and honestly, i wouldn't have him any other way. he may not be the most likeable, but he is fun.
tl;dr he was never a canon compliant character, but the way in which he is canon compliant changed wildly since i started playing <3
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penname-artist · 1 year
Help I cannot stop thinking about various kinks and other such preferences that characters (canon and OC alike) have:
I'm pretty sure everyone who's found my content is aware that I will put both Dusty and Nick through literally anything. I don't even need to specify them, one of them is shamelessly horny and the other is both curious and too humble for his own good and that's a dangerous thing to be when you're that submissive and bree- ANYWAYS
I've always thought Blade is really good with - and preferring of - two things: personal control and endurance. He's a control freak as it were (this is not new information I'm sure) but he has a vibe that just screams show me what you're capable of. If going the extra mile with your stamina does that, I think that'd be right up his alley.
Windlifter is tricky because I think by default he probably stands on one of two sides of the line, either he's the most vanilla motherfucker you've ever seen, or you don't WANT to know the things that he gets up to. So why not both? Soft and lighthearted lover, until that one night every now and again when he breaks out the ginger roots (don't- don't look that up, I beg of thee)
Cabbie. Yeah he's a tough one but I'm gonna play it safe tonight and say he's probably...rough but casual. Vanilla, yes. A lot to handle, also yes. Could he kill you? Probably. Will he? The...the jury is out on that one until next Tuesday my guy. Jus don't piss him off, got it?
Dipper is one of our kind, so I feel like we all kind of know how that goes. Maybe. No? No takers, nobody? Y'all hate this bitch on purpose sometimes I swear, anyways, she's probably really kinky in a really ADHD "way" - like, leave room as a power move and forget your partner on the bed on occasion, kind of way. And you know she's probably pegged someone before
Maru is just like. A secret. The man of the secrets to be kept. Has he ever slept with another being? Who knows! Does he mention it? Not once! Do we still get an idea of his preferences with that lack of info? Yeah a bit, I think he's like Blade a little, he prefers that safety of control of his surroundings.
We're moving onto OCs now because I wanna, and TYKER is a very interesting lover. He's generally really into any/all power dynamics, even if it's really light, and even if he's not the one emitting the power too. And I won't lie he seems like a type of guy who would be into breeding. But in all facets he's really calm and relaxed, he rarely lets his freak show out. Well, it slips every now and again. But not often.
Clutch is definitely a power player, and down to clown with a lot of dynamics and things. She's on the list with Dusty and Nick in a way, she'll try anything, experimentation is fun.
Milo is so fucking adorable and he hates it but then because he hates it his face turns red and that makes him SO ADORABLE anyways he's very much into praise, as well as a little of pet-play. He's definitely had a collar and leash on before. But, he's red-faced and fanning himself about whatever he gets into because he's also a fucking dork. Tyker is so so gentle with him you have no idea.
Apollo - yes hello he still exists and he's nagging me about it - is really into passionate shit, romantic aesthetic shit, music playing over the sounds of. Copulating. *Ahem* and he's kinda into biting and hickies, he just hates actually having them because he's always gotta cover it up (no WONDER he's always in turtlenecks, guys I figured it out)
Saga is a feisty bitch, do NOT let her sweet green exterior fool you. She will twirl her boy-toy around like a stick and absolutely show him a good time. She's also into slow stuff, and music inclusion because it's only her second life, but after that she really likes fancy bondage and lingerie, anything pretty you can wear while you're doing it all (side note Apollo likes this as well but I didn't add it to his because, when handed the option for lacey underwear or getting bit by a potential vampire...yeah I'm saying he's weak for fantasy.)
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