#we begin in the dark and birth is the death of us??
brown-little-robin · 2 years
so... I made a collage for Eight (my beloved). idk if this is exactly the right vibes but I thought you'd like to see anyway 😅
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these are
the Eight vibes
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brokenmenswhore · 1 month
Hey hey! I love your Aegon fics so much that I want to know if you would write a story where after your kid with Aegon passed away, he promised never to touch you again so you wouldn't have to endure bearing more of his kids and witnessing their death. But you yearn for your husband every night and will act dirty to make him touch you again. By acting dirty I mean doing sexy things to instigate him when he's alone with you.
of all the things in this life that i’m good at, being intentionally sexy is NOT one of them, so i’m hoping this isn’t awkward :) my biggest fear is that someone’s gonna not like what i write for their request i’m on my knees pls don’t hate me
all in | aegon ii targaryen
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pairing: aegon targeryen x fem!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of a deceased child, smut (MDNI 18+)
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It had been three long, dark, and lonely months since the death of your son.
He passed away at only a few weeks of age due to health complications, and both you and your husband, Aegon, were left devastated.
Aegon had a tendency to blame himself for anything negative in his life, his self hatred running through the depths of his soul. Your son was his heir, and he felt as if he lost a piece of himself, and blamed himself for the health issues your child was having. “It must be from me,” he would whisper to himself, almost incapable of accepting that some things he could not be faulted for.
When Grand Maester Orwyle proclaimed your son dead, Aegon broke. He was hysterical, unable to speak, the only sound from his lips was an occasional scream of anger and sadness. You grieved in private, the joy you felt from your son’s birth still so recent that your stomach was still not yet back to a normal state.
The first few weeks were hard on both of you, but you at least attempted to lean on each other. However, Aegon was difficult to console when he got in his own head. You were both laying awake in bed, comforting one another when your hand ran across his chest, toying with his shirt. As difficult as the week had been, you were desperate to feel close to your husband in some capacity other than sadness and grief.
Aegon sighed and moved your hand away, rolling over on his side and turning his back toward you. You stayed stagnant and stared at him for a moment. “Aegon?”
“We can’t.”
“I know this grief is still very new, but I-“
“We can’t, ever.”
You sat in disbelief. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes at his words. You were in need of comfort, as was Aegon, and his declaration frustrated you. “And why not?”
“I refuse to risk putting you through this again.”
You were speechless. You tried to think of something to say, a few small noises leaving your lips as you tried to begin a sentence, but to no avail.
Aegon could hear your attempts. “What you have been through these past few weeks- I cannot watch you bear another one of my children, only to endure the pain of losing them again. I have never seen you happier than the day our son was born, and now-“ Aegon’s voice trailed off, “It is not worth the risk.”
Tears of sadness and frustration were now freely falling, Aegon’s back still to you as you spoke, “you do not seriously intend for us to never be intimate again. For the rest of our lives, Aegon, I need you. I am all in. Are you not? Do you not need me as well?”
“I need to relieve you of this pain more,” he responded, “and there are more than enough whores in King’s Landing.”
Your breath hitched in your throat at his final comment. You couldn’t believe he said such a thing. You knew he was hurting, and oftentimes pushed you away when he was, and you decided to assume it was an intentionally harmful comment meant to do just that. You chose to believe that he didn’t really mean it, but you still wished he didn’t say it. You understood his pain, but that didn’t make it alright to take it out on you.
You didn’t dignify his comment with a response, you simply rolled out of bed, fighting to maintain your composure as you walked out of the room, slowly shutting the door behind you.
The next morning, you returned to your shared chambers to ready yourself for the day, and Aegon was already up and dressing.
“Where did you sleep?” he asked.
You untied your robe as you approached the outfit laid out for you by your handmaidens. Handmaidens stopped assisting you and Aegon without being called into the room, as per your marital request.
“Elsewhere,” you stated.
Aegon sighed. “That is not an answer.”
“Why should it matter to you? If you get lonely, you can simply bed your whores,” you spat, throwing his comment from last night back at him.
Aegon didn’t handle you being mad at him very well. He needed everyone to like him at all times, but he didn’t cherish anyone’s opinion of him as much as he did yours. Knowing you were upset with him killed him.
“Do not be upset with me,” he pleaded, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Oh? I thought we were not to touch each other any longer?”
Aegon retracted his arms, moving directly next to you so he could catch your eyes. “I don’t want you to be upset,” he said.
“Then do not promise to deprive me of something you and I both want and need.”
“I cannot put you through this again. Do you not understand that? Whatever is going on within me, it passed something bad down to our child, and if we remain intimate I risk you falling pregnant with another child we will inevitably lose. As your husband, it is my duty to ensure you do not have to go through such a thing again.”
“It is out of your control, Aegon,” you said, your voice low as you held his face in your palms, “and it is not your fault.”
He held onto your wrists, but didn’t move your hands. “This decision is not meant to hurt you.”
“I know.” Aegon was set in his decision, which meant that there was no point in arguing with it right now. You did not have the energy.
────── ☾ ──────
The next several weeks were filled with longing, your heart and body yearning to be close to your husband, now that it had been three whole months since your son passed.
You didn’t press the subject with Aegon, allowing him room to breathe. It was difficult, and you found yourself needing him more and more the longer you went without him.
You knew that despite his decisions, you always had power over Aegon. He was completely enamored with you, and oftentimes changed his mind to match yours. When he made decisions you didn’t agree with, it took a hell of a lot of fighting to get him to falter, but it was not always impossible. This particular instance couldn’t be impossible- you couldn’t survive without him.
“We we supposed to depart last hour!” Aegon called out to you, waiting by the door with his guards for you, the hour getting later and later. House Dondarrion was hosting the Targaryen family for supper at Blackhaven as a gesture of appreciation for the King’s assistance in the Stormlands.
Your handmaidens tightened and tied the final strings of your corset. It was new, and made specifically for you, only this time, you made special requests. It was the standard green and gold, and still kept you covered, but less so than usual. The garment left your chest nearly exposed, just as you had planned.
“They must have forgotten your measurements, Your Grace, there is not nearly enough fabric,” one of your handmaidens spoke, fidgeting with the seam on your cleavage.
“It will do just fine, thank you very much,” you said, “we must be going.”
You were escorted to meet up with your husband, who couldn’t look away from you the moment you came into view.
“What the fuck is this?” he whispered the moment you were next to him.
“What ever do you mean?”
“Everyone here can see too much of you in that,” he continued.
You shrugged your shoulders, playing nonchalantly dumb. “They must have forgotten my measurements.”
You gazed up at him, and he could tell you were playing him. He knew you well enough to tell.
“What are you trying to do?”
You brushed your hair from your neck to behind your shoulder, making even more skin come into view. “Waiting to leave. We are already behind, are we not?”
You started to walk away, but Aegon grabbed your arm and pulled you back. “You can’t possibly think I’m going to let you leave in such a thing.”
“It is not your choice.”
Aegon knew that despite the roles placed on both of you from a very young age, he couldn’t control you if he tried.
Throughout supper, Aegon was on alert to the gazes of other gentlemen upon his wife. Many approached you two to offer their condolences for the loss of your son, making you tense up and your breathing quicken from stress, which only made your chest more obvious.
You could tell Aegon was bothered, but that’s what you wanted, so you made no effort to be modest.
“Rather lewd tonight,” Aemond said, standing behind your chair, greeting you for the first time all night, “don’t you think?”
“Perhaps,“ you responded, taking a sip from your cup.
Aemond leaned down next to your ear and whispered, “What’s he done then, hm?”
You giggled at the question, Aemond smiling as he stood tall and moved to greet the people next to you, ending your interaction. Aegon couldn’t hear what Aemond said, but Aemond being so close to you and whispering in your ear angered him.
“What did he say?” Aegon asked, unable to help the curiosity.
“Nothing of importance,” you said, remaining stoic.
Aegon’s nostrils flared as another member of House Dondarrion approached the table.
Aegon remained observant the entire night, a possessiveness consuming him as he intentionally stared at anyone who gawked at you, his gaze intimidating them into looking away.
When you returned to King’s Landing, you retreated to your shared chambers.
“It does not befit a queen to dress in such a vulgar way. I cannot fathom why you would do such a thing tonight,” Aegon said.
You poured two cups of wine as you replied, “you cannot fathom? Dear husband, I think you can. Take a guess as to why I may behave as such.”
You handed Aegon one of the cups, taking a sip from your own and intentionally tilting it too far upward, the red liquid spilling down your neck and onto your chest.
“Fuck, what a shame,” you spoke, placing the cup down and moving your hair behind your back.
Aegon watched you swipe a thumb over your bottom lip and suck the wine off of it.
“Stop it,” he warned.
“Stop what? You cannot expect me to just stand here covered in wine,” you quipped, “do you happen to have a cloth?”
Aegon retrieved an used cloth from the table next to you, holding it out to you, as if to say ‘here’s the cloth you absolutely knew was there and only made me grab to mess with me.’
“I can’t see my own neck,” you said, “help me?”
Aegon sighed in frustration, moving the cloth to clean your chin, then your neck, moving it lower and lower. He watched the muscles in your neck flex as you swallowed, and he didn’t even think about holding his actions back before his lips were on your neck, cleaning off the wine with his tongue.
Your mouth opened and a small sigh left your lips, the feeling of his mouth on you after so fucking long making you needier than usual.
Aegon moved down to your breasts, licking and kissing the top flesh of one of your breasts before jolting back and wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. “No.”
“Please, I don’t think I’m strong enough for this.”
Aegon dropped the cloth back onto the table and marched out of the room, leaving you worked up and your breasts coated in wine. You let out a disappointed huff as you called your handmaidens in to run you a bath, hoping it would help you relax.
The next morning, Aegon had council business to attend to all day, but he had made an unfortunate mistake when you first wed: he told you that you were always welcome in council meetings, and that he would cut out the tongue of anyone who tried to speak against your presence there.
You swung open the doors to the council room, all heads turning toward you as you walked over to your husband.
“What is it?” Aegon asked, sitting taller and taller the closer you got to him.
“You said I was always welcome in these meetings, Your Grace.”
You seldom ever called Aegon by his title, but you knew that doing so drove him crazy. You noticed him shift slightly in his chair.
“The current matter of discussion is rather important,” he said.
“I would hope so, you’ve been in here all day,” you said, gripping the back of Aegon’s chair and pulling it with all your might, a seated Aegon inching a tiny bit away from the table. You were giving it your all, but could only move the chair a small amount back.
“What are you doing?” he asked, as the rest of the council just watched the scene play out. They knew better than to question you in these meetings.
You then sat yourself directly on Aegon, adjusting yourself so that you were comfortable in his lap, but he could still see the table. You were acting immature, but that was the point.
“This is entirely inappropriate,” he whispered into your ear, evidently tense. He was genuinely annoyed at you for sitting on his lap in the middle of a council meeting, but you didn’t care.
“I thought that was something you liked about me?” you whispered back into his ear.
You made brief eye contact. Aegon didn’t want to embarrass you in front of the Lords at the table, so he maintained a whisper. “Get up.”
You smiled, making the council think you were not in an argument, but rather exchanging a few private sentences before returning to duty. You leaned your head back so you were in his ear again. “No.”
“Your Grace,” Lord Commander of the King’s Guard and Hand of the King, Criston Cole, interrupted, “forgive me, but this is rather urgent.”
“Right then,” Aegon said, turning his attention back to the meeting as you remained on his lap.
The men all began to speak of war strategy and politically advantageous pairings, Aegon’s arm instinctively finding its way around your waist to keep you in place.
Every few minutes, you shifted your positioning, intentionally grinding down on his cock. He gripped your waist to try to stop you every time, but it never worked.
When the meeting was finished, you hopped up and left the room before Aegon could catch you.
Later in the day, he caught you walking alone to the library, and he pulled you into an adjacent hallway.
“Don’t ever do that again,” he warned, “that little stunt you pulled during my council meeting? Never again.”
“I do not know to what you refer,” you said, slowly pulling up one side of your dress, revealing more and more of your thigh until your entire leg was exposed, giving you room to dip your fingers underneath your dress.
“What are you-“
“It seems as though I’ve forgotten to put on anything under this dress,” you said, looking up at Aegon through hooded eyes.
“Don’t you dare,” he said, watching your hand disappear fully underneath your dress.
“Would not have to, if only I found myself a husband to do it for me.”
“Don’t,” Aegon demanded, grabbing your wrist and stilling your hand.
“Please,” you pleaded, desperation in your eyes as Aegon looked at you, nearly breaking.
Instead, he dropped your wrist, walking away from you again and leaving you alone.
────── ☾ ──────
When Aegon entered your chambers that night, you were already bathing. You were resting your head against the cool metal of the bathtub, your knees visible over the water, your body partially covered by the weak bubbles on the water’s surface. You opened your eyes when you heard the door open, and Aegon approached you, pulling one of your handmaiden’s stools next to the tub and taking a seat.
“What is it, Aegon?” you asked, re-relaxing and closing your eyes.
“What are you doing?” he asked, and you didn’t see it, but his eyes ran up and down the length of your body as he spoke.
“Bathing?” you answered, almost more of a question than an answer. What you were doing was blatantly obvious, so the question confused you slightly.
“If this is another one of your dirty tricks, it won’t work.”
You let out a deep breath. “It’s not, I really just wanted to relax.”
You opened your eyes, and Aegon cocked an eyebrow at you. “I’m serious, Aegon. I’ve tried enough, and it has not worked. I give up. That’s what you wanted, right?”
You meant it. You were tired of trying to work him up, instigate something, or be lustful, if it was never going to work. You were tired of throwing yourself at someone who clearly did not want you anymore.
Aegon didn’t respond, he just continued to watch you as you closed your eyes again, relaxing into the water. He could see most of your body beneath the surface of the clear liquid, the bubbles almost entirely dissipated.
You heard a small whisper of your name, but you kept your eyes closed, allowing yourself to continue winding down for the night.
Aegon reached out to run his hand over your knee, and the feeling made you jolt slightly, your eyes opening at the sudden contact. You gave Aegon a confused, somewhat concerned look.
“You would truly risk experiencing the tragedy of losing our son again?” he asked, his voice the smallest you’d ever heard it, “just to have me?”
You placed your hand on top of his. “What happened was out of our control. If the gods did not intend for him to be your heir, so be it. It cannot be a fault of our own. We did not bring it upon him, Aegon. We have no knowledge of what could happen given another heir, and this tragedy is not reason enough for me to give up on having children. I think it unfair of you to make such a drastic decision on my behalf. If you do not wish to be intimate with me because you yourself do not desire it, then so be it, but you do not get to make these decisions for me. I did not choose to be without your touch, Aegon, and it is unfair for you to choose it for me.”
It was the most you’d said at one time since your son died.
“I miss you,” you added.
A tear fell down Aegon’s cheek. “I never want to see you in pain again.”
“There is no guarantee you would. There is not even a guarantee I will fall pregnant again.”
Aegon knew you were right. He was making decisions for you, and he knew he had no right to, he was just so scared. He hated seeing what losing your first son did to you, and he thought he was doing right by you by not risking a pregnancy and then loss of another. He did not realize the damage he was doing.
He was lost in his thoughts, and you took his silence to mean that he was sticking to his word. “Please just let me rest, Aegon, I do not wish to rehash the same argument again.”
You fell back into your relaxed position, removing your hand from Aegon’s and resting both of your hands on either side of the metal tub.
Aegon only spoke a small whisper of your name again before moving his hand down your leg, sinking beneath the water. You maintained your position. He made it clear to you he did not want intimacy anymore, so why would he actually be doing something intimate?
You were caught by surprise when his hand reached between your legs and he ran a finger between your folds. You inhaled a sharp breath, your eyes remaining shut as the feeling was too good. Even if this stopped right now, you needed to make the most of the feeling while you had it.
Only, it didn’t stop. Aegon continued to feel you, circling his finger around your clit, causing your head to fall back even further as a soft whine left your lips. Aegon hadn’t heard the sweet sound of your whines and moans in ages, and one tiny noise from you made him completely forget why he ever vowed to keep himself away from you.
The water was sloshing slightly as Aegon moved his hand, inserting a finger into your hole as his thumb took residence on your clit, keeping the stimulation there as he began to push a finger in and out of you.
He watched you writhe in the water, your hips beginning to grind up into his hand. “A-Aegon,” you tried to catch his attention, but he was so consumed in you that he took it for a moan.
He leaned over you, his face mere inches from yours. “Say my name again.”
“A-Aegon, I was t-“
Aegon cut you off by kissing you, catching you off guard and making you squeal with surprise into the kiss. He began to move his hand faster and faster, the water nearly spilling out of the tub from the movement of his arm.
You moved to grab his wrist, and he pulled away from your mouth briefly to inspect your face and make sure you were alright.
“As much as I want you,” you breathed out, “I don’t want to do anything unless you do as well.”
Aegon didn’t verbally respond, as he often didn’t, but instead kissed you, hard. You held the back of his head, deepening the kiss as he added another finger into you, a moan escaping your throat into the kiss, only egging Aegon on more.
“Fuck,” you whimpered when Aegon pulled away.
He leaned down to kiss your neck, not caring at all about the water hitting the side of his face and drenching his hair.
You moaned and whined as his fingers fucked you at a violent pace, curling when they hit the sweet spot within you that had your breathing nearly stopping for moments at a time.
“Aegon, I’m-“
Aegon lifted his head so that he was looking directly at you. Your eyes squeezed shut as your climax hit you hard, Aegon removing his hand from you to grip either side of your face and kiss you as your orgasm washed over you, your juices mixing with the bath water.
Aegon softened the kiss as he felt your breathing calm down, only pulling away when your muscles released their tension beneath him.
“Thank you,” you sighed.
“Get out of this thing,” Aegon said, standing up and holding out both of his hands to you.
You placed your hands in his, allowing him to help pull you to a standing position. You shivered as the cool air hit your bare, wet skin. You stepped out of the bathtub, anchoring your balance on Aegon. When you stepped onto the ground, Aegon pulled your waist against him so quickly that you nearly fell over.
“If you’re all in, I’m all in,” he spoke.
You gave him a genuine smile. “I’m all in. Always have been.”
Aegon leaned down to kiss you again, backing your bodies up slightly so that you were standing directly next to the stool.
Aegon then became almost carnal, having been without you for so long that he was too impatient now to wait any longer.
Aegon pulled you away from him and spun your body around, pushing you down until you were bent over the stool he was sitting on mere moments ago.
He undid his breeches and pushed his clothing down, leaving his lower half exposed.
He held a hand out in front of your face. “Spit.”
You did as you were told, giving him the lubricant that he spread on the head of his cock as he lined himself up with your entrance. He began to push into you slowly for a moment, before slamming his entire length into you.
You cried out at the feeling. One of his hands gripped your waist while the other fisted into your hair, pulling your neck back as he fucked you from behind. He was snapping his hips from the first thrust on, the pressure causing your body, and subsequently the stool, to shift forward with each hit.
“F-fuck,“ you moaned, “I missed y-you, Y-our Grace.”
The title only made him more feral, his grip on your hips destined to bruise you as he slammed into you viciously. He growled and groaned behind you, subconsciously trying to make up for months of deprivation.
You came again, the feeling of your walls squeezing his cock like a vice pushing him over the edge, despite the sex not lasting long at all. His body was in desperate need of you.
He bottomed out inside of you as he came, spilling his seed within you as he calmed down for a moment before pulling out of you.
He released his grip on your hair, allowing you to push yourself up. You nearly lost your balance, but Aegon caught your waist with his arm.
“I missed you too,” Aegon spoke, “what a fucking idiot I am.”
“Yeah, but that’s not new,” you teased, giving him a sweet kiss to show your forgiveness.
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blueteller · 1 month
You know... I often think about the fact that out of all events in TCF? Rescuing Raon was the most important.
It wasn't just because Cale got himself a "Draco Ex Machina" at his side that could use OP magic at his convenience. He could have used tools or Rosalyn's magic instead, at the beginning at least. We saw how he planned ahead and used an enchanted tool to make Taylor and Cage invisible to sneak them into the capital.
It wasn't just because through Raon, Cale was able to make connection with Eruhaben and later Sheritt and many other Dragons. They were important for their victory, but Cale could have gotten in contact with them through other ways – Pendrick, for example.
It wasn't just because Raon could detect things like dead mana or magical traps and disguises – even if Rosalyn wouldn't be able to, Cale would have probably figured out Alberu's connection to Dark Elves sooner or later. He already had suspicions about "a secret to his birth" before Raon mentioned the dyed hair.
Yes, those thing mattered, don't get me wrong. But, out of all the changes Cale made after his transmigration – saving Raon was the event that truly changed the whole game... not for the world, but for Cale himself.
Raon was, in many instances, the pushing force behind Cale's motivation to participate in various events. Slacker life? Cale's wishful thinking. But the motivation to actively get people involved – like Mary, for example. Raon was the one who cheered Cale on, kept him company through everything, especially the tough times. Raon was the one who, along with On and Hong, melted Cale's heart the fastest, getting this stubborn, traumatized man to admit they were "family". It's not that he wouldn't be a good man doing good things without Raon; but without Raon he would be in a lot more denial (even more than he already is!!) about why he is doing such things.
Raon represents everything Cale loves about his new life. The joy, the hope for the future, the curiosity and enthusiasm. Yes Cale often acts tired of (or freaks out over) Raon's antics or pretends to ignore him. But in the end... he never actually does. Cale never stops paying attention to him or tells him to go away.
Raon was the one who truly "got under his skin", so to speak. Cale wholeheartedly trusts and respects Raon. Of course, Raon is still a child under his protection... The reason why Cale always insisted on him staying hidden, throughout most of their adventures. I remember the moment Cale got the Dragon Blood Drinking Crown, and his first reaction was "let's throw this away/destroy it". The utter repulsion towards anything that could be a danger to Raon, despite how potentially useful such an artifact could be, logic be damned. Or that moment when they met the White Star for the first time, the villain telling Cale how he would kill the child and feed his heart to him – how Cale outwardly showed terror for the first time in the whole novel, instantly hugging Raon close to him and activating the shield to its fullest.
That's what really gets to me, you know? Raon's protectiveness for Cale is so obvious, but Cale is just as protective of him in return. I truly believe that while all relationships that Cale had shaped him as a person (just like the God of Death stated in his letter to him), the relationship between Cale and Raon is one that shaped them both in equal measure on both sides.
This relationship between them feels like fate, and that's no accident.
Changing Raon's fate was fundamental for saving the world, yes. But it equally important for Cale's own growth. An event which happened right at the beginning on the story, shaped the course of the entire future.
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗, 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 & 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊
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First, we have a crescent moon that is in a growing stage. In the center, there is a circle representing the full moon. Last but not least, the crescent denotes the diminishing moon.
Triple Moon is considered to be symbolic of all things divine feminine power – from intuition to creative energy, and wisdom. It indicates the three life stages of a woman.
The waning moon symbolizes the Maiden through innocence, youth, new life, starts, rebirth, excitement, witchcraft, and growth.
The full moon represents the Mother: fulfillment, fertility, ripeness, potency, understanding, caring, security, and authority.
The waxing moon symbolizes the Crone: serenity, maturity, knowledge, experience, knowledge, wisdom, fulfillment, death and rebirth. In its whole, the symbol is associated with the eternal cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.
Sometimes called the Triple Goddess symbol, the triple moon is frequently seen on the crowns or headpieces worn by the High Priestesses.
Each aspect within the Triple Goddess is associated with particular seasons and other natural phenomena, as well as human characteristics and elements of life on Earth. These associations can be used to call on the appropriate aspect of the Goddess during magical work, ritual worship, and prayer.
The Maiden is represented by the waxing moon and associated with the start of the growing cycle of late winter and springtime. The Wheel of the Year sabbats Imbolc, Ostara and Beltane are associated with the Maiden phase of the Triple Goddess. The Maiden represents beauty, fresh potential and new life. In human beings, she is associated with the qualities of innocence, youth, self-confidence, intelligence and independence, and with activities relating to exploration, discovery, self-expression, and creativity. Goddesses who represent the Maiden include the Greek goddesses Persephone and Artemis, the Celtic Rhiannon, and/or the Nordic Freya, among others.
The Mother phase of life is represented by the full moon- the fullest part of your life. In the Wheel of the Year it is associated with the harvests of Lughnasadh and Mabon. In the human realm, she is associated with nurturing, responsibility, adulthood and the fullness of life. As the giver of life, she is the aspect most associated with manifestation. Goddesses who represent the Mother include the Greek Demeter and Selene, the Roman Ceres, and the Celtic Danu and Badb.
The Crone phase of life is represented by the waning moon- when the cycle comes to an end and a new beginning starts. The Crone is full of wisdom and life experience. In the Wheel of the Year she is associated with Samhain and Yule, when the days shorten and the growing season officially ends. The Crone is the wise elder aspect of the Goddess, and governs aging and endings, death and rebirth, and past lives, as well as transformations, visions, prophecy, and guidance. Although feared as an archetype for millennia, she is the one who reminds us that death is part of the life cycle, just as the Moon's dark phase precedes the New Moon. The Crone is often represented by goddesses associated with death and the underworld, such as the Greek Hecate, the Russian Baba Yaga, and the Celtic Morrigan and Cailleach Bear.
The Triple Goddess is indeed a diverse and complex expression of the divine feminine. For those who worship her, she provides constant opportunities to learn and grow through connecting to her three aspects. Whether you recognize ancient goddesses as aspects of the Triple Goddess, or simply honor the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes, you can make a conscious effort to align your worship with the cycles of the Moon for an even deeper, more rewarding spiritual connection.
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r6s6r · 7 months
the walter brothers x jackie howard x reader
warning : swearing, 18+ DNI, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it always!), cursing, underage drinking, shower sex, public sex, loss of virginities, oral (f & m receiving), cussing, rough sex, soft sex, degrading, creampies and realism of how fast first times are.
in which y/n is a virginity snatcher in the walter household. y/n is friends with jackie and she makes her way through the house.
listen i have been non stop thinking about y/n taking all of the brothers and jackie’s virginities (other than danny (him and erin are together), lee, nathan and obvi the young babies)
tags : @sagittariusmoonlover @hvreticz @thefrontbottomsmademesad @phantompoguefangirl @wolflover384
y/n had become friends with jackie when she first moved here. jackie had no idea y/n knew the inside of the house already after sneaking out multiple times from the one and only cole walters bedroom.
it started about two years prior to jackie coming along, y/n had met the blonde haired boy at school and that’s when the secret meet ups began.
they started in the janitors closet, y/n would end up on her knees for the brother or his hand in her pants and the other over her mouth to keep her quiet. until he finally invited her over.
she had snuck in that night in the side door, as she went through the kitchen she got to peer into the living room, where her eyes met alex walters. she waved her fingers at him and winked, his face going flush. she smirked as she made her way up the stairs with cole.
as we made it into his room, danny lay on his twin size mattress across the room “danny, can you step out for a little while?” cole asked throwing a glance back at y/n and then to danny again
danny sighed as he grabbed his pillow and gave me a look “hi y/n” “hi danny sorry to kick you out”
he offered a warm smile “it’s okay as long as it doesn’t happen all the time”
“of course not, i’ll see you later” she smiled and patted his shoulder as he walked out. coke locked the door and got straight to business
he had y/n bent over the bed, her dress riding up over her ass. he landed a smack over her right cheek, a hand print beginning to form. he smirked at it. “cole please”
“shhh im taking my time with this, sweets. been to rushed in that closet at school” he leaned down and left kissed in the nape of her neck, hands roaming over her body until the met her clothed core.
she let out a soft moan as he began to move her panties to the side, one singular digit running through her folds and into her sopping core.
she let out another moan as he added another digit and pumping into her.
“god sweetheart you’re gonna be the death of me”
“cole before we do this, i need to know that this is okay,” she said standing up and turning to him as his hand found her pussy again. “i mean i’m taking your virginity, coley.”
he sighed looking down at her “i’m aware, y/n/n. yes this okay. i promise” she searched his eyes for any doubt and she found none. her lips crashed into his and he pushed her back onto the bed, landing on top of her. he pulled her panties down as she unblocked her pants and sliding the down along with his boxers, he reached to the side to grab a condom but y/n stopped him.
“i’m on birth control baby boy. no need for that plus it feels better without” she rubbed his face and he smiled flipping them over so she was on top of him.
“you ready coley?” she looked down at him, giving him the chance to back out now. “yes y/n. please. i need to feel you” he looked at her, his eyes dark and pupils blown with ecstasy.
“okay coley.” she kissed him softly on the lips and aligned his thick cock to her opening and slid down slowly, not being used to such a thick size.
she let out a gasp as he filled her to the brim, still more to go down onto. she could believe he was touching her in spots no one ever had before.
that’s when she heard it, something she knew she would only hear from someone who has never had such a velvet feeling around their cock before.
the gasp and head tilt made her inside explode. she felt prideful knowing her pussy was making THE cole walter feel good. she took a second to balance herself and looked down at him
his eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open “i’m gonna move now coley” she whispered to him and he nodded. she lifted herself up along his shaft and slowly brought herself back down. she wanted him to enjoy this and not feel bad if he came too fast, which was likely going to happen.
“y-y/n. please. faster, i need it” she nodded at him and began to bounce on his cock. she felt so full and satisfied. “oh god, cole. you feel so fucking good” “yeah baby?” he asked as his eyes opened he saw her for the first time since her cunt started hugging his cock so fierce. he was about to cum just looking at her face. he flipped them over and put her on her hands and knees and began drilling into her pussy. he watched as his dick glistening when pulling out of her, he watched as she gripped his cock and he swore he saw stars.
before he knew it, he was slumped over top of her pumping out his seed deep into her warm velvet walls. he rubbed her back as they both gained back their breath.
“that was… great.” he sighed
“yes it was coley but i do need to get going. we should do it again. maybe.” she said she grabbed her panties and gave cole a kiss to the temple. she shoved her panties into his hand and said “that’s just for the memory of tonight baby boy. see you later”
she made her way down the stairs trying her best not to leak out coles cum, she would wait till she got home to shower and decompress from the night
that’s when she signaled danny to go back uostairs and she caught a glimpse of alex and isaac sitting on the couch, staring at her. she walked into the room and saw they were playing a game
“we’ll i hope you both have a good night. i’ll see you two very, very soon” she winked at them and turned on her heels and out of the walter household
she made up her mind that night that eventually she would take isaacs and alex’s virginity too. she enjoyed it, the way it filled her with pride. it was better than an orgasm.
———— 2 years later ——————
y/n had been staying a few nights with jackie to go to school and they planned a girls weekend together, it was friday night and y/n had brought so many snacks and movies from her place to watch with jackie.
she also brought a bottle of bacardi zombie just incase she decided she wanted to play a drinking game with jackie and maybe some of the boys.
it was around 11:45 when y/n became bored with the rom coms and asked jackie to turn on a comedy movie, jackie picked Benchwarmers which y/n was okay with.
“i have an idea jacks” y/n smirked mischievously at her
“oh god. what?” jackie sighed and turned from her stomach to face y/n
“let’s play a drinking game” y/n said rather loud, hoping some of the boys would hear. which made jackie jump up and cover y/ns mouth “shhh mr. and mrs. walter might hear you!” she whispered at y/n but she shrugged and removed jackie’s hand from her mouth “come on, jacks. live a little”
that’s when cole, alex, isaac and nathan appeared in the doorway all at once. like they had been waiting to hear something come up between the girls.
“you guys wanna play a drinking game?” y/n asked pulling out the alcohol from her bag, still chilled from being in the freezer at her house.
everyone nodded but nathan just shook his head but then smiled at y/n “i’m good but i would love to sit and watch” he laughed. cole sat on the floor in between y/n and jackie, then alex on the right of y/n and issac next to alex and jackie, making a circle for them to drink.
“the game is, never have i ever..” y/n smiled looking at everyone
“the rules are simple. you say ‘never have i ever’ to something you’ve never done before and whoever has, has to drink. i’ll go first”
y/n unscrewed the top of the bottle and pulled out the stopper. “never have i ever had surgery”
cole stared hard at y/n and grabbed the bottle then passed it to issac and y/n looked at him surprised.
“i got my tonsils out when i was little.” he blushed at her
“okay my turn” jackie said and she thought hard for a second
“never have i ever uh… kissed anyone” she blushed hard. y/n couldn’t believe her own two ears, jackie had never kissed anyone ever?
y/n grabbed the bottle from the middle and took a big gulp, so did cole, alex and isaac. jackie flushed even more “how is that even possible” she shook her head.
“i’ll be your first kiss, jacks” y/n nudged her and she blushed even deeper. “don’t threaten me with a good time” jackie smiled back, snorting while she laughed but y/n wasn’t joking and she made that evident in the way she looked at jackie, jackie knew it too.
it was then coles turn and he looked at y/n with a giant smirk. “never have i ever given a blowjob in a public place” y/n literally choked on her own spit and glared at him hard knowing she has gone down on him in almost every space of their town
she took another big gulp while staring at cole.
alex sat up a little straighter and began “never have i ever been with the same gender” and her mouth gaped at him “i feel so personally attacked right now” y/n scoffed playfully and took another swig, she was feeling warm now.
“never have i ever had sex” isaac said softly
y/n and cole made slight eye contact as she reached for the bottle, their hands meeting “ladies first” he smiled and pushed her arm playfully
they both took their shots and everyone looked at them with wide eyes “what?” they said at the same time and everyone just shook theirs heads.
the game went on for a little while longer before jackie leaned back and fell asleep so cole said he’d take her upstairs to bed “hey be nice. don’t hit her head on anything” y/n giggled as he scooped jackie up off the ground and started up the stairs “y/n/n i would never. yk how many times i’ve done this with you? do you have any bumps or bruises?” which made her shake her head “goodnight cole” he nodded at her
y/n was a little tipsy, seeing as she was more experienced than most of the people playing the game.
“i’m gonna sleep down here if that’s cool with you guys” y/n yawned as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head
alex and isaac both watched as her tank top rode up her stomach, revealing a belly button piercing and tattoos on both hips. a moon on one and the sun on the other
they both felt like they were lightheaded, blood rushing to their cocks “g-goodnight, y/n” alex smiled at her “oh goodnight sweet, sweet alex.” y/n smiled and made her way to him and gave him a tight hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. his hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled away quickly before heading to his room “let me get some of that love” isaac smiled at her
“yes sir.” and she gave him a hug too but he held on just a little longer. praying it would never end, her hand found his hair and his found the round of her ass. he just had to feel it, he had to.
she didn’t stop him, this is exactly where she wanted him.
she wanted him to want her so bad he couldn’t help himself but to touch her. she pulled her head back and stared into his eyes “you know, issac. i could take-“ and before she could even finish isaac just nodded frantically “please. yes yes” she smiled at him, pulling his into her and onto the couch. their lips finally met and isaac became so excited. she felt his growing member against her thigh as their kisses got heavier.
she palmed isaac through his pants and he threw his head back and moaned “shhh we don’t wanna get caught, do we?” “no no no” issac shook his head and began to rut his hips against y/ns hand.
she flipped on top of him and pulled him out of his sweats and boxers. she began to pump his member. she then moved her shorts and panties to the side and slid his red and leaking member through her folds, he hissed at the feeling
that feeling started bubbling up in her again. pride. confidence. triumph. her ego swelled in her chest, her head spinning.
she finally sank down on him and she watched as he threw his head back and gasped, his hands flying to her hips like a lifeline. as if he would float away if he didn’t grab ahold of her. she leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered “tell me when you’re ready for me to move” and biting his earlobe. his whole body shook at just that feeling alone
“o-okay..” he whimpered as she began to lift off of him and back down. his eyes stayed shut and he sighed as she felt her walls wrapped around him.
she only got about 6 bounces in before he was a complete mess underneath her. he was whimpering and her name leaving his lips in such a hushed town made her chest tighten, in a wonderful way. “i’m gonna cum, y/n”
“then do it sweet boy. be a good boy and cum in me” and those words alone sent him over the edge. moans slipped from his mouth like gods prayer.
finally she slipped off of him, gently putting him away in his sweats. she kissed his forehead and offered some snacks to him which he gladly took. she rubbed his arms as he snacked on some chips
“goodnight y/n” he smiled at her and she nodded back at him as he got up to go upstairs.
y/n grabbed her wash bag and went to the downstairs bathroom to shower.
her original plan was to skip with cole and jackie, she never thought she’d be in a game of truth or dare, having cole kiss her infront of everyone and y/n kissing jackie due to not telling anyone who she lost her virginity to, dylan giving her a warning look before she refused and kissed jackie.
but she actually liked jackie, a lot. jackie and y/n grew very close, so close that night when cole had brought y/n and jackie back from the party, jackie made a move on y/n. y/n would’ve never expected it but being under the influence, she had the liquid courage to return the kiss. it got heated fairly fast
jackie crawled on top of y/n as she gripped her hips, jackie was straddled across y/ns thigh which only fueled y/n to move her hips against it. jackie gasped and y/n took the chance to kiss down jackie’s neck “is this okay?” y/n asked
“yes. oh god yes” jackie’s sounded so desperate to be touched, like she had never been before. which she hadn’t, not by anyone else atleast. only herself
so when y/ns hands tore off jackie shirt and her lips made her way down jackie’s chest she moaned, loud. she covered jackie’s mouth and laid her down “shhh babygirl. we can’t be too loud or the boys will hear us. we don’t want cole to try and join” “why would cole try and join?”
“you didn’t know we have been fucking?” y/n sat up and jackie shook her head
“what if i want him to join?” jackie whispered
“oh baby girl i can make that happen. just gotta let me get a taste of you before he ruins you” she smirked as she pulled jackie’s panties off
jackie gasped at the cool air making contact with her most intimate parts
y/n couldn’t have put collect the wetness in her folds and getting a taste. she immediately knew she needed a taste, as her tongue made contact with jackie’s swollen bundle of nerves she gasped loudly. “fuck y/n” she moaned out
“shhh babygirl let me take good care of you”
“hey! how are you feel- oh wow” it was no other than cole himself. i looked at him and so did jackie. “jesus christ. that’s so sexy” he stepped in and shut the door, turning the lock.
“jackie it’s fate. still want him here to join or do you wanna make him watch?”
“i don’t care but if you don’t put your mouth back on me y/n i might lose it”
“okay baby girl. okay.” she smiled at her
“cole, i want you to fuck me while i eat her pretty pussy” i said looking at him and he wasted no time
i went back to devouring her sweetness as coke slid into my dripping cunt and began rocking into me like he never had before. my fingers met jackie entrance, sliding in with ease. she was a moaning mess and it turned me on even more.
soon jackie came and cole not long after.
“goodnight princess.” y/n said to her as her eyes began to get heavy “goodnight coley” she winked at him and he lets himself out.
‘man i need a shower’ y/n thought to herself as she grabbed her night gown and wash bag.
y/n went downstairs to shower so she didn’t wake anyone upstairs.
as she crept past alex and nathan’s room she saw alex was still up and nathan was passed out on his bed.
“alex” she whispered
his hand found his headset and he looked at y/n like he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to “oh hey, y/n” he looked at her
“just wanted to say hi. i’m going to shower” he nodded and stared at the back of her as she walked away
he heard y/ns name leave jackie’s mouth, only in the way he saw in porn. he couldn’t believe she had sex with almost everyone except him.
‘when was it his turn, when did he get to experience y/ns moans? when was it his turn to feel so good?’ he thought
he decided he would need to make the first move, he didn’t know when but he would.
unfortunately the more he thought about it, the harder he got. he couldn’t do it anymore.
before he knew it, his feet were taking him to where he knew she was.
he stood there, hand on the doorknob. he hoped it wasn’t locked. he prayed it wasn’t.
he turned the knob and thankfully it wasn’t.
he opened the door and heard y/n humming but as soon as the door creaked, it stopped. “hello?” she said in a scared voice.
he cleared his throat “it’s alex”
that was the first time y/n had ever heard his voice sound that way, deep and needy.
she pulled the shower curtain and looked at him
“are you.. are you okay?” she asked, concerned
his eyes traveled over her face and wet hair. he felt his mouth dry and his cock jump in his sweats. the words began to just fall out of his mouth
“how is it you’ve fucked almost everyone in this house and you still haven’t made a move on me. i’ve wanted you longer than anyone in this house. longer than anyone in school. longer than anyone in this fucking town, y/n/n… it’s not fair.”
“oh alex..” she sighed but before she could continue he stepped closer
his eyes held so much lust and need in them, her knees felt weak.
no one has ever made her feel so small yet so good at the same time
“hearing jackie moan your name, cole, and isaac. they all get to praise your name but it would never mean as much as it leaving my mouth. i would praise it, i would use it like a prayer. my vise. my lifeline. plus i know. i just know i can make you feel so much better” he was face to face with her name, feet just at the edge of the shower. he contemplated on just getting in, fully clothed he didn’t care. he wanted her so unbelievably bad.
she wanted him too. she could feel herself becoming wet at his words. her pussy clenching around nothing, which killed her.
“al-alex” she whispered
“i’ve been hearing cole fuck you into his mattress and against these walls for two years. now you fuck isaac and jackie? two years i’ve dreamt of getting to feel you, to kiss you, to taste you, to fuck you and take care of you. yet you fuck everyone who only is in it for themselves? pathetic” he spat
y/ns legs almost failed her.
“no. you don’t get to say anything, y/n/n. i’ve wanted you for so long. i remember the first time i watched you walk into this house, you were wearing that sundress with a jacket over your arm. you waved at us and i watched you go up those stairs and i prayed you’d come back down. i prayed and begged the universe to let you come back down but you didn’t for a while. i knew it was too late, i could only ask myself one question and it was ‘why not me?’ because i wanted it to be me so bad and then i had to wait. i’m done waiting. it’s too much, y/n. i keep myself up at night wondering when it’ll be MY turn.” he sighed rubbing his temples and dragging his hands down his face
“it’s just not fair” he whispered to her, putting his forehead against her wet one
so she did the only thing she could think to do and pulled him into the shower with her.
he held onto her hips tight and kept his forehead on hers, the warm water soaking his clothing.
“tell me this is okay, y/n. or i’ll get out right now and we can pretend this never happened. i’ll walk away and pretend i’m not dying to fuck you.”
y/n almost lost it
somehow no one had ever truly asked her if SHE was okay with it, if SHE felt good.
and it truly made a world of difference.
y/n felt something she hadn’t before, it was hunger. desire. a need penetrating so deep inside of her she thought she’d starve.
alex stared into her eyes waiting for something, anything.
“please, alex. this is okay, completely okay” she sighed brushing her lips against the shell of his ear.
he groaned and wasted no time dropping to his knees and wrapped her legs around his head and dove into her
he licked a strip through her cunt, tasting so much better than he could have ever dreamed
“a-alex” she moaned out
he thanked her music being on a speaker in the bathroom because he needed to hear her pretty moans.
he was devouring her like a man starved.
she could barely hold back her orgasm before she let out a shrill gasp
Alex felt such a pride in his chest knowing that in minutes he had her cumming on his face
he quickly stood up and discarded his clothes, throwing them to the back wall.
he wrapped his hand around y/ns throat and crashing his lips into hers.
the kiss was so needy and passionate. nothing y/n had ever felt before.
soon enough he turned her around, chest agains the wall of the shower. he let a hand glide over the curve of her ass before bringing his hand down onto it, leaving a perfect mark against it.
he did it again and again, y/n couldn’t help but squeal at the last one as it was the hardest one.
“and that’s for saving me for last, angel.” he smirked, kissing the back of her shoulder.
soon enough, he slid into y/ns velvet warmth
his groan couldn’t be contained no matter how hard he tried, he had never felt such a feeling against himself before
she moaned as she felt him slide in, inch by inch.
as soon as he bottomed out, she let out a loud moan “oh alex” she sighed, her head falling against the cold shower wall
her skin felt like it was on fire
alex felt the exact same
his hands found her hair, wrapping a makeshift ponytail around his fist and pulling back hard.
her head met his shoulder and he gave her a simple and sweet kiss to the cheek before pounding into her relentlessly
he held himself back from cumming right then and there as her mason slipped out with his name in between a few of them.
he didn’t let up as her moans became more high pitched
knowing she was close he kept his thrusts the same, soon enough he felt her clenching around him.
her whole body felt like it was being electrocuted, her legs began to shake and tremble.
y/n thought they would give out from underneath her, alex took notice of this and put his arms around her hips, holding her up.
his hand found her clit and her moans somehow grew louder
his relentless attack inside of her was beginning to slow and get sloppy
she knew he would cum soon, she wanted him to cum soon. she didn’t know if she could handle another orgasm but sure enough he brought it upon her
he went to pull out but y/n stopped him “cum in me, alex. come on baby boy, cum in me”
that itself sent alex in a tumble, y/n felt his hot ropes painting her walls.
she moaned at the feeling itself and before she knew it, she was cumming again.
how could just him cumming in her, make her orgasm? this orgasm was different too, it was heavy, it was stronger than anyone’s she’s ever had.
“you just squirted” alex laughed
“what? no i didn’t” she stood up and sure enough, beads of water sat on his thickness and pelvic bone (it wasn’t from the water of the shower either)
she gasped
“that’s never, uh, happened before”
“what did i tell you? hmm?” alex grabbed her hips and pulled her into a sweet kiss, which she just melted into.
“you’re right. you’re right” she smiled pushing her forehead against his
“come on let’s actually clean up” he replied grabbing the body wash for them.
they showered together, washing eachothers bodies and hair.
something so intimate that y/n had never experienced before, it was nice.
y/n ended up falling asleep in alex’s room that night with no consequences from the walter parents
to say the least, nights like those lasted for years.
and years.
and years.
until y/n and alex had their own little babies running around on farm land
just the way y/n imagined it would be.
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bonefall · 4 months
Who’s Juniperclaw again? Also the quote about ruthlessness? Staring curiously
Canon!Juniperclaw is tigerHeartstar's nephew, son of Dawnpelt and brother to Strikestone and Sleekwhisker.
He was the first deputy of ShadowClan after tigerHeartstar's return, until he tried to pressure SkyClan into leaving the Lake in AVOS by poisoning their food. No one was hurt any worse than "bad tummyache," but he was exiled anyway. He then died rescuing Shadowkit from a flooded river QuickTime event.
We found out that he went to the Dark Forest in TBC. He was allowed to become the guardian of the tunnel between the Place of No Stars and StarClan's Hunting Grounds, in the hopes of finding redemption.
For BB this is all a bit different;
I've been waiting for a while for the perfect opportunity to rise to rework Juniperclaw's story.
I REALLY like the idea of his poisoning, his exile, and his placement in the Dark Forest... but the back half of AVoS is baddd.
Plus, it's just too bloodless. If he's going to get DARK FOREST over this, I expect a body count.
So now, his actions lead to at least 3 deaths. Leafstar is one of them, Sparkpelt was ALMOST another but Hollylark uses xeir powers to die in her place, and Flickerkit dies shortly before his birth.
I feel like he wasn't expecting the death toll to be so devastating.
This event is being moved to Squirrelflight's Horror. Juniper's plot was that he was going to do this poisoning to blame it on The Sisters.
He just wanted SkyClan off ShadowClan land, he figured if he convinced Leafstar that the Sisters are a threat that needs to be dealt with that she'd move
He didn't think it would kill three people, just make them sick! Maybe just ONE of Leafstar's lives! And how was he supposed to know ThunderClan's leader's daughter would have a bowl?!
This plan probably works, but the guilt EATS Juniperclaw alive. He got exactly what he wanted-- a battle patrol against expectant queens.
I can't see this secret going on too long, someone rats him out and he crumbles. He can't live with it anymore.
But in Waspstar's eyes, an exile was a light punishment. Exactly what xey expected out of Heartstar, so openly biased for her family, not taking the death of SkyClan's leader as the murder that it was.
Xey dealt with this by sending a message; all "honored" guests could come and pay their respects to Leafstar.
Juniperclaw isn't invited explicitly... but the message reaches him. It is implied. So he comes, hoping to offer his sincere regrets.
I'm trying to figure out the cat equivalent of "Being taken out back and shot" is lmao
Professional mob boss kind of hit. Someone takes out the pistol with a silencer and ends his existence in the back alley as the loud party inside drowns out the sound of the shot. Do you understand me
Whoever the "hitman" was, Waspstar is the one who ordered it and xey take full responsibility.
The kill was clean. Not messy. Juniperclaw didn't suffer-- unlike his victims.
Juniperclaw goes to the Dark Forest like canon, but in BB he isn't the only border guard. He's buddies with Mudclaw and Appledusk.
The line about ruthlessness I mentioned offhandedly is this one from KA Applegate. I'm pretty sure it's from Animorphs.
"People don’t understand the word ruthless. They think that it means ‘mean.’ It’s not about being mean. It’s about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. The line that goes from motive to means. Beginning to end. It’s about seeing that bright, clear line and not caring about anything but the beautiful fact that you can see the solution."
It's become a popular paragraph as of late, because it slaps.
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mononijikayu · 2 months
“dear theodosia” — gojo satoru.
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"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you." “Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, family, comfort, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, mention of breastfeeding, mention of postpartum effects, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
WORDS: 4.6k words
LISTEN: dear theodosia by lin manuel miranda and leslie odom jr.
NOTE: prepared to be sick of me because this entire time, you'll only be getting musical themed song inspired stuff because the songs have gotten back to me and kicked me into the nostalgia of musicals. anyway, this was so cute to me. i love dad-satoru so much. i hope i can write more of him. enjoy this a lot guys, i love you~ <3
u s and t h e m
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spoilers about shinjuku showdown
GOJO SATORU THINKS HE WAS NEVER BUILT FOR DOMESTIC LIFE. When he was younger, he thought he would live a life of solitary proportions. Sure, the elders would have pushed him to marry one way or another and force him to start a family. But he knew his heart wouldn’t have been in it. He knew that nothing in him would be genuine. And he didn’t want that. If he was being honest, his greatest fear was the lonesomeness that comes with his birth. His power had promised him the world. He knew from the moment he could think that he would not be a man among humanity — no, he would be a god. But it was quite clear that being on top is lonely, being a god is lonely, and he hated it.
He never thought that both of you would end up being together. Let alone that he would willingly settle down with anyone. You never truly seemed to be someone that loved that idea — you were still reeling from heartbreak. And him? He was left behind by the person he thought was his shadow, shattered with nothing. It wasn’t ideal, but he thought that you understood. He thought that you both had enough broken pieces between the two of you to be whole again. That if misery was an enemy, then the two of you would win. He was willing to bet on that.
And so, he took the gamble. He opened up, letting you see the cracks and scars that he had hidden for so long. He exposed his vulnerabilities, hoping you would do the same. It was a tentative beginning, filled with uncertainty and hesitation, but gradually, you both found solace in each other’s presence. 
The nights were the hardest, haunted by the ghosts of past loves and lost dreams. Yet, somehow, those shared moments of silence, the comfort of a warm hand, and the whispered confessions in the dark, made the loneliness bearable. You both learned to navigate the labyrinth of each other’s fears and insecurities, finding strength in the shared understanding that neither of you was alone anymore.
He was surprised by how naturally the pieces fell into place. Your laughter became a balm for his weary soul, and your touch grounded him in a way he never thought possible. Slowly, he started to see a future he had never dared to dream of – a future where he wasn’t isolated at the pinnacle of power, but rather, standing beside you, sharing the burdens and the joys.
He realized that the life he once dreaded, a life intertwined with another’s, was not a cage, but a liberation. The family he had feared would be forced upon him became a chosen haven of love and understanding. The heart he thought was too shattered to feel again began to beat with a new, hopeful rhythm.
In you, he found not just a partner, but a kindred spirit, someone who had been forged in the same fires of pain and loss. Together, you built something beautiful from the ruins, proving that even gods could find grace in the embrace of another’s love. And in that love, he discovered that being on top didn’t have to mean being alone. Instead, it meant having someone to share the view, someone to hold his hand as they looked down at the world together.
Gojo Satoru looked at you now, watching your sleeping form. It had only been a few days since he was released from the prison realm. Throughout that time, he couldn’t help but think about you. Thinking about how you were waiting for him. How your son was going to be waiting for his father to come home. Megumi, Tsumiki, his beloved students. They were all waiting for him. But when he saw you, he didn’t know what came over him. He rushed to you, and your arms opened wide. Just for him.
Time didn’t pass in the prison realm — but for you it did. He could see it. How tired you were. How all of this grief and pain, and suffering had cost you dearly. Your tears felt hot against his shoulders, your cries of relief bellowing through his entire body. He could feel it all; he could never forget it. Even now, he couldn’t. In all of your marriage, he had cost you dearly. You had sacrificed a lot of your life trying to help him achieve his dream for the Jujutsu world. You stood by him no matter what. You made a home for him anywhere and everywhere. You gave him everything.
As he watched you sleep, he marveled at your resilience. The lines on your face told stories of battles fought and won, of nights spent waiting and worrying, of unwavering love and dedication. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face, his touch light, as if afraid to wake you from your well-deserved rest. 
In that quiet moment, he made a silent vow. He promised himself that he would make up for all the time lost, for all the pain and sacrifices you endured. He would be the husband and father you deserved, the man who stood beside you as an equal, not just a protector. The burden of his power and his duties had always weighed heavily on him, but he realized now that he didn’t have to carry it alone.
You stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping your lips, and his heart swelled with an overwhelming love and gratitude. The world outside was filled with uncertainties and dangers, but here, in this moment, everything felt right. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, a promise of better days to come.
“I’m home,” he whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with conviction. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he allowed himself to hope. Hope for a future where the weight of his responsibilities didn’t overshadow the simple joys of life. A future where he could see his son grow up, where he could laugh with his family, where he could find solace in your embrace every night. And with that hope, he drifted into a peaceful sleep beside you, ready to face whatever came next with you by his side.
He couldn’t believe it. How content you had made him — how happy you had made him. And now, he thought you had made him even happier. Even with all that had come to pass, he didn’t think it was a bad thing. He could feel it when he looked at you with his Six Eyes. You probably hadn’t been able to find yourself, being so busy holding everything together in his absence. Yet he could feel it. He could feel the life you had created bubbling in your belly. He could feel it echo with the essence of him and you.
A smile crept onto his face as he gently placed his hand on your stomach, feeling the faint flutter of new life beneath his fingertips. It was as if the universe had given him a second chance, a chance to be there for you and the new life you were bringing into the world. This tiny, growing miracle was a testament to your strength and resilience, a symbol of hope and renewal.
He marveled at the thought of another child, another chance to build a family filled with love and warmth. The future, which had once seemed so bleak and uncertain, now held promise and joy. He thought of your son, soon to be a big brother, and how they would grow up together, surrounded by the love and support of their parents and siblings.
Satoru's heart swelled with gratitude and love as he kissed your belly softly, whispering words of promise to the life growing within you. "I'm here, little baby." he murmured, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "I'll always be here for you, for all of us."
Satoru then held your belly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your skin. You stirred slightly, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips as you murmured groggily, "That tickles."
He chuckled softly, his laughter like a soothing balm. "Sorry," he whispered, not really meaning it but enjoying the sound of your sleepy voice.
You sighed contentedly, your eyes half-opening to meet him. "Do you know?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. "That you’re pregnant again? I can see the baby growing."
You laughed softly, the sound filling the quiet room. "You didn't see Satoshi last time, you know." you teased.
Satoru pouted playfully, his expression a mix of mock offense and genuine amusement. Even with just the moonlight, his childishness can be seen so clearly too. "Satoshi was already too strong as a baby," he defended himself. "He concealed his presence from his papa."
You giggled, reaching up to touch his cheek. "He is his father's son, after all."
He leaned into your touch, his eyes softening with love. "I guess he is," he admitted, a hint of pride in his voice. "But this time, I won't miss a thing. I'll be here, every step of the way."
You smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude wash over you. "I know you will, Satoru." you said softly, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “You’ve never failed at that before.”
Satoru's hand remained on your belly, his tone blossoming with so much love. "I can't wait to meet our new little one." he whispered, his voice filled with awe and anticipation. “I’ve always wanted to have a big family.”
“I know.” You whispered to him, taking his other hand and holding it close with your own. “You’ve talked about it before.”
“But it was just hard…..with everything.” He hums, laying his back against the bed frame. “Now it’s going to be even harder — everyone knows about Satoshi now. And now….”
You shake your head at him. “We will be fine. As we always have been. It will be okay, Satoru. You will save Megumi, the kids. You will do us proud. And we’ll finally get our happily ever after.”
Silence engulfed Satoru for a moment. He kept thinking about his own father. His father had died when he was too young, so he didn’t remember anything about him. But he heard stories. He was a rough man to all, but his mother remembered him differently. And so she had a different story to tell.
Gojo Satoru didn’t want to voice it out loud, but he was worried. He worried that, just like his father, he would be a story to his child. That he would be nothing but a forgotten memory. He wanted to be there. He wanted to be someone who loved his child. He wanted his child to know him as Satoshi did. But he didn’t know what would happen now. He still had to face Sukuna and Kenjaku. And it wasn't that he lacked confidence, but he worried still. He worried, and it hurt him. He felt his heart be heavy about this, more than ever.
As he stared at your loving face, the weight of his fears pressed down on him. The thought of leaving you and his children behind, of becoming just another story, filled him with a deep, aching sorrow. He wanted to be more than a legend or a distant memory; he wanted to be a father, a husband, a man who was present and involved in the lives of those he loved.
His hand tightened slightly on your belly, as if trying to anchor himself to the present moment, to the promise of the future growing inside you. He leaned down, pressing his forehead gently against your stomach, closing his eyes as he whispered a silent vow to himself and to his unborn child.
"I'll be here," he murmured, his voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let you become a story. I'll fight with everything I have to be here, to see you grow, to love you."
“Satoru, you’ll live a long and happy life with us, with me,” you said, looking at him tenderly. Worry echoed in your eyes, though. “You and I, we will grow old together. And die on the same day with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us.”
He looked into your eyes, seeing the determination and love there, and felt a warmth spread through his chest. Your unwavering belief in their future together eased some of his fears, but the worry in your eyes mirrored his own. He didn’t want you to worry, he doesn’t like it. Not especially in your condition. But he thinks that you can’t help it. You love him. And loving him will always have its worst. Love after all is a curse among men.
"I want that," he whispered, his hand caressing your cheek. "I want to grow old with you, to see our children grow up, to be surrounded by family. I want to be there for all of it."
He lifted his head, meeting your concerned gaze. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice thick with unspoken fears. "I just... I want to be here. For you, for Satoshi, for our new baby. I don’t want to be just a memory."
You cupped his face, your eyes searching for him. "You won't be." you assured him, your voice filled with unwavering confidence. "We'll face whatever comes together. You're not alone in all of this, my love.”
Satoru nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to push past the lump in his throat. Your words, your presence, gave him strength. He knew the battles ahead would be daunting, but he also knew he had something worth fighting for, something worth living for. You, Satoshi, this babe, Megumi, his beloved students, his adored friends — you were worth living for. You were worth returning from hell from.
"I love you, darling." he whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to your lips. "And I promise, I'll do everything I can to stay with you. To be the father our children deserve."
Your fingers caressed his cheek, your smile a beacon of hope and reassurance. "And we love He smiled, his eyes shimmering with affection. “I know. I love you too.”
You grinned at him and leaned toward him, your lips pressing against his. "And I can't wait to see you as a papa again," you replied, your voice filled with equal parts excitement and tenderness. “You’ll be so beloved by this babe, Satoru. And I know you’ll love our child so much too.”
“I already love them,” he whispered, his smile the epitome of joy itself. “I can imagine it already. They’re moving so powerfully in your belly. I’m pretty sure they’re going to blow us all away.”
You laughed, the sound bright and full of hope. “Can you imagine, Yaga teaching this kid the way Gakuganji has taught me?”
Satoru chuckled, the thought filling him with a mix of amusement and anticipation. "Oh, that would be something to see. Another little powerhouse in the making. But you know, with our combined stubbornness and spirit, I think we’re going to have our hands full.”
"Definitely," you agreed, your eyes sparkling with joy. "But we'll manage. We always do."
He nodded, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Yeah, we will. Together."
"You will be," you replied firmly, your hand covering his. "We'll make it through this, Satoru. Together. We'll have the future we've always dreamed of."
He leaned in, resting his forehead against yours, drawing strength from your presence. "Thank you," he whispered. "For believing in me, in us. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you promised, your voice soft but resolute. "Because we're in this together, always. For better or for worse.”
Before Satoru could respond, the door to your bedroom creaked open, the sound slicing through the quiet of the night. A small figure shuffled inside, barely visible in the dim light filtering through the curtains. It was young Gojo Satoshi, his small form barely reaching the edge of the bed. He looked distressed, your little boy. Satoru’s eyes softened at the sight of your darling boy.
Clutching his favorite stuffed animal tightly to his chest, he paused at the foot of the bed, uncertainty etched on his face. You and Satoru turned towards him simultaneously, your hearts melting at the sight of your son standing there, his eyes wide and teary. His pajamas were rumpled, his hair tousled from sleep, and it was evident that something had unsettled him deeply.
"Mama, Papa," Satoshi whispered, his voice barely audible above the soft hum of the room. He took a hesitant step closer, seeking comfort in the warmth of his parents' presence.
Satoru's heart clenched with concern as he reached out a comforting hand towards Satoshi. "Come here, Satoshi." he said gently, his voice a soothing murmur. "What's wrong, my little dawn?"
Satoshi hesitated for a moment, his lower lip trembling as he struggled to find the words to articulate his fear. "I... I had a nightmare," he finally managed to say, his voice wavering with emotion. "There was a big monster... and I couldn't find you and Papa."
You exchanged a knowing glance with Satoru, silently communicating your shared concern for your son's well-being. Without a second thought, Gojo Satoru lifted the covers, creating a welcoming space between the two of you. "It's okay, dearest dawn." he reassured, his voice soft but firm. "You're safe now. Come, lie down with us."
Satoshi blinked back tears, relief flooding his features as he scrambled onto the bed. He nestled himself between you and Satoru, his small body seeking solace in the warmth and familiarity of his parents. Satoru wrapped an arm protectively around him, pulling him close, while you gently smoothed his hair, offering some tender comfort that could never be echoed in words.
"What was the monster like, Satoshi?" you asked softly, your voice a gentle lullaby in the quiet of the room.
Satoshi took a deep breath, his eyes still wide with lingering fear. "It was... big and scary," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I... I wasn’t strong enough, mama. It was too much!”
Satoru's heart twisted with empathy as he listened to his son's words. He tightened his hold around Satoshi, his voice filled with reassurance. "Monsters aren't real, my dearest boy." he said firmly, brushing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "But even if they were, I would never let anything harm you. Papa will always protect you."
Satoshi looked up at Satoru, his eyes searching his father's face for any sign of doubt. Finding none, he nodded slowly, a flicker of relief passing over his features. "Really, Papa?"
"Really," Satoru affirmed, his voice steady and unwavering. "You're safe with us, always."
You leaned over, pressing a kiss to Satoshi's cheek. "We love you so much, sweetheart," you murmured, your voice filled with tenderness. "You're our brave little boy."
Satoshi's shoulders relaxed, the tension melting away as he nestled deeper into the embrace of his parents. "I love you too, Mama and Papa," he whispered, his eyes growing heavy with exhaustion.
"We love you more than anything." Satoru and you said in unison, their voices a gentle promise of unconditional love.
As your son Satoshi drifted off to sleep, his breathing slowing into the steady rhythm of peace, you and Satoru exchanged a soft smile. In that quiet moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of your family, you knew that together, you could weather any storm. And as the night wrapped it's comforting arms around you, you held onto each other, cherishing the precious bond that bound your hearts together.
Gojo Satoru was happiest here, he knew.
Whatever gods there are, he thanks them now.
For you and his children, will be his dearest treasures.
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In the days that followed Gojo Satoshi’s night of nightmares, life settled into a gentle rhythm once more. The worry that had momentarily clouded Satoru’s heart lifted as he watched his son regain his usual spark, chasing after Tsumiki's cat or eagerly helping with simple tasks around the house.
One evening, with the leaves dancing in the breeze outside, you and Satoru decided it was time to share some exciting news with Satoshi. The three of you gathered in the cozy living room, nestled together on the couch as the fire crackled softly in the hearth.
“Satoshi,” you began, your voice warm with anticipation. “Your papa and I have something special to tell you.”
Satoshi looked up from his coloring book, his curiosity piqued. “What is it, Mama?”
Satoru took a deep breath, a smile spreading across his face as he exchanged a meaningful glance with you. “You’re going to be an elder brother, my dearest dawn!” he announced, his voice tinged with joy.
Satoshi blinked, processing the words for a moment before his face lit up in realization. “Wait... really?” he exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement.
You nodded, your heart swelling with happiness as you watched your son’s reaction. “Yes, really, little one.” you confirmed, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. “You’re going to have a little brother or sister.”
Satoru thinks that your son will always be the morning sun.His name is just perfect. He was truly the dawn that made your lives ever so beautiful. It’s the way his smile will make him undone, it will always make him feel like the world is bigger than it actually was. When Satoshi was born, all he could think about was that he filled what was empty in Gojo Satoru’s life. And that will never change. Not even if there is a new little one coming along.
Satoru worried about telling Satoshi, because in these past four, five years — he was the only son. He had gotten doted upon as a little lordling, the only dawn in his parent’s lives. But Satoru feels glad that your son was happy. That Satoshi already loves his little sibling as much as Satoru loves this little baby in your belly already.
Satoshi’s eyes darted between you and Satoru, a thousand questions bubbling up within him. “When will the baby come?” he asked eagerly. “Will the baby be able to play with me?”
“In a few months, little dawn.” Satoru replied, his voice filled with tenderness. “But you’ll have to wait until the baby’s a bit older and stronger to play with them, hm?”
“It’s okay!” Satoshi beams tenderly. “I can wait. I’ll take care of the baby and make sure that they’ll grow up strong!”
 “You’ll be the best big brother, Satoshi. We know it.” You smiled at your son, kissing the edge of his brow. “You’re already so kind to them.”
Satoshi beamed with pride, a sense of responsibility settling over him as he realized the importance of his new role. You think that you were truly blessed — to have such an endearing little boy who wants to do nothing but good. Who wants to love as much as he can. Who wants to be as kind as he could. You could see all the good, the wonder, the beauty of your husband in your little boy. And you hope that he will grow up to be just like his father. 
“I can’t wait!” he declared, his excitement contagious. “I can’t wait to be a big brother!”
You and Satoru exchanged a glance, delighted by Satoshi's enthusiasm. The room seemed to glow with warmth and anticipation, the air buzzing with the promise of new beginnings. As Satoshi's excitement bubbled over, he jumped up from the couch and threw his arms around both of you in a tight hug, his little face radiant with joy. 
“I’ll be the best big brother out there, mama, papa! I swear!”
"You will, my little dawn," you said, squeezing him gently. "And you're going to be amazing at it."
Satoru chuckled warmly, ruffling Satoshi's hair affectionately. "What mama said is correct! You're going to be the best big brother this baby could ask for."
Satoshi grinned from ear to ear, his imagination already racing with thoughts of teaching his new sibling all the things he loved. "I'll teach them how to play jujutsu and how to be brave like Papa! I’m going to be as good as Megumi–oniichan!”
The mention of Megumi was a bit gut-wrenching. Satoru’s eyes dimmed a little, a flicker of sadness passing through them, but he continued to smile, his expression gentle yet tinged with longing. You noticed the shift in his demeanor and pursed your lips, feeling a pang of empathy for the ache he carried.
You could only hope that you and Satoru would be good enough. Good enough to create a home where Megumi would feel welcomed back, where he could find solace and warmth after all he had been through. You hoped that soon enough, Megumi would be by your side again, sharing in the joys and challenges of raising this new baby alongside you both.
Satoru glanced at you, sensing your thoughts, and reached out to gently squeeze your hand, offering silent reassurance and solidarity. He shared your hopes, your dreams of a future where their family would be whole once more. You take his hand and kiss the edge of his hand.
"I want Megumi to be a part of this too," Satoru murmured softly, his voice filled with determination. "I want him to see how much love we have to give, to watch this baby grow as he watched Satoshi grow."
You nodded, feeling a surge of determination and love for the family you were building together. "We'll make it happen," you replied firmly, your voice tinged with quiet resolve. "We'll create a home where Megumi knows he's always welcomed, always loved."
That night was filled with the tender innocence of childhood dreams and the quiet anticipation of parenthood. After tucking Satoshi into bed, his eyes bright with excitement for the sibling yet to come, you and Satoru stood together in the doorway of his room, soaking in the purity of his joy-filled imagination.
Satoshi had whispered animatedly about the adventures he envisioned sharing with the new baby—games in the backyard, secret hideouts in the attic, and bedtime stories where he would be the storyteller, just like Papa. His enthusiasm was infectious, filling the air with a palpable sense of hope and new beginnings.
You and Satoru listened with hearts full of love, cherishing these fleeting moments that held the promise of a growing family. As Satoshi's voice eventually faded into soft snores, you closed his door gently, the sound resonating with the quiet serenity of the night.
Satoru turned to you, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the hallway light. With a tender smile, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. The warmth of his embrace was reassuring, a silent affirmation of the love and unity you shared.
"I can't wait to see where happiness begins." he murmured, his voice a gentle murmur against your hair. His words held a mix of excitement and wonder, as if he was already imagining the new dynamics their family would soon embrace.
"Me too." you whispered back, leaning into his embrace. The softness of his touch, the steady beat of his heart against yours, filled you with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation for the future.
In that moment, standing in the quiet hallway bathed in moonlight, you knew that together, you and Satoru look at each other. There was no need for anymore words. You just needed each other. You just needed this moment.
You smiled at him, and he smiles back. Just a little bit more, everything will be over. You will finally live in peace. You’ll be happy. You’ll grow old together. You believe it so. And you wish that it would be enough.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
I have written many meta posts and s3-theories, and read even more, but I got hit by an idea I have not seen before. (If there is another post, please link it!)
After vibrating for an hour and losing my mind in my dms, I have no scraped together enough brain cells to present what is probably my first actual 'main-plot meta'.
Welcome to another edition of Alex's unhinged meta corner, today with a title to honour Crowley's James Bond obsession and the possibility of another heaven heist.
I give you:
From Jesus with Love - You Will Live Twice
Now, let's get right into it.
I think Neil might have told us more about the main s3 plotline in the announcement article than we previously thought. We all got stuck on 'they're not talking'—for good reason—but it is the part before that which has been bugging me ever since then.
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The plans are going wrong—and this time that is a problem for earth and humanity. Turning that around, it means that whatever that plan consists of would be the way to go and beneficial for everyone, the opposite of the main plot of s1.
"They need to prevent the Second Coming (SC)" is pretty much the only and most popular idea I have seen, hundreds of fics and metas and whatnot have been written about it, but I think there's a good chance we're wrong. If we're not, well, I will honestly just be happy to be watching season 3.
Whatever the Metatron is planning will have negative consequences for everyone, or as Michael puts it: "And so… it ends. Everything ends. Time and the world is over, and we begin Eternity… forever and ever."
It sounds very much like Apocalypse #1 - Same Old Plan, same expected result, yet if we look at different interpretations of scripture we find that the SC is not entirely about complete destruction and death for all of humanity—it is about creating a new world/migrating to the kingdom of God.
This is taken from the Wikipedia article about the SC
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Resurrection and life in a world to come are a direct contradiction to the result Michael is explaining—total annihilation of humanity.
Now, I am neither religious in any way nor have I ever received any sort of biblical education. Luckily, Christians seem to love talking about the bible because there are dozens of bible website to wade through. If I get anything wrong, please point it out, I have never touched a bible in my life.
So, after reading many, many quotes by a bunch of different guys, I tried to create a somewhat coherent picture of what the SC might look like based on the assumption that the end result is positive. I will talk about how they can be interpreted more in-depth later, otherwise this would turn into a string-net very fast.
Additionally, we can also see where these points overlap with the statement Jimbriel gave in the bookshop in episode three.
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What is Jesus' job description?
only God knows when and how exactly it will begin/happen, no one else does, including Jesus and the Metatron
a lot of different catastrophes are mentioned or quoted as something Jesus said, like earthquakes and storms -> Jimbriel mentioned a tempest and great storms
there is also the line "All these are the beginning of birth pains." Birth pains dictate that there will be a birth—birth of the world to come perhaps?
dead people will be resurrected/leave their graves so that they too can be judged (I'd say participate in it but that sounds like the Second Coming is a summer camp activity)
there are also mentions of stars and the heavens in general falling from the sky and the sun going dark -> Jimbriel also mentions darkness as one of the signs
great lamentations, as Jimbriel says, are also a part of many different passages, with humans mourning the world as it was
the Lord will descent with the voice of an Archangel and the sound of a trumpet/the trumpet of God; the grammatical structure of that sentence seems to be interpreted differently depending on who you ask, but the voices of angels/an Archangel and some sort of trumpet are common terms
once everyone is in heaven/wherever the 'main even' will take place, a judgement call will be made for every single person in relation to the book of life, which decides whether they will be punished forever or not (one passage talks about a lake of fire and mentions it several times in a row)
And this is where it gets tricky. To figure out what the SC looks like, we first need to understand a) what the Metatron's capabilities are, b) what he has to lose, and c) what exactly would be a threat to him.
If you ask me, all of this comes down to the Metatron wanting to stay and be in power for eternity with full control over angels so he can do as he please, aka keeping the system running as it is.
We know the book of life (bol) is a thing in the Good Omens universe, whether it does what Michael said is an entirely different question. So far, we have also only got confirmation that hell collects and tortures souls—in such large amounts that they are understaffed—while heaven looks completely empty.
The Metatron runs heaven as an institution, he seems to be the highest power any of the angels have access to and the one they defer to. He refers to himself as the voice of God and combines judge, jury and executioner, making him one great celestial dictator.
From what we know of hell, they do things a lot more democratically, having different councils, dukes, and ranks that are responsible for different levels of command.
We also know that that the Metatron wants the world to end, his goals can probably be summarized as the statement Michael makes, which would leave him in charge without any opposing forces.
We also also know that he sees Crowley and Aziraphale as a threat—why exactly remains a mystery for now—and that the success of his plan hinges on having a Supreme Archangel (SA) he can control. Gabriel decided to become princess of hell and Beez' sugar baby, so he was out of the equation, and after the Armageddon disaster, I don't think he wants to risk failing because of an unfamiliarity with earth (plus, y'know, getting our two idiots away from the plan).
It's interesting to me that right at the end, he says to Aziraphale "We call it the Second Coming"—call, not it is or it will be, CALL. We know that nothing Neil writes is a coincidence, definitely not with such an important line.
Just because you CALL something a specific name doesn't mean it IS what you call it, e.g. Aziraphale calls Crowley a foul fiend when we know he very much isn't.
The Metatron is selling his plan as part of the "Great/Ineffable Plan", so any questions can be blocked by saying it's God's will, it's ineffable. Whatever his plan is, he hides it behind the concept of the Second Coming, which angels know just enough about to understand the basics without having in-depth knowledge of what exactly it entails.
It is a good fucking strategy, I'll give him that, and it WORKS because angels—even if they have doubts—do not question. They simply don't; fear of punishment and millennia of conditioning have left them in a horrible place. When they encounter something unknown, their response is "I already knew that" as to not ask questions.
Crowley questions, we know that, and Aziraphale, ohhhhh, Aziraphale ALSO questions, but he does it in a less dangerous and obvious way. The Metatron is vastly underprepared for that.
(Side note: That alone would be its own meta post, but the gist is that he questions heaven's plans and then adjusts his assumptions of what God might want to what he WANTS God to want, e.g. Job, the Arch)
To summarize everything I just said, the Metatron wants to do what Armageddon failed to do—destroy earth and the universe—so he can be supreme dictator of all remaining celestial beings and gorge himself on power.
But instead of calling it his Big Evil Plan, he calls it the Second Coming, making everyone play along without resistance.
We cycle aaaaall the way back to the sentence I quoted—the ACTUAL plans are going wrong since the Metatron's would mean total destruction.
But what is the SC supposed to be if not the Apocalypse 2.0?
When I look at all the different aspects of the SC and assume a positive outcome, then the end result to me would be a new world that is pretty much like the old world, or maybe even literally the old world but with any destruction reversed. Heaven and hell get dissolved since now that everyone has been "judged", they as institutions are no longer needed, they have fulfilled their purpose.
No more judgement means there is no reason to keep track anymore, so why do you need to run celestial corporations whose only job is doing exactly that? You don't—and THAT is what I believe is the biggest perceived threat to the Metatron, losing full control over everyone and everything, losing his position, his title, and whatever else he has.
On top of that, Good Omens has told us again and again that God doesn't seem to give a fuck about good and evil anymore, and that without heaven and hell being all wrapped up in it, humanity would have 100% free will without any consequences.
Maybe the BoL is empty, maybe it isn't real, maybe Jesus stole it to straighten a wobbly table, who knows. There is a chance it is what Michael says, but I would admittedly find that a bit. too obvious and boring since it would boil the plot down to "they save their own asses again" and not "they save humanity at all cost".
Regarding Crowley and Aziraphale's role in this—I have Thoughts TM but those definitely need their own post. In short, they have to get the SC back on track, the real one.
If you have made it this far, thank you for working through what I hope are more or less coherent rambles. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.
Questions? Thoughts? Corrections? Expansions and additions?
Feel free to add to this post however you like (and I can't believe I have to mentions this but if you clown on my post or behave like an asshole you will be blocked).
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b33zlebubz · 9 months
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CHAPTER TWO - an interrogation
TAGS: gender neutral reader, angst, fluff, slow burn found family, PTSD, trauma bonding, kidnapping, reader is a foster kid in high school, family drama, blood, violence, guns
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"After your life falls apart at the seams very early on, you work hard to keep the small amount of peace you still have. Foster care is rough, work is draining, school is a drag...but you eventually find yourself in a good place. All of that quickly goes to waste, however, when your family's unfinished business finally finds its way back to you."
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"You've got the wrong person."
"I can assure you we don't."
"Then what the fuck did I do?"
Price sits back in his chair with his arms crossed, staring out the one-sided mirror that separates him from the interrogation taking place.  The room is dark save for the mirror, the laptop in front of him, and the red-yellow embers of his third cigar in the span of an hour.  He fidgets uselessly with it, rolling the paper between the fingers in his right hand while the other clutches a pair of dog tags.  The metal feels twice as cold in his palm as he listens to the two people in the room in front of him.
Laswell looks tired—typically perfect hair beginning to fall from her bun and the bags under her eyes deeper than usual.  He doesn’t doubt he looks the same, if not worse.  Despite the majority of the day dead and gone, the only thing they have to show for the amount of time spent in this room is a quickly filling tray of cigarette ashes and a messy desk of conflicting files, open laptops, and empty mugs of both tea and coffee.
"Nothing.  We just have some questions regarding your birth family."
You chuckle bitterly, your voice strained from the day's events even through the intercom.  "You had me kidnapped and nearly killed for a couple of questions?"  
Laswell's mouth opens and then snaps shut again. 
Price flips the dog tags through his fingers like the world’s most unlucky coin.
"This isn't an interrogation,"  she eventually responds.  "We’re trying to help you.”
“Then why am I in an interrogation room?”
He thinks its hard to find anything surprising, nowadays.  Price thought he saw pretty much everything there was to see already.  He’s traveled the world, faced every obstacle with bared teeth and clenched fists.  He’s seen death in all its forms, he’s seen someone come back from death—and yet, this was a new problem.  One he hadn’t encountered before.  A mission he, for once, didn’t know how to approach. 
He sighs, leaning forwards to rest his elbows on his knees as he watches Laswell shuffle through papers.  This is usually what the chief specialized in—getting intel—but it appears even she's left flustered and clueless with how to handle the iron will of a shell-shocked teenager.
You’re sitting in a similar position as Price himself as you sit across from Laswell; a too-big S.A.S. sweater on your shoulders paired with sweatpants of a similar fit, your previous clothes ruined with blood.  Eyes downcast, hands clasped and shaking; Price can’t imagine the things running through your head.  He felt even worse that they didn’t have spare shoes, leaving you in your untied sneakers stained red-brown with the blood from earlier that day.  
You’re lost in thought.  You try to focus on what Laswell says, but her questions seem to go in one ear and then back out the other if you don't snap with a sarcastic comeback.  Laswell swallows heavily, much more used to this routine involving adults with war crime lists as long as the very building is tall.  She’s being gentle—well, as gentle as she can manage given your sharp tongue—but you haven’t given them any answers since you showed up.
You're scared.  You want answers.  Anyone in your situation would be the same.
So, after a few more minutes of talking and getting nowhere, Laswell stands.  She spares you one last, sympathetic look before crossing the room to the door—where she leaves the room in favor of the small office Price resides in.  A long breath leaves her as she stops at the table, lifting her arms and then letting them fall back to her sides in defeat.
“Nothing,”  she breathes.
Price nods.  He takes another drag of his cigar and exhales the smoke in a heavy sigh.
“Figures,”  he says, leaning over to snuff the embers out in the dish.  “Simon scared ‘em shitless.”
Laswell scoffs.  Shaking her head, she drops the file on the desk with a slap before sitting down herself—rubbing her tired face.  Her gaze falls to you sitting alone in the room, her brow furrowed tight.  In all his years of working with her, Price doubts he’s seen someone get under her skin like this in a long time.  
“We can’t wait for answers—not with the news spreading like this.”
He hums.  “You’re right.  We can’t.”
“Then what do you suggest we do?”  She asks, genuinely.  “Because this isn’t working.  The kid's not talking until we tell them what's going on."
Price is silent for a moment.  None of the team had expected anyone else to catch wind of your location so quickly—nor had they expected such an organization like the Shadow Company to get involved.  What was supposed to be a silent search-and-rescue mission turned into something more of an ambush.  Something Price knows Graves will eventually seek repercussions for.
He feels his stomach twist from the thought, but he shakes it from his head.  Right now, proving to you that you weren’t in any danger was his priority.  The sooner you felt safe, the sooner you would answer questions—the sooner Price could formulate some semblance of a plan going forwards.
He pushes himself to his feet.  “Then we'll just have to give 'em what they want."
Laswell sighs, “John—”
“We owe the kid answers, Kate,”  He insists.  "We have for a long time.  Far too long."
“And if Graves or someone worse gets to them?  What happens then…when they give up intel?”  Laswell argues.   “We’ll just have to keep them until they’re ready to give up answers.  It’s the only way to make sure we don’t get compromised if shit hits the fan again.”
Price’s brow furrows.  He looks back out into the interrogation room for a moment, at how you stare down at the table wiping your bruised face on your sleeves.  Laswell is right, of course—she usually is.  If you gave up sensitive information to save your own skin after everything you’ve been through, nobody would blame you.  It could ruin everything, and it would be his fault, but that’s a risk he’s willing to take.  
He turns to Laswell again, his voice low as he steps closer. Palms flat on the desk, he leans down to her level.  “Then we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen, yeah?”
Laswell just stares at him for a second, her gaze hard in calm resolve.  She seems to consider his preposition, carefully weighing the pros and cons as she searches Price’s gaze for any hint of self-doubt.  As usual, she finds none.
She sighs again, shakes her head, and reaches for the pack of cigarettes on the table.
"Fifteen minutes, Captain."  She says, resolute, as she lights a cigarette between her teeth.  "That's all you get."
Fifteen minutes.  He’s saved lives with less, but yet he still finds himself taking a nervous breath as he grasps the doorknob anyway.  Up until this point he hasn't officially met you.  In a perfect world, he probably never would have needed to.
He swallows the lump in his throat and opens the door.
Immediately, your eyes dart up to meet his.  Your expression is a tangled mess of things.  Fear, maybe.  Anger, definitely.  There’s sadness and anxiety in there, too, as Price meets your gaze for a moment before padding inside.  He makes a point to leave the door open behind him as he walks forwards, pulls the chair out, and sits down with his hands on the table.  Your legs are pulled up to your chest now; arms hugging your knees as you stare up at him—defensive.
Like you're a cornered animal ready to bite.  
You are, but that's besides the point.
He regards you for a moment, attempting to look past how you have your father’s eyes—bright and focussed and unrelenting underneath the deep, puffy bruise on your left eyelid.  The wound looks old, at least by a few hours, so he knows it wasn’t caused by any of his men.  Even the Shadows wouldn’t swoop so low as to hurt you without reason.
"Nice eye,"  is all he says.
Immediately, you look away, suddenly self-conscious as you wipe at the aching, bruised flesh.  It hurts, that’s for sure, but you do a good job at hiding it.
"The other guy looked worse,"  you lie.
"A soldier?"
"No…"  you clear your throat and shift, your shoulders easing just a little from exhaustion.  "No.  Some kid.  Long story.”
"Ah,"  he chuckles a little, as if you aren't sitting across from him with your hands still stained in some dead guy's blood.  "Somehow, I don't doubt that."
"Who are you?"
Hm.  The dreaded question.  For a second, Price debates how much he should tell you—and he knows Laswell is holding her breath hoping he'll hold his tongue, but you deserve answers.  It's the least he could do.
The dog tags feel like they were burning a hole in his pocket.
"Captain John Price.  British Special Air Service."  He answers through a sigh as he sits back in his chair.  "But you can just call me Price."
That furrow in your brow loosens just a little.  Slowly, you remove your arms from around yourself, letting your shoes hit the linoleum flooring.  Maybe you recognized his name somehow, or maybe you’re just relieved to be talked to like a human and not a cornered animal—but you’re more relaxed than you have been that whole day.
"And the woman?"  You press.
"A friend,"  Price answers honestly.  "She helped us find you.  You can trust her, too."
"And how do I know you're telling the truth?"
Price hesitates at that, glancing towards the one-sided mirror where he can feel Laswell watching.  Then, he reaches into his jeans pocket and pulls out the dogtags.  He tosses them over and they slide across the metal table before landing in your hands.  You turn the metal chips over in your palm, tracing the enamel with shaky hands.  When you look back up at Price, it's in disbelief.
They're your father's.
"To make a very long story short: over a year ago he had a mission,"  Price begins.  "Your old man was tasked with disarming a missile.  He succeeded, changed the code...and died before he could deliver it.  As of a month ago, it's been missing.”
It's a grossly summarized version of what happened over the course of the past year and a half, but Price figures he’ll spare you the details.  Details like how your father was tortured for months before he was finally killed while escaping.  Details like while he was stuck in enemy territory—you were all he would write about.  Your interests.  Your face.  Your words.
You're silent for a moment, squeezing the cold metal in your palms.  When you speak, it's quiet.
"That's a lie," you argue.  "Dad died when I was five. In Mexico."
Price nods.
“Maybe,” he says quietly.  “But, like his kid—he wouldn’t go down easy.”
You let out a breath, sitting back against the chair as you digest the information handed to you.  He watches dots string together in your mind as you mull over your whole life up until that very moment.  He knows what you’re thinking of already; not because he ever met the man personally, but because with the past few months he spent reading and rereading every letter, email, and assignment report—he feels like he did.  He knows you’re rethinking every letter your father sent you right up until his supposed “death" and every call promising his return soon.
He knows it’s a lot to take in, and that aching guilt in his chest rears its ugly head.  He wished he could do more—apologize on behalf of your father, reassure you things would be fine, take you back to your home…but, alas, all of those things were impossible.  So, instead, he’d answer whatever question you asked.
Because that was all he could do.
Almost a full minute passes before you speak again, quietly.  "And why, exactly, am I so important?"
"Because your father kept a journal,”  he answers promptly.  “In that journal, he said you knew the code.”
You laugh bitterly.  “It’s not like he was around to tell me—I don’t know shit.”
“I figured,”  he sighs, nodding.  “So, until we figure things out…you’re sticking with me and my men."
You bristle again, shoulders tensing.  "I never agreed to that."
"I never gave you the choice,"  John hardens his tone, not leaving any room for argument.  "It's what your father would've wanted.  Those were his last orders."
At that, you fall quiet; your face scrunched with frustrated anger and unshed tears as you look away to steel yourself.  John sighs and softens again.
"You’ll have a temporary room for the next few days.  Then, Friday; you, me, and my team are moving to a different base to plan and gather intel.  Everyone here answers to me, and if any of ‘em give you trouble—I’m never far away.”
He leans in close.
"I'm sorry, kid.  Really," he says, "but you can't go home."
Finally, you nod in understanding, your gaze falling to the table.  Lost in thought again, another long moment passes.  He watches as you look down at the dog tags before, hesitantly, lifting them up and over your neck.  They fall to rest at your chest as you clasp them before looking up at Price.  You won’t ask the question—won’t admit what you’re thinking—but he meets your gaze with calm resolve as he speaks again.
"You'll be safe here," he says. “Alright?”
You purse your lips, thinking.  John almost holds his breath, waiting for your response.  Conflicting emotions swim in your eyes as you squeeze the metal on your neck. 
He pretends not to notice the tears pricking your eyes as you swallow heavily and nod.
“Yeah…yes,”  you choke out.  “Not like I have anywhere to go, anyway."
After that, things go smoother.  There were supposed to be more tests—more questioning, interviewing, and other supposedly mandatory things that would get everyone nowhere.  Instead, Price decides to bypass all of it with Laswell’s permission.  The walk to your room is silent, and he assures you, again, that nothing will happen to you here.  He apologizes profusely, but he’s not sure you truly hear any of it—simply nodding and thanking him before the door is shut, and the halls are quiet.
Only then does he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, slipping his hat off to run his hand back through his hair.  There’s paperwork he has to do, a briefing to attend to, and he still has yet to touch base with Soap and Ghost about what exactly happened earlier that day.  Despite it all, though—he feels somehow lighter.  Months of tracking down your father’s only family coming to a close now that you were found and safe.  Or, maybe, it was just because the dog tags were weighing him down.
Nevertheless, he barely spares himself a moment to recollect before his hat is placed back on his head, his expression is hardened again, and he finds himself walking back down the hallway—already itching for another cigar.
It was going to be a long fucking week.
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@brokenpieces-72 @warenai
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last-herondale · 2 years
Jacob Black x Fem-reader
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Fluff, slight NSFW, mostly fluff 😊
A/N: This is similar to my previous Jacob x reader post. My head cannon is where the reader is part of the pack and imprints on Jacob, but he doesn’t immediately imprint on her back. Anyway, this scene takes place before the confrontation with the Voltori in BD pt 2. Jacob has finally imprinted on Y/N after you have a near death experience. (I refuse to accept the storyline of Jacob imprinting on Ratatouille 🤢) and the two of you station yourself out in the clearing to scout the area before the rest of the Cullens and wolves arrive. A blizzard comes in and forces the two of you to make camp within the woods. This allows for some fluffy conversations to occur. 😉
Might make a NSFW scene as a part 2 to this story. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jacob Black has my heart so expect one 😉
Edit: I did make part 2 😬 here’s a link. Okay byeee
Part 2
Enjoy 🤘🏼
You had been careful. Maybe too careful these past few weeks after the birth of Bella’s daughter. It had been a chaotic period of your life. You had chosen to break apart from the pack in order to follow Jacob. Your new Alpha. Your imprint. Your soulmate. Even from the beginning it was never really a choice, but still, you were proud of his decision to leave.
He was fighting to save Bella, as he always did. And even though it broke your heart to see the man you loved more than anything in the world fight so hard for someone who would never love him like he deserved, you stood by his side through it all. Even when the fight became deadly.
It had been a risky plan. But the Cullens needed to feed. Distract the pack. Protect the Cullens. That was the plan that fateful night. But it turned sour real quick. Bella had gone into labor, and Sam’s pack had launched an attack on the remaining Cullens. Paul had the small vampire, Alice, in between his giant wolf mouth. She had been weak and hungry, and even her immortal strength began to give way. You couldn’t let her die. Despite knowing Paul’s size and strength over powered you every time you trained with the pack, you didn’t care.
You had launched yourself at Paul, your claws and teeth slashing at his neck, forcing him to release Alice, allowing her to escape. Paul was enraged with you then. You could feel the rumble of his growl deep in his chest as he set his sights on you and pounced.
“Y/N!” Jacob’s voice called, snapping you out of the memory.
The wind was whipping all around you. Flurries of snow bit at your face and clung in your hair. The sun was beginning to set and the landscape was quickly turning dark. Jacob came up from behind you, his bare chest unfazed by the chill weather. You stood unbothered as well, the warmth of your wolf blood fought against the cold, especially after shifting. You turned to look at him, and as always your chest tugged at you to close the space between you. But you fought yourself and stood your ground.
“The weather is getting worse,” he nearly had to yell over the wind. You nodded. Alice had said this would happen. A winter vortex would come in and blanket the clearing with snow and ice. Then, after the sun returned, the Volturi would arrive.
“Should we head back?” You asked. It would take no time at all to head back to the Cullen house, but Edward had wanted eyes on the clearing to make sure there were no surprises.
Jacob shook his head and pulled over the backpack he had been carrying. “This storm shouldn’t last too long. Alice said it would be over by tomorrow morning.” He looked at you with a strange sparkle in his eyes. “I brought us a tent,” he continued, “I mean only- if you want to.” You arched your brow at him in amusement. You had never seen him trip over his words before, and lately he seemed to be doing that a lot around you.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s find somewhere out of this wind.” You reply.
The two of you found a nice spot within the trees, up against a large rock that blocked out a great deal of wind. You helped him set up the tent between the trees and found yourself glad to take refuge within. Jacob was close behind you, taking great care to zip up the tent, securing the two of you inside.
You sat across from him in silence for a moment. There seemed to be an electric charge buzzing between the two of you. It sent a strange sensation down your spine when you noticed how he looked at you. His lips parted slightly, as if he was going to speak, but to break the tension you finally reached over and yanked his pack away.
“What else are you hiding in here?” You teased.
Amusement warmed his face. He leaned back and crossed his arms and you searched his pack. “Oh you know, stakes, cloves of garlic, usual leech killing gear.”
You snorted. “Oh that’s what that smell was? The whole run over here I thought it was your breath.”
Jacob let out a laugh, a real genuine laugh. It had been a while, it had been months, since you heard that laugh of his. It warmed your heart to hear his laugh again. You pulled out the contents of his backpack, and found that he had packed the two of you an extra set of clothes, in case transforming caused any wardrobe issues. There was a handmade quilt that you pulled out and set aside. And a few granola bars and a few waters.
You tossed him a bar and a bottle and let yourself stretch out across the tent as you ate. The two of you chatted mindlessly a bit as you tried to ignore the growing tension that seemed to build within the tent. It was as if you could reach out and touch the electric waves that buzzed between you. Finally, you let yourself stretch out on the tent floor, using the quilt as a pillow. Jacob hesitated a moment before joining you on the floor, your bodies inches apart from each other as the wind picked up outside of the tent.
You turned on your side to face him, and were shocked to find him already facing you. His eyes seemed deep in thought as they scanned your face. You felt your face redden slightly at the intensity of his gaze.
“Jake?” You ask softly. His eyes snapped up to look at yours. “Hmm” was all he answered. You couldn’t help but smile at him. “Are you okay?” You ask with a small chuckle, “You’ve been acting—different ever since Ness was born.” At that Jacob’s smile wavered a bit but his eyes kept roaming your face.
“I’ve just been thinking,” he murmured, “ a lot of things have changed since then. It’s an— adjustment.” You expected that in some capacity. You were prepared to help Jacob once Bella became a vampire, to help distract him from the pain of that, but it never came. He seemed to almost welcome Bella into her immortal life, taking satisfaction in the fact of her still being alive in some capacity anyway. It had shocked you how— calm he was about it all.
“Does it hurt being around her?” You nearly whispered. Normally would wouldn’t have dared asked such a question, but his silence these past few weeks had been maddening. Confusion swept Jacob’s face for a moment before he realized what you meant. And then he chuckled.
“Around Bella? No. Not anymore. That’s— not the change I meant, although it has been an adjustment getting used to her new life. But that isn’t what I meant. ” He said. You scrunched you brows at him in confusion and then abruptly sat up. Jacob propped himself up on one arm to meet your gaze, his eyes searching your face to see what he had done.
“Then what do you mean, Jacob? Why else have you been acting so weird lately?” Anger tipped on your words, but you found yourself unable to restrain your emotions. Jacob waited for you to continue, his lips pressed together as if he was holding back.
“For weeks now you’ve been so calm, so careful… I thought you would be upset or angry or something! Leah and Seth won’t tell me anything, but I know they know something. Even Edward seems to know what it is but for some reason you refuse to tell me? Jacob, you’ve just been so quiet around me lately and I can’t understand why. What changed? Did I do something to you?” At the last question you felt tears fall down your eyes.
Without hesitation, Jacob’s hand we on either side of your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “I was afraid that if I admitted the truth— that if I told you—“
“Told me what, Jacob?” You pleaded. You grabbed his hands that held your face.
“I—“ he struggled to say, “I imprinted.”
Suddenly you were back in that moment. You felt Paul’s teeth clamp down on your neck, the sharp crunching pain of his canines crunching down on bone. That pain was excruciating. But even then, the pain and shock allowed you to pass out from it. Death was a numbing relief to the pain, or so you imagined. But this pain had no relief. You dropped your hands from Jacob’s and felt your heart collapse.
“On who?” Your voice cracked. “When did you—?”
Jacob froze at your reaction. You could no longer hide the pain that radiated from your chest. You felt as if you might vomit. Would it be better to know? Who she was, how he now felt for her? His world now revolved around her. How would you survive?
“I need to leave,” you choke out. You tried to fumble with the zipper but Jacob’s strong hands gripped you and pulled you away.
“Y/N, please,” he voice was oddly strained, “let me explain—“
“I cant!” You cried, “i can’t do this anymore Jacob! I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay, when my heart is breaking! I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. That you are everything to me, my purpose, my entire existence! Please, let me go!”
The words you promised to never say were out. Your body heaved in violent sobs as the weight of your soul poured out before him. You expected him to release you. To be horrified by what you just said. But instead you felt him move closer, the space between you disappeared as he wrapped his large arms around you tightly and securely.
“Oh Y/N,” he murmured against your hair, “oh sweetheart, my love, my everything, no, no, no, no.” You stilled under him, his words piercing your body with every syllable. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why didn’t you tell me you imprinted?”
You pushed yourself away from him far enough to look into his eyes. You searched his wildly waiting for him to explain. He ran a hand through your hair, pushing it away from your face. “That night, when Paul nearly killed you—“ his voice cracked at the memory, “ I thought I would lose you. Something snapped in me that night, something deep and primal in my blood. Suddenly, you were the only pull I felt. Everything in my heart, body, and soul was fighting for you.”
You weren’t sure if you were breathing then. Tears fell down your face as Jacob continued. “I knew it was the imprint, I felt it deep within my bones. When you finally woke up, I waited to see if maybe the bond had snapped into place for you too… but nothing had seemed to change for you. I wasn’t sure how to tell you— so I waited and kept my distance. I didn’t want to force this on you, or scare you away. But I never thought…” he trailed off. His thumb traced down the side of your face, stopping at the edge of your bottom lip.
“How long have you known?” He asked.
“I’ve always known,” you whispered.
And with those words alone, any restraint, and uncertainty Jacob had had vanished. In an instant his hand cupped the back of your neck as he pulled you closer and kissed you. The contact of him made stars dance in your vision, but immediately you found yourself melting against him. You threw your arms around his neck and anchored yourself to him. He growled against your mouth in reaction, and deepened the kiss.
His tongue explored your mouth, intoxicating your senses with the taste of him. Your fingers knotted up in his hair, and you pulled his head closer to yours, needing more of him in your reach. He reacted to your touch, a soft groan escaping his lips as he nipped your bottom lip. His free hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. You gave out a small yelp in surprise and you couldn’t help but giggle.
Jacob moved his lips from your mouth to trace the line of your jaw, peppering you with kisses as he made his way down your neck. “Whats so funny?” He murmured against the nape of your neck. You tilted your head back to give him easier access, the warmth of his lips were inviting. “You have no idea—“ you said breathlessly, “how long I’ve wanted you to kiss me.”
You felt him smile against your neck, his teeth grazing you as he pulled away slowly. He looked at you, desire burning in his dark eyes, his face oddly flushed with red and warmth. “I’m sorry for not realizing sooner. I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. All this time,” he said, both of his arms slipped around you, pulling you as close to him as possible, “I thought it was friendship that made our relationship so strong.” He said the word as a curse. As if he realized now that what the two of you had was more than that. More than any word used to describe this feeling.
“I thought it was a different kind of love you felt for me,” he admitted, “I never imagined it was— this.” You slid one hand down from his neck and traced the line of his jaw. Gentle touches you had always restrained yourself from. He leaned into you, shivering at each touch. A smile spread across your face as you held your heart in your hands. All of the heartache these past few years had suddenly vanished from your mind. None of it mattered. Not anymore. “I suppose you have time to make up for then,” you challenged.
Jacob’s eyes bore into you, waiting for you to make the next move. He would bend to you, only you. Your thumb traced the outline of his lips. Two words. One command of him. The one thing you had sought after since you met him. A whisper within the wind.
“Kiss me.”
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 9 months
Horror Movies Pt. 2 | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
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Summary: She shares a special passion for horror movies with her boss, Neil Lewis. But it doesn't end there, she also shares his secrets... or at least the ones he can keep himself. He's been keeping one from her but maybe a night of adventure will break the silence and scare them to their senses.
Warnings: Drinking, semi-public sex, boss/employee relationship, struggles with self-image, spying, invasion of privacy, slight disrespect for the dead, smut, moments of miscommunication and assumed consent, unprotected sex, oral, and some fluff.
word count: 3229k
Lady Grinning Soul- David Bowie 🎶
Freak- Lana Del Rey 🎵
Minors do not interact!
“What are you doing, Neil?” She whispered, not wanting to trespass. 
“Having a little adventure since our act of chivalry was all for naught.” He shrugged and smiled goofily. 
“You want to play golf?” She looked between the dark green and Neil’s face. 
“Nah, not golf.” 
She stared at him for a little while longer before ducking beneath the fence. He followed her and they started to cross the green, looking up at the star studded sky. 
“The stars are so pretty tonight.” She pointed up at the clusters of twinkling lights. 
“Wait until you see what I have to show you.” He smiled mischievously and took her wrist. He pulled her across the golf course and through the connecting gate. 
“Where are we now?” She looked around and noticed the distant groupings of headstones. “Are we in a cemetery?” 
“Bingo.” Neil laughed and let her wrist go, running ahead a little. The graveyard was cool and still, surrounded on all sides by tall shrubbery. They climbed the short hill up onto the main stretch of green, walking alongside the grave markers. 
“This feels like the beginning of a horror movie.” She recalled Neil’s previous statement from the morning and he laughed. 
“I like to come here at night. It’s so peaceful and I like to look at the people’s names. It helps put my life into perspective.” He led her to a small mausoleum beside a weeping willow and swiped his arm across his forehead. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” He gestured around and she nodded. 
“It really is but… what does this have to do with the bra?” 
“Ah, well since you can’t use it and Nancy doesn’t want it back, I thought we could leave it as an offering… here.” 
“Who do you want to give it to?” 
“Someone who died the same day that one of us was born.” He stated as he had already begun looking. She helped him and they passed the lines of headstones, checking each name for their respective birth and death dates. They wandered through a few plots until they found a secluded embankment. There was an older headstone with Neil’s birthday listed as the person’s death date. 
“Here.” Neil pointed to the numbers on the stone and smiled up at her from the ground where he was crouched. She joined him on the ground and nodded. “Edgar Allen… that’s almost too weird. It must be a fake name. Edgar Allen? He just needs a ‘Poe.’” 
She trailed her fingers over his name and nodded. 
“So, how do we do this?”
“What, are you saying that you’ve never left an expensive bra at a dead person’s grave?” He joked and she almost laughed out loud when he put his hand over her mouth, shushing her with a smile. 
“You’ll wake the dead.” He whispered and she smiled against his hand, her eyes boring into his. She hoped that her eyes were telling him what she wanted or how happy she was to be with him, even if it was in a fucking cementary. He removed his hand slowly and cleared his throat. Sweat coating his forehead, trapping a few strands of his longer dark hair. 
“We, uh, let’s just drape it over the headstone.” He put the bra over the long rectangular top of the stone. 
“We should say a few words.” She offered and cleared her throat quietly, “May I?” She glanced over at him. Neil was staring at her, his lips parted partly. 
“Uh, er, yeah. Of course.” He sniffed and looked back at the headstone. 
“Mr. Allen, we leave you this offering in hopes that you will bestow upon us the grace of your guidance and experience. Inspire us to be brave and forward with our… desires,” she couldn’t think of a better word, “Help us imagine ways of living our lives to the fullest.” She added. When she glanced over, Neil was nodding almost absentmindedly. 
“Give us a little adventure in our lives, Edgar.” He clarified. 
“Mhmm.” She hummed in agreement and they waited in silence for a few minutes, taking in the serene peacefulness of the graveyard. 
“If this were a horror movie, we would be-” She broke the silence but the force of Neil’s body cut her off. He’d kissed her, his hands snaking behind her head and pulling her into an aggressive kiss. She pulled away breathlessly, he was panting too.
“What-” She started.
“I’m sorry, christ. I thought you were… sending me a signal.” He stumbled over his words. 
“You thought I was asking you to make a move on top of someone’s grave?” She raised a suspicious eyebrow and he chuckled, embarrassed. 
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I just… oh I don’t know.” He trailed off and stood, putting his hands back into his pocket and turning away from the grave. She followed him quickly. 
“What, Neil?” She stumbled after him, up the embankment. He spun around and held a hand against his head.
“I just… I thought that lately there was something different between us.” He looked away. 
“Neil…” she frowned and fought the anger in her voice, “you just fucked someone last night. I don’t know if I should believe anything that you’re saying right now.” She crossed her arms across her chest and looked up at the sky. 
“I, well we didn’t actually… have sex.” He mumbled. 
“What do you mean?” She raised her eyebrow. 
“God, this is so fucking embarrassing,” he pulled down on his face and trilled his lips. 
“What, what is it?” He nearly smiled, finding him too funny to take seriously. 
“Well, she came into the store right before closing last night and put on this whole act about which movie to pick… kind of like the girl in the store today. I told her to pick Arsenic and Old Lace… yada yada yada, she ends up flirting and leaning over the counter, batting her eyelashes at me. I’ll admit that I succumbed to her but as soon as she got me on the couch, she started… eh slapping me and calling me a bad boy and look, I totally get kinks but it was a little too weird for me.” 
“So what happened?” She encouraged him to go on and he looked back at her, his heart fluttering in his chest. He sighed and looked at his feet. 
“We watched the movie and the whole time she wouldn’t stop talking, so she missed basically everything. And when the movie was over, she started kissing me and undressing herself. And when she got my pants down, I couldn’t get it up. So, that’s what happened.” 
She gasped and immediately clamped a hand over her mouth.
“I’m sorry. It isn’t funny, Neil,” she apologized but he shook his head. “Whatever, go ahead and laugh. I don’t know how it happened but I just wasn’t attracted to her. I don’t need a girl who’s a film geek like me but I can’t stand people who just talk through a movie or pay absolutely no attention to what’s happening. There’s not point in putting it on if you’re not going to pay attention. And not to mention she looked-” He cut himself off and chucked. 
“What?” She waited for him to finish but he shook his head. 
“It’s silly.” He sniffed. 
“We’ve already gotten this far, you might as well tell me.” 
He cocked his head, staring at her face in the faded light of the crescent moon. He inhaled deeply and told her, point blank. 
“She looked like you,” he took another breath, “she looked like you but she was nothing like you. I realized that I was only humoring her because she looked like you and for some reason, my subconscious had tricked me into thinking she was you. And after that, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He watched her for her reaction and she exhaled shakily, not knowing how to respond. 
“What happened after that?” She asked quietly. 
“I told her that it wasn’t a good night and she packed up. In the heat of the moment, she must have forgotten her bra but look,” he took a step closer, “that doesn’t mean our relationship needs to change. It's not like I’m in love with you or obsessed, I just realized that the person that I was really attracted to this whole time has been you.” He looked down into her eyes. “I didn’t have time to explain it this morning and I knew how it looked so…” He shrugged, “I actually haven’t slept with anyone in weeks. Ever since you got the haircut actually, I guess I haven’t stopped thinking about you whether or not I was conscious of it.” 
“Jonathan asked me out.” Was all she could think to say and Neil chuckled lightly. 
“That’s a minor detail.”
“He’s one of your best friends.” 
“And because he’s one of my best friends, he’ll understand why I’m doing this.” 
“What if I don’t like you back?” She narrowed her eyes, wanting to stand her ground a little longer. He took one more step closer, their feet almost touching and he leaned over slightly, his breath brushing her forehead.
“Do you like me?” He asked softly. 
“I don’t know,” she lied. He brushed his lips against hers. 
“Do you want to find out?” He teased her and her breath caught, nearly choking her. She couldn’t speak from the nerves paralyzing her, so she just nodded. He rubbed his lips against her lips, not kissing her yet. She brushed her nose against the soft spot of skin below his nose and above his lip, standing on the balls of her feet. Her hands came up and stopped midair, unsure how or where to touch him. Turning his head slightly to the side he kissed her. His hands went from the top of her thighs to her waist and then up to her neck, which he held in place while he moved his head to kiss her. He stood still and reciprocated his slow kisses as best as she could. She put her hands on the outside of his and wrapped her fingers around each wrist. He sucked on her lip and she let her head fall back, giving him a better angle. She stumbled back a little and he caught her in his arms, his lips never skipping a beat as he sucked her and explored her. 
“Are we going to fuck in a graveyard?” She panted, pulling herself away from his hungry mouth. Neil smiled and looked around at the deserted cemetery, empty with the exception of the dead. He shrugged. 
“Do you think they’ll hold it against us? Haunt us for the rest of our lives?” She smiled.
“Are you kidding? They’re probably dying for a show.” He cracked himself up over his own pun and she rolled her eyes affectionately. She kissed him again before he could make another joke and pulled him into the alcove of a mausoleum. There was a stone casket beside the mausoleum and they stumbled over to it, wordlessly deciding to fuck against it. He pressed her back up against the cold stone which felt amazing in the humid summer air. He groped her breasts and she slid a hand down Neil’s chest below the waistband of his jeans. She reached her hand into his underwear and took a hold of his hard cock. She smiled against his lips. 
“It obviously wasn’t a problem this time, was it?” She teased and he groaned, looking up at the sky. 
“No, no, it wasn’t.” He laughed breathlessly as she rubbed her hand down his length, twisting her palm at the end. He went back to kissing her but broke off to whine and pant occasionally as she jerked him off. She pulled her hand back out and spat on it before returning it back into his pants. She fondled his balls and squeezed them, making him gasp against her lips. He reached a hand up her camisole and wrestled his hand beneath her bra. He was definitely a breast man. 
She removed her hand from his pants and pulled his pelvis against her by looping her fingers through his belt loops. With his free hand, Neil unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped the fly. She did the same for his jeans and turned around, sticking her butt against his hard crotch. 
“Fuck…” Neil looked at her ass and felt himself get even harder. He pulled her back against him by holding her shoulder. He kissed her bare neck and carded his hands through her cropped hair. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered and she sighed softly. At that moment, she felt infinitely beautiful, so beautiful that it would last a lifetime. He pulled down his pants slightly and glanced around before bending her over again. She pulled down her jeans and rubbed her underwear against him like before. She held her hands flat against the stone casket monument and opened her mouth, nearly moaning in anticipation of Neil’s cock inside her. He slowly rolled down her underwear, the hipster style that covered her butt. They were white, ironically. 
Exposing her ass, he moaned and reached around to her cunt and rubbed her clit. 
“God, fuck me already, Neil.” She pleaded and he nodded. 
“Are you wet enough? I don’t have a condom.” 
“I’m soaking wet, Neil. Don’t worry about the condom. It’s ok with me.” 
“Ok, ok.” He smiled and spat on his hand, rubbing the saliva over her folds. Then he did it again, smearing his spit on his own cock. She gasped loudly when he pushed his tip inside her. He grabbed her hips and tried to stop himself from rutting into her. 
“Fuck, go slow… you’re so big.” She whimpered and moaned as he slowly pushed further in. He gasped pitifully and resisted the urge to cum immediately like a schoolboy. 
“Jesus, you feel so good.” He panted and watched as his cock went further inside her. She clutched her uterus, trying to allow him to enter her. He whined as she did so and gave a few tiny thrusts. 
“Ah, ahh.” He moaned weakly and started to fuck her more regularly, feeling her walls begin to mold around him. “Oh fuck, its so good.” He pulled her hips against him with a harder thrust and she cried out softly, her hands sweating against the stone. As she became wetter, he slid in and out faster, hitting the bottom of her uterus each time. 
“Jesus, Neil!” She moaned and pushed herself against him, wanting him further inside. 
“I can’t go any farther, honey. You’re not big enough.” He whispered against her neck and continued to fuck her with the same primal sexuality as a dog in heat. She hummed to keep herself from screaming out. 
“Fuck yes, this is so good.” He praised her and went faster, his pale legs shaking with pleasure. He felt like he was losing his virginity all over again, needing to come already and they had just started. He pulled out and spun her around to kiss her, his hand holding her chin up to reciprocate his kiss. He switched places with him and pushed him onto the ground where he was sitting on the grass. She kicked off her jeans and underwear, still in her shoes and socks and straddled him. He whimpered as she lowered herself onto him and sat completely on him. She shifted her hips back and forth, wanting him to stay completely inside her. His back was against the stone. When she started to feel her orgasm approaching he started to move up and down, snapping on top of his cock in quick movements that made them both cry out.
“Mmmm, fuck…” Neil panted and looked up at her, studying how her head fell back and her neck arched out towards him. He looked down and watched how her cunt took him, so wet that precum dribbled down his cock onto his pubic hair. 
“Um, God, Neil, I’m gonna cum.” She panted and he smiled. 
“Come here,” he wrapped his arms around her and turned her around again, laying her flat on her back on the grass and thrusted into her again. She gasped and clutched a handful of grass above her head. She wrapped her thighs around his waist and he sat on his knees, pulling her up to meet him. He fucked her hard and fast, pounding his pelvis against hers. The muscles in his butt clenched as he fucked her desperately. She covered her mouth and cried out in pleasure. She squirted but he continued to fuck her, chasing his own high. 
“I’m so close.” He panted and ran his hand down her chin. She looked so beautiful below him, mouth still slightly agape in a pleasurable ‘O’ shape. “Fuck! Oh my God.” He cried and pulled out quickly so that he wouldn’t cum inside her. She rolled over and sucked him off, allowing him to fuck her throat weakly as he finally spilled him cum down her throat. She rolled her tongue around his cock and licked the tip as he pulled out, panting like he had just run a race. He collapsed beside her on the ground and laughed in disbelief. She laughed too, covering her face with her hands. 
“Fucking hell.” She laughed into her hands. “That was the best I ever had,” she admitted and he smiled proudly. 
“Honestly it was mine too, and my first time in a cemetery, I’ll admit.” 
“What, you’re saying to don’t fuck all your girlfriends here?” She teased and he shook his head, rolling it side to side on the ground. A pleasant silence settled between them as they caught their breath. She tried to ignore the fact that she mentioned girlfriends. Neil flopped his head to the side and watched her, her long eyelashes fluttering as she blinked. 
“Is that what you are now?” He asked.
“Am I what?”
“Are you my girlfriend now?” He clarified with a small smirk. 
“Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” She laughed and looked away.
“No…” He rolled on top of her and kissed her all over her face, “this is my way of asking. Will… you… be… my… girlfriend?” He asked between feverish kisses. She giggled and propped herself up on her elbows, kissing him back. He slowed his kisses down and she pulled away with a happy sigh. 
“I guess so.” She said finally and he raised his shoulder to his ears, looking around in childish glee.
“Oh, come on!” She pushed him playfully away and stood. He helped her change back into her clothes and they fixed their clothing. She combed through Neil’s hair with her fingers and nodded her approval. Neil looked down at his watch and nodded. 
“The store opens in exactly seven hours, whatever will we do with our time?” He wrapped his arms around her, clamping her arms against her sides and kissing her neck. 
“I have an idea.” She smiled around his kisses.
“Take me home.” 
“What if you’re a serial killer?” He faked a sense of suspicion. 
“Then I guess we’ll just have to find out.” She teased and kissed him deeply, her index finger pressed against the hollow of his cheek.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Thu, 1 Aug 2024
Also known as Lammas, Lughnasadh is the first of three autumn celebrations in the Wheel of the Year. Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1, which is in the sign of Leo, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo.
2024 Wheel of the Year (Sabbats)
Pagan Wheel
Feb 2 – IMBOLC (also called Candlemas, Imbolg, and Saint Brigid’s Day) It is midway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This sabbat reminds us that the light is growing stronger and that the harshness of winter will start to fade. To celebrate the growing light, many Pagans will light candles on this holiday.
Mar 19 – OSTARA /Spring Equinox: light and darkness are in perfect balance on this day. Moving forward, daylight will continue to grow as we head into Spring. It is a time to celebrate balance and the arrival of Spring. It represents new beginnings and the freshness of a new day. What’s past is in the past and past and it’s time to move forward.
May 1 – BELTANE (also known as May Day) (pronounced BELL-tain) This is an exciting and energetic holiday that celebrates sexuality, fertility, and all of the life that comes with Spring. It is a time of great joy and celebration! Feel the creative energy of the Universe. It is a time of renewal and rebirth … a time to grow as a person and reinvent yourself if you so desire.
June 20 – LITHA / Summer Solstice The Sun is at its maximum strength … it is the longest day of the year. This is a season of growth, fruitfulness, abundance, and strength. It’s a great night to perform spells for money, abundance, and financial security … and the strength to do what you need to do to be successful.
June 23 – Midsummer’s Eve: the night before Mid-Summer (June 24). It is considered a night of potent magick. Many Witches will be performing rituals and casting spells on this night. It is also a night when fairies roam the land. If you work with the fairy realm, this is an important night for you!
Aug 1 – LAMMAS (also known as Lughnassadh) the first harvest festival. It celebrates the first grains harvested for baking bread. Celebrate by baking or buying a loaf of bread and sharing it as a celebration.
Sept 22 – MABON / Fall Equinox: the light and darkness are in balance on this day. But it marks the change from the light half of the year to the dark half of the year. Moving forward the darkness will grow longer and the daylight will grow shorter. It is a celebration of the second harvest festival and is celebrated by feasting and visiting with family and friends.
Oct 31 – SAMHAIN (pronounced SAH-win) (as known as Halloween) This is the Witches’ New Year! The veil between worlds is thinnest and the dead are thought to return and visit. It is a night to communicate with the spirits, spirit guides, and ancestors. It is also a night to work with Tarot cards and Crystal Balls!
Samhain is also a time when we come to terms with death and are openly encouraged to let go of our fears of it. It is a time when we acknowledge the hard moments of life that we usually don’t think or talk about. If there are things we need to let go of, Samhain is a good time to release them!
Dec 21 – YULE / Winter Solstice: The real reason that this time of year was celebrated .. before christianity existed. We are halfway through the dark part of the year. The darkness is at its peak…moving forward the light begins to grow stronger and days become longer. You can see why the newly formed cult of christianity, which is what it was at the time, choose this time of year for the birth of christ…the light grows strong and brighter…the Sun is reborn. Yule traditions include burning a Yule log, kissing under mistletoe, and placing an evergreen tree in your home to represent the sustaining of life during the winter.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
Cale does not know everything
Why did anyone think he did?
[Note: There will be SPOILERS about the first part of TCF so if you haven't finished the first part or you don't want spoilers, I suggest you don't continue. Thanks!]
When I first read the novel, the most common mistake new readers often make was they all thought that Cale is omniscient and because he knows everything, it's inevitable that he'll be OP. "Which is the same boring cliche KR novels and manhwa are nowadays." Yeah, I saw the comments. There were a lot.
I think, once again, it's because of how in most KR novels and manhwa, the main character usually knows the whole story of a novel they read or a game they played before they transmigrate to another world. They don't have all the details but it's more than what Kim Rok Soo knows.
Because that's the thing. The difference is that Kim Rok Soo doesn't know the whole story. In fact, he only read up until five volumes of "The Birth of a Hero" before he transmigrated in another world.
He, like us, doesn't know how the story ends.
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I might be getting repetitive but the reason why I love TCF is because the author, Yoo Ryeo Han, doesn't share everything to us right off the bat.
They never info dump us with the whole story about how OG Cale actually made a deal with the God of Death, about Kim Rok Soo's past as an ability user, about Choi Jung Soo, and about the existence of the White Star. Instead, all these plot points are gradually revealed later in the story.
And I honestly prefer it like this. This way, we can only guess what will happen next. It's not a boring story but a mysterious one because there's something we won't expect.
The story starts with Kim Rok Soo opening his eyes in another world.
We are never completely told what Kim Rok Soo read before he transmigrated. The most he tells us is a summary and a few details here and there at the start of the novel.
We only find out more by experiencing it through Cale's point of view. We read his thoughts about the novel. And we follow him in his journey around the Eastern and Western continents.
But as mentioned at the beginning, he doesn't know how The Birth of a Hero ends. His knowledge stops at the end of volume five. Everything else depends on him.
But even before the war happens, there are already some hints that Cale doesn't actually have all the information he needs. He is not fully equipped with everything about the book. He, like us, is in the dark about certain factors that can affect his goals.
Indestructible Shield
When the shield was first mentioned, Cale questioned why no one took it.
'No wonder nobody ended up taking control of it. But then why would the author mention something that could be useful but was never actually taken by anybody?’
- Chapter 11: Picked It Up
It's odd because it's found in the territory where Choi Han appears in the beginning of the story. Yet from volume one to volume five, not a single soul knew of its existence.
It's the first ancient power he gets because he read the book and he's the only one who knows about it. He doesn't know why it's there, he doesn't know why no one took it, nor does he question it any further. His only goal was to get it.
It's only when the Glutton Priestess tells him about her past that he finally gets the bigger picture.
The fact that this tidbit was shrugged off by Cale, and probably some readers, as something unimportant only to find out later in the story about its huge connection to the original White Star is just insane. And it's the reason why the books he read aren't informative at all. Because why did it leave out this piece of information if they want him to use it to save their world?
He didn't even know a single thing about the current White Star at the start of the story and here is a random ancient power sitting prettily in the Henituse territory that actually has a connection to the same guy Cale Barrow wants to imitate. He was utterly clueless like the rest of us.
I'm not gonna lie, I was shaking my head by how dumbfounded I was when I first read the novel. I was questioning everything I read in the early chapters, thinking if there's something else that I didn't notice (there were a lot actually).
The fact that the author gives us only a little info about the tree where the shield was found and its connection to the other ancient powers only solidified my respect by how good the author is at hiding this plot until the big reveal.
The Wolf Tribe
‘The novel didn’t say which of the divine items they brought.’
If Cale knew what the divine item was, he would be able to get one step closer to the identity of the secret organization. Unfortunately, the novel only described how the Wolf Tribe became weak because of the divine item. He had no way to determine the identity of the secret organization.
- Chapter 32: You
When Cale sends Choi Han to find Rosalyn and Lock, Choi Han returns with Lock who was about to transform into his berserk mode.
Later, Choi Han explains what happened and Cale realizes that a lot of things changed compared to what happened in the book. For one, Lock did not hide and fought back against Arm. Another is instead of assassins, the ones that appeared are official members.
For some, including me, this can be excused because of Cale's actions. He's a new variable to the story and thus, he ends up changing a lot of scenarios that happened in the story.
But, thinking about it, this is the only thing that is completely different from what happened in the books. Everything else is the same aside from when Cale is actively doing something like becoming a guardian to three kids or getting the ancient powers that originally belongs to someone else. Unless Cale acts, nothing actually changes.
There's the bombing at the plaza that also changed but that can still be excused as Cale ruining Arm's movements early on and them revising their plans.
Lock however, is not influenced by Cale. He could've stayed hidden just like in the book but in this case, he didn't. Arm could've sent assassins but they didn't. There is no reason for them to change from assassins to official members. Plus, instead of killing all of them, the wolf children survived.
This is not because of Cale.
So...does that mean that the book he read is not completely reliable?
Pretty much, yeah. Which already answers the question if he knows everything like a cliche main character does. No, he doesn't know everything. And the books he read can be taken as a guidebook but an incomplete one with a few mistakes here and there.
Let me remind you that this happened before the war started and there's already something Cale doesn't know or expect.
[Side note: I only realized this whole bit about the Wolf Tribe while reading a freaking reaction fic. If I had not read that fic, I wouldn't even realize how weird this one is. Am I dumb? Don't answer that.]
White Star
Another reason why Cale is not omniscient even though he looks and acts like it, is because he didn't find out about the White Star until the war against Arm and the Indomitable Alliance.
This man is like a god to his followers and allies and not a single person in Cale's group and even outside of it knows about him. Not even Ron, who has his whole family annihilated and later loses his arm in the process, knows about him.
Again, the five volumes of The Birth of a Hero never mentions this elusive White Star. The only reason he knows about this guy is through interrogation and torture. So when he finally appears in the Mogoru Empire, all Cale felt was anger and fear.
Because this unexpected factor is dangerous.
Cale knows they're completely unprepared to face this new player in the game. Eruhaben, an ancient dragon, was getting his ass kicked by this man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and the dragon even told them to run. What everyone considers a very strong existence in this world is telling them that there's no hope in defeating him.
And the most shocking out of all of this is that Cale never expected how the White Star knows that Cale and Choi Han have their "time warped for them". He knows something about Cale just by looking at him.
So the books by this point are basically useless and he has to rely on himself and others to plan ahead of time. He works extremely hard for it.
He has to dig information using his Record to find out about White Star. He has to talk to the World Tree to get the weapon to use against the White Star. He has to talk to Sheritt to know more about the White Star and his curse. And he has to find out from OG Cale himself on how to finally kill the White Star.
It took the whole book to finally defeat him.
And none of these are mentioned in the books he read.
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So Cale, in conclusion, does not know everything like what some readers once complained about. He has some pieces of the puzzle but it's like if he needs a hundred pieces to complete the puzzle and he only has ten, then he's never gonna complete it.
He knew about the first five volumes and the rest were just him and his allies' hard work. It's pretty much why he's so stressed in the whole book, zooming around the two continents just to look for the White Star's weakness while also juggling different problems like more wars or the God of Despair or finding the earth attribute the White Star needs.
So yeah. Don't judge a book by the first few chapters and expect to know everything.
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end notes:
Alberu better give him his slacker life when this story ends.
Nelan Barrow and the God of Death really made him work for it.
I'm not gonna lie, I want someone (Cale) to kidnap Choi Jung Gun and interrogate him about why the heck he didn't explain the important bits in his "guidebook" and why the whole thing about the wolf tribe became different from what was written. He could've at least mentioned what the secret organization's name is but he left it to Cale instead. It's just the name, CJG. Why are you hiding it? Is Choi Han in the books really that slow or what? If you want someone to save your world, at least send more information like the name of the secret organization. You talked about the Indestructible Shield's location but can't spell Arm? Shame on you, CJG.
If it wasn't KRS that was transmigrated and it's just a random normal person, that person would've died even before meeting the White Star.
Or maybe Nelan Barrow just wants to be an author like Yoo Ryeo Han and be all mysterious about it.
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malachiteclouds · 1 year
Hello my love💗What are your thoughts sun in 8th house? sorry if it bothers, thankyou sm!!! big love to you🥺💞🌷
Awwww big love to you too! It's no bother, sorry to get back to you so late haha. I have this aspect so I feel well equipped to explain it
Sun In 8th House / (can be applied to Sun/Pluto aspects or Sun in Scorpio)
The sun represents our individuality, self expression, ego, and will. It shines a light wherever it is in the birth chart. The house/sign that it's in gets illuminated and put on display for ourselves and others, it shines very brightly and can be tightly wound to the way we express ourselves and/or are perceived by others.
This can be a struggle when in the 8th house because it is where we keep our secrets and want to retain a sense of privacy and secrecy. It's the most vulnerable and intimate parts of us that we prefer to keep to ourselves or people we trust deeply and unconditionally. It's the part of ourselves that undergoes the raw experience of death, transformation, and rebirth. when the sun is here, it acts like a giant, bright, beaming light onto this close and raw part of our chart that many people are able to keep hidden. think of it like a spotlight that gets shown onto the raw parts of you for the entire world to see. These people often have their secrets and private life exposed no matter how they try to avoid it. people seem to feel entitled to always be in their business and give unsolicited advice, judgements, and opinions to them. especially if the native is a woman, a lot of people can have opinions on her sexuality. she can be seen as provocative or at the least just a whole lot of people "know" things about her sex life (a rumor about body count, a bad/good sex story, nudes being leaked [if in pisces or aspected to neptune], sexuality on display in an almost unavoidable way). Some of this judgement can be casted on by her father as the sun is the "father" in astrology.
However, as the light (sun) shines brightly for the world to see, this includes the native as well. people with this placement have a remarkable gift of self transformation and metamorphosis. They are often aware of the deepest and darkest parts of themselves at a degree not many people are and have a great drive and determination to become the most evolved version of themselves constantly. This awareness sometimes comes without choice, and if they try to avoid it or ignore it it can fester into an inflated ego or power issues. this only comes when the native blocks the transformation journey their soul is destined to take. They are destined to be born, die, and then be reborn many many times in this single lifetime. They take their own self discovery very seriously and unraveling the mysteries of the self tend to be their main objective in this lifetime. These people are the kinds of people who you stop talking to then a year later they are a completely different version of themselves. it is almost impossible for these people to remain the same, as their entire will to life is to change!
This self awareness can manifest into a keen awareness of the darkness that exists in others. While most people project onto them or try to weasel their way into this natives business, this projection only aids the native in the ability to read them like a book (once the native learns that the perception people have of others comes from how they see themselves). Once they unlock the ability to detach from other peoples perceptions, they gain the ability to turn the "spotlight" back around and see people clearly. They can see peoples darkest secrets, deep insecurities, projections, and denial through their own lack of introspection. For a lot of people, it can take years to begin detangling the web of the 8th house, but the sun can be a blessing in disguise here as these natives have no other choice but to unravel it all.
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sidthedollface2 · 7 months
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A Crown fit for a God
(Part 2)
(Part 1 here)
Pairing: Azriel x Fem Reader
Summary: An enemy threatens Velaris leaving Azriel to choose between his found family and a long lost friend. Can he juggle the two or will he fall for the enemy?
Ch Summary: After you threaten Velaris with war. Azriel is tasked to find you and bring you to the prison above the mountain. He shadows have other plans when they confront you.
word count: 2.6k
Series warnings: 18+ MDNI, angst, hurt/comfort,light smut, war, including injuries, fighting, sign language, no use of y/n, nicknames, magic, greek mythology, pining, jealousy, azriel with other women (sorry), reader with another man (get it friend ; )
A/n: I hope this Ch sheds a little light as to what reader is and about her powers. I'm a daydreamer not a writer so if you see any mistakes that's how I dreamt it. Lol
In the beginning there was Khaos. The first God in existence to precede creation. Khaos filled the space between, invoking darkness and shadow. Unable to witness her work, her intense desire to see flickered before her. Discovering her own spark, she flew towards it, the force of her wings igniting, leaving a trail of stardust; giving birth to the vast universe. From her own will khaos had created the primordial deities that would reign over the elements of the universe. And thus terra, sky, darkness, light, night and day were created.  
 From the very desires of the first primordial gods, Demi Gods emerged, living among mortals and immortals. Soon enough these half gods no longer wanted the responsibility of mortals. Thanatos and his sisters, the Gods of Death grew tired of being witness to so much violence and bloodshed. Leaving their duties caused a riot. No other God would carry the burden of their responsibilities on top of their own. Those loyal to the Divine fought in the war of Gods, neither side backing down regardless of how much blood had been spilled. Khaos wept as she witnessed her slain children. Fighting against her kin, tears streamed down her face as she slaughtered her very own. Devastated, she fell to her knees in defeat, between her sobs she whispered in the ancient tongue, “I bind myself to the darkness of death, overpowering my light within so long as my spark prevails through the moonless journey.” All fighting ceased as every God witnessed khaos, bringer of life, descend to the lands in the form of a falling star. The fates of two entwined. 
The house of wind was anxious, each door closed with a slam, rattling the photos that hung along the walls. The foundation, made from the mountain rock, shook and with it pieces of rubble and dust would float to the floors. Often the roaring would come back, leaving its inhabitants wide eyed and on edge. 
every member of the inner circle sat in Rhys office. The air thick with tension as Azriel explained his actions, why he blocked Cassian from hurting you, why he needed to be the one to search for you. Many questions left unanswered. How did you find Velaris? And what kind of ancient magic would allow you to pass through his wards so easily?
“Rhys, I know her! We were childhood friends!” Azriel pleads, “let me find her.” 
Elain’s eyes darted to Azriel, questioning his reason for his blatant lies. She knew he saw you once and never again. Yet she remained silent, a question for another day. 
Rhys sighed, leaning back in his chair. All eyes were on him as he stared at the map of Prythian that lay across his desk. He took a sip of his whiskey, considering his next move. One by one he informed them of their duties, sending every member away as soon as they received their mission.
Cassian was sent to Windhaven to ready the warriors and ensure their weapons were up to par for battle. Amren and Nesta were to stay in Velaris to survey and defend the city in case you returned. Mor was to revisit the courts that had scorched farmlands and buildings, to see if there were any more details that they overlooked. Elain wished to stay in Velaris and investigate the reason the house was slowly deteriorating. Rhys agreed. Finally he ordered Feyre to accompany Azriel in his search for you. 
Azriel ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “No Rhys it has to be me alone. You can trust me.”
“After what I saw today, I’m not so sure where your mind is. I trust that you ‘ll do the right thing, but I don't agree with your current judgment so I’m sending Feyre with you.” 
Azriels shoulders slumped as he nodded in defeat. Feyre placed a gentle hand on his back, attempting to soothe his disappointment.
Feyre walked Azriel back to his room but before he entered she grabbed his arm moving him to face her. “ I have a friend I need to visit and he doesn't like when others tag along,” she whispered, hoping no one else would hear her. Azriel narrowed his eyes. “ So I hope you understand that I won't be joining you on your mission,” she winked, releasing her hold on him. Azriel just smirked, mouthing her a ‘thank you.’
Back in his room, Azriel cleared his desk of all the healer books he had meticulously studied.  All these years he’d been searching for a healer when in fact you were a God, at least according to Amren. He spent hours searching Death Gods and tracing back their lineage and none had the powers you possessed, the power in which made him search for you. The power to heal. “You've been at it for hours, come to bed honey,” Elains sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts. “None of this makes sense,” he said mostly to himself as he shook his head, ignoring Elains request.
She stood behind him, gently kneading his tense shoulders with her slim fingers. His back tensed at her touch, purely focused on his work. Determined to get him to bed, Elain rested her chin on his shoulder, angling her head towards his ear as she whispered seductively her desires. His eyes fluttered closed in frustration, as she placed wet kisses to the curve of his neck, humming at the taste of him. “Not tonight.” Coldly he shrugged her off, hating the pain she held in her eyes. Without a word Elain stepped away, leaving Azriel to drown in his work, drown in his thoughts of you. 
“And then I pushed through, you should have seen their faces,” you chuckled, recounting the events from Velaris to your dearest friend.  “No matter the job you always try to make it fun.” He replied, petting the hen that sat in his lap; a gift you had brought him for the delicious tea leaves he had acquired. 
You smile, enjoying his company that you often missed. Out of the corner of your eye, a wisp of shadow scurries into the darkness of the night, earning your full undivided attention. Nothing but silence is heard. “What was that?” you ask, turning back to the Suriel. “An invisible thread that weaves and winds, binding hearts two of a kind.” you gape at him, blinking your eyes rapidly, “I don't even want to know.” A chuckle rattles in his throat, “go before he finds you.” Without another word shimmer and darkness envelope you, winnowing you far from the Night Court.
Azriels shadows darted through the low grounds of the woods, swerving through a dense thicket of birch trees and rock formations, scouring each bush and body of water in search of you. Once they spotted you, they quickly returned to their master, curling around his ear ,whispering ‘Suriel.’  
Just as you winnowed away a blade launched itself toward the Suriel; flying through the air from a shroud of darkness, pinning his cloak to a tree. “Where is she?” he asks, tone impatient and demanding.
“Here, there, everywhere.”
Azriel pinches the space between his brows in annoyance. Shaking his head he asks another question, hoping for a straight answer.
“How do I find her?” 
“Evoke emotions without a single touch, no wings yet able to fly. To catch this God let her hear the cords of the night.” 
“I don’t…..these riddles. I don't understand.” Azriel paced in front of the Suriel, wracking his brain for any clues. 
“The touch of a memory will carry her to you.”
“Stop with the riddles!” Azriel fumed, teeth clenched tight as he stared the Suriel down. 
“Are you not a shadowsinger?” he replied, pulling out the blade that held his cloak to the tree. “I've answered your questions, whether you can decipher the meaning is no business of mine.” Finished with Azriels questioning, the Suriel made his way through the woods, hen in hand for a fresh slaughter. 
It had taken Azriel a few days to figure out the riddle. Repeating the words over and over, analyzing each term and its meaning. The line ‘hear the cords of the night’ was what led him to realize it was a song, but what song was what stumped him. He felt like a fool singing his favorite songs in the middle of the forest, belting it out with his whole chest.
He sang songs that made him teary eyed and even sang songs in the ancient tongue, but none of those had lured you to him. The Suriel mentioned ‘the touch of a memory,’  “oh Gods, I’m an idiot,” he said to himself. He only had one encounter with you, so it was easy to remember the events of that night, all these years he could never forget. He would never forget the song, the song he thinks is about you. His mother sang this song to him as a child and he wonders if she knew the dark power you possessed, was she singing to a God in hopes to answer her prayers, to lift her from the chains that held her down. 
The house of wind kindly provided warm tea and honey. It's eagerness to assist him piqued his curiosity. He would ask Elain about her findings another day. Soothing his vocal cords, a plan was formed to capture you and send you to the prison on top of the mountain.
You're the chaos of the night, 
A little girl lost in the woods
You're a folktale, the unexplainable
You're a bedtime story
The one that keeps the curtains closed
And I hope you're waiting for me
'Cause I can't make it on my own
I can't make it on my own. 
Azriel sang the words from his childhood, voice harmonious with a smooth baritone that held the memories from the past. He sang from the depths of his heart in hopes that the meaning behind his words would grace your ears and become a light in the dark. Guiding you towards his waiting arms.
Weathered leaves crunch under the weight of your relaxed body, grass floor cold and damp from the night. But the view of the stars in the Night Court were your favorite, they called to you as if saying 'stay.' Stars glitter like rare diamonds, and the crescent moon smiled brighter than the sun. The evening scent of mist and night felt familiar in the way that reminded you of home. It had been so long since you’ve been home, the thought of never returning grew closer and closer.
The midnight breeze caresses your skin, its gentle touch has your eyes closing, focusing on  the chirping of crickets and running water. A mellow voice sings the harmonious music of the night, its soft whisper tickles your ear like a past lover, luring you to follow the rich sound.
I hope you're waiting for me
Across your carpet of stars
You're the chaos of the night,
You're everything that we can't see
Chaos, you're the possibility.
Azriel ceases to sing once he spots you round a thick tree, his shadows excitedly rush towards you and Azriel curses under his breath at their eagerness. He observes as they affectionately coil around your neck, fluffing about in your hair before they trail down your arms. You giggle at their curiosity as they loop around your fingers, “you wanna play?” you ask, as you slowly move your fingers in awe at their closeness. They playfully bounce from one hand to the other, and you take that as a yes. Azriel is dumbfounded as he admires his shadows from afar. He has his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against a tree, his gaze slowly trails up the delicious curves of your body and he imagines what it would be like to lay with a God. He sees you smile and nod at whatever they’ve whispered in your ear and he fears you both are up to no good. As the shadows dance in a circle just a few feet in front of you, they rapidly circle around and around creating a whirlwind of darkness. Cautiously you near the edge of their tornado and zap one of the shadows, creating an orb of light within the vortex. You're mesmerized by the display in front of you. Your power bounces off the shadowed wisps like an elegant dance, the wisps gently stroke the flame of your power, careful to not get scorched.
With the blink of your eye the orb bursts, spraying the ground and trees with thousands of specs of glittering starlight. Azriel feels a jolt of electricity zip up his body, shaking him so hard he loses balance off the tree, quickly righting himself before you notice. His effort is too late, you've already spotted him.
“You're not a stalker are you?” you ask, voice playful and curious as you near him.
If you only knew, Azriel thinks with a smirk.
“No, but I can be. Nice party trick by the way.” Azriel pushes off the tree to meet you. The first thing you notice is his eyes, hazel and dreamy framed by long thick lashes. His nose is straight and a little too perfect for a warrior, you wonder if he’s ever been punched in the face before, or maybe he's just that good at fighting. His high cheekbones and strong jaw remind you of the many demi gods that have been sculpted throughout the years. You eye him up and down, taking in his stature and broad shoulders. He’s a little too handsome and in your experience these types of males are conceited snobs who only enjoy their own reflection and company. Meanwhile Azriel does the same, completely entranced by the sway of your hips and how your hair flows over the swell of your breasts. 
“They seemed friendly.” you respond, tipping your head to the shadows that have swirled around the both of you, appearing to close the distance between you.
Azriel shakes his head, “I meant in Velaris. You threaten my home, my friends and my High Lord and expect to get away with it? How did you get past the wards? And how did you find Velaris?” 
Before you could respond the ground shakes as a blast erupts creating a cloud of dust and forest debris. Instinctually Azriel pulls your body flush to his, shielding you from injury. Dark membranous wings curl around your body, cocooning you safely in his arms. Your hands find the planes of his toned chest as you peer up at him through your full lashes. You know what the blast was but the feeling of his body pressed against yours had your knees weak, and you couldn't break away. 
Azriels heart is ramming against his chest at the proximity, his gaze is locked on your brilliant eyes as he dares to cup the side of your cheek. Angling your face to meet his, your exposed collarbone catches his attention when a bargain tattoo vanishes before his eyes; breaking the trance you had him in.
“What did you bargain?” he urges, hands now tightly gripping your upper arms.
“Your worst nightmare.”
Azriel staggered back, paling in horror as he registered your words.
Only one creature carried that name.
Part 3
Taglist: @blackgirlmagicforever @going-through-shit
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honeykaes · 1 year
—𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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✦ pairing: scaramouche x reader x dottore
✦ w/c: 2.2k
✦ warning: dark content, yandere content, 18+ content, minors do not interact
✦ disclaimer: gender-neutral!reader, yandere content, god/goddesses au, based on hades and persephone myth, all characters in genshin are gods, dottore claimed reader since birth, implied stalking, character death, isolation, gaslighting, unedited, scara is referred to as wanderer and scaramouche.
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Death always loomed over you in your life when you came to the nation of knowledge. After arriving in Sumeru, your parents came down with an illness killing them in a week leaving you to fend for yourself. As a child, you were passed household to household, each dying for some odd reasons until you were pushed onto the Eremites—the people in the rainforest claiming I was the Eremites’ problem now. People in the desert village claimed you were cursed, opting not to help or support you growing up. Even in the small orphanage you were in, there was no solace, you just patiently waited for the day you could leave.
You were grown now though, you couldn’t let yourself be downed by your past. The small joys in your life came from your gardening utilizing what little seeds you could get from traders and creating your own small box of herbs and vegetables shielded by the sun’s ruthless rays. Although not everyone in the village would eat your crops claiming they were a bad omen, some lonely orphans would come enjoying the sweet produce you had to offer. You were grateful for Nahida, the Goddess of Academics, Harvest, and Forests for blessing you. After all, things in your life were beginning to calm down, thankfully.
Until he came
Through time, the small village began to branch out into the surrounding desert in hopes to start building larger homes and places to try to help the increasing population. The civilization began to creep into the rainforest, as the villagers cut down tree after tree. No one expected this simple action would anger the Gods.
You were in the market one day, trying to get new supplies when the winds picked up quickly. The large gusts of wind made you drop everything in your large to try and cover your face, it’s cool air nipping your skin. The sky became dark and cloudy, large booms emitting from them. 
Soon enough, a figure descended from the sky. In the middle of the village, people were in awe looking at the descended God. He had short hair, reminiscent of navy along with his eyes glowering below at the crowd. His eyebrows were furrowed, glaring at the mortals of this village, arms crossed in the process.
“I always told my naive friend that humans were lowly, greedy people. To think you proved my point exactly right as you destroyed his blessed realm,” he seethed, voice booming. An older man ran up to him before bowing. He was clearly shaking.
“Oh Wanderer, God of Hurricanes and Storms, son of Ei, Goddess of Time and Lighting, please forgive us. We were ignorant to think our thoughts of expansion would hurt the merciful Nahida,” he cried out. Wanderer rolled his eyes, kicking the old man. His body landed on one of the wooden houses, making a dent. He wasn’t moving, eyes still agape…
“Nahida had blessed this village before and this is how you repay her?! You, mortals, have not experienced a true storm before, and I shall take such salvation in blowing this pitiful town to shreds for hurting my dearest friend. Because I know she is a kind and self-sacrificing person, you will have a month to get your lives in order before they are claimed by the underworld” he announced. Villagers began to cry and scream. You resisted the urge to cry. Although you had little money, you could afford to travel to another village deeper within the desert before the month ended that was blessed by the Goddess of Protection, Dehya. 
“Please Wanderer! Mercy! There are children in this village who haven’t experienced their full life,” another begged. Wanderer clicked his tongue, not glaring. It seemed like he was enjoying the terrified cries of this village. The man speaking looked over at you before sneering. His boney hands clenched your wrist tightly before dragging you towards the god. You cursed under your breath, trying to get free from his grasp but it wasn’t successful. The man threw you onto the hard ground, right in front of the Wanderer.
“Would you prefer a sacrifice instead?! This person is a cursed creature. Everyone around them dies. By killing them, our sins in this village can be cleansed, right?” the man babbled, fear and insanity dripping in every world. 
You shifted your head, glaring at the crazy man. He didn’t make sense. He just wanted to use you as a scapegoat. Wanderer looked down at you, a shadow covering his eyes. His hand reached out towards your cheek but didn’t make content, opting to loom near it. Your body quivered in fear, adrenaline pumped through your system. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes. 
 Was this your end? Would this wrathful God kill you right here and now?
He pulled his arm back, covering it in his kimono’s robe once more. He looked up at the old man. Wanderer’s face ceased to that of anger, opting for a more calm demeanor instead. 
“...I accept, but they will not be my sacrifice. You are lucky they remain in this village and didn’t leave from the ostracization you all have done. I expect you all to show them the utmost kindness before I collect them,” he stated. The Wanderer caught your eyes one more time, an unreadable expression on his face as he helped your shocked form back onto your feet.
“When the tempest begins, I shall collect you to the heavens,” Wanderer murmured. With one last sinister glare to the people, Wanderer’s body vanished into the winds, the gust hitting everyone around the square.
You didn’t say a word, looking at where the god was once. Your body couldn’t stop shaking. You looked down towards your hands, before hugging yourself. What did this god even want with you in the first place? You couldn’t exactly escape now. 
The villagers just stood there in shock, looking at you, the person they cursed so much.
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Three weeks went by quickly, as the villagers tried to adjust to the second chance the God of Hurricanes and Storms gave them. You tried
Within the three weeks that had passed, the village shifted its perspective on you, you felt suffocated. They claimed you were blessed, opting to always buy your produce. The garden you loved was desolate from demand. The villagers were beginning to suffocate you with their false kindness, gifts, and more.
You could only find some sort of peace in the deforested area, now dictated cursed land. Your eyes wandered to the amounts of large tree stumps around you, cracked and grim. The once rich dark soil was dried. You’d never have guessed the forest became a graveyard. 
“Will I die…” you muttered to yourself, kicking the rocks in front of you. Wanderer claimed he would bring you into the heavens. You couldn’t imagine another way he would do this. Others claimed you may be turned into a deity, or a nymph, your power to his choosing. Regardless of the positives, you didn’t want to go through with this though. Seeing Wanderer’s bloodthirst was enough to see he wasn’t someone to be messed with, and you didn’t want to have another interaction from that.  
“Do you want to die?” a voice whispered into your ear. You shivered, snapping your head into the direction of the deep voice, but there was nobody there. You started to back up before you ran into someone’s chest. Your eyes widened, close to those of saucers, before you looked up to see the figure.
Scars littered his pale skin. His long, cyan hair shifted as he tilted his head as intense glowing red eyes focused on you. As a mischievous smirk crept onto his face, you notice how sharp all his teeth were.
“Did I scare you, darling?” he teased. You pushed your back away from him, turning your body to properly face him. You’d heard the rumors before.
The God of Death had eyes that would shake whomever he gazed at. It seemed that rumor was true, you were trembling
You clenched your jaw tightly watching the god’s gaze on you. He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes at your hostility. 
“You humans always act the same when you see me. Whenever you mention death, you have a chance of summoning me,” he chuckled. You forced yourself to swallow to lubricate your throat before letting out a heavy sigh.
“...I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude to the God of Death,” you stammered. Dottore chuckled, putting his hand to his mouth, eyes narrowing at you.
“Although I appreciate you know your place, relax. No need to be so formal, at least not right now,” he stated. You looked down, worry swimming in your eyes as thoughts rapidly passed through you. Dottore noticed your fearful behavior, but it didn’t stop him from getting closer. 
“...I’m not here to collect your soul if that’s what you’re worried about—at least yet,” he revealed. Some relaxation returned to your body, but you still remained on edge. The last time you met a God, things didn’t work out for you. 
“You know your pretty popular talk right now with the Gods. To think Scaramouche would take interest in a human? It’s unheard of,” he chuckled. You didn’t want to think about the Wanderer right now. Your freedom would be taken away any day now.
“Gee...I’m so grateful,” you muttered. Dottore quirked an eyebrow out, his toothy cheshire grin returning as he leaned into you. He smelt of ash and...something sweet?
“Although I’m not to collect your soul today, tomorrow is another story. You know, you’re going to perish tomorrow,” he confessed. You clasped your hands tightly around each other, a fake smile creeping onto your lips.
“...I figured as much. I think I’ve come to terms with it. Life for me wasn’t that great anyway,” you muttered. Dottore’s grinning faltered, looking away from you and towards the barren forest. His eyes glared at the stumps, almost in jealousy. 
“Why’s that?” he asked. You rubbed your shoulders to try and ease your compiling fear. 
“Everyone I’m around seems to die. My parents, my guardians...everyone. I grew up for the most part alone, no one in the village…even people in the rainforest, wanted to associate with me,” you confessed. Dottore hummed, looking back at you.
“...You could always change your fate,” Dottore suggested. Your eyebrows furrowed, confused about what he was insinuating. Amused once more by your reaction, he chuckled.
“Changing something like that will cost something, right? Nothing like that comes free,” you exclaimed. Dottore shrugged his shoulders, lifting his palm out. An azure fire produced in his palm, before it ceased revealing a pomegranate. 
“By eating death’s fruit, you can avoid your fate. Doesn’t that sound good,” he revealed. You gazed at the maroon fruit in his hand before looking back at his fiery orbs. 
“...You still haven’t answered my question,” you stated. Dottore scoffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance. 
“Does it truly matter? By all means, if you want to be taken away by that defective God, fine. Expect your death to be painful before he drags your soul up towards the heavens where you’ll serve him for eternity. I thought you witnessed his temperament before, but if you think you can deal with it, I’ll just take my business elsewhere,” he hummed, turning his back to you. 
He started to walk off. Your heart loudly thumped in your chest. Your one chance of freedom was walking away. Your body shook in frustration before you ran up and caught the god’s wrist. Unamused eyes gazed down at you.
“...Please help me,” you begged, avoiding his piercing gaze. His hand dragged down towards your eyes revealing the pomegranate.
“Then eat, mortal,” he muttered. You grasped the fruit hesitantly, placing it on your lips. No smell was coming from it. Your eyes wandered up towards Dottore, who had a small smile on his face. 
What choice did you truly have?
Biting down onto the fruit, its sweet justice spewed in your mouth staining your teeth a red hue. You looked down towards the bitten fruit, head feeling light as if you were drunk. You placed a hand on your forehead, dropping the pomegranate onto the forest floor. Dottore began to laugh in his low deep voice. He sauntered over, lifting up your chin higher towards him. You looked back dazed and confused—vision beginning to haze. He leaned down, placing his leathery lips onto yours. 
“After all these years, you’re finally mine (Y/n)...”
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Fluttering your eyes open, you noticed you were in a bedroom. Your head pounded as your body felt weak. In squinted eyes, you tried to soak up where you were. You’d never seen a bedroom like this before. You moved your body up, towards the door hearing two loud voices yelling at one another.
“Dammit Dottore! How dare you take my betrothal away! They were a kind, pure soul. Your stupidity has left a whole village dead,” a familiar voice yelled out. Your body, covered in a black robe, you shivered as the room temperature dropped. The other man laughed, unfazed by the other’s outburst. 
“How dare you attempt to steal my infatuation. I wasn’t just going to let you take away the person I’ve claimed for so long—” You walked back towards the bed, confused and scared. 
How could you forget?
Death always was in your life. It took away you parents, and people in your life over and over again until it was just you remaining.
...It must’ve been Dottore all this time. 
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