#we are literally librarians
dcrinitiative · 2 years
Hello people. All none of those who even see this account. I can't remember the last time I used Tumblr. I probably have an old account floating around somewhere.
This is going to be the "official" blog for the Daniel County Research Initiative (I know, we were like 12). We're a non-profit sort of archival group dedicated to preserving happenings in Daniel County (hence the fancy name). We're mainly dedicated to the conversion of old tapes and Web 1.0 stuff, but since late 2019, we've also dabbled in the occasional investigation of like just wacky stuff in the whole upper Midwest. Usually weird local access stuff you can find most anywhere in North America, or like the occasional CSPAN recording from some dude's Wisconsin shack in like 1998 that was recorded partway over by a football game and then donated (somehow) to a Minnesota library. (The more you search for weird shit, the more you find weird shit.)
Something something our mission statement when we formed our group in April 2014 was to preserve the history of our home towns in and around western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota. Since then, our reach has also expanded to encompass almost the entire Midwest, and even the southernmost parts of Manitoba and Ontario, Canada. We focus on converting VHS and DVD media into digital formats to forever preserve their contents on the internet.
This blog will serve as a sort of side piece to our main channel on YouTube (you can go check it out once we actually upload anything public). Everything's unlisted right now but honestly it's all pretty boring, just like city council meetings and stuff like that. Unless people like that then feel free to contact us and we will gladly share links (you'd be getting far more use out of them than we EVER will).
In case anyone wants a name and to say hello, I am Bea, I'm kind of in charge of the thing? I was one of the original group, I guess lol. I mainly deal with the social media stuff now and managing the channel more than actually media conservation, although I still dabble 😎😎
I will have my friends introduce themselves eventually. Just wanted to put an alias out there instead of just like "dcrinitiative". Boring ahh name LMAO.
Bea out.
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zilmart · 2 years
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"My Lord, you are coming back, aren't you?"
Insta | Twitter
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tiffanyachings · 7 months
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“Fiat lux! If you want to talk improbable, let’s talk about this”—a scrape of stone on stone—“being three thousand and some years older than this.” A heavy clunk.
“Inexplicable, Warden.”
“Certainly not. Like everything else in this ridiculous conglomeration of cooling gas, it’s perfectly explicable, I just need to explic-it.”
“Indubitable, Warden.”
“Stop that. I need you listening, not racking your brain for rare negatives. Either this entire building was scavenged from a garbage hopper, or I am being systematically lied to on a molecular level.”
“Maybe the building’s shy.”
“That is just tough shit for the building.”
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starryemeralds · 25 days
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Bonus Comic Below
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swaglet · 2 months
considering the state of US education in recent years, and the fact that a considerable amount of this site's userbase is like 20 or younger fresh oit of the system, it's completely understandable that almost everyone on here is a fucking moron who has developed no critical thinking skills whatsoever & probably doesn't even know how to use context clues. bomb the country NOW what are they doing to our youth
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Gosh I hope Frida's new design means we'll get to see her having a Kaisa parallel arc. I hope we see her building her magic and her confidence like they're one and the same. I hope whatever happened to Kaisa to make her so repressed and insecure, happens to Frida so she gets to take the exact opposite path. Now that she saw what happens when you grow up worried about disappointing the person who raised you and not living up to the expectations of those around you, I hope we see her letting it all go and choosing herself. God, I hope she takes Kaisa's "I'm not the witch you taught me to be" and bends it into "I'm the person I want to be" with her own bare hands. I hope for it so hard.
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girl-drink-drunk · 7 months
sometimes canon doesn't mean professing love out loud. sometimes it's saying you don't want to live in a world without the other person and hating the thing that took them away. sometimes it's holding the other person's hand as you die, saying her name and saying she was worth dying for
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maybeamiles · 1 month
Thought to myself "hey let's do some academic research online surely it can't be that bad" and then immediately remembered why I hate doing academic research online.
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ratgingi · 1 year
you guys would love my lob corp team if i ever actually talked about them
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semiotomatics · 1 year
okay on one hand LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO but on the other hand im not strong enough to be psychologically tortured by the cw again i cant do it i cant
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bengaligirl · 4 months
had the NICEST day at work today
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ladyinshiningarmor · 8 months
on this blog we stan our local library
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
Place a big stack of books to mend in front of me and I will be content for Hours…
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so one of the girls I met through theatre is this super chill and laid-back punk art major who let her hair grow out and kept it natural through the entire play and then the day after our closing show chopped it into a pixie cut and dyed it bright pink and she's the same age as me and incidentally one of the first people I "met"/became acquainted with when I moved here only we didn't ever actually talk until we were working on the play and honestly I think there's something funny and quite a bit meant to be about that
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sunbedo · 1 year
Some of my favorite band kid antics from this past year cause im feeling nostalgic
One of my fellow trumpets in jazz band, a freshman, wrote some really dumb (affectionate) lyrics to one of our jazz pieces that didnt have any. It was basically just the title of the song repeated a few times with some related lyrics, to the tune of the trumpet part. He emailed it to the creator of the song for shits and grins, but the creator said he liked it and approved!
Some of our designated funnymen hid Kung Fu Panda mcdonalds toys around our band director's office
One of said designated funnymen, a Junior tuba, got obsessed, along with his friends (well, friends is kind of an understatement, they were more like a group of the trope of 'its not gay if i kiss the homies goodnight', aka just gay tender enough to make you wonder. but it was still pretty funny), with playing chess, both online and irl, for the last few months of school. He proceeded to sit our band director down after school before our Prism concert and beat him atleast five times
The first day of the Prism concert, after school while we were waiting till it started at six, one of our mellows (the freshman who made the jazz lyrics btw) and one of our senior euphoniums (the senior class had already had their last day by this point) had what they called an "alfredo off". Each of them brought in alfredo pasta they had made and had our band director judge which one was best. The senior had made like, two pounds of it that she brought in big aluminum tins so everyone had some. she put like a pound of cheese in it and it was so buttery and good.....
Unfortunately the mellow jazz lyric freshman was disqualified, as his mom's recipe included jar alfredo mix which was apparently not counted as homemade 😞
I lost my voice a good few times from shouting chants very loudly at football games and pep rallies
The second day of waiting after school for the Prism concert saw one of our trombones (I say, as if there was more than one trombone during marching season this year (our band was very small) lmao) in my year bringing in a gallon of milk to mix with nesquik syrup, because apparently our band director had never had chocolate milk before. Apparently one of the trombone guy's friends had won a nesquik-themed gift basket in a raffle of some kind, but the friend didnt want it and gave it to him. It had like little metal spoons with the rabbit on them and everything. And, yes, they drank it while also playing chess
One of the skits for Prism was a 'Viking trio' where two of our horn freshman (including the jazz lyrics alfredo one, yes) did a duel complete with plastic swords and viking helmets and fake beards, using their french horns as shields, while our band captain/horn and high brass section leader sang some sort of opera (her voice is absolutely beautiful btw).
During one of the many rehearsals done the evenings before the actual concert, they were doing the viking skit but the two dueling weren't really paying attention to where they were on stage, and jazz lyric alfredo guy ended up backing up very quickly.... into one of the walls at the side of the stage. It was all good, the back of his head just hurt for a little bit, but we had alot of fun joking around about it and whenever he messed up on stage/behind the wings he would be like "its not my fault dude, ive got brain damage!"
Speaking of that, the Viking trio... trio got a large amount of the band speaking in southern accents around the end of the year. All of our french horns, including them, in concert band played trumpet in jazz band.... meaning i had to stand next to them. They had been joking around and getting on eachother jokingly the whole year (to the point that our band director had to tell them to pay attention several times.... sigh), and at this point the two freshman (including lyric alfredo guy) had a bit where they were a couple and spoke in southern accents (one of those kinda 'bromance'.... things.... at the band awards night at the end of the year they won "most dynamic duo" and stared lovingly into each other's' eyes while the picture was taken), mostly calling eachother "sweetpea" and "honeybun"
So eventually, the southern accent thing rubbed off on our band captain the one who sung opera in the viking trio. It's important to note that our jazz band setup had the trumpets in back against the wall behind the trombones, and at the other side of the line of us (we had six trumpets including me, i was at the other side of the line near the corner of the wall with the other person from the horn section, as we both played the 4th part and would often share a stand) was the drum set. One day, the band captain/horn/jazz trumpet/jazz vocalist grabbed one of the spare drum sticks that had fallen on the ground... and started calling it a 'bone'. This lead to several times where when the other two of the trio wouldn't shut up in jazz band she would threaten to... bone them. and then they would start referring to her as. (sigh) the boner... as she would. bone them. i wish i was making this up.
This very funny feuding bit (i will admit that i cracked up laughing on several occasions) lasted for a while. and eventually it just started rubbing off on quite a few people, including me (bringing me back to my southern roots, as i claimed.... keep in mind we live in florida). I look back on it fondly, even though it was hard to listen/focus on what our band director was saying from the very back of the setup while they were also laughing and talking for most of the time.... 🙃. But like I said, it was all in good fun
In addition the funnyman junior tuba who got his group of 'sweetpeas'... by which i mean friends... into chess, also fell victim to the southern accents and feuded several times with the other horn freshman from the viking trio over the jazz lyric alfredo freshman.... it was like the world weirdest non-romantic polycule
In jazz band the tuba guy played trombone.... by which i mean he had only recently started playing it in order to be in jazz band. There were several times over the course of the year where he would flat out refuse to play a certain part in some of the songs because they were out of his range... our band director didn't get too mad because that was just how the guy is... like, "oh, classic [tuba guy's name]!" Our band director still made him play the parts he could (and some of the parts he couldn't yet, with some pushing).
He campaigned several times for an opportunity to play 'jazz tuba', to the point where he specifically remembered, from like the very beginning of the year, that one of the times he asked for it our director offhandedly said something "I'll let you do for one song this year but that's it". He reminded our director of this before our big end-of-the-year jazz festival performance, and though he was very sceptical and didn't remember saying it at all (several of us remembered and backed up the tuba guy's claim, even though it was definitely something that was said just to make him shut up about it), our director did let him play tuba in one of our pieces during the festival and prism.
That being said, he sat right in front of me in jazz band, and during class he would turn around and push my stand down. I cannot describe the amount of rage he inspires in me, and I threatened him several times over the course of the year (all in good fun, but it was. super. annoying.). Unfortunately nothing fazes him ever, but he did eventually stop later in the year (once our band captain noticed when she wasn't threatening to 'bone' other members of her section)
One of my absolute favorite moments: during jazz band, I had asked our band director which version of Pokemon Scarlet/Violet he was getting (since he already talked about preordering it), and he was talking about the version specific pokemon, yadda yadda yadda, and then I yelled out that I would get scarlet cause the professor lady is hot, and everyone burst out laughing
One of the trumpet freshman in concert band started slipping pencils into our director's pocket. and then saying "check your pockets" to him during class. Though he only did it a handful of times, it was enough to make our director paranoid when he randomly said it during class
Not necessarily band related, but another one of our trumpet freshman showed me that, somehow, around the very strict district website blocking, that he and his friends had pirated 6 of the main series fnaf games. Apparently they used the big bulkier computers in the game and sim room and just emailed it to their school laptops. Just sharing bc i am very impressed and proud
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arlathen · 2 years
i love watching u library post ive learned so much about them through u
i love YOU!!!!!!!!
did you know that libraries used to have honest to god reference desks staffed by reference librarians whose job it was to find information really quickly? before you could look everything up on google of course! people would visit or call the library with questions -- how many tablespoons in a cup? how do you spell foreign? what time is the game on? -- and the reference librarians would go look it up for them.
most people have really forgotten that libraries ever did something like that, especially in an age when all the world's knowledge is at your fingertips! we have a few old timers that call my branch and ask reference questions, though you really don't need to trained to answer them anymore :^)
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