#we are going on dramatic storylines no one is stopping us
stuckinapril · 2 months
romance may be dead but I am not . I will continue to be hopelessly in love with everyone and everything
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
Hi. Could you please write some Gambit fluff headcannons? The Gambit Nation is struggling right now and we could all really use some fluffiness from the man himself.
Btw I'm absolutely OBSESSED with your writing. Like, seriously amazing.
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I Know you sent this in forever ago after that one godforsaken episode of 97' and I'm so sorry I'm just now getting to it!!! It's been sitting in my drafts for forever and I've just been struggling to come up with fluff hcs! TBH, It started as general fluff and not a whole ass storyline and eventually i just got too far deep to stop! This isn't even as fluffy as I was quite expecting, but once i started writing it just came out and atp I couldn't stop. It's been a rough night, but this really just turned Into being Remy's comfort person HCs.
TWs: rocky family life mentioned. Sneaking out, underage drinking, so on. Smooth timeskip to adulthood. very much fluffy with a lil bit of somber tones. Not enough to be angst tho.
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Think about being Teens with Remy Lebeau. The late nights, sneaking out, ranting to each other in the streets and alleyways of New Orleans.
Getting into fights with your parents/guardians or siblings and wanting nothing more than to just shrivel up and disappear. Curling up underneath your blankets with a pillow wrapped around your ears trying to just block out all of the bad thoughts when you keep hearing a persistent Tap, Tap, Tap. And then a much more obvious pop! Against your window.
You know who it is before you even unwrap yourself from the comfort of your bed, opening your window with a lot less energy than you usually have. You're tired and sad, but the face of that Cajun boy your parents don't like always makes you smile.
The red-eyed teen's smirk falls when he sees the rough state you're in, right before ducking back behind the trashcan when a light turns on in your parent's bedroom. Eventually, it turns back off again, and by the time he's back on the sidewalk you're ready to go. He helps you out of the window much more gentlemanly than a thief and a scoundrel probably should, but he's nothing if not a sweetheart. (And a loverboy, but you wouldn't realise it then.)
"Ah, hell wit' them. S'not like they worth your time anyway." Remy's got an arm wrapped around your shoulders, a beer in hand as the two of you lean against the wall of a particular mausoleum. -Course, you had offered whatever ghosts has resided there the first sip as a courtesy, so you're definitely not cursed, right? Not that Remy was even worried about that, but he puts up with your superstitions to comfort you.
"Don't say that, please." You whisper, rubbing your tired eyes. He frowns, knowing that he wouldn't know the first ting about how "normal" families work, but he doesn't quite get why you worry about what they think so much.
"I don't get why you stay, Cher. Not when they treat you like this." You can feel the rumble of Remy's voice through his chest, and find yourself tucking yourself closer into his side. He sets his head on top of yours when you do so.
"What other choice do I have? They're my parents." You whisper, fidgeting with some strings at the hem of your sweatshirt. In hindsight, maybe wearing pajamas to a graveyard wasn't the best choice. You hear Remy chuckle after a moment as a thought crosses his mind, and he swirls the bottle slowly, a few times, before he hands it to you.
"Well..." He starts, giving the words a moment to rest. "There is one option..." You take the bottle from him, cocking a eye as you sit up a little bit to look at him.
"And what's that?"
"Run away wit' me."
He's smirking when he suggests it, a playfulness in his eyes. If only you knew just how serious he was.
"Remy LeBeau!" You scold, unable to fight back your smile as he chuckles at you.
"What? S'not a bad idea, no? No thieves guild, no drama, Jus' you an me." He laughs when you give him an incredulous look and take a dramatic sip from the beer, only to make a face at the taste directly afterwards. Damn, was it rancid.
"Don't get me dreaming, Remy." You mumble. There's only a little bit left it the bottle, and you decide it's better suited for the graveyard. Remy complains about it, trying to fight you for the rest of the beer. The two of you are a couple of idiots to be laughing this loud in a place like this, and even bigger ones to start play-fighting, but neither of you really mind.
You were each other's safe space. The one person the other could run to as the world falls apart around them. Life as a teen was never easy, especially not when you're mutants- but at least you had each other. But as his life was being consumed with the thieves guild, and the prophesy that came with it, you saw less and less of Remy as the years went by.
When you did meet again, it was under the roof of one Professor Xavier. The others were nervous and distrustful about this ex-con entering the team, but you never doubted him for a second. Your person was finally right where you needed him once again. Your Remy. And as smooth as he is around the team, you knew it was a wall, almost an act. Something to befriend the others- but you knew Remy, and you were grateful that after all the years that had passed, he still came to you when he needed you the most.
"Long day?" You ask. Remy hums in response, plopping down onto the bed next to you. You set your book to the side when he rests his head in your lap, soothingly running your hands through his hair as he sighs in content.
"You know it, ma chérie." Remy says in your lap. You can't help but blush at the name still, despite how many years he's spent calling you by the words. Remy's eyes are closed beneath you, giving you the freedom to fully take in the features of his handsome face whilst keeping him unawares. His stubble is growing in, and he's got a few new freckles and scars from your years seperated, but he's still the same wild, reckless kid you fell in love with as a teen. He hums as you brush your thumbs across his cheekbones, catching your hand and pressing it to his lips, leaving a kiss there. He then kisses your inner wrist before holding your hand to his face.
You still don't really know what to say when he does things like that.
"Can I ask you something?" You ask after a moment.
" 'Course, Cher."
"Would you still wanna run away with me?" When the last words leave your mouth, you can feel Remy frown. His eyes open about halfway, your hand still in his hold as he presses it to his face.
"What brought this on?" He asks, and you only shrug, looking away from him as your thumb idly strokes his face.
"I dunno. I was just thinking about it." His skin on your own is starting to feel too warm, your nerves becoming unignorable. Remy cocks an eyebrow at you, before he smiles. Not a smirk, a real, genuine, smile. He takes your chin in his hand, and moves your head so that you're looking at him again.
"If you needed me to run away with you, Belle, I'd do so without looking back." His words make you smile brightly, holding onto the wrist of the hand that holds your chin. You lean forward to press a kiss to his forehead, but Remy moves. He sits up just slightly, and before you know it, Remy Lebeau's lips are pressed against yours in a sweet kiss.
Remy chuckles at the surprised face you're making when he pulls back, sitting up a little further so that he can press his forehead to your own, leaning into your space.
"You' always known me to be an opportunist, Cher. Can't help but steal a kiss here an there." Remy says, and your laugh is partly from disbelief, surprise, and outright giddy joy.
"Please tell me you haven't been waiting to say that since we were kids." You ask. Remy smiles brightly in return.
"My poker face 'not good enough for you, huh, ma chérie?."
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ickie · 2 months
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pairing ... lando norris x leclerc!reader summary ... summer of '22 and it seems that you & lando get along a little ... too well. warnings ... alcohol consumption, maybe slight allusions to cheating ... i do think that's it friends :) notes ... so sorry for the delay ! just because of that, next chapter is going to be posted on sunday & it'll continue with this summer '22 storyline so we get a little more background and your relationship with lando... feedback is always appreciated & fill out this form to be added to my taglist ! much love <3 ... masterlist ... last chapter ... next chapter ...
your head knocked against the car window, the bumps on the road making any hope of a nap impossible before the car finally stopped at the dock. as you muttered a few curse words under your breath, your attention was drawn to elliotte, one of your childhood friends, who was in a heated conversation in french with another member of your group.
"is everything okay?" you asked, raising an eyebrow as the conversation abruptly ceased.
"yes! i was just trying to explain the importance of sunscreen, but apparently, i know nothing, so everyone ignore me!" elliotte declared dramatically, prompting a quiet giggle from you.
"you're probably the smartest one here, so please, continue…" you encouraged her with a smile.
soon enough, your small group arrived at the dock, everyone unloading their bags as the spanish sun began making sweat bead along your hairline. with your tote bag slung over your shoulder, elliotte stopped you before you could move any further.
"we’re going to have a few more people on the yacht with us," she said. "you remember luisa? well, she's bringing her boyfriend, who i think you know—" a groan escaped your lips, and your face scrunched in distaste at the thought of seeing one of your brother’s coworkers.
"so you do know him! and he’s bringing one of his friends too, i believe. just play nice!" elliotte squeezed your hand before dragging you along, her expression mirroring your displeasure.
introductions are always awkward, especially when everyone knows of each other. you were itching to get into the water and just relax.
"hi, little leclerc," lando said with a grin, leaning in for a side hug. "long time no see, eh? too good for the paddock this year?" his teasing tone made you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest.
"just got sick of watching men cry over their cars not going fast enough. plus, i don't think i can handle watching mclaren mess up daniel any more than you guys already have." you replied bluntly, hoping he wouldn’t push the conversation further.
lando opened his mouth, but elliotte cut him off. "no f1 talk, please!" she groaned, rolling her eyes before leaning on you. "this one," she pointed at you, "is on a strict pleasure holiday, and no one can take that away from her!"
some of your friends cheered, clearly happy to see you letting loose. you had to admit, it was refreshing to be on a holiday without any responsibilities—no family concerns, no brand posts to manage. it was truly a chance to unwind.
as the boat began to move away from the coastline, you walked to the edge, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. the salty air filled your nostrils, and a content smile spread across your lips. you must have been there longer than you realized because a hand on your shoulder startled you out of your trance.
"i’m sorry!" the curly-haired brit said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "you had just been standing here for a while, so i wanted to make sure you were okay…" he smiled, one hand scratching the back of his neck.
"i’m fine," you replied, turning to face him and relaxing against the rails. "i just… i’ve always liked the ocean." it was a simple response, your gaze drifting back to the blue water.
"so much so that it, what, hypnotizes you?" his teasing remark made you shake your head and roll your eyes.
"it reminds me of maman. she would always take me to the beach during the summer when papa had the boys for karting." you smiled, reminiscing about those fond memories.
"we would get ice cream, i’d always get sunburned no matter how much sunscreen i used, and maman would fuss about how she’d have to fix my hair the next day because it would get tangled from the salt." you glanced at lando, who was listening with an amused grin.
"sounds like you two always had a great time together, yeah?" he asked.
you nodded, hands stuffed into the pockets of your shorts. a comfortable silence fell between you until max, one of lando’s friends, came over to steal him away for something about a bet. you took this chance to change into your swimsuit. the boat hadn’t reached its intended stopping point yet, but a nap in the sun sounded perfect.
with sunscreen applied and your airpods securely in place (with an audiobook playing— it’s not summer without you by jenny han, translated into french), you tried to let sleep pull you under. when it didn’t happen, you simply rested with your eyes closed, enjoying the gentle sway of the boat.
lunch/dinner passed uneventfully, everyone quietly enjoying the sandwiches that elliotte and luisa had prepared while you attempted to nap. finishing your drink, a vodka paloma—since tequila apparently made elliotte and luisa crazy—you stood up and disposed of your trash. “i’m going to go swim,” you announced. a few people said they’d join you shortly, and you felt a rush of excitement at the thought of diving into the water.
you shed your oversized t-shirt and eagerly jumped into the warm water, staying submerged for a few moments before surfacing at the sound of another splash. lando surfaced beside you, his curls flattened by the water. you laughed as he coughed.
“i don’t know how you made that look so easy,” he grumbled, gripping the ladder as you tread water.
“it is easy!” you laughed, playfully splashing him. a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“oh, it’s on.” lando's competitive side emerged as he splashed you back, just as you dipped underwater.
as you tried to swim away, he grabbed your ankle, pulling you closer. you gasped for air, splashing him again in hopes he’d let go, but he just pulled you closer, his hands moving to your waist. with a wide grin, he pushed you back underwater.
you resurfaced sputtering, eyes wide as you looked at him. “you better sleep with one eye open tonight,” you teased, swimming away slowly. “i’m going to get you back when you least expect it.”
he nodded, pretending not to believe you, his eyes tracking you as you dipped back underwater. when you resurfaced, elliotte was halfway down the ladder. “i know you just got in, but we were going to play a game up top. you two want to join?”
you eagerly swam back to the ladder, and lando agreed to join as well. the game was charades, and you were teamed up with elliotte and luisa, while lando, max f., and another friend formed the opposing team.
the game proved challenging. elliotte struggled to portray water, while lando’s team cheated by making sounds to convey their words and phrases. the game ended when elliotte and max started bickering, neither willing to concede.
“at least i’m not a cheater!” elliotte pointed at max while you pulled her inside, laughing so hard your cheeks hurt.
“i’m so glad you’re having fun, mon doudou,” she said, leaning her head on your shoulder as you pulled her into a side hug.
“thank you for this. for pulling me away from monaco and life in general. you’re the best friend a girl could ever ask for,” you hummed before elliotte stood up, her face scrunching.
“i hate when we get sentimental.”
“yeah, let’s never do that again. that was weird.”
you started making a simple rum and coke when lando entered the kitchenette, eyeing your drink. “if you even dare, i will actually kill you,” elliotte warned, taking a sip to safeguard her drink.
you stifled a laugh, watching her sway out of the kitchenette towards the deck. lando’s demeanor had shifted from his earlier rambunctiousness.
“i think it’s my turn to ask, are you okay?” you ventured. lando looked like a sad puppy, tugging at your slightly intoxicated self.
“oh, i’m good. luisa and i got into an argument, is all,” he said, giving a tight-lipped smile, clearly more affected than he let on.
you hummed in response, putting away the alcohol and opting for water. “i’m no expert in relationships, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, i’m here,” you offered, taking a long drink from your glass to stop yourself from saying more.
“thanks, it means a lot,” he said, smiling fully this time as he moved you aside to get some water. you both drank in comfortable silence.
“and, uh, if you need a break from the boat, i know a little cove not too far away. charlie showed it to me last summer,” you suggested.
“i would love that, actually. i know luisa is planning to go to bed soon, so let me check on her and then we can go?”
“sure! just come find me when you’re ready.” you agreed.
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warpcoreweirdness · 26 days
just finished season 2 of Lower Decks and i'm SO glad i tried this show again
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i actually started the show a while ago, but the constant easter eggs put me off.
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(i still don't know how non-Trekkie viewers are meant to get the jokes where the punchline is "reference!! 😂", but lots of people enjoy it so ymmv).
i stopped a few minutes into episode 2 after Rutherford agrees to quit his job as an engineer so he can watch the Trivoli pulsar with Tendi.
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i honestly thought it was going to be a storyline about a guy giving up a job he loves and making his boss angry so that he can spend time with a female friend he has a crush on, because that's the plotline i've been conditioned to expect from tv. i wasn't feeling excited about the show, so i put it on pause.
but if i'd watched for about two more seconds before noping out for a few months, i would've seen this:
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when i started watching again, i realised that the episodes never bog themselves down in drawn-out, uncomfortable storyline or character staples - they're actually incredibly well-written, tightly paced, and tell their stories in just the right amount of time. Rutherford wants to be Tendi's friend (at least for now), his boss Billups is really supportive, and Tendi brings a PADD into the Jefferies tube so they can both do what they enjoy, separately but together.
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another great part about that scene with Rutherford and his boss is something that Lower Decks does a lot, which is make jokes that actually rely on subverting audience expectations. a big example - and a way of referencing other parts of the Star Trek franchise that does work for me - is when the creators gently poke fun at or subvert common story beats, emotional arcs, or dramatic moments from other parts of Trek.
like when Rutherford loses his memory and Tendi is excited to get to know him again, rather than devastated that he doesn't remember her.
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or when they save themselves from being smooshed by Dooplers by dramatically ejecting the warp core of their tiny model starship.
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or when Tendi goes on an arc of significant personal development over the course of one (1) whole episode.
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they're general enough that even people who haven't seen other Star Trek shows (or movies) can still recognise and appreciate them.
beyond this, the show also has great moments where they (lovingly) cast a light on some of the flaws and foibles in the franchise, often in subtle or comedic ways.
like showing people in beep chairs living their best lives (in contrast to TOS and SNW's view of the beep chair as a tragic, doomsday fate for Pike).
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or using Tendi to comment on Trek's depiction of Orions specifically as all pirates and slavers, and alien cultures more generally as monocultures.
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or even just acknowledging that Trek shows mostly focus on the bridge crew doing heroic first contact-esque adventures, when that can't be all there is to Starfleet.
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heck, they even have Rutherford go on a journey of acceptance and self-discovery after a permanent memory wipe (in contrast to Uhura in TOS, where it's never mentioned again).
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another reason i really appreciate the show is that the creators have taken the time to think through what a more inclusive future could look like, in ways that are noticeably lacking or absent in many other Trek shows:
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beyond exploring diversity through explicit identity representation (which is still very important), it does this through its world building as well.
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i love this communal sonic shower scene for what it says about gender and body politics in Trek. in the future, why would we still separate bathrooms and changing rooms by gender? and why would we have the same views and expectations around bodies that we (by "we" i mean Western countries) do now?
this short scene dismantles the idea that nudity is inherently sexual, that gender is binary and biological, that some genders can't be trusted around other genders while naked, and that heterosexuality is the default (and when you bring dozens of alien species into the mix, why wouldn't we have more and newer ways of thinking about gender?). it even has a little mention that Boimler prefers not to shower with others, leaving space for people to act however feels most comfortable for them.
it's such a little thing, but after years spent (lovingly) yelling at the screen during TNG, TOS, DS9, etc saying, "why are they assuming everyone is straight? WHY would people be this sexist?", i noticed it immediately and appreciated it immensely.
(this isn't related to the storytelling, but i also have to say - the animation in Lower Decks is so pretty???):
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this isn't a perfect show, but it's funny, has fantastic storytelling, and it loves the source material without worshipping it. (which is not something i expected to say, given how it started).
plus i love these characters SO MUCH.
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so far, so very good 🤞.
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
i was writing this all out in the tags of one of your recent updates (part 9 of 'donatello') when i realized i might as well just send it to you directly before i hit tag limit. (i hope you don't mind haha) this recent comic really reminded me of a concept that i've seen in your work that i haven't seen commented on a lot (though i could be wrong.)
casey jr and donatello's relationship as you've portrayed it is interesting in a number of ways. one i've been thinking about recently is the aspect of physical touch, and how you use that to represent the underlying themes/ideas behind their dynamic (and the story as a whole).
in the series, donnie is generally the least physical of his brothers, in that he prefers to be the one to initiate contact. (as a fellow autistic, i relate to this on a visceral level /lighthearted.) however, in your portrayal, this rule bends for casey's sake.
you've been setting up casey to follow in donatello's metaphorical footsteps for a while now, with this coming to fruition (to an extent) in recent storylines.
but going back a bit further. there's this major theme of... i guess i would call it 'responsibility?' that has been weaved through the story from... basically, day one.
in the first comic, his conversation with f!leo following leo's brief foray as a nugget (one of my favorite lines from this series overall is "...and leo-nugget." amazing, genuinely), casey admits to him that it was scary being responsible for someone that could get hurt so easily.
in one of the following chapters, we see the question asked: 'but who is there to save you?' (this chapter being a bit of a microcosm of the theme/story as a whole haha.)
though it was a chapter i had originally assumed was just for funsies and angst opportunities, i now realize i was wrong (though, i don't know exactly how intentional you were being with all of this, so i could be missing the mark here.) it actually sets up his arc rather nicely -- with casey being the one to save donatello when he was injured/knocked unconcious.
now, bringing this all back around to the original intent of this ask: how physical touch is used to represent their narrative dynamic (is that a thing? 'narrative dynamic'? am i just making shit up right now? whatever its fine /rehtorical)
taking everything in account, i want to return to a specific moment that really struck me in the comics leading up to donatello's death. it's the time where the resistance is being attacked, and donnie, despite being sick, goes out and uhhh... extirpates the problem (its always fun to see donnie go apeshit with dangerous weaponry /positive.)
during his dramatic reveal and attack, casey is by his side, clutching onto him not to cling, but to physically support him (at least, that's how i think that moment was supposed to be interpreted? i could be totally wrong here.)
i can't help but feel this is emblematic of the larger themes at play here-- i.e., casey's arc in relation to donatello.
i can't help but find it interesting how donatello, backbone of the resistance--
(despite his soft shell... which is why him no longer wearing his battle shell when he got sick was actually symbolic foreshadowing of-- *sound of gunshots*)
[editors note: i'm gonna stop myself right there, before this goes from ungodly long to "will break your dash and ask box if allowed to continue further"]
-- and certified plot mechanic (oh, so that's why he named it convenient plot-twist serum... finally, the mystery has been solved /joking /lighthearted), who is a very independent/self-sufficient character, allows casey jr to subvert his rules with casual touch. enough so, that when he is so weak that he can barely stand, he trusts casey jr to keep him upright.
out of everyone, he trusts casey.
casey jr, who, at the very beginning of the comic, saved donatello's life, physically carrying him back to the base. and casey jr, the one who, now, has rescued donatello from a fate worse than death, only to once again bring him back to safety.
(...can you tell i'm a little bit obsessed with your comic? lmao)
[also to note those most recent panels: a return to the "norm," with casey clinging to donatello's side, also providing a nice parallel. i know it's because he is very much reunited with his uncle who has been dead for two years, but c'mon. let me have this /joking.)]
anyway, i hope this made sense, and if you did manage to get through my pretentious (and probably somewhat far-fetched) rambles about the "symbolic narrative significance of touch" in a fanwork about the teenage mutant ninja turtles (/lighthearted), may i just say: i am in love with your work, and can only aspire to tell a story as engaging, heartfelt, and clever as the one you have woven.
you are a blessing to this fandom, and i am so excited to see where you go with this story.
I have to say that I didn't specifically do the mental planning for all of this. Most of this theme is simply because I do what I feel will be right. It's more of an intuitive desire than a prescribed plan, so it was pretty surprising to me to see this thought actually being formulated haha
Thank you:>
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alwaysonf1 · 11 months
lewis is doing what?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Changes in the timeline for the sake of the story.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This is my first F1 fic, which makes me nervous so why not start with a series.
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Many Drive to Survive haters like to pretend everything that comes from the show and what it’s about are beneath them. That they couldn’t possibly care, and that the only important thing is the race on Sunday. And yet the day after the latest season drops you can find them amongst the chaos trying to figure out what the hell were all those hints about a new form of content that F1 plans to release. 
Interwoven with the usual storylines and mild dramatics there was a lot of talk about how drivers show their families the support they’re given. How they show up for them in their careers and bits of their lives. It was weird at first, but then it sent off alarm bells when an almost fourth wall breaking moment happened where the Netflix team was blatantly dismissed. 
“I think we have this one Netflix, but thanks for the help.” Those were the exact words spoken by the head of marketing as she closed the door to a room where you get a glimpse of team paraphernalia but see no faces. 
Every social platform that you can find an F1 fan on has it trending and the conversations (and screams into the void) are fast paced. But Twitter is where the real unhinged and brain cell losing behavior is happening. 
And the most accurate guessing.
Almost everyone within the community is discussing what that snippet could mean. Is it the end of DTS as they know it? The end of it completely? Are F1 and Netflix severing ties? Will F1 be taking over? Is this some little game they're playing with their viewers to keep them tuned in? Is it something completely different? What the actual fuck is going on?
In the middle of those questions are those who think themselves a genius or are delusional enough that they can’t help but form some wild ideas of what’s to come.
Someone must be retiring. Multiple people are retiring. There’s going to be a reality show ala Keeping Up with the Verstappens, where everyone learns that Max’s little trauma dumpy memories with Jos are just the surface level of how insane that man is. Someone is getting married. Someone is getting married to another driver. A nepo baby is going to become the “voice of the fandom” and host a show about the drivers during race weekends and it’s going to be all the wrong things. A dating show for all the singles. A behind the scenes at the lives of drivers and their families, but like Family Feud. And the penultimate dude bro dream of them getting to spend the season hanging out with drivers and get confirmation that their toxic thoughts that alienate most of the fan base is true.
After about twenty-four hours it all dies down. Everyone is still wondering, but they don’t feel like they’re losing their minds while they try to be the one who can say they were right when they news drops.
As if timed, the second that F1 drops in trends the F1 admin drops a graphic with the faces of six people who are clearly positioned like the thinking face emoji on every platform that they use. In the captions it says: Week in the Life - Sibling Edition.
If Twitter was home to the first wave of screaming, it belongs to Tumblr the second go round. Everyone is so excited for the content that someone must have thrown up from how aggressively happy they feel. Everyone is talking about who they want it to be and what content they’d love to see from which sibling. Those who make gifs are especially excited to get everything they can, though they won’t be outdone by those whose brains and fingers will be entities on their own once they get hold of a singular moment that will inspire the fic of everyone’s dreams.
Those who always have something negative to say are there as usual, but they aren’t as loud or upset as they often are. Being nosy doesn’t stop just because you want to pretend that you only care about the race, as if someone doesn’t have a file of screenshots from all the times, they’ve attacked the character of a driver for something not race related at all.
The reaction to this is the kind that instills faith in what is being done. The kind of thing that tells all the upper management who didn’t like it that it was a good idea, but also puts a certain bit of weight on the content team. They need this to deliver. Need to keep the hype, especially since the first episode doesn’t drop until the start of December and they’ve already recorded half the series so a failure could stop the rest.
So once the Singapore GP ends, Daniel Ricciardo’s face is no longer gray. You get to see that goofy smile and wink. You’d think they told everyone he was getting a permanent seat with a three year contract with the reception to it.
It’s Charles Leclerc for Japan. 
Lance Stroll for Qatar.
Carlos Sainz for COTA.
Alex Albon for Mexico.
And coming off his first P1 of the season, Lewis Hamilton for Brazil.
For the next week or so if a tweet isn’t about excitement, disdain, or shock in regard to this new F1 exclusive content, it has a certain main character at its center.
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luminousdryad · 7 months
to make things brief cause I suck at organizing what I have to say, the live action was definitely Something™.
Cast: 10/10 kinda biased personally but yall can't take this from me
Gordon as Aang and Dallas as Zuko were the standouts imo. Gordon needs some direction on line delivery and the angstier scenes but overall he's very charming and I'm so proud of him for getting so much exposure!
Ian as Sokka was great, I just wish he was allowed to be more...messy? like Sokka pretends to be chill and all that but he's actually dramatic so I hope that gets improved in the next season if there is one
speaking of improvement, Kiawentiio as Katara brought out a softer side to the character but sadly diminished her spark and passion. I like that Katara now actually feels like a younger sister, it makes sense within the context of the story that Sokka and Gran Gran would shelter her after what happened, but as someone said, her anger is so central to her character and I just wish that got shown more. It's more of a script and direction problem tbh, if you look at Kia's interviews she has the sass and feistiness Katara needs
Lizzy as Azula is great, the writing is a bit clunky though so she did the best she could with it. Can't really comment on Mai and Ty Lee yet because they're kinda just there but it's a nice setup
Maria as Suki? perfection show stopping never the same she is a queen and I love the tidbit of Suki backstory which she never really had in the og show. I love her being such a loser around her crush we love to see girlfailures girlfailing. I wish the writers didn't make them KISS though 😭 slowburn ftw
the adults were great
Writing: 6.5/10
There were genuinely good moments and I love the concept of mixing up certain plot points to condense the story
But they just suffered from too much Telling instead of Showing WRITERS PLEASE LISTEN TO THE CRITICISM YOU HAVE TIME TO IMPROVE PLEASE
Omashu, mechanist, and Jet plot mixing as a concept was fine, but it dragged on and my friends and I got bored of it. I like it in theory but if it was going to take THAT long couldn't they have just separated one of those storylines for a different episode?
I appreciate that they tried to develop the water siblings' relationship by making them the stars of the Secret Tunnels, but I would've changed the way they "conquered" the problem (really? badgermoles respond to love? cute in theory but like why). If anyone's watched Barbie: A Fairy Secret there's a part where Barbie and her frenemy accuse each other of why their friendship failed, and it helps them make up and breaks the curse put on them. So that's what I would've done, force them in a life or death situation in which they have to say the unsaid things, maybe hug it out and boom
The way they handled Koh and the Spirit World was a Mess™ but the effects were decent
Zhao meeting horrible ends in every incarnation is so deserved
Yue having more agency was a welcome change AND I LOVE THAT SHE WATERBENDS. Then waterbends even when the moon is gone. It's such a nice visual nod to the fact that she has the moon spirit within her
That said, the show could definitely use more visual storytelling, less weird dialogue. Like it's so strangely common for shows or adaptations these days to exposition dump. Like they did not have to make Yue say that the ocean spirit was angry, literally just show me the dead moon fish and I'll get the idea. Then Iroh says "That's Wrath" that's just redundant now isn't it
I like that they saved Katara bringing Aang out of the Avatar State until last even if it could've been done better
HOW DARE THEY MAKE ME LIKE HAHN HE WAS A JERK IN THE SHOW BUT THEY MADE HIM A GENUINELY GOOD CHARACTER. Yes to brown men not being portrayed as jerks but also in the original it was a nice contrast to how far Sokka had come because Hahn reflected who he used to be. But live action Hahn </3
I like that they showed the deaths and blood. I wanted a live action that was both lighthearted but more realistic when it came to the injuries and death, and that'd kind of what I got
Other thoughts + overall
You can tell they put so much heart into this show, watching the bts, the bending boot camp with the correct martial arts, the easter eggs, the nods to the comics, the beautiful adaptations of Cabbage Merchant and Secret Tunnel nomads, there's so much passion behind the show it's a shame it suffered in its writing
which is why if they read reviews and criticism from the bigger name fans (TheAvatarist, HelloFutureMe, etc.) it would really help them improve for future seasons! The cast is stunning already and they have great chemistry (hopefully gets improved too!)
The live action is just a different angle to the show. And I'm saying this as an Avatar fan–the original wasn't perfect, either. I had some problems w it but the overall show was genuinely so good and heartfelt, those problems weren't glaring enough to put me off (unlike The Dragon Prince, sorry). The live action definitely wasn't perfect, but it tried to give us a new look into Avatar. Again, no adaptation will ever be a 1:1 remake and none should be. Where's the fun in that? But while the show is so full of heart and with actual fans working behind the scenes, I doubt if they listen to any criticism that they can't pull this off better next season.
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buddiebeginz · 9 days
Hey, Justine! Did you see the new article?
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I did. I think things are looking very good for us. Tim has had every opportunity to remove or distance Eddie from Buck's story and he's not. B*mmy's seem to think that's what's happening here but it isn't. When characters and their storylines are being distanced they don't get talked about like this. And this isn't just the journalists inferring this is Tim's own words.
Tim could have distanced Buck and Eddie in s7. If Buddie wasn't happening he could and should have made 704 about Buck and T*mmy and not really included Eddie at all. But really that episode was very loudly about Buck's feelings for Eddie.
You could make the argument that Tim wanted to wait and see what the audience response was going to be to T*mmy before he made any major changes. Which he had plenty of time to do that leading up to the final two eps of s7 considering T*mmy wasn't in eps 707 and 708. 709 and 710 also went through significant rewrites before filming so there was definitely time for Tim to put more focus on B/T but he didn't. He didn't even have T*mmy at the hospital with Buck and that wouldn't have required taking time away from the other characters at all, just like a shot of him there sitting with Buck.
Consistently since B/T became a thing Tim has told us in every way imaginable that Buddie is more important and that Buddie (canon) is the goal. Even think back to how Buddie was handled vs B/T at the bachelor party. B*mmy's make all these excuses for what happened there but the main thing is Tim decided he wanted Buck and Eddie dressing up in a couple's custom. He wanted Eddie to be the one there spending the whole night with Buck not T*mmy. He easily could have had T*mmy there instead of Eddie or had it be the three of them there but he didn't.
You can tell this pattern is clearly going to continue when you read what Tim is saying about s8. We already know T*mmy is just stepping stone to Buddie, Lou himself said as much in one of his early cameos. Tim is likely going to use T*mmy for dramatic tension while Eddie has his feelings realization about Buck.
I suspected this was where Tim would go with things this season I just wasn't sure if he was going to bring Lou back after the all the drama him and his fans caused. I'm assuming he got told to stop interacting with his psycho fan base though because we now know he's coming back yet he's not been communicating with his fans at all. He likely was contracted to come back for a few eps with the stipulation he can't cause any more problems.
T*mmy will likely be around for a few eps while Eddie's storyline is getting more of the focus. Hopefully we'll get some jealous and pinning Eddie cause that would just be delicious. I don't see T*mmy lasting beyond mid season if even that. I know a lot of people aren't happy about him coming back and I'm right there with you but also as someone who has been waiting and hoping for Buddie to happen for years I've never seen it so within our grasp. This feels like it will be our year.
Anyway hope you don't mind my long ramble. Thanks for messaging me. ❤️
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violetmuses · 1 month
Ballin’ - A. Aretas (Part II) 💔
Title: Ballin’ - A. Aretas (Part II) 💔
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: Waking up one morning brings unexpected chaos.
Part I - ❤️‍🩹
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“Let me get this straight, Marcus: you went to the house without asking and opened his bedroom door?!” Detective Mike Lowrey grilled Marcus for disrupting Armando.
“Armando never answered the front door, so I used my key. You wouldn't check?” Marcus questioned back.
“Give me your key right now. Don't show up like that if you can't even read the room.” Mike opened his palm.
“Armando's your son, but quit acting so cool, Mike. That dude has access to everything. For all we know, the girl I saw could've been a prostitute!” Marcus ranted again.
“Or maybe he's young out here. Let him make his own decisions.” Mike defended Armando regardless.
“I ain't sorry.” Marcus walked to the kitchen for Skittles.
While Marcus hung out in that living room later, Mike's phone started ringing.
“Sup?” Mike answered this call without thinking twice.
“She broke up with me, man.” Armando revealed heartbreaking news.
“What, are you serious?” Mike couldn't believe what just happened.
Mike knew about the quiet bond and definitely warned you over Marcus.
“Marcus fucked up everything. She's done with me.” Armando grieved this destroyed chance with you.
“I'm really sorry. I'm here if you need anything, aight?” Noting Armando, Mike clipped apologies to hold back inner rage.
"Kay, bye.” Aretas barely waited before ending this phone call.
“Don't make me kick your ass.” Almost stomping into the living room, turned off this television screen and faced Marcus.
“What the hell are you talking about this time, Mike?” Marcus stood from the couch.
“Armando was in a relationship and you just embarrassed his girlfriend!” Mike shouted even louder.
“How was I supposed to know what happened this morning?” Marcus clutched his recovered heart. “Y'all never tell me shit.”
“Cause you're dramatic over everything.” Mike shook his head. “You just ruined something that made Armando happy.”
“Damn I'll go.” Marcus stopped arguing and walked out of the house, leaving that situation alone for good.
This happy ending shattered.
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greasegotahold · 2 months
This post started out with a point then turned into rambling abt the stage show lol
So like. at least in my irl circle and from what I heard yesterday, a lot of ppl prefer the musical to the movie. Acknowledging the bias of theatre ppl toward theatre, that's not the reason I heard most; what I heard most is that the musical stays closer to the book than the movie. Granted idk how many if any of these ppl have seen the complete novel extended cut of the movie, but even so this argument sits wonky with me
Bc the musical takes quite a few departures from the book, some p dramatic. Darry is not the gang's leader, Dally is. Randy is an ensemble part with one line; Cherry gets his ending "even if you win, nothing will change" moment. Sandy is already gone. Evie and Sylvia are gone. Steve is not a big part of Soda's life. Two Bit isn't acknowledged as an alcoholic. Johnny was only jumped a week ago, and it's not a secret who did it. Bob is the one who jumps Pony at the start and even comes up with an excuse for it. Dally doesn't give Johnny his heater, Dally commits a far more direct suicide, no sickness or court proceedings, so on and so forth.
Now I understand why we made just about all of these changes: the show is just about 2 hours as is, not counting intermission; streamlining needed to happen, for time and for clarity of storyline. I even prefer a lot of the changes (Cherry is just. Such a livelier character lmao. She's given stuff to DO. I love her in the book and movie but the stuff they added in the musical I simply love.) I bring this up just bc it. Is honestly just as different as the movie if not more so in how it departs from the source material.
Which means when ppl are saying it's closer to the book, they mean in feel.
And in many avenues; talking about the the extreme accessibility of the book as an adult with other adults, attempting to articulate my issues with the film adaptation, and then later attempting to defend the movie on those same shortcomings, I think I know why.
It's the ever-present narration. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Ponyboy tells his story, he doesn't show. And that makes the book an extremely straightforward read, and absolutely how he can tell us so much shit that happened in so little time, but it also makes it hard to capture in a standard movie adaptation, especially when the movie also needs to trim down and streamline characters and plot points.
But what does Pony do throughout the musical? He narrates. Yes the story plays out real time, but it's still interspersed with these slowdowns where he talks to the audience, where he's narrating.
And I think that's what's really clicking so well with the musical, despite all the changes to characters and their dynamics and plot beats.
And for certain things, the impact is still there, they just changed it around. Johnny was jumped last week instead of months ago and we don't get the excerpt abt how he wound up buying his first blade, and how he would kill the next soc who tried to jump him, and Dally no longer gives him his gun, but he does give him the 6 inch switchblade when Johnny is genuinely worried his dad will kill his mom, and then shows him how to stab to kill. The circumstances are different, but we still get Dally giving Johnny a lethal weapon. The motivation changes for why Johnny carries his blade, from self defense to an explicit want to protect others, but this makes it a more direct setup for when he kills Bob to save Pony.
And a lot of the straight up original additions to the plot feel seamless. The added backstory for Cherry's parents, her dad's alcoholism and her mom's kind of just. Surrender to hopelessness and despair. Not only explains why she's so touchy about Bob drinking, but it makes the change from going along with him to stop a fight into her refusing to back down after breaking up feel justified. To be clear, I don't fault book and movie cherry for doing what she does in that scene, she's trying to keep everyone else safe, I just think that the change was set up and well executed in the musical.
Also sidenote but in Justice For Tulsa...I have so many feelings after getting to see it. The cop shining his flashlight down on Two Bit as he gets jumped, but then he just keeps on walking bc why would he care abt a greaser...Bev buying right into the boys' escalation against the greasers vs Cherry's outright rebuke and then Marcia is over here looking genuinely Physically nauseous over having to choose a side. And of course the moment where the cop beats Dally after handcuffing him, that speaks for itself.
(Sidenote, unrelated to anything, I just wanna say when I listened to the soundtrack for the first time, years since I had read the book or watched the movie, somehow I just knew when the soc boys started singing their threatening section, that they were jumping two bit. I guess I just had a faint buried memory that Two Bit was the revenge-jumping victim lol)
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smokestarrules · 2 months
May I ask about the Star Vs downspiral? I remember seeing commercials about that show but that's the extent of what I know. But I'm curious now.
Well, honestly there was a Lot that contributed to its fall from grace, but here are some of the lowlights.
(It's been a very long time since I watched this show so I may be forgetting some details; this is how I remember it).
A) Four prominent characters are drawn into a horrible, horrible love square. Star herself, Marco, who is the other main character whose family she stays with while on Earth, her ex-boyfriend Tom, and another character who we meet later, Kelly. I'm sure some people always shipped Star and Marco, whatever, but a significant amount of the fandom including myself were beyond content with their relationship staying platonic---romance was not a factor that needed to be brought in to make us care about their dynamic. In fact, romance just about killed any enjoyment for them at all because it was so poorly written.
Marco and Star go back and forth between taking that romantic step and subsequently rejecting each other for various reasons. At some point Star gets back with her ex, Tom, who seems to have turned over a new leaf. Marco and Tom even have episodes where they hang out together too. Then Marco starts dating Kelly at the same time Star and Tom start to fall out again.
Now that I'm writing this I've realized I actually forgot another entire character who was wrapped up in this; Jackie Lynn, who Marco has a crush on in the early season(s?). She and Marco are together at some point until she leaves him because he's clearly not into her anymore. There are five characters who get stuck in this terrible plotline.
It's just... so needlessly dramatic and completely unnecessary. Star and Marco end up together, of course, but in doing so they completely screw over those two other characters, and by that time, their relationship just leaves a bad taste in fans' mouths.
B) Star VS as a show initially started out as pretty episodic and pivoted to a more narrative-driven storyline later on, which isn't at all necessarily bad, but a lot of what I personally liked about the show ended up being pushed to the wayside because of the bigger emphasis on the plot, and it was disappointing. Not everything needs to have a massive earth-shattering narrative to be good.
The early episodes were character-driven, full of incredibly interesting worldbuilding, and just fun to watch. All of those things were shoved away to make room for something more dramatic and serious.
C) The main bad guys are also pretty much an entire species which is never a good idea because it breeds so many uncomfortable writing decisions. They're "monsters" and they are The Bad Guys, who the Regular People need to stay away from. The narrative kinda tries to challenge this concept, but in the end it's really just not important whatsoever.
Honorable mention) When the show was still good, Marco had a couple episodes in which really interesting things were happening with his gender; he crossdressed as part of Plot and then seemed as as if he was confused about how it made him feel? But later on that plotline turned into more of a joke than it already was and went nowhere. Just weird.
D) How the show ended was one of the absolute worst I've ever seen. I truly cannot explain to you just how--bizarre it is; anticlimactic, rushed, unexpected in the worst way. To stop people from fighting, Star makes the incredibly quick decision to just. destroy magic.
So she does.
The aftermath shows that the two dimensions (Earth and Star's original home, Mewni) are now merged together in some sort of 'happy' fusion, magic is completely not a thing anymore, and entire species that have before been shown to canonically need magic to survive are dead because of it, though the show doesn't think to provide a better explanation for that at all.
And it ends.
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rui-drawsbox · 6 months
halo halo this might be out of blue but may i ask how’d you fall in love w Baxter? I wanna hear the story of like how you started to like him if you don’t mind sharing . tysm!!and i love all your artworks!!!!
AGHHHHHHH i was about to go to sleep but healty schedules are overrated. Take a sit cuz this is gonna be LONG bc i dont know how to get to the point (jump right to the end to get the 3 lines resume lmao)
if you ask me why i like right now: he's a dramatic loser. But that was when i finally understood his character! you wouldn't be surprised if tell you that i'm an idiot right? i'm super slow to read between lines and understand people, that applies to fictional characters too lmao (+add that english isn't my first language) So! at first i didn't actually understood what was going on with -well- anything :D.
Took me a few playthroughs to actually understand the game in general, i started to play before step 4 was out so all i could do was play and replay different ways to fall in love with Cove (starting to crush at step3 was my fav) but tbh he was never my *type*, Derek was interesting but just bc he like us by default. Even after playing his dlc i felt like he was just a really good friend (which was kinda weird bc to this point i've just played his romantic route). So, what's different with Baxter?
To begin with! he's... he's....... huhh my first impression wasn't actually strong tbh, i was like "huh new guy to date yay". I didn't actually understood his character the first few playthroughs ngl. I started in fond ofc to get into the dlc but *I* was pretty indifferent, probably in Drinks where we finally see Morning Baxter was that i said "oh shit he's cute" and cuteness+gapmoe is enough to make me fall for any character tbh.
But! that was not enough to provoke a brainrot like this right? i'm the "Oh i love this *forgets about in a week*" type. What sealed the deal (badum tss) was probably bc of the fandom? Once i was done replaying the dlc 5 times in a row i went straight to tumblr to feed of headcanons, fanarts and fanfics. My favorite way to understand a character is thru the fandom tbh, my favs are the long aa essays talking about a character personality.
Long story short, he was dramatic troubled flirty gap-moe guy (my fictional type, coincidentally) with an excellent storyline. I still wasn't 100% into him but he was top1 romatic choice for me (sorry Cove and Derek, love ya but platonically), so i made 2 fanarts for his dlc in may and let the hype die... only for 6 months otherwise we wouldn't be here, would we?
AH-HA-HEM the day 28th of november, beginnings of summer, i went out in the morning to do some errands with my mom, we stopped to buy vegetables in our way home and she bought a small watermelon bc i love them. That same afternoon i was eating it and thought "watermelons are finally here, summer it's officially here!" and got struck with Olba memories like a sleeper agent. (made a minicomic abt that, that's why i have the exact date lol) SO i replayed the game again, reading everything again, and oh boy i finally understood so many things, one of those things was Baxter himself!
A lot of stuff made sense once i actually took the time to comprehend his character with the information i gained out of the game (mainly all the asks ppl sent to gb). Add the way that i always played like *me* on my first playthroughs of anything and then you'll notice why he hit me so hard, it felt like i wasn't giving him enough credit before dasjkfas.
Tbh his dlc is my fav bc it has such a strong storyline, you get to know him and his insecurities thru all step 3, and have a lot of sweet moments too! (and that night goodbye?? omg it hits me so hard bc it's right after the ending song) and because step 4 it's right after you go with all the fresh memories of your summer together and seeing him so cold towards you it's so painful but also so funny because HA I CAN SEE THRU YOUR FACADE YOU STILL LIKE ME HAHAHA and i finally knew the perfect word for him: loser.
Anyways i also did a deep dive in the Olba and Baxter Ward tag here in tumblr and eat pretty much everything, also helped me to get a better grasp for all the little details i didn't noticed before bc haha i told you im an idiot?
sO yeah i made a few drawings of my Mc interacting with the characters, surprisingly it got a lot of attention from the fandom so i made a few more and when i noticed i was deep into the brainrot and i wasn't able to draw anything besides my Ruri and Baxter being cute lmao
Funfact. Ruri is a variation of Rui (duh) that i used in games when i didn't feel like i wanted to be called my name directly, now that she expropriated me of that name i use Ruru, i'm so creative right?
Long story short: it was mix of the game itself, fandom content and people actually liking my oc content. The fandom is super welcoming with everyone's oc's i love that akjdlfhask
ajksdfhasjk WOAH THAT IS SO LONG i def went over the top didnt i? I tried to explain my train of thought and fill the spaces where my memory is blurry with stuff i think i would've thought at the moment, it's also 3am so im- not entirely here tbh hjadfhkj
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amysgiantbees · 9 months
I find it very frustrating that Wyll and Karlach leave no matter what if you side with the goblins. Which feels particularly fucked up that the non-white and non-white coded origin characters are the only two who get this content cut off from them. Gale is the other morally upstanding character and although he's a bit more morally grey than the two of them he's certainly not okay with genocide by any means and yet he still stays.
I get it they are the two most morally upstanding characters and are very emotionally tied to the teiflings but they are then totally exempt from the story and loose a lot of content and depth. They both already have the least amount of content out of the origins characters from Karlach's late addition and Wyll's re-writes and cutting them out of the evil storyline just adds to this. It's especially frustrating with Karlach because she's so easy to miss as well as having less content. According to the DEV's this is on purpose bizarrely too "I would've missed Karlach if I hadn't been reading guides...
AS: That's common, I think.
SV: But it's also on purpose, because the replay value is much stronger if you've discovered things..." from https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-final-interview-game-of-the-year-2023-characters-endings
I feel also that they could very easily stay for the evil route in multiple ways without sacrificing their characters.
For Karlach she could have a speech at the goblin party post slaughter about how she thought she was free but this is just like Avernus. There's really nowhere where she can relax, nowhere where she can do good. No one that she can form a connection to that won't betray her. But if that's how it's got to be fine she's put up with it for ten years she can do it a little more to be rid of the tadpole.
Wyll could stay if he kills Karlach. This causes him to go through a Shadowheart like change. I think choosing to save or kill Karlach is his biggest and most dramatic moment (partially because he's annoyingly passive so much of the rest of the story but still) like choosing to save or kill the Nightsong is Shadowheart's. And thus should bring about a similar change in him like how Shadowheart shuts herself off if you kill Dame Ayelin.
There's dialogue that I assume is from early access because otherwise it makes no fucking sense like "I fear your lust for power could get the better of you. You are a hero not a politician." that you can say to Wyll. But with this route we'd actually bring out this side to him. At present his reaction to finding out he did an honest to god murder with Karlach is pretty lack luster (I blame the writing as they reuse so much of his saving Karlach lines instead of giving him a properly new scene). Instead of being upset I say he goes through a change and tries to justify himself instead. Like "I had to do it, you don't know what Mizora would have done to me" "I can still be a hero" "it was a one time loop hole who else are we going to find who is heartless". Something like that. We play up the dichotomy between the Blade and Wyll too. Now he only refers to himself as The Blade. He's less willing to hear feedback. He's more defensive. He isn't so much a person but a symbol.
However, he still wants to do good and should still definitely be upset at the goblin party. At the party he should say something like "These people trusted me! Trusted us! I was to be their hero! This isn't over. But I can't have the people seeing me as any more of a monster. So I'll stay with you since you hold the only thing stopping me from growing tentacles." He's still concerned with heroics but it's more selfish now.
When he made the pact with Mizora he gave up his home, only family, friends, previous career plans, everything! This is him desperately trying not to have to loose anything else. He would argue now that at the very least he should be able to keep his reputation, be allowed to keep his secret (which would add to how powerful it is that he grows horns in the other path). He's scared and so young and so the "good" ending would be keeping his pact with Mizora and dooming himself to an eternity of torture. Doing the scary thing anyway and becoming a lemur, a monster. I do consider breaking the pact to be the "good" ending at present but maybe it's just the "good" ending for the other version of him on that path. Because the other version of him is unendingly selfless and so should prioritize himself.
The other option is Karlach and Wyll both live. Get very angry at you for killing the teiflings. Say they'll stay because they're not strong enough to kill themselves and can't risk transforming without the Prism and inflicting that on people instead. So they say they'll stay but are secretly planning to kill you if you don't change. They pull a Minthara . Much like after revealing to Minthara that you can stop the Absolute's voice she'll try and kill you if you destroy last light inn Wyll and Karlach try and kill you. It would at least give them a bit more time with the party and maybe even stay entirely if you change.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Aroace Hunter Week Day 1: Cosmic Frontier/Space
An answering groan came from behind the couch, and Gus leaned on the back, peering down at Hunter. “You finished, huh?”
One hand reached dramatically for the ceiling. “Need… more… Cosmic Frontier… books…”
“Yeah… that’s the last of them, buddy. There are no more.”
“Where’s the author? I’m going to demand he publish another.”
“He’s like, old now.”
“So’s Eda, that doesn’t stop her from doing crazy stuff.”
Gus wiggled his eyebrows. “What if I told you… that there’s a whole internet worth of Cosmic Frontier books? More than we could read in a lifetime? And we don’t need to commit crimes to get new content?”
Hunter sat straight up. “I’d say you’re lying. Go on.”
“It’s true! Luz was telling me that she used to write a lot of what was called ‘fanfiction’ for Azura, where she continued storylines, or made up entirely new ones with the same characters! And she just put them online! For free! For anyone to read!”
“You can do that?! Just make up content?! Without being the original author?”
“Apparently! And I bet there’s some for Cosmic Frontier!”
Hunter launched himself towards the stairs. “What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”
Gus scrambled up the stairs with him, going all the way up to Luz’s room. “Luz can we borrow your computer, it’s super important, we need to find Cosmic Frontier content this instant.”
Luz rolled her chair to her desk. “Oh my gosh, I’ve been waiting for this moment. Welcome to my realm. Here.” She pulled up a webpage. “Library of Our Own is a good place to start, they have a good filtering system so that you can take out any search results you might not want to read.”
Hunter took her hands. “Luz. I don’t think you understand. I will read. All. Of the Cosmic Frontier content. That I can find.”
One of Luz’s eyebrows went up, but she shook her head, handing him the computer. “Alright, then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Thank you. We will return your laptop in three to five business days.”
Hunter grabbed the computer and headed for the door.
“Wait, I’ll need it before then!”
Hunter and Gus ran back to the basement, rushing to the couch. Hunter cracked his knuckles, holding down the Shift button with one finger and using his index finger to hit the c. then o. then s. Gus groaned.
“Ohhhhhhh you type so slooooowwwww.”
“I am making sure I spell it correctly, Gus.”
F… r… o…
Gus reached over him, typed in the remainder of the word, and hit enter.
“Over one hundred thousand,” Hunter whispered, “One hundred thousand books for us to read, Gus!”
“What did I tell you?! What’s the first one, what’s the first one?”
“Uhhhhh Intergalactic Relationships. Oh, I bet it’s a political setting! Uhhhhh, let’s see, Avery/O’Bailey, awesome, has our favorite characters in it.”
Gus peered at the tags. “What’s slash mean?”
“Probably there’ll be an assassination attempt or something.” Hunter clicked on the link. “I know I read faster, let me know… when you’re ready to…”
He slapped a hand over Gus’ eyes.
“Hey!” Gus tugged at his hand. “Hunter, what—let me go, what is-?”
“How do I get rid of the tab—where’s the back—LUZ,” Hunter howled, “YOUR LIBRARY IS A DEN OF INACCURACIES AND CHARACTER SLANDER!”
Gus managed to wriggle out of Hunter’s grasp long enough to take a look at the words. “Oh. Oh.”
Hunter slammed the laptop shut, hiding the offending fanfiction from view. “SLANDER,” he yelled again. His ears and face flushed a bright pink, “CALUMNY!”
“Avery and O’Bailey would never,” Gus protested, “That is so out of character! They were like…” he waved a hand. “You and me! We’re Avery and O’Bailey!”
“Exactly,” Hunter agreed, “Exactly. And plus—plus, plus, romantic and intimate relationships between crew members of differing command levels are forbidden to make sure relationships are aboveboard and not nefarious! It’s not allowed! LUZ!”
Hunter stormed up the stairs, and Gus chased after him. Luz rolled around on the floor of her room, clutching her sides and laughing.
“Luz! This isn’t funny! People are just out here posting the most—most outlandish stories that would never happen in the real Cosmic Frontier! I mean, relationship aside, even just the level of description-!”
“Thats—” Luz gasped, “That’s the—it’s the—the—point—of fanfiction!”
“Well—Hunter sputtered, “What if I—what if I wanted to just—to just—to just make Captain Avery kiss a swamp frog?! What if I—what if I made O’Bailey not a clone?!”
“That’s an important part of his character!” Gus protested, “You couldn’t!”
“Oh—oh—” Luz sat up, hiccupping. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaa. You could if you wanted. Fanfiction doesn’t have to be exactly like the original book. That’s the point! You can do whatever you want.”
“Well, I don’t want to read… to read… Avery ex O’Bailey slash!”
“Wow. You picked a winner for your first one, huh? Okay, okay, give me the laptop.” Luz opened the computer back up. “People can write what they want.”
“It’s not in character,” Gus complained, “They’re like family.”
“Burn it,” Hunter agreed.
“Alright, alright. But that’s the author’s decision, not yours. So, instead of freaking out… look here. See how I can exclude certain things? I’m going to exclude ‘Avery/O’Bailey’ aaaaaand… sort and filter. See?” She turned the screen back towards them. Intergalactic Relationships had disappeared. “Now no fic that has that relationship will be in there, okay?”
Hunter squinted at the screen. “That’s… a lot less.”
“Well, you picked a popular ship to hate with your whole heart and soul. Good luck.”
Hunter scrolled through the fics. “This will. Still keep us… oh, are you kidding me? This is another lower-ranked crewmate with Avery! And one with O’Bailey and a new recruit called Y/N?! Luz, why are there so many of these?! They’re not allowed! In the Cosmic Frontier universe!”
“They might explore that in the fic, actually, forbidden romance is a popular trope. Look, if you want to see some no-ship, platonic content, maybe you should just write some yourself? Finding it here might be hard.”
“I do want platonic family content. We can do that? But we’re not professional writers!”
“Neither is anyone else on this site. Well, some of them might be. But mostly not. Point is, anyone can write Cosmic Frontier fanfiction. If you’re struggling to find the content you want, you might just have to make it yourself.”
Gus tugged on Hunter’s sleeve. “Remember the other clone that broke free like O’Bailey, then got killed protecting Avery?”
“Yeah, 78. That was… really depressing.”
“Okay, hear me out, hear me out.” Gus spread his hands out. “We make up a way for him to have lived!”
Hunter brightened. “And he can be secretly working to take down the clonemasters, just like O’Bailey is!”
“Then we can make him meet up with the crew, and he can join the family!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! He can take the oath! And then it can be about him figuring out all of the dynamics between the crew and learning to be a part of a family that isn’t like the clonemasters!”
“Right! I think there could be a lot of conflict where he still kind of thinks that Avery is like a clonemaster, but eventually, he realizes that O’Bailey and Avery are actually friends and brothers!”
“Yeah! Let’s do it!”
“Okay!” Gus snatched the laptop from Hunter’s hands. “But I’m going to do the typing.”
“Fair enough.”
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fanficwritersworld · 1 year
Twin Brother
Summary: a kryptonian pod falls in smallville
Pairing: Kent Family x Kent!Reader (Superwoman Storyline)
Requested: Winner of the poll
Word Count: 872
Warnings: none
Masterlist|Prompt List
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You felt her stomach twist as you walked into Vickie May’s Diner. You were meeting with the twins before your training session with Clark. But all day you’ve had this feeling like something was going to happen. “(N/N), you okay?” Jonathan asked you, noticing your dazed look.
“Mhmm? Oh, I’m okay” You brushed off. Jon and Jordan gave you a weird look. “You sure? Cause your wrist is … glowing” Jordan whispered. You looked at your wrist, seeing the faint family crest glow. “Impossible” You gasped, quickly getting up and putting the money for the food on the table. “We need to see your Dad, now” You spoke urgently, rushing out with your brothers behind you.
You three ran down to the Gazette, opening the door with a loud bang. “(Y/N)! Boys!” Lois exclaimed, hands on her hips. “No time to explain Lois, family emergency!” You told her. Lois excused herself to Chrissy as she followed her sons out as (Y/N) rushed. “Wait up! What’s wrong?” Lois asked you, seeing that even her boys were confused. 
You stopped at your motorbike, turning to Lois and the twins. “Me! My wrist is glowing, that only means one th-” You were cut off by the sight of something falling in the distance. “Oh, my Rao” You gasped, grabbing Lois and the boys before flying to the crash sight.
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You landed outside the Farm, Clark already inspecting what had fallen. A pod. A Kryptonian pod. Have you opened it?” You asked Clark, running up to him. “No, I just got here” Clark answered. You walked up to the pod, the glowing in your arm intensifying until it began on the pod.
The glass began to dissipate until You could see the person in the pod. You gasped, taking a step back. “(Y/N)?” Clark called out, placing a hand on your shoulder. A groan emitted from the pod. The person sat up, hand on their face until they looked in your direction.
“12?” They asked, looking at you with a shocked face. “13” You sob, running to them instantly. Wrapping your arms around the same leather jacket that matched yours. “Lara” He cried back at you. “Kon-El” You cried, pulling away and holding his face in your hands. “(Y/N), my baby sister” Kon-El cried, tears falling down his face. “Conner, my twin big brother” You smiled as the tears rolled down.
He stepped out of the pod, showing his towering frame. His hair was dark and curly with shaved sides and a pair of round sunglasses on top. His generic super-suit with the family crest paired with two chunky spiked belts and the signature leather jacket you both would wear.
“How? I saw you die, Conner, he… killed you, Father killed you!” You stated, angry tears running down your face as you hit your brother as hard as you could. Conner skidded back, you had always been stronger than him. “Wow, calm down Smallville” Conner told you, holding your fists with his hands.
“Lex almost killed me…Somehow he stopped me from actually dying. Wanted to use me to stop Pops, permanently until John Irons killed them both. I barely escaped 12” Conner explained to his sister. You just hugged him tighter than before. “I’ve missed you” You whispered.
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Everyone sat around the dining table as Conner and (Y/N) told stories from their world. “No, but then Pops and Ms Genuis over here threw me into the ocean! Like can you believe that… the betrayal!” Conner gave a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart dramatic. You gave him a playful glare. “You know what betrayal, you and Tim! Sweet Rao thank god you both moved to Gotham, I don’t think I would be able to stand another night of you two!” You fake gagged at him.
Conner held you in a headlock, ruffling your hair. “Nah… You and Nat’s late-night phone calls about science were hell. Who the hell talks about nanobots and metal at three in the morning!” Conner argued back, letting you go. “How could you know? Wisdom has been chasing you but you’ve always been too fast little brother” You smirked before everyone but Conner erupted in laughter.
Pouting, Conner glares at you. “I’m older than you!” He argued. You gave him the ‘really bish’ look. “Physically, yes. But I’m 12 your 13” You crossed your arms. “Why do you two call each other that?” Jon asked you. “Easy, I’m Subject 12, Conner’s Subject 13. Their our first names when we were still in Luthor Corp” You explained to him, seeing the shock written on their faces.
“You guys didn’t have real names?” Clark asked. You both shook your heads. “You and Grams named us when you fought me and took 12 in” Conner stated. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Grandma and Your Dad didn’t name you, Kara did.
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You sat on the edge of the Fortress, hugging your knees. “Hey, you okay?” Clark asked, landing next to you. “I… don’t know” You answered. Clark sat next to you, confused. He thought you’d be ecstatic that your brother was alive. “What’s wrong?” Clark asked, seeing you in deep thought.
“I don’t think that’s Conner”
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paperstorm · 5 months
TIM MINEAR why have you forsaken us? Where are our stills? You’ve done your thing over on og and given them Bi Buck so please come back and give us some Tarlos! Anyond else starting to worry about the lack of Carlos BTS? Like they are clearly filming massive fire rescue stuff atm so maybe he’s probably not around for that (or not very much) but 7 weeks in and we haven’t seen any Rafael bts. Zilch (ditto Grace). Makes me worry we aren’t getting much Carlos this season and I don’t even know what to think about Tarlos. Why has it been nothing? I can’t even get excited about the steamy scene Ronen teased as that could easily end up being cut.
There is still so long to go, this hiatus is just never ending. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t want to give us something to help ease the suffering. I stg if Ronen, Rafael and the LS/Fox promo teams haven’t fed us by the one year wedding anniversary I might just give up.
Yes, dramatic but seeing so much coverage of the og, and Buddie everywhere when you search for Tarlos is just getting to me. I need some new Tarlos content. I want to see Carlos Reyes in husband era.
We will get stills my love don't you worry, we didn't get much last year this early into production either I don't think. They'll start coming MUCH closer to when the show will actually begin, it's only April and we're still waiting until at least September. OG is getting attention right now because it's currently airing, it's not an equal comparison. And after the last season I have absolutely no fear that Carlos isn't going to be very prominent in the season. They set up important storylines for him and season 4 was his season, Rafa's time to shine and to prove himself that he can kick ass, and did he ever. The writers and Tim clearly love Carlos, I would find it completely baffling if suddenly in season 5 they just stopped caring about him. If they're doing a lot of big complicated rescue stuff right now, Carlos is probably not in that. But that's true of every season. We'll get stills and info soon enough and all go bananas about it.
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