o-she · 7 days
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Fem!Fellow Honest
FelloVil nation........
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o-she · 8 days
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Безделушка в тон печальных глаз...
Моросентябрь, день 12 - оберег. С осами.
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o-she · 8 days
I've got everything I ever wanted now...
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Day 9, Lodestar
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o-she · 9 days
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Моросентябрь, день 11 - право сильного.
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o-she · 10 days
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o-she · 11 days
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I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall
So close your eyes, remember my embrace
When you lift your gaze I will be like the shimmer of one small star
Out there, shining everywhere
Моросентябрь, день 9 - Путеводная звезда.
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o-she · 11 days
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Looks like I'm on my knees again
Feels like the walls are closing in
Моросентябрь, день 6 - на коленях.
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o-she · 13 days
«An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them.»
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o-she · 15 days
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Моросентябрь, день пятый - убежище.
Now I know the lonely days are gone
Don't you know that I can see
Like a summer day that's always long
We repel the wet of tears
As the shadows lighten up the day
Through the cons we laugh away
Like a windy day that's always wrong
We take shelter where we can
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o-she · 16 days
Aspity: What did you forget at my house, devils?
Clara: Oh fuck.
Clara: GET HER!!
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Моросентябрь, день четвёртый - саботаж.
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o-she · 16 days
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day 3 enchanted
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o-she · 16 days
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some are born with the psychic inflection
day 3: enchanted
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o-she · 16 days
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(looks at upcoming card releases)
I'm in danger :)
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4K notes · View notes
o-she · 17 days
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She won't come- hands in a snakes dеn
Head in a wasps nest, and spine in an ant hill
It will be me- I’m made of more durable clay
I deserve to take this place, and I do many things better
Моросентябрь, день третий - очарованные.
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o-she · 18 days
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Honey, we built this house on memories
Take my picture now, shake it 'til you see it
And when your fantasies become your legacy
Promise me a place in your house of memories
Моросентябрь, день 2 - уголок памяти.
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o-she · 19 days
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Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play
'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride
It'll take you to the other side
Моросентябрь, день первый - "С другой стороны."
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o-she · 20 days
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19 notes · View notes