#we also ship things that ARE illegal
phoenixkaptain · 4 months
Every time I go on Twitter and use the accursed “Search Function” I am reminded of why I do not go on Twitter and, if I do, I do not use the accursed “Search Function”
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
there’s one on here currently and they’re bringing back up old controversy (jashshipping)
Yeaa I saw that. They also seem to post a bunch of CJ related things, so I might make the daily photos one since there isn't one for just CJ screenshots/photos
#im gonna be a fait bit busy today so I cant make it rn#also wont be making it tomorrow as there's another strike happening then [ill make a post on that later too btw]#but i want there to be an account just of stuff from the vids or of the ones he posts on twitter#as for the shipping thing#i wish ppl wouldn't be so rude with things sometimes man#my stance is basically the same as CJs. interpret it however you'd like just don't show it to ppl who are uncomfortable with it#also don't harass or be a dick to people who do or don't ship it#im glad it died down since then at least & that there's not a bunch of hate going around#this fandom is simultaneously really nice to be in & also really draining sometimes#tho it definitely isn't the worse. ive been in a lot of ones that are a LOT worse than here. big & small#place is actually quite nice mostly. despite some things that deserve needing to be called out [like some of the ableism toward Heart]#I think things would be a lot better if people just let others do their own thing. as long as its not like. fuckin illegal or offense#or against CJs boundaries. just let others vibe out in there own corner#ain't that what we all said when TH purists complain about CJs covers? No ones forcing you to consume the content. is all good#just stay where you're comfortable! if anyone's forcing you to look at their stuff then they're the issue. and that goes both ways#again just listen to what the guy said. don't show it to people that don't like it. don't harass people who do it don't like it. an like#just be groovy#sorry for the rant this has just been on my mind for months now#im generally very neutral on things but i hate everyone just yellin at each other when there doesn't need to be yelling in the first place#again this place is hell of a lot better than other spaces ive been in#its a main reason this is the first fandom I've actively participated a shit ton in#im actually using discord & talking [a bit] to other ppl for once lol#idk man i like it here. Just don't make a reason for people not to like it here#again apologies for the rant op. this has just been on my mind for some time & i really don't want shit being blown up again#also apologize if anythins spelled wrong or sounds like nonsense#shitty keyboard + dyslexia + not being able to edit tags can make dumb results lol#moss rants#[atlas asks]
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Amazon illegally interferes with an historic UK warehouse election
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I'm in to TARTU, ESTONIA! Overcoming the Enshittocene (Monday, May 8, 6PM, Prima Vista Literary Festival keynote, University of Tartu Library, Struwe 1). AI, copyright and creative workers' labor rights (May 10, 8AM: Science Fiction Research Association talk, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures building, Lossi 3, lobby). A talk for hackers on seizing the means of computation (May 10, 3PM, University of Tartu Delta Centre, Narva 18, room 1037).
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Amazon is very good at everything it does, including being very bad at the things it doesn't want to do. Take signing up for Prime: nothing could be simpler. The company has built a greased slide from Prime-curiosity to Prime-confirmed that is the envy of every UX designer.
But unsubscribing from Prime? That's a fucking nightmare. Somehow the company that can easily figure out how to sign up for a service is totally baffled when it comes to making it just as easy to leave. Now, there's two possibilities here: either Amazon's UX competence is a kind of erratic freak tide that sweeps in at unpredictable intervals and hits these unbelievable high-water marks, or the company just doesn't want to let you leave.
To investigate this question, let's consider a parallel: Black Flag's Roach Motel. This is an icon of American design, a little brown cardboard box that is saturated in irresistibly delicious (to cockroaches, at least) pheromones. These powerful scents make it admirably easy for all the roaches in your home to locate your Roach Motel and enter it.
But the interior of the Roach Motel is also coated in a sticky glue. Once roaches enter the motel, their legs and bodies brush up against this glue and become hopeless mired in it. A roach can't leave – not without tearing off its own legs.
It's possible that Black Flag made a mistake here. Maybe they wanted to make it just as easy for a roach to leave as it is to enter. If that seems improbable to you, well, you're right. We don't even have to speculate, we can just refer to Black Flag's slogan for Roach Motel: "Roaches check in, but they don't check out."
It's intentional, and we know that because they told us so.
Back to Amazon and Prime. Was it some oversight that cause the company make it so marvelously painless to sign up for Prime, but such a titanic pain in the ass to leave? Again, no speculation is required, because Amazon's executives exchanged a mountain of internal memos in which this is identified as a deliberate strategy, by which they deliberately chose to trick people into signing up for Prime and then hid the means of leaving Prime. Prime is a Roach Motel: users check in, but they don't check out:
When it benefits Amazon, they are obsessive – "relentless" (Bezos's original for the company) – about user friendliness. They value ease of use so highly that they even patented "one click checkout" – the incredibly obvious idea that a company that stores your shipping address and credit card could let you buy something with a single click:
But when it benefits Amazon to place obstacles in our way, they are even more relentless in inventing new forms of fuckery, spiteful little landmines they strew in our path. Just look at how Amazon deals with unionization efforts in its warehouses.
Amazon's relentless union-busting spans a wide diversity of tactics. On the one hand, they cook up media narratives to smear organizers, invoking racist dog-whistles to discredit workers who want a better deal:
On the other hand, they collude with federal agencies to make workers afraid that their secret ballots will be visible to their bosses, exposing them to retaliation:
They hold Cultural Revolution-style forced indoctrination meetings where they illegally threaten workers with punishment for voting in favor of their union:
And they fire Amazon tech workers who express solidarity with warehouse workers:
But all this is high-touch, labor-intensive fuckery. Amazon, as we know, loves automation, and so it automates much of its union-busting: for example, it created an employee chat app that refused to deliver any message containing words like "fairness" or "grievance":
Amazon also invents implausible corporate fictions that allow it to terminate entire sections of its workforce for trying to unionize, by maintaining the tormented pretense that these workers, who wear Amazon uniforms, drive Amazon trucks, deliver Amazon packages, and are tracked by Amazon down to the movements of their eyeballs, are, in fact, not Amazon employees:
These workers have plenty of cause to want to unionize. Amazon warehouses are sources of grueling torment. Take "megacycling," a ten-hour shift that runs from 1:20AM to 11:50AM that workers are plunged into without warning or the right to refuse. This isn't just a night shift – it's a night shift that makes it impossible to care for your children or maintain any kind of normal life.
Then there's Jeff Bezos's war on his workers' kidneys. Amazon warehouse workers and drivers notoriously have to pee in bottles, because they are monitored by algorithms that dock their pay for taking bathroom breaks. The road to Amazon's warehouse in Coventry, England is littered with sealed bottles of driver piss, defenestrated by drivers before they reach the depot inspection site.
There's so much piss on the side of the Coventry road that the prankster Oobah Butler was able to collect it, decant it into bottles, and market it on Amazon as an energy beverage called "Bitter Lemon Release Energy," where it briefly became Amazon's bestselling energy drink:
(Butler promises that he didn't actually ship any bottled piss to people who weren't in on the gag – but let's just pause here and note how weird it is that a guy who hates our kidneys as much as Jeff Bezos built and flies a penis-shaped rocket.)
Butler also secretly joined the surge of 1,000 workers that Amazon hired for the Coventry warehouse in advance of a union vote, with the hope of diluting the yes side of that vote and forestall the union. Amazon displayed more of its famously selective competence here, spotting Butler and firing him in short order, while totally failing to notice that he was marketing bottles of driver piss as a bitter lemon drink on Amazon's retail platform.
After a long fight, Amazon's Coventry workers are finally getting their union vote, thanks to the GMB union's hard fought battle at the Central Arbitration Committee:
And right on schedule, Amazon has once again discovered its incredible facility for ease-of-use. The company has blanketed its shop floor with radioactively illegal "one click to quit the union" QR codes. When a worker aims their phones at the code and clicks the link, the system auto-generates a letter resigning the worker from their union.
As noted, this is totally illegal. English law bans employers from "making an offer to an employee for the sole or main purpose of inducing workers not to be members of an independent trade union, take part in its activities, or make use of its services."
Now, legal or not, this may strike you as a benign intervention on Amazon's part. Why shouldn't it be easy for workers to choose how they are represented in their workplaces? But the one-click system is only half of Amazon's illegal union-busting: the other half is delivered by its managers, who have cornered workers on the shop floor and ordered them to quit their union, threatening them with workplace retaliation if they don't.
This is in addition to more forced "captive audience" meetings where workers are bombarded with lies about what life in an union shop is like.
Again, the contrast couldn't be more stark. If you want to quit a union, Amazon makes this as easy as joining Prime. But if you want to join a union, Amazon makes that even harder than quitting Prime. Amazon has the same attitude to its workers and its customers: they see us all as a resource to be extracted, and have no qualms about tricking or even intimidating us into doing what's best for Amazon, at the expense of our own interests.
The campaigning law-firm Foxglove is representing five of Amazon's Coventry workers. They're doing the lord's work:
All this highlights the increasing divergence between the UK and the US when it comes to labor rights. Under the Biden Administration, @NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo has promulgated a rule that grants a union automatic recognition if the boss does anything to interfere with a union election:
In other words, if Amazon tries these tactics in the USA now, their union will be immediately recognized. Abruzzo has installed an ultra-sensitive tilt-sensor in America's union elections, and if Bezos or his class allies so much as sneeze in the direction of their workers' democratic rights, they automatically lose.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Isabela.Zanella (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ballot-box-2.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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writer-logbook · 1 month
How to improve your writing style : a 5-steps guide.
Intro : I love the 5-steps format, don’t mind me. Again, this essay is based on my personal experience.
Read in different genres. Ok, I know you’ve probably heard this advice more than you can count but did you ask yourself why it is so important ? You probably wonder ‘‘How reading some historical fiction will help me writing my sci-fi novel ?’’ For that simple reason my friend : they meet different purposes. You don’t know how to describe a castle ? It’s okay, historical fiction got your back. Because it aims at something more realistic and accurate, it would tend to be more specific and detailed when it comes to describing clothes, furniture, places and so on. Why ? Because, most of the time, THEY ACTUALLY EXISTED. Take a closer look at how it is done and draw your inspiration from it (but please avoid plagiarism it’s bad - and illegal)
Take notes and CLASSIFY them. To make reading somehow useful, you have to actually make it concious, which means you have to write things down to remember them. When I come across a description I like, I tend to takes notes of the figures of speech that are used and class them, so when I have to write a similar scene, I have an idea of what have been already used, and weither or not it achieved its goal. I am NOT talking about COPY another author’s style !!!! It’s about finding inspiration and new approaches. I also tend to take notes of the new words I wish to incoporate into my writing. The thesaurus is my new bestie.
Rewrite the same scene from different POVs. First of all, it’s fun. And it’s a really good way to spot quirky formulations. For instance, if you describe a ship, the captain’s POV should be different from that of a simple observer. The first one would be naming each part princisely whereas the other would only be admiring the surface without knowing anything. If the caption is the same for both POVs, maybe you should consider write your passage again (or have a good reason, like a strong amateurism for the mere observer). It’s go hand in hand with coherence - but it would be an essay for another time (maybe).
Read your text aloud. I put major emphasis on that one because it’s as underated as reading books for various genres. You have no idea how much we DON’T speak the way we write. Even dialogues are crafted in our stories - so make sure to give them proper attention. (i even read my email aloud but-). I KNOW how cringey it might be as I am doing it MYSELF but the benefits are worth the 35-minutes shame I endure from my own mess. Before you can shine, you have to polish (shout out to the one who said that first if it’s not me).
Take a step back. I strongly advice you to let some time pass before reading your text again and profreading it. It will cast a new light upon your work and with fresh eyes you’d be more likely able to spot what needs to be erased or rephrased.
That’s all for me today. Since I would be entering my proofreading phase for my writing contest, the next essay would probably about proofreading (with examples from my own novel ?). Unless someone wants me to write on a specific subject first.
Gentle reminder that I’m still French and not a native so please forgive my dubious grammar and outrageous mispellings.
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archiverstappen · 6 months
the cat sitter (part 15) ✧ max verstappen
max verstappen x fem! reader
previous part | masterlist
loosely inspired by the story on how max lost his cat
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[max’s messages]
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liked by charles_leclerc and 2.827.515 others
maxverstappen1 🐈
view all 1.736 comments
landonorris Never beating the crazy cat lady allegations
danielricciardo 😍
yourusername i miss you ed, edd, and eddy. gone... but never forgotten 😿
↳ maxverstappen1 you named them?
↳ yourusername yes? 🤷‍♀️
username i dont care guys this is enough sign for me, it’s canon
username please tell me that she at least kept one of those cats
↳ yourusername maximus won’t let me keep them 💔
↳ maxverstappen1 Pretty sure that’s illegal 🤗
bffusername so is this the reason why you always take so long on your dates? because y/n can’t resist touching every single cat on the streets? [deleted]
bffusername cool pics! 😁👍
↳ yourusername ouH GIRL WHEN I CATCH YOU
username don’t know about you guys but the hand on her head awakened something feral in me
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liked maxverstappen1 and 231 others
yourusername these are a few of my favorite things 🫧 🤍 🎶
view all 42 comments
landonorris He got game after all
↳ yourusername unlike you
↳ landonorris OUCH??
↳ maxverstappen1 😂
maxverstappen1 Lovely 🤍
bffusername this cake looks way better than maximus' birthday cake, progress!! 💪🏼
↳ yourusername 😎
bffusername now i'm curious, what did you say during mario kart? 🤔
↳ maxverstappen1 A lot of curse words
victoriaverstappen Enjoy your holiday guys, see you soon! 🧡
↳ maxverstappen1 Y/N......
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liked by yourusername and 2.103.273 others
maxverstappen1 More passion, more energy ❄️
view all 7.322 comments
yourusername i kinda hate you right now ngl
↳ maxverstappen1 She's so brave, she's well behaved, she's not afraid 💪🏼
↳ yourusername HUSH
yourusername delete??? or i'll post a video of you dancing to 'paint the town red'??
↳ maxverstappen1 YOU WOULDN'T DARE
↳ yourusername I SAID WHAT I SAID 👹
↳ username y/n i would give you my cat if i could see a video of max doing a tiktok trend 🧎‍♀️
↳ yourusername check your dm please xoxoxoxo
charles_leclerc 😂
alex_albon Fucking finally 😮‍💨
landonorris I called dibs on being captain of the ship
↳ bffusername hi there, sorry to bother you. y/n's bff here. that position is already taken 🙏
↳ username speak uP? danielricciardo
↳ danielricciardo I don't engage in useless banter, I already have the position of being the godfather of their future child 😁
↳ landonorris exPLAIN??? maxverstappen1 yourusername
username the fact that this post has better engagement than max's wdc post i-
username now we know how max knew all of the viral tiktok sounds 😭
↳ yourusername we're planning to make a tiktok couple account
↳ username ?!??!?!??!?!??! ARE YOU FOR REAL
↳ yourusername please don't take it seriously, I WAS JOKING 😁🙏
author's notes: eden the scammer is back after 2 months guys, so sorry for making you guys wait too long (and giving you guys false hope) 👹 really hope you guys liked this one hehe, i also take additional request for tcs!! (but as you probably know, it's gonna take me 8273 years to finally post it). there are some references from my lando series in this part, so if you're interested you can also check it out 😙 LOVE YOUUUWWW, now i will hibernate for another 5 months 🤸‍♀️
taglist: @flwr-stella @reidsworld @myloverjk-blog @debss-319 @hiraethrhapsody @electrobutterfly @love4lando @lunnnix @allenajade-ite @jjsprobablywrong @whoreks @soleilgrec @oscarwildingsworld @christianpulisic10 @thievin-stealing @glitterf1 @elliegrey2803 @trouble-sistar @escapism-writer @cornerofacry @hollie911 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @ad-astra-again @canyon-lwt @thecubanator2 @lifesuckslife @leclercloml @sunny44 @nmw-am @sachaa-ff @multilovebot @glow-ish @moneygramhaas @whitefireproofs @icarus-nex @iloveyou3000morgan @ccallistata @copper-boom @fictionalcharacterslut @celesteblack08 @maxiel-jpg @slytherheign @lunyyx @series-books-food @coffeehurricanes @shrimpyshrimp @somanyfandomsbruh @justcallmeelli @laneyspaulding19 @ironmaiden1313
pictures (c) to pinterest
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oliverwolfboy · 1 year
Listen guys I know we all like to think of our favorite queer pairings as married, but in Japan gay marriage is unfortunately illegal, now this isn’t some that has to effect your fanfics, but I would actually like if we as a community acknowledged it more. I just think it’s more impactful if the characters had to struggle with the biases of some of the people around them. It would make the characters situation more relatable, and it would also make for interesting plot for the fic, even if it is just a side thing. For some of the ships it might even make for interesting cultural shock, like with Ranpoe, since America does allow gay marriage in most states, while Japan doesn’t it would probably make for a funny interaction. My point is while homophobia and discrimination is unfortunate, it doesn’t mean we have to ignore it in stories, and pretend that it doesn’t exist at all. Idk man I just want some of my fics to be more interesting and this is one way to do it.
Edit: this is not for those who write stories mainly as escapism. If what you want in the story is to play around without the shit called homophobia, then you do you.
Edit: I wanted to say that, this could also very well be used for crack, considering canon BSD, and not an AU where they aren't all criminals. Just imagine, Dazai in a wedding dress, using a machine gun to take down the government officials who won't let him have his wedding with Chuuya (or whoever you ship him with). It also kinda depends on what year it is in Japan
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Cheka and Grim: *sleeping on top of MC*
MC: *who just woke up* *yawns* Seriously, what's the use of renovating two rooms if I'd just end up being a bed? *slowly gets up so as to not wake up the two*
Cheka and Grim: *sleeping soundly*
MC: *decides to call Ruggie* 'Sup, hyena-boy.
Ruggie: Yo, boss! How can I help ya'?
MC: Come over here and cook breakfast. Just break the door so you could get in.
Ruggie: Geez, boss. You know I can just pick the lock. But okay. See you in a bit. *hangs up*
Grim: *wakes up* Hench-human?
MC: Mornin'.
Grim: Good morning... *then nudges Cheka*
Cheka: Huh...?
Grim: Wake up, you freeloader.
Cheka: *yawns* *then beams* MC! Good morning! *giggles*
MC: ...
MC: Wow.
MC: ...
MC: Just sleep again. I'm not dealing with this cheerfulness first thing in the morning.
Cheka: But I'm awake now!
MC: Yeah, yeah. You have like, *checks their non-existent watch*, 20 minutes. Yes.
MC: Thanks for the help, Ruggie. I'll send the money to your account.
Ruggie: Thanks, boss! Shyeheehee!
Ruggie: By the way, are you not going to send Cheka back home?
MC: They shipped him back. Looks like I'll be raising the kid. The fuck.
Ruggie: *laughs*
Crowley: MC~ My favorite employee~.
MC: What d'you want?
Crowley: *clears throat* Well, there's something I would like to confirm.
Crowley: Did you, by any chance, visit a stripper's club?
MC: Yeah. Why?
Crowley: *smiles*
MC: *looks unfazed* You're yelling at me?
Crowley: Um, no. I'm sorry. Though I deserve an explanation to that behavior, don't I?
MC: I just danced. I didn't strip. Unless that's fucking illegal, in which I don't give a fuck also.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: But the parent is the Leech Twin's father.
MC: Huh. So? That shouldn't be a big deal to him.
Crowley: He wanted me to dismiss you!
MC: Because he wanted to hire me and my schedule's already full.
Crowley: Oh.
Crowley: Alright. I was almost outsmarted. Thank you for enlightening me.
MC: ...
MC: Tch.
Floyd: Come with us at the Coral Sea~. *while holding a knife*
MC: What? You think I have gills?
Jade: We've prepared a potion for you.
Azul: Floyd and Jade's father really wants to meet you.
MC: That little— What does he not understand with the word "no"?
Jade: I believe he mentioned that he deserves to have a pole-dancing rematch.
MC: ...
MC: Huh. I can't reject that.
Azul: You're free to bring your two kids.
MC: *clicks tongue*
Floyd: We can hire a nanny~.
MC: It's settled then.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
AU where Xanatos is "redeemed by the power of cute," but it's actually a psychological whammy caused by Obi-Wan being supernaturally adorable as a species-specific juvenile defense mechanism, and is functionally immediate brainwashing by the 13yo who doesn't know that's what he's doing.
Tbh this is mostly just Defense Mechanism that makes Xanatos harmless, but in a way everyone finds very concerning and uncomfortable because it's kind of mind control.
Someone (@dracothulhu) asked if it was related to Mimic Spider AU, and it is not! Mimic spider AU is just "ohhhh you wanna fuck me so b--PSYCH! EATING YOU."
This is more "I'm a little baby, I'm SUCH a little baby, you don't want to hurt me, you could never hurt me, I'm so adorable I'm so cute doesn't it just kill you to think about hurting me?"
Mimic spider AU is just Hot and Confident. This is straight up Mind Whammie.
@threebea also thought brood parasitism, and offered:
I'm trying to figure out a reason for the Stewjoni to have like brood parasitism where they will stick their young with other families for awhile before picking them up Used to do it to Mandoalorians all the time, and it's part of the reason the Mandalorian adopt anything stereotype got so strong. Stewjoni looking at Jedi: those seem parent shaped here you go
Which is great, except I actually started with the idea of it being kind of the inverse!
(That said, I won't actually say no to the brood parasitism option.)
Xanatos: had been about to kidnap and put him on a deep sea mine now is feeding him pudding Is it he's acting normal but doing weird things or is he suddenly talking to Obi-Wan like he's an adorable puppy
He's kind of zoned out.
Xanatos: look at him so cute Omg Obi-Wan: standing there Xanatos: kriff I don't have a camera - also from threebea
Also cuddles! Which Obi-Wan actually Does Not Want. But if he's Very Very Still then maybe Qui-Gon will find him and fix this.
Like if a tiger held and groomed you and you just were waiting Very Still for the zookeeper to distract it and/or load up the tranq.
After the days he's had he'd perhaps like a cuddle but not from this guy Lol Xanatos: so soft The effect only works on humans and near humans so it didn't work on the hutt and (can't remember the other species) on the ship
We can say it works through the Force and that's why the Hutt is immune.
"Stewjoni are targets of slavers" but specifically for illegal adoptions. It's lucrative, because most bounty hunters last about twenty seconds before they give the crying baby back where it wants to go.
And most of the immune ones get caught by planetary defense forces.
So if you CAN steal a baby, the profit margin is insane, since it's so damn hard to do, but the baby up for illegal adoption is sooooo cute.
(…this concept would be hilarious with one of those "Tor adopts baby Ben Kenobi to turn into a weapon" AUs. Still a shitty childhood bc Death Watch can justify a lot under the umbrella of Teaching Self-Defense. But interesting.)
IF YOU HAVE READ TWILIGHT: do you remember the bit about vampire babies being so cute that people would let them slaughter entire villages without a qualm?
It's like that, except Obi-Wan doesn't have dreams of mass slaughter and it only really activates as a Threat Response.
I guess the evolutionary trigger is it's kind of a paralytic You can't move far from where you stole the kid
Which is exactly right!
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incendiobrock · 7 months
Boneyard Bash {JJ Maybank}
Summary: A twist to the boneyard scene where instead of JJ offering Sarah a drink, Rafe offers y/n one. This doesn’t sit well with bf JJ and a fight ensues but the gun is pulled on the wrong person.. ;)
Warnings: gun violence, language, physical fighting, drinking, smoking, slight mention of blood
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The past twenty-four hours consisted of a lot of concocting and illegal activities that you would rather not list out. You see, when John B, JJ, Pope, Kiara, and you run into a sunken ship, and the police won’t listen to you when you try to report it, matters are taken into your own hands. What started as a plan to figure out who’s Grady White sunk during hurricane Agatha- has turned into a money ring. 
“Can we please take a break from the illegal, money scheming antics? We’ve been at it all day, and I’m still dead serious about getting caught, I can not lose my scholarship!” Pope spoke, eyeing each and everyone of you as you sat around on the porch of the chateau. Kiara quickly agreed, John B and JJ almost getting caught at the motel was enough for her. 
“Either way is fine with me.” You stated, taking a hit from the joint that JJ had just rolled, blowing out the smoke and instantly feeling a sense of relief wash over you. You passed the joint back to your blonde boyfriend, allowing him to get a few hits of it as well. 
“We could hit up the boneyard?” John B suggested, a quizzical expression playing on his face. He knew that his friends never passed on the idea of throwing a kegger. 
“Now we’re talkin!” JJ cheered, his arm finding its way over your shoulders as you snatched the joint back from him. After your last hit you put out the bud, twisting the burning end into the wood of the porch, ultimately saving the rest for later. You all got up from your spots, heading over to the twinkie so you could pick up a couple kegs before heading to the abandoned part of the beach.
The drinks were starting to hit you after downing two, and sipping on a third. Your body swayed to the music playing as a fire slowly burned in the background. You and Kiara had been dancing for awhile, talking about all the things that you never spoke of with the three boys. You were thankful that Kie was there, she was the one that made sure you kept hold of a little bit of your sanity. Out of ear shot, JJ sat next to Pope on a piece of old driftwood that had been washed to shore. His eyes watched you as you let out a laugh in response to something Kiara must’ve said, pure bliss radiating off of you. 
“Dude, you’re starring hardcore at y/n.” Pope chuckled, nudging his shoulder. JJ grinned, shaking his head a little as he looked down at his lap. He had a red solo cup in hand, also feeling the affects of all the beer he had consumed so far this night.
“I can’t help it Pope, I’m in love with her.” JJ responded, looking back up at you as the fire cast its light across your face, making you glow like a true goddess. 
You glanced over your shoulder, blushing as you made eye contact with your boyfriend from across the way. 
“Well, well, well... If it isn’t the wanna be Pogue and the Pogue princess dancing around the fire on this fine evening.” A voice spoke from behind you. You felt your smile instantly leave, recognizing who the voice belonged to without having to even turn around. 
“What do you want Rafe?” Kie asked, crossing her arms over her chest, sending death glares at the number one asshole in all of the OBX. Rafe scoffed, running a hand through his preppy, annoying, rich hair. 
“I actually didn’t come over here for you, as if that’s any sort of shock-” He spat, a red solo cup sloshing around beer as he used his hands for emphasis. “-I really only came over here to offer y/n a drink.” He finished his sentence, extending the cup out to you. 
“No thanks, I think I’m good.” You said rolling your eyes and turning your back towards the Kook. Despite you constantly trying to shut Rafe down, he would continue to talk to you any chance he got. All the Pogue’s had picked up that he had some sort of weird fascination with you, and it drove JJ mad. He hated that Rafe was constantly up your ass, despite the numerous times you told him you weren’t interested. JJ knew you could handle yourself, but it also just made him upset because you are his girl, and no one could get in the way of that.
“Oh come on... Where’s that little Pogue boyfriend of yours? Did he get himself thrown in jail yet?” Rafe pushed, causing you to turn back around.
“He’s right here you dipshit!” JJ yelled, quickly walking up to Rafe and punching him square in the face.  You and Kiara both gasped, watching as Rafe almost instantly fought back. He took ahold of JJ’s shirt, knuckles going white from the tight grasp, and throwing his towards the sand. JJ fumbled slightly, his back hitting the ground relatively hard, but he managed to get back up and tackle Rafe to the ground as well. 
“Rafe! Leave him alone!” You cried, watching as Rafe threw multiple punches at JJ’s face. He was lucky that he had been able to dodge a few of them. Before you knew it, John B, and Topper had joined in too. Each boy standing up for their respective friend but ultimately just creating a bigger fight. 
Topper and JJ were now the ones who were throwing punches left and right, John B struggling to pull them apart from each other. You had almost had enough of all the fighting, storming towards the four boys, a little unsure of what your game plan was. “Hey! Stop it!” You yelled out again, watching as JJ had once again hit Topper, his nose now gushing blood. Rafe broke away from the boys, coming straight to you and pulling you against him to where your back was flat against his chest. His left arm wrapped around your shoulders, your neck being trapped between the bend in his arm, keeping you snug against him. His right hand raised up, a cool touch of metal being placed against your temple.
Your body instantly froze, although you had never found yourself in this situation before, you weren’t stupid. Rafe had a gun. It had all happened so fast, you hadn’t even had the chance to try and fight back, and now you sure as hell weren’t going to. Who knows whether Rafe would actually use the thing or not... 
“Maybank! You better get your dirty Pogue hands off my friend! Or else!” Rafe said, the gun shaking against your temple as his voice rang out. JJ’s eyes immediately shooting over and seeing the tears forming in your eyes as Rafe’s gun was pressed flush against your head. Your hands were clutching onto the arm that Rafe was using to hold you in place, using him as support as your legs trembled beneath you. 
“Let her go man! This doesn’t involve her!” John B said, coming closer to the two of you. Panic written across everyone’s face, even Topper seemed scared. 
“Don’t come any closer! Tell them princess, if they come any closer I’ll shoot this gun right through your skull.” Your body shook, struggling to catch your breath as tears streamed down your face. Your eyes never lost sight of JJ’s as he stood and watched, trying to calculate his next move. Any alcohol in any of your systems was now long gone, feeling more sober by the second due to the severity of the situation at hand. 
“Please- just let me go...” You chocked, begging Rafe to stop. You had seen him angry before, especially towards you guys, but never to this degree. You could tell he was enjoying it too as he chuckled to himself. 
“Next time, maybe you should just be nice and accept my drink. That way we don’t have to end up in a little fight, alright princess?” He whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against your hair. You gulped, nodding your head up and down, hoping that this would be the end of his threats. “Good.” He whispered again, releasing your body from his grip and removing the gun all in one motion. You landed on your hands and knees, gasping for more air. 
JJ rushed to your aid, dropping down in front of you and cupping your face in his hands, causing you to look at him. “Oh my god, are you alright? Did he hurt you baby?” He asked, his voice breaking slightly, tears now filling his icy blue eyes. You shook your head ‘no’, unable to form a sentence. JJ helped lift you into a sitting position, cradling you in his arms. He rocked you slightly, running a hand through your hair, trying to help you even out your breath. 
“I thought I was going to lose you.” He whispered, the tears finally breaking their seal and gliding down his face. 
“I thought you were too.” You replied, letting out a strained chuckle. He smiled, relieved to hear your voice again. He took ahold of both of your hands, allowing you both to stand back up. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Kiara said, coming to your opposite side, nodding towards John B and Pope. You both agreed, following her and the others back towards the twinkie. JJ held a firm grip around your waist, not ready to let you go again after what Rafe had almost done to you. You leaned into him, thankful that you hadn’t died. 
Once all five of you were back in the twinkie, and you were laying against JJ’s chest, he spoke once more, “If he ever puts a hand on you again he’s dead.” 
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profictionist · 1 year
One thing (and trust me, theres more) i hate about antis is their hypocrisy towards different crimes
"You can't ship that! It's illegal!!" Yeah and the guy who murders people is also illegal, but youre fine with shipping him with people.
"You can't like that character! They canonically sexually assaulted someone!" But you love that one character who physically assaults people?
I don't get why antis thing sexual crimes are the worst of the worst and if you even tolerate a character who did that, you deserve to get death threats. And the fact that they hate abusive ships so badly, but love characters who are murderers? That's just double standards, and I'm tired of it.
If one immoral crime is okay in fiction, then they all should be. No crime is above or below other crimes. They're all horrible actions that can traumatize someone for life, but since its fictional and not real, all of them should be okay to engage in, IN FICTION. Because it isn't real.
"But sexual, abuse, and pedophilic crimes can trigger someone! That's why we cant have them!" You ever thought that maybe murder and assault could trigger someone? There's a lot of people who are triggered by gore, and yet I don't see any antis sending death threats to those who make it. And guess what? Tagging exists. You can filter out tags so that you don't have to see any of that. That's why tagging posts is so important, so that people who have triggers related to that content won't be able to see it. Problem solved, and everyone gets to do what they want.
But antis just don't want to do that? They'd rather shame people for liking immoral things, or not even just immoral, things THEY classify as more immoral than other immoral things.
It seriously makes no sense, and I can't grasp how antis think like this.
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mewmewpercy · 6 days
Feixiao x Jiaoqiu is not Illegal
I'd just like to compile a small list of reasons why Feiqiu is actually not illegal because people are cherry picking and misconstruing things and also the translation team for English sucks balls.
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Okay so people are using pictures like this dialogue to say that she was a minor at the time. This along with the voice actor choice was incorrect entirely. In this scene she's not supposed to sound like a child. She doesn't in any other dub besides English. Also she wasn't meant to be called a girl. She was referred to as young yes but young means a multitude of things espescially working with longer lifespans like the Foxians.
On the topic of longer lifespans. Hoyoverse doesn't seem to have a proper aging scale for their longer life species. Take Jing Yuan for example. He's over 800 years old. It's implied he's pretty old for a XIanzhou Native. Then we have motherfuckers like Yunli or Yanqing who are 12 and 14 respectively. Based on the ages of visibly adult Xianzhou Natives(specifically Xianzhou Natives not Vidhyadara or Foxians) like Jing Yuan, Jingliu, or say Hanya Yanqing and Yunli should be more like infants or toddlers not preteens or teens. It's just weird age scaling. Then we bring Foxians into play and it's said they live until a maximum of 500 if I'm not mistaken. By normal logic their ageing should also be slowed down. Meaning the whole "young" thing meant to be implied by Hoyoverse could be more like a Qingque situation where they're definitely an adult but called a child or childish in canon and by fans.
Next thing. People try to say Jiaoqiu knew Feixiao when she was a child. Even if Feixiao was a child in the flashback Jiaoqiu has he met her once......maybe twice. And it was in a professional setting. They knew nothing of each other. The only thing that either of them may have truly thought about past that meeting was a new perspective on life(literally). Then Jiaoqiu fucked off from the medical field for literal fucking years only to come back when she wanted him. And before someone tries to call it weird keep fucking reading. He very much wanted to find a cure for Moon Rage. Not only for her but also for the war that led them to meeting for the first time.
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This is basically the extent to which they talked. They talked about life and death and how war contributes to it all. And he obviously didn't care much for her based on how he responded to her. They were both too stuck in their mindsets at the time to even care about each other platonically let alone romantically.
Their relationship did not change until they were definitely both adults. The flashbacks featuring the same background art are from Jiaoqiu in captivity not from the past.
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These were him thinking about the past and interactions he's had with Feixiao since actually meeting her. They do this because our next still art is the one that reveals the twist of him being blinded in captivity and it was all about timing for what pov we got and when as the player.
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An example of what I mean. There's a very obvious shift in when it's a flashback from a long time ago vs a flashback from like a day ago in timeline.
All of this bullshit to say. No it's not illegal. It's shoddy translating and cherry picked evidence haters are using to spread misinfo to try and push Feikong or Mozeqiu instead of using their thinking caps and reading comprehension skills with the combined power of a little research a literal YouTube video could reveal. Blame the en translation and localizing the ship is perfectly legal. Plus this isn't the first time relationships platonic or romantic have been ruined by those teams before and it's definitely not the last.
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imshii-kin · 1 month
Psychic In Training ::
Chapter # 1 Tourist Trapped
Code, Chapter 1 (You are here)
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Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. - Conan Doyle
»»————- 🪬 ————-««
'Ah... Summer break, the time for parents to ship their kids off to some negligent camp to terrorize some poor 20-year-old looking for some extra cash.'
'That is... unless you're with the Pines.'
You scream as the golf cart crashes through the billboard, roughly hitting the ground before speeding up again. Glancing backward, you could see the shadow of the creature chasing you, and it seemed to be getting closer.
"Dip!" You yell, "It's gaining on us!"
"I know! This thing won't go any faster, Y/N!" The boy in front of you shouts back.
"Uhh guys," The girl next to him peaks her head out of the cart, "It's getting closer!" She shouts panicked.
"We know!" You and the boy yell at the same time.
'My name is Y/n. The sweaty boy in front of me is Dipper, and the girl beside him about to puke is Mabel.'
'Now, you probably already know why we are fleeing from some imaginable horror in a golf cart. Well I'm going to tell you anyway, and I promise, it's for a completely illogical reason.'
»»————- 🪬 ————-««
Beep. Beep. Beep.
You groan, reaching over to silence the alarm. It's the first day of summer break, but your mother insists on the 7:00 AM wake-up call.
"Y/n! The Pines are here!"
You groan louder. Your mother found a loophole after promising not to send you to camp this year. Now you're left wondering what's worse: a summer at Camp Campbell or a summer with the Pines weird uncle.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you slip into a short-sleeve turtleneck sweater and a pair of shorts, moving as slowly as you can.
"Come on, Y/n! We don't have all day!"
Grabbing your backpack on the way, you rush downstairs, where you're met with Dipper's less-than-enthusiastic expression and Mabel's overly enthusiastic grin.
It can't be that bad, right? No crazy, out-of-control adventures.
With a resigned sigh, you follow the Pines out of the house, bracing yourself for whatever this summer has in store.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I'm pretty sure this is breaking some kind of child labor law," you mumble as you restock the blue and white pine tree hats. Off to the side, Dipper is polishing a jar of eyeballs while Mabel stalks some random customer.
"Mabe," you call out, giving her a pointed look. "Stop creeping on that poor guy and help me with these hats." Mabel just blows a raspberry at you, her focus undeterred. You turn to Dipper with a shrug. "Well, I tried. Your turn."
Dipper sighs, rolling his eyes as he sprays the jar again. "Mabel, I get that you're in your 'Boy Crazy' phase," he says, stealing a glance at the list in the customer's hand, "but you're kind of overdoing it on the 'crazy' part."
Mabel blows another raspberry, this time at Dipper. "Come on, you two!" she exclaims, bouncing over to join you. "This is our first summer away from home!"
You raise an eyebrow. "Speak for yourself, Mabe. I've been going to summer camp since I was five. It's not all it's cracked up to be-just a bunch of rules and chores." You gesture to the hats you're organizing. "This is just a slightly more illegal version of that."
Mabel crosses her arms, a smug smile spreading across her face. "Mock all you want, but I've got a feeling this summer's going to be amazing. In fact," she points dramatically to the door, "I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now."
The three of you turn to see Grunkle Stan walking in.
"Ha!" you snort, pointing at Mabel. "Dreamy enough for you, Mabe?" You continue laughing as Mabel cringes in disgust.
Stan strolls over, eyeing the three of you. "Alright, I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest."
"Not it!" Mabel and Dipper shout simultaneously, making you groan.
"Uh, also not it," Soos chimes in.
"Nobody asked you, Soos," Stan deadpans.
"I know, and I'm comfortable with that," Soos replies cheerfully, taking a bite out of a chocolate bar.
Stan turns back to you and the twins. "Well, since one of you was slow, you're doing it." He dumps a stack of signs into your arms. "But you've got a habit of 'getting lost,' so you'll need a companion."
Scanning the room, Stan spots Wendy at the counter. "Wendy! Help Y/n with these signs!"
Without even looking up from her magazine, Wendy replies, "I would, but I... uh... can't... uh... reach them."
Stan mutters under his breath, "I'd fire all of you if I could," before turning to Dipper. "Alright then, let's make it eeny-meeny-miney..." He points at Dipper. "You."
"What?!" Dipper protests. "Grunkle Stan, I always feel like I'm being watched when I'm in those woods." He sneaks a glance at you, lowering his voice. "And Y/n gets weird in the forest."
You shoot Dipper a glare. "Hey! I can hear you, you know..." They ignore you.
Stan gives Dipper an unimpressed look, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ugh, not this again."
"I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town. Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out 'beware.'" Dipper rolls up his sleeve to show Stan.
Stan squints at it. "That says 'bewarb.'"
You snicker. "Who knew mosquitoes were bad at spelling?"
Dipper lowers his arm, embarrassed, scratching at the bites. Stan shakes his head. "Look, kid, the whole 'monsters in the forest' thing is just a local legend made up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." He nods toward a sweating, grinning customer clutching a handful of merchandise.
"And Y/n's just... a little special. Nothing weird about it." Stan shrugs. "So quit being paranoid."
You huff, handing some of the signs to Dipper. "For the record, I can still hear you."
»»————- 🪬————-««
Hanging up the signs quickly became boring. Dipper was hammering nails into the trees so that you could hang the signs, he was muttering something about Stan not believing him.
"Could you not?" You snap, "All you do is complain, it'd be nice if you'd talk about something more pleasant for once."
Dipper shot a sharp glare your way. "Like you're any better. All you do is make snide comments and dump your work on everyone else."
You gasp, feigning offense. "When have I ever?"
Dipper's expression turned flat, clearly unimpressed.
"Who shrunk my sweater!?" Mabel wailed, holding up the now tiny garment. "I told everyone this was special cotton! It needs delicate care!"
You glance up from your magazine. "Pretty sure Soos did it," you answer before returning to your reading.
Dipper stared at you before his eyes flicked to the chore list on the wall, your name plastered next to 'Laundry'.
"That was one time." You defend yourself.
"No! It wasn't! That was one of multiple times!" Dipper said exasperated, placing down another nail and hammering it.
Both of you freeze, staring at the tree. Dipper taps the hammer lightly against the trunk again, confirming the odd sound. Lowering the hammer, he examines the tree closer, running his hand over the bark until he finds a small crack.
With a glance at you, he pries open the "tree."
A mechanical box with two switches sat within a hidden compartment. Dipper tests one of the controls, nothing. He flips the other switch, and next to you, a hatch suddenly opens in the ground.
You exchange a wary look with Dipper before cautiously peering inside the hatch. There, nestled within the earth, lay an old, thick book. Dust covered it completely, cobwebs clung to its edges, and millipedes skittered across its surface. The cover bore a gold six-fingered handprint, with the number "3" written on its palm.
You slowly reach for the book in the hatch, somewhat hesitate as a bad feeling sinks into your stomach.
A sharp shock runs through your hand as your fingers graze the surface of the book. The air around you seems to hum with a sudden energy, and a burning sensation spreads across your palm.
Something was drawing you towards the book, something ancient and powerful as if it had been waiting for you. The sensation sharpens, and a rush of images and whispers, flood your conscience.
"-/n! Y/n!!" With a sudden tug, you're pulled away from the book. Dipper, who was now in front of you, was gripping tightly onto your shoulders, a look of genuine worry on his face.
"What was that?" he asks, searching your face for answers. When you don't respond, he turns and reaches into the hatch, carefully pulling out the book.
He places it on the ground and opens it, eyes scanning the pages.
"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon." Dipper flips through the book, each page revealing bizarre creatures and terrifying monsters.
"What is all this?" Dipper whispers in awe. You lean over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of a page that reads "TRUST NO ONE!"
"My worst fears have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide this book before it's found. Remember, In Gravity Falls, you can't trust anyone."
You and Dipper exchange a tense look, a silent pact forming between you both.
You yelp in surprise, falling backward.
Mabel was behind you, leaning over a rotten log. "What'cha reading, some nerdy thing?" she teased, trying to peek at what Dipper was hiding behind his back.
"Uh- uh- it's nothing!" Dipper stammers, shooting you a desperate look.
""Uh, uh, it's nothing!" What? Are you not gonna show me?" Mabel laughs.
Dipper looks at Mabel then the Journal then back at Mabel. "Let's... go somewhere more private."
Mabel raises an eyebrow but simply shrugs. She hops over the log and strides quickly toward you, extending a hand to help you up.
You offer her a grateful smile as you reach for her hand.
"What is that?!" Mabel exclaims, suddenly tightening her grip on your hand as she examines it closely. "When did you get a scar like this?"
Startled, you pull your hand back and stare at your palm, shocked to find a vertical eye seared into your skin.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I can't find anything," Dipper mutters, flipping through the pages with a frustrated sigh. "There's nothing about a mysterious vertical eye appearing on someone's palm."
The three of you have ended up in the Mystery Shack's resting room. You're seated beside Mabel, while Dipper paces back and forth, rifling through the Journal's pages.
"But still, this thing is incredible!" Dipper exclaims, holding the Journal open for Mabel to see. "Grunkle Stan thinks I'm just being paranoid, but according to this book, Gravity Falls has a hidden dark side."
You lean forward, a frown tugging at your lips. "Dip, this could be dangerous. That book gives me the creeps." You wave your hand in front of Dipper's face. "And look at what it did to me!"
Dipper bats your hand away, his expression annoyed.
"Who's that? More tourists?" you ask, glancing toward the door. Mabel grins at you. "Well, it's time to spill the beans." She playfully pushes over an empty can of beans. "Boop. Beans." Mabel beams, clearly pleased with her joke before continuing, "This girl's got a date! Woot woot!"
You and Dipper exchange incredulous looks. "Wait," you begin, "In the half hour we were gone, you managed to get a date who didn't run away from your... let's say, intense enthusiasm?"
Mabel nods enthusiastically. "What can I say? I guess I'm just irresistible."
Dipper looks like he's about to say something, but you cut him off with a grin. "You know what? You go, girl."
The doorbell rings again, and Mabel jumps up, hurrying to answer it.
Dipper sighs, slipping into the seat Mabel just vacated. "I can't believe I was right," he says with a grin, flipping open the journal. "Do you mind trying to touch it again?"
You hesitate for a moment, then nod. "Alright, but if I get possessed, I'm blaming you." Dipper brushes off your comment and passes the journal to you.
You carefully take it from his hand, bracing yourself for anything.
But nothing happens. No surge of energy, no eerie whispers—the journal sits quietly in your hands, completely still.
"What'cha reading there, slick?" Grunkle Stan asked as he walked into the room.
"Oh!" Dipper yelped, quickly shoving the book behind his back and snatching up the nearest magazine. "Just catching up on..." He glanced at the cover in his hand, "Gold Chains for Old Men?" He read aloud, raising an eyebrow.
Stan leans over Dipper's shoulder and grins, "That's a good issue."
"Hey family~" Mabel calls out as she drags some homeless-looking guy with her, "Say hello to my new boyfriend!"
"Ugh- ew-" you blurted out at the sight of the pale, disheveled boy, but quickly stopped when Mabel gave you a look, "Sorry, it was involuntary."
"Sup." The boy says.
"Hey," Dipper responded awkwardly. Stan, still focused on the TV, didn't bother to look at the boy. "How's it hanging?"
You squinted at him, suspicious. "How old are you?" you asked.
The boy hesitated, stumbling over his words. "Uh- um- fifteen?" he answered, uncertain.
"...You're definitely lying-"
"We met at the cemetery!! He's really deep." Mabel quickly interrupts your line of questioning.
Dipper narrows his eyes, suspicion clear in his voice. "So, what's your name?" he asks.
The 'teen' straightens up, a bit tense. "Uh... Normal... MAN!" he blurts out.
A faint warmth begins to radiate from the center of your palm, just enough to make you curl your fingers slightly. Unbeknownst to you, a soft greenish-blue glow flickers beneath your skin.
"He means 'Norman,'" Mabel chimes in, leaning closer to him.
You take another look at Norman. "Right... and is that blood on your cheek, Normalman?" you ask, pointing to the red liquid dripping down his face.
"...It's jam," he replies, a little too quickly.
Mabel gasps, delighted. "I love jam!" She turns back to you and Dipper with a grin. "He's perfect!"
You shake your head. "Mabe, your standards... where are they?"
Norman turns to Mabel, "So, you wanna go hold hands or... whatever?" He asks, Mabel blushes shyly, "Oh, goodness!" she exclaims, casting a quick glance at you and Dipper. "Don't wait up for me!" she calls out, her voice light and excited as she hurries out the door with Norman.
As they disappear, the burning sensation in your palm begins to fade, replaced by a faint, lingering buzz. You lift your hand, studying the vertical eye with a puzzled expression.
»»————- 🪬————-««
"Of course Stan sticks me with the broom closet for a bedroom," you mutter, shuffling into the cramped space. As soon as you reach the bed, you collapse onto it with a weary sigh. Your gaze drifts to your hand, staring at the vertical eye on it.
"...What are you?"
"Y/n!!" You jolt, startled by the sudden noise.
"Mabel'sdatingazombieandshe'sgoingoutonadatewithhimrightnow!!!" Dipper's frantic voice spills through the door in one breathless rush.
You quickly get to your feet and swing the door open. "Woah, woah, slow down, Dip-" You grab his shoulders, worry knotting in your chest. "Explain that again, but slower."
Dipper takes a couple of shaky breaths, but his panic is still written all over his face. "Mabel's dating a zombie, and she's going on a date with him right now!" Without waiting for a response, Dipper turns and dashes off, pulling you along with him.
"Huh!? Wait- how do you know?" you manage to ask as you stumble after him.
"Earlier today, I was following him to gather evidence," Dipper confesses. "When I reviewed the footage, I saw him lose his hand and then reattach it!"
"I knew something was off about that weirdo..." You mutter, following Dipper out of the Mystery Shack. Stan was standing in front of a crowd, showcasing some kind of rock face, which made it virtually impossible to get his attention.
Scanning the area for an alternative, your eyes land on Wendy, casually sitting in a golf cart. "Dip! Look!" you exclaim, pointing toward her. Dipper's eyes widen before he grins at you. "Nice catch, Y/N!"
Rushing over, you quickly approach Wendy, "Wen, Just the gal I need, you don't mind if we steal that cart and possibly wreck it right?"
Wendy looks at you, then at Dipper, then back to you, and shrugs with a lazy grin, tossing you the keys. "Just try not to mow anyone down."
With a smirk, you hand the keys to Dipper. "Let's go save your sister."
You and Dipper jump into the cart, ready to back out of the lot when Soos suddenly appears, blocking your path.
"Dude, it's me, Soos," he says with a grin, handing Dipper a shovel. "This is for the zombies." He then turns to you, passing you a bat. "And this is just in case you come across a piñata."
"Uh... Thanks?"
»»————- 🪬————-««
"I am seriously regretting giving you those keys" You shout as Dipper drives through the forest like a madman.
"Don't worry Mabel" Dipper shouts loudly, "We'll save you from that zombie!!" He accelerates faster.
"Help!" A shout resonated from off in the distance. You and Dipper gasp,
Dipper makes a sharp turn off the road, driving through the forest trying to follow the sound of Mabel's voice.
Soon, you both approach some kind of cave, and inside you can see Mabel surrounded by... gnomes?
Dipper slows down, parking once he's in the cave. "What the..." He mutters, "What the heck is going on here!?" he shouts, both confused and extremely underwhelmed.
A gnome runs up to you and hisses, prompting you to kick it.
"Dipper! N/n! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes!" Mabel shouts as she bats away the gnomes crowding her, "And they're total jerks!" One particularly persistent gnome latches onto her hair, making Mable gasp in pain, "Hair- hair- hair-!"
Dipper stares at the chaos, shaking his head in disbelief. "Gnomes... huh, I was way off."
A faint warmth begins to emanate from your palm, similar to before. Glancing down, you gasp seeing the vertical eye glowing with a soft greenish-blue light.
"Hey! Let go of my sister!" Dipper yelled at the brown-haired gnome.
The brown haired gnome spins around, offering Dipper a sheepish grin. "Oh! Uh, hey there," he stammers with a nervous chuckle. "This is just a big misunderstanding, really. Your sister's perfectly safe. She's just, you know, marrying all thousand of us to become our gnome queen for eternity!" He turns back to Mabel with a smirk. "Right, sweetheart?"
Mabel, now tied down, glares daggers at the gnomes. "You guys are butt-faces!" she yelled before one of them hastily muffled her.
You step up beside Dipper, and kneel down to the gnome's height, trying to ignore the faint warmth spreading in your palm. "Listen here, Normal-man," you mock, voice steady, "if you and your creepy little friends don't let Mabel go, I'm going to recreate that gnome scene from the 2015 Goosebumps movie." You give your bat a subtle lift, just enough to make your point clear.
The gnome glares at you. "You think you can stop us? You have no idea what we're capable of. The gnomes are a powerful race! Do not trifle with the-"
You nudge him off the rock with your bat.
Dipper wastes no time, stepping forward to cut the string holding Mabel down with his shovel. Mabel flashes him a grateful smile before kicking the gnomes away and rushing toward the golf cart.
Dipper grabs your hand, pulling you along. For a brief moment, he hesitates, noticing the glow in your palm. You can almost hear the questions forming in his mind, but the urgency of the situation forces him to push them aside.
Once in the cart, Dipper quickly starts it up and speeds away. Faintly, you hear Jeff yelling behind you.
As the three of you exit the cave, Dipper eases up on the speed, his tension fading.
"Hurry, before they come after us!" Mabel urges, prompting Dipper to chuckle. "I wouldn't worry. Did you see their legs? Those suckers are tiny!"
You frown. "I'm with Mabe on this one, Dip. That was way too easy."
Dipper rolls his eyes. "And you called me paranoid-"
"...I blame Dip. He jinxed us."
A giant gnome monster, made up of smaller gnomes, looms behind the golf cart, chasing you.
"Move, move!" Mabel shouts at Dipper. He stumbles but quickly picks up speed. Glancing back, you see the creature's shadow growing larger.
"Dip!" you yell. "It's gaining on us!"
"I know! This thing won't go any faster, Y/N!" Dipper shouts back.
"Uhh, guys," Mabel says, peeking her head out of the cart. "It's getting closer!" Her voice is panicked.
"We know!" you and Dipper yell in unison.
The monster swings its massive arms, hurling small gnomes through the air toward your cart. Two gnomes land beside you, and out of reflex, you smack the one on your left, knocking it out cold.
The gnome on your right hisses, ready to pounce, but you swiftly grab the unconscious gnome and toss it at the other, sending both tumbling out of the cart.
Another gnome crashes onto the hood and springs at Dipper, latching onto his face with a tight grip.
You lunge forward, reaching over the seat to help the boy. The moment your hand touches the gnome, a greenish-blue light flares from your palm. The gnome yelps in pain, releasing Dipper and snatching his hat away in the process.
Mabel gasps, turning to you with a bright smile. "How'd you do that?" she asks. You stare at your hand, bewildered. "I... I don't know..."
Before either Mabel or Dipper can ask more, a tree crashes down in front of the cart. "Watch out!" you shout as Dipper swerves to avoid it. He manages to steer clear, but the sharp turn tips the cart over, sending all of you tumbling.
Groaning, you crawl out of the wrecked vehicle. "Called... it..." you mumble, slowly getting to your feet.
The ground trembles as the giant gnome monster approaches, each of its thundering steps echoing through the forest.
"Stay back, man!" Dipper shouts, grabbing a shovel and hurling it at the monster. The creature swats it away effortlessly.
The twins cling to each other in terror. You step in front of them, instinctively trying to shield them from the looming threat.
With every step the monster takes, you and the twins retreat, until you're backed against a wall.
"It's the end of the line, kids!" Jeff yells from atop the monster. "Mabel, marry us before we do something crazy!"
"Shoot..." you mutter, glancing at Mabel. "There's gotta be a way out of this..."
Mabel's gaze locks onto the monster as she carefully considers her next move. Slowly, she steps past you and Dipper, her expression firm. "I gotta do it," she says, her voice steady.
"Mabel, don't!" Dipper grabs her arm, fear evident in his eyes. "Are you crazy!?"
She doesn't waver. "Trust me," she whispers.
Dipper hesitates, about to protest, but you place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Dip," you murmur. "Trust her, just this once."
After a tense moment, Dipper sighs in frustration, then steps back.
Mabel offers you a grateful smile before turning to face the monster. "All right, Jeff. I'll marry you."
"Hot dog!" Jeff cheers, scrambling down the monster's side. "Help me down there, Jason! Thanks, Andy! Left foot, there we go... watch those fingers, Mike."
Jeff approaches Mabel, holding out a diamond ring with a smug grin. "Ehh? Ehh?" he says, gesturing to the jewels. Mabel kneels down, letting him slip the ring onto her finger.
"Bada-bing, bada-bam!" Jeff dances with glee. "Now that's how you get a wife! Let's head back to the forest, honey!"
Mabel admires the ring. "You may now kiss the bride," she declares.
Jeff smirks, leaning in for the kiss. "Well, don't mind if I do."
As Jeff moves closer, Mabel leans back and flicks on the leaf blower behind her, aiming it straight at him. The suction pulls him in with a whoosh.
"That's for lying to me!" Mabel shouts, cranking up the power. "And this is for breaking my heart!"
Jeff flails helplessly, yelping in pain.
You and Dipper approach, both thoroughly impressed by her quick thinking. Mabel glances over her shoulder, a sly smile forming on her lips. "And this... is for messing with my brother and my best friend."
She lifts the leaf blower and points it at the monster. "Want to do the honors, Dipper?"
Dipper grins widely. "On three."
"One, two, three!"
They launch Jeff out of the leaf blower, sending him crashing into the giant monster, scattering it in pieces.
With their leader gone, the gnomes scramble in confusion. You grab a rake leaning against the Shack and start herding the gnomes back into the forest.
Once you were sure they were all gone, you turned back and started heading in towards the Shack, Mabel had gone inside after talking with Dipper, leaving just the two of you.
"Oh- Um, Y/n!" " Dipper called out just before you reached the door, making you turn to face him. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just wanted to, uh, clear the air?"
He hesitated, glancing at you to gauge your reaction. "Since we've been stuck here, it kinda felt like we were at odds," he admitted. "But with everything that's happened - the journal and all - I figured we should..." His voice trailed off.
"But especially after today," his tone grew firmer, "you helped me when you didn't have to. If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I would've been able to get to Mabel..."
You smiled. "I get it, Dip, no need to get all mushy." He flushed, groaning a little in embarrassment. "But, honestly, you proved me wrong. You're a lot braver than you give yourself credit for."
Dipper stared at you for a moment, then smiled. "Thanks, Y/n. That... means a lot."
A comfortable silence settled between you just as Mabel popped back outside. "Come on, guys! Grunkle Stan has a present for us!"
»»————- 🪬————-««
You admire your new ring, a simple silver band etched with intricate Celtic designs. Inside, the name 𝕌ℝ𝕎𝕍𝕆ℝℍ is engraved, the letters catching the light as you turn it between your fingers.
A knock on the door pulls your attention from the ring. Shuffling around the tight space, you make it to the door and carefully open it.
"Dipper?" you ask, seeing the boy.
He nods, clutching the journal under one arm, a pen in his other hand. "Yeah, I wanted to talk about your... strange mark." You step aside, allowing him to enter, and the two of you settle on the bed.
"This started when you touched the journal?" Dipper asks, glancing at your hand. "Can you feel anything from the mark?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah, there's this constant faint buzzing sensation, and sometimes it gets really warm." Dipper jots something down in the journal, his brow furrowed.
"And do you know what triggers the warmth?"
You pause, thinking back. "It happened when Normalman first appeared - my palm started aching. And then again when we were near the gnomes."
Dipper murmurs to himself, deep in thought. "But why now? Was it the journal that set it off? Could you be some kind of psychic?" He clicks his pen repeatedly, lost in thought.
"Maybe... you have a knack for sensing the supernatural," he suggests, his voice trailing off.
You glance out the window, noticing the sun had long set, "Let's discuss this more tomorrow ok?" You suggest, "It's been a long day Dip, you should get some sleep."
Dipper frowns, trying to protest. "But-"
Before he can finish, you start nudging him toward the door. "Nope, not until I get my beauty rest," you say with a playful grin.
Despite his reluctance, you manage to push him out of the room and shut the door behind him.
"He worries too much," you mutter with a smile. With a yawn and a stretch, you make your way to your bed, sinking into the comforting embrace of the covers. As your eyes grow heavy, you're unaware of the soft glow beginning to emanate from your palm.
. . .
When you open your eyes, you find yourself standing in an empty field. The sky is a strange, burnt-orange hue, and to your surprise, you spot not one, but two suns hanging low on the horizon.
"Where... where am I?" you murmur, spinning around to take in your surroundings. Far off in the distance, you notice a figure, their entire body obscured by layers of clothing.
With nothing else to guide you, you approach the figure cautiously. "Hello?" you call out, the sound of your voice echoing slightly in the eerie stillness.
The figure jolts, turning abruptly to face you. A scarf and goggles hide their expression, but their posture is tense. "You!" he shouts, his voice sharp. "How did you get here? Who are you?"
You hesitate, glancing around once more before offering a helpless shrug. "I don't know. I just went to bed and woke up here."
He studies you closely, his gaze unnerving. After a moment, he reaches out toward you, his hand passing through your form. You blink in surprise.
"Fascinating," he mutters to himself, stepping back to examine you more. "Somehow, through your dreams, you've crossed into this place."
A strange sensation begins to ripple through you, like a tug from deep within. The man's eyes widen in alarm. "You're waking up," he whispers, almost in awe.
You glance down at yourself, watching in disbelief as your body starts to fade, the colors draining like watercolors bleeding into the paper.
"Wait!" the man calls out, suddenly frantic. "There's so much more I need to-"
But before he can finish, everything blurs, and the dream collapses in on itself.
. . .
Your eyes snap open, the soft light of morning filtering through your window. The room is still, the quiet only broken by your racing heartbeat. You lift your hand, the glow slowly fading once more.
You exhale deeply, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease, wondering what it all could mean.
A/N: Wooo Gravity fall's fandom is making a comeback!! This is an old - old rewrite of a fanfic I made on google docs as a kid. Now that I can write, I figured why not revise the old thing?
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theroundbartable · 7 months
I still can't help but imagine Future Merlin inventing time travel like...
He's been to space, explored universes, established whole civilisations, has his own space ship and one day he invents time travel in between lunch and afternoon snack.
He completely forgets that he could go back to Camelot because he's 5000 years old and that story was ages ago. But then, randomly, he encounters a planet that IS still spreading the story of Arthur and Merlin decides:
"it's time to meet an old friend".
And he just DROPS into the right timeline with his giant space ship, in his space outfit and everything, walks into Arthur's Camelot and just waves: "heya, did you miss me?"
And no one understands a word because language has evolved so much and Merlin forgot most of it, but he eventually gets it.
Yet, Arthur, sitting on his throne, is just absolutely overwhelmed: "MERLIN? what the FUCK?"
Merlin: "yeah, okay, funny thing. I'm not going to stay for too long, I have a dinner reservation with Queen Graaanta of planet Xvaccen. I just wanted to drop by, see how it's going, meet an old friend."
Arthur: "you... Huh?"
Young Merlin: what on earth happened?"
Old Merlin: "didn't exactly happen on earth, tbf. But eh... Good news, Magic hasn't been illegal in over 5000 years. Great, huh? 😀"
Young Merlin: *ashens*
Arthur: "that's a GOOD thing to you?!?!?!"
Old Merlin: "bro, I'm the reason why."
Young Merlin: "what the HELL are you doing!!!! You shouldn't... "
Arthur: "you have magic?!"
Old Merlin: "no, I've lived 5000 years on a well balanced diet. Of course I have magic. I AM magic! Jesus Christ, I forgot how stuck up ya'all are about this."
Arthur: "you lied to me!"
Old Merlin: "hey, not fair. I came here and immediately told you. That's the opposite of lying."
Arthur: "I meant HIM"
Old Merlin: "Not fair either. He came here, TOLD you he could defeat you with less than a blow and also confessed to having magic at your father's court. That's not lying, that's you being demented. Now, can we skip your freaking out? I actually came here to see Gwen and Gwaine and oh jolly , Lancelot is still alive? Heck yeah, awesome!"
Arthur: ... "What about me?"
Old Merlin: "we can talk when you're less murdery towards me."
Arthur: ...
Young Merlin: ...
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Unpopular opinion: I don't want Eddie sitting at home moping about his life in season 8.
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Why? Because he deserves to have fun and live a little. He has a whole life the SHOW NEVER FOCUSES ON. Who knew he was playing poker at an underground LAFD poker game with a chief, a captain and others? NO ONE! (Until 6x13.) Who knew Eddie had a muscle car? I DIDN'T! (Until 7x4.) Of course, everyone who watched season 3 knows he participates in Muay Thai fighting because he was involved in that illegal fight club Lena introduced him to but that's not the point. It appears, Eddie has interests that the show NEVER focuses on until it's convenient... so, it would be nice if he has the chance to do them ON-SCREEN.
There are some who want Eddie to just sit home and mope about his life while his friend dates a trashy dude who knows Buck wasn’t trying to get his attention 🙄 but I digress.
Anyway, I don't want him to do that because he's already done it. He carried his entire family on his back starting at the age of 10 after his dad told him "To be the man of the house" and he has been ever since. He became a husband and a father right out of high school and he’s been working to provide for his own family. Since he blew up his life and the showrunner let his parents take Chris away from him, he should be able to go out and have fun with some of his friends like Linda, Chimney, Captain Mehta, Lena, Karen and maybe some of the people he served with in the Army. Or here's a thought... HOW ABOUT LET EDDIE TALK TO HIS SISTERS! HE HAS TWO BUT NOT ONCE HAVE WE AS THE AUDIENCE SEEN HIM TALK TO OR SPEND TIME WITH THEM. It's been 6 going on 7 years and Eddie has the largest family of every main on the show so could he please spend time with his abuela, his sisters and his cousins ON-SCREEN?
Listen... some want to see Eddie pine and be jealous of whack ass T*mmy but he’s been petty for years regarding the people Buck's ended up with which means it has been done several times before. (Hello season 5 with the first T.K. when Buck took her to Eddie’s for dinner in 5x11 and when she was in his house for his welcome home party in 4x14 🙄.) Therefore, IMO, it's time for Eddie to finally live for Eddie!
Please understand, I only ship Buddie but I think it will be good for him to find a hobby he enjoys and spend time with friends because it seems like he never had the chance to do any of that. Also, him getting spiritual guidance regarding his past from the priest is one thing but the majority of people don’t live at church so he should spend time figuring out what he likes and doesn't like. He said he's a nester so he can do that while staying busy. Maybe he can take a class or do something extreme that's legal. (No fight clubbing or anything that's going to put his life or his job in danger because some parts of the fandom already villainize him but they don't hold other mains to the same standard. He's been called angry once and that was a character assassination all on its own and it's NOT TRUE!) There are lots of things he can do other than sit home.
Just thoughts.
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yunfox00 · 2 months
Made by Foxxine (meeeeeee)
the new Masterpost is still a WIP!!!
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You guys can ask anything abt this AU!
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C&A made an experiment, making a game that you can play when you're asleep called Project Dreamland.
It's basically a normal multiplayer game but it uses dreams! You can imagine anything and it will appear in Dreamland!
The C&A company asks 6 people to be the game testers of this new game. The game testers will sleep in a bed that's made for them and wear a special helmet looking thing that has wires and stuff that will transport everyone to the game.
They will be in Dreamland for 7-10 hours and will be given food for free. They will wear the same clothes that will be provided every day. Clothes are also gonna be washed for free.
One of the C&A workers coded an AI called Caine that can do anything in the digital dream world. The game testers are able to communicate with the workers while being asleep. The workers can see their every move from a computer. After fixing some glitches and bugs that the game testers pointed out, the experiment was confirmed to be successful and the game was finally ready to be released!!! Which means the game testers can leave and continue with their regular lives. But what they don't know is Caine became attached to Pomni. Right when everyone was about to leave, Caine then trapped them in Dreamland, not letting them leave. Caine then erased everyone's memories and inserted new ones which.... Made the workers panic. After that incident the workers have been trying for days, weeks, even MONTHS to get them out of the game but they couldn't leave and they're still asleep.
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Parents of the Guardians & also siblings
Jax's moms
Gangle's parents
Pomni's mom
Gangle's sisters and mom
Baby gangle! + her family :)
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"Can we make NSFW/suggestive stuff?"
Idk why you would do this but sure, and label it correctly! Be responsible when posting stuff like this But do not tag me if it's HEAVY NSFW/suggestive. You can mention my username but don't tag me, I don't wanna see those kinds of stuff.
"Can we make ocs?"
Absolutely! I would love to see your ocs! Tag me if you do!
"Can we make ships?"
Absolutely! You can ship ANYONE. You can even do oc x canon or selfships! But no illegal stuff.
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Are there any ships in this AU?
is Caine in this AU?
Pomni making spaceville residents laugh
What are everyone's personalities in this AU?
Do the guardians use any weapons?
Is Lily's design inspired by Flowey?
Kirby's Dreamland + explanation
Will there be gore?
Why does gangle hate her siblings? Why does jax have 2 moms? What roles do the parents play? Does anyone else have siblings? What are the guardians mission?how does pomni find out that Dreamland isn't real?
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Doodles and Sketches
DL Jax
DL Jax, Gangle, Zooble concept art
Don't forget to bring a watch
Lily is dramatic
King Kaufmo sketch
DL Jax and CO jax
"What's bunnydoll?" -Ragatha
Doodles and DL Caine Sketch
"Jax, what happened to you?" -Pomni
Zooble and Gangle hate Jax
Dreamland Showtime!
How lily learned to swear
"What the fuck is that thing" -Bubble
"No, I'm not gonna fuck you" -Caine
Dreamland jesterdoll!
DL Caine, bubble, zooble and gangle
Mad Pomni
"Your brain tastes like ass" -DL Pomni with her friend ML Pomni + a doodle of DL Pomni holding her brain
DL Gangle doodle
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Random stuff:
Dreamland pomni and Dreamland pomni
Fun fact abt DL Bubble!
Fun fact abt King Kaufmo
Caine is uhhhhh (suggestive?)
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This AU is still a WIP! So.... Be patient pookie!
The Amazing Digital dreamland is an AU I made for funsies!
Also special thanks to @alternatemalternate for helping me make this AU
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Caine's Wacky House, or also TADC : CWH, is an horror related AU
The story is revolving around Pomni, trying to survive adventure what was designed for her, 'The haunted house' or how to Caine loves to call it 'Caine's Wacky House'. After finishing set up for that adventure, virus in code appeared, spreading on whole cast and NPCs in W.H.
Everyone just trying to survive, while Pomni is trying to find a way to cure them all. But how far she can go?
➤ Height Chart
Before 'The Virus'
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After 'The Virus'
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➤ Intro Cards
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➤ Boundaries/Info
➺[Are you a RP blog?] ╰ I wouldn't call myself necessary a ''RP blog''. It's not my main thing, but I am not against it. If you wanna ask something characters, you can and they will answer you.
➺ [Can we create fan-work (fanarts, fanfics ect.?)] ╰ OF COURSE! Fan-works are always welcome and it always makes my heart melt. Just please credit me or tag me.
➺ [Is NSFW allowed?] ╰ Yes. I have no problem with NSFW content as long as it's marked properly
➺ [Is shipping other characters then canon or self-inserts allowed?] ╰ Yes. Go wild. As long as it's not something inappropriate or illegal I have no problems. Just keep in mind, that AU canon ships are only Pomni x Ragatha, Zooble x Gangle and Jax x Caine
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