#we also get a new pov in ch5
Actually writing ch5 of her heart like the wind right now (very exciting I know)!!! 5k words in now, and based on how much I have left to fit in this fic and the extensive outline I made for this chapter… pretty sure it’s gonna end up being at LEAST 15k long🤯
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sandycookie · 2 years
Chapter 7′s Distribution
(Pretending my fic doesn’t exist hahaha)
So, I believe I am not alone in having gone crazy waking up and seeing that Chapter 7′s first part is coming out this mid-December (and Sebek’s dorm uniform AND his first event SSR in late December! Sebek fans, stay strong). It’s crazy, I thought it wouldn’t be until 2023 that we’d see any news about Chapter 7 releasing. There was also some Asia  Disney accounts that were teasing anime, of which was TWST, and yes it does seem to point to a late December or 2023 release but there’s yet to be any word from the TWST account themselves of this, so I’ll save that for later. I am super excited for the anime though. On another note, ch7 is actually releasing around the 1000th day of TWST’s service, as if it’s tying in Malleus’ line of ‘1000 years is only a moment when you’re asleep’, which is really neat!
(More below the cut)
Anyway, what stands out about Chapter 7 other than its story content is that there is a statement that Chapter 7′s distribution is going to be different from the previous chapters’ 
Naturally, this made many of us TWST brainrotters lose our minds even more, as if we needed to have more of our brain matter at forfeit. 
Firstly, I must confess I’m half-lying. Rather than releasing the ‘first part’ of ch7/Ruler of the Abyss, it’s the ‘first chapter’ of it. Seeing as the length of Chapters have been increasing exponentially (ch4 has ~41 eps, ch5 has ~75 eps, and ch6 got ~213 eps), this points to the formatting of ch7. I think it’ll be similar to how events such as Vargas Camp and the Halloween events work. It’s not necessarily batches of episodes being released, but rather chapters that each create the larger story. I think the # of eps ch7 will get could be in the 400 - 500 range, it really depends on how batshit crazy it all gets. 
Aside from basic releases, there has been speculation from JP about how the content itself will play out. Up until now, TWST’s main story has been told primarily through Yuu’s POV, though there are plenty of instances where we see character’s outside of Yuu’s POV acting and moving the story along. For the most part, the information we learn is also information that Yuu gains as well. Many theorize that rather than Yuu’s, or at least rather than Yuu’s POV being the main lens in which we view the story, there will be a retelling of the main story up to this point all from Malleus’ POV. This is interesting in many ways, as this would be the first time we would be primarily experiencing the story through a POV other than Yuu’s. It would allow for different views on the world of TWST, in the shoes someone who’s acquainted with its culture and customs, and would also allow us to be privy to the actions and maybe even thoughts of a character who has so much lore and mystery hanging on his actions. Putting in my own 2 cents, I don’t think that ch7 will be entirely from Malleus’ POV, but given the trailer, Sleeping Beauty, and Maleficent, it wouldn’t be out of the question if there’s a chunk of the story from Malleus’ POV should he cause Yuu or NRC to sleep, though I don’t think the chunk of story would be dominated from Malleus’ POV. If that does happen, I think that there’ll at least be some of Yuu’s POV as they confront the various dreams they’ve been having, maybe even more Mickey stuff as he can only meet Yuu in his dreams (maybe Yuu will meet the Great Seven? Or at least encounter manifestations of them?). Though I think it would be neat if we could get other characters’ POV as they confront aspects about themselves, particularly the OB boys and the steps they’ve taken to better themselves. 
I don’t think the entirety of ch7 will be the retelling, but I think it is a good idea to have in many ways as it helps players review the past story content without them having to retreading charted waters while also providing new story content in the form of Malleus’ POV. 
But the main appeal of this is connecting back to the famous Time Loop theory. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a theory that all of NRC is in a Time Loop and that Yuu is there to prevent the threat (likely Grim) of tragedy. There’s a lot of variations on this theory and I won’t go into detail, but you can find plenty of Time Loop theories. I recommend this video from princessmacarons as I believe it does a solid job of getting the solid ideas of the Time Loop theory out. But the core idea in this case is that Malleus is in a Time Loop trying his best to find his ‘happy ending’. 
Another theory is that there will be a route split. I personally don’t think this will be the case, or that if there is something like this then it would be written in a way to be contained in ch7. I’m certain that there will be story content beyond ch7, such as ch8 for when Grim OB (and TWST is huge in JP; I don’t think they’d end its service in as short a time as 3 or 4 years) or even content that expands beyond NRC’s walls; RSA, or the world of TWST in some sort of summer break thing. There’s also the Spring Break! Either way, having a route split would be create a lot of work for future content depending on the route split. As nice as it would be for Yuu to have more story presence, they have so far only been a stand-in for the audience; placing the choice of the course of a story in the hands of the player isn’t anything new, but for a online game such as TWST, I don’t see that happening. Part of the joys of being in the a part of a fandom for an updating story is being able to theorize and speculate on future content. And a major part of that is having a overarching, main narrative at the forefront. Having a single narrative play out creates a sense of unity among the player base, and for a game like TWST that is a visual novel and thus relies on its story to draw in fans, this is even more important. Yes, there could always be this ‘whose side are you on?’ kind of thing that can work, but again, I don’t see this happening, at least in ch7 when the story can still feasibly go on. A route split I can kind of see happening is maybe something at the end of the game, where Yuu chooses what they want to do (i.e go home, stay in TWST, etc.).
Still, I guess I can somewhat see a reality where there is a route split; TWST’s quality has been improving by leaps and bounds. But I still don’t think it’s very likely, as cool as it would be to have. 
We still haven’t gotten any actual content for ch7, only teasers and trailers. We’ll have to withhold any solid conclusions until we’ve finished ch7, or get a good chunk of it. I don’t think anyone expected for ch6 to take place in the Isle of Woe at STYX, and it was a major shock that it happened. Point is, TWST has proven to us, not just in events, that it has a way of subverting our expectations. ch7 can go in so many ways its not even funny. I eagerly await Chapter 1 of Ruler of the Abyss and how ch7 will play out, and I am equally elated for the many questions we have regarding lore.
Thank you for reading my half-baked half-thought brainrot of a rant. Go drink some water, maybe get a snack. You deserve it. 
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
(kicks door down) commentary meme for the opening of ch5 of TLBT? I’m not not sure how long 500 words is at a glance but at least through the scrying part? -emeraldgreaves
If you mean the whole beginning of ch 5 up through the scry, it's actually 877 words, but who cares, we'll do it anyway, bc you're one of my foremost enablers(especially for tLBT) and I can't really find a good place to cut part of it so it's 500 or fewer. xD Also, excellent choice. :3
After spending a few more minutes annoyed at her inability to talk to Red about the gala, Xaeryn managed to wrench her thoughts back to the case. There was still daylight, she had time to investigate the alleyway following up on what Ferrin had said. Just in case she wound up pushing toward evening, however, she opted to drive rather than walk. There’d been a few news articles recently about an uptick in pickpockets, and it wouldn’t do to make anyone worry.
There was, as luck would have it, a spot not far from the mouth of the alley, and she deftly maneuvered her car into the space between two much newer-model automobiles. Their gleaming black finish made hers look positively dingy by comparison but also brought to mind her tail from the last visit to the museum. Neither, however, had accents of any color, and she was equal parts disappointed and reassured as she headed for the alley.
Xaeryn's been a fun challenge to write as the main/only POV bc she's more closed off, formal, and straightforward, less the charming, friendly, lightly sarcastic banter type of character I usually gravitate towards. She eases up a bit around Red bc he rubs off on her whenever they're together(also bc she's stuck on him). She's normally not shy about making her wants/needs/requirements etc known--see her convo with Riel in ch 1, or any of the times she talks to Aerin--and is usually very good at separating the personal and professional, so for her to get tongue-tied and chicken out of asking for something absolutely vital to her investigation for personal reasons has her v irritated at herself. She's also v good at focusing on the task at hand, or at least pushing on through potential distractions. Hence the being annoyed at herself only lasting a few minutes before plowing on with the case. And I'm p sure we all know she really means when she thinks she doesn't want anyone Red to worry. :3 I had to put that in there, the lil exaggerated snipe-y mental eyeroll that's also 100% for real. She doesn't want him to worry. Mostly bc then he'll fuss, which is almost as annoying as it is endearing.
She started at the entrance and worked in toward the gates, figuring she could continue down the other side if she came up empty. Part of her was cynical about finding anything so long after the fact, but the stubborn part--frustrated by her slow progress on this case--refused to give up without confirming. It didn’t look like this alley was cleaned all that often, maybe there was something useful. 
It's very fun having a character who's equal parts stubborn and cynical. A lot of "this has a 99% chance of being useless, but my other option is giving up SO I'm doing it anyway."
Besides, it was a distraction from the other thing she needed to find--the nerve to ask Red about the gala. It was much more elusive quarry than anything case related.
Ngl, I'm very proud of this pair of sentences.
What was so hard about asking him?
I don’t want to inconvenience him when he’s already doing so much for me.
You know he’d be happy to help, floated through her mind and only made matters worse.
The fun part about this is she genuinely doesn't want to inconvenience him. He's done a lot for her already and she doesn't want to take him from his "real job" to help her. And is also using it as an excuse. Both things are true!
She also knows he'd drop literally everything in a heartbeat to help her just for the asking(and she would for him).
Disrupting his schedule to travel all the way to Haven is a little different than turning him loose on a research project, she countered, nudging aside a tattered tarp with her shoe. Nothing.
He just told you he doesn’t have as much going in right now. And both of you would drop everything to help the other and you know it.  
Alright, fine, I don’t trust myself. The fact sat solid in her chest as soon as she admitted it, brusquely poking around a stack of discarded pallets. I’m afraid if I ask him to do this, even if it is genuinely as a friend, I won’t be able to hide the way I feel under those circumstances.
Her mask is only so good, after all. And she's been hiding this a long, long time. It's had plenty of opportunity to grow.
It was a tricky thing, carrying a torch for your best friend. And delicacy had never been a strength of hers. She was all honesty and no varnish, too blunt-
Forthright, Red’s voice corrected gently in her head.
--too forthright to be good at playing games and she dreaded what might happen if Red picked up on something bothering her.
I love "all honesty, no varnish" as a description for Ryn, another thing I'm v proud of. I love her hearing Red's voice in her head, correcting her to be kinder about herself while also being honest about what she sees as a shortcoming.
Well, your options are ask him or not go, so if you want to make progress on this case you better get ahold of yourself. You can do this. You are a professional, aren’t you? 
Her foot hit something that skittered away with a clattery rasp, breaking through her internal debate. A keen glance after the object revealed only a rusting crowbar, and Xaeryn gave a soft growl of disappointment. Not far from the crowbar, however, something silver and promising glinted from a jumble of discarded paint cans and crate frames half-stacked into a shelter. She shifted the debris enough to reach and found herself holding a fine black leather sheath, dagger-sized, silver tipped and accented. A silver insignia at the top, opposite the beltloop, bore an unfamiliar crest--what looked like crossed lightning bolts or vines surmounted with a sword, or maybe a lance. It was difficult to tell at that scale.
I can't make it too easy on her, or the payoff's no fun :D (Also, I wanted her to go to the library for the Ysa cameo)
She balanced the sheath on a nearby broken crate, pulled out her notebook and a pencil and took a rubbing of the crest. A quick shorthand annotation where she’d found it, and then she started to stash it all in her handbag. It would be a bit of a tight fit, but better than carrying her find where it would raise eyebrows.
Very professional, this gal. Immediately makes a copy of potential evidence, and a note where she found it, takes steps to not draw attention.
Xaeryn paused just before slipping the sheath in her bag. She studied it again, catching her lower lip between her teeth. What if... A quick glance at the wall behind her to ensure it was relatively clean and she leaned against the stone while focusing hard on the small sheath. There might, if this belonged to the green-haired man, be enough trace of the owner left to Scry a clue.
The world fell away in a watery grey roil, clarifying into a scene almost as disorienting as the shift itself. The viewing angle was odd, a blur of motion off-center drawing her attention. It shifted into focus, resolving into a pair of figures mid-scuffle. One was a green-haired man, clothes decent but nondescript aside from currently being mussed by the fight, the other she couldn’t make out beyond a wild beard and the impression of ragged clothes. A street bum maybe? They tussled, each getting in a few good licks, there was a gleam of metal in their grappled hands, then one’s foot caught the sheath, sending it spinning toward its resting place and jolting Xaeryn out of the vision.
By this point in the planning/outlining process, I had solidified Darius and Briony's actual role in the plot(Ryn was actually supposed to talk to them in the museum, when she follows Briony during the gala, but then ch 6 ran away from me BIG TIME and I had to bump it lol), but this being a detective story, I had to keep the suspense up a little longer and be a little vague about whether Mr. Green Hair is one of the bad guys or just Sus™. Scries are fun to write, bc it's a way to give her a little bit of bonus information, especially when it's bonus info with no witnesses she could've talked to. When they work. And I have a reason for the ones that don't. :3
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thicksimpx · 3 years
Tumblr media
Prologue | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4| Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 |
Summary: Leaving the soul society for “research” - desperately looking to find answers, anything that’ll help him take down the Spirit king.. that is until he meets “HER” - She has him enamored, desperate and most of all curious… there’s something about HER
“Sometimes we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn’t mean it’s right, it means love is more important”
Warnings : 18+ , mature content, mature language, possessiveness , stalking , murder/gore, rough penetration, creampies , fingering, masturbation, cam girl y/n, Lots of Psychology lessons 😂, violence, public sex, unrequited love.
I'll do anything for you.
Thurs Aug 26_4:30AM
(Aizen POV)
Annoyed is the only word that could explain the way im feeling, this body requires sleep and that's just something I haven't been able to get over the last 24 hours.
When I got home I cleaned my self and burnt anything that had blood on it. Then I printed the pictures I took and got carried away with myself. Before I knew it it was time to go clean up my mess.
From being here I watched enough crime shows to know how to clean up a body but this .. was just too much. Walking into the apartment there were rats already eating at his body. This is disgusting. I frowned and watched for a bit before I had enough and realized I had to get on with the day.. today was going to be eventful.
It took about 15 minutes to scare all the rats away, a few even tried to come for me but I stepped on them. Dragging them body to another room only made more of a mess and cutting him up will make it even messier..
Annoyed again at how much time I was wasting I just sat down. I need to manage my time better and get the hell out of here so I can complete everything with ease. Dipping my hand in my pocket I pulled out a cigarette sticking it in my mouth. When I went to light it .. the best idea came to mind. Running down to my car I took out the spare container of gasoline and re entered the building. Reaching the apartment I start from the back, making a trail of gasoline from the bedroom to the bathroom. Walking into the bathroom of the apartment I noticed there were still shower curtains up, laughing I flicked my lighter and held it under the curtain making it catch fire before folding into itself and putting itself out. Well that was disappointing.
Continuing the trail of gasoline from the bathroom to the living room and doorway where the body was I made sure to drench my new friend Jack in gasoline. Once I was sure the apartment was fully covered in gasoline I left the apartment and made trails of gasoline down the of each floor hall and stairway until I reached the exit.
Getting outside I noticed it was still a bit dark. No one was outside, no window had lights on. Quickly I walked to the side of the building lit a match and threw it onto the trash that was sitting in front of a vine going around the side of the building. Hopefully this does the job.
Quickly walking to my car I throw the gasoline container into the backseat and drive off to my next destination.
—— The time read 5:45Am, it didn't look like anyone one was awake in the Wallace household which was perfect for my plan. Carefully I pulled the envelop out the glove box and made sure it was address to Mrs. Tashawna Scott-Wallace also doubled checking its contents before quietly stepping out of my car and running across to the home. As quick as I could I ran up the few steps to the home and slid the envelop into the mailbox before checking my surrounding and running back to my car. Finally making it back to my car I release the breathe I was holding. How unfortunate is it that I can't stay to watch you open your gift. I sigh putting the car in drive and heading back home to clean any evidence of gasoline off my body and out of my car and to finally get some rest. For once I didn't have to bare to see any faces of these disgusting humans. I can stay inside and rest. This gives me time to focus on the real reason why I'm here. Im just waiting for Gin to show up and give me the okay and then I can get rid of all those assholes and make this world right.  Being ruled by a puppet king and being told lies, that's no way to live... but then again there's her... I can't leave her here with these animals.
My sweet y/n don't worry. I'll get rid of any thing and anyone who doesn't deserve you. I'll do anything for you.
Fri Aug 26 1:00Pm
"Time to be professional "I internally sigh.
"today we are focusing on jostle and Benevolent sexism" I announce writing on the write board.
"Before I tell you what it is, how many of you have been cat called." I watch the women of the class raise their hand. I raise my hand as well and watch the reaction of some of the men. "Yes, although mostly women are cat called, so are men. I get cat called almost everyday"
"You can put your hands down. Cat calling seems a little degrading, its honestly a form of harassment" I continue watching the women nod in agreement. surprisingly, Shawn raised his hand. I simply pointed at him letting him know it was okay to talk.
"I'm not sure if I cat called or not.. I didn't whisper make sounds or anything I just told her she was pretty and should smile more" .. his eyes shift to Y/n. "is that considered cat calling or harassment?" he ask.
all eyes were on him at this point, all except y/n who rolled her eyes and stared in my direction to avoid his gaze.
"Honestly" I speak bringing the classes attention back to me " I would not say you cat called or harassed her, however" I pause. "Many woman will agree and say its annoying.  Yes your giving a compliment but then you ask them to smile.. what was the point? why should their smile be your concern?"
the class said nothing. Moving on I continued the session. "Hostile sexism would be coming from someone who is considered a misogynist, they are usually opposed to anything that seems like a threat to men. They want to preserve men's dominance over women and people of other marginalized genders. They typically oppose gender equality and may also oppose LGBTQIA+ rights. They don't like feminist.
Examples or ways to spot someone who is a user of hostile sexism is by simply listening to the way they speak. They may believe that some victims of sexual assault "ask for it" due to their behavior or clothing, take part or engage in both physical and/or sexual assault. They can also be spotted making threatening or aggressive comments based on a person's gender or sex.
These men are usually abusive to their partners. They believe woman are manipulative and need to be kept in their "place". in other words Hostile sexism is often presented in anger, resentment, or fear because a man's ego is being challenged." I pause for questions but it seems like no one had any.
"Now on to Benevolent sexism, "
"Sorry I have a question" y/n spoke.
"No it's fine ask away" I said taking a seat on the corner of my desk.
"Okay so let's say a man started speak on gender roles. Like telling me as a woman I am to be in the kitchen, bear his children and pretty much telling me I am under valuing myself by not fulfilling my role as a woman who is to be a wife and mother. As if that's the only thing women can be, pretty much breaking tradition gender norms.. what I'm trying to ask is if that would be an example of hostile sexism? " she rambled and sighs as she finally gets her question out.
"Great question, what you described can be both hostile or benevolent sexism. let me explain. Benevoloent sexism is still a form of hostel sexism just not as aggressive. they differ because now benevolent sexism is used as a safe way to get women to follow or believe in gender norms.
I see the confused look on your faces so to give an example, imagine your boyfriend asking your to fold his laundry for him because youre "better" at it. this would be considered benevolent sexism. he could've simply asked for you to teach him to fold but instead he wants you to fold it because traditionally that's what was expected of women. Another example would be then you are told not to do something because it is unladylike whether its your job, the way you talk, the way you sit etc.
the last example I want to give is important because many of you are graduating and will be moving on to professional jobs, benevolent sexism is also hiring someone because they are attractive, then firing them if they do not respond to sexual advances. Ladies, please be careful and men, be mindful." I say watching as the write notes.
"so miss y/n, type of sexism do you think your example was?" she thought for a minute before one student looked at the time and started to pack up. Apparently I took the whole hour to give this lecture. Sighing I sit down at my desk.
"before you go, todays assignment is to write about if you or someone you know has experience hostile or benevolent sexism and how did you or they handle it? See you on Monday have a good weekend."
as the class files out, I take of my glasses and lean as far back as I could in my chair and close my eyes.
"I think it was hostile" knowing that voice I opened my eyes and say Y/n standing over me. "it was definitely hostile sexism, they didnt tell me it wasnt ladylike or suggest I do something because I was better. They told me that it was what I should be doing since I was a woman... but I dont let that bother me anymore I just was curious. "
sitting up I smile at her softly "seems like you enjoy my class"
"I do, it feels like a safe space"
"I'm glad you think so, I always want you to feel safe with me." She smiled hearing what I said and made her way to the exit waving at me. I watched her leave. I want her to come back. Just to hear her voice again. Once the door closed I was snapped out of my trance.
I promise y/n, you're always safe with me. I don't know who said these things to you but ill take care of it. No one.. I mean no one will ever harm you again.
Thicksimpx© 2022. Do not copy, claim, modify or translate my work without my permission. thanks 😘
tags - @mxchaluvv​ @thismf7​ @luffysthickwaifu​ @indiecursor​ @dejwrites​ @ceeriusly-dumb
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whumpersdump · 3 years
Project Rebirth - CH5: The Container
Toby content! It’s shorter than usual though, though not by much.
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TW: past non-con surgery / sensory deprivation (not to Toby, non-graphic) / conditioned whumpee (Toby) / pet whump / lab whump / again most of these are non-graphic / restrained whumpee (not Toby) / implied future punishment (brief, non-graphic) / implied past punishment (non-graphic) implied past torture (one sentence) / collar mention / unconscious whumpee (not Toby) / dehuminization / drugging mention
Toby’s POV. The first two stages are complete, but they are barely more than preparation. The third stage, that’s where it really begins.
Toby cradled his wrist as he ran it under the faucet’s cold stream. One of Whumper’s guests had gotten angry with him. They’d grabbed his arm and squeezed it, twisted it until the whimper he’d tried to hold back like he’d been taught found its way out.
He would have to tell Whumper he angered them later. Most pets had to do it immediately, but Whumper had a special time for it. Right before bedtime, when Whumper brought him to the pens. Whumper always said Toby was at his most honest when he was tired. Toby was always honest, but he didn’t tell Whumper that.
He’d have to tell him he thought it though. He wasn’t looking forward to that either, but it was his own fault. That’s why he still had green on his collar, not a full blue. Toby knew the consequences for angering a guest of Whumper’s. He’d be in the dark, thoroughly locked pens for at least a week once the subject was in the container. If not worse, since he’d entertained the thought that he knew himself better than Whumper did. Either way, if Whumper wished it, he deserved it.
He’d escorted the guests to the daycare like Whumper ordered. As were the rules, he didn’t go near it. Whumper hoped his guests would leave their pets in his care someday, so Toby wasn’t allowed to meet them. He was better off alone anyway. He wasn’t a social pet, as Whumper told him.
Pet wasn’t even the right word, he’d even said. Toby had basked in the feeling of warmth the compliment had given him. He was an assistant. He wasn’t the same as other pets, he wasn’t raised to be anyone’s friend. He was raised to help, and nothing else.
He was supposed to come to the container room after leaving the guests, so he did.
They were already moving Subject One into the container when he came in.
The container was a large glass tube that hung in the air horizontally, a foot above the ground. Six large chains held it up. It could swing around a few inches when you touched it, but Toby wasn’t allowed to. He stayed behind the red line Whumper had painted on the floor. There were a lot of red lines in the building. He wasn’t allowed to cross them without being restrained. Whumper didn’t trust him yet. Not until he earned a double blue. That was Toby’s theory, at least. Maybe pets in general couldn’t be trusted there. But he was better than that.
Subject One was asleep, which didn’t happen much. When they did sleep they still made a lot of noise, but not this time. It amazed him. It had only been five days.
“They’re on more drugs than we’d give anyone else,” Whumper said when he caught him staring. “It won’t be long before they wear off, but the implant will replace their function in a way even I wouldn’t be able to defy.”
The subject wore a white suit that covered their entire body from their neck all the way to their toes and the tips of their fingers. Toby knew it. He’d tested it. He watched them put it on, too. The fabric was weird. After a while, it was like it was never there. It was thin, too. Whumper had thrown buckets of water over him and it soaked trough immediately. But it didn’t stick like wet clothes normally did.
Only the subject’s head wasn’t covered by the suit, but the plastic blindfold that covered half their face, and the mouth guard that kept the tube in place still hid most of it.
Dozens of wires and a number of tubes ran from the holes in it. They were what would keep the subject alive, calm, and painless. Toby was surprised when Whumper told him about that last part. Pain was important in training, but not to Whumper. Not with this subject. They never responded to it before.
The suit wasn’t all that was necessary though. Whumper slid two plastic casts over the subject’s wrists and ankles. They had a thick padding in them, but they were hard on the outside. Strong. Not standard issue. Whumper was still afraid the subject would defy him.
Whumper flicked his fingers. “All right, let’s put them in.”
Whumper and a few scientists attached a number of hooks to the loops that were attached to the suit. A small crane lifted them up, suspending them above the opened container. Whumper clicked the subject’s wrists to each other, and did the same to their ankles. The casts had hoops on them, that Whumper used to connect Whumpees wrists to their knees, so they’d be drawn up to their chest. Their ankles he connected to a special string at the bottom of the container. It was enough for them to move a little, but they couldn’t stretch out. Couldn’t touch the walls around them.
He connected a similar string to the hoop on the back of the mask. Then, he tied a strap around their waist which was also connected to the bottom of the container. That would prevent them from floating all the way to the top when the water came in.
“Toby turn on the water please.”
Toby moved over to the faucet—which Whumper had placed just outside the red line—and opened it. The container started filling with water.
“Toby stop,” Whumper commanded when it was just full enough for Subject One to float without touching the bottom of the container.
Whumper undid the hooks, and made sure the tubes all connected to the machinery behind the container, through a few waterproof holes. He closed the lid, and nodded at Toby.
Water filled the rest of the container, until the subject floated in the middle of it. The container was big. No matter how much they moved, they could never feel it. It wasn’t realistic, Whumper had told him, but it worked much better than a tight space. Especially with this subject. Touch would be the key, Whumper had said. First he let them get used to it, that was what Toby was for. Safe touches, in a pet’s mind. Unhealthy for a pet like that one, but necessary. After that, he took it away. For five days, then another nine months. Not just touch from others, but also objects.
Whumper turned to one of the scientists. “Turn on the implant, take them off all sedation except for the stuff that keeps them calm. We’ll ween them off those in a few weeks. Make sure they don’t feel the machinery, as we discussed. This has to feel as natural as possible.
It didn’t look natural. Training was never pretty, but this was new to Toby. Whumper had explained it all, but to see it with his own eyes…
As Whumper’s team went to work, he stepped over to Toby. “I should have expected such technology would be too impressive for a pet to take in. Don’t worry, they’ll wake up slowly. It won’t hurt, they won’t be scared right away. This stage is meant to calm the improper habits and thoughts these pets keep. It’ll help them be a better pet.”
Toby nodded. Of course. Help them. His job was to help them. He was almost perfect, he was the only other pet who could.
Whumper tilted his head and looked down on him. “It’s late. And I’ve heard you have something to tell me.”
Almost perfect.
Taglist: @suspicious-whumping-egg @distinctlywhumpthing @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @panic-and-chaos
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jrob64 · 3 years
Sowing Seeds of Trust  (Chapter 13)
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Story Summary: Emma Swan is a young woman without a family, friends, a home, and now a boyfriend after he tries to pin his crime on her. When she goes looking for help from a local charity at a church, she ends up meeting a group of people, including a handsome blue-eyed man, who offer her friendship...and a whole lot more.
Rating: T
Chapter summary: Emma delivers her baby.
Words: 6125
Previous chapters on Tumblr: Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6 Ch7 Ch8 Ch9 Ch10 Ch11 Ch12 
Story also posted on Ao3 and ffn
*Please be advised that Emma is having the baby in this chapter, so the process of childbirth is included. If that isn't your thing, you can skip that part, which is most of the middle of the chapter. I can't really tell you to stop reading at a certain point because the POV switches back and forth between Emma and Killian several times. 
Thank you to @hookedmom​ for being my beta, @xsajx​ for doing a read-through of the chapter, and the ladies of CSMM Discord for their technical help, especially when it came to writing about natural childbirth. 
Also, a huge thanks to all of you who have taken this story into your heart!
“My water broke! I’m in labor!”
Killian bolted out of bed. “I’ll get your bag! Can you make it to the car? Go wait for me there! No, wait - should I call for an ambulance instead?”
“No, I…”
“Can you walk? Here, lean on me…”
“Should I call Mary Margaret? She’ll have to meet us at the hospital. We don’t have time…”
“...to wait for her to get here! How far apart are the pains? Let’s see - the hospital is eighteen minutes away without traffic…”
His rambling finally came to a halt and he looked at her, to see her looking back with amusement in her eyes. “What is it, Love?” he gulped. 
“My pains are still six minutes apart. In Lamaze class, they taught us the 5-1-1 rule; when the contractions are five minutes apart, each one lasts for a full minute, and they’ve been that way for an hour, it’s time to go to the hospital. I just wanted to let you know - OW!” She winced in pain and gripped her belly firmly with both hands. 
“What can I do to help?” Killian asked earnestly, putting his arm around her waist.
Emma leaned on him and concentrated on taking short, quick breaths. “Time...it,” she gasped. She waved her phone at him and he took it and noticed she already had the stopwatch app pulled up. He could see where she’d been keeping track, so he hit the ‘lap’ button to start a new timing. 
“Do you want to sit down?”
“No! I...I need to keep...moving,” she huffed. 
He helped her walk slowly out to the living room, and just as they reached it, her pain started to recede. Killian tapped the lap button again to clock the duration of this contraction and begin measuring the time until the next one started. He saw it had lasted nearly fifty seconds, and scrolled back through the list of times to see that the last pain was only five minutes prior to this one. 
He drew in a quick breath and watched as Emma paced back and forth. “I’ll go get your bag and put it in the car.”
“I should call Mary Margaret to come get me.” 
“She’s at David’s tonight and that puts her closer to the hospital than to us. We can call her when it’s nearer to the time you need to go and I’ll drive you there myself.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. You know I was hoping to be there when you have the baby anyway, if that’s still okay with you.”
“Of course it is, but it could take a while and you have work…”
“I have some personal days I can use. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to concentrate anyway, when I know mo stoirin is making her appearance!”
The next fifty minutes were anxious ones for both of them. Killian felt helpless as he watched the contractions seize Emma, doubling her up in pain. After half-an-hour, he called Mary Margaret to alert her, telling her they’d send a text when they were ready to leave for the hospital.
In addition to the cramps causing Emma discomfort, he could see she was getting more nervous as the minutes passed. He wasn’t sure what he could do to help alleviate her doubts as he figured they were inevitable for a woman about to give birth. Still, he felt obligated to try. 
“It’s going to be fine, Swan. You’re doing great!” 
Instead of being grateful, she turned to him angrily. “How can you possibly know that, Killian? What if I can’t do this? What if I’m completely incapable of being a good mom?” 
Undeterred, he pressed on. “I’m sure every first-time mother feels that way, Sweetness. I think it’s probably natural to be afraid of the unknown, but you’re one of the strongest people I know and you have so much love to give. This little one is very fortunate to have you as her mum.” 
“I wish I could be as confident as you are,” she whispered. 
“Don’t worry, Love. I’ll be confident enough for both of us!” 
She smiled her gratitude just before another contraction hit, which nearly knocked her to her knees. After she worked her way through it, Killian checked the stopwatch, then informed her, “This one was less than five minutes from the last, Love. Do you think we should go?” 
“Yeah, I guess so. Oh, Killian, I’m really scared!” 
He strode across the room to gather her into a hug. “I know, but soon you’ll be holding your baby in your arms. Just keep thinking about that.”
“I’ll try,” she whimpered into his shoulder. 
Both of them bid Zeke goodbye before Killian helped Emma into the car, rushed around to get into the driver’s seat, and quickly pulled out onto the deserted street. At three-thirty AM, there was very little traffic, for which he was grateful, as she had a few more contractions on the way. Each time, it was all he could do to keep his attention focused on the road as he listened to her crying out in pain. 
When they finally pulled up to the hospital’s Birthing Center, after what seemed like an unfairly long drive, Killian saw Mary Margaret and David waiting at the entrance. He stopped in front of them and jumped out to race around the car, reaching for the passenger door handle before David even had a chance. 
Emma swung her legs out of the car and gripped Killian’s forearms when he held them out to her. He gently pulled her to her feet and made sure she was steady before he moved to her side and wrapped his arm around her. 
Mary Margaret retrieved Emma’s bag from the back seat and asked David to park the car. She could see that Killian was intent on being with Emma at the moment, instead of being concerned with the logistics of what to do with his vehicle. 
They approached the check-in desk with Emma walking slowly between Killian and Mary Margaret, and when they reached the chest-high counter, the nurse looked up with a smile. “May I help you?”
“Hi, my name is Emma Swan, and I…” Just then, another strong contraction hit, and Emma dropped to the floor, with her fingers tightly gripping the edge of the desk above her. 
When she raised her eyes, she saw the nurse peering down at her over the edge of the counter. “I assume you’re in labor?” she asked, with a hint of amusement in her voice. 
Emma tried to smile, but was only able to grimace. “Yeah,” she gasped. 
“Are you alright, Love?” Killian worried, kneeling down next to her. She nodded but he stayed on the floor beside her until the contraction lessened thirty seconds later, then helped her back to her feet. By that time, the nurse had already called for an orderly, who appeared with a wheelchair, and Killian helped her settle into it. 
While this was going on, Mary Margaret was giving the nurse Emma’s name, along with the name of her doctor, so he could be alerted that his patient had arrived. 
Once Emma was seated in the wheelchair, the nurse told her, “We’ll get you situated in a birthing suite, then your husband can help you fill out the paperwork.” She held a clipboard out to Killian. 
“Oh, he’s not...he’s not my husband...and he’s not...the father,” Emma explained, her cheeks reddening. 
“I’m sorry, I just assumed…” 
“I can get the paperwork filled out. I’ve got all of Emma’s information,” Killian interjected.
At that moment, David skidded in through the door and joined the group. “How are you doing, Emma?” he asked. 
The nurse’s eyes swung from Killian to David, then she questioned, “Are you the father?” 
“No,” all four friends answered at the same time. The nurse’s brows raised in surprise and confusion. 
“These are my friends,” Emma explained. “The father is no longer a part of my life and I don’t have any family.”
“I see,” the nurse said kindly. Addressing Emma, she continued, “Do you have a labor coach?” 
“Yes, I’m her coach,” Mary Margaret said, stepping forward. 
“Wonderful! Is anyone else coming in with you?” 
Emma’s eyes landed on Killian briefly, then she looked back at the nurse. “No, just...just Mary Margaret.” 
“Alright, then. I’ll go on back to start getting things prepared. You can say your goodbyes, then Walter will bring you to your room.” 
She punched a button on the wall to open the large double doors and swept through them. Emma watched her go, then focused on David and Killian. “I...um...I guess I’ll see you later.” 
David stepped forward and leaned down to give her a hug. “Good luck, Emma. We’ll be praying for you.” 
“Thanks, David. I appreciate it.” 
Then Killian was in front of her and she looked up at him as he began to speak. “Well, this is it! I can hardly wait to meet mo stoirin!” 
Emma’s chin trembled, but she swallowed and quickly got her emotions under control. “Neither can I. I hope I can do this.” 
“We’ll be cheering you on from here,” he said with a reassuring smile. He stooped and wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes as he whispered in her ear, “You’re going to do great, Sweetness.” 
“Thank you, Killian. I’ll do my best.” 
He pulled back to look into her eyes. “I know you will.” He kissed her on the forehead and gave her hand one more squeeze before she nodded at the orderly, who whisked her off, with Mary Margaret following along behind them.  
Killian and David watched the doors close, then David glanced around the waiting room. “Would you look at that? They have recliners and couches! I guess they figure the people waiting out here are gonna be around for a while, so we might as well be comfortable, huh?” 
When Killian didn’t respond, David realized his friend was still staring at the doors through which Emma had disappeared. He put his hand on Killian’s shoulder, “Come sit down, man. She’s gonna be just fine. Her doctor will make sure of that, and Mary Margaret will be with her the whole time.” 
“Are you planning to stay until the baby arrives?” 
“Yeah, I’ve got the night shift this week. I volunteered for it since Emma was going to be staying at Mary Margaret’s. At least, that was the plan, before the baby had other ideas!”
Killian gave a weak chuckle. “I’m glad to have the company, mate. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long wait.” 
“More than likely. So like I said, make yourself comfortable; might as well try to get some sleep.” 
“How can I sleep when I know Emma is going to be in so much pain, for who knows how long?” 
“Would you like to be in there with her?” David asked quietly. 
“I...I...bloody hell, Dave, I don’t know! I just, I wish…” he ran a hand roughly through his hair. 
David waited a few moments before finally asking, “Wish what, Killian?” 
“Nothing. Forget it.” 
David put his hand on his friend’s shoulder.“You wish you were the father, don’t you?” 
Killian blew out an exasperated breath. “That idiot who betrayed her doesn’t deserve to be the father of her child!” 
“And he won’t be. Emma isn’t planning on putting his name on the birth certificate, right?”
“She’s not, but…” 
“Killian, it takes more than DNA to make a man a Dad. Do you remember telling me that you consider Liam to be more of a father to you than your real father?” 
“Why do you feel that way?” 
Killian finally sank down into one of the black recliners and David followed suit by sitting in the matching one beside it. “Because Liam was always there for me, watched out for me and made sure I had everything I needed. He had to become the man of the family when he was only fourteen, but never complained. He made so many sacrifices to ensure I was taken care of after Da left and Mum died, including not going to Uni, as he’d planned. Instead, he gave me the money he’d saved for it and spent hours helping me fill out financial aid and scholarship forms so I would be able to attend college in the United States.” 
“You would say you regard Liam as the most influential man in your life, wouldn’t you?”
Killian chewed his lip as he contemplated his answer. “My father was around for the first ten years of my life, but he wasn’t really part of my life. Does that make sense? He largely ignored me, even when he was there. Liam and Mum were the ones who helped mold me into the person I am today.”
“And I have no doubt you’ll have far more influence on Emma’s baby than anyone else, except Emma herself. I can tell you already love her like your own. Maybe you should ask if you can be in the room…”
“No, I’m not sure Emma would be comfortable with me being there. Besides, I have paperwork to complete, M’s is her birthing coach, and I would just get in the way.” 
David nodded. “I can understand that. Mary Margaret is nervous, but very excited to be in there. I just hope she doesn’t change her mind about having babies after watching Emma go through it!” 
Killian grimaced. “Don’t remind me, mate. Emma told me how frightened she was before we left home.” 
“It’s pretty obvious how worried you are about her.” 
“She’s the strongest person I know, but unfortunately, she doesn’t share that belief. I think in many ways, she still perceives herself to be that lost girl I found standing on the sidewalk across from the church all those months ago.”
“Surely she knows how much we all care about her.” 
“I’m pretty sure that has sunken in, but she’s been knocked down so many times in her life, she doesn’t think she deserves anything good.”
“Is that another reason why you haven’t told her you’re in love with her?” 
Killian rubbed the back of his neck. “Aye, but bloody hell - it’s getting more and more difficult to keep it to myself!” 
David grinned. “I’m sure the opportunity will present itself before too much longer.” 
“I hope so,” Killian sighed. He adjusted himself in his chair and uncapped the pen to begin filling in the paperwork. 
David chose a magazine and began to flip through it, but was dozing off before he got halfway through an article. Killian worked on the forms for almost half-an-hour, meticulously answering each question to the best of his ability. After he turned them in at the desk, he strolled over to peek through the window of one of the doors through which the woman he loved had been taken. Unable to see anything, he sighed and returned to the recliner, where he listened to David’s snores and wondered how Emma was doing. 
About that same time, Emma was being examined by her doctor, who had just arrived. He informed her that she was eighty percent effaced and two centimeters dilated, and commended her on knowing when to come to the hospital. 
She was hooked up to a wireless fetal monitor, and all of her vital signs were recorded. She and Mary Margaret watched the activity going on around them as several nurses and orderlies organized all the necessary equipment. 
“My mother was so intrigued by the fact that the birth takes place right in the room now, without having to be taken to a delivery room,” Mary Margaret stated. 
“It’s really nice,” Emma said, looking around the spacious, comfortable birthing suite. Besides the bed, there was also a sofa and glider chair, along with a baby warmer and portable bassinet. 
She could picture Killian sitting on the sofa holding the baby, and wondered if she had imagined the fleeting look of disappointment on his face when she said only Mary Margaret would be with her during the delivery. 
Emma shook her head slightly to try to dislodge the thought, but before she could give it any more attention, pain gripped her again.
After three hours, Killian was going a bit crazy. He had scrolled through all of his feeds on social media numerous times, mindlessly played a couple of games, and paced across the waiting room until he was sure he knew every floor tile by heart. 
David woke up around 7 AM and asked his friend if he’d like some breakfast. Although he knew the food would probably sit in his stomach like a rock, Killian agreed because he knew David was trying to find ways to be helpful. 
Once he choked down a breakfast sandwich and a large cup of coffee from a fast food restaurant, he called his boss and explained that he wouldn’t be coming to work that day. Then he made a trip to his car to retrieve his phone charger, practically sprinting back through the hospital doors to ensure he didn’t miss the nurse coming out to update them. 
Another hour passed before they finally learned that Emma was progressing well, was almost completely effaced and five centimeters dilated. Killian knew from all the things he had read that this meant she still had a little ways to go before she entered into the transition phase of labor, preparing for delivery.  
His pacing increased even more. 
“I don’t think I can do this, M’s,” Emma panted, after she’d just worked through an especially hard contraction. 
Mary Margaret knew her friend needed more than just superficial encouraging words. “Look at me, Emma,” she said, putting her hands firmly on the younger woman’s shoulders. When Emma’s eyes finally met hers, Mary Margaret could see the pain clouding them. “The next few hours are going to be very difficult, but this baby girl is counting on you to bring her safely into the world. The first brave thing you did was deciding to keep her; your next brave act is to be strong enough to deliver her. You CAN do it, Emma! I know you can!” 
Emma was able to give her a small, appreciative smile, before she gritted her teeth as another contraction took her breath away.
Granny showed up in the waiting room at eleven thirty with a large paper bag containing hot lunches. Killian had called her, along with Marco, Belle and a few other friends while he waited. Although the food smelled tantalizing, he was only able to take a few bites of a hamburger and nibble at some fries.
“How are ya holdin’ up?” Granny asked him. “And don’t tell me you’re fine, because I can see you’re not.” 
“I’d be doing a lot better if I knew how Emma was doing right now,” Killian sighed. “It seems like it’s taking forever.”
“I’m sure it seems like that to her, too. Babies have their own timelines; some come quick, others take their good, sweet time.”
“I guess this little one isn’t in any hurry to be born.” 
Granny patted his arm. “It’ll all be worth it when she gets here. That baby is already loved very much.” 
“That she is,” Killian agreed.
It was just after noon when Emma was finally ten centimeters dilated and the doctor declared that it was time to start pushing. Activity in the room increased as the nurses bustled about, making final preparations for the delivery. 
Mary Margaret positioned herself next to Emma at the head of the bed and gripped her hand. She expected to see fear in her friend’s eyes when she looked up, but was encouraged to see determination instead. 
“I’ve got this,” Emma stated firmly.
“Yes, you do,” Mary Margaret agreed.
By the time a nurse came out briefly to report that Emma was through the transition stage and ready to deliver, Killian was hanging onto his patience by the thinnest of threads. When he glanced at the time and realized Liam and Rose would be home from work in Ireland, he placed a call to them. 
“Hello, Little Brother!” Liam greeted. 
Killian was in such a state, he didn’t even bother to remind him that he was ‘younger’, not ‘little’. “Hey, Liam. Is Rose there?” 
“Oy! Am I not good enough to talk to anymore?”
“I just wanted to let both of you know that Emma is having the baby right now,” Killian said tightly.
“Are you in the room with her?” Liam asked.
“Yes, I’m in the room with her, but I’m completely ignoring her while I talk to my git of a brother!” Killian bit out sarcastically. “I’m in the waiting room at the hospital. Where’s Rose?”
“I’m right here, Killian. Liam has you on speaker now. What’s going on?” 
“Emma is at the hospital getting ready to have the baby.”
“Oh, that’s exciting! How long has she been there and how is she doing?” 
“I brought her in around four o’clock this morning and they just came in and said she’s fully dilated and effaced.”
“She should deliver within the next two or three hours then.” 
“That’s gonna be a long damn time to wait!” 
“It could be sooner. You just never know when it comes to childbirth.”
“Why did you take her to the hospital? I thought your friend Mary Margaret was supposed to be her coach,” Liam asked. 
“M’s is her coach and she’s in the birthing room with her. Emma was supposed to stay at Mary Margaret’s house for the final week of her pregnancy, but she started having contractions late last night at our place,” Killian explained. 
“So she’s still living with you, huh?” Liam questioned, with a bite in his voice. Rose elbowed him sharply and gave him a warning look. 
“Don’t start, Liam!” Killian huffed.
Rose interceded before the two brothers got into an argument. “Unfortunately, all you can do right now is wait, Killian. I know it’s hard, but it wouldn’t be any easier to be in there with her, would it, Liam?” 
“Aye, it’s hard to watch when your wife is in that much pain. Of course, you don’t have to worry about that since she’s not your wife, and this child isn’t yours.” 
Rose grabbed the phone from her husband’s hand and switched off the speaker, effectively cutting off Killian’s curses so Declan wouldn’t hear them in the next room. She glared at her husband as she resumed the conversation with her brother-in-law. “Ignore him, Killian. He can’t seem to get used to the fact that you’re old enough to make your own decisions.” 
“He doesn’t even know Emma, yet he thinks he has the right to pass judgment on her!” Killian fumed. This wasn’t the first time that he’d heard that tone in his brother’s voice when he was talking about Emma. 
“I know, but don’t worry about him. You need to be focusing on Emma right now. Please keep us updated.”
“I will. Try to talk some sense into my brother’s hard head, and give Declan a huge hug for me. I love you guys.” 
“We love you, too. Talk to you soon.” 
Killian disconnected the call and sat down on the edge of a chair, staring at the doors leading to the birthing suites and willing them to open. 
“Bear down, Emma. The baby’s crowning,” the doctor told her.  
She gave Mary Margaret a determined look and her coach wrapped her arm around  Emma’s back to help support her as she pushed. Emma gripped Mary Margaret’s other hand tightly and took a deep breath. Her teeth clenched and her face reddened with exertion, as Mary Margaret spoke encouraging words. When the doctor told her to pause, Emma fell back against the pillow. 
Mary Margaret shook her hand and pulled the rail up on the side of the bed. “Maybe you should hold onto the bed rail next time, or they might have to take me for X-rays!” 
“Sorry,” Emma gasped, managing a slight smile.
Mary Margaret laughed and grabbed a washcloth to quickly wipe the sweat from the other woman’s face. “You are doing an amazing job, Emma,” she praised. 
“You really are,” one of the nurses chimed in. “It won’t be long now!” 
“Get ready to push again, Emma,” the doctor said. 
“How long has it been?” Killian questioned, even though he knew it was only about five minutes since the last time he asked. 
David checked the time on his phone again. “About two hours and ten minutes since they came out and said she was ready to deliver. We should be hearing the announcement any time now.”
“What if something has gone wrong? What if Emma is having complications, or perhaps the baby…”
“Don’t think that way, man! I’m sure Emma and the baby are just fine. This is just a long process. Hang in there.” 
Killian swiped his hand through his hair for what seemed like the thousandth time, then resumed pacing. 
“Once more and the shoulders will be out,” informed the doctor. 
“This is the last hard push,” Mary Margaret encouraged her exhausted friend. She could see the baby’s head and was trying to contain her excitement in order to help Emma finish delivering her.
Emma gritted her teeth and bore down. 
“Here she is!” the doctor exclaimed, holding the slippery, red-faced infant aloft so Emma could see her. As he did, the baby began to emit short, quavery cries. 
“Oh, Emma! She’s beautiful!” Mary Margaret said through her tears. 
Emma wasn’t able to speak as she sobbed, but she automatically stretched her arms out toward her daughter. A nurse made sure Emma wanted to have skin-to-skin time with her baby, then helped her by unsnapping the shoulders of her hospital gown so Emma could pull it down. As soon as she was ready, the doctor laid the newborn on Emma’s chest. 
“Hi, Baby,” Emma cooed, hesitantly running her hands over her daughter’s back and feeling her soft skin against her own chest. The baby gurgled as she pressed her little fist against her mother’s chin and Emma’s breath caught in her throat.  
Mary Margaret lightly skimmed her fingers over the tufts of blonde hair on the baby’s head. “I’ll let the two of you have some time alone,” she whispered. “I’m going to go share the news with the guys.”
Emma barely acknowledged her friend as she distractedly murmured a thank you, keeping her focus on the tiny human with whom she was already enamored. 
Killian was just beginning to despair that they would ever hear any news, when the door he’d nearly stared a hole through finally swung open. Mary Margaret came into the room beaming, with tears glistening in her eyes. 
“She’s here!” she declared. 
Killian rushed over to her. “Is Emma okay? Did she have any trouble? How is the baby?”
Mary Margaret giggled. “Slow down, Killian! Emma is fine - she did fantastic! She was pretty scared at first, but when it came time to push, it was like she found some kind of hidden strength and resolve. The baby is adorable! I don’t know any specifics about her weight or length because they’ll let the two of them share skin-to-skin time for about an hour before they collect any of that information. I did look at the clock when she was born and it was 2:44.”
“That’s great news!” David said with a huge grin, as he watched his friend sag with relief. 
“Thanks, M’s. I’ll bet she’s exhausted.”
“She has to be. They call it labor for good reason!”
“You must be hungry,” David said, draping his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders.   
“Yes I am. They did give us a couple of snacks, but that was hours ago.” 
“Granny brought some food earlier, but I’m afraid it’s all been eaten. Maybe we can see what they have in the hospital cafeteria?” 
“That sounds good. Are you coming, Killian?” Mary Margaret asked. 
Killian looked between his friends and the doors leading back to Emma’s room, clearly torn about what to do. 
“It’s going to be a little while before you can see them,” Mary Margaret told him. 
“I know, but I, um...I think I’ll just stay here in case Emma needs anything. I’ll send some texts and give Marco a call - I’m sure everyone is wondering. We can let them know the specifics later.”
David nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Do you want us to bring you anything?” 
“A fresh bottle of water would be good.” 
“No problem. We’ll be back in a little while.” 
“Thanks,” Killian said, then turned his attention to his phone to bring up his contacts. 
Emma was barely aware of anything going on around her as she focused on her daughter. While the doctor delivered the placenta, a nurse, who had checked Emma’s chart and knew she was planning to breastfeed, encouraged Emma to try nursing the newborn. It took a few attempts to get the infant to latch on, but she finally suckled for several minutes. 
The new mother couldn’t stop exploring every inch of her little girl - stroking her skin, uncurling her fingers, counting her toes, and tracing her tiny ears and nose. She giggled when the baby squeaked as she yawned, then blinked up at her mom with her bright little eyes. 
“Welcome to the world, little one! You are so beautiful, do you know that?” Emma crooned softly. “I’m your mommy and I love you very, very much. You’re never going to know what it feels like to be unwanted, because I promise I will always be here for you.” She pressed her lips to the top of the baby’s head, then nuzzled her cheek against it. 
Emma felt her baby’s soft breaths against her neck, and soon mother and daughter had both dozed off.
The next thing Emma knew, a nurse was gently awakening her, asking to take the baby to be washed, weighed, measured, and given the newborn tests. The cord was clamped and cut, then the nurse gently lifted the little girl off of Emma’s chest. She missed the connection with the baby immediately. 
As her daughter was carried around the room, Emma’s eyes followed her, listening to her whimpers and feeling as though her heart would explode with love. As a nurse helped fasten the snaps on her hospital gown, Emma asked, “Am I allowed to have visitors?” 
“Of course! Is there someone out in the waiting room whom you would like for me to bring back?” 
“Yeah, my...um...my friend, Killian Jones.”
“Okay. Would you like for us to help you freshen up a bit first?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” 
The nurse helped her go into the bathroom, clean up, and put on a fresh gown, while an orderly changed the linens on the bed. Emma washed her face, brushed her hair and teeth, then made her way back to the bed. When she was settled once again, one of the nurses left the room, and Emma’s baby was brought back to her, wrapped in a swaddle, with a pink and white striped knit cap on her head. 
“She’s very healthy, weighs seven pounds, seven ounces, and is twenty inches long,” the nurse informed her. “I took a footprint in case you want a keepsake.”
“Oh, thank you,” Emma replied, her eyes once again glued to the baby’s face. 
“She’s a little sweetheart!”
“Yes, she is,” Emma beamed.
Killian had contacted Rose and Liam, Marco, Granny, and many of their friends while David and Mary Margaret were gone. When they returned, they found him standing by the birthing center doors, peering through the small window. 
“Here’s your water,” Mary Margaret told him, holding it out to him. 
“Huh? Oh yeah, thanks,” he replied, absentmindedly taking the bottle from her. 
“I’m sure you’ll be able to go in soon,” Mary Margaret assured him.
“It seems like it’s been a lot longer than twelve hours since we got here,” he sighed. 
“I know, but you had the easy part!” she teased.  
He chuckled. “Aye, you’re right about that, but I felt pretty useless just sitting around here.” 
“You were saying prayers and sending her positive vibes. That was very important, too.” 
“I suppose so, but…here comes somebody!” 
He stepped away from the door just as the nurse pushed through it. “Killian Jones?” she questioned. 
“That’s me.” 
“Miss Swan is ready for you to come see her and the baby.” 
Killian’s face lit up with a smile, and Mary Margaret knew he’d already forgotten about all the hours of waiting.  
Killian wasn’t sure what he expected, having never visited anyone who had just given birth, and only having what he’d seen on television or in movies to inform him of the facilities where babies were born, so the large comfortable room took him by surprise. Despite being a bright, sunny day outside, the blinds were partially drawn to darken the room, which softened all the harsh edges and gave everything a dreamy quality, including the woman laying in the bed, cuddling a small bundle against her chest. 
The nurse who was attending to Emma’s needs looked up when Killian entered, told Emma to press the button if she needed anything, and exited the room. 
Emma gave Killian a tired smile. “Hey,” she greeted, her voice husky with emotion. 
“Hello, Sweetness.” He stepped closer until he could see the baby’s cherubic face. “And hello to you, mo stoirin,” he said softly, tentatively reaching a finger out to touch her rosy cheek. “Emma, she’s beautiful, just like her mum.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto Emma’s forehead. 
“Thank you, Killian. I can’t believe she’s actually here. It all seems like a dream.” 
“Mary Margaret said you were so strong and amazing, just like I knew you would be. I’m very proud of you, Love.” 
“I couldn’t have done it without her, or without knowing you were here for me, too.” 
Killian kissed the crown of her head and smiled down at her, then shifted his attention to the baby. Emma watched his smile turn even softer, as tears gathered in his eyes.
“Would you like to hold her?” she asked. 
“You...you wouldn’t mind?”
“Of course not. I’m sure you’ll be holding her a lot, so you might as well get used to it.” 
He chuckled lightly. “Point taken.” Placing his hands under the infant, he carefully lifted her from her mother’s arms and brought her up to his chest. Her eyelashes fluttered a bit and she pursed her tiny lips before her features relaxed again and she continued to sleep. 
Killian tucked his little finger under the baby’s hand, which was peeking out of the swaddle. As her tiny fingers wrapped around his pinky, he knew in that instant he was wrapped just as tightly around hers.  
Killian couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a good cry. He recalled shedding tears when Declan was born, but being an ocean away, he couldn’t fully express his emotions like he would have, had he been there in person. Now, as he held this tiny wonderment in his arms, listening to her soft baby sighs, and kissing the downy wisps of blonde hair peeking out from under the little cap on her head, he couldn’t stop the stream of tears making their way down his face. 
He tore his eyes away from the infant to gaze at the beauty that was her mother. Emma lay watching her two favorite people in all the world with a drowsy, but contentedly blissful smile on her glowing face. 
“She...she’s perfect,” he said quietly, not wanting to burst the bubble of happiness surrounding them. 
“Mmhmm,” Emma hummed. “Her name is Allison. Allison Hope.”
“Allison Hope,” he repeated reverently, turning his eyes back down to the baby. 
“It’s a derivative of Alice,” she explained, holding her breath as she saw his shoulders stiffen. 
Slowly, he dragged his eyes up once again, the surprise and awe evident even through his tears. “Like my mother?”
She nodded, her eyes never leaving his. “Exactly like your mother.” 
Killian had always heard people talk about special moments in their lives which they would never forget. If he thought long enough, he might have been able to recall one or two in his own life, though none came to mind immediately. But this - this moment - he knew he would treasure in his heart for the rest of his days. He couldn’t imagine how anything could make it more perfect, except…
“I love you, Emma.” 
I know, I know - another cliffhanger, hopefully a good one though! I can’t promise a new chapter next week as I’ve barely started writing the next one, but if it’s not finished, I’ll at least post a sneak peek.
Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @hookedmom​ @xsajx​ @kymbersmith-90​ @kmomof4​ @katie-dub​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @lassluna​ @pirateherokillian​ @teamhook​ @stahlop​ @elizabeethan​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @therooksshiningknight​ @jennjenn615​ @lfh1226-linda​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @killianswannn​ @stories-enchanted​ @eleveneitherway​ @girl-in-a-tiny-box​ @withheartfulloflove​ @kday426​ @lyssapup27​ @swanlovato​ @kaoslikesstuff @djlbg​ @kristi555​ @laschatzi​ @xarandomdreamx​ @lkles08​ @wyntereyez​ @bubblegum1425​ @xhookswenchx @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89​ @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines​ @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @dreamingdreamsalways @oncechicagolove @andiirivera @vvbooklady1256 @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @vampcoffeegyrl23 @enchanted-swans @cassy1511 @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @lavenderbudd @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @sarahpaq08 @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @xouatxcs @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @xemmaloveskillianx @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084 @carpedzem @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @scientificapricot @cocohook38 @wisfan3000 @chrisilybrooke @pcrcabcth @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @kingofmyheart14 @badwolfreturns @itsfridaysomewhere @mcakers @chamomileandmint @fallingforthecaptain @lovethelifeyoulive1106 @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @omgmarvelous @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potatos-but-likes-tomatos
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darke15 · 3 years
Okay okay theres just a crazy amount of stuff and info at this point i need to make sure i got everything (important) right and im on the same page
- aerocell: spies into everything you want. Aftermath destroyed it in ch5, but still novak and wraith (and ace?) got their hands on one.
- from ghosties pov of the ambush we knew that everyone was dead but maybe not, cause they're all thinking wraith=danny // from the ambush flashback we have rn we only see ghost bejng taken by ws, not even ollie whos later.. ehm ☠?
- while alpha team is terminated and ghost is "dia", duke and boone come brielfy across ace
- in the months of novaks care, we know that the first thing he wanted was the super soldier serum formula (cause ghostie was a bad bad bi and destroyed his bunker in colombia where he had done some progress?) ; he did try to make ghostie his little soldier, but she escapes nonetheless
- ghost is found, aftermath is slowly but surely growing
- averngers shenanigans and ghost working for shield as a mechanic // ca:ws oh no novak is still alive, oh hello there bucky // bucky stays with ghost and move out to new eden// sokovia happens // bucky and ghost fight - bucky goes to europe - ghost back in aftermath// avengers and aftermath meet // little ace easteregg in berlin // first look on wraith being unstable bc of faulty serum in chile //
- vienna happens - bucky stays with aftermath (?days) and then goes with the avengers// red room shenanigans// look at that, we have novak and wraith in hk after 2 months//
- "you're the last functioning sample of his work" talk + novak "he's still (bucky) a weapon we can wield against her"// HK blood sample + wraith isnt brainwashed (frick) but put in cryo (at least got one right)
We have seen a lot from wraith and novak working together, but very little of them working with ace and that... the Unknown of that (other than everythingelse ).. scares me.
Also the evil gang having access to every server thx to aerocell (i dont remember how they got that) AND having access into tony's network(from prague?).. thats a whole giant mess right there too.
Im so excited to see how all this is going to play out: thank you for the serotonin, darke ❤
Hello there! Let's get into this !!!
🛑 spoilers below if you're not caught up 🛑
A precursor to Project Insight (CA:TWS). Originally made to track the US Army's movements and emergency protocols, it could be easily weaponized in the wrong hands. It was created by the US Government and, as we learn in Season 1 of The Soldier and The Spy, the Ace of Spades had a hand in its creation. In CH5, Aerocell's terminal is destroyed but not before Commander Weston transferred its data and handed it over to the proper authorities.
The Commander also found evidence of the Ace of Spades' involvement in the project when the piece of the terminal was collected (TS&TS S1E3, The Agent) and given to Boone to analyze.
The Aerocell Project eventually turned into SHIELD's Project Insight and was weaponized before being taken down by Cap, Natasha, Sam, and Ghost.
From what y'all know about the Ambush™️, everyone on Alpha One was killed except for her and Ollie (who was later killed by Novak) we'll get more into what exactly happened in a Flashback chapter that's coming up so I'm not gonna get into the details here....
- while alpha team is terminated and ghost is "dia", duke and boone come brielfy across ace
- in the months of novaks care, we know that the first thing he wanted was the super soldier serum formula (cause ghostie was a bad bad bi and destroyed his bunker in colombia where he had done some progress?) ; he did try to make ghostie his little soldier, but she escapes nonetheless
Again, yesssssss.
After destroying the bunker in Columbia, all of Novak's research was also destroyed. However, Ghost did get a look at his research and therefore somewhere in the back of her head, she knew his formula.
Which is what he wanted and what he killed ollie over.
- ghost is found, aftermath is slowly but surely growing
- averngers shenanigans and ghost working for shield as a mechanic // ca:ws oh no novak is still alive, oh hello there bucky // bucky stays with ghost and move out to new eden// sokovia happens // bucky and ghost fight - bucky goes to europe - ghost back in aftermath// avengers and aftermath meet // little ace easteregg in berlin // first look on wraith being unstable bc of faulty serum in chile //
- vienna happens - bucky stays with aftermath (?days) and then goes with the avengers// red room shenanigans// look at that, we have novak and wraith in hk after 2 months//
✔️ Bucky was with Boone on the Alliance for 3 weeks before he's transferred to the Avengers and The Red Room begins ✔️
- "you're the last functioning sample of his work" talk + novak "he's still (bucky) a weapon we can wield against her"// HK blood sample + wraith isnt brainwashed (frick) but put in cryo (at least got one right)
Yup yup yup
Also the evil gang having access to every server thx to aerocell (i dont remember how they got that) AND having access into tony's network(from prague?).. thats a whole giant mess right there too.
We have seen a lot from wraith and novak working together, but very little of them working with ace and that... the Unknown of that (other than everythingelse ).. scares me.
Don't worry Ace is on his way into the fold
Wraith made some fun little modifications so that it tracks programs and how they work instead of people
Im so excited to see how all this is going to play out: thank you for the serotonin, darke ❤
Thank you so much 🥰🥰 I'm so glad you like it and I was able to make you a little bit happy 🖤🖤🖤
And don't forget to check out the Timeline I haven't updated it in a bit but it has most of the important bits in there 🖤🖤🖤
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                also find me on ao3 and on the novigrad market server <3
Two Minutes | G | 302 words Jaskier POV post 1x06 [ao3] | [tumblr]
Stay With Me | G | 1,080 words Jaskier POV over the course of their friendship [ao3] | [tumblr]
A Favour Repaid | E | 5,481 words Geralt attends a royal gathering at Jaskier's request, Jaskier ensures it's worth his while. [ao3] | [tumblr]
To Be Wanted | T | 2,513 words Jaskier returns to Oxenfurt to try and find somewhere he belongs after the dragon hunt. Things go as well as they can until he gets word of a Witcher in town. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Patience | E | 1,144 words PWP [ao3] | [tumblr]
When the Night is Cold | E |  6,179 words Geralt and Jaskier are terrible at communication. [ao3] | [tumblr]
What You Need | E | 4,489 words (chapters 2/3) Jaskier seeks out a companion for the night, much to Geralt's displeasure. [ao3] | [tumblr pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3] 
Hear Them Whisper | T | 4,013 words When they travel to Oxenfurt, Jaskier isn't expecting all his friends to think he's in love with Geralt, but they do. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Just Breathe | T | 1,614 words Jaskier helps Geralt to relax when he needs to work through the remainder of his elixirs. [ao3] | [tumblr]
A Lack of Communication | E | 5,041 words After drunkenly falling into bed together, Jaskier expects things to change between them. They do, but not in the way he had hoped. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Keep Me Safe | T | 2,597 words Jaskier is on the run from an angry father when he runs into an old friend. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Where We Belong | T | 5,873 Jaskier isn't sure where he fits into Geralt's life after the dragon hunt and their subsequent reunion. He tries to keep out of the way as much as possible, but his staying out of the way could prove more risky than helpful. [ao3] | [tumblr]
No One More Than You | E | 3,549 words Jaskier finds himself heartbroken once more and while he tries to keep it from Geralt, he finds out. And he's none too impressed when he does. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Witcher Biology | E | 4,870 words Jaskier hears a particularly absurd rumour about Witchers and asks Geralt about it. V loosely based on a quest from The Witcher, where you have to recover Dandelion's lost lute. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Lost/Found | E | 14,524 words When Jaskier finally makes it to the bottom of the mountain, feeling very alone and unwanted, he runs into the last person he expects (and the last person he wants to see): another Witcher. (Geralt x Jaskier & Eskel x Jaskier) [ao3] | [tumblr: ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5]
Perfect | T | 2,547 words After a time travelling with friends, Jaskier reconsiders his feelings for Geralt. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Under Your Skin | E | 4,393 words When Geralt falls under the spell of a succubus, Jaskier is more than willing to help, despite Geralt's hesitation to let him. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Suspended Consciousness | E | 2,360 words Jaskier wants to try something new and Geralt is willing to give it a try. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Critical Mass | E | 7,628 words Lambert, having had enough of the obvious sexual tension, locks Geralt, Eskel, and Jaskier in a room together in the hopes that they'll do something about it. (Geralt x Jaskier x Eskel) [ao3] | [tumblr]
Love Like You Deserve | E | 5,455 words When Geralt finds himself wanting more than he's obliged at the brothel, Jaskier steps in to help. [ao3] | [tumblr]
Search and Rescue | E | 18,002 words When Jaskier doesn't show up to meet Geralt after the winter, Geralt worries something might have happened to him and enlists Eskel and Lambert to help find him. [ao3]
Good as Gold | E | in progress When Geralt finds himself in Hagge, he's very nearly escorted out of the local brothel until one of the prostitutes seeks him out. [ao3] | [tumblr: ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10 ch11 ch12 ch13 ch14]
Still Beautiful | T | 1,216 words Geralt finds Eskel right after he gets his scars and Eskel is self-conscious about him seeing him like that. (Geralt x Eskel) [ao3] | [tumblr]
Unwanted | T | 8,499 words Having reunited with Geralt post-dragon hunt, Jaskier finds everything he used to do for the Witcher is being done by someone else. He considers where he fits in Geralt's life, if at all. [ao3] | [tumblr]
The Last to Know | T | 3,248 Based on a post I have long since lost that said the funniest thing in fics was Geralt and Jaskier arriving at Kaer Morhen to find Jaskier's fucked all the other Witchers. That, but I made it sad. [ao3] | [tumblr]
October Prompts Challenge | in progress Various pairings, topics and lengths. [ao3]
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i Really think you hit it out of the park with the last alatheia update!! ch5 made me want to go back and reread all of the other chapters before bc it was so good. initially, i didn’t think too hard about the ch37 divergence. i just thought it was a totally believable (if terribly sad) way for the ivar/priestess relationship to implode—learning that she got out alive specifically bc she chose to do what freydis would have done is devastating. and of course that understanding would bring them even closer together! knowing that really recontextualizes the whole piece for me, and i can’t even tell you how much I love that choice! they were already very cute together in nostalgia but there’s an interesting tension between them bc of their different world views. this is such an interesting way of resolving that tension!! I also loved that the priestess admitting to lying was the push that actually gets them both to act on their feelings. in general, they are a very compelling couple but the particular way that alatheia reframes the story does SUCH a great job of showing off how much they have in common. they are just fantastic in this fic!
Hi sweetheart!
Thank you so much! I can’t believe you liked this chapter so much! I’m humbled lol
And yeah, her choosing to do what Freydis would have was a big reason behind writing this AU as a whole. Like you say, many of the tensions between the Priestess and Freydis are born from the fact that while very alike, the Priestess refuses to do to anyone else what she did to Narses. To me, in my own twisted way, a Freydis that would have survived canon would be a post-Narses Priestess in a way; you know what I mean? But yeah, I wanted to write a Priestess that would take the dive and do something unforgivable (to her, to who she wanted to be) as well, because I like the idea of monsters, and their whole interaction in Chapter 5 about the Reader seeing herself as a monster (something that Freydis also struggles with a lot in her PoVs of Nostalgia) is something I am quite proud of (also, this piece was a big inspiration for that interaction). I liked putting them on equal grounds like that, where:
“What would you do?
What will you do?
my god, what have you done?” (source here)
So anyways, I’m so happy you liked it, and that this chapter could kind of work as a turning point for how the story feels to you, since now they are in Sparta (and they are aware of each other’s feelings and all) and so we kinda go into a new setting!
And yeah, I honestly have no words, you are far too kind, I can’t think of anything other to say than thank you, a thousand times over. Your support really means the world, thank you so much sweetheart!
Sending you my love! ❤️
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uhgoodmoni · 4 years
Nothing That Lasts Forever
A BTS fanfiction
Trailer - ch1 - ch2 - ch3 - ch4- ch5 - ch6 - ch7 - ch8 - ch9
Ao3 link - Wattpad link - Soundtrack 
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Demons, Fighting, Verbal and Physical Abuse, Mention of marijuana, Death, Cursing, Fire, Unintentional Self-harm, Gore. Yoongi’s injury
Chapter One: Otsukare 
Yoongi’s POV
I glance down at my phone, a new text from Hoba. ‘5 mins away :p’. I don’t bother responding but instead, give Jungkook a slight shove. His shoulder is digging into mine, dozing off on the couch. Drool comes from his lips to the cushion, luckily not my shirt sleeve. He barely lifts his head as I stand up, heading to the table where our things are packed. I roll my eyes looking over him slumped on the couch. I get it, I’m tired too, but he can rest in the car. 
“Hoseok will be here soon, you better not forget anything,” I lecture, and he nods his head. He isn’t listening and I know it. I shake my head, double-checking my bag for my charger.  I don’t want to forget it, even if I won’t be on my phone that often. Hobi’s charger has been lost and there wasn’t time to get a new one so he’ll want to borrow one of ours on the trip. I glance at my phone, at full charge and it will probably stay that way. 
“No no, I won’t,” he mumbles, groggy still. It is gonna be a long drive, so we had woken early, he’ll likely claim the back seat to crash in. I pout, knowing I won’t be able to rest my eyes. It’s better to drive with an extra pair of eyes on the road. I’m glad that Hoseok volunteered to drive in the first place. Jungkook had agreed to drive on the way home so maybe I can nap in the backseat then.
“Your charger?” I ask, grabbing the bag of food and placing it on the counter. Chips, bread, some soda, mostly sweets but Hobi is bringing the cooler with our sandwich makings. 
“Yeah it’s in there,” he mostly whispers. I shrug, won’t be my problem if he hasn’t packed it. He just won’t have a phone, no biggie since we are meant to be on holiday. Slinging the bag over my shoulder I take up my suitcase, heading to the door.
“Come on, why don’t you help me bring some stuff outside so we can just stick it in the trunk and go.” He gives a short hum as I head out. Whatever, I’ll just make him unpack everything when we get to the cabin. The door slams behind me as I walk down to the elevator. It takes me slowly to the lobby, but I head out the back where I know Hobi would be parking. The air is chill against my cheeks as I push myself out the door. The summer is just at its tail end, making the mornings and evenings quite chilly. Looking around for his car I hug my bag tighter. Hopefully, the weather will warm up for our trip. 
His car pulls in, stopping in the spot ahead of me. As he exits the vehicle, the trunk opens up. Stuffed inside is the cooler and his suitcase.
“Hi hi hiii,” He cheers, a huge grin spread across his face. He jogs over to me, taking the bag of food from my hands. “It’s a good day aye?” He hums, walking me back over to the car. 
“Yeah,” I grin, pulling up the suitcase into the trunk beside his, giving it a push to leave room for Jungkook’s. “Hoping for nicer weather.” I nod up to the cloudy sky, a blinding white, but the sun is still hiding.
“When we get there it’ll get warmer,” He assures, dropping the bag in, and pulling me in for a hug. “Where’s Jungkook?” He says, releasing me and shutting the trunk. 
“He probably fell back asleep upstairs,” I sigh as Hoseok leads the way back inside shrugging. 
With a cheeky smirk, he hops inside the elevator, “Can’t lie I almost fell asleep on the road.” And with my silence, he gives a chuckle.
My elbow finds his side, “Hey drink some coffee next time.” I sigh, “Oh, and don’t text and drive either.” I scold, crossing my arms. He makes a pop with his mouth ignoring what I said. “I’m being serious you could get killed,” I mutter as we walk into the hall back towards the room. 
“You’re right, I won't anymore.” He smiles, opening the door for me. I take a step in, Jungkook looming right over me. I bump into his bag just as he is coming out the door. 
“Ohp sorry Yoongi hyungie.” He laughs, eyes slightly swollen, but awake nevertheless, hair draped over his cheeks.
“You left nothing behind right?”
“Nope,” He shakes his head, “stop worrying so we can have fun,” He huffs. He’s lucky I know he’s teasing. 
“So we are ready to get on the road?” Hobi asks, leading the way back to the elevator. “Good Morning Jungkookie.” they squish right into a hug. “Are you excited?” Jungkook hums an answer, stepping in after him.  
“Where is it exactly that we are going anyway?” He questions, and I’m wondering the same thing.
“Gangwon Province, a little cabin that I rented for us in the woods,” He informs us. “I don't know, I just thought it would be nice for us three to get away for a little.” I nod, it is a good opportunity for us, this weekend we have no upcoming filmings or recordings to do. Namjoon is helping Jimin on his own solo album and Taehyung is going to be with his family. Not sure what Jin hyung’s reason for not attending is. 
“Yes yes, I’m glad that collab got pushed back till next week because I really wanted to join you guys,” Jungkook says, taking the first step out of the elevator as it reaches the lobby. 
I bud in, “I think it will make us think back to when we did In the Soop, don’t ya think?”
“Agreed,” Hobi starts, “I brought some canvas…” 
“Hey hey!” Jin calls out, running over from the stairs. He’s still in his RJ pajamas, hair strewn and eyes half-closed. I grin watching him hobble over to us. 
“Jinnie hyung?” Jungkook smiles, turning back to greet him. He must have come to say goodbye and send us off.  Jin squeezes Jungkook tight, muttering goodbyes. 
“You drive safe now.” He tells Hoseok after releasing him from an embrace. “I hope you all have fun together.” I smile, hugging him tightly as well. “Go fishing for me,” He beams at me, grabbing my ears.
“There aren't any fishing spots.” Hobi frowns.
“Sorry to disappoint,” I say, patting his back. 
“That's the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” He scoffs. “Who goes camping and doesn’t fish?” His lip curls up. “Well I only came down here this early to tell you to catch me a fish but I guess I did it for nothing.” 
“Pshhh,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “Yeah right, you love us and came down to give us all kisses goodbye.” 
“Okay now seriously,” he points at each of us, “be safe, I’m tired and going back to sleep, text us when you get there.”
“Yes, yes, hyung. Don’t worry, got a full tank this morning,” Hobi smiles, giving Jin’s hand a squeeze before he walks away, sending a wave as he heads to the elevator. 
“Too bad he has a meeting on Saturday,” Hobi pouts, as we head out the back door once more. Jungkook squints his eyes as the cool breeze hits him. All of us rushed to get in the car and turn the heat on. I’m not so sure Hoseok is right about it warming up later. 
“Don’t worry,” he says, buckling his seatbelt, me next to him in the passenger like I had figured would happen. “There is full heating and air conditioning at the cabin, so if it stays cold we can just cuddle up indoors.” He turns, facing Jungkook, backing up, and exits the lot.
“That sounds really nice,” Jungkook mutters, leaning his head now covered in his hoodie against the window. I nod with a smile, turning up Hobi’s heat in the car. 
“No matter what I think this will be a healing weekend for us,” I assure, after all, we have been busy filming concepts and the new music video all week. We hadn’t gotten much time to relax but the three of us would at least be able to get some R&R together. Hobi has been especially stressed, he had a pain in his ankle and was trying to not get injured while we learned the new dance. Of course, he was still overexerting himself, but now I’m glad he’ll be able to rest. 
He got on the highway, it will be about an hour drive which isn’t that bad. Maybe another thirty minutes after, to get to our campsite. If it ends up being a bust I suppose we can just go home. 
Hobi had turned on the radio, humming along to what had come on. He’s been looking forward to this since he rented the cabin months ago. If I can help it this will be the best weekend ever.  
It’s been a quiet drive, Jungkook slept the entire ride, but he probably needs the rest. Hobi plays Otsukare as we get off the main road. Playing it from youtube it sounds awful, but I can’t stop myself from laughing. 
“Don’t, don’t.” I plead, shaking my head.
“It’s sope!” He calls, looking to me for a response. I laugh, tossing my eyes to the window. It’s too early for this. I glance at the clock, 9:15 and we haven't eaten breakfast. “We’re sope!” He continues singing.
“Okayyy, let’s go!” I mumble, crossing my arms as Hoseok breaks out into laughter. He continues singing as I hum along, embarrassed. It has been years since I heard this last. It would be fun to perform again with him. Maybe I’ll ask management.
Hoseok makes another turn, the trees taking over both sides of the road. There aren’t any other cars that turned along with us. It isn't a holiday weekend so we’ll likely be the only ones on vacation at this time. Not to mention the weather, it is the same as when we had left earlier. A white cloudy blanket over the whole sky, blocking out the sun but leaving the daylight to light the road. If you look deep into the trees though, there it would be dark. Hopefully, the cabin will be in a clearing so it will be lit up, then there would also be fewer bugs. I smirk, thinking about how Hobi will likely panic once we arrive, upon the amount of bugs. Hopefully, he brought bug spray. I made sure to have mosquito nets so there is that. 
“Pay attention,” He starts again! Hopping up in his chair, still keeping his eyes on the road. I don’t respond so he continues, “Okay, let's smile. It's human relations. There are mountains too” He raises eyebrows to me, turning a dial for the volume.
“There are valleys too,” I sing quietly, licking my lips and reaching for my water. 
“Well, that's just what life is” He grabs my hand, stopping me from reaching for the bottle. “But the earth rotates” He holds my hand back up to my face, making me roll my eyes.
“Your dream will surely come true.”
“You too,” Getting louder.
“Me too,” And louder, producing smiles. 
“Let's do our best, thank you!” We sing together, Hobi turning off onto a dirt road, making the whole car shutter.
“Ayooo, why are you sooo loud,” Jungkook moans, pressing his hands into his eyes. “It’s so early…” 
“Mhmh, not really anymore.” I turn back, patting his leg. “I’m sure we are almost there anyway. Right Hoba?” I flip back up to the front, where he is turning down the volume. Eyes confused, staring off, and slowing the car down to a crawl.
“Right,” He whispers, looking into his mirrors. 
“What's wrong?” Jungkook sits up, looking outside the windows. It’s getting dark under the trees, just the light coming from in between the road shining down on us. It’s deep emerald green, glowing at the treetops from the light attempting to penetrate. At the base of the tall trees though it is hard to see through, getting darker and darker the further you try to look. There aren't any paths on either side and no turn-offs. Is Hoseok lost? I look over to him, but he just stops the car completely. 
“Uh, I thought the turn was around here.” He pouts, pulling up his phone which has the GPS turned on. He sighs, “yeah see.” Flicking the phone in between Jungkook and I. There it is, the turn right in front of us. But there is no road and no sign that there ever has been. 
“The internet connection must be bad out here.” Jungkook bites his inner cheek, sliding down in his seat. “What’s the road called? Or like the company for renting?” 
Hoseok sets his phone in the cup holder, slowly releasing the brake and letting the car continue slowly forward. “It's just like a number marker and then we drive down further to reach a small clearing and hillside where the cabin will be.”
“What number?” I ask, sitting up in my chair. 
“Mhm, 189.” He mutters, mouth screwing up. We sit in silence for a while as he drives down the road. Looking at the clock it is 9:25. 
“It’s been ten minutes,” I announce, and Hobi only shakes his head. He’s getting annoyed. “Maybe we missed it?”
“We are going five miles an hour,” He huffs, squeezing the steering wheel. “Oh well, we could turn back around.” He shrugs, letting out a sigh, but I can tell he is still bothered. Must be stress weighing him down.
“Oh look!” Jungkook’s finger comes in between us, pointing forward to the right. Both our heads turn to look, but I can’t see a damn thing. 
“What where?”
He scoots closer to the center seat. “There there, low to the ground!” He hops up and down, and there it is. A few inches from the ground a small yellow reflective sign marked ‘189’.
“Oh thank goodness.” Hoseok speeds up, reaching the turn-off in no time. 
“Why is there just some random cabin marked ‘189’,” Jungkook complains, sorting through his things. “Where is 1-188” He huffs, making Hobi smile.
“Yeah it is kind of weird,” He responds, taking the turn. It’s a tight road, trees looming overhead and thus enclosing us in the dark. So much so that the car's headlights turn on automatically, the day becoming the evening. Here the road is even bumpier, grass grown in on the path. We all go silent, eyes training over the forest as if there is something in it. But it’s just trees. 
“Hobi where the hell have you booked us?” Jungkook laughs, peering out his window with a huge grin. These kinds of things excite him, exploring and whatnot. 
“You know, this is not what I was expecting. Even I have goosebumps.” Hoseok shivers. His face looks slightly disappointed. He isn’t a fan of spooky things so hopefully, the cabin is much more welcoming than the road to it. 
“It’s okay, you’ve seen the pictures of the cabin and it looked nice you said.” He nods to me, trying to pick up the pace of the car. Another ten minutes later and we are still driving straight down the road. The end not in sight, nor the exit behind us either. Hobi runs a hand through his hair, his whole face dropping into a frown in that familiar disgusted look. The road is so narrow that he won’t be able to turn around, so none of us say anything and he just keeps going. 
“This is really getting weird,” Hobi says, his voice shaky. “I can just back us out if you want.” 
“No, no, no.” I say, “this has to be the right spot.”
“I’m sure we are almost there,” Koo adds. So he does, a sigh of relief from us all as the road begins to widen and trees begin to clear. There is a little picket sign ahead marking that there is a cabin on the left. 
“Finally,” Hobi smiles, pulling around a wide circular clearing, a path to the right, and a short path leading to a small wooden cabin. He pulls around, parking the car in front of where we would be staying. Jungkook is getting giddy in the backseat, opening the door as soon as Hoseok puts us in park. I smile at Hobi who is already seeming a little more relaxed to be at our destination. 
We join Jungkook outside, the air still a bit nipply. Hopefully, neither of them has forgotten to pack warmer clothing. All of us are in hoodies and sweatpants as of right now. Jungkook left his things hopping around the clearing, which at the center is a fire pit and some chairs. The fire will warm us up if we want and would shoo away the bugs. Past that is the path, looking like it would lead up to another clearing and the hills Hobi had mentioned. All around us on the other sides are just trees. Without the clearing, it would be just as dark as the road in. Later tonight we’ll probably be too nervous to go outside to even light the fire. 
“Smores tomorrow?” Jungkook hums, coming back around to the trunk. 
“Let’s get unpacked first and then decide what we are going to do,” I say, taking out my suitcase and the bag of food. Jungkook scoffs, taking his own suitcase along with the cooler. 
“Yeah it’s too cold today, so tomorrow sounds good,” Hobi answers him. “And worst-case scenario we do it on the stove inside.” 
“There’s a stove?” He asks backward, as we head over to the door. 
Hobi gives a little laugh, “It’s a fully functional home. Despite what you would think driving up.” Making me smirk, “Even the door has a key code instead of physical keys.”
“Oh, so it's pretty new.” I nod, as he types in the code making it obvious for us both to see 456782. “Yeah definitely wouldn’t have guessed that.” I look back to the forest, closing in on us as we file in with our things. 
“Wow!” Jungkook’s voice brings me back inside, the lights flickering on in the small living room. 
“Oh yess.” I nod looking around. It’s well furnished, a couch and a tv, blankets, and pillows dotted all around the room. The kitchen to the left, all stainless steel appliances. There’s a hallway to the right, likely leading to the rooms. While it’s freezing, the thermostat is located next to us on the wall. Hobi immediately turns to it, flipping it up as much as he can shivering and exaggerating the cold.
“What a pad.” Jungkook grins, leading the way into the home. The hallway stops at a blank wall and then turns to the right and goes down, four doors, two on each side and a window at the end of the hall. “One floor?”
“One floor,” Hobi answers, turning into one of the rooms. “Oop,” He comes back out, “That's the bathroom,” he announces, heading to the next door across from him. I peer in, a double bed, looking cozy. Hobi turns back to us outside wagging his finger at us. “This one's mine!” Sticking his tongue out. We shrug, moving down to the next rooms. It isn’t fair really since Hobi had likely seen the images online. 
Jungkook took the next room, it was also a double bed, and I curse myself for letting him have it. There is likely a single person bed in the last room and I just knew it. And I was right. I open the door and there it is wrapped in a pink duvet. At least it looked warm and comfy. My room looks the most updated, and their room’s looking dated.
“Aww shit.” I hear Hoseok cry, making me peek my head out into the hall. He doesn’t continue. 
“Hoseok?” I call and it sounds like he had tossed something in the room. 
“I forgot a mosquito net.” He sighs, peering out his own door to see me. I grin, coming well prepared for this. He isn’t even forgetful but it’s always good to have an extra on hand. 
“I got one.” And so I got it for him. While the cabin warms itself we settle into our rooms, helping each other set up our nets. We pack up the fridge and make sure that everything is working properly. The tv doesn’t have any cable signal but there is a DVD player and some random DVD’s in the cabin. At least there will be plenty to do if we can't go outside. 
“I’m so glad we didn’t pull up on some creepy run-down haunted-looking building.” Hobi giggles, taking a seat on the couch. “I got a little nervous there.” He smiles crossing his legs. 
“A little? Pshh.” Jungkook teases, looking around, and finding his reflection in a beautiful gold framed mirror. I join Hobi, pulling out my phone. 
“Aye, none of that.” he makes a click with his tongue, pushing my phone down to my lap. I shake my head, lifting it back up.
“We told Jin that we would text the chat when we got here.” he nods, as I pull up the chat. “Made it safely!” Immediately it returns a failed message. I frown, seeing that there is absolutely not a pinch of service. 
“What’s the wifi?” I turn to Hobi who pulls out his phone as well. 
“Glamping189 is the name, 456782 is the code.” He reads off of a screenshot. But it isn’t there. In fact, there isn’t anything listed under the available networks at all. 
“Ah well, that’s shit.” I groan, turning to Jungkook who just shakes himself from staring at the mirror. Vain much? “Will you look around for a router?” He nods as I get up to help him search. There isn’t one, we search each and every corner but there isn’t one at all.
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So, now that we’re here, at the second to last chapter, I thought it might be time to let you know that there will be a companion piece! I’ve written a few key scenes from Killian’s POV to be posted after this story is complete! YAY!!!!!!
Once again, so many thanks to: @cspupstravaganza, @sherlockianwhovian, @lassluna
Tag list: @quirkykayleetam, @squidvisious, @carpedzem, @kmomof4, @revanmeetra87, @capnjay21
AO3 if that’s your jam: Prologue | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7
I’d Pick You (and Your Little Dog, Too)
A Captain Swan Pupstravaganza Story
Summary: According to everyone in the known universe, Emma Nolan’s dog is supposed to lead her to her soulmate. But she’s not even sure if she wants that. Soulmates are pretty idealistic, don’t you think?
Chapter Six:
Emma isn’t surprised when David walks into the station starry-eyed on a Thursday in the spring. She knows he proposed to Mary Margaret the night before, and Emma knows -- knew before David even bought the ring -- the answer was yes.
There’s never been any question for the two of them. David knew before Mary Margaret even adopted Charming. He knew that the fourth grade teacher at Storybrooke Elementary with the big eyes and the bigger heart was it for him. She made his heart stutter and his mouth run dry before she even said a single word to him.
Emma’s happy for David, truly. She’s long since forgotten her fears about heartbreak when it comes to her brother and his soulmate. She is not, however, excited about what comes out of his mouth after he tells her the news.
“She wants you to be her maid of honor.”
“What?!” Emma winces at the high pitch of her voice. “I’m… I barely… why?”
David smirks at her. It’s the same face he made when he had to spell out the fact that Killian should move in with her. Smug bastard.
“Mary Margaret doesn’t know a lot of people here, you know. And you’re also her brother’s soulmate. And her soulmate’s sister.” He’s started ticking off reasons on his fingers. He raises a fourth finger, opening his mouth, but Emma stops him.
“Okay, okay, fine. I get it. It’s just… maid of honor?” Emma drops her head into her hands. “That means planning stuff like a bridal shower and a bachelorette party, doesn’t it? That’s a lot. I barely know the woman myself, I don’t even--”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about any of that.” David’s smirk morphs into a full-on smile. “We’re getting married in two weeks.”
“What?!” Emma screeches again.
“We don’t want to wait anymore! We just want to… be married.” David’s gone wistful now, surely imagining lots of little Nolan babies running around their little loft apartment.
“How are you planning to put together an entire ceremony in two weeks?” Emma crosses her arms over her chest, eyebrows nearly into her hairline now.
“We’re going to City Hall,” David says with a shrug.
Emma’s still skeptical.
“I don’t know her very well, but Mary Margaret seems the type to want a big wedding, with all of her family, and lots and lots of flowers.”
David rolls his eyes.
“Yes, you’re right. But we just want to be married now. We can have another ceremony later with all of that stuff.”
“So now I have to be Maid of Honor twice?”
“Yes.” David’s firm answer leaves no more room for complaints. This is important to him, clearly. He doesn’t ask Emma for much, and really, this isn’t even an imposition. She loves Mary Margaret, loves her for David especially. She’s just never really had a friend close enough to warrant a bridesmaid conversation, nevermind Maid of Honor.
Besides, most of her friends haven’t even bothered to tie the knot. They’re just… together.
"If it helps," David adds, "Killian's my best man."
“Fine,” Emma agrees with an eyeroll, but there’s a smile on her face, too.
For only having two weeks to plan what Emma has begun thinking of as The Wedding of the Century, David and Mary Margaret have done a lovely job. Mary Margaret found a beautiful, if simple, white dress that also came in light blue, so she bought the matching one for Emma to wear. She’s got a small bouquet of silk hydrangeas, the color almost identical to Emma’s dress. There’s a matching flower tucked into David’s tux.
Charming and Rascal wear collars of the same blue, and they’ve somehow finagled flower crowns onto Princess and Procella. It’s all very cute, and it makes Emma just a little bit sick, but also warms her heart just a tad.
And Killian.
Emma had suspected that her boyfriend would clean up nicely. She’d asked him not to shave -- loves his scruff too much -- and he’s listened. His own boutonnière brings out the color in his eyes, making them shine even more brightly than normal. And when they meet Emma’s from across the makeshift aisle at City Hall, they darken just a bit.
He watches her, intently, throughout the entire ceremony. And she watches him watching her. She’s overly self-conscious, but not enough to control her surprisingly emotional reactions. She bites her lip while David says his vows, a mixture of pride and something else she can’t quite name. And when the officiant instructs David and Mary Margaret to kiss for the first time as a couple, a couple of tears fall.
She’ll deny it later, but they’d hired a photographer, so she knows there’s proof.
They invite all of their friends to a small reception at Granny’s. She’s cleared out all of the center tables and given them full control of the jukebox. David plays about fifteen slow songs in a row, and normally Emma would be griping, but… it’s so hard to complain about anything when Killian’s holding her with one arm around her waist, his prosthetic hand lingering at the small of her back. She glances towards her brother, who hasn’t stopped staring at his wife since the officiant announced her as such. Killian squeezes her hand, bringing her attention back to his face.
“I wanted to give you something,” he says, looking unsure for the first time all day. “Can we step outside?”
Emma worries for a moment, unsure of what he could possibly have to give her and why he looks so concerned, but she follows him regardless. It’s chilly outside, now that night has fallen, and he drapes his leather jacket around her shoulders.
“Emma, I don’t think it’s any secret that we’re meant to be, right?” He glances at her, still wary, even after all this time, that she’ll deny the fact that they’re soulmates. She nods, unsure where this is going. “It’s just… we never talk about it, and that’s fine. But today, watching David and Mary Margaret get married and take that next step, it sort of got me thinking.” There’s the ear scratch Emma has been waiting for. He reaches into his pocket, and her eyes bug out of her head.
“Killian, I don’t--”
“Calm down, Swan, I’m not proposing.”
The nickname calms her down more than the words. Ever since he’d learned her mother’s maiden name, Swan, he’s taken to referring to her as such, claiming it ‘suits her’ more than Nolan, and that it has more of a ring to it. She doesn’t care why he uses the name, but she does love the way it rolls off his tongue.
She’s been thinking the word more frequently recently, in relation to Killian. It’s never I love you, but rather that she loves some part of him, some habit of his. She doesn’t love him, not yet.
Does she?
Does he?
“This was my brother’s ring,” he’s saying now, pulling a large ring out of his pocket. It’s on a chain, one that’s clearly well-worn, far from the shiny silver she suspects it once was. “And I’d like you to have it.” He finally meets her eyes.
“Your brother… are you sure?” Emma reaches out hesitantly, touching the worn edges of the ring. It feels heavy, but not in weight.
“Aye, I am. I… I love you, Emma. And this is the best way I can think to express that.”
“I love you, too.”
She does. She’s sure of it as soon as the words leave her lips. Of course, then Killian is kissing her and they’re both laughing because it’s such a simple thing -- just a few words, really -- but it’s as though they’ve been dancing on eggshells without realizing it, and as soon as they admit the truth about their feelings, the floor turns back into concrete and they’ve found their footing again.
She loves Killian Jones, and she’s going to wear his brother’s ring around her neck for the rest of her God damned life if that makes him happy.
A low whine comes from near their feet, where Rascal and Procella would apparently like some attention, please.
“Ah, I almost forgot,” Killian says as he reaches into his pocket again. Instead of another ring, he pulls out a plastic bag with two cookies. One is shaped like a ship, the other a hook. He hands the ship to Procella and the hook to Rascal. Both dogs run to lay together under a table. They share both cookies.
Killian wraps an arm around Emma’s shoulders and they watch their dogs together. It’s strange to Emma, still, that Rascal knew Procella was meant to be a part of their lives even before that beautiful little stray golden retriever chose Killian. The order of events is all sorts of backwards, but it doesn’t matter, not really. Because they’re here now. She reaches up and holds the ring steady against her chest.
“Hey, where have you been?” Emma asks Killian a few weeks later. He’s punctual by design, always arriving home between 5:15 and 5:30, but it’s nearly 7.
“Hmm?” He looks up at her, as though he hadn’t expected her to be home. “Oh. Work ran late. Nothing to fret over.” He finishes untying and removing his boots before stepping into the kitchen and kissing her on the cheek.
“I ordered pizza, it’s in the fridge,” she tells him. He’s acting nervous, or secretive, or some other adjective that has a negative connotation when using it to describe your normally open and honest boyfriend.
“Thanks, Swan.” He reaches in and grabs a couple of slices and gets to work wrapping them in foil and heating up the oven.
“What’s wrong with you?” Emma asks.
He finally stops moving, turns to face her.
“What do you mean?” He tries to keep his face even, she can tell, but his jaw twitches and a blush rises from his chest up to his neck. His eyes are staring just past her head, as though he thinks she won't notice.
“You’re keeping something from me, Killian. You never get home late, especially without calling. And now you won’t even look at me.”
Rascal has joined her, sitting just behind her feet and staring at Killian, matching Emma’s intensity. Killian glances between the two of them, tension obvious in the set of his shoulders. Finally, he rolls his eyes.
“You two are impossible. Come on, then.” He reaches over to turn the oven off and then slides his sneakers onto his feet. Emma stays glued to her spot in the kitchen, entirely unsure of what’s happening. “Are you coming or not?”
“Coming where?” Emma asks, but she moves towards the door and pulls her sneakers onto her feet as well.
“Can you just… trust me? Please?” He holds his hand out to her, one eyebrow raised.
She takes it, and he leads her out the door, Rascal and Procella right behind them as they climb into the car.
“Why are we here?” Emma asks, slowly extracting herself from the passenger’s seat. They’re at the docks. She comes here sometimes, though not as much in the last year or so, when she needs to think or clear her head. Ever since she’d run away as a kid and ended up here, the water has tended to calm her down when she needs it most.
Killian doesn’t answer right away. He’s watching her face, like he’s memorizing it. It’s nearly dark out, the summer sun setting behind them as they face the open water.
“I came here a lot, when I first moved to Storybrooke,” he says finally. This is news to Emma, although she’s never shared her feelings about the water with anyone but David, so she can’t fault him for keeping this to himself. That said, it still doesn’t explain his strange behavior, or what they’re doing here together right now. “The water calms me down when my mind won’t stop moving. So I came here. The very first time, I saw you.”
This gets Emma’s attention. She’d thought, all this time, that the first time they’d seen each other had been at Granny’s Diner. But apparently that was a lie.
“Oh don’t get all narrow-eyed on me, Swan. I didn’t know it was you. It was dark out, so I couldn’t tell what Rascal looked like, especially from a distance. I only figured it out recently.” He clears his throat, then reaches out for her hand. She offers it to him more out of habit than desire, but she doesn’t take it back either. “I was talking to David--”
Emma groans at that. She hates when David meddles in her life with Killian. David’s a romantic, and he wants Emma to constantly be swept off her feet, but Emma just wants things to continue as they’ve been going.
“Listen, David wanted me to propose here, but I’m not doing that, so give me a little credit here, okay?”
For the first time since Killian came home late, Emma laughs.
“Continue,” she tells him.
“I was talking to David, and he mentioned that you came here a lot after what happened with your parents. That the water seemed to do something for your nerves that he couldn’t, and then that even Rascal couldn’t.” Killian looks at her again, waiting for confirmation. Emma nods. “So that got me thinking, and that’s when I realized I saw you on my very first night in Storybrooke, out here at the docks.”
“You’re a wonderful storyteller, Killian, but I’d love for you to get to the point.” She’s smiling.
“I bought you something,” he tells her as he starts walking, finally. They reach the water and he points to a boat. “It’s just… I wasn’t sure if you’d like it. But it’s large enough to hold the two of us, plus Rascal and Procella.” He’s speaking quickly now, rambling. “I just thought that, instead of this being a sad place for us where we go when we’re feeling lonely, we could… together, I mean, come out here when we both need to get away from everything else.”
“You bought me a boat?” Emma asks quietly.
“Aye, I did.”
“How do you… how did… Dammit, Killian, you know me better than I know myself and it’s driving me insane.” She’s laughing again as she hugs him, arms thrown around his neck.
It’s a fucking boat.
“But why all the secrecy?” She releases him and eyes him skeptically. “This is an incredible surprise. Why would you want to hide it?”
“Ah, I’m renaming her.” Then, the ear scratch Emma loves so much. “I didn’t want you to see her until she was done. I just bought her today. Signed the papers and all.”
The Jewel of the Realm is painted in beautiful, if faded, lettering along the side of the boat.
“What’s wrong with the name it has?” Emma asks, but she knows it doesn’t feel right. It’s so regal and dramatic -- really better suited for people like her brother and Mary Margaret. Killian raises an eyebrow at her. “Yeah, you’re right. So, what’s the new name?”
“I was thinking about The Jolly Roger,” he says with a grin.
She loves it.
“Sounds like a pirate ship.” She bites her lip.
“Oh, I plan to do loads of pillaging and plundering while aboard this ship, my love,” he says with a kiss against her hair. A shudder goes down her spine.
“When do we set sail, Captain?”
“Not yet, I’m afraid. This,” he gestures vaguely around the docks and towards the general direction of the boat, “is why I didn’t want to tell you yet.” He looks down at her, exasperated but also with a sparkle in his eye.
“There’s something else,” she says, pointing at his chest. “There’s more to this that you’re not telling me.” It’s not accusatory. Whatever else he’s hiding isn’t a bad thing, she can tell, but there’s still something there.
“Can you let me have one thing, Swan? My God,” he groans. “It was Liam’s boat. Okay?”
Emma stops smiling.
“Liam? Your brother?”
“Aye. She ended up passing through a few hands, as he didn’t exactly have a living will or anything, but I finally tracked her down. It wasn’t cheap, but I got her here.” His ears are bright red, and he won’t look at her.
“You never talk about Liam, you know,” she says as she takes his hand hand guides it to the ring hanging from her neck. “Not even when you gave me this.”
“It was… it was a long time ago.” He swallows a thick lump in his throat.
“You don’t have to talk about it, Killian.” She reaches up and cups his cheek. “But I’m here if you want to.”
“He… it was a car accident,” Killian looks at her, gauging her reaction, as always. She gasps, realizing not for the first time how alike their lives have been at the most unexpected moments. “Same one I lost my hand in.” He holds up his left hand, as if proving something. Emma grabs it and places it on her own waist. “He’d been talking to me, trying to tell me something, I can’t remember what. I know we were fighting. It all happened so fast. He looked at me and I remember the anger in his eyes, and then someone ran the light and it was over. I woke up in the hospital.” He shrugs, trying to pretend he’s okay.
“Let’s get on the boat,” Emma whispers after a moment of silence.
“We don’t have to go anywhere. But it’s yours, right? Have you been on it yet since it got here?”
“I did an inspection, but that’s all,” he admits.
“So let’s get on.”
They climb on, Killian’s footing much surer than Emma’s, but he guides her. Rascal and Procella have no qualms at all, hopping aboard like they’ve been on boats their entire lives. There are two seats, but once Killian settles into one, Emma perches herself in his lap. It wouldn’t be safe if they were out on the water, but they’re still tied to the docks, sitting still as the water laps around them. They all sit in silence, even the dogs.
“I love you, Emma,” Killian whispers into her shoulder.
“I love you, too.” She turns and kisses him. It’s slow at first, and then it’s not.
Emma supposes they’ll have to christen it again once it gets its new name. When she tells Killian what she’s thinking, he growls into her mouth and they don’t leave the boat until after midnight.
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krycss · 5 years
Crossroads | oc:Alice Harkins/Arthur Morgan/Charles Smith
Ch5: Horseshoe Overlook (Part 3)
[Read on AO3]
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EDIT TO PREVIOUS CHAPTER: So I'm a dumdum and said that Alice's eyes were green in the last chapter. They're actually blue. I went ahead and changed it, thought I'd let ya'll know!
Sorry for the lateness of this chapter. I'm writing this and Actions Speak Louder than Words at the same time and I was going a little insane. So from now on chapters will come out every other week as I alternate between the two stories. To make up for the lateness this chapter ended up being the longest one yet!
Starting with the next chapter we'll be getting some Charles POV as well!
Also, I warned ya’ll we were sticking with the canon storyline...sorry Mr. Downes.
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Arthur cracked his neck and adjusted his stance on the oil wagon. He could feel the rumble of the oncoming train and a small part of his brain warned him that this might not be the smartest idea he’d had. Too late now, he thought, as the light from the train flashed through the trees as it rounded the corner of the track. Arthur glanced over to where the boys were, briefly spotting them for a moment. He heard the scream of the horn from the train and the screech from the brakes desperately grasping for tension on the tracks as it got steadily closer
“Oh, please stop.” Arthur mumbled under his breath as he cocked his rifle.
He silently thanked whatever force was watching over him for the train stopping just inches from the wagon. Logistically, it was going far too fast for it to have stopped as it did but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Arthur jumped down from the wagon as the conductor exited the train. He began to ask what was going on when Charles snuck up behind him, clocking him in the back of the head with his sawed-off. Arthur jogged towards the first passenger car as Sean headed down the train for the baggage car. As he opened the door to the car, John did the same from the other side. He fired his gun into the ceiling.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery!”
Arthur couldn’t help the tingle that went up his spine. Just like the good ol’ days.
  Alice leaned against the tree to the main entrance to camp. A large sigh escaped her, tightening her chest beneath her bodice. She had asked Arthur and Charles if she could go along on the train robbery they had planned. She wasn’t much help in a firefight, but robbing people? That she could do. She told them that the job would go much faster and smoother with her on the team.
Suffice to say, they had told her no. She was definitely a little miffed, especially when it meant her having to stand guard, bored out of her mind while they got to have some fun. She even tried asking John before he left as well, using the excuse that he should take his favorite sister. Of course, he scoffed and told her “no” as well, but she could at least see that he was considering the idea. She was fairly certain Arthur and Charles were just trying to keep her out of doing anything dangerous since things seemed to be changing between the three of them.
She got them back though, by convincing Sean to go join up with them.
“Show those fools what they’re missing out on by not bringing you along!” She had goaded him.
Sean was more than willing to go and Alice was fairly certain he knew that she was sending him just to be a nuisance.
Alice snickered to herself at the hell he must have been causing as her eyes drifted over the expanse of trees and shrubbery around her once more. She hoped they were at least having a good time so they could come back with a good haul after leaving her behind.
   This was definitely not a good time, Arthur thought to himself as the bullets whizzed past his head. It seemed to be happening quite a lot lately.
He was currently hidden behind some boxes on a flat storage car of the train with Sean to his right. The kid had been knocked in the head but he was at least managing to shoot well enough. John and Charles were on the other side of the car, firing in the opposite direction. The train was surrounded on both sides by lawmen and while the numbers were clearing out, they could see the tell-tale glow of more lanterns coming over the hill.
“We gotta get out of here!” Charles yelled over the gunshots.
Once the side where their horses were at was cleared, the boys all began whistling and jumped off the train, meeting their horses halfway.
“Let’s go! Stay with me!” Arthur called out as he pushed Crayola off into the distance.
He could hear the other boys trailing not too far behind him, the hooves echoing through the night. They could see the lawmen’s horses in the distance and turned course to get further away. After a while they were fairly certain they were in the clear and slowed down, giving their horses a chance to calm down as they regrouped up.
Arthur pulled his bandana down from his face, relishing in the cold air of night. Sean was laughing as he rode up to him.
“T’at was fun boys, real fun.” His toothy grin caused Arthur to frown as he doled out the cash. “I can see why they call yous the professionals of the outfit.”
“Shut up.” Arthur rolled his eyes.
“At least we made some money, and what did I get?” Sean glanced at the wad of cash in his hand. “Gotta be a hundred dollars here, very nice.”
“And you weren’t even invited.”
Sean winked. “Aye, but I was. The lovely Miss Alice invited me along, boys.”
Arthur blinked slowly. Of course she did.
He could see Charles and John thinking the same thing.
“So, what now?” John asked.
“We still need a real big take,” Arthur placed the rest of the haul into his satchel. “Enough for us to get out of here.”
“Was that a set up? Law turned up real fast.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so.” Arthur shook his head. “I’m startin’ to get nervous.”
“Think they followed us from Blackwater?” Charles was staring at Arthur with a raised brow.
“Maybe.” Arthur shrugged. “They found me already near Horseshoe, but I think this lot was just locals. “
John sighed. “I hope so. I’m gonna head into Valentine, see if I can get something started there.”
Arthur nodded. “Good idea. Either way, we should all go it alone right now. You know the deal: don’t be followed.”
“Ah, o’ course not boss.” Sean piped up as he turned Ennis around and began to ride off.
Arthur shook his head at the kid’s tone and began riding off himself after nodding to John and Charles. As he rode through towards Emerald ranch to sell off the non-cash portion of the haul he laughed to himself.
“Of course Alice invited him along.”
   Alice felt the sudden urge to sneeze quickly take over her. It was loud and bounced off the trees nearby. She winced as she hoped it didn’t draw any attention. She remembered a tale that Hosea had told her about how when you sneeze once, it means someone is talking about you behind your back. She narrowed her eyes, knowing just who might be talking about her.
 Morning came and with it the relief of seeing Javier walking from camp towards her to take over.
“Oh thank God.” Alice groaned as she started heading towards him.
“Aye, I’m afraid it’s only me.” Javier laughed at her and patted her head as she walked by him. She didn’t have the energy to retaliate.
Charles and Sean had come back to camp in the middle of her shift. Sean had winked at her as he rode by and Alice waved him off. Charles had gotten off Taima a moment to bring Alice into a tight hug.
“For what it’s worth, it’s a good thing you didn’t come along.” He whispered into her hair.
She could tell something had gone wrong then. He didn’t say any more, stating that he was going to get some rest. She could get more information from Arthur when he returned.
Alice walked by Arthur’s tent, noting it was still empty of its resident and figured he must have found something else to do instead of coming straight back. She didn’t think too much on it and headed towards her own tent, waving at Dutch as he sat outside his own.
“Rest up, Alice. You’ve earned it.” Dutch raised his cup of coffee towards her.
Alice smiled back at him before retreating to her tent, closing the flaps behind her.
  When Arthur returned the next day Alice was currently seated at the fire outside Charles’ tent. Charles had made good on his promise in Colter and was making a bow for her. It was a simple, selfbow, he called it. Made from just a piece of ash. He wrapped a thin piece of leather around it as a grip so that she wouldn’t hurt her hands – not that her hands weren’t already callused from years of living the outlaw lifestyle, but she thanked him nonetheless. Alice watched diligently, admiring the way his hands seemed to bend the wood to his will. She appreciated his knowledge as he guided her through the steps he was taking, even going so far as to ask her if she’d like it carved with a design. She asked for a matching design to that on the gun that Arthur had given her. A matching set from her two favorite men.
She felt her cheeks flush at that thought and was thankful that Charles had been paying attention to the bow instead of her.
Alice glanced up and spotted Arthur heading towards his tent. When he caught her attention he changed course, heading towards her. She waved a little and noticed he had a new addition to his belt. It seemed he finally found a use for those bear claws he took from that time hunting with Hosea.
She quickly averted her eyes, not wanting him to think she was being crass in where she was staring.
“Look who’s back.” Charles nodded towards Arthur.
Arthur came to sit on the wooden stump next to them, warming his hands in the fire.
“What’chu up to?”
“Charles is makin’ me a bow!” Alice grinned widely.
“That so?” Arthur smirked. “I remember being the better one with a bow last time we was huntin’.”
Alice scoffed. “I am far smaller than both of you! Of course I had trouble usin’ his bow.” She muttered lowly to herself about him being silly, to which he laughed.
“So, Charles told me a little about the train job, how’d it go?”
Arthur shrugged. “Went fine, ‘cept for the constant yapping of one Irishman.” Arthur glared pointedly at her, causing Alice to hold back a giggle by biting her lip.
“Next time you’ll bring me along on the robberies then, yeah?”
Both men huffed at this, causing her to look between them.
“Ya’ll are cruel.” She pouted.
  It didn’t take long for Charles to finish his work, making sure Alice could properly pull it without too much strain and adjusting the draw weight if necessary. Once they were both happy with his work it was time to practice. Arthur was willing to help but was called aside by Dutch, something about finding Micah again. Alice smiled sadly at Arthur when she saw how annoyed he was to be leaving after having just returned.
They walked from camp, not needing a mount and went to the clearing across the train tracks outside of Horseshoe. Alice was fairly confident with a bow, it wasn’t her first time using one. Still, she didn’t want to risk accidently shooting someone. Just in case.
The wind picked up in the open air of the Heartlands and Alice took the time to pull her hair up into a tighter bun, tucking the loose ends behind her ears as best she could. The red curls had a mind of their own sometimes.
The two of them found a decent spot which allowed them to be close to camp and also provide some privacy at the same time thanks to the rolling hills. There was a pile of rocks nearby that Charles stacked in order to place the makeshift target they had brought with them. It was a piece of wood broken off from the side of a random crate back in camp that they had drawn a bullseye on.
“Ready?” He asked as he walked back to her.
She was trying to find the best position to stand in – not too close, not too far, should she angle herself more? She was too busy in her own mind that she didn’t feel Charles come up next to her until he was resting his hand on the small of her back, guiding her to turn slightly. He leaned down and she could feel the smile on his lips without having to face him. She wasn’t sure if she could for the fear of her face being as red as a tomato.
“Don’t think about it too much.” He whispered, his stubble rubbed onto her cheek and she shivered. “Show me what you know.”
Alice nodded, afraid to speak lest her voice waver.
She nocked one of the arrows Charles had taught her to make. Brushing her thumb through the feathers on the end as she loosened her shoulders. She lifted her left arm up, bracing the tip of the arrow on the shelf formed by her hand. She raised her right arm, bringing the meat of her palm to rest on her cheek, just near the edge of her mouth. Charles was still standing close behind her and she could feel his eyes looking down on her from over her shoulder. He brought his arm up, lifting her right elbow just a tad. She felt him nod and she breathed in, took aim, and let the arrow loose.
It hit the dirt just behind the target.
Alice slumped her shoulders. Before she could say anything Charles was already handing her another arrow. She went through the steps once more, trying not to flinch when she felt his hand on her lower back move over to her hip. She looked down her arrow. Charles didn’t need to adjust her this time. She let the arrow fly once more.
She hit the target. It wasn’t center, but she hit it nonetheless. She turned around, her cheeks pinched from a smile, waiting for his approval. He was looking down at her with a smile of his own.
“Lucky shot.” He murmured.
Alice puffed out her cheeks and hastily grabbed another arrow, ready to prove him wrong. She heard him chuckle beside her as he crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his chin up to tell her to begin.
She didn’t miss any other shot that afternoon.
   Arthur was currently riding slowly back to camp, shivering slightly from the cool air hitting his damp clothes.
Why’d Micah always have to make things way more difficult than they needed to be?
It had taken Arthur some time to find Micah. He knew he was around the Strawberry area – despite the danger of camping near the place they both had shot up. He supposed that would be the last place they’d look for him. He managed to spot Baylock up on a ridge, Arthur grumbled as he discovered the man’s small camp between a break in the mountain. Micah told him about his gift to Dutch: a banking coach that he’d been watching that comes by Strawberry around the same time every day.
Arthur knew it wouldn’t be as easy as the man described but still, if it went well that would be a lot of money for the camp. Something they desperately needed. Of course, with their luck lately it wasn’t too much of a surprise when things started to go south fairly quickly. The info had come from the O’Driscoll that Micah was cellmates with back in Strawberry so it wasn’t a shock when the two were suddenly swarmed by O’Driscolls hoping to also rob the coach.
Which is what led to Arthur being thrown into the freezing Upper Montana River and proceeding to fight off what felt like a small army of idiots. Was it worth it? Possibly. The take was nice enough but still, Arthur couldn’t help but complain about his wet clothes. As well as the thought of knowing Micah was about to join everyone back at camp once more.
There goes his peace.
  When Arthur returned to camp it was late. Most people had gone to bed already and those who hadn’t gave him a respectable nod in greeting, staying quiet as their fellows slept. Arthur stopped at Pearson’s wagon, grabbing something for him to eat for dinner seeing as he missed it and headed to his tent. He glanced over at Alice’s closed tent for a moment before landing on his cot.
   The next morning Arthur woke with an interesting sensation in his chest. He glanced over towards Alice’s tent once more, then his gaze shifted slightly behind hers to where Charles’ was. The man in question wasn’t in his tent and Arthur couldn’t see him in the vicinity. He recalled Charles making Alice a bow the previous day and for some reason he felt the need to try and do something similar.
Was it jealously or friendly competition?
He couldn’t tell.
Still, he wanted to do something nice for the girl. He didn’t need a reason.
He spotted her sitting and chatting with Dutch and Hosea, enjoying her morning coffee. He decided to grab his own and head over to Crayola and get her ready for the journey. He went slow, allowing time for Alice to not only finish her drink, but also notice him as well. He knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from finding out where he was going. And he knew she’d want to go with him – not that he wasn’t going to leave without her.
Speak of the devil, he heard the tell-tale sound of her distinct footsteps coming up behind him. It was adorable, really. She almost seemed to skip everywhere when she was in a good mood. At twenty seven she still behaved just as care-free as she did at seventeen. She never did let the world bring her down if she could help it. He wished he could do the same.
“And where are you off too, cowboy?”
Arthur turned to look at down at her. Her blue eyes wide and staring up at him so sweetly.
“It’s a surprise. One that I hope you’ll come along for?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
Alice’s smile was cautious. She never did enjoy surprises.
“How mysterious.” She whispered. Still, she seemed intrigued. “I suppose I’ll have to go now, won’t I?
“Afraid so, miss.”
They smiled briefly at one another as he helped her up onto his saddle before sliding in behind her. She didn’t need the help, but he wouldn’t lie and say it wasn’t just an excuse to hold her briefly.
The two rode off towards the Cumberland Forest. It wouldn’t have been a very long journey but they decided to prolong it by simply going at a walking pace with Crayola. Alice had been cooped up in camp far too long and Arthur knew she’d appreciate it.
  They had left camp at around nine that morning and it was almost eleven the time they made it to where Arthur had last seen the particular horses he was looking for. Arthur smiled to himself, thankful that Alice couldn’t see it from behind her. This was either going to be rather hilarious, or she’d end up annoyed with him. Her head was leaning back against his chest, admiring the trees around them when he brought them to a halt. Alice leaned forward, stretching out her back.
“This is our stop.” Arthur waited for her to jump down before getting down himself.
“So,” Alice placed her hands on her hips. “Where’s my surprise?”
Arthur held a finger to his mouth, letting her know to be quiet while he listened. It was faint but he heard the distinct whinny of a horse nearby. Alice had caught it too and her face quickly brightened and she started bouncing on the balls of her feet. He motioned for her to crouch and they both started slowly making their way towards where the noises came from.
As they crested the hill they both lowered closer to the ground. Alice hade decided to just lay on her stomach as they watched the horses. Arthur pulled out his binoculars.
“See if there’s one that calls to you.”
Alice took them from him happily, quickly scanning over the horses. Arthur noticed her head push forward as she examined them more closely.
“Think you’re funny, do ya?” She turned her head, glaring at him.
He’d think she was being serious if it wasn’t for her lips twitching trying to stop herself from smiling. He was a little worried when he thought of the idea of getting her a Morgan, the joke could easily have gone very badly.
“I’m hilarious.” Arthur winked at her.
Alice hummed, rolling her eyes giving him back the binoculars. “The grey mare then.”
“You sure you don’t want that chestnut stallion?” He smirked. “You could name him Arthur.”
“What? So I can ride you?”
There was a beat of silence. Arthur’s face burned and he imagined his cheeks were about as red as Alice’s at the moment.
Both of their eyes widened and they quickly looked away from one another. Arthur was the first to break it, coughing quietly and whispering that he’d go get the grey one then.
   Alice kept her head tucked in the crook of her arm as she let the mortification go away. She couldn’t believe she had said that. It wasn’t meant to come out! Eventually she lifted her head when she heard the mare crying out as Arthur shushed it, calming it down as he got steadily closer. She might be dying of embarrassment but that wouldn’t stop her from watching Arthur do his thing.
When he was able to finally put his hand up to the mare and pat it gently he grabbed for the rope around his belt, getting ready to break it. This was the part Alice hated the most. Not that it wasn’t amazing to watch him do it, but she always had this fear in her heart that one day it would go wrong and he’d break his neck or something. It would be silly of him to go out that way, she thought. If anything, he deserved to go out guns-blazing.
She shook her head. She didn’t need to think about those kinds of things.
The valley eventually quieted as Arthur completed his task. Finally broken, he took the mare for a quick ride around the area, getting her used to the weight of a rider. He jumped off as they got closer to Alice and he walked it up to her, allowing her to take the lead. Alice smiled up at her new mount. She was even more beautiful up close. There were details on the horse’s face that she just couldn’t see before. Like the speckling of darker patches of grey that almost resembled freckles. They reminded Alice of her own freckles that littered her face.
“She’s lovely.” Alice whispered. “Thank you so much, Arthur.”
“Got a name for her?”
Alice thought a moment. She remembered her family’s horse which was of a similar color to this one. She had vague memories of a string of pearls that her mother had gifted her a long time ago.
“Pearl.” Alice rubbed her hand along the mare’s muzzle.
As if understanding her, Pearl pushed her head into Alice’s palm. Arthur pulled a sugar cube from his satchel, passing one to Alice. He then turned to give Crayola one as the horse was currently nudging him in the rear end.
 It was still early, only a little past one in the afternoon and so the two decided to take the long way back to camp, giving Alice and Pearl time to bond. They planned to stop in Valentine on the way back so that Alice could get a saddle. She had to literally beg Arthur to allow her to pay for it herself. The man was too good sometimes, even if he denied it.
Reaching the stables, they picked out a saddle. It was a light brown and cream combo with a red blanket underneath. Arthur, stubborn man that he is, ended up paying for her horse to get a care package, cleaning her up and braiding her wild tail. Alice once again thanked the man.
“You’re sweet, you know that?” Alice looked over at her riding partner.
She was feeling much more confident on Pearl now that she was properly saddled.
Arthur scoffed, hanging his head low. “Nah I ain’t. You deserved it though.”
Alice smiled even though he couldn’t see it. The man was far too hard on himself. Still, she didn’t want their day to end quite yet and so she asked if they could ride around some more so that Pearl could get used to being saddled. Arthur agreed, saying that he didn’t exactly have anything planned for the day.
The two rode west out of Valentine, planning to head down the small trail towards the Dakota River that would branch back towards Horseshoe further down. On their way down the road Arthur began to slow down. Alice stopped next to him as he did a double take on the small path that led towards a ranch at the end. He seemed to be mulling something over, causing his jaw to tick. Alice would have found the sight to be extremely handsome if she didn’t know something was wrong.
“Arthur?” Alice turned Pearl around to face him. “What is it?”
Arthur pulled out a note from his satchel a moment, reading over a list of names. “I, ah, I got somethin’ I need to do. Wait here.”
Alice didn’t have time to ask any questions as she watched him physically change his demeanor into something darker. The look he took on when he was getting ready to threaten people.
Alice sighed.
  She could hear Arthur’s raised voice through the trees. She tried not to look as she ignored the sound of his fists hitting skin, going so far as to turn Pearl to face away from the scene. Eventually curiosity got the best of her and she twisted in her saddle.
She really wished she hadn’t.
She wasn’t close, but she knew exactly what was happening as she saw Arthur leaning over the small man beneath him. She saw movement inside the house and quickly pushed Pearl down the road. She might not like what was going on, but she’d be damned if she let anything happen to him. She placed a hand on her gun, just for show, as she pulled up next to the garden’s fence, keeping an eye on the family. She didn’t intervene and she knew she’d never use the gun. But still, she wanted them to know she was there.
She kept her eyes on the two in front of her. She couldn’t look back into that garden. She didn’t want to see it.
She wasn’t naïve. She knew what Arthur did for the gang. But she also has known him long enough to have seen him come back from some of these trips. She knows how much they can affect him sometimes. She’d seen him break down, despite trying so hard to remain the stoic protector of his family. She wished he would just stop. Anyone else could do this job. Hell, Micah could do it since he seemed keen on beating people up half the time. Arthur didn’t need to do it. He didn’t need to be forced to do it just because he was considered the dumb, quiet brute.
She had entered into a staring match with the boy as his mother called out for her husband Thomas. Arthur dropped the man to the ground.
“What you are you lookin’ at?” Arthur’s voice was harsh.
Alice refused to look at him.
“Thomas!” The woman tried stepping closer.
Arthur intervened, keeping her from entering the garden.
“I said, what you lookin’ at, woman?”
Alice craned her neck, trying to remain emotionless as her staring contest continued. It was hard, hearing Arthur like this. Knowing that he had to force himself into such a dark mindset just to do these things.
“My husband isn’t well.” The wife pleaded. “If we could just have more-“
“Like I said, we ain’t nobody’s idea of charity.” Arthur’s voice rose higher as he stormed off to his horse. The family took the time to run into the garden. Alice couldn’t be bothered to stop them. “Get us the money!” Arthur bellowed out.
Alice flinched at his raised voice.
She briefly turned to give the family a sad smile – at least Arthur hadn’t killed the man, she hoped to convey.
Arthur didn’t look at her and she didn’t look at him as they rode away from the ranch.
Alice kept Pearl behind Arthur, giving him time to come out of that headspace. She recognized that they were taking the long way back to camp. She looked towards the sun, it seemed as though not much time had passed. Perhaps only an hour. It had felt like an eternity at that ranch. The sun was warm on her skin but she couldn’t help feeling chilled as she glanced up at Arthur’s hunched shoulders.
Finally, Arthur slowed his horse to a stop near a ridge overlooking the Dakota. Alice couldn’t help but wish she hadn’t suggested they kept riding. Perhaps he wouldn’t have had to deal with this today. He would have done it no matter what, she thought to herself. Still, she couldn’t help but blame herself.
She rode up next to him, turning Pearl around so they were side-to-side but looking at one another. Arthur was staring at his now bloodied knuckles, avoiding Alice as if he could feel her looking at him.
“Here.” Alice reached down into her saddlebags for the rag the stable-hand had given her. “You should probably clean your face before we get back. Don’t want to scare little Jack.” Alice’s voice was soft, trying to lift the mood if she could.
Arthur took it from her, still avoiding her eyes. He wiped what he could, much of it dried in the wind as they rode. He’d need to wash it with water.
The only sounds around them were the trees, the faint call of birds, and their horses nickering to one another. Alice broke the silence, seeing as Arthur wasn’t going to be the one to do it.
“Why?” She said it so low that she almost thought he wouldn’t have heard her.
“Why what?” Arthur mumbled. “You know how it is with Strauss’ money schemes.”
“I mean, why are you still doing this to yourself?” Alice pleaded.
Arthur finally looked at her. His eyes were bitter, she knew it wasn’t directed at her though.
“It’s who I am, Alice.”
“No it isn’t!” She raised her voice, not yelling, but enough to grab his attention. “I know you don’t like doing these debt jobs so why must you insist on continuing to torture yourself with them?! To prove a point? To show how strong you are?” She could see his jaw twitch but she didn’t stop. Her emotions were getting the better of her now. “You don’t have to do this to be strong for the gang, Arthur. There are so many other things you already do for our family, this doesn’t have to be one of them. I’ve sat with you after so many of these stupid man-hunts that man sends you on. I know what they do to you.”
She reached over and took his hand, careful to avoid his open knuckles. She squeezed his fingers between her own.
“I know you’re stubborn. And I know I can’t stop you from doing these jobs but…there’s so many other ways to do so before stooping so low.” She said quietly.
Arthur looked up at that with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s my job, Alice.”
“So you’ve gotten so low that you’re beatin’ up sick men for money, now?”
“It’s. My. Job.” His voice cracked and he snapped his mouth shut, realizing just how emotional he was getting.
Alice sighed, taking the rag from his lap and using it to lightly dab at his knuckles.
“Your job is to protect your family, Arthur Morgan.” She spoke sollomnly. “And you do a damn good job of it. But this,” She held out her hands for his other one. “This, doesn’t have to be something you do to protect us. You have people that care about you, Arthur.” She looked up into his eyes. Their striking colors were searching hers fervently. “I care you about you, Arthur. And seein’ you do this to yourself, hurts. It hurts me.”
She placed the rag back into her saddlebag.
“And I know it hurts you, too.” She pulled on Pearl’s reins to turn her back towards the road. “I’ve sat with you while you’ve drunken yourself into a stupor to forget the things you’ve done for these debt collections. Just think on it.”
She kicked Pearl lightly, bringing her to a trot as she rode off. She spotted Arthur heading in the opposite direction of camp from the corner of her eye.  
They both needed time to think.
   When she got to camp she saw Dutch beginning to mount the Count. Alice rode up next to him and he eyed her new horse with a smile.
“So that’s where the two of you ran off too.” He teased.
Alice smiled but it must not have shown in her eyes as Dutch frowned.
“What’s wrong, dear?”
Alice shook her head. “You going into town?”
Dutch nodded, accepting her change in topic.
“Mind if I come with?”
“Not at all.”
 They were silent as they rode out. Dutch could tell she was upset about something and Alice bit her cheek, trying to figure out if she wanted to talk about it. She loved Dutch, she really did. But she also knew that he wouldn’t exactly take her complaints about Arthur taking those jobs very well.
“So what have you been up to, my dear? I feel as though we haven’t spoken in ages!” Dutch slowed down the Count to ride next to Alice.
Alice let out a puff of air. “Nothin’ exciting!” She pouted towards him. “I’ve been stuck in camp!”
Dutch’s laugh brought a smile to her own face. He’d been in such a rut lately that she was happy to give him something to laugh about.
“Thought I heard you complaining about something when the boys went off on that train job.”
“I got ‘em back though.” She smirked. “Sent Sean with ‘em.”
Another bark of laughter from Dutch. “My girl, you are far too clever. I’m sure Arthur loved that.” He paused, seeming to think about what he asked next. “And speaking of…Hosea has mentioned some rather interesting things to me.”
Alice stared down at the horn on her saddle, suddenly finding it very interesting. Hosea and his big mouth.
“I’m not here to judge, my girl! I’m happy that you’ve found yourself in love finally.”
Alice was quick to retort that she wouldn’t say its love. Not yet at least.
“No matter. I always wondered how long it’d take you and Arthur to figure things out.” He winked at her. “Everyone’s been rooting for it! So imagine my surprise when apparently our quiet Charles has also found himself caught in your snare!”
Alice laughed at him, shaking he head. “Dutch, you are horrible, you know that?”
Dutch leaned forward, resting a hand on the top of her head. “I am the worst!” He then proceeded to ruffle her hair, causing most of it to escape the confines of its tie.
 Alice was thankful for the change in riding companion. Dutch did his best to try and distract her from her foul mood by telling her of all of the silly things that had happened at camp while she was out. Apparently Uncle had tried wooing Miss Grimshaw in an attempt to get some money out of her. That got a laugh out of Alice and she was thankful for his diversions. She loved Dutch, she really did. But he wasn’t exactly the man to go to when you have relationship problems if Molly’s complaints are to be taken seriously lately.
They reached Valentine rather quickly and headed to the saloon closest to the train station. Alice was ready to get a drink in her system but then remembered what happened the last time she drank in this town – or rather, she didn’t remember what had happened and that was the bad thing. She was more than a little annoyed with none other than Leopold Strauss waked in seemingly from nowhere, ledger in hand. Alice frowned, knowing that damned book had caused her foul mood and Arthur unnecessary self-hatred. Dutch insisted on the man joining him for a drink and so Alice put on a smile, for Dutch’s sake. They began chatting about philosophy or something, Evelyn Miller’s name came up every now and again. She wasn’t quite sure what they were waiting on as it seemed like they were simply chatting to fill time. Alice looked up when she heard a heavy set of boots come through the door and her eyes darted back down to her skirt, avoiding Arthur’s gaze. There was a lovely patch of dirt on her blue skirt that grabbed her attention. Arthur and John walked up to the table.
“Dutch, Leopold.” He must have looked at her then. “Alice.”
“Where have you been?” Dutch asked impatiently.
“Working!” Arthur sounded like a scolded child. “Marston’s thing.”
“Good.” Dutch nodded to the two of them. “And…?”
“We’re just waiting to get some pay on…” Alice couldn’t help but smile at his seemingly shy tone. “…a few sheep.”
“Leopold, my good friend. As long as you’re here why don’t you and John go make sure there ain’t no funny business?”
“Of course.” Strauss’ accent rolled off the tongue.
“Gentleman.” John nodded.
Alice realized she had two options then: go with the man she was currently angry with, or sit at a table awkwardly with a man she had just been trying to give some space to and a man who was basically her teasing father. She chose to go with John.
“I’m gonna go with ‘em, keep ‘em both in check.” She gave a quick smile to Dutch without hearing a reply and followed the two men out the door.
“I don’t bring you on one job and now you gotta start followin’ me?” John teased, bumping shoulders with her.
Alice laughed, shoving him back just as hard as they walked down the muddy road.
“Don’t kid your-“
Alice was cut off by the sound of two distinct clicks behind her. She could see the barrel of a gun behind John’s head and assumed there was one behind hers as well.
“For fucks sake.” John muttered.
   Arthur was less than thrilled at seeing Strauss when he walked into the saloon. After having taken the time to distract himself from what he had done for the man, as well as think on the things Alice had told him, he wasn’t the first person he wanted to see. Alice was there as well, pointedly avoiding his gaze as she admired the table.
 Oh, Alice.
 He knew he should’ve just waited to go on his own time to visit Thomas Downes. But he was right there and he didn’t think much of it. She knew what he did and he didn’t think twice before going off to do his job. She was right though, as she usually was. He felt lower than dirt when he realized he was beating on a poor, sick man. He cursed Strauss for putting him in that situation. It wasn’t right what that man did. Sure, he himself had robbed people of their valuables on a train just the other day, but they weren’t so poor that they were forced into making deals with a loan shark. His regrets turned for the worse when he turned and saw Alice was there, her back turned away from him, keeping the family from stopping him. He knew she didn’t want to do that. She was far too good for their lifestyle. She had her hand on her gun but he didn’t miss the obvious shake to her fingers. She’d only killed one man in the past and Arthur had been there with her to bring her back from the darkness that overtook her after that. She needed the protection though, just in case, which is why he bought it for her in the first place. He wasn’t even sure if she kept it loaded half of the time. Still, he noticed she refused to look at him, not that he wanted her to see him like that. He didn’t miss the flinch when he raised his voice at Thomas’s wife either. And the look on her face when they finally got away? She was sad, but not about how he had scared her, but she was sad for him. How she saw some form of good in him he’d never understand. He didn’t deserve her caring for him, it wasn’t right. Charles was a much better man for her anyways. He didn’t have to think to be good. He just was.
Herding sheep with John provided a much needed distraction. The annoyance of keeping all those sheep in check was enough to push any other thoughts from his head. Of course, he was then annoyed at the price John ended up accepting for said sheep. Hence, his need for a drink. When John told him Dutch was waiting for the two of them at the saloon he was more than eager. Perhaps he’d give him something else to do to take his mind off things.
When they entered the saloon he heard Dutch and a distinct Austrian. His nose scrunched but it eased when he also saw Alice sitting there. After giving Dutch a run-down of what he and John had been up to, Dutch sent John and Strauss off to collect the money. Arthur didn’t blame Alice when she decided to follow as well.
Dutch, ever the observer, didn’t miss a beat.
“What happened out there with you two?”
Arthur sighed, running a hand over his face.
“Ah, it’s nothing, Dutch. Just…her being far too smart for her own good sometimes.”
Dutch chuckled at that. “That she is. She’s good for you though.”
Arthur hummed. She was too good for him.
Dutch offered a drink which Arthur quickly accepted.
“Nothing like talking with old Strauss to make you want to blow your own brains out.” Both he and Dutch chuckled at that. “I should have left him where I found him all those years ago. Bookish little Austrian fresh off the boat, his eyes out on stalks.”
Dutch poured them both a glass of whiskey.
“Well, I guess the Dutch van der Linde finishing school has some strange graduates.” Arthur smirked.
“That is does.” He lifted his glass. “To your good health.”
“Thank you.”
They clinked their glasses together and bounced them off the table before downing their drinks. Before they even had time to put their glasses back down a voice yelled from outside the saloon, calling for Dutch.
“Get out here!” The mystery voice called. “Get out here now!”
“What the hell?” Dutch whispered.
“Van der Linde!”
Arthur got up to inspect the insistent voice. He snuck to the open window.
“You don’t know me, but you keep robbing me! My name is Leviticus Cornwall! I am not a man to be messed with by the likes of you!”
Suddenly Arthur’s grip on the window sill tightened as Cornwall’s men pulled out three people. Strauss, John, and Alice. All with arms around their necks. Arthur’s throat seemed to close up.
“Get out here, before I have these people killed!”
Strauss was struggling but only just barely. The man wasn’t great in any sort of fight. John was doing his best to be a nuisance to the man holding onto him but his gaze was lingering on the window, as if he could see Arthur staring out it. Arthur’s eyes were drawn to Alice though. Little Alice being manhandled by someone just a little shorter than he was. She was stock still, not wanting to move an inch. Her face seemed calm but Arthur could see it in her eyes. Her eyes were flicking back and forth, he could see her brain working itself hard trying to figure out what to do. Arthur growled as the man holding her seemed to tighten his grip.
“What do you think?” Dutch’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.
“Well I-” Arthur found it hard to think as Cornwall continue to taunt them. “You- you start spinning a yarn and when I think the moment’s right I’ll make a move.” His hand went to his holster as he finally pulled himself away from the window.
Dutch was staring down at his lap, nodding his head. “Why not?” He grabbed the rest of the bottle and took a large swig.
Arthur turned his back to the window at Cornwall who was still rattling off.
“Van der Linde, you’re done! Now get out here, now!”
Arthur followed behind Dutch, allowing him to go out first with their hands up. When the door was open Arthur found it very hard not to just immediately pull his gun on these scum. They had brought John down to his knees, a knife to his throat. Strauss had a gun to his head. And Alice was currently crying silently as a gun was placed under her chin, holding her head up. Her breath hitched when her eyes found Arthur’s and Arthur found his breath taken away from him.
She looked just like a scared kid again.
“Please, gentlemen, this is a terrible mistake.” Dutch began. “This a case of mistaken identity. What is worse than admonishing a man for the sins of another?”
Arthur’s gaze was drawn to John who was staring back just as hard. He seemed to be ready to make a move whenever Arthur did. Arthur tuned Dutch out as he continued taunting Cornwall’s men and pulled out his gun.
It was as if time slowed down for Arthur. He shot the man holding John first since he was directly in front of him. John managed to pull his gun out and fire off at the man holding Strauss as Arthur aimed for the one holding Alice. He fired the bullet right between the man’s eyes, splattering blood all over the side of Alice’s face. Dutch had pulled out both of his pistols as well and was rapidly firing away. Cornwall had run off at some point, he wasn’t sure when. Honestly he didn’t care at this moment. When all of the men directly in front of them were down Arthur ran out into the street to Alice who was currently hiding behind an upturned wagon. She hadn’t wiped the blood from her face and Arthur wished he had time to do it for her but he heard others coming up on them. She didn’t seem injured, but he’d have to check later. She was shaking like a leaf and he saw her reach for her gun. He knew she wouldn’t be able to hit a thing so he stopped her.
“Alice, darlin’, look at me.” He turned his gaze away from their attackers for a moment, the others could handle it for a second. “I’m gonna get you out of this, okay? It’s gonna be alright! You just stay by me and don’t you dare go far!”
She nodded rapidly, gripping onto the back of his shirt.
There were two wagons of men coming up behind them and Arthur could see Dutch and John firing at some men from the other direction. Arthur quickly pushed Alice behind him as he shot at the men on the wagons. Using the rage he was feeling at Alice being in danger allowed his shots to hit their mark every time. Once they were down he pulled Alice up to the others, crouching behind some hay.
“Push up!” Dutch called out when he saw everyone together. “Stay with me!”
He ran forward, both guns blazing. When the men firing at them from the edge of the street were dispatched they moved forward. Arthur kept a steady pace, making sure Alice stayed with him.
“Where are you going?! That’s right at them!” Strauss yelled out ahead.
“We don’t run, Mr. Strauss!” Dutch called back.
Arthur had brought Alice behind a crate as he shot at some more men coming from down the road. Either Cornwall had a lot of hired guns, or this was a mix of law as well.
Strauss yelled out then, this time in pain. Arthur glanced over and saw that a bullet had gone through his thigh. The man was down in the mud.
“They hit Strauss!” John yelled.
“Arthur, cover us!” Dutch ran over to Strauss with John, lifting him up into a nearby wagon.
Arthur covered them as best he could, firing off at anyone that got too close. As they started pushing the wagon, Arthur ran up to it with Alice. John lifted Alice and placed her in as well. She was pale as a ghost, which was saying something as she was already pale to begin with. Her hands were shaking but she put pressure on Strauss’ wound. Arthur stayed behind the wagon, covering Dutch and John as they pushed the wagon down the main street of Valentine. Men seemed to come from every nook and cranny like rats. Strauss was still crying out from the back of the wagon, adding to all the noise. Arthur was seeing red, not just in anger but the streets were red as well as he shot more and more men. Their bodies were littering the porches of the shops and streets of Valentine. He didn’t have time to feel remorse about it. He had to get Alice to safety. He had to get everyone safe.
Finally they made it to the other side of the street. There were still men coming from every which way off in the distance but it gave them a small reprieve. Somehow their horses had found their way over to them, Arthur wouldn’t think too much on it.
“Come on, grab Strauss!” Dutch called over to Arthur.
Arthur finished off three men who were trying to sneak up on them. He ran to the back of the wagon and saw Strauss laying there by himself. He panicked a moment before looking over and saw Dutch help Alice over to the horses. Arthur went back to the man currently crying out in front of him and placed him over his shoulders. He walked him over to the horses as fast as he could. Dutch called out for him to place the man on the back of John’s horse. John was already mounted up, waiting for Strauss to settle in before riding off first.
“You make sure nobody’s following us.” Dutch placed his guns back in his holsters. “We’ll get back to camp. We’re gonna gather the troops and get ‘em to start packing up.”
Dutch hopped up onto the Count, grabbing Pearl’s reins from Alice and tied them to his saddle. Arthur nodded up at him, placing a hand on Alice’s as she held onto the horn of her saddle with a white-knuckle grip.
“Sure.” He looked back to Dutch. “We can’t stick around after this.”
There were some lawmen getting steadily closer.
“Let’s go!” Dutch called out as he and the Alice rode off.
Arthur crouched behind a nearby box, ready to fight his way out of the town.
   Alice was sitting on one of the wagons. The camp was a flurry of activity around her. Dutch had given her a blanket to wrap around herself, taking the time to clean her face, and Hosea had already packed up her belongings for her. She hated that she wasn’t helping. She saw Miss Grimshaw start to make her way over to her at some point before Dutch pulled her aside. Alice was thankful for that, the last thing she needed was Susan yelling at her.
Her gaze was focused on the entrance to the camp. Either Arthur would come through those trees, or the law would. Finally she saw the tell-tale white patches of Arthur’s horse riding up the road. Arthur had barely stopped his mount when he had jumped off and starting rushing towards her. Even on shaky legs she managed to step down from the wagon. Arthur caught her into a crushing hug before her feet managed to touch the ground. Her face was pressed into his chest, his hand on the back of her head holding her there. She wrapped her arms around his middle, holding on tightly.
“You okay?” He pulled back, placing both of his hands on her cheeks. His hands almost seemed to engulf her face.
She nodded. “You got me out just fine. Thank you.” She smiled up at him.
“You had me worried, Alice.” He whispered, his eyes were searching her face. “I-I thought-”
Alice shushed him, placing her hands over his. “I’m okay, Arthur. Just a little shaken is all.” She pulled his hand from her face and told him to go see Dutch.
He was reluctant at first but when he heard Hosea yelling he nodded and made his way over. Alice watched from afar, leaning back on the wagon. Mary-Beth had walked by at one point, smiling at Alice and then looked back at Arthur. She gave a knowing look at Alice who waved her away with a laugh.
 After a while she spotted Arthur heading back to his horse. He called out for Charles as well. Alice sucked in a breath. Her recent brush with death had given her a lot to think about. Especially her thoughts on those two men. She walked over to them as they were getting their horses ready.
“Hey, you two got a second?” She called out.
They stopped and turned towards her.
“Of course, what’s wrong?” Charles stepped closer.
“I just…I realized that I could have easily died today. A-and so I don’t want to take chances on missing out on things in life just because I’m worried about the outcome. Ya’ll know I care for you both. Strongly. But I can’t go picking one of you over the other. I don’t want to hurt either of you in that way. So, I have a proposition, and it’s gonna sound crazy.” She took a deep breath as the two men looked between one another and then back to her. “I can’t choose between the two of you so, if you two are willing, could I…maybe be with the both of you? Together.”
No one said anything. Arthur and Charles’s mouths hung open. Alice fidgeted, gripping the blanket around her shoulders for support. She didn’t know how to talk about these kinds of feelings, especially directly to them!
“Just-Just think about it, alright? While you’re out there. We can work out the details later. And if you aren’t agreeable to it that’s fine. I’d rather have neither of you than risk hurting either one of you.”
Alice nodded quickly, turning around before she could get answer, her face burning. She suddenly found the energy to pack something, do anything, to get her mind away from the anxious feelings in her gut.
   Arthur and Charles were silent as they rode off. The ride was…awkward, to say the least. Both of them trapped in their own minds, knowing the other was thinking about the same thing.
Charles was the first to break the silence, providing a change in topic for the moment.
“So where are we going?”
“Find a new spot to camp. We’re packing up and moving on.” Arthur remembered Charles had only just gotten back to camp when they had left on this journey.
“We have to. And fast. We’d already pushed out luck too far before that mess we just made in Valentine.”
“Ah,” Charles hummed. ”That didn’t sound good.”
Arthur sighed. “Killed a lot of law. Killed a lot of Cornwall’s men. They must know where we are by now.”
“So…we’re heading south?”
“Yeah, area called Dewberry Creek. Dutch wants us to give it a look, make sure it’s clear and a good place to lie low for a while.”
“I’ve only known him a few months, but…the way he talks, I never thought I’d see him wanting to head south.” Charles caught up to Arthur, riding next to him.
“Right.” Arthur nodded. “And I know by now, there ain’t no lying low.” Especially with our bunch, Arthur thought to himself.
“There’s too many of us for that.” Charles agreed, thinking the same thing.
“And,” Arthur continued. “There ain’t no way Dutch is gonna just, hide away in a cave somewhere. Goes against everything he stands for. That’d be admitting we’re nothing more than low-down criminals.”
“Which…we are.” Charles looked over at him, his brows raised.
“You don’t have to tell me.” Arthur thought back to earlier. He’d already reached low.
The two were silent a moment as they pushed their horses up over a hill.
“So where does it end?” Charles spoke up.
“Where does what end?”
“The moving, the running.”
“Dutch don’t see it as running.” Arthur adjusted his hat.
“Call it what you want.”
Arthur nodded to himself. Charles had a point.
“I don’t know.” He finally spoke, sighing. “Before, put enough time and distance between you and the problem, eventually it went away. This is a big country. But now, with these Pinkertons…” Arthur trailed off.
Charles hummed in understanding.
“We gotta talk about Alice, you know.” Charles sighed.
Arthur sucked in a breath, nodding slowly. Gotta talk about it at some point.
“Gotta say, I did not see that one coming.” Arthur chuckled under his breath.
“I think I did.’ Charles slowed down a bit so they could have more time to talk. “She’s good. Far too good of a woman and I think I knew that meant she wouldn’t want to hurt either of our feelings. She’s got a lot of love to give.”
Arthur thought about it. He was right. He knew. Still, would it be too weird? Arthur hadn’t even considered another relationship after Mary. Let alone one where he’d have to share with another man. Even if that man was a good friend. There was still that part of his brain telling him that Charles was the better choice for Alice. He was a truly good man and she deserved that. She didn’t deserve him. He could hear Alice scolding him for thinking that way and a smile crept on his face.
“I suppose….” Charles spoke up again slowly. “We wouldn’t exactly have to be jealous or worried that the other is trying to steal her away since we know she cares for us equally? There wouldn’t be one she cared for more than the other.”
Arthur shrugged. He could feel his cheeks heating up. Neither was looking at one another.
“I guess.” Arthur agreed. “Plus, we both care for her, yeah? Want her to be happy. And-and if being with us both will make her happy then…I don’t see why not? Me and you get along fine, yeah?”
Charles nodded. Arthur nodded.
“We can see how it goes? Give it a shot, see if it works? And if it doesn’t then, no hard feelings.”
“Yeah. Yeah I think that’ll work.”
The two finally looked at one another. Arthur imagined his face was just as flushed as Charles’s was but the man hid his emotions well. He held out his hand which Arthur took and they shook on it.
They went back to silence for the rest of the trip.
  Eventually they reached the spot Micah had pointed out to Dutch. Dewberry Creek. It was old and dried up. Both he and Charles agreed that the spot was very open. Not the best choice for a gang on the run. Still, they could look around, Arthur suggested.
Charles spotted something further down the bed that looked like a body. Arthur followed him over, hopping off Crayola to walk next to Charles.
“He’s been shot.” Arthur noted the wound in the man’s chest. “Looks like trouble got here before us.”
Charles hummed, crouching down to look closer. He gazed up into another section of the creek bed. “There’s a camp just up ahead.”
Arthur followed his gaze. “Sure. Let’s get ready for business.”
Charles pulled out his sawed off, loading it.
“Any issues,” Arthur did the same with his pistol. “Shoot first, debate second.”
Charles scoffed behind him. “I’m not gonna shoot for the sake of it.”
Arthur was silent, nodding. He understood now why Alice liked him. He had the same philosophy she did: Only shoot as a last resort if necessary. Arthur thought back to her reaction at the Downes’ ranch. He wondered if that’s what she was thinking there too. He wondered if maybe he should think about doing it as well. That could be for another day though.
“Look, here it is.” Arthur called out as he got closer. “Few tents, but, place looks empty.”
“Let’s have a look around and make sure.” Charles called out behind him.
Arthur scanned the campsite. It seemed as if whoever had attacked made sure to ransack the whole place. There were upturned boxes and various tools and other small items strewn about. No people though, he noticed. The tents were empty.
“Where is everybody?” Charles spoke low.
“Maybe they heard us coming. Be careful.” Arthur looked back at him.
“I am being careful.” Charles whispered accusingly.
The emptiness could either be really good or really bad. Eventually he reached the last tent. Empty as well.
“Someone’s been here.” Charles followed him in, glancing around at the contents left behind.
“Sure.” Arthur laughed.
“Someone’s still here.” Charles reiterated.
“There ain’t no one here now.”
“I’m not so sure about that.”
There was a wagon next to the tent and a few boxes and crates stacked up to cover the bottom of it. Arthur looked to Charles who was staring at it as well. Suspicious, to say the least. They began pushing them out of the way when they were suddenly face-to-face with the bad end of a double-barreled shotgun. At the end of said weapon was a scared, blonde woman and two kids, an older girl and young boy. Charles and Arthur backed away slowly, putting their weapons away and raising their hands.
“It’s okay.” Charles assured them. “It’s okay. You can come out of there.”
The woman seemed unsure as she looked between them. Charles took a hesitant step forward, extending his hand.
“You okay?” He quickly raised his hands once more when the woman flinched. “We don’t mean you no harm.” He said lowly, nodding at her.
That seemed to do the trick as she began pushing a box out of the way, crawling out. She kept the gun pointed at them. Her children followed closely behind, holding onto her skirts.  She still didn’t say anything, just looked terribly frightened.
“He said a-are you okay?” Arthur tried again.
“Sprechen sie Deutsch?” The woman spoke. “G-German?”
Arthur blinked slowly. He glanced over to Charles who had just the same, confused look.
“No.” Arthur looked back to the woman and waved her off. “Now go on, get out of here. Go, we need the land. Go!”
Arthur could feel Charles looking at him.
The woman didn’t move. Arthur didn’t want to go back to how he had been earlier just so soon but he found himself twitching nonetheless.
“Get the hell out of here!” He yelled.
The daughter spoke up at this, coming out from behind her mother. Her English was choppy. “They took our father!” She cried out.
Arthur sighed, looking over to Charles. He had expected the same reaction but found Charles looking softly at the young girl.
“Who did?” He asked.
“M-men.” Her voice wobbled. “Last night.”
“Where? Where did they take him?”
The girl pointed in a direction and Arthur looked back at Charles. They weren’t here to go on a rescue mission for some strangers.  
“Ain’t no business of ours.” Arthur argued. “I don’t even speak their language!”
Charles furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at Arthur. He pointed a figure, hitting him in the chest.
“You ain’t as tough and dense as all that.” He walked off. “Come on, Arthur.”  
Arthur’s face flushed at the reprimand. Twice in one day? He raised his arms and let them drop to his sides, huffing. He turned back to the family once more before following after Charles who was already seated on Taima.
“The girl was pointing this way,” Charles spoke up when Arthur was ready. “Let’s see if we can pick up a trail.”
Charles picked up a set of tracks and they were off.
  “What’s going on with you?” Charles asked as they followed the tracks.
“What do you mean?”
“You were just gonna send that woman and her children on their way?” He slowed down for Arthur to catch up.
“We’re wanted men.” Arthur explained. “We got Pinkertons breathing down our necks. We should be moving camp, not running off on some wild goose chase.”
“Come on, Arthur.” Charles looked over at him, confused. “That’s not how you are.”
“Well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.” Arthur adjusted the grip on his reins, his eyes focused on his wounded knuckles.
Arthur could tell Charles was annoyed at him. It felt similar to how Alice had reprimanded him earlier. Why must they try and make him seem like he’s a better man than he really is. What is it they see that he doesn’t?            
   Alice was sat next to Dutch in the front wagon, much to Molly’s annoyance. After what had happened in Valentine it seemed Dutch was intent on making sure she was okay. She didn’t mind it. It reminded her of that time her Dad didn’t allow her to eat a peach for the longest time after she almost choked on a pit once. He had hovered over her, always making sure she stayed away from their family’s peach tree.
Alice’s leg was bouncing rapidly on the wagon floor as she worried her lip. She still couldn’t believe she actually brought up her deal to Charles and Arthur. She didn’t regret it, especially if it went the way she wanted it to. But she was still scared that they might say no, and what that might mean for her. She’d think about that later but for now her brain was coming up with every sort of scenario possible.
Eventually Dutch stopped the wagons and pointed out in front of him. Alice looked up to see Charles and Taima headed their way. He told Dutch about how they found a different location that would work better for camp and that Arthur was waiting there for them. Dutch was thrilled and told Charles to tie Taima up to the back of the wagon and hop up onto the front to help navigate. He nodded and turned back.
Alice looked over at Dutch who had a shit-eating grin on his face.
“You did that on purpose.” She poked his thigh, earning a laugh in return.
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, miss.”
Before Alice could retort, Charles was already stepping up on the wagon wheel. It was different than when they were in the Grizzlies. Hosea being much smaller allowed her to sit rather comfortably between him and Dutch. Charles…was big. There was no way she’d be able to sit between them. Her face flushed as she realized she had two options: move, or sit on Charles’s lap. Charles smiled apologetically at her, as if reading her mind. Alice nodded and stood for a moment, allowing Charles to move behind her. He placed his hands on her waist and lifted her up to bring her across his lap. She brought an arm around his neck to steady herself. She wanted desperately to ask if he and Arthur had come to a decision, but not in front of Dutch. When she gave Dutch the go-ahead he started the wagons back off, following Charles’s directions.
  Alice was fairly certain that Dutch was purposely hitting every bump he could find just to cause Alice to jostle in Charles’s lap.
By the time they came across a clearing and could see Arthur waiting for them she was pretty sure her face was beet red. Charles made no comment for the whole trip about it and Alice made a considerable effort not to look at him.
“You were right.” Dutch looked over to Charles. “Oh, this place, it’ll be perfect for us.”
Arthur walked closer to the wagon as it slowed.
“Hello, Arthur!”
Dutch handed the reins to Charles as he jumped off and Alice didn’t have time to move out of Charles’s lap before he began steering. He brought the wagon over to the far side of the camp.
“I’m sorry about all this.” Alice whispered, still flustered.
Charles chuckled, the vibrations running through her side.
“No need to apologize.” Charles leaned closer, whispering in her ear. “I won’t lie and say it wasn’t entertaining watching you squirm.”
Alice finally turned her head to look at him, her mouth hung open but a smile was quickly spreading. She lightly smacked his chest. “Scoundrel, truly.”
They both laughed at that as Charles helped her down off the wagon.
  It was night when the camp was finally put together and everyone was lounging about after Miss Grimshaw and Pearson worked everyone to exhaustion. Alice was currently sitting on the dock, enjoying the lake that their new camp provided. She could already see Hosea fishing every morning from now on. She heard two pairs of footsteps coming up behind her and she didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Her heart skipped a beat with every step.
“Alice.” Arthur’s voice rumbled.
She hummed in question.
There was just enough room on the end of the dock for both of them to come and sit on either side of her.
“About your proposition.” He continued.
She sucked in a breath, chancing a peek at his face.
“We’re willing to give it a shot.” Charles spoke up on the other side.
Alice knew it was a possibility that they’d say yes, but to hear it actually said out loud? She let out the breath she had been holding and smiled. She hugged Arthur first and then Charles.
It seemed everything was going up from here. She just hoped it continued.
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thespace-dragon · 7 years
@kyanve replied to your post “HEY YALL :D”
Whichever's easiest for you? which I know is kind of a cop-out answer. Also I guess depending on if there's an easy breakpoint for putting it in parts?
this got very long so my full response is under the cut xD 
but tl;dr version is that the chapters are already planned out, I just need/want to know if I should write it all and then dump it on you guys over a 3 day period or post one as I'm finishing up the next, until all three are posted. either way, it doesn't matter to me, I'm wanting to write this content so I won't be stressed if I do it one way or the other.
ok long version (rip me):
I actually have planned chapters out, like when I hit all the points I want to cover in the chapters, I stop writing that chapter. so each chapter has like maybe 3-6 set scenes that I want to do, sometimes I end up cutting them because I'm dragging everything along to get to one point, so I end up stopping there and starting the new chapter at the point where I want to begin.
and sometimes scenes get added to help the flow of the chapter, but as it stands, the 3 parts that I'm planning to use for the updates are each very long by themselves. again, chapter 5 is 13.2k long. that is the longest chapter to date for this fic, and honestly, with edits, it will get longer. chapter 6 is looking to be slightly shorter, it doesn't have nearly as much weight as ch5 does, so we might be thinking somewhere around 10-12k, but not the monster of ch5. chapter 7 is a huuuggee, and I hadn't even started writing it yet, but there's a lot to it, and a huge action scene to wrap up this first part. so I'm talking anywhere from 12k to 15k.
the reason why ch5 is so long is that it covers a large time frame, there was a lot of things that needed to happen in order to set up ch6+7, and because there is still a lot to happen (world building, character development, plot development) ch5 will feel like it takes forever because, in a sense, it does. ch6+7 will feel much faster than that. and that's not because I'm changing the pacing so to speak, but no one wants to hear all about the different mundane things the characters do while I'm waiting for the time to pass in order for ch6+7 timelines match up with ch5. you'll see some, but not all of them. that being said, I will be showing more light-hearted moments than I have in previous chapters. it makes it so the characters are more three-dimensional than they are now. they are starting to feel flat i want them to be more than the animations we watch for the show, or the black and white words i write on a screen.
when ch2 happened, it got very serious very quickly. a lot of things happened and it kick-started Lance's and Shiro's friendship and forced lance to show some of his true colors. writing from his pov makes him to be far more serious than what he shows to the world. from an outside pov, lance appears to be a very fun loving character, and that is brought to light more with Blue. Shiro is seen as a very serious character from an outside pov, but as he gets more comfortable with Lance and his team members, he begins to lighten up. it’s slow, but it will happen. I have development set for Hunk, I have some set for Pidge, Allura gets some. Coran gets more of a focus in a different part of the series (yes I said series, theres more than one fic to this whole thing, i’ll explain more when i update with ch5).
but as you can see, theres a lot thats going on, that is being orchestrated just right for these chapters to make sense and dont overwhlem readers with jumping back and forth. once we get through this part, we are pretty much on one timelin and there will be moments where we jump to a parallel point in the over all timeline of the fic to see something different.
i have a plan for this fic, and its pretty well thoughout, maybe a little predictable, but what can you do? im not going to school for writing xD but yeah thres the whole deal. sorry it got so long xD
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I can't believe we're here at the end!!! The good news is that the 1-2 chapter (just deciding how to split it up) companion piece from Killian's POV will be posted on Monday! Thank you so much for reading this story that I truly never thought I would finish. It means everything to me that people liked it even the tiniest bit, and I hope this last chapter is as satisfying for you to read as it was for me to write. (Also, I took some liberties with the whole house-purchasing process, so... bear with me, okay?)
Once again, so many thanks to: @cspupstravaganza, @sherlockianwhovian , @lassluna
Tag list: @quirkykayleetam, @squidvisious, @carpedzem, @revanmeetra87, @kmomof4, @capnjay21 
AO3 if that’s your jam: Prologue | Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7
I’d Pick You (and Your Little Dog, Too)
A Captain Swan Pupstravaganza Story
Summary: According to everyone in the known universe, Emma Nolan’s dog is supposed to lead her to her soulmate. But she’s not even sure if she wants that. Soulmates are pretty idealistic, don’t you think?
Chapter Seven:
Killian is going to propose.
Emma can feel it in her bones. No, in her very soul. Which makes sense since, you know, soulmates and all.
She can’t figure out when he’s going to do it, or where. He hasn’t asked her to go out to any special dinners. They haven’t made any plans to take the boat out yet, as apparently Killian wants it to be perfect before they take her on her maiden voyage as The Jolly Roger.
She supposes that could be why he wants to make it perfect, if he wants to propose on the boat. But she really just wants him to do it already and stop making her wait.
It’s probably her own fault, really. The way she’d taken ages to let him in, and then when he’d given her Liam’s ring, she’d probably looked about ready to run straight across the town line and never look back.
But she’s ready now.
She wants to be married to Killian Jones. She knows, now, that the feeling she’d had when she watched her brother get married has a name. It’s called jealousy, and she’s ready to stop feeling it. She wants to be married, too, not on the outside looking in on a happy couple with rings and on their way to starting a family.
Emma has thought about this a lot, and she’s decided that the best way to tell Killian that she’s ready is to show him. He’s given her a sentimental ring, bought her a freaking boat. He’s waited for her at every step of their relationship. So it’s time for Emma to pull off some big grand gesture or make a romantic speech. Or something.
The problem is that Killian seems to have an endless well of sentimental items and stories to give as romantic gifts, and Emma has none.
Until the house goes up for sale.
The house that she and David grew up in has changed a lot over the past fifteen years. The couple that bought it after their parents died apparently almost tore it down entirely, but decided on a simpler remodel. A paint job, a new fence, and a wraparound porch are the most obvious changes that Emma’s noticed over the years, but she has no idea what it looks like inside. She’s walking past it, as she does on her morning walks with Rascal, and she sees the For Sale sign out front, along with a small “OPEN HOUSE TODAY!” sign beside it.
It won’t hurt to look, Emma tells herself, so she texts David that she’ll be late to work -- or later than usual, really.
The inside is different. The shape is the same, all of the walls and doors exactly where she remembers them. But the colors are all off. The walls were all pale yellows and blues, with white trim, but now everything is a stale gray. Where the floorboards had been faded with time, now they’re stark black.
We’ll fix it up, Emma thinks. And then she stops the self-guided tour and freezes for a moment. She waits for the lead ball in her stomach to form, or for the stutter of her heartbeat that accompanies frightening thoughts about the future. But none of it comes.
“Excuse me,” she calls when she finds the realtor. He’s from a company called Ozman Realty from the next town over, so she doesn’t recognize him. “What’s the asking price on this house?”
“Two-hundred-thousand,” the man tells her. He smiles, but it’s hard and somehow almost… slimey. Emma doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t really have a choice in who’s selling the home she wants to buy. “I should tell you, we’ve already had an offer today, and the sign only went up this morning.”
“Dammit, David,” Emma grumbles “One moment, please.” She pulls her phone out and angrily dials her brother.
“Are you even going to bother coming in today?” he teases her.
“Are you trying to buy the old house out from under me?” She has no time for the teasing. She’s doing this, dammit.
“Wait, what?” David pauses. “Mom and Dad’s house is up for sale?”
“Yes, David! Keep up!” Emma yells into the phone. “Are you telling me you didn’t put this bid on it?”
“No, Emma, I had no idea.” He sounds sincere.
“Well… do you… I mean are you going to bid on it? Now that you know?” Emma runs a hand through her hair, finally letting her nerves catch up to her.
“No, Mary Margaret and I are uh… we’re building our own house, actually. We bought some property on the edge of town. We were hoping to keep it a surprise until, you know, there’s actually a house there.” David stops talking and Emma can picture him leaning forward on his desk, brows creasing together. “Are you going to buy the house, Emma?”
“Yeah, I think I am.” She bites her lip. “Or at least I’m going to try! Someone’s already put a bid on it, so I’ve gotta go.”
“You can use the inheritance.” David blurts out before she can hang up. “I used some of it to buy the property, but the rest is yours.”
When the Nolan twins had turned 18, they’d been shocked to learn that their parents had had a large amount of money set aside for them. They’d lived modestly, taken few family trips, so their parents must have spent all that time saving up without their children's knowledge. Emma had wanted to take a vacation immediately, somewhere warm and tropical and distinctly far away from Storybrooke just for a week, maybe two. But David had insisted that they save it.
“Mom and Dad would want us to use it for our futures, Emma, don’t you think?”
Reluctantly, Emma had agreed. But what was more ‘for our future’ than this house?
Still, she felt… wrong using so much of it.
“That’s our money, David. Not mine alone. How much did you use?” It’s way too early for this conversation -- Emma has only had one cup of coffee, courtesy of Killian. It’s not enough.
“I used fifty-thousand. There’s still a couple hundred thousand left. Seriously, Emma. Use it. I want you to. And if we need more down the line, we’ll figure it out.”
“I’ll think about it. See you soon.”
Emma wanders through the house, looking for the realtor again.
“I’ve got the full amount in my bank account. I’ll pay it up front. I want this house.”
She knows it’s not a good technique. You’re supposed to low-ball or pretend you’re not as interested as you are. But truthfully, Emma doesn’t care. She wants this fucking house.
The realtor looks thrown off by her forwardness, but he puts on his fake smile quickly.
“I’ll have to contact the buyer from this morning and give them a chance to counter,” he tells her.
“Yeah, sure, fine.”
He steps out of the room to make the call and Emma wanders through the living room, pointing out memories to Rascal.
“There was a dent in that wall from when David and I got into a wrestling match once. His head hit right below that window. He needed stitches.” Rascal sniffs the part of the wall she’s pointing to. “And over here--”
“Miss, uh, I didn’t catch your name,” the realtor calls.
“Emma No-- Emma Swan,” she tells him. Storybrooke is a small town, and while most of its inhabitants know her mother’s maiden name, it won’t be their first thought if word gets out that there’s a bid on the house. She just doesn’t want this to get back to Killian.
“Well, Miss Swan, the other bidder has backed down. We’ll just need you to get the money and sign some paperwork, and the house is yours. You skipped quite a few steps by having the money up front,” he jokes. “Why don’t we meet at the seafood restaurant I saw by the docks at 7 tonight and make everything official?”
“Why would we meet at a restaurant?” Emma asks suspiciously.
“Oh well… I was hoping we could…,” he stammers out.
“I don’t even know your name. And you’re asking me on a date?” She crosses her arms and arches an eyebrow. Rascal comes up beside her, sensing the tension.
The man, undeterred, simply holds out a hand.
“Walsh Ozman, of Ozman Realty,” he’s grinning, as if expecting Emma to be impressed.
“Emma Swan, sheriff and home buyer. As in, customer. As in, inappropriate to ask out.” She takes his hand and shakes it firmly, hammering her point home: I’m in charge, not you. For good measure, Rascal growls and stares at the realtor, unblinking.
Walsh clears his throat and takes a step back, eyeing both Emma and Rascal warily.
“Here’s my card. You can come by my office this evening.”
Emma’s practically vibrating with excitement for the rest of the day. Creepy realtor aside, she’s bought her old house. For herself. For herself and Killian.
If this doesn’t show him she’s ready to move forward, nothing will.
When she gets home that night, brand new house keys in hand, Killian’s camped out in front of the TV holding a beer. It’s not unlike him to have a drink to unwind after work, but the fact that it’s a beer instead of a nice glass of rum makes Emma think that he’s been stewing on something all day, and he doesn’t want his anger to get the best of him. And drunk Killian is a bit more emotional than the sober version.
“Hey, babe,” Emma calls from the doorway. She begins the process of untying and removing her work shoes in favor of putting on her more comfortable sneakers. “How was your day?”
“Fine,” he answers, not even trying to convince her that it’s true. “Yours?” She hears his footsteps coming towards her.
“It was great, actually. You okay? You look…” Emma can’t quite put her finger on how he looks. Disappointed? Angry? Tired? A combination?
“Aye, I’m fine, love. I just… had a bit of a disappointment today.” He steps towards her, pulling her body flush against his. “I’m glad you’re home.”
She kisses him slowly, just for a moment or two, before pulling back. He looks down at her curiously.
“I wanna show you something,” she whispers. “Put your shoes on.”
“It’s nearly eight, Swan.” He seems to realize what an old man he sounds like, because he shakes his head. “I was just hoping we could stay in tonight.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Implicitly,” he answers automatically.
“Then put on your shoes.” She punctuates the sentence with a quick kiss on his cheek, scruff scratching at her lips.
She’s not sure how they figured out the logistics of getting into a car with two humans and two dogs and not a bit of thought. She opens the driver’s side door and both Rascal and Procella scramble in and hop in the back seat, lying more on top of each other than next to each other. They’ve done it since the first time they got into the same car, back when Emma and David had gotten the call about loose dogs at the park. It strikes Emma how long ago that was, how much things have changed, and her excitement is renewed.
Killian doesn’t complain on the drive over, despite his initial hesitation. Emma can tell he’s had a rough day, though she’s not sure why and she knows she should have asked. But… this is important and huge and hopefully it’ll make whatever it is that happened not even matter anymore.
She bites her lip as the niggling little voice in her head, the one that’s been quiet since the moment she kissed Killian’s cheek in the park on one of their first lunch dates, suddenly starts screaming inside of her head.
What if he thinks I’m crazy? What if he doesn’t want to move into the house? What if he isn’t ready? What if he’s not planning to propose, and I’ve done this huge gesture and he doesn’t get it? What if he wants to keep things the way they are? Or what if he takes one look at the huge house -- clearly meant for a family -- and runs straight out of town? What if it’s too much? What if--
“Swan, where are we going?” Killian’s voice jolts her back to reality. He’s quiet in the darkness, a softness to his voice that she can’t quite figure out.
“I bought something I want to show you.”
“Emma, did you--”
“We’re almost there,” she says, and she feels Killian staring at her. Her voice cracks at the end, and her knuckles are white on the steering wheel. What have I done?
If he leaves, she doesn’t know what she’ll do.
She pulls up to the curb across the street and climbs out without looking at him.
Before she even reaches the gate, he’s laughing. She can hear him start to chuckle, and then it grows into a full-on belly laugh.
Oh God, he thinks I’m crazy. Why did I--
“Swan, you bloody brilliant woman!” He’s right behind her now, grabbing her around the waist.
“You don’t even… what?” Emma is so very confused.
“You’re the buyer? I should have known.”
And then the pieces click into place.
“Were you the first bidder?” She turns around in his arms. He’s smiling so wide it nearly reaches both ears, and finally that loud voice in her head quiets down again. She smacks his chest once for good measure. “I was so angry!”
“How did you pay the whole thing up front?” He’s still laughing as he reaches up to brush a loose strand of hair away from her face.
“Inheritance,” Emma says simply. “Why were you trying to buy my house, Killan?”
“For you, of course.” His smile changes then, and his face turns serious. “I work with the man who lived here, Kris. He and his wife are adventuring around the country or something. They’ve been talking about it for weeks. So I knew the house was going up.” Killian shrugs. “I wanted to surprise you, but it seems you got me first.”
“They moved out last week, before it even went up,” Emma tells him, and he’s already nodding because he already knows. “So, we can go in. If you want.”
He smiles again, and she wonders briefly how she could have ever doubted him. Because of course he doesn’t think she’s crazy. Of course their minds were in the exact same place.
Soulmates, she thinks to herself.
They step inside the house, and Emma flips the lightswitch on. It’s still empty, of course, and for a moment, the space feels cavernous and huge. But then Rascal and Procella run out in front of her and start sniffing every corner, every inch of the baseboards. And it’s strange that something so simple eases Emma’s mind, but it does.
“I’m glad you brought me here, Swan,” Killian whispers from behind her. “I had big plans for this house, and I thought they’d all been dashed.” He kisses the skin just underneath her ear. “But now, hope is renewed.”
“Big plans?” Emma asks.
“Oh, aye. In fact, now seems as good a time as any, don’t you think?”
He moves out from behind her and she feels an immediate sense of loss when the warmth is gone. But then he’s in front of her, that same nervous look on his face that he’d had the first time he asked her to lunch.
Emma loves being right.
He gets down on one knee, and in a move that’s so natural that it seems rehearsed, Rascal and Procella come up on either side of him and sit patiently. There are six eyes staring at Emma and watching her start to cry.
“I feel like we’ve done a lot of things backwards, Swan. We met before I even knew I had a soulmate. I thought I’d be alone forever, adrift at sea without anyone for company. But then you and Rascal came along, and you brought me Procella. And then, by some miracle, you let me in. And you gave me something I never thought I would have: true love. And now, Emma Nolan, I have to ask you a very important question.” He pauses, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as well. “Will you marry me?”
He’s barely gotten the question out before she’s whispering yes. And then screaming it.
“Yes! Killian, yes.” And then they’re kissing, in the living room of their house, and it is, without a doubt, perfect.
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