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ghostbox-nostalgia Ā· 10 months ago
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I am incapable of drawing them not silly
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georgescitadel Ā· 1 month ago
2nd year of George's Citadel - a compilation of quotes from George R.R. Martin
House Targaryen
On the construction of Daenerys and the decision to include dragons in ASOIAF
On Daenerysā€™ thought process in Lhazarene
On Daenerysā€™ struggle with rule (1)
On future revelations about the house with the red door
On what led to Robertā€™s rebellion
On the difference between Daenerys and Aegonā€™s (I) approach to the throne
On Daenerys subverting gender roles
On the information provided about Rhaegar and Lyanna in ASOIAF
On the ā€œWhite Saviourā€ complaints over Daenerysā€™ storyline
On Daenerysā€™ future return to Westeros
On Daenerysā€™ struggle with rule (2)
On dragons as the ASOIAF equivalent of nuclear weapons
On the connection between dragons and the resurgence of magic
On Viserys' misunderstanding of the Dothraki
House Stark
On Sansaā€™s manipulation at the hands of the Small Council
On Arya and Sansaā€™s desire to save Ned
On what led Sandor to seek out Sansa during the Battle of Blackwater
On his regret over not further developing Sansa and Aryaā€™s relationships with Catelyn
On what character heā€™d want to be like
On Nedā€™s inadequacy in Kingā€™s Landing
On the direwolves as metaphors and the execution of Lady
On his interest in Arya's storyline in Braavos
On his decision to center ASOIAF around a family
On consulting with people to write about Bran and Sansaā€™s experiences
House Lannister
On Jaime, Tyrion and loss
On Jaimeā€™s decision to kill Bran
On feeling conflicted over the writing of Tyrion inĀ A Dance With Dragons
On Robert being unsuspicious of the paternity of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen
On the key event that led Roose to align with the Lannisters
On his intention writing the Lannister POVā€™s
On similarities between Tywin Lannister and Walter White
House Greyjoy
On the character of Reek
On Theon as a multifaceted grey character
On the Ironborn and the words of House Greyjoy
A Game Of Thrones
On the title ofĀ A Game Of Thrones
On the process of creatingĀ A Game Of Thrones (1)
On the process of creating A Game Of Thrones (2)
On the process of creating A Game Of Thrones (3)
On the process of creating A Game Of Thrones (4)
Game Of Thrones
On GOTā€™s decision to kill off Silver
On GOTā€™s decision to pair Arya and Tywin up
On Renly and Loras' relationship and their portrayal in ASOIAF vs GOT
On writing outcasts
On nihilism in ASOIAF
On unfairly hated characters
On Epic Fantasy
On his favourite characters in ASOIAF
On the greyest characters in ASOIAF
On unlikable protagonists
On the historical figures that inspired the women of ASOIAF
On father issues in ASOIAF
On the religions in ASOIAF
On creating foils
On which characters he'd like to meet in real life
On power and Varysā€™ riddle
On the messages and the separation between authorial views and characters' beliefs in ASOIAF
On Littlefinger and Varys' rivalry
On introducing Brienneā€™s POV
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doggirldays Ā· 18 days ago
thinkin about laying on a couch with someone lazily sucking their dick while we watch a movie.. the thought of havin my hair pet and slowly working their cock.. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ’•
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anonyme-glace Ā· 5 months ago
oh no, I hope I donā€™t wake up in the morning with tons of unsolicited dick pics in my dms. That would be the worst (wink wink)
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solarpunkani Ā· 1 year ago
Solarpunk Community Playlists
So we've got the community playlist for Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, right? It's nice and big, but I wanted to make more community playlists with specific vibes in mind! I've already added a bunch of songs to each, but the goal is to let everyone contribute to them and enjoy them!
Solarpunk and Chill is for lofi/chill beats! The aim is to have it be mostly lofi, or generally just good music to chill to while studying or working on projects!
Solarpunk Sunny Beats is for songs that are pretty upbeat and just feel solarpunk to us--whether its the subject matter of the song, or just the way the instruments sound! It's meant to be the middle ground between the lofi playlist and the next.
Solarpunks Fight for Our Future! is for songs that are punk/punky/rebellious-feeling! The kind of playlist you would bump to on the way to a protest, or do some action--what's the soundtrack that plays in your head if you were to guerrilla garden or do other rebellious acts? Add it here!
I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to listen to everyone's contributions!
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blighted-lights Ā· 7 months ago
I want to know your thoughts on an opinion I have. I really hated part of that scene where Megatron and Ravage are talking and Megatron is like, you've seen the worst of the Decepticons. Want to join me? And I really hate this because shouldn't Ravage, as this ultra-loyal Megatron follower and skilled operative, BE and EMBODY the worst of the Decepticons, along with Megatron himself? Was she not there, totally endorsing Megatron back when Megatron was personally training the DJD to be the way they are, something he literally mentioned having done like, one issue before extending this offer?
hiii nonnie!!! thank you so much for the ask!
and i agree, the dialogue in that scene does kind of fit strangely, especially with the assumption that ravage has been close to high command and would theoretically already have seen much of the "worst" parts of the decepticon cause- whether that be the djd themselves, the camps like grindcore, the k-class, the six phasers, the abuse megatron dolls out to the other decepticons, or the genocides of billions of organics. the implication that this is suddenly ravage's first time witnessing the "dark parts" of the decepticon cause IS jarring, especially considering that ravage seems to be completely oblivious to the djd before this arc. to the point where ravage can't even identity the djd's scent on the split lost light, or even recognize the djd's handiwork.
when faced with the bodies left behind on the split lost light, THIS is ravage's reaction:
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she's got no idea who did this! none!
as for ravage's opinions on the formation of the djd, i'm kind of split on this. we have zero information on who was involved in the djd's training, who supported it, ect. we have zero proof that ravage was supportive of the djd or even how much she actually knows about them or what they do, and given her reaction above and willingness to distance herself from the rest of the decepticons after witnessing it, i'd argue that she wasn't endorsing him. ravage isn't unaware of the fact that megatron has fucked up- we see her admit this in their first scene together.
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ravage calls him a tyrant outright, references what she generously refers to as his "wobbles". she has a very idolized view of him, but it doesn't prevent her from being able to see that he has fucked up. she's just willing to look past his fuck-ups in favor of the idolized version of him she has in her head.
and it is somewhat difficult to pinpoint when this undying loyalty to megatron even started meta-wise, as ravage in prior comics shows no special interest or loyalty to megatron whatsoever. before mtmte, it's always been soundwave she looked to- not megatron. and the megatron ravage endorsed would be a pre-war/early megatron, anyways- long before the formation of the djd. given her reaction to the djd, i VERY much doubt she was in any way supportive of its formation or its practices. but what could she do about it? ravage doesn't have as much agency in comparison to those like soundwave and starscream. none of the cassettes do. though that is a whole different post worth of meta.
BUT! you're fully right. ravage isn't exempt from taking part in what the decepticons have done. i think her role is far more limited than the other big names we know, but it's not like she was kicking her feet off to the sidelines, lol. just because the people around her did much worse doesn't negate the fact that she was just as guilty in the things she was a part of.
this kind of got away from me, but yeah! i agree that the wording in that scene was somewhat odd and this shouldn't of been the first time ravage was faced with the dark parts of the decepticons. UNLESS. these "darker parts" were, for some reason, intentionally kept hidden from ravage in fear that she would leave the decepticons if she knew, which is what we see her do in mtmte. but that feels really unlikely. i really don't think ravage was some big supporter of the djd either, nor would she endorse it or megatron while creating it, but there IS a fair bit of hand-waving ravage does when it comes to what megatron and the decepticons have done in the past. though... that's kinda on-par for mtmte lmao
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ptr-sqloint Ā· 10 months ago
also can i hear about your ocs and world building and take on angels because i love them
Thank you so much for asking :D! i have a LOT to say:
angels in my world building : basically angels are an tools with a single specific purpose built into them, and not sentient in the same way people are.
That purpose can go from something simple and 'mundane' to more impressive / elaborate tasks. Some transmit information, some are there to protect people/places, some are basically the rules of the world/nature, some are cataclysms.
The form they take depends on the job they have, and there are a few angels that have a physical body.
there's no god in the sense of a guy or a higher will/power, but you could say that the machine that is all the angels together functioning as a system is a sort of god.
there's also different categorizations of angels depending on the scope and magnitude of their influence. kind of like the difference between the weather and climate.
in descending order of magnitude:
there's the laws, the phenomenons, the cataclysms, the guards, and the instances. a law would be gravity or light and and an instance is the kind of angel that would appear and relay a message.
now! there are also man-made angels. Sort of. to make an angel first you need a preexisting physical angel that you are going to deface and destroy in part to take the building parts of your own angel. While the rates of success are not very encouraging, it is possible to make something mostly functional. But watch out!
for example, radio as a means of communication would be a functioning man-made angel.
now for the rest of the world building:
the world is very slowly deteriorating just through sheer age and entropy
angels can't really die or be destroyed but they can be wounded gravely to the point of being unrecognizable , this is how you get fallen angels
some of that resulted in a form of magic: making an image of something makes it more likely for that thing to be true. The effect is basically negligible if you make , say, a painting; but it can be amplified by repetition ( so lots of duplicates of the same image ) and using certain materials for the images. the effect lasts as long as the image does.
i have three special little guys: Galahad, Camille, and Alice
Galahad is nobility and was brought up to be The Knight Of The Prophecy TM since he was very young and so is very learned about lore and magic and that sort of stuff. He's also trans but doesn't know it yet , and he's not actually The Knight(also doesn't know that). He wants very much to fulfill that role tho, and a lot of his conception of himself as well as his self esteem hinges on being able to play that role well. He has quite a short temper and gets easily frustrated.
(the Prophecy TM is something vague about someone doing something that would permanently halt the deterioration of the word. It's vague because it's One Very Old image with a massive amount of repetition all engraved at the same place so it's Very Much up to interpretation)
Camille is the actual Knight. He's also a trans guy. Him being The Knight means that he has a physical angel inside of him. In his body growing around his organs like a dendrogaster parasite (not a fun time for him) it talks to him and sometimes influences his actions/perception of the world. Camille thinks that sucks immensely and wants nothing more than to be rid of it and of his 'destiny'. Especially considering it's pushing him to do some bad stuff. Otherwise he's a pretty cool guy, a bit clumsy and incompetent at a lot of things, but he's sweet .and he works as a courier.
Lastly there's Alice , she is a robot who was constructed using the brain and nervous system of a criminal, that was then linked up and put in a machine made for fighting. After a while , it was deemed unusable because of various issues, and was decommissioned. The organic materials were disposed of and the machine left in a scrapyard. A while after ( like a few decades ) it was woken up without any memory of her previous life / time as a robot. Mostly. She gets brief impressions and scraps of her memory as time goes on. Basically It is a robot and/or the woman haunting it šŸ‘
i wrote more stuff about her in the replies of this post
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caer-gai Ā· 9 months ago
~Arthuriana August ~
(i'm posting this a biit early because I don't trust myself to remember it before August first and I want to give folks some time <3 Y'all feel free to get started early if you need to - I know August is busy, especially for those of us still in school - but I won't start reblogging until August)
An arthuriana art writing song making gif-ing or whatever else challenge for the month of August!! I know the format isn't anything new but I tried to get original with the prompts lol
Blood or No(1-5)-
Sibling and family week! The perfect time for Orkneys any sibling or family dynamic be it birth, adopted, or found!
Sick Leave(6-10) -
My personal favorite prompt! Be it whump, hurt/comfort, hurt no comfort, or angst, sick in bed or covered in blood it's time to hurt your faves!
Now that we've whumped everyone it's time for some fluff! Bonding, cuddles, hurt with heavy comfort, just all the warm feelings.
Getting Heated!! (16-20)-
An argument, a romance, *cough*smut*cough*, a busy day in the kitchens.... or all four! Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here! :flustered:
Lady of the Hour(21-25)-
Enough of the knights, time for some ladies!! Everyone from Guinevere and Morgan to Adrivette and the Lady of Lys.
Visiting Knights (26-31)-
Or ladies, I'm not picky! This includes characters who have origins outside of Britain ex. Palomedies, Feirefiz, the French knights/du lacs, Morien, ect.
Each prompt has five days except the last one has six. (This took me far too long to figure out lol) Be sure to tag with #arthuriana august, and if you want me to reblog it @caer-gai so I see it <3
Gore/violence and NSFW is allowed but I will use discretion when reblogging explicit works. Please no AI generated content =)
Most importantly have fun! If you end up posting nothing but had a good time that is a total win
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sarroora Ā· 8 months ago
Listen, everyone, I donā€™t have enough money to donate to buy more e-sims for Gaza. And they need them now more than ever.
I think the smallest e-sim package (3 days coverage) is about $6, correct? If I offer some character sketches (bust only, no color) would you be interested to commission me so I can collect more money?
Thereā€™d be 2 options: either send it to my Paypal or better yet - donate DIRECTLY to the Gaza e-sims campaign and just show me the receipt.
Sorry this post is very rushed, but if anyone is interested and able to commission me for $6 please send a message.
For SPEEDā€™s sake, Iā€™ll draw for only 3 fandoms this time:
Top Cat
Sorry for narrowing the pool, but Iā€™m very familiar with drawing for these 3 specifically, and I want to get as MANY sketches done in a short time as possible.
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paintedkinzy-88 Ā· 26 days ago
Do you have an actual story line for this, or can I make one up? If I was to do that, Iā€™d tag you and credit you for your idea, though you would have to give me more details. Also is Donnie a water dragon like Leo?
I have a general storyline for them! Mostly a main plotline and a bunch of fun side stuff. But by all means, do what you wanna do! I donā€™t care as long as I get credit for designs and such į••( į› )į•—
Mostly cuz I wanna see what you doā€” but also so I can reblog them (怜ļæ£ā–½ļæ£)怜
And yes, the twins are both water dragons! They were technically the ā€œfailuresā€ of Draxumā€™s bunch, and probably would have been left to die had Splints not snatched their eggs up.
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filet-o-feelings Ā· 5 months ago
One of my nurses left me this tiny capybara on my tray šŸ˜Š
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Nurses love me and love to give me little trinkets apparently lol
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magusarchives Ā· 1 year ago
sooo if i ran a rusty quill network horror fanzine would people apply?? šŸ‘€
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mitsundere Ā· 8 months ago
gepard omegaverse headcanons
so this has been cooking in my head for quite a while now, but i've only just typed it up.
āš ļø cw : internalized homophobia , internalized discrimination against omegas (?)Ā 
can be taken as reader-insert, gender-neutral, but there's one (1) mention of a hypothetical scenario where they have a vagina / ovaries. like 1-2 bullets only, about pregnancy. i'll put it in color red if anyone wants to avoid it. feel free to send me a message on how to word it properly, or if i should change anything
general headcanons
omega. smells like winter pine with a tad of cinnamon and a lingering floral scent. the more pleased he is, the more prominent the floral tones.
no one knows of his dynamic except for his family, and a few high-ranking senior officers and doctors of the guard (including the supreme guardian and pela, a family friend). heā€™s been raised as an alpha, and everyone in belobog sees him as one.
uses both scent-blocker patches and heat suppressants regularly. itā€™s a must for any member of the silvermane guards, especially those in the frontlines and on patrols. while his scent normally wouldnā€™t be a problem, it gets sickeningly sweet during pre-heats, so he has to use the patches. fortunately, he hasnā€™t experienced any problems with heat suppressants yet.
prefers to spend heats alone. while the original gepard wouldnā€™t even think of having a vacation for himself, in this verse heā€™s more likely to do it (whether he wants to or not). at least once a year, he tapers down his heat suppressants to maintain his bodyā€™s natural hormone cycleā€” letting him have his heat.Ā 
heā€™s ashamed of it, wishes that he was born as something else. but it didnā€™t matter what he wanted. the people need him to be this indestructible shield for belobog. a powerful alpha, notā€¦ whatever he was right now. itā€™s even worse when he remembers how his sisters were both alphas. why was he the only one burdened with this? he tries not to think about it by drowning himself in work
with an alpha
it takes a while for him to warm up to them. after all, heā€™s been raised to act like one. he doesnā€™t want to give in to his instincts. it was a good thing he was pretty disciplined! (read as: used to not getting what he wanted / not being in control of his life)
you need to be a gentle alpha to win this captainā€™s heart. he still has to come to terms with and be more forgiving of himself. let him touch you freely. explore your scent glands and canines. it gives him a sense of control, making him more relaxed
steals your clothes. yes, even if youā€™re smaller than him. if you lose an article of clothing, itā€™s most likely with gepard as he stays at the restricted zone for months. be careful when sending him letters with items like a handkerchief, anything with your scent. he might just go into premature heat (and heā€™ll be sent home. whether this is a win or not is up for debate)
with a beta
the most comfortable match for gepard. thereā€™s no pressure to conform with the standard alpha/omega partnership. he wonā€™t accidentally go into heat with a you due to lack of a strong scent, and you wonā€™t go crazy when you smell him. he can just be a normal person around you
your lack of strong scent wonā€™t stop him from nuzzling into your scent glands, though. you do have a scent, itā€™s just a bit.. subtle. not overwhelming like an alphaā€™s or omegaā€™sā€” and heā€™s obsessed with it. like drinking cold water on a hot and humid day, it has no taste but you canā€™t help but keep drinking it, right? be prepared for a lot of cuddling!! heā€™ll do anything to get a whiff of you
in my verseā€¦ unfortunately, if the beta has a vagina / ovaries / uterus etc. as their reproductive system, they cannot get an omega pregnant. they can get surgery for this, but i imagine it isnā€™t quite available in jarilo-vi yet
if this is the case, gepard would be quite sad as he wants a family. but maybe after a long talk, heā€™ll come to accept that there are other methods of having one.
with an omega
gepard appreciates that thereā€™s someone who can understand him. raised in a conservative family (i imagine, have you read ā€œlandauā€™s choice?ā€), it would bother him first. internally. but heā€™ll come around later on to accept that he liked you.
afraid of exposing his dynamic at first. would you still accept him? heā€™s hidden his dynamic all his life. what if you leave him after? would you be disgusted at the idea of him, an omega, liking you, another omega? please be patient with him. heā€™ll tell you when heā€™s ready
being with you also makes his alpha upbringing come up. he thinks that you should be protected, and doesnā€™t mind if you use him as a shield for any other alphas that want you (one of the benefits of appearing as an alpha to the masses)
out of all the relationships/dynamics listed, i think this is the most likely one that doesnā€™t start off as love. itā€™s more of a shared comfort or friendship, and gradually becomes something more.Ā 
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funnierasafictive Ā· 7 months ago
As for the inactivity,
I also want to apologize for being a little inactive on this blog! We were very sick for most of June and especially throughout July. As it started to ease up, we've been getting extreme pain in our eyes causing us to be a blind more often (due to our eyes being shut closed)
I'm alright at the moment, but because of that, we honestly just have not been on tumblr often, and have been focusing on gathering commissions to pay for various things, as well as our future art markets.
This blog is never forgotten! We just haven't been on tumblr enough to see mentions & fictive-like posts, unfortunately! But I see you all still reblog the jokes we find funny, and recommending us new things to look at. It's very sweet how you all still tag us, and I very much appreciate it. :)
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scriv3lloirl Ā· 4 days ago
To anybody worried about us as a collectiveā€”or Orin himselfā€”please don't worry.
Orin did not harm himself.
We're actively having an episode; I will not get into why or how we were triggered due to its private nature, so please do not ask; and our main host is quite unstable to be in control at this time.
The impulsivity of the majority in front are unhelpful as they're enabling his harmful behavior which is why he's making such unsettling posts. Due to that, we're trying to clear front so please give us the time and space to do so.
To those who have reached out expressing their concerns and wishes: A message for you.
Thank you. Sincerely from the three of us making this. Even if his messages seemed cryptic, disrespectful or disturbing, the attempts still made to offer support did not go unnoticed by any of us.
We're grateful to you all, and apologize deeply for any emotional distress caused by his actions.
This will be the last post on here for tonight, and possibly the next few days following. We will be taking a brief hiatus to clear our mind.
Goodbye for now, friends. And thank you.
- Dr. P , Bass , Vira
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starscelly Ā· 1 year ago
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consulting an expert on goalie interference
nyr@dal 11.20.23
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