#we all read and wrote smut when we were teens-- leave them alone
noonaishere · 1 year
If you find a minor in fandom space and they’re writing smut and your reaction is to make a callout post and harass them into deleting their blog, you have bullied a minor. I don’t care about your reasoning, you’ve bullied a minor. And to that, I ask: What good do you think you’re doing?
Edit: I feel like it's been a bit since I made this so I thought I should add a little context:
I made this post after seeing a adult (one who had only been an adult for a year or so) bully a teenager off the platform for writing smut. From what I could see, the teen had never interacted with them before and the adult decided to call them out apropos of nothing and the entire situation was really hostile and toxic. The adult tried to excuse their harassment as "trying to protect" the teen, even though they had started the interaction by making a post with their user name and telling people to bother them. It was fucked up. Like the motivation and the follow through were almost polar opposites; you can say you're trying to protect someone, but if you do that by hurting them, you're not really protecting them. (And at that point, the person they need to be protected from: is YOU.)
Also, as far as I could find - legally - a minor can read and write smut fic, but an adult should never contact them over it (meaning: flirtatious or sexual messages, invitations to talk privately about sexual topics, invitations to meet, etc). That's when it moves into illegality. If you see a minor in the wild (fandom space) and don't talk to them about things like that, or straight up block them and ignore them if they're engaging with smut and it makes you uncomfortable, you'll be okay.
Harassing them (no matter how good you think your intentions are) is not okay.
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sludg3gor3 · 2 years
Unloved, but not by you {part 1}
Pairings- Eddie Munson x (female) reader
Fic warnings for whole series (may not apply to some chapters) - fluff, angst and smut 18+
Word count- 2.0k
Sorry if this is shitty it’s 12am😭
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“Dear diary,
Today is mine and Carters 1 year anniversary and he hasn’t even came to see me yet. I keep hoping that maybe he’s stuck in traffic or, maybe he overslept but as time goes on I feel like …maybe he just forgot. I should have known though, it’s a habit of his to forget, especially when it comes to our relationship. I feel so alone, but I can’t break up with him, he’s one of the most popular besides Jason Carver at Hawkins high…and I do..I do love him don’t get me wrong but right now I just feel so neglected. I even got him a present…now idk what to do with it..”
You finished writing with a sigh, your pen leaving little scribbles on the paperr above where you just wrote, reading over your entry. “This sucks..” you groaned, throwing your head back into your pillow. You eventually rolled over and looked at your alarm clock that flashed “5:00pm” in that stupid red color…just mocking you and your feelings. 5:00 turned to 6 and 6 turned to 7 and 7 turned to 8 and so on and on until it was too late to even think he’d be coming. You were hopeful, thinking maybe this important date wouldn’t be missed by him but you were terribly wrong, more wrong than you’ve been in awhile. The time came for you to eventually lay down and get some rest for the dragging day ahead , filled with apologizing from Carter tomorrow at the lunch table. They were useless but what could you really do?
The alarm clock on the side of your bed rang aloud, beeping in your ear repeatedly until your hand slammed down on the top to stop it. You groaned raising your head to look at the time, your vision blurry. You sat up, your hair a mess and morning breath hitting you in the face as you yawned into your hand “mom said wake your ass up” your head whipped over to see your little sister Erica standing in your door way, arms crossed and an attitude smeared on her face
“Who the hell told you, you could just barge into my room without knocking you brat?!” You hissed at the little girl who honestly had the mouth of a teen
“Mom did if you wanna know so bad…rats nest” Erica said the last bit while looking at your hair before walking away, telling you once again to get up and come downstairs for breakfast before school. You sighed heavily, eyes closed as you tried not to get irritated. You eventually got up and got ready, the events from the night before flooding your brain once again, you wanted to feel upset but you didn’t let yourself, why let some asshole get you down ? You don’t.
The time came for you to eventually get to school, upon arriving, your boyfriend ran up to you, bringing you into a kiss. “Hey baby” you didn’t say anything , just nodded. “Is something…wrong?” He asked obviously oblivious. You stopped walking and turned around to look at him, your face showing you were irritated and eyes narrowed to a glare “are you serious right now?” You ask, your head cocking to the side a bit, a smug laugh escaping your mouth “Carter, do you have any idea what yesterday was?” you waited for an answer before finally getting one that made your insides turn with anger “uhm…wait I know this- uhm- shit…were we suppose to hang out or something? If so I was with the boys, you know we hang everyday Sunday” Carter nodded his head and tried to put his arm around your shoulder but you immediately dodged it “it was our one year Carter…one fucking year and you forgot” you were on the verge of tears now but you didn’t let them escape, “baby…fuck can we talk about this later? I’m sorry it slipped my mind”
“Slipped your mind? Just like everything fucking else? It slipped your mind like that?” You didn’t give him time to respond. You just stomped away, I mean come on we all know what he was gonna say, some stupid excuse, hell he didn’t even remember your birthday, when you told him the day before, instead he just went to hang with the boys at the lake…without even asking if you’d wanna come. You were fed up, absolutely and utterly fed up and so lost in your thoughts you weren’t watching where you were walking, soon bumping into a taller figure. “Someone seems occupied today” you didn’t even have to look up to see who you bumped into, you could tell by the hands that were infested with rings on each finger helping to grab your stuff and that hellfire shirt, your brother had the same one, and that very oddly soothing voice that just makes you comfortable literally anywhere. “Shit, I’m sorry Munson I just have a lot on my mind right now” you say trying to keep it cool, not wanting to seem emotional. You both stand up and Eddie hands you your books with a small smile, he leans against a locker and tilts his head to the side a bit “let me guess…it’s the guy..I told you not to date because he was a ginormous dick but you did anyways and now you’re finding out just ho-“ “Eddie, has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be at times, seriously this is my relationship, just leave it alone” eddie obviously saw you were upset about what he had said and immediately bent down to look at you, lifting your chin with his index finger. You shooed him away and looked around hoping your boyfriend or any of his snotty friends didn’t see just how close you actually were with “the freak” Eddie Munson. “Eddie I have to get class” you began to walk pass him but Eddie grabbed you by the arm, his head hung to the side and he turned around to look at you , his eyebrow raised “y/n…seriously if something is going on you can talk to me” you sighed and dropped your head down to look at your feet, you squeezed your eyes shut, and finally looked back up at Eddie “it has nothing to do with you Munson, now please, I have to get to class” Eddie let go of your arm , your cold response hitting him right in the heart. He watched as you walked away. You really did change since you started dating that jock. Your friendship with Eddie wasn’t as strong as it was before and it was honestly all your doing, you left him because you felt you would be made fun of if caught near him, also your boyfriend didn’t like him very much, as a matter of fact no one really did, no one popular at least. Eddie knew though, deep down the old you was still there, but it wouldn’t surface as long as you were with that asshole.
You finally made it to class and felt eyes on you, when turning around you saw your boyfriend intensely staring at you from the back row. You glared at him and turned around trying to focus on your class but the feeling of being watched made you highly irritated. The whole class period you weren’t able to focus and when the bell finally rung you hurriedly got up from your seat and made your way to the door but unfortunately you were too slow. Your boyfriend if that’s even what you wanted to call him, grabbed you by the arm and yanked you back inside the empty class. His face was red, he seemed mad, why was he mad? When he was the one who forgot your one year?? “What do you want Carter?” You asked bluntly. “Have you been talking to that freak Y/n?!” With those words you felt your heart sink to your stomach, you forced a laugh that just came out nervous and stuttered “what? Carter seriously come on..” Carter gritted his teeth “Jason told me he saw you talking to that freak after you walked off on me…and he grabbed you by your arm??” Your heart started to beat faster now, becoming nervous, worried even and not just for yourself,,,but for Eddie too “Carter….Jason is lying, I wasn’t with Eddie and he didn’t touch me I swear” Carter nodded, jumping up and down to cool himself off “he better be Y/n if I even find out that freak even lays a finger on your I’ll beat his ass” with that Carter wraps his arm around your shoulders, walking with you to your next class, and your class after that and after that until it was time for lunch. Upon arriving to the lunchroom your eyes immediately look for Eddie who was sitting down at a table full of his club members. You felt a little rush of relief knowing none of the boys went to talk to him or threaten him about earlier. “So about earlier, how about I come over tonight, climb through your window and I can make up for forgetting yesterday huh?” You look up at Carter, trying to comprehend his stupid suggestion, he really thinks sex..will fix this and it made you sick. So you came up with a excuse, sitting down at the table “oh baby, I can’t. I promised Lucas a brother and sister horror movie night tonight!” You looked over at Lucas with a ‘just go with it’ look on your face and he caught on pretty fast , agreeing with your lie. “I’m sure Sinclair wouldn’t mind rescheduling, right sinclair?” Lucas looked at you, waiting for you to say something to get him out of this hole “actually, we’ve been planning this for weeks, and I finally got the movie a few days ago, we’ve been dying to watch it…I don’t think we can wait, but I’m sure you can…I mean it wouldn’t be hard” you gave Carter a smile and got up from the table “I have to use the bathroom” you walked to the big double doors that separated the hallway from the cafeteria, on your way, signaling stealthily for eddie to come out after you just a few minutes after.
You waited around the corner for 5 minutes before hearing the doors open and shut, the loud voices of children pouring out before being locked back in. Eddie, appearing around the corner. “Eddie we really need to talk..” you pulled the boy by his arm and down the hall to the janitors closet, both of you getting inside to be able to speak without being seen or heard. You looked at Eddie, a nervous look plastered on your face as you fidgeted with your fingers before speaking “Carver…he …saw us talking earlier and told Carter…now he’s like really fucking antsy and I just…I-“ you tried to find your words but they were stuck in your throat. “Why does that fucking matter? Why can’t we talk we’re friends right?” You didn’t say anything “right…Sinclair” you furrowed your brows and looked down then back up at Eddie with a sad look “not anymore Eds…Carter he’s dangerous, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, please tel me you understand ” Eddie stood there, his doe eyes were sad, like he’d just been hit with the most heartbreaking shit he could experience. “Eddie, please say something” Eddie took a deep breath and nodded slowly “as you wish, y/n” and with that Eddie exited the janitors closet leaving you alone, the dim light flickering inside. You felt a knot grow in your throat knowing you couldn’t run after him, knowing you just threw away one of the best people you had…and all to make sure he’s safe…right..or maybe it’s because you know…nevermind.
a few minutes passed before you then exited the janitors closet. You walked back to the cafeteria, when inside you looked over at the table Eddie had been at and noticed he wasn’t there anymore, neither were his friends. You bit your lip and made your way back to your table sitting down next to Carter, his arm wrapping around you as he scarfs his food down, laughing and making sexist jokes. You felt sad and empty, and there wasn’t much you could do about it.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
Between High and Low (RDR2 Fanfic, Morgan Twins x F!Reader, 18+, Part 1 of 2)
Summary: Arthur and Thorne, the legendary twin enforcers of the Van der Linde gang, have set their sights on you, the new member. How will you deal with two men who want you for their own? 
Author’s Notes: A year ago, I offered to write @mrskrazy anything. Only recently has a request been made, and I am happy to make good on my offer. So for you, my darling, a smutty fic with double the fun! Takes place in an AU in 1898, north of everything in game.
Tags: twin au, Morgan twins x Reader, smut, threeway, doggy style, anal sex, teasing, creampie, fast forward slow burn, double penetration, spanking
AO3 Link is here, sweetie.
Chapter 1: Meeting the Twins
Word count: 3069
“Who’s that?”
“Who’s she.”
“Whatever. Answer the question.”
Arthur sighed. Thorne was impatient, headstrong, and dumb as bricks. Granted, he wasn’t much smarter, but he sometimes wondered how Thorne was the older twin. “She was rescued by Hosea and Lenny while they was robbin’ some fellers out near Big Timber. They had her all tied up, and when Lenny offered to take her home, she said she had nowhere to go. So they brought her here.”
“Tied up, huh?”
Arthur smacked Thorne in the gut. “Don’tchu be thinkin’ about that.”
Thorne laughed. “You can’t tell me you weren’t thinkin’ it too.”
Arthur grumbled.
“Don’t deny it. You got the same cravin’ I do, you just try to act civilized.” Thorne walked past him towards the new girl. “I don’t have such proclivities.”
Arthur immediately got up and followed him, not wanting him to frighten the poor thing.
You had been here for three days, trying to adjust to your new life. Hosea and Lenny had brought you here after you had been kidnapped. 
As an orphan in St. Denis, there wasn’t much fun to be had while scrounging for scraps to survive. You had fallen in with a group of kids and teens who made their living stealing from anyone who walked by and looked too dumb to be paying attention to dirty orphans in the streets.
But as you got older, you could not dodge and weave through the streets as you had been able to before. So you had traveled north and taken a job at a local saloon as a dancing girl, making a decent living. For years, you were doing well enough that you could relax and take it easy some nights, reading and writing on your own.
That is, until a few cowboys got a little too rowdy and tried to take you to bed. You weren’t that kind of saloon girl, so when you said no to them for the final time, they decided to kidnap you. They took you back to their ranch, but Hosea and Lenny had been there, robbing the place. After some shooting and chaos, you had begged them to take you with them, and they did so, not questioning your cry for help. 
When they asked you where you wanted to be taken, you thought about it. Not wanting to go back to that town, you told them you had nowhere else to go. Luckily they took pity on you and brought you with them to the gang.
So here you were, cleaning clothes and pans, trying to fit in. Susan was a tiger mother, barking orders and yelling at the other girls, but she also was the first to defend them if any of the men got out of line. Tilly quickly befriended you, teaching you how to clean and cook like they did, and Mary-Beth would ask you questions about your time as a saloon girl. Karen was a great drinking buddy and Abigail was fierce but kind.
Three whole days, and you felt like they had become your family.
The men here were not like some of the men you had seen in the saloons. You were pleasantly surprised when none of them made any advances towards you when you first showed up. Perhaps they were biding their time. Or perhaps Dutch and Hosea had warned them off. They both seemed like the fatherly type, but you could tell that Hosea was sharp and could snap at any of them. They all seemed to listen to him, and you wondered if it was out of genuine respect, or fear.
One man in particular had caught your attention: Arthur Morgan, introduced to you as the enforcer for the Van der Linde gang. He was handsome with a short haircut, parted to the right, and a casual stride that you found your eyes gravitating to every time he was near. His clothing was generally all black, with a vest and button-up shirt, sometimes with a neckerchief. He perpetually had a five-o’clock shadow, even though he shaved just about every morning. 
When you heard a horse come up to camp, you had glanced up to see who it was; you were confused for a moment; you thought Arthur was in camp already, and you hadn’t heard him leave. You shook your head. You were obsessing over a man you had barely known for three days. Turning back to your wash basin, you continued to clean the shirt you had just dunked into the cold water.
Then you heard footsteps coming towards you.
“Hey there, sweetheart.”
You looked up and blinked. He looked like Arthur, except he had grown out a short beard, and somewhat longer hair, parted to the left. You swear you had just seen him with his usual short hair and stubble a few hours before.
And Arthur had never called you sweetheart. Always ‘miss’ or ‘m’lady’. Never sweetheart.
“Um, hello... Arthur?” you said tentatively as you took your hands out of the cold water and wiped them on your apron.
‘Arthur’ laughed heartily. “Call me whatever you like sweet girl, if it’ll make you happy.” He stepped closer to you and kneeled down on one knee next to you. He took your hands in his. “So cold. Lemme warm you up.”
You felt your cheeks grow warm as he enclosed your hands in his big ones, warming them up with gentle rubs. He looked you in the eyes, a flirty smile on his lips. You couldn’t help your heart beating faster, his charm working its way through you.
“Dammit Thorne!”
You looked past ‘Arthur’ and did a double take. Now that was Arthur, bellowing as he stomped towards the two of you. You looked back at the man in front of you and raised an eyebrow as you put the pieces together. “So your name is Thorne?”
He nodded. “Sure is.”
“And you’re Arthur’s twin?”
“I missed you too, asshole,” Arthur said sarcastically as he kneeled down next to Thorne, pulling his hands away from yours. He introduced you properly to Thorne, who tipped his hat to you. Apparently he had been on a job for the past week and had only just returned. 
You nodded politely. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Thorne.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, sweetheart,” he purred, a sexy smirk on his lips. 
You knew he was a bad boy. You knew he wouldn’t be good for you. 
Your body refused to agree.
For three months, as you grew accustomed to life with the gang, slowly traveling southwest from Big Timber, you learned a few things about the Morgan Twins.
You learned that they were unstoppable together. The two of them could take on a whole gang ambush and not only survive, but come back with loads of loot from the dead attackers. Sending one was enough for a job, but sending two of them? It was a guaranteed victory.
You figured out that though they were similar looking at first, they had some very clear differences once you observed them. Thorne liked to dress nicely, often disappearing with Javier into towns and coming back with another outfit. He also liked to style his hair a bit, comb his beard when no one else was watching. He also bathed more often than some of the other men. He was much more talkative than Arthur, quick-witted in his responses, sarcastic as hell. He would tease sometimes to the point of cruelty, causing Arthur to knock him out if he overheard his remarks.
Arthur was more down to earth; he cut his hair short, sometimes rather haphazardly, and kept his clothes simple, black and blues, not caring if there was an off color patch in his jeans. He was kinder, more quiet, more contemplative. He wrote in his journal when he had some downtime in camp, and was always willing to help someone with chores if they asked. You noticed he seemed to have a strong sense of loyalty, but it was more to the gang as a whole rather than just Dutch, like Thorne did.
While he and Thorne had quite different personalities, you noticed that they didn’t argue for very long. On the most important things, they were always in agreement.
You also noticed that there seemed to be a passive aggressive fight between Arthur and Thorne for your affections. If Arthur brought you a book on one day, then Thorne would bring you back flowers the next. And you were never left alone with one twin for very long; almost as if they were truly connected, the other twin would show up within the hour, interrupting any possibility of anything happening.
At first, you thought their attention was just out of kindness.
When Mary-Beth started teasing you about having both the boys at your beck and call, you laughed it off. They couldn’t both be after you.
On a nice day, late in the afternoon, it was cool and breezy as you finished hanging up the clothes to dry near the river where the gang was camped. Finally ready to wash up and get ready for a relaxing night by the fire, you headed back to camp, only to find Arthur walking towards you.
“Hi Arthur!” you greeted cheerfully, waving to him. He smiled, practically glowing as he came up to you. 
“Hey there, darlin’,” he said.
You smiled. He had recently been calling you darling, and it was starting to grow on you.
“I was wonderin’,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down so his hat covered his eyes, “if you’d be interested in takin’ a walk with me. I know a quiet li’l overlook where we could watch the sunset.”
“I’d be delighted, Mr. Morgan,” you teased, taking his proffered arm and walking with him away from camp.
“So, how’re you likin’ life out here?” he asked after a while.
“It’s good,” you replied. “I feel at home here, and everyone here is so… real. My old life, those women I used to work with, I never felt truly comfortable there.”
Arthur nodded. “That’s good. Sounds like you’d stick around then.”
“Of course. Why would I leave?”
He smiled but said nothing more until he brought you to the overlook.
The sun was setting over the mountains in the distance, throwing reds and oranges across the landscape. The scent of pine trees and fresh mountain air brought you a sense of peace, and you closed your eyes, inhaling deeply.
“It’s so nice here,” you said with wonder. 
“Yer nice too,” Arthur mumbled. You looked over at him, and he immediately turned away, blushing. “I mean, a nice lady like you, stayin’ with a bunch of outlaws… not sure if that’s the life you wanted.”
“I didn’t know I wanted this freedom until I came to live with you.”
You saw Arthur smile and tuck his head down again. Closing the distance between you two, you reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. This was a wonderful view.”
He looked up at you and opened his mouth for a moment before closing it and just nodded. He stepped closer to you and reached up to touch your face.
The sound of footsteps distracted both of you, and he immediately stepped back. You cursed your luck.
“Hey you two, what’re you doin’ out here?” Thorne asked, a smirk on his face. Oh, he knew what he was doing out here.
“None o’ yer damn business,” Arthur groused.
Thorne promptly ignored him and marched right up to stand in between you two and stared at the view. “Wow, this is some view. Arthur, why the hell didn’t you tell me about this place?”
“Fer this very reason,” Arthur grumbled.
“What was that?”
“Nothin’.” He turned to you. “Guess we better take you back before Grimshaw yells at us.”
Thorne followed the two of you down the path. “Right, I was supposed to bring you back. Susan noticed that the little lady over here hadn’t brought the washing basin back to her.”
You sighed. You knew you were in for a verbal beat down when you returned to camp.
At least you made a nice memory with Arthur. It was worth it.
A couple of days later, you were sitting in front of the campfire on your own, writing in your journal. Most everyone else had gone to sleep, but you wanted to take advantage of the quiet time to write without being bothered. Arthur had picked up a small journal for you on his last excursion, and when you had a moment alone, you tried to write something. You often wrote about the past, of your times in St. Denis, but tonight you were writing about the moment you shared with Arthur on the overlook. As you heard footsteps coming from behind you, you slowly closed the journal and looked up.
Thorne smiled as he sat down next to you. “Good evenin’, sweetheart,” he said smoothly. He had never stopped calling you sweetheart, even after he had learned your name. “How’re you feeling’?”
“Feeling alright,” you said tentatively. “Why? You need someone to help you rob a place?”
“No, not tonight. I was thinkin’, maybe you’d like to take a ride under the stars. Know a place where you can see the whole sky.”
Camp was in a forest by a river, and you very rarely went into town at night. You hadn’t had much time to explore the area.
“Sure,” you replied. "Let me put my book away."
Slipping your journal under your bed roll, you walked over to the horses and found Thorne patting his horse. He mounted up and held his hand out to you, a soft smile on his face. He helped you up as you clambered on behind him. 
“Hold tight, sweetie,” he said, making sure you were holding onto him before he took off, speeding up as he made his way up the mountain paths, through twists and turns that forced you to cling tightly to him as you rode further up. You looked around as the trees started to give way to boulders, and soon you saw the mountain pass beginning to reach its peak. 
It was then that Thorne took a small detour, picking his way through a narrow path until it opened up on the other side to reveal the valley below, and the night sky stretching out for miles around. The stars streamed across as if someone had splashed paint across a canvas, each point of light sparkling like a diamond.
Thorne got off his horse and helped you down, keeping a tight grip on your hand as he led you closer to the edge of the cliff so you could get a better view. You weren't close to the edge at all, probably at least six feet away, but Thorne's hold on you made you feel like he wasn't taking any chances. 
Looking up at the stars, you marveled at how beautiful it was. With the lights in St. Denis, and even the small town you were in before the gang took you in, the night sky was never like this. “I grew up in the city. Never realized I had never seen the sky, the real sky, until now.”
You felt Thorne caress your cheek with the back of his fingers. "The wonder on yer face… I'd do anything fer that look."
You turned to him. He was close, so close that you could see the scar on his lower lip. His hand cupped your cheek, and you tilted your head into his touch instinctually, as if it was what you had always done. Leaning in, Thorne glanced down at your lips before his own parted, hungry for a taste. 
"There ya are."
Thorne closed his eyes and cursed under his breath before he stepped back from you, letting his hand fall from your cheek. Next time, he mouthed to you before turning around to Arthur. 
"You better have a damn good reason-" 
"We're packin' up camp. Locals are startin' to get suspicious of our location. Time to move on."
Thorne immediately turned serious. "Alright. We'll come back now."
You watched Arthur turn his horse around and leave while you and Thorne got onto his horse and followed after him. 
"How'd he find you?" you asked.
"He showed me this place first," Thorne replied. "He wanted to show it to you, but I got to ya first." He looked back at you and winked before turning away. 
You chewed on that bit of knowledge all the way back to camp. 
On the road once more, you stayed with the women in their wagon on the journey. When you reached the new area, you helped to set up camp, and after finding yourself alone with Tilly, you told her about both incidents. She laughed and confirmed that yes, they were both after you now. While you were a bit overwhelmed by the revelation, it helped that Tilly had known both of them for almost five years now.
“I’m just glad it’s you,” she said when you had asked if the Morgan twins had ever gone after the same woman before you. “There was another woman before you… she was just using them against each other to get them to buy her things or do favors for her. Useless hussy,” she spat. 
“Oh,” you said, unable to think of anything to say.
“That’s all in the past,” Tilly said, changing subjects. “What’re you goin’ to do about the two of’em?”
You shook your head and stared up at the sky. “I don’t know. What can I do? I honestly don’t know if I could choose one over the other, I like them both.”
When Tilly was silent, you looked over at her. Her smile was feline-like, shrewd and calculating. 
“Wha… why are you looking at me like that?”
She tittered. “Oh, nothing.”
“No, no, you tell me!”
Tilly let out a belly laugh, filled with pure joy. “I ain’t sayin’ a word!” She quickly got up and scampered out of your reach as you tried to pull her back. “I got to cook now! Good luck with them!” she shouted over her shoulder as she ran to Pearson’s cooking tent.
“That was a terrible excuse!” you yelled back at her, a smile on your face.
Chapter 2
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tessiete · 4 years
Author Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @kckenobi - Really enjoying these!
Name: tessiete
Fandoms: Right now, we doing Star Wars. And Star Wars is the fandom I’ve been the most prolific in. In the past, though, I’ve written for Star Trek: AOS, X-Files (1 abandoned fic - don’t go there!), Teen Wolf, Kingsman, ER, The Good Wife, and The Haunting of Hill House.
Where you post: Everything is HERE on AO3, our shared home.
Most popular oneshot: A Better Grace
Okay, this surprised even me. Is The Good Wife a really popular fandom? Or am I a really unpopular writer? (It’s the latter). It’s also funny, because like so many of my fics, this is Crack on Malicious Compliance. A prompt - actually possibly @pebblysand? - made a joke about Will Gardner falling in love with himself. So I wrote him as Narcissus…
I thought it was funny XD
Most popular multichap: One Human Thought
This is a Saved From Slavery baby Obi-Wan AU. Like A Better Grace, this was ALSO Crack on Malicious Compliance. @lieutenantmittens wanted a story about Obi-Wan Kenobi as a bed slave of Qui-Gon Jinn, and like...this is what happened. Technically, that is the impression Obi-Wan’s previous captor was convinced Qui-Gon was taking him for. But Qui-Gon would never. And so instead, we have this Jedi Temple as Hogwarts, Obi-Wan “Not a Jedi” Kin’Obi, Father/Son Growing Together fic.
It got away from me...yeah.
Favorite story you’ve written: The Eternal Spring
My baby. My child. The only story for SW that I’ve ever written that I’ve taken seriously. It’s a Padme Lives AU which sees her travelling to Tatooine with a severely traumatised Obi-Wan Kenobi, and her twins. She and Obi-Wan are reeling, and unable to reconcile to the point that after they fight one night, he runs away in a misguided effort to kill the Emperor and end things, leaving her on her own. She gets her shit together, puts a bounty out on Obi-Wan to be brought in warm, hires Boil to fill it, who gets help from Rex and Bo-Katan, who assign him a guide/pilot in Korkie (MY BOY!), and together they drag Obi-Wan’s dramatic ass back to life.
It’s a reimagining of the myth of Psyche and Eros. It’s the first fic I wrote poetry for, the first fic I made con-langs for, and yeah...I just……….it’s probably the closest to how I imagine my Star Wars.
Fic you were nervous to post: A Summer Swift. It’s mine. It’s still under anonymous. But it was the first time I wrote smut (all, like, two paragraphs), and I just...rampant sex IRL is Not My Thing, and it’s not what I go looking for in fic, but I - AGAIN the malicious compliance - promised to write a “realistic coffee shop AU” and was determined to show how depressing this romanticised venue really is.
Definitely get the MOST outrage for that, but not for the reason I thought. Apparently, perpetual mediocrity and eternity in a menial service job depresses people. Who knew. The fact that it’s probably the closest reflection of my actual darkest fears maybe is what makes it...effective?
Of the fic publicly posted under my own name - Everything Grows. It’s an a/b/o QuiObi fic I did for a challenge with @lieutenantmittens because I wanted to see if I could do it. It was...a strange journey. We did a lot of research, asking people what tropes they liked, and reading as many SW a/b/o fics as possible, and by the end, honestly, we were more exhausted than Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. 10/10 Learning experience. Don’t think I personally nailed it - I would not have gotten anywhere without @lieutenantmittens who did so much of the heavy lifting - and it didn’t really sell me on the trope, but I’m glad I proved I could do it, you know?
How you choose your titles: What’s the theme? → Google “quotes about fatherhood/light/royalty/inheritance/love/hope” → Insert TITLE of ⅔ of the words from that quote.
Ex. Everything Grows (rounder and weirder) = “Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.” - Carrie Fisher
One Human Thought = “How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library? Play conqueror all you want, Mighty Caesar! Rape, murder, pillage thousands, even millions of human beings! But neither you nor any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!” - Cleopatra (1963)
The Eternal Spring = “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” - Alexander Pope
Also poetry. Like…...99% of what I write revolves around poetry. Which is ironic bc I don’t love poetry. I’m not educated in it. But…???
Do you outline? No, not really. I usually wait to come up with the opening line in my head, and then once I have that, I just go. HOWEVER, especially with One Human Thought - since it had no concept when I first conceived it - I’ve found it SO helpful, even necessary, to talk through basic ideas in DMs with my loves. It really speeds up my writing.
Complete: 20/22 of my fics are complete. (Fffff to my X-Files fic)
In progress: One Human Thought. Only, like….three more chapters, I think? Coming down to the wire. Does the structure worry me? Yes. Why is the darkest night of the soul SO close to the climax and resolution???? I don’t know.
Padme’s Chapbook - a zine I’m doing that’s a collection of poems Padme has curated and collected from amongst her friends, with three sort of meta-narratives as well.
Coming soon/not yet started: Silent and So Near. It’s my WWI/Clone Wars fusion fic where Qui-Gon lives, Anakin is not prematurely knighted, and Obi-Wan goes to the frontlines alone. It doesn’t go well. (But it ends...happily?). 
And then an Obitine Double Date fic, with Obi-Wan and Anakin obliviously flirting their way through a Senatorial gala while Satine and Padme run interference and drink.
Prompts: I love prompts but I don’t always do them. The prompts I love are the ones I can twist - the bed slave, obi-wan dressed as padme, falling in love with yourself, sad coffee shop, etc. 
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About: Silent and So Near. I love WWI and I’m excited to see if there’s a way of drawing thematic parallels between the idea of the death of a Belle Epoch, of the end of gentlemanly warfare, of war by attrition, of the Industrial Age and the mechanisation of war….all that. 
No pressure tags: @tree-scapes @pebblysand @lieutenantmittens @pomiar @acatbyanothername93 talk to me! ....if you want!
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Back in His Arms Again
Characters: Teen!Dean Winchester x Teen!Reader (for the most part), Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,908
Warnings: mostly fluff, minor angst, brief mention of being abused by parents but it’s not that and it’s only mentioned twice, implied smut
Request: If it's not too much trouble can I request a teen hunter!reader who's in high school with teen!dean and he slowly starts to fall in love with her but has to push away because he's a hunter and he doesn't want that for her. eventually years in the future (when they're in their 20/30) they run into each other on a case and it's all fluff that turns to smut and then the reader starts hunting with the boys. 
Summary: You try to keep Dean out of the life while Dean tries to keep you out of the same kind of life. Two hunters from two different families and neither of you know it.
Squared Filled: High School AU // Free Space // Teenager(s)
Author’s Note: This is a well overdue request I got back in March. Thank you for being patient with me. This is also for @spndeanbingo and @heavenandhellbingo and @spnclassicbingo respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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“Dean,” you whispered as you tried not to get caught by the teacher. She had a strict rule about talking in her classroom. One time, she caught a kid speaking to her friend in the back, and she kicked her out of the classroom for being disrespectful. She had hard rules, but if you follow them, then you would certainly learn a few things. This time, however, you really wanted to talk to your best friend.
Your parents were hunters, and they taught you things periodically so you weren't ever in the dark. They took you on small cases sometimes, but sometimes the cases were so rough, all you wanted was your best friend. It’s why you risked your education for this moment. Dean heard you trying to get his attention, but he purposefully ignored your efforts. His dad was pissed at him enough for skipping class eve though he wouldn’t do anything about it.
“Dean,” you hissed, trying once more. It was movie day in class, so you were trying to be discreet as you tried to get his attention. The teacher was at the front grading some papers, so you weren't too worried about getting caught.
“Shh, you’re going to get in trouble,” he whispered back without looking at you. Smirking, you grabbed a piece of paper from your notebook before scribbling a short note. Folding it a billion times, you slid it to Dean’s desk. He knew you weren't going to give it up, so he opened the note to read what you had wrote.
Hi :)
Just as something as simple as this made him laugh. He could be having a tough time on a hunt or with his brother or just in general, and then you go and write this and he had the world’s dorkiest smile on his face. He grabbed his pen before writing something and sliding it back to you.
This is what the two of you did the rest of the class period. No talking, no disturbing the teacher or classmates, just note passing. What he didn’t know is that you didn’t throw these notes away, you kept them in a shoebox to read later when you really needed a laugh and he wasn’t there to make you feel better.
“So, I got the place to myself tonight,” you grinned as you ate your lunch. The only class period you had with your best friend was first and second period, and lunch was after 4th. So, there were two whole periods where you don’t see him at all. “Want to come over? I got some new movies, and my parents left me 20 bucks. We can get pizza if you want.”
“Where did they go?” he asked as he ate. There was no way you were telling him the truth. Hunting was hard enough, you didn’t need to involve him in the life. He was too good, too pure to ever be involved with that mess. Your parents were actually going on a complicated hunt that would last a week, but you didn't tell him that.
“Date night,” you lied.
“Oh, I would love to come over, but I can’t,” he sighed.
“Why not?” you asked, your face falling. It’s been a while since you hung out with him, and you really wanted to be with your best friend.
“My dad needs me to watch Sam. He told me it was really important, and that I can’t let him go off on his own. He will if no one watches him.”
“Oh, okay,” you sighed, suddenly not feeling an appetite anymore. Dean hated the look on your face because he wanted nothing more than to be with you, but he had a hunt. Sam was going to stay by himself while his dad brought him along on a case. He didn't want to tell you about the hunting life because you were too good, too pure for any of that shit. For now, you two kept each other in the dark of a secret you both harbored.
Last night’s hunt was worse than expected. There were a lot more demons than usual, and you got tossed around before your parents could kill them. It left you with bruises and cuts all over your body, but you assured your parents that this was part of the life. They felt guilty for not protecting you, but after a hot shower, you asked if you could join their next hunt. This life was going to leave you with more than cuts and bruises, so this was nothing that was compared to what was going to come.
When you walked into school, all you felt were eyes on you. Most of your cuts were on places where you can use clothes to hide it, but there were some on your face that makeup couldn’t cover. A bruise was wrapped around your neck, and so you wore a scarf to try and cover it up. You didn't need people thinking that you were getting physically abused by your parents.
Approaching your locker, you saw Dean already there as his was next to yours. It’s actually how the two of you met. You knew he would ask questions about what happened, there was no escaping it. Taking a deep breath, you approached him as you opened your locker.
“Hey, how are--what the hell happened to you?” he asked when he saw your face.
“Nothing, Dean, it’s fine. Please drop it,” you sighed.
“Are you safe at home?” he whispered. You loved how cute he was when he worried for you.
“Yes, I am. This didn't happen at home,” you said, thinking of a lie. You knew it was going to hurt him, but it was better than the truth. “This happened when I was walking home yesterday. A group of guys jumped me and beat me up. I’m fine, though.”
“I was supposed to walk you home yesterday,” he said in realization. If he didn’t have a hunt, he would have been with you.
“Dean, it’s not your fault. It’s okay, really. I’m fine.”
“No, it’s not fine,” he glared as he slammed his locker shut and left you all alone. Sighing, you watched him walk away as he already started blaming himself.
“Will I ever see you again?” you whispered as tears left your cheek.s His dad was getting them pick up at school since they were moving yet again. He’s told you about how many times he’s moved, but you hoped this was a permanent fix.
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” he sighed as he wiped them away.
“I’m going to miss you, Dean,” you sniffled as you pulled him into a tight hug. Dean sighed before hugging you back, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
“I’ll miss you too.”
“Dean, we need to go,” his dad said from the car. He pulled away without looking at you and got in. His dad gave him a few seconds before pulling away from the curb, taking your best friend away from you forever.
You never saw him again.
There were 6 demons. 6 fucking demons and only one of you. Rock salt and holy water weren’t cutting it anymore. Every time you tried to say the exorcism, they would throw you into a window, a wall, or the floor. There were too many of them and not enough of you. Luckily, you had a tattoo of the anti-possession on your body so you were safe from one of these bitches possessing you.
“You’re cornered. You have nowhere to go. You have no one,” one of the female demons laughed as all 6 of them began walking to you. You knew if they got you, they would carve the symbol out of your body just so they could use you. However, before they could get their hands on you, the front door of the house busted open, and two tall guys entered with guns while the other held a knife. What would a knife do to a demon?
“She has us,” the shorter one spoke. There was something familiar about his voice, but it was too dark to see his face. Some of the demons cowered in their presence and escaped using the easy way out. The ones that thought they had a chance started charging to the men. These men must have done something scary for demons to fear them. The two men slaughtered the demons with ease, and when they were all gone, they walked to you before the taller one helped you up.
“You okay?” he asked. Nodding, you looked at the other guy who came into the light. 20 years later, and he still looked the same as he did when he was 15. The same green eyes were a bit brighter, but they held so much pain. His hair got shorter, but it suited him. The freckles on his skin littered everywhere, and there were so much more than you remember. He grew a lot taller, gained a lot more muscle, but he was still just as handsome if not more.
“Dean?” you asked with wide eyes. He took one look at you and everything clicked for him.
“You two know each other?” his brother asked.
“Sam? You fucking grew. Shit,” you gasped as you looked at the taller man.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Sam asked with a chuckle.
“We went to high school together. She was my best friend,” Dean answered.
“This is the girl you wouldn't shut up about?” Sam asked which caused you to blush.
“You’re a hunter?” you asked.
“Since I was 5. You’re one?”
“Since I was 7. All those times you couldn't hang with me was because you were hunting?” you asked softly.
“And all those times you came to school with cuts and bruises was because you were hunting?”
“Okay, I like this reunion, but we should get out of here. We don’t know if they’re coming back,” Sam said.
“Yeah, let’s go,” you nodded.
“Where are you staying?”
“My car. Money is tight these days,” you chuckled.
“Don’t worry, you can stay with us. Right, Sammy?”
“Yeah, right.”
“I can’t believe you’re a hunter. Here I thought, all these years, that you didn’t want to hang with me because you didn't like me,” you chuckled. Sam offered to give you two some space which you gladly took. He said he wasn’t going to return until the morning which was perfect.
“Sweetheart, I loved you back then.”
“And what about now?” you whispered. Dean set his drink down on the table just as you did. He got up and stalked towards you, but you remained seated. You wanted to know what he would do. He gripped the arms of your chair, effectively trapping you inside his embrace.
“I am in love with you. You’ve never left my mind since I left.”
He was a lot bolder than before, but you could still see the hesitation in his eyes. Maybe the alcohol loosened his tongue a bit, but you didn’t care. You felt the exact same way. Reaching up, you cupped his cheeks before pulling him down to you. Your lips met his passionately, and he moved his arms from the chair to your thighs. This is what you should have done 20 years ago. This is where you wanted to be all along.
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Marco Ilso- You’ve got my heart
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This was requested by lovely @recklesslonelyblond. She’s a fantastic girl with even better ideas. If you like Lucifer (Tom Ellies) she’s writting about it. Take a look!
I’ve tried to make it as similar to your request as I could, but it was a little too long! Anyway, I’ve enjoyed writting this a lot, and I’m pretty happy with the result (it’s the longest I’ve every written!). I hope you like it!
Plot: Marco is your best friend, your neighbour and your crush. One night at your house changes everything for the best; but you’ve taken different paths and life might never reunite you again.
Warning: mid-smut, and SO MUCH FLUFF, maybe a tiny bit of angst but, if you read me usually, it’s nothing (i’ve done much worse than this)
For the fourth time that afternoon, your pencil broke; and you had to gather all your patience to avoid shouting to hell and back. With a deep breath, you started your essay again; why should we choose you to get in our university. It was a stupid draft, and you really didn’t want to do it; because the only thing you could say about yourself was that you liked to chill with your best friend in your sofa and wait in the shadows until he notices your almost invisible advances. Yeah, you were good at that. You had been doing it for the past eighteen years. Besides that, you could stutter to death and blush until you were as red as your blood. Oh, and you knew by heart all the things that Marco liked, too. Something you should probably avoid if you wanted to enter in college.
The annoying ring of your bell made you sigh; it was obvious that no one in your family was going to get it, as they all knew it was the blonde sweet guy looking for you. You got up from your desk and went down the stairs, only to find Marco closing the door already.
-          Why did you rang? -you asked, waiting for him in the middle of the stairs. -You have a key.
-          I wanted to let you know I’m coming -he smiled, and you swore your knees shook. -If I don’t, then your mother might kick my ass.
-          That’s not true.
-          It is! I’ve scared her a few times. -he said, walking up the stairs.
-          Because no one enters in a foreign home at three a.m., Marco!
-          Can’t I see my best friend whenever I want? -he placed a swift kiss to your head before heading to your room. -You better have food, I’m dying Y/N.
Marco was everything you weren’t; outgoing while you spent Friday’s night watching a movie. Smart while all you did was get good grades with hard-work. Talkative though you preferred to stay quiet and go unnoticed. So it was a surprise when in high-school you were still friends. It was like a cheesy teen movie, where the popular guy falls in love with the nerd girl; except that this time the popular guy wasn’t an asshole and the nerd girl was the only one falling in love.
-          Sometimes, I do wonder, do you have a home? -you said, walking into your room to see Marco laying in your bed. -Do they love you there, Marco?
-          I don’t think so, but thanks God I’ve got you bambi. -you scoffed at the nickname; seeing that he was much taller than you, he had started calling you that since he met you.
You had met Marco when you were just six and were starting school. He was two years older than you, but he took upon himself to be your protector. You were neighbours, so he walked you to school every day, took you back and played with you always. And God help anyone who tried to mess with the Ilso’s friends, because that family could for sure make someone life hell. While your families were best friends and had keys of each other’s houses, you and Marco had a special relationship.
-          Besides, Nick has all his friends in the living room, and mum is harassing them from the kitchen, like a proper stalker. -he scoffed. -So I thought, why not hide here?
-          I was doing things. -you said, sitting in your chair.
-          You can just do me, bambi. -he winked at you. It was a joke, but how you wished it wasn’t.
-          I don’t think Becca is okay with that. -you replied, thinking about his current girl. -I haven’t seen her in weeks.
-          Me neither. She could be in another country for all I care, what a nightmare. -he talked about other of his numerous girls. -What were you doing?
-          The essay. -you didn’t say anything else, as he knew what you were talking about.
-          Why is taking you so long? It’s not that hard!
-          It is when I have to fill five sheets explaining why should they pick me instead of much more prepared people, Marco. -you said.
-          There are a lot of things to say about you, Y/N. -he sat in bed. -I could fill you a hundred sheets.
Without any other word, he lifted you with ease from your chair and sat you on his lap. Marco ignored your blushing cheeks and started writing; he hated that you couldn’t see the good things about yourself, and he was more than happy to help you to do it. Neither of you noticed, but if anyone saw you, would have realised that you were more than friends.
-          Let’s see, what do you have to talk about? -he asked, with his hand on your tight. – Your personality or academic facts?
-          Both of them. -you said. -They want to know what I like and I don’t, and what I’m like too. And about my grades and that shit.
-          “Hi, I’m Y/N and I love stalking famous actors on the Internet” -he said with a high-pitched voice.
-          That’s not true! -you said laughing. -Come on, Marco. This is serious.
Marco started making a list with things you liked and not; then, he took a new sheet and wrote down good things about yourself, and the only thing you could do was to love more your best friend.
-          You’re funny and know how to make anyone’s day better. -he said, writing it down. -Also, you are always smiling and looking for the good things in bad situations.
-          I’m pretty negative, Marco. -you said, having found your place with your head in his neck.
-          Nah, you’re not. You always make me want to keep going. -he gave you a short wink. -You are responsible and care about everybody.
-          Responsible? -you frowned. -I forgot about Ken the other day in Walmart.
-          First, my brother was lost. -he laughed.- Second, if it wasn’t for you caring about me, I would probably be in a ditch somewhere right now.
-          I’m-
-          Intelligent too. -he interrupted, writing. -You know too many historical facts.
-          That’s because I spend Friday’s night watching films, Marco. Do you want to write that too?
-          There is nothing bad with that. -he shrugged. -Even if I would like for you to come with me to parties, I like you just the way you are bambi.
You smiled sadly; he liked you, but as a friend. He didn’t share those feeling with you, didn’t mean all those words he said. What you didn’t know, was that in his head he was hoping secretly that you would get the hint.
Spending a whole day with Marco was exhausting, but when night arrived you had already finished you essay. Your parents had gone only God know where, and that left you and your best friend alone for the night. Marco loved those nights when it was just the two of you, and secretly, enjoyed them more than Friday’s nights. Sure, they were good, but watching a film with you and eating junk food was much better. That’s what you did; you ordered pizza and put a film that neither of you were watching, too focused on the conversation you were having.
-          Have you written your essay? -you asked, changing the subject. You were sitting on the floor, between Marco’s legs as he combed your hair.
-          About that. -he let out an awkward laugh. Marco was supposed to start collage two years ago, but he didn’t know what to do until that year. -I’ve meaning to tell you something since I came here today.
-          I’m not writing it. -you sighed, knowing that he could ask you and you would do it. -It’s not some homework, Marco, it’s something important.
-          I know, Bambi. -he pulled you softly at your hair. -It’s… not about that.
-          Then? -you turned around to look at him, and for a few seconds the forgotten film was the only thing you could hear in the living room.
A soft sight left his lips; it hurt him physically to tell you that, and you weren’t making it any easier. Placed between his legs, you were looking at him with such adoration and care that the only thing he wanted to do was to pack you in a box.
-          I’m leaving. -if the film would have been any louder, you wouldn’t have heard him; but you did.
-          What? -you frowned.
-          Yesterday I got the letter from Danish National School of Performing Arts. I’m… I’m in, bambi. -he let out a little laugh. -They want me in.
-          When did you applied for that?
-          A few months ago.
-          And you didn’t think of telling me?
-          I didn’t think I would get in, Y/N! -he said. -It’s such an important school.
-          Did your family know?
-          Of course, wh-
-          Am I not important enough for you, Marco?
Before you knew it, you two were deep into an argument; he was trying to make you see that it was not such a big deal, but you thought he should have said something. Because that school was far away from your home, and you knew what happened to friends that were away for too long. You didn’t want that for you two, you wanted a happy life with him.
-          That’s why I didn’t tell you, Y/N! -he shouted, running a hand through his messy hair. -You always overreact with things like this. Maybe I should have just left without saying anything.
His words hit you like a truck; could he really leave you like that? And you thought that he had a reason to say goodbye to his parents, to his friends and even to Becca, because they all had a special relationship with him. But for Marco, you were the friendly neighbour. Not his girlfriend, the girl he liked or his family, just his best friend.
-          You know the way out, Marco. -you got up, turning the TV off. -I’m going to bed.
-          Come on, Y/N. Don’t be like this.
-          Just-you know, forget it. -you said.
Marco couldn’t say anything else as you walked up the stairs in silence. Closing the door behind you, you fell into your bed like a dead weight, and hugged your pillow close to you. Maybe you were overreacting, yeah. But Marco was your only friend, your confident and the man you dreamed about. Thinking about him gone wasn’t a possibility until just minutes ago, where he had destroyed every dream you could have. Because who hasn’t imagined themselves with the love of their lives? You knew how you wanted to name your children, what house you wanted and when were you going to marry; with Marco, of course. It seemed that none of your dreams were going to happen.
It was quiet in your home for a while, and you really thought that Marco had left. You had cried too much over him; every time he got a girlfriend, when he asked for advice about how to get the girl he liked… So you just felt numb, with some tears running down your cheeks. If it had been any other person, you would have been scared, because feeling a sudden weight in your bed is disturbing. But you knew by heart Marco’s smell and steps, so you weren’t surprised when he laid in bed with you and pulled you close to him. Your back was against his chest, and one of his legs pulled you closer, so that it seemed that he was englufing you. Still, he didn’t say anything.
-          I’m happy for you. -you said, enjoying the silence in your house and his arms around you. -It’s a big opportunity and you’re going to smash it.
-          They are all rich boys. -he sighed. -I hope that none of their feet’s stink.
-          That’s what you’re worried about? -you let out a little laugh.
-          Can you imagine living with someone who has stinky feet? It troubles me to no end.
-          Or someone who is a cleaning obsess. -you turned so that your faces were inches apart. -You can’t be such a mess them.
-          God, I hope not. -he smiled, touching your nose with his. -I should have said something earlier, I’m sorry bambi. It’s just- Y/N, you’re the most important person in my life, I didn’t want to upset you.
-          Marco, it’s your dream. -you blushed, aware of his breath in your lips. -I’m going to support you no matter what.
-          I’m going to miss you a lot. -he said, putting a hand behind your head. -Promise me you won’t forget about me.
-          This will be our best summer, I promise. -you touched the little scrub on his jaw. -I will call you every day, and I will visit you whenever I can.
-          Can I kiss you? -he said in a low whisper, looking down at your lips.
You didn’t know how, but you ended up with your lips just an inch away from him. His soft breath was hitting your mouth, and your noses were touching. You could see his beautiful eyes with just the light of the moon, and his hand behind your neck pulled you just a little closer.
-          What? -you asked.
-          Let me kiss you, bambi.
Your answer came when you sealed lips with him. You could actually feel him smirking into the kiss, and when you slapped his arm softly he moved so that you were under him. His arms took all of his weight, so that he didn’t crash you, and his lips continued moving against you. It was like that for a while; your lips together as if they were a part of a missing puzzle.
-          Wait. -you parted. -Wait, Marco. This is not right.
-          W-why? -he seemed truly upset. -It’s- I understand if you don’t see me this way, I-I can-
-          No! -you played with his necklace that was hanging between both of you. -You-you go from girl to girl, Marco. I don’t want to lose our friendship because of this.
-          I promise I want this as much as you. -he pecked your lips. -And if you let me, I can show you.
Again, your answer came with a kiss. Who knew Marco could kiss like that; it was like dancing in the rain, eating a fantastic meal, seeing the sun for the first time after a rainy week. It was the best thing you ever felt, and then you understood why all women were chasing that man. His kisses were intoxicating, and if it wasn’t for him going down your jaw, you could have been just kissing for ages.
Marco left a soft trail of pecks in your jaw, neck and collarbone, to finally start sucking a little mark in the last one. You moaned, trying not to be loud so that your neighbour didn’t know about your business. One of his hands travelled all over your skin, placing itself in the part of your body exposed by your shirt. Marco led his kisses back to your lips while his hand pushed your shirt away; you only parted ways to let it slide over your head, and, that time, you were the one pulling him closer, pressing your body against his. What started as a small grinding against each other, soon became a full make out session with tongue where he rubbed against your drenched panties.
-          Take out your pants, Y/N, please. -he begged; his cock was so hard that he was starting to lose focus.
-          I’m trying, get your big body off idiot. -you let out a little laugh, and then moaned when his hand squeezed your nipple through your bra.
-          Did you just call me fat? -he stood up and, when he came back, he was naked in all his glory.
-          Can you shut up? -you laughed again.
His mouth kept leaving kisses down your body until he arrived to your panties; and after leaving there one too, he took them off. As his breath touched your core, you let the loudest moan ever; and when he pressed his lips against your clit, you swore that it was already being your best summer. Without really knowing it, you caught the blonde’s heart and saved it in your back pocket.
Those three months until Marco left were the best of your life; he proved himself as a serious guy. Took you out, planned amazing dates and made you feel the most incredible person in the world. The day he left, you went with him to the airport, and waited until his family had said goodbye to talk to him. You spend nearly fifteen minutes just hugging each other, crying and making promises. Watching him leave hurt more than what you could tell, and you only hoped that he kept his promises.
And he did, at least for the first year. Marco called you every day, did face-timing with you each chance he got, and when there was a free day, he was traveling at insane hours just to see you for a day. Everything was perfect, he was happy and you were more confident with yourself because of that. You were going out more, making more friends and loving what you were studying. He really enjoyed his time there, met amazing people and took part in small plays now and then.
Maybe that was the problem, maybe the problem was his busy schedule. You didn’t fight, never did; but then, you found yourself talking less and less to him. When you did, it was like if nothing had happened, yet you only saw him once a month if you were lucky.
“Sorry bambi, I need to study my lines for tomorrow”
“I wish I could go to see you acting, Marco, but finals start next week”
“Hey Y/N, I will call you later, I’m going out with the boys.”
“Baby, the girls are calling me. Can we talk tomorrow?”
It wasn’t any of your fault, but at the same time both of you were guilty. When you finished your degree in biology, you found yourself with your phone in one hand and a photo of the both of you in the other. It had been nearly a year since you talked to him, and you made the mistake of not calling him for your graduation out of fear; not knowing that, at the same time, he was thinking about calling you to tell you about his role in Vikings. Neither of you made that all, and with that what was left of your relationship died.
Dublin was… full. It didn’t matter where you went, everywhere there was too much people. You wanted to eat? Every restaurant was crowded. Just a drink? Have luck finding an empty stool in a pub. You had just moved there, and you had had so many difficulties finding a flat that you nearly gave up your new job. You had been hired in a laboratory to investigate about bacterium; your dream job in a nightmare, what a paradox.
You had been lucky enough to find a little apartment outside the city; maybe it was too far away from your job, but it was quiet and worthy. Your roommate, Sophie, was a total sweetheart who wanted to be a model. She was blonde, tall, with blue eyes, gorgeous and with a perfect face; not to talk about her personality. Funny, outgoing and kind. You had clicked with her as soon as you met her two years ago.
It was your first year out of your university, and you already got a job; so it was Friday night and you were going to celebrate it. You were meeting some friends in a popular pub, with Sophie and her boyfriend; who you hadn’t met yet. She told you that he was bringing some friends over, because he didn’t want to be the only man. Secretly, she was telling you that it was your chance to find a man. But after Marco it felt impossible for you.
After your graduation, you tried to contact him again; he changed his number, stopped following you on Instagram and had become so famous that you couldn’t talk to him. You should have called his family, yet you thought it would be useless. What could you tell them? “Hi, I’m Y/N. I was wondering, can you ask Marco if we are still in a relationship?” The only comfort you got was seeing the first two episodes of his show, yet you couldn’t continue it since it made you cry. So close yet so far.
-          Blue or red? -you heard Sophie asking.
-          Blue.
-          You didn’t even look at it, Y/N! -she scoffed. -Come on, it has been months since I saw Jordan. I need a little help.
-          Soph, you’re beautiful. -you smiled, now looking at her. -It doesn’t matter what you wear because everything suits you.
-          Aren’t you a sweetheart. -she laughed. -But you weren’t looking, Y/N. What’s the matter? We can stay home, I don’t care.
As a good roommate, she knew how you hated big places and parties. With the years, you had become more outgoing; still, you got nervous and anxious when a big event was coming.
-          Are you crazy? -you frowned. -You haven’t seen Jordan for two months, Soph. Don’t be ridiculous.
-          I can meet him tomorrow. -she smiled, sitting beside you in the bed. -I won’t make you go if you don’t want to.
-          It’s okay, I’m fine. -you looked at her, grateful at her attitude. -Really. And if I want to come home, I will tell you.
-          And we will come back and watch The Last Kingdom until the sun comes out.
-          With popcorns and cheap ice-cream. -you laughed. -Come on, we’re going late!
You linked arms with her as you closed the door, and you walked towards the pub. Even if it was Friday night, there weren’t a lot of people in the streets; and you picked up some of your friends in your way. There was this annoying girl, Mary, that kept asking Sophie questions about his boyfriend. And you, as the good friend you were, pulled her away.
-          Thank God, Y/N. -she sighed, walking a little bit faster. -I’m worried that she might faint when she sees him.
-          What’s her deal? Does she know him or something?
-          Not face to face, but she has heard about him. As probably everybody here.
-          Why? -you frowned. -You didn’t tell me he’s famous.
-          He doesn’t like to talk about that, you know. -she looked at you. -Prefers to be known as a normal person. When I told you his name and you didn’t recognise him… I just thought it would be better that way.
-          It’s okay, Soph, I understand. -you smiled. -But if he knows important people, you better make him introduce me to someone famous.
-          He’s trying to get me a role in his show. -she blushed. -I don’t know, it’s something new.
-          What’s –
-          Jordan!
You couldn’t finish your question as, when you arrived to the pub, a man was waiting outside reading something in his mobile. He was tall, with brown hair and wide shoulders; as handsome as his girlfriend. They were totally a match made in heaven, you thought. When he heard his girlfriend shout, he looked up and smiled widely. After spinning her a while and kissing her with love, he let her down and said something in her ear.
-          Shut up! -she giggled. -Come on, I want you to meet her!
-          It’s time, yeah. -Jordan looked for you between your friends. -I need to know who’s my girl with while I’m away.
-          You’ve talked to him about me? -you gripped her arm a little too tightly.
-          Of course! You’re my best friend here, silly. -she whispered back, just as Jordan’s eyes found you.
-          There you are! -you were going to give him your hand, but he surprised you with a hug.
-          Oh, hi. -you laughed awkwardly between his arms. -I’m-I’m Y/N.
-          I’m Jordan, but you must know that already. -he smiled, but looked at you with a weird stare. -It’s a little random, sorry but- do I know you? You’re so familiar.
-          I haven’t show you any pictures yet. -Sophie said. -Don’t tell me you’ve met already!
-          Thing is, your face is familiar too. -you smiled. -But that’s probably because you’re an actor.
-          You told me she didn’t know, Sophie! -he looked at his girlfriend.
-          And she didn’t! But Mar-
Sophie was interrupted by said girl, Mary, who came running into Jordan to ask him for a photo. You waited by Sophie’s side thinking about Jordan. It was unusual for you to mess faces; and if you thought someone was familiar to you it was because you had seen them before. In the back of your brain a little bell was ringing, but you didn’t know why. Yet his face was awfully familiar to you. Soon, nearly all your friends had taken a photo with Jordan, and you headed inside. He told Sophie that he had bought some of his friends too, and you got the feeling that soon both of them would leave to be alone. You couldn’t blame them, you were happy for your roommate, yet you were already thinking of an excuse to leave early. Inside the pub, a lot of people were talking, dancing, drinking and playing pool. Your short height didn’t let you see where you were going, but Jordan signalled towards a pool table in a corner.
-          I can’t believe this is so crowded. -you complained.
-          It was the only place where fans don’t follow us. -Jordan replied, putting himself behind you and Sophie so that you didn’t get lost. -Young girls usually don’t come here.
-          That hard being famous? -you laughed. You liked Jordan; he was nice and easy to talk to.
-          Tell me about it. -he smiled. -Since we started in Vikings, it has been crazy.
-          Vi-vik-king-gs?
You tried to stop before arriving to the table, because you suddenly understood from where you knew Jordan. He was an actor in Vikings, the show that Marco was playing in. You really tried to stop walking, but Jordan didn’t notice and just pushed you a little forward, making you get out of the crowd and see his friends sitting there. All the girls who were in your group ran towards Alex and Marco, trying to sit as close as they could. Some of them started asking for pictures or tried to start a conversation, but Sophie stayed close to you, looking at your terrified stare with a frown.
-          Whats wrong? -she asked, not receiving an answer. -Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? Do you want to go out?
-          Soph. -you whispered, looking at her for the first time. -Soph, he’s here.
-          Wh-Marco? -her eyes widened at realization; she knew him, just didn’t know that the guy you talked about was him. -Oh my god, Y/N. It’s him. I’ve knew him all along and I didn’t know.
-          Soph. -you repeated, not knowing what to do.
-          I’m sorry Y/N, if I had-
-          Y/N? -Sophie shut up, and both of you kept looking at each other. -Y/N!
Along the years you had imagined your reunion in a lot of ways; he not remembering you, hating you because not calling him. You receiving an invitation to his weeding. What you did not expect was his arms wrapping around you so quickly that you nearly fell down. All of you were frozen for a moment, seeing as the famous actor was hugging a normal girl. Before the first tear could come out of your eye, you moved and hid your face in his shirt, hugging him back.
-          I knew it! -you heard Jordan said. -She’s the girl from the photos, I knew I’d seen her before! You see that, Sophie? I’m a genius!
-          Shut up, babe. -she sighed, dragging him away.
You could still hear some voices around you, and it took nearly ten minutes for him to let you go; then, you looked up. Marco was a grown adult. His hair was long and pulled in a beautiful bun, his face had some scrub and a little moustache. Also, he was taller and much wider than before. You thought then, that he was really a man.
-          I don’t know what to say. -you said truly, a small smile in your lips. -I’ve missed you.
-          Me too. -he smiled too. -Hey, Alex? Where is Jordan?
-          I don’t know man. -a black-haired guy answered. -He has left with his girl; we all know why.
-          I’m going to leave too. -he turned around to take his coat, surprising you all.
-          What? Dude, don’t leave me here! -Alex said with wide eyes.
-          Georgia’s here too, Alexander and Darren. -he smiled. -You’re not alone!
-          You’re the worst, Marco! -you heard him shout as you went away, with Marco’s arm around your shoulders.
He knew that Alex didn’t say that seriously. The guys knew about you; Y/N, the girl who stole his heart and never gave it back. So he understood that Marco was leaving with you. The cold air hit your face when he opened the door for you, but it was welcomed.
-          What are you doing? -you frowned.
-          Smoking, what do you think I’m doing? -he laughed, but stopped when you took it away. -Hey! They are expensive.
-          They are cheap compared to your health. -you said.
-          Always taking care of me, bambi. -he smiled, at there was a second of awkward silence. -So what are you doing here?
-          I’ve a job here, in a laboratory. I’m living with Sophie, Jordan’s girlfriend. -you said. -It’s my second month in Dublin.
-          In a laboratory? That’s good, Y/N! What you always wanted, isn’t it?
-          I guess. –“what I’ve always wanted is you”, but you didn’t say it. -And you? How…have you been?
-          Good. I’m playing in this show, which it’s becoming quiet famous.
-          Quiet famous? I would say world-wide famous. -you laughed softly. -You’re everywhere.
-          Have you seen it? -he asked with a glint of hope in his eyes, and you felt the worst person for crushing it.
-          I…Not really. -you moved your hands up and down your arms. -I tried, but it was kind of hard. Sorry.
-          Kind of hard? -he raised a brow.
-          You know, kind of hard. -you scoffed, seeing the mischievous smirk on his face.
-          No, I don’t know. -he took your face between his hands; with his back against the wall, he made you come closer until your chests were touching. -What was hard about seeing Vikings, bambi?
-          Marco. -you tried to say, as his hands made you pout your lips. -Dun be luk thut.
-          Are you saying something? -he laughed. -Because I can’t understand you.
-          U’m suing dun be luk thut! -you fought the smile out of your face.
It was like the old times; both of you laughing without a care in the world. If Marco said he didn’t miss you, he would be lying; he thought about you each day, had a photo of you in his wallet and talked about anyone he met about you. Having you between his arms again made his heart swell with love.
-          I wanted to call you. -he sighed, moving his arms down your waist. -I promise, I had the phone in my hands so many times. But you were going out more, having fun, and I didn’t want to be the stopping you.
-          You’re stupid, Marco. -you smiled.
-          Well, I know that. But it wasn’t only my fault!
-          What I’m saying, is that you weren’t stopping me. -you put your arms on his chest, and looked up at his eyes. -I didn’t call you because you were living your dream, and having me here would have only pulled you back.
-          There is nothing we can do now, bambi. -he smiled, touching your noses; just like the night he kissed you for the first time. -We’re still a couple, aren’t we? Or have some frat guy taken away my girl?
-          No one. Is there any Becca in your heart now?
-          Just you, Y/N. -he smiled, pulled you on your tip-toes until you were an inch apart. -You’re the only one who have my heart.
As the first night together, you kissed him and felt his smirk growing. It was all like back then; you kissed and made out like a teenagers, you went to your apartment and made love all night long. Except this times, your parents didn’t caught you; it was Jordan and Sophie, who had been doing the same in her room. The only thing that changed was that, this time, you did not only keep his heart, but you also kept the blonde-haired boy. Not for just three months, but for a whole happy life.
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
You Are Not Alone (Part 1)
Rating: E
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin
Pairing(s): Mikasa Ackerman/Jean Kirstein, Eren Yeager/ Levi
Word Count: 1.8K
Additional Tags: Post-canon, angst, smut More Tags On AO3
Mikasa relishes in her newfound sense of freedom. Loneliness does not mean she is alone.
A prequel and sequel to Home and I Know (I Am the One in Love).
Written for the wonderful @dreamxxdream as a (belated) birthday gift. Nadine, you are a wonderful friend and I am very lucky to have you! 
And thank you to @fluffymusketeer for the beta <3333
Read on Ao3 or under the cut.
The moment Levi arrived at her door, Mikasa knew that Eren’s happiness was just around the corner. She could sense it, the same way Sasha always sensed when they needed to slow their movements to sneak up on prey; the way Armin could sense when the political tide was turning against Historia; the way Jean could sense when Mikasa needed to be alone.
She had been taken aback by the unexpected sight of Levi on her front porch. “You’re not Jean.”
And she wasn’t Eren. Levi’s eyes flicked behind her to the dark corridor as though expecting him to be there, waiting.
“He’s not here.”
“I didn’t think he was.”
“You were hoping.”
Levi didn’t answer. Mikasa stepped aside to let him in, and directed him to her small living room. She gestured for him to sit on the sofa--imported from Marley, a gift from Sasha and Connie when she’d moved in--and went to fetch a tray of tea and biscuits from the kitchen.
While the tea was boiling she assembled the tea set, a housewarming gift from Jean, white and delicate with tiny blue birds painted through the center of each cup and all around the teapot. She stared down at the tray, and her thoughts drifted to Eren, as they often did, about whether now he’d come home or if Levi’s return would send him further into the forest of his self-imposed exile.
“He’s living in a stupid cabin now,” she announced as she placed the tray in front of Levi, pushing the plate of biscuits towards him.
Levi was dressed more casually than Mikasa was used to--no cravat, simple black shirt and casual trousers--but his back was rigid, posture perfect as he gave her a short nod and reached for the tea. His expression remained impassive as ever, but Mikasa thought his eyes looked a little sadder than last she’d seen him.  
“When did he leave?”
She shrugged. “Not too long after you.”
Levi’s hand briefly stilled as he brought the cup to his lips. Mikasa took note of the hesitation with mild interest.  
“Jean’s going to visit him.” She peered at Levi as she took a delicate sip from her cup.  “I was actually expecting him to stop by today before he left.”
“Jean wouldn’t mind if you went instead. It’ll stop him from complaining.”
“Does Eren keep the place clean?”
“You know better than anyone that he was always the best at cleaning.”
Levi gave her a small smile. “Yeah, the Corps should have given him a damn medal.”
She returned the smile and was about to ask about Marley when there was a knock at the door, sharp and precise.
This time it was Jean, dressed in his work clothes. Crisp, white button-down over his most sensible trousers. His hair was neat, perfectly styled, and she looked forward to the damage she’d wreck on it.
“Hey,” he said, hands landing on her waist, head tilting forward to kiss her.
“I have company,” she said, touching a hand to his chest. He straightened, disappointment clouding his face.
He followed her through to the living room, visibly surprised when he spotted Levi. Jean straightened instinctively, and for a moment Mikasa thought he might salute. Levi had been gone long enough that he could be excused for reverting to old habits.
“It’s good to see you, si--Levi.” Jean corrected himself smoothly as Levi arched an eyebrow.
“You too, Jean.”
“I’ll be in Marley in a few weeks for work. I was going to see if you were free for a meal.”
A thought occurred to Mikasa. “You saw each other last time Jean was in Marley, didn’t you?”
“Yes, that's right,” Jean said, and Levi nodded.
That had been right before Eren’s departure, hadn’t it? Before his childish rant about how nowhere felt like home.
In his letters he sounded lonely, but nothing she wrote brought him back. A new strategy had appeared in her doorway today. He hadn’t exactly said yes earlier, though.  
“Jean, you wouldn’t mind if Levi went to see Eren, would you?”
Levi eyed Mikasa warily.
“Oh, you mean a weekend in my own bed instead of on Eren’s floor? No, I don’t mind.”
“Sure, I’ll go,” Levi said, putting down his cup. “I suppose I could break his legs for you and drag him back home, if that’s what you want.”
“That won’t be necessary. You just need to bring him some supplies, make sure he hasn’t done anything too stupid,” Mikasa said.  
“I’m not a miracle worker.”
“Better you than me.” Jean shrugged his jacket off and draped it over one of the chairs. “You can have a crack at him.”
“How are the others then?” Levi asked, brushing past Jean’s remark.
“Historia’s trying to raise the import taxes again,” Mikasa said.
Levi tilted his chin in Jean’s direction. “Bet you love that.”
Jean leant back in his chair, looking miserable. “It’s causing me no end of trouble, but that’s the job.”
“How’s your station?” Mikasa asked Levi.  
“Paint drying would be more interesting. They’re a bunch of lazy bastards.”
“My recruits aren’t much better,” Mikasa said. “I’m glad they can afford to be soft, but…”
“If something happens they won’t be prepared.”
Mikasa nodded. “No matter how much we prepare them.”
“Well, that’s where I come in. I keep the peace.” Jean sat up straight and puffed up his chest.  
The afternoon drifted by as they eased back into one another’s company. Jean stopped speaking so stiffly to Levi and started talking to him like a friend again. Levi’s posture relaxed and he laughed at Mikasa’s stories (mostly the one one’s that centred around Hanji and the latest batch of recruits they were wrangling).  
When the sky started to darken, Levi stood to say his goodbyes. He cleared his throat, and said, “Give me the supplies for Eren, then. I’ll leave in the morning.”
She and Jean exchanged looks, and Levi looked annoyed.
“Let me get the bag,” she said.  
Her love for Eren had always been as difficult to grasp as water. The cruel world as she knew it had revolved around him. A brother, a friend, the object of some indulgent, adolescent fantasties.
But over time that love had taken shape and settled. Strong and sure, but no longer all-consuming. It had still been painful to watch him struggle after the war, unable to help. As she sent Levi off with supplies and directions, she felt something ease in her chest.
After Levi was gone, Jean turned to her. “Do you think Levi’s going there to fuck some sense into him?”
“I have no idea anymore. I thought Levi just wasn’t…”
“Into men?”
“Into anyone.”
Jean wrinkled his nose. “Eren used to have it bad for him. It was embarrassing to watch.”
He was right. Eren had acted like a lovesick idiot at one point during their teens--earning himself both good and ill-natured teasing. His mooning had petered out before the war have moved to Marleyan shores, but...after the war, no matter how miserable Eren could be, he always made space for Levi. They’d been friends.
“Whatever the hell is going on with them, I hope they figure it out,” she said. Then she strolled in the direction of her bedroom, a sway in her hips, and said over her shoulder, “Come on, Ambassador Kirschtein.”
Jean buttoned up his shirt, running a hand over it to smooth the wrinkles. “You’re still coming with me to the palace next week? For the fundraiser?”  
She stood before him, still naked, and did up one of the buttons he’d missed. “Ask whoever you’re stringing along this week to go with you.”
Jean huffed, face red. “I’m not stringing anyone along,” he sputtered. “Just because the last date you went on was a year ago, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t have any fun.”
She rolled her eyes. He was getting hard again as he looked at her, and she palmed his cock through his underwear. Jean stopped fussing with his shirt and pushed her back down on the bed, hovering over her.
“You already said you’d go,” he murmured, appealing to her honor rather than her sympathy. A clever strategy. His hard length pressed between her legs, and she rubbed herself against him, wanting more.
“Alright,” she conceded, pushing his shoulders down towards her naval. “I’m not going to dance, though.”
“Fine. I promise we won’t have any fun at all, and you can mope all you like.” He guided himself down until his head was between her legs, and she ran her fingers through the darker tips of his hair.
She laughed in spite of herself, smiling up at the ceiling as he began to tease her. “We could play practical jokes on Sasha again.”
Jean swirled his tongue around her clit, pace slow and even the way she liked, and when he looked up at her he grinned. “Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?”
“If she gets up to use the bathroom, hide some of her food.”
“She’d never leave her food unguarded.”
“It happened last time.”
“Well then, we’ll keep watch over Sasha’s food for the evening. Does that mean you’ll come?”
“Yes, I suppose it does.” Shit. This meant she’d have to buy a new dress.
Jean moved a hand up to rub her nipple between his fingers and she moaned, bucking her hips.  
“Are you going to fuck me now, or what?” she asked.
Jean opened his mouth to reply, but she changed her mind. She pulled him up, wrapped her legs around him, and flipped them over. “Actually, this time I think I’ll fuck you.”
“Hell yeah,” Jean breathed, looking up at her reverently as she sank down on his cock.
Later, hand on the doorknob, he turned and asked her. “Do you really not care if I’m seeing other people?”
“I’ve already told you I don’t.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I wanted to check again. What you said earlier about stringing people along...I’m not...”
“I know,” she said. She was the problem, not Jean.
He nodded and stepped out into the night. She could have asked him to stay; he probably would have, despite the luncheon he was attending the next day. But the loneliness, the kind that hated company, wrapped its hands around her throat and kept the words from coming. Jean didn’t push the matter, but he gave her a quick kiss before he walked out the door.  
That night, lying in her bed, she reached for her notebook on her bedside table and wrote:
You are not alone.
You are not alone.
You are NOT alone.
Over and over until she hit the end of the page. She wrote them for herself, for Eren. As though she could will them to come true.
She’d taken to sleeping with things in the bed when Jean wasn’t there--clothes, notebooks, pens. In quiet moments like these, surrounded by the stillness of the night, the soft chirping of crickets outside her window, she let herself miss them all.
Of its own accord, her hand slid down the opposite side of the bed. She fell asleep with her notebook by her head.
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starryevermore · 3 years
AO3 stats game
thank for the tag @ilguna​!
How many works do you have on AO3?
128 (but, if we’re talking individual parts to series and stuff, we’re at least at 254 for 2021, so maybe closer to 300 including stuff before this year?) 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
oof. on ao3 (and here/on my old blogs), I’ve done the traphouse, marvel, defending jacob, the red sea diving resort, the bronze, the devil all the time, once upon a time, stranger things, monday, we have always lived in the castle, the martian, knives out, fantastic four, the iceman, not another teen movie, and why don’t we. outside of here and ao3, I've done harry potter, percy jackson, twilight, the kane chronicles, justin bieber, one direction, supernatural, doctor who, sherlock, and national treasure. (there’s probably more lmao) 
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
she gets the flowers
better than revenge
ending unplanned
the notebook
you are my sunshine
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! sometimes it takes me a while to respond tho and I feel weird replying if it’s been more than a week lol
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
uhh have we seen my fics lmao? let’s see...either ransom’s bonus chapter for she gets the flowers (“all he wanted”) or lee’s bonus chapter for holding her heart (“here lies lee bodecker”)
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I sure do! maybe let’s ride just based on the sheer amount of characters I'm planning on including. but I also once wrote a very strange percy jackson + the kane chronicles and twilight crossover, so maybe that. or that one time I tried to write justin bieber into national treasure, but we’re not gonna address that (I was nine, leave me alone) 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh definitely. mostly in relation to updates. someone on quotev once said that they loved my story but they’d hate me if I didn’t update it. so, I just never updated it again cause fuck that kind of guilt trip. also, on one of my ever after fics, someone just gave a real backhanded compliment that was like “I love this but it should’ve been longer” that pissed me off. (it’s since been deleted cause I don’t need that kind of energy in my life lol) but that’s the tame stuff. I try to forget the harsher shit I've gotten lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yep! mostly tame-ish stuff? I've ventured into some noncon/dubcon material, but I have to be in the right headspace for that, which doesn’t come often lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
you bet your ass I have. most people deleted it as soon as I commented that they were thieves and what they’re doing is illegal, but some push back. wattpad and tumblr are usually good about taking stuff down. (or at least wattpad is if you’ve posted that work on wattpad, which is why I unfortunately crosspost over there) it’s cute tho how some people try to act like it’s a compliment that they stole your shit 😒
Have you ever had a fic translated?
well I've never given permission, but it has happened a couple of times cause people love just taking other people’s hard work 😍
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
percabeth ig? sarahbucky (or buckysarah?) is a relatively new ship to me, but I'm getting really into them, so they’ll probably be my otp soon enough.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
any percy jackson and twilight crossover I've done. but in terms of recent works, idk they’ll probably all be done, but I make no promises as to when.
What are your writing strengths?
maybe dialogue? I feel like that’s the one thing I can do really well.
What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely descriptions. I fucking suck at setting the scene and describing emotions, which is why so many of my fics are 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
do your research. it’s long, and it’s hard, but it makes for a more immersive experience. if you can, try to find someone who speaks the language so they can translate for you, but if you can’t do that, definitely do a lot of reading to make sure you’re getting the right things. especially because some words have certain dictionary definitions but the way they’re used in speech is probably different from their definition.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
national treasure
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
evermore!! my baby, my love, my sweet child
tagging; anyone who uses ao3 lmao 
0 notes
mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Your Name (Part 1) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Stiles Stilinski/Reader
Word Count: 2,431
Warnings: None (unless you count self groping of boobs)
Notes: Say whaaaaat? I wrote something without smut? Yes, yes I did. But trust me. It will make sense for the series. Please let me know what you think of this part! As I scrapped the original version I was writing when I did this part. Thanks to @minhosmeanhoe and @ninja-stiles for lurking and giving me feedback on this part. Hopefully everyone likes it. I promise there will be a smutty part in part 2.
Listen to Me (Please note you are not required to listen. The song is japanese, but it goes with the series)
Prologue | Part 2
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Well, I do feel like I’ve been in a strange dream lately…
Stiles furrowed his brow at Scott, taking in everything he was being told. “You’re telling me I wasn’t acting like myself yesterday?” He asked Scott for the third time that morning, sipping his coffee. Scott nodded again, watching his friend run his hand through his hair. “What exactly did I do? I don’t remember anything odd in particular.”
 Scott leaned back in his chair, sighing. “Well…”
Scott ran into Stiles’ room, noting his friend falling to the ground in shock. “What are you on the floor, Stiles? And why aren’t you ready? Lydia and Kira are waiting for us. We have a pack meeting soon. Hurry up.” He turned on his heel, shutting the door as he left the room.
Stiles shuffled on the floor, standing up slowly. “What is going on?” Stiles mumbled to himself. He stumbled to the closet, changing quickly into some fresh clothes, looking at himself in the mirror. “God Stiles looks good now…” He mumbled.
He rushed downstairs, following Scott out to the old jeep in the driveway. Stiles stared at the jeep, Scott looking at him oddly. “Get in the jeep and drive. We’re meeting at Lydia’s house.” Stiles just nodded silently, jumping into the driver’s seat of the jeep. Scott watched him closely, noticing when Stiles was taking the long way to Lydia’s house, as if he was lost. “Are you alright, Stiles?”
“Yeah, yeah. Totally fine.,” Stiles muttered, eyes focusing on the road. Scott spoke no further, trying to figure out what was going on with his friend. He was oddly… calm. Calmer than normal at least. 
The two walked into Lydia’s house a half hour late, Lydia tapping her foot angrily. “You’re late.”
Scott opened his mouth to explain when Stiles stepped forward, bowing his head slightly. “It’s my fault Lyds. I woke up late and Scott was waiting for me. So, let me make it up to you. Let me help you grab drinks and snacks for everyone.”
Lydia stared at Stiles thoughtfully, nodding her head with a smile. “I like this Stiles more. He’s sweeter and less… Stiles. Come on.” She led Stiles away, Scott walking into the living room where Kira was waiting.
The entire pack meeting, Stiles was oddly quiet, not popping out his normal theories about the things going on in Beacon Hills. Instead, he sat on his phone, or chatted quietly with Lydia. Scott noticed the bright smile on both their faces, as if they were crushing on each other.
“So… I was normal?” Stiles asked, running his hand through his hair. “Not normal normal. Like...the normal that is not normal for me?”
Scott sighed, leaning forward on the table. “You weren’t spazzy. You weren’t talking like you always do during our pack meetings. You looked confused honestly when we mentioned anything supernatural. And it looked like you were crushing on Lydia.” Scott leaned on his hand, looking at his confused friend. “What about that girl that you said you kept dreaming about. The one you supposedly had sex with?”
Stiles thought silently before sighing. “That’s the weird part I guess. I don’t remember acting the way you say I was. Instead, I can remember this really realistic dream I had last night. In which I was living someone else’s life.” He paused, looking at the true alpha. “I was living her life, Scott. After she left.”
He rolled off the bed with a thump, groaning softly. The sun peeked through the window, blinding him slightly. He sat up slowly, looking around the room he didn’t recognize. “What the hell,” he mumbled, heading towards the bathroom connect to the room. Clicking on the light, he glanced at his reflection.
More, he glanced at her reflection.
He was staring at the girl that plagued his dreams, the girl he could not remember the name of. He gaped at the sight, trying to figure out what was going on. “I’ve got to be dreaming right now. I’ve been so caught up trying to figure out who she is, I have become her. I thought my dreams were weird enough when I was possessed by the nogitsune. But this… this is extreme.” He looked at the reflection again, smiling slightly. “She looks just as beautiful as she does in my dreams.”
He looked down at the body he was in - her body - and took notice of all her parts. His hands fell to her breasts, groping them softly. “They feel so real. They remind me of that dream… Damn, my dreams are so realistic.”
He walked back into the bedroom, looking around at the surroundings. He looked at the pictures that lined the desk, seeing all of the pictures of her with her friends. His breath caught in his throat, catching sight of one picture in particular. He carefully picked up the frame, staring at the picture of him and her. His arms were around her waist, kissing her cheek playfully. She was obviously laughing, eye closed. It looked like they were in their early teens, playing at the beach.
He sat in the chair at her desk, running his fingers over the picture. “Who are you?” He rummaged through the desk, pulling out a piece of paper and sharpie, scribbling on it quickly.
A phone beeped from the table near the bed, Stiles jumping at the noise. He glanced at the device, rolling the chair over to the table. He picked it up, seeing the message displayed on the screen.
[9:47 AM - Nia my Bby: Hey girlie! We’re still on for the mall, right? We need them new bikinis for the summer! I’m heading there now with Camile! See you soon! Love you!]
Stiles stared at the screen, processing the text he read. He looked down at the body he was in again, licking his lips. “I mean. At least she’s beautiful, right?” he joked to himself, heading towards the closet. He rummaged through the clothes, trying to find something that would not make him look ridiculous. “If I’m going forward with this dream, I might as well play the part.”
Stiles jogged down the stairs, taking note of the empty house he was in. He slipped on some shoes, heading out quickly. The first thing he saw when he left the house was the large, pristine lake not far from him. The water sparkled under the sunlight, trees and small houses around the edge.
“It’s beautiful here. Wherever here is. Definitely isn’t Beacon Hills. Maybe this is where she moved to. But how could I dream up something like this?” He walked out onto the street, ignoring his thoughts, looking both ways before sighing and massaging the back of his neck. “Now where the hell is this mall?
Stiles shifted uncomfortably in his seat, drumming his fingers on the table. “It’s just a coincidence, right? I can’t explain why I was acting odd, but…” he trailed off, groaning. “What is going on with me, Scotty?”
Scott shrugged, sipping his drink. “Who knows. All I know is you were quiet and on your phone, typing a lot.”
Stiles looked up at his friend, thinking. “I was on my phone?” He pulled his phone out, opening his open apps. His eyes narrowed on the memo pad that was open, eyes scrolling through what has typed in it.
Hit it off with Lydia pretty well during this “pack” meeting, all thanks to my feminine powers! Can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Stiles’ mouth fell open, eyes widening at the message. Scott looked at him oddly, asking what he was looking at. Stiles freaked out, stuffing his phone back in his pocket. “I-It’s nothing. I will figure it out. I’ll talk to you later.” Stiles jumped from his seat, rushing out the door, leaving Scott alone and confused. He climbed into Roscoe, taking a deep breath. “What the hell is happening? It was just a dream.”
She stared at the paper on her desk, eyes narrowing at the words while she was in a skype call with Nia and Camile. “How was I not myself yesterday again?” She asked, glancing at her friends.
Camile sighed, scrolling through something on her computer while they chatted. “You got lost on your way to the mall and ended up being an hour late. And you wore the most ridiculous outfit.”
Nia nodded, working on her make up. “Yeah. And had horrible shopping sense. You picked up the ugliest bikini at one point. That is so not you. And I’m pretty sure I caught you staring at your naked body in the dressing room. What’s going on with you, Y/N?”
Y/N ran her hands over her face, sighing. “I don’t remember any of that.” She paused, glancing at her friends. “But you know what’s weird? I had the strangest dream last night. You remember that boy I told you about? The one before I moved here?”
Camile looked up, thinking for a second. “I think you said his name was...Stiles?”
Nia nodded. “The one you said you lost your V card to! The cutie with the buzzcut.”
She blushed, glaring at Nia. “Yes, that one. I dreamt I was back in Beacon Hills, in Stiles’ body. He didn’t have the buzzcut anymore. He had this really cute quiff. And he put on more muscle from lacrosse practice. And god, I swear his cock got bigger.” Both girls laughed, Y/N putting her head on her desk. “It was so real. But nothing like that could ever happen, right?”
Camile leaned back in her chair, messing with her nails. “You just had a very realistic dream. You miss him a lot, don’t you?” You nodded silently, Camile smiling. “There you go. It’s been awhile since you’ve heard from him. And he is your first love. It was bound to happen eventually.”
She smiled, agreeing with Camile. “Yeah. Even if I never told him I loved him, I did..I will never stop loving him. I hope I can go back one day to see him.” She paused, thinking about Stiles, smiling profusely. “I’ve got to go guys. I will see you tomorrow for the boating trip.” Camile and Nia nodded, the skype call ending with a small noise from the speakers. Y/N picked up the paper again, staring at the words that were scrawled on the paper.
Who are you?
A week. A week of Scott telling him every other day that something odd was happening. Stiles would do something out of the ordinary, acting out around his friends in non-Stiles-like manners. Yet, Stiles had no recollection of these events. Instead, he would remember the things he did in her life. The dreams that felt too real, that he remembered so clearly.
Every time he was dreaming, he would leave a new message for her, never getting an answer when his dream would continue. He was convinced that is was all in his head, and he was just becoming too obsessed with this.
Scott stared at his friend, Stiles freaking out like normal. “How the hell did I not know that some werewolves came to town yesterday and attacked you guys? Shouldn’t I be like...the FIRST person to know?”
“Stiles, you WERE the first to know. We were all in your dad’s office and you were so calm about it,” Scott mentioned, Stiles stopping his pacing to stare at him. “When we said we were going to check it out, you said you were going to pass and go home to relax. Stiles, since when do you avoid the supernatural? You embraced it sooner than I did when I was bit!”
Stiles paled, rushing to Scott’s front door. “I-I have to go Scott.” Scott opened his mouth to protest, the door slamming shut behind Stiles. Stiles rushed home, dashing up to his room. He collapsed in his desk chair. Pulling out his phone and scrolling through the calendar of memo messages that were present, his eyes widened at the words.
They were not his. They were someone else’s.
He read the latest message, from the day before. Supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills? Those didn’t exist while I was there, Stiles. What else have I missed since I’ve been gone?
His face paled completely, the phone slipping from his fingers. “No way. It’s really her? The girl in my dreams… These aren’t really dreams, are they? Are we...”
Y/N felt the same way as Stiles. Camile and Nia told her every other day of the weird things she did, things she couldn’t remember doing. She woke up to papers scattered on her desk, all the same message of “Who are you? Why do you seem familiar? I know I know you from somewhere.” She would remember her dreams, living a life in Beacon Hills through Stiles’ eyes. She was worried that she missed him more than she wanted to admit.
She sat with Camile and Nia, gaping at them. “What do you mean I made a scene?”
Nia looked at her confused, sipping her latte. “Yeah. We were at lunch and some guy came up to hit on you. You tried telling him you weren’t interested but he kept insisting he take you back to his place to ‘show you a good time’.”
Camile nibbled on her pastry, nodding in agreement. “We went to leave when the guy grabbed your ass. You turned around and decked him. Like, full on cougar pounced on him and beat his ass. I’ve never seen you violent, even when a guy tries something with you.”
Y/N’s eyes widened, standing up abruptly from the table. “I’m sorry to bail on you guys. I’ll make it up to you. I need to go.” She ran off, Camile and Nia giving her odd looks. She ran from the cafe, ignoring the odd looks people were giving her.
She tripped up her stairs, racing into her room quickly. She gathered all of the papers she had found on her desk in the last week, spreading them out on her bed. The same message raced through her mind, but she noted the little things that were doodled on the papers. The one that caught her eye was logo of the Beacon Hills Cyclones.
Stiles’ lacrosse team.
Her breath hitched, staring at the papers. “No. Supernatural… Stiles… Has it all been real? Am I… Are we…”
As if simultaneously, the two yelled out the same words, their voices echoing around their rooms.
…a dream about someone else’s life?
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tbsltae · 7 years
Jealousy || Stiles Stilinski Imagine
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Request: Do you do one shots too or only imagines? If you do, I was thinking maybe an teen wolf x Riverdale crossover. Like the reader goes to Riverdale for the summer to hang out with her cousin that just moved there (Veronica) and she meets jughead and he reminds her of stiles the guy she’s been in love with since forever and she starts getting close to jug and Stiles finds out and gets jealous bc he’s lowkey in love with her too and he goes to Riverdale to get her and maybe there’s some angst and smut
A/n: I haven’t posted anything in months (probably 6 months? Idk) and I’m really sorry about that. I had zero motivation to write anything and if I did nothing would come to me, so I’m really sorry. But now I’m back with school almost being over, I have a lot of time now. So enjoy this imagine that I wrote and sorry if it isn’t perfect and sorry if there’s any grammar error. Love you guys x
“Do you have to go?” A sad looking Stiles asked from across the room. You sighed, nodding your head as you packed some clothes in your suitcase. Stiles let out a puff and got up from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to your bed. “I don’t want you to.”
 “Stiles, it’s just the summer. It would go by pretty fast.” You told the brown haired boy and gave him a smile. He gave you a forced smile and you threw the shirt you had in your hands at him. Stiles let out a loud squeak, making you burst out laughing. 
 “That was so not cool.” Stiles claimed, glaring at you. You stuck your tongue out at him and giggled a bit. “Tell me again why are you leaving?”
 “I haven’t seen my cousin, Veronica, in a really long time and she always lived on the other side of the states and now that she’s 5 hour away I can finally go and visit her.” You exclaimed, getting excited about the fact that you’re going to see your beloved cousin after so, so long.
 “What if a monster invades the town?” He asked and you stopped folding your clothes to look at him, raising your eyebrows at him.
 “Stiles, if anyone invades the town there’s always Scott, Malia, Lydia…” you started to say, your face feeling hot before finishing your sentence, “and they have you. If anyone can stop those monsters, it’s you..”
Stiles nodded his head, the room filling with silence. You put the rest of your clothes in the suitcase as before you know it, you’re done. You zipped the suitcase and put it near the door. “I’m going to miss you.” Stiles said after a while and at the moment you were glad that the boy sitting on your bed wasn’t a werewolf because your heart was beating so fast.
 “I’m going to miss you too.” You replied and you walked over to him, heart beating fast and your stomach doing flips, and you wrapped your arm around him. At first he stood still not doing what to do, but slowly he relaxed and wrapped his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
 “I have to get going Stiles.” You whispered and you can feel Stiles nodding his head. You slowly pulled  away from him and for a split moment you could’ve seen sadness on his face before he covered it with a smile. You walked over to your suitcase, picking it up and ready to head out of the door.
 Before you can walk out of your room Stiles took the suitcase from your hand and carried it down the hallway to the stairs. “God, Y/N, what in the world do you have in this suitcase.” Stiles whined, struggling to go down the stairs with the heavy suitcase.
 “My clothes and some books.” You answered laughing at Stiles at how adorable he looks right now. “And maybe there’s a body somewhere in there.”
 “Ha ha very funny.” Stiles rolled his eyes at you and you couldn’t help but laugh harder. You were really going to miss hanging out with him this summer. Everything was loaded in your car and you were ready to leave Beacon Hills.
 “This is it.” You stated as you played with your hands. Stiles nods his head, not knowing what to say. You gave him a smile and started walking towards the driver seat when Stiles called your name, making you stop in your tracks.
 “I uh, i need to tell you something..” Stiles said nervously, playing with his hoodie strings. “Well uh, I-” Stiles looked up at you and you can tell there’s been something that was bothering him. “I want you to have fun there with your cousin.” He said and you nodded your head feeling a bit disappointed. 
 “Yeah, i will.” You gave him one last hug before entering your car. You looked over at him and he gave you a small smile and with that you drove away, leaving the boy you love behind.
After the longest 5 hours of your life, you finally arrived in Riverdale. Riverdale was so much different than Beacon Hills. Everything here was vintage yet modern, which made it cool. You arrived infront of the Lodge household and you were in awe of how big the house is. You shut your car off and got out, taking a deep breath. This is were you’re going to spend all your summer. 
Your heart ache at the thought of leaving Stiles alone, but you know that he has Scott and the others.  You took a deep breath and walked infront of the house with your luggage in your hands. Before you can knock, the door flew open.
 “Y/n!!! You’re here!” Veronica greeted you, pulling you in for a hug at the same time. You wrapped your arms around her with a smile on your face. Oh, how much you actually missed her. “Look at you, you’re so grown!” Veronica said, making you giggle. You grabbed your suitcase and walked into the huge mansion that your dear cousin, Veronica, lived in.
 “This house is amazing!” You stated as you were walking towards your room that they has for you. “I would probably get lost in this house.” Veronica lets out a laugh before helping you settle in.“I missed you so much.” You said after a while of settling in. You walked over the raven haired girl and pulled her in for a hug, which she gladly returned. “We have so much catching up to do, V.” 
 “That’s why we have the whole summer, my dearest Y/N.” Veronica replied and gave you a wink. You shook your head and tried finishing unpacking. “I know you’re tired and all but we’re going to Pop’s afterwards, alright.” Veronica addressed, folding your clothes neatly and putting them in the drawers for you. You nodded and continued doing what you were doing when you realized that you didn’t know what the hell Pop’s was.
 “Uh, Veronica, what’s Pop’s?” You shyly asked, knowing thats probably a stupid question. Veronica giggled and walked over to the bed and sat infront of you. “I know it’s probably stupid, but i’ve never been here and I’ve never heard of the name Pop’ so i figured that i woul-”
 “Y/n! Stop it!” Veronica interrupted your rambling and you mumbled an apology, which she ignored. “Pop’s a diner, that’s where all the kids like to hangout after school. And  my friends are going to be there so i want you to meet them.” Veronica explained giving you a smile before excusing herself. You sat down on the bed and wondered how Veronica’s friends are going to be like. Are they just like her or are they completely the opposite? 
 After a few hours of unpacking you were finally ready. You took a quick and got dressed, when you walked downstairs Ronnie was already waiting for you. “Let’s go!” She chortled grabbing your hands and pulling you out of her house. She started walking, passing her car and that’s when you got confused
 “Why aren’t we taking your car?” You questioned her as you pointed behind you at her car that was sitting on the driveway. She chuckled at your question and continued walking with her hands holding yours. “V?” 
 She turned around to look at you and mumbled something that you couldn’t quite hear beforehand re answering you, “Sweetheart, this is a small town and everything is close to eachother. Pop’s is literally less than 5 minutes away, we’ll be fine.” You nodded at her, not entirely sure but decided to go with it. After all she’s the one living here and she knows her ways better than you did. 
 After what seemed like the longest 5 minutes of your life you could see the flashing sign that read Pop’s. You were amazed at how beautiful the building is. You kept staring at the place and how it was before Veronica stopped and looked at you. “They might be some evil bitches in there, but i will guarantee that everything will be fine”
 And with that she pushed the door to Pop’s open and walked inside with you trailing behind her. At that moment you wanted to run away and hide due to all the looks you were getting. Probably everyone asking who the hell is that chick. You held your head up high and walked confidently behind Veronica even though you were shitting yourself on the inside. 
 Veronica stopped infront of a table where five kids are currently sitting at. You looked over at the table and thought that maybe these must be Veronica’s friend. They were definitely different than Ronnie. You arrived at the table and awkwardly stood behind your cousin.Everyone at the table eyes fell on you and you looked down, not liking the attention you were getting. Veronica wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you next to her. So you would stand next to her. “I wanted you guys to meet my cousin, Y/n.” She said as she introduced you to her group of friends.
 You looked up at them and gave them a small wave. Your eyes immediately fell on the boy with that strange beanie and a sort of sadness washed over you. He somehow reminded you of Stiles and how we was when two met eachother. You shook your thoughts out of your head and looked over at everyone. 
 “Hi, i’m Betty! Nice to meet you.” The blonde girl introduced herself as she stood up and offered you her hand. You gladly took her hand and shake it, introducing yourself. “And i’m Y/N, nice to meet you Betty.” Veronica slides in the seat next to a ginger, but handsome, boy as you took a seat next to Betty. The ginger introduced himself as Archie and you had to stop yourself from laughing at the name. 
Weeks passed by since you arrived in Riverdale and you would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying your stay. Veronica’s friends were the nicest people you ever met and they knew how to had fun. Especially Jughead. Jughead had a very different sense of humor and you liked that. He reminded you of the boy back home. Your heart flutters just thinking about him. Because Jughead reminded you so much of Stiles, you automatically clicked with him and therefore you two were the closest in the group.
 “When are you going back to Beacon Hills?” Archie asked you, while taking a sip from his milkshake. “I’m going back home in two weeks. I can’t believe its been almost a month.” You answered Archie and let out a sigh. You were happy that summer was coming to an end because that means you’ll be going home. But you’re sad because you’ll be leaving all of these amazing friends you made.
 “You better text and video call us or we’ll personally go to Beacon Hills and kill you if you don’t.” Betty joked and you laughed at her comment. “Ofcourse i will.” 
 You were chatting with Jughead and laughing at a joke he said when the door to the diner flew open. Everyone at your table stopped talking and looked towards the door. You looked up and your eyes widen in shocked. You couldn’t believe it. What was he doing here in Riverdale?
 “Stiles?! What are you doing here?”
 “Who is that?” Betty asked, confusion written all over her face. Everyone looked at eachother all confused at the boy who was fuming fumes right now. You stood up and walked over Stiles, putting your hand over his shoulder.
 “This is Stiles, my friend from back home and Stiles these ar-”
 “Yeah i don’t care, let’s go.” Stiles interrupted and he took your hand and started pulling you away from your group of friends. Before you can fight back, Jughead and the rest of the group stood up from the booth and Jughead pulled you away from Stiles. 
 “She’s not going anywhere with you, dude.” Jughead spat at Stiles, glaring at him. Stiles looked over at me then at Jughead and scoffed. You could tell something was wrong with Stiles. He was angry and hurt and you can’t tell why. You looked over at your new friends and all of them looked concerned.
 “Stiles, what’s wrong?” You asked him quietly not really wanting the whole diner attention at you guys. “You can’t come barging in here and demand me to go with you. This isn’t you Stiles.” You said to the boy infront you.
 “Oh yeah, because you don’t want me to see you with him do you?” Stiles exclaimed, pointing at Jughead. You stared at him confused, not knowing what got into him. Is this because of you? So many thoughts are going through your head that you don’t know what to do. 
 “Stiles -”
 “No! I was worried sick about you and you didn’t even bother to give me one call instead you spend it partying with him. What is he better than me?” Stiles asked, his eyes glistening from the tears. 
 “I know you have issues, but dont bring me into them.” Jughead replied before you could. You looked behind you and Jughead was pissed while the rest of the group was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Veronica layed her hand on you shoulder in a comforting manner and you let out a sigh.
 “You know what, whatever. I’m done.” Stiles said while looking straight at you. You didn’t know what to do so you stood there staring back at him. Stiles looked over at your friends and gave them a fake smile, “sorry for acting like such a bitch.” And with that he turned around and walked outside the diner leaving all of you stunned.
 “What’s that dude problem, think he can waltz in here and start screaming at us like were some kind of idiots, i swear-”
 You grabbed your bag, ignoring what Jughead was saying and walked out the diner hoping that you would find Stiles before it was too late. You looked around and you found him sitting in his jeep. You walked over to his car and tapped on the window, startling the poor boy. 
 “Can we talk?” You mouthed. You can see that Stiles was debating if he should talk to you or ignore you. He opened the car door and got out, fiddling with his fingers. “Stiles.” You whispered, putting your hand above on his own. He stared at your hands and then looked up to meet your eyes.
 “Look i’m sorry for the way i acted in there. It was stupid of me and i clearly embarrassed you infront of your friends and i’m sorry. I’m really,really sorry.” Stiles apologized, holding your hands into his. You gave him a sad smile and wrapped your arms around him, trying your best to comfort him.
 “Tell me what’s wrong Stiles, why did you act that way?” You questioned him while still embracing him. You heard him let out a big breath before he pulled himself away from you. He puts his hands in his pocket and shrugged, not really wanting to answer your question.
 “I was jealous, alright! I keep seeing pictures and videos of how fun you’re having with him and i got jealous. That was suppose to be us this summer, but instead you’re here having the time of your life with someone else who’s not me.” Stiles explained and before you can say anything he walked towards the curb and sat down with his face in his hands. You walked over to him, sitting down next to him.
 “Stiles, you have no reason to be jealous. I will never replace you with someone else. You mean to much to me.” You stated and Stiles turned his head, a smile appearing on his face. 
 “I was scared that i was going to lose you to beanie boy over there.” He chuckle which made you giggle. He grabbed your hands once again and looked into your eye, making your cheeks turn slightly pink, “I like you a lot and i was clouded by my jealousy and i’m sorry.” 
 Your heart was beating really fast at what Stiles just said. He likes me? Stiles, the boy whom i been inlove with for years, actually likes me back. You moved your head closer to Stiles. Stiles sits frozen, from both shock and excitement. You lean in and kissed Stiles warm lips before pulling away quickly. 
 “I like you too.” You breathed those words out and Stiles had a grin on his face.  You two stared at eachother for what seemed like a long time. Unable to contain yourself anymore, Stiles holds your head in his hands and pull you into a fiery and passionate kiss. 
 Your heart was beating fast and your hands clammy, but you didn’t care. This was the best day in your life. You pulled away due to lack of oxygen and you gave him a smile. 
 “How about we go inside so you can apologize and I’ll properly introduce you this time?” You suggest and Stiles nodded his head. He stood up, pulling you up with him and you two walked hand in hand into the diner. You couldn’t wait to go back home and see what the future holds for the two of you
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