#wc: 580
noelxbe · 2 years
cherish meet
“add it to the long list”
           why was this beginning to become so difficult? maybe noel was regretting, just slightly, just a little bit. it wasn’t just the judges who had asked him if he was serious about this, it was the other participants too, it was his friends, it was himself. he understood now, there was definitely a difference between him and many of the other participants here. noel had been dancing for three months max prior to joining the show, and he knew he wasn’t good, that he wasn’t the best, but he came here in hope to learn, to grow a new experience. but when he had been himself, when he had been carefree everyone around him seemed so mad. he put so much effort into the finesse performance, but it felt a bit like it was for others, not for himself. the smile on his lips had disappeared, he was staying late, coming in early, he was surviving off barely any sleep. everyone around him had been so serious, it made him feel like he needed to be like that too. his last place hadn’t bothered him, it had bothered others more, because now they were stuck with someone placing so low. and he managed to pass the first round of eliminations, but it wasn’t much joy he got from that, he was just ready to take on the next performance, to learn a new dance, a new song. his sister was a big fan of survival shows, when this all aired she’d probably watch the show without noel even having the need to ask her, and she’d go crazy seeing him on the screen, scold him for doing so bad and then brag to all her friends he was on the show.
he wanted something new, something to lighten his mood. because it was just the same over and over again, asking coaches for help, asking his members for help, learning how to practice by himself, staying late, coming early, trying his best to prove to everyone he was serious, that’s what they wanted, for him to be serious. he sits in the corner of the room, sweat on his forehead as he takes a big sip of water, having gone through the choreography for what seems like the millionth time. he stands up, ready to go through it all again when the door opens, and he hears the reactions of the others, hence turning his head too to see who it is. had they come a few days prior he wouldn’t have recognized those faces, but the past days he’s been analyzing their moves and voices, looking through their dance practice, their fancams, so he knows them. he puts on a big smile on his lips before bowing down deep in a greeting to them. he comes closer to them, ready for whatever advice they’ll give all of team lime entertainment. lately he’s been asking every participant on the show and the coaches for advice, he’s not sure what other advice he can get, but these are debuted idols so he’ll listen closely. he quickly moves to his backpack and grabs a small book and a pen. a book filled with the advice from others with their names included, a book filled with tips he’s found himself, a book which will soon have advice given from actual idols, successful ones too. he continues smiling every time they talk, he listens when other asks questions, and he writes it all down.
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nonushu · 26 days
meet cute with… - jeon wonwoo
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genre: fluff, meet-cute | wc: 580 | wonwoo x reader a/n: i read 'the seventh day' by yu hua, which was recommended by wonwoo! (no mention of a specific book here besides the genre)
"i'm sorry dear," the librarian whispers, "the only version of this copy was signed out an hour ago."
you nod, glancing at her apologetic features. the woman removes her glasses and lets them hang by the chain attached to the temples.
"no worries at all, miss," you reassure her, turning away to find something else to read, "thank you."
she smiles kindly as you disappear between the shelves, tracing your finger on each book. it feels almost daunting, lurking from aisle to aisle, waiting for something—or anything to catch your eye.
as you approach the end of the fiction novels, you figure it might as well be the end of your search. with a sigh, you continue your path, only skipping past the shelves and towards the exit.
just as you reach to pull the doors, something—or rather, someone—catches your attention. he's standing at one of the small checkout desks by the window, engrossed in a book. his dark hair falls slightly over his forehead, and his glasses sit at the tip of his nose.
"oh, would you look at this," you hear the librarian say to the young man who's stepped up to the counter, "this book is quite a pick, wouldn't you say?"
you watch him raise a brow at the woman, the man—who you now realize is holding the exact book you were searching for.
"really?" he asks, looking down at the book in his hands. “it’s a popular one, i suppose.”
her eyes crinkle as she hums, averting her gaze to the computer. a smile spreads on her face when she spots your figure above the screen. "in fact, that's them right there."
you feel your face flush as he follows her gesture, his eyes meeting yours. like a deer caught in headlights, you stand there awkwardly, having no idea what to initiate. should you leave or—
he hesitates for a moment before mumbling something to the woman. after you hear another beep, he walks over to you, the book still in his hand.
“hey,” he says, raising his hand to display the book. “i just heard you were looking for this.”
your eyes widen, slightly embarrassed. “y-yeah, i was, but it’s okay. you got to it first.”
he shakes his head, offering the book to you with a soft glint in his eyes. “it’s no problem. i insist you take it. i’ve read it a couple of times already.”
you stare at the book, then back at him. “you sure? i don’t want to take it if you were going to sign it out today.”
“i’m sure,” he says, his grin widening a little. “books are better when shared, don’t you think?”
his words make you chuckle, and you reach out to take the book, your fingers brushing his as you do. “thank you, that’s really kind of you.”
“it’s no problem,” he repeats, his gaze softening as he watches you. his hand reaches for your empty one, “wonwoo.”
you gladly accept his, taking note of how gentle he feels, “y/n,” you reply, feeling your heart skip a beat.
"you think we could maybe...uh, talk about the book some time?" he asks, putting his hand behind his head.
you're quick to agree, the thought of seeing him again making you visibly giddy. “i’d like that.”
“great,” he says, his eyes twinkling with a quiet excitement. “i'll see you around?”
you clutch the book close to your chest, smiling like an idiot. “see you around.”
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 6 months
yay i cant wait so excited i have been waiting for a while to read this fic. its loki or tony!
fem!plus size reader, wc: 580.
a/n: i must admit that the plot got away from me on this one, the fluffiness practically poured out of my fingertips. it's been a while since i've written for loki, but it is always a pleasure doing so. thank you for your request!!
cw! insecure fic <3
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Being with Loki made you nervous, and not in the way that many people would think. 
He didn’t make you feel threatened nor was he mean, it was just that most of the time you’re around him you can’t help but sink into your head like quicksand. 
Why did he choose you when he had so many other options? Was he settling? What did other people think when they saw you guys together? Your stream of thought was almost laughable, because you knew that Loki didn’t care about what you looked like or anything trivial like that.
“What’s wrong, my love?” 
Your eyelashes fluttered, breaking your dissociative state. “Hm?” You hummed. 
“I asked you what’s wrong.” His tone was forever patient, his fingertips were featherlight against the skin of your arm. You were tucked into his side, the mood of your room domestic as a television show played pointlessly in the background. Loki was never really interested in human delicacies such as at home entertainment, he would much rather spend his free time with you.
“Oh… I’m just thinking.” Your voice was dismissive, almost like what you were saying didn’t really matter, which wasn’t true in the slightest because your boyfriend hung off of every word you said, committing it to memory.
He never forgot human holidays like christmas, birthdays or anniversaries, because those types of things mattered to you – and unfortunately he had to figure that out the hard way – but you bet your ass he never forgot it again.
“Please tell me what’s on your mind, dove.” Loki nuzzles his nose into your temple, placing a soft kiss on the side of your face. A shiver shoots itself up your spine, and the sensation makes you melt in his arms. Leave it up to him to basically pry whatever he wanted out of you.
“I don’t know. It’s stupid.” You shrug. “Nothing you say will ever be stupid.” You groan and curl into him deeper. “Fine. I just… I’m getting into that weird place in my head, you know? Like… it feels like no matter how many times you reassure me that I’m gorgeous and all this other super sweet stuff, none of it sticks. It’s like my brain can’t believe it.”
Loki sits there in silence for a moment, stewing on your words before speaking. He knew how sensitive this topic was for you, and though he was the God of Mischief, he would never make a mockery of your struggles.
“I understand you, darling. I know that through your years of being on earth, many humans haven’t been kind to you, and I out of everyone know what it feels like to be different, but –” He hooks a finger under your chin and coaxes you to look at him. 
Though your gaze is shy, you steele yourself despite the way that your cheeks heat under his touch.
“I can assure you that I have not chosen to be with you to make a mockery of you. I am with you because you are beautiful. Your soul sings to me, my dove. You are kind and your heart is unyielding. You are true to yourself and others. That is what makes you shine.”
You feel unshed tears burn behind your waterline and you scoff wetly, but you can’t fight the smile that inevitably breaks out on your face.
“Yes, darling?”
“I love you.”
He laughs, and his chest rumbles with the joyous tune.
“I love you too.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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gragrace · 7 months
He's Home
Summary: Spencer meets GN!Reader back at their apartment after being released from prison.
WC: 580
AN: short cute drabble. Send me some requests college is taking over my life rn xxxx
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The door creaked open, and Y/N glanced up from the book they were pretending to read. The weight of the last few months hung heavily in the air, and they could sense the exhaustion etched on Spencer Reid's face. His eyes met theirs, a mixture of relief and vulnerability flashing in those familiar hazel orbs. 
"Hey," Y/N murmured, setting the book aside and rising from the couch. They took a few steps toward him, and Spencer's gaze softened as he closed the door behind him. 
"Hey," he replied, his voice carrying the weariness of the world. Without a word, Y/N enveloped him in a tight embrace. Spencer hesitated for a moment before allowing himself to be held, the hard exterior he had built up during his time in prison beginning to crumble. 
Y/N felt the tension in Spencer's shoulders, the weight he carried, and they gently rubbed soothing circles on his back. The silence between them spoke volumes, the unspoken understanding of the challenges he had faced and the toll it had taken. 
"I missed you," Spencer whispered, his voice barely audible. 
Y/N pulled back slightly, cupping his face with both hands. "I missed you too, Spencer. It's okay now. You're home." 
Home. The word hung in the air, carrying a profound significance. Y/N led Spencer to the couch, urging him to sit down. He complied, and as Y/N joined him, they could see the vulnerability in his eyes, the walls crumbling as he let down his guard. 
The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioner. Y/N waited patiently, knowing that Spencer needed time to process, to release the emotions he had bottled up for so long. 
And then, it started – a quiet tremor in his shoulders, a hitch in his breath. The floodgates opened, and Spencer Reid, the brilliant profiler with an intellect unmatched, allowed himself to be vulnerable. He buried his face in Y/N's shoulder, his grip on them tightening. 
Tears escaped from his closed eyes, silent witnesses to the turmoil he had endured. Y/N whispered soothing words, offering comfort and understanding. It was a moment of catharsis, a release of the pain and trauma he had accumulated during those challenging months. 
"I thought I could handle it all," Spencer admitted, his voice breaking. "But it's just been... so difficult." 
Y/N continued to hold him, offering a safe haven amidst the storm. "You don't have to be strong all the time, Spencer. It's okay to let it out. You're not alone." 
He nodded, unable to find words as the weight of his experiences unfolded in the safety of Y/N's embrace. Time seemed to lose its significance as they navigated the uncharted territory of healing. 
Eventually, the storm within Spencer subsided, leaving behind a sense of raw vulnerability. Y/N gently pulled back, wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks. Spencer met their gaze, gratitude and exhaustion lingering in his eyes. 
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse. 
Y/N offered a tender smile. "Always, Spencer. I'm here for you. Home is where you can be yourself, walls down and all." 
As they sat together in the quiet aftermath, the warmth of the shared moment enveloped them. Home was not just a place; it was the solace found in each other's arms, a refuge from the trials of the world. Spencer Reid, once burdened by the weight of his experiences, now found a sanctuary in the unwavering support of Y/N. 
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hwsing · 6 months
I’m very curious about any NSFW Headcanons/takes you have for Canada. 👀
sex, eh?
notes: 18+, reader is gender neutral and i don’t think reader’s genitals are mentioned. includes: canada (matthew williams). as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cw: this is more babbling than anything else; verse! matthew, outdoors sex, hair pulling, dick description. wc: about 580. not proof read. not much comes to mind for this lad but please feel free to request anything about him!
it’s so interesting to me that so many people want this man because he is so unfuckable to me its hilarious. i have to really put on my thinking cap here, but, i do think matthew is genuinely quite a giving partner. i also get the impression of him that he does like to dom (soft dom lets be clear). its a bit of a stereotype these days i think, but he seems like the type to enjoy that sort of dynamic since he can often feel overlooked in his day to day life.
despite that, i feel like he has iffy feelings on brats. he’s not the most kinky guy out there to begin with, so declining/training/ god forbid punishing is a ways outside his comfort zone. he’d much prefer to just make you feel good. now, if you reallllllly want to experiment in the more brat side of things, he’ll try a bit, but again, don’t expect anything particularly hardcore. at best, he’ll be manhandling you. when it comes to how he touches you, though, he’d rather give you sweet, open mouthed kisses down your chest to stomach!
really really really likes when his hair is tugged on. whether it it’s when you’re kissing or he’s giving you head, he just loves the little tugs to his roots. it’s a bit grounding, really; the blond is prone to overthinking and getting lost in his own thoughts. in a way, you’re yanking him back down, forcing him to focus more on the here and now.
public sex is a no go, but… outdoors sex?? this is by no means a habit of his, but if you two are camping……….. he prefers to camp by your own means rather than just. use an overcrowded campsite, so it’s not like anyone is really going to be around. with the thick forest as your walls of protection, why not get up to a bit of fun? he honestly really likes it, even if you’re only willing to do it inside the tent. although, if you’re willing to fuck against a tree, he’s more than happy to oblige!
he’s got pretty good stamina. he’s worked in the outdoors most of his life — he’s very fit. not particularly bulking, but muscular and somewhat lean. eats a good diet too. he lasts quite a while to begin with, but can go a few rounds as well! usually caps off at max two though, unless you specifically ask for more. he has a hard time saying no to you in most contexts,, he can’t help it, he thinks you’re so cute :(
still a verse at the end of the day, and if you try to take the reigns, he’s not going to put up much of a fight. again, he has a hard time denying you; quite literally putty in your hands if you decide to dom.
i dont imagine him very noisy in the bedroom. mostly soft and small moans and groans, some whimpering when he’s close. he’s not silent but not talkative either. he’s inclined to sing your praises and all that, but quietly, only for you to hear. that, and he can get a bit embarrassed by speaking so intimately, so it’s just easier for him to say it softly lolol.
this feels kinda bland so here’s a small treat: i’d guess he’s about 6.8”, trims quite close and very hygienic. slightly thick but not so much so that it’s pose a problem. very sensitive.
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landoscar-f1 · 3 months
Too Sweet for Me - Chp 01
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taglist (strikethrough could not be tagged): @alessiali @piastri-my-boy @adreamerinadream @landosgirl please fill this form if you wish to be added!
pairing: CS55 x fem!reader, eventual!OP81 x fem!reader genre: fluff, angst, slow burn, smut chapter warnings: relationship anxiety, distrust, hints of carlos possibly cheating (pls lmk if i missed anything!) ch 01 wc: ~580
teaser | masterlist | next
Read the chapter under the cut
Carlos was the embodiment of a BookTok boyfriend, at least in the years of your friendship and the first few years of your relationship.
But things started to go downhill about… two years ago.
“Carlos, do you want to go out with Lily and i? Alex is going too,” you yelled to the man sitting on the couch, engrossed in his phone.
“No, hermosa, you go. I’ll stay home for some sim work,” he yelled back at you.
“You’ve been doing sim work all week, love. Take a break, the season’s already ended. Fred should give you a bit of a break now, shouldn’t he?” you asked, coming out of your shared bedroom.
“I know, amor, but the break doesn’t mean I’m free from work. They need to get some sim data for the car next season.” Carlos had walked over without you noticing, and you jumped a bit when he kissed your neck. “You should go, take a break from your work and have fun with Lily and Alex.”
You forced a smile and nodded. “Alright, if you insist. But you owe me a night out, okay?”
“Of course, I do,” he said, his eyes briefly flickering with something you couldn’t quite place.
As you got ready, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It wasn’t the first time Carlos had opted out of plans. In fact, it had become a pattern. You glanced at your reflection, trying to push the doubts away. Maybe he really was just busy.
Later that evening, at the bar with Lily and Alex, you found it hard to stay present. Your mind kept wandering back to Carlos, alone at home. Or was he?
“Hey, you okay?” Lily’s voice broke through your thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, forcing a laugh. “Just tired, I guess.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “Carlos working late again?”
You sighed. “Yeah, he’s been buried in sim work for weeks.”
Lily exchanged a glance with Alex. “You deserve a break too, you know. Maybe a weekend getaway? Just the two of you?”
“Maybe,” you said, though you weren’t sure if a getaway would fix what was starting to feel like a growing distance between you and Carlos.
When you got home, the apartment was dark except for the glow of Carlos’s laptop. He was asleep on the couch, his phone beside him. You picked it up to move it, and the screen lit up with a notification from a name you didn’t recognize.
You hesitated, heart pounding. You knew you shouldn’t invade his privacy, but curiosity got the better of you. You clicked on the message.
It was nothing explicit, but the familiarity in the words made your stomach churn.
“Can’t wait to see you again.”
Your mind raced with possibilities. Who was this person? Why had Carlos never mentioned them? The doubt that had been gnawing at you now seemed to have a name.
You put the phone back down and took a deep breath. You needed to talk to Carlos, but not tonight. Not when you were this emotional. You needed to gather your thoughts, figure out how to approach this without jumping to conclusions.
As you climbed into bed, you glanced at Carlos, still asleep on the couch. The man who once made you feel like the luckiest person in the world now filled you with uncertainty. And as you stared at the ceiling, you wondered if your relationship could survive this storm.
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all credits to @landoscar-f1 2024
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stellamancer · 1 year
(though we may) fall apart — extra scene
notes: unlike the lonely stranger extra scene, this is actually an extra scene. not beta read oops.
wc: around 580
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The next morning, you are greeted by Gojo's face—puffy and pouting. It's not hard to see why: his cheek is swollen.
The one that you punched.
"Look what you did!" he wails like a child throwing a fit.
"You deserved it," you say flatly. Admittedly, you do regret it a tiny bit, you did punch him as hard as you could without cursed energy. It's just you didn't seriously think it would hit him.
"My face!" he cries, ignoring you. "My super handsome, ultra good-looking face!"
It is too early for Gojo to be so damn loud. After the day you had yesterday, you’d overslept, meaning no breakfast and no caffeine: you are in no condition to be entertaining Satoru Gojo and his antics right now.
So, you walk past him, ignoring him. If he wants to continue to complain he can do it later after you’ve consumed something and are less likely to attempt making his so-called handsome face symmetrical.
Naturally, he wants to do it now.
“Heyyyy,” he bawls, trailing after you. “Don’t ignore meeeee.”
You keep walking and he keeps wailing.
And wailing.
You finally snap after three straight minutes of sniveling about his beautiful face, about how you need to take responsibility and whirl around to face him. As much as you’d like to punch him, you realize yesterday was a once in a lifetime opportunity: it’s unlikely he’ll let you hit him again. Not anytime soon anyway.
Gojo goes silent the instant you face him, and to your surprise, he gently presses the bottom of an ice cold can of coffee to your forehead. When did he even get that?
“Take it,” he says, all traces of his childish blubbering from seconds before completely gone.
You do not move. He applies more pressure to the can. Not enough to hurt or anything, but enough to be insistent.
“The machine gave me two,” he tells you casually.
Gojo smiles, but he doesn’t acknowledge what you said and continues. “You haven’t had anything this morning right?”
How’d he know? Maybe because you'd been running a bit late. Usually, you’re pretty early. Still, you do not take his offering.
“If you don’t take it, I’ll drop it,” Gojo threatens in a sing-song voice. If he drops it, the can is going to burst, which is no problem for Gojo who can avoid the mess with his stupid infinity, but you…
His grin widens as if he knows what you’re realizing. You feel the can slip a bit against your forehead. He’s serious. He’ll drop it.
You reach up and swipe it from him and Gojo looks far too smug in his victory. Bastard.
Just as you’re about to pop the tab on the can, he asks, “Feeling better?”
Your heart stills in your chest, and your entire body with it as you remember yesterday. The can almost slips from your fingers. He… Gojo… He…. Your head whips up and he’s still smiling, but it’s a little different, a little kinder. There’s a voice in the back of your head that wonders what kind of expression he’s really making behind that blindfold of his.
Without thinking, your arm shifts, the can firm in your grasp as you reach up and try to press it to his swelling cheek. There is the smallest space there, infinity squeezing between the can and his cheek, but it slowly disappears until they touch. Gojo’s expression changes, his lips parting ever so slightly. You wonder if it feels nice.
“...what about you?” you ask, your voice soft.
Gojo’s only answer is that dumb grin of his.
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drunkhee · 2 months
in my memory ────── ⵌ YJW
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pairing: yang jungwon x afab!reader genre: hurt, angst wc: ~580 warning !! HEAVY emphasis on angst, death
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synopsis; you are infront of yours and jungwon's family recounting your favourite memories
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today was the day.
a day that joined your family and jungwon's. the crowd begins to settle down as the tune to his favourite song plays. people scurried around, finding a seat. many of which just occupy any they could find free, asking others to scoot over the pew.
you took a deep breath before entering the scene. you have been observing them from a small room that was tucked away at the very back of the church. you fix your white dress as your father smiles at you weakly before walking down the aisle with him.
each step felt heavy as you approached jungwon. you were definitely not dreaming, you tell yourself as your father holds onto you nearing your beloved. as he guided you up the steps, your father places a soft kiss onto your hand as you make your way next to the man you loved ever so much.
as the priest went over scripture and readings, your hand reaches into your dress' pockets. your little speech that you have prepared to say in front of both families. the priest hands over the mic to you, as you look at the crowd.
'hello, everyone. friends and family of myself, and jungwon.' you smiled at the crowd who watched you intently.
'now, i have always dreamed of reading you this note that i wrote, from the third year of me and jungwon's relationship. it was a dream that i get to fulfil today, but as life is full of surprises... i never,' you hiccup at the end, breathing in deeply before continuing. 'i... i never thought that i would be reading this out to our families in a funeral.' your hand was now shaking as you look back at your lover encased in a casket.
'i loved, no. i love jungwon. and i knew that he was the man i wanted to marry since the very first time i met him. he wasn't the man of my dreams at the time - rather he was just a quiet boy i found to be charming.' you look at his mother who was wiping away tears.
'you have done a fine job of raising your son mr. and mrs. yang. thank you for giving me the chance to love your son and be loved by him. jungwon has greatly changed and influenced many around him, and we will never forget that.'
‘jungwon had been my rock. i’m sure now he’s probably screaming at me telling me that he still is my rock, and that he is.’ you gain a few chuckles from the crowd as you continue your speech. ‘he has been there through my toughest and i know it wasn’t his intention to make me feel this way, or any of you for that matter. i know that he is simply going to be watching over all of us, like he had always been.’
‘to my lover, my fiancé, my best friend in the whole world – rest easy. maybe this wasn’t our life time, maybe in an alternate universe we are happy with our two beautiful daughters called luna and areum. but this is what I face now. a future without the man I call mine. a future with no you. if you are listening, i love you jungwon. and that will never change.’ as you finish you felt a gust of wind enter through the open windows, pushing one of the balloons closer to you.
‘that must’ve been him.’
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vi's thoughts
welp uhh this came to me in a dream and uhh it may have been based off a funeral i've been to idrk its smth i dont rlly like to think abt BUT ig that experience helped me write this ig. hope ure all doing great :)
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(c) drunkhee 2024. pls don't steal/plagiarise my work ! lmk if you wanna be in my taglist!
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grimm-writings · 6 months
imagine an event where… (part 1?)
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…ft! wanderer, baizhu x gn! reader
…tags! some angst, honestly just word vomit, i love these two so bad, mentioned traveller as a separate character from the reader, reader has baizhu's illness
…wc! 580
…notes! i daydream a lot about hypothetical events with a reader like this sooooo… here’s one of em!!!!! if you’d like more do let me knowwww <3
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Imagine an event where Wanderer, hearing of a certain doctor’s pursuit of immortality, meets with him in desperation.
Initially, Baizhu was sceptical.  Storming his pharmacy, demanding his presence, and nearly scaring the undead life out of his little Qiqi is absolutely not the ideal way to make a first impression, but Wanderer doesn’t seem to care much for appearances.
Before he can even enquire what this impetuous stranger needs, Baizhu is given the blunt question upfront.
“What do you know about making someone immortal?”
Baizhu called on the traveller’s presence hastily through Qiqi.  He needs a reliable witness to make sure this stays under wraps.  He doesn’t exactly trust this vagrant in Inazuman wear to not open his mouth.  He’s had enough visits from authorities.  This is just another thing he can sweep under the rug with adequate help.
Wanderer, on the other hand, is trying to stop his lid from blowing off.  As he tries to interrogate the doctor opposite him, he keeps directing the conversation somewhere else.  The traveller with their floating friend stand to the side, watching the back-and-forth.
“You don’t get it.  You won’t even hear me out!”
“I’m ever so sorry, but this sort of request is not something I can so easily provide.”
On and on it goes, Paimon even murmurs about nothing coming out of this, and it would continue that way until another person arrives at the entrance of the pharmacy.  Heaving breaths from a person spent catches Wanderer’s attention, whipping his head around at an alarming speed.  It takes Baizhu by surprise when he’s immediately at your side– and he’s so gentle when handling you.
It clicks in his mind, and he circles the desk to reach you.  In his ear, Changsheng hisses a question of what in Teyvat he’s thinking, but she gets no clear answer.
Wanderer keeps talking to you as you catch your breath, coughing occasionally in heavy intakes of breath.  The green-haired doctor picks up a vial and walks over to your pair, and gives you the medicine.
He says a word or two, something Wanderer couldn’t quite catch.  Doctor-speak.  However you look up at Baizhu and nod.  He smiles, calm and empathetic.  “I see.  I have the same condition myself…”
You feel Wanderer’s grip on your arm tighten when Baizhu asks your companion if you could stay with him for a bit for a check-up.  Even if protective of you, once given a promise that his request could be fulfilled, he relents.
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This event would be one where the Wanderer becomes paranoid realising his companion’s mortal life might be taken away from him faster than he wishes.  Baizhu, in empathy, feels for said companion upon taking them into his care.  A study on grief, and one with characters you wouldn’t normally associate together interacting.
The traveller would help out with small tasks for Baizhu, creating different concoctions.  Each time, we see Baizhu’s empathy turn into determination to include you in his pursuit for immortality, but the traveller will have to help Baizhu realise that he can’t just save everyone at once.
The traveller would also see Wanderer and his increasing paranoia grow, not trusting in Baizhu’s studies.  The traveller, with probably some aid from Qiqi, will help Wanderer view mortal life as a treasure to keep with him once it passes despite his fear of being left again.
A story of healing, grief, and love.  Immortality from different perspectives, and what exactly immortality will grant oneself.
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astrozuya · 2 years
☆ PRETTY LIPS 一 c. sb
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✧ pairings: choi soobin x gn!reader
✧ genre: fluff. wc: 580. warnings: established relationship. lowercase intended. soft drabble about highschool bf!soobin and you kissing after a party. ♡
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it's late when you and soobin decide its time to leave. the party's not over yet, not by a long shot— yeonjun's parties are notorious for lasting from dusk till dawn— but soobin's social battery ran out a while ago, and you're sleepy, ready to go home too.
his brown eyes meet yours from across the room, and he jerks his head towards the door, mouthing 'can we go?' over the loud pop music blasting from the speakers.
you nod, stifling a yawn, and wave goodbye at your friends. then you make your way over to the door, soobin close behind.
he pulls on his coat, turning the collars up, before glancing at you. "ready to go?"
"yeah." you wrap your scarf around your neck and the two of you step outside, shivering.
as you begin walking up the road towards soobin's car, you playfully bump your shoulder into soobin's, whining, "why'd you have to park your car so far away? i'm tired!"
"a little exercise once in a while is good for you, dummy," soobin teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him.
there's silence for a while as you walk up the road. it's pretty secluded, with barely any people or cars around. you don't mind though— you're grateful for some peace and quiet after the overwhelming chaos of the party.
the cold breeze ruffles your hair, tickling your skin. soobin's shoulders bump into you, and his fingers brush against yours.
"if you want to hold hands just say so," you say, smiling when he blushes.
its not as if this is your first time holding hands— you've gone way further than just holding hands, if you're being honest— but moments like these are common, when soobin gets shy all of a sudden. you don't mind though. how could you, when he's so gut wrenchingly cute?
he wordlessly tightens his hand around yours, and his lips curve up into a pout. you bite back a smile, whispering "your lips are so pretty."
"hm? did you say something?" soobin asks.
you shake your head, embarrassed. soobin begins humming, swinging your hands back and forth, and you soon join in. it helps pass the time, and before you know it, you're at the car.
soobin starts to unlock the door, but you tug at his sleeve, hesitant. "soobin… let's stay here for a bit, okay? i don't wanna go home just yet."
he shrugs, and sits down on the hood of the car. "sure." he stretches out an arm towards you. "c'mere, baby."
you sit down beside him, cuddling close into his warmth as his arm gently wraps around you.
your gaze turns upwards to the sky. it's clear tonight, a blanket of dark midnight blue full of twinkling stars.
soobin looks up too, the corners of his lips curling up into a soft smile. "the stars are pretty…" he breathes out.
you watch him, mentally tracing the curve of his upper lip, admiring the way his dark eyelashes frame his cheeks, burning his face into your memory. "pretty," you agree, before leaning in to kiss him.
soobin's eyes widen a little, surprised but happy. despite his intimidating appearance, his kisses are tender, hands softly cupping your cheeks, lips brushing gently against yours.
there's no rush, and soobin takes his time, deepening the kiss. when you finally pull away, out of breath, he smiles, gently stroking your cheek.
"i love you," you breathe out adoringly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "i love you, choi soobin."
soobin smiles, dimples showing. "i love you too, [name]."
this time you don't hesitate to tell him, "your lips are pretty," before leaning in for another kiss.
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✧ notes: i was listening to pretty lips by winehouse last night & thought of soob's lips (the actual prettiest lips to ever exist. btw) so i wrote this lol. it was 1 am and this is not proofread (sorry) BUT considering i haven't written anything in two months i think this is pretty okay-ish?? idk. anyways live laugh love soobin's lips <3
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© astrozuya. do not translate, copy or repost my work. networks: @kflixnet @k-labels
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stormbreaker101 · 4 months
Wizard101 Power Leveling Guide (Summer 2024)
Updated July 22, 2024
This post is heavily inspired by the far more well-known Teleportable Dungeons guide on Reddit, so of course credit for the idea and MUCH of the information to the OP there. However, that guide was written in early 2020, and since then we've had a whole new arc, as well as some other changes. This guide aims to correct for those changes.
Along with teleportable instances and quests that either only require level progression or have no prerequisites, this guide includes every reusable housing gauntlet currently available. If you want to use this guide to its fullest but don't have a gauntlet yourself, you can message my acquaintance stormclouds_ on Discord, who can provide free and constant access to every gauntlet. (She gave me permission to cite her 👍)
The instances are listed in order of giving least to most XP. In the case of a dungeon providing multiple quests, it's ordered by the quest that gives maximum XP. Occasionally, I'll have notes in square brackets.
If a dungeon has both a Standard and Challenge mode, then I am strictly referring to Standard mode. You can't port into Challenge mode instances.
Accursed Play (Tier 1): 100 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 1): 100 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Accursed Play (Tier 2): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 1): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-25]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 2): 200 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Sunken City (Nightside, WC): 75 230 195 250 275
Accursed Play (Tier 3): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Accursed Play (Tier 4): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 2): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 26-50]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 3): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 4): 300 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Frostholm (Vigrid Roughland, GH): 320 320 320
Accursed Play (Tier 5): 500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80-99]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 5): 500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80-99]
Throne Room of Fire (Palace of Fire, KT): 600 645 205
Accursed Play (Tier 6): 700 [If lowest wizard is 100+]
Sinbad and the Iron Sultan (Tier 5): 700 [If lowest wizard is Level 101+]
Great Clock Tower (Tier 6): 700 [If lowest wizard is 100+]
Vault of Ice (Entrance Hall, KT): 735
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 1): 779 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Emperor's Retreat (Entrance Hall, KT): 785 585 785 845
Karanahn Palace (Karanahn Barracks, KT): 915
Tomb of the Beguiler (Well of Spirits, KT): 685 785 895 960
Temple of Storms (Well of Spirits, KT): 960 960
Ironworks (Digmoore Station, MB): 1,005 1,360 400 435 1,430
Counterweight East (Royal Museum, MB): 1,480
Counterweight West (Royal Museum, MB): 1,520
Katzenstein's Lab (Scotland Yard Roof, MB): 1,480 1,480 1,520 475 485
The Stellarium (District of the Stars, CL): 1,595
Manticore's Madness (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 1,600 [Not recommended. This fight takes a LONG time for so little XP]
Kesington Park (Digmoore Station, MB): 1,565 1,580 1,640
Crimson Fields (Hametsu Village, MS): 335 665 665 2,085 335 2,085 2,095 1,675 2,095
The Grand Chasm Past (The Grand Chasm, DS): 715 2,230
Shirataki Temple (Shoshun Village, MS): 1,880 2,410
The Labyrinth (The Necropolis, DS): 830 2,580 2,580 2,580 2,580 2,580
Tree of Life (Yoshihito Temple, MS): 450 2,840 2,840
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 1): 3,175 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 1): 3,300 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 1): 3,300 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-29]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 1): 3,375 [If lowest wizard is Level 1-19]
Kembaalung (begins in The Oasis, KT): 230 230 580 3,180 4,230 1,920 [Minimum level of 25 is required. Only the 3k and 4k figures are from dungeons, the rest are from quests that only require dialogue.]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 2): 4,650 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Loremaster (The Atheneum, DS): 7,300 [Though not a typical dungeon, wizards can accept her quest at any level and with no story progression necessary.]
Barkingham Palace (begins in Wolfminster Abbey, MB): 340 680 6,800 680 6,800 680 7,905 2,040 [Minimum level of 40 required. The 7k and 8k quests are from the dungeons themselves.]
Nastrond (Hrundle Fjord, GH): 5,375 8,955 10,075 5,375 10,075 9,850
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 2): 12,150 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 2): 12,675 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 2): 12,675 [If lowest wizard is Level 30-59]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 2): 12,900 [If lowest wizard is Level 20-39]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 3): 14,730 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
The Portico (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 21,125 17,420
The Chancel (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 3,040 10,345 23,375
Trial of the Spheres (Celestia Base Camp, CL): 25,000
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 3): 31,085 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Zigazag (begins in Balance School, KT): 2,010 1,005 33,480 9,315 39,510 9,130 [Minimum level of 60 required. Dungeons award the 2 >30k quests.]
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 3): 38,480 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 3): 39,975 [If lowest wizard is Level 40-59]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 3) : 40,150 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-89]
Hall of Heroes (Telos, LM): 40,300
Control Room (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 40,584
Castle Gobbsmack (Gobblerton, KM): 44,150 [Personally not recommended. This dungeon is agony even at max level.]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 4): 47,620 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Midnight Sun Pagoda (Tier 5): 50,090 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Aeroship (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 51,177
Storm Titan's Wake (Husk, EM): 51,177 [Easier nowadays thanks to Standard Mode. If you put a Balance Dispel on the Trident then change the bubble, the Dispel keeps it from replacing the damage cap bubble, allowing you to one-shot it]
Guest Quarters (Sky City, LM): 56,420
Spiritual Grove (Husk, EM): 61,770
Dream Shrine (Nexus, EM): 69,361
Deepest Mine (Cenote, AZ): 69,375
Freddie's Domain (Dreaming, WL): 69,720
Logging Warehouse (Black Licorice Forest, KM): 79,448
Cistern (Inner Athanor, EM): 83,481
Pipeline Cave (Gumdrop Forest, KM): 88,276
Ancient Shrine (Mandoria, LM): 88,660
Temple of Mother Moon (Pitch Black Lake, AZ): 92,760
Monquistan Fortress (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 96,495
Headquarters (Sepidious, EM): 96,540
Shadow House (Zanadu, EM): 96,540
Charging Station (Zanadu Sewers, EM): 96,540
Ink Spillway (Sepidious, EM): 96,540
Honeybee Diner (Heap, LM): 96,720
Wellspring (Heap, LM): 96,720
Golden Lion's Mind (Heap, LM): 96,720
Humongishfrog Battleplain (Northeast Aero Plains, EM): 102,354
Keep of Ganelon (Outer Yard, AV): 105,030 [Players can only teleport into the final room, with the Black and White dragons]
Temple of Light (Inner Athanor, EM): 108,927
Cafe Melee (La Ville Rose, NV): 110,280
Manticore's Plan (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 110,280
Solomon Crane's House (Night Forest, LM): 112,840
Atrium (Mandoria, LM): 112,840
Lab Entrance (Mandoria, LM): 112,840
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 4): 123,490 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 4): 128,824 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 4): 128,850 [If lowest wizard is Level 90-120]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 4): 131,110 [If lowest wizard is Level 60-79]
Rosina's House (Black Licorice Forest, KM): 136,828
Bank (Hope Springs, WL): 139,440
Sandiago's Dream (Dreaming, WL): 139,440
Beacon of Hope (Zanadu, EM): 139,882
Aethyrium (Zanadu, EM): 144,810
Palace (Zanadu, EM): 144,810
Runoff Drain (Zanadu Sewers, EM): 144,810
Right Ocular Vein (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Left Ocular Vein (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Heart Sector (Sepidious, EM): 144,810
Four Points (Aggrobah, MR): 145,000
Lock Up (Heap, LM): 153,140
Bass Chamber (Telos, LM): 153,140
Treble Chamber (Telos, LM): 153,140
Military Training Grounds (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Rear Courtyard (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Private Wing (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Audience Chamber (Nimbus Citadel, EM): 153,531
Astral Grove (Husk, EM): 153,531
Elemental Grove (Husk, EM): 153,531
Gingerbread Room Academy (Karamelle City, KM): 167,725
Temple of Truth (Wildlands, LM): 169,260
Volcano Path (Ursai Village, LM): 169,260
Killawahoo (Ursai Village, LM): 169,260
Tomb of He-Mander (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Jailor's Office (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Krull's Tent (Mandoria, LM): 169,260
Guard Complex (Sky City, LM): 169,260
Water Purification Plant (Sky City, LM): 169,260
Morg Fortress (Sky City, LM): 169,260
North Time Dunes (Chronoverge, MR): 169,500
Lower Passage (Stone of Heaven, NV): 174,610
Booth's Lair (Conatus, NV): 174,610
Cabal Base (La Ville Rose, NV): 174,610
Barn Division (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 184,883
Glockenspiel (Karamelle City, KM): 185,379
Gobbler Cave (Gumdrop Forest, LM): 185,379
Mining Tunnel B (Nibbleheim Mines, KM): 185,380
Silo (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 185,379
Dueling Space (Nucleus Gallery, NV): 192,990
Cliffside Nest (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 192,990
Saboteur Cave (Puerto Nuovo, NV): 192,990
Secret Tunnel (Aeriel Jungle, EM): 195,777
Dundara's Tunnel (Hope Springs, WL): 209,160
Lost King's Mine (Kingsland, WL): 209,160
Rebel Mine (Outback, WL): 209,160
Pink Lake (Eucalyptus Forest, WL): 209,160
Furryosa's Dream (Dreaming, WL): 209,160
Dark Cloud Base (Southwest Aero Plains): 214,507
Beastman Tunnels (Aeriel Jungle, EM): 215,232
Dead Archive (Arcanum): 217,620
Darkmoor (begins in Nightside, WC): 19,560 19,560 48,905 146,725 39,125 23,965 19,560 220,090 80,700 [Minimum level of 100 is required. The 147k, 24k, and 220k quests are from the 3 dungeons. To my knowledge it's not yet possible to power level someone to 100 without any questing, so including this in the list is likely impractical. Still, I intend to be thorough.]
Lagoon Pipeline (Billabong Resort, WL): 229,080
Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 5): 234,500 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Winterbane Hall (Tier 5): 248,980 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Matheus' House (La Ville Rose, NV): 257,320
Financial Department (Karamelle City, KM): 264,828
Hot House Silo (Candy Corn Farm, KM): 275,521
Cell Block B (Basstille & Forlorn Tayg, PL): 112,000 336,000 71,910 [This is 2 quests and a dungeon given by Reddin. The 1st quest is 336k, the dungeon is the 112k, and the 2nd quest is 72k]
Overlord's Ossuary (Alkali Barrows, MR): 412,000
Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 5): 413,280 [If lowest wizard is Level 80+]
Fantastic Voyage (Tier 5): 413,280 [If lowest wizard is Level 120+]
Steam Plant (Inner Athanor, EM): 419,901
Breathing Cave (Borealis Peaks, PL): 437,040 125,680 [This is the 2nd dungeon and 3rd quest given by Reddin, and cannot be started unless you complete the previous 2 quests. 437k is the dungeon, 126k is the quest]
Kalamar Clearing (Chaos Jungle, EM): 499,369
Dream Hive (Nexus, EM): 571,732
Kalypso (Kalypso Dock, PL): 741,320
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littlemochabunni · 1 year
I’m Sooo Sorry for Your Loss. ~ pt.1
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Toji x fem reader (black coded) ft. Toji’s wife?!?!?!
summary: Toji ain't shit and his past comes back to bite him in the ass.
a/n: This was inspired by a anon I got awhile ago so this is because youuuu sweetheart 💋🫶🏽🫶🏽 Definitely not proofread apologies.
part two
wc: 580
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You’ve been dating Toji Fushigruo for almost 2 years now. You’ve gone through every hot and cold shoulder he’s given you, loved every moment of him spoiling his “hard-earned” money on you, you moved in together, and you’ve met his kids! Been the shoulder he needed when he cried to you about the deaths of his ex-wives explaing why he didn’t want to get married a third time. Y’know just been the well-rounded understanding girlfriend any man would deeply appreciate. 
Yet the woman standing at your door telling you a very different story. “I- I'm sorry.... You said you’re Toji’s wh-what???” She steps inside your apartment- her apartment actually, “I’m his wife. The second wife to be exact.” Stunned, you stand there trying to process this information, so she closes the door for you and walks to the kitchen to pour you guys a drink. “Is he here?”  
Dragging your feet to the kitchen to follow the very not dead wife Toji told you about and swallow the glass of wine she poured for you immediately before speaking. “W-we have a date at this rest- what the hell happened between you guys?? He told me you died?!?” She scoffs dryly and pours you another drink, “It’s more like he left me stranded in Vegas with no phone, no money, and no passport to get home.” You stare at her wide-eyed by his, very true to character, actions and stammer completely bewildered by what she went through with him. “Yeah, and he did all that because I got lucky at a few tables, he assumed that the dealers and I were fucking.” 
“That man is so fucking petty and sick for that! What the hell??? A-are you okay??” She finishes her wine and chuckles as she pours another glass for herself, “Oh yeah, I’m great, that bastard ran off after I told him that I wanted a divorce and that I felt bad for the next poor woman he cons into a relationship... Oh right...” Fuuuck you’re that poor woman..... And man did he conned you good. “I’m gonna call him, tell him I’m pregnant or some bullshit.” She snickers softly with no objections to your plan on getting him home quickly, so you pull your phone out and call him. Preparing yourself to put on your next best act to faking an orgasm (lets be real you ain’t never fake an orgasm with this man I-) as the phone rings on speaker. “What’s up baby.”  
“Mmm I miss you T... was just thinkin’ that we could skip dinner and get straight to dessert y’know...” You both can practically hear the smirk form on his chapped scarred lips “Oh really? Well, ‘m on my way home then baby.... Keep her nice n wet f’me.” Rolling your eyes to the deep depths of your soul knowing all his thinkin’ is done with that worm of his. “Of course daddy, anything for you~” He chuckles smugly before hanging up the phone, you and his wife start laughing and groaning at this grown ass man fuckboy little boy antics. “I’m gonna start packing my shit cause-” she shakes her head while she still recovers from her laugher, “No no we’re packing his shit and putting it outside where it belongs.” Finishing your second drink, you nod in agreement. “You’re right, I think I hear the streets calling for him.” 
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a/n: I could be persuaded into finishing part 2 if you ask me nicely 🤭 just sayin’ some little bondage, face riding, whimpering Toji, and wax maybe possibly involved. Who knows?
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Mihawk x Fem Reader: Masturbation N/SFW
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Request by @m00n-rae :Happy holidays lovely! May I request Mihawk x fem reader for masturbation? Thank you for another spicy event 🔥 TW: Masturbation, fingering, wet dreams WC:580+ Masterlist
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Mihawk had been away and you didn’t know when he would be back. Nights where he fluttered into your dreams just missing his touch. His scent still lingers on his pillow when laying down for the night you would use his pillow when he was away.  You missed him a lot, the only thing in the room was a low dim flickering candle. You didn’t want to get out of bed to bring your toy out. You were already hot and bothered, and your panties were already moist. ‘I wish you were here right now Mihawk.’  you thought to yourself as your hands began to slide between your wet slit. Your fingers bring your sensitive clit  letting soft moans spill from your lips. Your hand reaches underneath you as your hand grips the pillow. Closing your eyes imagining that it was him the one that was touching you, you pictured his thick, callous fingers rubbing your folds. His lips latching onto your supple breast leaving his mark on you. Hearing his Spanglish words as he continued to play with your cunt. 
Mihawk happened to come home earlier from his trip thinking you had gone to sleep. The castle was dark. He happened to light a candle making his way into his room where he would have thought you would be in slumber. By the doorway, he heard the familiar moans coming from your lips. He knew what you were doing. He stood by the doorway, your legs spread apart, your hand between your thighs. The nightgown you were wearing was pushed up. Your head resting against the pillow with your eyes closed tightly. Mihawk felt his pants becoming a bit tighter. The stealthy swordsman managed not to make a sound to disturb what you were doing. Mihawk's continued to watch as he approached closer and closer. “Mihawk~~” your eyes still closed as you moaned his name out loud.
“Sí mi querida.” Mihawk's voice was so soothing. Your eyes shot open realizing Mihawk was looking down at you. Your fingers stopped moving for a moment. You were panting. 
‘How long was he there for?’ You thought to yourself. Your cheeks were a bit flushed. 
“Please continue what you were doing.” He spoke. “ I was merely enjoying the view unless you want me to finish you off?” Mihawk fingers brushing your knee. As he sat on the edge of the bed. 
“I- I want you to touch me, mi Rey.” your hand reached for his hand. “I missed your touch Mihawk.” He missed your touch as well. Mihawk didn’t hesitate to begin to rub between your folds. “You must have missed me a lot to make this mess between your legs. The tip of his index finger began to swirl your clit. The sweet ecstasy sensation as he continued to play with your clit. In a matter of motion, his middle finger began going inside your hot slick walls. Mihawk’s other hands brushed the top of your covered breast. Deciding to slide the thin straps down pulling down the top of the night now. His fingers brush your nipple causing it to become hard. While still pumping his fingers inside of you he leaned into your breast his tongue making contact with your skin sending goosebumps all over your body. Your fingers began lightly tugging on the hard-haired man. You had no control of your lower region, you felt yourself becoming a squirming mess of his touch.
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itofthames · 1 year
Freefall Pt 5 (Jing Yuan x GN!Reader)
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Jing Yuan x GN!Reader PT5
Read here or on Ao3
If next scene is smut, will have one for AMAB and another for AFAB
Wc: 580
Tags; manipulative, stalker behavior, Jing Yuan knows better, etc, suggestive content, n//s////f/w
Your first thought is that its nice to see him again, in private, sans any of the bothersome work...
Your second thought is he's now made a public appearance at your house, unannounced.
"Why are you here?" 
"To check on you," He says cutely and cocks his head to the side, "are you busy?"
You shake your head, mainly because you're too stunned to speak. 
He exhales, "That's good, can I come inside?"
You're on the verge of screaming bloody murder. You press your palms against your tired eyes and step aside. Jing Yuan slides past you like he's been personally invited.
At least Fu Xuan doesn't stand anything to gain from gossip, so being discovered by her was only a temporary embarrassment.
Hundred-year war hero, the great golden Jing Yuan, and you, a secretary, in your house together in the middle of the night? Alone? You'd be shocked if the local media weren't banging down your door tomorrow for answers.
Jing Yuan clears his throat, "Don't be upset with me, but it's not against the rules for me to make sure my staff members are okay, you know?" 
You deflate and close the door behind you. Nothing to do now but face the future, "Would a phone call not have sufficed?"
"Would you have picked up?" He motions to the growing pile of baskets on the floor. You sink against the door. Can't argue with him there. 
Jing Yuan's borderline needling smile softens, "I suppose I can't quite hate you for not picking up on things, though." 
He takes you by the wrist, pulls you close, and holds you. Warmth envelopes your body and the scent of lotus flowers and fresh-cut sandalwood floods your senses. 
He's here. Jing Yuan is here and, in spite of that, you miss him. You wrap your arms around him as best you're able.
"I'm sorry, love," His palm smooths down the center of your back and you feel lithe against him. Your heart is fluttering. Your eyes squeeze shut. You were left to your own devices for well over a month to brood. You don't have the strength to be as mad as you know you should be. 
Jing Yuan pulls back to give you a kiss on the cheek, then another, then his mouth is on yours again and your stomach is flooding with heat.
It's happening again. 
You're melting into a puddle in his arms after just a few seconds. You feel it when he shudders. His hand grips your ass and you push your body up against him in a way that makes him growl into your open mouth. 
"—fuck." He hisses through his teeth. He grips your shoulders now and shoves you back onto your messy couch. Your stomach is doing flips with how he's looming over you, breathing hard with his thick cock already peaking underneath his red trousers. 
One of his hands grabs the hem of your pants and the other grabs your neck. 
"I only--I only came here to apologize, I shouldn't. Oh, fuck, I shouldn't." He says, before his mouth crashes down on yours and he grinds his hand down in a way that makes you feel outright flushed. 
He's right. You take a deep breath and grab Jing Yuan's wrists, because he's right. You should be shoving him back and demanding to talk more about all the reasons you're both even here. The blatant ignoring of admittedly unspoken, but still important, boundaries. The lack of communication.
Another grind down and your head floods again. 
A talk as serious as that can wait, can't it? 
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jonillaa · 1 year
hiiii!!! saw that ur new here!! it’s so nice to have more writers for &team!! i wonder if I can req high school au!with jo x f!reader, when it’s school day and they finally got time to eat together, and jo is sleeping (? kinda) on his s/o lap (like in their recent tiktok lol but the opposite)
its kinda long but it’s rlly cute lol!!
(the tiktok I talked about : https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLuntQoM/)
SUMMER BUMMER ┊ asakura jo
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PAIRING ┊ non-idol!jo x f!reader
GENRE ┊ fluff , high school au
WC ┊ 580+
WARNINGS ┊ reader and jo is in high school , food is mentioned , really bad dialogues :p , lowercase intended!!
SYNOPSIS ┊ after dating for a couple of months, you and jo finally have a chance to spend some much-needed alone time together during lunch. seizing the opportunity, you both enjoy a peaceful meal, which ends with jo falling asleep on your lap.
A/N ┊ hii anon!! thank you for requesting this omg this is so cute 🥹🥹 i hope this is what you wanted and if it’s not i can rewrite it! ^_^ but i feel like everything is so cliché so im super sorry about that 😭 (the jo stans need to get fed!)
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the sweltering heat of summer enveloped the high school campus, casting a hazy glow over an unlikely duo—asakura jo, the popular basketball captain, and you, the president of the art club. amidst your guys’ respective roles and endeavors, your paths had crossed, and a love story blossomed beneath the blazing sun.
when the pressures of high school and extracurricular activities threatened to drown you both, an opportunity finally presented itself. with hearts yearning for solitude, you and jo ascended to the sanctuary of the school rooftop, an oasis where chaos gave way to tranquility.
bento boxes brimming with delectable treats adorned on top of your guy’s laps, awaiting your indulgence. the sun bathed the rooftop in a golden glow, casting a beautiful backdrop for the much-needed respite you were about to experience.
as you settled down cross-legged, sarcasm laced your words, "so, is this where we have our grand romantic gestures? on top of a school roof-top? so cliché."
jo chuckled, his eyes dancing with affection. "maybe. but hey, i promise to keep the swooning to a minimum if you do the same."
you exchanged teasing smiles before digging into the bento boxes, savoring the flavors and the light-hearted banter that flowed freely. amidst the laughter and shared stories, a deep-rooted bond blossomed, intertwining your lives with a delicate yet sturdy thread.
as the rooftop embraced an air of tranquility, the world faded into the background. time lost its authority while you reveled in each other's company. the gentle breeze weaved whispers of serenity through your conversation, amplifying the shared sense of solace.
once the bento boxes were emptied, contentment settled over you both like a cozy blanket. the rooftopscape stretched before you, an urban panorama that mirrored the possibilities laid out in front of you.
jo's eyelids grew heavy, the remnants of exhaustion surfacing from long days of basketball practice. sensing his fatigue, you extended your lap, an inviting cushion. crossing his legs beneath him, jo settled in, his head finding sweet respite against your legs.
you tenderly played with his hair, your touch an unspoken reassurance. "don't worry, jo. the rooftop nap is all the rage these days. you're just ahead of the trend."
he smirked, his voice laced with a playful edge. "ah, yes, it's the latest fashion statement. thank you for keeping me up-to-date."
as the atmosphere settled into a peaceful serenade, you watched jo succumb to sleep. his body relaxed under the weight of his slumber, his breaths rhythmic and steady. in this tender moment, vulnerability painted across his features, your heart swelled with affection.
whispering soft encouragements into the stillness, you marveled at his trust. here, on the rooftop, surrounded by endless possibilities, you nurtured a love that transcended the hurried pace of high school life.
above it all, the sky painted itself in hues of orange and gold as the sun began its descent. time ticked away steadily, yet your little pocket of solitude remained, an infinite haven for two young souls entangled in the journey of love.
in jo's embrace, you found comfort, a sanctuary that shielded you from life's summer bummers. together, you forged a bond that withstood the tests of bustling hallways and competing passions. the rooftop became an emblem—an embodiment of your unwavering devotion to one another.
and so, under the scorching hot sun, you both sat, entwined in a slumbering embrace, basking in the simplicity of love's melody as the world whispered its secrets to the afternoon sky.
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a/n 2 ┊ this actually took me longer than expected 😭 I tried not to make everything so awkward so im so sorry for the random sarcastic dialogues LMFAO.
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yikes-00 · 2 years
Smut prompts:
“Don’t tempt me.”
Please? 😋😋😋
Hello!!! Thank you for the prompt!!! Also i don’t know what it is about this specific group of words, this also ran away from me!!! I hope you enjoy!!
WC: 580
Rating: E/Explicit
Tags: Public sex, exhibition, frottage, praise kink, mild competency kink, pool table sex (I’ve always wanted to write this so this might come back!)
AN: Good vibes and happiness!!! Hope y’all enjoy and are having a good day!
“Don’t tempt me.” 
Jake smirks. His eyes look up through his lashes at Bradley before he straightens up. It’s a call back to a time before. A time when their words were weapons and used to hurt. 
“You find me tempting?” Jake asks. His voice low in his throat as he walks around the table slowly.
 Bradley’s eyes track him like a wolf tracking its innocent prey. A story with warnings that Jake forgets because being in the wolf’s crosshairs is exactly where he wants to be. Jake raises a brow as he rests his weight on his pool stick. 
The party is in full swing. Two miracles with a Hail Mary rescue tends to make the liquor flow and people a little more loose. No one notices them as they stand in the corner by themselves. Two friends buried under years of egos and words that landed wrong. 
“Yeah,” Bradley says as he lifts his drink to his lips. His eyes glide down Jake’s body. “I do find you very tempting.” 
Jake smiles. A small huff leaves his lungs and he turns back to the table. The shot is there and all he needs to do is shoot straight. 
Warm hands land on his hips. A thumb dips under his shirt and slides along the skin above his jeans. 
“I say I find you tempting and you stick your ass up,” Bradley says in a low voice. He leans over Jake’s body encasing him. His lips brush against Jake’s ear. “What did you expect I would do?” 
Jake tries to hide how his body arches into Bradley. His hips tilt up as he lines up the shot. Bradley’s hands slide up, higher over Jake’s abs, nails scratching along the skin. Jake’s eyes flutter. 
“Shhhh,” Bradley tsks. His hips roll subtly against Jake as he grinds himself against Jake’s ass. “Be a good boy and line it up and shoot it.”
Jake lets out noise as the praise makes him a little hotter. 
“You like being good?” Bradley asks. His hips grinding harder as his hands crawl up Jake’s body stroking his skin. “My little hero likes knowing he’s a good boy?” 
Jake nods. His hands shake and he gives up any pretense that he’s trying to make a shot. 
“You are,” Bradley assures him. He slides his hands out of Jake’s shirt and presses down on Jake’s back, bending him over the table. The hands are back on his hips and he rocks harder, rutting against Jake’s ass through the clothes. “You are so good. So pretty and talented and saved my life.” 
Jake whines. The party swallows the noise and no one looks over and if they do they turn around giving them their moment. 
“Such a pretty boy for me that’s all mine,” Bradley growls out low in his throat as he leans over and presses his lips against Jake’s ear. 
Jake is hard. It’s uncomfortable and unfulfilling but the words whispered against him push him closer to the edge. Jake’s legs shake as he presses back and lets Bradley take. 
“Come for me,” Bradley says quietly, “come for me and let me take you home and love you right.” 
Jake keens and lets go. His orgasm slams through him and he’s flipped over. Bradley’s lips are on his, hands holding him and grounding him. Bradley pulls back and stares deep into Jake’s eyes. 
“My pretty little savior,” Bradley says as his thumb strokes Jake’s cheek. 
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