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arielmcorg · 1 year ago
#Wayra invierte en la fintech que permite a no residentes abrir cuentas en EE.UU.
Wayra, el área de innovación abierta y fondo corporativo de Telefónica Movistar, invierte en GrabrFi, la app que permite acceder al sistema bancario de EE.UU. para recibir pagos y ahorrar en dólares estadounidenses, enviar y recibir transferencias bancarias, sin necesidad de viajar o ser residente de EE.UU. Actualmente, GrabrFi está disponible en 14 países y en 2023 logró alcanzar un hito de 45…
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dergarabedian · 1 year ago
Wayra invierte en la "fintech" GrabrFi
Wayra, el área de innovación abierta y fondo corporativo de Telefónica Movistar, anunció una inversión en GrabrFi, una aplicación que permite acceder al sistema bancario de los Estados Unidos para recibir pagos y ahorrar en dólares estadounidenses, enviar y recibir transferencias bancarias, sin necesidad de viajar o ser residente en el país norteamericano. Continue reading Wayra invierte en la…
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arecaceae175 · 1 year ago
Sky and Wayra from Lost Loftwing, a @heroesspirit fic!
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gunshots-and-subway-trains · 10 months ago
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Updated Wayra reference. Kind of spoilery at this point, but better than the old one.
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trastornadosrevista · 3 months ago
La noche del 26 de diciembre fue el broche de oro para un 2024 inolvidable en estos primeros pasos de Wayra Iglesias. Llena de energía y pasión en el escenario, no defraudó a su público y brindó un show impecable.
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Pasadas las 21:30 ante un The Roxy casi al límite de su capacidad, Wayra volvió a demostrar por qué es una de las artistas más destacadas de la escena joven del rock y el blues actual. Su voz hipnótica llenó el espacio, mientras su banda acompañaba con una precisión y energía que elevó la noche a un nivel superior. Si bien es cierto que la lista es corta (explicado por ella misma) ya que sólo tiene un disco de estudio, las canciones de "La suerte de encontrarme" ya son coreadas por todos los presentes, y esto se aprecia en la sonrisa y sorpresa de la artista. Es que ya pasaron 8 meses de aquella noche de cumpleaños donde el disco salió a la luz en vivo y la recepción del mismo es cada vez mejor. "Para olvidarme" fue el track elegido para iniciar la noche.
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Luego siguió con "Girando", "Huir", y ya para "Este juego" podíamos notar como con gracia y soltura, Wayra se movía brillando por el escenario ante la atenta mirada de su madre, quien retrataba cada momento con su celular en primera fila. Desde este medio, siempre destacamos la interacción con su público, creando un ambiente de conexión hermoso. Tal es así, que contó "Alguien me escribió por Instagram y me dijo que toca la armónica. Ése alguien está acá?". Inmediatamente Pablo Zapata levantó la mano y subió al escenario a hacer una excelsa versión del tema de Viejas locas, "Me gustas mucho". Ya para el final, habiendo pasado su canción favorita y luego la de sus amigas, subió al escenario Tincho con su saxo para hacer "2+2=3" y "Mi perro dinamita", 2 absolutos temazos de La Renga y Los redondos. Como siempre, el final fue con la fiesta de "No hay para siempre" y "Rock and roll" con el público ya parado saltando entre las mesas.
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En su primer año con disco de estudio, Wayra se dió el lujo de presentarlo en La Trastienda, tocar en distintos lugares del país y también en algún bar del viejo continente cuando salió de gira con La Renga. Finalmente, mencionó algunos destinos para el próximo verano y nos anticipó qué el 2025 vendrá con disco nuevo "super rockero". Lo celebramos. Que sea rock!
Crónica: Oscar Nievas
Fotos: Florche Duré
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iggymani · 2 months ago
🇧🇴 🇯🇵
Butter‐Fly(ANDES バージョン) de Wayra JaponAndes ワイラハポナンデス
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traductorcc · 5 months ago
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Ayahuasca is a sacred plant used by Amazonian cultures in ceremonies for healing and spiritual connection. 🌿✨ Wayra Spirit offers authentic and safe experiences for those looking to explore this ancient medicine in a respectful, guided environment.
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leftistfeminista · 7 months ago
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Performance “Stop sexual torture!”: The body as a political weapon and territory of resistance
As part of the commemoration of September 11, we, along with comrades from the Colectiva Qispiy Wayra, carried out a street performance aimed at shedding light on the sexual political violence that women who organized politically suffered during the civic-military dictatorship in Chile. Bodies on which practices of violence, torture and discipline were exercised with the ultimate aim of preventing their agency; their capacity to question and challenge a fascist, capitalist and patriarchal social order.
Many women have bravely decided to share their testimonies to raise awareness and publicly denounce the sexual torture inflicted during the Chilean dictatorship. However, there remains a significant social resistance to recognizing that all torture directed at women is, in fact, sexual torture. Furthermore, there is a strong reluctance to acknowledge the continuity between the torture practices used during the dictatorship and those still inflicted on bodies read as "woman" today.
In this sense, this performance is both an act of historical memory and a strategy of social denunciation. It highlights the many forms of violence and torture that the State continues to exercise over women. Testimonies from comrades who have been detained, insulted, beaten, forced to undress, denied water, and more, show that the Chilean state remains at war with the bodies that organize and confront its misogyny.
Additionally, the criminalization of abortion, which denies women the right to make decisions about our own bodies, and the experiences of comrades who have been persecuted and imprisoned for aborting, further demonstrate the deeply misogynistic and sexist nature of the State.
In the face of this heteropatriarchal and capitalist context, women continue to develop and articulate strategies of resistance and political action. The performance "Stop Sexual Torture!" makes clear that the body has been used as a tool for social regulation and control, but it is also a means of denunciation, confrontation, reclamation, transgression, and resistance. For this reason, the body is, above all, agency—both an individual and collective praxis for social transformation and our own emancipation. This performance attempts to center the body in resistance, a body that redefines its way of being in the world. This means that in its challenge to a dominant social order, it reveals alternative ways of understanding the person, gender, social relationships, relationships with the land, and more—offering pathways to resist, question, and transform reality.
Lastly, I believe it's important to recognize that each body resists in its own way, with its contradictions and breaks, with the experiential, relational, and autobiographical knowledge that comes with inhabiting that body. From the rage that injustice, violence, discrimination, and torture provoke, we weave together our resistance.
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monstax-info · 1 year ago
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[240102] SHOWNU — 2023 FUERZA BRUTA WAYRA In Seoul Behind #셔누 (2)
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jennrypan · 1 year ago
Who are you really? (WAYR): First serial killer au, where Scourge and Sonic are brothers and they're dating Amy and Shadow who are detectives.
WAYRA PT2: Same as on top but the couple isn't together, but Amy isn't a detective but Shadow is, and Sonics obsessed with him. Scourge and Sonic go after crime cuz cops aren't doing what they should. They also have Silver and Blaze as their adopted siblings-- (failed by the adoption center. Place my minds going-- but yeah lmao.)
Can't Quit. (CQ): Sonic being a retired seriel killer and trying to be normal but he can't even though he's married with a whole child and now he has to act like he's not going back to doing crazy shit so he doesn't lose Shadow or his kid.
Haunted: Sonic is Scourges cousin in this, Scourge comes from a pretty crazy ass family and he got moved around a lot. They use to be close as children but Scourge is kinda. Demonic?? I forgot- he could control metal to some degree cuz his dad was a Satanist of some kind it was WILD (and that's actually kinda canon to my Scourge lore lol) but yeah. Along the way he killed his family and was hunting Sonic cuz he wanted everyone in his family dead. Sonic manages to get the slip on him (after Scourge stabs him in the eye) and stabs Scourge in the neck) but instead of dying. Scourge comes back and haunts him. Theres-- so much to this one, this one is wild lmao
Deadly Sins / Keeping up with the Sins: The Sonic cast as the Seven Deadly sins but with my oc cuz I can. Anyways. RX (Oc): Pride, Scourge: Lust, Shadow: Wrath, Mephiles: Greed, Knuckles: Gluttony, Manic: Sloth. Bruh I forgot who was envy i-- . Silver??? I know Mephiles was a huge prick, and Sonic was an imp / who's too good to be a Demon but too shitty to be an angel 💀
EVOLVE (Based on a song): I created this au after watching TMNT 2012, that scene where Raph and Leo fight in the rain-- and it expanded from there. Shadow, Sonic, and Scourge were created as bio weapons basically by their fathers Dominique (Human Black Dooms name) and Lucifer. Scourge got the worst of it cuz his powers are more chaotic/destructive while Sonic is the favorite child of Lucifer while Shadow is Doms best creation. Sonic and Shadow trained together and they developed a crush, and Sonic decided to help him and then. They escaped (leaving Scourge cuz Sonic thought he couldn't help him :((.) It's very angsty, has..three endings. Scourgamy is included ofc ofc.
Sonic has the ability to multiply himself, turn gold and use super speed, Shadow has various shadow manipulation abilities, can teleport and can send things away, Scourge has the ability to destroy and decay things, along with create illusions. This au is. Fun--
This are the ones I can remember that are more lore based- @bellamer
Also these are mostly human aus where their human names are.
Marcus (Sonic), Marcel (Shadow) Jason (Scourge)
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babieken · 1 year ago
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Me: *has no idea what fuera bruta wayra is* OMG THATS SO COOL!!!!! WAY TO GO SHOWNU!!!!!!!!
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zaxde · 10 months ago
Ayuda hice esto desde ayer y por fin lo terminé uwu
Hasta tuve que investigar el significado de cada nombre 😭
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Sabían que Wayra es Quechua es viento :V?
O que rayza es reina en árabe xd
Borsha es una sopa rusa XD
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(to) kiss = wayria /wˈe͡ɪɹiə/
Positive secondary action of 'to like'. Present tense. Formal.
Definition: A peculiar form of interaction where two individuals engage in the mutual exchange of breath and possibly unsolicited dental information.
Example: ↪ Romanised: Ei'wiMasyx. N-ei megalart wayria K9, rio joh po nori "fia, Meyopamo", qi'mitemyx. ↪ English: 'I'm so embarrassed. I accidentally kissed K9, now when he says 'Yes, Mistress', it's awkward.' ↪ Audio:
↪ Sollifreyan (font v1):
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Etymological and Morphological Breakdown:
Way- (Root): Derived from 'way', a Gallifreyan term associated with interactions or exchanges between entities.
-ria (Root): Originating from 'ria', which signifies 'body' in Gallifreyan. The '-ria' segment suggests a physical aspect to the interaction, indicating that the action involves a bodily connection or contact.
Usage and Additional Notes:
Conceptualisation of Kiss: 'Wayria' encapsulates the idea of a kiss as a form of interaction that involves physical contact, combining elements that signify interaction ('way') and the physical body ('ra'). This reflects an understanding of a kiss not just as a physical act, but as an intimate form of communication or connection between individuals.
Versatility in Usage: While 'wayria' primarily denotes the act of kissing, its roots in interaction and physicality allow for potential extensions or adaptations in related contexts. It could be employed metaphorically to describe other forms of close interaction or connection that involve a meeting of 'bodies' or 'selves', whether literally or figuratively.
Modifiers: ↪ Tense (simple): N-wayra (kissed) | Future: wayra-N (will kiss) ↪ Negative: wayra-o (not kissing) ↪ Slang: wayrr
(GIL Gallifreyan Conlang Guide (coming soon))
Gallifreyan Word for Wednesday by GIL 》 need a translation? / see more Gallifreyan words If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to sustain our tired human writer with enough caffeine to continue this madness and help make future projects.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year ago
Land Bugs: Bugs Not In Space
More @heroesspirit bug fics bc I cannot be contained
Summary: Cori and Agitha lead the second official meeting of the Bug Squad.
Fluff, 1.4k. So many thank yous to @wildsage00 for beta reading <3
“Welcome to the second official meeting of the Bug Squad!” Agitha said as she twirled in a circle and threw her arms in the air. Cori bounced a little where he was kneeling and clapped his hands together. Wayra squawked loudly and Sky laughed with him. Sailor scooted closer to Twilight, farther from Wayra, though he still had a smile on his face. 
“Roll call,” Cori said. He picked up his notebook and pencil and turned to a specific page. 
“Co-leaders Cori and Agitha, here,” Cori said. 
“Heeeere!” Agitha sang.
Cori turned to Twilight and stared expectantly. 
“Oh, uh, Twilight. Here,” Twilight said. 
Wayra squawked, evidently deciding it was his turn. Sky laughed again and put a hand on his neck to calm him. 
“Wayra and Sky, here!” Sky said. 
“Sailor, here,” Sailor said. 
“And that’s everyone!” Cori said, pencil scratching in his notebook. 
“Where’s the other one? Wild?” Agitha asked. Twilight’s eyes widened and he immediately made a stop motion with his hands. Agitha didn’t notice. 
Cori’s gaze darkened. “He is not allowed in the Bug Squad.”
“Why?” Agitha asked. 
“He tried to eat a stag beetle!” Cori exclaimed. Agitha gasped and put an affronted hand on her chest. 
“What?” Agitha yelled. 
“He will never be forgiven,” Cori said. 
Sky, Sailor, and Twilight made awkward eye contact while Cori and Agitha stared at their bug collections with ire. Sky cleared his throat. 
“So… bugs?” Sky said hesitantly. 
Cori brightened and bounced again. “Yes! Bugs. Very important. Does anyone have any new bugs to share?”
“Oh! I do!” Sky said. He excitedly rummaged through his bag until he pulled out a beetle and displayed it for the group. “I found this one on a tree. Caught it with my bug net.”
Cori and Agitha both gasped and leaned forward reverently. 
“A western Hercules beetle!” Cori said excitedly. He glanced at Agitha with a wide grin then back to the beetle. 
“Oh, oh, oh boy! What a li’l cutie!” Agitha said. “Li’l beetle, li’l beetle, li’l beetle!” 
Cori cupped his hands in front of Sky’s so the beetle could crawl onto his palm. After a bit of investigation, it did. The beetle was big enough to cover his palm from one side to the other. Cori giggled as its legs tickled his skin. He carefully twisted so he was holding the bug up between himself and Agitha. 
“ Dynastes grantii !” Cori said. The others crowded around to get a look at the beetle and Wayra peeked his head over the group.
“Nice horns,” Twilight said. 
It took all of Cori’s willpower not to bounce with excitement. He didn’t want to scare the bug. Instead, he hummed to release his happy energy. 
“It has cool spots on its wings,” Sailor said. 
“Not wings,” Agitha corrected. “Elytra.”
“Which is…?” Sky asked.
“Hardened forewing. It protects the wings,” Cori explained. “The spots are cool! They’re different on every beetle. Did you know, in places that are really warm or humid, they’ll have so many spots that they look black?”
“I did know that!” Agitha said excitedly.
“I didn’t,” Twilight said with a grin.
Sky sneezed. The beetle quickly opened its elytra and extended its wings to fly away. Cori watched it fly into Agitha’s tree with wonder. 
“Oops,” Sky muttered apologetically. 
“It’s ok,” Cori said. 
“Who else has a new bug?” Agitha asked. 
“I brought one!” Sailor dug around in his pouch until he produced a small creature Cori didn’t recognize. “Ta da!” 
Everyone leaned in. Wayra squawked.
“I don’t recognize that one,” Cori said with a frown. “Are you sure it’s an insect?"
“I dunno.” Sailor shrugged. “It looks like a tiny lobster. It could be a bug.”
“That’s a crawdad, not a lobster,” Twilight said. 
“What? No it’s not. That’s a crayfish,” Sky said. 
“Fish? So, not a bug?” Agitha asked. 
Cori frowned and huffed out an irritated breath. Why would Sailor bring a fish to bug squad? Although, Cori thought as he leaned in for a closer look, it didn’t look much like any fish he had ever seen. He didn’t pay much attention to fish. They weren’t bugs.
“No, not a bug. Sorry,” Twilight said to Cori and Agitha. Agitha hmphed and crossed her arms. Cori frowned and leaned back on his heels. He was ready to go back to the bugs. 
“But not a fish either,” Twilight continued. 
“I know it’s not a fish, that’s just what we call it,” Sky said. 
“Why would you call it a fish if it’s not a fish?” Twilight asked. 
“That’s just what it’s called!”
“That is not what it’s called! It’s a crawdad!” 
“Um,” Cori muttered.
“Why would it be called a crawdad?” Sky asked, voice dripping with disgust.
“Why would it be called a crayfish ? It’s not a fish!” Twilight argued. 
“Guys?” Sailor asked. 
“It’s not a dad either—” Sky said. 
“You don’t know that,” Twilight replied with a scowl. 
“—or a craw , whatever that is.”
“How is that different from cray?” 
“It’s clearly— ”
Wayra screeched loudly in Twilight’s direction, flapping his wings and shaking his head. Cori slammed his hands over his ears and scrunched his eyes shut. The bird was far too loud.
He could hear Sky saying something, but couldn’t make out any of the words. There was a light tap on his knee, and Cori cautiously opened one eye. Sky was smiling apologetically at him and Wayra had moved farther away from the group. 
“Sorry. He won’t do that again,” Sky said; Cori read his lips. 
Cori carefully lowered his hands from his ears and glanced at Wayra. His head was hanging low and he looked apologetic, as much as a giant bird could. Cori glanced at the others and noticed Sailor pressed against Twilight’s side, face pale.
Hm. Cori could fix that.
“Let’s go back to insects, please,” Cori said. 
“Agreed, agreed, agreed,” Agitha said. “Yes please.”
“I have to disqualify the– that,” Cori pointed at Sailor’s creature, “from bug squad. Sorry.”
Sailor shrugged and put the creature in his pouch. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Cori looked around Agitha’s room for a suitably cool bug to bring to the group next. He saw a mantis perched on a branch and jumped up to get it. He carefully nudged it onto his hand, then went to kneel beside Sailor. 
“Here.” Cori nudged Sailor’s arm until he held his hands out, then pushed the mantis gently into his palms. 
“Li’l mantis, li’l mantis, li’l mantis!” Agitha cheered. Her hands flew to her cheeks as she grinned and appreciated the bug. 
“This is a mantis. I think it’s in the Paramantis family, but they can be hard to distinguish,” Cori explained. 
“Cool,” Sailor said. His smile was back and he wasn’t leaning so heavily against Twilight. Twilight met Cori’s eyes and grinned. Cori looked back at the mantis and smiled. 
“Did you know praying mantises can turn their head 180 degrees?” Cori asked. 
“Woah,” Sailor said. 
“Mantises are the only insects in the world that can do that,” Cori continued excitedly. “It helps them when they’re hunting their prey.”
“What do they eat?” Twilight asked. 
“Soft-bodied insects,” Cori answered immediately. Twilight nodded, impressed. Cori grinned widely. 
The mantis jumped off Sailor’s hands and scuttled away. 
“Did anyone else bring a bug?” Agitha asked. Everyone shook their heads. 
“We could go catch some?” Sky suggested. He pulled a giant net out of his bag with a conspiratorial grin. Cori leapt to his feet, eyes wide. 
“Yes. Now,” Cori said. 
“Ok,” Sky agreed with a laugh. “Where’s the best spot to catch bugs around here?”
“South Hyrule Field is closest,” Twilight said. “There’s plenty there.”
“Let’s go!” Cori grabbed Twilight’s hand and dragged him to the door.
“Ok, ok, I’m going,” Twilight said with a laugh.
“Not fast enough!” Agitha exclaimed. 
“Oh yeah?” Twilight barked out a laugh and stopped in his tracks. Cori’s tug on his arm did nothing. Agitha put both hands on his back and pushed as hard as she could, feet sliding against the floor. 
“You’re too heavy!” Agitha complained. Sky and Twilight both laughed and Wayra bounced around the group. 
Sailor leapt onto Twilight’s back and pinched his ear, tugging it towards the door. “Onward, lowly steed!” 
“Ah, ow, okay, fine!” Twilight laughed and let himself be pulled to the door. 
Cori threw it open and bounded into the streets. He couldn’t contain his excitement. With Sky’s massive net, there was no telling how many bugs they would catch!
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gunshots-and-subway-trains · 10 months ago
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Promo poster for CONTRAST!
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trastornadosrevista · 4 months ago
WAYRA IGLESIAS cierra el año con un show en vivo el 26 DE DICIEMBRE EN THE ROXY BAR & GRILL
La joven cantante y compositora despide un año de muchos shows en vivo con una nueva fecha el 26 de Diciembre en The Roxy Bar & Grill.  Wayra Iglesias sigue presentando “LA SUERTE DE ENCOTRARME”.
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Luego de lanzar su primer álbum de estudio, de debutar  con un SOLD OUT en La Trastienda, llevar su potente voz al ritmo del blues, rock y soul,  por San Pedro y Rosario,  presentarse en Club Lucille con su show propio, recorrer el interior de Buenos Aires,  suma otro escenario a su corta trayectoria y se prepara para EL 2025 QUE LA ESPERA CON LA PARTICIPACION EN LOS FESTIVALES MÁS IMPORTANTES DE NUESTRO PAÍS: EN FEBRERO, COSQUIN ROCK, CÓRDOBA Y EN ABRIL EL QUILMES ROCK, BUENOS AIRES.
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