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cyavillaarts · 3 years ago
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Spyke, Evan Daniels
X-Men Evolution
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cabcomics · 4 years ago
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Music, you now, true music - not just rock n roll - it chooses you. It live in your car, or alone listening to your headphones, you know, with the cast scenic bridges and angelic choirs in your brain. It's a place apart from the vast, benign lap of America. Like New Comic Book Day! #almostfamous #ncbd #lcs #flagstaff #cabcomics #amazingspiderman #captainamerica #stillwater #imagecomics #wondergirl #fortnite #dccomics #walkingdead #radiantblack #wayofx #wolverine #heroesreborn #batman #flash #starwars #starwarswarofthebountyhunters (at Cab Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCkQGJJQvv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thirdeyecomics · 4 years ago
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The next big steps in the 🔥 @jh_pronea #xmencomics arrived this week with #wayofx & it’s so rad! So much #nightcrawler awesomeness!! Want to reserve or preorder this or other items? Here’s how: 1. Email ✉️ [email protected] or DM us here. 2. ‼️ Make sure to include: the item, your name, your phone # or email address, and whether it’s for in store pick up (pls include the Third Eye location) or mail order! 3. We’ll get you paid up & it’s yours! #comics #comicbooks #comiccollector #comiccollectors #houseofx #xmen #uncannyxmen #buythirdeyeordie #annapolis #annapolismd #annapolismaryland (at Annapolis, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN-zI0LB2JH/?igshid=e0d38uutm9uq
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abiinchina · 4 years ago
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Finally managed to start putting colors on some sketches 😊 will keep posting and complete these batch of marvel fan art . . . . . #jeangrey #phoenix #xofswords #wayofx #marvelfanart #psychic #telepath #xmen #xmenfanart #phoenixforce #darkphoenix #mutants #aagart https://www.instagram.com/p/CMDY03qDMnA/?igshid=1g4hs47uvoi3x
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booraystrife · 3 years ago
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I wish the art in this book was more like the cover art. It’s so cartoony that it’s hard to care about the things happening. I love all the characters in this story but it’s always falling short. #wayofx (at Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdi0RperRPc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeniidrawsshit · 3 years ago
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Finished commission of the BEST character in comics. Swipe for some process pics and my nerdiness on display. I still have some commission slots open. Head on over to my Etsy store at link in bio! . . . . . #nightcrawler #kurtwagner #xmen #wayofx #legionofx #originalart #artcard #artistsketchcard #commission #mixedmedia #mutant (at Rogers Park, Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZxd3IYPkkV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blerdiverse · 3 years ago
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Check out the new upload: https://youtu.be/fErZbz9EurE #xmen #xmenonslaught #houseofx #marvel #wayofx #powersofx #marvelcomics #marvelcomic #marvelcomicbooks #blerds #blerdslit #blerdlife #blerdiverse #blerd #blerdcon #blerdcommunity #blerdshit #blerdsunite #blerdnation #blerdgang #blerdsstaylit https://www.instagram.com/p/CUWYu9Dshts/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carolinecosplay · 4 years ago
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I had a lot of fun on the @houseofxpodcast podcast talking with @warpath_dylan @theredqueenofx @kevinwinston and @kamustaka about the new Marvel Voices: Identity book out now. It was an honor to be a guest! 💜💜💜 Find the episode on House of X Podcast on any platform iTunes Spotify and more! Posted @withregram • @houseofxpodcast Join Us as we have these 3 amazing guests and members of the group on to discuss MARVEL VOICES: IDENTITY! This was a great sit down chat and review! Find the episode on House of X Podcast on any platform iTunes Spotify and more! Links in bio! #marvelvoices #marvelvoicesidentity #api #aapi ______________________________ 🔵JOIN our Fb group “House of X” 🟡FOLLOW @houseofxpodcast for X-Men News 🔴CLICK the LINK in bio to find us everywhere on the web —————————————————— #xmen #houseofx #reignofx #dawnofx #hellions #xforce #xfactor #excalibur #newmutants #cable #wolverine #sword #marauders #xcorp #wayofx #krakoa #marvel #marvellegends #art #hobby #mutantandproud #hellfiregala #inferno #thetrialofmagneto #psylocke #kwannon https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQQvYRh3BZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itsjustrj011 · 4 years ago
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#comics #comicbooks #marvel #marvelcomics #xmen #rjscomicsxmen #wayofx https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ28ZSXtwp3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cyavillaarts · 4 years ago
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The Five
X-Men, Krakoan
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gvk2012 · 4 years ago
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It is that wonderful day again! Comic book @mythical_mountain. Some great stuff today including The Spawn Universe one-shot and The War Of The Bounty Hunters store continues in Darth Vader. #comics #comic #comicbooks #comicbookday #Spawn #spawnuniverse #xmen #wayofx #wolverine #sword #starwars #darthVader #marvelcomics #vengeanceofvampirella #redsonja #Vampirella #dynamitecomics #Batman #Superman #actioncomics #batman #detectivecomics #somethingiskillingthechildren #robin #dccomics #neca #necatoys #omega #toysarehellasick #toysofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CQedmGBgWE5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stevepaulmyers · 4 years ago
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#wayofx #xmen #mutant nightcrawler #kurtwagner #marvel #comics #marvelcomics #books #comicbooks #bathtimebooks #firstissue #issue1 #1 #1stissue #mutants (at Banana Cherry Villas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3Kd76LcH0/?igshid=105w7nkwsa1lj
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cabcomics · 4 years ago
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We'd better get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night... mostly. But it’s New Comic Book Day! #aliens #ncbd #lcs #flagstaff #cabcomics #marvel #amazingspiderman #xforce #wayofx #valkyries #imagecomics #dccomics #batman #fortnite #superman #godzilla #blackknight #captainmarvel #walkingdead #skybound #monstress (at Cab Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN6h0oFpTr8/?igshid=zg8okgt0wxge
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galaxyofcomics · 4 years ago
#Princesspugsleythecat is the undisputed kitty of cute! Also, #Variants and #staffrecommends and other great stuff! . . . . #comics #marvelcomics #extremecarnage #carnageblackwhiteandblood @claymcleod @ryanstegman #joker #jamestynioniv @jamesthefourth #thor #donnycates @dcates #indiecomics #imagecomics #marvelcomicbooks #skyboundx #skybound @robkirkman #wayofx #haha @wmaxwellprince #mylittlepony #bronies @officialmarkbagleyart #Aftershockcomics #beyondthebreach @ed_brisson #lcs #NCBD @boom_studios @imagecomics #ncbdwednesday #Wednesday #Shuritheblackpanther #newcomicbookday #Galaxyofcomics (at Galaxy of Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmEAByA4U_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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uncomicmas · 4 years ago
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Reseña exclusiva y adelantada fe #WayofX #1 a la venta el miércoles por #Marvel ¿De qué viene? ¡EL CAMINO AL FUTURO DE DE LOS X-MEN! La comunidad mutante ha construido un nuevo Edén ... pero hay serpientes en este jardín. Algunos mutantes luchan por encajar. Algunos mutantes recurren a la violencia y la muerte. Y los niños susurran sobre el Patchwork Man, cantando en sus corazones ... Sólo un mutante siente las sombras que se avecinan. Atrapado por cuestiones de muerte, ley y amor, solo Nightcrawler puede luchar por el alma de Krakoa. Solo él, y el curioso equipo que reúne (incluidos los favoritos de los fanáticos, Dr. Nemesis, Pixie y Blink), pueden ayudar a los mutantes a vencer su oscuridad interior y encontrar una nueva forma de vivir. WAY OF X de SI SPURRIER (X-MEN LEGACY) y BOB QUINN (CAPITÁN AMÉRICA) empujan las fronteras de Krakoa en esta ineludible entrada al nuevo y audaz REIGN OF X. TRAMA Nightcrawler investiga una escuela misteriosa que puede significar un peligro para los mutantes, esta en constante contacto con el Profesor Xavier. Nightcrawler empieza a temer por lo cruel que se está volviendo la población mutante en Krakoa y quiere cambiar eso. En las sombras parece existir un ser llamado Patchwork Man. Este cómic plantea varias amenazas a la población mutante. ARTE BOB QUINN asombra en cada uno de los paneles que ilustra, captura y resalta los magníficos poderes de Nightcrawler y mantiene el clima de suspenso de la trama con geniales toques noir. Resumen Nightcrawler investiga varias conspiraciones en los corazones de los mutantes Calificación 4.5 de 5 Créditos Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 DE ABRIL Escrito por @sispurrier Arte de @kingofsmaster Colores @javatartaglia Portada de @giuseppe_camuncoli Fuente @marvel https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2ywDKnazn/?igshid=w2ybvzge7h3s
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booraystrife · 4 years ago
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This is an awesome book that explores Kurt’s faith as well as the moral implications of the mutant’s resurrection protocols. Finally exploring the sort of sinister undertones is the entire society. Hopefully it actually goes somewhere. #wayofx (at Asteroid M) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpQxIrrYj4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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