#wax cowboy
watchingwatcher · 20 days
The way that hangman instantly starts to regret his actions the moment the cage lifts and he can walk out is gut wrenching because you can see the fog of hatred and need for vengeance clear and he doesn’t like what he has become and what he’s done. The emotions of regret and grief are so clear as he stands there with his lip quivering and eyes starting to tear up. He just beat a man so bad that the match was called off and he doesn’t know what to do with himself or the level of violence he just enacted. His gut instinct is to go back and check on swerve but the crowd start to scream and beg him to stop because they no longer trust that he’s capable of the level of care and kindness he once was known for. The crowd that cheered, loved and supported him without question are now scared of him and what he’s capable of and he realizes that in the moment and it’s heartbreaking. And he’s going to have to come to terms with the fact that he became the monster he initially fought against and figure out who he is after this and how to move forward from it.
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ahhfear · 11 months
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wax on, wax off
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northstarscowboyhat · 8 months
How did Starlo and Ceroba begin dating in your AU Would there be any conflict because of Cerobas last marriage ending so tragically?
First off, anon thank you for giving me an excuse to gush about Staroba. They have taken a hold of 95% of my brain. This might be a bit of a ramble, but I will gladly share my thoughts on them!
So before Clover arrives in the Underground, I imagine anything romantic between the both of them was kind of out of the question. I HC Starlo is still pining for Ceroba years later, but he's pretty discreet about it. That's his best friend, and she's recently lost her husband and daughter. He's going to be there for her emotionally, but he's not about to complicate things by pursuing his feelings. I imagine even if he hasn't really moved on from her, he's resigned to the fact that it'll only remain as pining from afar.
Meanwhile, on Ceroba's end, she isn't really thinking about romance. She's very much wallowing in her own grief and misery, so to her, Starlo is the only person she has left in her life, but he's just her best friend. There may be some feelings beginning to build, with living with Starlo and spending so much time with him, but nothing she really actively thinks about. She's too consumed by the terrible situation and struggles she's neck deep in.
It isn't until Clover comes around and chooses to stay in the Underground that things change. I HC that Clover chooses to live with Ceroba after the Pacifist ending. Starlo and the gang cleaned up her house anyways, so why not live in it again and make better memories? Because Ceroba's house is close to the Wild East, Starlo visits a lot, not just for Clover but for Ceroba too. Now that they're both working on their own issues and moving on, becoming healthier people, they're able to properly hang out and emotionally support one another and enjoy each other's company in a way they haven't for a few years. This is where Starlo's feelings really kick into high gear, and it's gotten to the point that everyone in their family and friend group notices.
("Dude, you like, totally wanna marry her," Mooch says, hardly bothering to contain her smug smirk. Starlo yanks on the brim of his hat to conceal his reddening face and begs her to keep her voice down, lest Ceroba hear it from across the bar counter.)
Though Ceroba is a lot more subtle about it, this is where her feelings begin to grow too. She realizes that Starlo has always been there for her, even if his actions weren't always the right ones his intentions have always been focused on doing things for her sake, and that she wants him around, maybe more than just a best friend. It gets to the point that the house feels lonely whenever he leaves from a visit. It probably takes a lot of internal strife and struggle to reconcile with her feelings. Letting another partner into her life after she's mourned her first husband is a massive and frightening step to take, after all. She knows Chujin would want her to be happy and live her life to the fullest after he's gone, but it's still a lot to take in.
I imagine once a few months pass, with encouragement from Starlo's friends ("C'mon boss, Clover calls you Pa and Ceroba Ma, you two are practically already raising them together!"), he tries to confess his feelings to Ceroba. He probably fumbles it a few times; not just because he's still shy and awkward under the sheriff persona, but because he really doesn't want to ruin his relationship with her, nor hurt her after everything she's been through. Ceroba, of course, notices this. Probably after the second or third bumbling attempt of him trying to tell her in privacy how he feels, she gently cuts him off and comes out and says it; she reciprocates his feelings, and she would love to start a new chapter of her life with him.
Thus, they begin dating! Everyone's happy for them, especially Clover and the Feisty Four, who has been privy to all of their subtle and not so subtle flirting and obvious pining. Starlo and Ceroba were already raising Clover together, but now it becomes a lot more overt. After they date for a while, Ceroba invites Starlo to move in so he can spend more time with her and Clover and be a proper family. He does so, gladly - though he probably does shed a tear or two moving out from the house he shared with his posse.
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loveshetlands · 3 months
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desolateyears · 1 year
texan Eddie thirsting over Steve
wc:560 cw: none
Living near the Gulf of Mexico has a lot of perks.
Eddie prefers it to living in northern Texas, where him and his Ma were at, where the heat is dry instead of humid, the sun about dries him out like a piece of jerky. 
Nothing beats sitting on his trailer porch sharing a cigar with his old man Wayne, other hand holding a sweating beer, hair gets big and frizzy, sunk down on a beach chair in a pair of blue denim jeans, and a sweat-stained wife-beater.
Even better, his most favorite weather, when there's light drizzling all day, like the sky has turned into a mist machine that sprays cool rain wherever he goes, while the sun remains smiling mighty bright. The green is green out here. The prettiest green you'll ever see. 
Nah, see, the gulf has it's scary hurricanes and tornado warnings every once in awhile but nothing beats heading out to the beach and catching sight of a dolphin or two. 
Not too far from Corpus Christi is a little place called Galveston Island where the buildings look straight out of an old western movie. He loves driving in his truck past all of the beach houses that are raised off the ground and finding neat sea shells that cover the sand. 
Eddie was an adventurous child, so surprising, but now, living right here, like this, taking care of Wayne? Yeah a quiet life like this one couldn't get any better. 
Certainly helps that there's a nice view across the trailer park. 
A view where moles span bronze tanned skin, muscles flex and relax from turning a wrench thats working some thingamajig on a motorcycle, Eddie doesn't know shit about shit like cars. Big hands are covered in grease and oil, an almost black towel from said grease lays on a wide set of shoulders, that connect to a plush and hairy chest. And that chest connects to a hairy stomach, and a happy trail that leads to–.
"Ya starin' at that boy again?"
Eddie whips his head towards Wayne.
"Uhhh, no. Definitely not, don' know what you're talkin' bout, Wayne."
Wayne hides his smirk by pulling a swig from his beer, the smug bastard. He chances another look at the man out of the corner of his eye. 
God almighty, Eddie’s never seen a man so sexy. Someone put him out of his misery. 
"Hey, Steve! My nephew's lookin' for some help with his truck, do ya mind?"
Eddie mutters out a quiet, "Yer a son of a bitch, Wayne." He sinks further in chair, cowboy hat tipping down. Wayne just smiles bigger. 
Steve looks up from he was focused on his bike and pushes his hair back from his face, using his hands to shield his eyes from the sun to see them. God, his biceps are huge, and fuck, his armpit hair is showing, jesus christ. 
Eddie is but a weak, weak man, when faced with another man covered in thick, dark hair.
"'Course, sir! Y'all mind if I steal a beer or two when I come over?"
Jesus. Who needs a sun when Steve's around and has a billion wattz smile? It's making Eddie's insides all warm and gooey, somebody call an ambulance.
"That's no problem, son." 
Anyway, yeah, living near the gulf in southern Texas, in a trailer park with Wayne. Well, that ain't too bad. 
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Charcters I rp!
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- House of 1000 Corpses - Baby Firefly, Otis Driftwood, Captain Spaulding and RJ Firefly
Black Christmas- Billy Lenz House of Wax- Bo and Vincent Sinclair RZ! Halloween- Mikey Myers IT- Henry Bowers, Patrick Hocksetter, Penneywise, Richie and Eddie. Scream- Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, and Charlie Walker Texas Chainsaw- Bubba, Nubbins, and Choptop Sawyer The Lost Boys- all of the lost boys, Star, Michael and Sam Emerson Chucky (series)- Charles Lee Ray (or chucky), Tiffany Valentine, and Nica Pierce (or chucky possessing Nica). American horror story- pretty much any character its to many to name T-T Fright Night: Jerry Dandrige Sweeney Todd: Sweney Tood himself and Mrs. Lovetts. Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Henry Creel and Jonathan Byers (I'm also willing to talk about playing other characters I love Stranger Things). Misc. Slahers: Martin (Martin 1977), Patrick Bateman (American Psycho 2000)
Beauty and the Beast: Prince Eric, Gaston and Belle Hocus Pocus: Winifred, Sarah and Mary Sanderson, Binx (human or cat), and Billy Butcherson.
Cowboy Bebop- Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Ed, and Vincent Volaju
80's movies
Breakfast Club: Bender, Allison Bill and Ted: obviously Bill and Ted, Evil! Bill and Ted too Heathers: Veroncia and JD
Gifs under here :3
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the-slasher-files · 1 year
Horror among horses
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It was a large ranch. Nothing out of the ordinary for the area, sprawling hills and meadows to graze. It was beautiful, however, if you looked any closer, the people made the whole thing seem... different.
You owned the place after your daddy has passed young, leaving a handful of men around you. They were hard workers, scary to look at, but ones that would lay their lives on the line for you in a heartbeat, and they've proven that.
Michael was the first at the ranch. A quiet and stoic man that hardly ever muttered a full sentence, just with a nod of head, black hat low on his brow and navy blue bandana rippled across the lower half of his face. You had seen it a few times, his face that was. Handsome and chiseled with a scar tearing into his left brow and down his cheek leaving a story behind to give him a milky white, dead eye, but the other was a warm brown in the blistering sun. Your daddy had always said 'he is the most loyal man to ever crawl out of the pits of hell', and he was right. Any business that had been dealt with the ranch or your family, Michael was there, a haunting and looming figure surrounding you in a cold but familiar safety. Oftentimes, you wouldn't see the large man for days, just maybe his shape in the night when he locked up your tack, but he was always there when you called in mere seconds. Michael was different from the rest of the cowboys, however. Animals seemed to drift around him, turning their gaze in higher respect and moving along. He rarely ever got on a horse and if he did, it was your dad's.
When your momma was still around and your dad needed help, falling more ill, they hired Jason. A massive man but with a heart of cherry sweetness. Intimidating at first, you quickly found a gentle comfort with his bear hugs and the nights he sat at the fire next to you. Jason was mute, a tragic accident when he was a young boy had left half of his face disfigured, almost with skin scarred to look like a zombie, and you felt for him. Rarely would he ever leave the ranch and go to town unless you needed him to go, he hated crowds and strangers alike understandably so. A dedicated and natural hardworker, Jason often works the animals and does the land maintenance. He was sweet like honey but ever so watchful over the land. You remembered one night when his white hat dripped blood of a trespasser that refused to leave.
As you gained the land, the house, the business and everything in between after your parents passed, everything seemed to fall hard on you. Bearing the weight for almost a year, it was time that you needed some help.
Buying out your neighbours' land, the Sinclair twin's land, was easier said than done. Bo was a hardass through and through when it came to what he owned, even when you've been nothing but friendly and maybe a little flirty with the man. Your daddy always said to stay the hell away from him, there was just a charming allure that was intoxicating, and all the women in the area knew. It took months but with a good chunk of money, Bo couldn't refuse. It was mainly hills that were littered with car parts, decaying tractors and rusted metal you couldn't find out what they were from. It took a while, but Vincent helped out to clear the parts, turning it into new horse fields and rotation pastors. They mainly sticked to their home as you worked the fields, letting them come to you. Overtime, they did. You think you saw Bo more than Michael nowadays, always in for breakfast or for drinks and you tended to care for the boys like your own, even when Bo came to your house after a drunken night out and a black eye on his face.
This farm was your life and the these men were your family forever. Loyal till death and with sweat, blood and tears bonding you all. There was absolutely nothing you would change.
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hanighul · 2 years
WIP Wednesday! (tagged by @minilev <3)
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I should probably finish one of these soon ahaha (I actually have so much more but only these two were coherent enough to post lol)
tagging @pumpkinpowder @osirisisv @probably-a-plant-thing @roachcult @blanchebees @vanmec but none of you should feel pressured to do this, all in good fun ^^
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angrybatgaming · 3 months
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Yeehaw! New Sky OC unlocked! Don't have a name for him yet. Will draw him whenever I can get around to it! (Still got a bit of burnout.)
Attempting to play The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly theme. Would sound WAY BETTER if there was a whistling emote. And no, I don't mean the one from Season of the Nine-Colored Deer. I mean as in actually whistling tunes.
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yorshie · 11 months
Arthur gets back up. He always gets back up. With a roll of muscle to ease a twitched shoulder, he once more finds his feet. Dutch never told him to, but Arthur can see the slight curl of his lips in silent approval, knows it’s what’s expected of him.
And as he got older, got better at killin’ men, his steps got heavier, that roll of his shoulder an ingrained habitual soothe instead of a flex of twinging muscles, he quit getting knocked down as much. Men that once towered over him he now met on equal footing, his knuckles calloused over until there was no more pain or feeling in the joints.
Dutch’s approval was never voiced. But Arthur knew he was no longer pleasantly surprised when Arthur got back up. It was expected as sure as the sun rising each day. Arthur rarely lost his footing, but if he did falter, he got back up.
Until the mountain. Until Dutch forgot Arthur was only a man, and he knocked his son down.
Arthur didn’t get back up.
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Six Flags Stars Hall of Fame Wax Museum, Orlando, Florida
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cowboy-outlaw · 1 year
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Came across Ripley's Believe It or Not museum out in Grand Prairie, TX. Went inside and only to find out the museum was separated into two major attractions... The Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum and of course the Ripley's section of weird oddities. Checked out the wax museum first and well... Here are a few photos of the wax figures they had. Sometimes you see the strangest things on the side of the highway...
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ahhfear · 1 year
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mr ladrian
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cowboybabeop · 1 year
erm... not to self promo... but i have a gourmet candle shop im not sure my tumblr hoes know about...
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seventh-district · 1 year
in other news i cannot stop fucking listening to Brokenheartsville by Joe Nichols and i’m starting to annoy myself with it but. i cannot stop. it’s too good
#Seven.txt#music stuff#it’s this perfect mix of being applicable to my current taste while also being a very nostalgic song for me#‘cause i liked it when i was a kid. and i recently heard it on my father’s radio outside. and man it’s been y e a r s since i’ve heard it#why is it so addictive to me#like. you cannot make a song that opens with the lyrics-#‘He wore that cowboy hat to cover up his horns. *insert seductive guitar sounds here* Sweet-talkin’ forked tongue had a temptin’ charm.’#and expect my southern and devil-loving ass to not go fucking feral over it#even when i’m not listening to it it’s playing in my head. was analyzing the lyrics the whole time i was in the shower earlier#but what’s funny is i think i’ve listened to it so many times that i’ve developed a whole new story than the one actually being told#but like. with how much he’s supposedly upset that this guy stole his girl or whatever#which i know he’s probably just comparing some dude to the devil and not actually saying that it was the Devil Himself#but it’s so much better if u picture it as actually being the devil that’s picking up this dude’s girlfriend in a bar#but anyways given how that’s supposed to be the point. he spends so much time describing the devil and ain’t got shit to say abt his girl#like okay buddy. we know you liked his cowboy hat. we know you liked his sweet-talkin’ tongue.#we’ve heard all about the make and model of his Long and Chrome Very Red Hot Sexy Devil Car#do u not have anything to say abt ur girlfriend. are u not gonna wax poetic abt her? no? too busy admiring the Devil and his Hot Car?? yeah#we’re gathering that#like.. brother… i dunno how to tell u this but i think u might wanna fuck him a lil bit#‘Love’s gone to hell and so have I.’ yeah!! i’m gathering that!! good for u dude!! get it!!#so now the whole time i’m listening to it i’m just like. this is a love song abt the devil!#which it isn’t. but it could be!! and so that’s what i’m choosing to see it as. bc i’d feel the same way tbh#i much prefer the idea of him being pissed that he missed his chance to run away w/ the devil than being pissy over his girlfriend leaving#it’s just so much more appealing to me im sorry#also. side note. when i was a kid i thought the line was ‘that angel up in the air’ and not ‘that angel who did me in’#and i don’t know how i misheard it so badly but now i sing it wrong every fuckign time cause it’s still cemented in my head from childhood#how young was i. hold on.#oh yeah it came out in 2002. so yeah i was quite young when i heard it a lot so i think im forgiven for mishearing it so badly lmao
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bellshazes · 2 years
putting theme for ennio moricone not only once, but twice on the kingmaker playlist is such an impassioned decision and i would love to hear ur thought process behind it
also ive been listening to this playlist nonstop for like three weeks and now my current top genre on spotify is stomp and holler LMAO
MBD's restaurant, Pizza Lupo, features western posters on its walls; the love for Morricone, father of spaghetti western music, is so genuine and it shows in every note. Theme (for Ennio Morricone) conjures visions of a cowboy looking out over a landscape as the sun is just dipping below the horizon. It is a brief two minutes and forty nine seconds before something precipitous, that moment at the cliff's edge, a stillness that is gathering momentum. The guitar leads and 22 seconds later the cello joins, smoother and slow, bolstering, gathering resolve and momentum. It dangles and the cello falls like a leaf in the wind until the guitar returns with the swelling percussion, the cello now confident and going somewhere. Together, with the higher cry of the trumpet, it builds up and onward into a steady syncopated symphony of something just shy of triumph, a march that recalls the melodies and rhythms of Morricone's Chapel Shootout or other moments before shots fired and lives lost. It ends there, just shy of suddenly, the twanging guitar and sonorous cello and exhaling trumpet fading out in moments.
However. The bonus track extended version from Fuego contains within it the entirety of the original. The guitar, the cello opening; but at 49 seconds, the cello's solo has softer strumming, it draws out a repetition of phrases, it wallows in that low, low space of contemplation before beginning to rise. The guitar still returns with the mounting percussive march, but the second cello line catches on an upward tone, straining more and more from 1:30 all the way until 2:05 where the guitar and percussion cut out again, leaving a solitary lone, deep, cello to wallow for the briefest moment before the chorus of instruments come together like woven threads, the trumpet stretching out alongside it, overlaying a hope that can't be reached until the full march commences again at 2:49. The trumpet comes in and out, still weaving, and the march repeats and tries and tries and tries to come to the denouement but it ends as it had before.
Theme for Ennio Morricone (Extended Version) is still that cowboy looking out at the setting sun from the edge of something higher, but he resists; he struggles. There is a coiling in the gut that writhes and fights before being born again in the low, lonely pit of despair into something glorious and final and doomed. It is seeing the bleak future and resolving to go out blazing anyway. It is paralleled only in emotional journey by certain delicate, intricate, trembling pieces of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D but while they both dance toward and away from a realization there is no shy love here, only an inevitability you can either regret or embrace.
In the playlist, the first version separates the story of chasing down and finding and losing in The Other Shore redux that leads to rebirth and attempted change of identity of 52 Ford/Spring Break 1899 from the wild forward momentum of Steal Away, Rambin', Riders, Ball and Chain. The extended version guides us back to the bittersweet Raw Deal, the post-death, the mourning of Ghost Fields, Everything Must Rest, and leaves us in the embrace of the gutterseason, of being low down and still going before the cycle repeats because, well, there's still time to start again. The two moments captured in the Morricone tributes, extended and not, make me feel the same way I do when I think of Bdubs on the ruined snow fort tower insisting he's loved and dying because he embraced the possibility he might go out guns a-blazing too fiercely.
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