#wattson is in here!!
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cacaocheri · 5 days ago
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FRIENDSHIP ANNIVERSARY MAGMA WITH THE LOVELY @spikeplate <33333 we of course had to draw LDR sun and moon (what started our friendship) with our current fixation 🥳
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mothjinxed · 7 months ago
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bored at the hospital so apex memes
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starrysharks · 2 years ago
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carnival kids
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ptanalo · 9 months ago
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Finally finished the 6 fanarts!
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cat-teef · 2 years ago
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wattson character art redraw
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corruptimles · 2 years ago
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Finally drew Shamrock & Wattson w/ their Pokemon (aside from one (1) that Shamrock left behind)
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simulamortem · 11 months ago
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ambivalentatmosphere · 9 months ago
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that's actually it like the Amanoverse Wattson is very similar to pokespe!blaine in that he's funny and goofy but also has an extensive list of horrible actions he committed in the past that may or may not keep him up at night
oras wattson is behind the mauville renovation project (which left tons of people destitute) and sea mauville (which had all sorts of workplace abuse when it was active left even more people destitute when it was closed and resulted in a huge abandoned research facility being dumped in the middle of a major hoenn water route doing who knows what to the environment) which are some of the darkest story elements in pokemon
rse wattson did absolutely none of that
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mahkinarya · 2 years ago
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dying light
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beeben · 2 years ago
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chikaoofka · 2 years ago
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ermmm. lackadaisifications… again, in cassius’ case . but everyone else turned out SO nice I can’t NOT post it? even if it is traditional
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fortunately-bi · 2 years ago
I think there needs to be more weird artists who say fuck it I don't care if this makes sense and just put characters in situations
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the-poor-miranha-quotes · 9 months ago
Peter Parker is actually into with great bosses!!
Gwen Stacy short tough girl crazy as hell boss too much
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Felicia Hardy a total bitch mean boss
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Harry Osborn a billionaire ceo boss like 50 shades of gray
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Wade Wilson a somewhat toxic boss but still a boss
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Johnny Storm is a walking star, leader of a powerful army, supreme boss
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and of course Mj Watson also known as the boss of bosses has nothing to say
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Peter Parker is into blondes
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wattscn · 1 year ago
why do the weekdays feel like they go by so fast suddenly 💀
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malixa · 4 months ago
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A maxis match cc haul with 100+ items (with links included) 🤍🩵 | The Sims 4
watch showcase here
CC links below
♡ hair ♡
1 & 2: https://wotunciba.tumblr.com/post/761611872811237377/jessica-hair 3 & 4: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vanilla-mist-cc-111082418 5: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/757643193313558528/emilie-hair 6 & 7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wanda-hair-109277538 8: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/757643344248700928/wattson-hair 9: https://www.patreon.com/posts/111354806 10: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bev-hair-109343116 11 & 12: https://dogsill.tumblr.com/post/758177984889995264/the-equinox-pack 13: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tink-bun-111609844 14, 15, 16, & 17: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/760716014694612992/agata-hairstyle-bun-ponytail-by-simstrouble 18 & 19: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/760716018268110848/cherie-hairstyle-2-versions-by-simstrouble 20: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aurora-hair-113410386 21: https://www.patreon.com/posts/melissa-hair-113410557 22 & 23: https://www.patreon.com/posts/angel-hair-113410749 24: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bonnie-hair-110735227 25: https://www.patreon.com/posts/frankie-hair-110591533 26: https://www.tumblr.com/thatonegreenleaf/758486105433800704/update-2-if-you-were-experiencing-crashing?source=share 27: https://thatonegreenleaf.tumblr.com/post/760642538163060736/aiysha-hair-v2 28, 29, & 30: https://thatonegreenleaf.tumblr.com/post/760923053600456704/solana-hair-3-versions-commissioned-by 31: https://thatonegreenleaf.tumblr.com/post/764389219064053760/madelaine-hair-and-barrette-clips 32: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758876997175984128/hair-twila 33: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758877368229167104/hair-blanch 34: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758877295804071936/hair-ashlie 35: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/755806367425740800/hair-allissa 36: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/755806552181620736/hair-lynna 37: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758876723654901760/hair-esther
♡ makeup ♡
1, 2, 3, & 4: https://twisted-cat.tumblr.com/post/757999786632806400/date-night-makeup-set 5, 6, & 7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/honey-eyelashes-111059140 8: https://twisted-cat.tumblr.com/post/757999786632806400/date-night-makeup-set 9: https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/760716018268110848/cherie-hairstyle-2-versions-by-simstrouble 10: https://www.patreon.com/posts/melissa-hair-113410557
♡ clothes (tops) ♡
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6: https://dogsill.tumblr.com/post/758177984889995264/the-equinox-pack 7 & 8: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vanilla-mist-cc-111082418 9, 10, & 11: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovey-dovey-9-110036618 12, 13, & 14: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pearls-9-items-110001364 15 & 16: https://www.patreon.com/posts/apple-set-9-110000916
♡ clothes (bottoms) ♡
1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovey-dovey-9-110036618 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6: https://dogsill.tumblr.com/post/758177984889995264/the-equinox-pack 7 & 8: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vanilla-mist-cc-111082418 9 & 10: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pearls-9-items-110001364 11, 12, 13, & 14: https://www.patreon.com/posts/apple-set-9-110000916
♡ clothes (outfits) ♡
1, 2, & 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovey-dovey-9-110036618 4, 5, 6, & 7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pearls-9-items-110001364 8 & 9: https://www.patreon.com/posts/apple-set-9-110000916
♡ clothes (shoes) ♡
1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovey-dovey-9-110036618
♡ accessories ♡
1: https://wotunciba.tumblr.com/post/761611872811237377/jessica-hair 2: https://thatonegreenleaf.tumblr.com/post/764389219064053760/madelaine-hair-and-barrette-clips 3: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/757643193313558528/emilie-hair 4 & 5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/angel-hair-113410749 6: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bonnie-hair-110735227 7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aurora-hair-113410386 8: https://www.tumblr.com/thatonegreenleaf/758486105433800704/update-2-if-you-were-experiencing-crashing?source=share 9: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758876997175984128/hair-twila 10, 11, & 12: https://www.patreon.com/posts/frankie-hair-110591533 13: https://lama-lama.tumblr.com/post/758876723654901760/hair-esther 14: https://www.patreon.com/posts/apple-set-9-110000916 15: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovey-dovey-9-110036618
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smalls2233 · 3 months ago
Character Design in Hero Shooters, an essay
Okay, I've been thinking about hero shooter character design a lot recently due to the surge of popularity for Marvel Rivals, and why I think that game has really great designs of the base characters but that ultimately it fails on the level of being a hero shooter.
Why is that? I'm sure you're not asking, but I'm going to answer anyway: the characters take no risk with their silhouettes and core design elements quickly get tossed away with legendary skins. Almost all of the body types are the same and there's little distinctive costuming to cover that up.
This is critical because in a hero shooter, you sometimes have half a second to react to someone coming up on you before they kill you. You need to know "oh shit that's spiderman" or "oh fuck, black panther" but when silhouettes tend to be "buff man in skintight suit" or "hot woman with hourglass shape in skintight suit" when you start mixing colors (say, making spiderman black and purple) it muddies the water and gives people that split second pause where they're trying to understand what they're seeing.
That's bad. Hero shooters tend to be fast paced and people need to recognize what they're seeing immediately for call outs and responses. I don't think people really sit down and think enough about how critical design is to these games.
But that's why I'm here, and I'm going to start with a basic breakdown of a few characters from Ovewatch (2), Apex Legends, and Marvel Rivals
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Sombra -- starting out strong with one of Overwatch's more distinctive characters (at least to me). Her coat is just so immediately recognizable to me with the paneling situation going on.
Her hair gets fucked up in almost every skin she has, but you can tell it's her by some attempt at an edgy/alternative look or an undercut. Or, unfortunately, the Karen hair that she gets stuck with when they fuck up the edgy look.
I was going through her skins to check out which design elements tend to get carried over the most throughout skins, and noticed that if she doesn't have the coat tail situation going on, they make sure she has the undercut, and vice versa.
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Mercy -- Mercy has the least going for her numbers-wise out of the cast I was looking at for distinctive, unique elements, but she's so carried by how big of an element her wings are. It's next to impossible to mistake Mercy for anyone else due to the gigantic wings in every skin of hers.
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Widowmaker -- I'm gonna be real, coming into this I was like "idk widow is a hot lady in a skintight suit. What all does she really have that carries across skins?" But the answer is quite a lot actually.
She's got the big gauntlet, big boots, visor, and long ponytail. They do a lot to really carry her readability across things. Even in skins where she doesn't have blue skin, it's still easy to pick a Widow out of the crowd.
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Reaper -- ah, that Reaper Guy, the one with the two revolvers shotguns. People clown on him a lot for looking like a gaming mouse, but he has a great silhouette. The big gauntlets with the spikes, the massive shoulder pads, big coat, and hood are all pretty "wow, hi Gabriel Reyes"
I will say he does have one of the most egregious skin silhouette mix-ups in Overwatch with him and Soldier 76 with their Blackwatch Reyes/Strike Commander Morrison skins. The two essentially swap silhouettes
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But despite that, they still remain fairly easy to recognize due to the coloring
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Wattson -- a lot of her core distinctive elements are restrained to her top half, keeping it pretty busy. This works well, honestly, contrasting her relatively simple bottom half with the big shapes of her pylon, puffy jacket, and big hood. These are also all fairly transferable across skins making it generally easy to pick Wattson out of a lineup, even in her craziest skins
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Loba -- the gooner skin character of Apex Legends. Loba really has a simple design that's easily recognizable. The double braids and frilly skirt thing do a lot to make the view go "oh hey, Loba!" (also her big thighs & butt do that too, but it doesn't feel egregious with her. Hell, they had the opportunity to go full gooner with her swimsuit skin and restrained themselves into something that actually looks like something a person would wear)
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Mirage -- Have you ever noticed his leg storage? I've never noticed that prior to this, but it's actually something that gets carried throughout his skins. Normally I'm out here noticing Mirage by his holo projector circle guys, but he's got a few elements that get shared across his different looks
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Dagger -- she is a woman in a bodysuit. There's really not much to say here about her. Cloak does a lot of the heavy lifting for their design, but you spend a lot of the game as just Dagger and with the Invisible Woman now coming to the game with a similar base design, there's not a whole heck of a lot that distinguishes the two.
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Magik -- she has the same general body type of all of the Rivals women (skinny, big boobs, and an hourglass body). Her costuming is fairly distinctive, the big X hair pieces, the spiky edgy aspect to her clothing, her big bangs.
But also, nothing about her core design really reads for the power fantasy of "woman attacking people with a gigantic sword" because... she's a twig. She is a small woman with no muscles. An immediate change they could make for that readability is just making her have muscles. Make her a little sturdier and you now up that power fantasy and also distinctiveness.
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Invisible Woman -- aka all of the distinctive elements of this woman are invisible -- she is a hot woman with an hourglass shape in a skintight suit. This poses a big problem: how do you give her a skin that keeps her distinctive elements immediately recognizable?
Well. Rivals doesn't seem to know that. This is her first skin
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I showed this skin to like ten people with the question "is this psylocke, magik, hela, or the invisible woman?" with screencaps of all four characters. Most people said Hela (who actually has one of the best, most distinctive silhouettes in game with her cape, headpiece, and gigantic spiky shoulder pads), a few said Psylocke. One said, and I quote, "no fucking clue but it had better not be the invisible woman"
I understand that this is a skin referencing a look she has in the comics. But this is not a comic, this is a hero shooter. This skin has the spiky elements of Magik, the hot body of Psylocke's gooner skin, and the menacing atmosphere of Hela.
Apex and Overwatch both have this issue with a few heroes (like the aforementioned Reaper and Soldier 76 skins). I would say the absolute worst offender for Overwatch is Illari's Black Cat skin
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If you look at her core design, minus the gun, the big elements of her that are important are going to be her cape and the crest in her hair
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Black Cat gets rid of all of that. If you take away her gun and facial features, she's just a cute girl in a cute dress. The gun carries all of this readability, but that makes it a failure on a lot of levels.
Another interesting situation in Overwatch is Space Raider 76
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Objectively, yeah he fits Soldier's silhouette, but I remember when he launched, people thought he was Reaper. He has a lot of Reaper's colors and the facial hair and head covering give a lot of Blackwatch Reyes vibes.
But these are standouts, Overwatch skins are largely recognizable. They have strong base designs that get carried well across skins. The women tend to have similar body types, but the way they're clothed tends to be radically different so they're easy to tell apart.
Like just a random selection of female heroes for OW that I didn't break down above, Pharah, Ana, and Tracer aren't too dissimilar physically, but are carried by the costuming
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As for a game that's not a hero shooter that does skins really well, Dead by Daylight is it. They get really wacky with it, but you generally can recognize who the character is. Sable is a hot goth girl, Meg gets sporty skins, Feng Min is the jack of all trades, and Yui gets tough girl, cool skin
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Knowing who it is that you're chasing as a killer is as key as identifying an enemy in a hero shooter. You have to track hook states on survivors and the weakest links, and it's easiest to do that if you can go "meg's on death hook, feng has DS, and sable's going to the basement for stupid invocations" and see them in chase from a distance
An argument I've heard in defense of Rivals' muddied silhouettes is that they're just keeping them faithful to the comics. I get it, Susan Storm's iconic look is her in her fantastic four bodysuit, Magik is a skinny twig, etc. But this is a hero shooter, a critical aspect of these games is that the silhouettes are distinctive.
I've not even touched on the men in Rivals. Here is a screenshot I saw on twitter (naiokenx10 on twitter) comparing the heights of some of the men. They all have the same bodies at different heights. The men are doritos, the women are hour glasses. The men are big, but none can be bigger than the Hulk
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At some point you have to adapt to the medium. You have to adjust elements in order to transform these designs from comic book designs to hero shooter designs. I mentioned above making Magik buffer, but make Hela taller and even thinner, make Black Widow shorter (like how her actress in the movies is), give the Invisible Woman more than just a body suit so there's some element you can keep of hers as you transform her for skins.
People aren't talking much about the character design in Rivals and how it works for a hero shooter. They like the designs, which is fine, like I said at the start, they're brilliant interpretations of the characters.
For anything but a hero shooter.
Rivals has learned lessons from Overwatch, but unfortunately the lesson it seems to have learned from OW in the realm of character designs is to make goonbait. The women are hot, the men are hot, but when everyone is hot nobody really is. How many times are they going to release a skin that's a female character in a leotard with her ass cheeks showing?
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