
#happy revenant release date and apex 6 year anniversary !!#I used to wear a skinsuit too. 》( visage. )
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The body probably would have been DROPPED without any ceremony if not for the clone's warning - so instead, it was lowered more carefully to the floor, leaned against a pillar. Revenant stepped away to give Snow space enough to get changed, watching in the direction of the hall he had come from.
Looked to Snow at his question. "Your boss? No. You've got a comms piece, don't you?" The sim asked dryly. They should all be on the same channel. He expected they would hear from the Jedi whenever their ship approached the hangar, but Snow had work to do before then. In the meantime, once the clone was dressed, Revenant disappeared up through the vents without another word.
One minute with Snow's eyes on him there - and the next, whenever the clone looked away, GONE.
He moved up through the temple's infrastructure. Waited until Snow had drawn the hangar guards away before emerging into the adjacent storeroom and working a quick hack of the door to open it from the inside. "Hangar's clear," he voiced to the Jedi, their cue to pull in.
❝ roger that, ❞ a husky voice huffed through their comms before some shuffling could heard beneath the floors of the basement.
snow was quiet as he made sure that revenant's steps were the ONLY steps he could hear before the metal grate on the floor scraped open to let him through. he grunted as he climbed up and rested his six on the floor while his legs still dangled through the open hole on the floor. ❝ i'm getting too old to be squeezing through tight places, ❞ he complained, running a hand behind his neck with a slight wince, before eyeing the body revenant carried in. ❝ hey, careful with that. i need it spotless. ❞
with that, the captain stands and moves closer to examine the armor he would be wearing. he takes the helmet and sniffs the inside before using his knuckle to knock the side to hear the sound it made. he didn't seem impressed by any of it. ❝ cheap buckets for even cheaper bucketheads... ❞ he grumbled under his breath. ❝ their budget cuts are more noticeable than they realize. ❞
he unstraps the blaster holster of his waist before stripping down to the black undersuit he always wore beneath. ❝ any word from the boss? ❞
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blog is quiet but I'm still here!! me and @naboocrowned r just vibing in an AU on discord and I'm in an apex rp server now yippeeee
opens and prompts are always available !
I'll prolly yeet my promo into a bunch of tags when I wanna put my feelers out for fresh faces again
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@transmechatrist : what is something about your muse you haven’t 100% refined/ decided on yet? 👀 eg. part of their personality, backstory, a headcanon
if this went to an ask meme I can't find it now fjksdgh
mostly a lot of Kaleb stuff tbh !
his human life only comes up very rarely and Rev tends to be vague about it, so it just hasn't been important to flesh out much if you'll pardon the pun lmao
the impact of his father is obviously significant - more than Revenant acknowledges. but a lot of his human life doesn't feel very significant to him now in the face of what was done to him after his death.
I have mostly the gist of his human timeline, family stuff, and lifestyle hc'd and that's been enough to play around with so far. I've poked around in Kaleb's personality some, enough to have a few fun details hc'd, but I haven't written Kaleb extensively at all, so it's all just the gist of him and his life really.
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[ blood moon ]
comm :)
#I used to wear a skinsuit too. 》( visage. )#I could use the cover. 》( Legends. )#give your gods something to talk about. 》( revhound. )
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On one hand, the supplies were in a storeroom off from the hangar; it would be EASY loading them out. Except that, on the other hand, the hangar was where much of the temple's security was focused. It was going to take a distraction to draw the manpower there away, and clear the hangar for the Jedi.
The security hub was cleared first. A trooper and droid, as expected; the droid's memory chip crushed in hand so there would be nothing to glean from its last moments. An automated hack was plugged into the system to snuff out the cameras and alarms, and cut off any possible attempts to call for reinforcements.
"System's down," Revenant reported through comms. Snow's cue to climb up the maintenance shaft from where their ship was parked UNDER the temple.
Next victim was a guard making a round through one of the lower levels. He was closest to the basement storeroom where Snow would emerge from the maintenance shaft - so he was killed QUIETLY. Bloodlessly. Out like a light, and then the simulacrum was free to hoist the body over his shoulder, carry it down to the rendezvous with Snow.
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His hand moved from the leather of her harness to idly tidying the lay of her skirt, his other still wrapping one of her thighs as if to steady her there. Observed the SPIDERY WRIGGLE of her fingers. "Creepy crawler," Revenant affirmed. "But not in the vents." But he had been amidst the ceiling beams, off to one side where it had been dark and he would go unnoticed.
He considered the music. It had been LOUD. He hadn't stayed for the whole set; the scene was just too noisy and crowded for his taste. "Yeah, I guess," he admitted quieter. He didn't listen to music much generally, but he didn't dislike Lifeline's. "It suits her." It had been very clear how much of her was in her performance and the music she made. He liked that.
"You saw them?" The engineer parroted with some surprise. "Like... You attended in the crowd? Or crept around in the vents like a creepy crawler?"
She teased the simulacrum, pulling her hands up, flexing her fingers, and wiggling them. The action mimicked some kind of spider. Then, she giggled and grinned, dropping her hands and adding on with a more serious tone, "What did you think of their music? Did you like it?"
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A briefly impatient glance for the clone. He had been asking about the security hub, not the whole temple. Arryne confirmed a moment later there were both present, so it was possible both a trooper and a droid manned the hub together.
But there was no idea at all where their SUPPLIES were inside the building. "I'll find it," Revenant said. He was going to have the easiest time getting around unnoticed. Whether tonight or tomorrow, he would have a look around before setting Snow up with his disguise and getting the ball rolling for the rest of them.
There was some discussion over the kind of comms unit they would be using so Revenant could be prepared with one that played well with his system. A discussion with Snow about WEAKNESSES and blind spots in the stormtrooper armor, seeing as it had been based on the clones' armor, along with what they might be equipped with.
"Anything else?" The sim asked once all his questions had been addressed. He didn't find himself in any hurry to leave the warmth of the fire, now that he had been sat comfortable with it for some time.
❝ a what? ❞ snow pipes up again, looking up at revenant from his project. ❝ if you're talking about stormtroopers, than yeah, obviously it's filled to the brim with them. ❞
❝ there's both, ❞ dillian interjects tiredly. ❝ but they're significantly down in numbers during the night. i don't know where exactly in the temple they have our stuff, so it's likely that a significant portion of our trip is trying to locate it without getting caught. ❞ though it was a good thing that all their things would be in one centralized room so they wouldn't have to scramble to find everything they needed, the cons were that they would not be able to return once they find their sorted finds missing.
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me when I ask stuff to IC Rev
"Just because I'm here, doesn't mean I'm listening."
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I did up this revenant x wattson ramble for a discord server that wanted to hear about it LOL so thought I'd also post it here ! honorable mention to @voltaage who has obviously played a big role in really fleshing out this ship for me in all the writing we've done together ♥
Wattson has both the streak of stubbornness that I think is needed to have any chance with Rev, and also the love & empathy to face his hate & anger - and this isn’t to mention the pairing of an electrical engineer with a simulacrum, which gives me Much To Think About, most of all in regards to wireplay and electricity kinks !! but also in regards to her ability to work on & repair him when needed which makes for Good Food and further opportunity for development.
cut for length -
her intelligence & curiosity & problem-solving nature make me think she’d be quite intrigued by simulacra in general - and past that, also that she could be very capable of learning to navigate Revenant’s moodiness and unconventional / sometimes evasive communication.
as much as that might annoy Rev initially, I think he could come to appreciate it in the long run, especially since Nat also has the empathy to really see & treat him as a Person and not just the scary metal nightmare monster he makes himself out to be.
even their dynamic as a team in the Games has potential: Revenant playing spider to Wattson’s electrical webs 😎 her and Rev could really bounce off each other in a match, once he recognizes her utility enough to actually play as a team.
she’s sometimes stereotyped as being a sweet & meek lil girl, but lbr she’s as much a freak as the rest of the Legends for competing in a bloodsport for a living lmao, and she’s got plenty confidence and a lil bit of adrenaline junkie mixed in there too, both aspects that play well with Rev. anyone without that confidence and a touch of thrill-seeking is either gonna be pushed around & stepped all over by him, or too afraid of him to get far.
there’s also something to be said for their experiences with family being completely OPPOSITE - and yet for them both, losing their father kinda defined the rest of their lives 🙃
as they get closer and spend more time together, I think there's some opportunity for them, ironically, to provide some semblance of domestic normalcy for each other; for Wattson, having Rev around soothes some of the ache in her heart living in an empty home, and for Revenant, the kinds of things Wattson invites him to do together gives him some of the normal experiences he may not have had growing up, like being loved, decorating for the holidays, looking through photo albums, and sappy shit like that. (make no mistake that he is still an outdoor cat™ ofc)
#Apex Legends#throwing this in the apex tag because it needs all the revson food it can get.#la petite mort. 》( rev x wattson. )#who am I to argue with programming? 》( hc. )
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✨Apex Only Colour Wheel✨
It's finally done!
And yes I made a re-coloured Seer skin for this challenge✌️
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The light of the holoprojector attracted the glow of his gaze, observing the temple created in blue light on the table. He sat up to regard the Jedi's explanation of checkpoints, tech, and other security features, and finally the security hub.
The place he would likely hit first. Give them all a little PRIVACY, put any alarms on a leash, and make it more difficult for the guards to call for backup.
"Is it a skinbag or a droid in there?" Revenant asked, so he would be prepared in his approach. "Do you know where your stuff is gonna be?" Wanting to see the ROUTE they would be taking through the building, if possible.
he wasn't kicked out, he wanted to say, but snow figured that he KNEW that and was trying to get under his skin. ❝ knew a couple brothers in the coruscant guard, even worked there for a while before i was assigned under general arryne, ❞ he answers without looking up from his woodwork, wood shavings pooling around his boots as he spoke. ❝ from what i've gathered nothing much has changed. just the armor and the enemy. ❞ damn ugly armor too, if he had to say.
at that, dillian leaned closer to turn on one of the holoprojector, the space between them filling with a small blue hologram of the jedi temple. he then points to various security checkpoints that surrounded the temple but pointing to one of the larger ones, explaining that this is where they monitor all the cameras and coordinate shift changes.
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A glance for Snow's carving work - and a longer, lingering look at the suggestion of a DISGUISE for him. "Easy," Revenant responded, turning his gaze away again. "You familiar with the security system, or has something new been installed since you were kicked out?" It would save him some time tomorrow if he knew what kind of system it was, where and how to target it.
But not difficult for him to figure out on the fly if need be, either. Maybe he'd even do some snooping around tonight, if he felt like it - without touching anything yet, of course. Just to get the LAY OF THE LAND.
just a yeah didn't seem to cut it. there had to be more to it than yeah. they were practically looking to him for more information when he suddenly switched topics. snow shook his head and continued on with his carving with a faster, even attention, as if finally checking out of the conversation now that it didn't interest him. he had been told the plan a thousand times over already, he'll let general arryne do the explaining.
❝ right, well, ❞ dillian clears his throat before leaning closer to the caf table they have set up in between all the seats, with a few holoprojectors sat atop it. ❝ we'll need someone to handle security. that's where you and the captain will come in. we'll need the two of you on the inside before we can make it in, but before that, we need a disguise for snow. he'll need help finding him a fully intact armor from one of their troopers. ❞
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The delicate little device roving between his fingers was caught in his hand and crushed - dissolving with a whisper into a puff of SMOKE and wisps of ASH rather than any tangible metal pieces.
"Yeah." A half-truth. Still functionally immortal... with death within reach whenever he chose it. But Revenant OMITTED his source code for more than one reason. He slumped further down onto the sofa, rested his head back against the arm rest. He hadn't indulged in the warmth of a fire in awhile. "So," he started, "tell me about what I'll be doing tomorrow."
only upon his further elaboration did he start to put some pieces together. not enough for him to even begin to see the whole picture, but enough for now. tech giant. did this to me. whatever this was, was done without his consent or full knowledge it seems. this, he assumed, was his existence.
revenant wasn't a droid. droid's didn't carry the dark energy that revenant did. but he wasn't entirely organic either, making sure to check for himself whether or not he had no brain and no heart after dillian was tasked with slicing his lightsaber through him to end his life. he is something that has never been previously been done before.
it also now made sense to him why he never participated in the war. because why would he when he had likely seen such atrocities a thousand times over?
❝ so you're immortal, is that what you're saying? ❞ snow dares to ask.
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A stretch of silence while those centuries no doubt weighed on the group.
Revenant continued to toy with the Silence between his fingers, until eventually Arryne concluded that his shells weren't just stockpiled but actively being PRODUCED. "It's all automated," the sim answered. "A tech giant where I'm from set it all up when they did this to me. Production facilities, all over the galaxy." He stretched his legs some across the length of the couch, over the opposite armrest seeing as it was just a loveseat and couldn't fit all of him.
In most cases where his facilities had been planted beyond the Outlands, it was just one per planet. But because Coruscant was so densely populated and he'd had so much WORK out here, TWO facilities had been constructed in its depths, each on a different level of the planet.
the jedi's brow furrowed in thought. revenant was a technological mystery, it almost seemed like no matter how many questions dillian had for him, he only produced answers that opened up even more questions.
something twisted in his gut. the jedi were told stories of those that had the power to live for as long as they wanted; he couldn't think of one that wasn't a SITH off the top of his head. as if the negative energy that surrounded him wasn't already an obvious tell, this seemed to confirm to dillian that he was a DANGEROUS, BAD person. no matter what the queen says, no matter how many times her handmaidens vouched for him, revenant wasn't a good person.
it still didn't make him their enemy however, but their only safety net was whatever feelings and obligations he felt he had towards the queen. without that, there's no telling what something like him was capable of doing to the younglings under his watch.
the fact that he had lived for centuries seemed to imply that he had PLENTY of these models somewhere in stock, but the implication that he could live for ETERNITY meant that these bodies were still in production. ❝ so your bodies are being manufactured somewhere, ❞ he says. there was a brief pause in snow's carving at the word before he silently continued. ❝ who's producing these bodies for you? ❞ with how casually he had asked dillian kill him and the fact that he... was built the way he was built, he could only assumed he burned through these bodies FAST.
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made a gif of rev’s hand with the new healing animation because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…
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A glance for the padawan, finding him very much still asleep. Gazed again for the Silence and how its golden edges gleamed in the firelight. Studying its design called TOTEM to mind, but he hadn't been able to summon that consistently again yet. Seemed it would take some more practice.
"... Enough," Revenant answered, quieter. Wearier. "Enough to have lasted me the past few centuries, and enough to last me the rest of eternity, if I wanted." But his tone made it clear that WASN'T what he wanted.
the two humans recognized the small object revenant had produced in his hand, what looked like a small black dice. something in snow freezes like he almost expected him to use it on them or suspected he was toying with it as some sort of vague THREAT. dillian didn't appear bothered, just intrigued, so that gave him some comfort. and even if it WAS a threat, snow would be willing to bet that his general was an even bigger threat than this bucket of bolts, even with all working limbs.
❝ and how many bodies is that? ❞ arryne presses as snow looked back down at his work pretending not to listen.
❝ i'd say about four of them? ❞ jace mumbled in his sleep, responded with what was obviously nonsense. his silence and even breathing that followed was sign enough that he wasn't actually present for their conversation despite how bad his subconscious wanted to take part in it.
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