#watercolor kinda hard to handle but it’s fun
miumiins · 4 months
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iantimony · 5 months
tue … wednesday,
gif warning on this one!
i was gonna post this last night but apparently i am now the type of person who gets extreme digestive distress from indian food :-( so i was too distracted by my agonies. much better today, and i feel like i had a worse reaction a few weeks ago from indian food, so maybe it's something that will get better with time like everything else ...
listening: so my brother spontaneously bought us tickets to see st vincent in [redacted] while we're on vacation...i haven't listened to her in ages but i was like sure why not...her new album dropped on the 26th and it's SO good. i'm kinda obsessed and very excited to see her live now. it's a good album. listen to it.
listened/watched the wtyp on five over ones, and started the more recent one on the camp fire.
reading: continuing 'how to read poetry like a professor'. yum. poetry.
watching: once again, dunmeshi (my boyf keeps asking "when is best girl showing up" (izutsumi) and i finally was able to be like "i think next episode"), more asobi asobase. insane show. the voice actors are masters of their craft, truly. good lord.
playing: fallow.
making: some stuff came out of the kiln that i actually like! the cave painting mugs!!! i made One fatal error - i put a 'satin' topper over the outside assuming it would be matte. it. kinda isn't? kinda is? made these weird "jizzy" (instructor's words, not mine, lol) streaks. thankfully it isn't too noticeable and they came out really good otherwise. the hardest part has been photographing them, the designs go all the way around and choosing a favorite is so hard...i made a gif to try and capture it all lol, and i really love the little handprints on the handles. these will go in their own post in the next few days so i can tag the inspiring artist :)
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i also threw some new ones to make more! i do think in the future i will be handbuilding them though. i just really don't like throwing red clay for some reason. maybe i just need to practice more i dunno. i've since trimmed and put handles on these but i forgor to take a photo.
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citrus juicer! it works!! it came out a little more Orange than i anticipated, the only downsides are manually scooping out the seeds, and also that it can kinda only handle one fruit at a time, but man, whatever, it's so cute.
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mug/teacup that i tried a new underglaze technique on, where i put the flowers on the greenware and then use liquid latex to cover them to just slather the thing in the bg color: works well, i did this for the mug from last week too! my mistake with this one was putting that same jizzy satin overglaze on the flowers and it made them weird and blurry. it's cute otherwise though.
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some stuff going in the kiln for bisque: fun texture bowl and a little trinket dish that i underglazed some cherry blossom trees on, inspired by something a friend in class did!
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in terms of new things, today is actually the last day of class for me til i get back in july, so i will be trimming a pot and plate that i made last week but will otherwise just work on things i already have! the goal is just to leave things in a place where no extra clay work needs to be done; things can be left as greenware til i get back.
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i also made some little watercolor palettes! for some reason the last one i made i didn't carve out material, i just sort of pressed in, and this made the whole thing a little wonky, so i'm hoping these will lay flat because i carved material out
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eating: nothing of crazy note. made deb smittenkitchen's soy glazed chicken again because it whips ass.
misc: wough...fucked up day......butter chicken for dinner knocked me for a major loop last night and i wasn't able to sleep til like 1:30am from the Agonies, woke up to feed the cats and then went right back to bed...didn't get up til noon...but now i feel loads better so i might try to do some light exercise this afternoon before pottery, otherwise sleeping tonight is gonna be a nightmare lol. the goal for the afternoon is to submit my last thing for classes (takehome exam, it's not bad i just have to finish it up, and then i officially finished my masters degree (!!!)) and then do a little more for my meeting tomorrow morning. this time next week my brother will be here with me, and that following weekend we drive home together, so everything is about to happen very fast! i'm not gonna be home for as long this summer, and won't just be rotting in my room the whole time, so hopefully things will go much more smoothly mental health wise. fingers crossed! things are looking up! :)
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 3 - aka. Front Row Seats to the Gun Show
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name | Y/H/C = Your Hair Colour | Y/E/C = Your Eye Colour
Start Here - Last - Next
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“Alicia Cooper? Really?” 
You raised a teasing eyebrow at Dean as he dropped your cover’s details in your lap where you were lounging on the couch nursing a much needed beer after having to deal with Crowley. The damned Scotsman had nearly insisted on being wined and dined until your group had managed to force him out the door to let you start prepping for the heist. 
“Shut up (Y/N), it beats some of your cover name ideas,” Dean scoffed, though you could see a tiny bit of pride in his smile from how you’d managed to guess the chosen cover name was one of the ones he’d put in the system. Though it wasn’t all that hard to guess. Most of his naming ideas came from classic rock or pop culture references. 
“I think ‘The Artist Formerly Known as Thief’ was an absolutely brilliant cover name thank-you-very-much,” You threw back with a laugh that only grew brighter as Dean dropped down onto the couch next to you and bumped your shoulder. A beer in his own big hand, and a similar folder hiding his own cover identity resting against one of his big thighs. Though his was… Suspiciously thicker than yours. 
The folder, not the thighs… Though he did have some deliciously thick thighs.
“Maybe, if you were supposed to be some sort of actual artist, and not a French art dealer,” He retorted with a boyish grin and a wink. Easily teasing more laughter out of you with memories of your evening spent at the Met gala, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous and pretending you knew your oils from your watercolors. 
“Alright… So Alicia is passable. Who is she?” You conceded as you flipped open the cover and picked up the fake driver’s license. A small crease in your brow as your eyes went to the details on the paper under it. 
You were a damned Bond girl again. And not one of the kick ass ones either. Just one of the empty, two dimensional characters added for ‘sex appeal’. Standing around in skimpy dresses and batting fake lashes at the hero of the story with no story of their own to tell. Or at least none they were allowed to tell.
Whenever you were dealing with the mob you normally only got to play the secretary, cocktail waitress or the ‘side piece’ to one of the guys. Which was usually Sammy or Castiel, since they’d handle intel while you scouted for infiltration, and Dean was just too much for your little heart to handle. Spending most of your recons hanging off of one of their arms and pretending you couldn’t kick the ass of everyone in the room, in heels. 
“Sorry sweetheart, you know how these mafia types are… They can be kinda misogynistic. I promise, next heist you’ll get the kick ass cover and I’ll be the arm candy,” Dean winked, with a grin that looked anything but sorry. 
“Alright, so I’m Alicia Cooper, young heiress and unwitting accomplice who’s just out spending daddy’s money… Got a degree in psychology from KU, but haven’t put it to good use yet. Languages: English, barely. Hobbies: Fashion week appearances, festivals and… That’s it?” 
You looked up from the mess of IDs with your smiling face on them and pinched the laughably short list of information about your character between two fingers before glaring at Dean’s much more sturdy background history in his lap.
“As I said, sorry (Y/N). The mob shouldn’t go digging too deep in Charlie’s or your background; we need you guys to be invisible. You’re the aces up our sleeve after all,” 
The words left him with a smile against the lip of his bottle. And damn it… 
When he pulled that smile, lips a little damp from the beer, the damned gorgeous bastard could get away with anything. Even giving you the cover story of a freaking extra. Your fake cover father’s backstory was more detailed than your own for god’s sake.
“Since there's not much to go on, you can build the character traits however you want, within reason. Don’t go making up any more dark pasts of parents shot in an alley and a lifelong promise of hunting down their killer. Alicia Cooper’s family is all alive and she ain’t no Batman,” He added with a raised eyebrow and a crooked smile. Teasing a chuckle out of you, though you were trying your damned hardest to pout.
“Maybe there’s an uncle…”
“She’s also no Spiderman (Y/N),” Dean gave you an exaggerated eye roll and a fake sigh as his eyes crinkled into that smile that always made you melt.
“Alright, I’ll be Alicia. What about you? Will you be the Mr. Nice Guy to my Cooper?” 
Turning in your seat you leaned in to sneak a peak at the folder in his lap. Leaning against Dean’s shoulder, you pretended little shots of electricity weren’t going straight through your arm and into your heart from the small touch as you tried to focus on the words. Pretending you hadn’t just taken the chance to get closer to him. The same way you always did. Finding little, innocent moments to just revel in the closeness of your crush. 
Whenever Dean was close, you just felt safer, and more real than you’d ever had the chance to feel in your former life on the run. And you’d noticed a few times that he seemed to be doing the same. Like how his clenched fist had brushed up against your arm when Crowley was busy making an ass out of himself. Using touch and human body heat to ground himself. Though for you, only Dean’s touch would do. Anyone else and it just made you skittish… 
“Not exactly a nice guy, no. I’m Mal Young... Jackpot, AC/DC! I’m the School Days to your School’s Out. Former US military turned arms trader. Should be an easy enough sell for me,” Dean said, eyes skimming the information as he lifted the already empty beer bottle to his lips. Frowning when nothing but droplets hit his lips.
“You always get the cool roles,” You mumbled, sinking back in your seat and frowning at the size of information your combat specialist, hitter and all around heist muscle had to go through while you could already basically burn yours, past glancing over your father’s details and family tree.
“Next time sweetheart, pinky promise,” He hummed, putting his folder to one side as he stood up to go fetch himself a new beer. Stretching his arms over his head, his black t-shirt rode up just a tiny bit, teasing a hint of his perfectly toned stomach and that mouth watering v-shape that you’d love to trace with your tongue. Nearly leaving you too breathless to even notice him walking away without offering you a new bottle as well.
“I don’t need your empty promises Dean, just bring me back a beer!” You called out after him, hoping the combat specialist couldn’t hear how your breath stuck in your throat and your pulse rose from just seeing that small teasing flash of his skin. 
Damn him. 
Damn his cool roles. Damn his adorable cover name style. And, most of all, damn that fucking perfect body. While all you got was…. 
Since you didn’t really need to waste much time trying to learn your laughably weak cover, you’d quickly gotten antsy watching Dean prep for his. Since him concentrating on his role made it very easy for you to get away with watching him. His jaw clenching as he got into character, getting angry at some past wrong in his background story.
After nursing your second beer and casting not-so-hidden glances at him for nearly thirty minutes, your poor body craved some kinda release. And hell, it was the middle of the day, with thin as fuck walls between each of your ragtag group’s private rooms. Meaning any form of more intimate release would have to wait until the cover of night. So, you’d hit the gym instead. 
Rushing to your room, you’d changed into your workout gear quickly before practically skipping towards the large, fully customized gym. Larger than most commercial gyms and featuring every little toy a thief could dream of. Though you weren’t planning on using the climbing wall or even hone your skills against the laser system Charlie had designed for you this time. 
No, you needed to tire your body out and make your muscles ache. Which meant it had to be reps and weights. Heavy weights that could stop the butterflies in your stomach from making you take off and float away.
Luckily for you, Sam was already in the gym. Weight training was always more fun with a friend. Especially when said friend was normally your spotter on days where you wanted to work on your strength and endurance.
“Samwich! Just the man I was looking for. Hope you don’t mind the company. Need to burn some energy,” Your voice echoed in the windowless room, nearly making Sam slip from where he was doing salmon ladder pull ups on the other side of it. Teasing a loud laugh from you as you bounced on the balls of your feet, ready to train away your dirty mind and refocus your body. 
Pre-heist waiting games were hard enough without your filthy daydreams piled on top of it. 
“Really? I thought you were having fun acting like a love sick teen… Alicia,” Sam smirked, easily composing himself and dropping back down to the ground with a soft thud. Damn it. Of course he’d caught you gawking at his older brother. 
It was just your kinda luck. Which meant no luck at all. Ever.
You were definitely cursed in some way, though you couldn’t for the life of you think of who’d want to curse little ol’ you. You were a freaking angel… Past the thieving, infiltration, ass kicking, identity scams and other slightly illegal things you got up to that was.
Sam was grinning, he enjoyed teasing you a little too much. Which meant you wouldn’t get to work out until you could shut him up. Never an easy task with the tall-as-a-skyscraper man. It wasn’t like you could just slap your hand over his mouth to stop him from speaking. Not without climbing him like some kinda jungle gym. 
He was the little brother you never had, even if he towered over you, and you loved annoying him. But sibling love went both ways, and you knew he saw you as his sister too. Which meant he’d take any chance he got to make fun of you, just as readily as you’d take even the slightest opportunity presented to you to annoy him.  Unfortunately, he’d had way more practice at being the infuriating younger sibling than you’d ever had at being the troublesome older sister.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam,” You huffed, pulling your (Y/H/C) hair out of your face as you walked across the room. Shooting a quick glance towards the door you just walked through. Just in case Dean had somehow materialized out of thin air and caught his brother’s words. 
“What? So you weren’t crossing your fingers, hoping Dean would be your… What was it? ‘Mr. Nice Guy’?” 
Rolling your eyes at him, you glared in his direction as you got ready to warm up. However, the scowl you threw at him wasn’t exactly very threatening when paired with how you kept glancing towards the door, worried that Dean would walk in. 
Especially not when you bent over at the waist to stretch your body and loosen up to be ready for the work out. You’d yet to find someone who could look threathening while warming up pre-workout.
Sam knew exactly how you felt about his brother. And he never let you forget it. Maybe it was the fact that Dean was just a flirty guy, and you always reacted like a damned teenager whenever he turned on the charm, or maybe how you always found some excuse to stay close to your resident hitter when off the clock, joking around and just enjoying his presence. Either way, Sam was just too smart for his own fucking good and had easily picked up on your feelings. 
Luckily those same smarts also meant he knew better than to go tattling to the rest of your crew. 
Just because your job entailed sneaking around in the shadows, it didn’t mean you couldn’t kick some serious ass when you needed to. Hell, you’d been in the game since childhood, and since you turned 15 you’d been in it alone, while running from the mafia organization who’d raised you. You could kick his ass any day of the week, and Sam knew it. 
Not that you’d guess it from seeing how you fidgeted in place, casting nervous glances towards the door between scowls in Sam’s direction and weak attempts at limbering up. He’d clearly found his calling in trying to be your cupid, and you really didn’t want him to be. 
You needed a spotter, not a wingman.
“Why don’t you just tell him? Instead of batting those (Y/E/C) doe eyes at him and hoping he’ll get it? Dean can be a bit blind to the obvious,” Sam continued, clearly not ready to drop it, even as he reached a hand out to help you stretch out your back. The teasing glint was still fully visible in his hazel eyes, but you also saw genuine affection there. He really did care, even if he was annoyingly persistent about it. 
“I can’t just tell him Sammy, and don’t you dare say a thing either,” You shot back as soon as you straightened back up, eyes once more glancing at the thankfully empty doorway. 
“It’s not hard. C’mon, say it with me (Y/N) ‘I love you D...” 
Damn him, he really had the irritating brother act down to a pat. And yeah, you loved him like a brother. Which meant half the time you wanted to strangle him with a jump rope. Which the gym had plenty of.
“Shhh! Shut up and spot me. Your brother is right down the hall and I swear, if he hears you…” You grumbled, making sure to shoulder check him as you walked past him towards the weight bench. Though, at your height, you basically just bumped into his lower bicep, which didn’t even move him a tiny bit. 
Thankfully, Sam was smart. Which meant he knew when he’d pushed a joke just far enough to annoy, but not so far as to get an elbow to the diaphragm. So instead, he simply laughed, as he followed you over to the weights section of the home gym.
Sliding down on the weight bench, you took a few steadying breaths as he readied your weights for the bench presses. Needing no further indication on what you were there to do, since your weight reps were on a more or less set schedule and endurance focused rather than just straight up strength. 
“Hey Sammy, I need a bit extra weight today, either that or more reps. I have too much energy to burn,” You spoke the words to the ceiling, as you listened to the weights falling into place on the bar, stretching your arms above your head and shivering slightly when the cold plastic of the bench hit your bare midriff, since you’d opted for a shorter workout tank top for the day. Given how your body was already uncomfortably hot from just being around Dean.
“More reps then. You’re not tearing up your muscles right before a case (Y/N),” Sam shot back from somewhere to the right of you. 
The Winchester brothers shared the responsibility of being the workout coaches for the rest of your team. Well, mainly for you. Since you tended to push your body too far if you were left to your own devices. So, any change to your rep plan was run through them.
“Soooo… 30?” You tried, hoping ¨he’d let you double your normal reps, though you knew the chances of that were slim to none-existent. 
“20, and not one more, remember you do three to five rounds of these reps, plus barbell squats, leg curls, dumbbell…” 
“Yeah, yeah… I know my routine,” You pouted, rolling your shoulders and sticking your tongue out at him as he came into view behind you once you pushed your head back. Your hands lifted to curl around the cool bar, flexing your fingers to ensure your grip on it was secure.
“Count ‘em,” 
Lifting the bar off the rack, you focused on your breathing. Letting your mind drift away with the pleasant burn in your muscles from the repetitive motions. Until the reps all flowed into each other and you put all that useless energy and downright filthy adrenaline to good use. 
“I’ll take over Sammy,” 
You were on your final runthrough of your reps, having decided to finish after four sets. And just in the middle of the fifteenth bench press, when Dean’s voice pulled you out of the zone. Nearly making you lose your grip on the bar. Luckily, Sam was there to help you steady it as you placed it back on the rack and sat up, reaching for your water bottle.
“Damn it Dean, you nearly killed me,” You gasped, trying to even out your breathing and throwing a grateful smile to Sam as he handed you your towel. Your body was spent, and your muscles were screaming. Clearly Sammy had been right to stop you from doubling your rep amount. You doubted you’d even make it through the last one without needing to stop. 
“Sorry sweetheart, I’ll knock next time,” Dean grinned, giving his brother an affectionate pat on the shoulder as he tagged himself in and let Sam go wash up. 
Luckily you’d already burned most of your energy, but the sight of Dean in his workout wear still somehow got the embers of fire in your veins to act up again as you dropped back down against the bench. Lifting slightly shaky arms up and stretching them to dull the ache that was already starting to build. 
“How many have you done?” He asked, wiping down the bar for you as he leaned over it to look down at you. Green eyes bright and focused as he filled your vision with only him, framed against the concrete ceiling. 
“I’m on the final interval, only four today. Rep 15 out of 20,” You smiled back, forcing your mind to stay on your workout and not on the way his t-shirt clung to him. Or on how his arms across the steel bar tensed and looked absolutely mouthwatering. 
“Twenty? You’re on fifteen reps (Y/N), not twenty,” He frowned, looking not at all pleased with your additional five reps per exercise. Though there was no way in hell you could tell him you needed the additional physical punishment just to deal with the dirty little daydreams of him in your mind. 
“Extra energy to burn. You know I get antsy when we’re left playing the waiting game before a new case,” 
The white lie slipped easily past your lips as you tried to refocus your attention on a blank spot of ceiling above you. Raising your arms up, you curled your fingers around the bar, just as Dean leaned back and spread those stupidly perfect bow legs to ground himself, getting ready to spot you. 
“... Right, final round, then you spot me,” He grumbled, knowing better than to keep arguing and letting your body cool down too much from the workout. 
Training with Dean was like a fucking double, if not tripple, workout. It always was. Past the physical strain of your muscles and the endurance needed to push your body to the limit, you were also left trying to control your poor heart. The overexcited muscle getting an aerobics exercise like no other just from the proximity of the damned greek god of a man. 
The way he’d brush against you, your hot skin heating up even more from every barely there touch. Big hands and calloused fingers, always lingering against your slightly flush skin. His voice in your ear when he stepped behind you and placed a big palm on your lower back to help correct your form. The direct touch against your bare lower back sending shots of pure unadulterated electricity through you, which only grew in intensity as he pushed his body against yours to further shape and correct your stance.
Damn it, this was not the release you’d hoped for it to be. And by the time you finished the last set, you were just as worked up as you’d been before you even got started. It would have to be yet another cold shower for you. Damn him and his… Shit. 
Where was your snarky quick wittedness when you needed it?
“Thirty reps?” You questioned, slightly breathlessly, as you patted the towel against your neck and reached out for your water bottle. Stretching your body and shaking away that pleasant tremble from a good workout while you followed Dean back to the bench. Stopping just a few steps behind him to watch as he bent over to wipe down the bench, giving you a front row seat to a view of that damned perfect ass in his loose workout sweats.
Mentally tongue-tied, cotton mouthed and filthy minded, you nearly missed his cocky grin and raised eyebrow. A clear indication that he’d caught you checking him out. Though you’d of course still pretend you didn’t. You were an innocent sweet summer child; your mind was unicorns and rainbows, not hot skin, teeth and tongue. 
“Yeah… Actually, let’s do 35. I think I have some extra energy to burn too,” He finally said as he fell back against the bench. Groaning as he stretched his body and rewarded you with a glimpse of that perfectly toned stomach below his t-shirt. 
Walking around the bench, you somehow managed to keep your fingers from brushing over his taut body on the bench. Which, considering your profession was all sticky fingers and an attraction to anything shiny or gorgeous, was a damned miracle. 
Spotting Dean was always harder than the toughest case to crack. Not because you needed to actually do much. The man was a damned perfect specimen, lifting the weights easily and barely even breaking a sweat. It was, however, yet another hellish workout for your poor frustrated libido and heart. Standing there, ready to spot him, you had the perfect chance to ogle him indiscriminately. 
Watching as those perfectly muscular arms strained against the weights, lips slightly parted around sharp breaths and brow furrowed in concentration, showing just the slightest sheen of sweat from the physical exertion. He was damned near too much for you to handle. 
Just the sight of those muscles moving like liquid under his shirt, adding extra layers to your dirty daydreams of how that same hard body would feel if you were to run your fingers down his muscular back, with his body towering over yours on the bed. Pupils' wide and sharp breaths replaced by groaned moans… 
Yeah, you definitely needed a cold shower. 
Fucking arctic; ice cubes instead of water if possible.
Luckily for you, or unluckily, depending on how you viewed it, Dean only got two sets into his workout. Before he was pulled out of it, and you were pulled out of your absolutely downright dirty mind, by Charlie popping her head in through the door. 
“Operations room in fifteen!” She called out, barely stopping to raise a knowing eyebrow at your clearly hot and bothered state before she raced off to find the rest of your group. Apparently the plan for the party infiltration had been coming together while you were busy trying to work up a sweat, and not the fun kind.
Throwing a bottle of water towards Dean, you shot him a wink and a shaky smile, before you hurried out of the room. Rushing to hide your breathless, mentally tongue-tied state from the stupidly handsome hitter. For once thankful for the possibility of more manila folders and pre-heist planning.
Still before you got ready to pull off the heist, you’d have to pull off the quickest cold shower ever. Unless you wanted to sit through hours of planning in Charlie’s intelligence HQ all sweaty, hot and bothered. Hopefully your cold shower could at least help with one of those three things. And unfortunately, it wasn’t going to be your filthy mind that followed the water down the drain. 
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Charity Heist: @foxyjwls007 @seppys-return-to-madness @stoneyggirl2 @ladysparkles78 @twinkleinadiamondsky @tmb510
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @siospins2 @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70 @roseblue373 @djs8891
Forever tags will be added as a reblog
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bubbleecloud · 2 years
love your chibi-like art style and fic, it's too much I just love! Could you maybe do more lee!Mike and Ler!Will? Perferably a fic but a drawing is wonderful as well! I really don't care ^^
Yes, of course! I absolutely adore Lee! Mike, my guy needs to laugh more!
~A true work of art~
Ler! Will Lee!Mike
~Mike agrees to help will with a new method of art he's been wanting to try. What could go wrong? ~
Will was, by nature, a fantastic artist. It was like some uncanny superpower, the way he could bring the ideas in his head to life with just a few strokes of a pen or pencil.
As a kid, he never needed much. A pencil, some crayons, the bare minimum usually sufficed. But once he grew a bit older, he branched out a little, eager to build upon his talent. He tried paints, watercolor, you name it. He had quite the long range, so it was no surprise that when a new trend started to kick through the young people of Hawkins, Will latched onto the idea instantly.
Kids walking around with patterns drawn on their hands. Swirls of colors running up and arm or a flower or rainbow skribbled on an ankle or wrist. Will had never considered drawing on a person before, mainly because he had heard all his life that it was bad for you and what not. But it seemed fun. He figured it might be a bit of a cool challenge, and he liked trying new things. That was what lead him to his current set up, sitting criss-cross on the floor of the Wheeler basement.
"And your sure this will wash off? "
Will looked up from his bag of multi-color pens and smiled. "Of course, Mike. A girl in my class said it'll wash off in the shower after like, two days. Kinda like a temporary tattoo."
Mike hummed but didn't say anything, falling back into silence as will continued his search for the colors he wanted. He'd agreed to let Will practice a drawing on him, seeing how excited he'd been when he'd proposed the idea. He was... a little trepidatious, but he trusted Will to know what he was doing. He was actually a bit excited himself, although mainly he was just pleased that Will had decided to come to him instead of anyone else.. Ahem.
"Ok! I think I'm set! Are you sure you don't have any suggestions on what you want me to draw?"
Mike smiled and shook his head. "Nah, I trust your judgement. Dazzle me! "
Will laughed and rolled his eyes. "Pfft- ok, hold out your arm. "
Mike complied, and Will grabbed hold of his wrist. He picked up a pen and held it just above mikes arm, already building a mental image of what he wanted to create. "Ready?" Mike nodded, and Will set to work, pressing the pen to Mike's skin and lightly started the sketch Instantly, Mike tensed. Worried, Will looked up, concerned. "Are you ok? Am- am I pressing to hard?"
Mike averted his eyes, hoping Will wouldn't see his blush. "No-no it's fine. Just- feels a little weird, I guess. " He turned to look at him and forced a chill smile on his face. "You can keep going! " Will looked skeptical, but didn't say anything more, and he turned once again to Mike's arm. As soon as the pen hit his skin, Mike bit his lip, trying desperately to stay still. The truth of the situation was quite simple. It tickled. It tickled a lot, actually. But Mike was determined not to show it. He tried his best to stay still, and decided that he needed to distract himself from the situation before it got to be to much to handle.
"Sooo- uh- what, what are you drawing?" Without looking up, Will said, "Um! I can't tell you! You said you wanted me to surprise you, right? You'll see it when I'm done." Mike faked a pout. "What! That's not fair- MH!"
Startled, Mike clamped his mouth shut with a barely contained squeal. As he was talking, Will had ran the pen over a sensitive spot by his wrist, causing a tickly sensation to shoot through his whole arm. Will sighed and squeezed Mikes wrist in frustration. "Mike, what is wrong? Are you sure I'm not hurting you?! "
Mike squirmed out of embarrassment, scolding himself mentally for his strong reaction. "Will, ihits fine, I promise!" Oh, damnit. Curse you anticipatory giggles!
Will raised an eyebrow, smiling in a way that made mikes breath catch. "Ooh, I see. It tickles?" Mikes face went red.
"Oh- ah.. Well, no- I mean- ok, maybe a little... " Mike took a deep breath. "Its- oh, just keep going!" He finished lamely, and Will giggled. "If you say so~"
Will started once again, this time getting quite absorbed in the drawing. At this point though, the dam had been broken, and Mike bursted into giggles immediately. It took everything in his power not to yank his arm away from Will.
"Pfft- ahehehe- oho my god- Will! Hehe-! "
"Stop moving! It'll only take longer this way!" Will said, faking annoyance as his gripped Mike's wrist tighter. In truth, he found the whole situation quite adorable. He carried on in his drawing, finally getting something close to the basic shape done. As he moved higher up on Mike's arm though, the worse it seemed to tickle him.
"Wihihill- ihits so bahahahaaad!"
It really was like some kind of unique torture. The small, sharp tip of the pen glided against his skin with deadly precision, and the cold temperature of the ink only made it worse. He squealed in desperation as Will drew a particularly sharp line along the width of his arm, unable to stop his flow of giggles.
"Oh, don't be dramatic! I'm sure it isn't that bad, Mike. " Will smiled slyly, knowing full well that it was, indeed, that bad. "I need to add color now, so be. Still. " He put down his current pen and traded it for a red one, clicking it open and closed a couple times. Mike was greatful for the tiny break, but once Will continued things got much, much worse.
"AHAA-AhehehEH- Whoa- WIHIHIHIihill-! "
Instead of the light tracing method Will had been doing earlier, he was now fastly scribbling big patches of color on the necessary areas. Needless to say, Mike was lost.
Mike started flapping his other hand in the air aimlessly, trying to channel his restless energy. Will bursted into giggles, finding himself to be very giddy at the whole situation. "Oh, mihihke! I'm almost done, I prohomise! " He picked up another color, adding more color and detailed where it was needed. Mike whined.
Will smiled and stole a glance at Mike's face, his smiled widening as he saw Mike's hysterical expression. His eyes were closed tightly shut, his face scrunched up in an irrepressible smile. His cheeks were a flattering shade of red. Will looked down again, letting his mind be filled with the sound of Mike's laugh, adding the final touches.
This went on for only a few minutes more, and then the picture was completed. He put the pen down, wanting to do one last thing before he showed Mike. Grinning, he pulled Mike's arm close to him and suddenly started scribbling his nails over his wrist in a fast, fluttery manner.
Will barked out a laugh and finally stopped, Patting Mike's hand reassuringly. "Ohokay, okay, I'm done. " He placed a tender kiss on the palm of Mike's hand. "Thank you for being so still and patient~"
Mike's smile became bashful and silly, his face going a deeper red than before. "Aha, ah- uh- hehe can I uh- can I look now?" He asked, desperate to change the subject. Will suddenly grew nervous, now that the time had come for Mike to see his drawing. What if he didn't like it? He breathed in, telling himself that he was being silly. "Yea, go for it!"
Mike pulled his arm close and looked down at the emblem adorning his arm. He gasped, his eyes going wide as he looked at what will had made. It was a shield, beautifully detailed and topped with a heart in the middle. Under that was what looked like a worn out banner, with the word "paladin" scrawled across it in flawless cursive. It was.... Stunning.
"Oh- oh wow. "
Mike traced his finger along the lines of the drawing, his smile softening. Will looked on, watching Mike with anticipation.
"So, what- whad'ya think-? "
Mike looked up at Will, the brightest look in his eyes. "I- I love it! It's amazing! You did- you did a fantastic job!
Will blushed. "You think so? It was worth it?" Mike laughed and threw his arms around will in a hug. "Hell yea! I'd endure all the tickling in the world if it meant getting to be your work of art!" He pulled away and instead let his head rest on Wills shoulder, locking his hands with Wills. "I love you."
Will smiled, never remembering feeling happier. "And I love you, my perfect masterpiece~" He pressed a kiss against Mike's forehead.
All in all, I think the experiment was a success.
WOOOO I DID IT! I hope you all enjoy, sorry if it's a bit long 🌟
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dragon-tamer-1 · 3 years
Tempest!Error and Spectrum!Ink
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(Art by @kotikaleo, who I commissioned for this absolutely gorgeous artwork)
- His strings can be charged with electricity, both as he's using them and after already catching an enemy. He's immune to his own electricity, but can still be shocked with other forms of electricity. Lightning bolts are actually like power boosts for him.
- He has an aura that makes the air around him charged, if you have hair and you're near him, your hair will stand on end. It's kinda static-y and there is a small buzz that, if you were to be in physical contact, would be like a small vibration that you can barely feel.
- He's very confident in himself, and is usually quiet. He really likes flying, it always puts him at peace, except if he has to fight mid-air.
- Has haphephobia, but it isn't too severe, just can't handle touch for too long. Small amounts of contact is okay, but slightly uncomfortable.
- Is actually the fastest flyer out of everyone. He can fly as fast as a lightning bolt when he's going full speed, though it's only in emergencies or when he wants to. Though even at cruising speed he's faster than most.
- If he's really angry, he'll cause a thunderstorm, in which he's more powerful. He will either cause lightning to hit you, or let them hit him for a quick boost in power.
- He can travel through the multiverse by opening portals, the portals look like they're made of electricity. They can zap anyone who touches the edges, except for Tempest.
- Can destroy AU's, and used to do it on a larger scale until he and Spectrum made a deal. He is not allowed to destroy new, young AUs, but is allowed to destroy old, either abandoned AUs or AUs that are falling apart.(I was partially inspired by entity-404's(I think, I vaguely remember seeing a similar headcanon on their blog when I asked for headcanons about Error) headcanon for this one)
- His glitches are mild, but when he's being touched, he gets more. As well as when he's feeling really angry, upset, or scared.
- He can summon Broomie at will, he doesn't need to carry it around on his back all the time(chooses to do so sometimes, anyway). Broomie resembles a watercolor brush, rather than a paintbrush. His attacks are more watery than paint as a result.
- He can calm storms and turn them into light rain/cloudy weather. He leaves a rainbow before he leaves, kinda as a sign to the AU's residents that it's safe to come out. When Tempest causes storms, it's hard to calm those down until he leaves or stops causing them.
- He can travel the multiverse through any source of water, as well. It has to be at least 10% water-based for him to traverse through it, though. (This doesn't apply to humans or any living creature. That'd just be weird/gross. Though he will take the opportunity to burst out of a cucumber if there's one nearby just to mess around with people.)
- Has an aura that feels like a warm sunny day sometimes, and other times it feels like the air does after it rains.
- Is stronger than Tempest, physically, but not by a lot. He never intends to severely hurt him, though.
- Is very playful most of the time. You can expect to see him either flying around in the sky/near the ceiling of the Underground(depending on the AU), or maybe painting the landscape. He gets serious when it's called for, though.
- Flying is really fun for him. He occasionally tries racing with Tempest, and is only slightly salty about not winning.
- He has a SOUL, but is disconnected from his feelings due to his SOUL being faded. He has his paints that help him feel his emotions. He can rarely feel natural emotions, though not in high amounts.
- When he found out his feathers can shine rainbows in the right lighting, he was super excited, one of the few times his natural emotions managed to shine through. He then experimented to find out the best angle that makes his feathers shine brighter.
- Memory is pretty bad still. Writes on his scarf important details he wants/needs to remember. Sometimes just writes down random things, though.
- Helps AUs form, but isn't the one who creates them. The Creators create them, but Spectrum isn't aware of them.
- His part of the deal with Tempest is that he can help the new AUs form and help reform AUs that seem determined to exist(or that the Creators want to keep around). But he can't try to save the AUs that are abandoned or falling apart.
- His eyelight that has the snowflake changes to a symbol for the other seasons: 🌸= Spring(can be different colors and flowers) ☀️= Summer(stays yellow) 🍁= Fall/Autumn(can be different colors and leaves) ❄= Winter(stays white). Only changes depending on the season an AU is in. It's a default snowflake otherwise.
- His other eyelight changes color and shape every time he blinks.
Here's my version of Error and Ink, Tempest and Spectrum. I absolutely love these designs, and I can't stop staring at them sometimes.
@jann-the-bean @kotikaleo @thevoidismyhome2000 Here they are!
Original Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Original Ink belongs to @myebi/@comyet
Tempest!Error and Spectrum!Ink belong to me
Other Info
Lushia(Flighteningverse!Lust)'s ref
Flighteningverse Cross's ref
Flighteningverse Horror, Dust, and Killer's ref
Flighteningverse: How wings are formed on outcodes
FV!Horror, FV!Dust, and FV!Killer's refs
Radical!Fresh's ref
Fracture!Geno's ref
FV!Reaper's ref
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Comics this week (6/16/2021)?
adudewholikescomicsandotherstuff asked: This week’s comics?
Planet-Sized X-Men #1: I had measured expectations, but y'know what? If Duggan can pull off a Hickman impression this fun, I'll give his and Larraz's X-Men proper a shot to impress me.
The Mighty Valkyries #3: Firmly in "if this wasn't a miniseries I wouldn't stick around" territory tbh, though it feels more like it running out of steam than a weakness of the creators.
Heroes Reborn #7: It was @chadnevett who I saw recently tumble onto the true premise of the series and why it's called what it's called: the idea here is what if Lee and Liefeld had rebooted DC in 90s instead of Marvel. Is that a clever or meaningful idea? No. Am I having a hoot right through to the end? Yes. Also, (rot13) guvf vagebqhprf gur qrzbavp rdhvinyrag gb gur Pbfzvp Phor: GUR URYYNURQEBA. Ubj pna lbh abg ybir gung.
Superman: Red and Blue #4: Nabbed that Simonson cover! The Waid/Mok/Bellaire/Sharpe story is a fun throwback, Manapul and Sharpe aim a little higher in the script than they can pull off but of course it's gorgeous and also makes the best use of color in the issue for my money, Venditti/Martinez/Lopez/Sharpe do a nice little stock tale, Conrad/Hamner/Brosseau get a little more heavy-handed with the narration than is needed but it still works, and the Douek/Quinones/Sharpe story is another relatively stock entry but still manages to earn being the Superman story drawn by Quinones post-Dial H.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1: A decent kickoff and probably the first Tom King #1 where I firmly feel like I have a grasp of what the book's going for right off the bat as in this case a genre mashup, though this is ultimately Evely's show for doing big, atmospheric alien and western stuff to the best of her considerable abilities.
Catwoman #32: Really good little one-off!
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #3: Friend of mine mentioned this issue hit particularly hard for him as a callout of rightwing shit in India, which having read the issue I can definitely say I lack the context to get beyond the broadest strokes, but even lacking that particular punch for me this is still a great issue just like the first two.
Stillwater #8: Mmmmight be starting to fall off this a bit.
Radiant Black #5: Okay, you have my attention.
6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #1: I missed this coming out recently, I haven't tried much of Kyle Starks' work that he hasn't also drawn himself and the premise didn't much leap out at me, but I decided to give this a whirl and it's a very fun book with a great fit for Starks' sensibilities in Chris Schweizer.
Ultramega #4: Huh. Well, certainly curious where things head from here.
Project Patron #3: Still a pretty much perfect balance of tones for the subject.
Jupiter's Legacy: Requiem #1: This would be a fav just between the Quitely cover and the schadenfreude of the afterword opening with "As I write these words, Jupiter's Legacy has launched as the number one most watched show in the world over the weekend." But yes, I am in fact diving in for one last Mark Millar comic, because dammit I'm seeing this particular thing through to the end. It's all you'd expect or if you have my particular sensibilities be excited for: so aggressively dumb, so dopey fun, so many interesting mishandled ideas. This is also, notably, extremely Boruto: you got your new Utopian, your new Skyfox-type, your new powerless descendant, your new kid who wants nothing to do with the family business, your new celebrity asshole, etc.; even the old guard are switching roles around between them. It's still fun though with one legit killer twist that Millar doesn't put on a page turn, why. Obviously the real star is Tommy Lee Edwards' art and coloring (with work in one sequence from John Paul Leon in one of his final contributions) and it's as next-level as you'd hope, this unbelievably vibrant, lively, lush, almost watercolor-ish interpretation of a sprawling poppy superhero universe that's the ideal form of him handling this material. But also worth drawing attention to John Workman's lettering, which really visualizes the extremely specific cadence and rhythm to Mark Millar's dialogue as we've never seen before to...interesting results. Put like that it's not surprising it's kinda goofy in practice, but there's a certain honesty to it.
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keiscait · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to say from the match-ups I have seen that you are such a great writer! If it’s not too much I was wondering if I could get a living room and bedroom matchup for a male character. If both are too much, feel free to do one whichever one you feel like you can write better. I wanna do this anon so the emoji you can use for me is: <33
Pronouns: She/Hers
Personality: I am a very goal orientated person and I can become very hard on myself sometimes if I don’t achieve things as well as I wanted to. I tend to be quiet but not shy per say. I do not have trouble talking to people and making friends and I can become very outgoing but in the friend group itself I usually keep to myself. If I am comfortable with you I will make witty remarks and make fun of you in a playful friend banter kinda way but I would like to say I am a good listener so I can get serious real quick. I am really big on trust and I used to trust too easily and now I am a bit more closed off where it is a bit harder for me to trust others.
Relationships: When it comes to relationships, I believe in communication and I haven’t had a big problem with it in the past. I wouldn’t mind a small pda such as hand holding or a small kiss here and there but nothing over the top because you gotta keep the important stuff private ya know. My love language is quality time because I tend to be really busy once school starts and so making effort to see each other even through our busy schedules is really important to keep the relationship healthy.
Hobbies: I believe that you need a good balance between work and play though so some other hobbies I have are painting (acrylic and watercolor), baking, and skateboarding. I also listen to music everyday and watch like an episode before I go to sleep if I have school but binge watch on break. I also try to game a bit too like league, minecraft, and my switch. I also like hiking and runs in the mornings before class because it really clears my head and I used to be on the swim team but I don’t competitively do it anymore.
Bedroom: I believe I would be a switch that leans more submissive. However, I am really cautious to do anything because I need to trust them to be submissive. I would consider myself very open to different kinks and what not and aftercare is a must. I’m not super into degrading because I’m sensitive af. I just would want someone who is observant with me and my body as well as someone who helps me with my insecurities. Once I’m comfortable though I definitely become a brat. Just want someone who would manhandle but still tell me i’m the prettiest girl they’ve ever met hahaha.
Zodiac: Pisces (sun), Cancer (rising), and Leo (moon)
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Future Plans/ Dreams: I am working to become a biomedical engineer one day to help make medical devices to help people. Right now I am leaning towards possibly doing physical therapy and making prosthetics.
Looks: I’m 5’6/5’7 and have a medium build. I am tan kinda like a honey color with black wavy/slightly curly hair that is about at my breast length. My eyes are hazel but mainly light brown and I have pretty big doe like eyes.
Sorry if it’s too much or too little but thank you so much! and I have such respect for writers so keep being you :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND STAY SAFE
Hello and welcome, my darling! So sorry for the long wait, and thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! (⌒‿⌒)❤️ Let’s get right to it then! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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I was reading your description, and I think the person I had in mind for you also fits your bedroom matchup!
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Our lovely guest keeping us company in both rooms is...
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(Runner up: Ushijima Wakatoshi)
Kageyama is a very complex character. He’s one of the few characters ever who we actually see slips back into his old bad habits every now and then, but is immediately remorseful and shows signs of him knowing better. He’s always striving for progress, and he understands more than others what it’s like to dislike your past self.
- Tobio here is somehow both incredibly observant yet so fricking DENSE
- I imagine that however it is that you two meet, he’ll be super formal at first. It’ll take a little while for a romance to build because he’s not used to opening up, and he’ll need to really trust the person for him to let his walls down
- however, as soon as you guys establish a friendship, he’d be drawn to you and how goal-oriented you are, especially since he is, too
- He’d take interest in you, notice all your little quirks, and would even find himself blushing whenever you playfully tease him
- Problem is, he has no fucking clue why HAHAH
- I love him sm but boy doesn’t know what it is to like someone
- Hinata would try to explain it to him and he’d just be like cr- cru--... c-CRUSH?? ...what is that?
- Man is in desperate need of wingman someone help him
- Anyway, once his friends get Operation: Get Tobio A Girlfriend in motion, he just turns into his pouty blushy self whenever he sees you
- The other boys will probably go overboard that he’ll be forced to take matters into his own hands
- The confession would be a damn mess but in an adorable way
- He’d 100% yell his feelings at you while pouting/blushing
- You’d have to shush him TBH 
- shush him with a kiss maybe? that’s a great way to shut him up (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Kageyama_Tobio.exe stopped responding
- anyway I think he’d just be such a soft, protective boyfriend, especially since you’re kind of quiet
- You two would understand each other so well. He’d protect you and your quiet side, while you would help him be more relatable in order to make friends. It’s also perfect that you two are both goal-oriented, because then you’d be on the same page when it comes to co-dependence/independence. One would understand the other when it comes to pressure, deadlines, and hard work, and you’d just be super supportive of each other all the time
- I think you’re better at communicating than he is, so you may have to inform him a bit on how it should work between the two of you. He’d pick up on this really fast tho so no need to worry! Kags has got you ;)
- Dates would be really productive ones. Study dates, work dates, workout dates; anything that would be beneficial to your improvement
- Early morning hikes with Kags :’( beautiful
- He really appreciates that you’re not big on PDA because that puts a lot less pressure on himself to be someone he’s not. PLUS I imagine he’s the same as you, who really treasures the private moments between the two of you because you’re both so busy
- Once you guys have some private time, he’d take it as an opportunity to release all his pent up energy and emotions. He’d be so needy and clingy when he knows others can’t see
- (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ) also u kno whassup when you guys finally get some private time (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ)(  ・ิω・ิ)
- I don’t think Kags is the very kinky type. He’d be a dom, but I don’t think the freaky stuff would really appeal to him, especially if it’s degradation, since the man worships you?? He’s just like... why tho 
- He may get into some stuff that emphasizes his strength, mostly how he grabs you and handles your body
- Picks up on your sweet spots really quick, and I imagine he can even deduce which parts are sensitive without you having to tell him
- Apologizes if he ever makes you uncomfortable :’( he’d just be SO tender and protective
- I don’t think he knows what aftercare is, or like the specifics of it, but I think despite that, he’d just naturally want to take care of you and check in on you afterwards. He’d ask if you’re okay, if you need anything, if you’re feeling any kind of pain, if there’s anything he can improve on. And he’d definitely scan your body for any bruises.
You were walking home from an exhausting day at work. 
There were more than a few setbacks today - an annoying coworker took credit for your hard work, your precisely detailed schedule wasn’t honored by others, and because of this, you weren’t able to have lunch. It was now 6:30PM. The rain poured as you waited at the bus stop. You were famished, soaked, and, quite frankly, so done with this day. 
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time. You were so out of it today that you haven’t had the chance to check on your unread messages. Your boyfriend, Tobio, had left a few missed calls over the past hour, causing some worry. He didn’t usually call, given how busy he was all the time. You texted him first to check in.
You: Everything okay, bub?
K: Yes. Sorry about all the missed calls. Where are you right now?
Y: At the bus stop near my building. Why?
K: Which one?
K: Never mind. I see you
What? You whipped your head left and right, then saw your boyfriend’s figure standing a few meters away, umbrella in hand. He was truly a sight for sore eyes right now - he wasn’t wearing anything special, juts his usual tracksuit, but he was wrapped in a scarf and held a soft expression on his face. It was just the warmth you needed right now. He jogged over to you, closing the umbrella as he made it under the roof. 
“Hi love,” you started, “what on earth are you doing here?” A huge weight seems to have been lifted off of you.
He didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, rubbing your body to give extra warmth. Pulling back, he took off his scarf so that he could wrap it around your neck. 
“It’s been raining all day but I noticed you left your umbrella at home. I was hoping to catch you before you left work so that you don’t have to walk in the rain.” You couldn’t help the smile that was erupting through the exhaustion. This felt like an all new Tobio. “I guess I was a little too late, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No, don’t worry about it. Thank you for thinking of me, bub.” You allowed yourself to slump onto him, wrapping your arms around his waist. You felt him loosen up, strong arms making their way around your form. You looked up at him without pulling away. Your big doe eyes stared into his blue ones, totally sinking into each other’s gaze. He planted a small kiss onto your nose. It wasn’t normal for you to be so affectionate outdoors, but right now, it seemed apt. You scrunched up your nose in response.
Had it not been for the honking of the bus, the two of you could’ve cuddled in the rain for much longer, ridding each other of the lousiness of the day.
I hope that was alright with you, darling! Thank you so much for trusting me with your matchup. Hope you’re having a wonderful new year so far!! Please don’t hesitate to sit and have a chat with me anytime ❤️
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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staylavendertea · 4 years
ya head canons cause my brain won’t leave me alone
billy is low key a skater boy - he skateboards 🛹🛹 converse high tops, ripped black jeans with bandaids on his knees, and oversized stolen boyfriend jean jackets rolled sleeves god yes he skates 🛹🛹 he and tommy will team up just to be bastards for like ten minutes and do that synchronized talking just to both annoy and creep the hell out of eli and kate
tommy is a rollerskater - and roller blades - the twins are skaters, he totally would have been a roller derby kid i tell you, also quoting everything he hears on the internet “what are you doing out here with all that ass double checked up on a thursday afternoon hella ass” “tommy that’s just a fat pigeon stOP” and even tho he did have a hard time for a while to open up to everyone and be emotional in front of the people he loves, with the help of everyone, he’s slowly learning he can confine in people and have relationships and bonds and that enough is to make me cry at night, i love thomas shepherd and his character so much
kate is always hung over, even when she isn’t - sunglasses on, looking like every day is too much for her head to handle especially with all these dumbass clumsy boys she gotta deal with, just let her chill with cassie at lakes and look at fireflies, but that lake better have good service so she can text billy the first scoop on that celebrity goosip - they’ve been following this shit for weeks, phone service don’t let her down now
teddy is an artist, sketching like always ya know, usually billy ends up unconsciously being most of the drawings, but his favorites to use is watercolor, pretty flat colors and making his friends look all blushy in drawings, the group doesn’t believe him when he says that they’re all cute so he’s made it his life goal to keep complimenting him cause he’s the nicest boy alive - a stranger calls bee cute, teddy will nod and agree because truetrue, but will send a semi threatening death glare
nate is like the teenager that will go on walks by himself and end up stumbling upon abandoned and creepy places and then either like billy/eli/or cassie ends up getting a call at one in the morning because he got either kinda lost or kinda stuck and the gang needs to come get him - he and eli probably have matching jojo clothing merch but eli is a repressed nerd so rip nate who just wants to have matching jojo sweatpants when they go work out together
eli may or may not have done the jojo pose trend of anime characters in the studio he does his boxing and martial arts, katie and cassie may or may not both of saved the video, eli is actually a total repressed nerd but won’t admit it and tommy can totally see it, nate can also see it, why do you think these three argue so much - nate just wants to be anime buddies i tell you - eli is someone who feels very strongly about injustice and gets emotional when all his friends back him up when he speaks out about it - please i need to see eli bradley in more comic books, give him and tommy the fame they deserve
cassie went to the broug and got herself some frogs - not only do i not know if i’m spelling that right or what it is, i just saw the tik tok and the cassie energy was too strong, she likes froggies and makes those tiny moss environments in jars and she likes to chill in nature and steal nate’s flannels and when her, katie, and billy are hanging out, cassie and billy will be gushing about boyfriends ya know with katie making gagging noises in the background
david is that dude that can just read people but is also like really chill about it “like yeah i totally just did a mental psychoanalysis on you just by who your kins are, but i know that you get kinda guarded about it so i won’t say anything because i love and respect you” i love david a lot okay, - he’s also resident technology please make work or i need you to look at this video or photo and prove this shit guy - he’s fixed poor nate has somehow flung this thing across the room like four times now phone on more occasions then he can count but he’s pretty chill about it
noh-varr is a non binary asexual dork that likes aliens and video games, he has a jacket that’s green and has a human getting picked up by a ufo that only says “fuck this. i’m out.” 🛸🛸 and him and katie have given poor mom of the group teddy a heart attack on more than one occasion being deadass serious about storming area 51
america has got her hat on backwards and is ready to fucking party and to mess around with her friends, the best part of her day is to get stuck in abandoned places and flirt with katie, her and noh varr go randonauting like every other day and get so lost, then her and the chaotic twins team up to be mischievous little bastards, her and teddy did pride and racial injustice movement graffiti that one time and she really just here to be the most badass around and protect their group and also like the whole world
(an extra billy one cause i relate to him on an emotional level)
billy is a film kid, like in a non powers au, he’s the dude that literally does all film related classes and is gonna be a film major and the best sfx make up artist, knows all movies/quotes/and endings - he’s the kid that knows the sfx stuff too well, he will liquid latex and cotton ball zombie your ass up if you let him to - you can’t tell me that his favorite genre of movies is horror monster and aliens, but also those pretty aesthetic romance ones that take place in country side france in small towns
these dorks also totally go to abandoned places for adventures (most of them stumbled accidentally upon by nate) and just have fun ya know
these are the most brain forth ones atm, i definitely have more, and will be adding most of these to the young avengers fics i’m working on, but please do add your own !! these dork teens are currently my everything
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hamletandthegang · 4 years
Cheering Up Marc: Part 1, Annalise
(TW depressive episode + slight mentions of suicidal thoughts. Also blood mention)
On a bright Saturday morning, Annalise sat on the little couch in the living room, listening to music through headphones, and sketching on her notebook. She looked up and slid off her headphones when she noticed Marc walk into the room. They were at the apartment alone, because Rosencrantz was working, Ophelia and Hamlet were doing something together (they hadn’t said what, but Anna guessed it was a date), and Guildenstern was in classes all morning. 
“Hey Marc,” she said cheerfully, “How are you doing today?” 
He forced a smile onto his face and turned to her, “I’m doing okay, thanks.”
Anna frowned, seeing through his expression immediately. But she hesitated to say something, and watched him walk to the fridge and grab his leftover chinese takeout from the night before. 
He warmed it up, glancing at Annalise who quickly bent back over her notebook to hide her staring, and began to walk back to his room.
Anna spoke quickly, “I was planning on finishing up a painting for my class next week, would you maybe wanna join me?” She could tell he was still feeling low, how could he not, and hoped doing something with his hands would help take his mind off it all.
Marc hesitated, having already reached the door, and turned back to her with a slight smile. “Actually, I think I do. That sounds good.”
Anna beamed, “Great! I can set up my easel and stuff while you finish eating. I typically paint out on the porch.” She added, putting down her notebook and standing up. Marc nodded, and sat down on a chair to finish his noodles. 
Anna walked to the sliding glass door, and walked out to set up two canvases, one that already had a half-finished painting on it.
Marc watched her through the glass. She buzzed around, gingerly setting up the easels and getting the paint out. She had simply bloomed here in England, far away from her parents, father especially. She had gone through things herself many times before, but her unbreaking smile shined through the heaviest of storms. Marc envied her. She waved awkwardly when she noticed Marc watching her. He waved back.
Truthfully, he was going through one of the worst depressive episodes he’d been through yet. He didn’t feel like he could do anything, and was wrestling nightly with the pros and cons of just letting it all go and jumping. He hated to admit it to himself, it made him feel so helpless and hard to handle. He knew that his friends were worried about him, and wanted to help him by taking him to England with them. Things were simply harder than he could handle. And he hated the thought of asking for help. The littlest things reminded him of Ben.
He finished his food and threw out the small box. He walked out to where Annalise was sitting on a short stool with dried paint on it. There was a similar seat next to hers, and she smiled and motioned for him to sit. She turned on some light piano music and gave him a small container for him to hold the paint in while he worked. He had taken quite a few art classes in high school, and had enjoyed it a lot until it had become too expensive for his family. 
“Gouache?” He asked, studying the paint she was using as she dabbed the canvas.
“Mm-hm,” She nodded, and he put some different colors into the palette in his hand. 
“I always liked the stuff- acts like watercolors but paints like acrylics.”
“Yeah, I think they give you more freedom.” She smiled, happy to have someone to talk about this with. “What are you gonna do?”
Marc looked around at the view off the porch, which was on the third floor of the apartment building. He pointed at a group of shiny buildings surrounded by trees and foliage, “Maybe that? I like landscapes.”
“Oh yeah! That’ll look great!” Annalise smiled, and looked back at her canvas, humming along to the piano music. Marc took a deep breath, and picked up a brush. 
He began drawing what he saw, filling in details and such. Annalise glanced at him slightly and smiled to see him so focused on the picture. He caught her eye and smiled back. 
“So, what have you been up to?” She asked, trying to make small talk.
Marc shrugged, “Reading a lot, I guess. Taking naps. Catching up on some stuff.” He looked at the canvas intently, searching for something to say. He dropped his voice, and Anna looked at him.
“It’s okay to be struggling. Whatever is going on is not something to be embarrassed about. If you wanna talk about it, that’s okay. If you don’t, that’s okay too.”
Marc forced a grateful smile, “Thanks, I think I just wanna paint for a bit.”
“Okay,” Annalise smiled, and continued dabbing her brush on her canvas. Her painting was a somewhat abstract yet thought provoking picture of what looked like the inside of a public bathroom. There were ugly green stalls flooded with the uneven sickly light from the obviously busted light above. The sinks were sitting to the right, with soap spilling over the plastic porcelain.
“What are you drawing?” Marc asked, perplexed by her choice. It was beautifully done, though a bit off putting. 
“Well, it’s actually for a class I’m taking. They wanted to test our skills for the first week, to see what we could do. So they gave us all prompts, and mine,” She hesitated, thinking of how to say what it was. “Well, mine was the most-recent painful memory you have. Some were a bit more optimistic than others, and I think the teacher thought I was all smiles and wanted to stretch my skills.” She laughed a bit awkwardly. “Little did he know, right?”
Marc was still confused, “Wait so, what does it mean?”
Annalise’ eyes widened as she remembered, “Oh, that’s right, you weren’t there. Um, this is the bathroom from the… the hospital. After we got back with Horatio, I was helping Ophelia wash the blood out of her clothes and…” she hesitated, and took a breath, “Well, it’s just kinda hard to wash your friend’s blood out of something, that’s all.” Annalise stared at the canvas, as if reliving that whole long week. Marc stiffened. He hadn’t thought about just how hard it had been on his friends as well as himself. Anna looked up, “Sorry, kind of a mood killer, I know. It’s also why I’m painting it out here. I don’t really want Ophelia to see it. I know it’ll just take her back there, and even though it’s therapeutic for me it probably wouldn’t be for her. Anyways,” She said, trying to shift the conversation from this topic, “I think it’ll be a bit of a shock to the class when I present it,” she laughed. 
Marc laughed too, imagining her standing up and telling them what the circumstances were, “Oh my god, they’ll be so confused. You have to tell me how it goes when you do it.” 
“Oh for sure,” Annalise said. They continued to joke and talk. Laughing about all the shit they’d been through was oddly fun. Anna and Marc hadn’t spent a lot of one-on-one time with each other until the whole France thing, and Marc was now glad that he had someone like her in his life. She was so positive, and yet so blunt about what she was going through. He appreciated that.
“This is fun, thanks for suggesting it,” he said when the conversation lulled. He was a fair way through his painting, it being a smaller canvas and less detailed. The scene was a very good likeness to the view around them.
“Yeah, no problem. You can paint with me whenever, I like the company.” Annalise smiled. 
The wind blew through their hair lightly, keeping them cool as they sat above the world below and talked. 
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rezares · 5 years
a watercolor sky || war & peace
tl;dr: The one where they are simultaneously worse than, and not as bad as, Ross and Rachel
Word Count: 4112
Date: March 9th, 2020
You know when you have a cup of coffee that is far too hot to drink, but you keep taking sips anyways? Even though it burns your mouth? It just tastes too good to stop.
‘Sex with Reza’ had apparently become Aurora’s cup of too-hot coffee.
In her defense, she had never thought it would continue. Sure they’d had sex in Tunisia (a… few times, actually), but that had been comfort sex! Borne of desperation and near-death encounters and all sorts of weird moral dilemmas and nearly two years of pent up sexual desire. But when they had boarded the plane back to Swynlake, Aurora expected that to be the end and was ready and willing to go back to being just friends.
Yeaaah, that didn’t happen.
Aurora snuggled closer to Reza’s chest, keeping her eyes closed and her breathing even so she could fake sleep just a little while longer. She was getting horribly spoiled, waking up next to Reza at least once a week. She was still naked and a little sweaty under the blanket, doubtlessly sporting a few new bruises, and felt completely content with this moment in the universe. Soon, they’d have to get up and pretend this had never happened - at least around Sabiha, Fadela and Lamia both looked too smug to not know - but for this little slice of morning, Aurora got him all to herself.
Reza was not bothering to fake sleep. He just didn’t mind laying there, playing with Aurora’s hair, trying his best not to think too hard on the confusing, unfamiliar feelings slowly forming in his chest. It wasn’t that he was against them. Hardly! He wouldn’t have had sex with Aurora the first time, let alone for the past couple months if he didn’t hope to feel those feelings for her one day.
Rory was, in all honesty, the first person he wanted to feel this warmth in his chest for. But he knew from secondhand accounts how infatuation could often disguise itself as love, and as he was someone who always believed himself to be incapable of love, he didn’t want to hurt Rory again. How cruel would it be to tell her ‘I think I’m in love with you’ only to retract that statement once the infatuation wore off?
No, no, he had to make sure it stuck.
Except, this warmth hadn’t left his chest since November. It was March. Was that...not...more than just infatuation?
Aurora finally gave up the ghost and leaned into his hand as it played with her curls, humming softly as she tried to open her heavy eyes. Well, she got halfway there.
"Mmm, you're thinking too loud," she teased in a sleepy mumble, accent thick and soft like it always was first thing in the morning. Her hand reached up to smooth out the thoughtful furrow of his brow and then trailed down to his chest as she pressed a soft kiss to his pec. "No worrying before 10 or I'll kick you out."
She would never really. It was winter and Reza was warm. Also she loved the jerk, though that thought was quickly dashed away before her magic could give her away.
(The slowly fading bruise on her chest gave a little throb. The amethyst pendant pressed against her clavicle did as well: although no one noticed.)
“Am not,” Reza grumbled, very much not ready to be proper awake. “How does someone think too loud when they’re not saying anything? I’m not awake enough to find you funny. Try again in ten minutes.”
The bitching quickly gave way to a soft, tried chuckle. God, she was cute. 
“Go ahead, you can explain to my sisters why you’re coming out of my bedroom at—” he squinted to try reading the clock but gave up “— early o’clock in the morning.”
She was hilarious, excuse you. Aurora flicked his chin just enough to sting for a second before pushing herself up the bed so their faces were closer together.
"One, it's an expression, you ass," she murmured with a sleepy grin. "Your face gets scrunchy when you think. Two, bold of you to assume they haven't already figured it out. I'm surprised Lamia hasn't shown up at my flat yet with a 'Congrats on the sex' cake. And three…"
Aurora leaned in, kissing his jaw softly where it was the closest and tucking some of his hair back from his face in the process. "Morning," she whispered, laying her head back on his shoulder with a content little smile. Her leg slid against his as she made herself comfortable, and she giggled under her breath as his hair tickled her thigh.
God, she’s adorable…
...is what Reza would say to himself if he wasn’t still wishing he was asleep. Instead he just smiled as he closed his eyes, which was a clear sign he was amused. Rory knew him well enough by now to know she was slowly chipping away at the grumpy morning goblin that possessed him before noon.
“Yes, but do you really want to deal with their teasing and-” the kiss shut him up, and he gave a tired laugh. “It’s morning, I’ll give you that.”
He opened his mouth to say something else, but the shuffling of feet outside of the door, followed by a muffled ‘Sabiha, wait!’ glued his mouth shut and made him wide-ass awake. Shit.
The door handle jiggled, but stopped, as someone certainly had pulled her back.
“But I hear Amma ‘Rora!”
Just as Aurora was starting to break through Reza’s grumpy morning layer, there was a commotion outside the door that made Aurora freeze completely solid. Oh fuck.
“Oh my god,” Aurora whispered, wanting nothing more than to sink under the sheets. But no, now was not the time to hide! Or, it was, but certainly not naked in bed with a man she Was Not Dating while his daughter stood outside.
Once Aurora was certain her body hadn’t locked up and frozen from the sudden panic, she sat up to look at the door then back down at her very naked self and her very naked coconspirator. She made panicked eyes at Reza, gesturing silently at the door. Sabiha had already heard her! Should she hide anyways!? Go out and pretend like sex hadn’t happened (several times) the night before?? Shit!
“Shit.” Reza whispered. 
They weren’t telling Sabiha yet! It was too soon, he wanted to wait a while longer, he wanted to be sure- but there she was, on the other side of the door. He grabbed his jeans off the floor and shimmied into them.
“One second Sabiha, Baba’s gotta-” and as he said this, he threw the blankets over Rory and put a pillow on top of her for good measure.
He went to the door and cracked it open just enough to talk to her.
“Baba, I heard Amma ‘Rora!” Sabiha said, standing up on her tippy toes to try to see.
“What are you talking about, crazy?”
“But I-”
“No, silly. What d’you think she did, climb through the window?” He laughed, ruffling her hair. “Do you want to see ‘Rora today, is that why you’re hearing things?”
Sabiha huffed and folded her arms over her chest. She was right! She knew she was right! But...yes. Yes, she did want to see her Auntie Rory today, thank you.
“Let me finish sleeping, okay, baba? Hey, actually - why don’t you and Lamia go into the workshop and grab a bottle of wake-up potion so I can wake up faster. Then we can go see Rory.”
Sabiha eyed her father but eventually went “...fine.”
Reza made sure to lock the door behind her and waited until he heard her pad down the stairs to address Aurora. “It’s safe.”
He wandered to his closet and threw on a clean shirt, opened his top dresser drawer to grab a dress Rory’d left in his bedroom a couple weeks ago, and brought it to her. 
Aurora felt a bit like a child again; hiding under the blankets like the world - read, her aunties - wouldn’t be able to see her if she couldn’t see it. This wasn’t as much fun as that had been; in fact, this was mortifying. Aurora kinda hoped she’d melt into the bed never to be seen again.
She peeked out from under the pillow Reza had shoved on her face when he gave the all clear, pouting a little. “Was the pillow to the face necessary?” she asked, sitting up fully and accepting the dress. She stumbled a bit as she stood from the bed, though if asked she’d blame the narcolepsy and not way her legs were still kind of numb. “I’m not going to have time to get dressed and out before Sabiha comes back,” she whispered.
Where the hell was her underwear?
Reza shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed, briefly reaching down to grab Rory’s underwear. 
“That’s not the plan. We’ll go downstairs and when she gets back ‘wow, look who came over for breakfast, what a convenient surprise!’” He explained. 
“...hey. It’s not that I’m embarrassed. I’m not. I just don’t want Sabiha to know just yet.”
Accepting her underwear with a quiet, shy “Thank you”, Aurora began to slip her clothing on and figure out what the hell she was going to do with her hair in the next 5 minutes, but Reza’s words caught her off-guard. Embarrassed? ‘Just yet’?
What the heck did he mean ‘just yet’?
Aurora slipped on the straps of her dress but didn’t bother to do up the zipper, instead coming closer to where Reza sat on the edge. “I didn’t think you were,” she reassured, gently lifting his chin so she knew she had his full attention before letting her hand drop to his shoulder. “I mean, I thought you were embarrassed, but not of me,” Aurora amended with a small smile. Lord knows her cheeks were still going back to their normal color.
“But what do you mean you don’t want Sabiha to know just yet?” she asked innocently. She was operating under the impression that Sabiha was never going to find out about Aurora and Reza having sex, even when she was old and grey.
See, he expected Aurora to come back with a question. The question, though, was supposed to be ‘yeah, but when?’ He had his answer to that at least twelve percent formulated in his head, which was much better than his response to the question Aurora did ask.
His stared at her slack jawed as he tried to explain it to the imaginary Rory in his head without sounding patronizing. When at least a dozen phrasings were thrown out all at once it became apparent he’d be winging this.
Is always the thought before winging something he should absolutely not wing.
“I mean that I want to make sure this-” he gestured between them vaguely. “-is sticking around before Sabiha gets any ideas in her head. She’s nine. She adores you. You know what she’d start thinking the second she catches wind that we’re-”
The words ‘together’ and ‘dating’ didn’t sound right to him. What, then?
“-that I’m- that we- we- that I’m trying to understand what having feelings is like. And I’d like to have them for you.”
Aurora was starting to get the sense that somewhere along the way, she and Reza had missed some connection and had been drifting along on entirely different tracks. Here she had been, hopelessly smothering the dreams of her broken heart as Reza continued to lavish attention on her- or, at least, the Reza Version of ‘lavishing’.
When apparently, Reza had thought they were more. Enough ‘more’ that telling his daughter about them was a serious concern. Goodness, they should have talked about this weeks ago.
His final words caught her offguard more than anything, her heart tripping in her chest. Did he…? Was he implying…?
There went her heart, jumping away to conclusions, and she could only smile brightly at Reza’s awkward wording. For the first time in months, little blossoms of golden light curled protectively between strands of her hair. They didn’t stick out much, she had learned that lesson well, but it was more than Aurora had allowed herself in weeks.
She giggled, stepping forward until she could perch herself on his knee, her hands coming up to run through his hair before cradling his jaw gently. “You’ll figure it out,” she nearly teased. “There’s no rush.” 
Reza was far too embarrassed to address the obvious - that he and Rory, until this minute, were not on the same page. It was clear they were now, so he’d spare himself the embarrassment, thank you.
“I— I am aware that I care about you. A lot. But I need to sit with this unfamiliar feeling a little while longer before I want to name it for you. If that makes sense?” He said slowly. 
“I understand though if you can’t do that. I’ve put you through enough, Rory.” Reza smiled at her and played with her hair as he explained. “I just don’t want to rush into giving it a name just because I really want to.”
He wanted to love her. He wished he knew he was capable of that, but he didn’t know for sure and instead he clung to her like he was starved for affection. 
Her smile was probably embarrassingly wide, her cheeks tellingly flushed and her eyes too soft and full of everything she’d been hiding in the deepest parts of her broken heart. Aurora should do something about that.
She ducked her head so she was looking at his chest instead, leaning into his hand a little as she resisted the urge to push him back on the bed and just kiss his dumb face all over. Her hands trailed down his shoulders until they were pressed to his chest, his heart beating steady and strong under her hand. She loved him. So much. Even after everything.
“I can be patient,” she promised, playing with the fabric of his t-shirt. “I don’t mind waiting knowing what might be at the end.” If he decided it wasn’t love? Then she’d just have to accept it. She’d risk shattering her heart again a hundred times for the chance that he might love her back. It felt like a naive, foolish sentiment, and she should know better but… this love? This was hers. 
Her magic may not be, her life may not be, but the warmth and love she felt for Reza and his daughter? That was all Aurora. She wanted to cling to that feeling for as long as she could. It was proof that she was more than a vessel.
“I still…” Aurora started shyly. “You know I…” She laughed, tucking her face against his chest. “God, now I can’t talk,” she said between embarrassed giggles. Around the crown of her head, the little golden buds began to shyly open up; peeking out between pink curls. She pulled her legs up so she was properly curled up in his lap, her arms wrapping around his waist.
Reza zipped her dress up for her as she sat curled up in his lap, lest he be tempted to coax her into discarding it on the floor, and ran his fingers through her hair as she stumbled over talking. His own thoughts and words were clouded by a layer of sleep, so he could only imagine was it was like for her.
“You don’t have to.” He assured her. “Talk, I mean. I understand. And you don’t have to be patient much longer, I just-”
Should he mention the real, final reason for any hesitation?
She wanted to melt into him as his fingers ran carefully through her hair, pressing her cheek closer to his chest. If the constant threat of Sabiha returning at any moment wasn’t keeping her awake, she would have fallen right back asleep happily in his lap. But she was awake, and her curiosity was piqued.
Sitting back so she could finally look back at his eyes, Aurora prompted him to continue his thought with a gentle, “Yes?” 
She didn’t want to push, but she also wanted to make sure they were on the same page. Since apparently they hadn’t been doing a very good job of that, recently.
“Aurora, it is very different, loving somebody else’s child as the cool aunt, versus…” Reza bit his lip and carded his fingers through Aurora’s hair again, careful to make sure he was touching her and showing her affection as he said this.
It wasn’t harsh words, but they were realistic ones that were a bit of a shock to even his system after he all but admitted he was in love with her.
“I’m a single father, Rory. I don’t want you to feel pressured or obligated to...move toward a certain role just because you think you should. And I worry you’re going to feel pressured, or obligated, or — and you don’t. Sabiha is my responsibility. You are welcome to hangout with her, and I’m glad she adores you, but you don’t owe anything to someone else’s child.” He softened his tone even more here. “So don’t feel like you do.”
A child is the biggest responsibility. And Aurora can say she’s okay with it all she wants but you never really know until that child becomes yours to take care of every single day. 
If she really wanted to do this with him, if they were to continue like this and things were going to go really well down the line...eventually she’d be more involved with his daughter. He didn’t want to put either Rory or Sabiha in a position to feel uncomfortable, pressured, or overwhelmed. 
“Sabiha is my world but she is also a bigger responsibility than you can imagine. And I dot say that to patronize you.” Reza brushed the back of her hand against his cheek and held it between his cheek and his hand. “I mean you just really don’t know until you’re raising a child.”
 And he knew the second Sabiha knew that Baba and Auntie Rora were involved, Sabiha would steamroll over his caution tape and jump right into claiming Aurora as some sort of mother figure. He needed to be sure Rory was ready to deal with that before Sabiha could know. 
This conversation was going much better than last time, Aurora thought to herself. Didn't hurt that this time it was a warning, instead of a rejection. Or that he was looking at her and touching her instead of sitting on the opposite side of the couch and the world, drinking like it would make her go away.
She turned her hand in his grasp so she could cup his cheek. "I know," she said. "I mean, I know I don't know. But I want that."
Aurora felt obscenely young all of a sudden considering she was rapidly approaching 30, and it was suddenly the most important thing in the world that he understood. She sighed, informing him as she scooted off his lap and back onto the bed "I'm going to talk about babies and marriage for a second here so don't freak out, but I need you to understand." She curled up against his side and sighed, hands clasped together.
"I've always wanted a family," she told her knees. "It's lame and silly but for as long as I can remember I've dreamed of falling in love and getting married and having half a dozen kids to shower in love. And after Carabosse, I had to put all of my dreams away. I… no one wanted a wife who was broken. The only time I got close was practically arranged and it took me far too long to end it. And now I'm here. None of this is like what I imagined, but it's real and it's a disaster and it's beautiful and I love it. I love her. When we were apart it felt like I was missing a limb. And I have no idea what it's like to be any kind of mom to anyone. But I want to. For her. For you."
She finally glanced up at him with a shy smile. "So it's not a burden. It's just something new I need to learn. If you're willing to teach me."
A part of him wanted to, as the kids say, yeet out the room. Aurora didn’t say anything wrong, but she was saying things that made it all the more clear to him that he was in the unique position to truly break Aurora’s heart. If Aurora was talking about how he was someone she wanted to raise children with...god, she was in too deep.
And maybe part of him felt the same way, but maybe it didn’t, and he couldn’t just nod and say ‘yes, I’ll teach you’ if he’s not sure he really truly means it.
Sabiha, also, has already had one woman walk out on being her mother and Rafika was her actual biological mother. Reza wasn’t entirely sure he had a heart to protect, but his daughter was another story. His daughter was what was important here and it was because of Sabiha that he was so careful.
“So you understand why I’m being so careful about what she knows and when she knows it.” Reza said. “Sabiha would never forgive me if I let someone else break her heart like Rafika did. And I just want to examine things another minute longer.”
“I don’t think it would be very fair to you to...say I want to move forward and then make you keep a polite distance from her any longer, if you aren’t exaggerating about how you feel about her. So I- I just need a little more time to be sure it’s right. For me, but mostly for her.”
He and Aurora both knew his answer, he was sure she could physically see the warmth all over his chest, but he still felt waiting just a little bit longer was the right move. What if these feelings were fleeting and it was him who hastily broke things off and broke Sabiha’s - and Aurora’s - heart? No, he’d rather push back the inevitable just another week, another sixteen, seventeen days, just to be sure this was going to stick. 
For a moment, Aurora was sure she had said something wrong. She'd seen the flash-in-the-pan panic in his eyes and almost wanted to laugh and say 'psych' just to make it go away. But that would be an insult to both of them, so she just sat quietly and waited. Was it so weird that she'd thought about wanting a family with him? They had been a regular part of each other's lives for two years now, she knew what she was signing up for. Did she want to pressure him, of course not!
But he deserved to know what she was willing to offer before he made any decision.
"I'm not in a rush," she told him softly. "About anything. I know nothing is set in stone. Except for the fact that you are kind of my best friend and stuck with me regardless," she joked. "Think I proved that over the past year if nothing else."
Aurora stood up in front of Reza, petting back his hair with both hands before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Take your time," she murmured, giving him a smile and a quick peck on the corner of his mouth. "I'm gonna clean up real fast before Lamia runs out of distractions and meet you downstairs, okay?"
“Yeah, I think one way or another, I’m stuck with you, huh?” He said affectionately as she stood up.
There were worse people to be bound to for life, anyway. Short apprentices with Scottish accents weren’t even near the top fifty worst. Maybe in the top fifty-thousand, only because he barely understood a word that came out of her Terminally Scottish father’s mouth. He was not looking forward to probably permanently being linked to Stefan, but hey, at least he was...nice. He thinks. Again, too Scottish. Can’t understand.
“Mm, I’d better keep her distracted long enough for that. I’ll see you in a bit. If Fadela’s not started breakfast I’ll think of something; take your time up here.”
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