#water is literally the reason we have life on earth
betty-bourgeoisie · 1 year
If you hate the taste of water you're my sworn enemy
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reasonsforhope · 6 days
Masterpost: Reasons I firmly believe we will beat climate change
Posts are in reverse chronological order (by post date, not article date), mostly taken from my "climate change tag," which I went through all the way back to the literal beginning of my blog. Will update periodically.
Especially big deal articles/posts are in bold.
Big picture:
Mature trees offer hope in world of rising emissions (x)
Spying from space: How satellites can help identify and rein in a potent climate pollutant (x)
Good news: Tiny urban green spaces can cool cities and save lives (x)
Conservation and economic development go hand in hand, more often than expected (x)
The exponential growth of solar power will change the world (x)
Sun Machines: Solar, an energy that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge (x)
Wealthy nations finally deliver promised climate aid, as calls for more equitable funding for poor countries grow (x)
For Earth Day 2024, experts are spreading optimism – not doom. Here's why. (x)
Opinion: I’m a Climate Scientist. I’m Not Screaming Into the Void Anymore. (x)
The World’s Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think (x)
‘Staggering’ green growth gives hope for 1.5C, says global energy chief (x)
Beyond Catastrophe: A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View (x)
Young Forests Capture Carbon Quicker than Previously Thought (x)
Yes, climate change can be beaten by 2050. Here's how. (x)
Soil improvements could keep planet within 1.5C heating target, research shows (x)
The global treaty to save the ozone layer has also slowed Arctic ice melt (x)
The doomers are wrong about humanity’s future — and its past (x)
Scientists Find Methane is Actually Offsetting 30% of its Own Heating Effect on Planet (x)
Are debt-for-climate swaps finally taking off? (x)
High seas treaty: historic deal to protect international waters finally reached at UN (x)
How Could Positive ‘Tipping Points’ Accelerate Climate Action? (x)
Specific examples:
Environmental Campaigners Celebrate As Labour Ends Tory Ban On New Onshore Wind Projects (x)
Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa (x)
How the small Pacific island nation of Vanuatu drastically cut plastic pollution (x)
Rewilding sites have seen 400% increase in jobs since 2008, research finds [Scotland] (x)
The American Climate Corps take flight, with most jobs based in the West (x)
Waste Heat Generated from Electronics to Warm Finnish City in Winter Thanks to Groundbreaking Thermal Energy Project (x)
Climate protection is now a human right — and lawsuits will follow [European Union] (x)
A new EU ecocide law ‘marks the end of impunity for environmental criminals’ (x)
Solar hits a renewable energy milestone not seen since WWII [United States] (x)
These are the climate grannies. They’ll do whatever it takes to protect their grandchildren. [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
Century of Tree Planting Stalls the Warming Effects in the Eastern United States, Says Study (x)
Chart: Wind and solar are closing in on fossil fuels in the EU (x)
UK use of gas and coal for electricity at lowest since 1957, figures show (x)
Countries That Generate 100% Renewable Energy Electricity (x)
Indigenous advocacy leads to largest dam removal project in US history [United States and Native American Nations] (x)
India’s clean energy transition is rapidly underway, benefiting the entire world (x)
China is set to shatter its wind and solar target five years early, new report finds (x)
‘Game changing’: spate of US lawsuits calls big oil to account for climate crisis (x)
Largest-ever data set collection shows how coral reefs can survive climate change (x)
The Biggest Climate Bill of Your Life - But What Does It DO? [United States] (x)
Good Climate News: Headline Roundup April 1st through April 15th, 2023 (x)
How agroforestry can restore degraded lands and provide income in the Amazon (x) [Brazil]
Loss of Climate-Crucial Mangrove Forests Has Slowed to Near-Negligable Amount Worldwide, Report Hails (x)
Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala (x)
Climate adaptation:
Solar-powered generators pull clean drinking water 'from thin air,' aiding communities in need: 'It transforms lives' (x)
‘Sponge’ Cities Combat Urban Flooding by Letting Nature Do the Work [China] (x)
Indian Engineers Tackle Water Shortages with Star Wars Tech in Kerala (x)
A green roof or rooftop solar? You can combine them in a biosolar roof — boosting both biodiversity and power output (x)
Global death tolls from natural disasters have actually plummeted over the last century (x)
Los Angeles Just Proved How Spongy a City Can Be (x)
This city turns sewage into drinking water in 24 hours. The concept is catching on [Namibia] (x)
Plants teach their offspring how to adapt to climate change, scientists find (x)
Resurrecting Climate-Resilient Rice in India (x)
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yandere-romanticaa · 11 months
⚘ 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦.
The Iudex of Fontaine is a busy man. However could he possibly keep track of you in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Fortunately for him, the Melusines have his back.
yandere! neuvillette x gn! reader.
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Soft orange cracks of the setting sun lurked in the office of the Iudex, the endless stacks of papers causing him much stress as his mind wandered to literally anything other than the work he ought to be doing. His hands shook with worry as he glanced over at the large glass of water beside him, the clear liquid seemingly staring back at him, daring the man to finally make a move.
Despite his status, despite his power, Neuvillette was but a man when it came to you.
Never in his life had he allowed himself to grow so attached to another person. For all those centuries he spent walking on this Earth, Neuvillette kept a calm demeanor and polite face to the world. He was renowned for his kindness and gentle heart despite the viciousness his duties required of him. He stood high as the personification of justice itself, a proud symbol of everything which needed to be held up high and respected. He was indeed very much respected. Even loved in some special way by the people of Fontaine.
He never realized just how much his soul ached for the presence of another human being by his side, someone who was willing to allow him to just... be himself. Someone who would allow him to drop the mask for a few blissful moments, a person who would tell him that it was okay for him to make a mistake.
Neuvillette never acted on these desires.
That was precisely why he felt so starstruck at the downright violation of his heart.
How could you do this to him? How dare you do this to him? Neuvillette lost count how many times he tried to shoo you off but it was to no avail. It was as if you were glued to him by the hip and he adored every moment of it.
His weeping heart was not ready for the intensity of his emotions.
Sometimes when no one was around, he would shed tears at the thought of you. What were you doing? How was your day? Why did you care so much about him? Were you even aware of the emotional turmoil you caused him? Honestly, he could not even be mad at you.
He loved you too much to ever be angry with you.
Dark grey clouds would hover high above all of Fontaine, the tears of the crying dragon cascading down the world. Neuvillette would sit in his office, alone and scared, with no one to comfort him.
That was his first initial thought at least.
Some people say that there is a rainbow behind every corner and as time passed, the Iudex learned that lesson too. Tiny footsteps would tail behind him like looming shadows, always there but out of reach. Whenever he would turn around there would be no one there and if there ever was he would have to lower his gaze down towards the ground, only to be met with the face of a smiling Melusine. He would have a chat with the sweet creature which always managed to lift his spirits, even for a little bit. The conversations were usually brief but as time went on the tiny Melusines became more... nosey, shall we say.
They would ask the Iudex personal questions which they could have not known about such as who was that person who kept visiting him in his office. What was his affiliation with them. The blush on his pale cheeks always gave him away which always caused the Melusines to giggle but they would say nothing more, always dropping the topic as fast as they brought it up.
Melusines did not understand human nature and its complicated feelings. Neither did Neuvillette, which they knew. That was no reason for them not to try to learn.
One day though, Liath delivered a set of organized documents straight to Neuvillette's desk. He first found this to be odd but the Melusine said nothing, only giving him a mysterious little smile as she waited for the Iudex to see the contents of the things she had brought.
With a delicate touch, Neuvillette took the files in his gloved hands and opened them carefully. His eyes widened in shock as he read everything with utmost care.
Absolutely everything inside was about you.
Your height, weight, age, birth certificate, some little things that were written down by hand such as your hobbies, names of friends and family, places you frequented.
Neuvillette quickly shut the folder, his heart pumping hard and fast as he looked back at Liath.
"This was a joint operation by all of us. We just wished to ease your suffering, Monsieur Neuvillette."
He could feel his throat drying up with each passing moment, any semblance of a potential word which he wanted to say all dying on his tongue.
This was wrong, illegal even.
He still could not help but to feel touched.
He did not reprimand the Melusines for their actions. He was ashamed for relying on such tactics. For the time being though, this could be a surefire way to help him ease his anxieties.
Perhaps he could even woo you a little in the process as well...
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🖤 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopses-sonderes, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @mayulli, @saturnalya, @alatusprinz, @ficsreblogs, @lakxcpsta, @mewmeowmika, @ranposgirlboss, @goldenglow149
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harmoonix · 10 months
🔥The Bad Bitch🔥
✮(Astrology Observations)✮
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✮-> Mars in Earth Degrees (2°, 6°, 10°, 14°, 18°, 22°, 26°), gosh their vibes and their attitude is so savage and so striking like they give this boss bitch walking mode
✮-> Mars aspecting Sun or Saturn can get male attention really fast, like they be pulling males looking at them out of nowhere
✮-> Sagittarius Moon/Moon in the 9th house natives have that wild fierce appearance of course, I swear to Nicki Minaj they be the wildest people in the crowd and even at the first sight you met them
✮-> Pluto in the 1st/8th/10th/11th house. Gosh how these natives always attract envy everywhere they go?? Siri play Obsessed by Mariah Carey literally...And even people being mean with you for like no reason. Girl pop off
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✮-> Juno aspecting Mars are that seductive. There are not enough words to describe how seductive these natives can be
✮-> Taurus Mars/Mars in the 2nd house be really having that gorgeous body, and girl go get that cashhhh let it flowwwww
✮-> Mercury aspecting Pluto in your chart makes your voice so deep and so seductive, is also very hard to not fall for your voice
✮-> I swear to Nicki again girl if you have Pluto in the 7th house and you keep attracting obsessive people in your life it's because you have that energy in your life, though relationships can transform you deeply
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✮-> It's good to know that all Liliths (h12) or (h13) give bad bitch vibes based on the element they are in (+ Lilith asteroid 1181) = All your combos of elements
Lilith in earth element = Boss Bitch
Lilith in fire element= Destructive Bitch
Lilith in Water element = Sensual Bitch
Lilith in Air element = Mesmerizing Bitch
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] conjunct/trine/sextile/parallel/ Saturn, girl you really be attracting those dominant people in your life, like if you are looking for serious relationship is really great
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] in the 7th house gonna make you to attract mischievous partners, partners who can pretend something they are not
✮-> Lilith (h13) in 8°. 20° degrees girl you should embrace yourself way more, take care of you and of your energy and of your magnetism too
✮-> Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees or Midheaven in Aries , you make sure people know you are that BISH, PURRR don't let people disrespect you and show them who's the boss
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✮-> Midheaven at 10°, 22° degrees or Midheaven in Capricorn is giving "I'm a bitch, I'm a boss imma shine like gloss" these Capricorn Degrees babe so ofc they are bosses
✮-> Midheaven in 9°, 21° degrees or Midheaven in Sagittarius are "wild at heart with a lust for life" that's how my friend describes them and I agree because honestly Jupiter is supporting them so much, go queennnn
✮-> Midheaven in 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees or Midheaven in Libra/Taurus, you know you are the IT because of your beauty, the people approach you as charming and sensual
✮-> Don't forget where you have Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces in your chart, because these signs are ruled by 2 planets and they will both influence the house and planets you have in these signs
✮-> Venus at 29° degrees, we are all together in this cus' these are the ender degrees, you'll have to end something in your love topics in this life, these degrees also give you influence
✮-> Capricorn Mars and Mars in the 10th house can't hide from their sensuality, Mars is like a carefree here and doesn't like to hide it
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✮-> Mars in Sagittarius, Leo, Aries bring the fire in your life literally, they're hot and they know that, honestly Mars gets crazy everytime it enters in a fire sign
✮-> Asteroid Salome [562] in Scorpio/8th house knows how to enchant people, they have an unique magnetism that just pulls people and their aura is so sexual, they can aslo have a big sex appeal
✮-> Salome [562] in Capricorn/10th house they're very dominant in everything, very dark feminine vibes and very sassy/sometimes they tend to be a bit mean with people/ they can appear as being hot or sexy in public or by others
✮-> Salome in Libra/Salome in the 7th house can have a very beautiful body and their beauty itself is aswell, they also appear as being charming with people, seductive too
✮-> Sagittarius Venus/Venus in the 9th house, guys just search Venus in Sag women you'll see 90% of them having a very beautiful body/(hips mostly), Sagittarius rules over hips and Venus will make that prominent in your body (Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj both have it in Sag and they are no joke)
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✮-> Venus in Aquarius/11th house or in Aquarius Degrees 11°, 23°, something is so unique/outstanding about these natives, that type of person who stays out of the crowd yet the one who gets the most attention vibes
✮-> Venus in Aries/Venus in the 1st house or in Aries Degrees 1°, 13° 25° their energy though, it's very fierce and they will be the most confident when it comes to their beauty
✮-> Saturn conjunction/square/opposite/parallel Lilith (h12) = Bad girls, this is their world and we just live in it, they're aura gives "I'm the authority here" if you ever read Lilith's Myth and how she became she first woman you'll realize how much Lilith - Saturn aspects have in common with the myth
✮-> Something I will always always and always admire about Capricorn/Aquarius placements is that they have this Saturn protective side, Saturn is their teacher and a father figure in the same time and be sure it can revenge for them aswell (especially in Sun/Moon/Rising because they have it more prominent)
✮-> Lilith in the 1st house/Lilith in Aries/Lilith in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25°, these natives have the vibe of Goddess Eris from Greek Mythology if you don't know her check her out she's iconic. They have this chaos in them but some power too
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✮-> Eros Asteroid (433) in elements can indicate the love style you want/like:
Eros in Fire element loves physical touch
Eros in Water element loves emotional bounding/ or true love
Eros in Air element loves communication in love/talking/opening out
Eros in Earth element loves words of affirmation and quality time
✮-> What's cool about your Midheaven is that it can change its place it doesn't always have to be in your 10th house
Some natives have their MC in their 9th house
Some in the 10th house (just like the basic one)
And some with the MC in the 11th house
You can see your Midheaven by sign it's repsented by (MC) and look in the house it's in.
✮-> Sun in Taurus Degrees/Sun in the 2nd house (2°, 14°, 26°), are giving so much feminine vibes, in looks, personality, they way they act in everything and you can recognize it so easily (at least me)
✮-> Sun/Moon in the 8th house really give that "Im here to experience and to evolve not to take your bullshit" like you don't have to care about others opinion and you focus on yourself, get that crown queens and kings
✮-> Moon in the 10th house (Moon at 10°, 22°) can have it though when it comes to their emotions and feelings, sometimes they can suffer and keep it inside for a long time and they're so strong emotionally!
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🔥 I really hope my posts help you to understand your birth chart better and to be proud of your placements even if they are not always all the placements, I have a lot of posts you can read about so everyone is included 🔥
🔥 H a r m o o n i x 🔥
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santacoppelia · 1 year
Putting the Meta in "Metatron"
(couldn't resist the pun, sorry)
Ok, this has been tickling my brain for a while. I've been thinking about how The Metatron designed his role and discourse specifically to manipulate Aziraphale into the end result we saw in the last minutes of S2. I become obsessed with it because… well, I'm a bit obsessive, but also because there were many really smart writing decisions that I loved (even when I despise The Metatron exactly for the same reasons. Hate the character, love the writer). If you haven't watched Good Omens Season 2, this is the moment to stop reading. Come back later!
We already know that in Book Omens, the role of Gabriel in the ending was occupied by The Metatron. Of course, the series introduced us to Gabriel and we won a lot by that, but I feel that the origins of The Metatron should be considered for any of this. He is not a "sweet old man": he was the one in charge of seeing over the operation of Armageddon; not just a stickler of rules, but the main promoter for it.
However, when he appears in the series finale, we first are primed to almost pass him by. He is in the line for buying coffee, using clothes that are:
obviously not tailored (almost ill fitted)
in dark tones
looking worn and wrinkled
This seems so important to me! All the angels we have seen are so proud of their aspect, wear clear (white or off white) clothes, pressed, impeccable (even Muriel), even when they visit the Earth (which we have already seen on S1 with all the visits to the bookshop). The Metatron chose a worn, comfortable attire, instead. This is a humanized look, something that fools all the angels but which would warm up someone very specific, can you guess?
After making quite a complicated coffee order (with sort of an affable and nervous energy), he makes a question that Crowley had already primed for us when asking Nina about the name of the coffee: having a "predictable" alternative and an unpredictable one.
This creates an interesting parallel with the next scene: Michael is discussing the possibility of erasing Aziraphale from The Book of Life (a punishment even worse than Holy Water on demons, because not having existed at all, EVER is definitely worse than having existed and ceased to exist at some point) when The Metatron arrives, interrupts the moment and signals having brought coffee. Yup, an amicable gesture, but also a "not death" offering that he shows clearly to everyone (even when Michael or Uriel do not understand or care for it. It wasn't meant for them). He even dismisses what Michael was saying as "utter balderdash" and a "complete piffle", which are the kind of outdated terms we have heard Aziraphale use commonly. So, The Metatron has put up this show for a specific audience of one.
The next moment on the script has Metatron asking Crowley for the clarification of his identity. Up to this moment, every angel has been ignoring the sprawled demon in the corner while discussing how to punish Aziraphale… But The Metatron defers to the most unlikely person in the room, and the only one who will push any buttons on Aziraphale: Crowley. After that, Aziraphale can recognize him, and Metatron dismisses the "bad angels" (using Aziraphale's S1 epithet) with another "catchy old phrase", "spit spot", while keeping Muriel at the back and implying that there is a possibility to "check after" if those "bad angels" have done anything wrong.
Up to this moment, he has played it perfectly. The only moment when he loses it is when he calls Muriel "the dim one", which she ignores… probably because that's the usual way they get talked to in Heaven. I'm not sure if Aziraphale or Crowley cared for that small interaction, but it is there for us (the audience) to notice it: the sympathy the character might elicit is built and sought, but he is not that nice.
After that, comes "the chinwag" and the offer of the coffee: the unnecessarily complicated order. It is not Aziraphale's cup of tea (literally), but it is so specific that it creates some semblance of being thought with care, and has a "hefty jigger" of syrup (again with the funny old words). And, as Aziraphale recognizes, it is "very nice!" (as The Metatron "jolly hoped so"), and The Metatron approves of him drinking it by admitting he has "ingested things in my time, you know?". This interaction is absolutely designed to build a bridge of understanding. The Metatron probably knew that the first response he would get was a "no", so he tailored his connection specifically to "mirror" Aziraphale: love of tasty human treats he has also consumed, funny old words like the ones he loves, a very human, worn, well-loved look. That was the bait for "the stroll": the moment when Aziraphale and Crowley get separated, because The Metatron knew that being close to Crowley, Aziraphale would have an hypervigilant soundboard to check the sense of what he was going to get offered. That's what the nasty look The Metatron gives to Crowley while leaving the bookshop builds (and it gets pinpointed by the music, if you were about to miss it).
The next thing we listen from The Metatron is "You don't have to answer immediately, take all the time you need" in such a friendly manner… we can see Aziraphale doubting a little, and then comes the suggestion: "go and tell your friend the good news!". This sounds like encouragement, but is "the reel". He already knows how Crowley would react, and is expecting it (we can infer it by his final reaction after going back for Aziraphale after the break up, but let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we?). He even can work up Muriel to take care of the bookshop while waiting for the catch.
What did he planted in Aziraphale's mind? Well, let's listen to the story he has to tell:
"I don't think he's as bad a fellow… I might have misjudged him!" — not strange in Aziraphale to have such a generous spirit while judging people. He's in a… partnership? relationship? somethingship? with a demon! So maybe first impressions aren't that reliable anyway. The Metatron made an excellent job with this, too.
"Michael was not the obvious candidate, it was me!" — This idea is interesting. Michael has been the stickler, the rule follower, even the snitch. They have been rewarded and recognized by that. Putting Aziraphale before Michael in the line of succession is a way of recognizing not only him, but his system of values, which has always been at odds with the main archangels (even when it was never an open fight).
"Leader, honest, don't tell people what they want to hear" — All these are generic compliments. The Metatron hasn't been that aware of Aziraphale, but are in line with what would have been said of any "rebel leader". They come into context with the next phrase.
"That's why Gabriel came to you, I imagine…" — I'm pretty sure The Metatron didn't imagine this, ha. He is probably imagining that the "institutional problem" is coalescing behind his back, and trying to keep friends close, but enemies closer… while dividing and conquering. If Gabriel rebelled, and then went searching for Aziraphale (and Crowley, they are and item and he knows it), that might mean a true risk for his status quo and future plans.
Heaven has great plans and important projects for you — this is to sweeten the pot: the hefty jigger of almond syrup. You will be able to make changes! You can make a difference from the inside! Working for an old man who feels strangely familiar! And who recognizes your point of view! That sounds like the best job offer of the world, really.
Those, however, are not the main messages (they are still building good will with Aziraphale); they are thought out to build the last, and more important one:
Heaven is well aware of your "de facto partnership" with Crowley…
It would be considered irregular if you wanted to work with him again…
You, and you alone, can bring him to Heaven and restore his full angelic status, so you could keep working together (in very important projects).
Here is the catch. He brought the coffee so he could "offer him coffee", but the implications are quite clear: if you want to continue having a partnership with Crowley, you two must come to Heaven. Anything else would be considered irregular, put them in a worst risk, and maybe, just maybe, make them "institutional enemies". Heaven is more efficient chasing enemies, and they have The Book of Life as a menace.
We already know how scared Aziraphale has always been about upsetting Heaven, but he has learned to "disconnect" from it through the usual "they don't notice". The Metatron came to tell him "I did notice, and it has come back to bite you". The implied counterpart to the offer is "you can always get death". Or even worse, nonexistence (we have already imagined the angst of having one of them condemned to that fate, haven't we?)
When The Metatron arrives, just after seeing Crowley leave the bookshop, distraught, he casually asks "How did he take it?", but he already knows. That was his plan all along: making them break up with an offer Aziraphale could not refuse, but Crowley could not accept. That's why he even takes the license to slightly badmouth Crowley: "Always did want to go his own way, always asking damn fool questions, too". He also arrive with the solution to the only objection Aziraphale would have: Muriel, the happy innocent angel that he received with so much warmth and kindness, is given the opportunity to stay on Earth, taking care of the bookshop. The only thing he would have liked to take with him is not a thing, and has become impossible.
If God is playing poker in a dark room and always smiling, The Metatron is playing chess, and he is quite good at it (that's why he loves everything to be predictable). He is menacing our pieces, and broke our hearts in the process… But I'm pretty sure he is underestimating his opponents. His awful remark of Muriel being "dim"; saying that Crowley "asks damn fool questions", and even believing that Aziraphale is just a softie that can be played like a pipe… That's why telling him the project is "The Second Coming" was an absolute gift for us as an audience, and it prefigures the downfall that is coming — the one Aziraphale, now with nothing to lose, started cooking in his head during that elevator ride (those couple of minutes that Michael Sheen gifted to all of us: the shock, the pain, the fury, and that grin in the end, with the eyes in a completely different emotion). Remember that Aziraphale is intelligent, but also fierce. Guildernstern commited a similar mistake in Hamlet, and it didn't go well:
"Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you make of me! You would play upon me, you would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery, you would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass, and there is much music, excellent voice, in this little organ, yet cannot you make it speak. 'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me."
I'm so excited to learn how this is going to unfold!! Because our heroes have always been very enthusiastic at creating plans together, failed miserably at executing them, and even then succeeding… But now they are apart, more frustrated and the stakes are even higher. Excellent scenario for a third act!
*exits, pursued by a bear*
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soberpluto · 1 year
Astrology Observations - Rising Signs & Planets
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Cancer rising as a parent unintentionally will tend to impose their upbringing's rules and traditions unto their household, and if these are discarded or not followed, they can get pretty upset or offended (they won't tell you this, tough), because attempting to organize and structure the life of their loved ones is one of the strongest ways to show their tenderness and care. This is especially true in routines related to food and family time.
Saturn rising, particularly in Capricorn (and to a lesser degree in the other earth signs) gives amazing bone structure, pretty teeth and refined face shape (well-sculpted cheekbones). They are likely not ones who have experienced broken bones in their childhoods. Depending on the ASC sign, Saturn here may also cause short stature and a sturdy anatomy.
Gemini risings often possess appealing and vibrant gesticulations, beautiful and elongated hands, feet and limbs, a unique tone of voice and a ridiculously contagious smile or laughter. On the flipside (sorry to say this), many of them are very good liars and tricksters, as their high intellect quickly figures out what you want to hear and see in them.
A secret us Scorpio rising folks don't what you to know is that whenever we are interested in you, our eyes will give us away rather easily. We'll hardly confess our feelings until much later, if at all, but if you feel under a microscope in our presence (if you are subject of our involuntarily eerie and soul-piercing gaze), you should know we really like you. You might as well think we hate or despise you... but it's completely the opposite!
Leo risings have gorgeous thick and voluminous hair, usually on the wavy side. They love to buy nice things that draws attention to them, as they enjoy standing out of the crowd even if they are more on the reserved or introverted side of the spectrum. They really don't mind spending their money on costly clothes, makeup or jewelry if they think that makes them more beautiful, even if it actually damages their finances. They love to select and buy gifts too!
Jupiter rising can exaggerate your rising sign's ruling body parts. For example, in Cancer: large boobs or wide thorax / in Taurus: wide and sensuous lips / in Libra: beautiful face, amazing skin and voluminous butt, etc. Unfortunately, Jupiter rising folks can also get overweight super easily.
Mercury ruling risings (including Mercury 1st house and Venus in Gemini) usually make the native look younger than they really are. They also have something really noticeable about their walk... from clumsy to swift, all styles will differ, but they will move in ways that are out of the ordinary, for some reason.
Mars ruling risings NEED some sort of intense physical activity to be balanced, if not, they can literally go crazy due to all their bottled-up anger and restless energy. That's why many of them have a knack for the military, gym or sports, not only because they are good at them, but because this eases their stress in a way nothing else can. And yes, sex is included too.
Water risings, particularly Pisces (including Neptune and Moon in 1st house/conjunct ASC) have the most mesmerizing stare. It doesn’t matter their size or form, their gaze is otherworldly, ethereal, and somehow hypnotic. Water rising souls speak through their eyes, and I’m in love with that.
A Mars rising man can be mistaken for a f*ck boy much easier than other placements, especially if they have Air or Fire in 1st house. Women with this placement have huge sex appeal too, but they tend to attract a lot of envy and rivalry from other females, as their personality is perceived as confrontational and aggressive, even if they don’t act that way. This configuration gives good results when they work with men, but not so much with women.    
Thanks for reading! 😘
Written by @soberpluto
Book readings here! https://starintuitivehealing.etsy.com
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seventhemaverick · 10 months
Astro Observations 🌱
Disclaimer: This is my first Astrology post! I tried to do this earlier this year but tumblr lagged and it deleted all of my hard work lol. But now I’ve gained the courage to give it another go! I’m not a professional astrologer. I just study it in depth when I have time. Still very much a beginner. Please be kind and if I’m misinformed let me know! If you want to repost my work please credit me. This also has personal opinions in here don’t take it too seriously babes!
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🌾 I don’t typically think Leo’s and Scorpios go together romantically BUT any other relationship outside of that exudes power team. For ex: Kylie and Kris Jenner. Scorpios are known to love power and Leo’s love the spotlight! Kylie was bound to be a favorite after her « ugly duckling » phase. Kylie rolls in the dough and Kris keeps that empire going. I’ve seen many Scorpio parents with Leo kids and they really seem to love them the most lol
Let’s talk about underdeveloped placements real quick!
🌿 Having a parent that is toxic or underdeveloped and has placements that fall into your second house can obliterate your self worth. ESPECIALLY if you have planets in that house and their placements are exactly conjunct 0° or 1-3°.
🌾 If your mars sign is exactly square one of your parents mars or 1-5° orb… 🌚 take the steps to move out if you haven’t already it’s for the best.
🌿 Capricorn moons I wish I could hug all of you. You had to grow up so fast and got handed some of the worst cards. But nevertheless resilience is your middle name. As you age things will get easier if you stand on business! Integrity is key.
🌾 I know libras are known to be superficial or whatever and I’m kinda one of them lol. I literally live off of aesthetics and I typically have nice skin but when I have a massive break out? I literally want to hide until they’re gone. My stress is next level when I don’t look my best.. I’m also a Leo Venus 😅 in the tenth house at that and have cancelled plans when I look and feel shitty.
🌿 All of the air signs almost always value intellectual stimulation first from their partner. Someone they can have great rapport, banter with. Someone that’s witty and knows a wide variety of subjects or has many interests is very hot. Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs so I’ll loop them in on this too.
If we lost any zodiac element, it would bring chaos to the entire world.
🌾 Air brings logic and reasoning, water brings compassion and empathy, earth brings grounding and patience, fire brings passion and vitality. Life is about interconnectedness.
🌿 I remember reading a blog that the gods put the constellation of Libra in between Virgo and Scorpio because they were too much alike and it’s so true lol. Both signs can be so compulsive and it’s overwhelming from what I’ve heard from Virgo and Scorpio placements. I can also see this easy going equivalence being the case for Sagittarius being in between Scorpio and Capricorn. The benefics happy go luckies in between the malefics drained and over it.
🌾… moon 3rd house overlay is addictive especially combined with 7th/8th/12th overlays in that synastry. I don’t think I can ever do that again unless we both have it overlaying each others charts. Someone’s moon in your 3rd house, their mind fascinates you and it’s easy to communicate with them you feel seen and heard. You dream about them, you think about them all the freaking time. It is the most annoying thing because why are you taking up my brain space like that bro? I had this with someone and I still think about them it’s been over for quite some time now. Another person that’s in love with me, my moon falls into their 3rd house and they tell me how much they think about me and day dream about me. I had said issue of daydreaming with the other guy. 2/10 would not recommend unless moon person is developed.
🌿 When the moon transits your first house you’re more likely to be more emotional and make drastic changes to your physical features! When Doja Cat shaved her head the moon was transiting her first house and I literally did mine the next day when it was transiting my first house.
🌾 Opinion but I love Pisces placements they are so helpful and loving when developed. I think the underdeveloped ones are too but they expect something out of it where the developed ones are just really selfless. I’m a Pisces Stan! I have so many in my life lol I have no Pisces placements. My 5H is in Pisces lol
🌿 Degree theory is that gworl. It helps you relate to the planet and it’s placement more depending on what the degree rules. For example I was dating a Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house at the 9° and he embodied that free spirited nature of Sag Venus fr. Another example, you can be a Pisces Venus but it’s in your first house at the first degree and the way you love embodies a more aries way of loving. Fiery, passionate a bit aggressive but very deep and tender to the core.
🌾 I’ve also heard the theory of when you reach the age of certain degrees of the placements you have you unlock that placements characteristics. Something significant happens to you during that age or you might master that placement regarding the planet and house placement.
🌿 The degree of your rising sign is more than likely the age of something significant happen in your physical life/to you physically. This is tea y’all.
🌾 You most likely share placements or degrees in your chart with your siblings. My sister is a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Virgo moon and I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon. If I was born two days earlier I would’ve been a Virgo sun and if she was born one or two days later she would’ve been a Libra moon. So I think thats pretty cool. We’re also both Venus dominant and she has a Libra stellium 💗. You really choose your family for your next life lol like that’s so crazy to me.
🌿 Ima say dis with my chest. STOP doing wrong by Saturn ruled placements!!! Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius in traditional astrology and we cannot forget about its exalted sign in Libra. As a Libra, I receive karma with the quickness but also people that have done wrong by me their quality of life decreases and or whichever house Saturn is in their chart is deeply affected in the worst ways.. daddy Saturn don’t play bout his! Be fair and follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
🌾 Having heavy Sagittarius placements in your chart makes you open to learn different languages or different cultures.. just always wanting to learn. Whatever house it’s in you want to master in life.
🌿 The mutables Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces love their niches, they are the teachers and preachers of the zodiac.
🌾 Geminis have the gift of gab more than any other zodiac. Sagittarius could possibly go toe to toe with them
🌿 If anyone ever tries to degrade you for studying astrology and eggs you on to prove this practice to be true, get their birth info and read them their Chiron sign and house placement. Hit ‘em where it hurts!
🌾 Scorpio and Libra placements are usually the generational trauma breakers of their family. Honorable mention- Saturns children, Capricorn and Aquarius
🌿 An undeveloped Capricorn placement that enters your life is literally satan reincarnated to torture you for whatever you did wrong in your past life. And I (if u were raised around Christianity) believe Jesus was a Pisces/Aries! I can argue about this all day! In tarot Capricorn rules the devil! Like hellooooo
🌾 Sixth house/Virgo placements are pretty good at taking care of pets and plants. They feel the most sane around nature and animals.
🌿 Personal planets harmoniously aspected to Neptune make the person seem very angelic like. Very soft souls, earth angels. Hard aspects have people having an even more distorted projection of you.
🌾 Personal planets harmoniously aspected or not to Uranus gives you that shock factor some people will be repelled and some people will be very intrigued.
🌿 Aries placements especially sun and moon are really loyal! I’m talking mostly platonically. Once they see you as their person they are truly ride or die.
🌾 Cancer placements can be one of the most loving and giving when developed. Some spiteful mfs when underdeveloped omg.
🌿 I realize cancer placement women get treated with the cutest romantic gestures. I think they lovers want to do these things for them because they give off ethereal or princess vibes but they’re also real nasty in the sheets lol
🌾 Cancers don’t really get a bad rep even when they do shady things. For example: Selena Gomez when she dated Abel even tho she was cool with Bella was super weird. And I think a lot of people forgot how Kevin hart cheated on his wife like it was nothing lol. Ariana grande with the donuts and now the Ethan thing chileee. It’s like they get a second of backlash and then everyone adores them again lol.
🌿 Having a grand trine in your chart can make you so damn lazy in the houses those planets/figures are in 🥹🥲. It’s crazy cuz that talent(s) will come natural to you and you’ll over look it! Please don’t.
🌾 Grand squares are TOUGH but it pushes you to break cycles and overcome so much in your life. Same with t-squares
🌱 Astrology is really a map. It shows you which path you can take and where you can end up when you include discernment and discipline into your daily life. It’s never an excuse to behave the way you do. Ultimately it helps us reach our most aligned and enlighten self! I hope you all enjoyed. 🌱
Idk why I can’t figure out how to delete this question thing so let’s do a cute lil questionnaire!
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minhosimthings · 6 months
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Girl Dad!Enhypen headcannons
Pairings: Enhypen × fem!reader (sep.)
Warnings: fluff fluff I'm choking on this fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, mentions of food, also swearing because I can't handle myself lol
A/N: alright bitches I am high on baby fever so if I'm dying IM TAKING Y'ALL DOWN WITH ME. Tagging @jaeyunluvr for obvious reasons.
Stray Kids version!
Lee Heeseung
Is SO Bambi eyed when you tell him you're pregnant
Like 🥺 this be him, all teary eyed and happy
As if he didn't rail the brains out of you last night but whatever
He was already a simp for you but now that you're pregnant?
"My wife is my entire life and I will walk through every element in this world for her and I would destroy this entire world for her did you know that I love my wife?"
SO EXCITED WHEN YOU START SHOWING He cries over how soft you look sometimes
When I say he sings to your belly at night- (he rants about how the baby kicked when he sang his fav song to the guys)
And gets so starry eyed when baby kicks at his favourite song
Literally the best during birth, he's such a cheerleader
Sobs literal rivers when he holds the baby
"She looks so much like you."
Looks at his daughter as if he would end the world for her
Singing lessons are basically free for her and Heeseung sobs to you every night about how good she's been getting
Loves to have Karaoke dates with her and teaches her how to make music
Brags so much
"Y/N can you take your husband please he's been talking about his child for hours now we are tired" "hey guys do you know what she did yesterday-"
He died inside when she tried to hit a high note and succeeded
10/10 dad, must marry Heeseung I have a ring
Park 'Jay' Jongsoeng
Do I hear the best girl dad in the entire world?
When you tell him, he kisses your face so much
WORSHIPS YOU you are a Goddess in his eyes
normally Jay wouldn't let you do anything but now? He will ravage the earth if you lift even an atom
"what are you doing out of bed?" "I have to pee Jay for god's sake-"
Belly massages are free and unlimited with a husband like him
And so is the food because he will cook everything you ask for as if it's the last thing he'll do
Builds the bassinet properly, and makes sure to turn you on because mooscles SHUT UP IM HAVING A MOMENT
Asks his mom for advice if he doesn't know what to do
Is a brave boi during birth like he is NOT hesitant to do any shit you want
Cries part 2
And I mean he sobbed his entire water weight out of his body when he held his tiny baby
"I have two princesses to take care of now"
Takes care of everything, and I mean everything
Not a surprise to see your baby girl strapped to his chest by a harness 24/7
Daddy-daugher dates are a must!!
His phone storage is literally just her
"Hey guys look at this picture of my baby"
Sim "Jake" Jaeyun
Jake.exe has stopped working
Literally just stares at you when you tell him, so much so you have to wave your hands in front of him to snap him out
Congratulations dear reader, because now your husband is basically attached to your belly
"Baby did she kick-" "bro I just moved chill"
Double congratulations because now Layla and him are fighting for your attention
Literally so lost in everything related to women, pregnancy, and birth but he tries
And by that I mean, he stares at you doe-eyed while you explain everything
Most likely to faint during the birth because lord he can't handle this, he's a princess babygirl
Sobs part 3
"she has your eyes" JAKE STOP
Layla and baby besties forever which makes Jake weak in da knees
Will not leave your baby alone even for a second like he's attached to her now
Loves shopping for her
Literally spoils the shit out of her do y'all see this man buying diamonds because I do
"Baby, of COURSE we have to get her matching outfits how else will we do movie night without matchy pajamas"
Jake come home the kids miss you
Park Sunghoon
Yay you have officially broken Park mf Sunghoon
When you tell him, he's literally just 😶😶
No thoughts, brain has evaporated
But then-
You're like chill mf what the hell
Will literally carry you everywhere no matter if you tell him to put you down
"Hoon I can walk-"
*already picking you up* "sorry can't hear I'm deaf"
He makes so many plans, and organises literally everything
Also will get confused on how to build the cradle thingy
He's shit scared of birth, but will definetly allow you to squeeze his hand as hard as you want
Sobs part 4
She looks like you part 3
I'm crying just imagining hoon holding her tiny hands and guiding her through the ice
Your daughter is a fashionista thanks to her dad
Spoils her shitless part 2
Kim "Sunoo" Seonwoo
My dude is so chill
Probably the normalest out of all of em
Hugs you and kisses you all over
But inside he's screaming crying throwing up shaking kicking his feet in the air
Literally treats the house like a military base once you staart showing
*talking to Enha* "If anything goes even the slightest bit wrong I will murder all of you."
So obsessed with literally just watching you because in his eyes you're so adorable
Gets so cocky over helping you like he's so proud, showing off his muscles and everything
Sunoo please you're my age STAPHH
Will probably be disgusted by birth but he's a strong sailor he pulls through
Mentally breakdowns while holding your child because omg she's so tiny!!!
Mint choco lover agenda lessons starts from day 1
No child of Sunoo's is gonna hate mint choco
Daddy-daughter dates are a MUST
Loved bonding with her so much
Will definitely do her hair if she decides to grow it long
Sunoo I am a weak woman STOP
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evilminji · 1 year
Actually? WOULD Earth be the ones to petition Oa?
They are interstellar Space Interpol. You don't usually call them on different parts of your OWN settlements or systems. You call them in when someone is breaking THE Laws. Not necessarily YOUR laws, though obviously by breaking THE laws they clearly ARE. But THE Big Laws(tm).
Like Geneva Convention for Space type laws.
You have discovered Planet or King X is committing WAR CRIMES. Call Oa. Tax fraud? That's an inter-personal planet side issue they can't help you with. Pointing Nukes at your nursery settlement and threatening to blow up the infants there unless you give them sex-slaves?
Knock-knock! Taste HARD Light Constructs!
But if so? Then how would the situation get so out of hand on Earth? With the G.I.W.? Simple. Tell me, Mr. President, what do you know of the current day to day life of villagers in rural Siberia?
That they exist? Could you even NAME their village, if I referenced specific individuals? Likely not. And no one would realistically expect you too.
There are countless planets out there! With Leaders busy with local industrial conferences and infrastructure bills. Farming regulations. Talks with that planet a few stars over. Very busy. What do THEY know of Earth? Why would they NEED too?
But! As we know, Ectoplasm is EVERYWHERE. Not just earth. And? Thin spots are not just an Earth-centric phenomenon. Other planets most CERTAINLY would have them too. And depending on the species? The culture? To quote the wise sage Bill Wurtz "you can make a religion out of this!"
After all, chosen few, returned from death... glowing and more powerful then before? Immortal? It's a pretty reasonable conclusion to come too. They are clearly Gods Touched. Some sacred task they must complete.
It would likely even shape the ghosts of the region themselves. After all, they TOO, would believe they were chosen for some Important Religious Task. Be it study or collecting rocks. To what end? Unknown. Who are they to question The Gods?
But! Oh happy day! The old tyrant is no more! A chosen Hero! They go to greet him! Honor him, as you do. Traditional gifts and ballads. Maybe some sacred rocks. A fancy hat. But? Oh? The Champion is wounded! Gasp! Still? But the fight with Pariah happened-
And then they are given Grave Warning(tm). Don't go to Earth. Heretics attacking people. KILLING souls! Trying to KILL the king of all the Infinite! He is somber because his living parents were hurt. Preventing the END OF ALL THINGS!!!??
These "People In White" tried to EXPLODE the very FABRIC of all realities!? Several of them faint. Truely, these Fentons MUST be chosen by the Gods! Heros. Legends. Such bravery in the face of such HORRORS. Please, let them be brought to their Living counterparts! The hospitals are quite good!
And you know what? Fuck it. Danny will take that. Because his Mom n Dad got hurt. BAD.
They learned he was Phantom at probably the SINGLE worst time imaginable and still chose HIM. Chose THEM. The GIW were coming for him. Gonna hurt Jazz. And his parents told them, with fire and blood, it'd be a cold day in hell before they let them so much as TRY it.
They BLEW UP their own life's work. Went literally scorched earth. And now? They're not doing so good.
Because the Zone isn't made for the living. No food, no water, and no real human-safe medical supplies. They've run out. Danny will take what he can get. He'd even go to Vlad but... his Portal's gone too. And the Buzzards said he looked... spirally. Very... "suicide runs until everything BURNS".
So, yeah. No one's doing so great.
Alien planet it is.
They are greeted with fanfare and respect. The best medical teams on the PLANET. The King and his family is there, to welcome him. It's... it's beautiful. Hardly some perfect utopia, but the air is lite. Art everywhere. The stars vivid and so easy to see, at night.
The King kinda reminds him of Mr. Lancer to be honest. Balding and a bit round around the middle, stern but endlessly fair about it, wants people to do their best and succeed in life. Maybe that's why Danny finds himself opening up. Because... because here is a real, honest to God, KING king.
Somebody who was actually TRAINED to do all this King stuff.
Unlike Danny.
And Danny? He's scared. People expect him to Lead now. To know what he's doing. To somehow just... suddenly KNOW how to do all these things he's never even heard about. He only barely just died. Has BARELY been keeping everybody safe.
BARELY stopped Pariah.
He doesn't know what to do. But he pours his guts out. All the things that have bottled up. And King Not-Lancer listens. Somber and thoughtful. There is little, if anything he can TRUELY do to help. But... there ARE things he can do. Lessons on statescraft, while he's here, for one.
As for the other? Well, as King, he does have the local Lantern's Call Sign. Not to be used lightly, mind you. But what Danny describes? And from what the Sacred Ones have reported? THAT must be reported to Oa. He can show Danny how to do that.
(He does)
[The Lanterns of Earth get a VERY exciting call from Oa. Are every different shade of pissed. But? Whoops! Looks like they ACCIDENTALLY put the Watchtower into a complete Quarantine! Well, dang. Guess we're all stuck here for two weeks!
Reset it? *sound of smashing computer terminal* Yeah, don't think that's gonna work! :)
WHO WANTS TO PLAY 20 QUESTIONS?? We'll start! :) Who here has heard of an organization called, and I quote, The Ghost Investigation Ward? :) ]
@hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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Katara is More Patient Then We Give Her Credit for
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Katara has been getting a lot of flak for supposedly being hot headed and getting angry at very minor things. Even those who love Katara seem to accept this as the truth. But it's not. In reality, Katara is simply a female character who owns her rage. And I feel like there are two main components that debunk this notion.
Warning: Long, long post.
1. In the instances where Katara is angry it's either justified or makes sense in context.
The Waterbending Scroll
Katara stole, wouldn't you know it, a waterbending scroll. She practices before giving it to Aang, and fails hard. Then Aang who she's supposed to be teaching, gets it right and explains how to do it. Katara has an outburst.
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Katara: Will you please shut your air-hole! Believe it or not your infunite wisdom gets a little old sometimes. Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted!
Why is Katara that mad here? Why did she have an outburst? Because she was carrying the burden of being the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe her whole life. Because her waterbending is the reason Kya died. Because she have been independently studying waterbending her whole life. And now her student is having it all easy and is trying to teach her.
And wouldn't you know it, she realized what she did immediatly. Literally, a second later.
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Katara: Oh my gosh Aang. I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. But you know what, it won't happen again. Here [the scroll] is yours. I don't wanna have anything to do with it anymore.
She even apologized to Momo. Katara had an isecurity rooted in trauma and pressure. When Aang try to teach her she hit a breaking point and lashed out. And not one second later she's already apologizing.
The Waterbending Master
Katara and Aang are going to see Pakku, the waterbending master. But when Pakku sees she's a girl, he says he won't teach her. This is why Katara gets angry. She flew across seas just to get rejected due Pakku is being a sexist freak. I think we can all agree that being denied something because of sexism is a good reason to get angry. And when Katara realized Pakku won't teach Aang if she'll keep insisting, she drops it abd tells Aang to drop it too.
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However, that doesn't mean she won't study in secret. She deserved to learn waterbending and she knew it. She took the consequences into consideration and decided to not make a fuss.
But of course, they both get caught. Pakku says he will no longer teach Aang, the Avatar who absolutly needs to study and still refuses to teach Katara because he's still sexist. Only then Katara challenges him to a duel. Only when they have nothing to lose. She challenged a sexist prick to a duel, one who shamelessly denied her oppretunity because of her gender.
The Chase
At the start of the episode Katara gently hints Toph to help unpack a camp for the night. This is when she's not tired yet, and shows patience.
Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
Toph: Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
Katara (still calmly): Well, actually, what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water while someone else might set up the fire pit or put up the tent. *smiles* Even Momo does his fair share.
Toph (slightly irritated): Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire. I've already collected my own food. And look. *earth bends a tent* My tent's all set up.
Katara: Well, that's great for you but we still need to finish-
Toph (loudly): I don't understand. What's the problem here??
Katara: Never mind.
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Katara then goes to apologize. While also attempting to make sure her and Toph are on good terms by having her acknoledge that she wasn't 100 absolutly in the right.
Katara: Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.
Toph: Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.
Katara (slightly irrutated): I meant all of us.
Toph: Well, good night.
Katara: Good night.
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By all means, Toph is in the wrong for the sheer refusal for communication. At first Katara calmly explained to her what was needed without even spelling it out. Toph was being passive, so she dropped it. And then she apologizes after doing nothing wrong just so they could be on good terms. Toph was the one being passive agressive. And Katara pretty much let it slide.
This is Katara. The patience she showed right here is her natural, normal self. The rest of the episode is under the context of sleep deprivation and how it's making them all hostile to each other. Including the pacifist Aang. Who's outburst leads Toph to leave. After she does, both Aang and Katara express remorse.
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(Side note: I heard people take issue with the line "The stars sure are beautiful tonight, too bad you can't see them, Toph". It's been interpreted as Katara making fun of Toph for being blind, but it's just another instance in the recurring joke of the Gaang forgetting Toph is blind, and listed as such in the official A:TLA Youtube channel).
The Runaway
Update: This section, especially, is majorly outdated.
The episode has a silly opening where Aang is trained by Toph and Katara. Toph misses and accidently hits Katara with a big rock. After Toph doesn't apologize, it leads into a fight which is absolutly not to be taken seriously, that ends with Aang pointing out that it was supposed to be training.
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It doesn't work as an exapmle for supposed hot-headedness because the reason this whole thing started because Toph hit Katara with a rock and refused to apologize.
But moving on to the real conflict of these episode, Toph scammed someone and Katara makes it clear that they shouldn't do it again, it'll draw attention to them. Aang promises her it won't happen again but.. um.. you know what happened.
Katara, being responsible, told them to quit because they'd potentially get exposed. Toph didn't reach well, telling her to lighten up. Katara rightfully gets angry, because they really might get exposed and Toph is dismissing her like her concerns are nothing. They have a short argument and Toph storms out.
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This is why Katara was angry this episode. Her reasoning for being upset is the Gaang potentially exposing themselves for easy money. That's the conflict.
The Painted Lady
In this episode Katara sees a starving Fire Nation village but Sokka won't allow them to stay due to time limits. So she faked a disease for Appa so they could. Sokka confronts her. At first, she gives up and packs to leave. But since she destroyed the factory that's been polluting the villages water and taking their medicine, the people in charge assumed it was the civilians, and were coming to attack. Sokka and Katara get into a small but intense argument. Important to note, that she doesn't react intensively until Sokka does.
Katara: Well, what was I supposed to do?
Sokka: Leave! Do nothing.
Katara: No! I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me.
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Her anger here doesn't highlight hot-headedness, it highlights compassion. Compassion is one of Katara's core traits. She's angry because she's being angrily demanded to see people suffer and stand by. And she will not tolerate it. She will never, ever turn her back on people who need her.
2. In reality, Katara is defined by her patience and compassion.
What I did here was listing off times where Katara did get angry. But Katara is generally a caring, kind person. Rather if it's cheering up Sokka, going shopping with him after he admitted to feeling useless; if it's pulling Aang out of the Avatar state, putting herself at risk when he's out of control; if it's helping deliver a baby of a stranger; or if it's freeing prisoners of the Fire Nation. She demonstrates impressive patience throughout the show.
The Deserter
In this episode Aang was asked to just control fire. Aang gets irrutated himself at this, but Katara assured him that it's probably for a good reaso. But when his master left, he firebent. He was being extremely careless with his new found Fire Bending and burned Katara's hands.
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Did she...
A. splashed some water at him.
B. Yelled at him.
C. Ran away crying.
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Yeah, she didn't express anger at all. Sokka was who's angry at Aang.
The Desert
The sand benders stole Appa and the Gaang is suck in a desert. Katara demonstrates her patience a lot this episode.
Toph and Aang are arguing about Toph not stopping them.
Aang: You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone.
Katara: Aang, stop it. You know Toph did all she could. She saved our lives.
Sokka: Who's gonna save our lives now? We'll never make itout of here.
Aang: That's all any of you guys care about, yourselves. You don't care whether Appa is okay or not.
Katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now.
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Aang accused the Gaang of something horrible. Katara told him to stop, but still understood his anger and calmly explained to him that it's important not to fight in a life threatening situation.
Aang then storms out to look for Appa. Katara's response?
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Katara: We'd better start walking. We're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se.
She didn't get angry, she was rational and thought about the greater good.
After Aang comes back, Katara suggest they should try sleeping, gives the Gaang all of her bending water without drinking herself. And then finds a way to get to Ba Sing Se using the locations of star systems.
The Gaang spots a cloud and mistakes it for Appa. But Katara realizes the potential in a cloud. She tells Aang to fly and bend the water from the cloud so they could drink.
Katara (disappoibted): Wow, there's hardly any in here.
Aang (intensively): I'm sorry, okay? It's a desert cloud, I did all I could. What's anyone else doing? *Points at Katara* What are you doing?
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After dealing with everyone's tireness, Sokka's high nonsense and Aang's attitude, carrying everyone, thinking of possible solutions to ensure they'd all survive, how did she react to Aang accusing her of not doing enough?
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Katara: Trying to keep everyone together. Let's just get moving. We need to head this direction.
And after everything she did for everyone, she pulls Aang out of the Avatar state when he's raging, out of control.
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Katara is not so hot headed.
She's sweet, nurturing and caring. She demonstrated incredible patience and perhaps even saved the Gang's life in The Desert with her resilience. Katara's compassion is her defining trait.
But that doesn't mean she's not a human being – she's allowed to be flawed, and in the moments where she does, she's very remorseful. And in the moments where she doesn't, people will still hold her accoutable for simply feeling a justified emotion.
Does it make you oh-so-hot headed to stand up to a sexist denying her opportunity? To make sure your friends don't destroy your chances to win a war? To not tolerate being told to see people in need and do nothing in a middle if an argument she didn't start? Of course it doesn't.
And other characters are allowed to express anger, to be flawed, in ways that are way worse than Katara without being labelled annoying hot headed by the fandom.
Katara is widly known to be irrational, letting her anger get the better of her, but it's simply not true.
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nattikay · 1 year
Jake is a Good Dad and I will Die On That Hill
Howdy Avatar fandom. Over the past six months or so I’ve seen a lot of criticism directed toward Jake Sully as a father, ranging from him simply being a little too strict at best, to outright neglectful and even abusive at worst. This, my friends, is some grade-A nonsense, and today we’re gonna talk about why. Strap in, lads, this is gonna be a long one. Let’s roll.
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So before we get into breaking down the events of the main storyline, let’s address the idea that Jake was always the super-strict “military dad” throughout the kids’ lives: put simply, bullcrap.
Out of the film’s over-three-hour runtime, we get to see very little of the Sullies’ lives before the RDA’s return—only about six minutes’ worth. If Jake was meant to be this strict militaristic dictator during this time period, especially in a way that would significantly impact the kids’ character development and their relationships with him, this would be the time to show it, or at least hint at it. But instead of any of that, we really get quite the opposite. Jake laughs and plays with the kids:
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Jokes around and cuddles:
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Teaches Neteyam to fish:
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He even says in his narration:
“Happiness is simple…whoever thought that a jarhead like me could’ve cracked the code?”
Guys, this is quite literally the best time of his life. This man absolutely adores his family with every fiber of his being, they are his whole world. Like, look at him! He has stars in his eyes!!
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We have zero reason to suspect that Jake was overly harsh or strict in a way that would impede his relationship with his kids during this time. The Sullies appear to be a normal, healthy, close-knit family. 
It’s only when the RDA returns and reignites war that things change. 
I’ve seen some people claim that Jake’s personality changed it the second movie. I disagree—it was not his personality that changed, but rather his priorities. 
A1 Jake was a disabled marine vet who was offered his brother’s contract after said brother was unexpectedly murdered by some thug on the street…and part of the reason he agreed to take that contract was that there really wasn’t much else left for him back on Earth, so why not go? A1 Jake had just about nothing left to lose, and therefore could afford to be more reckless.
A2 Jake, however, is another story altogether. A2 Jake can’t just run around poking and prodding and taking risks like A1 Jake did because now he has a wife and four children who rely on him and who he loves more than anything else in the world. It’s not just himself he has to look out for anymore, it’s them. He now has everything to lose. He says as much himself:
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Not to mention that he’s older now. Did you really expect the 37-year-old father of four who’s been leading the clan for 15 years and is suddenly thrust back into a brutal war to behave exactly the same as the 22-year-old fish-out-of-water ex-marine sent to fill in for his scientist brother out of the sheer convenience of sharing a genome? A2 Jake’s behavior is not a sudden 180 from his personality in A1, it’s a natural progression and reaction for his character given the changed circumstances. 
“A father protects. It’s what gives him meaning.”
This is essentially Jake’s thesis for the movie. This is his #1 priority, his purpose, the lens through which all his actions must be viewed in order to understand them, and it’s important to establish it upfront because it sets up everything else.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the train raid sequence as its aftermath. Jake begrudgingly allows his now-teenage sons to participate in the war party—from a distance, as spotters. Neteyam seems content to fill this role, but Lo’ak, against orders, eagerly insists that they “have to get in there”, even goading his brother: 
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Tailed by an exasperated Neteyam, Lo’ak grabs a weapon from Tarsem and lets out a half-hearted warcry:
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...let’s be honest here, Lo’ak doesn’t really seem to be taking this raid anywhere near as seriously as he should be; he’s treating it more like a game—on which point, y’know what, let’s pause to talk about Lo’ak for a moment.
Because the primary purpose of this post is defending Jake, it may at times appear that I am being overly critical towards Lo’ak. This is not my intention—I love Lo’ak as much as I love the rest of the Sully family (which is a lot lol). I think the things he struggles with are reasonable and valid struggles to have considering his circumstances. However, that does not always mean that he is in the “right”. Jake and Lo’ak’s conflict through the movie is not as simple as “son right dad wrong” or vice-versa; rather, it stems from a generational/age gap in experience and priorities. 
In this case, for example, Lo’ak is treating the raid more like a cool action game than a real battle with real stakes. Which may not be much of a surprise—he’s 14! He’s young, he’s naive, he’s never experienced anything close to real war until the past year or so—he probably genuinely does not fully grasp the stakes of this situation just yet. And why should we expect him to, really? He’s never had to before.
Jake, on the other hand, knows the stakes all too well. This ain’t his first rodeo. He was a solider both on Earth (where he was injured severely enough to become paralyzed from the waist down) and then again on Pandora driving out the RDA in a battle that killed several of his friends and allies, including almost completely wiping out the entire Olangi clan. 
Jake understands the risks of war and doesn’t want his kids anywhere near it. We see this not only in the film where he only allows Neteyam and Lo’ak to participate in the raid “from a distance” and ultimately fleeing his own clan altogether once his kids are directly threatened, but also in the comics in which he consistently turns down Neteyam’s pleadings to participate in the war efforts. Unfortunately for him, his sons do happen to be coming of age at around this time and there’s only so much he can do to keep them out of it, so he tries to let them participate in relatively safe ways, like as spotters.
Lo’ak…doesn’t understand this. Not really. And that leads to him recklessly taking unnecessary risks—be it out of curiosity, to get in on the action, or even simply to prove himself. Which understandably scares the crap out of Jake.
When the raid is over, Jake desperately searches the rubble for his sons. He finds Lo’ak quickly and makes sure he’s alright:
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…before taking off to search for Neteyam, who he also promptly checks over for injuries. 
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which is something I’d like to point out here: although Jake sometimes gets gruff with his sons, he never leads with that. He always always always makes sure they’re ok first. That’s important. We’ll come back to it throughout the post.
Anyways, it’s only after making sure that Neteyam is ok that Jake’s initial bout of fear subsides and morphs into frustration and anger: what were you thinking?! And it’s a fair question. If the boys had followed orders, they wouldn’t have been at such risk in the first place. Once the party returns to High Camp, Jake addresses this point with them, reminding them that by disobeying direct orders they put themselves in very serious danger, and reiterating to Lo’ak in particular that his recklessness nearly got his brother killed and grounding him.
In other words, Jake’s response to his sons going against his orders was…a lecture and a grounding. That’s…a pretty reasonable parental reaction, actually. Sure, you could nitpick and say his tone was too harsh, but given the situation, I struggle to blame him…
…which leads into the next relevant scene: while Mo’at and Kiri tend to Neteyam’s scratches, Neytiri gently chides Jake for being too hard on the boys, concluding with the infamous line: “This is not a squad. It is a family.”
Now, what I find interesting about this scene is that neither party is really in the wrong here. Jake is doing his best to fill his role as a father by watching out for his kids’ physical safety—even if it means being a little strict. Likewise, Neytiri is filling her role as a mother by looking out for her kids’ emotional well-being. As she should!
That said, I think people who use this line as proof of Jake’s supposed parental failure are forgetting the context. While Neytiri’s line is true in general, when the boys sign up to participate in a war party, they kinda do become a “squad”. In that moment, in that context, they are a squad, they have to behave like one lest someone gets hurt if not killed. 
I also think they forget Jake’s reaction to Neytiri’s line:
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Look closely. There are tears in his eyes. This dude was terrified of the possibility that he may have just lost one of his sons in the raid, and all his strictness stems from that. And Neytiri seems to recognize this as well, as she can’t seem to decide how to respond. She probably worries about the same thing, after all, even if she handles it differently. 
On that note, let’s look at the next time Lo’ak disobeys instructions: going to the old shack with Spider, Kiri, and Tuk, where they first encounter the recom unit. 
Something interesting about the aftermath of the recom rescue is that no one gets lectured this time actually. Remember what I said about how, no matter how upset he is, Jake always checks to make sure the kids are ok first and foremost? Sure enough, that’s what he does here:
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Not only for his daughters, mind you, but also both his sons (we’ll address the daughter-favoritism claims later):
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With the recoms now targeting the Sully family specifically, Jake, feeling out of other options, makes the difficult decision to flee and find refuge among the Metkayina clan. 
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whoops, there’s that “protection” theme again
When their request for sanctuary is somewhat reluctantly accepted, Jake calls a family meeting and tells the kids this:
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Remember how earlier we established how “a father protects” is essentially Jake’s thesis for this movie? Well, this is an offshoot of that: Jake believes that hiding amongst the Metkayina is currently the best was to keep his family safe; therefore, throughout the Sullies’ time with the clan, Jake’s primary goal is to lay low and get along with the clan so as not to tread on their hospitality and get kicked out (even if and when that means setting aside one’s own pride). This, then, is the lens through which Jake’s actions must be analyzed while his family is staying with the Metkayina.
The first time this becomes relevant is after Neteyam and Lo’ak’s little scrap defending Kiri from Aonung and his posse. Jake is clearly not thrilled about Kiri being bullied, but again, his top priority is keeping his family safe and right now this entails maintaining a good standing with the chief, which in turns means that his sons getting into brawls with Tonowari’s son is a very bad look. Which is why, after a moment of internal conflict, he asks Lo’ak to apologize to Aonung (he even tries to explain when Lo’ak protests:)
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On that note, while remaining on good terms with the clan has to take precedence at this moment, Jake is clearly quietly proud of his boys for kicking butt, as we see from his exchange with Neteyam (though yes, it is unfortunate that Lo’ak didn’t get to see this bit).
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…which brings us to one of the bigger moments that people point to when accusing Jake of being a bad father: the “you bring shame to this family” line. Now, I can understand why this line doesn’t sit right with viewers initially, especially since we have just seen firsthand the truth about what Lo’ak experienced over the past few hours. However, when you consider what’s going on from Jake’s perspective, the line is not quite as unreasonable as it first seems.
Let’s back up a bit to when Lo’ak first returns to the village after meeting Payakan. At first Jake is just relieved that his son is ok (remember: he always checks first)
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In fact, once it’s clear that Lo’ak is ok, it seems Jake just wanted to let it go and head home…the real conflict didn’t begin until after Lo’ak lied to take the blame for Aonung.
Up until this moment, Jake only knew Aonung’s side of the story, that he’d taken Lo’ak outside the reef and he got stranded there (it’s unclear whether Aonung specifies that he abandoned him out there on purpose, the little punk, but I digress). But when Tonowari (rightfully) declares Aonung’s responsibility for the incident, Lo’ak speaks up to take the fall, claiming that the whole ordeal was all his idea, which Aonung had tried to talk him out of.
Lo’ak does not have a reputation for lying…but he does have a reputation for pulling reckless stunts that put himself and others in danger, so for better or for worse, Jake has literally zero reason not to believe this claim. 
In other words, for Jake, the situation has just gone from “my son got taken advantage of by the local bullies and put into a precarious situation but he’s home safe now” to “my son dragged a bunch of other kids to a dangerous location where he knows he’s not supposed to go despite the chef’s son trying to talk him out of it, endangering both his life and theirs, getting lost in the process, and thereby worrying and inconveniencing the entire clan on whose hospitality we rely by making them go out of their way to arrange a whole search party in the dead of night just to find him.”
…yeah, no wonder he was flippin’ ticked. No wonder he “didn’t want to hear it” when Lo’ak tries to explain that he was “only trying to make friends”. We as the audience know that’s true, of course, but as far as Jake knows in that moment, based on what Lo’ak himself claimed just moments ago, he was trying to “make friends” by…dragging them out to a dangerous location despite their protests thus jeopardizing both his and their lives as well as his family’s standing in the clan who can kick them out at any time. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to “hear it” either.
When you look at it from that perspective, “you brought shame to this family” doesn’t really seem quite as extreme, does it?
And yes, I feel for Lo’ak here, really, I do; he’s just been through a lot and yes based on the actual events that just occurred his father’s anger is the last thing the poor kid needs and I totally get why it would upset him…but at the same time, I can’t help feeling that he kinda brought this particular lecture on himself by voluntarily taking the blame for Aonung. Not really sure what he was expecting: that Jake would somehow read his mind and understand the way things actually went? That he would see through his lie and praise him for being so amiable towards Aonung by taking the fall perhaps similar to how Neteyam so often claims the blame for Lo’ak’s own reckless shenanigans despite how rude Aonung had been to him thus far? Or perhaps he just blurted out the blame claim as an olive branch of sorts to Aonung (genuinely trying to “make friends” in a way) without really thinking about the consequences of doing so. Who knows. But regardless of how Lo’ak did or didn’t think things would go, I think it’s a little unfair to blame Jake for his reaction. Based on his knowledge of the circumstances, which in turn were based on Lo’ak’s own account given only moments before (remember, Jake had zero reason to suspect he was lying), his reaction is actually pretty understandable.
Speaking of Lo’ak’s adventures with Payakan, the next time we see him clash with his father is when Tonowari lectures him for bonding with the outcast, and Lo’ak defends his new friend. Remember: Jake’s top priority is keeping his family safe which currently means not getting kicked out of the Metkayina. Lo’ak, regardless of whether or not he was in the right, was clearly upsetting Ronal and Tonowari in this exchange—Neytiri is actually the first to step in and warn her son:
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…and when Lo’ak persists anyways, Jake has to step in in hopes of smoothing things over with the chief. 
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It sucks that this upset Lo’ak, especially because we the audience know that Lo’ak is right about Payakan, but again, Jake is currently more concerned with not getting kicked out of the clan than with his son winning an argument about the validity of a tulkun’s outcast status.
...aaaand here comes the hardest part of this essay to write. Admittedly I wasn’t aware of this argument until recently, but now that I know it’s out there I feel obligated to address it here. Apparently some folks are out there claim that Jake did not display a sufficient amount of emotion at Neteyam’s death, and this somehow proves that he wasn’t as attached to his sons as he should have been. And all I have to say to that is: did we watch the same movie?? 
That man broke upon his son’s death. Did he wail and cry like Neytiri, no, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t heartbroken—wailing and crying simply aren’t how his character responds to trauma. He’s a solider, he’s probably trained to delay any external breakdown at least until a given battle is over.
But you can still see it in his face. You can hear it in his voice which breaks and shudders when he realizes that Neteyam is dying and tries to give him a few last words of comfort, wanting so desperately to ease his pain to the best of his abilities. 
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...yeah. This man is broken in this moment.
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…but his job isn’t over yet. The battle is still raging. He still has three more kids who still need him. As much as he may want to, he cannot take the time to fully grieve in this moment.
…which brings us to the big one, the main line people point to when arguing that Jake is a bad father:
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Now, let’s be honest: was this an awful thing to say? Yes, absolutely. Should Jake apologize to Lo’ak for it after the fact, if he hasn’t already? Definitely, one-hundred-percent. I’m not disputing that in the least.
In this moment, Jake has just spent the past however-long locked in a vicious battle, and hardly minutes before watched his firstborn son bleed out in his arms. And now he learns that his daughters—one of whom is a pre-pubescent child with no chance of defending herself—are still caught on the “demon ship” with the recoms, who have just very clearly proven that they have absolutely no qualms with killing these kids. Quaritch taunting in his ear certainly is not helping. 
The only thing Jake could properly focus on in that moment was getting Kiri and Tuk off that boat. Repeat: he wants to get his kids OFF the demon ship, not risk bringing any of them back ON. On top of that, Lo’ak, as established very early on in the film (see: train raid), has a reputation for struggling to follow orders…even when not emotionally devastated by the death of his brother. 
All these things considered, is it really any wonder that Jake did not want Lo’ak coming along on this mission? He’s already lost one son, why in the ever-loving flip flap would he want to risk losing the other by intentionally bringing him back to the danger zone with no guarantee he’ll come out again, especially given his apparent propensity to ignore orders and throw himself into danger? 
Heck, the only reason he lets Spider come is that Spider knows where the girls are and, unlike Lo’ak, Spider doesn’t have that same reckless reputation. Spider, in that moment, appears to be able to compartmentalize the fresh trauma well enough to focus on the task at hand, and can be trusted to do as Jake asks. Lo’ak…can’t. So, Jake wants him to stay behind.
Did he express it horribly? Absolutely. But saying one stupid insensitive thing in a moment of numbness underlaid by grief, pain, and fear does not make him a horrible dad overall, and I think it’s a little unfair to say that it does.
On that note, I do not believe for one moment that Jake genuinely blames Lo’ak for Neteyam’s death. Now, Lo’ak may well view it that way and I’m sure it’ll come into play for his character arc in future movies, which can be a topic for another day, but as for Jake’s perspective, no. I don’t think he truly blames Lo’ak. Even if he couldn’t necessarily process it all right away, I think he knows that Lo’ak is going through as much heartbreak as the rest of the family…especially given that Jake himself has firsthand experience losing a brother. He just said something dumb in a moment of pain.
(On the topic of Lo’ak being unable to follow orders, less than five minutes after Jake, Neytiri, and Spider leave for the ship, Lo’ak…immediately disobeys the order to stay safe on the island and heads back out to the ship anyways. Obviously in the grand scheme of things it’s good that he was there to save Jake from drowning after the scuffle with Quaritch, but still, good gracious son. Way to spectacularly prove your dad’s point.) 
So now we come to the point where Lo’ak saves Jake’s life. After a mutual choke-out with Quaritch, Jake is left to drown until Lo’ak finds him and pulls him to the surface, at which point he gasps for air and chokes out Neteyam’s name. 
This can be interpreted in a few ways. It could be that Jake is so accustomed to Neteyam being the “responsible” one that he irrationally thought it was him coming to the rescue, momentarily forgetting he had died or somehow thinking maybe by some stroke of fate he pulled through after all—this seems to be Lo’ak’s assumption, given that he promptly corrects him.
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Now, some may take Jake’s “oh, Lo’ak…” as a show of favoritism, or proof that Jake values his first son above his second. I don’t think this is the case though—I don’t think Jake’s apparent disappointment is about Lo’ak being there so much it’s about Neteyam not being there. In other words, it’s not a personal slight against or disappointment in Lo’ak, but rather a form of still-very-raw grief for Neteyam who, remember, only just died, like, an hour ago.
It could also be that Jake is still so distraught following Neteyam’s death that it’s consuming his thoughts…he was able to shove it down and compartmentalize long enough to fight the recoms and get Tuk and Kiri off the boat, but that compartmentalization broke down while he was literally drowning and it took him a minute to focus and put things back together (which he manages to do a moment later when Lo’ak tries to apologize for his brother’s death):
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The most excruciating interpretation I’ve seen is Jake thinking he had drowned and is rejoining Neteyam in the afterlife. ouch. Though that is, of course, just speculation.
Regardless, at this point Jake has just about given up. He’s exhausted, he’s in agony, both physically and emotionally. He’s completely drained. He wants Lo’ak to live but is ready to give up on himself (“I can’t make it. You can.”). It’s only when Lo’ak insists: 
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 ...that Jake realizes he still needs to press forward. Because his other kids still need him. His other son still needs him and he’s not willing to give up on him. So he takes a deep breath (literally), puts his trust in Lo’ak, and lets his son lead him through the flooded passageways out of the wreck. When they finally break the surface, we have this lovely moment:
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This moment is a resolution to one of Lo’ak’s primary emotional conflicts throughout the movie: living in the shadow of his legendary war hero father and prodigious older brother, finally getting the recognition and affirmation he so craved from that father. Some might argue that in terms of “ideal” parenting that this kind of moment should have come sooner, or that Jake’s recognition of his son should never have been in doubt in the first place, and while there may be some truth to that, I struggle to really blame Jake for it for reasons I just spent the past 4000 words discussing. I think the fact that this moment happened at all shows that despite their clashes and struggles and miscommunications, Jake does and always has cared very deeply about Lo’ak; his lectures and frustrations come not out of malice or some personal distaste, but out of fear for his well-being.
We see Jake comforting Lo’ak again after the family returns to Neteyam’s body on the rocks.
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 As I said before, I don’t think for even the briefest moment Jake genuinely blames Lo’ak for Neteyam’s death. I don’t think he would be comforting him like this if he did.
…which, I suppose, brings us to Neteyam’s funeral, and Jake and Neytiri visiting his spirit within Eywa. No parent should ever have to bury their child and good golly gracious this scene ripped my heart out but I digress. I don’t even really have a lot of commentary to add to these scenes…just…just this. It speaks for itself.
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look me in the eye and tell me this man “doesn’t care about his sons”. I flipping DARE you.
Well, that concludes the debunking of scenes that supposedly make Jake a bad father. But before we go, let’s look just briefly at this scene of him being a good dad with Kiri. I didn’t mention this earlier because while I’ve seen a lot of complaints about Jake’s interactions with Neteyam and especially Lo’ak, few people have qualms with the way Jake treats Kiri and Tuk—in fact, many people claim that he shows favoritism to his daughters, going out of his way “baby” them and treat them more gently and lovingly than his sons. I disagree and hope the above has done a thorough job dispelling that notion: Kiri and Tuk don’t go around throwing themselves headlong into the same kind of danger that Neteyam and Lo’ak do. They aren’t begging to participate in battle, they aren’t disobeying orders that land them in mortal peril. 
In other words: Jake lectures his sons more than his daughters out of necessity, not nepotism. Remember: Jake’s #1 priority is protecting his family, keeping them all safe and alive. That means that when one of his kids pulls a stupid stunt that puts them in danger he feels the need to crack down on that in hopes of preventing it from happening again. Lo’ak is, quite frankly, prone to pulling those kind of stunts, so he gets lectured a lot. Kiri and Tuk do not typically pull such stunts, so they don’t get lectured. It’s as simple as that, really.
Buuuuuut now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s talk just briefly about Jake comforting Kiri.
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Like with the scene of visiting Neteyam’s spirit, I don’t have much commentary to add to this scene—it’s a very sweet scene and it speaks for itself really. Jake is very gentle and doing his best to listen to Kiri, even if he is a little unsure about her claims. He doesn’t criticize or invalidate, he just tries to be there for her. What can I say, that’s a good dad right there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
One last little point before we wrap up for real: the fact that Lo’ak and Neteyam occasionally refer to Jake as “sir”. I was originally planning to address this earlier but it didn’t quite fit in with the flow of the discussion and I consider it such a minor point anyways, I figured I could save it for a side note—but seriously, it baffles me what a big deal people make of this. 
It would be one thing if “sir” was something that Jake strictly enforced, if it was the only thing he allowed the kids to address him as, if one of them called him “Dad” and he barked back, “no! it is sir!” But…literally none of that is the case. He never explicitly asks them to call him “sir”, and they call him “Dad” just as often if not more.
The kids referring to Jake as “sir” in tense moments is a simple show of respect, nothing more. I recall my own dad also wanting to be called “sir” when we were in trouble and it was never really an issue. And I suppose your milage may vary depending on where you live, but growing up in the southern US, “sir” and “ma’am” are just very common basic courtesy in many situations (not just familial). 
Sooooo….yeah, the idea that Neteyam and Lo’ak occasionally calling Jake sir is somehow proof of Jake being too strict or cold or whatever else is really making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s not that deep y’all.
…aaaand I suppose that’s it for this post. 
In conclusion: 
Look guys, Jake does not have to be your favorite character. You don’t even have to like him, or agree with everything that he says or does. He isn’t perfect (which, by the way, literally no one is). But if nothing else, I hope this behemoth of a post has at least helped you understand his character and why he acts and reacts the way that he does.
Jake Sully may not be a shining beacon of parental perfection from a psychological development perspective (and all things considered, expecting him to be such is, quite frankly, a little silly), but good golly gracious he is trying his absolute darnedest in incredibly difficult and precarious circumstances beyond his control i.e. the RDA coming back to quite literally take over. This man’s family means absolutely everything to him and I’m done sitting back and watching y’all slander him just because he didn’t react to x situation the way you think he should have.
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thank you and good night
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
The Old Church Parking Lot
Look, I had an idea for a fic and all the sudden it was 4:00 am. I promise one day I'll write a fic where reader isn't a goddamn pillow princess, but today is not that day. Enjoy my darlings.
word count: 3k
minors dni pretty please 🔞
content warnings: Dealer! Ellie, innocent reader, friends to lovers, drug use 🍃, kissing, teasing, oral (r! receiving), fingering (r! receiving), reader being a pillow princess
“You’re joking.” Ellie raises her eyebrows at you like she actually expects you to take it back. “You have been on this earth for 19 years and you haven’t smoked weed?” You shake your head. “Ever?” You can’t help but laugh, her stunned expression doesn’t leave her face. She won’t take her eyes off you despite the fact that she’s literally driving.
“Eyes on the fucking road Els Jesus.” She nods and hesitantly turns back to look at the street. “I just never had the chance I guess.” You shrug your shoulders. “Grew up in a small town, not many friends. We mostly just got drunk. It was easier, and less illegal.” You have no idea why this information shocks Ellie to her core, but there’s something else there, an excitement maybe? 
“We’re gonna fix that. Tonight. I’ll pick you up after work.” She was definitely excited and extremely eager. She pulls into your driveway and puts the car in park. 
“Oh yeah? And where are you gonna get it from, not exactly like there’s a store we can stop at.” 
Ellie looks straight ahead and tales a beat before she answers “I kind of…deal the stuff.” She still won’t look at you. “It’s a side gig type thing, helps me stay afloat.” You can’t say you're shocked. You haven’t known Ellie long, she was one of those friends that you kind of just started spending a shit ton of time with out of nowhere. She was still new to you even though it felt like you’d known her your whole life, you were still learning about each other slowly. 
“Ok that’s…incredibly convenient, but where do we go?” You were both home from college for the summer, hence living with your parents. Ellie turns to face you, she brings her hand up to her mouth and starts biting her nail in concentration. It was an incredibly cute little habit, you could see her brain working to find a solution. 
“We’ll sit in the old church parking lot, I can drive us home after.” 
“Works for me.” You shrug. “See you later I guess.” You smile at Ellie and she has this devilish smirk on her face like she knows something you don’t. 
“God I can’t wait.” Her voice was breathy and low, something you hadn’t heard before, but it was incredibly…attractive. You go to open the car door and step out onto your driveway. 
“See ya.” 
“Bye.” You shut the door and head inside, having no idea what you have just agreed to. 
You have tried on your entire closet at this point. You usually weren’t like this with Ellie, normally you couldn’t care less what you looked like, but something felt different between you two lately. The type of different where you felt like you needed to look good when you saw her. You’re not gonna dwell on it though, that would just make everything worse. 
You finally settle on just an old, cropped graphic tee and jeans. It’s something you wore all the time, unfortunately your whole wardrobe was strewn about your floor, so this was the best option. 
Jesus why were you nervous? Probably because you were about to do drugs for the first time. Definitely no other reason. 
You pass the time by doing your makeup. It always helps you relax, makes you feel good inside and out. Before you knew it Ellie was texting you she was on her way. She pulls into the driveway, her headlights lighting up your living room. You begin the trek out your front door to her car. It feels like it takes forever, you go through each motion as if you're moving through water. You finally get to her small car and open the passenger door. 
“Hey princess.” Ellie is smiling ear to ear, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen her this elated. 
“Hey.” You can’t help but laugh at her exaggerated expression. 
“You ready? You excited?” She’s still smiling, she looks fucking adorable, it’s ridiculous.
“Definitely not as excited as you clearly are.” You can’t help but be a little nervous trying something new, but you were trying it with someone you trusted. 
“We’re gonna have fun. Promise.” With that she turns up the music and pulls out of your driveway. 
On the way to the parking lot you and Ellie belt out 90s hits at the top of your lungs. The windows are down, the wind blowing on your face and through your hair. It almost completely gets rid of any nerves you had. You look over at Ellie, watching her exaggerated expressions and hand movements. She acts out the words in the song like she’s performing. You can’t help but smile at her ridiculousness.
You pull into the parking lot and Ellie turns the radio down. Her arm reaches over your lap to the glove box. Her arm faintly brushes your thighs as she opens it. She pulls out a little baggie with what you would assume are blunts in it. 
“These are pre-rolls. Normally you would have someone else test them out first. This shit could easily be laced with fentanyl, which can kill you. You don’t know where it comes from, you never touch it first.” She looks at you with a serious expression on her face. “Got it?” You nod vigorously, she is obviously in her element here, trying to teach you everything she knows to keep you safe. “Words princess, that’s the most important thing I’ll teach you tonight.”
“Yup, got it.” Why is this so incredibly hot? The way she wants to make sure you’re safe, she’s acting like a stern teacher and it's severely throwing you off. 
She smiles and then continues “But, since you’re getting it from me, and I know where this has been and where it’s from, we’re safe.” You smile and nod, appreciating the reassurance. She takes the preroll from the baggie and grabs a lighter from the console. 
“So you’ve never smoked anything before?” You shake your head “Ok so I’m gonna light this end,” She taps the tapered end of the roll, “You’re going to put your lips around it like a straw and inhale once to get it into your mouth, and then a second time to get it to your lungs.” 
“That made absolutely zero sense to me.” Ellie laughs, shaking her head. 
“You want me to go first, so you can watch?” Oh god yes. 
“Yeah, that might make it easier.” Ellie nods and brings the preroll to her lips. She lights it with her green gas station lighter and you watch her inhale as she puts the lighter back down. She exhales a cloud of smoke towards you and you are immediately turned on. Why did she have to make exhaling seductive? 
“Your turn.” She hands you the roll and you take it between two fingers. You bring it to your lips like Ellie said. Inhale once, twice. Fuck.
You immediately feel the smoke tickle your lungs and throat. You cough out the smoke rather than elegantly exhaling as Ellie did. God, it fucking burns. 
“Try to breathe through your nose babe, here I brought a water bottle for ya.” You immediately grab the water bottle, trading Ellie for the blunt, you eagerly gulp it down. The water sort of soothes the burn, your violent coughing turning into heavy breathing. 
“You didn’t warn me I’d have a fucking asthma attack.” You cough again while Ellie giggles at your pain. 
“I forgot. But I knew you wouldn’t die, plus the surprise on your face was kind of funny.” She takes another hit and passes it back to you. You try again, but a smaller breath this time. It doesn’t burn as much this time. 
“I also forgot to mention, like how this shit makes you feel. It’s different for everyone really.” You pass the preroll back to Ellie. “Mostly it just makes you relax, but some people get talkative, some get sleepy, and most people get incredibly hungry.” She pauses like she’s thinking of saying something but is holding back.
“What?” Ellie shakers her head.
“Nothing… I didn’t even know if I wanted to bring it up, but like it also can make everything feel incredibly good.” 
“What do you mean?” This seems like it’s going in a direction you and Ellie have never really gone before. Ellie would talk about her sexual ventures with other women on occasion, but you never really discussed anything in detail about yourselves. It’s not like you would have much to add with the sex stories anyways, you just listened to Ellie and nodded. You definitely did not have the experience she had.  
“Like it makes people touching you feel 100 times better.” She sighs and laughs “It basically makes most people horny.” She looks at you with a kind of sheepish look. You wouldn’t expect someone with as much experience as her being shy talking about this stuff. Was she… Blushing? It was hard to tell in the dark, you could have definitely imagined it. 
You start to feel a smile tug at your lips and a warmth slowly floods your body. “I think...it’s hitting.” You giggle at literally nothing, which makes Ellie giggle. “Feels really good.” You breathe out. You caress your own arm, testing Ellie’s knowledge. “Woah.”
“What?” Ellie’s smiling at you, she decided she likes how you act high. It’s probably one of the more adorable things she’s ever seen.
“Touching does feel weird.” You continue to caress your own arm, you can feel the warmth of your own hands grazing across the small hairs of your forearm and it tickles. 
“It’s usually other people touching you that feels weird, but whatever works for you over there.” You look at her and back at your arm.
“You touch me then.” You reach your arm out, eagerly inviting Ellie to come closer. 
“I can’t.” She looks down, taking the last hit from the blunt. She won’t meet your eyes.
“If I start touching you I can’t guarantee I can stop.” She stops herself abruptly like the sentence was forced out of her. She puts out the blunt before finally looking up at you, her confession lingering in the air between you. She’s searching your eyes for any disgust or rejection. She finds none.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Ellie just looks at you, eyes wide with disbelief. You’re suddenly aware of how desperately your body is craving her touch. Your entire body ignites with a type of electricity, it courses through you causing your skin to become tingly. 
Using your sudden desperation as a sort of courage you climb over to straddle Ellie’s lap. You hold onto her shoulders to steady yourself and Ellie backs the seat as far away from the steering wheel as she can. She keeps looking at you with those wide eyes. She moves her hands to cup your face gently, like she’s convinced you'll disappear. She keeps searching your eyes, looking for any hint of hesitation and all she finds is pure hunger. 
She kisses you, her lips are so soft and warm you immediately relax. You move your hands from her shoulders and thread them into her hair and she kisses you harder. She uses her tongue to open up your mouth and you groan at the sensation. She moves her hands down under the hem of your shirt. She grabs your breasts and starts roughly massaging the soft skin. She pulls down one of the cups of your bra and starts teasing your nipple. She pinches it between her fingers and you moan into her mouth at the feeling. She stops the kiss to pull your shirt over your head and immediately continues as she throws your shirt into the passenger's seat. She moves her mouth down and encloses it around your nipple, you gasp at the feeling of her warm tongue sucking and circling your sensitive bud. The ache between your legs has become more noticeable, it’s demanding attention. You start grinding a bit on Ellies lap. The seam of your jeans is barely teasing your clit through your underwear. It was heavenly, but not enough. 
Ellie is trying to devour you. She moves her mouth from your breasts to your neck. Exploring with gentle kisses until she finds just the right spot. She nips and sucks until you're squirming on her lap uncontrollably. 
“Back seat.”  She breathes out. You nod vigorously and climb off her lap and awkwardly maneuver your way to the back seat. You lean up against the car door while Ellie adjusts her seat again to make room. It gives you a moment to breathe before she moves to straddle your waist and continues where she left off. She kisses between your breasts down your stomach, gently making a trail down your body with her lips. She’s so gentle and slow, the feeling of her soft lips on your body is driving you insane. 
She gets to the hem of your jeans and unbuttons them. This is where you start to realize you’re entering uncharted territory. You’re trying not to panic, but suddenly a breathy “Ellie,” Escapes from your swollen lips. She immediately pauses and looks up at you. She sees the slight nervousness in your expression and immediately understands.
“No one’s ever-” You don’t even know how to finish that sentence without embarrassing yourself. 
“I know,” Her face softens “We’ll go nice and slow, tell me when I need to stop okay?” 
“Okay.” You nod and Ellie continues unbuttoning your jeans. Nervous butterflies invade your stomach, despite your altered state. Ellie pulls the jeans off and throws them on the floor. She then takes off her flannel leaving her in a black tank top. Her biceps and veins are enhanced by the moonlight, You can see her muscles flex and move as she does. She moves down kissing along the hem of your panties before placing a kiss on your clit. The sight of her head between your thighs is enough to push the ache in your cunt to an unbearable level. She teases you over the fabric, rubbing her fingers up and down your slit slowly. She brushes her finger over your clit repeatedly and a desperate whine escapes from your mouth.
“I know princess, just a little longer.” Ellie is savoring you like you’re the last thing she’ll ever see. She places light kisses on your inner thighs as she continues to tease you. 
Finally she moves your panties to the side. She runs a finger from your entrance to your clit collecting the wetness that pooled between your legs. You can’t help but whimper, your clit feels ten times more sensitive than usual. Every time Ellie is near it the feeling reverberates through your entire body. She blows out a breath on your cunt and the feeling is heavenly. 
“Doing ok, pretty girl?” She looks up from between your legs and you have to resist squeezing them together at the sound of her voice. It was low and raspy, and every word sounded like honey. 
“Yes.” You nod, your eyes squeeze shut in frustration.
“Look at me.” Her voice was lower, demanding. “I’m gonna make you feel good, I promise.” And with that she lowers her mouth onto your bare cunt. She laps at your clit lightly, she moves her tongue in circles around it, continuing her teasing. She licks from your entrance up to your sensitive bud and begins sucking on it. Your hips immediately buck up towards Ellie’s mouth at the foreign feeling. You are moaning loudly and uncontrollably, you had no idea anything could ever feel this way. It’s almost too much. 
Ellie moves her finger to circle your wet hole, once you relax a little she starts to slowly push her finger into you. She makes sure to be slow and careful. 
“Ellie.” You whine out once curls her finger and hits just the right spot inside you. She continues sucking on your clit and slowly curling her finger inside of you. 
“God you're so tight, you gotta relax for me princess.” You try to focus on relaxing around her finger, once you do Ellie adds a second finger. Your cunt swallows it greedily and you whimper at the pressure of two of her slender fingers inside of you. She sucks at your clit even harder and you gasp out “Ellie please ‘s too much.” 
Ellie pauses for a moment “I know baby, you just have to breathe for me. Here, hold onto me.” She places one of your hands on her arm which is wrapped around your thigh. You do what she says and relax under her. You try to let your body melt into her. “That’s it, you’re doing so well for me.” 
She starts sucking lightly on your clit again. You impulsively use your other had to grab at her hair at the feeling. The pleasure in your stomach is starting to come to a high point, you’ve never felt this before. It was all consuming. Ellie is making little groaning sounds which vibrate through your body. You can feel her start fucking you harder, her fingers hitting that spongey spot inside of you at every thrust. Your back starts to arch while the pressure in your belly grows. Nothing has ever felt like this, it's building to a point so intense you almost start to worry.
“Els, what-” You barely get your question out before blinding pleasure takes over your body. You moan out Ellie's name loudly over and over as she continues to fuck you. It moves in waves, crashing through you causing you to buck your hip into Ellie's mouth and fingers over and over. You whimper and whine each time her fingers move in and out of you. She fucks you through the whole thing until you start squirming away. 
She pulls her fingers out of you and sucks them clean. You stare in disbelief, you didn’t even know someone could do that. Your arousal was covering her lips and chin, glistening. She crawls on top of you to kiss you and you can taste yourself on her tongue. If your limbs weren’t jelly that alone would be enough to make you want to do all of that again. 
“I am so glad you chose to get high with me, you have no idea.” Ellie’s smile is contagious. It has just registered you’ve never seen it like this, laying below her, it felt right. 
“Yea let’s do that again sometime soon.” You both laugh a little. Ellie lays her head on your chest and sighs. 
“Very soon.”
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
Lily and James — the alchemical Queen and King. Lily is the main symbol of the entire saga.
In Harry Potter, there are two levels - the mundane and the symbolic. On the mundane level, Lily is a character with her own strengths and weaknesses. On the symbolic level, Lily is the main symbol of the entire saga. Perhaps that's why there's so little talk about her because symbolically Lily is what everyone strives for, everyone searches for but cannot find. Harry learns more about Lily only before the final battle, and there's a reason for that.
It's no secret that HP books are heavily laden with alchemical and Christian symbolism. I'm not religious, and to me, all these symbols are just cultural codes that have had a significant influence on almost all classic literature and art.
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Philipp Otto Runge, Chagall, Goethe — they're all alchemical codes
Firstly, alchemy is not about literally turning lead into gold, it's a path of spiritual development, a path of transformation, a "hero's journey," the journey of the Son returning to the Father. Alchemical transformation is described in the text "The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz." This is the third manifesto of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
So, lilies are a very ancient symbol.
According to Jewish legends, the lily grew in Eden just at the time of Eve's temptation by the devil and could be defiled by him, but even amid temptation, it remained as pure as it was, and no dirty hand dared to touch it. In early medieval depictions, Christ was placed against a backdrop of lilies or in the lily flower, seen as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The orange lily often symbolizes the blood of Christ.
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Symbolically, Lily is the love of God, a divine spark, and the blood of Christ itself, which was shed in the name of redemption and salvation to atone for the sins of all humanity. And what is the blood of Christ? In Christian tradition, the blood of Jesus Christ is a symbol of the life-giving and saving spirit of God.
By the way, lilies and roses were often confused in translations, and symbolically they are the same. Many suspected that the Rosicrucians' rose is a stylized version of the Egyptian and Indian flowering lotus, and the lotus has often been considered a water lily (they are different, but symbolically they merged). But calling the main character Rose would be too dull and obvious a reference.
Lily - symbolically, she is both the mother of Christ and the Spirit of God herself, the bearer of divine love, to which all seekers are drawn. This is not the only meaning, but for now, it's enough.
God is love, says John the Apostle. (Remus John Lupin, hehe. It was absolutely unnecessary to know his middle name. It's intentionally inserted because each of the marauders, except Sirius, by name signifies one of the disciples closest to Christ. Sirius is a separate story, he signifies something completely different.)
And who is drawn? Well, primarily we see two - James and Snape.
One of the most important things we learn about James is that he's a deer. The deer is a well-known symbol. In myths and folk beliefs, the deer was associated with the soul's aspiration to heaven and purification.
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God" Ps. 42: 1
In the Alexandrian "Physiologus," there's an ancient enmity between the stag and the serpent. The serpent hides from the foe in the clefts of the earth, but the stag, with the help of water, draws out the serpent and defeats it. (Water has always been a symbol of the serpent, even in Slytherin's element water, but the stag fights the serpent not with ordinary water but with the water of baptism. The snake has another important meaning for alchemy, but more on that later.)
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Snape belongs to the Serpent, to secret knowledge, occult knowledge, "philosophical" reason, dark magic, which has always been contrary to the divine nature in Christian understanding and originated from the devil. James belongs to the Lion and the Deer.
The Lion is a typical alchemical symbol. Also, the Red Lion is Christ. Gryffindor embodies the soul's aspiration towards light and transformation, towards salvation. By the way, St. Godric (the hermit) also had his own pet deer, which he saved.
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The deer seeks love, the spirit of God, the divine spark, God Himself, and in this persistent pursuit is shown James's path, as a seeker and as an alchemist. The Potters — if not alchemists themselves, then at least from the lineage of alchemists — the Peverells (The symbol of the Deathly Hallows is an alchemical-masonic symbol). And this means that the Potters are at least seekers; in their souls, there is a desire to find the divine and undergo transformation. The Potters have a strong hatred for the 'serpentine essence' of evil, and this is what needs to be transformed. (By the way, the graveyard is located near St. Jerome's Church. Besides translating the Bible into Latin, Jerome also healed and tamed a lion).
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Masonic-alchemical symbol. Symbol of the philosopher's stone. Symbol of the Deathly Hallows. Solve et coagula is a principle of alchemy meaning "dissolve and coagulate".
An alchemist is a gardener, and this is another interesting reference to James and Lily. The way James tries to find an approach to Lily is an alchemical process. The alchemist tends to the Garden. In Vrisvik's Great Work (the Magnum Opus), it appears as the Garden of the Wise. The Gates to the Garden of the Wise for the Chosen become the process of dissolving "our Substance." James manages to approach Lily only when he dissolves his Ego. The Ego is the main enemy on the path to transformation.
The tradition of "hermetic gardening," that is, "cultivating the flowers of Wisdom in one's garden," becomes a leading line in alchemical symbolism. James cultivates wisdom.
While Snape cultivates "dark knowledge," although his soul also strives for light and love. But Snape is still too captured by his Ego, too captivated by base emotions, a thirst for revenge, recognition, or power, a craving for "secret knowledge." He cannot resist it, no matter how much he may strive for Lily, for the divine transformation of his spirit, and James, still dwelling in his Ego, instead of showing mercy to Snape, pushes him further away. The stag fights the serpent, but God is love. Ultimately, Snape temporarily closes off the paths of alchemical transformation for himself.
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The Rebis is the end product of the alchemical magnum opus or great work. The lion must dissolve the serpent. Hermetic gardening. The alchemical wedding: the Queen and the King.
But besides all this, the deer is also a symbol of eternal renewal and victory over death ("The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" 1 Corinthians 15:26 ). A symbol of Christ. His constantly renewing antlers represent eternal life.
In the original Greek of the New Testament, the names Jacob and James are variants of the same root—Yaaqob. James is an active force, a seeker, an investigator, a supplanter. James the Great was of a rather impulsive character, but everyone was also amazed by his courage, he was the only one who acknowledged Christ as the Messiah. And he is the only apostle whose death is described in the New Testament. He dies at the hands of King Herod, a cynical and evil king who was willing to murder babies for his purpose. James also dies at the hands of Voldemort, who is willing to kill a baby for his purpose.
Moreover, it was Saint James who was considered the heavenly patron of alchemists. His tomb was located in Santiago de Compostela, which was the oldest center of adepts. It was there, in 1378, after twenty years of unsuccessful attempts to decipher the Book of Hieroglyphic Figures, that Nicolas Flamel, the most famous alchemist of the Middle Ages, went. By the way, Shell Cottage... the scallop shell is a symbol of the apostle James and the "trademark" of the Way of St. James. Shell Cottage is also alchemical. It is there that Harry sees the symbol of the Deathly Hallows around Lovegood's neck.
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James is a seeker. Lily is a symbol of the divine spirit, sparks, transformation. That to which all must ultimately come, that which must change in our world in the image of God. But for now, our world is seized by evil, by the antichrist. To defeat death means to defeat the antichrist in one's soul.
James finds Lily. The Soul finds the Spirit. The Spirit descends into the Soul. The King and Queen marry—and a new life is born, another hero capable of defeating the evil that has engulfed the world, capable of cleansing the world of evil. The connection between Harry and Christ is no secret to anyone.
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The power of love conquers death. A rune appears on Harry's forehead—Sowilo rune—the victory rune, the sun rune, the irreversible rune. It symbolically serves as the key to the world of Alfheim—the world of the light elves, that is, the bright ideas, the prototypes of the buddhial plane, the ideality in this world.
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The key to God. Harry becomes marked. His scar is a reminder to him that he came into this world not just by chance, but to destroy evil. And coming into this world, materializing, a person invariably receives a particle of the antichrist within himself. That's how this world works. Evil is in the soul of each of us, and through the Great Work, a person must purify himself.
And none can live while the other survives, because they mutually exclude each other by their very nature. Christ and antichrist.
But Harry has a difficult path ahead, the path of the Great Work before he can achieve victory. And that will be the theme of all 7 books, 7 years — exactly 7 days is the duration of The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz for the transformation oh his soul, for victory over death.
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t34-mt · 2 months
What jewelry do kyhuines and maanuls have?
and what jewelry do humans have? many various ones that are influenced by the environment, history in terms of current fashion, current movements, beliefs and etc... same goes for them! but aside from the boring answer:
pre-alp traverse traditional jewlery by maanuls might share a common theme of being centered around the sea despite the various cultures, because maanuls lifestyle and everything they need revolve around the sea. People live near it, people live in structures at shores or in the sea, people may be part of sea-fearing ethnic groups who spend their lives out there on boats. some seafearing communities are more stationary than others but the life on a boat remains. Pre-alp traverse and first contact with kyhuines, maanuls lives depended on the oceans only. and it reflects in their art forms and folklore a lot. which include jewelry, from literal depictions of an animal from the shore to just more vague imagery, or usage of shells, the ocean can be found through many pieces of jewelry across the globe.
earings are very common among maanuls, the triangle skin hoods over their ears can be pierced. Although that defeats their purpose of blocking water once flattened against their temples, not that it was efficient at its job to begin with either way, so it's not a big loss of functionality in the end. Much like human lobes they have to be careful with the weight of their earrings. Because they can always risk having it slowly rip because of gravity. I guess for them it might take longer. Since gravity is lower its not pulling on it as hard as it is on earth. And the pierced ear hole sits on top of a cartilage ridge.
piercings? yes, maanuls are half made out of skin, and piercings are plausible on many parts of the body. Such as the face, but piercings on the face are restricted to certain areas, and all of them are temporary. They're surface piercings and they'll come out rather fast because facial muscles are constricted a lot in maanuls for facial expressions to communicate. just like how a bridge piercing in humans don't last long because we move our eyebrows constantly.
The "nose" isn't an area they can pierce, the skin there is rather tight against the structure, its hard to pull any for a surface type. Piercing through it is quite horrible and will in almost every case end up in a bloody injury. Sometimes leading to an infection too. Its literally a cartilage hell with so many blood vessels hanging around. also, this is a sensory organ they use for facial interaction with one another, so they rather have it "untouched". And the nose is never pierced successfully. Then the person with it will be seen as a masochistic. A "nose" piercing for them wouldn't look like a hoop passing through it, but more so probably a curved bar inside the structure, with each side of the nose protruding with a little piece of jewelry.
traditional kyhuine jewelry dating before the alp traverse and first contact with maanuls, does not have an overarching theme like maanuls does. Their lives do not revolve around one big thing, as kyhuines as a whole can live in incredibly diverse biomes from each other, think of the biome variety found in SWANA. if you know you know then. However, things such a jewelry based on bugs (domesticated species or not) can be a common recurring thing because of how bugs are a big part of their diet + they have many domesticated species. Some domesticated themselves because kyhuines let them in their homes for various reasons.
pierced ears in kyhuines? its impossible to find. why? because kyhuines do not have external ears. what they have on their head is just some sort of "plumicorn", identical to what prairie chickens have. just growing at a different angle. The plumicorns in kyhuines are raised up for the neutral expression all the time. If you plucked a kyhuine their heads would be smooth, and you'd find the ear holes near the eyes. If you find old art on my blog with kyhuines having earrings that's just me being indicative of what I wanted. But yeah, in conclusion, no earrings for kyhuines can be found.
piercings in kyhuines are rare because they're covered in feathers everywhere apart from the pelvis, gular sack, around eyes and snout end, and keel. and only the facial skin can be piercable, mainly piercing under the eyes by pulling the extra saggy skin if there's enough. they last longer than they do with maanuls, because kyhuine facial muscles are stiffer. they emote emotions via opening their mouths, tahofah fans, sounds, inflating gular sack, and piloting/ flattening their plumicorns. not a lot of contracting facial muscle is involved in it. I'd say they're much more common in plateau/mountain flank groups, where the dulls have wattles under their eyes. Its just extra skin that can receive piercings or minimal dot tattoos. one of the few ethnicities to be able to do tattooing because of this extra skin bit
example of a haut-plateau / moutain flank dull ("dull" being an afab individual) kyhuine. sketch from some months ago i never finished but you see the idea ->
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i do not think they could pierce their gular sack safely, perhaps if the jewelry in the pierced hole is flexible? after all pierced holes will close back. But i don't know about this one yet.
necklaces usually are lose enough that they hang under the gular sac area, just to be safe and not break it if they inflate it for whatever reason. although necklaces that are several decorative hard pieces on a stretchable threat where it can widen in case the person inflates their sac is also a thing. but the first option is the most popular and spread out. Plus, several ethnic groups will consider it indecent to have a gular sack exposed, leading to covering it with tight necklaces, or much more commonly just tissue. as its more convenient and can be a part of a larger piece of cloth.
in mierthri kyhuines, jewelry is considered as clothing for them. average conception of clothes as in like sewed tissue together is a no for them. as it might weigh them down and restrict movement during gliding. if they wear clothes its super minimal and most of them just do not wear anything for convenience, and when they do its 1 piece where they just have to slide their head in, the sides are cut so they dont restrict any arm movement. And even then, these clothes are mainly used for events only and not as a day-to-day thing. although exceptions can be seen in kaar'kchir immigrant mierthri communities. Not because they're forced to, but because of cultural exchange and cultures evolving and merging together.
the jewlery in mierthri kyhuines is either at their necks as a necklace or ankles as a ring or band. ribbons are used too, even if they're cloth are still a decorative items that for mierthri kyhuines count as a full piece of clothing. ribbons are attached to the ankle of the end of their tail. when they fly around gliding, the ribbon, or necklace, ankle jewlery are mainly used for quick identification in the community. for example, spotting a paramedic.
after the traverse of the Alps and first contact between the two cousin species, many cultures merge through immigration and create new ones, many communities become of mixed species, and people bring their cultures where they go. which will include the jewelry! and it will evolve, its adapted into new etnic groups or modified to be more in the taste of the people living here, new fashion movements get created and so on with variants like this.
i could think of more to yap about, but i think that's all for this one. thank you for reading!
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ozai-the-bonsai · 4 months
Thank you for answering my Zuko request ask. My request is Zuko x reader, water tribe princess. They have an underwater cave kingdom. Her father chose to follow his ancestors decision to stay in isolation like the other tribes. Her mother was murdered by an earth king assassin or a northern water tribe assassin (Ozai set it up to look like either tribe). They enter an alliance and betroth Zuko and the reader. Ozai wanted access to their underwater passage ways and healers for his army. The two meet before his banishment and seem to like eachother. During his banishment the underwater kingdom is open to him. They make a plan to lure the avatar and put him to sleep during a celebration banquet. Sokka finds the princess beautiful and flirts with her. Zuko has to keep his fire in check when spying on them. During the banquet a fight breaks out, Zuko vs Sokka and Aang. Sokka thinks Zuko is holding the reader hostage. Katara and the reader have a water bender fight before the Gaang escape. “I’m sorry sister of the south, but I have to protect my people so stand aside!” Aang realizes how sad and trapped the nations have gotten.
Pairing: Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Summary: See request
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: I guess implied sex, but nothing explicit
Additional details: Perhaps I didn't really have to give any thought to these details at all but I cannot start writing something out with question marks in my head. So this is how I imagined the underwater cave kingdom to be: the only way into the kingdom is through a special current in the sea. The kingdom resides in the Eastern Sea between the Eastern Airtemple and the Chameleon Bay of the Earth Kingdom. Which means that they control the waterways leading up to Ba Sing Se. Even though it is an underwater cave, the cave itself is not filled with water. I didn't really like the idea of everyone having to somehow breathe underwater all the time and literally live like people in Atlantis, hence I figured the almighty Waterbenders of the tribe have (with the assistance of the Ocean Spirit) found a way to keep the water away from their city. You can imagine it like a huge vein of caves inside a submerged volcano in the sea but without the water filling in the caves. Lastly, everyone is able to breathe normally without any oxygen shortage due to rich underwater plant life (like the algae) and the plankton around the caves, which produce the needed oxygen. Note: I am a computer scientist, not an oceanologist, so there may very well be problems with my construction. If that is the case, I am really sorry!
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"Princess, your guest is here."
Your blue eyes found the servant standing at your door through the mirror as you combed your hair. Realising how fast your heartbeat became by the second, you simply nodded at the servant, not uttering any words. It had been quite a while since you had last seen him, all the longing and the daydreaming had left you overmuch excited for his return.
Deep down, you really wished that you were the sole reason for his return to the Eastern Water Tribe; however, you very well knew that he was here for the big day that is tomorrow. For him, duty always came first - even though he did love you with all his heart.
The moment you saw his reflection through the mirror as he entered your chambers, your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, you turned around and stood up, your gaze meeting his. "You are finally here," you muttered, taking big steps towards him. "After all those long months, you are finally here."
As soon as you saw the shift in his amber eyes, you found yourself inside his arms, his lips capturing yours hungrily. The determination had left its place to longing. "I wish we had more time for each other, my love," Prince Zuko whispered in your ear as his warm lips left a trail of kisses down your neck, stealing your next breath. "But you know - we cannot allow distractions."
"I have missed you, Zuko," you spoke as you wrapped your arms around his body; his cold, firebender armour cold against your silver, satin gown.
Prince Zuko and you had been betrothed ever since you two were kids - eleven, to be more precise. At first, it was simply a great way to form an alliance with Fire Lord Ozai in exchange for giving the Fire Navy access to your tribe's underwater passageways and exceptional healers.
Your father, the Chief of the Eastern Water Tribe, had decided to form such an alliance and side with the Fire Nation after your mother was murdered by a Northern Water Tribe assassin.
Originally, the Eastern Water Tribe had lived in isolation, not meddling with the complications of the other Nations. Even during the war, the tribe had stayed neutral for many decades. The only sided act that could be considered had been carried out to help your sister tribes - whenever a Southern or Northern ship was spotted, the men of your tribe would ensure they had a safe and easy ride through the Eastern Sea.
Of course, the way your sisters and brothers from the North repaid the kindness of your tribe had changed everything. That night, as your mother gave her very last breath in the arms of your father, each and every person in your tribe swore to make the North pay for what they had done. Knowing that as the Eastern Wate Tribe alone, you would not stand a chance against the forces of the Northern Water Tribe, your father spent countless nights trying to find a way for your tribe to gain more power.
Then, one day, the proposal from the Fire Lord reached the Royal Chambers of the Eastern Water Tribe.
However, not to lose the upper hand, both your tribe and the Fire Nation had been holding this alliance as a secret - on the surface, it seemed like it was just two nations doing trading and some political business, nothing more. Also, only the Royal Families in both Nations knew about the betrothal.
Even after Zuko's banishment, your tribe left its doors wide open for him and his crew whenever they needed help around the Eastern Sea; they were also granted special access to your tribe's underwater passageways. Moreover, your father, the Chief, agreed to help the Banished Prince - his future son-in-law - on his quest to capture the Avatar.
After hearing the news about the return of The Last Airbender, you contacted Zuko, letting him know that Eastern Water Tribe was ready to help him if he needed any kind of assistance. That was when he came up with a discreet plan, at the end of which he would have his honour back and you would have your Prince back.
"Are the preparations done?" Zuko asked as he stepped back to look into your blue eyes. You nodded as a cunning smile formed on your lips.
With slow movements, you started to take off his armour. "At this time tomorrow, the Avatar will have fallen into his forever slumber," your voice was a mere whisper as you placed the body armour carefully on the ground. Reaching onto your fingertips, you brought your lips to a level with Zuko's ear. "You will have got your honour and your throne back," Zuko shivered slightly as he felt your warm breath licking the skin of his neck. You could hear his breath getting deeper and deeper. "And I will have had my Prince back at my side."
You let your satin gown fall down onto the ground, leaving you completely naked as Zuko's amber eyes darkened with lust and desire.
[Time Skip]
"I have never been to the Eastern Water Tribe before!" the Avatar spoke with much enthusiasm in his voice while you and your father led him and his friends to the Great Hall, where the celebration banquet was going to be held. You yourself were being followed by a Royal Guarding whereas your father had two - ever since the assassination of your mother, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without a Royal Guardian.
Of course, there normally wasn't a Fire Nation Crown Prince under the Royal Armour. Since the helmet of the armour was large enough to cover most of his scar, no one took another look at him.
"We have always preferred living in isolation, you see," your father spoke with a deep voice, his dark blue robe moving with each step. "Not only isolated from the other Nations but from our sister Tribes as well."
Only you could hear the sorrow and anger in his voice when he uttered the words sister Tribes.
Katara, the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, nodded at your father's words. "That is probably why we have never really heard anything about your tribe," she said, then a frown appeared on her face. "But, you haven't been acting neutral during this war, right?"
"Actually, we have." You spoke before your father could take the word. "Just like the North, we don't mess with anyone unless they mess with us. And since no one can find the Easter Water Tribe without having someone from inside, this has worked out quite well for us."
Aang, the Avatar, was frowning too. "At some point, you will have to take action - we all depend on the balance!"
A big, fake smile inhabited your father's lips as you arrived at the Great Hall, which was illuminated by bioluminescent plants hanging from the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow on the cavern walls. "That is why we are holding this feast in your name, young Avatar, to celebrate your return and offer you our support, as the Eastern Water Tribe, while you put an end to this war and restore balance to the world!"
Everyone sitting inside the Great Hall began to applaud upon hearing your father's words. You, too, had a fake smile on your lips as you turned right, only to come face to face with the boy from the Southern Water Tribe - who happened to be Katara's older brother.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked Sokka because of the way he had been staring at you the whole time. Hearing your question caused him to shake himself properly to get rid of the drooling expression on his face.
"No, nothing, it is just a regular face!" Sokka immediately went red after realising what he had said. Dropping your Princess façade for a brief moment, you raised an eyebrow at him, Sokka started to wave his arms in the air. "I didn't mean it that way, I meant you have just your face on your face."
The brow was still arched. "You are not making this any better."
From behind, you heard Katara giggling.
Taking a deep breath, Sokka let his head fall down to his chest, averting your gaze as he spoke. "I was staring at you because of how pretty you are." He muttered quickly, almost as if he didn't want you to understand what he was saying.
A small, professional smile formed on your lips as you placed the side of your index finger under Sokka's chin to lift it up gently so that you could look into his eyes. "I really appreciate the compliment, Sokka from South."
As you all made your way towards the main table, you slowed down your steps on purpose, waiting for Zuko to catch up with you. Taking the hint, the Banished Prince walked a little bit faster. "Keep your fire in check, my love." You whispered, your gaze still fixed on the table in front of you with a big smile inhabiting your lips. "You are steaming, literally."
It was impossible not to feel jealousy radiating off Zuko's body but on top of that, he was indeed producing steam on top of his head with his firebending. He quickly shook himself to get his temper under control.
"I don't like the way he is looking at you," Zuko whispered under his armour, walking you towards your place next to your father. "You should have worn the betrothal necklace I have made for you."
You had to tighten the grip you had on yourself not to giggle, you found it somehow adorable how jealous he was getting. "Nobody knows that I'm engaged, we cannot blow up our cover just yet."
Katara was seated to your left and the Avatar was right next to your father. Sokka, upon seeing that you were headed to the seat next to Katara, decided he wanted to make himself comfortable close to his sister. Zuko clenched his fists.
"That peasant is pushing his luck," Zuko muttered under his breath. "But my patience is not infinite."
As if you have any, you thought to yourself while gathering your icy blue robe neatly before taking your seat.
[Time Skip]
"Is that a betrothal necklace?" You asked Katara while waiting for the dessert to be served. "Who is the lucky boy?"
The young waterbender's right hand went immediately to her neck as she shook her head while giggling. "Oh no, you have got it wrong - I am not ready for something like that, yet." She corrected the situation. Then, sadness fell onto her blue eyes. "I got this from my mother, who got it from my grandmother." Katara turned her gaze away. "This necklace is the only thing I have left of her."
Understanding the meaning behind her words, your expression softened immediately, empathy inhabiting your eyes. "I am so sorry, Katara." You spoke with a low voice as you placed your left hand on top of her right one in a sisterly manner.
"Thank you," Katara spoke with a low voice as well. "She died when I was little, during a Fire Nation raid."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, you pulled yours back. "I can understand how you feel." You said, your words causing the young waterbender to look into your eyes. "I lost my mother, too."
Before you two could share more about both your pasts, the Avatar came flying on an airball. "Hey, Katara, you should check this out!" Aang called at the waterbender. "I have met an incredible Waterbeding Master!"
The moment she heard Aang's words, Katara's eyes were highlighted. "Please, excuse me, I need to go with Aang."
As soon as his sister was gone, Sokka quickly slid onto her seat to be right next to you. "So, uh you enjoying this banquet?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
"It is just another feast for me" You responded with a smile as the servants brought the dessert. "But, how about you? How are you finding the Eastern Water Tribe so far?"
"It's... different," Sokka admitted, glancing around. "I mean, it's not every day you visit an underwater kingdom, am I right?" He chuckled nervously, making you laugh as well.
Upon seeing that the dessert was finally served, Sokka quickly stuffed some into his mouth, swallowed the piece probably as a whole, wiped his mouth smoothly with the blue napkin and turned to look at you once again, acting like the awkward stuffing moment hadn't even happened. "It seems like we will be sticking around longer than just a night."
Looking at where he pointed his head, you raised an eyebrow upon seeing that Katara and Aang were practising some basic waterbending moves with one of the masters' in your tribe. "Oh," you muttered as you turned back to Sokka. "I didn't know the Avatar was looking for a Waterbending Master."
Sokka nodded at you while leaning in a little bit closer. Once again, you could feel the jealousy radiating off Zuko's body. "He needs to master all four elements so that he can face and defeat the Fire Lord. Water is the next in line."
"I see," you said, your arms crossed over your chest. "In that case, you indeed need to stay a little bit longer than intended."
As if the Avatar will be leaving this place any time soon - once we put him into his eternal slumber, Eastern Watertribe will become his forever home.
"Since I won't be practising any waterbending for obvious reasons, would you be interested in, maybe, hanging out?" Sokka asked you, it felt like he had to use all the courage he could gather. "Or do an activity together?"
For a brief moment, you put your princess façade down without even noticing. "Shouldn't you have waited for the third date for that?" You put your hands over your mouth upon realising what you said. After the short, awkward silence, you and Sokka both burst into laughter.
Sokka's eyes wandered to your neck for a second. "You don't have a betrothal necklace?" He asked, kind of surprised. You needed a moment to remind yourself that nobody knew about Zuko; then, you shook your head.
The image of Zuko clenching his jaw and fists appeared in front of your eyes - even though you couldn't see him for he was standing behind you, it was quite easy to imagine how he looked like at the present moment.
"Well, who knows - maybe you will get one before we leave the Eastern Water Tribe." Sokka spoke, his voice flirtatious.
"That's enough!"
Before you could grasp Sokka's words, you saw a fire blast flying in his direction. The next thing you knew, Aang was standing between a frightened Sokka lying on the floor and a furious (and jealous) Zuko throwing away his helmet. The Airbender used his glider to dodge the flames and save his friend from getting burnt.
"Zuko?!" Aang shouted in a confused way. "What are you doing here?"
The Banished Prince held you from your upper arm and made you stand by his side. "Zuko, you're hurting me!" You tried to keep your voice as low as you could. Upon hearing you, he loosened his hold on you.
"Sorry, love, I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.
"There is a Fire Nation spy in the middle of your celebration and nobody is going crazy?!" Sokka asked in the circle as the noise in the background dimmed down. You realised how Sokka's eyes wandered from Zuko's hand holding you from your arm to your blue eyes which shined with fear. Of course, it wasn't for the reasons Sokka thought - you were afraid that your plan was about to fail.
"He is holding the Princess hostage!"
Without giving you any time to react, Sokka threw his boomerang right at Zuko, who ducked to avoid the boomerang, making you duck with himself. The next moment, you saw fire and air blasts clashing at each other, causing a giant explosion that threw both Aang and Zuko off of their feet.
Taking the opportunity, Sokka ran towards you. "Come on, follow me, there isn't much time!" He told you as he tried to drag you behind him but you forcefully shook your arms free from his hold.
"Let me go, Sokka." You spoke with a dangerous voice, which caused Sokka to take a step back rather clumsily. His blue eyes were wide with shock.
"You..." He stuttered while pointing behind your shoulder. "You are with him?"
The moment you heard Zuko's voice coming from behind you, a smirk formed on your lips. "Yes, you peasant - she is with me." He wrapped his arm around your waist. "For the record, she does have a betrothal necklace."
You chuckled at his words. "The Crown Prince of the Fire Nation craved it himself!"
Sokka's jaw dropped - if it could go any lower, it would hit the ground.
Upon realising that Aang was getting ready to take off, your father's deep voice filled the Great Hall. "Guards, do not let the Avatar escape!"
You knew the fear and betrayal falling into Aang's big, grey eyes had to make you feel guilty at some point, but it really didn't. Using the water from the cups next to you, you froze Sokka's feet to the ground while Zuko went after the Avatar, followed by the guards.
"Be careful!" You shouted, mostly for the guards to hear. "We need him alive!"
The water whip hitting you from behind left you screaming in pain as you quickly turned back, only to see the rage inhabiting Katara's pretty face. She was using the water from the waterfall that adorned the Great Hall.
"Why?" She asked as she generated ice spikes and threw them in your direction, one by one. "Why are you siding with the Fire Nation?" Using the waterfall as she did, you created a wall of ice with a swift movement of your hand. All the spikes Katara sent crashed into the wall, either falling onto the ground or getting stuck in the wall. "After everything they have done to our families?"
"Our families?" You asked while sending the ice wall at a breakneck speed. "It is funny how you so readily assumed that I was scarred by Fire Nation as if they are the only villains in this story!"
Katara turned the ice wall into a pile of water, created a huge wave out of it and tried to wash you over with it - only for you to part the wave in two with your hands. "I don't understand."
The water from the wave started to elevate in single drops, which then froze. "My mother was murdered by an assassin from the Northern Water Tribe." You spoke with a venom-like voice as the ice drops turned into ice bullets. Katara pulled more water from the waterfall.
"It... It cannot be. The North wouldn't do that! No one from the Water Tribes would do such a thing!"
You let out a condescending laughter as you made the ice bullets rotate around their own axis. "You are still so naive, Katara." Taking a deep breath, you took your offensive stance. "I am sorry, sister from the South, but I have to protect my people from the likes that have taken my mother away from me - so stand aside!"
However, before you could launch your attack on Katara, a boomerang hit the back of your head, knocking you out and sending you into a relatively long slumber.
"Sokka, Aang!" Katara yelled in joy as the boys caught up with her. "How did you manage to get away from the guards?"
"Hop on, there is no time to waste!" Aang was flying his glider with Sokka hanging from his leg. Taking the boomerang, Katara wrapped her arms around Sokka's body as the Airbender flew them clumsily towards the gate from which they had come in the first place.
"Aang kind of crushed the cave right on top of their heads," Sokka replied to Katara's question after getting off the glider. "Anyways, do you think you guys can get us to the surface?"
Katara nodded at her brother. "Sure, I guess we could just reverse what the Royal Guard was doing while he took us down here." Realising that Aang was calmer than usual, Katara laid her hand on his shoulder. "Aang, is everything alright?"
The young Avatar shook his head. "I have never truly realised how trapped the Nations became through the war," he spoke, his sadness dripping from his voice. "We... We used to live for balance and for happiness; not for one's selfish interests and desire for revenge."
"You are not alone this time, buddy," Sokka said as he patted Aang gently on the back. "I couldn't have imagined how... corrupt this whole Tribe has become." He put on a giant, but fake, smile. "I am sure it will be nothing like this stink-hole in the North Pole!"
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @mymummydustxx @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09 @stell404 (I took everyone from my taglist from Cry for the Moon because of zuko x reader, I hope that is alright for you! If not, I am sorry for the inconvenienc :/ )
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gotgscromp · 14 days
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31 flavours
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Of course @happylittleshrub Here you go :D Word count:1K
It was a hot sweltering day on New Xandar, You must've haven't checked in with the weather man as the planet was sweltering in a heat wave. You hovered a portable fan all over your face to rid the sweat, but it only blew more hot air. Meanwhile rocket was scratching his head profusely, The heat was getting under his fur, making his skin hot and itchy under.
"Goddamn it !! I will literally blow up these sun's if i have too !!" He growled.
"And the planet would die" You reasoned even in a distressed state.
"Flark off..." He grumbled.
"Maybe we can just go out for a little bit, The wind looks like it picked up ??" You slowly rose from the chair, Your shirt sticking uncomfortably on your back.
He sighed. "Might as well, let's go humie"
As you left the ship, you were immediately blasted by brief heat, But sweet relief came in via a cool breeze.
"Now this is more like it huh pal ??" Rocket looked up at you as he climbed onto your shoulders.
"D'ast straight" You nodded as you enjoyed the breeze.
You enjoyed the breeze as you walked around, and you and Rocket watched as the Xandarians made the most of the heatwave by cooling down in various ways. Some kids were playing in the water park nearby. Some people were laying down nearby hoping to get a tan.
"I don't even understand why people want a tan, even back on terra" You shook your head.
"Whatcha mean ??" He quizzed you.
"Cause back on Terra, if you stayed out in the sun for too long you end up getting sick later in life" It was hard to explain, but this was the best way to put it for someone who hasn't been to earth.
"Yeah, fair... Don't you go sick on me humie" He flashed the familiar smirk as he noogied your head.
"Hey watch it !!" You chuckled.
Soon, a delicious smell picked up in rocket's nose... It was... so sweet. "hey, come on" He jumped off your shoulders and bolted on all fours to pick up the smell more strongly.
"Hey wait up !!" You rushed through the crowd to try and catch up to him, How was he so damn fast !!
You managed to find him at a nearby marketplace where people were selling all sorts of food, You found him blatantly staring into a window. "What is it..." You turned and your eyes went wide as saucers, the smell that rocket was picking up was ice cream !! But not just any ice cream, Yara root ice cream !! As if they were freshly ripe and ready to go.
"Guess we found a way to cool off." You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at all the flavours. They had the usual Terran flavours too, vanilla, chocolate, and raspberry. Even a few delicate flavours as well. Kree starfruit twist, Of course Yara fruit ripple and sweet zarg nuts.
"Ohohoho now we're talking" Rocket tried to leap for the door handle, which then you opened. "I could've opened it" He scoffed playfully.
"Yeah, sure" You chuckled as you entered the shop to scoop out the flavours, pun intended.
Like anything, it was hard to choose what sort of ice cream you wanted, one scoop, two or three ?? A sundae or a shake ?? Gahh !!
But rocket seemed to know what he wanted already, So without hesitation, he jumped back on your shoulders so he could be able to talk to the clerk.
"Yes hi, Could I be able to get chocolate dirt with some... gummy worms" He asked.
"Certainly, and for you ??" He soon asked you.
"Ummm... I'll get the triple scoop of Blue zazzberry, Yara fruit and vanilla" You nodded.
Rocket leaned over and paid for the two treats. "I could pay for my own" You looked at him.
"Yeah sure" He chuckled, But he wanted to, it was his shout. He may come off as the hardened bounty hunter, but you knew this softie inside and out, hence why he was your best friend.
"Order for Y/n and rocket !!" They called out as they placed the desserts on the counter.
"Thank you" You said as you grabbed them and soon headed outside to a shaded table.
"Oh, this is gonna be so flarkin' good !!" Rocket rubbed his hands together as he grabbed the spoon and began to eat, He was in heaven as the flavours hit his tongue.
Yours as well. "How is this better than the ice cream we have !!"
"Must be the Kantor milk, I ain't complainin'" He smiled as he took another bite.
There was nothing else on this planet that could've been better than this, You, your best friend, and ice cream.
"Let's make a pact to never tell Drax this" He snickered.
"Agreed, He'd eat the whole place"
It was fun while it lasted, with one last bite, your ice creams were gone, it was bittersweet... Rocket let out a burp as did you. "So good." He patted his stomach.
"This was pretty good, Might be the best damn ice cream I've had"
"You reckon ??" He looked at you.
You both shared fond smiles towards each other as you looked out into the crowds, watching them all go by. This was just easily the best day.
You felt your communicator go off in your pocket, Pulling it out and reading a text.
"The air conditioning on the ship has finally been fixed, Some of the parts were missing hence why it wasn't working" You smirked at Rocket.
"Hmm, Now who could've done that ??" He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he looked around.
"Come on, let's head back" You chuckled as you helped him up.
Maybe it wasn't bad this heat wave, you wouldn't mind if it lasted a little longer. If it was an excuse for more ice cream.
A/N: Now i want one.
Taglist: @callofdudes @rogertaylorswift @writings-of-a-demigod
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