#water harp seal
m00nb04rd5 · 5 days
Can you do a seal moodboard pls
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And Seals it shall be!
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siqk0 · 18 days
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fishing contest ~ !
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sodapop--stims · 6 months
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for @skyedom
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Recent animal doodles, sorry you can hardly see my writing on the 4th one i genuinely dont know why i drew the stars over it
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sunnytherian · 10 months
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Harp seal stimboard for myself 🦭🌊
•i'm questioning a seal theriotype, and I made this
Gifs (not in order):
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
I want a seal. Not a big deal, just wanna hang out with it.
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kiame-sama · 16 days
wait, you already said what you think the twst cast is as monsters, but what do they look like?
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Warnings: my twst monster au, almost all characters with names (other than Yuu and Grim) in monster forms, mythical creatures, deer rack point system, measurements given in ft and cm, animal traits, various animal and plant species mentioned, usually I would say to use your imagination to think it up but I have thought about this way too much myself so I may as well share ideas of what they would look like, feel free to draw these monster men and if you do please share with me because I want to see these goobers drawn, some spoilers for Rollo's backstory,
Divus is a Harp Seal Selkie;
- Divus has a black and white fur coat of a Harp Seal with slight spotting pattern similar to Leopard Seals. His coat is always shiny, clean, and wrapped around his shoulders. Divus appears fairly humanoid and close to his canon appearance other than the sharper than normal canines that are closer to the cone teeth of seals. Selkies do not part with their coats lightly so it is very rare to see one without their pelts on their shoulders. His coat is more natural Harp Seal patterning than the clear black and white lines he has in canon.
Sam is a Shadow man;
- White skull markings along his face with burning purple eyes. He has several black tattoos on his skin that move and can even detach into actual shadow to ensnare his prey. There is constantly a darkness around him that seemed to repulse light, making him appear to be surrounded in constant shadow.
Vargas is a Texas-Longhorn Minotaur;
He has very long and large bull horns with the minotaur expression on his lower half making his upper body appear human other than his horns. His lower half is the same shade as his hair with white speckling on the left leg. His tail is often lazily swinging back and forth as he talks.
Trein is a Mountain Lion Sphinx;
- Lower-half is the body of a Mountain Lion with wings, upper half is Trein's usual upper body. He does have a lot of grey and white furs/feathers due to his age in his coat and it is clear he favors his right back leg as it usually sits at an angle. He can often be seen lounging with Lucius in a sunny spot in his classroom when not teaching.
Crowley is a Crow Fae;
- Similar to his appearance in canon TWST, but his large black wings are more prominent as are the iridescent colors in them and his hair. He actually has talons on his hands and not just the golden talons. He does wear golden caps on his talons however and has a medium length train of black tail-feathers.
Ace is a Saanen Satyr;
- He has short twisted horns and his orange hair is also the same color on his goat half- just a bit darker shade. His hooves are an off-white ivory. He does have the little billy-goat scruff of a goatee due to his Satyr heritage.
Deuce is a Rocky Mountain Faun;
- Deuce has large spiral horns and his blue hair is the same color on his goat half- just a shade darker as well with white speckles around his hooves and tail. His hooves are black. Deuce does not have the goatee often seen on Satyrs and Fauns.
Note; it is part of my AU that Satyrs usually have shorter horns and are closer to farm goats in their animal halves. Fauns are closer to mountain goats and therefore have longer more curved horns often seen on rocky mountain rams. Females of both Fauns and Satyrs grow the same large horns, but their horns are often thinner around than the males of their species.
Cater is a Lake Water Nymph;
- Cater is considered unusual among Water Nymphs because of his hair's coloration being a bright red instead of a more blue or green which is more common for Water Nymphs. Cater's hair is closer in color to a red Ludwigia as he is a lake Water Nymph and the flora of lakes tend to have a fair variation of green to red color hues. Cater's bright green eyes are closer to the usual colors of Water Nymphs and he accredits this to his mother who is a river Water Nymph. In the water Cater gets fins more adapted to lake swimming so he is not as strong in currents.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko;
- He is similar to his canon appearance, but the purple and pink of his hair is also visible on the skin of his arms, legs, and back. He also now has two fluffy tails similarly striped that are often seen waving mischievously behind him.
Trey is a Kelpie Centaur;
- When out of the water, Trey's Centaur half is that of a white horse with a long tail of the same green hair that Trey's human half has. His horse half is closer muscular build to Scottish Draft horses. When in the water, the white fur of his horse half becomes a lake green with fading blue hues. His tail hair becomes more stringy like lake reeds and his fur takes a more prickly quality. His back legs become a large fin when he is submerged completely in deep water, making him more of a Hippocampus in physiology while swimming.
Riddle is a Unicorn Centaur;
- His horse half has a pure white coat with a long tail closer to that of a lion than a horse, but long bright red hair for his tail. Riddle's hooves are a rather lovely golden color that shine like metal, same with the tight spiral horn that sits in the center of his forehead. There is a faded blue star shape at the base of his horn that seems to tattoo his fair skin, he often covers this up with his bangs. His horse half is similar in musculature to that of an Arabian Horse making him appear more dainty than Trey.
Note; Cater is often seen lounging on Trey's back while Trey swims in the Heartslabyul lake with Riddle laying in the grass on the shore. They often spend their afternoons doing this and Cater will frequently try to get Riddle to swim. Thus far, he has been unsuccessful.
Jack is a Gray Wolf Werewolf;
- Unlike his canon appearance, Jack constantly has that wolf-head and white fur all over his body. He can shift between being bipedal or a quadruped with little issue between the two forms of locomotion, meaning his limbs are closer in length than human limbs. He has fur similar in length to wolves and even has paw-like hands. His tail is frequently wagging whenever he is with friends or those he is fond of.
Ruggie is a Spotted Hyena Gnoll;
- Similar to Jack, Ruggie now has a Hyena head and pelt instead of just the ears and tail. He is still somewhat humanoid, but he is still shorter than Leona or Jack. His back legs are more like a Hyena and he has that same muscular ridge on his shoulders that Hyenas do. He still has his bright blue eyes despite how odd it is for Gnolls, but his coat is the same sandy light-brown as his hair usually is with dark brown spots.
Leona is a Nemean Lion;
- Nemean Lions are golden furred beasts much larger and stronger than any regular lion on top of being impervious to damage from mortal weapons. This translates into Leona's skin having a more golden sheen to it, always seeming to look like he has been dusted with fine powder gold sparkles. His dark hair has several bright gold strands woven in that makes it shiny as well. The fur on Leona's tail and ears is also that glittering golden color which only makes the tuft of fur at the end of his tail look darker. He is a little taller than in cannon and slightly more defined in musculature due to the natural strength of Nemean lions.
Azul is a Coconut Octopus Cecaelia;
- He is very similar to how he appears in canon, but now he has several black marks along his arms and body similar to how he looks in his merman form. Even in a human form, it is clear Azul is still not human due to these dark markings that wrap around his body. A few of these black tendrils frame his cheekbones and make those brightly colored eyes of his only seem brighter.
Jade and Floyd are Moray Eel Mermen;
- Similar to Azul, Floyd and Jade look similar to how they do in cannon, but their merman features are more visible even in their human forms. The fins they have alongside their faces are now present in their human forms as are the colorations of their merman forms on their shoulders and faintly around their faces. Their gills are still visible in their human forms.
Kalim is a Genie;
- Kalim is the closest out of everyone to his canon appearance as his identity as a Genie changes very little. He will likely wear clothes akin to his dorm clothes appearance but have the addition of golden bands around his wrists and ankles. He can form legs to walk on, but often chooses to fly instead, where his legs become more smoke-like in the typical Genie 'tail' that many Genies are often seen with. Kalim now has a golden aura around him that makes him glow slightly with a golden color due to his high-magic Genie nature.
Note; Kalim sleeps in his lamp and keeps many of his treasures in his lamp as his magic allows the lamp to be more like a hotel suite than a prison cell despite the size on the outside. Only Kalim and those he invites into his lamp can enter.
Jamil is a Sand Viper Naga;
- Jamil's upper half is similar to how it is in canon, but his lower half is that of a rather large snake. His shake half is 22ft (670cm) comprised of black and maroon scales. His maroon scales are closer to the color of dried blood and often get dark enough shades that they mix with the black diamond and striping patterns his black scales make. The scales on the stomach side of his snake body are a slightly more red tone than his skin tone. He does have golden scales that line his stomach scales and are in the center of the diamond patterns on his back.
Note; Jamil often sleeps with Kalim's lamp in the coils of his Naga tail. Having come from a long line of Naga that are usually the guards and guardians of the wealth and well-being Kalim's Genie family has amassed through the years. Wherever a Genie from Kalim's family lives, so too lives a Sand Viper Naga from Jamil's family to guard them.
Vil is a Peacock Harpy;
- Vil still has his flawless skin and purple ombre hair even as a peacock harpy, but he does have hair-like cobalt blue and emerald green feathers that often get woven into braids. He also has seven pristine head feathers that are the same 'eye' patterns as his tial feathers that often lay back against his hair unless he is feeling particularly proud, in which his crest will rise up like a crown atop his head. Vill has feathering along his shoulders, upper back and neck that are the bright cobalt blue of male Indian peacocks. Along his shoulder blades are his wings which have a full span of 8ft (244cm) but are often tucked neatly against his back and folded so the flight feathers don't drag when he walks. Vil has the full peacock train of tail-feathers and spends quite a bit of time preening and grooming them to maximum shine. He will only fully display his tail-feathers when being prideful or showing off to a prospective mate.
Rook is an Australian Golden Huntsman-Spider Drider;
- Rook's legs are a long spindly gold that are many times the length of his thorax and abdomen. The thorax of his spider body is larger than the abdomen of the body due to the typical shape of Huntsman-Spiders. The thorax area on Rook's spider body has a large black mark among the back hairs trailing down to where the abdomen part of his body is more narrow and the marks become black lines making their way down. His human half is attached at the top of the thorax where the spider's eyes are usually located. His spider legs are as thick as a Human's legs, his mandibles and pedipalps being similar in thickness. His fangs are to scale and are extremely long as well as being like blacked curved knives, he often keeps them tucked away to not unsettle others.
Note; Rook and Vil have a very mutually beneficial relationship just as they do in regular TWST. Rook helps Vil preen and take care of his feathers, often being the one getting the pin feathers Vil can't reach on his back and shoulders. Rook uses the silk he creates as a Drider to make fabrics for Vil as they are of high quality, and even higher thread count. Both are content to be the others boon companion and will often be seen working together outside of class as well.
Neige is a Mourning Dove Harpy;
- Neige has the same dark black hair and big brown doe eyes he does in cannon but he also has grey-brown feathers throughout his black hair. His cheeks, neck, shoulders, and upper back have the same gray-brown feathers with speckles of dark brown, white, black, and gray feathers throughout giving a light speckling pattern. His wings are that same gray brown color and are 6.5ft (200cm) in length. The ends of his flight feathers are often trailing over the ground beneath him when he is relaxed and he rarely opens his wings fully. Like most mourning doves, he has a lovely soothing voice and his unassuming species of Harpy makes him all the more charming.
Note: I was going to make Neige a Willow Grouse Harpy due to the coloration match with Neige and his RSA uniform, but I have a childhood fondness for the call of a mourning dove and Neige is supposed to have a beautiful voice, so I figured sweet Neige can be a mourning dove and not the goofy sounding Willow Grouse.
Epel is a Beliy Naliv Apple Wood Nymph;
- Epel has white tree bark as skin, occasionally having the slight dark mark or blemish where Epel had gotten into fights despite being a more peaceful species of Wood Nymph. His hair is made up of pale green leaves that are often covered in powder lavender blooms that are the same color as his canon hair color. Epel has the same large blue eyes as he does in canon. Occasionally the blooms on his head will grow into small apples that are white due to his species of Wood Nymph being the White Cloud Apple. His skin is rougher in texture and closer to the texture of bark.
Idia is a Shinigami;
- He still has his blue flaming hair and blue tinted lips and gold eyes. His skin is closer to a light gray in tone now, his nails a natural black. He now has these scraggly black wings that are kind of like bird wings but more haggard in appearance. The feathers are more slick and almost oily in texture and have some traces of blues in them similar to Idia's hair. He can use them to fly, but they make a very loud wooshing sound that he isn't overly fond of so he doesn't often use them. His limbs are just a bit longer than they are in canon giving him a more skeletal and gaunt appearance.
Ortho is also a Shinigami;
- Similar to Idia, Ortho still has his blue flaming hair and golden eyes. He will have the same light gray skin tone Idia does, but his wings are now cybernetic due to an unfortunate accident when Ortho was much younger that caused him to lose his Shinigami wings. Ortho also has several cybernetic limbs as a result of that same accident, making monster AU ortho closer in appearance to canon Ortho, but still able to eat/sleep/behave like a living being. Ortho is not AI but does have several augments to allow his brain to function with the aid of AI due to his unfortunate incident when he was younger.
Silver is a Reindeer Cervitaur;
- Silver is a leucistic deer cervitaur. This means his deer half has white fur as well with light gray spots along his back similar to the spots fawns have for camouflage purposes. His antlers are also an ivory white, and only have three points. From burr to tip of the beam, Silver has two points at the end of the beam and one point near the burr of his antlers. Lilia throws a party any time Silver gets another point on his antlers. Silver's deer half has the musculature type closer to reindeer than whitetail deer.
Lilia is a Vampire Bat Fae;
- Similar to his canon appearance, Lilia looks almost the same in his monster AU form, but his monster AU form has bat wings and a little tail. Most bats have tails and delicate wings, so I decided Lilia should also have bat wings and a little tail. His wings are sturdier than most bats and have several holes in them from past battles he has endured. He is still the Fae variation so he has the same pointed ears, sharp teeth, and slit pupils other Fae type have. His wings are black with Light pink highlights near the tips just like his hair.
Note; Lilia likes to sleep upsidedown in this AU and will often settle himself in the cafeteria chandeliers or even the rafters of various buildings to take naps throughout the downtimes of the day. Lilia is more nocturnal in this AU as well with increased sensitivity to sounds/lights.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
- Malleus in the monster AU is similar to his canon appearance but has his dragon wings, tail, and various clusters of black scales along his body. His nails are decent length black talons and he has black scales along the backs of his hands and up his arms. His neck and upper back/shoulders have more black scales. His wings are the same deep black with a slight purple tint to them anywhere the skin is exposed. His tail is about as thick as a leg and tapers off to a wickedly sharp point that Malleus could use to impale someone if he wanted to. Black scales frame his eyes like their own kind of makeup and are more colorful around the eyes in purples and green sheens that highlight the obsidian base color of the scales.
Note; Malleus is more in touch with his dragon instincts in this AU due to being more outwardly dragon. He does make a nest out of his bed and is much more inclined to hoard things he is fond of, including but not limited to Gargoyles, unusual stones, and various creatures he takes interest in. Once he considers someone to be part of his hoard, he will be possessive of them and fiercely protective. Only creatures part of his hoard are allowed to enter his nest. Lilia, Silver, and Sebek are three of his living hoard.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae;
- His hair is a bit more wild and fur-like compared to his canon appearance with yellows mixed in to the sage green color. His teeth are much sharper and he actually has more dog-like qualities similar to Jack's canon appearance. Raiju are lightning dog mythical creatures, so Sebek's appearance will be similarly dog-like with the beastman ears and spiky furred tail that has a rougher texture compared to most fur. His tail and ear positioning will often be a dead giveaway for what emotions Sebek is feeling at the time.
Rollo is an Inferno Fire Nymph.
- Rollo's eyes are an ashen gray as is his skin and hair when he is not in his active inferno flame form. Much like a burned log, his flesh will bare the same ashen faded look to it. Rollo is usually in this form as he is not overly fond of the fire he creates and he can keep himself mostly calm despite the constant annoyance of others around him. When in his active inferno fire form, his ashen hair will ignite into flames, his gray eyes turning a bright fire red. Similarly, his skin will take a redder tone and embers will float off of his hair.
Note: Rollo's fire can burn others, but he can also consciously change the temperature of his flames to only warm and not harm if he felt so inclined. He would only willingly do this for someone he deeply loved and cared for as his full flame form reminds him far too much of his deceased brother, hence why he uses it sparingly. There are many types of Fire Nymphs, but Inferno Fire Nymphs are considered the most deadly as their flames get the hotest. Young Fire Nymphs cannot control their fire and can burn themselves out if they get too hot internally.
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mrs-bluemarine · 5 months
OKAY OKAYYY TIS THE SEASON!! It's mermay y'all and I'm doing my part! 🫡
Reblog game! Reblog w a pic of your F/o (one per reblog pls) and I'll assign them a mermaid typing or other aquatic creature (like selkies or smthm!!) My qualifications are um. I have the marine life autism AND the mermaid autism. A tofer
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I see Wes being both a harp seal selkie or an orca-mer! <3 and just because he's in the picture too, Emporio would be the cutest seahorse-mer. Palm sized baby boy 🤲
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• Whale shark divider credit is here!
• Water ripple divider is @/saradika's!
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sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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A recently weaned harp seal pup swims in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Female harp seals give birth on ice. For two weeks, pups build up fat reserves, enabling them to be weaned from their mothers, to withstand frigid waters, and to survive on their own.
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mietteminou · 11 months
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I wanted to draw a selkie so bad, I just adore harp seals and their freckle spots. I have also been thinking so hard about @naffeclipse orca au. Just imagine getting a nose kiss from this little fella with all the whiskers. 🦭✨♥️🦭
I find the thought of a selkie hopping out of the water to make a run for it on land holding their cloak like a big blankie hilarious. Can u imagine.
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Ok another question. Can u rank best seal teeths for me ? Very curious !
ohh cool i've never considered this question before!! seal teeth are pretty interesting, it turns out. seals are born with teeth, unlike most mammals, and they usually have 34-38 teeth, depending on the species. here's my ranking of the top five types of seal teeth.
crabeater seal teeth
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these things have to be number one simply because they're cool as fuck. despite its name, the crabeater seal doesn't actually eat crabs. instead, it uses its specialized teeth to filter krill out of the water, just like whales!
2. elephant seal teeth
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they're nothing fancy like the crabeater seal teeth, but they have to be big and strong since elephant seals use them to fight. plus I think it's so funny how they just look like two little points when an elephant seal opens its mouth.
3. leopard seal teeth
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these look a little like crabeater seal teeth, right? leopard seals eat krill too, but also fish, squid, penguins, and even smaller seals! their teeth look very sharp and pointy. leopard seal probably ranks #1 on my list of seals I would least like to be bitten by.
4. harbor seal teeth
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I like how they're so uniform and neat. politely sharp little points. this harbor seal is getting its teeth brushed! harbor seals don't use their teeth for chewing -- they're mostly used to get a good grip on fish, which they will then swallow whole.
5. harp seal teeth
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delicate and beautiful. need I say more? the harp seal eats many different fish and ocean invertebrates.
plus: bonus pic of a harbor seal showing off its tongue! seals have bifurcated (forked) tongues. this is because they are beasts of the devil.
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selkiechild4998 · 1 month
Water Ghoul Headcannons
Ok! So I just had some pizza and a good bath so let's get into it! Water Ghoul headcannon time!
Behavior-wise, water ghouls are some of the shyest ghouls, and they stay in the water for nearly 90-100% of their lives. If they're up on land, it's either they need to take long rests, or the ghoul might be sick. I mentioned in a previous post that water ghouls also tend to have very fluffy pups, but that's for the coastal ghouls like Rain. Open ocean ghouls like Delta would have pouches to keep their young close when they are still tiny or would dig out underwater dens like tropical water ghouls like Mist or Dew when he was still a water ghoul.
Water Ghouls are one of the most colorful ghoul elements, of course, the colors available depend on the environment but even in biomes with little color, they still have elaborate patterns. The most colorful Water Ghouls are tropical, with bright, colorful patterns like reef fish. This also sends the message that they are either venomous or poisonous. Mist is extremely venomous but thankfully can dry bite. Dew is also venomous and has bitten quite a few siblings of sin in the past.
Tropical water ghoul venom tends to paralyze those bitten, and the effects vary on how bad the bite is.
Coastal water ghouls normally have more muted, natural colors but a wide variety of patterns. Spots, stripes, splotches, everything! Rain's patterns resemble that of a harp seal. Coastal water ghouls's environments span from your normal beach to an arctic-like environment, where Rain would be from had he been born in the Pit. Yes, he was also a very fluffy pup.
Open ocean ghouls are a bit of a mystery. They hardly come to land and tend to get big. Delta is one of the only open ocean ghouls the Ministry has. It's because of them they learned that open ocean ghouls move in large pods. Their colorization isn't as grand as the tropical ghouls or coastal, mostly being dark and light colors but on closer inspection, they have faint patterns that look like ripples in the water.
Lastly, the ancient ghouls for water ghouls are big. The only ancient water ghoul the Ministry has is Sister's water ghoul, Requiem, but it took them a long time to realize it since Requiem has melanism, so they thought he was an open ocean ghoul. It took quite a bit of research on Sister's end but she managed to narrow it down to Livyatan for what type of ancient ghoul Requiem is, so he's gonna get big.
Up next on my list for ghoul headcannons are Air and Fire! I can't wait to post the next one! X3
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feather-bone · 2 years
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Harp seal! They’re born fluffy white little beasts and develop their adult coloration over around a year. The fluffy coat insulates them against the cold until they’ve had a chance to grow a good layer of blubber, which is better for insulation in the water.
[ID: an illustration of an adult and a juvenile harp seal, swimming in a circular pattern around one another. The adult is on the bottom, facing right, with its mouth open and it’s tail up. The juvenile is above, facing to the left. They are on a blue background with simple wave patterns. End.]
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sodapop--stims · 1 year
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Sherry Birkin
for anon (seal stims)
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splattergai · 1 month
hii can we request a kelpie and/or selkie themed id pack :0 ? ty in advance & no worries if not !
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[ Banner Mask By @/Imjustchillinghere! ]
Names: Cove, Fin, Stallion, Harbor, Grey, Stellar, Harp, Spot, Flipper, Mare, Bay, Wave, Tidepool, Brine, Loch, Mythos, Colt, Spirit, Aqua, Stream, Pond, Equine, Drifter, Ness, Seafoam, Seashell, Coral, Seaglass, Marine
3rdpp: folk/folks, fokelore/folklores, spir/spirit, water/waters, depth/depths, aqua/aquas, aqua/aquatic, legend/legends, pool/pools, drown/drowns, shift/shifts, loch/lochs, sea/seas, seal/seals, ocea/ocean, shed/sheds, myth/myths, myth/mythos, story/storys, page/pages, 🦭/🦭s, 🌊/🌊s
Genders: auramaric, seaperilic, oceanbodiment, seaflooric, bioloceancavein, oceanic, marelunian, deepmonstrin, deeparine, oceanessgender, thalassagender, seafoamgender, gendermarine, rivergender, gendertorrent
Titles: prn who shapeshifts, prn who is a seal, prn who swims below, prn who has seal fur, mystery of the depths, the one of the below, prn who belongs to the ocean, the marine one, prn who brings others into the depths, the one of the ocean, prn who lurks in the depths, prn who is a kelpie/selkie, prn who dives into the ocean
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raintailed · 6 months
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so many mons....
Hazypaw (he/him), a fakemon called a slup
Enzo (they/it), who is the murkrow that shockpaw helped! they're friends :]
Argo (he/she), a flareon/floatzel fusion who does water rescue work
Cuddlepaw (he/him), who is also a fakemon (named adorimp). he's basically one of those crocheted plushies hehehe
Eelpaw (xe/xem), a funky wooper based on those uhh galaxy fruit smoothies! Xe was designed by WhippieKippy.
Weddell (he/him), a sealeo :] his patterns are based on harp seals
Foster (he/him), a funky cloyster with a shell made of clouds. He and Weddel are super gay i love them
Maskpaw (he/she/they), a completely normal starly who isnt weird at all >:)
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