#watching the 2022 georgia show
glam-rock-boots · 6 months
to people who upload videos of full concerts onto youtube. i am consensually kissing you on the mouth.
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repulsiveliquidation · 8 months
“I don’t need you.”
“You don’t, but we do.”
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Leah Williamson x Georgia Stanway x Reader
2.8k, I went overboard lol but this was fun to write. Enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of blood and knives. Euros 2022 Final where you’re hurt and the two of them struggle to keep you alive. It gets dark so read at your own risk!
Lionesses v. Germany, Euro 2022 Final. The changing room is tense, all the girls quiet and getting into game mode. You’re in your cubby, listening to a playlist Georgia insisted would get you into the right headspace before a game. Leah sits across from you, leg bouncing and face in a deep frown. Georgia is messing about with Alessia, giggling about some video they saw on Instagram. Everyone has their own way of getting into their headspaces and you find yourself making eye contact with the best captain in the world. Your headphones come off and you walk up to her, eyes softening when you see the fear in her eyes that she so desperately tries to get rid of.
“Come with me for a minute.” You tell her, reaching for her arm.
“I can’t, the game starts in 20 minutes!” Leah loudly whispers but follows you, being dragged into the showers for a little chat.
Georgia had been watching this interaction, excusing herself and following behind Leah quietly. She knew that Leah would be stressed and knew that only you could calm her. She was met with a Leah that was almost in tears and you cradling her head against your chest in the furthest shower stall there was. She sighed softly, heart breaking for Leah. She quietly came towards you, hands wrapping around you both with kisses to both of your foreheads.
“How we doing, Lee?” Georgia asks quietly, hand slowly moving lower to rub her back as you kissed Leah softly and pushed her baby hairs out of her face.
“I feel like my hearts gonna give out. Fuck I can’t catch my breath. What if we lose? What if we just fucking throw this game away and fuck up and it’s all my fault? I really don’t know what Sarina was thinking, picking me as captain. Someone else deserves this arm band, I might just-“
She was cut off by half the team in the showers looking at her and hearing her ramble. She was so in her head that she didn’t notice that Georgia had taken your spot and you went and called the rest of the girls still in the changing rooms into the shower to comfort their captain. Tears stained her cheeks and Georgia did her best to wipe them away. You were beside her again, holding her hand and rubbing her forearm.
“No one would have been able to bring us this far, Lee. Everyone on this team knows you’re the only one who deserves to wear that arm band.” Lucy spoke up, all the girls nodding in agreement.
“You’re the best part of all of us, Leah. Come on, we’ve got a trophy to win alright? Save some of those tears for after will ya? Don’t waste them!” Ella yelled, all the girls cheering their captain on as she finally had a smile on her face. It was the most beautiful smile both you and Georgia had ever seen and you wanted to keep it on her face for as long as possible.
The game was going alright. Germany had maintained good defense over the first half, nearly scoring but Mary Earps was a force to be reckoned with. The second half saw Tooney thrust the Lionesses into the lead with a beautiful chip over the keeper. Germany doubled down and equalized ten minutes after, the wear and tear of the tournament finally showing as the Lionesses let that one slip. Of course, it had to be Chloe Kelly who sent in the winning goal, doing a well-earned shirtless celebration as the final whistle was blown two minutes later. You all piled on top of her, celebrations rampant as the Wembley stadium erupted with the same shouts of celebrations.
You didn’t see him coming. You didn’t see the glint of a 4-inch blade drawn from his back pocket. Security too busy holding out other fans from spilling onto the pitch. He made a beeline for you, eyes dark and angry. He grabbed you by the shoulder and before you knew it, the knife stabbed into the right side of your abdomen. The sheer shock of it all sent you to the ground hunched over, hand pressed to your side as he pulled the knife out and disappeared into the crowd.
Leah notices first. Her eyes looked all over for you till she heard yells from the crowd of your name. A little puddle of red alarmed her as she suddenly saw you laying on the grass in a pool of your own blood.
“Y/N!” she yelled. Crouching down beside you, holding your wound. “FUCKING CALL THE MEDICS!” was what registered next. Georgia suddenly appeared beside you; hand pressed over Leah’s as they both tried to stop the bleeding. The crowd was so silent you could hear a straw drop.
“You’re going to be okay, darling. I need you to stay awake for me, sweet. Keep looking at me baby, shh shh it’s okay. We’re getting you help.”  Georgia spoke but she sounded so far away. Your eyes closed for a second before Leah slapped your face gently and your eyes opened again. She was crying, Georgia was too. “Stay with me, love. I love you so much,” was the last thing you heard before you couldn’t fight the urge to sleep any longer.  
That beeping noise was immensely irritating. Beep, beep, beep. Why were there so many tubes and shit tangled around me? It’s a little chilly in here, would it kill you to turn the heat on? I mean seriously, these tubes are a nightmare. Your thoughts are interrupted by a pair of blue eyes that would make anyone look twice. Leah’s eyes. You could pick them out in a crowd. So blue and so full of emotion you could read her like an open book. What was she doing here?
“Y/N/N, welcome back my darling.” Leah says, her voice still distant but clear.
“She’s awake? Don’t lie to me Leah, it’s not funny.” A second voice enters the room. It’s familiar too, accent thick with worry. Georgia’s dark brown eyes show themselves as they both hover over you. It’s nice, they’re doing you a favor by blocking out those pesky bright lights.
There are suddenly more people in the room than you’d like, poking and prodding at you. Hands that you do not want touching you thankfully do their work fast and efficiently. They switch out your oxygen mask for tubes and give you another pillow and your sad hospital lunch. They’ve left the room in 20 minutes, the two girls whom you want near you finally able to settle on either side of your bed away from prying eyes.
“You scared us half to death, Y/N.” Leah says with a sad voice you never want her to use again. Tears well up in Georgia’s eyes and they both hold your hand that is resting on your stomach.
“What happened? I-I can’t remember it that well, it’s all so hazy.” You say with a sore throat. Georgia is quick to give you some water, holding the straw for you to sip. You drink for a while, thankful for the cold liquid soothing your parched throat.
Leah’s eyes are uncertain, doubtful if she wants to make you relive yesterday morning. The stabbing had sent you into a deep sleep, thankfully only for a day. The ambulance that brought you here was at the pitch within two minutes of the call to 999. The two girls never left your side, Georgia following you into the ambulance as Leah was driven right behind the ambulance by Alessia and the rest of the girls. The win was forgotten, every single one of them only had you on their minds. Leah was a mess in the car, shaking like a leaf as Alessia sped after the ambulance. Tooney and Lucy held her, keeping her calm and reassuring her that you’d be alright. She believed them, telling herself over and over on the quick ride to the hospital that you’d be okay.
Georgia kept it together in the ambulance, one of the loves of her life holding on as much as she could. It was so hard to look at you in the stretcher, beautiful face pale and sickly. Her hands and shirt were covered in your blood, the paramedics managing to stuff your wound with gauze and the bleeding was controlled. She knew you’d be okay, her heart hoping Leah knew that too. She held onto your hand tightly, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you fell in and out of consciousness. She recognized the white Mercedes weaving through traffic, hazards on and following the speeding ambulance. She told you that the girls were right behind us and that Leah was right there with them. She told you to hold on, she told you they didn’t know if they’d be able to live without you. You heard her, wanting so much to hold her and tell her that you loved her and that you would be okay but, everything hurt and you were too numb to move.
The doctors worked swiftly on your wounds, the knife barely missing your diaphragm and nicking your large intestine. You had lost too much blood and flatlined once, the doctors quick to pounce on your chest and resuscitate you. You were fighting, you knew people relied on you too much for you to give in. The five-hour surgery was a success and soon you were being wheeled into a private room as the doctors told the entire team occupying the waiting room the relieving news. There wasn’t a dry face anywhere, tears of joys pouring out at the news of you making it through the hardest part of this long journey. Leah and Georgia rushed to the room they now knew you were in, the rest of the girls hanging back knowing you only needed them.
The sight of all those annoying tubes broke their hearts. You looked so tired and used, fresh tears falling down their faces. Both girls silently moved to one side each, hands reaching for your cold ones as you slept peacefully. Soon the repetitive beeps of the machines lulled them to sleep, thankful that you were alive and here with them.
Lucy walked in with Alessia and Kiera. They smiled softly at the sight of the three of you sleeping. They gently woke Leah and Georgia, having brought food and a change of clothes for them. The doctors updated them on your condition, Kiera shooting a quick text to the group chat to ease their worries. Leah shot up, eyes red with fatigue and a stiff neck. She reached for Kiera, hugging her tight and thanking her for the food and clothes. Alessia gently helped Georgia wake up, guiding both of them to the table in your room to have some food. They found it hard to swallow anything but tried, knowing they needed to. Alessia and Lucy watched over you as they ate, Less softly brushing your hair out of your face as Lucy rubbed your forearm softly.
Kiera had to force the pair out of the room to change, dragging them away to the showers to force them to take one, their hands still slightly caked with your blood. They showered together, helping one another to clean up which made them feel better to have familiar hands do the work. They couldn’t do it for themselves but they’d be damned if they didn’t take care of the other before themselves. Leah held Georgia’s face in her hands and Georgia stared at her as her hands held her wrists, gaze holding the same tear-filled eyes she had despite standing under the rain shower. They kissed hard, kisses full of too many emotions for them to express any other way. “She’ll be okay, Gee. She’s a fighter, she is.” Leah said softly, willing her heart to believe her own words. Georgia could only nod, muttering a soft “I know,” before leaning in to kiss Leah again. They held each other under the warm water, Kiera having left to give them both a minute.
They walk back into your room looking fresher than before. Hair both damp and wearing clean clothes. They both needed that shower and intimate time with each other, it soothed worries that they did not know how to voice; so glad that their relationship was strong and deep enough that they did not need to use words to express their feelings. “Any changes?” Georgia asks, moving to the couch to snuggle with Alessia as Leah returned to your side. “No Gee, she’s still asleep.” Lucy told her, hand lacing into Leah’s as they both sat with you. Kiera walked in 10 minutes later with steaming cups of coffee and a few more Lionesses. They all hung around, speaking to each other and taking turns watching you. You made noises a few times, shifting in your deep drug-induced sleep which made Leah and Georgia’s hearts leap out of their chests as you merely went back under.
“I’m sorry I scared you girls.” You say after listening to Leah and Georgia fill you in. “I’m okay now, you two look exhausted.”
“Don’t be sorry darling, nothing compared to the day you’ve had, love. They say you can go home tomorrow now that you’re awake, hm?” Leah tells you, eyes happier than you’ve seen in the past two days. Georgia begins to open up your lunch, gently pushing the table over to you to eat. “The girls went over to the house and set up the guest room for us. That way you don’t need to worry about the stairs. Lotte’s got Marlo too so he isn’t a bother for a bit. I think Less and Tooney drove my car over too so we can go home tomorrow, how’s that sound?” Georgia tells you, grimacing at the sickly-looking hospital food.
“Better than that looks, that’s for sure.” You quip, a look of disgust on your face.
This makes Leah laugh, leaning forward and kissing your forehead then whispering “There’s my girl.”
The first week back home was unlike anything you have experienced before. The pain was unbearable and the nightmares were something you didn’t wish on your worst enemy. You couldn’t remember your attackers face, but the news refreshed your memory when he was caught just four days after the attack. Cameras from the stadium managed to pick him up leaving the stadium after and they found his car abandoned before he was arrested and convicted. The three of you felt relief wash over you, knowing he was gone from your lives for a long time. You naively thought the nightmares would stop since you were really just worrying about him finding you but they somehow got worse. Leah and Georgia could barely keep you asleep for an hour before you had another one, shaking and sweating with shouts of their names. It frustrated you and broke their hearts into a billion pieces each. Both of them wanted to take your pain away and it physically hurt them to see you suffering.
One night you had another nightmare but somehow didn’t stir the two girls sleeping on either side of you. You carefully crawled out of bed, grabbing a fluffy blanket around your shoulders and walking out to the living room. You sat on the couch, mind racing faster than you liked. You began to rock back and forth, knees pulled to your chest. You couldn’t catch your breath, head spinning as the memories flash before your eyes.
Strong arms suddenly wrap around you, another pair grabbing your crying face. “Y/N, look at me!” Leah said loudly. A wave of anger came over you, pushing both of them away and standing; hot, frustrated tears flowing down your cheeks. “Leave me alone! Why the fuck are you always meddling? I don’t need you to coddle me! I am capable of taking care of myself! I’m not fucking helpless like you think! Just because you don’t have pain or just because you can fucking sleep doesn’t mean you need to pretend to want to help me! I DON’T NEED YOU!” you yell, voice hoarse by the fourth statement you make. You’ve fallen to your knees, Georgia catching you just in time before you crumple to the ground. They both hold you, your frustration let out in huge waves. You cried for half an hour, hearing both of them repeating the same thought you had in the operating room that kept you fighting “You may think you don’t need us baby but we do. We were both a mess when you got hurt, I don’t think either of us would have survived if it wasn’t for you. You hold us together baby, we love you to bits for it, you’re our special girl.”
It made you cry more, their words sinking into your head. You were wrong, you did need them. You needed them more than ever and they weren’t going anywhere.
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wormbussy · 2 months
if you're a boycott Eurovision person just block or unfollow me, I'd like to be able to follow the tags I follow without it being clogged with moralfags trying to guilt trip people into getting on their bandwagon.
See, at Eurovision when a country does a thing you don't like, you let them join and then boo them until they leave themselves. Which is probably what's going to happen to Israel this year, not for the first time, and certainly not exclusively to Israel.
Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, have since been occupying a third of their territory, and hosted the next year. Even Georgia didn't boycott that year, but trolled the Russians into banning them that year by sending a song called "We Don't Wanna Put In".
Russia invaded Crimea in 2013, and in 2014 passed the foreign agents law and gay propaganda law, in-between occupying more bits of Ukraine. In 2014 the hair-conjoined twins that got memed by John Oliver that one time got booed so hard the EBU had to invent boo-dampening technology the next year. Of course Conchita Wurst won in 2014, which the Russian broadcaster had to show in full or they would lose broadcasting rights, despite Conchita Wurst *existing* probably counting as "gay propaganda".
For that matter, Ukraine won in 2016 and hosted the next year. Russia didn't even boycott, they sent fascist Tiny Tim as their entry, knowing she had entered Crimea from Russia which would force the Ukrainians to ban her from entering Ukraine to compete while looking like lunatics for doing so.
The ESC wasn't even going to ban the Russian broadcaster from competing in 2022. Initially they were like nah it's non political so it's chill (not to mention it had been 8 years), until about 6 countries including Sweden wrote to the EBU saying "if Russia's in, we're out", and then hours later the EBU decided you could have a contest without Russia but not without Sweden. Not because there's some rule in a song contest that says "you're not allowed to kill people or we won't let you sing".
There is a *WAY* these things are done.
I am perfectly fine with people looking at the way things are and going you know what, I'd rather give it a miss this year. Nobody is forcing you at gunpoint to watch a song contest, block the tag and see you in a month.
But brigading the eurovision tag with this moralizing bullshit about how nobody is allowed to enjoy a show that includes 42 entries that aren't Israel or else we're all genocidal (((zionists))), while turning off notes to your posts so nobody can respond to you, is toddler behaviour.
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on-this-day-mcr · 10 months
On this day, September 18
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 41st show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA. At this show, Gerard Way wore a cropped red shirt and patterned scarf with slacks, and "you got the job" was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Katie Claire
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Kyle Mantyla at RWW:
Kandiss Taylor is a flat-earth, election-denying conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for governor in Georgia in 2022. Undaunted by her paltry showing in that election, Taylor subsequently became a Georgia GOP district chair and also began hosting a weekly program called “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” on the far-right Stew Peters Network.
Peters himself if a racist, far-right anti-LGBTQ bigot who regularly uses his own nightly program, speeches, and social media accounts to promote white nationalism and virulent antisemitism while spreading wild conspiracy theories, bigotry, and calls for violence. Taylor has said that Peters is her “best friend,” so it was not surprising to hear her issue a threat of violence during a recent appearance on Peters’ program. Peters has repeatedly and openly called for violence against the government and his perceived political enemies, threatening time and again to deliver “extreme accountability,” by which he means public executions. Taylor, who has her own history of issuing warnings of violence, used that exact phrase during her recent appearance on Peters’ show while discussing what will happen to those who oppose her Christian nationalist efforts to place the church in control of the government.
Christian nationalist kook Kandiss Taylor went on fellow far-right extremist Stew Peters's program to endorse violence against those who oppose her whacked out agenda.
From the 04.25.2024 edition of The Stew Peters Network's The Stew Peters Show:
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phoenixxxlily · 6 months
Favorite TV Shows I Watched in 2023
Ginny & Georgia (2021-?)
"You win more flies with honey, but if you get yourself a bee, sting first."
The Legend of Vox Machina (2022-?)
"Do not go far from me."
Daisy Jones and the Six (2023)
"Look, I know I said I'd tell you everything, but how much of everything do you really want to know?"
The Last of Us (2023-?)
"I was never afraid before you showed up."
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (2023)
"I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth, do you love me?"
NCIS (2003-?)
"My name is Anthony. Friends call me Tony. Which backwards is 'Y Not'."
The Summer I Turned Pretty (2022-?)
"There will always be something between you and Conrad."
Heartstopper (2022-?)
"You are a pathetic little man. Talk about my brother like that again, and I'll end you."
The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)
"What if I said you get all that, the whole thing, and the price is deferred? Let the next generation foot the bill. So that's the deal. You get the whole world, and when you're done, at the end of it all, just before you would have died, Roderick, just before you would have died anyway...your bloodline dies with you."
The Crown (2016-2023)
E: "Aren't you coming? We can join mummy and papa for breakfast." M: "I'm afraid not...but I will always be by your side. No matter what."
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023-?)
"Hold fast, Perseus. Brave the storm that was meant to break us for we are unbreakable as long as we have each other."
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Swarthmore and Diebold team up to undermine integrity of elections https://web.archive.org/web/20031018102354/https://importance.typepad.com/the_importance_of/
#15yrsago Time Management for Anarchists — the free comic https://nomediakings.org/time_management_for_anarchists/free_anarchomic_released.html
#15yrsago Why free-riding doesn’t apply to some online collaboration https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2008/10/24/trouble-free-riding/
#10yrsago UC Davis’s Officer Pepper Spray gets a $38K payout for mental trauma of being hated by the entire world https://www.sfgate.com/politics/joegarofoli/article/UC-Davis-pepper-spray-officer-awarded-38-000-4920773.php
#10yrsago US ambassador to Germany summoned to explain NSA bugging chancellor Angela Merkel https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/germany-summons-us-ambassador-nsa-merkel-phone
#10yrsago Mel Blanc’s radio show: 40+ free, downloadable episodes https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Mel_Blanc_Singles
#10yrsago Understanding NSA boss James Clapper’s France-spying “denial” https://www.techdirt.com/2013/10/23/james-clapper-plays-more-word-games-official-denial-french-phone-data-collection-leak/
#5yrsago Cathay Pacific leaks 9.4 million travelers’ passport numbers and other data https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cathay-pacific-suffers-data-breach-impacting-94-million-passengers/
#5yrsago Rep Steve King spent $18,000 at private GOP club, sent taxpayers the bill https://theintercept.com/2018/10/24/steve-king-spending-expense-account-taxpayer-private-club/
#5yrsago State surveillance company leaked its own data, its customers’ data, and its customers’ victims’ data https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbka8b/wolf-intelligence-leak-customer-victim-data-online
#5yrsago Facebook’s former security head: making Facebook moderate content will cement its dominance https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/10/23/139334/facebooks-ex-security-boss-asking-big-tech-to-police-hate-speech-is-a-dangerous-path/
#5yrsago You can request hand-crafted reading-list recommendations from the Brooklyn public library online https://www.bklynlibrary.org/bookmatch
#5yrsago In America, the young find distinguishing fact from opinion easier than their elders https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/10/23/younger-americans-are-better-than-older-americans-at-telling-factual-news-statements-from-opinions/
#5yrsago High school class’s electoral predictions model is a model for electoral predictions https://web.archive.org/web/20181104020001/https://polistat.mbhs.edu/about/
#5yrsago Public domain scores a huge appeals court victory: the law cannot be copyrighted https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/appeals-court-tells-georgia-state-code-cant-be-copyrighted
#5yrsago Mister Bone Saw got a standing ovation at Davos in the Desert https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/business/saudi-conference-khashoggi-killing.html
#5yrsago The stories behind the names on the Haunted Mansion’s tombstones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVmg9CdIvgs
#1yrago An hour of interwar Halloween music https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/24/spooky-season/#interwar-ween
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
How will you feel if Georgia and Anna turn up in GO2? Or any other assorted family members?
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(Grouping all of the GO 2 Anons together since there are quite a few, and in order of take hotness level from Mild to Medium to Habanero Spicy...)
So, to recap the seeming order of events up until now (though I'm sure everyone is probably well aware): Three weeks ago, Neil made this post featuring a behind the scenes photo from GO season 2. Almost immediately, Twitter detectives set to work trying to ascertain the identities of the three people in the photo, and it very quickly came to light that both Peter Davison and Ty Tennant have roles in GO 2 listed on their respective CVs on their shared agent's website:
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Shortly after that, the news appeared to be confirmed on the Radio Times website, and was subsequently picked up by a number of other media outlets. Most of these seem to be repeating what was reported by Radio Times, and while (from what I have seen, at least) there has been no official confirmation from either Amazon or Neil, the roles being on Peter and Ty's CVs seem to have convinced most of the fandom that they are in the second season.
I think there are several things we have to consider when talking about all of this. The first season of GO came out in 2019, and since then, the world has, well...I suppose "gone completely tits up" is one way of putting it, but the world has changed dramatically, and the circumstances around filming and production of television have also changed. Thus, when GO season 2 was filmed in Scotland from October of 2021 to March of 2022, the set was extremely locked down tight due to Covid safety protocols.
In all likelihood, it probably would've been very difficult to get actors for smaller roles or as extras, so from a purely logistical/practical standpoint, that is what could have led to the casting of Peter and Ty. There is also no way to know who the characters of Alastair and Ennon are, so for all we know, these could be very brief appearances where the characters are in one scene and then never appear again.
With that in mind, let's turn to the subject of nepotism, which I have seen mentioned quite frequently since the alleged casting was announced. I think what people may not be seeing is that there has been a marked difference in the reaction to Peter/Ty's casting from the hardcore GO fans vs. the wider public on Twitter. With the GO fans, there seems to be this attitude of tiptoeing around the word nepotism and everyone needing to be super happy/thrilled at the prospect of Peter and Ty (and possibly Georgia, but more on that ion a minute) being in GO 2, or otherwise you're a "bad" GO/David fan.
The wider public, however, has no such compunction about saying the word, often repeatedly, and with additional color commentary. What I wish the fans on Twitter understood is that this is something to be genuinely concerned about, because when the second season comes out, it won't be enough for just the hardcore fans to watch it. The show needs to bring in new viewers, and if people are as turned off by perceived nepotism as they seem to be, they won't tune in. Without those viewers, season 2 may not perform well, and if that is the case, Amazon could easily say "Well, GO season 2 didn't perform, so we're not going to greenlight a third season."
That is why it matters. Because even if casting Peter/Ty was done out of necessity/practicality, it ultimately comes down to people's perceptions, and overwhelmingly those perceptions are of nepotism and/or stunt casting.
For me personally, I certainly was and am not thrilled at the idea of Peter and Ty being in GO 2 (let alone Georgia and Anna, which...I might need a stronger drink before I write out my thoughts on that). But this does not in any way have anything to do with me disliking Peter or Ty, and in fact goes back to what I've always been most concerned with, and that's the integrity of the show.
Thinking back to 2020, I'm reminded of the heart-achingly beautiful audio clip that was released just a few months into lockdown, in honor of the 30th anniversary of GO's publication. Neil didn't write a new scene for Shadwell and Madame Tracy or Newt and Anathema...he wrote a scene for Aziraphale and Crowley. It was Michael and David whose performances resonated so strongly with all of us and with him, and he specifically chose to bring them back as Aziraphale and Crowley to mark that occasion.
When Staged came along shortly thereafter, it was created to build on that chemistry and relationship between Michael and David. Staged was meant to remind us of Good Omens, not the other way around. So I do feel that, when it comes to Peter and Ty (and Georgia/AL) being in GO season 2, it would be a distraction to have them there, rather than an enhancement. Not even because of the acting--as Peter is a seasoned actor and Ty/Georgia are decent enough (though AL is the exception, as she categorically cannot act, which we have seen)--but because of the principle.
The reason so many of us have greatly anticipated the second season is the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. So for me, casting any of these folks in the show (but particularly Georgia and AL) draws attention away from the Husbands, almost as if to say the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is somehow less/not as worth our attention as their "real" relationships. It also goes back to what I mentioned above about stunt casting, and again, if the viewers the show very much relies on see it that way and are turned off by that/perceived nepotism, it may cause the show itself to suffer overall.
So those are my thoughts on the potential casting of Peter Davison/Ty Tennant and Georgia/AL being in GO 2. I suspect we won't really know the truth about who is or isn't in the show until it's released, but to the Anons who felt they are alone in having feelings of hesitation over these casting decisions: You are very much not the only one who feels as you do, and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to write in and share your feelings with me. We'll just have to wait and see what happens...
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robotslenderman · 5 months
Eurovision Semifinals 2
I just found this in my drafts from 2022 Eurovision and I thought I was hilarious so I'm posting it.
I have no idea what past me is talking about half the time. Altho it's interesting to note how my tastes have changed over time - I'm quite fond of Finland's song now and I LOVE Estonia's 2022 song (I HOPE, I HOPE, I HOPE) so was genuinely surprised to see I didn't like them so much at the time.
You know, when I was a kid my parents used to always put presenters and hosts on mute and say they were unbearable to listen to. Believe it or not, I have made it to 30 being largely sheltered from the tyranny of hosts.
Now I get it. I absolutely get it. Every time the three stooges show up I feel like I'm being treated like a four-year-old. Exaggerated facial expressions? Constant "WOW!" vibes? Overdramatic acting? That's how you act when you're trying to entertain four-year-olds.
At the risk of sounding like my mother I got spoiled with British presenters --
"my name is Chicky! Chicky Chicky Chicky!" oh my god please shoot me I was being facetitious when I made the comment about four-year-olds that was NOT AN INVITATION --
oh wow the guns on Laura.
Anyway I'm going to tune this two out until the show starts and oooh, Finland. I always like the aesthetic of Finnish musicians.
Finland -- And right away we're treated to IT. And English. And -- actually I take back what I said about Finnish aesthetic. The balls and lights are cool but the raincoat and shirtlessness are not. Decent song, much better than most of last night, so marks go up, but was ultimately less interesting than the really big hole I'm digging in Minecraft to keep my ADHD happy while I watch this, and therefore fails the Minecraft Hole Test. 6/10
Israel -- I was about to wonder if this song being really gay was deliberate or not then the limp wrist showed up. This is super gay. Sadly, the gay is not enough for it to compete with the Minecraft Hole, which distracts me for most of the performance, so fails the Minecraft Hole Test. Song is decent, costumes cool, and the gayness gives it an extra point, but I've already forgotten the song. 6/10
Serbia -- I feel like I'm watching a Christo-Vulcan 007. But at least it's not in English. The performance is cool and has successfully made me look up from my Minecraft hole. Song itself is okay, once again, wouldn't change the radio away from it. The flowers are super cool, the costumes are also great, like the aesthetic. Passes the Minecraft Hole test. 7/10
Azerbaijan -- So apparently these slower songs are ballads, which honestly I don't mind. This one has cool atmosphere, and he's not singing in English, so bonus points for that, but my attention goes back to the Minecraft hole. Wait. No. That sounds like English? I genuinely can't tell. I do briefly look up at the way they've lit up the waterfall tho. Song itself is beautiful so I'll probably get it afterwards, but performance is dull and docks points. 7/10
Georgia -- So these guys have Willy Wonka and a pirate and a dude in an Elizabethan collar. And my Dunmer Nightblade as drummer. Hm. For a moment I look to see if this'll get interesting or not, then return to the Minecraft hole. I briefly look up when my computer monitor drops some LSD and -- okay that chest compartment with the diorama is really cool, but not cool enough to salvage this. Points added for cool costumes and the unique presentation, but the song itself sucks. 5/10
Malta -- Very pretty. Lady at a piano classic aesthetic again. Like the -- shit, I forgot what the mist stuff is. Song gives me "will either be great or meh" vibes this early in, but then the Minecraft hole wins again. 5/10
Break time. Minecraft hole takes all my attention. Except for the brief sighting of what I think is Maneskin, which stands out to me bc @ryttu3k has been treating me to Ethan Torchio gifs for the last year. Yep that's definitely Maneskin. Maneskin passes the Minecraft Hole Test, it turns out. The hosts do not.
San Marino -- I didn't even know this was a country. Delightfully, the song is not English. I love this guy's outfit -- OH MY GOD IT'S THE COWBOY GUY. his hat has SEQUINS. He passes the Minecraft Hole Test. Also this is very gay. And I love the purple guitar -- WOW I DIDN'T THINK THIS WAS ACTUALLY GAY UNTIL THEY DID THAT. God I keep expecting queerbaiting only to get actual queers, this is AWESOME. 9/10
Banana host is caught gazing lustfully. Banana host has excellent taste, if not in clothes. Australia's performance is apparently delayed, from what I've heard it's probably because of the clothes. Time to see our friend and boy!
Australia -- Come on, darling, don't let me down, you have a Minecraft hole to compete with! Also wow his voice is DEEP, I thought he was like sixteen. Nice voice, nice costume, performance itself is meh. Altho the swirling mist is a nice touch. Like that little headshake when he takes the veil thing off. Ultimately fails the Minecraft Hole Test, but was pleasant to listen to and I liked it. 7/10
Cypress -- Oooh, pretty aesthetic. Like the way the song is starting. Aaaaand then the song starts and the hole wins. 5/10
Ireland -- Oooh, I like the energy of this. Then the singing starts and I'm like "nah" and get back to digging my hole. Also starting to get really annoyed by singers yakking after the song. Australia did it too, Jesus, give the audience a moment to have some afterglow! 5/10
North Macedonia -- English. BOO. Song is a bit slow at first but then picks up and I quite like it and AAAUGH SHE TALKS AFTERWARDS TOO SHUT UP. Fails Minecraft Hole Test. 7/10
Estonia -- Minecraft hole is so interesting I almost miss whose turn it is. More English. Confused as to why Estonia suddenly likes American country but it's very Johnny Cash. Decent enough I guess. 6/10
Ah shit Banana Host is back. Cue Toreador discussion about beauty. and oh god there's a baby no make it go away. They make up for it with a dog. and then there's another baby. ew.
Romania -- More fucking English. They make up for it with a LITTLE bit of Romanian, as a treat. It's meh. 5/10
Poland -- Sigh. More english. Fairy lights are pretty but song is meh. Energy picks up but somehow makes it sound worse. I do love the poeple dressed up as, what, drowned spirits? That's so cool. Quality goes up a bit towards the end but wow this guy is obsessed with rivers and stuff. I guess it beats another goddamn love song. But yeah those spirits are really cool. And of course he talks at the end. 5/10
Montenegro -- The Minecraft hole is starting to bore me so I'm wandering off to build a ship in Starbound now. And it's... more English. And she talks at the end. 4/10
Belgium -- This is going to be English isn't i -- yep it's English. Love the dude's jacket but it's the only interesting thing about the song. He's also a talker. 4/10
I think I'm judging harsher tonight because I'm getting bored and also because SO MUCH FUCKING ENGLISH
Sweden -- More English. My mother said she thinks this one'll win but I don't see it at first until it picks up and then it is actually really nice. Presentation isn't great -- that green is awful -- but wow this song is actually pretty good now it's picked up. Also dang she's gorgeous. (please don't be a talker please don't be a talker please don't be a talker ah fuck she's a talker) 6/10
Czech Republic -- English. And singing in an American accent, no less. Yeah I think I'm done for the night because I'm pretty "meh" over just about everything that's been on tonight except for the gay cowboy. Eh, it's not too bad I guess. Maybe I'm just hangry. 6/10
Anyway I'll do a score/pass post next.
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lil-scout-precure · 7 months
Junior Eurovision 2023 detailed opinions before the show. Part 4 (final)
After three parts, we're finally here! The final part of my tier-ranked opinions of the Junior Eurovision 2023 songs before the big day at Sunday, November 26th! 12 songs were already covered, from the decent (in a good way) to the almost winner-alerts, with some personal wildcards in the middle. Now we are left with 4 of the 16 songs, these ones being the top of the top of my personal favorites! And days before the main show!
The opinions on these songs will be longer than the others, but it's just I have a lot to say about them! :D
Let's show the tier-chart reference one last time, shall we?
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Tier 1: "Very nice of them to invite Junior Eurovision to their concert"
🇮🇪 Jessica McKean (featuring legend herself Sophie Lennon) "Aisling"
Ireland is one of those countries that somehow fail to get a good spot (or even a Grand Final spot itself) in adult Eurovision, something strange knowing they won 7 times before the 2000's (and now Sweden ties them); but when they play in the Junior version, they get better placings (if not Top 5) compared to their adult counterparts (Poland and Georgia are another examples, with the first either giving decent masterpieces or the worse things to ever touch adult Eurovision soil for their JESC counterparts to surpass, and the latter with more undeserved low places/NQs than the previous one *cough, cough, Iru Khechanovi* and having their JESC counterparts to avenge them). And recently, it looks like their JESC broadcaster had been making a better job with a trio of Celtic songs than their ESC broadcaster's elections.
After the marvelous and eye-catching song that was Sophie Lennon's "Solas" in Yerevan that got a 4th place behind Mariam, Nare and Lissandro; no wonder the Irish delegation wanted to make a good election of their next singer (and ofc, the song) to reach victory. And boy, they kept their mood with this year's song
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Why did this new Celtic-Irish song went above Ohne Worte, you ask? Well, first, the melody (once again) it's something that makes its job and lets Jessica's voice get along with it with the mesmerizing Irish lyrics, co-written by Sophie herself alongside other composers who made the 2019 and 2022 JESC Irish entries. While slower than Solas, it still gives the vibe of a magical and mystical song that really tells "it's from Ireland" more than the adult ESC entries.
When I watched the song reveal with the videoclip from TG4 (before the JESC YT channel XD), it was something beautiful. The eerie yet pretty castle, the landscapes, Jessica's princess vibes....And just of nowhere, when I thought I had seen everything, the final verses come in and THEN THERE IS SOPHIE IN THE CASTLE! Yes, you heard me, Sophie fricking Lennon in the videoclip, and singing with her partner the ending! Not only she wrote the lyrics (and invited the Wild Youth fellas to her concert during the Eire finale XD), but also OFFICIALLY joins Jessica in the entry, both studio and LIVE! As one of Sophie's fans, this was something I NEVER EXPECTED IN THE SONG. One thing is lyrics writing, but THIS IS TAKING THEIR LEGACY TO ANOTHER LEVEL! :D ;w;
For two legends together, the staging and live harmony is REALLY THE KEY for Ireland to get the victory they almost got in Yerevan! And knowing they sing 4th after Kvitka, I REALLY EXPECT them to blow the stage and at least have ALL THE LUCK I would wish for them! As the officially declared "ending of the Celtic JESC trilogy of 2019, 2022 and 2023" by the Irish delegations, I hope they end this cycle with honor, and at least brings a new start for Ireland in Junior Eurovision (and hopefully the senior one, because Sweden will kick them from their winner pedestal more sooner than expected if they don't step up. Seriously)
🇪🇸 Sandra Valero "Loviu"
As a fellow Hispanic, I ALWAYS expect the best from Spain in both contests (a language bias, since here in LatinAmerica we don't have Eurovision yet, junior or senior T-T). And while most of them are, well, not my style, there are some I hold dear in my heart: El Chiki Chiki, Amanecer, SloMo (and how not to love her? Chanel IDOLA!) and Eaea (still singing it, even if being another Big 5 robbery that hurted me a lot in Liverpool, and the worst of all with ONLY 5 TELEVOTE POINTS. Darn on the card system, sabotaging my credit payment in the website voting!) for the adult songs; and Antes Muerta Que Sencilla (campeona la María Isabel), Marte, Pa'lante and Señorita (a baby king following Chanel's Latino vibes ;W;) for the Junior!
And this year they didn't dissapoint again (even with HoD changes from RTVE)! They brought another queen to the JESC list, Sandra Valero, with her upbeat song "Loviu"
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For all the expectatives I imagined for the Junior Eurovision Spanish song, this one blew me! So happy, so Junior-flavored (without being too sugar-coated), so catchy even for those who don't speak Spanish, so moving (and needed with the ballad parade)! I can say a lot of things of this song, but there is character limit in the posts, so I'll stop now. And Sandra giving it the nostalgic childhood vibes in her acting and voice! The imagination she conveys, her kindness and her energy...The second time I felt a Junior song very close to my native language (Señorita did it first).
I will threatPLEAD France TV (host broadcaster) to not chicken out with Sandra's staging. The swing of the videoclip MUST BE THERE, even if from a low height for security measures, because it's not like dealing with Loreen's 1.8 kg panini press, Blas Cantó's moon or Brunette's LED platform, it's UN JODIDO PINCHE COLUMPIO (and they previously put a ring-swing for Tanya's song in Paris 2021, so no excuses). The train and the clouds can be optional and they can innovate, but for everyone's sake don't ruin Spain's chance to win (more than they could already have since they perform FIRST) or I will burn France/j. And for those Hispanic fellas from here, remember to vote for Sandra! :D
🇳🇱 Sep & Jasmijin "Holding On To You"
As Netherlands was one of the first countries to begin their pre-selections for their JESC 2023 song, I played the Junior Songfestival 2023 song-snippet video as soon as Fan Del Junior Eurovision Song Contest streamed it in YouTube. And of the four songs, I got two favorites: one of them being Duron's "Magic" with a nice and catchy rhythm that would be fit in the Junior essence (even if they massacred his song at the live performance for the JSF Final T-T, like it happened to Kazakhstan's "Jer-Ana" in 2022). But alongside him, there was ONE song that spoke for me, in high volume and no doubts, "we are THE song for Nice", and managed to keep into the first place of my list for a VERY LONG TIME (before the next song occupied their throne)
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This is, with no discussions, the most EDM and dance-inciting song I've ever heard and expected its victory before the great show in a Junior contest, let alone a Dutch JESC song after years of calm and chill songs such as Luna's "La Festa" (her 7th place by performing first is the sole reason I hope Sandra slays the stage this year to not suffer the same fate), Ayana's "Mata Sugu Aō Ne" (the robbery of 2021, a REAL robbery!) or even Ralf Mackenbach's "Click Clack" (both a JESC winner and now a plasma physicist...THE FUTURE THIS LAD GOT O-O).
Sep and Jasmijin's vocals are no doubt, harmony itself displayed in this AMAZING entry. And not only in the studio version, but also live in the Finals of Junior SongFestival itself! The lyrics telling a story of a friendship that could become something else between two souls, in a child-friendly yet effective and addictive! And the JSF staging, being a prototype of the Grand Finale version to see soon, it's so connected to the entry itself, and both not only swept the national jury and online voting with 12 points each, but also spoke "winner" from miles.
For the staging, as the JSF version was related enough with the song, it needs some serious changes if they want to elevate it to Nice (and to check what to do with the dancers since the 6-people-max rule of staging counts in Junior Eurovision too). Otherwise, and with an advantage of being the final song to perform this Sunday, I can see them winning (if there are no obstacles) and I will be happy for them (well, any of the Tier 1 and 2 songs, honestly, I love them). (well, at least they can make Dutch Eurovision champion Duncan Laurence feel better after his own ESC 2023 duo flopped at their own song since the pre-parties XDXD)
🇦🇲 Yan Girls "Do It My Way"
We reached the last song of the list!
Let's start with the country itself, Armenia. They are recently getting better in the adult Eurovision (Snap, Future Lover) and more than they were of perfect in the Junior edition: One winner being Vladimir Arzumanyan in 2010 with "Mama", another in 2021 being Malena with the JESC's Euphoria "Qami Qami" (alongside her 2020 song "Why" she couldn't sing in JESC 2020 due to conflicts happening in Armenia more than the pandemic, and the song itself not speaking other things than those ;w; T-T), and a runner-up of Nare's "Dance!" in 2022 (and the entire country at her side during the voting before Lissandro surprisingly won). And of course they couldn't lower their guards for this year again in France!
After a long run of mostly ballads revealed in the song list, and after my recovery of Poland's videoclip, this song is what I never thought I would need to listen in the Junior playlist and yet, by leagues, became my Top 1 election to win the contest at first listen!
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From all the genres I thought Armenia would bring it on for Nice (anything but more ballads, knowing their Eurovision competitive spirit), K-Pop was definitely not in my list! And yet, even if not being a fan of the genre itself, "Do It My Way" made me head-bang and tap my feet while I heard it for the first time! The five girls' voices really give the feelings of this special song, from the calm beginning to the dance-breaking choruses, combining Armenian with English in the song so perfectly with their dance moves and the entire videoclip that it feels like an authentic K-Pop song that famous groups could create!
Even if like most cases in this list, I can't understand most of the lyrics without a translation (since it's mostly Armenian by EBU 70%-national-language rule to avoid English overusing like it happens in the adult Eurovision), the energies they deliver make it a good song. And it really speaks "being authentic to one self, to break the rules and do anything you want!" not only by the English chorus, but also the voice styles!
I know it will a bit more difficult for the Yan Girls to mix their dance moves with perfect live singing during the grand day unlike a studio video (same for the props and lights displayed in the clip), but I can tell by their videos (before the Opening Ceremony, not the rehearsals, I'm not fond of rehearsals as they're spoilers for me) they are ready to get a Top scoring, and maybe even repeating the "Armenia wins in France, and France wins in Armenia" cycle of victories we had since 2021!
Yes, I know it's sort of a polemic declaration since most of the ESC fandom is not too eager for them (or France itself) to win again with so many options and newcomers, but still, I won't be mad imo if they get a third trophy and tie Georgia in the winner list!
And with this, I officially declare this JESC 2023 tier-ranking detailed opinion compilation finished! All of the 16 songs covered and reviewed!
If I have to talk about the contest itself, I got some opinions:
I'm a bit bummed there's no rock songs in this edition like in 2022 (Anos 70) or 2021 (Specchio) and others in previous years. And no, "Un Mondo Giusto"'s rock-chord finale doesn't count. It has to be a song of those vibes from beginning to end. But well, K-Pop covered that void in the list :D!
I'm surprised there's not a single boy solist in this edition. It's the "Cure Wing among the other Cures" situation in this edition, because there are three boys, yes, but in groups (Georgia, Oto and Nikoloz) or duets (Sep); and most of the singers are girls! XD
At least the running order is a bit decent this time. Germany is not first to begin (finally!), Spain is not a bad song to open the show (and we have televote on our side), and Netherlands can end the evening so fine
If the rumours of La Zarra not being a guest interval (like Barbara Pravi in 2021, Rosa Linn in 2022) are true, I will be sad, but yet comprehensive (since they say it was because she wants to rest from Eurovision after the kerfuffle, and the middle finger cancelled her in France, and so on...). But at least I hope the guests are some good singers!
And that's finally all! Hope you enjoyed this compilation! See ya next time! :D
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miszswan · 2 years
Meet Amiria
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amiria imogen maiah campbell ( born 13 September 1997 ) professionally known as amiria campbell is a New Zealand-Australian actress who is best known for her debut role as the powerful and peculiar Manaia Thompson on the hit Netflix series Stranger Things and another one of her well known roles as Lottie Mathews in Showtimes Yellowjackets.
A New Zealand - Australian sweetheart who’s employed in one of the most competitive industries in the world has been winning our hearts over the past couple years. Amiria grew up in Western Australia in the city of Bunbury while spending multiple summers with her grandmother in an unspecified city in the North Islands of New Zealand where she’s had the opportunity to connect with her Māori roots.
Amiria has had a very gifted mind from a young age which allowed her to graduate high school at the young age of fifteen years old. She attended Harvard and got her degree in biology but instead of returning for her Masters she decided to stop studying medicine all together when she was around 18 years old. Claiming that she wasn’t happy with her choice of study and got into acting instead.
The former medical student first shon her light when the multi-award winning Netflix series where she plays the supposed 001 and is a Hawkins Laboratory escapee. Throughout the past 3 seasons of Stranger Things the viewers have had the pleasure of watching Manny grow up and become more powerful and well… traumatised as the years have gone by. Amiria has teased to expect nothing less for the upcoming season.
With a second season on its way, Amiria has played the role of the psychologically troubled Lottie Mathews since the show Yellowjackets released on the 14th of November 2022. The whole cast of said show has since been praised for their performances.
After a few months of intense training with her co-stars that she considers her family the ensemble filmed one of the ( and probably the biggest ) most anticipated films of the year. The sequel to the 80s classic being released over 30 years later follows a new team of fighter pilots on a new mission where the stakes have never been higher. Having the opportunity to play a confident and phenomenal Calliope ‘Menagerie’ Dawson who was the best pilot in her Top Gun class and who is rather close to the legacy Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw played by her good friend Miles Teller was something that Campbell will never forget. She has been teasing the movie over the past couple months on her social media platforms with multiple pictures of her and her costars bonding on set.
With rumours spreading like wildfire, Amiria was reported to be in a relationship from the start of 2018 to the middle of 2021. Fans and paparazzi have been trying to figure out who her mystery man was but alas… Amiria Campbell has had his identity hidden for a long time.
The rumours became worse when she announced that she was pregnant just 3 months before their breakup. While many of her co-stars and friends congratulated her many still wonder to this day who Ani Campbells’ father is. The girl will be turning one this November.
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𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍  13 September 1997
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  Australian - New Zealand
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘   white ( father ) Māori & Chinese ( mother )
𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   Atlanta, Georgia
𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄    2016 - present
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍  ani campbell
𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒  not married dating; unknown ( 2018 - 2021 )
stephen campbell ( father ), aroha campbell ( mother )
camila mendes ( best friend ), rydel lynch ( good friend ) cast mates from previous works ( good friends )
Stranger things( 2016- present ) . . . . Maniaia Thompson
Status Update (2018) . . . . Charlotte Alden
Yellowjackets (2021-) . . . . Lottie Mathews
Top Gun: Maverick ( 2022) . . . . Menagerie
Untitled Marvel TV series( 2022 ) . . . . kaia berleigh
Yellowjackets season 2( to be announced ) . . . . lottie mathews
do revenge (2022) . . . . yasmine
september 17th (2023) . . . . riley
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Sooo here’s more about her…I’m busy with part 2 rn and 👀 it’s gonna be a lot
Anywhoo hope y’all enjoyed
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films-on-a-plane · 8 months
to be watched list (series)
# $#*! My Dad Says (2010–2011) 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017) 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996-2001) 6Teen (2004-2010) 8 Simple Rules… for Dating My Teenage Daughter (2002-2005) 13 Reasons Why (2017-2020) 30 Rock (2006–2013) 101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997-1998)
A According to Jim (2001-2009) Adventure Time (2010-2018) Aladdin (1994-1995) Ally McBeal (1997-2002) American Dragon: Jake Long (2005-2007) Anger Management (2012-2014) Archer (2009-2023) As Told by Ginger (2000-2009) Atypical (2017-2021) Austin & Ally (2011-2016) Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008) Awkward. (2011-2016)
B Batman: The Animated Series (1992–1995) Black-ish (2014-2022) Blockbuster (2022) Bluey (2018-) Bob's Burgers (2011-) BoJack Horseman (2014–2020) Boy Meets World (1993-2000) Braceface (2001-2006) Brandy & Mr. Whiskers (2004-2007) Broad City (2014-2019) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-2021) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
C CatDog (1998-2005) Charmed (1998-2006) Community (2009-2015) Cougar Town (2009-2015) Coupling (2000-2004)
D Daria (1997-2002) Dead Like Me (2003-2004) Derry Girls (2018-2022) Disenchantment (2018-2023) Doctor Who (2005-) Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (2012-2013) Drake & Josh (2004-2007)
E Ellen (1994-1998) Emily in Paris (2020-) Everybody Hates Chris (2005-2009) Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005) Everything Sucks! (2018)
F Family Guy (1999– ) Fillmore! (2002-2004) Fleabag (2016-2019) Frasier (1993-2004) Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000) Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020) Full House (1987-1995) Futurama (1999-)
G Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Gilmore Girls (2000-2007) Ginny & Georgia (2021-) Girl Meets World (2014-2017) Go On (2012-2013) Good Luck, Charlie (2010-2014) Gossip Girl (2007-2012) Gravity Falls (2012-2016) Grim & Evil (2001-2007)
H Hacks (2021-) Hannah Montana (2006-2011) Hercules (1998-1999) House (2004–2012) Home Economics (2021-2023) Home Improvement (1991-1999) Hot in Cleveland (2010-2015) How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014) How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019-)
I I Am Not Okay with This (2020) iCarly (2007-2012) I Love Lucy (1951-1957) Inside Job (2021–2022) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005-)
J Joey (2004–2006)
K K.C. Undercover (2015-2018) Kevin Can Wait (2016-2018) Killing Eve (2018-2022) Kim Possible (2002-2007) King of the Hill (1997-2010)
L Liv and Maddie (2013-2017) Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003-2006) Lizzie McGuire (2001-2004) Louie (2010-2015)
M Mad About You (1992-2019) Magnum, P.I. (1980-1988) Malcolm in the Middle (2000-2006) Man vs. Bee (2022) Man with a Plan (2016-220) Maude (1972-1978) Melissa & Joey (2010-2015) Mike & Molly (2010-2016) Modern Family (2009-2020) Monk (2002–2009) Mr. Bean (1990-1995) Mr. Bean (2002-2019) Mr. Sunshine (2011-2012) My Name Is Earl (2005-2009)
N New Girl (2011-2018) Not Dead Yet (2023-)
O Once Upon a Time (2011-2018)
P Parks & Recreation (2009–2015) Party Down (2009-) Pepper Ann (1997-2000) Popeye the Sailor (1960-1962) Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017) Pretty Smart (2021)
R Recess (1997-2001) Regular Show (2010-2017) Rick and Morty (2013–) Rules of Engagement (2007-2013) Russian Doll (2019-)
S Sabrina: The Animated Series (1999-2000) Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996-2003) Sam & Cat (2013-2014) Saved by the Bell (1989-1992) Schitt's Creek (2015-2020) Scooby Doo, Where Are You! (1969-1978) Sean Saves the World (2013-2014) Sex and the City (1998-2004) Seinfeld (1989-1998) Shake It Up (2010-2013) Shameless (2011-2021) Silicon Valley (2014-2019) Single Parents (2018-2020) Skins (2007–2013) So Help Me Todd (2022-) Space Force (2020-2022) Speechless (2016-2019) SpongeBob SquarePants (1999-) Squid Game (2021-) Stranger Things (2016-2025) Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006-2007) Suburgatory (2011-2014) Superior Donuts (2017-2018) Superstore (2015-2021)
T That '70s Show (1998-2006) That '90s Show (2023-) That's So Raven (2003-2007) The Brady Binch (1969-1974) The Crew (2021) The Ellen Show (2001-2002) The Emperor's New School (2006-2008) The End of the F***ing World (2017-2019) The Flight Attendant (2020-2022) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996) The Golden Girls (1985-1992) The Golden Palace (1992-1993) The IT Crowd (2006-2013) The King of Queens (1998-2007) The Last Dance (2020) The Legend of Tarzan (2001-2003) The Little Mermaid (1992-1994) The Loud House (2014-) The Neighborhood (2018-) The New Adventures of Old Christine (2006-2023) The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988-1991) The Odd Couple (2015-2017) The Office UK (2001-2003) The Pink Panther Show (1969-1970) The Powerpuff Girls (1998-2004) The Replacements (2006-2022) The Suite Life on Deck (2008-2011) The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008) The Twilight Zone (1959–1964) The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024) The Upshaws (2021-) The White Lotus (2021-2025) The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) Timon & Pumbaa (1995-1999) Tiny Beautiful Things (2023) Totally Spies! (2001-2014) Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
U Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015-2020) Unstable (2023-)
V Veep (2012-2019)
W Web Therapy (2011-2015) Welcome Back, Kotter (1975-1979) Wednesday (2022-) What I Like About You (2002-2006) Whitney (2011–2013) Will & Grace (1998-2020) W.I.T.C.H. (2004-2006) Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012)
X Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001)
Y Young & Hungry (2014-2018)
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r1ddly · 1 year
Top 10 favorite films (or whatever)
I've been tagged by SO many people I don't even remember who exactly LMAO, I don't usually do top 10s and I don't watch movies often so this will be something LMAO
10. Conragion
Another movie I obsessed over, it really is so interesting because instead of being in the perspective of a normal citizen it shows the perspectives of scientists, researchers, doctors who are trying to find a vaccine! And it shows the citizens and reporters trying to find answers and a way to deal with the virus.
9. The bay
It's my FAVORITE found footage film, I remember when it was on Hulu and I watched it everytime I got the chance. It's a lil outrageous but also very realistic and man. I kinda wanna rewatch it now! Lmao!
8. Re-animator
It's really funny, I'm in love with herbert west, it's gorey and I'm actually really into death and I just think it's neat LMAO
7. Shin godzilla
It felt a little long at first but it really took off after a certain point and it's really good and interesting and it really just destroyed me and I teared up at a specific scene that still makes me emotional. It's such an interesting movie and I love the way it portrays their characters! I love the designs for godzilla especially.
6. Us (2019)
A movie with a really good soundtrack and an incredibly interesting plot, I still think about the ending a lot and it's so so good.
5. Puss and boots: the last wish
Watched this movie with my sister, it's absolutely amazing and has really helped me feel more at peace with some personal things! (That and admittedly I really like Jack Horner LMAO)
4. The suicide squad
I think it was one of the few DC movies I watched after coming home to Washington from Georgia, movie actually means a lot to me! And it's a really good and funny one too!
3. Skinamarink
I know this movie is a mixed bad for a lot of people but me personally? Love it, it's one of the few movies I liked so much I rewatched it 3 times! It's by far my favorite horror movie
2. The Batman (2022)
I think people who know me would he shocked that this is second place, like really? The movie that changed your whole being and helped you get out of a sorta toxic relationship is second place? The movie with the riddler your most obsessed with and the one who made you realize you fell out if love with your ex and the one who's just been there to sorta fuck up relationships with how much you obsess over him? Yeah. LMAO
1. Everything everywhere all at once
This movie was the thing that rebirthed me, I can't even go into words with how much this movie means to me. Just talking about this movie is bringing me to tears.
I know I'm supposed to tag a bunch of people but I only have like 3 friends and one has already done this SO ILL TAG THE OTHER TWO @rottinginwonderland @starbeebrite
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cosplayinamerica · 8 months
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by Zippy
After visiting my first anime convention in my final months of college in March 2007, DaigaCon in Bowling Green, Kentucky, I knew I needed to seek out more conventions to feed my burgeoning love of anime and the fan community. This led me to wake up my sister super early on September 22nd, 2007 to take the nearly two hour drive down from Chattanooga to the Cobb Galleria, where I’d participate in my first, but certainly not last, Anime Weekend Atlanta (AWA). At the time AWA was celebrating its 13th year, with a “mere” 10,000 attendees, a third of what was estimated to have attended in 2022. 
For my eyes though, entering Anime Weekend Atlanta was like discovering a bustling Otaku metropolis full of strange sights, sounds, and perhaps smells too. I planned a full schedule of panels including one featuring some of my favorite podcasters Anime World Order, which I found had Otaku Generation members in attendance as well – I fanboyed hard over all of them. I also ensured we would meet some of the guests, and specifically my sister and I both wanted to meet Greg Ayres who then, and everytime I’ve met him since, has been an absolute treasure. Of course we also marveled at all the cosplays too, and to this day my sister and I still recall some of our favorite cosplays we saw that year including a fancy deer cosplayer who bowed upon meeting us! After exhausting ourselves with panels, events, and running around, with the tiredness leading to some sibling squabbles, we took a break and relaxed in line outside the door for the concerts of the evening featuring Peelander-Z, The Emeralds, and The Captains. After rocking alongside the bands, in the late PM early AM hours, we drove back where I summarily had my first post-AWA sleep and recovery. This day still is treasured in my heart and my memories.
Since my trek down to my first AWA, my love of the con, as well as its importance in my life, has grown year after year. As a member of the press in attendance for many years, I had the pleasure to interview some incredible people including the author Helen McCarthy, music artist and producer Taku Takahashi, Otaku USA founder Patrick Macias, and DJ/producer TeddyLoid to name a few. I’ve also made many lifelong friendships, which makes AWA feel as much like a reunion as it does a convention. I’ve even had my share of heartbreak connected to the con, with friends who used to attend with me passing away, and also missed moments and lost connections over the years. All in all it has added up to the con becoming an incredible part of my life, which I think is why I was especially feeling emotional leading into this final year at the Cobb Galleria.
This year was my 16th trip to the convention, which I’ve attended consecutively (excluding the year of the Covid cancellation) since that first trip down in 2007. (This was also Anime Weekend Atlanta’s 29th year in existence.) My place in fandom has certainly evolved since then, as I’m now the former president of an anime club, former radio host of an J-Pop/J-Rock/anime college radio show, and former director for an anime con that ran for seven years. My time spent watching anime has dropped significantly too, less due to lack of interest and more time obligations, and so though my love of anime, anime cons, and the culture therein has never waned, I’ve seen myself go from a young upstart to becoming a somewhat elder statesmen looking on as new generations take their own paths into the fandom. I caveat that all to say that coming into this year’s Anime Weekend Atlanta was emotional at the onset, as the rumor mill had predicted – correctly so – a move from the Cobb Galleria, AWA’s home for the last twenty years, to the future home of the con the Georgia World Congress Center.
Many of us undoubtedly had and have mixed feelings about the move, though as a past con runner myself I certainly understand many of the pressures and the reasoning for the move, but without yet thinking too much on the future we all wanted to focus on the time and present and to enjoy this convention to its fullest. Thanks to a combination of wonderful weather, an incredible array of guests, panels, vendors, and artists, nearly everyone I encountered was able to do just that and seemed to really enjoy their AWA experience to the fullest.
Certainly there were some changes: the hotel introduced wristbands for the lobby, the main path of flow between the Cobb Galleria and the Renaissance Waverly was reversed (I eventually got used to it), and registration was in the old theater, which feels like it should’ve been used from the start. Yet what remained the same spoke to the success of the con over the years and presented a positive outlook for its future. I’m specifically speaking of things like the packed, yet fun if you got inside, Super Happy Fun Sell. I’m also including the many incredible music performances such as the rave, highlighted by the inclusion of TeddyLoid and Taku Takahashi of M-Flo. I of course have to shout out the full array of guests, who drew folks to their panels and to the back of the dealer’s hall for autographs in droves. Likewise the panels were awesome as always, including Dave Merrill’s Anime Hell, a panel whose presence over the years has been like a steady anchor in the everchanging schedule. (Merrill helped create Anime Weekend Atlanta, and previously served as con chairman.) Lastly and most importantly everywhere in the con there were fans of all ages, some in cosplays which is always incredible to see, who through their presence and participation in the con showed their love for the fandom and for each other by helping to create this place for us all to just geek out for a weekend.
It’s important I think to remember that the fans are the rock of conventions like Anime Weekend Atlanta. Merrill in his opening for Anime Hell highlighted the work of every fan at the con, and in the American anime community at large, who through our presence and support not only helped make Anime Weekend Atlanta happen all these years, but also helped build the anime fandom that now flourishes in America. “We did that”, Merrill emphasized, giving credit to fans over companies. That’s an incredibly resonant point and a reminder that while AWA may change in various ways over the years, as long as fans remain, and as long as it’s a welcome home for this community, no matter where the convention will take place it’ll have a lasting life for present and future anime fans for many years to come.
Zippy is a contributor to Cosplay in America as well as editor of Last Looks
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
Link to interview and there is an Instagram Story.
Thanks for the message, Anon.
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Lauren Lyle
9 October 2022
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Necklace / Maria Black // Dress / Missoni // Photographer: Stewart Bywater
Interview & Editor: Owen James Vincent
Stylist: Ben James Adams
Hair: Joe Pickering Taylor
Makeup: Maria Asadi
Photographer’s assistant: Hannie McBride
Stylist’s first assistant: Linda Houtsonen
Stylist’s second assistant: Fatima Koko
Cover Design: Emily Curtis
A big thanks to Georgia & Ellie from Public Eye & Sorcha Adamson from Arch The Agency
With ITV drama 'Karen Pirie' coming to an end. We got to chat to Lauren Lyle about her time on the show, preparing herself for the role and behind-the-scenes stories.
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Dress & Gloves / La Musa @ Cult Mia
Hi Lauren! Thanks for chatting with ReVamp Magazine. Has 2022 been good for you?
It has, i’ve been very lucky to travel a lot for work from LA to the very most Northern Island of of the UK so i’ve seen some amazing sights. A grey whale in California and a colony of grey seals in the North. It’s been such a good summer in London too. After working away loads it felt cool to reconnect with my friends and actually live in my newly renovated apartment.
Do you remember the first production you worked on?
My first ever proper acting job was The Crucible at The Old Vic on The West End. I couldn’t believe it. TV wise it was either a BBC comedy called Radges which was hilarious and written by now a very successful comedian Fern Brady. Or it was Holby City! An absolute right of passage for a UK actor, i’m honoured to have got an episode before it ended.
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Shirt / Letoit // Trousers / ArmedAngels // Shoe / Grenson
You’re the lead role in the ITV crime drama ‘Karen Pirie’. How has the reaction been so far?
It been crazy. I’m quite overwhelmed, and even Twitter which can be a horrible place is largely very positive. I’m so happy everyone is loving it and despite not wanting to read reviews it is good to know even rival papers are agreeing that is a great show. I knew we were making a good thing and its such a relief now its finally out.
How did you prepare yourself for this role?
I read the scripts a million times, watched all the detective shows I could, and created my own big wall which outlined the case and all the suspects. It was very intense wrapping my head around the case and every little details but a real pleasure diving in and immersing myself. Then when it came to line learning it was just repetition repetition repetition. And then sometimes the pub alone, with a half pint and my script.
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Jacket / Dagmar // Shoe / Grenson
What was it like to be part of Val McDermid’s world?
Very cool! She’s created such iconic characters and much loved worlds. I was slightly daunted a the prospect of playing a character so many already loved from the books knowing I might not be everyone’s Karen they imagined in their head, however having done it once with Marsali as a book character from Outlander I knew this was our version and people would hopefully honour that. Which they have.
Do you think we need to see more female representation in big roles such as Karen's?
Always. I think telling this story through the lens of another young woman who also knows what it means to be nervous walking home at night is relevant and important. The case is very personal to Karen and the subject matter is to me, so i definitely feel proud to be opening up that conversation further into the mainstream. I’ve had lots of amazing messages from women saying that seeing a vanity free, funny, relatable woman on screen is so refreshing and reassuring.
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Earrings / Maria Black // Dress / JC Pajares @ Cult Mia
Have you got any funny behind-the-scenes stories?
I got my parents into the final scene of the whole show as extras. It was quite special to bring them to work and show what I do. We did one take where we picked up half way through the scene and on one told my mum so she started acting out the very beginning of the scene. She stalled the whole take and accidentally got in Chris Jenks (The Mint’s) shot. Luckily the director through it was hilarious and filmed the whole thing.
Lastly, have you got any plans for the rest of the year?
I have just finished another film and i’m preparing to go away to an Island to shoot another one which will take me up to Christmas. Then it will be Christmas dinners and sleep.
You can catch the last episode of 'Karen Pirie' on ITV tonight at 8pm or watch the whole season on ITV Hub.
Remember… I got my parents into the final scene of the whole show as extras. It was quite special to bring them to work and show what I do. — Lauren Lyle
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Kyle Mantyla at RWW:
In 2022, flat-earth conspiracy theorist Kandiss Taylor unsuccessfully ran for governor of Georgia and despite her paltry showing in the Republican primary, she steadfastly refused to accept that she had lost. In 2023, Taylor became a Georgia GOP district chair and started voicing increasingly radical views, even going so far as to call for the public execution of those who oppose her Christian nationalist worldview. During the most recent episode of her “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” program, which airs on the network owned by virulently antisemitic conspiracy theorist Stew Peters, Taylor declared that women cannot become president of the United States because the president has to be “kind of a butthole.” “When you’re the president of the free world, when you’re the most powerful man in the world, you need to be kind of a butthole, and you need to tell people, ‘Back up,'” Taylor said. “People are like, ‘Oh, I want a female VP.’ I don’t. I don’t want a female VP. I want both president and vice president to be men, alpha strong men that love Jesus, that only bow their knee to him, Jesus Christ.”
On her Jesus, Guns, and Babies show that airs on rancidly antisemitic extremist Stew Peters’s network, far-right whacko Kandiss Taylor opposes the idea of a woman being the President or Vice President of the USA on the idea that the President “need[s] to be kind of a butthole.”
From the 06.15.2024 edition of The Stew Peters Network's Jesus, Guns, and Babies:
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