#watching other people do the wincest wednesday thing
zmediaoutlet · 2 years
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holyfreaks · 3 days
happy wincest wednesday!!!! 🥳 supernatural canon is incredibly undecided on this matter, so i want to know YOUR headcanons for what language(s) sam and dean have studied! do you think they have overlap anywhere, or would they divide and conquer? 🤔 i think about this so often, so i want to know other people's opinions too :)
ooo yes great question!!
so I think both definitely have a decent understanding of Latin because of what they do-- hunting-- and that a lot of their work requires reading and saying things in Latin
sam also definitely knows Spanish and ASL due to its importance in traveling across the US, and I think he took Russian for fun in college :))
dean knows a little bit of Spanish and ASL mostly due to sam and the above mentioned reason, and I also think he knows a bit of Japanese due to watching anime and hentai
these are just my thoughts tho but this was a fun question!! happy wincest wednesday!!
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supernaturalkickparty · 11 months
You ask for asks and I come bearing a wincest Wednesday question! Do you think Sam ever admitted his feelings for Dean to anybody else and vice versa?
Bless you for the Wincest Wednesday question🖤
Ok so I totally think Sam told Jess. I've written it myself and I headcanon Jess knew.
Gonna rant and add some samjess for this Wincest Wednesday
To me Jess knew because as much as people act like Sam kept her totally in the dark I don't think she was fully clueless to who he was.
She knew he had a rocky childhood, moved around a lot. Dad wasn't really around because of working a lot/traveling for work. Big brother was always there.
She knew that he didn't have a lot of the typical childhood experiences and she was glad to do everything with him.
She noticed he was more likely to open up while they were baking, cooking, or doing normal mundane things.
She found out their freshman year while at an art walk/farmers market that he had never gone trick or treating. That their father wouldn't allow it and him and his big brother just stayed home and watched movies.
"Sammy, we're 19, technically still kids, we're going trick or treating."
She buys them masks from the dollar store and some trick or treating bags too.
As they go from house to house she sees him loosen up and have fun. Eventually she learns his brother's name.
"Dean would never let me live it down if he saw me like this"
That's also when she remembers he's said the name Dean under his breath when she's blowing him. She let's it go for now.
As time goes on she learns more and more about him and Dean.
Dean would do this and Dean would do that.
Nobody could beat Dean in a game of pool or cards
She's come to find out that Dean could do it all.
Junior year he finally let's it slip, they're drinking a little too much, it's the end of the semester and they're celebrating.
Jess is talking about her first crush/first love/first boyfriend/first time and all the awkwardness that comes with being a teenager in love.
"I never really had anyone other than Dean. He was everything and more to me."
That's all Sam says, but it's all she needs to know to confirm what she's always felt.
Sam's always spoken of Dean so fondly like he was long lost love instead of a brother.
She understands though, it was just them two. Two kids on the road with no one but each other for comfort and companionship.
She doesn't judge him and she's not going to try to replace Dean at all.
But she's gonna try her best to be whatever Sam needs and so far she thinks she's been doing a good job.
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deanscutiepiesam · 3 days
happy wincest wednesday! supernatural canon is incredibly undecided on this matter, so i want to know YOUR headcanons for what language(s) sam and dean have studied! do you think they have overlap anywhere, or would they divide and conquer? 🤔 i think about this so often, so i want to know other people's opinions too :)
Happy Wincest Wednesday!! ♡
This is a super cool question that I'd honestly never thought about! Thanks for the ask!
• Latin
For overlapping languages, I could see Latin for obvious reasons. I feel Sam is definitely farther along than Dean is, but they both have a basic understanding of the language given what they do.
Ex: Sam reading from a book to perform exorcisms in the early seasons v.s. in later seasons, doing it from memory, and even saying it backward for a reverse exorcism. Sam often explains latin words to Dean and is able to do spells easier. Dean also did pretty good with his Latin in that one episode where that kid switched bodies with Sam. Although, he mispronounced "audi nos" as "adios."
• Spanish
Speaking of Adios, I'm going to add Spanish as an overlapping one, too. I think they both took it in school (for me, a foreign language credit was required in high school. Idk if it was like that back when they were in school, but I'm projecting anwyay.)
I headcanon this because one episode (pretty sure it was the wax figure one because of Abraham Lincoln), Sam could figure out what the Spanish lady was saying. I don't think Sam's all that knowledgeable in it now (high school was a while ago for him), but I think he's like me in that he can make out certain words.
Dean, on the other hand, remembers nothing. I headcanon he took it because he had to and retained nothing from the class. It was against his will. I think he's like my mom in that he only knows two things in Spanish: how to order a beer and how to ask for the bathroom. (Context: My mom says she would often have to pee after drinking, so she learned those words when she went to Mexico when she was younger. This seems like a Dean thing to me.)
(Also, Casa Erotica. I forgot about that. He's learning Spanish, alright 💀)
We all saw this one coming. ASL, of course, because upon meeting Eileen, he said that he took a class in college, I believe. And throughout the later seasons he uses it more with her so I headcanon that he has been brushing up on it (considering that he incorrectly signed "Thank you" when they first met, so he's definitely improved since then. He has to be studying for her, right?)
• Japanese
As I said earlier, I don't feel like Dean would willingly study a language. However, I headcanon he would pick up on very, very few Japanese words. Wait, don't boo me yet—
Anime nerd Dean is very important to me (idc if it's only hentai in canon, I'm making him watch real anime.) So, in honor of self projection, I think over time, he'd pick up on some words subconsciously. Never anything complicated. He'd call Sam "onii-chan" to piss him off ("Dean, I'm younger than you!"), and that's about the level he stays at.
(Also, I forgot about the Busty Asian Beauties gag, so add that in for canon evidence if you'd like. Dean and his porn teaching him languages. Man... 💀)
Anyways, that's all I got. I hope that was what you were looking for! Thanks again for the ask ^^
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday!! say more about the sam/dean/crowley love triangle❣️
YESSSS my favourite topic, thank you vicky 💘
the thing i love most about sam/dean/crowley is the canon moments we have, which are wild-- dean canonically has sex with crowley, crowley canonically wants to see sam in s&m gear, sam canonically wants to beat crowley to death-- all fabulous. the thing that strikes me the most about this triad is how many little moments there are between them, especially in season 9-10. not romantic-- i mean the moments that demonstrate dean's loyalty towards crowley, all of which are followed by sam clearly swallowing a lot of anger. and for good reason! it's delicious that one of the few people dean consistently seems to get along with in season nine and ten killed someone sam cared about in season eight. it's such a crazy dynamic to set up, especially coming right off the sacrifice church scene *which crowley saw* 😵‍💫
i've posted the things i've noticed while watching season ten so far, but there's so many interesting reactions from sam when dean mentions crowley. i highly advocate doing a close watch with that in mind. it's SO FUN. SAM HATES HIM SO MUCH. i wrote a post a while back that addresses the way sam, during the mark of cain arc, acts as a united front with dean as often as he can when they're around other people, but when they're alone, he argues hard. i think crowley is a great example of this. i have no examples rn, so correct me if evidence says otherwise, but: sam sees crowley as a threat to his relationship with dean. he knows that dean has a connection with him, and he knows that crowley saw him at his "worst" in the church after the trials, and we know via that deleted scene that sam intended to kill crowley as soon as he became human. sam works overtime to look like he knows what he's doing whenever crowley's around, and crowley knows that and thinks it's hilarious (blade runners comes to mind). i really do think that crowley's presence during sacrifice weighs on sam; he hates feeling weak, and knowing that crowley saw all of that, and then, later, that crowley heard god knows what from demon!dean?? that crowley was inside of him and, worse, that he was doing him a favour?!? sam guards his secrets as best he can-- i really think this is one of his worst case scenarios.
sam just-- hates him. it's great. crowley gets a kick out of knowing how badly sam wants to kill him, i think, which makes the whole messy triangle so much funnier. meanwhile, dean's in that position where an ex-fwb is also a colleague and a friend you need to maintain a relationship with, which is always fun. all in all, the lack of threesome fics is criminal. give me the messy layers!!!!
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pregnancykink · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday! 💕
what do you think sam and deans opinion on sleeping with other people is like? do they clash on the topic? do they have rules for it? does their stance on it change over time?
Happy WW anon!! I’ve talked about this a bit in the past, but I think at least in the early seasons they’re chill with it. I’m a “they don’t give into their feelings till John dies” truther (although I am down to clown with pre-series, s1, and later HCs too!) and at that point they’re semi-regularly having one night stands. I do take the relationships in the show as canon, and I think their comfort with the other one having sex with others (Sam watching, Dean encouraging) is very real. I view them as having more of an open relationship, “this is just an extension of our feelings for each other but not a committed relationship” is an unspoken thing between them, and that’s fine.
As things go on, I think they do start feeling more possessive of each other (especially once s4/Ruby/looming threat of Zachariah starts up). But Dean certainly doesn’t think he deserves to have Sam to himself, and Sam doesn’t think Dean would ever want commitment. So it continues to go unspoken.
Now, I haven’t seen past 7x17, but as I understand it they settle into a sort of domesticity in the bunker later. After everything with Dean & Lisa, soulless!Sam —> Sam’s PTSD/“relationship” (nonconsensual) with Lucifer, and I guess whatever Dean is doing in s8 (idk Benny I haven’t met him yet), things might change bc the jealousy is there and they’ve already suffered from unspoken jealousy and the issues it caused before.
At that point, I think they might start asking each other before having one-night stands or other regular relationships insofar as they can have them. Or threesoming. Def lots of threesoming. As I’ve said though, I do tend to take canon sexual and/or romantic relationships into my personal canon, so I’ll have to see how that plays out in s8-15! I do think maybe toward the end though, they start playing with commitment (…still some threesomes though for sure).
So all in all, I do think they’re on the same page, but I think they think the other one is not on the same page. Though they come to a resolution eventually, it’s not without fights and misunderstandings.
Sorry for the v long answer!
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dadfuckerfest · 1 year
I get preferring DeanJohn over SamJohn, and I absolutely love the idea of Dean getting off on watching Sam and John together. But why not call it deanjohnfest then? John's got 3 two sons
Good question! First of all, I hope no one feels like, maliciously excluded— and if you do send J/S or J/A I will reblog it and tag it appropriately! Also specifically the Dean meme attached to our first lovely J/S prompt— ignore it, it’s a joke, write what you want! <3
The rationale behind the event name was a desire for 1) consistency (once upon a time some pals in our J/D discord wanted to hold a weekly event and I came up with “Dadfucker Friday,” which has since inspired the name of the discord and become the name of the lovely weekly ritual where people discuss mostly J/D), and
2) clarity of purpose: this is my way of cajoling folks into actually writing sexy J/D fic instead of just sharing sexy headcanons (long story!) Thus, “Dadfucker.”
“Dadfucker Friday” as a concept was of course itself inspired by “Wincest Wednesday,” and I think that fact is actually relevant here. Consider how though “Wincest” means “Winchester/Winchester,” we understand that it means specifically Sam/Dean, so much so that if you bust into someone’s inbox with some John/Adam questions, responses may range from bewilderment to upset. So we made our own thing for J/D!
This is a play off that thing.
This means neither that no S/J event will ever take place on this page nor that other folks can’t make their own Dadfucker “all-son” thing.
TLDR: Send us whatever you like! The name is an inside joke! Other Dadcest events may yet happen! “Dadfucker” is not yet trademarked!
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setyourfireonme · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! what's the fic that converted you to wincest? not necessarily the first you remember reading, but the first that impressed you and stayed with you all these years?
ooh ty, such a good question. and happy saturday, this clearly took me a while but believe it or not i cut out over half of this response lol. sorry in advance for the messiness of this answer <3
i have to say that since that was in 2014 (so the year after i started watching spn), i don't remember what fic really "converted" me (i do remember what finally made me find it compelling in-show: teasers from s10 the summer before it aired), or a fic that has stayed with me since that long ago (my memory is a black hole lol), but i always love a good excuse to go through my ao3 bookmarks and history, so let's see...
the first wincest fic that apparently impressed me the most back when i read it in late 2014 was sight lines by kissyn because it was, and i quote from my bookmarks, "the fic that made me want to use bookmarks". i reread it just now and while i wouldn't have called it an answer to this question before that, it might actually be one after all. and it still works, even when some of my preferences and views of what's IC and not have obviously changed since then. i guess that fic portrays that beginning for me quite well, it's a few months into me reading wincest fic and it shows how i had started reading fic for them, while sharing qualities with what i had read before (heed the tags lol). i was starting to get an idea of what i was looking for in s/d fic and their relationship in general, even if that fic wasn't it yet or now (but i contain multitudes,,,). i’ll let the beautiful opening paragraph speak for itself:
There's something eerie about driving into a small town just as real autumn twilight sets in, especially the kind of small towns you find in rural Appalachian territory. Tall pines loom in close over the winding roads and block all but the narrowest strip of overcast sky with their skinny grasping branches. Sweeping hills and valleys seem to tuck each village into its own isolated world. Impending darkness, already deep in the gaps between trees, makes claustrophobia threaten. Sam is used to long stretches of plains, where he can see on and on over yellow grass. Here, each curve in the road hides the next quarter mile. Gas stations and rundown liquor stores and intersections spring on them with no warning. ––
and i realised that these lines actually have stayed with me:
Sam has a theory that there are two types of people in the world. The first kind are regular people, like him and Dad and Mandy and Nancy the bartender, they're the sort that other people start to love over time. Not that the love is less powerful or real, but it's a growing thing, and it has to be nurtured, coaxed, earned, built into a lasting relationship brick by brick. They're the kind of people that not everyone is going to love, or even want to love. Then there are people like Dean and, Sam thinks, his mother. She must have been like Dean, else where did Dean get it from? They're the second type. People that go through life and everyone around can't help but fall a little bit in love with them. And it's not safe or good, it blows up fast and too often it dies just as quickly, but they barely know they're doing it and even if you recognize what's happening to you, you can't help falling anyway. And when they leave you behind, when you really did love them, that's how people like John Winchester happen.
i can't still really say that or any other fic made me be properly into wincest, it was a group effort with the show and tumblr (and this exploration into those beginnings has just left me more confused lol, this answer is me simplifying a lot), but it's probably the best early example? especially since while i did start reading sam/dean fics a few months earlier and there were some other formative and memorable fics from before, most were honestly pwps that IIRC i didn't read primarily for the sam and dean of it. the lines were blurry, but then another impactful "conversion" for me was maybe a year later when i found authors such as fleshflutter (forever <3 i wish i could link a specific fic but i just blanket bookmarked all of them) and candle_beck (although i never read that many fics from them until last year), who among others definitely left a mark. and then i took an almost four-year break from the fandom and had another ~conversion a year ago, which was especially important when it came to sam and dean's relationship for me. some things changed, some stayed the same...
i'd love to rec some All Time Favourites and give a clear answer so i'm still not satisfied with this, but there are so many deleted ones and ao3 history doesn't work like i'd want it to, not to mention lj... and the fics i read didn't maybe necessarily always reflect my thoughts about their relationship, which i now have a clearer and dearer idea of. and apparently i didn't even end up bookmarking that many sam/dean fics back then (it was one relationship among others for me but also i had some struggles finding fic among all the [redacted] that i came across)? also i could be misremembering everything here lol. anyway @ past me please start bookmarking more fics and also start doing it earlier thanks. this isn't probably the answer you were looking for, more just me pondering than talking about specific fics, but maybe it's something :)
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sinfulbrothers · 6 years
Submissive [ Chapter 1-4 ]
[ Wincest! demon!dean priest x submissive Sam ]
A story I am writing on Wattpad. It is quite old though.
"Mr.Winchester, would you like to explain why you would like the job?" Marie, a nice brunette with puppy like eyes asked, she was always the flirting type. Dean Samuel Winchester remembered the first day he walked into the Bulton church and asked to be the head priest. At first no one really took interest in his bulky looking figure, he'd always been a bigger than most people. Not that he cared very much. But the more time he went to work the more he learned about his co-workers and work.
Marie for instance, yes she came to church and begged for forgiveness. She really did. But no one would guess with a face like hers she would be a drug dealer. Dealing pot and other illegals under the cops noses. All while still going to church. Even though Dean knew of her activities he stayed "silent". Only watching from afar as the dealings continued. Another co-worker with issues would be Joseph. He came to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Helping castiel with work and donations. No one would suspect him of being a serial killer, yup. He was a serial killer. One that killed his best friend and framed his other. No one else knew.
It was so hard to keep quiet. Dean knew if he slipped up and told the police people would be all over him. Not that it really mattered in any way, he just didn't need the attention brought to him. It would ruin everything. So he stayed quiet. Going to work every Sunday and Wednesday. They had confessions. Some were better than others. The occasional 'i slept with another man while my husband was out of town' or 'I stole blah blah blah from this store'. It was all complete and utter bullshit, people always lied and stole from one another. If it wasn't that, then they were going at it like a pack of dogs. It was disgusting.
He withdrew his hand back from another visitor of the church, a young blonde man with blue eyes. A thick Russian accent and a scrawny figure. No it wasn't the man he was looking for. Not even close. The one he wanted was way more attractive. Stronger build, darker eyes. "Samantha." The name rolled off his tongue like a spice. Where was he? His emerald eyes darted across the church, scanning the few people that were there.
"Is there something wrong, father?" Eleanor questioned, an eyebrow slowly rising up. Dean couldn't contain the scowl that appeared on his face, displeasure in his eyes.
"Yes there is something wrong! Where is Samuel at? Samuel J. Alexander? Where is he? I had an appointment with him and he's—" Just at the sound of Dean's rambling, the church doors slid open and Sam walked in. His hair dripping wet, carrying a few ruined books to his chest. His shoulders shaking and shuddering as he struggled to catch his breath. Dean's scowl faded, a smile appearing on his lips. "Where have you been, Samuel? In some trouble, have we?"
The brown haired man walked down the hall to the father, "Im sorry, my car broke down and I had to walk here. It started raining, it's one..." He caught himself before he said 'hell of a storm'. But father must've knew what he said because Sam caught the faint chuckle. One that sent shivers up his spine.
Dean turned gesturing towards his office, "Shall we? I'm sure we have a change of clothes. So you won't freeze."
Something about the walk felt off, it felt as if the walls were closing in on him, a simple hand on his shoulder made him jump. Usually Sam wasn't that easily spooked, sure a haunted house could get a laugh. But never a spook. Besides, this was just his pastor he was walking with. It wasn't anyone extremely special, or high up in the social norm. Whatever the hell that meant these days.
Dean walked into the room carrying a nice dry pair of clothes, grey sweatpants, a baggy blue shirt and a bottle of water. "I thought you would want something to drink from running for so long. Hope you don't mind." He sat the bottle down, nodding to Sam. Sam grabbed the clothes flashing a gentle smile and headed to the bathroom. "Fuck." Dean growled punching his desk, clenching his jaw, "How in the living gates of hell..—shut the hell up, you say a word and I'll snap your neck." Without even looking he knew who stood outside the door, nosy brat of a kid. Sally Bulluck. He straightened himself up taking a seat at his desk.
Sam brushed out his hair with his fingers, combing through flattening it down. Sliding his dry shirt over his head flattening it out, grinning at himself in the mirror. It wasn't a good sense of clothing choice but it was better than being cold and wet. Sadly, Sam had lost his phone after the incident. Maybe he could use Dean's? He had never seen Dean with a cell phone. Which was very very odd for someone in this day of age. He combed his fingertips across his jaw examining closer at a blemish, brushing it off and headed out of the room. Going back to father's office. Clearing his throat outside the room before he trampled in. Father was sitting at his desk flipping through papers, his dark eyes skimming over every word, though he didn't seem like he cared or knew what the words meant. "Father, may I use your phone?"
"I'm sorry, Samuel, I don't own a cell phone. Do you need a ride? If so, I can drive you back to your place. It's on the way to the bowling alley." Dean forced a smile upon his lips, standing up pushing his chair back. Causing it to creak.
Samuel nodded, "Yes, father. I haven't been able to afford a car yet for myself. I'm hoping in the next few months when I get my job." The man smiled softly, his hands folded in front of him, grabbing his bag of wet clothes and followed Dean through the church and out the back door. Dean always parked her behind the church, so no thieves could get to her. "Wow..nice car. How'd you keep it—"
"Her. Her name's baby. I kept her from rusting because I'm not and idiot who leaves their car out to the elements. You need to take care of the happy things." Dean unlocked the impala, throwing the door open and climbing in, pushing the passenger door open for Sam. Once Sam was inside he started her up and pulled out of the alley. "Tell me. Do you still live on Grover Street? Beside the park?" Of course Dean already knew the answer to that, he knew everything about Sam. Everything. Sam gave an awkward glance over to him, nodding sharply, his hands remaining in his lap. "Great. That's not too far. About fifteen minutes? Would you like to grab something to eat along the way?"
The younger man shifted around in his seat, "I really need to get home. My mom isn't doing too well, she's sick again." Hair rose on the back of his neck, something cold pressed against his neck. "F-Father?"
"We're grabbing some chili fries without salt. You alert the cashier and it'll go to hell. Just sit still, Samuel." Sam did, he wasn't going to chance it.
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zmediaoutlet · 15 days
happy ww, I am so glad you are back :)
I didnt have any unique qs except I was rereading the archivist a few days ago (as one does!!) and it got me thinking how in your fics and late season domesticity, they just...love & accept each other, as people. So. What are the activities that you think Sam/Dean have zero interest in individually but do it for each other? Esp post 15.19!
happy wincest wednesday-on-a-friday! <3 I'm partially back at least, haha. The things, they are Busy, but it's good to check in with the buds. :)
You know late-seasons domesticity is my jam! And people doing things they don't necessarily like but will bear for the sake of the beloved is my ultimate jam, or indeed preserves! My marmalade!
Leaving naughty options that have been discussed before to the side -- let's do a random hc for each --
Dean finds true crime weird as shitttt. Our lives our true crime, why are you consuming it as a hobby?? Sam starts out trying to claim that it's work-related, and also did you know that we got covered on this podcast when the serial killer Leviathan-- ? But then with the benefits of late-seasons casualness he just shrugs and says, what? I dig it. And so Dean does occasionally deign to let Sam play the podcast at full volume in the car on the long drive from Kansas to Augusta ME, and because he is who he is, he inevitably gets involved in the characters etc and wants to hear the next ep. But then he remembers that those are real people, with real tragedies, and gets an uncomfy little -- ick -- but Sam's focused and fascinated and Dean puts away the ick and goes, well. If the killer ever shows up again as a ghost or demon, the Winchesters will know ever single detail of how to handle it.
Sam suffers more than Christ for his brother-best-friend-husband, lol. Every day is another listen through of the Black Album or a stop at a diner that last passed a health inspection in 1979 or what Dean thinks passes for singing in the shower. But so what. All the benefits of being Dean's brother outweigh the horrors. (Most of the time.) One in the post 15.19 era that he truly just Does Not Like is Dean's obsession with trying to hit all the restaurants he can on the Diners Drive-ins and Dives list. I mean jesus christ -- not only were they often sketch greasebombs to start with, now that they're famous they're even worse, and crowded, and he does not want a triple-stack waffle-and-fried-chicken heart attack on a plate -- ! But Dean grins so big, and honestly, if anyone's earned cholesterol Sam guesses it's Dean. So he orders whatever's least gross on the menu and resigns himself to another afternoon of trying not to watch Dean eat. (But he will, after enough cajoling, take a bite of whatever the star thing is on the menu. Sometimes it's good.)
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zmediaoutlet · 10 days
Hi Z!
Happy Wincest Wednesday!!
how do you see their soulmate relationship, especially in the later seasons?
hello, and a happy wincest wednesday to you and yours <3
hm, how do I see their soulmate relationship? As... canon? Like. The foundational basis of their characters and the show and the only thing that remained a supportive spine through those long (sometimes very long) 15 years?
But I guess that's a cop-out, haha. It's a little interesting -- I know there's a burgeoning preference for 'oh what a big tragedy supernatural is,' the kind of Family Horror element of it all. And yeah, it is, in one sense. Literally destined by literal actual fuck-off God to be the protagonist of this horrible story of blood and death and failure and everything always going wrong, and no rest, because in a serialized story there always has to be another horror -- another problem to fix, another crisis to live through -- and it was true in-universe much as it was true for the show itself, lol. Watch out, Sam and Dean -- it's sweeps, and someone's probably gonna get stabbed.
But especially once s11 came and their relationship settled into steel -- it just... isn't presented as a horror. It's just not. Sam-and-Dean-together is the correct answer, as presented in universe, and it's not being given as like a darkly ironic dessert for a lifetime of miseries, or the last shit cherry on a shit pie. It's a genuine source of joy for both of them. Not fluffy romcom style joy, but more of that hammered-thin gold of people who've been through the worst (literally, in both their cases, beyond the worst things ever imaginable), and have come through it, and in the end still choose each other as a place of safety, and happiness, and home. And it's not gothic melodrama necessarily, either -- it's making each other grilled cheese and making fun of each other's hair and just the humdrum everydayness of being alive, which is honestly where the show shines brightest for me. It's the being destined for each other, and all the nature/nurture that forces them together, but also the active choosing every day to climb into the same car (and, arguably, sometimes the same bed) and literally just want to be together.
Parks & Rec had that little motif with Leslie & Ben where they'd tell each other I love you, and I like you. Sam and Dean love each other, but that's kind of paltry beside the fact that they just really genuinely like each other; and they could leave (well, Sam could), and there have been dozens of very real opportunities, and despite everything -- they don't. They prove it in the post-15.19 montage, where they could've chosen not to hunt -- Sam could've gone off and got that "real life" he kept mentioning -- but of course they didn't, because: they just like each other. They just like each other, and they prove it, every day. I've seen real life marriages that work less well. That's soulmatism par excellence.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
I just wanted to pop in and say that I find your perspective on Sam and Dean really refreshing. I like how you focus on how, despite everything they've been through, Sam and Dean genuinely like each other and make each other happy. Lots of people in the fandom talk so much about how Wincest reflects the cycle of abuse and how they're so messed up etc etc. Like, I get where those gritty takes come from, but I guess takes that either brother is abusive/controlling/toxic/whatever just don't really ring true for me. Meanwhile, your married-couple takes where they genuinely love each other and actively choose to stay together and work things out no matter what happens... it's just really nice, you know? I like how ultimately, some roadblocks and misunderstandings aside, your Sam and Dean are really kind to each other.
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Put down some beanbags, anon, it's time for hugs. <333
Happy wincest wednesday, bud! I'm really glad you like the z vibe in the fics. I guess I take it to the point of being a vice, but like -- I'm just repeating what I see on screen. Sam and Dean like each other. They choose to hang out! They watch movies and have dinner together and they're each other's best friends! It's not only delightful, it's canon, and that makes it extra delightful for me. All those bad things that happened and all the ways they could have decided to hate each other or resign themselves to a long sad life of victimhood and misery -- but they don't, because they just literally on a basic level enjoy each other's company, and isn't that just -- the best gift? :)
Thanks for enjoying the takes, and thanks for letting me know that you do. It's a very kind gesture. <333
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! assuming djinn sam isn't as normal as he looks, what's a wincest headcanon you have for that universe?
happy wincest wednesday! (on actual wednesday for me! imagine that!)
This is one of those where I am happy to be a little bit led, bc I've read some fun fic to this effect -- in particular one I'm thinking of (can't remember title or author, sorry) where Sam's kind of... mean, and he's fucking Dean on the side and also fucks the cute El Sol girlfriend. I mean, ouch.
Tricky for me, though, because I'm of two minds about the djinn ep.
Mind 1: it's a djinnverse, which means that it is a fake world blown up from the mind of a specific person, intended to grant them one wish -- letting the dominoes fall as they may from that wish, given the information the djinn can suss from the person's brain. This means it's built by, limited by, given structure by, the wisher's imagination, the way they think about themselves, the way they imagine other people think about them, what they may wish were thought about them, shame and hope and desire and fear all swirling around together.
Mind 2: you can also just treat it as an entirely separate, wholly realized domino AU. That is -- make it a real universe unto itself, where x didn't happen and so y and z have all the room to grow they want. Not a fake world inside a wisher's head but just -- a world. This is the normal AU that would happen if Mary had lived.
Trouble for me, with Mind 2, is that... I don't believe in normal AU-with-normal-upbringing wincest. I just can't buy it. (I answered another ask on this ages ago, points for anyone who can find it bc I couldn't when I just briefly tried.) Normal AU where they're broke or John's abusive and Mary's dead, etc etc? Sure, let them fuck. But Dad with little league and Mary baking pie and Sam happily off to Stanford and it's all hunky dory? I know people like the soulmatism read where they'd get incestuous anyway, but... I just can't come with 'em. So.. Mind 2, sit down.
Mind 1, then: if the wish is still as simple as 'I wish Mom hadn't died?' And we bring canonically pining crazy-ass Dean Winchester, with all his hope and shame and hurt and need into that mess? So, it makes sense that Sam's off being normal and successful and marrying a picture perfect 2D (with double Ds) blonde. It makes sense that Dean's a wastrel who's on every shitlist. It makes sense that Sam wants nothing to do with him, because who would? Look at him. Look at the mess he is, look how lazy and meanspirited and dickish. A little bit of a mystery that he landed such a hot nurse, hm? But he's good at faking it, isn't he, because the thing is that he wanted Sam so badly that he panicked. Couldn't get too close because he couldn't ruin Sam, too. It was easier to be an asshole, to be the bad example, to screw Sam over and make Sam push him away, to do everything he could to be the person Sam would never want to be -- and it worked, Sam ran off to California and went to college and was Mr Perfect and when he'd come home for Christmas he'd look at Dean with this pained expression like, don't ruin this, too, and Dean'd grin back like -- oh, just watch me. Making sure. When Sam was good and gone Dean did get the hot girlfriend, because he knows how to use his body and he knows how to be pleasing when he needs to, and he was normal, or at least normal enough to count, and when he drunkdialed Sam on weird nights when Carmen was gone on one of those three 12s weeks he'd say -- he didn't know. He wasn't responsible for what he said then. He'd already ruined it so what did it matter, if he ruined it a little more.
Sam didn't hang up on him. Sometimes Dean'd look at his call log and there it'd be, under Outgoing -- forty minutes, an hour. Two hours. Maybe Sam just put the phone down and went to sleep. Maybe that was it. But one time, he was drunk but he wasn't as drunk as he could've been, and he called, and Sam answered even though it was one in the morning in Palo Alto, and Dean didn't quite know what to say because his filters hadn't been completely drowned yet, and Sam said, when Dean wasn't sure he'd say anything at all, you already done? and Dean said no -- no, I'm not done, and Sam said, kind of quiet so Dean couldn't tell if it was disgusted or not, if you're just going to heavy breathe at me I'll go back to studying, and Dean bit his tongue, and Sam said, well?, and Dean just -- said everything he'd ever thought, about -- about what he wanted, and what he'd dreamed. What he'd wished for. Thinking that Sam would hang up, that Sam would fly all the way back from the ocean to Kansas, would open up the apartment door and kill Dean where he sat, and Dean would've been grateful, if he did. But Sam stayed on the phone, and Dean could hear him breathing too on the other side of the line, and Sam said, quiet still when Dean paused with his mouth dry and his head ringing, he said: you get off on that? and Dean was so hard he was surprised he wasn't drilling a hole in his pants, and Sam hummed, and he said then, go on, and Dean clutched himself through his jeans and creamed his shorts and Sam stayed on the phone while he breathed through it, and then Sam said, still in that same tone, night, Dean, and Dean hung up, and he didn't call Sam again for months. Until the next time.
What I'm saying is: my hc, in Mind 1, is that djinn!Sam hates Dean exactly as much as Dean wants to be hated, and is as disgusted with him as Dean believes he deserves disgust, and when Dean can't take either of those anymore Sam will take him in hand, exactly as Dean needs to be taken in hand. He's useful, that way.
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
Happy Wincest Wednesday, everyone!
What is one moment in canon that you feel other people in the fandom misinterpret? This is your chance to say "my interpretation of this is the correct one."
happy wincest wefridnesday! That's a real day, that I have created.
I like the idea of fixing on a particular moment but it has given me a lot of chin-scratching to do. That is, other than the moment with the """""puppy eyes""""" which are absolutely not goddamn puppy eyes in Skin, which I am CORRECT ABOUT and I will TAKE NO ARGUMENTS --
hmmmmm I'm gonna go with the end of Metamorphosis. I haven't watched it super recently (although the rewatch is now in s4, so -- soon!), but a) that episode's phenomenal, and b) there's this little blink-and-you-miss-it moment that I think gets discarded a little too easily.
The episode's all about Sam's powers and how he shouldn't be using them. Which -- I mean, in the full context of the show, whatever excuses and reasons and consequences and destinies were involved, that is true. The powers and what came out of them were bad, both for Sam and for the, you know, planet. But whatever, that's not the point of this post. Dean's told by angels that Sam should not be doing it -- he's terrified and furious about the powers themselves, which probably isn't helped by the fact that he just came from hell where he saw actual demons doing similar bad shit -- and he's not exactly nice to Sam for most of the ep, as a result. Not great! Not a super brotherly moment!
That said: there's this little second at the end of the episode. Sam's had his big arms akimbo speech and he's also helped save Dean and they've had their wildly on-the-nose heavy-handed monster parallel case. Then, in the car, Dean's... contrite is probably too far, but he does feel bad. He's been hard on Sam and he knows it, and he understands now that Sam's conflicted about the situation too. And then:
SAM There's nothing more to say. I can't keep explaining myself to you. I can't make you understand.
DEAN Why don't you try?
SAM I can't. Because this thing, this blood, it's not in you the way it's in me. It's just something I got to deal with.
DEAN Not alone.
Not alone. Now, it's a throwaway line. The kind of thing Dean and Sam say to each other all the time. But coming in this context, especially with the expression Dean's wearing, it just... blows open this window into an entirely different s4, for a second there. It's proof, to me, that Dean could have gone with Sam's powers -- could have helped, could have listened, would have -- if Sam had asked. But Sam shuts down (for understandable reasons) and it's put away, until Sam starts up again, and -- it's the lie, and the sneaking around, and the 'cheating', that clearly are so much more of a betrayal for Dean, in the end, than just sucking blood & using the powers on their own. It's really... fascinating.
I guess the way that people are wrong about it is: it's not the powers that are the problem. It's everything that comes with them. Granted, given everything that came with them, Sam clearly has no interest in exploring them further because it's a rough reminder of a dark time -- plus his little problem with hubris when he was younger -- but Dean had zero substantive problem with Sam's psychic stuff in s1. He cared when Sam lied about it, and wouldn't let him help.
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
Hello!! I have a Wincest(ish) Wednesday question for you if you're up for it! I was curious if you rewatch the show regularly or have any comfort seasons/episodes?
hi, hello, happy wincest wednesday! (the nice thing about supernatural is that the emotional wincest is canon, so all spn questions are technically wincest questions. quite the hack!)
I do rewatch the show! Not regularly, lol. But any time I'm going to write a fic I'll rewatch moments that I think might help -- as a result I've seen some *parts* of episodes like 100 times, haha. I've watched nearly every episode (barring some s15 stuff I just couldn't stomach), and have watched s1-12 at least twice all the way through.
But I don't binge through a whole season or whatever like I see some people do. "Oh, I'm watching s9 this week!" Not Z. With some buds we're doing a VERY slow rewatch ep-by-ep, but since the finale aired we're still only in s4, haha. That's also the only way I'm going to watch these episodes whole, too; if I rewatch an ep on my own I fast forward a lot. Like I never watch the cold open, and skip most case material. Oh, some blonde screamed and died. Whatever.
That said: a few really great eps that I do go back to sometimes just for the love of the game -- Folsom Prison Blues, most of 6B (especially Like a Virgin/Unforgiven/Mannequin), Ask Jeeves, basically all of s11. I love s11... so much.
You'll notice not much early seasons in there. I don't find early seasons 'comforting' -- it's a lot of character development and important stuff, but when I think about the wincesty thing that I really find to be a home in the show, it's s6-11 that I actually want more of. That's my fave. I should get a waifu pillow with Sera on one side and Carver on the other, lol.
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! a stanford era q for u: continuity error or not, it was established that sam and dean hadnt spoken for two years rather than four. what do you think happened to make this so? Do you think it has anything to do with why Dean said in the finale that he was afraid Sam would tell him to get lost or get dead?
heyyyyy bud happy wincest wednesday (a week later, cough -- oh my god what is this everyone tag on the post creator? what? okay I'll try to move past it-- )
yeah I think they're related.
I prefer not to take the 'two years' thing as a continuity error. There's no real need to? In general, it's fun to try to take what the characters say as fact and just roll with them, because often that creates a pretty interesting story on its own. Now, Sam's actual amount of time at Stanford doesn't make a ton of sense on its own, w/r/t when his birthday is, that it was only November 2005 when everything starts -- but whatever. The two years/four years thing is still rad.
We're never told that Dean didn't talk to Sam for four years -- that means that at some points in Sam's freshman & sophomore years, they were still talking. And then we're told that Dean hasn't "bothered" him in two -- and that also means that Dean knows it's two years, more or less specifically, which means that Dean's been aware of that time passing whether or not Sam has. It's not like he just showed up like 'oh hey haven't talked to little bro in a while' -- he knows it's two years, and he knows that Sam will be hostile to his showing up, and then with the extra finale context he's scared that Sam will just slam the door in his face. [that sound you hear is my high pitched wailing.] No wonder he doesn't call and breaks in, to make sure Sam won't get the opportunity for at least that initial refusal.
Maybe this is unsatisfying but I don't actually have a strong hc for what happened to create that divide. I do like to headcanon (...or maybe this is actual canon) that Sam started dating Jess right around that two year mark, and therefore his spare time was taken up with girlfriend. And then from there, it is very easy to imagine Dean calling on the road somewhere in South Carolina, trying to stay awake by bothering his little brother, but in the three hour time difference Sam's on a date with this killer blonde and he silences his phone so as not to interrupt. And then maybe Dean's in Maine and he calls Sam because he's bored on a stakeout and Sam's watching a movie with his new maybe-he-can-call-her-his-girlfriend, and he misses that call, too. And then maybe the next time they do talk, Dean's kinda snippy-bitchy because, damn, you avoiding my calls?, and Sam's kinda snippy-bitchy back because, no, but he does have a real life, Dean, he isn't just waiting around for random VH1 Behind the Music trivia. And so maybe the next time Dean thinks to call, nursing his stitches in a motel room somewhere in Texas, he decides not to. Don't want to bother big time college boy, does he. And then maybe Sam hasn't heard from Dean in a while, and he actually makes the initial call, but that time Dean's with John and sees the name come up on the screen and doesn't want to start a fight, and Sam hears it go to voicemail and thinks, fine.
Just that. Drifting apart, because that's what happens. You think someone's going to be there your whole life and then they're not. And then it's easy to think, well, maybe they're not interested. And then maybe you get mad, and then you get sad, and then you have this weird simmering unresolved something. And then two years pass.
Can I just say: oof. In some ways I find that to be way more sad than other versions -- like a big fight they had, or some intense interaction (I know a lot of people like to imagine first time Stanford sex in there), or whatever. But in this way -- this fairly realistic way -- it's not the big violent knife cut that leaves a clean edge and bleeds and maybe you can stitch it up; it's instead like... idk, erosion, or accidentally grating off a big layer of skin. Hard to patch up easy. Lots of little painful edges that can't get fixed all in one go. Fantastic fic fodder, that way. :)
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