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MHA Chapter 429 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
1 僕の"個性"が「家系のどこにも属さないとつぜんへんい」だと聞いて ぼくの"こせい"が「かけいのどこにもぞくさないとつぜんへんい」だときいて boku no "kosei" ga 「kakei no doko ni mo zokusanai totsuzen hen'i」 da to kiite I heard my quirk is "a sudden mutation that didn't belong to any of the family's lineages."
2 パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじも大じぃじも急に優しくなくなった パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじもおおじぃじもきゅうにやさしくなくなった PAPA mo MAMA mo SHISUTAA mo ojisan mo obasan mo baaba mo jiiji mo oojiiji mo kyuu ni yasashiku nakunatta Papa, Mama, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, and Great-Granddad all of a sudden stopped being nice to me.
tagline 1 ある少年の独白ーー あるしょうねんのどくはくーー aru shounen no dokuhaku-- A boy's soliloquy--
3 皆は僕を縛りつけて地下室に閉じ込めた みんなはぼくをしばりつけてちかしつにとじこめた minna wa boku wo shibari tsukete chikashitsu ni tojikometa They tied me up and locked me in the basement.
4 恐くて悲しくて泣き叫んでいたら こわくてかなしくてなきさけんでいたら kowakute kanashikute nakisakende itara I was scared and sad and crying out.
5 口が大きく開かないよう縫われた くちがおおきくひらかないようぬわれた kuchi ga ookiku hirakanai you nuwareta My mouth was sewn shut to prevent it from opening wide.
6 何年経ったかわからないある日 なんねんたったかわからないあるひ nannen tatta ka wakaranai aru hi One day, after I don't know how many years passed,
7 「この国は終わる」と言って 「このくにはおわる」といって 「kono kuni wa owaru」 to itte they said, "This country is finished,"
8 人抱えの水と菓子パンを放り込んだきり ひとかかえのみずとかしパンをほうりこんだきり hito kakae no mizu to kashi PAN wo hourikonda kiri and after they threw in what water and pastries they could carry
9 皆は二度と現れなくなった みんなはにどとあらわれなくなった minna wa nido to arawarenaku natta none of them ever appeared again.
tagline 2 No.429 私が来た! 堀越耕平 ナンバー429 わたしがきた! ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 429 watashi ga kita! Horikoshi Kouhei No. 429 I Am Here! Kouhei Horikoshi
10 しばらく経って しばらくたって shibaraku tatte After a while,
11 もの凄い衝撃と共に地下室にキレツが入ったので ものすごいしょうげきとともにちかしつにキレツがはいったので monosugoi shougeki to tomo ni chikashitsu ni KIRETSU ga haitta node with a tremendous impact, a crack entered the basement, so
12 なんとか外に出ることができた なんとかそとにでることができた nantoka soto ni deru koto ga dekita I managed to get outside.
1 久し振りの日の光はとても痛くて恐かった ひさしぶりのひのひかりはとてもいたくてこわかった hisashiburi no hi no hikari wa totemo itakute kowakatta The light of the sun for the first time in such a long time was very painful and scary.
2 何がいけなかったのだろう なにがいけなかったのだろう nani ga ikenakatta no darou What was it that I did wrong?
3 何でこんなに悲しいのだろう なんでこんなにかなしいのだろう nande konna ni kanashii no darou Why am I so sad like this?
4 とにかく僕は とにかくぼくは tonikaku boku wa In any case, I
5 ずうっと恐くて悲しいのに ずうっとこわくてかなしいのに zuutto kowakute kanashii noni am always so scared and sad,
6 なのにどうしてこの人たちは なのにどうしてこのひとたちは nanoni doushite kono hito-tachi wa so why is it these people
7 笑っているんだろう わらっているんだろう waratte irundarou are smiling?
1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I liked people's happy faces.
2 だからヒーローを目指したのに だからヒーローをめざしたのに dakara HIIROO wo mezashita noni That's why I aimed to be a hero, but
3 お茶子ちゃんは おちゃこちゃんは Ochako-chan wa Ochako-chan,
4 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 395.)
5 ぐうっ guu "Ggh."
6 なのに余計な事"考���て"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto "kangaete"... You nevertheless think about unnecessary things… (Note: Still a flashback to chapter 395.)
7 私は わたしは watashi wa I
8 ヒミコちゃんの命の上に生かされた ヒミコちゃんのいのちのうえにいかされた HIMIKO-chan no inochi no ue ni ikasareta was made to survive over Himiko-chan's life.
9 私��した事は わたしのしたことは watashi no shita koto wa What I did...
1 麗日さん‼︎ うららかさん‼︎ Uraraka-san!! "Uraraka-san!!"
2-3 デクくん DEKU-kun "Deku-kun,"
4 どうして doushite "why..."
5 ここが koko ga "this place..."
6 どうやって… dou yatte... "how did you..."
7 なんとなく…! nantonaku...! "Somehow or other*...!" (*Note: This "somehow" has an implication that the answer is unimportant to the speaker, like "It's not a big deal," or "Never you mind that.")
8 ワン・フォー・オールでとんできた WAN FOO OORU de tonde kita "I flew up here with One For All."
1 此処は ここは koko wa "This place is"
2 大切な話をした場所だから たいせつなはなしをしたばしょだから taisetsu na hanashi wo shita basho dakara "where we had an important conversation, that's why."
3 そうやなくて sou yanakute "That's not what I mean."
4-5 一旦家帰るって言ったやん いったんいえかえるっていったやん ittan ie kaeru tte itta yan "Didn't I say I'd go home temporarily?"
6 帰れてたら帰れてたで良いんだでも かえれてたらかえれてたでいいんだでも kaeretetara kaereteta de iinda demo "If you had gone home, that'd have been fine, but"
7 此処にいると思ったんだ ここにいるとおもったんだ koko ni iru to omottanda "I thought you'd be here."
8 ……何で ……なんで ......nande "......Why?"
9 …見られたくないのに …みられたくないのに ...miraretakunai noni "...I didn't want to be seen."
10 ごめん gomen "Sorry."
11 でも…見せてほしいんだ でも…みせてほしいんだ demo...misete hoshiinda "But...I want you to show me."
12 だって麗日さんは だってうららかさんは datte Uraraka-san wa "Because, Uraraka-san,"
13 いつもそうじゃないか itsumo sou ja nai ka "aren't you always like that?*" (Note: He's talking about how Ochako has been keeping up a happy facade for a while but he wants her to let him see her sadness.)
1 入試の時だって にゅうしのときだって nyuushi no toki datte "Even at the entrance exam,”
2 私の"個性"ごめんね勝手に わたしの"こせい"ごめんねかってに watashi no "kosei" gomen ne katte ni It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but...
3 でも転んじゃったら縁起悪いもんね でもころんじゃったらえんぎわるいもんね demo koronjattara engi warui mon ne well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall. (Note: This is from chapter 3.)
4 合否のポイントのことだって ごうひのポイントのことだって gouhi no POINTO no koto datte "even about the points [I needed] to pass,"
5 私のポイント分け��って出来ませんか⁉︎ わたしのポイントわけるってできませんか⁉︎ watashi no POINTO wakeru tte dekimasen ka!? Can you give him some of the points I earned!? (Note: This is from chapter 4.)
6 ずっとーーー zutto--- "all the time---"
7 ーーいつも --itsumo "--always."
8 でもデクって「頑張れ」って感じで でもデクって「がんばれ」ってかんじで demo DEKU tte 「ganbare」 tte kanji de But "Deku," well... It just screams, "Do your best!!"
9 なんか好きだ私 なんかすきだわたし nan ka suki da watashi I kinda like it. (Note: This is from chapter 7.)
10 自分の事より じぶんのことより jibun no koto yori "More than yourself,”
11 他人を優先して! ひとをゆうせんして! hito (kanji: tanin) wo yuusen shite! "you make other people your priority!"
12 体育祭の時だって たいいくさいのときだって taiikusai no toki datte "Even during the sports festival."
13 いつも itsumo "Always,"
14 ずっと! zutto! "all the time!"
1 デクくん落ち着け! デクくんおちつけ! DEKU-kun ochitsuke! Deku-kun, calm down! (Note: This is from chapter 211.)
2 ずっと救けられっぱなしだ! ずっとたすけられっぱなしだ! zutto tasukerareppanashi da! "You've always been saving me!"
3 彼のヒーローアカデミアでいさせて下さい! かれのヒーローアカデミアでいさせてください! kare no HIIROO AKADEMIA de isasete kudasai! Please let him stay at his hero academia! (Note: This is from chapter 324.)
4 僕のヒーローだ! ぼくのヒーローだ! boku no HIIROO da! "You're my hero!"
5-6 だから…君の強さだけに寄りかからない だから…きみのつよさだけによりかからない dakara...kimi no tsuyosa dake ni yorikakaranai "That's why...I won't rely on only your strength [alone].”
1 手を握るだけで心が和らぐんだよ てをにぎるだけでこころがやわらぐんだよ te wo nigiru dake de kokoro ga yawaragunda yo "Just holding hands soothes the heart."
2 …ヒミコちゃん ...HIMIKO-chan "...Himiko-chan."
3 ヒーローが辛い時 ヒーローがつらいとき HIIROO ga tsurai toki When heroes are hurting...
4 私のせいで死んじゃった わたしのせいでしんじゃった watashi no sei de shinjatta "It's my fault she died."
1 私が刺されなかったら…‼︎ わたしがさされなかったら…‼︎ watashi ga sasarenakattara...!! "If I hadn't been stabbed...!!"
2 余計なこと考えたから…‼︎ よけいなことかんがえたから…‼︎ yokei na koto kangaeta kara...!! "It's because I thought about unnecessary stuff...!!"
3 人に血を分けられる"個性"だったの…‼︎ ひとにちをわけられる"こせい"だったの…‼︎ hito ni chi wo wakerareru "kosei" datta no...!! "It was a quirk that could give out blood to people...!!"
4 あんな形でなくても…!見つけられる方法がなかったかなあっ‼︎ あんなかたち��なくても…!みつけられるほうほうがなかったかなあっ‼︎ anna katachi de nakutemo...! mitsukerareru houhou ga nakatta ka naa!! "Even if it didn't seem like [it could do] that...! I wonder if there wasn't a way I could have found that out [sooner]!!"
5 もっと早く…!!! もっとはやく…!!! motto hayaku...!!! "[If I had been] faster...!!!"
6 気付けてたら‼︎ きづけてたら‼︎ kudzuketetara!! "If I only I had realized!!"
7 もっと motto "[If I had been] more..."
8 子どもの時に会えてたら違ったかなあ⁉︎ こどものときにあえてたらちがったかなあ⁉︎ kodomo no toki ni aetetara chigatta ka naa!? "Would it be different if we had met when we were children!?"
9-10 誰がヒーローを守ってあげられるだろう だれがヒーローをまもってあげられるだろう dare ga HIIROO wo mamotte agerareru darou ...who protects the heroes?
11 僕も ぼくも boku mo "Me, too."
12 転弧…死柄木弔に…同じ事引きずってる てんこ…しがらきとむらに…おなじことひきずってる Tenko...Shigaraki Tomura ni...onaji koto hikizutteru "Tenko...about Tomura Shigaraki...I've been dragging around the same things."
13 この戦いをこれまでと同じように消費していかないように このたたかいをこれまでとおなじようにしょうひしていかないように kono tatakai wo kore made to onaji you ni shouhi shite ikanai you ni "I hope I don't let this fight consume me in the same way as I did before."
14 AFOに言われたよ オール・フォー・ワンにいわれたよ OORU FOO WAN ni iwareta yo "All For One told me,"
15 おまえのしようとしてる道は茨の道だって おまえのしようとしてるみちはいばらのみちだって omae no shiyou to shiteru michi wa ibara no michi datte "the path you've chosen is a thorny one." (Note: This is a reference to chapter 316.)
1 それでも…ーー soredemo...-- "Even so...--"
2 余計なお世話でも手を差し伸ばしていけば…きっと必ず‼︎ よけいなおせわでもてをさしのばしていけば…きっとかならず‼︎ yokei na osewa demo te wo sashinobashite ikeba...kitto kanarazu!! "even if it's none of my business, if I reach out my hand...then surely, definitely...!!" (Note: This line isn’t cut off, but the conclusion of what will “surely, definitely” happen is implied and unspoken.)
3 あ‼︎マジでいたア‼︎ a!! MAJI de itaA!! "Ah!! They really were here!!"
4 麗日あ‼︎俺らも来たぞ! うららかあ‼︎おれらもきたぞ! Urarakaa!! orera mo kita zo! "Urarakaa!! We're here, too!"
5 お茶子ちゃんのばか! おちゃこちゃんのばか! Ochako-chan no baka! "Ochako-chan, you idiot!"
1 言ってくれるの待ってたのよ何でも思ったら言っていいのよ いってくれるのまって���のよなんでもおもったらいっていいのよ itte kuraru no matteta no yo nandemo omottara itte ii no yo "I was waiting for you to say [something]! Whatever you're thinking about, it's fine for you to say it!"
2 ブッ飛ばしてたけど ブッとばしてたけど BUttobashiteta kedo "They flew you over here, but"
3 残り火大丈夫か? のこりびだいじょうぶか? nokoribi daijoubu ka? "are the embers okay?"
4 うん un "Yeah."
5 え e "Eh?"
6 "残り火"…ってえ…それって "のこりび"…ってえ…それって "nokoribi"...ttee...sore tte "'Embers,' you said... That's..."
7 待て待て まてまて mate mate "Wait, wait!"
8 なんで言ってくんねーんだよ なんでいってくんねーんだよ nande itte kunnenda yo "Why didn't you tell us?"
9 ワン・フォー・オールは完遂した ワン・フォー・オールはかんすいした WAN FOO OORU wa kansui shita One For All completed it, (Note: This word means something like "carried out, accomplished" but in the officials keeps getting translated as "completed.")
10 義勇の力が紡ぎ上げた力の結晶を ぎゆうのちからがつむぎあげたちからのけっしょうを giyuu no chikara ga tsumugi ageta chikara no kesshou wo the crystallization of power spun by the brave and righteous.
1 今度は こんどは kondo wa Next time,
sign 青山送別会‼︎ あおやまそうべつかい‼︎ Aoyama soubetsu-kai!! Aoyama farewell party!!
2 皆で紡げていけたら みんなでつむげていけたら minna de tsumugete iketara if we can all spin it [together]...
3 チャートの拡大? チャートのかくだい? CHAATO no kakudai? "Expanding the chart?"
4 ええまァ一環ですが ええまァいっかんですが ee maA ikkan desu ga "Yes, well, that's part of it."
5 もち復興の目度がたってからですよ もちふっこうのめどがたってからですよ mochi fukkou no medo ga ta tte kara desu yo "Of course, it's for after the reconstruction is further along."
6 今回の戦い俺たちヒーロー以外の活躍が大きすぎた こんかいのたたかいおれたちヒーローいがいのかつやくがおおきすぎた konkai no tatakai ore-tachi HIIROO igai no katsuyaku ga ooki sugita "In the battle this time, there were too many great feats [done by those] other than us heroes."
7 現職業ヒーローと併せて"英雄"もピックアップしていきます げんしょくぎょうヒーローとあわせて"えいゆう"もピックアップしていきます genshokugyou HIIROO to awasete "eiyuu" mo PIKKUAPPU shite ikimasu "Along with the current professional heroes, we'll pick up heroes* as well." (*Note: The word used for pro heroes is from the English, "hero," pronounced as HIIROO in Japanese. This new list of "heroes" Hawks suggests uses the Japanese word for hero, eiyuu. Not coincidentally, "UA" gets its name from reversing the kanji in eiyuu: ei・yuu -> yuu・ei.)
8 人気制度を失くす方に傾くと思ってたが にんきせいどをなくすほうにかたむくとおもってたが ninki seido wo nakusu hou ni katamuku to omotteta ga "I was thinking you'd lean towards losing the popularity system, and yet..."
9 功罪の罪に目を向ければそりゃそうですが こうざいのざいにめをむければそりゃそうですが kouzai no zai ni me wo mukereba sorya sou desu ga "If you shift your focus to the cons over the pros, that makes sense, but"
10 俺は功を捨てずにアップデートしたいんス おれはこうをすてずにアップデートしたいんス ore wa kou wo sutezu ni APPUDEETO shitainSU "I want to update it without throwing out the good points."
1 どんな"最高"にも手には限りがある どんな"さいこう"にもてにはかぎりがある donna "saikou" ni mo te ni wa kagiri ga aru "No matter if you're the greatest, your hands have limits."
2 より多くを救えるとしたらそれはきっと職業ヒーローじゃない よりおおくをすくえるとしたらそれはきっとおれたちじゃない yori ooku wo sukueru to shitara sore wa kitto ore-tachi (kanji: shokugyou HIIROO) ja nai "If more can be saved, it's probably not [by] us (read as: professional heroes)."
3 最高のヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー さいこうのヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー saikou no HIIROO ga takusan iru you na-- "It seems like there are a lot of greatest* heroes--" (*Note: Grammatically in English this would read as "there are a lot of great heroes," but the word used here is a superlative, "greatest," used since chapter 1. All Might called Izuku the greatest hero, then later called both Izuku and Katsuki the greatest heroes, and now he's saying there are even more "greatest heroes" than that.)
4 えぇ ee "Yes."
5 ハア HAA "Hah." (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
6 ハア HAA (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
7 何で なんで nande "Why"
8 僕だけ ぼくだけ boku dake "am I the only one"
9 こんなに‼︎ konna ni!! "like this!!"
1 ボク! BOKU! "Child!"
2 あのあと あの子はヒーローに助けてもらえたのか あのあと あのこはヒーローにたすけてもらえたのか ano ato ano ko wa HIIROO ni tasukete moraeta no ka After that, was that child able to be saved by a hero?
3 今でも寝れなくなるときがある いまでもねれなくなるときがある ima demo nerenaku naru toki ga aru Even now, there are times I cannot sleep. (Note: This line implies that the reason she couldn't sleep was because she was kept up by the previous question of wondering if "that child" was saved.)
4 あの日緑谷出久がもたらしたモノ あのひみどりやいずくがもたらしたモノ ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga motarashita MONO "What Izuku Midoriya brought about that day,"
5 応援でもなんでも…"何かせずにいられない" おうえんでもなんでも…"なにかせずにいられない" ouen demo nandemo..."nanika sezu ni irarenai" "whether it's cheering someone on or otherwise...'I can't help but do something.'" (Note: Hawks is saying Izuku inspired within people a feeling or thought like "I can't help but do something," which first manifested as them all cheering Izuku on.)
6 あの日きっと皆に届いた…そ���てその先にはある筈です あのひきっとみんなにとどいた…そしてそのさきにはあるは��です ano hi kitto minna ni todoita...soshite sono saki ni wa aru hazu desu "I'm sure it reached everyone that day... And there must be something after that."
1 もう大丈夫だからね もうだいじょうぶだからね mou daijoubu dakara ne "It's okay now."
2 "おばあちゃんが来た"からね "おばあちゃんがきた"からね "obaachan ga kita" kara ne "Because Grandma is here."
3 おーい ooi "Heeey!"
4 どうした2人とも! どうした2りとも! doushita 2ri tomo! "What's up, you two!"
5-6 ヒーローが暇な社会 ヒーローがひまなしゃかい HIIROO ga hima na shakai A society where heroes have [too much] free time.
tagline デクたちが起こした風はやがてーー次号最終回ポスターCカラー! デクたちがおこしたかぜはやがてーーじごうさいしゅうかいポスターCカラー! DEKU-tachi ga okoshita kaze wa yagate---jigou saishuukai POSUTA C KARAA! The wind brought about by Deku and the others will eventually-- Next issue final poster C color!
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 429#bnha 429#my hero academia manga spoilers#epilogue arc spoilers#i had some visceral initial reactions to moments in this chapter#but pondering time and translation have helped it grow on me a lot#anyways here's Captain Grandma
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<If you own this album, please consider submitting a photo of the page with this song's lyrics to the blog>
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi | Music: Imai Hisashi
The romance of a moonlit night Is hidden in darkness Won’t be dancing Under a midday sky Just red blood Is only what I want Right at the nape of the neck A pure crimson wound^
It’s clearing up* The pretty night In the moonlight It’s only me on the prowl
Walking along Whereabouts am I going? Even a god of death Wouldn't spare a glance In your dream I dance At the end of the nightmare Surely we will meet
It’s clearing up The pretty night In the moonlight Just prowling
“Love me…” —that’s my favorite phrase “Keep staring at me…” —with tearstained eyes “Love me…” —like words in a spell “Keep dancing…” —Ah Night, stay just yet “Love me…”
I am right here Inside of you
It’s clearing up The marvelous night In the moonlight Just prowling
“Love me…” —that’s my favorite phrase “Keep staring at me…” —with tearstained eyes “Love me…” —like words in a spell “Keep dancing…” —Ah Night, stay just yet
“Love me…” —that’s my favorite phrase “Keep staring at me…” —forget it all “Love me…” —like words in a spell “Keep dancing…” —how lamentable
“Love me…” —that’s my favorite phrase
“Keep staring at me…”
Tsukiyo no koi wa Yami ni hisomu Mahiru no sora Odore yashinai Akai chi dake ga Hoshii dake da Kubisuji ni wa makka na kizu^
Toumei ni nareru Kirei na yoru Tsukiakari ni Samayou dake na no
Aruki tsuzukeru Doko e mukau Shinigami sae Furimukya shinai Anata no yume de Watashi odoru Akumu no hate Kitto deau
Toumei ni nareru* Kirei na yoru Tsukiakari ni… Samayou dake
“Aishite…” Sore ga kuchiguse “Mitsumeteite…” Nureta hitomi de “Aishite…” Jumon mitai ni “Odotteite…” Yoru yo kono mama “Aishite…”
Watashi koko ni Anata no naka
Toumei ni nareru Suteki na yoru Tsukiakari ni… Samayou dake
“Aishite…” Sore ga kuchiguse “Mitsumeteite…” Nureta hitomi de “Aishite…” Jumon mitai ni “Odotteite…” Yoru yo kono mama
“Aishite…” Sore ga kuchiguse “Mitsumeteite…” Wasuresarareru “Aishite…” Jumon mitai ni “Odotteite…” Sore ga kanashii “Aishite…” Sore ga kuchiguse
^'kizu' has the distinct honor of meaning both a cut, or wound, and also its aftermath- a scar. *Personally* I rather think he's describing himself here- i.e. vampires retain the mark that turned them, etc.- but have chosen to preserve the ambiguity by just using 'wound' here. It's a little boring but oh well.
*This line came off as really obvious to me, but as I went through my usual rounds of second-guessing, I did actually find grammatical evidence that he is almost certainly talking about the sky clearing up so the moonlight shines down more prettily and not about literally "becoming invisible". I am only human, however, so I am specifically pointing it out here so I can come back to it later someday to look at it again haha.
T/N: "Ghost" is one of the most underrated B-T songs, I've said this before. It was, to my admittedly sparse knowledge of 36 years of live setlists, only ever performed once on stage which is, in my humble opinion, a bit of a sin. Atsushi has done a lot of vampire songs over the years but this one is perhaps the most playfully seductive of the bunch, while also making it very clear that while he utterly craves your attention, he doesn't care about you one bit- "Yes, forget it all- how lamentable!" you can almost see the subtle snicker on his face as he enchants you to dance on and on for him. It's a stellar song, with an also *killer* bass line. I have no idea why they never played it more often and I'll be just a tad salty about it forever.
Disclaimers: Please do not use my translations or photos without express permission. 💗
v. 1.2 (2.2.25)
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"BETRAYER" by AVAM lyrics in english + romanization ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
✮ english lyrics ✮⋆⊹ ࣪ ˖₊˚⊹⋆
Im done, overdosed with failure Unlucky, this is an awful meeting Why im inside this cage? Useless, useless, someone come save me! "Come. on dolls, lets laugh!" Yes, ahaha Never show your wounds to anyone "You are useless, you dont have to exist." Yes, ahaha, ha? This is unveliable... Aa, scream until your throat is sore Aa, it just wont be heard at all Aah, even if i was betrayed... Appear before my eyes until I turn back. Hey, come here. I will never let it go This heart was murdered, look, its condition! Im not fulfilled at all with this love Oh no, why did it had to break that way? Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute! Collapse into regret! ♡ Ah, overly risky, ambitious, and protective with myself. I really love that aspect of you ♡ Spinning, spinning, spinning in circles! No matter what, i forgive you ♡ ...Just kidding. 1,2,3! "Come. on dolls, lets sing! Yes, lalala! Never show your sad face to anyone Hey, useless! You are an unwanted kid!! You are leaving me behind... thanks! I will never forget it A Poisoned heart remains tinted If im loved, i dont believe it Oh no, how come! Im in a bind Im about to let it all out If you hug me tight, i will be alright Look at me, now im cute! I wish i could be at ease! I will never forget it If i ever hear this song again Dont leave unfinished our beautiful moments Now, look at me...!!! I will never let it go This heart was murdered, look, its condition! Im not fulfilled at all with this love Oh no, why did it had to break that way? Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Look at me, now im cute Collapse into regret! ♡
✮ romaji lyrics ✮⋆⊹ ࣪ ˖₊˚⊹⋆
aa mou, dame kamo overdose anrakki itete kono deai nande? watashi ha kago no naka? da-da-dare ka tasukete "saa ningyou ha waraeyo" Yes, ahaha kesshite kizu ha misenai youni "saa younashi da omae ha iranai ko da" Yes ahaha tte ha? arienai wa aa, nodo ga kareru made sakende aa, soredemo todokanai no a-ah, uragirareta nara mikaesu made me no mae ni arawareteageru kocchi muite? isshou hanashiteagenai korosareta kokoro hora, kono arisama! aisareta tte mitasarenai Arara dou shitekureru? kowarechatta kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite koukai ni tsubusarero a, deshabari yokubari hoshin bakari souiu tokoro mo daisuki desu guruguru guruguru furimawashite sa nani wo sarete mo, yurushimasu ...na-nte, ne saa ningyou ha utaeyo Yes rarara kanashii kao misenai youni saa, younashi da! omae ha iranai ko da watashi wo sutetekurete arigatou isshou wasureteagenai doku sareta kokoro ha kitanai mama aisarete mo shinjirarenai Arara dou shitekureru? koma chau na mou isso zenbu hakidashite soredemo ii yo to dakishimeraretara kawaiku natta watashi wo mite anshin dekiru noni naa isshou wasureteagenai kono uta wo itsuka kiita nara kireina omoide de katadukenaide ima no watashi wo mite isshou hanashiteagenai korosareta kokoro hora, kono arisama! aisareta tte mitasarenai Arara dou shitekureru? kowarechatta! kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite kawaiku natta watashi wo mite koukai ni tsubusarero!!!
thats alll :3 remember if u have a req let me know! god i love avam so much,, this is my fav song from them ^.^ PLEASE consider stanning them !! if someone wants a guide, i can make one :3
heres the mv~
and the live perfomance !! so great id cry
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[Translation] Symbol I:△ - Ave Mujica
Unformatted text dump version under the read more
絵画が燃える 騎士(ナイト)が��える
何がほざく 黙らぬ夢に
私はいる あなたの視界の陰に革命を描くの
this is the way 背筋襲う光 浮き上がる火の竜と
into the realm やがて出逢うわ西の城壁で
焼けてくロザリオ 逆巻く炎 ilala, ilala,
この記憶 孤高の記憶 神の唯一の過ち
人は皆 完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
闇は報い 何が救い
軋む胸に刻めよ 弔えよ霊を 名もなき英雄を
this is the way 咽せ返る薔薇の楽園に臨めば
into the realm 決まるこの心 いざいま ゆくだろう
煌めくロザリオ 導く者 ilala, ilala,
この記憶 孤高の記憶 誰も奪えはしないわ
刻は来た 世界が私だけを忘れてく
近づいたの 行き過ぎたの でもいいわ すべてを取り戻せるのなら
迎えに来たのね さあ 私を連れてゆけ
赤く咲き誇る この哀しい空に
焼けてくロザリオ 逆巻く炎 ilala, ilala,
この記憶 孤高の記憶 神の唯一の過ち
人は皆 完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
Kaiga ga moeru naito ga kieru
Nani ga hozaku damaranu yume ni
Watashi wa iru anata no shikai no kage ni kakumei o egaku no
this is the way sesuji osou hikari ukiagaru hi no ryuu to
into the realm yagate deau wa nishi no jouheki de
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
Yami wa mukui nani ga sukui
Rekishi no umi ni hansha suru hoshi yo
Kishimu mune ni kizame yo tomurae yo rei o namonaki eiyuu o
this is the way musekaeru bara no rakuen ni nozomeba
into the realm kimaru kono kokoro iza ima yukudarou
Kirameku rozario michibiku mono ilala, ilala
Kono kioku kokou no kioku dare mo ubae wa shinai wa
Toki wa kita sekai ga watashi dake o wasureteku
Chizazduita no ikisugita no demo ii wa subete o torimodoseru no nara
Mukae ni kita no ne saa watashi o tsureteyuke
Akaku sakihokoru kono kanashii sora ni
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
The knights disappear as the painting burns aflame
What is this prattling dream that refuses to pipe down?
Here I stand, hidden in your very sights (shadow) planning my revolution
this is the way, the light that assails my spine takes form as a dragon of fire
into the realm, we’ll meet before long, in the castle to the west
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
What salvation do you find in the retribution of the darkness?
O star which reflects the tides of history
Engrave it into your grated heart; mourn the souls of thy nameless heroes of past
this is the way, why not attend the Eden of roses which finds itself choked in tears?
into the realm, your heart has already decided; off you go
The rosary glistens, oh one who guides stray souls, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, nobody can ever take it away from you
The time has come; I am the only one the world has forgotten
It approaches, it goes too far, but that’s fine, for everything shall return to its rightful place
You’ve come to find me, have you? Now, take me from this place
Take me from this sorrowful emptiness, which blooms a brilliant crimson
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
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could you write some headcanons for what TV shows the gang (+ Maple, Chug, and Travis if you want) like to watch?
(I know these are a little shorter, but I still love the request❣️❣️❣️)
(I also tried to only choose shows from the 90’s or early 2000’s since it lines up with the Sally Face timeline)
The Gang’s Favorite TV Shows:
- Sal likes animated kids shows. Since he was a 90’s kid his favorite shows are from the 90’s! His favorites include: Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, Doug, and Ren and Stimpy.
- He’s also a big fan of Ghibli movies. His favorite is My Neighbor Totoro.
- When he’s with Larry, he sometimes watches romcom movies. (Random headcannon: the movie he was watching in episode 5 with Larry was The Notebook.) His favorites are the teen one’s from the 80’s, like 16 Candles.
- When he isn’t stoned busy, Larry likes to watch TV. He’s not super picky on what to watch, but he really likes animated shows as well. His favorites are Spongebob, The Animaniacs, Recess, and Rocco’s Modern Life.
- When he was younger, he used to watch family sitcoms with his mom or when he was sick. Alf, Family Ties, and Mad About You were really popular. They also liked The Crosby Show until you know.
- Whenever there was nothing else to do, Larry would watch the “childhood sick day staples”, which include: Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, and Doctor Phil.
- Ash’s guilty pleasure and dirtiest secret is the fact that she loves LOVES The Bachlor. The only person who knows is Neil and they watch it together.
- Besides that, Ash likes to watch sitcoms. She’s always loved Sienfield since she used to watch it with Ben. She also really likes Everybody Loves Raymond and What I Like About You (What I Like About You was my EARLY CHILDHOOD LETS GOOO).
- She really likes the Simpsons also. Not to mention Family Guy is a favorite as well. She also LOVES Bob Ross’s show and when she has free time, she’ll turn it on and paint to it.
- Todd isn’t really the biggest fan of TV shows. He’d much rather be researching ghosts or dinking around on his computer. So when he usually watches TV, it’s just the news.
- He really likes nerdy series though. Stuff like Star Trek and The Twilight Zone are right up his ally. He also enjoys Friends and The Big Bang Theory though.
- A secret he will never EVER share. Like literally, not even Niel knows. One time at Larry’s he was forced to watch The Fast and The Furious and he actually ENJOYED it? Like wtf? He’ll never tell though...
- Travis really didn’t get to watch TV as a kid. Making sure his son has screen time is the last of Travis’s dad’s concerns. So when Travis got to watch TV, it was usually something cult related or the news.
- Once when he was at Sal’s, Larry forced him to sit down and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Travis pretended to hate it but he secretly LOVED IT.
- And so started a closeted obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When he got older and moved into his own place, he began to have Buffy Binge Marathons.
- Chug likes cooking shows, duh! Good Eats, Two Fat Ladies, and Ace of Cakes are his favorites.
- After having Soda, Chug has grown a liking to kids shows and Disney Movies. He can now sing every song in every Disney movie ever and also knows the names of all the girls from Winx Club.
- He also really likes superhero series, especially if they’re animated. He practically forces Maple to watch Teen Titans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men Evolution, and the animated Batman series.
- Maple likes more “mature/drama shows”. Her favorite are ER, Grey’s Anatomy, and Castle (MY CHILDHOOOOOOD GOD I FOOKIN LOVE CASTLE). She has also taken a liking to Supernatural.
- Maple is a HUGE horror movie fan. Chug hates it. He’ll hide in Soda’s room when Maple turns on her movies. Her go to’s are Sleepaway Camp, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Rosemary’s Baby,
- She also really likes Fashion Runway, Switching Spaces, and Super Nanny.
- Neil is a SUCKER for soap operas. General Hospital? Yes. The Young and The Restless? YEs. One Life to Live? YES!
- He also likes reality tv. He’ll call up Ash and force her to come over to watch any Real Housewives series or The Real World over a bowl of popcorn.
- Neil has such a soft heart for romcoms. He cries every time he has to watch them. He bawled like a little bitch when the watch The Notebook and Todd almost banned romcoms after The Lake House.
#sal fisher#larry johnson#ashley campbell#todd morrison#chug cohen#maple cohen#travis phelps#niel#watashi-ha-kanashii#sally face#sally face x reader#sally face imagines#sal fisher x reader#sal fisher imagines#larry johnson x reader#larry johnson imagines#ashley campbell x reader#ashley campbell imagines#todd morrison x reader#todd morrison imagines#travis phelps x reader#travis phelps imagines#chug cohen x reader#chug cohen imagines#maple cohen x reader#maple cohen imagines#neil x reader#neil imagines#1/12/2020
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Headcanon: Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse is demiromantic lithosexual!
#toki wartooth#metalocalypse#aspec headcanons#demiromantic#lithosexual#submitted by watashi-ha-kanashii
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こんにちは皆さん!私はサクラです。Today we are going to be talking about the different ways of saying "because," "for that reason," and other similar terms. For some, it can be frustrating when people make excuses such as "There was heavy traffic," or "It's too heavy," and other things. However, if you find yourself in a situation where something happens or you cannot do certain things, you may need to explain yourself. Here are several terms that can help you in such a predicament.
1.から (Kara)
から translates to "because" and is used to explain the reason or cause of a situation, suggestion and other things. There are two ways to go about using this. One can state the situation, then explain in the next sentence and end it with から. Another version has から in the middle, where the reason is stated early before the situation. Keep in mind, when using the latter, you must make sure that the reason is in short form. For example, if you want to say "I did not go out because it was raining" while using the first version, you would say 「私は出かけませんでした。雨が降っていましたから」(Watashi wa dekakemasendeshita. Ame ga futteimashita kara). However, if you use the second version, you would have to say 「雨が降っていたから、私は出かけませんでした」(Ame ga futteita kara, watashi wa dekakemasendeshita).
Examples 私の猫がいないから、悲しいです。
Watashi no neko ga inai kara, kanashii desu.
Because my cat is not here, I am sad.
Chikokushimashita. Watashi wa jiko ga arimashita.
I was arriving late. This is because I had an accident.
Seiseki ga yokunakatta kara, kare wa chotto okotteimasu.
Because the grade was not good, he is a little mad.
2.ので (Node)
This term is used similarly to how から is used when explaining the reason first and the situation second. However, ので is more formal. Additionally, if you were to use Na adjectives or nouns before stating the situation, the spelling will depend on which term you will use. If you said, "Because she's a student, she's studying a lot" and choose to use から、you would have to say 「彼女は学生だから、たくさん勉強しています」(Kanojo wa gakusei da kara, takusan benkyoushiteimasu). However, if you use ので、you would say 「彼女は学生なので、たくさん勉強しています」(Kanojo wa gakusei na node, takusan benkyoushiteimasu).
Kare ga genki na node, watashi mo genki desu.
Because he is fine, I am as well.
Kono jyugyou ga muzukashii node, shinpaishimasu.
Because this class is hard, I worry.
Kare ga keisatsu na node, yoku hataraiteimasu.
Because he is a police officer, he oftentimes works.
3. し (Shi)
For sentences that have more than one reason, it would be useful to use し. Using し, one can list the various reasons for the situation. However, one can also just say one reason to show that it is not the only cause behind the situation. If you said, "This year has been fun because, for one thing, I go out more often," it would be 「よく出かけるし、今年は楽しいです」(Yoku dekakerushi, kotoshi wa tanoshii desu). One can list the reasons before or after the situation, however you must make sure these reasons are in short forms. You also have to use だ for Na adjectives and nouns.
Nihon no bunka ga omoshiroishi, tabemono ga oishiishi, nihon ni ikitai desu.
Because the Japanese culture is interesting and the food is delicious, I want to go to Japan.
Jon san wa ikemasen. Kare wa byoukidashi, ima, kuruma ga naishi.
John can't go out. He is sick and doesn't have a car right now.
4. ため、結果 (Tame, kekka)
ため and 結果 can be use interchangeably, but the former can be used to state the reason rather than saying "For this/that reason," or "Because of this/that."
Sonokekka, raishuu ga isogashii kamoshiremasen.
Because of that, next week might be busy.
Konotame, kore ga kaemasen.
For this reason, I cannot buy this.
Kinou no yoru, isogashisugita tame, hayaku okimasendeshita.
Because I was too busy last night, I did not get up early.
Stating the reason for a situation can be hard, especially if it is out of your control. But, if you know how to use these terms properly, it can be less daunting.That's it for today's lesson! これが終わります!ありがとうございました。
Illustration was made by yours-truly
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Milan Records Releases Ranking Of Kings OST
Milan Records has announced the release of the original soundtrack for the hit anime that won the Crunchyroll Awards "Best Boy" category, Ranking Of Kings. The composer of the soundtrack, MAYUKO had this to say:
“I encountered a wonderful work of art called Ranking of Kings and thought ‘I can make the music for this piece!’ I composed this piece with the feeling that it was the culmination of my life as a musician. Crying to sad songs, dancing to happy songs – a total of 91 tracks created with the characters' feelings in mind. Along with Bojji’s great adventure, it has been my great adventure. We hope you enjoy every bit of it!”
Joining the release of the complete soundtrack across all major digital platforms is a customized Spotify playlist meant to make listeners feel like kings themselves as they listen. The full tracklist is below:
Ranking of Kings -Main Theme-
Ranking of Kings -Yuuki-
Bojji no Asa
Theme of Bojji
Chiisana Keikaishin
Hajimete no Kaiwa
Theme of Kage
Kyuuchi ni Tatasareru
Idai na King Bosse
Mamono Syugeki
Kage no Kanashii Kako
Haha no Orgel
Onore no Sentaku
Saiki Funou
Bojji to Kage no Yujyo
Ou no Shi
Ouhi no Ketsudan
Hiling no Doryoku
Oniicyan ni Narunoyo
Bojji Daiboken
Wakai no Dance
Daida no Jyuatsu
Satsuriku Keikaku
Onaji Kanashimi wo Motsu Mono
Magic Mirror
Miranjo no Yuwaku
Hiyaku no Kansei
Kishi toshiteno Kejime
Tsuyosa no Syomei
Bojji Sentoutaisei
Kanashimi no Nakade
Fushigi na Basyo
Daiji na Mono ha Yuki
Despa saan!!
King Daida..?
Yuki wo Mune ni Maee
Akasareru Shinjitsu
Watashi ha Anata wo Mamoremasu
Ketsui no Concerto
Meifu no Jyokamachi
Hitobito no cyosyo
Ranking of Kings -Ani to Otouto-
Oji no Syakaikengaku
Meifu no Kenou
Senjyo de Nagareru Chi
Warera Shitennou
Chiyu no Mahou
Kishi no Tatakai
Kore ga Sensou da
Kurikaesareru Higeki
Anoko ha Daijyobu
Ranking of Kings -Chiisana Ousama-
Ranking of Kings -Eiyu no Shikaku-
Ouken no Kunou
Sanzu no Kawa
Konoyo no Miren
Hito no Shiawase no Ue ni
Uragiri to Fushin no Kuni
Haha no Gisei Ai
Dakishimetekureru Sonzai
Torimodoshitakatta Egao
Machigai no Hajimari
Kyodai na Chiyu no Maho
Bojji VS Bosse
Ou no Ken
Mamoritai Inochi
Majin tono Keiyaku
Jibun sae Yokereba
Ore no Tsuma ni Nattekure
Oinaru Ai
Ranking of Kings -Kokuo Tanjyo-
Kitto Dareka no Yaku ni Tateru
Kieta Tomodachi
Naitara Dame da
Zutto Soba ni Iruyo
Saikai no Yorokobi
By: Humberto Saabedra
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“Unlasting Love” original Japanese SAO Alicization War of the Underworld Ending Song Lyrics sung by LISA with English Translation
Original / Romaji Lyrics
hitorikiri demo heiki. to, koboreochita tsuyogari
futari no mabushi sugita hi ga konna ni kanashii
HITORI de ikirareru nara
dareka wo aishitari shinai kara
anata no kaori anata no hanashikata
ima mo karadajuu ni "ai no KAKERA" ga nokotteru yo
watashi no negai watashi no negai wa tada...
dou ka anata mo dokoka de naite imasu you ni
itsumo atarashii ippo wa omokute sabishii
moshi umarekawatte mo
mou ichido anata ni deaitai
manatsu no hizashi mafuyu no shiroi yuki
meguru kisetsujuu ni "ai no KAKERA" ga maiochite
shiawase nanoni dokoka de sabishii no wa
anata yori ookina watashi no ai no sei
kagi wa anata ga motta mama
utau imi wo nakushita kanaria
kurai torikago no naka de
anata no kaori anata no hanashikata
ima mo karadajuu ni "ai no KAKERA" ga nokotteru yo
watashi no negai watashi no negai wa tada...
dou ka anata ga shiawase de arimasu you ni
(Unlasting love)
(The curse of love)
(Forever thinking of you)
English Translation
I’m fine even if I am on my own
Me pretending to be strong is overflowed by that declaration
To think that the beautiful days we had together
Could be this heartbreaking...
If I have to live alone
I will not love anyone else
Your scent and the way you talk
Even now, I can feel pieces of your fragmented love all over my body
My wish, my only wish
Is that somewhere, you’re crying, too
Every new step I take is always
Heavy and lonely
If I am to be reborn one day,
I would love to meet you again.
Midsummer’s sunshine, midwinter’s white snow
In the middle of the changing seasons, pieces of love are falling down
I am happy, but I am also lonely
Because my love for you is greater than yours is for me
With the key in your hands
You left this canary which has no reason to sing anymore
Alone in its dark cage
Your scent and the way you talk
Even now, I can feel pieces of your fragmented love all over my body
My wish, my only wish
Is that somewhere, you’re happy
Unlasting love
The curse of love
Forever thinking of you...
#sword art online#sword art online: alicization#sao alicization#war of the underworld part 1#alice synthesis thirty#integrity knight#kirito#caring#coma#conversation#layouts#screenshots#eyepatch#right eye
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Nakamori Akina Lyrics: MIND GAME
English translation and romanization below the cut. Thank you akanoenamel for the coffee!
I see white powder snow fluttering in my window in New York I stop typing and sigh absentmindedly
I can’t picture how the script of our love will go, not one bit
You love me, but it’s not enough I’d like keep my heart free Selfish of me, isn’t it? And prissy, too Seeing everyone love themselves leaves me feeling sad A MIND GAME between you and me
I take a hot shower and find myself missing you I’d love to know what you’re dreaming about all by yourself this late at night
What kind of period will our love affair end on?
Although I love you, now that I’ve sobered up, I’d like to stay that way I’ve moved on from our tearful love affair I’m going to call you tomorrow morning I’ll act sweet with you. I’ll get used to doing it sober So sidestep my MIND GAME
I can’t picture how the script of our love will go, not one bit
You love me. Ah Ha Ha, it’s not enough I’d like keep my heart free Selfish, isn’t it? Ah Ha Ha, and prissy too Seeing everyone love themselves leaves me feeling sad
A MIND GAME between you and me A MIND GAME between you and me
shiroi konayuki mai-chiru mado ni utsuru New York sotto taipu no te wo tome bon’yari to tameiki
marude koi no shinario saki ga mienai
ai sarete’ru keredo monotarinai demo jiyuu na mama no kokoro de itai wagamama da ne watashi zeitaku da wa daremo ga minna jibun wo ai shite’ru dake ja kanashii futari dake no MIND GAME
atsui shawa- wo abitara anata ni sugu aitai konna yofuke ni hitori de mite’ru yume shiritai
koi wa donna piriodo motte owaru no?
ai shite iru keredo samete itai namida dake no koi wa sotsugyou shita no ashita no asa denwa kakete miru wa amaeru soburi suru no yo sugao dake ja narete yuku kara hagurakashite MIND GAME
marude koi no shinario saki ga mienai
ai sarete’ru Ah Ha Ha monotarinai demo jiyuu na mama no kokoro de itai wagamama da ne Ah Ha Ha zeitaku da wa daremo ga minna jibun wo ai shite’ru dake ja kanashii
futari dake no MIND GAME futari dake no MIND GAME
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たかやん 【エロ垢の曲】/ takayan - #eroaku Lyrics Translation [JP/Eng/Romaji]
外は晴れた空に暗い部屋と脳内 現実で必要とされてない。 Soto ha haretasora ni kurai heya to nounai kenjitsu de hitsuyo to saretenai The sky is clear in my intracranial room, my own little world この人生 何の為に、存在してるのかさえも分からないよ。 Kono jinsei nano tame ni, sonzai shiteru no ka saemo wakaranai yo I don’t understand the point of my life 彼氏居ないままStay SNS スマホ片手に Kareshi inai mama Stay SNS sumaho katate ni While I’m without a boyfriend Stay, on SNS with my phone in hand 裏垢愚痴る 君の所為 「ってかそんなんじゃ物足りない」 Uraaka guchiru kimi no sei 「tte ka sonnan jaa monotarinai」 Complaining on my secret account about you, “I’m not satisfied with just that” 体晒す快感 理想の自分と程遠く 寒気と虚無感が残る Karada sarasu kaikan risou no jibun to hodotooku samuke to kyoumu kan ga nokoru I feel pleasure while exposing my body, but my ideal self is far gone and the feeling of nothingness is all that remains もう慣れてきた 注目されて幸せ 今 Mou naretekita chuumoku sarete shiawase ima I’ve already grown accustomed to joy from attention 純粋さはゼロのまま 気づかずに 周りおっさんだらけだ! Junsui saha zero no mama kidzukazu ni mawari ossan darake da! My purity lies at zero while I realize the ones surrounding me are nothing but older men 「自撮り界隈 分からない。」そう思ってた自分の結果がこうなり、 「Jitori kaiwai wakaranai」Sou omotteta jibun no kekka ga kounari, “I don’t understand #selfies” I think that as my results are all that show up お父さん お母さん 本当にごめんね。 Otosan okasan hontou ni gomenne Mom and Dad, I’m really sorry 開く、エロ垢 悲しい。 Aku, ero aku kanashii Going on #eroku, how sad 汚いだけでいいよ 居場所が此処しか無いの Kitanai dake de iiyo Ibasho ga koko shika nai no It’s okay if your dirty, the only place you have is here 友達とお風呂入るときに胸を隠してた私なのに Tomodachi to ofuro hairu toki ni mune wo kakushiteta watashi nano ni Although I hide my breasts when I’m entering the bath with a friend 今になってみれば意味分からない 全世界に自分の裸体を晒し Ima ni natte mireba imi wakaranai zensekai ni jibun no ratai wo sarashi It doesn't matter if they see. I’m exposing the entire world my whole body anyways 自分の部屋 鏡前 で 笑顔に全裸でマジで滑稽 Jibun no heya kagami mae egao ni zenra de majide kakkei Taking nudes in front the mirror while smiling, it’s laughable 鼻から下を隠せばs インキャの自分はもう過去形 Hana kara te wo kakusuba okke inkya no jibun ha mou kakokei If I hide my face from the nose down it’ll be okay. The gloomy me is in the past now 嫌になったときがあれ�� 相談に乗ってくれる相手が居る Iya ni natta toki ga areba soudan ni notte kureru aite ga iru If something disagreeable happens, I’ll just rant to someone 構って欲しいときあれば だれでも相手にしてくれる Kamatte hosshi toki areba daredemo aite ni shite kureru If I want attention, anyone I ask will give me it 本当は 嘘で 違う目的で寄ってきてるって事を Hontou ha uso de chigau mokuteki de yotte kiterutte koto wo But in truth they’re all lying with different intentions 忘れていて 何も知らない男と話す Wasureteite nanimo shiranai otoko to hanasu Talking to a guy I’ll forget and know zero about 「ねえ聞いて、もうすぐで会えるんだよ」 「Nee kiite, mou sugu de aerun da yo」 “Hey listen, I think we can meet up soon” 「私の大好きなフォロワーさんに」 「Watashi no daisuki na foroa san ni」 “...my beloved follower” ♡♡♡♡♡ T/L // This one has a lot of slang in it lol. #eroaku / エロ垢 is basically a hashtag where people post nudes and explicit/suggestive pictures. 裏垢 is kind of like a secret and separate side account. Also kind of scary how much takayan’s songs hit so close to home 💀
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<If you own this album, please consider submitting a photo of the page with this song's lyrics to the blog>
小さな森の人 // Little Forest People
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi | Music: Tsuchiya Masami
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment^ tasting each other, we live..."
"Body like willowy torchlight softly cast The color of the lake shadowy but also rather of a deep lamentation"
"Even breath forgetting... Your voice far away... 'You will know I...am not...here...' "
"If there is writhing agony In your heart's depths... 'I have known that you...are not...here...' "
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment tasting each other, we live..."
"No one even knows..."
"On the b e d of the l a k e..."
"If this is a dream I beg to just remain in it...always...forever..."
Watashi wa kemono ni anata wa yousei ni.....umare Tagai wo ajiwau kono hitotoki^ dake wo.....ikiru
Shizuka ni taoyaka tomoshibi no you na karada.....nageta Mizu-umi no iro wa yami sore yori fukaku.....kanashii
Kokyuu mo wasurete Kimi no koe tooku “Anata wa...shiru deshou.....Watashi...koko ni...inai…”
Kurushimi mogakeba kimi no mune fukaku “Watashi wa...shitteita.....Anata wa...koko ni...inai…”
Watashi wa kemono ni anata wa yousei ni.....umare Tagai wo ajiwau kono hitotoki dake wo.....ikiru
Dare mo shiranai...
Mizu-umi no soko... Yume nara douka kono mama Zutto…zutto…
^The kanji used here is 一瞬 "hitotoki" which essentially means "moment". There are a few ways to say 'moment' in Japanese, however, so I felt him choosing one that was a homophone with 'hito/person' was significant seeing as how we're talking about fairies and beasts who may only partially exist on the human plane. So to specifically use 'hito-toki', a homophone with 'people-time', seemed like something I shouldn't ignore and that might be obvious to native speakers but overlooked otherwise. So I wrote this as 'human moment' to encapsulate things. It also carries a sort of "in the twinkling of an eye" meaning of quickness so I incorporated that, too.
T/N: This is a translation I did on my main blog over the summer and have decided to finally move here. I have preserved my original text stylizations as a one-time thing.
So to put it simply, this song is poetry. It wasn't written like a regular song at all, and I have done my best to preserve that sense here. It feels to me like a work of art, and one that I spent a lot of time over the summer carefully taking apart between my fingers to get the meanings just right. Atsushi has an insane skill for packing a lot of meaning into very few words and this just may be his crowning achievement in that field and it isn't even a Buck-Tick song (instead written and performed for Tsuchiya Masami's concept album "Mori no Hito"). I have a lot to say about this song and I'm not even sure where to start anymore.
Tsuchiya Masami scored two solo songs for Atsushi- this one, and "Shingetsu" (appearing in 'Ai no Wakusei'/'Spirit'). Tsuchiya is a man who, I like to imagine, saw a lot of the same interesting, intangible qualities in Atsushi as I do (because each of his songs are a big hit with me!), and did everything in his power to bring them out in Atsushi for the two songs he had him solely in his grasp. "Chiisana Mori no Hito" sees Atsushi Sakurai at his absolute most romantic. This song...listening to this song...is like being kissed softly on the mouth by him for the entire thing with such a gentle yearning that I can't even describe it much further than that. The story of the song, too, is intensely compelling- beautiful/ugly, hero/villain- a forbidden love regardless. These unexpected, very tender, lovers are separated and the call and response is heart-wrenching. Is one of them dead? Are they just far apart? Are the voices even real? And then the end with its bittersweet conclusion- reunited but at what cost? Is it a dream? Is it reality? Are they both now dead? Neither of them seem to care- they are together now, and let nothing ever again tear them asunder. The silky beauty of it all, and the absolute chokehold of "誰も知らない..." It's just pure, naked romance.
Considering, too, the reality of having lost Atsushi now, the lines of this song hit so incredibly hard. I've shed a sea of tears listening to it repeatedly. But there is still that reunion at the and- that hope where no matter *how* it happens, being together once more is possible and all that actually counts. This song is, again, the distillation of pure romance.
Anyway we deserved a 20 track album of Atsushi's songs scored by Tsuchiya Masami and I will always consider it criminal that it never happened. (and they could have done it!! Masami said Atsushi sent him around 15 candidate songs. We could have had it all~)
I don't generally do this but, seeing as how this is a rather rare song, >here is a link to the best quality version I've found on yt so far<. Please enjoy. I'm going to go back to softly sobbing in some quiet corner now...
Disclaimers: Please do not use my translations or photos without express permission. 💗
v. 1.0 (1.12.25)
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Tupperware Remix Party’s studio albums, EPs & singles are claimed by genderfluid people!
(requested by @watashi-ha-kanashii 💜 thank you!)
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Gensou Teien: Parasol no Aru Fuukei
Lyrics from Lyric Wikia
Ali Project
Track 8: パラソルのある風景 ->Parasol no Aru Fuukei- Scene With a Parasol
Romanji- English
sora tobu PARASORU wo otte
ano ko wa itteshimatta
suisou no kingyo no hire ga
odayaka na satsui no you
watashi no daiji na biyaku wo nusumi
ano hito ni nomaseta tsumi wa omoi
A little girl has gone after
A parasol soaring in the sky
And the fins of the goldfish in the fish tank
Have the form of a quiet intent to kill
My important love potion was stolen
And that person drank it; this is a serious crime...
yukue fumei no kanashii POOTOREETO
shibui hige no tantei wa
takusan no shoujo no nakara
watashi no ude wo toraeru
kinou wa oheya de nemutteita wa
sonna ko wa shiranai hoka wo atatte
I am at a place with obscure and sorrowful portraits
When a detective with an interesting moustache
Seizes my arms
From within of a group of many young ladies
Yesterday, I slept in the room I was put in
And that little girl still doesn't know the matters of this occasion...
makka na PARASORU ga ukabu
mizuumi ni inu ga hoeru
tantei wa kubi wo kashigete
kanzen hanzai seiritsu
watashi wa mitsuketa biyaku no emono
ohige no tantei-san anata ga ii
A bright red parasol is floating away
As a dog barks at the lake
The detective tilts his head to the side
And concludes that this was the perfect crime
I have now discovered the prize of that love potion
Moustached detective, you are good...
あの人に飲ませた 罪は重い
そんな娘は知らない 他をあたって
お髭の探偵さん 貴方がいい
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FTM Brad Vickers Dating and Sex Headcanons!
requested by @watashi-ha-kanashii
Brad is a very sweet and caring man. He is also very timid, especially when it comes to women. He would be afraid to make a move on you at first, so you would need to make it clear how much you like him before he would ask you out. He would prefer to be your friend first, too, before jumping in.
Still, he would be so heart-eyed over you. He would talk about “this awesome babe” he met to Jill for weeks before she would force him to ask you out to dinner.
Brad would enjoy all the simple and traditional pleasures of dating you. Romantic candle-lit dinners, long walks by the river, drive in movies, etc. He really likes to show you off and let everyone know how happy he is to be with you.
His favorite date is stargazing. He will take you to the top peak of the Arklay Mountains and set up a very elaborate picnic for the two of you. He would also love movie dates. He is a huge movie buff and will rattle off all the cool behind-the-scenes production info he knows about every obscure film. He gets shy once he realizes he is info-dumping, but you’re quick to show him how excited you are to learn about his hobby.
Brad has taken you for a spin in the ole’ chopper. He has also shown you around at his office. You would be very familiar with all the members of S.T.A.R.S.
He is a computer expert, so whenever you’re having trouble with your PC he is quick to flex his big brain muscles and fix the problem.
He would be anxious to tell you that he is trans, and it would likely come out as a nervous blurt on your first official date. It would be something he is worried about losing you over, so it would be extra important for him to know that you support him and will always support him. I imagine he wants top and bottom surgery, and that would be something he discussed openly with you.
He is surprisingly old-fashioned when it comes to dating. He would want to be with you only romantically for a while before becoming intimate. One reason that he is so careful is because he is very self-conscious about his body. He is worried that either A) you will not like what you see or B) will fetishize his pre-surgery body. Once you make it clear that B is not the case, he will slowly, but comfortably, ease into physical intimacy.
Communication during sex is incredibly important to Brad. He is still exploring his identity, and often experiments with exactly which types of touch are enjoyable to him or what words he would like you to use to describe his body. He might, for example, ask you not to touch his breasts, or not to refer to them as breasts at all, during one session of sex.
He prefers to act as a top (or in the dominant position). Pre-bottom surgery, he especially enjoys using a harness and strap on to pleasure you. He also keeps a wide selection of sex toys to use on his partner—his favorite being a suction cup clitoral stimulator.
He enjoys feeling in control in the bedroom because he often feels out of control in everyday life. So, his favorite kink to pursue would be kinbaku (sometimes called shibari), which is a Japanese style of bondage that is both highly decorative and erotic.
Brad would also love sexual roleplay. He likes to perform any scenario in which he can act as the hero, saving his faux damsel from distress
Other Kinks I Imagine He’d Have: frottage, oral and body worship (giving and recieving), praise, mutual masturbation, clothed sex
#brad vickers#brad vickers x reader#brad vickers imagine#resident evil#resident evil remake#re3#tw for dysphoria#there are no brad gifs on the internet
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Headcanon: Rin Tezuka from Katawa Shoujo is quoiromantic graysexual!
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