#waste recycling business ideas
newbusinessideas · 16 days
Top 10 New Recycling Business Ideas
🤑 Turn waste into wealth with these Top 10 Innovative Recycling Business Ideas! 🌱 Don't miss out on the green revolution. Follow for more eco-friendly business tips! ♻️ #RecyclingBusiness #EcoFriendly #SustainableLiving #GreenBusiness #ViralBusiness
In today’s world, recycling is not only an environmental responsibility, but also a business opportunity. New technologies are emerging as businesses and individuals look for solutions that both add value and benefit the world. Whether it’s reducing waste, conserving resources, or turning waste into valuable products, recycling companies play an important role in the green economy. In this…
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
I'm worried about electronic waste, e-waste recycling, and such loss of resources.
That's real. For what it's worth, I think it's something we're going to get a LOT better at. The raw materials - and even partially depleted materials that can be downcycled - are too valuable to be left forever.
Tip for anyone worried about e-waste or looking to be more environmentally conscious: Whenever I have something electronic that dies (this includes batteries, power cords, string lights, and vapes), I stick it in an out-of-the-way drawer, and then once every year or two, I bring it all to either an e-waste recycling place or an e-waste disposal place (which, my understanding is most e-waste disposal places do a lot of materials reclamation as well, though if I'm wrong someone please correct me). I just look online to find a place.
Sometimes it's a bit of a drive, but it's so worth it. I encourage others to do the same!
Anyway, here's some headlines about e-waste to hopefully lift your spirits:
^That's Western Australia, not Washington state.
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triglycercule · 2 months
which sans aus do i think would believe in climate change challenge GO
horror: really sans (and by extension any classic variant) would believe in climate change due to being former scientists. like what type of scientist DOESN'T believe in climate change. so horror would believe in climate change but he'd be really damn pessimistic about it (because he's an asshole!) like he genuinely wouldn't care at all. sometimes on bad days he purposely litters. on really hot/cold days as a result of climate change he'd complain and start considering bring environmentally friendly. but he never does. horror wouldn't care at all
killer: he would believe in climate change but he similarly to horror wouldn't care. because he simply has more important things to care about (kities :3 nightmare :3) he thinks those things are somehow above climate change (dumbass!!!! nightmare would melt like wax because of climate change) but when faced with the reality that things are actually being affected by climate he'd be like damn.... this shit id actually happening and i'm contributing to it.... but then he'd immediately move on and get back to more important business
dust: climate change believer but he just does not care. like he tries not to be wasteful and litter and he probably properly uses a recycling bin but in the end he doesn't really give a shit if his efforts are really helping. also he kinda forgets sometimes and that's really not helping the globe. dust would bring it up in fights that he recycles and then people (horror an killer) would shit on him for A. being a pretentious stuck up dick who thinks hes better than everyone for being environmental and B. because he's a goddamn hypocrite that doesn't even stick to his own recycling goals. goddamn asshole
nightmare: he's smart enough to know that climate change does exist but he purposely pretends that it isn't real to piss people off (and get those delicious delicious negative emotions :3) and he'd do it so confidently and he'd belittle you so much that either you get so pissed off and irritated at him or you start questioning yourself and if climate change actually IS real? he'd make up fake sources for climate change being fake and site the mtt as his source because they used to be scientists 💀💀
ink: this fella doesn't even know what day of the week it is do you think they would remember climate change??? absolutely not. anyways ink probably has it scrawled down on his scarf: CLIMATE CHANFE EXISTS. IT WILL KILL THE CREATORS/CREATIONS. but then he still doesn't manage to remember it!!!! but if they could genuinely remember everyday i think ink would try to use less earth harmful stuff for his art and try to be environmentally friendly. key word TRY. this is the guy that goes around teleporting and fighting with ink they would litter the substance everywhere
dream: he really really struggled with grappling with the concept that YES climate change exists. YES there is enough trash out there to kill the earth. YES there is not much he can do about it. like every moral dilemma question about climate change was asked by dream (to swap) and he's very upset about climate change prior to maturing. but after maturing he knows that he can't do much to help climate change but he is FERVENTLY environmentally friendly and tries to remind everyone around him to help the earth (without shoving it down their throats because he's nice like that). if dream had the time he would probably start a nonprofit for helping the earth. he would start a nonprofit for everything actually. modern au dream where he has several nonprofit organizations to help various causes. someone out there's gonna love this idea
swap: he does. i think he would make a joke about it at first when being asked like CLIMATE'S CHANGING? I HOPE HER NEW OUTFIT LOOKS GREAT! or some dumbass fucking joke like that but this guy is even more environmentally friendly than dream. he goes to RALLIES for the environment. he would use environmentally friendly soaps and even fucking kitchen utensils. this guy is just here for saving the earth. he wants to really really believe that big corporations don't mean bad with pollution but he knows. theres no convincing himself that big corp wants to save the earth. even someone like swap who always has hope can't convince himself of that shit
cross: he would obviously believe in climate change. i actually don't know if theres someone here that i don't thinm believes in climate change yet. anyways cross would and he'd recycle regularly and try to be good at it. but accidents happen and he messed up his recycling sometimes and then he feels bad for it because the goddamn earth is gonna die if he doesn't at least contribute his part. cross is baffled by people who don't believe in it the same way i am at flat earthers. like HELLOthe rising temperatures are right there!!!!
error: doesn't care. he lives in the antivoid climate change doesn't effect him. also it would just make his job easier :3 error LAUGHS in the face of rising temperatures
now you may ask why did you decide to post this. but what you should really be asking is why not shouldn't i have posted this. the question was clearly on everyone's minds. i was just the only one brave enough to step up and determine if these fictional characters would care about our world melting to death (OBVIOUSLY)
#this may be the most brainrotted dumbass post i've come up with yet#CLIMATE CHANGE??? FUCKING CLIMATE CHANGE???? have i really run out of ideas already#no i havent but GODDAMN i was CACKLING thinking about this#there are definitely more sans aus that i could've considered but no way in hell am i doing all that#YOU CAN COME UP WITH YOUR OWN IDEAS FOR THOSE I FORGOT 😒😒😒#when mtt get into fights they bring up the most irrelevant details about eachother like this. how much do they contribute to climate change#mtt fighting about climate change would be one of the top 10 funniest fights#killer would instantly lose that fight btw because he doesn't even CONSIDER recycling#but dust definitely gets shit on the most in that argument#killer and horror gang up on him because he's a prick. and then horror and dust gang up on killer for not even doing it#and then dust and killer gang up on horror for not making up his mind on environmentalism or not#it's just a big fucking loop of trying to see who's the worst#nightmare would take the objectively wrong stance on ANYTHING just to piss people off and i really love that about him#yessss king go out and be a hater. we needed someone to be the worst person in existence anyways ❤️❤️#this might be my first post about more than just the mtt + nightmare. what the hell????#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#nightmare sans#ink sans#dream sans#swap sans#cross sans#error sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#star sanses#utmv#sans au#tricule hc
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
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Italian company converts discarded fishing nets into chairs, car mats and Prada bags
Since 2009, Giulio Bonazzi, the son of a small textile producer in northern Italy, has been working on a solution: an efficient recycling process for nylon. As CEO and chairman of a company called Aquafil, Bonazzi is turning the fibers from fishing nets – and old carpets – into new threads for car mats, Adidas bikinis, environmentally friendly carpets and Prada bags.
For Bonazzi, shifting to recycled nylon was a question of survival for the family business. His parents founded a textile company in 1959 in a garage in Verona, Italy. Fifteen years later, they started Aquafil to produce nylon for making raincoats, an enterprise that led to factories on three continents. But before the turn of the century, cheap products from Asia flooded the market and destroyed Europe’s textile production. When Bonazzi had finished his business studies and prepared to take over the family company, he wondered how he could produce nylon, which is usually produced from petrochemicals, in a way that was both successful and ecologically sustainable.
The question led him on an intellectual journey as he read influential books by activists such as world-renowned marine biologist Sylvia Earle and got to know Michael Braungart, who helped develop the Cradle-to-Cradle ethos of a circular economy. But the challenges of applying these ideologies to his family business were steep. Although fishing nets have become a mainstay of environmental fashion ads—and giants like Dupont and BASF have made breakthroughs in recycling nylon—no one had been able to scale up these efforts.
For ten years, Bonazzi tinkered with ideas for a proprietary recycling process. “It’s incredibly difficult because these products are not made to be recycled,” Bonazzi says. One complication is the variety of materials used in older carpets. “They are made to be beautiful, to last, to be useful. We vastly underestimated the difficulty when we started.”
Soon it became clear to Bonazzi that he needed to change the entire production process. He found a way to disintegrate old fibers with heat and pull new strings from the discarded fishing nets and carpets. In 2022, his company Aquafil produced more than 45,000 tons of Econyl, which is 100% recycled nylon, from discarded waste.
More than half of Aquafil’s recyclate is from used goods. According to the company, the recycling saves 90 percent of the CO2 emissions compared to the production of conventional nylon. That amounts to saving 57,100 tons of CO2 equivalents for every 10,000 tons of Econyl produced.
Bonazzi collects fishing nets from all over the world, including Norway and Chile—which have the world’s largest salmon productions—in addition to the Mediterranean, Turkey, India, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan, and New Zealand. He counts the government leadership of Seychelles as his most recent client; the island has prohibited ships from throwing away their fishing nets, creating the demand for a reliable recycler. With nearly 3,000 employees, Aquafil operates almost 40 collection and production sites in a dozen countries, including four collection sites for old carpets in the U.S., located in California and Arizona.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
SBMS Clowning Series ☀️ v.3
i wasn’t expecting to post this so soon from the last but here we are….
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this is mainly to clown about the fact that shengyang’s scene where he says jian bing is his charger essentially was his own improvisation. we already talked about this before but thought it’s part of the script. it’s so funny how we cpn certain things because of rumors and then what we speculate is actually true. whether it’s indeed connected to yibo or not, what’s true if that xz has that thought in real life.
the person he loves is his charger. he can hug them and hold their hand and he will have the energy again. 🤍 he added that it’s when to people are busy with their work so when they see each other, they will recharge 👀
if you’re wondering, this what was mentioned in the fake rumors before:
A. When two people meet again after being apart for a while,When the time comes, the younger one will hug the older one, and the younger one will hug the older one. For a long time, the older one asked him what (?). Younger one said it was “charging”.
B. I'm not in a very high mood today at noon. I'm just too tired. I sent a lot of voice messages, but Xiao Laoshi seemed to be filming and didn’t reply. Wang laoshi sighed.
Teacher Wang’s power bank has arrived. ( the power bank in this case, we speculate is XZ who finally answered his call lol )
XZ: Did Xiao Baili eat anything?
WYB: You don’t care whether he eats or not
C. An incident where WYB walked over to XZ and said he was out of battery, and XZ just holds out his hand. WYB gets flustered.
• Another addition to the XZS and YBO similarity. The percentage thing. So yeah. It’s my favorite thing, collecting all the times they used the same idea in their posts.
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• What’s him and being a rapper? LOL. influenced by his husband?
I miss WYB rapping. I wish his single this year will have a rap part please. 🙏🏼
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• In the recent episode of SBMS, shengyang was pitching an idea to jian bing for one of the ads. So it’s about recycling & waste management, his idea was doing it in the perspective of the garbage. something like “personification”. What a coincidence that in One and Only, Chen Shuo was doing the same thing. Although his was promoting the garbage can. This connection is so funny!
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and the fact that this happened in Happy Camp. Lol. Their garbage classification song 😂😂😂
• Shengyang’s house number is 28, and the one in front of them is 23. Lol. The numbers!
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fights4users · 11 months
More assorted system headcanons
I’ve been doing a lot of individual post ones lately, slightly larger than these but not enough for an essay. I haven’t really had big post ideas lately but these are fun and I like to use them in writing (and anyone can for anything I put out btw)
Here’s some more after this one [ Sleep | drink ]
Encom system has (or used not to) no currency system, it’s more efficient to just let everyone about their way to do what they need to do. It keeps everything productive and less complicated… that was until paywalls went up. When the company got more greedy and secure things went a bit sour. Now you have to pay to travel to certain domains and it’s a hastle. Some know how to jump or get around paywalls others have a card from their users that gives them permission (basically a in world translation for paying to access a site)
However the Grid had currency from the start both as users were intended to eventually come in and they needed something to do with so long without purpose, they have their entirely own system that’s mainly made up but they ahear to. Clu doesn’t regulate it- mainly because it keeps the masses busy
Encom still utilizes physical buttons, keyboards and switches alongside some touch screen- while The grid is purely touch or holo screen (mainly for aesthetic, that’s the way most of it was built)
Another way to recuperate energy would be to plug in/charge sort of like a phone. Computers themselves are constantly plugged in and most of the time programs get energy simply through functioning but this is a more direct way, that also helps to skip a sleep cycle which takes much longer.
Similar to all programs using it/it’s interchangeably with gendered pronouns I can see them having open and undefined relationships. There’s not exactly jealousy as Counterparts are a bond that goes well beyond the way we view relationships, i don’t know if this makes sense
There’s a fate worse than Deresolution or deletion for programs …  obsolescence. You’re not dead but you’re also not running, not being used and you haven’t for a really long time. Existing but not, installed but the users and soon those you know forget you’re still there. Sort of a living-dead situation. (At least being derezzed your energy is recycled back into the system, not just wasted)
Coming from the Encom system Tron mourns buttons and the physicality of everything- it’s his “old man yells at cloud moment”. Whatever the digital version of ‘grandpa’ would be that’s what the betas (teens??) call him. “What was it like when the computer was invented?” *punts child* he’s two years older than the grid itself don’t do this to him
Encom is very abstract in everything, more often than not furniture is more of a low-resolution 3D abstract than a actual chair (if you’ve seen CGI from the. 80s- that) it’s much less representative of our world beyond programs reflecting users. There’s never ending horrors if you step just outside of where you’re supposed to.
Pac-Man is a “Grid eater” as described in the novelization. (Sark 100% put some poor soul in the Pac-Man maze,) types like him can be contained there’s others that are like worms and destroy-all viruses that you better just derezz— however sometimes they’re just sort of lumbering deep beneath out lands not hurting anyone so it’s 🤷‍♀️ Go there at your own risk
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lacewise · 3 months
I was commenting on YouTube and the conversation about influencers being upset about FTC guidelines (not wanting to disclose they received products for free or have a pre-existing working relationship with the brand whenever they discuss the brand or use the product—which is to protect the audience and not to “punish” the influencer—if you don’t want to be bound by business ethics, the simple solution is don’t accept free products) and it reminded me of something. So I’m going to repeat it here. And it’s going to boil down to: cut corners are cumulative.
First, and fairly obviously, I do not like the flippant way influencers regard marketing and business ethics. It’s three red flags on top of each other in a trench coat, ensuring me they’re professional and can regulate themselves.
It also sucks for the influencers, because they don’t realize how much they’re shortening their careers by cutting corners and trading in information they made up. Because, again, cut corners—they’re cumulative.
Recently, and this is such an easy example, my husband and I were watching a video on something tech- and drama-related (the intersection of our two interests). He really loved the video. He kept “yes, and”-ing the information, so obviously very excited. Then the video ended. I knew going in that it was going to be short and it seemed like a newer, mid-sized creator, so I was really prepared for anything. There’s a lot of competing information about intros and outros. My husband was not. He just… forlornly kept repeating, “that’s it? Video over?” Because there wasn’t an outro or credits or anything. It just stopped. And then he started to cranky as autoplay kicked in. Since I’m not opposed to watching the channel again (no obvious red flags) and he clearly now was, I figured it was better to distract him than let him memorize the channel name and developing a petty grudge (he learned this from me). I decided to make this a lesson in marketing.
I said, “yeah, seems like they probably believed that advice about avoiding intros and outros, even though that’s ridiculous.” That’s not what viewers don’t like about how most channels do intros and outros. “And now it’s so jarring you probably wouldn’t watch them again, even though—up to that point—you really liked the video and you had nothing bad to say about it and you even agreed with all their points!” Because they listened to some bad advice, they completely lost goodwill gained in 15-20 minutes in a couple of seconds. “But, you know, the video left you wanting more, so it was a good video!”
Then his shoulders relaxed, and he thought about it, and agreed with me.
That advice is given because someone assumed overly simplistic about how either they or other people react to certain behaviours. This is hilarious to me.
And this led me on to a rant about how important focus groups and test audiences are to marketing and product development, because it helps with figuring out the real reasons for the reactions. Most people have no idea what they want. They know when something is what they don’t want, and they assume they know why (which may or may not be true). Someone watching videos is watching them to relax.
They’re probably not going to interrogate their feelings, they’re just going to interpret them. So, “I found this intro and outro annoying and a waste of time” becomes “all intros and outros are annoying and a waste of time.”
Anyway that’s not true and I know that’s not true because if it was, shows wouldn’t have ending credits, opening credits, titles, or theme songs.
People like being eased into and out of what they’re watching, but they don’t like to notice it. What audiences don’t want is the same thing every time (it’s a YouTube video, not a television show) unless it’s for a specific series (then they will treat it like a television show), and they don’t want recycled material from within the show (bloopers are fine and encouraged). But that’s nuanced and potentially difficult, since you might end up having to find a related tagline to the topic at hand for every video (a lot of people handle this by thanking the audience and including Patreon credits). You need to add more creativity and develop specific skillsets and tones and it’s just one more thing to do. So the advice gets boiled down to something easy and digestible, whether purveyors realize this or not. And then someone “beats the system” and the advice changes.
But this is a short term solution because audiences can tell when corners are cut, even if they can’t articulate why.
And if the problem is social media doesn’t compensate influencers enough to be thorough, I wonder what kind of future it could possibly have.
TL;DR: cut corners are cumulative. And audiences can tell whether behind-the-scenes stuff is done or not. I really don’t like the modern day social media landscape.
Also not wanting to flaunt existing business relationships is, just, such a red flag. Are you not proud of your career milestones???
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freydis-freydat · 4 months
Who: @vicoya When: After the battle with the blighted dragon and the ranks of the Legion of the Dead have grown Where: Lostlands Encampment Notes: Took me long enough : (
Keeping count of the days had been difficult between the onslaught of new information, the strange cycle between dreamless sleep and nights when she couldn’t determine between Tove’s recycled memories and visions produced by her own subconscious. Things were better, but they were different. The relief she felt to be back at the encampment with the overall group could not be understated, but it felt altered somehow compared to the time spent in the tower before being abducted. Freydis was unsure if it was a change within her or because of the constantly shifting state of affairs in the way Iskaldrik found itself embattled that caused this. 
And then there was the sudden loneliness. It was strange to be alone after what she and the other women had endured together, how dependent their survival had been on operating as a unit. That simply wasn’t so any longer, and though Freydis was grateful her isolation was a direct result of safety she still felt like something of an open wound. 
Freydis suspected it would take time to reconcile this–to compartmentalize her feelings as herself and the way her shared knowledge and memories with Tove now colored her perceptions. The protectiveness she had felt would not wear off, but she knew better than to insert herself or intervene too directly. Even so, she found herself wandering a stretch of the camp that many of her peers might assert someone of the nobility had little business deigning to enter. The Legion of the Dead seemed to have cloistered themselves off, and why shouldn’t they have? While some minds had been opened, or at least convinced to play as nicely as possible with the magic-users and non-human beings of the troupe, many remained as stonewalled as ever against the idea of cooperation. Freydis felt their salvation, or any hope for survival at all, lay within wider cooperation across all factions.
It was that thinking precisely that landed her at Vicoya’s doorstep–if one could call it that. The tent city that served as the encampment had almost certainly seen better days, but trapped behind the shimmering wall of the arcane dome that trapped them, it served its purpose well enough. She worried she might be intruding on the woman’s privacy, but forced herself to extend a hand out to try and catch the woman’s attention nonetheless. “Do you have a moment for a word?” she asked quietly, something about her face looking sullen and wasted behind her eyes. Perhaps Freydis ought to have tried to make the connection with the woman sooner.
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themask-maker · 1 year
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@youraveragenutcasethefirst that's a really cool thought! Decided to respond to this here because it was getting a bit too rambling for a comment reply.
The way I interpreted their feelings on death were the opposite, actually - that they tend to take their long lifespans for granted and don't think much about death. There aren't really large-scale conflicts in the current era, so I imagine it's easy to get comfortable in a city and forget that they're still mortal at the end of the day. But I like your idea a lot too and think it's a very interesting take. I'm sure there are a wide variety of feelings on it across a population, especially given that some of them encounter a drastic difference in lifespan.
Expanding on the Boko which Not-Link killed during the game, pretty much all of them are resurrected from Demise's original army (ie: red & blue Bokoblins/Moblins are; but I think of the green Bokoblins as actual descendants from war survivors who just couldn't make it back to Ikana). The ones that came back Super Extra Wrong are left in the Cistern basement caverns. I vaguely assume that the standard enemies you encounter in the game are stuck in their "fighting in a war" mindset from that ancient era and are a bit more resilient to the thought of death, plus they've already experienced it. This route of soldiers' purgatory is unintentionally darker than intended, but it feels like something Ghirahim wouldn't think too deeply on, as he very seldom thinks about how his actions affect others.
Fun sidenote, I also imagine Ghirahim wastes a lot of time reviving troops after Link tears through an area. I like to think that's actually what he's busy with like 75% of the time, and a lot of the enemies Link fights are the same ones. Ghirahim is very passionate about recycling and delegating dirty work! He's not very good at prioritizing though.
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flightyquinn · 6 months
So...I've had a sci-fi idea that just won't leave my head.
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Regent Designs International (name and logo not intended to mirror any real-world company) is a megacorporation specializing in "fauxury" goods. Which is to say, they make the most stylish looking bargain bin products on the market. Whether it be clothes, cars, personal weaponry, or even cyberware, their trademark is cheaply made products with low-cost components, but designed by experts to look like high-end goods. With slogans like, "Everyday Elegance", "Designer You Can Afford", and their famous automotive slogan of "Runs fine. Looks Great." they make no secret of what their business is, earning them the derision of high society, but a loyal customer base consisting mostly of low-ranking corpos looking to show off, and private mercenaries looking to blend in on a budget.
They are actually one of the most environmentally friendly megacorporations, with the majority of their products being made all or partially out of recycled materials. While Regent boasts this as a selling point of their company, the truth is that it has more to do with cutting deals with a number of waste disposal companies as a way to keep material costs down. It also means that, more often than not, it is both easier and cheaper to simply replace items that wear out or get damaged than try to repair them. In spite of this, there is actually a thriving business in aftermarket modifications for Regent electronics and vehicles, even though this sometimes means simply replacing the internals altogether.
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newbusinessideas · 2 months
How to Start a Waste Management Business
Ready to turn waste into profit! 🌍💰 Find out how to start a Waste Management Business today. 🌱✨ #WasteManagement #EcoFriendlyBusiness #GreenEntrepreneur #SustainableBusiness
Waste management involves the collection, transportation, processing, recycling and disposal of waste. Its main objective is to reduce the negative impacts of waste on the environment and human health by managing various types of waste such as solid waste, fire electrical waste, biomedical waste and industrial waste. The demand for waste management services is always high and is expected to…
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Starting Over Shaina Tranquilino August 11, 2024
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After his tech startup collapsed, leaving him with empty pockets and a bruised ego, Max Sullivan wasn’t sure what to do next. The failure had been public and humiliating—what was supposed to revolutionize the industry had barely left a mark. The pressure to deliver on grand promises had led to risky decisions, and when the funding dried up, so did his dreams.
Max retreated to his small, coastal hometown, a place he hadn’t visited since he left for Silicon Valley over a decade ago. The town had changed little, its sleepy streets and familiar faces offering a stark contrast to the fast-paced world he had left behind. At first, it was meant to be a temporary stay—a place to lick his wounds and figure out his next move. But as the days turned into weeks, Max found himself drawn to the simplicity of life there, the way people cared about their community and the environment.
It was during a walk along the beach, watching the waves roll in under a gray sky, that inspiration struck. Max noticed the plastic litter scattered along the shore, tangled in the seaweed, and remembered a conversation he’d overheard in a café a few days earlier about the town’s struggles with waste management. The idea hit him like a lightning bolt: what if he could combine his tech expertise with a focus on sustainability? What if he could create something small, something meaningful, right here?
Max started small, with just a single product—a solar-powered, autonomous beach-cleaning robot. He used his savings to build a prototype, working out of his parents’ garage like he had when he was a teenager. The robot, affectionately named “Sunny,” was designed to sift through sand, collecting debris and sorting it for recycling. It was a modest project, far from the grand ventures of his past, but it felt right.
When Max introduced Sunny to the town, the response was immediate. Locals were intrigued, then excited. They watched as the little robot roved the beaches, quietly doing its job, and the impact was undeniable. The beaches became cleaner, and people started talking about how they could do more to protect their environment. Max was invited to speak at the town hall, where he shared his vision for a line of eco-friendly, tech-driven solutions that could be scaled for other communities.
Word spread beyond the town’s borders. A regional news outlet picked up the story, dubbing Max the “Green Innovator,” and soon, he was fielding calls from environmental groups, local governments, and even some investors who saw potential in his small venture. Max was careful this time, determined not to repeat the mistakes of his past. He kept the business lean, focusing on quality and sustainability over rapid growth.
As orders for Sunny rolled in from other coastal towns, Max expanded his product line—solar-powered compost bins, smart irrigation systems for community gardens, and even a portable desalination unit for areas affected by water shortages. Each new product was born from the same principle: technology should serve the planet, not exploit it.
Within a year, Max’s new venture, “EcoTech,” was not just surviving but thriving. It wasn’t the billion-dollar empire he once dreamed of, but it was something better—something he was proud of. Max had found success, not in the way he had expected, but in a way that felt deeply fulfilling. The community rallied around him, and EcoTech became a symbol of what was possible when innovation met purpose.
Max still walked along the beach most evenings, watching the sunset with Sunny humming along beside him. He had learned that setbacks weren’t the end; they were just the beginning of a new path. And this path, though winding and unexpected, had led him to a place where he could truly make a difference.
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ayaisnotokay · 2 months
I'm honestly just tired of throwing things into the void. I hate trying to find other creative people because every attempt leaves me doubting their existence.
TWs: Isolation • Suicide • SH
I wanted a creative community of writers and artists that bonded over a mutual admiration of eachother's work. People to discuss ideas with. Chances to actually collaborate. Friends that actually wanted to make SOMETHING.
I've tried 4 times. Every single time, the most I could ever find were lurkers. I tried making a blog. I wasted my time creating a schedule for prompts and discussions, just for it to receive 0 engagement beyond false promises to even acknowledge its existence.
Unless we count the blazed post that received one off engagement from people that never looked at the blog ever again.
I guess my mistake was assuming I'd find writers on Tumblr. Apparently, it's only good for claiming to be a writer, while you recycle the same memes about failing to start projects.
Or perhaps the mistake was seeking friends; somehow I leave every attempt to find people feeling lonelier than before.
Then there's the bum ass friends that wanna say don't off yourself cos I'll miss you, but they're too "busy" to spend 10 seconds just saying "hi" at least once a week. I give people 100 ask for 50 and get 0 in return.
Like people deadass got me wishing I was schizo just to have more company than a knife.
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eco-mat · 8 months
Blog #1
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Last week, a dynamic team of seven embarked on a quest for positive change within our university. Entrusted with the mission to inspire innovation, we delved into gathering insights, sparking discussions, and unleashing transformative ideas. Join us as we unveil our journey towards a brighter campus future.
The following day, we conducted interviews, but the process was challenging due to students' busy schedule s and frequent class suspensions. Despite this, through collaboration, we successfully gathered insights from over 25 respondents across various CMU departments utilizing Google Forms and face-to-face interactions. Each student provided unique perspectives and revealed diverse insights, while also offering innovative solutions for consideration.
We've recognized garbage accumulation as a significant issue among students. In response, we've developed mats from recycled materials, providing versatility for outdoor activities also, from aiding in outdoor study sessions to provide a comfortable surface for picnics under campus trees. Focusing on CMU students, particularly those with free time between classes, our aim is to enrich the campus experience while addressing environmental concerns through practical solutions.
Our focus audience encompasses CMU students, especially those enjoying generous breaks between classes. Our innovative product, tailored for both utility and relaxation, is meticulously fashioned from upcycled plastic, encompassing discarded plastic bottles and other waste. Committed to ecological stewardship, we strive to provide not only comfort but also uphold our planet's safeguarding by exclusively utilizing 100% recyclable materials.
Through engaging with students from diverse backgrounds, we gained valuable insights into the challenges facing our school community. Taking a proactive stance, we identified key qualities essential for success and discovered that creating mats out from recycled materials offers a practical and sustainable solution to waste. Our discussions highlighted the importance of educating students about sustainability early on, fostering environmental responsibility. Moreover, students expressed a keen interest in sustainable consumption and a sociocultural approach. Together, let's work towards making the world a better place!
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fastcarremovals2 · 3 months
How To Get Highest Benefit For Damaged Cars: Cash For Car In Brisbane
Having a car that is in a bad way can be quite a heel. It uses your property in a worthless way, it does not appreciate, and finding a buyer willing to accept one that has been wrecked is almost impossible. Getting enough cash for cars in Brisbane might make it very difficult to find the right one.
This means that many Brisbane car owners do not have the luxury of trading their second-hand cars or selling them privately. All of which begs the question, how does one sell a wrecked vehicle without losing money and still make some?
Picture this: Your vehicle was involved in a collision and the restoration expenses are well above your reach. It's obvious to you daily, as it occupies your driveway and emits an obnoxious amount of lost value from the wasted space.
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You feel it is still of some value but the idea of going through selling a car without flipping out beforehand is overwhelming. From listing the car to haggling with potential buyers and handling all of the paperwork — it can be a huge stress (especially when your car is anything but perfect). Moreover, it loses its value over time.
Then think about the aggravation and cost of fixing it up just to get rid of - when you could be using that same money as a small down payment on a lawn tractor. Even the repairs are not as big of an issue; they usually cost a lot to fix and take more time and there is no guarantee that you will recover your expenses in a sale.
What if I told you there is a way to sell your car for more money - and the managing process would be much quicker than selling it on Craigslist?
Welcome to cash for cars Brisbane Services. Some of the wrecking businesses specialize in purchasing broken, scrap, or non-operational vehicles and can provide a simple pick-up procedure for automobiles to unwind auto owners needing rapid solutions with income.
With our ready-to-use cash-for-car brisbane service, you can proceed without a headache and turn your wrecked vehicle into instant money.
Why Should You Go With Cash for Cars Brisbane Services?
Simple and easy fast process: This is so simple task. With a service, you simply contact them and tell them about your car; they will then provide an instant quote. If you say yes then they will do the rest.
No Repairs: You do not need to fix anything like in the case of selling on your own. Cash for Cars service purchases vehicles in any condition.
Most of these services offer free car removal, so it will save you money to transport the vehicle.
Free Car Removal in Brisbane To Earn Extra Cash
Instant Payment In Cash: You get paid immediately, which is beautiful if you are in a state of emergency concerning the money.
Eco-friendly: Here services typically ensure that your car is disposed of in an eco-pleasant method, recycling re-functional parts and releasing the others are brand-new only environmentally friendly hemp.
How to Maximize Your Profit
Obtain Many Quotations: Do not accept the earliest offer. Contact more than a few Brisbane cash for cars services to get quotations This ensures you will get the best deal for your car.
Tell Them the Condition: Let them know how poorly your vehicle is to make sure you get an honest quote. Deceptive information - can result in a lesser final offer upon inspection.
Select Good Services: Find good companies in quick car removal in Brisbane. Read reviews and ask for recommendations online to make sure you are working with someone reputable.
Get your car: Except that there has to be nothing prepared (make sure you take all sorts of personal effects out) and have the applicable paperwork. It reduces time and last-minute confusion.
Selling a car with serious damage need not be an arduous task. Fast Car Removals to get cash for cars in Brisbane allows you an opportunity to scrap your junk car and get paid instantly, without having to fix it up or go through any hassle in selling. If you choose a good service, get multiple quotes, and give an accurate evaluation of your car's state; then you can make quite a profit in addition to clearing up that room on your driveway.
Do not allow a car that is already declining in value to continue; use the best pipe-pushing roller services and get some money back from it.
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