riandur · 3 months
@vicoya Location: The Camp
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"A dragon, Coya. That was fucking great. And Lilith? Been dying to teach that crazy bitch a lesson for years, now. Do you think our names are gonna be carved in the shitty stone of Nornwatch after what we did? Or do you think we'll have to charge our way down to Amon Sǔl and make sure they put it in the histories ourselves?" He was finishing up with the dressing on his side, the wound now an old scar thanks to the healing from Vicoya. The bandage was tossed and Rian looked at his fellow Legionnaire, "And now we have two more to watch out for. Should we do rock-papyrus-knife to see who is now in charge?"
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freydis-freydat · 3 months
Who: @vicoya When: After the battle with the blighted dragon and the ranks of the Legion of the Dead have grown Where: Lostlands Encampment Notes: Took me long enough : (
Keeping count of the days had been difficult between the onslaught of new information, the strange cycle between dreamless sleep and nights when she couldn’t determine between Tove’s recycled memories and visions produced by her own subconscious. Things were better, but they were different. The relief she felt to be back at the encampment with the overall group could not be understated, but it felt altered somehow compared to the time spent in the tower before being abducted. Freydis was unsure if it was a change within her or because of the constantly shifting state of affairs in the way Iskaldrik found itself embattled that caused this. 
And then there was the sudden loneliness. It was strange to be alone after what she and the other women had endured together, how dependent their survival had been on operating as a unit. That simply wasn’t so any longer, and though Freydis was grateful her isolation was a direct result of safety she still felt like something of an open wound. 
Freydis suspected it would take time to reconcile this–to compartmentalize her feelings as herself and the way her shared knowledge and memories with Tove now colored her perceptions. The protectiveness she had felt would not wear off, but she knew better than to insert herself or intervene too directly. Even so, she found herself wandering a stretch of the camp that many of her peers might assert someone of the nobility had little business deigning to enter. The Legion of the Dead seemed to have cloistered themselves off, and why shouldn’t they have? While some minds had been opened, or at least convinced to play as nicely as possible with the magic-users and non-human beings of the troupe, many remained as stonewalled as ever against the idea of cooperation. Freydis felt their salvation, or any hope for survival at all, lay within wider cooperation across all factions.
It was that thinking precisely that landed her at Vicoya’s doorstep–if one could call it that. The tent city that served as the encampment had almost certainly seen better days, but trapped behind the shimmering wall of the arcane dome that trapped them, it served its purpose well enough. She worried she might be intruding on the woman’s privacy, but forced herself to extend a hand out to try and catch the woman’s attention nonetheless. “Do you have a moment for a word?” she asked quietly, something about her face looking sullen and wasted behind her eyes. Perhaps Freydis ought to have tried to make the connection with the woman sooner.
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haelimthewatcher · 15 days
Date: BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY Location: Outside Caer Glas Keep Characters: @vicoya & @haelimthewatcher Notes: thanks for the fireworks alucard
Parties, back in Iskaldrik, were violent or sordid affairs amongst the young Witchers. All of them young and hot-blooded, full of hormones and poison and violent-tendencies. Parties in Nornwatch were small affairs, quiet and intimate and rarely did they have much to celebrate with. But here... perhaps this was Haelim's first look at what a real party should be like. He didn't know enough to help with the organization, but he did help set everything up and gave his expertise on what Vicoya loved. He went on a flight with Daewonsa only a few nights ago to try to figure out how to gift the person who meant most to him something... anything good. He peered into shops, he walked among the merchant's bazaar. Nothing. All their time together, Haelim had only gifted her picked herbs and little trinkets he carved out of wood. He played Iskaran songs on his flute on her special days, songs everyone knew and could enjoy. But, so close to civilization, he had to try to find a better gift. He had some money to spend.
Haelim ended up finding jewelry he would have wanted to buy, if only he'd had enough gold. Instead, he settled on a little vase that he could afford, one with lovely flowers painted on it. A vase Vicoya could put some flowers within, and a decoration for her room to make it feel like home. Little did he know that fragile things like that did not do well on bumpy wyvern flights. It wasn't until he got back to Caer Glas Keep and the day of her party came that he realized her present had, indeed, broke within the box. There was no time to find another now. He wasn't sure he'd ever been so brave at the moment that he stuffed something else into his pockets and wrapped up the box. The party was going wonderfully thus far and he loved to see Vicoya surrounded by the people who loved her most.
By the time night fell completely and Alucard announced fireworks, he sat at her side, in complete awe of the lights as they lit up the sky. It was the first time the Witcher had seen them, and his eyes were glued up until the very end. But Haelim happened to glance to see Vicoya's reaction as the fireworks started to stop, and the smile on her face made his all the more wide. He couldn't look away from her after that. "Happy birthday," Haelim said again, though he'd already wished her the same at breakfast. It was her first one, in many years, back home in Lysara. She seemed happy and it kept the smile on his face. "How are you feeling? It hasn't been too much, I hope."
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vicoya · 3 months
where: caer glas keep when: a couple days after the Legion reclaimed the keep with: @haelimthewatcher notes: crying screaming throwing up
In peace, vigilance. Vicoya's eyes were trained on the skies, the three words from her oath ringing through her mind as her thoughts wandered like the drifting clouds. In the days since she'd arrived at Caer Glas Keep, she found herself walking the ramparts often. They yielded the best view and fresh air since the rest of the Keep was still in disrepair. Plus, she was expecting someone - expecting a familiar wyvern to sail over the mountain tops with a certain witcher on her back.
There were potions to make, healing wounds to check on, but she couldn't pry herself away from the battlements. Rian and Alucard had faith in his return too, she hoped, but had found more productive things to do with their time than stare at the sky. She just could bring herself to believe he was truly gone, having fallen trying to protect the King. He was the strongest person she knew, and for him to die in vain? That simply wasn't acceptable, even if sacrifice was a part of their oaths as Legionnaires. It just wasn't fair. Of all the good she tried to do for the world, why did it treat her so cruely?
A selfish thought. Her head hung low for a moment, fiery red curls obscuring her vision. That's when a dark dot with what appeared to be wings broke through the clouds in the distance, too far to make out clearly but unmistakable, nonetheless. Coya had yet to look up, lost in her thoughts as she studied the toes of her boots. A sudden and familiar roar snapped her out of her stupor, her head craning upwards and back towards the sky.
Vicoya grabbed onto the skirt of her robes, hiking them up slightly as she sped down the stone stairs of the ramparts. Hair and fabric trailed behind her as she ran towards the metals door barring the keep. "Open the gates. Now!" She watched impatiently as the Legionnaire manning the gate slowly turned the wheel, the barrier ever so slowly inching upwards. As soon as there was enough room for her to duck under she did so, jogging out to the open field nearby. Plenty of space for Daewonsa to land.
Her hand moved to shield her eyes from the sun as she watched the wyvern and rider draw closer, trying to make out whether either was injured. 'Twas the habit of a healer, after all. The wyvern landed in front of Vicoya with a loud thud and a gust of wind, further rustling her hair. "You're home."
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alucardrakul · 4 months
@vicoya location: Hrimthur's Outpost notes: emo boy and sunshine girl
Misery permeated the paths that the legionnaires had spent their time carving out through Ymir's Northern Spine. The Wastes were treacherous and the Iskarans had lost more over the cliffs than Alucard cared to consider, but they'd made it to the broken village of stone, and for the first time in over a month, the spirits of these refugees had lifted. The Legion of the Dead were without their field commander, Deidameia. Iskrates, their archivist, had also perished in the battle and what few secrets had survived Nornwatch Keep were carried on the backs of the Legion.
Admittedly, Alucard knew little of druids and their secrets. The elvhen did not smile kindly either on their vampiric cousins - but here in the midst of this broken ruin that was once a bustling metropolis was a waygate etched in runes far too intricate for even his eyes to digest. In the distance he heard the songs that rose from the refugees, Alucard could feel the warmth from their fires, and the light that filtered laughter that felt premature.
Iskarans were known for their mistreatment of witches and the supernatural as a whole. Alucard had suffered the withering glances of these refugees that had been pushed from their homes; they didn't trust a creature of the night, they didn't trust anything that lived a life that they deemed unnatural.
Alucard had no mind to join them, nor did he really know how. When they arrived in Lysara, word would need to be sent to Commander Silas Dagon at Amon Sûl, the darkspawn were more organized than even they had predicted.
"It's hard to believe that long ago this used to be-" whatever this was. "someplace important, it's easy to forget how fragile things are." How easy it was to forget a thing once it had been broken and thrown away. "You should join the party." Alucard commented over his shoulder, he recognized the sound of Vicoya's boots in the snow, her steps, like Riandur's were a pair that the dhampir knew well by now.
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strigoisak · 10 days
Person: @vicoya Location: Lil Path between the Keep and the stables It's not like Isak doesn't have friends. Back in Veilcrest he'd had.....Well he'd had Dracula's friends technically. And then when he'd ventured to Eterna he'd made...Colleagues with other physicians, alchemists, scholars, and the like. Carys probably counted as at least an acquaintance. Other members of the Legion in Ankhuria were also kind of coworkers but he had been fond of them in his own way. Vicoya though, the redhead was actually so kind that Isak didn't quite know what to make of her. Which was why with whisperings of her birthday, he couldn't not acknowledge it and so inside the pocket of his coat, there's a particularly pretty leatherbound journal. "Do you have a moment?" He asks as he falls into step with her on the path, his hands in his coat pockets.
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steadythora · 3 months
who?: @heroic-ignus where?: the current refugee frozen dirt patch when?: after all the king's road stuff
There'd been a lot she had to face down during their last mission, and she faced every challenge without hesitation. Minus those seconds she allowed that wench to alter her thoughts, Thora got everything she hoped out of her travels. Now, her grief surrounding her parents' deaths was more of a dull ache, the bulk of her emotions worked out through her slaughter of goblins, darkspawn, and the few hits she got in on Lilith. Still, there was a debt to be paid. Though Thora had lost much, she'd never lose her honor. TEK was someone she knew would understand her point of view. "I know you might not deem it necessary, but I do need to thank you. They said it was you who lifted the rubble from me when the mine collapsed," Thora said, still a bit surprised by that fact considering she thought she saw a much larger shadow than his. Then again, she did hit her head pretty hard. "So thanks. For that and..." As Thora trailed off, her hand curled into a fist. Lilith had targeted them both outright, but it was only her mind that got afflicted during the fight. "Vicoya still wasn't sure what her visions meant, but I'm guessing the greedy bitch stole every blade she wielded, including the one you plundered. She might've added mine to her collection if not for you so I owe you twice over."
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alrikhart · 3 months
@alessiathepath location: The Lostlands notes: im ready to be hurt again.
Alrik would know if she was dead.
Vicoya was gone and no longer working on his leg, but because of her he could still walk, and while he was doing it with a limp, Alrik managed his way around the old stones of the ruin just fine. The earth was soft here, deceitful in that way, one wrong step and a person could go in. Stray too far and the mist might take you, or something venomous might perceive you as a threat.
Keep them safe. That's what Alder had told him. It felt like the sort of affirmation you'd give a child and at first, Alrik had resented it, but a talisman hung on his chest and when his ire toward the Iskarans began to build, he'd find himself touching it.
For the first time in a decade, Alrik found peace in his dreams, Fharzai's rune let him shake off the darkness and settle somewhere more quiet. Serene. When the druid wasn't there, Alessia was. He'd talk to the ghost of her memory so that he could continuously commit her to his mind's eye. They'd sit for so long that the fantasy allowed him to forget the truth, and then when he awoke the horror began again.
He found comfort in distraction, his mind couldn't wander far if he was distracted. Alrik recalled Prospero's promise, and he let the validity of what the druid had sworn to settle on him. If Alessia died, Alrik would die: Prospero had saved them once, he could do it again. There was no reason for Alrik to trust him beyond that singular sentiment, but he did.
Idle hands saw him tinkering with what he could, fixing the bearings on carts, sharpening or mending swords in case the troupe was attacked here. They'd be ready this time.
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A sound like a door creaking open muddled with the crackle of energy as the telltale note of arcana pressed itself against the tarmac of his tongue. The ball of Alrik's meteor hammer hung at his side in a heartbeat, already taking a turn as he searched for an advantage point. Ephemeral blue and wide split the air open like a door, and people began to step through.
The Princess looked insane, but he recognized most of them. Alrik's heart began to beat rapidly in his chest, harder and harder:
I would know if she was dead. I would know if she was dead. I would know if she was dead. A final figure skulked from the door like a shadow, a cloak of raven feathers with the cowl drawn low. The last of them. Beneath he saw the tip of what looked like bone.... But that wasn't his sister.
She wasn't there. She wasn't-
Something hateful bloomed in the witch's chest as his eyes bore into the hooded figure, they seemed to look at him from under their cowl, and then it was pulled back, the mask removed, and Alrik recognized Alessia immediately.
And yet, she no longer looked anything like his dreams. Older somehow, changed: Alrik could not know what she'd been to, but his hammer fell without a thought as it hit the ground beside him.
Alrik was running, limping, and running and pushing despite whatever pain reverberated from the injury.
Alrik felt the smile on his face and heard it in his voice. So many years the Harts had worn their masks, now when he ran toward Alessia he felt it abandoned behind him, if only for the moment.
He'd watched the darkspawn take his sister and spent the last two months conjuring every possible scenario. Falling into despair and madness, lashing out at anyone who tried to broach her to him - but here she was. Alive. He'd been right.
Alrik's arms fell around her, large and crushing as he squeezed without thought, lifting and turning her in the air. He couldn't be cognisant of the way his tears fell, how they streamed as if he was taking his first steps from that Iskaran mine once more. They'd been children then, but if there was anything young about them still, it had died along this road.
"I knew you would find your way to us- I knew you'd-" His eyes searched her face, his thoughts worked too quickly to conjure a story of comfort or gratitude. He made eye contact with Alder and Prospero, they had kept their promise, and he would address that later.
Alrik smiled and tugged her toward his camp.
"Tell me everything."
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etienneulven · 4 months
Person: @vicoya Location: Near wherever the sick and injured are bein' kept "Why did you become part of the Legion?" He doesn't really mean to ask, it just sort of comes out. Etienne likes Vicoya and he's starting to realize he's creeping into the small circle of those that had been stationed at Nornwatch. First Alucard, now Coya, and it hadn't been on purpose. Well, he hadn't meant to fall in with Coya at least, but he was often around where Alrik had his leg up or seeing where he could help where they'd set up camp.
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jamieprice · 1 month
Person: @vicoya Location: Caer Glass Keep, Stables
He is there for the pettiest of reasons but if he had to pick people aside from Adrian and dear Pot that he felt some sort of kinship with, it was those he'd met who'd pledged themselves to the Legion. Which wasn't something that was lost on him and it sits there a nagging thought at the back of his head. It's practically gnawing at the bars of the little compartment he'd put it in. As far as Jamie was concerned, he was too young by strigoi standards to really start thinking about the consequences of his actions. "She's looking a lot more comfortable." Arms folding on the edge of the paddock, he looks to the Legionnaire and that beautiful horse of hers.
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thequeendomhq · 4 months
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NAME. Vicoya "Coya" Sage AGE & BIRTH DATE. 29 & September 4th, 2994 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Cisfemale & She/Her NATIONALITY. Iskaran SPECIES. Witch FACTION. Tower of Olympia & Legion of the Dead OCCUPATION. Legionnaire FACE CLAIM. Eleanor Tomlinson
( tw: death )
Vicoya was born in a small village, buried in the hillside east of Aventia. The rolling landscape was ideal for growing leafy greens and root vegetables, making for a monotonous yet productive lifestyle. While the residents of Borderreach often lived in fear of impending attacks from Iskaldrik, it was almost possible to ignore such a threat while tending to their quaint and quiet fields. Further, Aventia surely had the defenses to quell any danger before it reached their village. Little did the Vicoya and her family know that the Vikings of Iskaldrik were the least of their worries.
The Darkspawn attacked a few weeks after Coya’s fourteenth birthday. She had just begun to experiment with magic, as puberty had to led to the discovery she was a distant descendant of a powerful witch. It certainly added some excitement to an otherwise dull existence, but now-a-days, she would give anything to go back to tending fields. Her life was upended within mere hours, as blighted creatures began to creep out of the nearby caves. Unbeknownst to the villagers, the Darkspawn had been tunneling their way through the mines in mountains to the West, and the cave outside her village unfortunately was where they were spat out.
The farmers had wooden fences, pitchforks, and torches as their only defense. Aventia was far more prepared for attacks than they, and the Darkspawn quickly tore their way through the town in the dead of night while the villagers slept. Vicoya’s father happened to be awake, solely because he was an insomniac. Vicoya herself would become familiar with tossing and turning all night, due to the nightmare she’d soon witness. Her parents hurriedly ushered Coya into their small basement despite her pleas, and she heard the rattle of chains as they barricaded the door. Next, she heard the screeches of the Darkspawn, soon followed by sounds of screams as a fight ensued between them and her parents. The screams didn’t last long. She held her breath as she watched their blood drip through the floorboards, arms wrapping around herself as she shivered.
After what felt like eons, fighters from Aventia came to chase back the Darkspawn, having received word of the attack. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she screamed, and screamed, and screamed, until someone let her out. It was a woman, hooded and dressed in dark clothes. She tried to shield Vicoya from the sight of her parents, but the young redhead pushed her way through. She knelt beside her mother, trying to channel her magic in an attempt to revive her. She could almost see her very soul, the light of it fading as it drifted away into the Abyss. Her hands sparked with her desperation, but alas, she was long gone. The hooded woman noticed Coya’s innate talent and offered her a chance to learn at the Tower of Olympia. Vicoya had never considered becoming a student of the tower, as she didn’t want to leave her family, but now she had nothing left to lose.
Coya was welcomed to the tower with open arms, but they never quite felt as warm as her mother’s embrace, or her father’s reassuring touch. The woman who saved her became a mentor, of sorts, teaching her the ways of the tower and help her embrace the magic in her blood. Vicoya threw herself headfirst into her training, using it as a distraction from her grief. Having a natural talent for healing others, she planned to use her gift to bring life back to a world where it was so frequently and unfairly taken. That unfairness – the slaughtering of her friends and family – lingered in the back of her mind every time she felt herself growing stronger.
The feeling brewed and brewed over the next several years, and when she was offered the opportunity to complete her trials, she somehow found herself declining. The Tower had been a second home to her but serving them wasn’t her calling. Her heart was telling Coya her purpose lied with those who sought to vanquish the Blight every living hour – The Legion of the Dead. Faring her mentor and friends goodbye, she made the trek to Amon Sûl, the main outpost of the Legion. She underwent the Joining, consuming the blood of the creatures she hated with every fiber of her being. Despite the pain that racked her body as their blood burned through her veins, she felt at peace. This was where she was meant to be.
Now having access to the Legion’s libraries and archives, the few witches remaining in the outpost encouraged her to tap into her unique ability to see and feel the soul – to learn blood magic. It didn’t sound like her, but she soon found it could be used for restoring life, rather than taking it, though she learned to do both. The latter was only to be used against Darkspawn, of course. She trained here for nearly a decade before the Legion commander, Silas, dispatched her back to Lysara. She was to find and snuff out any lingering threats of the Blight, which she was more than used to doing by now.
Yet, the longer she was away from Amon Sûl, the less and less she heard from them, and the less Legionnaires she saw on her travels. Deep down, she knew the fate of fending of the Blight rested on the shoulders of a few. Despite the pressure, you would never guess she felt it, as she met every new face with a smile and warm, healing hands. The world had tried to break her, as it had many others, but she would have her vengeance against the Blight, or die trying.
+ Nurturing, Warm, Passionate – Naïve, Stubborn, Anxious
played by day. est. she/her.
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riandur · 1 month
@vicoya Notes: On the way back to Caer Glas
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Riandur had come out only slight worse for wear from the temple, Haelim and Alucard at his side. The village itself, the one that he had left behind so long ago – well, he had done everything to avoid it. He'd sent Vicoya and Nurcan, the two that could save those that could be saved, and the others that wouldn't have a choice. Rian had even stood on the outskirts of it, until he'd been forced to walk in and make a decision on who would get to live or die. These were people he hadn't seen in years. Friends, children that he'd seen be born and learn how to take their first steps. It was heartache for those within, and it was perhaps a blessing that no one truly remembered him – until there were the few that did.
When they'd left, they'd left with two. The Blight had impacted the region, and the temple was now magically sealed until those from the Tower could come and study it. He was walking beside Vicoya now, thinking of a bond that transcended time. "Are you okay after being in the village for so long?"
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freydis-freydat · 12 days
Who: @vicoya Where: Caer Glass When: Miss Sunshine’s Big Ole Birthday Notes: The parade was in the morning. 
It was nothing short of a trek from Haven to where Caer Glas Keep sat watch over the bay between the Silverlands and the Feywilds, but Freydis was happy to make it. She had come to town a few days early, affording herself plenty of time to meet up with the artisan she had written to in order to commission a gift for her Legionnaire friend. The extra time permitted Freydis to be certain the gift was completed with the proper care, quality, and attention to detail. As the once-jarl rode a borrowed horse to a pasture near the keep she couldn’t help but miss her own horse. It had been a gift from another jarl, a foal that came into its own at the same pace Freydis had as a young noble. It was the first horse she had owned and trained for the sake of enjoyment rather than for labor, and she had loved it fiercely until she had parted ways with it during the initial flight toward Nornwatch. She had offered it up to an elderly man struggling to keep up, a quiet pact made between them that the steed would be returned to her once they were in the safety of the watchtower. The fates had divined so many cruel turns of events since then, and it was more than Freydis could manage to think of what fate befell that elderly man or her horse. But it allowed her to understand Vicoya’s widely known love for her own horse, Mabel. 
Freydis was not necessarily expecting a formal party. The other members of the legion she had met didn’t seem the type, especially the dark-haired moody one who seemed to be the catalyst for the event. But she noticed Etienne keeping the broody-looking host company, and suspected if he was someone Etienne approved of then there was more to him than what met the eye. She balanced the box meant for Vicoya in her arms as she looked for the familiar red-headed woman. With her signature, fiery locks–and it being that she was the reason for the festivities in the first place–it did not take long to find her. 
For some time now, every waking minute had felt like a violent tug-of-war between her head and her heart. In the night, her lucid dreaming felt like a nightly snipping of the sutures she spent every morning carefully placing in an attempt to sew back together her bleeding heart. But the last few days had had moments of levity, windows of time where her memories of the arches didn’t eclipse all else. This was one of those moments. Patiently, Freydis waited for Vicoya to have a small gap between chatting with her fellow Legionnaires and greeting the guests who had made the trip to celebrate her. 
“Happy birthday, Vicoya,” Freydis greeted, balancing the gift box on her hip as she used her free arm to loop around Vicoya in a warm, enthusiastic hug. So many of their conversations had been heavy, tear-stained affairs, but they had bonded over stronger matters than misery alone by now. Even so, it was a welcome change of pace to enjoy her company in a circumstance that demanded pure celebration. “I’ve brought you something, but I’m sure you’re busy–you don’t have to open it now. I just want to make sure it doesn’t get displaced.”
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haelimthewatcher · 1 month
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Years of friendship, turmoil, isolation and fighting against an enemy that few believe in anymore. They still live.
The ground walked here is a wonder It ceases never to hunger And all things nature's given She takes all things back from the living
@alucardrakul / @riandur / @vicoya / @haelimthewatcher
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vicoya · 4 months
Location: Hrimthur's Outpost With: @prcspero Notes: nvm me post starter today bc I'm feeling inspired hehe
After spending the day healing and nearly exhausting her magic, Vicoya wasn't sure why she felt like tiring herself out more. Perhaps, deep down, she knew it would be easier to fall asleep later if she was on the verge of collapse. Not a healthy sleeping habit in the slightest, but sleep aids were needed with the anxious thoughts and nightmares fighting to keep her awake.
Plus, today, she was angry. She'd healed elderly, children. Refugees who didn't deserve any of this, she thought, even if she didn't know them personally. Even if they gave her odd stares and shifted uncomfortably at the sight of her magic. No one deserved to have their home destroyed. She would know.
Now, she was taking out her emotions on a make-shift training dummy that had been cobbled together with loose hay, sticks, and cushions. She wasn't the strongest, physically by any means, but she could almost convince herself otherwise as she drove the silver, bladed end of her stave into the dummy over and over. Her stave was an unwieldy thing at times, nearly as tall as her and thus requiring two hands if she wanted to slash and stab with the sharper end. The top end was an orb made of onyx, with cloudy shadows churning about inside - a helpful focus for her magic. Regardless of which end part of the staff she used, you didn't want to be on the other end.
She made one last stab at the dummy before she paused her assault, needed to gasp for air before continuing. Coya dug her staff upright into the snow, making it sturdy so she could prop herself up with it. Now that she had a moment of rest, she took in her surroundings, and realized someone had been watching her. Prospero. A familiar face from the battlefield she'd met just a few days prior. Friendly, she assumed, but she didn't know him well enough yet to say for sure. She invited him closer, so she could find out.
"I hope you haven't been there long! I'm afraid this isn't much of a show." A breathless chuckle as she gestured to her tired body, leaning heavily against her staff as she tried not to face plant into the snow.
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alucardrakul · 3 months
@riandur location: the lostlands notes: riandur for field officer (president)
Alucard was throwing things.
The golden symbol of Lusacan and the Church of Night remained emblazoned on his cloak as the dhampir's red eyes shifted toward the nearest tree. It swelled at the center of its trunk and exploded, sending splitters of wood flying in every direction.
A dragon?
A dragon??
A blighted dragon?!
It wasn't fair!!
Vicoya and Riandur must have looked so cool fighting that thing together; by now Alucard had eavesdropped his way into hearing every possible version of his story, biting his knuckle as the details unraveled with greater detail.
It wasn't fair!
Another tree exploded before a gator snapped at him, forcing Alucard to ascend a bit higher, pouting in a way that was very distinctive of the dhampir... Which was to say he was hovering with his arms folded while he stared off into the distance with the same, unblinking gaze that he always did.
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Their field officer was dead, there hadn't been word from Ankhuria in years, and Alucard was- he didn't know what to do if he wasn't given explicit directions. He'd joined the Legion of the Dead to combat his birthright, but he'd been separated from the others and probably wasn't even thought about the entire time they fought the blight without him.
Three more were added to their ranks now, the princess, another witcher, and a werewolf who could shift on command. What could he do? Well, a great deal, but that was beside the point. Alucard didn't even have a dragon scale while everyone else had walked away from the dragon with one in their pocket. Sulking in the sky, Alucard paid little mind to whatever was happening elsewhere. They could figure out how to bring the wall down on their own he wanted no part of this anymore.
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