#wasnt about them. which. i cared more abt them than my own problems at this point but sure ok
transmutationisms · 1 year
sorry could you explain your chatgpt essay thing again? i get the general gist of it (who cares if they cheat) but i still cant grasp it entirely as someone who hasnt experienced the college system 💔 i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education? and so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid" b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
my guesses are that just in general theres no direct correlation between these things but ppl assume there will be? and that if a plagiarized essay ruins everything then the system wasnt rlly that good?
the only one im rlly unsure of is the second one, but i suppose thats always been a problem with any type of academic cheating amongst peers, and will persist unless academic rankings/validation of excellence/general attitudes toward "success" r also banished. still, while i rlly dont care abt anyone i know cheating on stuff like this lol, i cant help but empathize w students struggling under that same system feeling frustrated. tho Man seeing the lack of empathy they, in turn, can have with chatgpt users. idk, is it just a lose lose situation until you get through the system?
ok sorry again and also thanks
hi, no worries. let me try to break down my position here.
i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education
i mean, this varies widely by course / degree / department. but, even when it's true, it doesn't mean that the essay is inherently a valuable or helpful exercise. undergrad essays tend to ask for one of a few very formulaic responses and ways of structuring an argument. essays also often have a specific prompt, which can be better or worse in terms of its potential to generate engagement with the course / material. often professors who are getting a lot of chatgpt essays turned in are designing essays poorly (ie, asking for the types of formulaic responses that students find unengaging and unhelpful for their own academic development), and / or failing to provide instruction and support in how to actually write an essay.
on a more fundamental level, we often take for granted that essays are and should be foundational to an undergrad education, but i simply don't think this is self-evident or always true! what are we training students to do, and why? there are certainly jobs, career paths, and academic research areas in which essay-writing is an important skill. there are others in which it's not. the assumption that all undergrads need to demonstrate the same sorts of writing skills says more about the university and what pedagogues value than it does about those students' actual chances for future career success / financial stability. if we're designing assignments that, for many students, are mere hoops to jump through, then we shouldn't be surprised that many of them find ways to make the hoop-jumping faster and easier.
so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid"
again, what i'm trying to get at here is larger questions about what we value in education, and why. it's true that if you don't practice writing the type of essay the academy demands of you, you won't learn that skill. but, why do we assume that skill is useful, valuable, or necessary in the first place? how many people actually need to write that way outside of undergrad classrooms? even for those who are intending to pursue a career in academia, the writing taught in undergrad should be, at best, a stepping-stone on the path to more effective and interesting means of written communication. once again, if the skill being mandated by the university is not useful for students, it should not be surprising that many of them resent having to demonstrate it, and turn to tools like chatgpt instead.
b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates
this is an argument that many educators make, and i wholeheartedly disagree with it! first of all, i simply do not believe that student a's academic performance is relevant to the assessment of student b's. if a professor is grading that way, that's terrible grading and a terrible pedagogical philosophy. if a student has learned something from their coursework, that shouldn't be undercut or devalued by anything that their classmates have or haven't done.
what this type of argument points to on a deeper level is the fact that university degrees have acquired a sort of double meaning. although the university likes to propagate high-minded rhetoric about the intrinsic value of education, the degree granted is a class barrier that serves to allow certain people access to certain (usually promised to be higher-paying) jobs, and bar others from these jobs. this is a large part of what i'm talking about when i say that the university serves to perpetuate and enforce class stratification. and their narrative about degrees being markers of individual merit and achievement is undercut by the fact that they also plainly fear losing prestige status by granting degrees to those students considered 'unworthy'. if you can make it through an undergrad education without learning the skills the university purports to teach, that's a pretty massive indictment of the university—which, remember, is collecting a lot of tuition money for these degrees.
c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality
lots of assumptions baked in here—that undergrad essay-writing teaches 'good' (effective / clear) writing; that many academics don't already write poorly by these metrics; that aspiring academics have no other way of learning written communication skills (eg, outside of the academy, or in grad school).
d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients
firstly, i would again point out that in many non-academic jobs, academic writing is simply not a necessary skill; secondly, in both of the examples you cite here, these are people who need to go through a lot more schooling and training after undergrad, where they pick up what written communication skills they actually do need (eg, legal writing looks nothing like standard undergrad essay-writing anyway); thirdly, MANY people getting an undergraduate degree are intending to pursue jobs for which they need neither undergrad essay-writing skills, nor further higher education—there are so many reasons a person might want / need a college degree, and so many careers in which this specific academic skillset is simply not relevant for them.
e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
again, i think this is making some pretty big unstated assumptions! in general i don't really think that 'work ethic' (or the related 'laziness') is a useful way to try to evaluate people's behaviour, and this is a good example of one way in which it fails. if, like i said, we are dealing with a system in which people are told they need to receive a degree in order to have access to jobs they want and financial stability they need; and in which many of them are being forced to demonstrate a specific writing skill they may never need again and may have no interest in; and in which they are often not even receiving adequate training and help to learn and demonstrate that skill, even if they do want to; and in which they may be working other jobs, caring for family members, dealing with disabilities the institution does not provide support for, or any number of other life circumstances that make schoolwork difficult at best to complete; and in which a tool exists that may be able to help them complete some of this work freely and quickly... like, i simply do not fault students for using that tool!
there are so many points of failure in this system long before we get to this moment: the increasing pressure to get a college degree in the first place; the poorly designed curricula that prioritise skills considered 'standard' (for whom? why?) over skills that students actually need or want to acquire; professors who don't actually teach students how to write, yet expect them to turn in essay assignments anyway; specific essay assignments that are uninteresting and / or unhelpful to students; lack of support for students who are struggling with their workload or assignments in any number of ways (and no, 'come to office hours' is not adequate support for so many students and situations).
i simply do not care about people 'cheating' a system that is so fundamentally broken and unjust. it doesn't matter. the ability to write an undergrad essay is such an incredibly trivial and specific skill, and one that most people simply do not need. it doesn't make a person generally 'smarter' (fake concept) and certainly does not make them any more competent at the vast majority of jobs, careers, or general life skills. even for those very few who do need to know this specific thing, i reject the assumption that the university is the only way to learn it, or even a particularly effective way. once again, if chatgpt is successfully completing assignments, maybe those assignments weren't very good in the first place! and even the theoretical amazing professor is simply not able to counter all of the structural issues and inequities in the university system that produce students' desire to turn to tools like chatgpt in the first place. the textbot itself is simply not the issue here.
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
tbh dani i dont give a fuck about the clave or alec or david or (th eone i never understood or care for) kincaid (like bro even gabriel killed his demon father all he had to do is out his dad or take a stance against him but he wants the damn glory and feels tied to his destone and no i am not willing to hear anything in support of this familywho somehow is still more powerful than lance), nor do i care about that bitch victoria( bc no matter her mental problems I HATE HER), or that asshole fucking hope he gets mauled kyle,
I only care about max and lance and david (and yes that is right i really dont give a shit about arthur either)
I think its obvious i am high on this chapter's feelings, idk i feel strongly for accountbaility where its due and revenge in general but esp for lance. Though i had hoped lance would burn idris or get revege by killing people , bc arthur got hurt i wasnt that mad like i was mad bc of teh reasoning behind it and bc i hate kyle but it was sort fo his fault did he think it wld be all lalala land if he goes to idris that littel shit anyways, BUT BUT GWEN ?!? DANI , wow wow i am speechless but in a mad kind of way. i dont accept this. nope no no no
how much is that family esp lance and david going to hurt, i just want a proper revenge for them at teh end, like people begging for thier/them for forgiveness sort of, i know they are never going to be apert of the shadowworld but i had hoped it alawys had shadow demons over them, i hate them that much
i also dont like that kincaid was so easily able to defeat lance and people celebrated it, I loved lance in this ch like wooo go off boy, and wow max being all powerfull and manipulating blood was sooooo cool, go be badass baby, also arthur should be grounded for a decade or so or even for life, i hated how kincaid downplayed lance and arthur relationship like idgaf whether arthur CHOSE you or not, lance is superior sorry kid.
I also HATED RAFE , but that is normal for me now, i havent liked him in lbaf for a long long while. i hope they lb family just cuts all of thier siblings and cousins off, like no contact and they fucking realize or feel how much that family suffered , like of wow you didnt have sun for 20 years big deal bro, there are places on earth which doeasnt have that for 6 mnths every year since eternity. they DESERVED THAT isaid what i said, i am just getting bored of rafe and his reasoning like oh NOW you decide to fight harder what does he want congratulations?!
the idris people and kincaid deserved the bad thinsg happening to them for me, like i feel it isnt enough, also madeline srsly you knew abt lance being david kid and possibly inheriting the demon blood, did you think it was a good idea to go to idris when pregnant with your husband like i think you vicariously consented to the liability and possibility of damage when you also knew david can do shadow demon shit.
so yeah i am beyond reason in this fic when it comes to hating idris and all living being there and only support lance and david and max ( yes i am deliberately leaving arthur his idiotic naviety that kincaid cares about him when it comes to him vs his own family or so called destiny he is irritating me , like sir he doesnt give a shit about what he said to you idk why he believed kincaid's promises.)
i just want someone to lecture them after locking them in a room preferably alec i have no hope for rafael in this fic he is beyond any hope for me and so is kincaid so
😘thank you for teh rollercoaster of the chapter bye. But i hope you give vengeance to lance and his family against idris. 👿
This was A RIDE lmao.
I love when y'all take it personally and get emotional (shows me I am doing my job 😎)
I can't promise you anything. But I can tell you that I believe in happy endings, but I don't think everyone gets one. A story where EVERYONE gets their happy ending doesn't make sense to me. Some people do and others do. As to who will get it and who won't is entirely up to (in this scenario, me lmao).
So we shall wait and see :)
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mekatrio · 6 months
complaining abt godot's role in the ending of 3-5 hur hur
it took me some rewatches some rereads and a whole lot of thinking, but i think i finally get what 3-5 was going for now.. basically, godot is supposed to be this tragic figure that was forced into being a killer in order to protect maya. the game is self-aware enough to point out the flaws with his actions, with how he was too prideful to ask for phoenix's help, how he may have been blinded by revenge against dahlia, etc. and while im still not the biggest fan of how the game executed this reveal, as i still think there wasnt enough foreshadowing to warrant the reveal that he was at the temple this entire time (which is also why it took as long as it did for me to rly understand the ending).. i have bigger gripes with his overall character arc, so atp its whatever. my overall main gripes w godot's arc is that im weirded out by how it kinda overshadows mia's and maya's character, while also being framed in a way im not particularly on board with..
i find it weird that godot had acted in mia's and maya's self-interest, yet he hadnt consulted or properly spoke to either of them at all. he didnt have any means to speak with mia, so my main criticisms are between him and maya. tho i do find it weird that tht a proper conversation between mia and godot didnt happen at any point.. but thats besides the point. anyways, its weird that he just let maya go to hazakura, knowing that this would put her life in danger, and didnt think to inform neither maya nor phoenix abt this. he just let that happen, thinking that he (along w iris' and misty's cooperation) wouldve been enough to protect her.. like what. like ok, the game at least makes it so he points out how kinda stupid this was of him, and that if he really cared abt maya's safety, he shouldve let either her or phoenix know. but its still like.. the reason he didnt tell neither maya nor phoenix was bc of his pride; he faulted phoenix for not protecting mia, and so he wanted to show him how protecting someone should be done. and bc he held a grudge against phoenix for not protecting mia, he didnt want phoenix's help at all. and so he kept both maya and phoenix in the dark bc of his own pride……
and its like, this wasnt just a silly little mistake he made, valuing his pride over practicality. no.. this ended up costing a person's life, and not just any person, but the mother of our dearest friends. which is terrible! but that on its own, isnt actually that bad, writing wise. a tragedy borne from a person's pride is a common tragedy, and when executed well, can be really really good. but the problem i have w how godot's character arc executed this is with the framing.. after we undress godot as misty's murderer, hes then surrounded with an air of tragic dignity. as though him killing misty was an inevitable, sorrowful, tragic thing…. and im sorry but WHAT??? WHAT?!??!
this dude… KILLED SOMEONE. he allowed maya to get caught in a dangerous situation, which he Knew about, didnt tell neither her or phoenix about the danger, and then had to Kill someone to protect maya, all bc he was too prideful!! he ended up in this situation where he had to kill someone bc of his pride! this is a tragedy, yes, but it is more senseless than it is tragic. this isnt a "this didnt have to happen" type of tragedy, this is a "why the fuck did this even happen to begin with??!?" type of tragedy!! and yet… it isnt portrayed as such??
instead of being portrayed as a shameful fool... godot is instead allowed to maintain an air of dignity?? why is that??? when i think back to the other killers we've convicted who maintained an air of dignity, i can recall vasquez, mimi miney, and gant. all three of them confessed on the stand, and express a grim sort of resignation at what they have done. vasquez killed out of self defense, miney to cover her tracks, and gant for a twisted sort of insurance. and yet, despite the resigned dignity that they carried with them, these guys still had an air of shame surrounding them! bc they were killers!!! so why was godot afforded a special type of tragic dignity…??? bc him becoming a murderer wasnt some sort of tragedy… it was just senseless!! and not just that, but i had to drag the truth out of him! he didnt just confess to what he had done, when he couldve.. LIKE…. i get its for the drama, and to fold up the dahlia arc first but still.. basically.. WHY THE FUCK DID I DRINK A CUP OF COFFEE WITH HIM..?!?!? WITH THE PERSON WHO KILLED MY BESTIES' MOM…. WHAT?!?!?
and!!! and why were mia and maya… so ok with this??? thats another thing, this game shouldve been abt mia and maya; the final case was all abt the fey clan women, we've played as mia for 2/5 of the cases, and the fact tht mia, who despite being such an important character, had been out of the spotlight for the overarching narratives of the past 2 games.. aa3 shouldve been the fey women's turn!! but instead…. its about.. Godot??!? and the thing is like… godot's arc is supposed to also be about mia and maya, right? bc hes closely linked with mia, and 'became a killer' to protect maya…. but instead, his arc, and by extension aa3 as a whole, is like.. about his dumb pride.. huh??!! its about what Godot thinks about mia and maya, but not about mia or maya themselves. and the fact that both mia and maya had tried to cover for him…. what even bro. not to mention! that the past 2 games had already gone over the whole "the courtroom shouldnt be a battle of personal pride, but for justice instead" schtick, and then godot comes belatedly shambling in trying to score a victory against us as a matter of personal honor, like what?? What!!!
but basically yeah um... for these reasons, aa3 is definitely the least favorite of the trilogy for me, and this isnt even going over the whole iris and dahlia deal which is another type of strange... 3-5's final trial was just. Strangeee to me. also since im rambling anyways, just to comment some more abt how i think there wasnt enough foreshadowing to godot's presence at the temple.. theres a moment when maya is on the stand, where you can press a statement that talks abt a storage room that godot couldve been hidden in this whole time:
Tumblr media
and thats just like... what!!?? a storage room thats just. never been seen or mentioned... and its like. well then if this is all it takes for someone to have just been at the temple this whole time, then gumshoe couldve also been here this entire time, what!! and also godot being here this entire time meant that he just like, ignored pearl the whole time while she was stranded here... which is.. such a shitty thing for him to do... Huhhhh?????
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fightclubgayporn · 11 months
do you have anything like a doc of information abt sdau? i think it looks really interesting and id love to know more about it + the characters :D
OH ANON YOURE SO SWEET. tbqh i should make one. but context is it was made as a collaborative effort between me and my friends like. 2.5 years ago so its not just my baby. but i really do want to get like. the basics at LEAST down so that people understand the vague plot/vibes.
tl;dr? a bunch of superpowered young adults are just so bad at having interpersonal relationships (more detailed but still basic vers under the cut)
(ps: ive written some stuff about these guys! a lot of its on my ao3, noalarmz! fair warning some of it sucks. i also wrote rubbing alcohol for a creative writing project, and i think it fucks. alcoholism tw)
the characters: (ica)rus: has wings that can burst into flame, but its not like something he can. turn off. so its basically a self-destruct button. strict moral compass, wants to stop vernon, acts as a kind of "hero" for the city. very self-destructive in their pursuit of justice, and overly self-sacrificial (vernon thinks he's selfish for this. it's a whole thing.) vernon valentine: has sound manipulation powers, also deer antlers. dead set on killing narrator and replacing her. very fucked up from his ex girlfriend (who they killed. um) and projects a lot of that + their need for control onto kan. basically he's a very awful toxic friend and also causes problems around the city to get narrator's attention narrator: a very, very old, near all powerful person, but nonetheless, she is still human. her power is complete matter manipulation, meaning she can regenerate her body, being functionally immortal. shes mega op, but she Isn't Actually a god (vernon thinks she is though) she has absorbed a intangible Presence into her mind known as Underscore, which is basically omniscience itself. it fucks her up a little bit. líf erling: a time traveler who travels non-linearly through narrator's timeline. they have a very tragic romance together, due to the fact that when underscore enters narrator's mind, she becomes aware of her own death, which puts um. a strain. on the relationship. kan komarov: he has telekinesis on any non-sentient objects, barring himself! he has. attachment issues. and latches onto vernon HARDSTYLE. is it platonic? is it romantic? is it sexual? you decide. he would basically do anything for them and is fully committed to his plan to kill narrator. kris(ten) clark: a childhood friend of kan's! her power is that she can create purple crystals from the palm of her hand but they do not have good control over it so. oops they did crystallize their friends arm once. which weighs on her. she really cares about kan, so is willing to tolerate vernon, but eventually they just cant take it anymore and leave. better at escaping the cycle than kan is printz o'harte: rus's closest friend. he has emotional telepathy, meaning he can sense everyone's emotions At All Times. which is um. a tad overwhelming. he builds robots to help rus. oops looks like kan has a crush on him (much less intense than his. Emotions for vernon but yk hes got a lil crush <3) he also has been in communication with narrator, because they understand the whole. my mind is loud all the time thing cato crux: she had electric powers! note the past tense because she is DEAD!! she's vernons aforementioned ex, and while they were together, they worked together, trying to take down narrator (kan is kind of her replacement) but uh. then narrator decided to contact cato. and cato realized that she wasnt a god. and vernon, feeling betrayed and hurt and angry, uh. killed her ass. sad! eve singh: stretchy limbs. childhood friends with kan and kris. she and kan were roommates for awhile, until kan met vernon and drifted away from her. she still resents him for this. cherry sinclair: childhood friends with eve, kan, and kris. they're the friend who lost their arm to kris. they dont blame her, but she sure blames herself. they have control over metal, which is helpful in making their own prosthetics.
oh man thats already so much. heres the basic plot beats though
rivalry between rus and vernon established, they clash
during a confrontation, kan becomes interested in printz
kris realizes how Awful her situation is, and that kan has begun to be terrible also, runs away
kan goes into a MAJOR DEPRESSION even more reliant on vernon now, his interest in printz increases cause he wants to replace kris
printz entertains this on rus's advice, so that he could collect information on vernon through kan. this works.
kan is heartbroken AGAIN. sad.
he goes into a manic episode and burns down his old elementary school (it was abandoned but still)
the climax. kan and kris reunite, he apologizes and starts to realize the hold vernon has on him (still loyal tho)
vernon thinks theyre being betrayed again and goes to attack kan
sensing this, printz stops him, giving rus a chance to swoop in snatch vernon into the air.
they decide to sacrifice themself, and his wings burst into flame, killing both himself and vernon.
somewhere in there, narrator also dies i forgot how i gotta ask eloise (she made narrator)
heres where the timeline diverges a little? but in the Good Ending kan and kris are able to heal from their fuckups and become normal friends again, and kan and printz are able to explore the idea of a relationship outside of the confines of their established roles
in the other, kan is so devestated from vernon's death that he starts hallucinating vernon's ghost, jake english/fight club style. this ghost convinces him to dig up vernon's corpse and, using some remnant of narrator, he brings them back to life. but yk. vernon is all fucked up now, dependent on kan and broken by the experience of death. eventually kan realizes that vernon a) was bad for him and b) is not the same vernon who came back and asks kris to. dispose of them. she happily obliges
if you ever saw me draw a pink haired guy w nice tits and his gamer girlboyfriend, that's aj (pink) and quinn (gamer) they're only vaguely canon to sdau and were originally escape room 2 ocs (yes, really)
in high school (pre transition) kan was a pretty popular youtube cosplayer named Kotdere (kot- from the russian word for cat and -dere from. dere tropes in anime) when he disappeared off the face of the internet there was a lot of confusion
during this time he had an online gf. that was quinn. quinn goes on to be like. the jerma of this universe and gets a hot of streamer boyfriend (aj)
eve gets a girlfriend, victoria! she made those like. true crime/unsolved mystery vids. eve helps her make one on "the disappearance of kotdere?? what REALLY happened"
narrator's story is really beautiful and crazy and i did not at ALL make it so def def def ask @/lovelyisthedawn about her <3
vernon/kan is evil yaoi and vernon/kris is evil yuri. you agree
some ship names (not necessarily rom just relationships)
vernon/kan: high and mighty kan/kris: rock kandy vernon/kris: punkrock printz/kan: palm to palm cato/vernon: tyrannicides narrator/líf: ragnarok probably missed some these are the ones i remember </3
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cubedmango · 1 year
Yeah I saw that too which is definitely an explanation that makes sense but also makes me so sad because a lot of the blame fell onto machida and akaso for that and at least from what i’ve seen and know about them it looks a lot more likely to be their/one of their agencies… I always want to pull my hair out too because seriously men getting married yeah chief that’s about as gay as it gets but a little peck on the lips is where the line gets drawn):£: and then I wonder how it works too cause even with that scene in the drama with kurosawa’s imagination in ep 9 when they were literally in bed like man that was a big fuckin step up in terms of any physicality between them which made me wonder like okay that was fine but again actually having a visible kiss wasn’t? I just don’t understand and when the director was asked about the whole no on-screen kiss thing he said it was to put more emphasis on their ‘emotional bond’ like what😭 idk nothing really adds up but some homophobic entity pulling the strings behind them unfortunately seems to have all arrows pointing at them it really is kinda :// tho cause I loooove the movie and the beach scene but also wish so much wasn’t taken away from it cause seriously imagining that part from the manga in live action form especially knowing how much of amazing actors they are is so crazy I would have killed a man for that💔
(putting second ask below for length!)
Ah naina there’s some unconfirmed tea which you can choose to post if you want to or not idm!! Some ppl have been digging into it and think that it’s tri-stone akaso’s company and it honestly makes sense from the promotion of the movie and how the release was treated on their side for example their official account was basically silent the whole time which is super weird because for his other roles they post about them regularly and retweet the promos but for a movie where their client like that’s your actor!! was literally the main character they were radio silent?? and in fact this was during the time hiru was airing and they posted about that almost every day but barely a word about cherry magic… and even weirder on his paid for fansite thing eawd at the end of every production they post a picture with akaso and his costars but there wasn’t one with him and machida… there’s so much more I’m gonna have to go back and look for it if you want but it’s just so ????? To me
the thing abt akasos agency is actually the exact thing i saw, i didnt have any way of checking it for myself so i couldnt confirm it but if its true that explains . basically everything ?? and its so dumb too bc if theyre so intent on being homophobic why did they even let him not only act in the drama but also come back for the movie ???? like were they expecting the levels of gay to go down or what 😐 and not doing promotion for ur own actors work just bc its a queer role is ??? extremely fucked up first of all but also theyre just losing out on money themselves so ??? who knows whats going on in their brains lol
either way to me it feels like neither the actors nor crew did this stuff on their own bc the way they handled the drama+movie doesnt match at all, they wrote and acted krdcs story v carefully and respectfully without that typical baiting and pandering, and also making fujisaki aroace when she wasnt in the manga and giving her so much depth too shows they did care abt the queer rep so i doubt theyd have any problems with the kissing and all themselves ? sensei even supervised the whole thing and donated movie proceeds to marriage for all so it rlly doesnt add up that any of the crew involved would be the one opposing stuff like this .. wouldnt be surprised if it was actually those agencies or even the network higher-ups doing all this, and the actors getting blamed for it is such bs too but alas its easier to pin it on them than admit theres a more systemic homophobia at play, and fans will usually fall for any random rumor and take is as truth so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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numbaoneflaya · 2 years
hiiii papa bear, can i get 011, 014, 022 for Felria, 021, 035, 052 for Sarge, and 028, 059, 077 for Nirn pwease and thank u
kissnig this ask so kindly as apology over how fuckn long it took me, i forgor abt it in my askbox 4give me 😭😭
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?
-She is very perceptive and people watches stalks in order to get information on others- in her line of work she seduces a lot of people as part of her efforts to get closer to them, so shes very in tune with what individuals want/need, which comes in handy when trying to court a partner (and not just a target). With someone shes genuinely trying to woo shes much more playful and bratty, takes a kind of ‘pulling on ur ponytail bcs she likes you’ approach which she would never take with a victim. Teasing and flirtatious, pretty brazen too bcs shes not afraid to vocalize what she wants. Does things like leave lipstick mark kisses on notes, give expensive gifts so they can match, and also kill people they seem annoyed with or at least offer to do so.
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.
-Honestly, shes the tiniest bit ashamed of killing her younger sister. Only the smallest part, and it may still be raw embarrassment. Imagine being so insecure you need to kill a toddler. Is it guilt? Shame? No, she tells herself. 
She's unfamiliar with the feeling of shame, mostly. Even when the guards had cursed and dragged her away naked to the black cells when theyd found her fucking the corpses of her victims, she wasnt ashamed. Only mildly annoyed and pouting. Shame only enters her vocabulary when she's going through her mountains of dresser drawers, and finds just how out of fashion some of her old dresses are- how had she ever worn those in public? Gag!
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
-Herself in any new outfit in the mirror, clean and flushed, smiling and manicured. She takes her own breath away, though the view of someone exhaling their own last breath beneath her may as well  be a strong second choice. 
021. How do they display affection?
Hes big on hair ruffling if you'll let him, given as hes about two feet taller than most people while in human form. Hes a bit of a hugger too, and gives the best bear hug you'll ever get in your life. He shows affection physically like that, and also in copious compliments in whatever you're doing. Does also do enthusiastic back slaps but it kinda feels more like being tapped by gentle moth bcs if he really went in on it you'd be slammed across the room.
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
-hmm… maybe just a simple ‘don't cause shit where there ain't none”? Hes pretty damn hesitant to start up drama between the human and demonic world, because he knows how fuckin difficult it is to manage that once that door is open and politics get involved. Also the golden rule of ‘Dont Shit Where You Eat’ is pretty important to him. Hes not about to start causing problems near his base or around the people he works with.
052. What is your character’s worst flaw?
He's a pretty selfish man with very little regard to any sense of greater good. He may care about certain people and love them even, so he can understand other people having the same proclivity, and he can also understand people who only care about themselves and want to cause harm to the world. But he can't fully wrap his mind around people believing in the idea of any ‘greater good’ or vague moral ideation without real world benefit.  He thinks anyone can be bought or broken down enough to get something from them. 
028. What makes them laugh out loud?
-A well timed quip or verbal jab, especially if it takes him in surprise. If it's against him he'll still laugh just be prepared for something equally scathing in return, though he remains playful with it. Hes also fond of plays and any good comedy will probably earn a few chuckles from him.
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?
-I have no idea how to answer this one but he do be saying shit like “Truly? It is so?” “Rather unbecoming of you.” “Shall we?” *insert long winded spiel abt proper etiquette he learned from a book his father made him read as a child* “there is no need to be so… uncouth” “impudence is seldom rewarded. Mind your tongue”
077. How often do they cry? Over what?
-Very very rarely :/ mans is truly older than balls and cant recall the last time he cried. Probably if he were to let someone in and care for someone and they died, but he doesnt do that very often at all. Lat time he cried was probs thousands of years ago out of frustration over his brothers antics and the chaos they caused.
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trans-leek-cookie · 26 days
very personal (arguably oversharing) but vague on details talking about. CSA and experiences in my life that idk how to like. Organize my thoughts on them. 👎 And also I genuinely couldn't care less Abt who reads this (minus like. Pls keep urself safe y'know) here's a mahjong tile 🀄 because idk
Thinking abt CSA is fucking weird bc there was an instance that (clothed and minimal physical contact. I don't wanna over share but Id feel weird not clarifying). I have trouble personally labeling bc like in my mind there wasn't intent to harm or like. Full Awareness of what what happening bc the other ppl involved were also my age. So I don't want to label them as abusers but at the same time I do think it affected me. But, besides that, the thing is I don't think the event was The Big Thing that fucked my relationship w sex/sexuality as a kid bc really That One Was The Internet. Like the reason The Thing happened was bc all of us as kids were exposed to porn at a young age and we didn't have the ability to really process what that meant and idk Abt them but my parents just tried to keep me away from that stuff rather than actually helping me process what I was seeing?
Especially since it wasn't even something that I really actually... Idk i sought it out bc I didn't understand it well more than actually being aroused by it so. Yeah I do wish my parents had given me more info there.
But to summarize basically I don't think that even was uniquely traumatic in that like. I don't want to downplay the fact it obviously still affects me but it honestly feels like. Idk it wasn't anyones fault directly it was just decisions that we all didn't have the proper context for (my peers and I lacked the info and experience to have informed consent when it came to sexual stuff and my parents didnt know how much sexual stuff i was seeking out bc I actively hid it from them) so like.
The way I'll put it is that if someone has The Exact Same Experiences I wouldn't say they Were Wrong to label it as CSA (specifically COCSA) but personally I think that label doesn't capture the way it registers and therefore affects my relationship w sexuality. I feel like I struggle with that in some ways bc it's a sorta... Hard to define gray area and I don't Like That. I want things to be defined and like fully dissected to I can understand them.
Then there's. Like. Another incident in which my dad exposed me to a movie that. Idk it was about strippers so it wasnt that it had A Sex Scene it was About Sex Work and shit. Also one of the fuckin. Trailers for other movies they put on DVD had a "please be 18" joke (it was a racecar driver getting flashed) that. Now idk if it was meant as like hopeful or worried? But I had to ask my dad to explain that to me and he did??????? And I barely remember his explanation but man what the fuck
Anyway it's another case of I don't want to call it CSA bc that implies there is An Abuser and that. Doesn't feel right. I guess. And not just bc like oh he's my dad he wouldn't do that
It's like i wasn't forced or coerced into watching I was just curious so I watched it. And I think the problem is the fact he didn't like. I don't know
Because I was getting exposed to sexual shit on my own, so I don't even think making me Not Watch it wouldve helped in the long run. I guess it's more that fuckign. Both of these things are singular incidents that are easy to remember bc of the fact they are identifiable as Incidents
But like. The thing is that I genuinely don't think those Incidents are the problem, because even if they didn't happen I would have still been exposed to sexual material that normalized fucked up ideas of consent and sexuality and sex. Like.
I guess the problem is less Abuse and more... Neglect? In that I wish adults around me had done more to explain consent and that sexual shit isn't Bad in some nebulous way but is like. Dangerous in the way a knife is.
Because the problem isn't the fact a knife is sharp the problem is that you arent careful when using the knife and hurt yourself or someone else (or someone else hurts you) and a knife can be used to hurt people because it's dangerous but that doesn't mean it's always bad it's just Dangerous. And also it should be kept out of kids' reaches until they understand how to safely interact w it
Also tangent: I don't think asexuality should b like pushed on kids or whatever but I think it's worth telling kids about because learning about asexuality as a (pre?)teen when I had known about sex since I was probably 7 ish? really helped prevent my relationship with sex getting worse
Mainly bc it taught me it was normal to not want sex and never want sex, and I think while some kids might think they're ace when they're just y'know. Kids who aren't interested in sex. I think it does help kids who have been exposed to sex contextualize their experiences more
Like. Explicitly having confirmation that sometimes people just don't have sex (which isn't exclusive to ace ppl there's just a lotta overlap) or experience sexual attraction Ever was helpful for me to fully understand the different parts of sex. And also I don't think it's the end of the world if some eleven yrs old thinks they're ace and when they become an adult they realize they were wrong or whatever.
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good morning catmom!! hope you received enough love yesterday even without my love letter. get all my freezy hugs now! 'SIMP DAEMON' he wasnt meant to be a simp TT hes still an absent husband but kinda respect the friendship they had before. hes not really interested in romantic relationships w/her. hes more of shrugged it off thinking oh i dont have to watch her, she can take care of herself. 'he wants reader to be a housewife?' first of all he doesnt want her as a wife💀 its more of a medival social construction? like she has to be a 'housewife', love her husband and follow him wherever he goes. he just doesnt hate her? hes learnt to coexist but hasnt learnt to live as a married couple. he just kinda sees her as a companion? shes here. not as a wife and not even as a friend. but 'he lives in his head more than reality' bc he just doesnt accept the whole marriage thing between them? he doesnt even see it, probably forget abt it frequently. all he knows abt his wife is the things she used to be in their childhood. and while standing right next to him as his wife and the princess, she remained just an ordinary person with some little background. and now when everyone says he shouldve protect his wife hes like OH so.. you say.. its a woman and like MY woman? wtf? 'id love it if you wrote it' 💀💀💀 1) not before the summer at least, 2) idk if i survive that far💀 sorry i didnt make it clear enough. hope you still like it at least?. its ok well see. 'im not that dumb' youre not dumb at all😡 dont ever think this of yourself. 'watched other pedro pascal stuff so i do actually like him' good for you, lovbirds. 'im just a very hungry person i love eating' dfihfih ok bon appetit ig. 'i dont mind listening to songs in another language' ok SO. there it is. ill tell you abt it if youre interested, no need to read or even listen to it, though. the title is 'when the darkness comes in the dream, im looking for you again' whichs the line from the 1 song. 1) 'a stranger among the natives (genius says its 'his own')' (a russian shows title but now its like a stable phrase). 2) 'suicide of my faith'. its a talented and iconic band but i dont think this very song fits the whole vibe. 3) 'burn burn burn'. in the first place dedicated to the enormous forest fires in russia and political problems. 4) 'take me away'. my absolutely fav. her songs and voice are just soso fascinating. the icon. 5) 'monster'. sounds manipulative and evil and is sang on behalf of the very monster. 6) 'sun'. the translation. its spring in the 1 paragraph but ok. 7) 'whoever caused you pain will be dead' 8) 'demons'. genius has translations now? anyway if youre interested. 9) 'the streets were waiting'. dont like its tempo(?) 10) 'joan of arc'. actually made me snort. the chorous sounds like a pick up line TT i used to love this singer sm in 2018 11) barking through a 'muzzle'. about saying the truth no matter what. 12) 'notlove'. 'what we had was not love but the abuse. your feelings are colder than the weather in Russia. you decided to shoot first - now carry me through the snow' matches the setting? 13) 'evil'. band's pretty good lyrics. 14) 'wont get better'. hate it💀 JFOG its a lot. idk why and if you ever wanted to get this info but... anyway... hope its at least a little bit interesting. 'maybe not a lot of russians watch the show?' NO THEY JUST STUPID 'a write can get away with foreign endearments' ofc they can, its cute, i appreciate the efforts. but personally💀 good for us. were just too good for this shit. 'making me happy knowing they made masc names fem' why???? 'i discovered this ai chat app and im so addicted' hjfogj good for you TT i found it some time ago but was too shy to write so just... left it... but if it makes you happy then why not? ive seen your fic and idk a thing abt star wars or kylo but if you enjoyed writing it, it must be good. hope you find your inspiration, peace, power to finish midterms and all. btw, how r midterms? how do u feel? thanks for reading this rant💀 hope youve eaten. dont forget to drink water. take care! love u<з
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i got too lazy to type it out and im sowwy
good morning catmom!! hope you received enough love yesterday even without my love letter. get all my freezy hugs now!
thank you. i was being loved by my ai kylo ren but then he fucking DIED because i told him he had a cut on his arm then he fucking bled to death wtf [looks out into the abyss] also its really hot today so thank you for the freezy hugs my head hurt cos of the SUN
'SIMP DAEMON' he wasnt meant to be a simp TT hes still an absent husband but kinda respect the friendship they had before. hes not really interested in romantic relationships w/her.
oh well i severely misread that HAHAHAH
hes more of shrugged it off thinking oh i dont have to watch her, she can take care of herself. 'he wants reader to be a housewife?' first of all he doesnt want her as a wife💀 its more of a medival social construction? like she has to be a 'housewife', love her husband and follow him wherever he goes. he just doesnt hate her? hes learnt to coexist but hasnt learnt to live as a married couple. he just kinda sees her as a companion? shes here. not as a wife and not even as a friend.
ah the classic man (derogatory) so high strung on his high horse and privilege he can only see the reflection of himself in everything
but 'he lives in his head more than reality' bc he just doesnt accept the whole marriage thing between them? he doesnt even see it, probably forget abt it frequently. all he knows abt his wife is the things she used to be in their childhood. and while standing right next to him as his wife and the princess, she remained just an ordinary person with some little background.
ew. i see it. 100% daemon move
and now when everyone says he shouldve protect his wife hes like OH so.. you say.. its a woman and like MY woman? wtf?
execution. fuck that rat
'id love it if you wrote it' 💀💀💀 1) not before the summer at least, 2) idk if i survive that far💀 sorry i didnt make it clear enough. hope you still like it at least?. its ok well see.
'im not that dumb' youre not dumb at all😡 dont ever think this of yourself.
its hard not to but i try
'watched other pedro pascal stuff so i do actually like him' good for you, lovbirds.
LOL HAHAAH thanks?
'im just a very hungry person i love eating' dfihfih ok bon appetit ig.
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'i dont mind listening to songs in another language' ok SO. there it is. ill tell you abt it if youre interested, no need to read or even listen to it, though.
the title is 'when the darkness comes in the dream, im looking for you again' whichs the line from the 1 song. 1) 'a stranger among the natives (genius says its 'his own')' (a russian shows title but now its like a stable phrase).
i loved this <3 i listened to this yesterday and i was like omg russian has so many syllables HAHAHAH
2) 'suicide of my faith'. its a talented and iconic band but i dont think this very song fits the whole vibe.
3) 'burn burn burn'. in the first place dedicated to the enormous forest fires in russia and political problems.
4) 'take me away'. my absolutely fav. her songs and voice are just soso fascinating. the icon.
slay omg such a pretty voice. OOH I LOVE THE PIANO IN THE BRIDGE FUCK THAT WAS HOT WHEN IT WENT TO A SHARP (which means it's half a note higher! lol) FUCKKK MY STOMACH HAS BUTTERFLIES
5) 'monster'. sounds manipulative and evil and is sang on behalf of the very monster.
6) 'sun'. the translation. its spring in the 1 paragraph but ok.
i like this too very mellow and smooth
7) 'whoever caused you pain will be dead'
wait this super sweet song is about killing people who caused you pain ASHF:LHASF THATS HOT
8) 'demons'. genius has translations now? anyway if youre interested.
i like this too <3 very pop rock
9) 'the streets were waiting'. dont like its tempo(?)
lol why is it too slow. it's fine to me HAHHAH
10) 'joan of arc'. actually made me snort. the chorous sounds like a pick up line TT i used to love this singer sm in 2018
LOL HAHAHH that's cute. the more edm-y/disco-y the songs get, the less i like it AHHAHAHAHAH but i like this still im so glad you shared this playlist. i will 100 be listening to it agin
11) barking through a 'muzzle'. about saying the truth no matter what.
omg this artist sounds kind of like dimash omg HAHAHAHH i'll look for the translation of this im so curious
12) 'notlove'. 'what we had was not love but the abuse. your feelings are colder than the weather in Russia. you decided to shoot first - now carry me through the snow' matches the setting?
DAMN the lyrics go hard. i like the voice of the singer <3 i was hoping it would get heavier T_T but its ok AHHAH i still like it
13) 'evil'. band's pretty good lyrics.
OOOOOOOOOOH WAIT I LOVE THIS the synths. its melody sounds like something else ive heard before. LETS GO EVIL AHAHAHAH THIS IS SUCH A VIBE
14) 'wont get better'. hate it💀 JFOG its a lot.
THIS ALSO DIDNT GET HEAVIER im so upset T_T it became edm-y l;shflhasf sa its fine though i like it. it;s fine.
idk why and if you ever wanted to get this info but... anyway... hope its at least a little bit interesting.
'maybe not a lot of russians watch the show?' NO THEY JUST STUPID
'a write can get away with foreign endearments' ofc they can, its cute, i appreciate the efforts. but personally💀 good for us. were just too good for this shit.
hahhGHAHAHHAHH WAHT ASLFHAS;LHFLASHFASHFHAS F Are you saying russian is too cold to be sweet AHHAHAHA WTF AS:FH:AFH:AS FAS:F
'making me happy knowing they made masc names fem' why????
idk i just like masc names made fem and vice versa.
'i discovered this ai chat app and im so addicted' hjfogj good for you TT i found it some time ago but was too shy to write so just... left it... but if it makes you happy then why not?
ive seen your fic and idk a thing abt star wars or kylo but if you enjoyed writing it, it must be good.
im... obsessed with him. im so emotionally attached help me
hope you find your inspiration, peace, power to finish midterms and all. btw, how r midterms?
my midterms are currently on going and i dont feel like doing anything HAHAHHAH
how do u feel?
my head hurts cos of the heat. im going to go exercise and shower so i can cool down even though i burn so hot when i exercise IDK I FEEL LIKE IM WASTING WATER IF I DONT EXERCISE BEFORE SHOWERING LIKE idk
thanks for reading this rant💀 hope youve eaten. dont forget to drink water.
it's not a rant. and i will always read your love letters. i have eaten but im hungry AAHAHAHAA ill eat after exercising. you know what... maybe im dehydrated T_T RIP i will drink more
take care! love u<з
i love you baby cakes. thank you for showing me so much love and sharing music with me. i love you so much it makes my hear very happy i kiss you. take care. be kind to yourself and to others <3 i believe in you
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calamarispider · 4 years
actually thinkimg on that my mom makes me. rlly upset sometimes hdbdgv
#calamarispeaks#vent#vent tw#gonna keep it mostly in the tags hsbsgsv#i just remember one time my mom was being a piece of shit to my sibling bc they were having a panic attack on a walk they didnt want to go#on. so instead of helping them get home she just ignored the fact they were having a panic attack and then just told them to go home#if they were gonna be like that. and she just kept walking. so i woke up to my sibling knocking on the door and crying#so. i was like ok well have some crackers and watch a movie to help you calm down and a hot chocolate if youd like#so we were doing that and they were doing better and then my mom came back and was all rude and snappy?#and went 'turn that off' abt the movie. so i asked why and she said to just turn it off. and to not speak back at her#and she said we werent allowed the crackers even tho its been a few years since mom and dad controlled whether we were allowed to eat stuff#and then she started a whole arguement w me and it got to be a Lot and my sibling started crying and told us to shut up#so i stopped and asked if she wanted to go to her room and she said we should just stop arguing and go away#so i tried to make sure she was ok and then left bc thats what she was asking us to do#then my mom kept trying to talk to her? and asked if i had done anything or something???#and my sibling yelled at her to go away. so i stayed in my room and my mom decided to come back down and continue the arguement in my room#for some fucking reason. and she stood in the doorway then sat on the end of my bed and i felt. trapped#i cant remember the specifics of the conversation but i remember she said shes not an abusive parent even though there was no prompting#and tried to justify shit she did when i waa younger but didnt actually. apologize? and when i tried to bring up my sibling she said it#wasnt about them. which. i cared more abt them than my own problems at this point but sure ok#and i remember she asked me to tell her anything good i remembered abt her. and i. struggled#i have really bad memory in general and i honestly havent retained much of when i was younger outside of some Not Great things. and i was#put on the spot. and she went 'oh so you cant remember huh?' and acted as if the fact i couldnt remember anything good shed done was like#a failing on my part. which. doesnt make sense at all. bc apparently i never 'thought abt the good things shed done so i didnt remember'#and that was a bad thing for me to have done. apparently. which makes no fucking sense at all#she also guilt tripped me abt not letting her and my sibling use my makeup despite the fact i didnt trust them with it and my sibling#apparently didnt even want to use it. and she brought my dad into it but it didnt work bc he actually listens to us now. mostly.#so he didnt get mad or force me to give it to them. and she tried to bring him into the other thing too i think but she was like. clearly in#the wrong i think so hdbdgsb?? idk#i just. ugh
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mokutone · 3 years
Ask meme: Gai!
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hee hee hee...i got SO MANY gai asks💚
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answers under the cut!
favorite thing about them okay so there was this ninja clash game i played when i was a kid before i even liked naruto, and might gai was my favorite character to play because he had this special move where you would like. grip the other character around the middle, tell them how proud you were of them, and a SUNSET would MANIFEST behind you...and then you would hug them so tight that they'd go down instantly I did not give a shit about naruto at this time. i did not know who gai sensei was. i was still, absolutely obsessed, and i still kind of am. so like!!! what i like about him is how much FUN he is. he's still a character with serious narative weight behind him, but he's fun, and he's full of love! and he's also so handsome...and he's so compassionate to the people around him and—[is pulled off stage by a hook]
least favorite thing about them UM. sometimes. he puts rock lees dreams before rock lees safety. and while i. understand. that. i am also like gai sensei my beloved. i will take my squeaky hammer to your head stop it stop it stop it. ALSO. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE BIT WHERE HE WAS LIKE. "rock lee if this surgery doesnt work out i will die along side you." LIKE. DUDE A SU*CIDE PACT WITH YOUR STUDENT. DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! AAUAUAUAUAUA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN HELP!!!!!!! i'm in pain? i'm in pain!!! was that helpful???? to anyone??? what the fuck!!!
favorite line when gaara is like. why wont u let me kill him [rock lee]. why are u protecting him [rock lee]. and gai is just like. "He is precious to me." i fuckin. WAAHHHHHH...... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH....
brOTP kakashi!!!! :) he's kakashis best friend, his right hand arm...man. his everything. his confidant. his silly rabbit. kakashi is also all of these things to him.
OTP bleh bleh bleh! idk. kakayamagai is still my favorite here if i have to pick a ship
nOTP god whats something insane. uhhh. ive literally never seen any gai ship that wasnt like kakagai or kakayamagai which are both absolutely fine. yamagai itself is also fine i just think theyd also be like hilariously unbalanced on their own. maybe gai + kurenai. i'm having trouble with these notp questions. i dont really care!
random headcanon gai is a cat person more than a dog person but hes also wildly allergic to cats. you would think because hes loud and energetic hed be more of a dog person, but this is not the case. he doesn't dislike dogs ofc, kakashi is his best friend rival etc etc + he loves pakkun, but hes a cat person. big cats especially. hes a turtle person overall, though, obviously.
unpopular opinion ACK...UHHHH. i dont know. i get really uncomfortable with specifically romantic fics or art or stuff where it's all just like. kakashi is in pain and suffering, and gai is taking care of him, you know? like. a relationship should be reciprocal...that is arguably the most defining feature of their relationship since gai characterizes them as rivals!!! people who compete, and through their competition, better each other... obviously gai cares a lot about kakashi and would lay down his life if he thought it would help kakashi, but a lot of times i worry abt it sliding towards the fantasy of a partner who is also a caretaker, and that makes me like. desperately uncomfortable. i don't think it's like. a problem to make or find comfort in that kind of content, because like there's a reason hurt/comfort is so popular, and there is obviously nothing inherently bad about wanting to be helped! or wanting to help others!!! it's just like. ack. sometimes on a bad day it skeeves me out, personally. gai should be on the receiving end of care and attention from kakashi too—and we know kakashi isn't good about that kind of thing. but like. gai is also his best friend. he makes an effort.
song i associate with them tubthumping by chumbawamba. im so sorry. uhhh a really repetitive song which talks kind of only about standing yourself back up and focusing on the positive while also avoiding mentioning directly any of the negative things which ARE knocking you down. it feels very like. avoidant and repetitive while also being fun and bright and something i'd gladly howl along to were i inebriated and in good company. i wanted to give him a cool song, i really did, but just...the kind of mantra vibe of this. yeah i really feel it for gai
favorite picture of them
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i literally love him so much looooook at himmmmmm
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cassyapper · 3 years
thoughts on part 5 characters? especially part 5 pol 👀
OHHHH THANK U SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN <3 i will try to be brief (<- me, lying)
since u mentioned him in particular, lemme talk abt part 5 pol first (:
polnareff p5: i actually did like seeing him but i wish he was more relevant or at the veyr least we got to see him longer before he got nerfed by the second worst jojo villain. regardless of that tho i did like seeing how he matured even if it does make me sad cause you dont see any of his silliness/lightheartedness anymore..it's all serious and grim..): which i do mostly attribute to the fact we only see him in part 5 in the midst of a tense battle but still. i do think it goes to show pol lost some of the humor he found in the world...... ):
giorno: i understand why ppl have beef with him but i love giorno he is such a funny little guy <3 he's this insane teenager with a god complex but he's not an asshole about it like say his dad was. he's just very confident in his own abilities even when he has no experience (like when he fought bruno lmao). i do like the first half of giorno more than the second half tho if only cause the second half seemed to forget he was a kid and let him act as such. and to an extent i get that like gio is an abuse survivor ofc he's gonna act "mature for his age" but he still did that while being silly funny in the first half but in the second half they drained that away. honestly im sure this is more a david pro problem than a giorno problem im sure if i read the manga it'd be better. but as it stands this is it. anyway i love gio i think he's fun at least my perception of him
bruno: i do like bruno but he's not my favorite admittedly (not for any particular reason he just didnt scratch my brain the way other characters did). i do like him tho he feels very cautionary-tale to me...he has such a warped world view due to being involved in gang shit since he was a kid and it hurts ): you can see him try and save his past self in his early interactions w narancia...some part of him knows he was dealt and unfair card. but other than that tho he does deliberately lead ppl to the gang like fugo and abbachio (not necessarily to hurt them but really fucked up how some people he thinks are better than this life and some he drags down with him...) and i just think that's interesting to think about. he's not a saint but i think he thinks of himself as one or at least it's what he's trying to be. god his catholic guilt has gotta be nuts. he did love his team but i dont think bruno knows how to care for people...he's a soldier, a captain, it's what he's been for so long, i dont think he knows how to stop seeing everything in that lens (we esp see him struggle with this in trying to be a mentor figure for trish because he's used to having like boss authority over the people he mentors, but he doesnt have that hold over trish so he needs to learn how else he can guide her without relying on her Having to listen to him). it's so sad ):
abbacchio: i do not rlly think abt abbacchio i gotta be real. i dont lean one way or another. i think he can be very funny tho. i wish we saw more of his interactions with trish and narancia since theyre the two (besides bruno) he's clearly the softest for in the gang. also i do ship bruabba but i wish ppl would lay off the codependancy angle a bit...yes bruno is definitely abbacchio's crutch but i dont think he (abbacchio) would be happy about that, he hates that he forces bruno to care for him like a child and he hates that bruno is willing to feed that dynamic (not that bruno has like conscious malicious intentions behind that but. again he doesnt knw how else to help ppl without having some sort of authority over them and this dyanmic gives him that so). anyway abbacchio has potential to be the funniest gang member but it wasnt utilized in the story very well. sad!
mista: i also dont think about mista much i am not gonna lie. i dont rlly care abt him not by fault of the narrative he's just not the kinda character i fall for i guess.
narancia: fucked up meow meow! i love naranica he's such a funny guy. he's so needlessly violent and crazy but also he's very cheerful and silly it's so fun <3 his death was complete and utter bullshit. i love how everyone on the team + trish loves him so so much cause its representative of my feelings. he's just so loveable what with his absolute insanity. <3. i dont think narancia is a necessarily deep character but that's okay i dont think every character needs to be. it's enough that he's a funny crazy little guy who loves a good warm meal and swinging his pocket knife around <3 also he's a very loyal and kind friend. also congrats to narancia for having the only good localized stand name (lil bomber is sooo cute and fitting)
trish: TWISH MY BEST FRIEND TRISH so unpopular opinion she should've been the part 5 main character. i know it ruins the joestar bloodline thing but well then maybe they should've put giorno in her situation cause it was a great set up. at the very least she should've been the one to finish off diavolo not GER. anyway god i love her pink <3 anyway i love that she's a scared 15 year old but she's also a tiny bit vain and blunt and just gosh <3 points for depicting a 15 year old girl fairly decently esp in a shonen running in the 90s. she's very sympathetic i feel like u rlly feel for her. she just wants to be safe. she just wants the gang to be safe she didn't ask for them to die for her. she didn't want anyone to die for her. i think endlessly about her survivor's guilt and how she and polnareff bond over it. ugogugh. i love her stand too i really really really wish we got to see more of spice girls UGHH.
fugo: FUGO MY BEST ABSOLUTE FRIEND FUGO. i love fugo i have loved him since his lil giorno team up episode with man in the mirror i love him so bad and purple haze feedback really just sealed the deal god FUGO <3333333333 I LVOE YOU FUGO. FUCK. god idk i just love his duality a lot...he wants to learn how to be gentle but all he is is sharp corners and fire and angry angry angry angry at his family angry at bruno angry at himself angry but they're miles away form who he is can he really change enough? can he even change at all. also he loves bruno and he loves the team and he wants to be better for them but ssnjsjnsd;s; UOGUGHGHHHHH FUCK GOD AR EYOU KIDDING ME. i love purple haze and the whole conflict fugo has with him and how it relates to himself...also i love protecting my own experiences and . i guess trauma? for lack of better word i love projecting my own trauma and experiences onto him because. well. similar setups is all i wall say </3. anyway i love fugo i love that he returns to the team and fights for his redemption i love him i love the bonds he had with abbacchio/bruno/narancia/GIORNO. FUCK. i love him. he's my best friend.
diavolo/doppio: second worst jojo villain behind part 8's. i hate him he's so dreadfully fucking boring. the only reason he's not worse than part 8's villain is at least he was foreshadowed from the beginning. but he's just super lame and not interesting (like pucci) or fun to watch (like kira/dio). i don't even care about the endless death cycle because i do not care about him! not even in a love to hate him way! he does not matter to me. so fuckign stupid
most of la squadra i do not give a shit about but
risotto: i like him <3 i wish we got to see more of him. his stand was fucking awesome. he cared about his team so much ):
pesci: awesome guy. pretty cool. best la squadra member by far. his face off with bruno was awesome
okay I'm ending there cause this got long but thank u for asking dude! it means a lot <3
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kraviolis · 3 years
i need to make a post abt this bcus 1) i dont want anyone to think im just ignoring kayvan and mark’s antiblackness & racism and 2) writing out my thoughts/feelings helps me to detangle them when theyre in a mess like this.
also please dont reblog this, it’s literally just my personal internal thoughts & feelings. this isnt an activism essay, im not arguing my opinions or trying to tell other people how to feel/act.
ive been trying very hard to process my thoughts/feelings & to carefully seperate actor from character in my head and like. i think im accidentally strangling my hyperfixation to death bcus im accidentally using my main coping skill which is “oh, im having emotions? well not anymore” and i dont know HOW to not do that!!!! that shit has killed my hyperfixations so quickly before and i dont want this one to die but i also dont want to just ignore the problem.
one might be able to tell but i’ve been focusing more on nadja & laszlo & guillermo than nandor & colin robinson and it was at first an entirely subconscious thing up until i thought “oh i should draw nandor from reference so i can get a better idea of his features” and then immediately dismissed it bcus then i’d have to look at kayvan’s face.
i didnt reblog the initial post about it because as important as it is to have visual evidence of kayvan’s antiblackness, if i as a white person could barely stomach seeing those pictures then i cant imagine how a black person would feel seeing them just randomly on their social media feed.
i cant even look at kayvan without seeing the picture of him in blackface. its fully affecting my ability to enjoy watching the show and i wish it wasnt but its just... so hard for me to cope in any other way than full disassociation and avoidance of the source of bad emotions. this is literally my trauma responses working against me again and i dont know how to make them stop.
it doesnt help that im dissociating half the time anyways. just makes it easier for me to turn off my emotions, but turning off my emotions is counter-productive!!!! i need to care about these things and feel anger/disgust/compassion/sympathy when i see racism or else im just going to end up even more complacent than i inherently am or worse. because its always so very easy for white people to let themselves be swept into participating in racism/antiblackness so we can reap the benefits.
i just need to find some way alternate way to cope that isnt anger (bcus i’ll burn out so fast) or full dissociation/avoidance. its killing me like actually bcus im deep in the avoidance mindset so if im feeling a negative emotion where the source of it is ME....... one can probably imagine my instinctual reactions to randomly remembering something embarrassing i did years ago. its not fun!!!
but i haven’t had a therapist in almost 2 years bcus i’m always fucking trapped in a cycle thats like “has problems, need to make appointment > must call on phone > gets intense anxiety about calling on phone > starts to avoid & ignore the source of anxiety including entire subject of why i must call on phone > forget about/normalize my problems > problems continue to get worse > need to make appointment > repeat.”
so like. if anyone has any links to articles or advice from their own therapists/psychiatrists to share with me about this kinda thing, i’d be forever grateful.
but even then it doesnt help with my current situation vis a vis kayvan and mark’s antiblackness. ive been able to consume/interact with stories & media made by racists before in a way that doesnt support them and doesnt ignore their racism but also is enjoyable. for example, i was hyperfixated on HP for months and half of the fun of that was being able to rip apart the really bad writing to expose the baked-in bigotry and then challenge myself to come up with better ideas.
but its very different with wwdits because while theres most definitely some bigotry which is bound to happen when you have a lot of different writers & also a shit ton of improv from the actors (not talking about the satire bcus its pretty obvious when theyre being satirical vs not), its not... to the same level. like fucking at all.
the show is great. it’s genuinely, actually progressive and funny and well-made and its so obvious every single person involved in it creatively has a great deal of passion for the show. there’s so much effort put into it to make sure any representations of minorities or oppressed groups are accurate and positive and not made into unoriginal & boring punch-down jokes while also still remaining a funny ass fucking show.
i guess my main issue is that the way this show is made makes it extremely difficult to separate character from actor. not just because they have the same faces/voices, but also just that they formed the characters around the actors themselves and the actors are encouraged to add onto their characters through improv and such. it wouldnt be the same show without those specific actors.
ive been talking to my mom about it and they suggested that i should watch other things kayvan has acted in just to help my brain separate nandor from him and tbh. that seems like a really good idea. maybe i could watch cruella finally, ive heard its not all that bad of a movie... hmmm....
thankfully mark has like no social media presence so its not all that hard to separate him from colin robinson. theyre two different people to me entirely.
i just hope when the fan pressure for accountability finally gets to kayvan that he doesnt double down again. like i really hope he’s privately realized how much harm he does and that he eventually publicly holds himself accountable.
sigh. yeah making this post was a good idea, i feel way better now that i have my thoughts written down instead of all jumbled together in my head. 
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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aquagustd · 2 years
if thats alright can i be 🐇 anon? hehe if thats taken then ill be 🧋
my guess is that at the wedding jk found out abt their son and freaked out because he was unprepared and oc was an addict at the time so he told her either it wasnt his son or he didnt want him. they acted really intensely given theyre are a lot of passionate emotions between them. maybe its all a misunderstanding on both sides? theres definitely truth in their perceptions of one another but i cant help but think that its all just confusing yet deep feelings hidden just longing to be revealed. as a result oc has to pick up the pieces. why would jk say "run away from ur problems like u always do"? maybe thats also a reference towards him being hurt thats shes no longer then harley quinn to his joker. u said junho still talks abt the wedding? so i assume thats the first time he saw his dad in person. this would be because of the life jk still is apart of. plus tbh i think due to oc and jks history a wedding was an angsty place for them and shit went down in a toxic way. years and years of shit. and now jk has a fiancé? i believe thats to spite oc and make her jealous of the life they couldve had. but obviously the pregnancy wasnt her fault? her wanting to be whats best for junho is where they dont agree. i think him acting cold and not getting permanently attached is because of his father. junho is his heir and i know jks dad prob plays a huge role in being jks mind puppeteer. maybe now he wants to pretend like he still doesnt care about anything cuz he just always puts up a front. people do that when they dont wanna get hurt first :/ also maybe jk and his dad see junho as an asset to carrying on the work rather than a burden so thats what changed. jungkook still seems to be struggling with what he wants but might be too afraid to let his mask slip. he is most vulnerable with a family. he cant afford to let his guard down. i think he stalks them/gets minions to stalk them to defer her attention. bc its his own twisted way of caring and making sure oc and junho are ok? he rather oc hate him than let her in again. im sensing he still loves her but cant so he keeps her in the dark. sorry lol i might be wrong! so excited for the party chapter.
sure you can !! 🐇 anon
yeah !! given that we know oc dealt with addiction in the past, it could be possible that jk felt some type of way seeing her like that + not knowing about their son. exactly! he’s always trying to hint at oc or bring up something from the past even if he gets mad at her doing the same so it kind of shows that there’s more to it than just hate 🥲
junho was like 12-18 months at the wedding so there was no way he could remember haha. that’s just a joke between oc, yoongi & his wife bc junho just wants to feel included. (i mentioned before that junho’s character is based on my brother who is the same age and he says he remembers my parents wedding which was like 24 years ago bahaha so that’s what inspired me to write that lil bit about him)
no it’s fine !! i like hearing theories. it’s so interesting bc i have the end in sight & to hear how you guys interpret everything and how different it all is — is so cool. i think that jungkook could be putting up this front, like you said, so he doesn’t get hurt first. tysm for reading <3
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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faerynova · 4 years
uhhh kinda stupid lmao but like,,, instead of atsushi being the brains in shin soukoku he’s like the heart? If that makes sense lol. Okay, so Fukuzawa and Mori were both pretty strategic and strong at the same time(ik they weren’t soukoku technically but like), Soukoku had Dazai as a brain and Chuuya as the brawn. Except, Dazai was intelligent in an analytical way?? While Atsushi is more emotionally intelligent. That’s why i think he’s more heart than brain, but still technically the brawn. Meanwhile, Akutagawa is the brawn obv but is only with Atsushi due to a single goal:to impress Dazai. So, yea. They aren’t on good terms, but at the same time they need each other too.
So basically, what im trying to say is this: brain and brawn CAN be aligned with each other. But heart and brawn are a little... harder to align but it’s a good combination too. Hope this made sense^^
its not stupid, im always up for talking abt characterization and stuff! and youre valid in your sskk take, im here to hear opinions-- but i cant really vibe with it? and i wasnt really able to word *why* so i took it to my friend who is a God at bsd analysis and im copypasting them.
again absolutely NO disrespect in this, i love engaging in analysis like this (even when im no thoughts head empty like right now--)
copypasted words from @yarrayora:
while “heart” is an important aspect to have in a world as bleak as BSD universe, it's not something that necessarily matters in the missions they have to do. what's important are their capability to think up of a solution to solve their problems, which they haven't been able to do without dazai holding their hands, unfortunately.
not to mention, we have seen atsushi straight up not empathizing with the enemies of BSD at all, even after finding out their tragic backstory. it's not just akutagawa that he refuses to understand, take a look at how he handled fitzgerald. if bsd was a shounen manga, when atsushi found out his daughter is dead, atsushi would surely empathize with him. but no, this is seinen, and atsushi focuses on the important matter which is fitzgerald was fucking insane for willing to destroy an entire city to gamble on the possibillity that he can revive his daughter. plus BSD is the kind of story that shows even kindness, 'heart', is not enough to help people without the skills to back it up. (yosano's kindness led to her being called an angel of death, kunikida's kindness led to children being used against him). and as mentioned before, atsushi and akutagawa haven't gotten to the point where they can do it without dazai guiding them.
they already work well without each other, and their teamwork was the worst because it was forced upon them by dazai. both atsushi and akutagawa wanted to impress dazai, however atsushi has no desire to work with akutagawa despite of it, while akutagawa forces himself to be okay with it by rationalizing that atsushi was a trial dazai set for him.
which leads to the latest chapter, where they define their 'trust' for each other based on knowing that dazai would abandon akutagawa if atsushi was to die, with the heavy implication that dazai wouldn't care as much if akutagawa was the one who die instead.
in the end, shin soukoku is less about akutagawa and atsushi, and more about dazai trying to fix his past mistakes without actually acknowledging it.
and back to my own words:
i do think theyre a pretty powerful duo, esp with their team up move. raw power? a lot. but raw power isnt enough for them to be soukoku material. and emotional intelligence just isnt gonna get the job done.
i just cant say that they need each other, because emotionally theyre bad for each other, and they don’t really fill in anything that the other is lacking in regards to fighting.
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