#washington transit
Please look at my new favorite video @amtrak-official you have a true train fan in your midst
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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Cancel cars, improve cities.
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istandonsnowpiles · 1 month
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Metro Tunnels
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xoverit · 2 years
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Seattle and SeaTac, Washington. (February 2023)
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barstoolblues · 6 months
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scenes from the last week of summer, 2023
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urbanism-and-transit · 6 months
Opinions on the DC metro? (I love it so far)
pretty good system! despite being from the northwest, it was the first train i ever went on as a toddler, so i hold it very close to my heart. it has pretty good coverage and doesnt sprawl too much. pretty impressive frequencies for its system size, too. and while i personally prefer individually designed stations, the essentially prefab brutalism of the metro was a great way to save on costs, and its a bit surprising more systems haven't followed that style. overall, an A tier system in my opinion - nico
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do you train spot? If so can you send me some interesting photographs you’ve taken of trains you like. What’s your favorite train and why? For me I have a love and passion for steam locomotives and the various drive wheel configurations we saw as the technology progressed. I love the new diesel electric drivetrains of modern trains but nothing can beat the appearance of a steam engine
Yes when I can but unfortunately the Railroad lines are on the other side of the city from where I live
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akayna · 6 months
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Took the morning train to Vancouver, BC
Bruh, what a lovely way to travel across the border! @amtrak-official 💚
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By: Eliza Mondegreen
Published: Sept 12, 2023
First comes the pushback, then the pullback. 
Yesterday, the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital announced that doctors there will no longer prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to children and adolescents. This decision follows months of controversy and comes in the wake of a new law that just went into effect in Missouri, which limits hormonal and surgical interventions for gender transition to patients over the age of 18.
Under a “grandfather clause” in the new law, the Transgender Center could have continued to prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to current patients. However, it decided to back away from these interventions altogether:
We are disheartened to have to take this step. However, Missouri’s newly enacted law regarding transgender care has created a new legal claim for patients who received these medications as minors. This legal claim creates unsustainable liability for health-care professionals and makes it untenable for us to continue to provide comprehensive transgender care for minor patients without subjecting the university and our providers to an unacceptable level of liability.  - WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY TRANSGENDER CENTER
The Center first came under intense scrutiny earlier this year, when former case manager Jamie Reed blew the whistle on what she had come to see as dangerous practices within the clinic. In an article for The Free Press, Reed reported that: 
“During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager—I was responsible for patient intake and oversight—around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors. The majority of them received hormone prescriptions that can have life-altering consequences—including sterility. I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.” - JAMIE REED
Reed catalogued “red flag” cases to keep track of “the kind of patients that kept my colleague and me up at night” and documented cases of youth with serious mental health struggles rushed onto life-altering drugs and even undergoing surgeries they soon regretted. The Transgender Center rejected Reed’s assessment and conducted their own internal investigation — an investigation in which they never bothered to speak to Reed — before declaring her allegations “unsubstantiated”. 
But the case for youth gender transition has been unravelling this year, under pressure from state officials and legislators and increased scrutiny from the media. At the end of August, St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Steven Ohmer allowed Missouri’s ban on hormonal and surgical interventions for youth to go into effect, writing that the evidence for youth transition “raises more questions than answers”. 
Hence the “unsustainable liability” Washington University cited in its decision to pull back from this area of healthcare. That’s because Missouri’s new law also extended the period of time former patients have to sue for damages to 15 years. Perhaps, when the Washington University investigated themselves, they found more merit to Reed’s allegations than they were willing to acknowledge publicly. They fear being made to pay for it. 
Medical scandals tend to end quietly: the “chemical lobotomy” phased out the lobotomy-lobotomy. The Satanic Panic choked not on its own absurdities but in courtrooms and insurance offices. Public reckonings are few and far between. “Unsustainable liability” may be the beginning of the end for youth gender transition. 
How could there be an "unacceptable level of liability" when all of this "gender affirming care" is based on evidence, of which there is definitely plenty, and "the science," which is definitely reliable and high quality? Isn't it "life-saving"? We were told it was "life-saving," right? Wasn't it "life-saving"? How can anything be an "unacceptable liability" when people aRe LiTeRaLLy dYiNg!!1!
If all of these drugs and cosmetic surgeries and amputations and other sex trait modifications were so well evidenced, so ethical and so necessary, it should be an absolute doddle in the insurance office and the courtroom. It all just needs to be explained clearly and people will agree. Right? Because detransition is rare, regret is rare, complications are rare, "kids know who they are," all the medical experts agree, and there's no legitimate concern, just "far-right" bigots conducting their "genocide." Right?
I said some time ago that only the lawsuits would stop it in the US and Canada. It looks like that's begun. Hospitals aren't willing to put their bottom line ahead of, or their necks on the chopping block for, adherence to this religion.
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eopederson · 1 year
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Sound Transit Westlake Station, Seattle, 2019.
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babyseraphim · 1 year
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@essektheylyss seattle commuter moodboard
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sakanoshitaa · 1 month
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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istandonsnowpiles · 5 months
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Arriving and Departing
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audliminal · 2 months
First experience riding a train isn't going great so far.... There's a lady who I heard talking to the station staff about her family having covid, repeatedly walking up and down the train with no mask on
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keiteay · 1 year
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幽霊電車 👻
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